TTechnical No otes Thin Space S e Recllamation w with EM MC® VPLEX X™ VMware ESX Xi, Microssoft Wind dows, Geeneric UN NIX / Linu ux EMC XtremIO O™, EMC C VMAX3™, and EEMC VNX X™ Absstract Thiss document describes d ma anual proced dures that can be used to reclaim consumed storrage on thin LUNs using host-based h to ools along w with VPLEX da ata mobility. Marrch 2015 Cop pyright © 201 15 EMC Corp poration. All rrights reserveed. Published d in the USA.. Pub blished March 2015 EMC C believes th he information in this pub blication is acccurate as off its publicatiion date. The e information is subject to o change with hout notice. The e information in this publiication is pro ovided as is. EMC Corpora ation makes no representationss or warrantie es of any kind d with respecct to the information in th his pub blication, and d specificallyy disclaims im mplied warraanties of mercchantability or fitness for a particular purpo ose. Use, cop pying, and disstribution of any EMC sofftware desscribed in this publication n requires an n applicable ssoftware license. EMC C2, EMC, and d the EMC log go are registeered trademaarks or tradem marks of EMC C Corrporation in the United States and oth her countries.. All other tra ademarks use ed herein are the property of their respectiv e owners. For the most up-to-date listin ng of EMC prroduct namess, see EMC C Corporation Trad demarks on E Thin n Space Recllamation with EMC VPLEX X Tecchnical Notess Partt Number h14055 2 TThin LUN Spa ace Reclaim Using EMC VPLEX V TTechnical No otes Contents Conte ents Cha apter 1 In ntroduction n 6 Purpose ............................................................................................................................ 7 ope ............................................................................................................................... 7 Sco Aud dience .......................................................................................................................... 7 Doccument Organization ................................................................................................... 7 Process Overvie ew ............................................................................................................ 7 Cha apter 2 Thin T Provisio oning 9 VPLLEX Thin Provvisioning ................................................................................................ 10 VPLLEX Rebuilds for Thin Devices ................................................................................... 10 VPLLEX Mobility to t Reclaim Unused Spacee .................................................................... 11 Extent E Migrattions ...................................................................................................... 11 Device D Migra ations ..................................................................................................... 11 VMw ware API for Array A Integra ation (VAAI) S Support .......................................................... 11 Compare C and d Write ................................................................................................... 11 WriteSame W (1 16) ......................................................................................................... 12 VNX X2 Thin Provisioning.................................................................................................. 12 VMA AX3 Thin Pro ovisioning ............................................................................................... 13 VMware V vSto orage API for VMAX3 .............................................................................. 13 Xtre emIO Thin Pro ovisioning ............................................................................................. 13 XtremIO’s X support for the e VAAI ................................................................................. 13 Thin n Provisionin ng Summary .................... . ...................................................................... 14 Cha apter 3 VMware V ESX Xi 15 VMw ware ESXi Re eclaim .................................................................................................... 16 Virttual Machine Disks (VMDKs)..................................................................................... 16 Raw w Data Mappings (RDMs) .................... . ...................................................................... 16 Dattastores (VMFFS) ......................................................................................................... 17 Cha apter 4 Generic G UNIX X / Linux 18 UNIX / Linux File esystem Recllaim ................................................................................... 19 The e “dd” Comm mand ....................................................................................................... 19 The e “mount –o discard” d Com mmand ............................................................................... 19 The e “fstrim” Com mmand .................................................................................................. 20 Thin LUN Space Recla aim Using EM MC VPLEX Techniccal Notes 3 Contents Cha apter 5 Microsoft M Windows 21 Thin n Provisionin ng LUN Identiification ............................................................................. 22 Storage Space Reclamation R .................... . ...................................................................... 22 AP Command d ......................................................................................... 22 Using the UNMA MAP Requestts from Hyper-V ..................................................................................... 22 UNM Using the sdelette.exe Comm mand .................................................................................. 23 Scriipting with PowerShell .............................................................................................. 23 App pendix A VMware V ESX Xi UNMAP Exxamples 24 Spa ace Reclamattion with VMw ware ESXi .......................................................................... 25 vmkfstools v ---punchzero ............................................................................................ 25 App pendix B Windows W RD DM Examplee 28 Spa ace Reclamattion with Miccrosoft Windo ows ................................................................ 29 sdelete.exe s ................................................................................................................ 