-t- rn r..\o._ (in ligure) (in uords) (To be filled by ITBP office at the rime of issue ofTender form) Tender Fee Paid Vide T.R. No. (ITBP 60) Dated Tender for No. ITBP/R.T.C iSivagangai/ Cafeteria / tenders INSTRUCTIONS TO TENDf,RERS (With ref'erence to the preparations and submission of terders for the supply of "Fresh sweets,, specification given in the schedule attached to and F.O.R. at ( RTC ITBP Illunnaikudi Camp P.O Padamathur Distt Sivasaneai JT.NI Pin Code 630562 Estimated Cost Rs. fi{},(!il{t/'- (l'lupee$ l,lisirar'["h{}!rsiir}rt n*11,} per' !fi$nth. (Note: - Tender sets are NOT TRANSFERABLE) To 1. lbr supply of items shown in the attached schedule will be received by the (DIG RTC,lrB P,lllupaikudi Carnp P.o Padamathul Distr Sivagangai (T.N)) up to 08.05-11 at 1000 Hrs- Tender l'l]ttst bc sent under stl'ong cover securely fastened sealed with a distinctive device and conspicuolsly rnarked "Tender for the Supply of "Fresh sweets". They must be addressed to (DIG RTC ITBi Illunpaikudi Camn P.O Padamathur Distt Sivasaneai lT.Nl with pin Code-630562 and not to any officer by name. Whetr a tender is sent by post this cover nrust be enclosecl in second strong cover. The outer covel will be addressed to (DIG RTC ITBP ILLLTPAPIK{JDI Cumo P.O Padamathur Distt Sit'asanpai lT.Nl Pin Code-630562 and will not bear any indication of the contellts. Tenders will be opened at the office of the above named of-ficer or in the office of an officer/board autlrorized in his behalf in (RTC ITBP Sivasaneai Illupnaikudi Camn P.O Padamathur Dist Sivaeaneai lT.Nl at 1700 hrs on S-E,{15.15 in the presence of the tenderers or their authorized representative present if they wish to be Sealed tenders present Yon are to initial any erasutes or alterations that rnay have already been made in the tender form before they are sent by you and also any further erasures/alterations (ifany) that you Made accidentally in the course of completing the tender fom . 3. Specification as per sclredule to tender is enclosed. 4. If 1'ou are in a position to quote for supply in accordance with the requirentents stated in the attached schedule to tender, all documents attached herervith should be duly filled in, signerJ and returned to this office. 5. Tender documents duly completed in all respect to be submitted itr the tender box of procurernent kept at Cafeteria, (RTC ITBP Sivaganeai. Illuppaikudi Camp p.O padamathur Distt Sivasansai [T.NI before specified time and date. The tender and eanlest money shall be placed in separate r"oiea each marked. Terderers are essentially required to submit EARNEST MoNEy of R.s. 4.s09/:"nu"toles (S.upee; [r]gr T'.llq]ijsand !&lv] in the form of an open "Demand Draft" drawn in favour of (DrG RTC ITBp Sivasaneail Illuppaikudai Camo P.O Padamalhur Distt Sivaganeai [T.Nl payable at SBI (Sivagangai code No 0918. The earnest money in the forrn of C.D.R./T.D.R./F.D.R. duly pledged in favour of (DiG No-0918 shall also be accepted. Eamest money of unsuccessful tenders will be returned within one month ofthe finalization ofthe contmct. No interest on earnest morey deposit will be paid . Signature ofTenderer RTC ITB Police , Sivagangai with seal -2- 6. (a) This set ofblank tender docurnents comprising of l9(nineteen) pages contains (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (b) NoDe of tlie Instructions to tenders Tender containing agrecrnent/acceptance ofterms and [p*ge t to 6] contlitions piragi z to tSl GeneralConditions.,,Schedule,,fortenderingrates including its annexure Containing terms & conditions. Fom ofessential particulars oftenderer [page 14 to 17] tS to 19 I iith provisions in pagl pages ofteuder documents should he removed. Tender(s) i, "on.onanc" clause 4, must append his/their full signatures on each page oftender documents. (c) It is not essential that rates should be tendered by you for all tlre articles contained in the ..Schedule,,. You may submit your tender offer in patt considerirrg your capacity and area of operation. However, if a tenderer is not quoting for any of the articles contained in tlre "schedule". he is required to write: .,No against relevant corresponding space ofthe schedule instead of marking it with dash () or leaving Quoting" the space blank. (d) The rales must be filled both in words and figures in the space provided in the relevant anlexure ofthe schedule only and on any separate slleet. (e) The rates quoted by the tenderer should be covered by pasting transparent cello tape. (l) Any alternation and over wtiting in the tender documeitts will not be acceptable. All such alternation & erasures and overwriting in course of completion tlre tender doculnents shoirld be scored out and correct entries slrould be rvritten and full signatures oftenclerer be appended in attestatior thereof. Note:- complete tender Form is also availabie on ITBp web site: ryryw-ithp.ear-,.u1 and Cppp rvebsite which can be downloaded by the interested firms/suppliers. L .ur" i"l,a"."ilry irlur" submittilg downloaded tender documents, they must enclose Derrand Dralt equivalent to cosi of tender set, along with technical bid failing which tender shall be sunrmarily rejected. ihe DD should be in favour of (DIC _ Code No- 0918, No other mode of payment *ill b" ac" dorvnloading from t-fBP Website will not be provided any additional documenti relating Enquiry manually for purpose of participating in the tender process. to Tender Yor: must also ftrrnish all the information called for in the tender docurnent attaching the bank dr.aft or other accep[ance documents as Earnest Money. financial stability certificate and also other information/ documetlts sought vide fonr of essential paniculars of tenderer as mentioned tender, failing which your tender will be Iiable to be ignored. 