Page 1 of 26 figure) -- (in words) Tender Form No.------(in (To be filled by IT'BP office at the time of issue of Tender Form) Tender Fee Paid Vitle--------------T.R. No. (ITBP-60)---------Dated--------------No. ITBP/52nd Bn, ITBP/ QM/Hiring Trucks/TENDER/2015- Dt. INSTRUCTIONS TO TENDERERS (With reference to the preparation and submission of tenders for the Hiring of civil Trucks for transporlation of Govt Stores u, p"i schedule attached to and F.O.R. at 52nd Bn,I.T.B. Police, BPR&D Camp (CApT), Vill- Kanhasaiya, PO- Kokta, Distt- Bhopal (MP) (Approximate Cost of Hiring Charges estimated to Rs. 10,00,000/- (Rupees Ten Lakhs only). (Note:- Tender sets are NOT TRANSFERABLE) TO, On behalf of the President of India, I invite you to Tender for the Transportation of Govt Store of 52nd Bn, I.T.B. Police, from Vill- Kanhasaiya, PO- Kokta, Distt- Bhopal (MP) to ITB Police Camp, P.O. Pratap Nagar, G.T. Road New Amritsar (Punjab). 1. Sealed Tenders for Transportation of Covt stores/Misc Stores/Conveyance of personnet in civil trucks as per details shown in the attached schedule for the period of 01-05-15 to 3l-03-16 from the date as shown or from the date of issue of acceptance letter whichever is later will be received by the Commandant, 52nd Bn, I.T.B. Police, from Vill- Kanhasaiya, PO- Kokta, Disttnnopal (Mp) to be opened on 21-04-15 at 1630 Hrs. from authorized dealers/ registered firms and iegistered Transporters'having valid permits of trucks for entry in the area of transportation. Tender must be seni under strong cover securely fastened sealed with a distinctive device and conspicuously marked "Tender for Transportation of Govt Store items". They must be addressed to the Commanclant, 52nd Bn, I.T.B. Police, from Vill- Kanhasaiya, PO- Kokta' Distt- Bhopal (MP) Pin-4 62021and not to any officer by name. When a Tender is sent by post this cover must be enclosed in second strong cover. The outer cover will be addressed to the Commandant, 52nd Bn, I.T.B. Police, from Vill- Kanhasaiya, PO- Kokta, Distt- Bhopal (Mp) pin-a 6202I and wi I I not bear any indication of the contents. Tenders will be opened at the office of the above named officer or in the office of an officer/board authorized in his behalf in Tenderers or their 52',d Bn, I.T.B. police, Bhopal at 1630 Hrs. on 27-04-15 in the presence of the authorized representative present if they wish to be present' 2. a J. The conditions of the contract which will govern under any contract made or contained in pamphletNo. DCS & D-68 (revised) entitled "conditions of contract governing contracts, placed ty the Central purchase Organization of the Government of India and those contained in pamphlet No. DGS & D-22g containing the various instructions to Tenderers quoting against the Tender enquiry. Any enquiry issued by the DGS&D read with the amendment contained in this Tender conditions' part of the soeciai conditions attached to this invitation to Tender will also form you are to initial any erasures or alterations that may have already been made in the Tender form (if any) that you may before they are sent to you and also any further erasures/alterations (Designation of AuthoritY) Inviting Tender Signature of Tenderer with Seal Page 2 of 26 4. Specificatiolr as per scheduled to Tender is enclosed' 5 If you are in a position to qLrote fbr strpply in attac returned to this offlce. You nrust also furnish indicated in parnphlet No. DCS & D- 229 n attached schedule to Tender, all docurnents uiretn uly fil fonna ve' A in the ed and for as list of also be answered and questiorinaire'irr the forrn of essential particulars of Tender rvhich shoLrld to be ignored and not returned with the Tender, f-ailing which your Tender rvill be liable considered. 6. 7 Tender box of Tender documents duly cornpleted in all respect to be submitted in the Camp (CAPT)' procurement kept at Administrative Block of 52nd Bn, I.T.B.Police, BPR&D date. and time vill- Kanhasaiya, Po- Kokta, Distt- Bhopal (MP) before specified the Tender bid The following officer of 52nd Bn, I.T.B.Police, are hereby designated to receive by hand' Name of documents in case where Tenders are bulky and are required to be received entrance/reception the at those desisnated officers are also being displayed on the Notice board counter of tne 52nd Bn, I.T.B.Police for the convenience of Tenderers. i) ii) g. (a) (b) Sh. Narender Singh Yadav (Asstt' Comdt') Sh. Pradeep Kumar (Asstt' Comdt') This set of blank Tender documents comprising of 24 (Twenty four) pages contains (Page 01 to 10) (i) Instructions to Tenderer (ii) Tender containing agreement/acceptance of terms and conditions.(Page 11 to 19) (iii) ..Schedu[e,,for rendering rates including its annexure (Page 20 to 23) containing terms & conditions. (Page24 to 25) (iv) Form of essential particulars of Tenderer Tender documents should not be removed. Tenderers in on each consonance wiih provisions in clause 4, must append his/their full signatures page of Tender documents. None of the pages of and Central Public Note:- Complete Tender Form is also available on ITBP web site ( interested Procurements Portal ( which can be downloaded by the must they documents, firms/suppliers. ln .ur."i 1r; is /ire submitting downloaded Tender tender bid failing which enclose Demand Draft equivalent to cost of tender set, along with technical 52nd Bn, I.T'B' Police, Cotrnundant, of favour shag be summarily rejected. The DD should be in of payrnent will be mode other payable at SBI Guimohar, Bhopal branch code from ITBP Website will not be accepted. Tenderers submitting Tender Enquiry by ally for purpose of participating in pronid.d any additional documents relating to Tender the tender process. Commandant, 52nd Bn, ITBP (Designation of AuthoritY) Invitine Tender Signature of Tenderer with Seal Page 3 of 26 (c) lt is not essential that rates should be tendered by you for allthe articles contained in the ,'schedule" You rnay submit your tender offer in part considering yqur capacity arrd area of operation. However, if a tenderer is not quoting for ariy of the articles contained in the "schedule" he is required to write 66Not quoting" against relevant corresponding space of the schedule instead of marking it with dash (-) or leavingthe space blank. (d) The rates must be filled both in words and figures in the space provided in the relevant annexure ofthe schedule only and not on any separate sheet. (e) The rates quoted by the tenderer should be covered by pasting transparent cello tape. (0 Any alternation and over writing in the tender documents will not be acceptable. All such alternations & erasures and overwriting in course of completion the tender documents should be scored out and correct entries should be written and full signatures oftenderer be appended in attestation thereof. 