29 App pendix C Linux L with EMC VPLEX aand VNX 31 Spa ace Reclamattion through VPLEX Mobillity Jobs ......................................................... 32 How H Data Mo obility Works ......................................................................................... 32 VPLEX V Data Mobility M .................................................................................................. 33 4 TThin LUN Spa ace Reclaim Using EMC VPLEX V TTechnical No otes Contents Figures Figu ure 1 - Operating System Process Flow w ...................................................................... 8 Figu ure 2 - VPLEX X Virtualized Storage S .............................................................................. 10 Figu ure 3 - VMware Storage La ayers ................................................................................. 16 Figu ure 4 - LUN Utilization Prio or to File Del etion ............................................................. 25 Figu ure 5 - Deleting Files on th he Guest Hosst ................................................................... 25 Figu ure 6 - LUN Utilization After File Deleti on ................................................................. 26 Figu ure 7 - Using “dd” to Fill the Free Disk Space with ZZeroes ....................................... 26 Figu ure 8 - LUN Utilization afte er Space Recclamation ....................................................... 26 Figu ure 9 - Inflate ed VMDK Size e prior to vmkkfstools ......................................................... 27 Figu ure 10 - Exam mple of Runniing “vmkfsto ools --punchzzero" .......................................... 27 Figu ure 11 - Defla ated VMDK Size after runn ning vmkfsto ools ............................................ 27 Figu ure 12 - File Size S Prior to Running R sdellete.exe ......................................................... 29 Figu ure 13 - Exam mple of running sdelete.exxe .................................................................. 30 Figu ure 14 - File size s after running sdeletee.exe .............................................................. 30 Figu ure 15 - SuSE E_OS_LUN_0 Consumed C Capactiy ........................................................ 32 Figu ure 16 - Deletting a file and zeroing thee filesystem ................................................... 33 Figu ure 17 - SuSE E_OS_LUN_0 Consumed C Capacity uncchanged ..................................... 33 Figu ure 18 – Settting the Thin Rebuild Attriibute .............................................................. 33 Figu ure 19 - VPLE EX Data Mobility .................................................................................... 34 Figu ure 20 - Creatte Device Mo obility Job ........................................................................... 34 Figu ure 21 - Selecct Virtual Vollume .................................................................................. 34 Figu ure 22 - Creatte Source / Target T Mobilitty mapping .................................................... 35 Figu ure 23 - SuSE E_OS_LUN_1 Consumed C Capacity ........................................................ 35 Thin LUN Space Recla aim Using EM MC VPLEX Techniccal Notes 5 Chapter 1: Introduction Chapteer 1 In ntroducction Thiss chapter pre esents the following topiccs: Purrpose ........................................................................................................................ 7 Sco ope ........................................................................................................................... 7 Aud dience ...................................................................................................................... 7 Doccument Organization ............................................................................................... 7 Process Overvie ew ........................................................................................................ 7 6 TThin LUN Spa ace Reclaim Using EMC VPLEX V TTechnical No otes C Chapter 1: Intrroduction Purpose Man ny applicatio ons have the potential to write zeroes to free space as part of tthe stan ndard initialiization, alloccation, or miggration proceesses. Depen nding on the w way zero oes are writte en. The poten ntial exists to o reclaim thee storage spa ace allocated d as a resu ult of these processes. p Th his technical note discussses some of the most com mmon situ uations that cause c zeroess to be written n to storage devices. Scope Thiss technical note outline shows s how to o reclaim all-zzero space a and also how w to recllaim previoussly used non-zero space w with host-baased applicattions. A Audience e Thiss technical note is intend ded for EMC ffield personn nel, partners, and customers who will be configuriing, installing g, and suppo orting VPLEX.. An understanding of the ese core tech hnologies is required: Server and d Application n Administrattion Storage Architecture and a Network Design nnel Block Sttorage Conceepts Fiber Chan VPLEX Con ncepts and Components C Documen nt Organization Thiss technical note is divided into multip ple sections: Secction One: Ea ach host ope erating system ms and their specific requ uirements for recllaiming all-ze ero marked space. s Secction Two: The appendix section s will ccontain real w world examplles for each h host ope erating system m. Process Overview w The e foundation of thin device space reclaamation is th hat a zero wriitten to disk can be recllaimed for the thin pool th hat provides the backingg storage for tthe thin device. Dep pending on th he back-end array, zeroess may be ded duplicated in n the array, or in other cases leve eraging VPLEX X’s built-in th hin awarenesss to deduplicate zeroes with a data mobility job. In many, if not all casees, when a fille is written tto a filesystem m, then dele eted the space that was originally o wri tten for the ffile will not be overwritten n with zero oes by the sttandard delette command (s) used in U UNIX and Win ndows system ms. A man nual processs must be use ed to overwriite the newlyy freed space with zeroes so the spa ace can then be reclaimed d by the backk-end storagee array. Thin LUN Space Recla aim Using EM MC VPLEX Techniccal Notes 7 Chapter 1: Introduction The e first thing to o consider is whether or n not the system is a virtual machine orr it is running on hard dware. If it is running as a virtual mach hine, additional clean-up p will be required to fullyy reclaim the space, both at the hyperv rvisor layer an nd