8.. (a) Ifyou are a finn(i.e. you have a partner or partners) each one tender documents including the schedule. (b) (c) ofyou must sign on all pages of If any partner is absent his duly constituted attontey will sign the forrns. If any partner has signed the tender or any docunents forming part ofthe contract o1 behalf of the firm. the original partnership agreement or the power of attorney duly executed in his favour authoriziltg him to bind the finn in all matters pertaining to the coniract including the submission of any dispute relating to business of the finn to arbitration should be attached to the tender or such other documents. (d) If'y'ou (or he or any ofyour paltners) is unable to write you (or he) must make your/his urark or affix your/his seal instead and this mark or seal r.nust be attested and dated by ion.re responsible person. -J&-"''' J.tr*m6il,*""*f RTC ITB Poiice , Sivagangai Signature ofTenderer with seal -J- (e) In case where verified copies or_ partnership deeds and power of attorney are held by me executive authorities and have been submittid at the time of their registration, the following certificates only may attached to the tender:- be I/We certifu that the constitution ofmy/our firm is as under:_ (i) ( ii) I arl the Manager and hold a proper power of attorney (copy attached) from other partners in my favour. TJre fo.llowing whose signature(s) is/are appended berow is/are the partner(s) of,rylour firm given in the original partnership agreemeni and that my/our documents have been signed by partners shown here under:- ADDRJSS 1 sr SIGNATURE Partner: 2nd Partner: Signature of the Manager Signature of sole Proprietor (Note: - ltem not applicable to be deleted) Dy. lrrflector Ceneral RTC ITB Police , Sivagangai Signature ofTenderer with seal as a[ -4- (iii) Ifyou are not a finn, tlre following certificate is to be attached to the tender:- 6'I certify that I am the sole proprietor me". (iv) & there is no other partner doing In case of limited company registered in accordance with the articles certificate is to be attached to the tender:_ "I certify that I.am the Managing Director and I Note: (b) - (a) In case where of association, the fbllowing hold power of attorney executed in accordance with the Articles of association of the company to sign company". business conjointly with all documents on behalf of the a ofa firm dies before acceptance ofthe tender the surviving partner (or partners) arrd the legal tender representative of the deceased must renew the tender. The signature of one recognized agent on behalf of the firm can only be accepted if he holds proper power of attorney. partner The proper power of attoffey should be signed by all these partners. This power of attoney must be properly starnped and registered withthe diitrict registration authorities. I,r.'riu,rp a,,ty puyuut".u, t" asceftained from the office ofthe Collector of tlre District where it is executed. 9. (a) Tender Sample: (i) All the bidders are requested to submit samples to the (DIG RTC ITBp Illu Padamathur Distt sivagangai r.N.) on or before the tender ooenins date and opening ,rd rirne ti,re an, a,rd duel and time specified. llfiliiiiate- (ii) Samples ofthe successful tenderer{S) with_remarks as " approved" or unsuccessful tender sample Not Approved ". Sarnple approved as above shall be known as,;)pproved s as .. Sample,,. 10. Advance Sample: The Purchaser reserves the_rights to cali for requisite number of advance samples from the successful tenderers before cotnmencement ofbulk supply for its approval in terms mentioned in the tender sar.lrple clause. 11. The Tender 12. DIG RTC reseres tlre right to accept or reject tender witltout assigning any reason. will be in single bid systerr. 13 . Ih:9'41,y and quantity of juice, sweet and namkeen supplied will be checked without any notice. If not satisfied by DIG RTC, the supply will be stopped and punitive actions including cancellation oftender may be done. 14' The schedule to tender fom is not to be removed from the documents. In case tlre tenderer desire to offer rates for only one or more items contained in the schedule he is required to a"f""" tn" space against other items by entering words not quoting. However, in "or.".ponding case tl]e space in the schedule is considered requisitedetail; for indering aiditionar sheet can u" usea autv r,,corporating arr l^r:?.1"'l:I,j. oetalls to be Trlled ln various columns for schedule. Each such additional sheet must be numbered consecutiriely, should bear the tender with the requirement stated in the attached schedule to tender, all docunrents attached herewith should be duly filled in, signed and returned to this office. ,T:l[:rtf; Dy. hrs RTC ITB Police , Sivagangai Signature ofTenderer with seal -5- 15 You must also furnish with your tender all the infonnation called for as indicated in subject tender inquiry and its Annexure. This tendei in non_ tansferable. l6 Any erasing/alteration rnade in your offer is required to be signed in ink by the Tenderer. 11' The tenderer whose rates are accepted requires to clean the wastage and other areas on daily basis wherejuice/ sweets are prepared in RTC location. ll'r"r.IX"rffiiT3,,l::t:.1:l,llj" intimated in writing about acceptance of his tender in whote or in paft a through acceptance of u"kno by ;ffi"iffi""ffi;Ji ;1:t1;:::ilil:l'.