CRASH COURSE INTO PARKOUR: Training Schedule CRASH COURSE INTO PARKOUR TRAINING SCHEDULE Copyright © 2011 by Tapp Brothers LLC. All rights reserved. Page 1 CRASH COURSE INTO PARKOUR: Training Schedule INTRODUCTION Page 2 CRASH COURSE INTO PARKOUR: Training Schedule This is the training schedule that you will follow for the Crash Course into Parkour Program. This is based on the same system that I used after I researched and tested many different ways of training. This schedule provided me with the best results from my training. It was way better than any other training regime I have tried and certainly better than no training system at all. This is how I went from complete newb with no prior experience in gymnastics, martial arts, or any extreme sport or discipline to pro and one of the top Traceurs/Freerunners in the world. I just played regular sports. After about two years of using this system I got my first T.V. commercial then steadily built up my career. My brother and I were the first U.S. athletes to be on the Urban Free Flow All-Star Team; one of the top and first parkour/freerunning groups in the world. We do live events for thousands of people and for huge companies such as Sherwin Williams. We do interviews for all different types of media around the world. We consult with publicly traded companies on product development and viral campaigns. We were in the first Red Bull Art of Motion Competition here in the U.S. We teach people how to do parkour all around the world! We’ve instructed people in Malaysia, Germany, Australia, and the UK just to name a few. We have been blessed to do a lot of great things, accomplish a lot of goals, and work with a lot of great people, and I owe it all to my parkour training and the system and schedule I followed. So no matter what your goals are, this schedule is going to take you to any level you want to reach. I’ve personally helped train guys who are already learning and developing at twice the speed I did because they follow certain training techniques that took me months or years to find out and develop. And of course I’m not the only one who uses this type of schedule for training. Most professional athletes follow a schedule that resembles the one you are going to follow. BUT before we get into the full schedule, we need to go over a few main principles when it comes to the human body, physical training, and choosing a schedule that is tailored perfectly for you! We are all different physically and psychologically. You must understand yourself first and find things that work the best for you. Some people are more motivated and ready to train early in the morning, while others feel more Page 3 CRASH COURSE INTO PARKOUR: Training Schedule motivated and pumped to train later in the afternoon. We each have different time commitments in our life. Some people need to spread out their training time for a small amount of training everyday while some people need to have lengthy amounts of training condensed in 3-4 days of the week. We have different goals with our training. Some just want to keep in good shape while others want to take it to a professional level and perform shows or compete. We all have different bodies with different genetic make-ups. For some of us it is a struggle just to put on any weight especially muscle. For others it is a constant struggle to keep body fat off. Some people are just born with a natural muscular build and athleticism. Each person will need to arrange the detail of this schedule to get the best results. (To find out what type of body you have and how to arrange the schedule accordingly, look at the Crash Course conditioning book on page #8) The ultimate structure of this schedule will be the same for everyone but it will be up to you to tailor it to your own needs, desires, and lifestyle to get the most enjoyment and full potential out of your parkour training. Make sure you watch all the videos and read the Conditioning and Drills ebook before you begin your schedule! And again, ALWAYS consult a physician before you start any new workout regime. You always want to make sure you are in good health. Sometimes people can suffer from severe injuries that could have easily been avoided if they would have had a physical or checked with their doctor first! So here is the outline to this training schedule book. Page 4 CRASH COURSE INTO PARKOUR: Training Schedule PHASE 1 - Go over the Basic Principles #1 Train for Your Goals #2 Start Small Then Build UP #3 Listen To Your Body #4 Mixing Conditioning and Training #5 Stretching and Warm-Up #6 Start NOW PHASE 2 – Go over the Training Schedule Page 5 CRASH COURSE INTO PARKOUR: Training Schedule PHASE 1 BASIC PRINCIPLES Page 6 CRASH COURSE INTO PARKOUR: Training Schedule #1 Train for Your Goals When you train for your own goals you get a better workout. You stay motivated. You have a sense of direction. You accomplish the things you truly want in life. You don’t get caught