the storagge array laye er. The proce edures for zerroing filesysttems for UNIX X and Window ws are the sa ame, resp pectively, reg gardless if the system is rrunning virtualized or nott. Ded duplication on o back-end storage s arrayy Storage arrays that support deduplicatio d on, such as th he EMC Xtrem mIO, will automatically re eclaim and free space on thin LUNs ass the zeroes a are written to o the new wly claimed space. s No furrther action iss required. On storage arrayys that do no ot support deeduplication, VPLEX Data Mobility can n be leve eraged to mo ove a zeroed thin LUN to a new thin LU UN. Although h VPLEX is not thin awa are, VPLEX will preserve the thin-ness of devices aand will only transfer the n non-zero data to the new LUN, therebyy re-thinningg the device. The e following flo owchart diag grams the bassic procedurees required tto reclaim un nused spa ace on Thin LUNs. Fig gure 1 - Ope erating Syst tem Process s Flow 8 TThin LUN Spa ace Reclaim Using EMC VPLEX V TTechnical No otes Chaptter 2: Thin Provisioning Chap pter 2 Thin P Provision ning Thiss chapter pre esents the following topiccs: VPLLEX Thin Provvisioning ............................................................................................ 10 VPLLEX Rebuilds for Thin Devvices ............................................................................... 10 VPLLEX Mobility to Reclaim Unused U Spacee ................................................................. 11 VMw ware API for Array Integrration (VAAI) Support ...................................................... 11 VNX X2 Thin Proviisioning.............................................................................................. 12 VMA AX3 Thin Pro ovisioning ........................................................................................... 13 Xtre emIO Thin Prrovisioning ......................................................................................... 13 Thin n Provisionin ng Summary ...................................................................................... 14 Thin LUN Space Recla aim Using EM MC VPLEX Techniccal Notes 9 Chapter 2: Thiin Provisioning g V VPLEX Th hin Provisioning Trad ditional (thicck) provisioniing anticipatees future gro owth and thus allocates storage cap pacity beyond d the immediiate requirem ment. This implies that du uring a rebuilld process all the data d will be copied c from tthe source to o the target. With “Thin” provvisioning you u may allocatte only the sttorage capaccity needed a as the app plication needs it — when n it writes. Wh hich means tthat if a targe et is claimed as a “thiin” device, VPLEX V will rea ad the storagge volumes but will not wrrite any unalllocated bloccks to the tarrget, preserving the targeet’s thin provisioning. Ben nefits for VPLLEX Thinly pro ovisioned vo lumes: Expand dyynamically depending on n the amountt of data writtten to them. Do not consume physiical space un ntil written to o. Thin proviisioning optimizes the avvailable storaage space to be used Fig gure 2 - VPL LEX Virtuali ized Storag ge e: By default, VPLEX treats all a storage vollumes as if theey were thicklyy provisioned.. You Note can tell VPLEX to claim arrays th hat are thinly provisioned u using the thin-rebuild attribu ute. V VPLEX Re ebuilds for f Thin Devices D When claiming back-end b sto orage, VPLEX requires thee user to speccify “Thin” provvisioning forr each back-e end storage vvolume. Storaage volumess that have be een claimed as “Thin n” devices allow that sto rage to migraate onto a thinly provisioned storrage volumess while alloca ating the exaact amount o of consumed thin storage pool cap pacity. VPLLEX preservess the unalloccated thin po ol space of tthe target sto orage volume e by detecting zeroed d data content prior to wrriting, and th hen skipping those unuse ed bloccks to preven nt unnecessa ary allocation n. If a storagee volume is tthinly provisioned, 10 TThin LUN Spa ace Reclaim Using EMC VPLEX V TTechnical No otes Chaptter 2: Thin Provisioning the "thin-rebuild d" attribute must m be to "trrue" prior to the storage vvolumes bein ng used for Data Mobilityy, Raid-1 or DR1. D If a thinly provissioned storag ge volume co ontains non-zzero data beffore being co onnected to VPLEX, V the pe erformance of o the migrati on or initial R RAID 1 rebuilld is adverse ely affe ected becausse it must cop py all blocks.. V VPLEX Mobility M to o Reclaim m Unused d Space Among the many different usse cases for V VPLEX Mobillity, one of th hese use case es is to movve from “Thicck” to “Thin”” -or- “Thin” tto “Thin” devvices (or exte ents) to reclaiim unu used space due d to the lim mitations of V VPLEX’s inability to leverage the SCSI U UNMAP functions. Note e: In most casses, modern Operating Systeems now offerr methods of rreclaiming unu used (or dele eted) space fro om mounted storage s volum es. However, there are man ny older versio ons that do not n offer SCSI UNMAP suppo ort and VPLEXX Mobility offerrs a great meth hod of resolving this prob blem. Extent Migra ations Exte ent migration ns move data a between exxtents in the same clusterr. Use e extent migrations to: Device Migra ations ents from a “hot” storagee volume shared by other busy extentss Move exte Defragment a storage volume to crreate more co ontiguous fre ee space Perform migrations m wh here the sourrce and targeet have the sa ame numberr of volumes with w identical capacities Devvice migrations move data a between deevices on thee same cluster or between devvices on diffe erent clusterss. Use e device migrrations to: Migrate da ata between dissimilar arrrays Relocate a “hot” volum me to a faste r array Relocate devices d to ne ew arrays in a different clu uster VMware e API for Array A Inte egration (VAAI) S Support On VPLEX, VAAI is implemen nted using th e following tw mmands: wo SCSI com “Compare e and Write” (CAW) offloa ds coordinattion of powerring virtual m machines (VMs) on//off, and movving them beetween ESX servers. “WriteSam me (16)” offlo oads copyingg data to and d from the arrray through tthe hypervisor. e CompareAndWrite (CAW W) SCSI comm mand is used to coordinatte VMware Compare and d Write The ope erations such h as powering g-on/off VMss, moving VM Ms from one E ESXi to anoth her Thin LUN Space Recla aim Using EM MC VPLEX Techniccal Notes 11 1 Chapter 2: Thiin Provisioning g with hout halting applications (VMotion), aand Distributted Resource e Scheduler ((DRS) ope erations. CAW W is used by VMWare ESX Xi