*",tt" been.accepted in.whole oi in part and if any tenderer dirr"s",;;;i;r;;,;#;;X; l:r:.::Tj::,,]:1llltl.h* takes any anticipatory action, he ill have no claim for cornf.nrution. r,r l9 (a) on the issue of the notice of acceptance, the tender will become a contract in so far as the notification shown in the whole or part of the tender that-lras b"", ."c.pt"d & tenderer will furnish the slcurity deposit relating to this. contract as per details specified in the relevan't acceptance of tender letter. Until receipt of the security deposit in full or in the event of the non submission of the security deposit, the earnest money will be Ietained and considered as part of the security and shall be subject to disposal by the tender sanctioning the corltract ilr accordance u ith the pror isions of ihe lender. No request of successlul tenderer to retain lhe amounl specificd for securiry deposit oui or trre;.;;;;;;fli;;*ul,rr,'rrpo',", to be rnade for perrormance oIcorrracl rvould be enteftained. Signature ofTender Name in Block Ietter Capacity in which tender is Signed:.......... Full address :..................... (b) 1'he security deposit for the amount specified in A/T letter should be drawnipledged in favour of contract sanction ing authority w-ith validity up to I 80 days beyond the date of conpletion Jf all contractual obligatiorrs of rhe :upplier incruding warranry obrigarions siorri b. furnished in forowing forms:(i) SQYT' $ECIIRITY rlncluding post ofTice cash certificate, National Saving Certificate and National ll1]-*1'o:"".,: .These wi be accepted at their surrender varue at the tirne of the tencier.. This ceftificate should be formalry transferria to of Sivaeansai and Code No -091g. *itl, DIc nrc rrrp eorce sivaean; tt.,ffi (ii) (iii) F D.R/C.D-R. pavabie from any nationarized bank duly predged in favour DIG RTC ITBp Demand draft from any Nationalized Bank drawn in favour of ayable at SBJ Sivasansai and Code No -09Ig. RTC ector General .. , Nur" Force DIG RTC ITBp Force Sivasaneai (iv) Dy. In "ilei Signature ofTenderer with seal -6- 20 The depositor should give in writing to undertake any risk i,vorved i, the investment. 2l' . Eantest money of the successful furnished unless it r'vithin one month. 22' tenderer will be returned as soon as the security deposit has been is requested to be used as paft of security & thut of unsuc"essful tenderer will be retumed The tender shall hold the offer open up to and including the period mentioned in tender and schedule. It 'have been sord/iisued'; :::*:Y?:.,^11]i-"]1,],-" 1::o"1.o"cuments t1 in consideration of the stipulation on ;;';il;;;;;;i;il;';;t,; LEluelrr anu Lltg t€noerer ls his parr that after submitting his tender he .,.r ?:11]t:"9 a".;,t r.". r,;, comply stipulations, the earnest money shall be forfeited to the Govt. without prejudice to any ottrer -11q:*,q authority.unde, the cont.u"t ,r,}i"ir" l'^*lll.,"l:ql:'jy"".:n1.i"t^'?:gtj.ling forfeited in full, ifthe tenderer fails to furnish security deposit by due date. No cognizance will P: ]lLlf l: !" to. withdrawal/revocation or amendmentio the tender already submitted 5^t:L"'] ,..rmunication^relaling ,] is in thefomr of a tener duly singed by the tenderer if the tenderer ;s and ;naivijJjl ::::p^,-:l:1, paftners of the firm of the tenderer or their duly acciedited attorney if the tendereres -" rr*r"rrlrip'.r frn,, *rrr"rl .ir"rro .*ir1 ,h" i:9ll-ip-"ry1 having express authoriry in the case of rimited oir".;;il;;'il;;i,'llo"ijiilii#.iil**iHjlil l*1::::'.1T,:':J::l"J*i:li:iJ ]ender :ltl]l]: il;; l"; il;#;;;;;; :l:lf ;;;ii ;; ;il"";i;; "orpuny, date prescribed for the submission before the last oftt . ,"ut"a t"rao. 23. Tenders that do not complete the above conditions are liable to be rejected. 24. Any fufther information required can be obtained on an apprication on any working day between 10 AM to 5 PM frorn trre office of (DIG RTC rrBp I[u;;paikudi cam; p.o p;da;athur Distt Sivaqaneai [T.Nl). ,< These instructions to tenderers are to be signed by you and returned with your tender. 26. I/We have read over and understood the terms and conditions contained in this tender document which shall govern the resulting coutract as also the terms and conditions in the attached .,schedule to tender,, and annexure attached thereto, and agree to provide articles/supply strictly in accordance with the requirement/stipulations contained therein. AIl the above conditions are accepted by me/us. Signature ofthe tenderer with Date & Seal (Full name in Block Letters) Fatlrer's Name Address Signature of Witness I with date: & Address Occupation Narne Signature of Witness II with date: Name & Address Occupation {ctor General RTC I'IB au., Signature ofTenderer with seal -7- TENDDR FoR SUPPLY oF AND ANNEXURE". " resh sweers " To ITBP RTC stvAGANGAI AS pER THE *SCHEDULE Details of "EARNEST MONEY" sent here with (To be filled by tendercr) Number Date Face/value Valid upto In 'lotal 'Io DIG RTC Sivagangai Indo Tibetan Border Police Force DIG RTC Sivagangai Illuppai Kudi Camp P.O Padamathur Distt sivagangai [T.Nl Pin- l. 630562 vwe the undersigned agree on accepta,ce ofthis tender in wlrole or in part by (DIG. RTC ITBp Force in my/our favour to undertake afticles/stores as per requirements and requisitions gir" qamp:P.q Pldlmathur Distt Sivasansai IT.NI ) u. io@ Operating Authority" or his/their duly authorized representatives, for the periid of six calendar months 15/05/2015 to l5/ll/2015 (or such date as this period may be extended or reduced by contract sanctioning authority) in accordance with the conditions and stipulations, specified in tiris tender document including relevant antrexure to the "schedule" and as may be contained in the acceptance of tender letter all of which will corstitute and hereafter ret'erred to as contract. ) l/We shall deliver/render the supplies at mylour expense in such quantities at such times, i; suclr manner! to such person and at such place (within the area covered by the contract as specified in the schedule) as direct. -r- I/we find myselfTourselves not to revoke my/our tender during the after mentioned period. _tr0 ry*,rc;;;;;>- RTC ITB Police, Sivagfngai Signature ofTenderer with seal -8- 4 (.t).I/We agree that the price quoted/charged by me/us shall not be higher than the controlled price