HOLY CROSS SCHOOL Student's Photo Amritpalli, Ballia SCHOLAR'S IDENTITY FORM 2014-2015 Name ............................................................................................. Class ................ Section ................. Enroll No. :............................... Date of Birth ............................................................................................. Blood Group ............................................................................................. Do you belong to SC/ST/OBC/Others .......................................................... Name, Class & Section of Brothers/Sisters studying in the school, if any. 1. Name ....................................................... Class .............. Sec. ........... 2. Name ....................................................... Class .............. Sec. ........... 3. Name ....................................................... Class .............. Sec. ........... Mother's Name ......................................................................................... Occupation .............................................................................................. Father's Name .......................................................................................... Res. Address ............................................................................................ ................................................................................................................ Telephone : Res. ............................... Off. ................. Mob. : ...................... Mode of Transport ..................................................................................... Driver's Name & Address .......................................................................... Phone No. .......................................... Registration No. ............................. Signature of the Student ............................................................................ Signature of Class Teacher ........................................................................ HOLY CROSS SCHOOL 1 THE PREAMBLE TO OUR CONSTITUTION We the people of India having solemnly resolved to constitute India, into a souvereign democratic socialist republic and to secure to all its citizens. Justice, social, economic and political, liberty of thought, expression, belief, faith and worship. Equality of status and of opportunity and to promote among them all fraternity assuring the dignity of the individual and the unity of the nation. je°^-ieeve peve-ieCe-ceve DeefOeveeÙekeâ peÙe ns, Yeejle-YeeiÙe-efJeOeelee~~ hebpeeye, efmevOeg, iegpejele, ceje"e, õeefJeÌ[, Glkeâue, yebie~~ efJevOÙe, efnceeÛeue, Ùecegvee, iebiee, GÛÚue, peueefOe lejbie~~ leJe MegYe veeces peeies, leJe MegYe DeeefMe<e ceeBies~ ieens leJe peÙe ieeLee, peve ieCe cebieue oeÙekeâ peÙe ns, Yeejle YeeiÙe efJeOeelee~~ peÙe ns, peÙe ns, peÙe ns, peÙe, peÙe, peÙe, peÙe ns~ ` HOLY CROSS SCHOOL 3 GENERAL INFORMATION Holy Cross School, a minority institution under Article 30 of Indian Constitution was established in 1971 and is administered by the Sisters of the Cross of Chavanod, a registered charitable society. The school is under the religious jurisdiction of the Catholic Bishop of Varanasi. The Congregation of the Sisters of the Cross was founded by Mother Claudine Echernier and Father Peter Mermier in 1838 at Chavanod in France, in the 19th century. As a result of the French Revolution, ignorance, misery and poverty prevailed. The deplorable situation of the young girls touched the heart of Mother Claudine Echernier. Strengthened by the love of Christ who gave his life for the salvation of all and inspired by the courage of Mary at the foot of the Cross, Mother Claudine involved herself in eradicating ignorance and misery. With the support of Fr. Peter Mermier, Mother started this congregation, dedicated to serve the needy and to educate the youth to transform the society. MOTTO ''LET YOUR LIGHT SHINE'' The final outcome of our Education pattern is to help our students to shine forth the love of God by being lovable to all. And we wish our students to understand it well and to grow towards it. All the knowledge that they gain in the school should help them to form a better society, by sharing and caring for each other. HOLY CROSS SCHOOL 4 VISION OF EDUCATION 1. God is Creator & Lord of the Universe • God is present and working in all creation : in nature, in history and in persons. • Create a sense of WONDER & MYSTERY • Relating the content to student's life. 2. Each Person is Personally Known and Loved by God • Personal care of students. • Accompanying students in their growth. • Positive climate in the classroom. • Building the self-esteem of students. • Special care of slow, weak & poor students. • Positive role model to students. • Earning respect from students. 3. Fullness of Life • Live the fullness of life. Continuous self-growth. • Sharing our life with others. • Called to a life of service. • Nurturing growth in others. • Becoming a 'Person for Others' • Pro-life actions. • Mentoring students. 4. Seeking God's Greater Glory • Response God's love shown in deeds • Striving for excellence. No mediocrity. • Going beyond the call of duty. • Challenging & nurturing student's growth. • Authoritative classroom management. • Cooperation, collaboration, accountability. HOLY CROSS SCHOOL 5 5. Discernment for Fruitful Service • Helping students to make 'right choices'. • Pro-life, other-centered, environmental friendly. • Understanding from the perspective of the poor. • Proactive persons, growth in responsibility. 