9 You must also furnish all the information called for in the tender document attaching the bank draft or other acceptance documents as Earnest Money, financial stability certificate and also other information /documents sought vide form of essential particulars of tenderer as mentioned in clause 2 and 5 above, failing which your tender will be liable to be ignored. Tenderes are advised to go through the Earnest Money clause attached with this T/E carefully before filling the Tender. The firms registered with the central purchase Organization (e.9. DGS&D) are exempted from furnishing bid security along with their bids. t0. (a) If you are a firm (i.e. you have a partner or partners) each one of you must sign on all pages of tender documents including the schedule. (b) If any partner is absent his duly constituted attorney will sign the forms. (c) lf any partner has signed the tender or any documents forming part of the contract on behalf of the firm, the original partnership agreement or the power of attorney duly executed in his favour authorizing him to bind the firm in all matters pertaining to the contract including the submission of any dispute relating to business of the firm to arbitration should be attached to the tender or such other documents. (d) If your (or he or any of your partners) is unable to write you (or he) must make your/ his mark or affix your/his seal instead and this mark or seal must be attested and dated by some responsible person. (e) In case where verified copies or partnership deeds and power of attorney are held by the executive authorities and have been submitted at the time of their registration, the following certificates only may be attached to the tender:- I/we certify that the constitution of my/our firm is as under:- (i) I am the Manager and hold a proper power of attorney (copy attached) from other 6-ndant.52nd (Desi gnation Bn.ITBP of Authority) lnvitins Tender Signature of Tenderer with Seal Page 4 of 25 (ii) fol firm as The pended below is are the paftner (s) of my/our eement and that my/our documents have been sisned ADDRESS SIGNATURE lst Parlner 2nd Panner Signature of the Manager Signature of sole ProPrietor (Note:- Item not applicable to be deleted) Commandant, 52nd Bn, ITBP (Designation of AuthoritY) Inviting Tender Signature of Tenderer with Seal Page 5 of 26 (iii) If you are not a firm , the following certificate is to be attached to the tender:- ,,[ certify that I am the sole proprietor & there is no other partner doing business conjointlY with me" iv) ln case of limited company registered in accordance with the articles of association, the fbllorvins certificate is to be attached to the terlder:am the Managing Director and I hold power of attorney executed in accordance with the Articles of association of the company to sign all documents on behalf of the comPanY" ,,1 certify that I Note: (a) In case where a paftner of a firrn dies before acceptance of the tender the surviving partner (or partners) and the legal tender representative ofthe deceased must renew the tender. The signature of one recognized agent on behalf of the firm can only be accepted if he holds proper power of attorneY. The proper power of attorney should be signed by all these partners. This power of attorney. Must be properly stamped and registered with the district registration authorities. The stamp duty payable can be ascertained from the office ot he Coltector of the District where it is (b) executed. ll. to submit earnest money of RS 25,0001'(Rupees Twenty Five Thousand Only) in the form of an open " Demand Draft" drawn in favour of Commandant, 52nd Bn, I.T.B. Police, Payable at SBI Gulmohar, Bhopal, branch code No4415. The earnest money in the form of C.D.R./T.D.R./F.D.R duly pledged in favour of Commandant, 52nd Bn, I.T.B. Police, Shall also be accepted. The firms registered with the Tenderers are essentially required Central Purchase Organization ( e.g. DGS&D) / NSIC are exempted from furnishing bid security along with their registration ceftificate along with all its amendments for registration with DGS&D/ NSIC for subject store /equipment. Offers received without a copy of registration certificate for subject ,tor. o, without earnest money will be ignored. Earnest Inoney of unsuccessful tenders will be returned within one month of the finalization of the contract. No interest money on earnest money deposit will be paid. For imported stores the lndian agents of the foreign firrns enlisted with DGS& D under ihe compulsory enlistment under the Ministry of Finance's O.M. will not be treated as registered DGS&D rrppii"rc forthe purpose of exemption from payment of earnest money and such Indian agents will iave to deposit the earnest money as mentioned above. Otherwise their offer will be ignore. 12. (A) (B) The offer from the Indian agents of foreign principal ,not enlisted with DGS & D under compulsory registration scheme on the date of opening of technical bids, will not be considered and will be ignored unless they enclose document showirrg that they have already applied for enlistment with DGS& D in there. However, offers from the lndian agents, who have applied to DCS &D for registration/enlistment before the time and date of tender opening of technical bid, such offers willLe furlher processed if they can secure enlistment with DGS&D before opening of the price bids. bommandant. 52nd Bn, ITBP (Desi gnation of Authority) Inviting Tender Signature of Tenderer with Seal Page 6 of 26 13. (A) (i) 14. Tender Sample: bidders are requested to submit 02 nurnber tender samples to the on or before the tender opening date and tirre and dLre receipt with date and tirne specified. Unsealed tender sample subrnitted (s) will be summarily ignored. Allthe (ii) price bid of only those tenderers will be opened whose technical bid and tender sarnple are fond conforming to T/E specifications and other requ[rements. The Indenter shall label and seal the tender gamples of the successful tenderer/(s) with remarks as "Approved "or unsuccessful tender samples as "Not Approved". one no/pair of approved tender samples of the successful tender(s)will be sent to the consignee and comparison with the bulk supply by inspecting authority/Line committee during inspection of the bulk supply which will atso be the part of supply and other approved tender sample will be returned to firm for reference during bulk production/supply. Sample approved as above shall be known as "Approved Sample" (iii) Tender sample should have a card affixed to it duly signed and stamped by the firm indicating the fol lowing:Name and address of the irm a) Tender No b) Item number of schedule against which tender sample submitted c) Any other description, if required d) Advance Sample The purchaser reserves the rights to call for requisite number of advance samples from the successful tenderers commencement of bulk supply for its approval in terms of (i) T/E specification (ii) comparison with the tender sample as per parameters mentioned in the tender sample clause. l5 SAMPLE SENT ON "FREIGHT TO PAY ::BASIS WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED:Samples submitted by the tenderers whose offers are not accepted (Provided they have not been deJtroyed in trial/ evaluation) may be collected by their authorized representatives on requisition from the office of authority inviting tender. in case sample are not collected within given time, the samples will be disposed off' H Commandant, 52nd Bn, ITBP (Designation of AuthoritY) lnviting Tender Signature of Tenderer with Seal PageT of25 16. Two bid system: Tenderers are required O (a) to sublnit their ofl-ers in two parts in separate sealed covers as