servers to rrelieve storagge contention, which mayy be cau used by SCSI RESERVATIO ON in distribu uted VM envirronments. CA AW assists sttorage hardware accele eration by alllowing ESX s ervers to lock a region off disk instead d of entire disk. VPLLEX allows CA AW to be ena abled/disableed at either a system leve el or by a storage view w level. When n CAW is disa abled on VPLLEX, VPLEX viirtual volume es, do not incclude CAW W support infformation in their respon ses to inquirries from hossts. Note e: VM operatio ons may experience significcant performan nce degradation if CAW is not enabled. W WriteSame (16) ( The e WriteSame (16) SCSI com mmand provvides a mechanism to offlload initializiing virtual disks to VPLEX. V WriteSame (16) reequests the sserver to writte blocks of d data tran nsferred by th he applicatio on client multtiple times to o consecutive e logical bloccks. WritteSame (16) is used to offfload VM pro ovisioning an nd snapshottting in vSphe ere to VPLLEX which enables the arrray to perform m copy operaations indepe endently with hout usin ng host cycle es. The array can schedul e and executte the copy fu unction much more efficiently. V VNX2 Thin Provissioning For native VMwa are environm ments, the Virrtual Machinee File System m (VMFS) has many cha aracteristics that t are thin--friendly. Firsst, a minimal number of th hin extents a are allo ocated from the t pool when a VMware ffile system iss created on thin LUNs. A Also, a VMFS Datastore e reuses previously allocaated blocks th hat are beneficial to thin LUNs. When using RDM M volumes, the file system m or device ccreated on th he guest OS d dictates whe ether the RDM M volume is thin-friendly. t . When creating a VMware virttual disk, LU Ns can be prrovisioned ass: Thick Provvision Lazy Zeroed Thick Provvision Eager Zeroed Z Thin Proviision Thicck Provision Lazy Zeroed is the defaullt and recommended virtu ual disk type e for thin LUN Ns. When using this method, the storaage required for the virtua al disk is rese erved in the Datastore, but b the VMwa are kernel do oes not initiallize all the bllocks at creation. As of o vSphere 5, there is also o the ability tto perform th hin LUN spacce reclamatio on at the storrage system level. VMFS 5 uses the SC CSI UNMAP ccommand to return space e to the storrage pool wh hen created on o thin LUNs.. SCSI UNMA AP is used anyy time VMFS 5 dele etes a file, su uch as Storag ge vMotion, d delete VM, delete snapsh hot, etc. Earliier 12 TThin LUN Spa ace Reclaim Using EMC VPLEX V TTechnical No otes Chaptter 2: Thin Provisioning verssions of VMFFS would onlyy return the ccapacity at th he file system m level. vSphere 5 grea atly simplifie es the processs by conductting space reeclaim autom matically. Note e: When using g Thin Provisio on, space requ uired for the viirtual disk is n not allocated a at crea ation. Instead,, it is allocated d and zeroed o out on demand. V VMAX3 Thin T Provvisioning g All VMAX3 V arrayys are pre-con nfigured with h Virtual Provvisioning (VP)) to help redu uce cost, imp prove capacitty utilization,, and simplify fy storage maanagement. TThe VMAX3 in n fact onlyy supports th hin devices and a no longerr uses any th hick devices. V VMware vSto orage A API for VMAX X3 VMw ware vStorag ge APIs for Arrray Integratio on (VAAI) willl offload Virttual Machine e (VM) ope erations to th he VMAX3 arrray to optimizze server perrformance. VA AAI enable th he ESXi servvers to free up u server reso ources by offfloading certaain operation ns. For VMAX X3, these ope erations are: Full Copy - This operattion offloads replication tto VMAX3 to enable much h faster deployme ents of VMs, snaps, s clonees, and storagge vMotion o operations. Block Zero o - This opera ation allows you to rapidlly initialize fiile system blocks and virtua al disk space Hardware-Assisted Loccking - This o operation optimizes meta adata update es and assists with virtual dessktop deployyments UNMAP - This T operatio on will allow V VMs to reclaim zeroed sp pace within V VMDK files and Datastores D making m more efficient use of disk spacce. This unussed space is automatically a y returned to the thin poo ol where it oriiginated. VMware vSphere Stora age API for Sttorage Awareeness (VASA)) X XtremIO Thin Pro ovisioning g Xtre emIO arrays are a inherently thinly prov isioned. When the host a allocates a th hickeag ger-zero virtual disk with VAAI V block zeeroing, the X XtremIO arrayy still thinly provvisions the space, s startin ng with absollutely no con nsumed SSD space at all! The preparation or in nitialization of such an EZZT disk is super-fast beca ause it is all mettadata opera ations as a result of writin ng zeroes. With every writtten unique 4 4KB blocck, exactly 4KB of space is increment ally consumeed. So you gget the best o of both worrlds: Deduplication and Thin T Provision ning benefitss with no run-time overhe ead of lazyy-zero or thin n-format virtu ual disks on tthe ESX hostss. X XtremIO’s su upport ffor the VAAI When the ESX host issues an n unmap com mmand, the sspecific LBA--to-fingerprin nt map pping is erassed from the metadata. TThe referencee count of the e underlying block corrresponding to t that fingerprint is decreemented. Wh hen a subseq quent read comes for thatt erased LBA A, the XtremIO O array will reeturn a zero b block (assum ming the referrence cou unt was decre emented to zero) z becausee the entry no o longer exissts in the map pping mettadata. Therre is no need to immediattely erase thee now-de-refe erenced 4K b block on SSD D, avoiding any erase ove erhead. Thin LUN Space Recla aim Using EM MC VPLEX Techniccal Notes 13 1 Chapter 2: Thiin Provisioning g When a host wriites a zero bllock to an XtrremIO array aat a certain LLBA, we imme ediately reco ognize this iss a 4KB block k filled with zzeroes — beccause all zero o blocks have the sam me unique co ontent fingerp print which iss well known n by the arrayy. Upon iden ntification off this fingerprrint, we immeediately ackn nowledge the e write to the e host with hout doing anything interrnally. Xtre emIO has glo obal inline de eduplication, which mean ns that no ma atter how ma any times a sp pecific 4KB data d pattern is written to tthe array, theere is only evver one copy of it storred on flash in the array. You can imaagine for all tthose logical 4KB zero blo ocks, there would be mappings fro om their logiccal addressees (LBA) to the same uniq que fing gerprint for alll zero blockss. And the fin ngerprint wo ould be mapp