6. Called to Build Community • Building the School Family : Loyalty. • Promoting growth in the other. • Spirit of Give and Take. • Interacting, relating & developing a deserving group in the neighbourhood. • Accessibility of the poor nearby children. • Making my significant contribution. The Characteristics of Holy Cross Education 1. Total formation of each individual 2. Person oriented 3. Value-based 4. Faith-inspired 5. Towards a just society 6. Participative 7. Pursuing excellence 8. Collective commitment 9. Adapting to relevance CURRICULUM AND EXAMINATIONS 1. The school is affiliated to the Council for the Indian School Certificate Examinations, New Delhi with a ''No objection'' certificate from the U.P. Government. 2. Students are prepared by the Indian Certificate of Secondary Education Examination (Class 10) and the Indian School Certificate Examination (Class 12). HOLY CROSS SCHOOL 6 3. The prescribed courses for the I.C.S.E. are as follows : GROUP-1 External Examination English, Second Language (Hindi), Mathematics, History, Civics and Geography, Science (Physics, Chemistry, Biology) Commerce, Computer Science, Environmental Education. GROUP-2 Internal Examination Socially Useful Productive Work and Community Service. 4. Subject offered for class XI- English compulsory and any 5 of the following from either group GROUP-A GROUP-B Mathematics/ Biology Principle of Accounts Physics Structure of Commerce Chemistry Economics Hindi/Computer Hindi/ Computer ADMISSION AND WITHDRAWAL OF STUDENTS 1. Admission to L.K.G. is generally announced in the month of Janauary. 2. A student joining the school for the first time must produce a satisfactory evidence of the date birth such as an extract from the municipality or hospital record or a Baptismal Certificate. 3. Generally, there is no admission to other classes. However, depending on vacancies that may arise, opportunity may be provided to eligible candidates. 4. When a student is admitted on a transfer certificate, he/ she shall not be placed in any class higher than that for which the certificate shows him/her to be qualified, nor will he/she be promoted before the end of a school year. HOLY CROSS SCHOOL 7 5. A student who does not complete the school calendar year is not eligible for promotion, hence admission will be made accordingly. 6. No student will be admitted without a transfer certificate from the school last attended and in no case shall a student be permitted to attend a class pending formal admission. 7. Only students from recognised English Medium Schools will be considered for admission. 8. The school leaving certificate of a student joining from a school outside the Uttar Pradesh state must be countersigned by the Education Authorities of the district in which the previous school is situated. 9. Class XI : Admission to class XI is not automatic for the students of class X of this school. It will depend on the following : (i) the marks obtained at the Half yearly, pre-broad, ICSE (ii) the conduct record of the student during the years in the school (iii) the number of seats available for class XI. 10. Generally no admissions are made to class X and XII. 11. In case of re-admission after withdrawal, admission fee will be charged again. 12. The Principal reserves the right to admit or to refuse admission to anybody without assigning any reason for her action. WITHDRAWAL 1. Every application for a school leaving certificate shall be made in writing by the parent/guardian on the prescribed form. 2. A school leaving certificate will not be issued until all the fees are paid. Those who leave in April will pay the fees for May and June as well HOLY CROSS SCHOOL 8 3. A fee of Rs. 50/- will be charged for a transfer certificate and this will be issued only two days after the receipt of the application. 4. The issue of T.C. implies that all dues to and from the school are completely cleared. GENERAL RULES 1. All students should be present in school on the opening day of each term. 2. Irregular attendance, unjustified absence or objectionable moral behaviour justify dismissal. If a student is absent for fifteen consecutive days without an application, or for three days at the beginning of a term, his/her name may be struck off the rolls. The scool demands 90% attendance. 3. All students are expected to line up in silence for the assembly at the sound of the first bell. After the assembly they should disperse in silence to their classes. 4. No books other than the required text books, may be brought to school. 5. Students are strictly forbidden to bring any articles (eg. slam books, albums, camera, C.D., mobiles and other electronic devices)/books/ magazines to school other than study materials. Such violation of rules will be dealt severely. 6. No student should leave the school premises during class hours without the knowledge and permission of the Principal. 7. Any damage to school property will have to be made good. The decision of the Principal regarding the amount is final. 8. The School is not responsible for goods lost. Students should not carry or wear valuable articles when coming to school. 9. No students suffering from a contagious or infectious disease will be permitted to attend school. After recovery a medical certificate is to be submitted. HOLY CROSS SCHOOL 9 10. During school hours, students are not allowed to receive visitors or make phone calls or to answer a phone call. If the matter is very urgent, the message will be given. 