under:- FIRST COVER SHOULD CONTAIN THE FOLLOWIG:aa) Technical bid along with its specification leaflets, brochure, if any. ab) Tender documents duly completed and signed but without indicating the rates quoted. ac) E,arnest Inoney, if applicable. ad) Copy of DCS &D/NISCE registration ceftificate, Copy of PAN No dtrly attested asked for in the Tender EnquirY. ae) Any other relevant document which the firm wishes to subrnit as (b) SECOND COVER SHOULD CONTAIN THE FOLLOWING: ba) Details of rates, taxes, duties, discount, if any and Delivery Period and other commercial conditions. These details should be submitted on their letter pad. Rates must be clearly written in figures as well as in ivords. There shoLrld rrot be any cutting/over writing. (ii) above mentioned covers should be sealed separately and superscribed with the Tender No. stores, type of bid contained and date of tender opening' These covers should thereafter be kept in a third cover and again sealed and super scribed with Tender No. Store and date of opening. The composite bid i.e. rates indicated in Technical Bid (ii) Both the OPENLY IN TENDER IS LIABLE TO BE IGNORED' (iii) Only the first cover containing Technical Bid will be opened on the date indicated for Tender opening. Price whose offers are complete in all respect and the tender sarnple submitted by them are approved/qualified the test. 17. 18. 19. Warranfy Clause:- The stores supplied against the tender shall bear a warranty by the contractor against defective material, workminship. Finish and performance for a period of l2 months from th1 date of procurement of subject item on F.O.R (destination) basis. Excise duty:- If it is intended to ask for excise duty or any other charges extra, the same must be specifically stated. In absence of such stipulation it will be presumed that prices are inclusive of all such charges and no clairn for the same will be entedained' Toll Tax:- Tenderer should bear all toll tax charges during movement from starting point to destination points. 20. Terms of Delivery: - The tender enquiry is invited on free delivery to consignee basis only. Hence the firm may dispatch stores accordingly to the concerned consignee' 21. period, Liquidated damages:- ln case the firm does not complete the supply within the delivery para l5'7 of per Liquidated damages wilt be charged @2%" per month of the total cost of items as of DGS&D Manual and acfion willbe taken against the firm to black list it and also for forfeiture its security deposit. -Co mandant, 52nd Bn,ITBP (Designation of AuthoritY) lnvitins Tender Signature of Tenderer with Seal Page 8 of 26 22 23. tiorn pLrblic sector l'he pLrrchasel-reserves t5e option to give a pLrrcltase/price pref-erellce to offers of the Covt. from time to time' units and /or frorn other firms in accordance with the policies quoted firms re- of alI the T'he purchaser reserves the right to get the manufacturing capacity get the manufacturing verified irrespective of their registration status. ln case the finn refuses to the required tnanufacture to capable not as treated /or capacity revivified they will beteerned and of opening date the on rnonth l2 stores. If the date of registration be NS[C/DGS&D is olderthan bidders has been re-verified by the DCS&D.QA wing during 36 nronths preceding the date of opening of bids. of bids, it shall not be considered unless capacitl' of 24. of his tender in whole or in The successtul tenderer will be intimated iu writing about acceptance Kanhasaiya, PO- Kokta' Distta part by the Commandant, 52nd Bn,l.T.B. Police, from Villbe acknowledged Bhopal (Mp) pin-4 6202l through acceptance of tender letter which must that his tender assufile to right any has withln tO Oays of its date of issue. Till than no tenderer and takes any warning this has bee accepted in whole or in part and if any tenderer disregards anticipatory action. He will have no claim for compensation. conteract so far as the On the issue of the notice of acceptance, the tender will become a will n*J/in.uriJ.,"rh"*;l; the whole or part of the tender that ha been accepted & tenderer relevant the relating to this contract as per details specified in 25. (a) furnished the security deposit of tender letter. Unti of the security depo deposit, the earnest the est be or an nsidered as the contract in accordance it irt full retained the non part of rity and with the shall be subject to disposal be the tender sanctioning the amount specified for provisions of the tender. No request of successful tenderer to retain for performance of made be security deposit out of the payrnent of bills against supplies to contract would be entertained. Signature of Tenderer Name in block letters------Capacity in which tender is signed---Fulladdress should be drawn /pledged in The security deposit for the amount specified in A/T letter (b) pofice, Payable at sBI Gulmohar, Bhopal, branch favour of commario^"i, si"t Bn, I.T.B. of all contractual code No-4415. validity upto 60 days beyond thi date of completion in following furnished be should obligations of the supplier including *urr*ty obligations forms:-\ (lncluding post office cash certificate, National Saving Certificate D ificate). itD iit r. from uny Nution"tlTg lulu 1",t {".1i'1 branchlodt Nl,411.5 n.,f.f.B. police, payanle at SBI Gulmohar, Bhopa^|, 'l-?::l::li*T_Ti,T""t' i'.'Xft ';l;?;iilii"iJ##r rl"';l;:; bank iraw': fu:f:.T#,".tant' N"-1115: Bn,I.T.B. Police, Payable uisnt Gulmohar, Bhopaf branch :"9.t ;;i,.rpi deposit.receipt or D ;;il;;;J rhe ffi; Jil;.t"a ;;Li ;;;Li.;li;;e, (Desi gnation of AuthoritY) lnvitine Tender 52nd the ? be maue in the name of commandant' shoutd receipt d'eposit N^ /tAl { -^-^L code ^^.1^ No-4415. payabte at sBr Gulmohar, Bhopal, branch flli'- lf: :lt:11::X::tl::T:1: Signature of Tenderer with Seal Page 9 of 25 26. The depositor should given in writing to undertake any risk involved in the investment. 27 Earnest money of the successful tenderer will be returned as soon as the security deposit bas been furnished unless it is requested to be used as paft of security &that of unsuccessful tenderer will be returned within one month after issue of A/T letter to successful tendere unless same is to be forfeited under clause- I 6 below. 28. The tender shall hold the offer open upto and including the period mentioned in tender and schedule. It is understood that all the tender documents have been sold/issued to the tenderer and the tenderer is being perrnitted to tender in consideration of the stipulation on his part that after submitting his tender he rvill not desist fronr his offer or modify the terms and condition thereof. Should the tenderer fail to observe and comply with the forgoing stiprrlations, the earnest money shalt be forfeited to the Govt without prejudice to any other rights/remedies by contract sanctioning authority under the contract and the law. The earns money shall also be liable to be forfeited in full, if the tenderer fails to furnish security deposit by due date. No cognizance will be taken of any communication relating to withdrawal revocation or amendment to the tender already submitted except when it is in the forrn of a letter duly signed by the tenderer if the tenderer is an individual, by all the partners of the firm of the tenderer or their duly accredited attorney if the tendereres are parlnership of firrn and by a person having express authority in the case of limited company, which should reach of office of the Commandant, 52nd Bn, I.T.B. Police, from Vill- Kanhasaiya, PO- Kokta, Distt- Bhopal (MP) Pin-462021. before the last date prescribed for the submission of the sealed tender. 