fixed by law for the stores or where there is no controlled price, it shall not exceed the prices or contravene the norms fbr' fixation of prices laid down by Government, or where no such price or nonrs have been fixed by Governtnent it shall not exceed the price appearing in arry agreement relating to price regulation by any industry in consultation with the Government. (ii) In any case, save for special reasons stated in the tender, the price quoted/charged for indigenous stores shall not be higher than the lowest price charged by you for stores ofthe same nature, class or description to an individual/firn.r/organization or department of Govenrment in India and for imported stores the price quoted shall not be higher than the lowest price charged by you for the stores of the same nature, class or description to a purchaser, domestic or foreign or to any organization or depaftments ofGovernment. (iii) lfthe price quoted/charged is higher than the controlled price etc. referred to in sub-clause (i) above or where there is no controlled price, the price lowest charged by you from a private purchaser, domestic or foleign or from atry organization or department of Government for the stores of the same nature, class or description, etc. as referred to in sub-clause (ii) above, you will specifically mention this fact in your tender giving reasons for quoting higher price(s). Ifyou fails to do so or makes any mis-statement it shall be lawful for the cotltract sanctioning authority to revise the price at any stage so as to bring it in conformity with the sLrbclause (i) or (ii) above or (b) to terrninate tlre contract and purchase the stores at the risk and cost of tlre vour firm and in that event the provision of clause - 9 shall apply as far as applicable if you failed to deliver the stores within the period fixed. 5. IiWe shall furnish as a security deposit generally equivalent up to 57o of the total value of the contract with validitv neriod un to 180 djLvs beyond the date of completion of all contractual obligations of the supplier including warranty obligations as demanded in A/T Ietter within 15 days of issue of letter of acceptance of this tender (in whole or in part) or before the commencement by me/us of the performance of the contract whichever is earlier or within such extended time as the contract sanctioning authority may grant to me/us for the amount specified in the said letter of the acceptance. If any breach and non-performance of corltract occurs, sarne will lead to forfeiture of the securiqr deposit besides any recourse open to contract sanctioning authority as per contents of these tender documents including arranging the alternate supply at our expense and cost. lf l/We fail to furnish such security deposit within time or such extended time, this contract will be forthwith terminated and earnest money forfeited under tlre order of the officer sarctionirg tlre contract. 6. Any change in the constitutions of my/our firm would be notified forthwith by me/us in writing to the authority sanctioning the contract and such change shall not relieve any former member of the firm from any liability under the contract. No new partner shall be accepted in to the firrn by me/us in respect of the contract unless he/she agrees to abide by in respect of all its tenns and conditions and deposits a written agreement to this effect with contract sanctioning authority. My/our receipt or acknowledgement or that of any partners subsequently accepted as above shall bind me/us and will be a sufficient discharge for any ofthe purpose ofthe contract. 7. The officer sanctioning the contract may authorize such officers as he may wish to operatei contract on his behalf and I/We and my/our agent will accept and carry out instructions given by such contract operating authorities (or their representative) in connection with contract as ifthese were issued by the officer sanctioning llle contract. Dffir General RTC ITB Police. Sivagangai Signature ofTenderer with seal -9- 8' Whenever any claim or any claims for payment of money arises out of under the contract against tlre contractor, tlle contract sanctioning authority shall be entitled to with held and also lrave lien to retain such sum or.sums in wlrole or in part.from the security deposit if any deposiied by the contractor for the purpose of aforesaid, the contract sanctioning authority shall be entitled io *itt', t,ola tt.," said cash security deposii or the "or security if any furnished as the case rnay be and have lien over the same, pending finalization adjudication for any such claim. In the event of the security deposit being in sufficient to c-over the claimed amount or anlounts or if no security deposit has been taken frorr the contractor, the contract sanctioning authority shall be entitled to withhold and have a lien to retain to the extent of this much claim amounts referrid to above from ally sum or sums foulrd payable or which at any time there for may become payable to the contractor, under the same contract or any other contract with tl]e contract sanctioning authority or the contract operating authority pending finalization or adjudication ofany such claim. 9' . . .(a) [n the event of nylour failing, requisition or otherwise declining, neglecting or delaying to comply with aly demand, not executing the same in accoidance with the terms of thl contract, the officer operating the contract shall be at liberty (without prejudice to any other remedy that Govt. may have for the retnaining period ofthe contract and any claim for compensation against loss arrd inconvenience caused by such breach or non performatrce of the contract), to arrange from Govt. or any other source and by a1y means, snch supply or such authorized substitules therefore as specified in the schedule there to and arl approved by t5e officer sanctioning the contract and any excess cost iircurred over the contract price (together wiih all incideltal charges and expenses) incurred in. purchasing, procuring or arranging for such suipplies or an authorized substitutes alrd in case where issue in replacemini ur" *uJ" from Go--vt.