11. Any student desiring to be exempted from P.T. or games must produce a doctor's certificate to the effect that he/ she is physically unfit to take part. 12. All students should be habitually clean and always neatly dressed. They are expected to come in uniform everyday. They should keep their nails short and clean. 13. The boys are expected not to keep long hair. The girls are expected to use black hair band (if the hair is short) or black ribbon if the hair is long. 14. Attending the school with hair dyes, sprays, nail polish, friendship bands etc. is discouraged. 15. Students must come to class with the lessons well prepared and the home work completed. 16. The School Prospectus should be brought to the school daily. 17. Running, playing and shouting inside the school building is never allowed. 18. When students move along the verandahs to other class rooms, they must walk in silence and in single line. They should always keep to the left as far as possible. 19. Students should be particularly careful not to throw paper or fruit peels any where in the school premises. They should use the bins especially provided for that purpose. 20. No student should remain in the classroom during P. T. or games period unless permitted by the Principal. 21. Students are responsible to the school authorities not only for their conduct in school but also for their general behaviour outside. Any HOLY CROSS SCHOOL 10 reported or observed objectionable conduct out of school shall make them liable to disciplinary action. 22. Students are not allowed to enter a classroom other than their own. 23. Articles found in school or in its premises are to be handed over to the office. 24. Parents send their children to this school so that they may be proficient in both Hindi and English. In the school premises all are expected to speak only in English. 25. Students should at all cost avoid writing, carving and scratching on walls and furniture. Such habits are detrimental to good education and a sign of low taste. 26. Principal's permission is required :— (a) to make a collection for any purpose whatever, (b) to arrange for a party, picnic or meeting, (c) to join a sports meet or to play a game not arranged by the school, (d) to give presents to teachers or state displays in their honour; and (e) to arrange for private tuition from the school teachers. WE EXPECT YOU (a) To be polite, friendly and well-behaved in and outside the school. (b) To be honest and truthful, whatever may be the cost. (c) To accept cheerfully every work and responsibility given, and to face difficulties with courage and determination. (d) To be courteous and sportsman like on the playground with opposing teams and with the officials. (e) To wish your parents, teachers and elders whenever you meet them. HOLY CROSS SCHOOL 11 (f) To respect your own property as well as of the school and also property belonging to others. (g) To be bold enough to say 'No' when asked to do a thing which you know to be wrong. (h) To respect your classmates and other students and not to use nicknames. RECOMMENDATIONS TO PARENTS 1. Parents/guardians seeking admission of their children/ wards are required to submit the prescribed application forms duly completed in all respects. 2. The very first condition of admission is that parents/ guardians will comply strictly with the terms and rules herein stated and pay by the due date the tuition fees and all other charges. 3. A student who fails to pay fees up to date will not be allowed to appear for examinations. 4. Parents are requested to enforce regularity and discipline. They will kindly see that their children daily prepare their lessons. 5. Politeness and courtesy of speech and conduct should be inculcated as well as cleanliness in dress and person. 6. Leave for absence may be granted for a sufficient reason, but only on application from the parent or guardian. This must be made in advance whenever possible. The absence and leave record sheet given at the end of this diary must be made use of. 7. Any communication (request or complaint) made by a parent should be addressed to the Principal and not to the Class Teacher. When thus, communicating with the Principal, parents are requested to mention in their letter the name and the class (with section) of their children. HOLY CROSS SCHOOL 12 8. No visitors (parents or other) are allowed to see the students or interview their teachers during class hours. 9. Parents are also kindly requested not to visit classes during class hours. All business will be transacted in the office. 10. Parents are requested not to take their children during class hours except in case of emergency. 11. Parents and guardians are required to sign all the reports and to see that their children observe all the rules of the school. 12. Parents must realise that the parent-teachers meetings are very important and they should attend them regularly. 13. The Principal reserves the right to inflict punishment upon students, either corporal or otherwise, as she may deem necessary. 