ped to the sin ngle zero blocck stored on SSD. TThin Provvisioning g Summa ary In summary, s it’ss important to o note that evven though V VPLEX fully supports “Thin” provvisioning bettween dozen ns of heterogeeneous backk-end arrays, there is still some worrk to be done e to facilitate SCSI UNMAP P commandss between VP PLEX, Back-en nd Storage Arrays, and Host OS S’s. The e VNX2, VMAX X3, and Xtrem mIO back-en d arrays all n natively supp port SCSI UNM MAP com mmands and VAAI feature e sets, but alll of these back-end arrays handle spa ace recllamation diffferently while e being virtuaalized with V VPLEX. Thiss is where VP PLEX Mobilityy can help ressolve these iissues by ena abling the tran nsparent movvement of da ata between eextents and//or devices to o trim the unclaimed spa ace and reclaim that spacce for each reespective “Th hin” pool. Note e: VPLEX Mobility jobs are all a done onlinee without the rrequirement to o take the hosst offliine for any rea ason. This ensures completee transparencyy to the user e environments. 14 TThin LUN Spa ace Reclaim Using EMC VPLEX V TTechnical No otes Chapter 3: VMw ware ESXi Chapterr 3 VM Mware EESXi Thiss chapter pre esents the following topiccs: VMw ware ESXi Re eclaim ................................................................................................ 16 Virttual Machine e Disks (VMD DKs) ................................................................................. 16 Raw w Data Mappings (RDMs) ...................................................................................... 16 Dattastores (VMFS) ..................................................................................................... 17 Thin LUN Space Recla aim Using EM MC VPLEX Techniccal Notes 15 1 Chapter 3: VM Mware ESXi V VMware ESXi Recclaim In the VMware ESXi E environm ment, there aare two layerss of the stora age stack tha at must z for storage reclam mation to takee place. The V VM’s filesysttem are conta ained on be zeroed the Virtual Mach hine Disk File e (vmdk) on tthe Virtual Machine layer and the Data astore whiich is created d as Virtual Machine M File S System (vmfs fs) on the ESX Xi Layer. Thiss section will discuss procedures for each e of thesee layers. Fig gure 3 - VMw ware Storage e Layers V Virtual Machine M Disks D (VM MDKs) If th he space to be b reclaimed is part of a V VMDK file and d is in use byy a guest ope erating systtem, the gue est operating system’s fileesystems mu ust first be ze ero-written be efore con ntinuing on with w ESXi-specific procedu ures. This willl be covered in detail for each OS late er in this document. Som mething to co onsider is tha at if the VMD DK files were aallocated as thin VMDKs.. They musst first be deflated to enssure the guesst operating ssystem does not run out o of space whiile running th he procedure e to zero out tthe guest operating syste em’s filesyste em. This is done d by creatting a temporrary file that w will inflate th he filesystem m to its maxim mum cap pacity then de eleting that temporary filee. As a resultt, the space a allocation of this thin nly provisione ed VMDK will also inflate . So VMwaree has provide ed a CLI tool tto trim the zero space and a “re-thin”” the device aafter it was teemporarily in nflated. This ttool is callled: “vmkfstools –pu unchzero” For more information see VM Mware vSpheere 5.5 Docum mentation Ce enter: Using vmkfstools Help File Note e: The VMDK must m be free of o any locks prrior to runningg vmkfstools –punchzero on it. As a resu ult, the virtual machine that is using the V VMDK must bee powered off prior to runnin ng the -punchzero command. Raw Data a Mappin ngs (RDM Ms) 16 TThin LUN Spa ace Reclaim Using EMC VPLEX V TTechnical No otes Chapter 3: VMw ware ESXi If th he filesystem m is located on a Raw Deviice Mapping (RDM) devicce, only follow w the procedure for th he VM’s respe ective operatting system. No further acction will be required sincce RDMs are not under hyypervisor con ntrol. Datastorres (VMFS S) Sim milar to deletiing and recla aiming space for files locaated on a VM MDK, deletingg Virtual Macchines and th he associated files stored d on a datasttore will not a automatically recllaim the storage on that datastore. d Th his can be do one by using the “dd” com mmand. Using the “dd” command The e procedure to write zeroe es to the unu sed space on n a UNIX filessystem is done by usin ng the “dd” command. This T will creatte a temporaary file that w will write zero oes until it fu ully consume es all available disk spacee, then will im mmediately d delete the tem mp file. # dd if f=/dev/zer ro of=<path h to Datas store>/zero oes bs=102 2400 # rm <p path to Da atastore>/z zeroes Note e: It is critical to understand d that this pro cedure will temporarily com mpletely fill the e Data astore filesysttem. Any Virtual Machines w with VMDKs on n the datastore using thin LU UNs mayy experience out o of space errrors during th his time. It is reecommended that all Virtua al Macchines associa ated with that datastore to b be powered do own prior to ze eroing the Dattastore filessystem. Thin LUN Space Recla aim Using EM MC VPLEX Techniccal Notes 17 1 Chapter 4: Generic UNIX / Linux Chapterr 4 Geeneric U UNIX / Liinux Thiss chapter pre esents the following topiccs: UNIIX / Linux File esystem Recclaim ............................................................................... 19 The e “dd” Comm mand ................................................................................................... 19 The e “mount –o discard” d Com mmand ............................................................................ 19 The e “fstrim” Command .............................................................................................. 