Health and Safety Performance Standard HSPS 012 Provision of Personal Emergency Evacuation Plans (PEEPs) (Fire Safety) HSPS.012/SHE Unit/ACB/November 2011 1 Safety, Health and Environment Unit Title Provision of Personal Emergency Evacuation Plans (PEEPs) (Fire Safety) Reference Number HSPS 012 DOCUMENT HISTORY Issue Date Details 1 May 2009 Issued Amendments to this Draft Performance Standard: see Fire Safety Document Control Log held in the SHE Unit 2 November 2011 Final version issued Author Andrew Briggs Signature Date Reviewer Bernard Angus Signature Date Signature Date Signature Date Authorised by Issued by SHE Unit HSPS.012/SHE Unit/ACB/November 2011 2 Contents Page 1. Purpose of Draft Performance Standard 4 2. Scope of Draft Performance Standard 4 3. Details of Draft Performance Standard 3.1 Introduction and outline 3.2 Responsibilities – sources of information 3.3 Responsibilities – providing and implementing PEEPs 3.4 Specific procedure for individual PEEPs 3.5 Training and competence 4 4 5 5 5 6 4. Effects and Actions in case of non-conformance 7 5. Relevant legislation and official guidance 7 6. Associated documents 8 Appendix A Appendix B Appendix C Appendix D Personal Emergency Evacuation Plan – Standard letter 9 Personal Emergency Evacuation Plan – Information sheet 11 Personal Emergency Evacuation Plan – Initial Questionnaire 13 Personal Emergency Evacuation Plan form 14 HSPS.012/SHE Unit/ACB/November 2011 3 1. Purpose of Draft Performance Standard In the event of a fire evacuation or other emergency, to ensure the safety of persons who require assistance to escape safely, and to ensure that their evacuation does not impede other persons’ escape. 2. Scope of Draft Performance Standard All buildings and facilities used by the University. All University schools and departments. All staff, students and visitors with disabilities and/or needs for assistance as defined within this Performance Standard. 3. Details of Performance Standard 3.1 Introduction and outline a) Disabilities and other conditions may affect a person’s ability to evacuate promptly and safely in an emergency. In the event of a fire alarm signal, installations and equipment which facilitate access at other times (e.g. lifts) may be unavailable. b) Planning is therefore necessary to ensure the safety during emergencies of any person who may require assistance to escape promptly – or who, whilst evacuating slowly, might be at risk from the flow of other evacuating persons. c) Planning may also be necessary to ensure the safety of other persons such as those rendering assistance, and/or to ensure that the flow of evacuating persons is not impeded. d) In addition to people with mobility disabilities including wheelchair users, others who may need assistance include those with hearing or visual disabilities; conditions such as epilepsy or Parkinson’s disease; and autism, Asperger syndrome or other cognitive or psychological disabilities which, for example, may cause them to become confused, challenged or disorientated. e) The elderly or infirm, heavily pregnant women, persons with sports injuries or broken limbs, persons recovering from operations or other treatment, and persons with other relevant medical conditions may also require assistance to escape safely. f) Examples of ‘assistance’ in this context range from the simple prior supply of information by various means to nominating and training persons and/or specifying equipment to physically effect an evacuation. g) A range of typical, generic Emergency Evacuation Plans is described in the Fire Emergency Plan for each building. h) Visitors may require one or more of the options shown. On making themselves known to local staff (e.g. Reception or school/departmental management) they should receive information and guidance on what to do in an evacuation – fully written-up PEEPs are normally only provided for regular building users, unless there is a particular need. HSPS.012/SHE Unit/ACB/November 2011 4 i) Regular building users may require closer individual consideration and discussion of their needs. If required, pre-planned arrangements are devised, agreed, recorded and implemented according to their needs: these planned arrangements are referred to as PEEPs. In many cases these will simply choose from and identify Standard options; in others, individual strategies will be devised. j) Individuals may need separate PEEPs for different buildings or locations. k) Individual PEEPs are communicated to those who will provide assistance, to the person themselves, and to relevant management where strictly necessary. 