Iroquois Trail Council 2015 University of Scouting Hosted by Nundawaga District Saturday May 9, 2015 Genesee Community College Batavia, New York “Come Learn More, So You Can Have More Fun in Scouting” The University of Scouting offers a day of learning that is intended to give you the confidence and skills to keep develop an exciting program that will have the greatest positive impact on your Scouts. The goal is to have each participant walk away with an increase in Scouting knowledge, and to have their eyes opened to the many hidden treasures that Scouting has to offer our youth. The course selections offer a huge opportunity for leaders to improve their Scouting skills in order to help your program to thrive and grow! Furthermore, this event will provide an awesome opportunity for all participants to meet, interact and have fellowship with others from across the Iroquois Trail Council. The schedule consists of eight periods. Scouters have the option of choosing which courses they would like to take. Courses are designed around specific leadership roles; however, you can decide to take the entire leadership track, or you can mix and match your sessions to meet your needs. However participants choose to spend the day, each of the sessions will be led by an experienced Scouter with wisdom and enthusiasm for Scouting! There will be an hour lunch break. We will offer a $7 lunch for those who pre-order it. (This is optional as you may pack your own lunch or make other arrangements). A Subway Boxed Lunch consists of a sandwich, a cookie, a bag of chips (or apple slices) and a soda or water. Lunch will be served by youth members of Iroquois Trail Council’s Order of the Arrow Ashokwahta Lodge. During lunch we will have (an optional) program consisting of open table discussions. Choose which table you’d like to sit at for an intriguing Pre‐registration guarantees that discussion during your meal! Sessions details: 7:30-8 am – Registration 8 am – Opening Ceremony 8:15-11:30 am Morning Periods 1-4 11:30-12:30pm – Lunch Break 12:30-3:45pm – Afternoon Periods 5-8 3:50-4:00pm – Closing Ceremony Registration Costs and Deadlines: Pre-Register May 1: Participants may pay bybycheck or fee-$15 via credit/debit card with a Pre-Register May 2 May 8: fee-$20 Form may be required signature. The following Registration onmail Maycash). 9: fee-$25 mailedor Walk faxedininRegistrations (please do not Iroquois Trail the University of Scouting is well staffed with enough resources, handouts and materials for each participant. We ask that you kindly pre‐register before May 1, 2015. Please indicate on the registration form if you would like to purchase lunch. This will ensure we have enough lunches available. *Thank you* In addition to the sessions for current leaders, we are also preparing a unique course dedicated just for parents of Webelos who will be crossing over into a Boy Scout troop. This distinctive course is designed to give parents the knowledge they need in order to be prepared for the Boy Scout experience. There is no fee for non-registered parents of Webelos II who attend this course. We ask that parents consider pre-registration so that we know how many will be attending this session. Parents have the option of pre-ordering lunch for $7. Note to Units: If a Unit plans to pay for their Scouters’ registrations/lunches, all registrations must be accompanied together along with a unit check. Deadline dates still apply. Pre-registration is highly recommended by May 1, 2015 Child care will not be available. All registered leaders are asked to please wear their full Boy Scout uniform (including neckerchief if you have one).Casual dress is appropriate for Webelos II parents. Directions to Genesee Community College: The address is 1 College Rd, Batavia, NY 14020 for GPS purposes. Please enter GCC at the Main Entrance. The registration table will be located in the Forum. Please look for signs posted to direct you to the registration table and classrooms. Contact information for any questions regarding University of Scouting: John Beiter, Chair of University of Scouting, [email protected] Mel Sonnleitner, Committee Member, [email protected] Mel Hunter, Medical Staff, [email protected] Jeanne Yencer; Marketing/Registration Staff [email protected] Paul Fleming; Administration Staff [email protected] Bill Louvain; Administration Staff [email protected] Anne Marie Boyce, Iroquois Trail Council District Executive, University of Scouting Advisor, [email protected] Cub Scout Curriculum 101 New* Cub Scout Tiger Den Leader Specific 102 New* Cub Scout Wolf Den Leader Specific 103 New* Cub Scout Bear Den Leader Specific 104 New* Cub Scout Webelos Den Leader Specific 105 New* Cub Scout Cub Master Specific 106 New* Cub Scout Pack Committee Training 107 Pack Awards & Ceremonies 108 Pack Program Planning/Budgeting using Journey to Excellence 109 Webelos to Scout Transition 110 How to Teach First Aid to Cub Scouts 111 Using Packmaster and 112 Recruiting Cub Scouts 113 Pack Journey to Excellence (JTE) New for the 2015 Scout year! Any Tiger leaders for the Fall will be required to have this important new training! Start