14. Small children should not be entrusted with payment of fees. 15. Only a major who is at least 18 years of age is eligible to ride any vehicle with a driving license other than cycle. It is the responsibility of the parents to see that their ward does not come to school by any vehicle that needs a driving license (motorbikes, scooters, cars etc.) 16. We welcome constructive criticism. We feel happy when parents take interest in the running of the institution and point out our drawbacks. Without regular feedback from the parents, it will be difficult for us to improve. It will be better to send the complaint, if any, to the Principal and not to the teachers. EXAMINATION AND PROMOTION 1. Examinations and tests enable parents to know the progress of their children and pay due attention to their studies at home. 2. Promotion to the next class will be made on the basis of the average of marks obtained in Half Yearly 50%, and Annua! 50%. HOLY CROSS SCHOOL 13 3. The pass mark for each subject is 40%. 4. A student who, for reasons accepted by the Principal, is not able to appear for the Half-yearly, has to appear for the Annual and his/her result is based on this examination. 5. Students whose attendance is below 80% of the working days may not be eligible to appear for the Annual Examination. 6. A student who does not appear for Annual Examination will not be promoted. 7. A student who gives or obtains unfair assistance at an examination will be debarred from the rest of the paper and will get a Zero in that paper. Such a student may be dismissed from the school. 8. A student who fails twice in the same class will be asked to leave the school. 9. A student of class XI who does not achieve pass percentage in the total evaluation of the year will not be permitted to be a regular student next year in the same class. However, he/she may be permitted to appear for the final examination at the end of that year. On passing in that examination, he/she may be admitted to the higher class (XII) as regular student once again, in which case his/her attendance of class XI will be accounted for. 10. Answer books of the examinations are not shown. The result declared at the end of the year is final and not subject to reconsideration. 11. The school does not undertake to retain answer scripts of candidates who sit for examinations more than 60 days. 12. A failed student forfeits all claims to concession in school fees. HOLY CROSS SCHOOL 14 LIBRARY RULES 1. Students should keep in mind that 'Reading makes a full person'. They should develop the habit of reading, not flying from book to book but systematically and thoughtfully, or reading suggested books on different subjects and storing them up carefully in their memory. It is only in this way that information will be at the same time extensive, accurate and useful. 2. Students may borrow one book at a time for a period of one week from the library. Any book not required by another person may be re-issued for a further week. 3. Certain books, magazines etc. are available for reference in the library only. They are not to be taken home. 4. Books, periodicals, magazines, etc. should be treated with care, both in and out of the library. No writing, ink blots, torn pages, marks and the like in books are tolerated. 5. No talking is permitted in the library except on business with the librarian. This also should be done in a low voice. 6. Books are issued on the understanding that they are only to be read by persons to whom they are issued and are not given to others whether of school or to outsiders. 7. Any student who breaks the above rules will have to pay a fine or cost of the lost and damaged books. HOLY CROSS SCHOOL 15 LABORATORY RULES 1. Students should use the lab coat in the laboratory during all the science practical. 2. Keep your apparatus, table and note-book carefully and clean. 3. Add reagents in proportionate amounts. That is the key to success. 4. Keep the reagents stoppered, do not change the stoppers of the bottles and also do not disturb the arrangement on the shelf. Keep the reagents at their proper places. 5. Do not shift the bottles from the common shelf. 6. Do not throw broken glass pieces, match sticks, filter paper etc. in the sink. Throw them in the waste box kept for the purpose. 7. Shake the test tubes while heating, do not throw hot and concentrated acids, specially cone. Sulphuric acid. 8. Pass hydrogen sulphide gas slowly in the solution. It is a very poisonous gas. Do not leave the gas stopper open. 9. Keep perfect silence in the laboratory. It is essential for concentration and successful scientific working. COMPUTER RULES 1. Take off the shoes before entering the computer lab. 2. Wipe off feet at door mat before entering the computer lab. 3. Do not play with computer peripherals and wires. 4. Do not scribble on the machine casings, wires and tables. 5. Do not play with the keyboard. 6. Always come with your group. 7. Do not bang any keys; press them softly. HOLY CROSS SCHOOL 16 SCHOOL FEES 1. Fees are taken quarterly. However, fees for the entire year or for the term may be paid. th 2. If fees are not paid by the 15 of the second month of the quarterly the name will be struck off the rolls and if the student wants to continue, re-admission fee will be charged. 3. Students, whose dues are not cleared fully will not be allowed to appear for the examinations. 4. No exception or reduction in fees will be made on account of any holiday or absence for any cause. 5. School fees once paid will not be returned, in any case. 6. While applying for T. C, fee card should be produced. 