-stocks o, ,uppli", the cost of value of such stock or supplies together with all incidental charges or expense shall be recoverable from me/us on dernand. . -(b) Without prejudices to the terms and conditions in the tender documents, if t/We do not provide required supply as per requisition given by respective contract operating authority within stipulated time frame or when only porlion ol supply against requisition are given by rne/us within such stipulated tirne fiarne, the contract operating authority reserves the right to:(i) Give maximum of 15 days unconditional extension to me/us for ensuring provisio1r of requisitioned supply provided a request from me/us has been received prior to expiry of prescri-bed time frame in tender documents for such extension duly justifying reasons for non provision of .uppty by stipulated supply within extended period. However, such unConditionaiextension will be counted from aate oi issue of extension letter by contract operating authority to me/us for enabling provision of effective time frame to comply with our contractual obligations and it shall bemy/our responsibility to collect/receive same by our reprer"rtutir" o1. uny other suitable rneans like Fax etc within 24 hours of date oi issue of such extension pe.*ission; o. (ii) Allow extension of stipulated time frame in requisition/demand letter, subject to recovery from ium equivalent to 2oZ of expenditure which would have been incurred by contract operatirig autirority in event of timeiy provision of requisitioned supply as per tender conditiors for each month or pu-rt the."oi (i.e.:period in days) for which l/We have sought such extension; or m-e/us as agreed liquidated damages and not by way of penal recovery, on pro rate basis, a Dy3nrsp"ecto r CeneraI RTC ITB Police, Sivagangai n Signature of Tenderer with seal _ l0- (iii) cancel the affected installment of suclr requisition of supply at mylour risk and expense and arrange alternative supply frorn elsewhere and other contractors as pei his discretion to fulfill his operational and administrative cotrmitments and recover such additional expeniiture from our pending bills i1 his ulit; or 10. The officer sanctioning the contract may rescind this contract by notice to rne in writing; (a) If I/We assign or sublet my/our contract to otlrer contractor/firm without his written approval I/We attempt to do soi or or if (b) If l/we or any ofmy/our agent or servant shall: (i) be guilty of fraud in respect of the contract or any other contractor/firm without his written approval or if I/We attempt to do so; or (ii) directly or indirectly gives, promises or offers any bribe or gratitude, gift, loan perquisite, reward to any officer /person in the ITBp or in employment of th-e Govt. i,liny *uy; o, (c) If any such officer or person nrentioned in sub clause (b) directly or indirectly interested in the contract; or (ii) of this clause become in any way (d) If we decline, neglect, or delay to comply with any demand or requisition or any other way fail to perforrr or observe any condition ofthe contract; (e) lf I/We or atry of my/our partner or partners become insolvent or apply for relief as an insolvent debtor or comrnence any insolvency proceeding or rrake any' c'olnpensation with my/our creditors, or attempts to do so or in the iase of our being a registered company, any order be duly made or any resolution duly passed for the windilg u-p of th"e company; or (0 If it is transpired that I/We am/are doing business co-jointly witli any other contractors or have formed a cartel relation or have an agreelnent with such contractors in consideration of monopolizing the contracts on own rates. "ln.case of such rescission mylour security deposit (or suclr poftion thereof as such officer salctioning coltract shall consider adequate) shall stand forieited and will be absolutely at the disposal of the Govt. without prejudice to any other remedy or action that he may have to take. ln case of such rescission, tlie Govt. shall be entitled to recover from me/us on demand any extra expense tl.lat dle contract orr-erating authority has incurred in arranging the articles of supply f.o,, unyr,il1"." in any manner for the period for which this contract was entered into without prejudice to any other remedy that he may have to take. RTC ITB Police, Sivagangai I Signature ofTenderer with seal -l l- 11 (a). Notwithstanding anytliing contained herein and without prejudice there to, the officer operating the contract may recover from me/us as compensation, book value/replacement value of stores plus twenty five percent depadmelltal charges if any stores entrusted to me under contract are lost, damaged or depreciated. (b)..Decision for recovery of money from me/us, there aspect of alternate arangement of supply of articles made at my/our expense or ofcompensation by order to the officer operating the co-ntract under aiorementioned clause and any order for rescission of the contract by the officer sanitioning the contract under clause-9 above shall be subject to an appeal if prefered in writing by rne/us within l5 days of issue of such decision/order to contract sanctioning authority whose decision will be accepted as final. If such appeal be not duly notified to contract sanctioning authority within this period, the original decision or order in question for recovery given by contract operating officer shall be accepted as final. 