up worrying about other people or about if someone is better than you or not. You focus on yourself and feel good. Things go bad when we don’t train for our own goals. Sometimes we do something purely to beat someone else or prove something to another person. I know I’ve caught myself doing this before or looked back on a past event where I did this. Sometimes we get so caught up listening to other people or being influenced by external events that we get blinded and we don’t even realize that deep down we aren’t even doing that thing for ourselves. Then when we do accomplish that goal it doesn’t feel good, it’s a very empty feeling. We get no true satisfaction from accomplishing goals that aren’t ours. Everything in this course is laid out for you to train for your own goals. We all have different directions we want to go in parkour and our physical training. Some of us want to practice and train parkour to stay in great shape. Some of us want to train parkour to eventually do stunts for movies and shows. Some of us want to train parkour for its pure use of being able to use it in critical situations where you have to go from point A to point B as soon as possible. Some of us just want to learn a couple of cool moves to show off ha. So whatever your goals may be, make sure you follow your body’s natural build. If you’re an ectomorph and you want to get really big and muscular, even at the expense of some efficient mobility, then you need to add weight to most of your workouts. You need to perform high load, low rep workouts. Perform more circuits and sprints for your cardio, and make sure to consume a lot of food. You want plenty of carbs for the body to burn and a high protein meal following each workout. Page 7 CRASH COURSE INTO PARKOUR: Training Schedule If you’re an endomorph and trying to trim down and get cut, then you will want to keep the weights to a minimum. You want to involve a lot of low weight high rep workouts. Perform a lot of long endurance activities for your cardio. Your meals should consist of mainly vegetables and fruits. You still want a normal supply of carbs, proteins, and healthy fats but you won’t need to overload as if you are an ectomorph trying to gain weight. So before we start training we need to know where we want to go with parkour and what goals we want to accomplish. We are going to list our goals for parkour out on paper and put them somewhere we can see them every day. This does two things, #1 When you list out your goals and look at them, your brain already starts to work and figure out ways of accomplishing these goals. #2 When you list out your goals and see them every day, it keeps you motivated to stick with it till you accomplish these goals! Here’s what you need to do to write a good list. STEP 1 Write out the goals you want to achieve through this training program. Limit it to five goals, if you only have one, that’s fine too. Some example goals maybe like this: -To be prepared for a real life chase. -To lose 30lbs. -To get ripped. -To do stunts for a movie. -To be one of the best traceurs in the world. -To be able to run up 12 ft. walls. -And etc. STEP 2 Next look at each goal you wrote down and write out three things that will result from achieving that goal. What are the positive things that will happen to you when you reach that goal? Some examples may be like this. Page 8 CRASH COURSE INTO PARKOUR: Training Schedule Goal #1-To be prepared for a real life chase Result #1- I won’t be afraid of someone trying to mug me I will be able to escape. Result #2- I’ll be able to protect my family. Result #3- I won’t ever get jumped by a group of thugs again. Goal #2- To do stunts for a movie Result #1- People will see me on TV and I will be able to pick up girls easily. Result #2- I will earn money and be able to drive my (your dream car). Result #3- I will become known in the parkour community. Now you want to be completely honest with yourself. If the true result you want out of that goal is to pick up girls or make money, put that down. Otherwise, it will not have near the same amount of impact when you look at it. STEP 3 Now I want you to write the results that you will get if you don’t accomplish those goals. For example: If I Fail Goal #1- I’m not prepared for a real life chase Result #1- I will constantly fear of getting mugged, I will not be able to escape. Result #2- I will not be able to protect my family, they will get harmed. Result #3- I will get jumped again by the same group of thugs STEP 4 Put this up somewhere that you will see it daily. You want those goals to constantly be on your mind. You want the positive results to push you and you Page 9 CRASH COURSE INTO PARKOUR: Training Schedule want the avoidance of the pain you will go through if you don’t succeed to motivate you. STOP Do this NOW! It is very important that you do this to know your goals and keep you motivated. If you do not do this, you will most likely be another