29. Tenders that do not comply the above conditions are liable to be rejected. 30. The approval and rejection of tenders rests with the Commandant,52nd Bn, I.T.B. Police, from reserves the right of the approval or rejection of any tender or part of the tender without assigning any reason. The lowest tender will not necessarily be accepted. Viil- kanhasaiya, PO- Kokta, Distt- Bhopal (MP) Pin-462021. -who 31. The details of articles /store contained on "schedule" are approximate and no clainr for compensation will be made or entertained in case such requirements are over drawn or under drawn. )2. Any further information required can be obtained on an application on any working day between l0 AM to 5 PM from the office of Commandant,52nd Bn, I.T.B. Police, from VillKanhasaiya, PO- Kokta, Distt- Bhopal (MP) Pin-462021. 33. These instructions to tenderers are to be signed by your and returned with your tender. 34. 35. be made after processing the same for payment through AIC payee Bank draft or A/C Payee Cheque within 45 days from the date of submission of duly cornpleied bills to contract operating authority or his authorized representative' payment of bills successful tenderer will Annexure of the "schedule" are part of this tender and are meant for quoting your rates with due the regards to stipulation contained t-herein. The important conditions as given in the Annexure of the tender for all Purposes. "schedule" are also from ant.52nd Bn,ITBP (Desi gnation of AuthoritY) Invitins Tender Signature of Tenderer with Seal Page 10 of 26 36. a- )l l/We have read over and understood the terms and conditions contained in these tender documents which shall govern the resulting contract as also the terms and conditions in the attached ..Schedule to tender" and annexure attached there to, and agree to provide articles/supply in accordance with the requirement/ stipulations contained therein. All the above conditions are accepted by me/us. Signature of the tenderer with date (Full name in Block Letters) & Father's Name------Address Signature of witness I with date: ------------- Name& Address Occupation Signature of Witness ---:----- II with date ----------- Name& Address Occupation y Commandant, 52nd Bn, ITBP (Designation of Authority) Invitins Tender Signature of Tenderer with Seal seal Page 11 of 25 TENDER FOR PROVIDING TRANSPORTATION OF GOVT. STORES/ MISC ITMES FORM 52 BN.ITBP BHOPAL TO ITBP CAMP AMRITSAR TO AS PER THE "SCHEDULE'' AND ITS "ANNEXURES''. Detail of "EARNEST MONEY" sent here with (to be filled bY Tenderer) Description NUMBER Date face/value ln ru Valid Total To The President of India Through Indo Tibetan Border police, 52nd Bn, Kanhasaiya, PO- Kokta Bhopal (MP), Pin- 462021 l. I/We the undersigned agree on acceptance of this tender in whole or in part by Commandant, 52nd Bn, I.T.B. Police, from Vill- Kanhasaiya, PO- Kokta, Distt- Bhopal (MP) Pin-462021. In my/our favour to undertake article /store as per requirements and requisitions given by as contract sanctioning authority or "Contracts Operating Authority" or his/their duly authorized representatives, during the period from date of contract to 01 year (or such date as this period may be extended or reduced by contract sanctioning authority) in accordance with the conditions and stipulations, specified in this tender document including relevant annexure to the "schedule "and as may be contained in the acceptance of tender letter all of which will constitute and hereafter to as contract. 2. 1 I/We shall deliver/render the supplies at my/our expense in such times in such manner ,to such person and at such place (within the area covered by the contract as specified in the schedule) as Commandant, 52nd Bn,I.T.B. Police, from Vill- Kanhasaiya, PO- Kokta, Distt- Bhopal (MP) Pin-4 62021 rnay d irect. Further in consideration of your agreeing to take from me/us and from no other contractor the entire amount of supplies which the officer operating the contract may require within the period to the contract other than such as Govt may themselves supply including produce obtained from theirownstores,gardensandDairies andsubjecttotheprovisionofClause6hereofl/Wefind myself/ ourselves not to revoke my/our tender during the after intentioned period. (Des ignation of Authority) Invitins Tender Signature of Tenderer with Seal Page LZ of 26 ntrolled price or price or that the price quoted /charged for store for where there is no rms for flxation of price laid d nonrs have been fixed by governnrents it shalt n government' relating to price regulation by any industry in consultation with the (i) pri.. contr 4 reelrlent (ii) al reas In any case ,s er than indigenous store sha ndivid nature. class or descr quoted s price the stores imported for India and to a purchase, domestic or foreign or to any description or by you for the same nature ,clasi organization or departments of government' an the controlled price etc. referred to in subprice, the price lowest charged by you from a r dePaftment of government, any iptio mention this fact in your to in sub -clause(ii)above reasons for quoting higher you will specificatly the contract price(s).lf you fails io do so or makes any mis- statement it shall be lawful for th the subauthority to revise the price at any stage as to bring it in sanctioning clause(i)o(ii)abov the youi firm and ed and cost of able if you iact and purchase the sto of clause-9 shall apply a failed to deliver th 5. the total value of I/we shall furnish as a security deposit generally equivalent up to 107o of of all the contract with validity p.iioa'of up to 60 days beyond the date of completion letter in A/T demanded as contractual obligations ofin" supplier including warranty obligations before part) or Within 15 days of issue of letter of acceptance of this tender (in whole or in or within the commencement by me/us of the perfoimance of the contract whichever is earlier the amount me/us-for grant to may such extended time as the contract sanctioning authority of the non-performance specified in the said letter of the acceptanc- If any breach and to open any recourse contract occurs, same will lead to forfeiture of the security deposit besides including arranging the contract sanctioning authority as per contents of these tender documents deposit within time security such alternate supply at our .