7. Any change made in the General Regulations of the school and in fees or any other change will be binding on parents/guardians/students. A HEALTHY MIND IN A HEALTHY BODY Practise of Religion All people who lead a life of peace and happiness are believers in God. Have a childlike, loving relationship with Him and you will be peaceful and happy. Learn about God and his friends in the Moral Science class. Great men like Mahatma Gandhi and the founders of various religions tried to draw closer to God and urged others, too, to do the same. Practise these teachings. Each religion has its place of worship. Take part in sacred functions with respect and silence or sing sacred songs with a sense of respect, because praising God in song is praising Him doubly. Don't disturb or distract other worshippers; that is being doubly disrespectful; control your senses and think you are in God's presence and then speak with Him; He hears you. HOLY CROSS SCHOOL 17 Practice virtues which you were taught from early childhood, like kindness to others, forgiveness and truthfulness, also kindness to animals and all living creatures, humility, obedience, respect and love for your parents .teachers, friends, neighbours, and others. At School As at home, in school, show respect not only to your teachers, but also to your companions. Try to show that you appreciate all that is being done for you and that you are thankful for the education being given to you. Acquire a good name for diligence, good behaviour, and regularity in studies. Observe strictly the school discipline. Be a friend of God and of persons of knowledge and wisdom, don't be friendly with those who commit sin and don't encourage their confidences. Don't ridicule/ make fun of those who are physically or mentally handicapped; .rather, be kind to them and protect them. Lead your companions in doing good deeds. In case your teachers point out defects in you, external or internal, think about it without getting upset and make the correction without getting defensive or angry. After all, it is to help you improve yourself. At Home "Home sweet Home" is an exclamation that comes frequently to our lips. Home is 'sweet' because those who love you for yourself, live there; your dear parents, sisters and brothers. Experience their love by keeping your senses open to their loving words and kind deeds, and return them in the measure that you receive them. As you grow up, be sensitive to their needs and show by word and deeds that you love them too. Your parents gave you life, they also give you food, clothes and a comfortable home. They take care of you when you are sick and have any problems. They send you to a good school and see to your education. They HOLY CROSS SCHOOL 18 are ready to sacrifice their own comforts for you to have a bright future. All these require hard work, constant thought and care of you on their part. So make it a point to respect and love them in return. Repay them by bringing home the best report card you can, and also by obeying them and helping them when they are sick or in any kind of trouble or need. See that you make them proud of you. Learn good manners from them and consult them when you are in doubt. Do not leave your home without informing either of them where you are going and when you will return, or where and how they can get in touch with you. Do not delay unduly or else inform them if you are delayed. Do not let out family secrets to outsiders, not even your dear friends. Honour your parents and always remember that you owe them your life. Be kind and generous to your brothers and sisters and also to the domestic help in your home. Let 'please' and 'thank you' and 'I am sorry' come readily to your lips in case of need. Do not raise your hand to beat anyone in anger or use bad language to others, no matter who. Be considerate with the domestic help and treat him/her with respect and dignity. Do not ridicule anyone for a physical or mental handicap, or call them names. Take care to give good example by your behaviour. Try to make everyone happy. In a quarrel, you be the magnanimous one, and the other person will respect you for it, eventually. Have your homework or house work done in time, without waiting for your parents to tell you when to stop playing. Inform your parents when you will be home and in case you are delayed unduly, make it a point to inform them earlier. Outside the Home: a) School Acquire the habit of punctuality. Make it a matter of honour to be in time for class or any function, in school or otherwise. However, if you happen to come late for the class, do not go straight to your place; go to the teacher, excuse yourself and then go to your seat. HOLY CROSS SCHOOL 19 As soon as the bell for the school sessions rings, do not loiter around. Acquire the habit of punctuality. Go straight to the class room or the assembly line as is the custom in your school and take your place. Wait in silence for the assembly or class to begin. In case you arrive late and the class or assembly has begun, wait discretely, don't loiter at the door. Go up to the teacher, excuse yourself and go to your place. In case the teacher is late, don't run around in the class or get into loud conversation with others. Perhaps you can take out your appropriate books and get yourself ready for the class. When the teacher enters the class, stand up, greet him/her respectfully and wait for her/him to tell you to sit. If a prayer is recited, remain standing for its duration and sit when it is concluded or when the teacher tells the class to sit. Pay attention