your Scouting journey on the right foot! New for the 2015 Scout year! Just for Wolf Den Leaders, this training will encompass all the new updates and exciting program changes for your Wolf Dens! New for the 2015 Scout year! Calling all Bear Leaders! Your Bears will LOVE the new program! Learn all the updates and new adventures your Bears will enjoy this fall! New for the 2015 Scout year! Big changes for the Webelos Den’s are coming and YOU need to be prepared! Take this course to keep abreast of all the new Scouting policies! New for the 2015 Scout year! Cubmasters you need to be ready for the new program! We suggest every Cubmaster attend this new training so as to make the most of your Pack this year! New for the 2015 Scout year! Pack Committee Training is a great way to have your committee on board with the new program and to learn tips and techniques of how to work behind the scenes to support their Cub Scout Pack! Make the most of Ceremonies by making them special! Tips and techniques for planning special award ceremonies for Cubs, Webelos, Arrow of Light ceremonies, cross-over’s and rank advancement ceremonies. Learn how the Journey to Excellence is a tool for taking a tactical approach to Pack Program planning and budgeting. Create, manage, and forecast your Pack budget and calendar while utilizing this great tool! Boy Scouts here we come! How to prepare your boys for Boy Scouting. Learn how to assist your Scouts and their parents in making the most important transition in their Scouting careers. Teaching your Cubs how to be prepared! First Aid is a cornerstone of Scouting. From treating a simple cut to the more advanced age-appropriate first aid skills, this course covers fun ideas and resources for teaching first aid and Emergency Preparedness skills. All the information you need in order to use these two powerful Scouting tools. Cubmaster software is something you will want to know about. is a new component in the Cub Scout program. Both resources are made to help you be a more organized and successful Cub Scout leader! More Cubs equals More FUN (and more potential leaders)! Recruiting is a vital lifeline of every Cub Scout Pack! This course is designed to give you the inside scoop on how to plan, prepare and recruit during School Night for Scouting and the whole year! When preparing for a journey, you have to plan and strategize! The new 2015 Journey to Excellence is a tool to plan the BEST Scout year possible! This course will teach the new updates and how using JTE can drastically improve your program! Boy Scout Curriculum 201 New* Scoutmaster Indoor PositionSpecific Training 202 Trail to Eagle This is the BSA’s initial level of training for the top leaders of Boy Scout troops. Designed for Scoutmasters and Assistant Scoutmasters this new syllabus and course is sure to help your Troop Program! The Trail to Eagle can seem daunting and overwhelming. This course will open your eyes to the logistics of the process and guidelines that will make it easier on you, the leader. 203 Advancements and Courts of Honor 204 Service Projects 205 Intro to High Adventure and National Jamboree 206 Conducting Effective Boards of Review 207 Troop Recruitment 208 Troop Program Planning/Budgeting using Journey To Excellence (JTE) 209 Using Troopmaster & 210 Troop Journey to Excellence (JTE) 211 Working with Challenging Scouts and Adults When boys don’t advance, and when Court of Honors are ‘hohum’, boys lose interest and they quit the Boy Scouts. This course will offer suggestions, best practices and tips on how to have advancement and COH’s that are memorable, practical and exciting! Learn how your Troop can conduct meaningful, visible service projects of their choice in their communities. Participants will be taught how to plan a Service Project, ideas, how to involve parents and the community and how to report your service to Council. Boy Scouting opens up a new world of High Adventure trips and National events that will become treasured memories of a lifetime. Learn what is available and how you can become involved! Participants will know the purpose of the Unit Board of Review and how it is used to further the Boy Scout program. Get tips on how to run one and what you need to do to prepare. Ask any Scoutmaster or Scouting professional what keeps them up at night, and odds are their answer will have something to do with membership. How do we get more Webelos to cross over? How can we recruit new Scouts? This course will teach effective, innovative ways to get the word out about your Scout program. Recruiting is a year round, ongoing process that’s full of fun and exciting events that draw in young boys and their families. When it comes to having a successful year in Boy Scouting, planning and budgeting is essential! Learn how to use the JTE in order to plan and budget your whole Scout year! This course will offer tips and tricks of the trade and how to make the most of the planning process. Troopmaster is a powerful tool for any Troop. Learn the ins and outs of how to use this software, how you can improve your record keeping and the benefits of using this program. Get an