Workshop Measuring the social, economic and political effects of social protection: How to overcome the challenges? 15 – 17 April 2015 Venue: German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE), Bonn 16 April 2015 (Thursday) 9:00 Official Opening Welcome by Imme Scholz (Vice-Director of German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE) Welcome by Heike Kuhn (Head of Division: Sectoral and thematic policies; poverty reduction and social protection, Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) Welcome by Günther Taube (Director of Division: Education, Health, Social Protection, Gesellschaft für international Zusammenarbeit - GIZ) Questions & Answers Moderation: Christof Kersting 09:45 Setting the scene Markus Loewe (German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE) Katja Bender (Hochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg - HBRS) “Framework of the Workshop“ 10:15 COFFEE / TEA BREAK 10:45 First thematic session: Isolating the effects of SP programmes/ Solving the attribution problem (1) (1) Ana Heloísa Viana Silva Moreno (Ministry of Social Development and Hunger Fight of the Brasilian Federal Government - MDS) “Challenges of measuring social impacts of social assistance in Brazil” (2) Rodrigo Martìnez (Oficial de Asuntos Sociales, Division de Desarrollo Social , Comisión Económica para Américan Latina y el Caribe - CEPAL) “The challenge of evaluating impacts of social protection at policy level” (3) Catherine Agg (Freelance Researcher, Independent) “Moving away from isolation? A qualitative study of welfare and social cohesion in Sri Lanka” Session discussant: Ruslan Yemtsov (World Bank) Moderation: Markus Loewe 12:15 LUNCH 13:30 Second thematic session: Isolating the effects of SP programmes/ Solving the attribution problem (2) (1) Cesar Del Pozo Loayza (Peruvian Centro de Estudios Regionales Andinos Bartolomé de las Casas, Cusco, Perú) “The impact of linking conditional cash transfers to agricultural credit on productive assets accumulation of rural households in Peru” (2) D. Rajasekhar (Centre for Decentraslisation & Development - CDD / Institute for Social and Economic Change - ISEC, Bangalore) “Impact of single window service centres on access to social protection among unorganised workers in India - Challenges and responses” Session discussant: Christoph Ernst (International Labour Organization - ILO) Moderation: Callistus Agbaam 15:00 COFFEE / TEA BREAK 15:30 Third thematic session: Tracing causal chains (1) Christoph Strupat (University of Duisburg-Essen) “Social Health Insurance in Ghana – Impacts on Health, Income and Informal Risk-Sharing Networks” (2) Anna McCord (Overseas Development Institute - ODI) “Developing Practical Methodologies to Assess the Spatial, Temporal and Socio-economic Distribution of the Impacts of Public Works Programme Assets” Session discussant: Caroline Tassot (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development - OECD) Moderation: Francesco Burchi 16:30 Wrap-up of the day Core messages Markus Loewe (German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE) 17:00 End of the day 18:30 Dinner (“Haus am Rhein”) 17 April 2015 (Friday) 9:00 Introduction for the day Recap Katja Bender (Hochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg - HBRS) 9:15 Fourth thematic session: Challenges posed by program design (1) Viola Werner (Chair of Political Economy and Development, University of Zurich)) „Methodological Challenges Resulting From Implementation Weaknesses: The Case of Social Pensions in India” (2) Fabio Veras Soares (International Policy Centre for Inclusive Growth IPC-IG, United Nations Development Programme - UNDP) „The Social Welfare Fund and the Yemen National Social Protection Monitoring Survey: the challenges of combining a multi-purpose survey and an impact assessment of a social protection programme” Session discussant: Loreto Montserrat Martínez Oyarce (Fondo de Solidaridad e Inversión Social - OSIS) Moderation: Nikos Nikolidakis 10:15 COFFEE / TEA BREAK 10:45 Fifth thematic session: Challenges in defining measurements and compiling survey data (1) Thomas Sohnesen (Visiting Professor Copenhagen University) “Same Question but Different Answer - Experimental Evidence on Questionnaire Design’s Impact on Poverty Measured by Proxies” (2) Istiana Hermawati (Research Body and Social Welfare Service Development, Indonesia Social Ministry) “Evaluation research of expected family program” Session discussant: Ronald Wiman (National Institute for Health and Welfare / Government of Finland) Moderation: Jennifer Hennig 12:15 LUNCH 13:30 Sixth thematic session: Political and administrative challenges (1) Simone Cecchini, Luis Hernan Vargas (División de Desarrollo Social, Comisión Económica para América Latina y el Caribe - CEPAL, Naciones Unidas) “Estimating coverage, investment and poverty reduction impact of Conditional Cash Transfers (CCTs) in Latin America and the Caribbean” (2) Miguel Vera Laguna (Labor Training Program - PROCAP, Swiss Development Cooperation - SDC, Bolivia) “Assessing the difficulties and solutions of the Bolivian Social Protection Network (BSPN) - The case of primary data collection for monitoring and evaluation” Session discussant: Andi Zaenal Abidin Dulung (Ministry of Social Affairs, Indonesia) Moderation: Katja Bender 15:00 COFFEE / TEA BREAK 15:30 Panel discussion The way forward – how do we deal with the challenge of measuring effects of social protection? With: (1) Huong Thi Lan Nguyen (Director General; Ministry of Labour, Invalids and Social Affairs - MOLISA, Institute of Labour Science and Social Affairs ILSSA) (2) Thania Paolo de la Garza Navarrete (Directora General Adjunta de Evaluación; El Consejo Nacional de Evaluación de la Politica de Desarrollo Social - CONEVAL) (3) Fabio Veras Soares (International Policy Centre for Inclusive Growth IPC-IG, United Nations Development Programme - UNDP) (4) Markus Loewe (Senior Researcher; German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE) Moderation: Christof Kersting 16:30 Conclusion Markus Loewe (German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik DIE) Katja Bender (Hochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg - HBRS) 17:00 End of Workshop Your directions to the German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE), Tulpenfeld 6, D - 53113 Bonn From Bonn Central Station (Hauptbahnhof): Take the U-Bahn U 16/ U 63 or U 66 to “Heussallee/Museumsmeile”. Take the exit Heussallee. Turn right after 50 m onto the footpath towards the office complex 'Tulpenfeld'. Follow the signs across Tulpenfeld to the building of DIE at Tulpenfeld 6. The buses No. 610 and 611 run from the train station Bonn Hauptbahnhof to the bus stop “Heussallee/Museumsmeile”. Turn onto the footpath towards the office complex 'Tulpenfeld'. Follow the signs across Tulpenfeld to the building of DIE at Tulpenfeld 6. Your directions to the Deutsche Welle, Kurt-Schumacher-Str. 3, 53113 Bonn From airport Cologne/Bonn: Bus No. 670 to Bonn Central Station (30 min.) From Bonn Central Station (Hauptbahnhof): The buses No. 610 and 611 run from the train station Bonn Hauptbahnhof to the bus stop "Deutsche Welle" or take the U-Bahn U16 / U63 or U66 to "Heussallee/Museumsmeile". Take the exit "Heussallee", go straight ahead, and turn right at the second street into the "Kurt-Schumacher-Str.". Advice for car drivers: Please use the parking ground for visitors, vehicular access Charles-de-Gaulle-Straße.
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