12. I/We shall be liable to pay rent of any Govt. Land if any when occupied by me/us in the course of the contract at rate to be fixed by the officer sanctioning the occupation of the land and intimated by tlie officer sanctioning the contract. 1.3. The contract sanctioning authoriq, reserves the right ofplace order for additional quantity up to 25% the quantity ordered at the same rates, terms and conditions during the currency ofthe contiact. of 14. (u): Whenever an agent/servant/driver is employed by me/us for the carrying out the contract, [/we ensure to verifl his/their antecedents from concerned Police Authoritiei of the area to which he/they belongs. It will be also ensured by nre/us that aforementioned personnel carry proper identifu docr:ments/permits while on duty with ITBP. Fufthemore, if any of above is considered'undes irable by the officer operating tlre contract he will be replaced by me/ui by suitable and Security Vouchsafed person. I/We shall be also responsible for arranging boarding/lodging arrangements of above personnel (wherever applicable) at places of night halts under my/our own arrangements. will (b). I/We shallensure that my/our agent/servants/drivers etc. will accept and conform to any reasonable instructions that may be given by the officer sanctioning the contiact or the officer-operating the contract or tlreir authorized representative for proper execution ofcontract. l5 (i) I/We shall submit the machine numbered bills in triplicate with printed captions marked as "Original", "Duplicate" & ((Triplicate" prominently on top ofeach oisuch set of Lills on account ofcontract to the respective contract operating officer or his duly authorized me/us on tlre correct printed form, shall be pre-receipted by me/us and be supported by the duly certified and receipted documents given to me/us by the concerned ITBP Officials. Tlre charges in these bills shall always be enteied at the same.ut", u, u." acceptld in tlre contlact. .trstrE-ctor Gerer RTC ITB Police, Sivagangai t Signature ofTenderer with seal _12- (ii) If any retrenchment be made in payment of any bills subrnitted by me/us other than in respect of ordinary audit ob-iection and except in respect of recoveries under clause mentioned above, on which final decision have already been given, such retrenchment shall be subjected to an appeal if preferred by me/us in writing within one month to the officer sanctioning the contract whose decision shall be accepted by me/us as final' If the retrenchment were withdrawn and submission oi fresh bills for the amount retrenched be sanctioned' I/we shall submit the bills to the contract operating officer or his authorized representative with all necessary supporting documents within 15 days ofdecision being given. 16. I/We agree that (a) (b) No advance payrnent in part or full will be given to me/us against contract. Iiwe shall be responsible to pay octroi or any applicable taxes/VAT to concerned authorities encumbrance to contract operating officer. Similarry, a, the charges of handring, loading/unloading of stores and the transit insr.an"e have been deerned to be includeJ as part of.our all inclusive tender offer' t/we shall have no claim for compensatio, if any existing rates of octroi etc. are increased or any existing concessions are withdrawn by Golt. during the period ofcontract. with no (c) I/we hereby agree that payments oniy by Account payee Govt. cheque/Demand Draft will be for services rendered by me/us under the contract to the credit of my/our account in a recognized Bank ofthe Union of India as per details ofmy/our banker provided in this tender document within 45 days ofthe submission ofbirs dury supported with required accepted documents. (d) Ilwe aml are required to acknowledge tlie receipt of all cheques/Ba,k drafts issued in mylour favour with regard to cheques sent to me/ us by post within fifteen days from the date of their receipt. Failure on my/our paft in sending timely acknowledgement ofreceipt will render me/us liable to forfeit privilege for receiving drafts by post and unless l/we fumish the satisfactory .cheqres/demand explanation for my/our defauit in this l/we shall be required to obtain cheques/bank dratts for future payments on this contract from the contract sanctioning authority or his authorized representative after rendering proper receipt in his office in person. l7 l, the event ofwithdrawal (or reduction in the number) and consequent reduction in denrand, I/we shall not be entitled of any compensation. The officer sanctioning the contract will however make reasonable endeavors to give us intimation of any impending complete withdrawal or of any reduction or decrease seriously affecting quantities nrentioned in the schedure under the contract. o Dy. I1{dpec,rOfi-rGeneral RTC ITB Police, Sivagangai Signature ofTenderer with seal -llI 8 (a) - Any dispute/difference arising in the interpretation or application or provisiol of t5e contract, settlement of which is not herein provided for, shall be refeiied to sole arbitration of the officer sanctioning the contract or his si:ccessor in office or to Govt. of India as nray be deemed fit by contract sanctioning authority. (b) The award ofthe arbitrator shall be final and binding on both the parties. (c) A demand of arbitration shall be in writing and made within six months from the date of termination of contract. (d) [n case where the contract is cancelled wholly or partially, the date when the letter of cancellation is issued subject as aforesaid the arbitration Act, 1940 o, ury ,tututory notlification or enactment thereoffor the time being in force or any rules made tlrere under shall appty to tt.," arbitration proceeding under this clause. understattd and agree that the contract awarded to me/us as per the provisions, conditions and these tender documents are liable to be