person who gets motivated for a few days but then loses interest and drive. Then that important, life changing goal becomes a distant dream they once had and they return back to their boring, depressing life. Over 50% of people who enroll in this program will not finish it or have it change their life. They will change their schedule for about a week or two, and then go back to their old life, ultimately gaining nothing. That’s just the statistics. So don’t fall into that trap that so many people succumb to. Be different, live fully, and make a difference in your life. You have such a short amount of time in this world and there is so much knowledge to gain and experiences to have. Will you keep evolving your life or stay the same. Everything in this world is possible if you allow yourself to do it. The biggest hurdle in life will be overcoming the barriers you put up yourself. You can change, you can learn parkour, you can get in great shape, you can accomplish all the goals you want if you allow yourself to and work hard. Make a promise to yourself right now that you will read and watch everything in this program. And make a promise that you will achieve those goals you have set for yourself no matter what. Even if you go through this program and you don’t like it, still keep the promise to yourself to figure out a way to accomplish your goals. Page 10 CRASH COURSE INTO PARKOUR: Training Schedule #2 Start Small Then Build UP This principle can apply to a lot of things in life. As you learned anything, you always started small and on an easy level then built your way up. You never just picked up a basketball and started doing dunks and shooting 3 pointers. You had to learn how to dribble the ball first. Then you had to learn the proper way to shoot. Then you learned how to do the basic lay-up. You gradually learned the basics till you became a decent basketball player. This is the same for any sport or discipline. When you start small and build up, especially with parkour, you avoid serious injury, you build a strong base so you can excel much faster, and you keep yourself from getting too overwhelmed and being put off from the discipline or activity. If you just up start at a high level, you’re leaving a lot of things up to chance and the percentage of you succeeding is very low. You are very likely to injure yourself. You will develop poor habits that will be hard to get rid of. You may even get overwhelmed and loose interest in the discipline all together. Now this isn’t to say you should stay in your comfort zone the whole time or waste time at the same level. You need to keep pushing outside the comfort zone and leveling up but it needs to be a gradual process and in coordination with your abilities. For example: If you just got your pk roll down really well from standing on the ground on concrete, you wouldn’t just move up to jumping off 10ft. buildings. You’d move up to jumping off small 3ft ledges onto grass until that was comfortable, then you’d move up to 5ft ledges onto grass, and then just continue that gradual increase as you got comfortable. For this whole training schedule we are going to start small and then gradually increase the load and duration of training each week. Page 11 CRASH COURSE INTO PARKOUR: Training Schedule #3 Listen To Your Body Always listen to your body, no matter what. Your mind and body tells you when something is wrong or when you are doing something right. When you listen to your body and become more in tune with yourself, you will know when you are eating a bad diet. You will know when you need to rest. You will know when your body is getting sick. You will know how long you need to work out. You will understand your physical limits and will be able to recognize justified fears. When you’re working out listen to how your body physically feels so you don’t injure yourself. If you feel out of it or not into it, then go lighter than usual. Your body is trying to tell you something, so don’t overdo it. The last thing you want is to get injured! It’s not always a physical thing that may make you off for that day either. Sometimes it’s mental and emotional. Like when you have a bad day. People have different responses to emotional stress. Some people like to just relax and be around friends, while others like to be secluded and are motivated to work hard. If you like to relax and be around friends, you probably won’t feel like training. So go light, your emotional state effects your body physically. When you are out of it or unmotivated your body will reflect that physically. If you think you are getting sick, DO NOT workout. Working out lowers your immune system in the short term and will make your sickness worse. You must rest. Your body needs to use as much energy as it can to fight off the illness. If you recognize you are getting sick early enough and rest, your body will have a good chance of fighting it off. If you train when you recognize you are