Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) Australian and New Zealand Management Guidelines and the COPD Handbook A joint project of Version 1, November 2002 For further information contact The Australian Lung Foundation Phone (07) 3357 6388 Fax (07) 3357 6988 E-mail [email protected] PO Box 847 LUTWYCHE QLD AUSTRALIA 4030 1 Foreword Things are changing in COPD. · COPD contributes more to the burden of disease in Australia and New Zealand than any other lung condition. This impact on mortality, morbidity and disability will only escalate with an ageing population. · Now is the time to consider a proactive approach to chronic disease management of COPD patients. · COPD has long been regarded as an incurable condition for which there is very little therapy available. It has also been confused with asthma. Apathy towards COPD treatment may be attributed to an overemphasis on FEV1 as a marker of treatment success or failure. While it is true that little that can done to restore destroyed lung tissue and disordered pulmonary physiology, much can be done to improve quality of life, increase exercise capacity and reduce morbidity and mortality. · A global assessment of the patient and a caring, comprehensive approach to treatment can do much to improve the outlook and wellbeing of COPD patients. · There is renewed interest in the development of protocols and guidelines for COPD management, and many of the recommendations in this handbook are based on recent international guidelines, with consideration for treatment practices and regulations (e.g. those applying to domiciliary oxygen therapy) in Australia and New Zealand. · This guide has been written for primary care teams and others closely involved in the management of COPD patients. · It contains a simple plan for patient careÐ the COPD-X Plan Confirm diagnosis & assess severity Optimise function Prevent deterioration Develop support network and self-management plan eXacerbations Ð manage appropriately · This plan is a combination of evidence based medicine and consensus management. In some cases, the recommendations await the results of appropriate clinical trials to confirm usefulness. This publication is part of ÔSail OnÕ, a National Public Health campaign to help people with COPD Ôput the wind back into their sailsÕ. The Australian Lung Foundation is grateful for financial assistance provided by: Foundation sponsors Ð Boehringer Ingelheim, GlaxoSmithKline Supporters Ð Air Liquide Healthcare, BOC Medical 2 INTRODUCTION COPD in Australia and New Zealand Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease is a major cause of disability, hospital admission and premature death. · In Australia, only heart disease and stroke contribute more to the overall burden of disease1 while in New Zealand, COPD is second only to stroke2. · Early COPD symptoms are often attributed to ageing or other causes. The disease is therefore likely to be underrecognised. More than half a million Australians are estimated to have moderate to severe disease3 . As the population ages in developed countries, the burden of COPD is likely to increase. · COPD is costing the nation an estimated $818 to $898 million annually4. This is a conservative estimate because it is based on 1993 to 1994 figures extrapolated to the Year 2001. The addition of hidden costs could increase the estimate to more than $1 billion per annum. Hidden costs include carer burden, loss of productivity due to absenteeism and early retirement. · COPD is the fourth most common cause of death in Australian men and the sixth most common cause in women. In New Zealand, it is the third most common cause of death in men and the fourth in women1. · Smoking is the most important risk factor for COPD. Smoking-related diseases are increasing substantially in women and COPD death rates in women are expected to overtake those in men4. · Indigenous communities in Australia and New Zealand have experienced long-term socioeconomic and health disadvantage. COPD death rates in indigenous Australians are five times that of non-indigenous Australians 2. Smoking has been identified as the leading cause of healthy years lost in Maori men and women. Evidence Based Guidelines for the Management of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) and the COPD Handbook The development of these guidelines was a joint project of the Thoracic Society of Australia and New Zealand and The Australian Lung Foundation, driven by a