3.2 Responsibilities – sources of information a) The following functions are required, within the remit of their own operations and as far as reasonably practicable, to actively identify persons who may require PEEPs. This information should be brought to the attention of all relevant Heads of Schools/Departments as specified at 3.3(b) below and reported to the Safety, Health and Environment Unit. Accommodation Office Human Resources (recruitment etc.) All schools/departments (in relation both to students and to staff) DDSS Occupational Health b) Whilst the University will endeavour to identify buildings likely to be used regularly by each person, there is a requirement on individual persons themselves to request PEEPs should they expect to be using a building more than occasionally and/or are aware of a specific need. This is brought to their attention during the PEEP process. 3.3 Responsibilities – providing and implementing PEEPs a) Responsibilities are as specified within building Fire Emergency Plans (and individual PEEPs). b) It is the responsibility of all relevant Heads of School/Department to ensure that requirements for producing, resourcing and implementing PEEPs are identified and acted upon. The responsible persons are variously, or severally and jointly The Head of School/Department responsible for the building The Head of School/Department occupying the location and/or The Head of School/Department under which the person is employed, studies or visits. c) Where occupancy of certain areas is shared between schools/departments, those schools/departments must cooperate and coordinate with building management (as above) to ensure between them that suitable provisions are made and the relevant staff informed, instructed and/or trained accordingly. d) The Fire Safety and Environment Adviser oversees and coordinates all PEEPs, holds all records and will provide advice and assistance on request. e) Campus Watch will provide assistance as necessary insofar as possible during an incident. HSPS.012/SHE Unit/ACB/November 2011 5 3.4 Specific procedure for individual PEEPs a) Each person identified as potentially requiring a PEEP is invited to complete a brief questionnaire [see Appendix A], in relation to each building they are likely to use regularly. A standard explanatory letter and information accompany the questionnaire, which in most cases when returned will determine their need for a PEEP or otherwise. The letter clearly indicates that should they not return the questionnaire, they confirm that they are able to escape promptly and unaided in an emergency. (If the need for a PEEP is obvious, this step may be omitted.) b) If their response indicates possible requirements, a meeting is arranged. Suitable staff (see 3.5 a) review and discuss their needs, match these insofar as possible to the Standard Emergency Evacuation Plans available, and develop an escape plan strategy. This is carried out in close collaboration with the person, whose own wishes and suggestions are accommodated as a priority wherever safe and practicable. Any further needs are identified and addressed, reasonable adjustments made, and the person is familiarised with all aspects of the PEEP. c) Wherever practicable, local resources (i.e. staff and/or equipment within buildings, close to specific locations as necessary) will be utilised. d) Key aspects of PEEPs must be confirmed as reliably practicable. For example: If an “Evac” chair is to be used, it must be determined in every case that the person is able to transfer to it safely; Equipment and persons designated to assist must be available at all relevant times; PEEPs must not rely on mobile phones. PEEPs must also take account of variations in a person’s condition and allow for ‘worstcase scenarios’ (see also 3.4(h) below). e) Discussions and resulting PEEPs must include consideration of potential effects on other persons evacuating. In some cases, persons with disabilities will be expected to wait until the main flow has passed, so as not to impede it or cause danger to themselves or others. This is made clear to them. f) Resulting PEEPs are documented via the standard form [see Appendix D] and communicated to relevant persons or functions. It is essential that all relevant persons, including the disabled person themselves, are sufficiently familiar with the content and implementation of the PEEP. Persons designated to render assistance may require appropriate training (see 3.5(b). g) PEEPS should be incorporated into fire drills and/or specific exercises wherever possible, in order both to test emergency procedures and to enhance familiarity and training of all concerned. A test evacuation should ideally be conducted at least once a year for each PEEP. Individuals should be invited and encouraged to participate, but are at liberty to decline. h) All PEEPS should be reviewed at least annually and in the event of significant change. This is especially important in the case of progressive conditions. 