terminated on 2b days notice by contract sanctioning authori0/, should there_be a change in system in ITBP. The contract sanctioling auiirorlq, will also -duration have the option.of extending or reducing the of contract without any of tnJ rat". or conditions and such extension/reduction is accepted by me/us. "t,ange ].n; , -,1'*"contalned ln srrptllauons 20' I/We acknowledge thal l/We amlare fully acquainted with the terms, conditiols, clauses and other .. details of the contract which shall govern the resuliing contract as also the terms and conditions contained in the attached "SCHEDULE" and annexure.attached therJo and agree to provide supply of a(icles/store strictly in accordance with the requirement/stipulations contained hereii and; ilwe shalt'noi pt.ua il,ioru,r"" of any of these as an excuse in case of rernedial action against me/us or with a view either to asking il. ot any rates agreed to tlte contract or evading from my/our obligations "nt1un""r.,"nt under contract. Signature ofthe Tenderer with date (full name in Block Letters) (Father Nanre Address Telephone No. Signature of Witness: Name:- I Address Occupation Station Date Signature of witness:-ll Nanre Address Occupation Station Date Dy. RTC ITB Signature ofTenderer with seal -14- "ANNEXURE TO THE TENDER' OF AT DURING ..GENEB4!!ANP!U9NS" I/We Agree that:- l The supplies will be tendered in accordance with the specification and specification as is attached hereto. 2 lt is clearly said that the specification referred to above shall be interyreted as the minimum standard of size and quality of supply which shall be accepted and the goods supplied shall be the best recognized according to the seasons. 3 (a) The Government reserYes the right to the issue the produce of any Govt. aided/personal scheme either any within or without the area covered by the contract in lieu of any article being supplied by me/us under the contract and l/we shall have no claim against the Government as damages or compensation on account of the suspension or rescission ofsupplies in full or in part caused by such issue. (b) I/we shall ensure sufficient & continuous supply contract with due regard to sub_para (a) and above. 4 of commodities throughout the period of my/our The supplies rendered will be subject to inspection and approval by the board ofofficers ofthe contract operating authority. Any supplies rejected by the above authorities on inspection before or during the issue will be replaced be me/us at once. If not replaced, the officer concemed may sanctioning authority or contract proceed to procure the supplies at my/our risk and expense under the provisions ofclause ofthe tender. Any supplies issued from Govt Stock in accordance with clause 9 - oftender shall be charged at Go\,1. issue rates published frorn time to time ln case ofdispute between me/us and the officer operating the contract regarding quality/quantities of the supplies tendered, l/we agree to abide by the decision ofthe contract sanctioning authority or such other officer as may be detailed by him to investigate the case and his decision shal be final and binding. 5 Delivery will be made on transpot ananged for and paid by me/us on freight pre paid basis. I/We will also provide and pay for labour for unloading the trucks/cafts at places of delivery and for weighing over supplies to unit there. 6 'Ihe stores will be supplied in mylour packing material which l/we will arrange to recover ltom Railway Station or Supply Depot or unit concerned under my/our own arrangements. No claims for loss or damage to packing material, fhir wear and tear expected wir be entertained by the contract operating authority. 7. The receipt for transactions will be certified by the contract operating authority or his representative which will support my/our claim for audit and payment. 8 l/We hereby agree that payment for supplies tendered by me/us under the contract credit ofmy/our account in a recognized bank in the Union of India. *A--- {General-/-,' RTC ITB Police, Sivagangai will be made to the Signature ofTenderer with seal _15- 9' Any restriction, what so ever, imposed by the local or provincial Government on movement ofvehicle will not absolve rne from the obligations ofthis contract and will not be accepted as an excuse for not delivering the same. l0 under this contract l/we cannot refuse to provide for issue of the articles/store contracted fbr or authorized substitute or any other item specified by contract sanctioning authority. The items thus supplied will be paid for as per rates quoted in the schedule and non availability shall not be accepted as an excuse for non- delivery ofthe same. ll' I/We herby agree that government shall be discharged from all liabilities under the contract or otherwise in relation to the subject matter there to unless the arbitration or a suit, where such lies, is commenced within six months from the expiration of the period mentioned in the schedules or any extension thereof. The officer sanctionitrg the contract may extend the period of six months aforesaid in writing if owing to audit objections it is not in the opinion of the officer sanctioning the contract practice able for me/us to commence such arbitration or suit in the period aforesaid. 12 Nothing contained in the above provision shall apply to the refund is refundable to me/us after all admissible deductions. l3' if such portion I have taken into consideration tlte effect ofany new bill/bills under decision rates tendered. of security deposit as irr the legislature in the 14' If the costs ofthe contracts are increased or decreased by an act oflegislature during the currency olthe contract i e an act other tllan that which is under discussion in the legislature at the time oftendering rates then the contract rates will be correspondingly varied. 