multidisciplinary steering committee representing the major stakeholder groups in COPD management. The steering committee was convened according to the principles outlined in the National Health and Medical Research Council Guidelines for Guideline Development 5 and met for the first time in May 2001. It agreed to use the Global Strategy for the Diagnosis, Management and Prevention of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (referred to as GOLD) as the evidence base for these guidelines. The intention was that GOLD could be a resource used by countries around the world to produce local, tailored guidelines. GOLD is conducted in collaboration with the US National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute (NHLBI) and the World Health Organisation (WHO). Its goals are to increase awareness of COPD and decrease morbidity and mortality from the disease. 3 In 2001, GOLD published and distributed the GOLD Workshop Report: Global Strategy for the Diagnosis, Management and Prevention of COPD6, based on the available evidence for the most appropriate management and prevention strategies. The document was reviewed extensively by COPD experts and scientific societies throughout the world. It included the development of a comprehensive database of COPD literature, and levels of evidence were assigned to recommendations using a system developed by the NHLBI (see Figure 1). It is expected that this document will be updated regularly based on compelling new evidence (e.g. GOLD updates, Cochrane reviews or meta-analyses). The Guidelines are presented as the COPDX Plan Ð a summary of best practice management of COPD, with levels of evidence assigned. The COPDX Guidelines also act as an index for the COPD Handbook. This is the first of a range of products, tools and strategies being developed to drive the implementation of these guidelines. The Handbook provides detailed information on each of the steps in the guideline. The Handbook is primarily aimed at general practitioners but should also be a valuable resource for all health professionals involved in the care of patients with COPD. Associate Professor David McKenzie Chairman COPD Guidelines Steering Committee 4 Figure 1: Levels of Evidence NHLBI CATEGORY SOURCES OF EVIDENCE DEFINITION A Randomised controlled trials (RCTs). Rich body of data. Evidence is from endpoints of well-designed RCTs that provide a consistent pattern of findings in the population for which the recommendation is made. Category A requires substantial numbers of studies involving substantial numbers of participants. B Randomised controlled trials (RCTs). Limited body of data. Evidence is from endpoints of intervention studies that include only a limited number of patients, postop or sub-group analysis of RCTs, or meta-analysis of RCTs. In general, Category B pertains when few randomised trials exist, they are small in size, they were undertaken in a population that differs from the target population of the recommendation, or the results are somewhat inconsistent. C Non rðandomised trials. Observational studies. Evidence is from outcomes of uncontrolled or non randomised trials or from observational studies. D Panel consensus Judgment. This category is used only in cases where the provision of some guidance was deemed valuable but the clinical literature addressing the subject was deemed insufficient to justify placement in one of the other categories. The Panel Consensus is based on clinical experience or knowledge that does not meet the above-listed criteria. NHMRC LEVEL I [A] II [B] III Ð 1 [C] III Ð 2 [C] III Ð 3 [C] IV [C] TYPE OF EVIDENCE Evidence obtained from a systematic review of all relevant randomised controlled trials Evidence obtained from at least one properly designed randomised controlled trial Evidence obtained from well-designed pseudorandomised controlled trials (alternate allocation or some other method) Evidence obtained from comparative studies (including systematic reviews of such studies) with concurrent controls and allocation not randomised, cohort studies, case-control studies, or interrupted time series with a control group Evidence obtained from comparative studies with historical control, two or more single arm studies, or interrupted time series without a parallel group Evidence obtained from case series, either post-test or pretest/ post-test Source: NHMRC 1999 5 Acknowledgements Editorial Dr Jonathan Burdon, respiratory physician, Melbourne Dr