3.5 Training and Competence a) Information, instruction and training for persons providing PEEPs must include Fire and Safety Awareness course, or equivalent Fire Emergency Response course, or equivalent HSPS.012/SHE Unit/ACB/November 2011 6 Disability equality and awareness training PEEPs course or equivalent Knowledge of the relevant building Fire Emergency Plan and arrangements Awareness of general Campus provisions (e.g. Evac Chair carry-downs) b) Competence for persons assisting disabled evacuation (unless the assistance is brief, trivial and does not increase risk to the assister) should include Fire and Safety Awareness course, or equivalent Personal safety related elements of Fire Emergency Response course, or equivalent Disability equality and awareness training PEEP-specific knowledge of individuals’ requirements, and relevant features of the building c) Competence for persons providing information and guidance to visitors (e.g. Receptionists and relevant departmental staff) must include Fire and Safety Awareness course, or equivalent Preferably, Disability equality and awareness training Knowledge of the relevant building Fire Emergency Plan including PEEPS Knowledge of the University’s general arrangements for disabled evacuation Knowledge of sources of information, e.g. Safety, Health & Environment Unit d) At all times, all persons involved must exercise appropriate care to observe the dignity and, where required by law, the confidentiality of persons with disabilities. 4. Effects and Actions in case of non-conformance If this Performance Standard is not applied it may or will result in: A person with a disability or other condition being at significant, intolerable risk of injury or death in the event of fire Other persons being at significant, intolerable risk of injury or death in the event of fire A non-compliance with fire safety and/or disability legislation Potential prosecution Non-conformance with this Performance Standard must be brought to the attention of both the school(s)/department(s) concerned and the Fire Safety and Environment Adviser who will advise on corrective and preventive action, which the relevant manager(s) must expedite. 5. Relevant Legislation and Official Guidance Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 DCLG Fire and Resilience Guides, in particular:– DCLG Fire Safety Risk Assessment: Means of Escape for Disabled People (Supplementary Guide, 2007) BS 9999:2008 University policy and guidance (Safety, Health and Environment Unit website) 6. Associated Documents HSPS.012/SHE Unit/ACB/November 2011 7 Individual PEEPs Letter (template) Information sheet – typical Emergency Evacuation Plans available Individual PEEPs Initial Questionnaire Individual PEEPs Discussion Outline Individual PEEP form Building Fire Emergency Plan (and Fire Risk Assessment) Individual PEEPs database HSPS.012/SHE Unit/ACB/November 2011 8 Appendix A Personal Emergency Evacuation Plans Standard Letter Dear Mr/Ms Personal Emergency Evacuation Plans All persons must be able to leave buildings safely in the event of a fire or other emergency, and the University is committed to ensuring this. We understand that many people with disabilities (or medical or other conditions) will be able to escape unaided; however, some may require assistance. Therefore, we are writing to ask you to review emergency arrangements with us in relation to your own needs. If necessary we will draw up a Personal Emergency Evacuation Plan (PEEP) with you. A PEEP might, for example, specify the emergency assistance you need, any precautions necessary, the use of equipment we may issue to you, and/or simply record the action you need to take in an emergency. We do not expect you to make any extraordinary effort to exit safely in the event of an emergency. Some of the main types of assistance or equipment typically used and available are outlined on an information sheet enclosed. These may vary in different locations (more details can be found in building Fire Emergency Plans) and therefore different PEEPs might be needed for different buildings. We do not expect you to conform exactly to any of the examples given; the objective of a PEEP, should you need one, is to ensure that your individual needs are met – and if necessary, to devise ways of achieving that. Please complete and return the enclosed questionnaire as soon as possible. If you need a PEEP or would like to discuss these matters further, we will arrange a meeting with you. The staff involved in reviewing your requirements and drawing up PEEPs will have received training on disability and equality issues and will work with you to find the best solutions. Please note that if you do not reply, you accept that you are able to respond to fire alarms and make your own way out of the building(s) promptly, unaided and without impeding any other person’s emergency escape. This does not affect any of your statutory rights. HSPS.012/SHE Unit/ACB/November 2011 9 Appendix A Your confidentiality will be fully respected and your PEEP(s) will only be disclosed where strictly necessary, as follows: Security