2015 Goat & Lamb Clinic

Goat & Lamb Clinic
A goat and lamb clinic will be held on May 4, 2015, at the Jackson County Services
Building kitchen at 411 N Wells in Edna, TX, starting at 6:00 p.m. Mark Morris, owner of Morris
Livestock, Normanna, TX, will be presenting a program on selection, feeding, health, proper
care, management, trimming, showing and showmanship.
Mark and Susan Morris own and operate a 4th generation Farm and Ranch. The staff at
Morris Livestock is dedicated to providing quality show wethers with the genetics that perform in
the show ring.
Our goat program at Morris Livestock consists of
over 200 head of does that carry the top genetics in the
show wether industry. Morris Livestock and Willard Show
Goats of San Angelo, TX have had a successful embryo
program for the past 5 years. Morris Livestock and Joe
Raff of Blue Team Wethers have a business relationship that allows Morris
Livestock to offer a large selection of wethers sired by the best wether sires
in the business. We have also utilized our Bucks on some outside herds to increase our
numbers. Morris Livestock also markets wethers from some of the best herds in the business.
The ranch is located in South Texas on Hwy 181, 12 miles north of Beeville, halfway
between Corpus Christi and San Antonio. Their website is: http://morrislivestock.net/
The clinic will also cover halter & chain breaking, bracing, supplements, acclimation,
age and muscle. Facilities and other equipment needed will be discussed along with other
topics. Join us for an evening of information on raising goats and lambs. For more information,
call the Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Office at 782-3312 or email Mike Hiller at:
[email protected]
The information given herein is for educational purposes only. References to commercial products or
trade names are made with the understanding that no endorsement by Texas AgriLife Extension Service is implied.
Extension programs serve people of all ages regardless of socioeconomic level, race, color, sex, religion,
disability, or national origin. The Texas A&M University System, U.S. Department of Agriculture, and the County
Commissioners Courts of Texas Cooperating. A member of The Texas A&M University System and its statewide
Agriculture Program.