Peter Frith, respiratory physician, Adelaide Associate Professor David McKenzie, respiratory physician, Sydney Professor Ian Town, respiratory physician, Christchurch, NZ Members of COPD Guidelines Steering Committee Associate Professor Michael Abramson, respiratory physician and epidemiologist, Melbourne Professor Norbert Berend, respiratory physician, Sydney Ms Jenny Bergin, Pharmacy Guild of Australia Associate Professor Stephen Cala, respiratory physician, Gosford Associate Professor Alan Crockett, respiratory scientist, Adelaide Dr Peter Frith, respiratory physician, Adelaide Dr Peter Gibson, respiratory physician, Newcastle Dr Christine Jenkins, respiratory physician, Sydney Associate Professor Sue Jenkins, physiotherapist, Perth Mr Ross Lisle, consumer representative Dr Christine McDonald, respiratory physician, Melbourne Associate Professor David McKenzie, respiratory physician, Sydney Dr Jitendra Parikh, Royal Australian College of General Practitioners Professor Harold Rea, respiratory physician, Auckland, NZ Mrs Marilyn Robinson, respiratory nurse, Townsville Dr Julian Smith, cardiothoracic surgeon, Melbourne Dr Greg Snell, respiratory physician, Melbourne Associate Professor Robin Taylor, respiratory physician, Dunedin, NZ Mr Marcus Weidinger, Pharmaceutical Society of Australia Contributors & Reviewers Dr Jenny Alison, physiotherapist, Sydney Mr Paul Caffarella, psychologist, Adelaide Associate Professor Donald Campbell, respiratory physician, Melbourne Dr Karen Detering, respiratory physician, Melbourne Dr David Hart, respiratory physician, Melbourne Associate Professor Peter Holmes, respiratory physician, Melbourne Associate Professor John Kolbe, respiratory physician, Auckland, NZ Dr Tom Kotsimbos, respiratory physician, Melbourne Ms Maria Loder, respiratory nurse, Melbourne Dr James Markos, respiratory physician, Hobart Ms Vanessa McDonald, respiratory nurse, Newcastle Dr Ruth McKenzie, general practitioner, Sydney Dr Lucy Morgan, respiratory physician, Sydney Dr Matthew Peters, respiratory physician, Sydney Professor Robert Pierce, respiratory physician, Melbourne Associate Professor Robyn Richmond, School of Community Medicine, UNSW Dr Jonathan Rutland, respiratory physician, Sydney Professor Paul Seale, respiratory physician, Sydney Dr Brian Smith, respiratory physician, Adelaide Ms Laura Smith, PhD student, Adelaide Ms Sheree Smith, respiratory nurse, Brisbane Mr Pieter Walker, psychologist, Melbourne Associate Professor Iven Young, respiratory physician, Sydney 6 TABLE OF CONTENTS Page FOREWORD INTRODUCTION COPD in Australia and New Zealand Draft Evidence Based Guidelines for the Management of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) and the COPD Handbook Explanation of Levels of Evidence - COPDX ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS C - CONFIRM DIAGNOSIS AND ASSESS SEVERITY INTRODUCTION What is COPD? Aetiology and natural history Prognosis CONFIRM DIAGNOSIS Signs and Symptoms Spirometry Assess Severity ASSESS ACUTE RESPONSE TO BRONCHODILATORS Confirm or exclude asthma SUPPORT DIAGNOSIS Flow volume tests Complex lung function testing Exercise testing Sleep studies Chest radiographs High resolution CT scanning (HRCT) Ventilation and perfusion scans Transcutaneous oxygen saturation Arterial blood gas measurement Sputum examination Haematology and biochemistry Electrocardiography and echocardiography COMPLICATIONS AND COMORBIDITIES Comorbidities Complications of treatment Aggravators of COPD O Ð OPTIMISE FUNCTION SYMPTOM RELIEF Bronchodilator Therapy In COPD Initial Drug Therapy Long-acting inhaled bronchodilators Theophyllines 2 3 3 3 5 6 12 13 13 14 15 15 15 16 17 18 19 19 20 21 21 21 22 22 22 22 23 23 23 23 24 24 24 24 25 26 26 26 27 27 7 Assessment of Response and Continuation of Bronchodilator Therapy Glucocorticoid therapy in COPD Short-course oral glucocorticoids Inhaled glucocorticoids Combination inhaled glucocoricoid/long acting bronchodilator Assess Long Term Medication Response Glucocorticoid Response Trial Optimise Inhaler Technique SURGICAL TREATMENTS Bullectomy Lung Volume Reduction Surgery Lung Transplantation Fitness for Surgery IDENTIFY AND TREAT AGGRAVATING FACTORS Sleep Apnoea/Hypoventilation/Hypoxaemia Physiology of sleep The overlap syndrome Gastro-oesophageal Reflux Aspiration Oral/Dental Health Alcohol and Sedatives IDENTIFY AND TREAT COMPLICATIONS Pulmonary hypertension and cor pulmonale Investigations Treatment Left Ventricular Failure