or Support Services staff Your carer(s) or volunteer worker(s), if applicable Any person assigned specific duties in providing assistance to you under the PEEP (this may include relevant managers where necessary) The University’s Fire Safety and Environment Adviser (confidential records are held in the Safety, Health and Environment Unit). PEEPs should be reviewed at least annually – if you have had one before, we will need to verify that it is still adequate. Please let me know if you require this letter or any other related documentation in an alternative format. Thank you for your co-operation in these important matters, and for the opportunity to optimise our fire safety arrangements. Yours sincerely, Andrew Briggs Fire Safety and Environment Adviser Encs: HSPS.012/SHE Unit/ACB/November 2011 10 Appendix B Some typical Emergency Evacuation Plans and assistance available to persons with disabilities Mobility: most buildings have disabled refuges on the upper floors, in locations such as staircases and lobbies. These are protected from fire for at least 30 minutes. An intercom telephone (wall-mounted panel) connects to Security staff, who are automatically aware of your location even if you cannot hear them over the noise of the fire alarm; you are immediately a top priority. They are also aware of exactly where the incident is located, and therefore the risk to you. In many cases they will decide you should remain safely where you are; they may “horizontally evacuate” you to another safe location in the building; or it may be necessary to assist you to leave the building. One method is the “Evac chair”; we will need to ensure via your PEEP (Personal Emergency Evacuation Plan) that you can safely transfer to it, or find other ways to meet your needs. Note that on your way a refuge point, you may find automatic fire doors shut which you normally encounter held open. Visual: some staircases have colour-contrasted markings on the steps; some do not yet. If you require assistance, one possibility might be a “buddy system” whereby designated people nearby will assist you; another option might be to use a disabled refuge as above. Hearing: some locations have flashing beacons in addition to fire alarm sirens or bells; some do not yet. Vibrating pagers or pillows, which respond to the fire alarm system, can be issued. “Buddy systems” as described above might also be suitable. Student residences on campus: Campus Watch are aware of all rooms allocated to persons with disabilities. In the event of a fire or other incident, you and your room are immediately a top priority (as for disabled refuges – see above). You can be certain that if you are in any danger, a Security Officer will arrive very rapidly. If there is no danger to you (e.g. false alarms) they will visit or contact you whenever possible for reassurance – but please note that so long as you are safe, they may have other immediate priorities. In the case of specifically adapted study bedrooms, the room itself is a fire-protected enclosure and you are safe remaining in your room (with the door closed) for at least 30 minutes. Medical conditions, injury, pregnancy etc: the elderly, heavily pregnant women, persons with sports injuries, broken limbs etc, persons recuperating from operations/treatment, or those with certain medical conditions etc might also need assistance (and therefore a PEEP) in order to evacuate safely. Fire marshals & Security staff: as additional reassurance: please note that many areas of University buildings are provided with fire marshals. In an evacuation, they will “sweep” designated areas of a building to ensure that no persons remain. They may be able to offer you assistance; at the very least, they will rapidly inform Security staff who will then assist you. In nearly all cases a Security Officer proceeds immediately to investigate the location of a fire alarm activation – i.e. where the potential danger is. Having found the cause, they will then “sweep” the immediate area as above. Therefore, if you are having difficulty evacuating or have not found your way to a refuge, and if you are in immediate danger from a fire, you will rapidly be found and assisted. However, a properly planned PEEP will greatly reduce the risk to you and those assisting you still further. Safety, Health & Environment Unit Oct 2011 HSPS.012/SHE Unit/ACB/November 2011 11 Appendix B TYPICAL STANDARD EMERGENCY EVACUATION PLANS for persons with disabilities The following list is based on HM Government guidance ‘Means of Escape for Disabled people’ and gives an outline indication of types of escape arrangements/methods to consider, and the types of assistance typically available. These can vary widely in different locations – more information can be found in building Fire Emergency Plan and obtained from building management or the Fire Safety & Environment Adviser (Safety, Health & Environment Unit. In most cases the options set out below will form the basis of individual Personal Emergency Evacuation Plans, according to each person’s needs and, insofar as possible, preferences. In many cases a combination of several of these options will apply. The use of mobile phones should not be discounted (Reception and/or building Security should ask for and record phone numbers) but emergency evacuation provisions must not rely on them. Category Option 1 2 3 4, 5, 12 6 7, 8, 9 10 11 13, 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26, 27 28 29 30 Type of escape Use of lift Meet assistance at refuge Meet assistance at workstation Make own way down stairs slowly after main flow, on foot or on bottom Use Evac chair or similar Carry-down 2, 3 or 4 people Travel down in own chair with support Cannot transfer readily Needs assistance to walk down stairs, 1 or 2 people Needs orientation information Needs tactile map of building Needs colour contrasting on stairways Needs step edge markings Needs showing escape routes Needs assistance for person and dog Needs doors opening Needs large print information Identification of escape route Provision of flashing beacons Buddy system Provision of vibrating pager or alternative alarm Additional checks by fire marshals/security officers Horizontal evacuation Comments N/A, no firefighting or evacuation lifts except in Jarman building – and most lifts automatically descend to ground/exit level with fire alarm Probably only safe and practicable with a buddy system (25) – otherwise (2) will be necessary Not implemented due to high risks both to person and to assisters Risks to person and possibly to assisters are likely to be high – safe method must be devised Discuss and devise solution as possible Could be as buddy system (25) Could be as buddy system (25) Not currently available – use other options Some buildings/locations are provided; check whether contrast meets person’s needs Some buildings/locations are provided; check whether markings meet person’s needs Could be as buddy system (25) Could be as buddy system (25) Can be provided as necessary Assess/predetermine most suitable escape route(s) from intended location Some buildings/locations are provided Companion and/or person(s) nearby will be nominated; note, this is on a voluntary basis, and not always feasible Can be provided as necessary Automatically provided in most but not all buildings/locations/incidents Will be implemented wherever possible - i.e. retreat to another safe refuge on same level within building, remote from the incident location (your safety continues to be actively monitored) Needs taped information (or Will endeavour to provide this on request Braille) HSPS.012/SHE Unit/ACB/November 2011 12 Appendix C Personal Emergency Evacuation Plans Initial Questionnaire - CONFIDENTIAL Please return to: Fire Safety and Environment Adviser Safety, Health and Environment Unit Keynes College University of Kent Canterbury CT2 7NP Name______________________________________ Date______________ Building_________________________________________________________ Telephone_______________________ EMail_______________________ Please read the letter and information sheet accompanying this questionnaire. 1. Do you consider yourself able to perceive the fire alarm signal, to respond to it and to leave the building without assistance within 5 minutes? YES / NO 2. If ‘YES’ to question 1, is there a possibility that you might impede the escape of other persons evacuating (for example, if descending a staircase slowly)? YES / NO 3. Do you, or might you at certain times, require some form of assistance in order to evacuate safely? YES / NO Please list any other University buildings you use regularly, or are likely to in future – we will address these with you in due course. Thank you for your co-operation. HSPS.012/SHE Unit/ACB/November 2011 13 Appendix D CONFIDENTIAL PERSONAL EMERGENCY EVACUATION PLAN FOR: Name Department Building Floor(s) Room(s) Dates from/to Awareness of the alarm signal, response to it, and evacuation or other planned action will be ensured by the following standard, generic methods (as per DCLG fire safety guidance and Appendix B of the building Fire Emergency Plan): ____________________ Persons Designated to Assist The following have been designated to provide evacuation assistance: Name/function Contact details Type of assistance Name/function Contact details Type of assistance Name/function Contact details Type of assistance Assistance Methods and Cautions (transfer methods, contra-indications, etc.) HSPS.012/SHE Unit/ACB/November 2011 14 Appendix D Equipment (including communication) Action to take on entering Premises/Area/Room Action to take on Alarm Signal Safe Route(s) Signed (all relevant persons): date) HSPS.012/SHE Unit/ACB/November 2011 (Print names and 15
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