* and cost. Iflwe fail to furnish forfeited or such extend time, this contract will be forthwith terminated and earnest money under the order ofthe officer sanctioning the contract' 6. to Any change in the constitutions of my/firm nf the authority sanctioning the contract and s by the firm from any liability under the contract' nd me/us in respect of the contract unless he/sh ry' conditions and deposits a written agreement accepted as above shall mylour receipt or acknowledgement or that of any partners subsequently contract' bind me/us and will be a suff,icient discharge f r any of the purpose of the 7. wish to operate The officer sanctioning the contract may authorize such officers as he may out instructions given by contract on his behalf *a v*. and my/our agent will accept and carry with contract as if these were contract operating authorities(or their iepresentative)in connection issued by the officer sanctioning the contract' Commandant, 52nd Bn, ITBP (Desi gnation of AuthoritY) Inviting Tender Signature of Tenderer with Seal Page 13 of 26 8. out of under the contract agalnst whenever any claim or any claims for payment of money arises to with held and also have the contractor ,the contract sanctioning authority shall be entitted deposit if any deposited by lien to retain such sutr or sums in whole or in partfrom the security authority shall be entitled the contractor for the purpose of aforesaid ,the contract sanctioning the case rnay be and ny to withhold the said cash'security deposit or the lairn 'ln the event of no have lien over the same, pending trnalization o unts or if no security am the security deposit being in sufficierrt to cover authority shall be entitled to deposit has been taken from the contractor, the contract sanctioning referred to above with hold and have a lien to retain to the extent of this much claim amounts rnay become payable to the from any sum or sums found payable or which at any time there for contract sanctioning contractor ,under the same contract or any other contract with the of any such authority or the contract operating authority pending finalization or adjudication claim. 9. ng or delaying to comply with any demand, inaccordance with the terms of the contract the (without prejudice to any other remedy that ntract and any claim for compensation against ofthe contract), to arrange loss and inconvenience caused by such breach or non performance substitutes from Govt. or any other source and by any means, such supply or such authorized sanctioning the therefore as specified in the schedule ther-eto and are approved by the offrcer charges incidental all with price(together act contract and any excess cost incurred o authorized or supplies r arranging for such and expenses) incurred in purchasing, are made from Govt' stocks or supplies the in substitutes and in case where issue or expense shall be cost of value of such stock or supplies together with all incidental charges recoverable from me/us on demand, (b) Without provide require within stipulate e term and requisition when onlY frame, the c time me/us within such stipulated (i) ' (ii) provision of Give maximum of l5 days unconditional extension to me/us for ensuring prior expiry of requisitioned supply pronid.d a request from me/us has been received reasons for prescribed time irame in tender documents for such extension dulyjustifying I/We will how to as exptaining also non provision of supply - by stipulated date and such However period. manage to prouii" required sup rly within extended contact by letter unconditional extension will be counted from date of issue of extension comply effective t operating authority to me/us for enablin t/receive responsibi with our contractual obligations and it s hours of like fax s same by our representative or any oth:r date of issue of such extension permission; or subject to extension of stipulated time frame in requisition/demand letter, Allow which l/We have sought such extension; or (Desi gnation of AuthoritY) Inviting Tender Signature of Tenderer with Seal Pase 14 of 25 supply at rny/our risk and expense Cancel tfie affected installment of such requisition of other contractor as per his discretion and arrange alternative supply from elsewhere and (iii) recover such additional to fulfill his operational and adrninistrative committnents and expenditure from our pending bills in his unit; or by notice to rne in writing; officer sanctionirrgthe contract mav rescind this contract r'vritten lf l/We assign"or sublet ,ny/our contract to other contractor /tlrrn rvithout his aPProval or I/we attemPt to do so; or 10. The a) b) lf/we or any of my /our agent or servant shall; (i) (iD contract entered into by Be guilty if fraud in respect of the contract or any other means with Covt;or gratitude, gift' loan' directly or indirectly gives, promises or offers any bribe or of the p"rquisite, eward to any ofhcer/person in the ITBP or in employment Covt 'in any way, or (c)Ifanysuchofficerorpersonmentionedinsubclause(b)(ii)ofthisclausebecomeinany waydirectlyorindirectlyinterestedinthecontract;or (d) (e) or any If we decline, neglect, or delay to comply with any dernand or requisition other way fail to perform or observe any condition of the contract; or for relief as an IflWe or any of my/our partner or partners become insolvent or apply compensation any insolvent debtor or commence any insolvency proceeding or make registered with rny/our creditors, or attempts to do so or in the case of our being a up if the lvinding the for passed duly order be duly made or any resolution company, any company; or (f) if it is transpired that l/We amlare doing business co-jointly with any other contractors or have formed a cartel relation or have an agreement with such contractors in consideration of monopolizing the contracts on own rates. ..ln case of such rescission my/our security deposit(or such portion there of as such and will be officer sanctioning contract shall consider adequate) shall stand forfeited remedy or action absolutely at the disposal of the Govt .without prejudice to any other that he maY have to take. .,ln case of such rescission, the Covt. shall be to recover from me /us on demand any the articles extra expense that the contract operating authority has incurred in arranging of supply from any manner foi the period for which this contract was entered into without prejudice to any other remedy that he may have to take. 6onimanOant, 52nd Bn, ITBP (Designation of AuthoritY) Invitins Tender Signature of Tenderer with Seal Page 15 of 26 ll. (a) Not withstanding anytliing corrtained herein and without prejudice there to, the officer operating the contract may recover from me/us as compensation , book value/replacement value of store plus twenty five percent deparlmental charges if any stores entrlrsted to lne under contract are Iost , damaged or depreciated. (b) Decision for recovery of rnoney fi'om me /us there aspect of alternate arrangement of supply of articles made at rny/our expense or compensation by order to the officer operating the contract under aforernentioned clause and any order for rescission of the contract by the officer sanctioning the contract under clause-9 above shall be subject to an appeal ifpreferred in writing by me/us within l5 days of issue of such decision /order to contract sanctioning authority whose decision will be accepted as final. lf such appeal be not duly notified to contract sanctioning authority within this period ,the original decision or order in question for recovery given by contract operating officer shall be accepted as final. 