Osteoporosis IMPROVE FUNCTION Pulmonary Rehabilitation Exercise training Patient Education Psychosocial support Comprehensive integrated rehabilitation Chest Physiotherapy in COPD Weight Management and Nutrition SEX & COPD P Ð PREVENT DETERIORATION INTRODUCTION SMOKING CESSATION Identify stage of readiness to quit Discuss behavioural and cognitive strategies Discuss pharmacotherapies: nicotine replacement and bupropion Nicotine transdermal patch Nicotine gum Nicotine inhaler Nicotine lozenges Bupropion Discuss social support Discuss prevention of relapse PREVENT INFECTION AND EXACERBATION 27 28 28 28 29 29 30 31 33 33 33 33 34 34 34 34 34 35 35 36 36 36 36 37 37 38 38 39 39 39 40 40 40 41 41 42 43 45 45 45 46 46 46 46 47 47 47 48 48 48 8 Influenza vaccination Pneumococcal vaccination Antibiotics Glucocorticoids Mucolytics in COPD REGULAR REVIEW Monitor disease progression and development of complications Monitor pharmacotherapy and other medical treatment Monitor exacerbation history Monitor comorbidities HOME OXYGEN THERAPY Indications Long-term continuous oxygen therapy Intermittent oxygen therapy Nocturnal oxygen therapy Contraindications Initiating oxygen therapy What the patient needs to know Review Dangers Choosing the right method Cylinders Oxygen concentrators Liquid oxygen systems Which system is the best? FITNESS TO FLY Who requires supplemental oxygen during flight? FITNESS FOR SURGERY Preoperative assessment and preparation History Examination Lung function tests ABGs Integrated cardiopulmonary exercise testing Smoking cessation Control of sputum Effect of nature of surgery Management of COD patient postoperatively D Ð DEVELOP SUPPORT NETWORK AND SELFMANAGEMENT PLAN Impact on patient and carer Assess & improve individualÕs supports GPÕs role Respiratory specialistÕs role The multidisciplinary team Nurse/Respiratory Educator Physiotherapist Occupational therapist Social worker Clinical psychologist Speech pathologist/therapist Pharmacist 48 49 49 49 49 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 51 51 52 52 52 52 53 53 53 53 54 54 54 54 54 55 56 56 56 56 57 57 57 57 58 58 59 60 60 60 61 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 9 Dietitian Non-medical care agencies Develop multidisciplinary care plan/case conference INCREASE KNOWLEDGE AND REDUCE STRAIN Educate patients and carers Refer to a support group IMPROVE COPING SKILLS AND SELF MANAGEMENT BEHAVIOUR. DEVELOP POSITIVE ATTITUDES TO SELFMANAGEMENT AND EXERCISE. REDUCE FREQUENCY OF EXACERBATIONS/ADMISSIONS Assess cognitive and coping abilities Treat anxiety and depression Address carer strain Enrol in pulmonary rehabilitation Ensure optimal use of inhalers Develop a self-management plan END OF LIFE ISSUES PALLIATIVE CARE IN COPD 63 63 63 64 64 65 66 X Ð EXACERBATIONS: MANAGE APPROPRIATELY 71 ACUTE EXACERBATIONS OF COPD Pathophysiological abnormalities Causes Complications In general practice In hospital At resolution EARLY DIAGNOSIS EARLY ACTION Initial assessment of severity History and examination OPTIMISE TREATMENT Bronchodilator therapy Introduction Initial treatment Antibiotic therapy Glucocorticoids REFER APPROPRIATELY Indications for specialist referral Indications for hospitalisation of patients with COPD Indications for increased respiratory support or ICU admission RESPIRATORY SUPPORT Controlled O2 therapy Noninvasive positive pressure ventilation (NIPPV) Clearance of secretions MONITOR AND REVIEW Monitor response to initial treatment Monitoring response to ongoing treatment Discharge planning Psychosocial assessment and activities of daily living Pulmonary rehabilitation CONVALESCENCE Outreach support after discharge Clinical review/follow up 66 66 67 67 67 67 69 70 73 73 73 74 74 74 74 74 74 74 75 75 75 75 76 76 77 77 77 78 78 78 78 79 80 80 80 80 81 81 82 82 82 82 10 Assessment for long-term oxygen therapy Smoking cessation Vaccination Nutrition ABBREVIATIONS REFERENCES 83 83 83 83 84 85 FIGURES Page Figure 1. Figure 2. Figure 3. Figure 4. Figure 5. Figure 6. Figure 7. Figure 8. Figure 9. Figure 10. Figure 11. Figure 12. Figure 13. Figure 14. Figure 15. Figure 16. Figure 17. Figure 18. Figure 19. Figure 20. Figure 21. Figure 22. Figure 23. Levels of Evidence COPD, Bronchitis, Emphysema and Asthma Time-Course of COPD Indications for considering COPD and performing spirometry MRC Dyspnoea Scale Volume-Time Plots Classification of severity Assessment of acute beta-agonist/bronchodilator response (at diagnosis) Excluding