becoming ill, your body will not be able to fight off the illness and you will be bed ridden or be forced to stop training till the illness passes. This will waste a lot more time than if you would have rested when you felt you were getting sick. When you’re going for extreme moves listen to your gut and to your body. When you are going for a big move you will usually be little scared or nervous. That’s normal. But you must know if your body can physically perform the feat. You must be confident in your physical ability to perform the extreme move. If you are confident in your ability to perform the move successfully you most likely Page 12 CRASH COURSE INTO PARKOUR: Training Schedule will. On the other hand, if you are not confident in your physical ability, then you will most likely fail. Sometimes you mind will fight against your body. Your mind will be very afraid of even a move you are physically confident with. If this is the case you still do not want to perform the move, because the extreme fear will screw you up so much mentally that it will affect you physically. So always make sure to check and see if your fear is really justified or not. Sometimes it isn’t, and if you recognize this then you can sometimes gain the confidence to perform the move successfully. Page 13 CRASH COURSE INTO PARKOUR: Training Schedule #4 Mixing Conditioning and Training This is where most people screw up in their training. They either don’t mix conditioning in with their training at all or if they do mix, they don’t do it properly. You need to mix workouts with your regular training because workouts will focus on activating muscles that you cannot workout in regular training; primarily muscles that are used for explosive power. These are the muscles that you use to get higher on your vertical leap, the muscles you use to get higher wall runs, and the muscles you use for all your explosive bursts of speed and force. Don’t activate these muscles and it will be impossible for you to develop your explosive power to its full potential. When you perform workouts you are working these high intensity muscles repeatedly and in a short time. This works these high intensity muscles hard and for as long as they can last. As we talked about in the “Crash Course Conditioning” These extreme fast twitch muscles have a short amount of time they can repeatedly be activated. So to get the best workout for these muscles and build them faster and stronger, we have to do high load, high intensity workouts in a short period of time. So we need to activate these muscles and combine workouts with our training, but when should we do it? Should we perform these workouts every day? Should we perform these workouts before or after our regular training? If we refer back to the section over muscle growth in the Crash Course Conditioning book, then you will remember that in order for our muscles to grow we must give them adequate rest and nutrients following a workout. An adequate rest time for these fast twitch muscles is about 48 hours. So you need to rest a full day on these muscles after a workout. So you do hard workouts every other day. Usually it’s also good to leave an extra day off on the weekend to make sure Page 14 CRASH COURSE INTO PARKOUR: Training Schedule your body fully recovers from the week’s bout of workouts. So you will perform 3 days a week of hard intense conditioning. Does this mean you can’t do anything else in between these 3 days? No, you can still do basic parkour training, because you will be primarily activating different muscles that can handle being used every day. Though, you still want to rest even these muscles at least a day or two on the weekend. To accommodate this in our schedule, we are going to divide our days into hard days and light days. The hard days will consist of intense parkour drills and intense workouts, while our light days will consist of light parkour and drills. The first couple of weeks as our muscles are getting used to the new exercises we will only workout 3 days a week, allowing these new muscles to fully heal. Then we will begin to incorporate light days in the following weeks. When should you incorporate your hard workouts? Before parkour training and drills for that day or after? Well after you perform an intense weight workout or body weight workout, your muscles and bodies are left in a weakened state. Meaning that your motor skills will be reduced, your coordination is off, your reaction time is lower, and your muscles are weaker. So if you want to focus on learning new moves or plan on having a real hard parkour training session, you will want to perform your workouts after your parkour drills and training; that way your mind and body can be at its highest levels when you are training parkour. This will also reduce the risk of injury during your parkour training. If you want to work on your endurance and test your parkour when you are in a weakened state, and then