5 I/We shall be fully responsible for safe delivery of goods at delivery of goods at delivery point desired by the contract operating authority, and l/we will have to arange transpoftation at my/our risk and c.st in case of breakdown of vehicle en-route. I 16 l/we hereby take the responsibility of any loss or damage of goods during transportation due to theft, pilferage or fire etc. 17 All the legal proceedings arising out of any dispute between the parties shall be settled within the tenitorial j urisdiction ofthe courts in (Sivaganeai. Tamilnadu) and in accordarrce with the tndian applicable Law. ctor Signature ofTenderer with seal -16- .TENDER SC}IEDULE " SL NO. Name of Item With Technical AN Rates per item in rupees specification In figure burfi' Sweet"baisan burfi' Sweet"nariyal burfi' lKG 4_ Sweet "baisan ladoo" 1KG 5. Sweet"boondf' 1KG 6. Kachori with sauce (chatni) Piece 1. 2. 3. Sweet"ma,ua Dy. li'sp-e6for Gen era I RTC ITB Police, Sivagangai In words 1KG 1KG S ignature of Tenderer with seal -17Annexure to Schedule TERMSAND CONDITIONS l. Rates should be quoted F.o.R. destination at (RTC ITBp Force. Illunaikudi. p.o. padmuthar Sivagangai). 2. Rates should be inclusive 1 There shall be strict adherence to the delivery schedule as rnentioned in the supply order. 4. Supply will be done on credit basis and no advance payment will be made against the supply. 5. The validity ofthe price quoted should be for a period 6. Once the supply order is placed, it will be the responsibility ofthe tenderer to supply deliveries on date & time and place rnentioned in supply order. Any additional cost incurred in any form would be borne ofall taxesAy'AT of 06 Month . by the contractor. 1. The Sivaeangai) reserves the right to seek clarification with one or more tenderers if considered necessary and also carry out market survey by a board of officers to ascefiain the reasonableness of the rates and may not accept any offer in case they are not reasonably priced. 8. Tenderers are required to attach literature of accessories/ equipment if any of the tendered articles with tender form. Only those tenders will be considered wliich are found as per the Samples, specifications, make and model mentioned in the Schedule. 9. The supply of articles/store will be accepted only after it is held justified by the inspection team or a board of officers/Line Committee. No appeal will be entertained against the decision of the inspection tearn or a board of officers/Line Committee. 10. Date & Tirne and place ofprice negotiation lt. Tenderers are required to produce satnple ofeach articles/store free ofcost where required as per specification on the date ofopening oftender. 12. Guarantee/Warranty clause of articles/store and after sales service clause in the case of rnachinery &equipments etc., where ever applicable will clearly mentioned by tenderer. Dy.-I[spector General RTC ITB Police, Sivagangai will be intirnated later on, ifneeded. Signature ofTenderer with seal _18_ FORM OF ESSENTIAL PARTICULARS IN RESPECT OF TENDERER Not"'- FIRMS/TENDEREnS suouln rtll (page I to 2) lr,q contplero nnt,tlls nxn nunNtsu spnctrrc enswrns PLEASE NOTE THAT IF THE ANSWERS/DETAILS FURNISHED ARE NOT CLEAR ANDOR ARE EVASTVE. NqTe of tlle teldere{ (0/Finl/Company Address of registered/head office oftenderer lwith Telephone ros. and Fax Nos. and E:Mail ID) (Documentary proof to be attached Address of work place (with Telephone No., fux No. ara E*il lD) (Documentary proofto be attached) Address of branclr/r"gio FAX No. and E-tnail ID (Document proofto be attached) Year of stafting the business and turno*iduri,rg tl.,e1u.t th."" y.a.r Pennanent Income Tax Accourrt Number ofT""d*e(, adrly self "tt"".d copy to be attached) Attach duly attest"a pho certificate. I 2. J. 4. 5. 7. 8. 9. Please indicate name and Fax No. 10. Enclose proof of fi nancial stability value ofthe contract with reference to your telder offer. Bank Account Number and Name of IndividuaUFartner/Firnr_ Full Address of Bank w in this contract are to be remitted by Govt. Cheque/DD in favour oftenderer. Enclose valid documents issued by Sta@ eligibility as tenderer for supply of store/articles mentioned in the ..Schedule,, ofthis tender. il(a) rr .(b) 12. I3.(a) full address ofyour Bankers and his Telephone fro@ 1i.(c) lndian Colnpan ies Act: Indian Partnership Act, 19 Any other act, if not, who are the owners 13.(d) Please attach a 13.(b) and docunent. Dy. Inspector "opy General _--.,. RTC ITB Police, Sivagangai (piffi ofau Signature ofTenderer with seal - 19- FORM OF ESSENTIAL PARTICULARS (Contd.) Page 2 of2 l4(a) State whether business dealing with you have been baned by ITBP or otller CPMFs or Army or any other Central Govt. or State Govt. authorities at any time in the past? 14(b) State number ofyears since tenderer has been dealing with 15. Please confirm that you have submitted required demand draft/fDR/CDR/TDR to "Eamest Money", Please confirm that you have submitted the Certificates as required by para4 of"lnstructions to Tenderer" as applicable in your case. If so the details be ofRs-- . iTBp. rrhr, r^- grven. 17. Please fill in details ofall enclosures afiached/ submitted by you with this a) tender offer. b) c) d) e) 0 h) D i) k) l) m) t8. Please confirm rhat you have read over all the imtrGtions car.efully and have complied with them accordingly. 19. Name of tenderer signing tendei docum.,nts n) Total No ofenclosures in words .......................... ,vithTE tdde. oEr. It is certified that all the information given in this Essential particulars Form are corect to the best of my/our knowledge and copies/photocopies ofdocuments attached are true copies ofthe originals. RTC ITB Police, Sivagangai Signature ofTenderer with seal
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