other diagnoses Flow volume curves Suggested initial treatment with short acting bronchodilators Assessing long term medication response Long term bronchodilator responsiveness protocol Glucocorticoid response trial period protocol Explanation of inhaler devices Advantages and disadvantages of pharmacological treatments for smoking cessation Risk factors for postoperative respiratory complications Proportions to be used in calculating the effect of lung resection Indications for referral to respiratory specialist Enhanced Primary Care Item Numbers Suggested COPD patient education topics Patient support groups Adjustments for oxygen settings in acute exacerbations of COPD 5 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 26 29 30 30 31 47 55 57 61 63 65 65 79 11 C CONFIRM DIAGNOSIS AND ASSESS SEVERITY Consider COPD in all smokers and ex smokers over the age of 357. Consider COPD in patients with other smoking related diseases15. Smoking is the most important risk factor in the development of COPD7,8. Other risk factors include occupational exposures, indoor and outdoor air pollution, airway hyper-responsiveness and genetic factors (e.g. alpha-1antitrypsin deficiency)9. The diagnosis rests on the demonstration of airflow limitation which is not fully reversible20. If airflow limitation is substantially reversible treat as asthma. AIMS Confirm diagnosis ACTIONS History Examination Functional Assessment Spirometry B A A B B D FINDINGS Smoking >10 pack years*, strong family history Cough, sputum, dyspnoea Overexpansion, quiet breath sounds Exercise limitation FEV1<80%Predicted, FEV1/FVC <0.7 (post bronchodilator) Support diagnosis and Exclude other conditions Assess severity Identify: Complications - disease - treatment Comorbidities - lifestyle - ageing CXR, high resolution CT, Complex lung function Hyperinflation, emphysema Airway narrowing, reduced transfer factor Physician Review Echocardiogram Immunological screening Bronchial challenge Spirometry Consider: - Diffusing capacity - O2 sat, ABGs Relevant Investigations Cancer, pneumonia, left ventricular failure, bronchiectasis, interstitial lung disease, thromboembolic disease, asthma Mild FEV1 60-80% (post bronchodilator) Moderate FEV1 40-59% Severe FEV1 <40% Hypoxaemia, hypercapnia and weight loss indicate poor prognosis Pneumonia, pleurisy, empyema, pneumothorax, respiratory failure, pulmonary hypertension, cor pulmonale, polycythaemia, deconditioning, osteoporosis, cataract. Ischaemic heart disease, vascular disease, carcinoma, aspiration, gastro-oesophageal reflux, sleep disordered breathing, diabetes mellitus, dementia. * 1 Pack year = 20/day for 1 year or equivalent number of cigarettes The above recommendations are either self-evident or represent consensus-based best practice, except where levels of evidence have been assigned. 12 Introduction What is COPD? Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is a group of disorders characterised by airway inflammation and airflow limitation that is not fully reversible. COPD should be distinguished from asthma because it is a progressive, disabling disease with increasingly serious complications and exacerbations that places a major burden on the health care system. In contrast with asthma, non-drug treatments such as pulmonary rehabilitation have a major role. Patients with a clinical history compatible with asthma whose airflow obstruction is substantially reversible are not considered to have COPD. Small airway narrowing (with or without chronic bronchitis) and emphysema due to smoking are the most common conditions resulting in COPD. Breathlessness with exertion, chest tightness and wheeze are due to airway narrowing and impaired gas exchange. Chronic bronchitis is daily sputum production for at least three months of two or more consecutive years, and not all people with these symptoms have airflow limitation. Emphysema is a pathological diagnosis, consisting of alveolar dilatation and destruction. The resultant impairment in gas exchange makes it difficult for people with emphysema to perform activities without breathlessness. The loss of lung elastic tissue may result in airway wall collapse during expiration, leading to dynamic hyperinflation and consequent increased work of breathing. Some people with early emphysema may not have airflow limitation. The symptoms, signs and physiology of these conditions can overlap with asthma and differentiation can be difficult, particularly