in class to what you are being taught. Don't distract others or get distracted yourself. Don't talk during the class. If however, you need something from your neighbour, ask for it in a whisper or with a gesture, and do so quite openly. Do not ask furtively when the teacher's back is turned. Stand when you are spoken to or questioned by the teacher. If you need something from the teacher, stand and ask in a polite manner. If you need to ask the teacher a question, raise your hand, to draw her/his attention and when asked to speak, do so. If you need to leave the room, first get the teacher's permission and then go out noiselessly. When the class is over, stand up and when the teacher gives the sign to leave the room, do so quietly and in an orderly way. In case you have the next lesson in the same class, don't talk to your companions, till the teacher leaves the room. And don't shout to companions across the room, if you need to address him/her. When you see the next teacher enter, respect her/him by quieting down. HOLY CROSS SCHOOL 20 Manners in the classroom When you are seated, sit up straight, keeping your head erect. You do not need to support your chin with your hand. When you are standing, stand up straight and not on one leg. Do not lean on the desk, but lay your hands lightly on it, in front of you. When a question is asked to you, answer it in a distinct, sufficiently loud voice, so that the teacher and the whole class can hear your answer. In case you need time to think, you may pause for a moment, and then answer. If you know you do not know the answer, tell the teacher so, in which case she/he can ask someone else. In case someone else is being asked and you know the answer, raise your hand and wait till the teacher asks you. Do not stand up and answer unasked, unless a particular teacher has allowed you to do so in his/ her class. Do not shout in the class or accuse anyone of anything. If you do not grasp the question you are asked, do not answer at random; ask the teacher politely to explain the question further. Then if you do not know the answer, tell her/him you don't know the answer. In case a companion is being asked a question and is not able to answer it, you may raise your hand, to indicate that you do, so that the teacher can ask you, instead. Home work should be done with great diligence, and neatly. The handwriting should be legible. The book should be kept clean and without the corners being turned down (dog's ears) Always keep a margin on the right side of each page, for the teacher to put her/his remarks, in case of need. When you turn the pages of a book, do so gently and don't lick your finger to make it easier/faster. Treat the book as a friend; it will be your friend and companion for the whole year. HOLY CROSS SCHOOL 21 To write or draw on the blackboard, except when called upon to do so, to write offensive words on the blackboard, to scribble on walls and maps or deface pictures is offensive and amounts to indiscipline. To handle any notice or picture exhibited on the notice board, to write such words to anyone on walls, notice boards and anywhere else, is offensive and reveals poor character and should be avoided. ••• When Writing in your own copybook or paper, keep the writing material straight before you, you may rest your right forearm on the desk to keep it steady, and keep the fingers of your left hand on the paper or book to keep it from moving. Keep the elbows off the desk. Keep a piece of hard paper or board under your hand so that you do not soil the answer sheet on which you are writing (refer to the section on eyes). Never strew the floor with torn paper; keep the class room clean and tidy. Unwanted paper or other matter should be deposited in the waste basket provided in each class room. Keep your class room neat and tidy. Never stand on the benches or desks. If you find furniture broken, report the matter to the teacher or prefect or whoever is responsible. Writing on the doors, walls, benches or even the blackboard is to be strictly avoided. It reveals poor character and bad upbringing. Do not eat sweets or any foodstuff in the class room. You should be proud of your class room. If the Principal of the school or any other important person is escorted to visit your class, stand up and greet them with a smile and bright faces, according to the time of day. HOLY CROSS SCHOOL 22 MORNING PRAYER O God, the Eternal Bliss illumine my mind and fill my heart with your goodness. May I give my best today to study well and to grow in knowledge and wisdom. Bless our parents, teachers and all the students. Guard and protect our country. Amen PRAYER OF LITTLE CHILDREN O God help me, help my mummy, help my daddy, help my teachers, help me always to make them happy. Help me to study well. PRAYER BEFORE EXAMS O God, help me at my examination today, to remember the things that I have learnt and studied. Help me to remember well and to think clearly; help me not to be so nervous and excited, that I will not do myself justice, and keep me calm and clear hearted. Help me to try to do my best. I ask this through your name. Amen OUR FATHER Our Father in heaven, holy be your name, your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as in heaven, Give us today our daily bread, forgive us our sins, as we forgive those who sin against us. Do not bring us to the test, but deliver us from evil. Amen HOLY CROSS SCHOOL 23 ASSEMBLY HYMNS AND PRAYERS 1. O GIVE THANKS TO THE LORD Ch: O give thanks to the Lord, for He is good. (3) Yes eternal is His love. 1. Will sing to my God never ceasing. All my life I will tell of His wonders; He's the maker of all earth and heaven, Of the ocean, the seas and all they hold. 2. The Almighty is faithful for ever. He is just to the poor and the outraged, It is He who gives bread to the hungry, Who delivers the captives from their chains. 