perform the workouts before your parkour training. This will get your body used to doing parkour if you are exhausted or in a weakened state. It’s good to train both. I would say you’d want to spend most days training the parkour first so you can really focus on your moves and not risk injury but you should definitely have some days where you perform the workouts first then followed by the parkour training. Page 15 CRASH COURSE INTO PARKOUR: Training Schedule For this schedule, I put all of the workouts after the parkour drills because I don’t want anyone to risk injuring themselves. So be smart and listen to your body. Page 16 CRASH COURSE INTO PARKOUR: Training Schedule #5 Stretching Stretching and WarmWarm-Up Stretching and warming up before and after your training sessions is what will keep your joints strong. It’s what will help protect you from getting injured. It will also increase your athletic performance. Stretch and warm–up religiously and you will be able to do parkour for a very long time. Most people that develop chronic injuries or joint problems develop these issues due to poor diet and neglecting or not properly stretching and warming up. When you perform the warm-up it increases the blood flow and the temperature of your body. This loosens up your muscles and allows them to operate at a higher level. The warm-up also lubricates and prepares the joints for vigorous exercise. When you don’t warm-up it causes the muscles and joints to work at a level they are not prepared for. They are unable to handle a lot of stress and are highly susceptible to injury. Years of doing this will cause chronic injuries to your muscles and joints, especially as you age. When you stretch and build your flexibility, this helps strengthen your joints and gives them a greater range of motion. This allows your joints to take on more stress and increases your athletic ability. When you aren’t flexible, your joints lack mobility, making it very easy to stretch it too far during exercises, especially during parkour. Your joints are also weaker so sprains will occur way more often. If you received my bonus package, then you should have received my “Double your Flexibilty” video and my “Secret to the Warm-Up” video. The “Double Your Flexibility” goes into detail over the different type of stretching and lays out a schedule to follow to get flexible fast. It goes over a few stretching techniques most people have never heard of. The “Secret to the Warm-Up” gives you a specific warm-up that I perform myself before each training session and also goes into why you warm-up and the proper ways to do it. Page 17 CRASH COURSE INTO PARKOUR: Training Schedule #8 Start NOW! People who succeed in life take initiative and take action RIGHT NOW! We must change into people that are constantly taking action. We set goals, learn what we need to do to accomplish those goals, and then take action and start implementing what we have learned. The only way we will learn and develop is by implementing the things we have learned in the real world. Don’t worry about failure or not succeeding. We only fail when you don’t learn from the situation. If you don’t accomplish your goal or the system you use doesn’t work out, learn from the situation and implement something else. We are only failures if we sit back and don’t do anything after things don’t go our way. We are only failures if something doesn’t work out and we learn nothing from it and still implement the same system that got us the failed result. Page 18 CRASH COURSE INTO PARKOUR: Training Schedule PHASE 2 THE SCHEDULE Page 19 CRASH COURSE INTO PARKOUR: Training Schedule This schedule will be suitable for the people who are not very physically active and for those who are highly active and an advanced athlete. In shape or out of shape, the structure of the schedule should not change. The only things that should change are the duration of each session, the difficulty of the exercises, and the amount of sets and reps of your workouts. To determine these things you will listen to your body and follow the guidelines we covered in the previous pages and the “Crash Course into Parkour Conditioning” book. Again, when following this schedule keep in mind the principles we covered above. Always listen to your body. As we increase the work load and up the training hours, If you feel put off or overwhelmed at any time, just fall back to the previous weeks training schedule or to a lighter training session and continue that till you feel you are ready to move up or just slightly increase the workload so you don’t get overwhelmed. The last thing you want to happen is to get overwhelmed or put off physically or mentally from the training schedule. This will lead to losing motivation and can end up making you stop your training, lose interest, or cause you to rationalize to yourself that you would be better off spending your time elsewhere. The first few weeks are the hardest, especially