12.llwe shall be liable to pay rent of any Govt. I and if any when occupied by me/us in the course of the contract at rate to be fixed by the officer sanctioning the occupation of the land and intimated by the officer sanctioning the contract. of place order for additional quantity up to 25o/o of the quantity ordered at the same rates terms and conditions during the currency of the 13. The contract sanctioning authority reserves the right contract. 14. (a) whenever an agent/servantl driver is employed by rne .us for the camying out the contract,l/We will ensure to verify his/their antecedents from concerned Police Authorities of the area to which he/they belongs. It will be also ensured by me/us that aforementioned personnel carry proper indentify documents/permits while on duty with ITBP. Furthermore, if any of above is considered undesirable by the officer operating the contract he will be replaced by me/us by suitable and security Vouchsafed person. I/we shall be also responsible for arranging boarding/lodging arrangements of above personnel (wherever applicable)at places of night halts under rny/our own arrangements. (b) l/we shall ensure that my/ our agent/servants/drivers etc.will accept and conform to any reasonable instructions that may be given by the officer sanctioning the contract or the officeroperating the contract or their authorized representative for proper execution ofcontract. 15.(D l/we shall submitthe machine numbered bills in triplicate with printed captions marked as ,'Original", Duplicate" & "Triplicate prominently on top of each of such set of bills on account of contract to the respective contract operating officer or his duly authorized representative within l5 days of the completion of such supply. These bills will be presented by me/us on the correct printed, frorn, shall be pre- receipted by me/us and be supported by the duly certified and receipted documents given to me /us by the concerned ITBP officials. The charges in these bills shall always be entered atthe same rates as are accepted in the contract. Tortffindant, Bn, ITBP (Desi gnation of Authority) lnviting Tender 52nd Signature of Tenderer with Seal Page 15 of 26 (ii) if anl,retrenchment be rnade in payment of any bills sLrbrnitted by rne/Lrs other tlran in respect of ordinary audit objection and expect in respect of recoveries under clause mentioned above, on which final decision have already been given such retrenchment shallbe sLrbjected to an appeal if preferred by me /us in writing within one month to the officer sanctioning the contract whose decision shall be accepted by rne/us as final .lf the retrenchment were withdrawn and submission of tiesh bills for the amount retrenched be sanctioned, I/We shall subrnit the bills to the Contract operating officer or his authorized representative with all necessary supporling documents within l5 days of decision being given. 16. I/we agree that (a) No advance payment in parl or full will be given to me/us contract. (b)l/shall be responsible to pay Octori or any applicable taxes/VAT to concerned authorities with no encumbrance to contract operating officer .Sirnilarly, all the charges of handling ,loading /unloading of stores and the transit insurance have been deemed to be included as part of our all inclusive tender offer. I/we shall have no claim for compensation if any existing rates of Govt. tax/levy & Fuel rates etc. are increased or any existing concessions are withdrawn by Govt. during the period of contract. (c) I/we herby agree that payments only by Account payee Covt .Cheque /demand Draft will be accepted for services rendered by me/us under the contract to the credit of mylour account in a recognized Bank of the Union of lndia as per details of my/our banker provided in this tender document within 45 days of the submission of bills duly supported with required documents. (d) I/we amlare required to acknowledge the receipt of all Cheques/Bank drafts issued in my/our favour with regard to cheques sent to me/us by post within fifteen days from the date of their receipt. Failure on my /our part in sending timely acknowledgement of receipt will render me/us liable to forfeit privilege for receiving cheques/denrand drafts by post and Lrnless I/We furnish the satisfactory explanation for myllour default in this respect payment through cheques/bank draft sent by post shall not be resumed and l/we shall be required to obtain cheque /bank/draft for future payments on this contract from the contract sanctioning authority or his authorized representative after rendering proper receipt in this office in person . 17. In the event if withdrawn (or reduction in the number ) and consequent reduction in demand, l/We shall not to be entitled of any compensation .The officer sanctioning the contract will however make reasonable endeavors to give us intimation of any irnpending complete withdrawal or of any reduction or decrease seriously affecting quantities mentioned in the schedule under the contract. Commandant, 52nd Bn, ITBP (Designation of Authority) Inviting Tender Signature of Tenderer with Seal Page 17 of 26 lS. Any dispLrte /difference arisirrg irr the interpretatiorr or application or prov'ision of the of contract. settlement of which is not herein provided fbr. shall be referred to sole arbitration be may as India of or to Govt. ofllce in the officer sanctioning the contract or his successor deemed fit by. (a) (b) The award of the arbitrator shall be final and binding on both the parties. (c) A demand of arbitration shall be in writing and made s'itliin six rronth frorn the date of termi nation of contract. In case where the contract is cancelled wholly or partially, the date wherr the letter of cancellation is issued subject as aforesaid the arbitration Act, 1940 or any statutory rnodification or enacttnent there for the tirne being in force or any rules made there under shall apply to the (d) arbitration proceeding under this clause. condition 19. l/we understand and agree that the contract awarded to me/us as per the provisions, and stipulations contained in these tender documents are liable to be terminated on 20 days notice by contract sanctioning authority, should there be a change in system in ITBP. The contract sanctioning authority will also have the option of extending or reducing the duration of contract without any change of the rate or such extension /reduction is accepted by me/us. 20.llwe acknowledge that l/We am /are fully acquainted with the terms, conditions and other details of the contract which shall govern the resulting contract as also the terms and conditions contained in the attached "SCHEDULE" and annexure attached there to and agree to provide supply of articles /store strictly in accordance with the requirement/stipulations contained neriin and; I/we shall not plead ignorance of any of these as an excuse in case of renredial action against me/us or with a view either to asking for enhancement of any rates agreed to the contract or evading from my/our obligation under contract. Signature of the tenderer with date (full name in block Letter) (Father name. Address. Telephone Signature of Witness:- No.... I Name Address Occupation Station Date Signature of Witness:-ll .... Name Address Occupation Station Date (Desi gnation of Authority) lnviting Tender Signature of Tenderer with Seal Page 18 of 25 ..ANNEXURE TO THE TENDER'' oF. ..GENERAL CONDITION" L*r"*T;.'ltLlppri., r.viil be tendered in as is accordance witrr the specificario'and specification attached hereto. 