3. He gives sight to the blind in His mercy, And he raises the lowly, the humble, It is He who gives shelter to strangers, Every orphan and widow He defends. 2. To FOLLOW THE LORD To follow the Lord and find freedom, To love as He loved and bring peace, To spend our lifetime for His kingdom, To want it to grow and increase. 1. To search for the Truth never ceasing, To look for a star in the night, To knock at the door never tiring, To wait eagerly for his light. 2. To walk hand in hand with each other, To share with the burdened their pain, To comfort the people who suffer, To help those in need, for no gain. 3. To sense how oppressed are the poorest, To struggle for justice and right, To stand for the truth and be honest, To die to oneself in the fight. HOLY CROSS SCHOOL 24 3. MAKE ME A CHANNEL OF YOUR PEACE 1. Make me a channel of your peace, Where there is hatred, let me bring your love, Where there is injury, your pardon, Lord, And where there's doubt, true faith in you. Oh, master, grant that I may never seek, So much to be consoled as to console, To be understood as to understand, To be loved as to love with all my soul. 2. Make me a channel of your peace, Where there's despair in life; let me bring hope, Where there is darkness, only light, And where there's sadness, ever joy. 3. Make me a channel of your peace, It is in pardoning that we are pardoned, In giving to each one that we receive, And in dying that we're born to eternal life. 4. PRAYER FOR PEACE 1. Lord, we pray for golden peace, Peace all over the land, May all dwell in liberty, Walking hand in hand. Ch: Banish fear and ignorance. Hunger, thirst and pain. Banish hate and poverty. Let no-one live in vain. Let no-one live in vain. 2. Keep all people for ever one, One in love and grace, Wipe away all war and strife, Give freedom to each race. 3. Let your justice reign supreme. And righteousness be done, Let goodness rule the hearts of all, And evil be overcome. HOLY CROSS SCHOOL 25 5. 1. This little guiding light of mine I'm going to let it shine Let it shine all the time, let it shine. 2. Hide it under a bushel-On No. I'm going to let it shine Let it shine all the time, let it shine. 3. Take this little light round the world I'm going to let it shine Let it shine all the time, let it shine. 4. Make my little light burn for thee I'm going to let it shine Let it shine all the time, let it shine. (3) (3) (3) (3) [I] Demeleescee meoddieceÙee lecemeescee pÙeesefleie&ceÙee ce=lÙeescee& Dece=lecedieceÙee Dee...Dee...Dee... DencesJe hejceced melÙeced DencesJe peieleer pÙeesefle DencesJe DeveMJejced Dece=leced lJecesJe hejceced melÙeced lJecesJe peielees pÙeesefle lJecesJe DeveMJejced Dece=leced melÙeced - Dee... pÙeesefle - Dee... Dece=leced - Dee... ` HOLY CROSS SCHOOL 26 [ II ] RAGHUPATI RAGHVA [Mahatma's Last Prayer Song] jIegheefle jeIeJe jepee jece heeflele heeJeve meerlee jece F&MJej Deuueen lesjs veece meyekeâes mevceefle os YeieJeeve jece jece peÙe jepee jece jece jece peÙe meerleejece (3) (3) (3) [ III ] ßeer ieeÙe$eer ceb$e Ô YetYeg&Je: mJe: lelmeefJelegJe&jsCÙeb Yeieex osJemÙe Oeerceefn efOeÙees Ùees ve: ØeÛeesoÙeeled~ Meaning- We contemplate that Ultimate Reality which is in the earth, the sky, the heaven! Let us bring our minds to meditate in the Glory of the Divine Truth. May truth inspire our reflection. [ IV ] Deesced ieg®2 meefÛÛeoevevo ieg®2 1. meefÛÛeoevevo ieg® melÙeevevo ieg®-2 2. melÙeevevo ieg® Øesceevevo ieg®-2 3. Øesceevevo ieg® oÙeevevo ieg®-2 4. oÙeevevo ieg® ke=âheevevo ieg®-2 HOLY CROSS SCHOOL 27 [ V] mebie-mebie Ûeuees mebie-mebie Ûeuees ØeYeg peer cesjs-2 efveye&ue ntB ØeeCeer ØeYeg-2 mebie-mebie Ûeuees-2 lesjer ner jeneW hej Ûeuelee jntB ceQ meoe-3 Ûeuelee jntB-2 mebie mebie ... pÙeesefle efoKee os ØeYeg Yeškeâe jner ntB ceQ-3 pÙeesefle efoKee-2 mebie mebie... DeeMee peiee os ØeYeg efvejeMee Yeje nw Ùes ceve-3 DeeMee peiee-2 mebie mebie ... [ VI ] hÙeemee efnjve pewmes {tBÌ{s nw peue keâes Jewmes ØeYeg ceQ legPes Keespe jne Jewmes ØeYeg ceQ legPes Keespe jne-2 I let ner cesjs ceve keâer DeefYeuee<ee-2 lesjer hetpee efveefMeefove keâjlee jntB ceQ-2 hÙeemee efnjve pewmes ... II let pees yeve peeÙes ßeæe megceve-2 heg<he hejeie mee Pejlee jntB ceQ-2 hÙeemee efnjve pewmes ... III let pees cesjs efoue ceW Jeeme keâjs-2 heehe mes efveMe efove [jlee jntB ceQ-2 hÙeemee efnjve pewmes ... HOLY CROSS SCHOOL 28 [ VII] YepetB lesje veece YepetB lesje veece, Deekesâ lesjs Oeece-2 heeJeve lesje veece-2 1. let ner ceeefuekeâ, let ner oelee, lesje Øesce ÙeneB nj peve heelee, let ner heveen, heeJeve lesje veece~ 2. lesje megefcejve keâjles nQ nce, ceOegj mJejeW ceW ieeles mejiece, lesje ner veece, peie ceW nw ceneve~ 3. lesjer peÙe nes, peieoerMJej, oerve-peveeW kesâ heeJeve F&MJej, lesje ner oeve, cegefòeâ efJeOeeve nw~ [ VIII] Fleveer Meefòeâ Fleveer Meefòeâ nceW osvee oelee ceve keâe efJeMJeeme keâcepeesj nes vee (2) nce ÛeueW veskeâ jemles hes ncemes Yetuekeâj Yeer keâesF& Yetue nes vee~ Fleveer... 