overview of and how to make the most of these resources available to you. You would never venture out on a journey or adventure without the proper planning and tools. This course will go into detail about Journey to Excellence and how it is not a ‘report card’, rather it is a programming and planning tool! Get the inside track on the brand new 2015 JTE! Don’t let one or two folks ruin your program. Working in challenging situations can drain your energy and enthusiasm. Learn how successful troops handle difficult circumstances and how to make lemonade out of lemons! Venture Scout Curriculum 301 New* Venturing Advisor PositionSpecific Training For all Venturing Crew Advisors, this basic information with help you get your youth leaders ready to manage your Crew! The course includes the 2014 updates to Venturing and aligns with the new Venturing leader materials! Explorer Curriculum 302 Basic Explorer Adult Leader Training This mandatory training will provide Explorer leaders with everything they need to know about how to provide program, recruit, retain and grow in Exploring and much more! General Interest Curriculum 401 Anti-Bullying in Scouting 402 On-Boarding (How to have an Orientation for New Scouts/Parents) 403 Conflict Resolution 404 Internet Safety and Cell Phone Use in Scouting 405 Scouts with Special Needs 406 Membership & Marketing Unit Chair 407 Marketing your Scout Program 408 Scout Websites and Social Media 409 Retention Workshop 410 Communication in Scouting Let’s face it, bullying is real, and it affects our Scouts in many facets and areas of life. This BSA National syllabus is made to help leaders identify the different types of bullying and how to handle it using the Scout Oath and Scout Law. How do you orientate new Scouts and new parents into YOUR troop or pack? Learn how successful units on-board new members! This important piece of retention will really help you keep every new member that joins! A common theme in many Scout programs is how to resolve conflicts between adults and conflict between youth. Don’t worry… there are solutions to EVERY problem. Participants will be given a crash course on how to handle a host of common conflicts in Scouting. Almost every youth and adult has access to a cell phone and the internet. Have you ever had a “sticky situation” when it came to your Scouts? There are suggestions, recommendations and tips on how to deal with these types of common occurrences! Serving young scouts or boys with special needs can be a challenge; but, the rewards far outweigh the struggles. Discussion of BSA policy and procedures regarding Scouting with Special Needs. Discover resources available to leaders, and the roles of key people around you. Every Scout program should have a designated adult that helps the program grow and be a highlight of your local community. Imagine if your Scouts were constantly in the news paper for their service, on the radio, in the school newsletter, in parades and on Facebook? Imagine your program growing every year! This course is for YOU! Does your community know that you exist? Learn how to ramp up your visibility in your local community! Get the word out that Scouting is here and we are providing a stellar program for the leaders of tomorrow! Do you have a website? Or a Facebook site? Boy Scouting has specific policies and procedures to protect the safety of our leaders and youth. Learn all you need to know about running your own Scout site on line! What is retention? Why is it important? How can I keep the kids that join? These important questions and more will be addressed at this unique course. Learn best methods from around the country and see how retaining your youth can change the course of the future of your Scout program! How do your Scouts and families and leaders communicate? Is there a disconnect? This course is designed to give you tips and techniques to keep ALL lines of communication open and running smoothly! Webelos Parent Curriculum 501 Transitioning from a Pack to a Troop 502 Overview of Troop Program Learn the inner workings of how a Cub will go from the Cub Scout program into the Boy Scout program and what is required of them to know. Boy Scouting is much different from Cub Scouting. Parents will learn how the troop is run, what the differences are and how to be prepared for the transition. 503 Equipment for New Boy Scouts: What & When You have a new Boy Scout… now what? Get tips advice on what type of equipment Boy Scout needs (and doesn’t need) and when they may need it! 504 How Boy Scout Leadership Works 505 Understanding Rank Advancement & Merit Badge Opportunities 506 Journey to Eagle A Boy Scout troop is run completely different than a Cub Scout Pack. Parents will learn all about the Patrol Method, “Boy-Led” program and the different youth leadership positions that are offered. Rank advancement is an important part of a Boy Scout’s journey. Learn the different ranks and requirements as well as all the amazing Merit Badges that are available for your new Boy Scout. Becoming an Eagle Scout is a goal for many Boy Scouts. Get an overview of the Eagle Trail and how you can prepare and support