in middle-aged smokers presenting with breathlessness and cough. This difficulty is compounded by the fact that the majority of COPD patients exhibit some degree of reversibility with bronchodilators. Patients with severe chronic asthma, chronic bronchiolitis, bronchiectasis and cystic fibrosis may also present with a similar clinical pattern and partially reversible airflow limitation. Figure 2. COPD, Bronchitis, Emphysema and Asthma Recurrent respiratory tract infections are typical in patients with COPD but should also alert the clinician to the possibility of bronchiectasis, local airway obstruction (e.g. carcinoma, foreign body), recurrent aspiration, immune deficiency syndromes 13 and cystic fibrosis. Haemoptysis, even when minor, should always be considered as a possible manifestation of lung cancer or bronchiectasis. Aetiology and natural history Cigarette smoking is the most important aetiological factor in the development of COPD 7,8. It is estimated that in Western societies cigarette smoking accounts for about 85% of the risk of developing COPD, and there is a close relationship between the Consider the diagnosis of amount of tobacco smoked and the rate of COPD in all smokers and exdecline in FEV1. smokers over the age of 35. Around half of all smokers develop some airflow limitation and 15-20% of smokers will develop clinically significant disability. Smokers are also at risk of developing lung cancer, ischemic heart disease and other tobacco related disorders such as peripheral vascular disease. Other factors which may contribute to the development of COPD include9: · occupational dust and fume exposure · alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency Cigarette smoking accounts for · bronchial hyperresponsiveness about 85% of the risk of · environmental tobacco smoke developing COPD. · indoor and outdoor air pollution · recurrent respiratory infections in childhood · genetic predisposition Continued cigarette smoking in susceptible people causes a steady decline in lung function with the loss of FEV1 of 25-100ml/year. Smoking cessation leads to a small improvement in lung function in some patients. More importantly it will slow the rate of decline in lung function to that experienced by non-smokers and delay the onset of disablement. Smoking cessation at any time is important to preserve remaining lung function7. Figure 3. Time-Course of COPD As the disease progresses, impairment increases but may not be recognised because of the slow pace of the disease. Patients tend to maintain their activity levels within their own symptomatic limits and adopt strategies to avoid undue shortness of breath. Ultimately the patient becomes disabled and hypoxaemia develops. Hypercapnia, pulmonary hypertension and cor pulmonale may develop. 14 Prognosis The single best predictor of mortality in COPD is FEV17,21. In one study the five year survival was only about 10% for those with FEV1 < 20% predicted, 30% for those with FEV1 between 20 and 29% predicted and about 50% for those with FEV1 between 30 and 39% predicted. Continued smoking and airway hyperesponsiveness are associated with accelerated loss of lung function10. The development of hypoxaemic respiratory failure is an independent predictor of mortality with a three year survival of about 40% 11. Survival is increased by long-term administration of oxygen to about 50% with nocturnal oxygen and about 60% with administration for greater than 15 hours per day12 (see also section ÒPÓ, page 50). Admission to hospital with an infective exacerbation of COPD complicated by hypercapnic respiratory failure is associated with a poor prognosis. A mortality of 11% during admission and 49% at two years has been reported in patients with a PaCO2 > 50 mm Hg13. For those with chronic CO2 retention (about 25% of those admitted with hypercapnic exacerbations) the five year survival was 11% 14. However, even if substantial airflow limitation is present, cessation of smoking may result in some improvement in lung function and will slow progression of disease. Confirm Diagnosis Signs and symptoms The main symptoms of COPD are breathlessness, cough and sputum production15-16. Patients often attribute breathlessness to ageing or lack of fitness. Occasionally patients will associate the onset of their symptoms, particularly breathlessness, to a major life event such as a motor vehicle accident, personal crisis/tragedy, surgery or to severe illness. More detailed history