2.itiscteartysaidthatthespecif.icationreferredtoabovesha|lbeinterpretedastheminimum standardofsizeandqrralityor,"pprvwhichshallbeacceptedandthegoodssuppliedshallbe the best recognized according to the seasons' issue' Paft caused bY such the and continuous supply of commodities throughout - Para (a) and above' p.iloO of my/our contract with due regard to sub (b) l/we shall ensure sufficient The supplies rendered wi contract sanctioning au the above authorities on i 4. t to insP contrac efore du ee to abide by the decision of the contract detaited by trim to investigate the case and for 11d paid be me/us on freight pre paid basis' Delivery will be made on transport arranged and unloading the trucks/carts at places of delivery I/We will also provide and pay for labor 6r for weighing over supplies to unit there' which I/We will arrange to erned under mY/our own wear and tear exPected will 6. v. 1 8. by the contract operating authority or his The receipt for transactions will be certified audit and payment. ,.pr.r.n,uiive which will support my/our claim for will be made supplies tendered by me/us under the contract I/We hereby agree that payment for of India' ur account ln a recognized bank in the Union to the credit of m (Designation of AuthoritY) Inviting Tender Signature of,Tenderer with Seal Page 19 of 26 9. 10. 11. Any restriction; what so ever; irnposed by the local or provincial Government on lnovement of u.tii"l. will not absolve rne fiom the obligation of this contract and will not be accepted as anexcuse for not delivering the same. this contract l/We cannot refuse to provide fbr issLre of the articles/store contracted for or aLrthorized substitr.rte or an), other item specified by contract sanctioning authority. The iterns shall not be thr-rs supplied will be paid fbr as per rate .quoted in the schedule and non availability accepted as an excuse for non-delivery of the same' Lrnder l/We herby agree that government shall be discharged from all liabilities under the contract or otherwise in ielation to ttre subject matter there to unless the arbitration or a suit, where such lies, is commenced with in six months from the expiration of the period mentioned in the period schedules or any extension there of. The officer sanctioning the contract may extend the of the in the opinion of six month aforesaid in writing if owing to audit objections it is not officer sanctioning the contract practicable for me/us to commence such arbitration or suit in the period aforesaid. 12. Nothing contained in the above provision shall apply to the refund if such poftion of security deposit as is refundable to me/us after all adrnissible deductions. 13. I have taken into consideration the effect of any new/bitls under decision in the legislature in the rates tendered. 14. 15. 16. are increased or decreased by an act of legislature during the currency of the contract act other than that which is under discussion in the legislature at the time of tendering rates will be correspondingly varied. lf the costs of the contracts l/we shall be fully responsible for safe delivery of goods at delivery point desired by the contract operating authority, and i/we will have to arrange transportation authority,and l/we will have to arrange transportation at my/our risk and cost in case of vehicle en-route. l/we hereby take the responsibility of my loss or damage of goods during transportation due to theft, pilferage or fire etc. t1. All the legal proceedings arising out of my dispute the territoriatjurisdiction of the Courts in ........... 18. And in accordance with the Indian applicable law. Commandant, 52nd Bn, ITBP (Desi gnation of AuthoritY) lnviting Tender between the parties shell be settled within Signature of Tenderer with Seal Page 20 of 25 Tender Schedule -A echnical Bid sl. Name of iterns No I Required technical Speciflcation of the Equipment/machinery Specification offered by the firm Transpoftation of Trucks (load capacity 15 Ton having I 0 tyres) Govt. stores W Commandant, 52no Bn, ITBP (Designation of Authority) Inviting Tender Signature of Tenderer with Seal Page 2L of 26 TBNDER SCHEDULE. B (Price Bid) RATES FOR TRANSPORTATION OF GOVT./MISC STORES FROM :Type of vehicles Distance (ln Kms) PLACES sl. RATE PER ITEMS IN TOTAL IN RUPEES NO From Rs To ITBP Camp, 1200 km Truck Kanhasaiya, Pratap Nagar, (Appx) Bhopal(MP) New Amritsar (Punjab) 52nu Bn, ITBP, Commandant, 52nd Bn, ITBP (Des ignation of Authority) Invitins Tender (ls capacity having tvres) Ps Ton t0 Signature of Tenderer with Seal WORDS Page 22 of 26 Annexltre to SchedLrle TERMS AND CONDITION I . at Commandant, 52nd Bn, l.T.B. Police, from Vill- Rates should be quoted F.O.R. destination Kanhasaiya, pO- kokta, Distt- Bhopal(Mp) Pin-462021. Rates should be inclusive of alltaxes/VAT. 2. Rates should be inclusive of all taxes/VAT. 3. 4. 5. 6. There shall be strict adlrelence to the delivery schedule as lrentioned in the supply order Supply will be done on credit basis and no advance payment will be rrade against the supply. The validity of the price quoted for period of 0l year from date of contract' on date & tirne Once the supply order is placed, it will be responsibility of the tender to supply deliveries borne by the would be and place mentioned in supply order .Any additional cost incurred in any fonn contractor. '1. The Commandant,52nd Bn, l.T.B. Police, from Vitl- Kanhasaiya, PO- Kokta, Distt- Bhopal (MP) pin-462021. reserves the right to seek clarification with one or rnore tenderers if considered necessary rates and and also carry oLrt market *ru.y by a board of officers to asceftain the reasonableness of the lnay not accepr any offer in case they are not reasonably price' g. with Tenderers are required to attach literature of accessories/equipment if any of the tendered articles specifications, per Samples, the as found tender fonn .Only those tenders will be considered which are make and model mentioned in the schedule. g. The sLrpply of articles /store will be accepted only after it is held jLrstified by the inspection tearn or a board of officers/line committee. No appeal will be entertained against the decision of the inspection team or a board of officer / line cornrnittee' 10. Date&tirneandplaceofpricenegotiationwill ll. beintimatedlateron,ifneeded. per Tenderers are required to produce sample of each articles /store free of cost where ever required as specification on the date ofopening oftender. 12. Guarantee /Warranty clause of articles/store and after sales service clause iv the equipments etc, where ever applicable will clearly mentioned by tenderer. case of machinery& Soecial Terms and Condition: TrLrck load for one HeavY Truck". 2. Loading and unloading will be carried out under the contractor's arrangetnents and risk. -t.I-ouaof..So|id_Sto,ey'suchasrations'ammunitionweighingatleast75Qt|s.Wi|lconstitutet|re..FulI 3. yor-r must qLrote freight rates for destination for one troller truck and one full Heavy trLrck in the orescribed collrtnn of SchedLrle- B. 4. lt will be the responsibility of transporter/firm for safe transporlation of stores 5. ln case of any defect in vehicle during transit, it will be responsibility of transporter/firm to provide anot6er vehicle irnmediately and make arrangements for unloading/loading of store. 