1. otj De%eeve kesâ neW DebOesjs, let nceW %eeve keâer jesMeveer os nj yegjeF& mes yeÛeles jnW nce, efpeleveer Yeer os Yeueer efpevoieer os yewj nes vee efkeâmeer keâe efkeâmeer mes YeeJevee ceve ceW yeoues keâer nes vee~ nce ÛeueW... 2. nce ve meesÛeW nceW keäÙee efceuee nw nce Ùes meesÛeW efkeâÙee keäÙee nw Dehe&Ce Hetâue KegefMeÙeeW kesâ yeeBšs meYeer keâes meyekeâe peerJeve ner yeve peeS ceOegyeve Deheveer keâ®Cee keâe peue let yene kesâ keâj os heeJeve nj Skeâ ceve keâe keâesvee~ nce ÛeueW... HOLY CROSS SCHOOL 29 [ IX] meejs peneB mes DeÛÚe meejs peneB mes DeÛÚe, efnvoesmleeB nceeje, nceeje nce yegueyegues nQ Fmekeâer, Ùes iegefuemleeB nceeje, nceeje~ meejs ..... 1. heJe&lee Jees meyemes TBÛee, ncemeeÙee DeemeceeB keâe Jees mevlejer nceeje, Jees heemeyeeb nceeje, nceeje~ meejs ..... 2. ieesoer ceW Kesueleer nQ efpemekeâer npeejeW veefoÙeeB iegueMeve nw efpemekesâ oce mes jmkesâ peveeB nceeje, nceeje~ meejs..... 3. cepenye veneR efmeKeelee Deeheme ceW yewj jKevee efnvoer nQ nce (3) Jeleve nQ efnvoesmleeb nceeje, nceeje~ meejs..... [ X] Deelcee cesjer Deevebefole nw Deelcee cesjer Deevebefole nw Deheves ØeYeg ceW ØeHegâefuuele nw~ 1. ØeYeg keâer Øesce keâer ieeLee ceve cesje Ùen Petcelee ieelee ØeYeg keâer keâerefle& meyekeâes megveelee ØeYeg kesâ Øesce keâer ieeLee~ ØeYeg Øeleeheer nw Dehevee meeceLÙe& efoKeelee nw oeme keâes G"elee Ieceb[ keâes leesÌ[lee ØeYeg Øeleeheer nw~ 2. oerveeW keâe j#ekeâ Jees oefueleeW keâes yeÛeelee pees iejeryeeW keâes mechevve yeveelee oerveeW keâe j#ekeâ Jees~ HOLY CROSS SCHOOL 30 lesje nes peÙe peÙekeâej ØeYeg legPekeâes nes OevÙeJeeo Deheej lesjer oÙee hÙeej ceneve ØeYeg lesje nes peÙe peÙekeâej ØeYeg keâer efJeveleer ns efhelee nceejs, pees mJeie& ceW nw, lesje veece heefJe$e efkeâÙee peeJes, lesje jepÙe DeeJes, lesjer FÛÚe pewmes mJeie& ceW nw, Jewmes Fme he=LJeer hej Yeer nesJes~ nceeje Øeefleefove keâe Deenej Deepe nceW os Deewj nceejs DehejeOe nceW #ecee keâj, pewmes nce Yeer Deheves DehejeefOeÙeeW keâes #ecee keâjles nQ, nceW hejer#ee ceW ve [eue, hejvleg yegjeF& mes yeÛee~ -Deecesve The following values will be practiced during the course of the year. July Concern for the environment August Courage September Service October Non-violence November Gentleness December Respect for others January Justice February Forgiveness March Honesty April Punctuality May Dignity of Labour HOLY CROSS SCHOOL 31 GENERAL RECORD Date Came late No Dressed Home Teacher's Parent's School untidily Work Signature Signature Uniform not done 32 GENERAL RECORD Date Came late No Dressed Home Teacher's Parent's School untidily Work Signature Signature Uniform not done 33 GENERAL RECORD Date Came late No Dressed Home Teacher's Parent's School untidily Work Signature Signature Uniform not done 34 GENERAL RECORD Date Came late No Dressed Home Teacher's Parent's School untidily Work Signature Signature Uniform not done 35 ABSENCE & LEAVE RECORD Date Reasons for absence or leave 36 Parent's Signature Teacher's Signature ABSENCE & LEAVE RECORD Date Reasons for absence or leave 37 Parent's Signature Teacher's Signature BEHAVIOUR RECORD Talks of Violation Teacher's Parent's Not Gave Habit of Signature Signature Date respecting tooinmuch telling the teacher class abuses lies language 38 BEHAVIOUR RECORD Talks of Violation Teacher's Parent's Not Gave Habit of Signature Signature Date respecting tooinmuch telling the teacher class abuses lies language 39 FOR TEACHERS Date Signature of Teacher's Remarks 40 Signature of Parent/ Guardian FOR TEACHERS Date Signature of Teacher's Remarks 41 Signature of Parent/ Guardian FOR PARENTS Date Remarks 42 Teacher's Signature FOR PARENTS Date Remarks 43 Teacher's Signature FOR PRINCIPAL Date Remarks 44 Signature of Parent/ Guardian FOR PRINCIPAL Date Remarks 45 Signature of Parent/ Guardian 2 English I English II Hindi I Hindi II Sanskrit Mathematics General Science Social Studies E. Ed. Computer Moral Science G. K. Drawing Teacher's Sig. Parent's Sig. UNIT TEST UNIT TEST II AVERAGE HALF YEARLY UNIT TEST III PROGRESS REPORT L.K.G. TO V UNIT TEST IV AVERAGE 2 English I English II Hindi I Hindi II Sanskrit History & Civics Geography Mathematics Physics/Acc. Chemistry/Com. Biology/ Eco. E. Ed. Computer Moral Science G. K. Teacher's Sig. Parent's Sig. UNIT TEST UNIT TEST II AVERAGE HALF YEARLY UNIT TEST III PROGRESS REPORT VI TO XII UNIT TEST IV AVERAGE TIPS FOR YOUR STUDY Dear Students here are some tips for your study : 1. Start with a clean desk. 2. Sit up straight .... a straight body ... straight thinking .... 3. Take up first, subject you most dislike. Once you have done this, the rest of your work will be easy. 4. Find out what is most important and study it first. 5. Do not hesitate to ask your teacher or your clever companions, things you cannot grasp clearly. Never omit any difficulties whatsoever, as this will put you in great difficuties later. 6. Never omit the lesson or homework. 7. Bring the books to the school according to the time table. 8. Always revise the work done in class and make sure that you have understood everything clearly and thoroughly. 9. If memorization is assigned, learn it overnight and repeat it the first thing in the morning. 10. Use your homework notebook to take down the work assigned for the next day. All homework should be done neatly and the day's work always dated. Revise at the end of the week. 11. Get enough exercise everyday. It keeps the mind fresh. 12. Lastly, pray often to the All-Wise and All-Knowing God to help you progress in your studies. HOLY CROSS SCHOOL 48
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