20 18 TThin LUN Spa ace Reclaim Using EMC VPLEX V TTechnical No otes Chapter 4 4: Generic UNIIX / Linux UNIX / Liinux Filessystem Reclaim R Deleting files on n UNIX or Linu ux filesystem ms does not aautomaticallyy zero out the e data. Onlly the pointerr in the filesyystem headerr is removed,, leaving the data still intact on the disk. There are a a couple of ways to reesolve this isssue: 1. Using the “d dd” command 2. Using the “m mount –o di iscard” com mmand 3. Using a cron job to run “fs strim” to tri m at a schedu uled interval TThe “dd”” Comma and The e procedure to write zeroe es to unused space on UN NIX is to use the dd comm mand to crea ate a zero-fillled file that fully f consumees all availab ble disk spacce, then immediately dele ete the file. # dd d if=/dev/ /zero of=< <path to fi ilesystem> >/zeroes bs s=102400 # rm r <path to o filesyst tem>/zeroes s Note e: It is critical to understand d that this pro cedure will temporarily com mpletely fill the e filessystem. Any ap pplications on n the host thatt tries to write the filesystem m may receive out of space errors durin ng this time. Itt is recommen nded that all applications asssociated with h that utdown prior to o zeroing the ffilesystem. filessystem be shu TThe “mount –o diiscard” Command C d The e “mount –o o discard d” option allo ows you to au utomatically TRIM deleted d file thatt were using the EXT4 file e system. Theere is howeveer a noticeab ble performan nce pen nalty in sendiing TRIM com mmands afterr every deletee which can make deletio on much slow wer than usu ual on some drives. d To enable e autom matic TRIM on n a mount po oint, it must b be mounted with the disccard option in fstab b. Follow these steps: 1) Backup your fstab then open itt for editing # cp /e etc/fstab ~/fstab-<d date> # vi /e etc/fstab 2) Add disccard to the fsstab options for each drivve or mount p point. /dev/sd db1 /app1 ext4 disca ard,errors s=remount-r ro 0 1 3) Save & Exit E fstab, then t reboot. Automatic TTRIM is now E Enabled. Thin LUN Space Recla aim Using EM MC VPLEX Techniccal Notes 19 1 Chapter 4: Generic UNIX / Linux TThe “fstrrim” Com mmand The e "fstrim" command iss used on a m mounted filessystem to disscard (or "trim m") bloccks which are not in use by the filesysstem. This is extremely usseful for thinlyprovvisioned storage where you y need to d discard all un nused blockss in the filesyystem. Sch heduling "fs strim" for most m storage volumes sho ould start witth a trimmingg freq quency of oncce a week. Once O a baseli ne for behavvior has been n established d, incrrease or decrrease the freq quency to meeet your need ds. To schedule “fstrim” follo ow these ste eps: 1) Create a CRON job to o run once a w week: vi /etc c/cron.wee ekly/fstrim m 2) Add the following to the fstrim file: #! /bin n/sh # # # # # By de efault we assume onl ly / is on n a “Thin” device You can c add mo ore “Thin” mount poi ints, separ rated by s spaces. Make sure all mount poin nts are wi ithin the q quotes. For example: e THIN_ _MOUNT_POI INTS='/ /bo oot /home /opt/app1 /opt/app2 2' THIN_MO OUNT_POINT TS='/' for mou unt_point in $SSD_MO OUNT_POINT TS do fst trim $moun nt_point done 3) Make the script execcutable: sudo ch hmod +x /e etc/cron.we eekly/fstr rim 4) And fina ally, Run it: sudo /e etc/cron.w weekly/fstr rim Note e: Trim has be een defined ass a non-queueed command b by the T13 sub bcommittee, and consequently incurs massive exxecution penaalty if used aftter each filesysstem delete mmand. The no on-queued natture of the com mmand requirres the driver tto first finish a any com operation, issue the t trim comm mand then resu ume all normaal commands. For this reaso on Trim ete and may evven trigger some garbage collection depe ending can take a lot of time to comple on your y back end storage arrayy. 20 TThin LUN Spa ace Reclaim Using EMC VPLEX V TTechnical No otes Chapterr 5: Microsoft Windows Chapteer 5 M Microso oft Windows Thiss chapter pre esents the following topiccs: Thin n Provisionin ng LUN Identtification ......................................................................... 22 Storage Space Reclamation R ...................................................................................... 22 AP Command d ..................................................................................... 22 Using the UNMA MAP Requests from Hype er-V ................................................................................. 22 UNM Using the sdele ete.exe Comm mand ............................................................................... 23 P .......................................................................................... 23 Scripting with PowerShell Thin LUN Space Recla aim Using EM MC VPLEX Techniccal Notes 21 2 Chapter 5: Microsoft Windo ows TThin Provvisioning g LUN Ide entification With Microsoft Server S 2012, thin provisio oning is an end-to-end storage provisioning ution. Thin provisioning features f inclu uded with Miicrosoft’s Serrver 2012 incclude solu logiical unit (LUN N) identification, thresholld notificatio on, handles fo or resource exh haustion, and d space reclamation. Win ndows Serverr 2012 has adopted the TT10 SCSI Blocck Command d 3 (SBC3) standard spe ecification forr identifying thinly t provis ioned LUNs. During the in nitial target d device enu umeration, th he Windows Server S will gaather the bacckend storage device prop perties to determine d the e provisionin ng type, the U UNMAP, and the TRIM cap pabilities. Note e: The storage e device reportts its provision ning type and UNMAP and TTRIM capabilitty acco ording to the SBC3 S specifica ation. Storage Space Re eclamatio on Spa ace reclamatiion can be triggered by fi le deletion, a file system level trim, or a storrage optimization operatiion. File systeem level trim m is enabled ffor a storage e device dessigned to perrform “read re eturn zero” aafter a trim orr an unmap o operation Using the UNMAP P Comma and When a large file e is deleted from f the file system or a ffile system le evel trim is trriggered, Win ndows Serverr converts file e delete or trrim notificatio ons into a co orrespondingg UNMAP request. The sto orage port driiver stack traanslates the U UNMAP request into an S SCSI UNM MAP comman nd or an ATA TRIM commaand accordin ng to the prottocol type off the storrage device. During the sttorage devicee enumeratio on, the Windows storage stack gath hers informa ation about whether w the s torage device supports U UNMAP or TRIIM com mmands. Onlly the UNMAP P request is ssent to the sttorage device e if the device has SCS SI UNMAP or ATA TRIM capability. Note e: Windows Se erver does nott adopt T10 SC CSI WRITE SAM ME command sets. UNMAP Requests R s from Hyyper-V Durring the virtua al machine (V VM) creation n, a Hyper-V h host will send d an inquiry a about whe ether the storage device where w the virrtual hard dissk (VHD) resides supportss UNM MAP or TRIM commands. When a largee file is deletted from the file system o of a VM gue est operating g system, the guest operatting system ssends a file d delete request to the virtual machine’’s virtual hard disk (VHD) or VHD file. The VM’s VH HD or VHD file e tunnels the SCSI UNMAP P request to the t class drivver stack of tthe Windowss Hyper-V hosst, as follo ows: If the VM has h a VHD, th he VHD convverts SCSI UN NMAP or ATA TRIM comma ands into a Data Sett Management I/O contro ol code (IOCTTL DSM) TRIM M request, and then sends the e request to the host storaage device. 