your Boy Scout in achieving the highest youth award in Scouting. Youth Curriculum 601 Den Chief Training 602 Senior Patrol Leader Toolbox 603 National Youth Leadership Training Overview (NYLT) 604 Order of the Arrow and Cub Scouting Den Chief’s promise to help, encourage, guide and protect the Cubs in their Den. They set good examples and strive to have all Cubs become Boy Scouts! Take the official training to become a Den Chief! Are you looking to be the SPL in your troop? What does it take? How can you be successful at this leadership position? Check out this training and get tips and suggestions on how to be the best SPL you can be. Are you curious about what NYLT has to offer? Learn about this 6 day course and how it will change you and your Scouting career! NYLT is shaped to build you into the best leader you can be! Yes, the Order of the Arrow can be instrumental in the Cub Scout program in your local community! This course will open your eyes to how the O/A can become involved in Cub Scouting! 8:15 9:00 C u b 9:05 9:50 9:55 10:40 10:45 11:30 12:30 1:15 1:20 2:05 2:10 2:55 3:00 3:45 101 NEW Tiger Den Leader Specific 107 Pack Awards & Ceremonies 108 Pack Program Planning / Budgeting using JTE 109 Webelos to Scout Transition 110 How to teach First Aid to Cubs 102 NEW Wolf Den Leader Specific 111 Using Packmaster and 103 NEW Bear Den Leader Specific S c o u t 104 NEW Webelos Den Leader Specific 105 NEW Cubmaster Specific 106 NEW Pack Committee Training 402 On-Boarding 501 Transition from (Orientation for new Pack to Troop Scouts/Parents) Webelos Parent 401 Anti-Bullying B V E o e x y n p t l S u o c r r o i i u n n t g g 203 Advancement and Court of Honor 202 Trail to Eagle 204 Service Projects 206 Effective Board Of Review 207 Troop Recruitment 208 Troop Program G e n e r a l I n t e r e s t Youth Planning / Budgeting using JTE 502 Overview of Troop Program 205 High Adventure and Jamboree 209 Using Troopmaster and 211 Working with 210 Troop Journey Challenging Boy and to Excellence Adult Scouts 401 Anti-Bullying 402 On-Boarding (Orientation for new Scouts/Parents) 403 Conflict Resolution 601 Den Chief Training 404 Internet Safety and Cell Phone Use 11:30 12:30 L U N C H / R O U N D T A B L E 112 Recruiting Cub 113 Pack Journey to Scouts Excellence 401 Anti-Bullying 409 Retention Workshop 503 Equipment for New Boy Scouts: What & When 504 How Boy Leadership Works 505 Understanding Rank Advancement and Merit Badges 506 Journey to Eagle 201 NEW Scoutmaster Indoor Specific (Note: This course will continue until 4:35pm) 301 Venturing Advisor Specific 302 Basic Explorer Adult Leader 405 Scouts with Special Needs 406 NEW Marketing 407 Marketing your 408 Scout Websites and Membership Program and Social Media Chair 602 Senior Patrol Leader Toolbox 409 Retention Workshop 410 Communication in Scouting 603 National Youth Leadership Training Overview 604 O/A and Cub Scouting Iroquois Trail Council 2015 University of Scouting Registration Form Name: _________________________________________________________________________ Address: _______________________________________________________________________ Phone: _________________________Email: __________________________________________ Unit Type: _____________Unit Number: _______Position: _______________________________ From another Council? ____________________________________________________________ Please indicate below which course (with number and Session Name) for each period: Period 1: #_________ ________________________________________________________ Period 2: #_________ ________________________________________________________ Period 3: #_________ ________________________________________________________ Period 4: #_________ ________________________________________________________ Period 5: #_________ ________________________________________________________ Period 6: #_________ ________________________________________________________ Period 7: #_________ ________________________________________________________ Period 8: #_________ ________________________________________________________ $7 Subway Boxed Lunch: a sandwich, a cookie, a bag of chips or apple slices Sandwich: Black Forest Ham Assorted Cold Cuts Bread: Italian 9 grain Cookies: Chocolate Chip Oatmeal Raisin Choice of drink: Bottled Water Cheese: White American No Cheese Coke Diet Coke Toppings: Lettuce & Tomato None Chips: Lay’s Classic Doritos Apple Slices Sprite If bringing your own lunch or making other arrangements check here Registration Costs and Deadlines: Pre-Register by May 1: fee-$15 Pre-Register May 2-May 8: fee-$20 Walk in Registrations on May 9, 2015: fee-$25 (lunch will not be available for walk-ins) Date: _________________________Registration fee: Lunch fee: Cash Master Card Check (check # _______) $15 $7 $20 $25 Parent (free) Total paid $ ___________ Credit/DebitCard Visa Card # _________-_________-_________-_________ Exp Date _____ / _____ Signature ____________________________________________ If Unit is paying please check here (Reminder: All Registration forms must be accompanied together) Final AMB
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