when you are just getting into a training schedule. You might think it is a pain in the butt the first few weeks, but after you stick with it for a little bit, become more fit, and start seeing results you will quickly become super motivated and will become addicted to your new fulfilling lifestyle change. For six days of each week you are going to perform a light warm-up and stretch. So even on your off days, except for one day, you will perform a light warm-up and stretch. The schedule is going to be broken up into hard days and light days. Hard days are for workouts and hard training, light days are for simple drills and light training. Feel free to use Saturday to train with friends, or switch out one of the hard days for jams with others. Just make sure you fit it into your schedule and don’t get knocked off course. Page 20 CRASH COURSE INTO PARKOUR: Training Schedule Now that you’ve read everything, it’s time to begin. Time for you to learn and get awesome at parkour! It’s easy; all you have to do is follow the schedule to the best of your abilities. If you miss a few days, that’s fine, just don’t let it get you down or push you way from attaining your main goals!! Once you complete the three months, don’t stop training!! Continue to progress and use the knowledge you’ve learned and continue training. Just follow the same schedule and keep switching things up, trying new things, but keep the structure the same. Page 21 CRASH COURSE INTO PARKOUR: Training Schedule WEEK #1 This first week is going to be all about getting out there and just having fun. You’re going to take the basic movements we went over and just start messing around and testing them outside, in a gym, or where ever you want to train. You will only do two sessions for this first week, three at the most and you’re going to perform a nice warm-up before each session and follow with a good stretch afterward (If you haven’t checked out the “Double your Flexibility” and “Secret to the Warm-Up” training videos, do so. (If you received the Bonus package then they should be in the bonus area.) Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday -Fun Training (just go out and test the new movements) -Fun Training (just go out and test the new movements) - “Optional” Fun Training (just go out and test the new movements) Saturday Sunday Page 22 CRASH COURSE INTO PARKOUR: Training Schedule WEEK #2 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday -Drill all the Basic Moves (3 sets of 10) “remember for each move” -Drill all the Basic Moves (3 sets of 10) - Drill all the Basic Moves (3 sets of 10) Saturday Sunday Page 23 CRASH COURSE INTO PARKOUR: Training Schedule WEEK #3 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday -Drill all the Basic Moves (3 sets of 10) - Basic Body Workout -Drill all the Basic Moves (3 sets of 10) -Basic Body Workout - Drill all the Basic Moves (3 sets of 10) - Basic Body Workout -Agility Saturday Sunday Page 24 CRASH COURSE INTO PARKOUR: Training Schedule WEEK #4 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday -Drill all the Basic Moves (3 sets of 10) - Basic Body Workout -Drill all the Basic Moves (3 sets of 10) -Basic Body Workout - Drill all the Basic Moves (3 sets of 10) - Basic Body Workout -Sprints Saturday Sunday Page 25 CRASH COURSE INTO PARKOUR: Training Schedule WEEK #5 Monday Hard Day -Drill all the Basic Moves (3 sets of 10) - Yamakasi Workout Tuesday Light Day -Drill all the Basic Moves (1 set of 10) Wednesday Hard Day -Drill all the Basic Moves (3 sets of 10) -Yamakasi Workout Thursday Light day -Drill all the Basic Moves (1 set of 5) Friday Hard Day - Drill all the Basic Moves (3 sets of 10) -Yamakasi Workout - Long Distance run, 1mile Saturday Sunday Page 26 CRASH COURSE INTO PARKOUR: Training Schedule WEEK #6 Monday Hard Day - Real Life Repetition Drill (RR), 3 consecutive moves, (3 sets of 10) “Do this for 2 separate runs” - Bar Workout Tuesday Light Day - Drill all the Basic Moves (1 set of 10) Wednesday Hard Day - Real Life Repetition Drill (RR), 3 consecutive moves, (3 sets of 10) “Do this for 2 separate runs” - Bar Workout Thursday Light day - Drill all the Basic Moves (1 set of 5) Friday Hard Day -Real Life Repetition Drill (RR), 3 consecutive moves, (3 sets of 10) “Do this for 2 separate runs” - Bar Workout - Agility Saturday Sunday Page 27 CRASH COURSE INTO PARKOUR: Training Schedule WEEK #7 Monday Hard Day - (RR), 3 consecutive moves, (3 sets of 10) “Do this for 2 separate runs” - Weight Workout Tuesday Light Day - Drill all the Basic Moves (1 set of 5) - Hot Lava (5-10 mins) Wednesday Hard Day - (RT), 3 consecutive moves, (3 sets of 10) “Do this for 2 separate runs” - Weight Workout Thursday Light day - Stick it or DIE (60 moves) Friday Hard Day - (RE) 1 run till you get tired, go about 60 % - Weight Workout - Sprints (400m, 200m, 200m, 100yds, 100yds, 100yds, 40yds, 40yds, 40yds, 40yds) Saturday Sunday Page 28 CRASH COURSE INTO PARKOUR: Training