22 TThin LUN Spa ace Reclaim Using EMC VPLEX V TTechnical No otes Chapterr 5: Microsoft Windows If the VM has h a VHD fille, the VHD fiile system co onverts SCSI UNMAP or ATTA TRIM command ds into file system-level trrim requests,, and then se ends the requ uests to the host operating o sysstem. Note e: Windows Hyyper-V also su upports IOCTL DSM TRIM callls from the gu uest operatingg system Using the sdelete e.exe Com mmand Deleting files on n older versio ons of Microssoft Server do oes not automatically zerro out the data. Only th he pointer in the filesysteem header is removed, leaving the da ata still inta act on the dissk. The e procedure to write zeroe es to unused space on Miicrosoft Wind dows is to usse the sde elete.exe command. The T sdelete e.exe comm mand provide es a ‘-z’ flagg to fill the unused filessystem space e with zeroess. Dow wnloading sd delete.exe Sde elete.exe is available a from m Microsoft TTechNet as paart of the Win ndows SysInternals tools. It may be downloaded d from: http ps:// om/en-us/syysinternals/b bb897443.asspx Using sdelete.e exe Usa age: sdelet te [-p pas sses] [-s] [-q] <fil le or direc ctory> ... sde elete [-p passes] p [-z|-c] [dri ive letter r] ... -a -c -p -q -s -z Remo ove Read-O Only attrib bute Clea an free sp pace Pass ses Specif fies number r of overw write passe es(default t=1) Don' 't print errors e (Qui iet) or -r - Recurse e subdirect tories Zero o free spa ace (good f for virtua al disk opt timization n) The e sdelete.exe command iss used againsst a Windowss filesystem as follows: C:\sdel lete.exe -z - <drive> S Scripting g with Po owerShelll The e following lin nk is for a PowerShell scriipt that will ccreate a file ccalled ThinSA AN.tmp on the t specified d volume then fills that vo olume up with zeroes leavving 5% perccent of free e space. This allows the storage s array that is thin p provisioned tto mark that drive spa ace as unused and reclaim m the space o on the physical disks. He ere is the linkk: http p://blog.wha et/2012/03//powershell-aalternative-to o-sdelete.htm ml Secction Break, DO D NOT DELE ETE Thin LUN Space Recla aim Using EM MC VPLEX Techniccal Notes 23 2 A Appendix A: VMware V ESXi UNMAP U Examp ples Appe endix A VMwaare ESX Xi UNMAP Examp ples Thiss appendix presents p the following f top pics: Spa ace Reclamattion with VMware ESXi ....................................................................... 25 24 TThin LUN Spa ace Reclaim Using EMC VPLEX V TTechnical No otes Appendix A: VMware ESXi UNMAP E Examples Space Re eclamatio on with VMware V ESXi E The e environmen nt used for this example cconsists of a SuSE Linux V Virtual Machine running on ESXi 5.5. A 30 GB B datastore ((SuSE_OS_Daatastore) hass been create ed and the guest operating system installed i on iit. The datasttore is a VPLEX LUN with XtremIO storrage backing g. vvmkfstools -punchzero In this example,, a large file was w deleted in a guest VM M. The operating system imm mediately ma akes the spacce available, but the Dataastore and Arrray layers arre not awa are that this space s is now w available. Note e: The host co ommands dem monstrated herre are fully exp plained in the Generic UNIX / Linux chapter. Likewise e for Microsoft Windows Serv rvers and Hypeer-V VMs. Prio or to deleting g any files, the ESXi serve r reports that there is 11..5 GB used on the SussE_OS_LUN volume. v This volume is prresented to th he host as an n RDM. Fig gure 4 - LUN N Utilizatio on Prior to o File Delet tion At this point we delete the desired file(s)) on the virtual machine. Fig gure 5 - Del leting Files s on the Gu uest Host Thin LUN Space Recla aim Using EM MC VPLEX Techniccal Notes 25 2 A Appendix A: VMware V ESXi UNMAP U Examp ples Afte er the deletio on, notice tha at the ESXi Seerver still rep ports that 11.5 GB is bein ng utilized. This means that no o space has b been reclaimed by the arrray. Fig gure 6 - LUN N Utilizatio on After Fi ile Deletion n Since this VM iss leveraging a version of tthe SuSE Opeeration Syste em that is nott currrently supporting the TRIM M and UNMA AP operationss, we will use e the “dd” com mmand to wriite zeroes ovver the unclaiimed disk sp pace. Fig gure 7 - Usi ing “dd” to Fill the F Free Disk Sp pace with Z Zeroes Since our back-e end array is XtremIO X thatt automaticallly de-dups zzeroes, the arrray will automatically id dentify and optimize the ffreed space. In this example, we have e cleared a the Xtrem mIO array hass de-duplicatted the zeroe es, immediately the 4.5 GB file and free eing up that space s withou ut any furtherr actions. Fig gure 8 - LUN N Utilizatio on after Sp pace Reclama ation 26 TThin LUN Spa ace Reclaim Using EMC VPLEX V TTechnical No otes Appendix A: VMware ESXi UNMAP E Examples At this point, the e RDM disk has h been zero oed and the space has be een automattically de-duped by the e XtremIO ba ack-end arrayy. However, th he VMDK file e that is store ed on the ESX Xi datastore has h been infllated from bo oth the origin nal file and th he temporaryy zeroes file that was created during the t thinning process. In o order to resolve this discrrepancy we will also nee ed to run the “vmkfstoo “ ols –punch hzero” com mmand. Fig gure 9 - Inf flated VMDK Size prior r to vmkfsto ools Thiss 16 GB inclu udes the dele eted file pluss the zeroes tthat were written over the e deleted file.. Follow these steps: 1. Shut dow wn the guestt VM using th he VMDK to reelease any fiile/device loccks. 2. Run vmk kfstools --punchze ero <VMDK Filename> > on the VMD DK. Fig gure 10 - Ex xample of Ru unning “vmk kfstools --p punchzero" 3. Verify VM MDK has bee en resized in vCenter. Fig gure 11 - De eflated VMDK K Size afte er running v vmkfstools Thin LUN Space Recla aim Using EM MC VPLEX Techniccal Notes 27 2 A Appendix B: Windows W RDM Example App pendix B Wind dows RD DM Exam mple Thiss appendix presents p the following f top pics: Spa ace Reclamattion with Miccrosoft Wind ows ............................................................ 