6. Transporter/fi1-n will be responsible for providing valid permit vehicles for transpottation of stores upto Amritsar (Puniab). j. the Transpofter have to detail driver having valid heavy vehicle license and experienced enough to drive a Bn,ITBP Authority) Terrder fDesignation of Inviting 52"u r"rpto destination. SignatLrre of Tenderer with Seal Page 23 of 25 Additional Terms and Condition: Commandant, 52ND Bn, ITB Police due to operational or administrative compulsion at any tie before and during the contract without assigning any reason to anyone' 2. Rs. 25,000/- earnest money has to be deposited in the shape of Demand drafl/FDR in the name of Commandant, 52ND Bn, IiB Police, SBI, Gulmohar (Bhopal) with the Tender. The same will be ( Rs tenderer w'r have to deposit Rs .;"1::::fflil,,l!lii -l.Pe'iodof*ntractsnauuew.e'f.Dateofcontractto0lyearwhichmaybeextendedorterminatedbythe iJ;f:?B'*' :: :::l:::1 3. The truck will be provided by the successful tenderer on the date and time given by the Commandant, 52ND Bn, ITB Police at least one day in advance or immediately in case of emergent situation. 4. The successful tenderer has to prepare bills in triplicate with revenue stamp in the name of Commandant 52ND Bn for which payment is generally released within 45 days on receipt of bills. 5. All losses/breakages and deficiency of store if any occurs enroute shall be bome by tenderer or willbe recovered from the bills/ security money. 6. The truck which has been provided by the Contractor should be in good mechanical condition and in road worthy condition.ln case of any defects enroute, it shall be the sole responsibility of the contractor to get it repaired or provided another truck immediately without loss of time. The transit ship charges have to borne by the lontractor only. 52nd Bn, ITBP will pay no additional charges. j. Due to last moment change in quantity of stores number of trucks required cah be changed. 8. During transit of stores, it will be the sole responsibility of contractor/truck owner/truck driver for any loss due to accident/ mechanical failure. Contractor will immediately rush to the accident site and will settle the matter. Loading/unloading charges 9. will be bome by contractor. The contractor has to attach R.C of minimum 4 truck, service tax code registration number (from ST-2) attested copy of PAN failing which bid of contractor will not be considered. (Designation of Authority) Inviting Tender Signature of Tenderer with Seal Page 24 of 26 FORM OF ESSENTIAL I'ARTICULARS IN RESPECT OF TENDER Note:- i]II{M /.IENDI]II.EIiS SIIOUT-D I]II,t- IN COMPLE,fE DE-IAILS AND IjUtINISH SPECIF.IC ANSWERS SERInL NUMUtIR CIVITN Ulrl.OW AS M,\Y Utr APPt.ICABt-g lN TIIEIR CASE. PLEnSt-lNO'l'1,'l'llA.l lFl'lll-ANSWIIRS/DE-l'Alt-FL,rt{NISI{UDAItl--NO-l CLlrAt{ANDORAI{E EVASIVtT I'FIl; IIIRMS'I'I:NDI;I{ IS I,IAt]I,D TO BD ICJNORI]t) ACnINSI llAcll OF 2 3. /1 T 5 6. 7. TllE Name of the Tenderer (s) firrn/Corxpany Address of registered /head offlce of tenderer (r.vith Telephone Nos. and fax Nos and E-rnail lD)(docurnentarv oroof to be attached) Address of work place(with Telephone Nos. and fax Nos and Email lD)(documentary proof to be attached) Address of branclriregional office (with Telephone Nos. and fax Nos and E-mail lD)(docurnentary proof to be attached) Year of startine the business and turnover durins the last three vear Permanent Income Tex Account Number of tender (s)( duly sell' attested copy to be attached) Attach duly attested photo copy of your latest Income Tex Clearance ceftificate. Please indicate name and 8 full address of your Banker and his Telephone and FAX NO 9 l0 il 12 1a IJ l3(a) I 3(b) l 3(c) r3(d) Enclose proof of financial stability from your Banker Lrp to the Approximate value of the contract with reference to your tender offer. Bank account Number and Name of Individual /oartner/Firm. Full address of Bank where payments pertalnlng to servlces rendered to LT.B.P in this contract are to be remitted by Govt. cheque/DD in favour of tenderer. E,nclose valid documents issued by State Govt./ concerned authority for eligibility as tenderer for supply of store articles mentioned in the "Schedule" of this tender. Business name and constitution of the firm .ls the firm resistered u nder:Indian Cornpanies Act: lndian Partnership AcIl932 (please also give of partners) Any other act, if not, who are the owners (please give full Name and address.) Please attach a copy the tender docunrent. of authorization of paftner or partners to sign Contd ...2 ... Com mandant, 52nd Bn, (Desi gnation of ALrthority) lnviting Tender ITBP Signature of Tenderer with Seal Page 25 of 26 Contd with you has been barred by l1'BP or other CPMF's or Army or any l4a Stai. ** business dealing other Central Govt. or State Covt- authorities at any tirne in the past? 14 b Stut. nut-U.t of y.utt since tenderer has been ,-loolinrr.^rith ITRP that you have submttted draft/FDR/CDR/TDR of Please confirm t5 demand requlreo Rs' .... onlY for "Earnest lnoney"' sLrbmitted the to 4 of para "lnstructions by certificates as required details the lf so Tenderer" as applicable in your case' be eiven. r6 pt-eare cot rtt'tt tnat you have t7 Please fill in details of all enclosures attached/subrnitted by you witli this tender offer' a) b) c) d) e) 0 o\ o/ h) i) i) k) r) Total No. l8 l9 of enclosures words conltrm that you have read over all the --Phuse instructions and complied with them q999rdi!gjy,of the tenderer singing tender documents with this tender offer. to the the information given in this essential particulars form are correct the of copies true are attached documents my/our Knowledge and copies/photocoPies of the It is certified that all best in of H -Name orisinals. Commandant, 52nd Bn, ITBP (Desi gnation of AuthoritY) lnviting Tender Signature of,Tenderer with Seal Page 2G of 2G ..SCHEDULE " INCLUDING "ANNBXURES,, (As ref-erred in the para I of the invitation of tender and Instructions to tenderers) TRANSPORTATION ITBP CAMP. PR W AMRI A Period during which transpofiation B services are required Time and Date of Receipt of Tender C Tirrre and Date of Opening of Tender PUNJAB from 01.05.15 to 31.03.16 (which rnay be exrended or reduced by contract sanctioning authority) upto 1300 Hrs on 27-04-15 ar the Office of tt. Commandant, 52nd Bn, l.T.B. police, from VillKanhasaiya, PO- Kokta, Distt- Bhopal (Mp) pin_ 46202r 1630 52ND D E for acceptance till Earnest Money F Contract sanction i ng authority C Security Deposit Hrs on 27-04-lS By rhe board of officers of Bn, lTBp 90 days frorn date of opening of tender 25,0001- (Rs Twenty Five ThousanO only; in ttre form of DD in favor of Commandant, 52nd Bn, I.T.B.Police, Payable at SBI Gulmohar, Bhopal branch code No-4415. commandant, 52"" Bn, l.T.B. police, from Vill_ Kanhasaiya, PO- Kokta, Distt- Bhopat (Mp) pin_ 462021 As specified in Acceptance of Tender Nonxally equivalent to Commandant, 52nd Bn, ITBp (Desi gnation of Authority) Inviting Tender 10%o ofcontract value. Signature of Tenderer with Seal
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