Schedule WEEK #8 Monday Hard Day - (RR), 4 consecutive moves, (3 sets of 10) “Do this for 2 separate runs” - Circuit Workout Tuesday Light Day - Spontaneous challenge (5 moves, 20 times) - Balance Master (15 mins) Wednesday Hard Day - (RT), 4 consecutive moves, (3 sets of 10) “Do this for 2 separate runs” - Circuit Workout Thursday Light day - Precision Frenzy (15-20 mins) -Vault flow (30 mins) Friday Hard Day - (RE) 1 run till you get tired, go about 60 % - Circuit Workout Saturday - Long Distance, 1mile, rest, 2 miles Sunday Page 29 CRASH COURSE INTO PARKOUR: Training Schedule WEEK #9- Rest WEEK Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday -Balance Master -Vault Flow Page 30 CRASH COURSE INTO PARKOUR: Training Schedule WEEK #10 Monday Hard Day - (RR), 5 consecutive moves, (3 sets of 10) “Do this for 2 separate runs” - Strength Hold Workout Tuesday Light Day - Balance Master (15 mins) -Jump Rope Wednesday Hard Day - (RT), 5 consecutive moves, (3 sets of 10) “Do this for 2 separate runs” - Strength Hold Workout Thursday Light day - Spontaneous challenge (5 moves, 20 times) -Vault flow (30 mins) Friday Hard Day - (RE) 1 run till you get tired, go about 60 % - Strength Hold Workout - Agility Saturday Sunday Page 31 CRASH COURSE INTO PARKOUR: Training Schedule WEEK #11 Monday Hard Day - (RR), 5 consecutive moves, (3 sets of 10) “Do this for 2 separate runs” - Spontaneous Challenge (3 moves, 15 times) - Basic Body Workout Tuesday Light Day - Balance Master (15 mins) -Jump Rope Wednesday Hard Day - (RT), 5 consecutive moves, (3 sets of 10) “Do this for 2 separate runs” - Bar Workout Thursday Light day - Stick it or DIE (100 times) - Balance Master (15 mins) Friday Hard Day - (RE) 1 run till you get tired, go about 60 % - Yamakasi Workout Saturday Sunday Long Distance (800m, 1 mile, 800m, 1 mile) Page 32 CRASH COURSE INTO PARKOUR: Training Schedule WEEK #12 Monday Hard Day - (RR), 10 consecutive moves, (2 sets of 6) “Do this for 2 separate runs” - Spontaneous Challenge (2 moves, 20 times) - Weight Workout Tuesday Light Day - Hot Lava (5mins) - Balance Master (15 mins) -Jump Rope Wednesday Hard Day - (RT), 10 consecutive moves, (2 sets of 6) “Do this for 2 separate runs” - Circuit Workout Thursday Light day - Precision Frenzy (20mins) - Balance Master (15 mins) Friday Hard Day - (RE) 1 run till you get tired, go about 50% - Weight Workout - Sprints (40yds, 100yds, 200m, 400m, 200m, 100yds, 40yds, 100yds, 100yds) Saturday Sunday Page 33 CRASH COURSE INTO PARKOUR: Training Schedule That concludes the CRASH COURSE into PARKOUR PROGRAM! I hope you learned a lot from the course and continue you to train and progress with your journey! I’d love to hear from you to see what you thought about the program and how it helped you out. Feel free to shoot me an e-mail at jonathan@learnmoreparkour and let me know what you thought. Send me your name and rough location, with your e-mail. If you want, send me a video of your progress as well! Train Safe, Jonathan © 2011 Tapp Brothers LLC Page 34 CRASH COURSE INTO PARKOUR: Training Schedule CRASH COURSE INTO PARKOUR CRASH COURSE INTO PARKOUR Page 35 CRASH COURSE INTO PARKOUR: Training Schedule Disclaimer Tapp Brothers LLC,, or any employees of Tapp Brothers LLC do not claim to be professionals. All newsletters, products, or information you receive from and Tapp Brothers LLC is generalized and presented for informational purposes only. All information or instructions should be used as guides; any person attempting the following must do so in a safe environment with professional assistance at your own risk. Tapp Brothers LLC and are not responsible in any manner whatsoever for any injury or damage to yourself or others which may result by following information or instructions from Tapp Brothers LLC and Before following any of the activities or guides, physical or otherwise, herein described, the user or users should first consult his or her physician whether the user(s) should embark on the information described in or any of its programs, products, tutorials, or information. Tapp Brothers LLC and do not assume any responsibility for errors, inaccuracies, or omissions. Any slights of people or organizations are unintentional. Opinions are presented without guarantee. The entire contents of the Product are protected by international copyright and trademark laws. The owner of the copyrights and trademarks are Tapp Brothers LLC, its affiliates or other third party licensors. YOU MAY NOT MODIFY, COPY, REPRODUCE, REPUBLISH, UPLOAD, POST, TRANSMIT, OR DISTRIBUTE, IN ANY MANNER, THE MATERIAL ON THE SITE, INCLUDING TEXT, GRAPHICS, CODE AND/OR SOFTWARE. You may print and download this material from this product solely for your own non-commercial use provided that you agree not to change or delete any copyright or proprietary notices from the materials. Page 36 CRASH COURSE INTO PARKOUR: Training Schedule Page 37
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