29 Pag ge Break – DO O NOT DELETTE 28 TThin LUN Spa ace Reclaim Using EMC VPLEX V TTechnical No otes A Appendix B: W Windows RDM Example Space Re eclamatio on with Microsoft M t Window ws The e environmen nt used for this example cconsists of a Windows Se erver Virtual M Machine running on a 40 GB VMDK fille located on n the WINServv_Datastore.. Our test willl consist of copying c an IS SO file to a 10 0 GB RDM alllocated from a VPLEX thatt has been backend ded by XtremIO. Note e: It should be e noted that Windows W Serveer 2012 does sspace reclama ation by defau ult and sdelete.exe is nott needed to de eflate the RDM M devices. ssdelete.exe In this example,, a large file was w copied to o a Raw Deviice Mapped ((RDM) volum me atta ached to a Gu uest VM. The e operating syystem does n not automatically makes the spa ace available so it will req quire the use of the Sdeleete.exe comm mand to free tthat unu used space. Also A needed will be the v mkfstools co ommand on E ESXi to free the infla ated files on the datastorre. Prio or to deleting g any files, the Windows S Server reports that there iis 4.49 GB ussed on the WIN2012_RDM-1 volume e. Fig gure 12 - Fi ile Size Pri ior to Runn ning sdelete e.exe As previously p discussed, file e deletion on older versio ons of Microsoft Server do oes not automatically ze ero out the data. Only thee pointer in th he filesystem m header is re emoved, leavving the data a still intact on o the disk. Thiss is where the sdelete. .exe commaand providess a quick and d easy way to o fill unu used filesyste em space witth zeroes and d ultimately ffacilitate spa ace reclamatiion. Thin LUN Space Recla aim Using EM MC VPLEX Techniccal Notes 29 2 A Appendix B: Windows W RDM Example Fig gure 13 - Ex xample of ru unning sdel lete.exe Afte er deleting th he file(s), the Windows Seerver reports that there is 145 MB use ed on the WIN N2012_RDM--1 volume. Fig gure 14 - Fi ile size aft ter running g sdelete.ex xe At this point, the e RDM disk has h been zero oed and the space has be een reclaime ed by the bacck-end storag ge array. How wever, the VM MDK file that is stored on the ESXi datastore hass been inflate ed from both the original file and the ttemporary ze eroes file that was crea ated during the t thinning process. p In o order to resollve this discrepancy we w will also nee ed to run the “vmkfstoo ols –punch hzero” com mmand as in n the previous exa ample in Appendix-A. 30 TThin LUN Spa ace Reclaim Using EMC VPLEX V TTechnical No otes Append dix C: Linux witth EMC VPLEX X and VNX App pendix C Linuxx with EMC VPLLEX and V VNX Thiss appendix presents p the following f top pics: Spa ace Reclamattion through VPLEX Mobiility Jobs...................................................... 32 Thin LUN Space Recla aim Using EM MC VPLEX Techniccal Notes 31 3 A Appendix C: Linux L with EMC C VPLEX and VNX Space Re eclamatio on throug gh VPLEX X Mobilitty Jobs How Data Mo obility W Works VPLLEX Data Mob bility, along with w VPLEX’s thin-awareness can be le everaged to rre-thin a devvice that is ba acked by a sttorage array tthat does no ot automatica ally duplicate e zeroes writtten to a thin disk. The en nvironment in n this examp ple is a Linux virtual mach hine that is ru unning on a datastore d on a VPLEX Virttual Volume backed by an n EMC VNX th hin LUN. In this example,, a large file was w deleted in the guest VM. The ope erating system m imm mediately ma akes the spacce available, but the spacce is not retu urned to the tthin pool in the storage array. Note e: This example is used to demonstrate d th hin-to-thin migration in order to re-thin a device. It ca an also be use ed from thick-tto-thin to convvert a thickly p provisioned de evice to a thin device. Prio or to beginnin ng, make notte of the conssumed spacee on the VNX X LUN that pro ovides storrage to the VPLEX V Virtual Volume. A 4.5GB file hass been copied to the filesystem and d approximattely 14.7GB of o capacity haas been conssumed. Fig gure 15 - Su uSE_OS_LUN_0 0 Consumed Capacity The e file is then deleted d and the t filesystem m is zeroed p per the Generic UNIX / Lin nux dd procedure. 32 TThin LUN Spa ace Reclaim Using EMC VPLEX V TTechnical No otes Append dix C: Linux witth EMC VPLEX X and VNX Fig gure 16 - De eleting a fi ile and zer roing the fi ilesystem Afte er zeroing, no o change in Consumed C Caapacity is ob bserved on th he VNX LUN. TThis is exp pected becau use the VNX will w not autom matically ded duplicate zerroes. Fig gure 17 - Su uSE_OS_LUN_0 0 Consumed Capacity un nchanged VPLLEX Data Mob bility to a new w thin devicee will facilitatte reclaimingg the zeroed sspace. VPLLEX’s thin-aw wareness will not write thee zeroes to th he target devvice thereby ffreeing the space on the e LUN. V VPLEX Data Mobility In this example,, a thin-to-thiin VPLEX dataa mobility job will be com mpleted due to the “Thin Rebuild” attribute a bein ng set duringg the claimingg process. Fig gure 18 – Se etting the Thin T Rebuil ld Attribute e Und der the Data Mobility tab,, select Movee Data within n Cluster to se et up the Datta Mob bility job. Thin LUN Space Recla aim Using EM MC VPLEX Techniccal Notes 33 3 A Appendix C: Linux L with EMC C VPLEX and VNX Fig gure 19 - VP PLEX Data Mo obility The en click on the Create Data Mobility Jo bs button. Fig gure 20 - Cr reate Device e Mobility Job Afte er selecting the local clusster to create the Data Mo obility on, sellect the Virtu ual Volume that is being b used by the operatiing system filesystem. In this case, it’’s the SuS SE_OS_vol Viirtual Volumee. Fig gure 21 - Se elect Virtua al Volume The en select the backing Device and creatte the Sourcee-Target map pping by iden ntifying an unused u Devicce that is baccked by a ne w thin LUN o on the array. 34 TThin LUN Spa ace Reclaim Using EMC VPLEX V TTechnical No otes Append dix C: Linux witth EMC VPLEX X and VNX Fig gure 22 - Cr reate Source e / Target Mobility ma apping Start the Data Mobility M job and commit itt upon completion. The data has been n tran nsferred to th he new LUN, named SuSEE_OS_LUN_1. The space tthat was prevviously con nsumed by th he 4.5GB file has been recclaimed and the new LUN N is only conssuming app proximately 10.2GB. 1 Fig gure 23 - Su uSE_OS_LUN_1 1 Consumed Capacity At this point, the e original LUN can be rem moved from V VPLEX and de eleted from th he array. Thiss will return all a of its conssumed spacee to the thin p pool to be avvailable for fu uture use e. VPLLEX Data Mob bility in coord dination with h operating syystem based d utilities offe ers a sea amless metho od for re-thinning a LUN aafter freeing sspace on the e host operating systtem. Thin LUN Space Recla aim Using EM MC VPLEX Techniccal Notes 35 3
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