in these cases will indicate that the condition was of much longer standing. Spirometric evidence of moderate to severe airflow limitation is common at the time of presentation. It is therefore important to consider the diagnosis of COPD and measure spirometry early in the natural history when interventions such as smoking cessation will have maximal benefit. A persistent cough, typically worse in the mornings with mucoid sputum, is common in smokers. It may occur with or without clinical or spirometric evidence of airflow obstruction. Other symptoms such as chest tightness, wheezing and airway irritability are common. Figure 4. Indications for considering COPD and performing spirometry. Chronic cough Chronic sputum production Acute bronchitis Dyspnoea that is History of exposure to risk factors present intermittently or every day often present throughout the day; seldom only nocturnal any pattern of chronic sputum production may indicate COPD repeated episodes, often in winter progressive persistent worse on exercise worse during respiratory infections tobacco smoke occupational dusts and chemicals indoor and outdoor pollution 15 Patients with COPD become more breathless as their disease advances. Breathlessness will initially develop during heavy exertion and gradually exercise capacity will decrease. Eventually breathlessness may occur at rest. Breathlessness and functional limitation can be rated numerically with the simple MRC dyspnoea scale The MRC dyspnoea scale17 is a simple tool that reliably grades the impact and disablement from breathlessness associated with COPD and it is highly recommended for use in standard clinical practice (see Figure 5). It is as easy to apply in a clinical consultation as the New York Health Association's Cardiac Status gradings, and it fits closely with routine questions often asked about what activities cause a person to become breathless. Figure 5. MRC Dyspnoea Scale Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Grade 4 Grade 5 "I only get breathless with strenuous exercise" "I get short of breath when hurrying on the level or walking up a slight hill" "I walk slower than most people of the same age on the level because of breathlessness or have to stop for breath when walking at my own pace on the level" "I stop for breath after walking about 100 yards or after a few minutes on the level" "I am too breathless to leave the house" or Ò I am breathless when dressingÓ Acute exacerbations, usually infective, occur from time to time and may lead to a sharp deterioration in coping ability. Fatigue, poor appetite and weight loss become increasingly common in advanced disease. Physical findings vary with severity. The sensitivity of physical examination for detecting mild to moderate COPD is poor18. Wheezing is not an indicator of severity of disease and is often absent in stable, severe COPD. In more advanced disease, hyperinflation of the chest, reduced chest expansion, hyperresonance to percussion, soft breath sounds and a prolonged expiratory phase are commonly found. Right heart failure may complicate severe disease and will be recognised by elevation of the jugular venous pressure and peripheral oedema. During an acute exacerbation, signs of severe airflow limitation such as tachypnoea, tachycardia, use of accessory muscles, tracheal tug and cyanosis may be seen. The presence and severity of airflow limitation is impossible to determine using clinical signs alone. Objective measurements of airway calibre such as spirometry are strongly recommended. Peak expiratory flow (PEF) is not a sensitive measure of airway function in COPD patients because it is effort dependent and there is a wide range of normal values19. The diagnosis of COPD rests on spirometry and the demonstration of airflow limitation that is not fully reversible. Spirometry Spirometry is the gold standard for diagnosing, assessing and monitoring COPD. Most spirometers provide predicted values derived from formulae accounting for height, age, gender and ethnic background. The values for Asians and most black 16 races are 10 Ð 20% lower than those for northern Europeans (Caucasians). This is due to ethnic variation in the shape of the chest cavity. Airflow limitation that is not fully reversible is defined as being present when the postbronchodilator values for the ratio of FEV1 to FVC (FEV1/FVC) is <0.7 and the FEV1 is <80% predicted. The FEV1/VC ratio is sensitive in the recognition of mild COPD. The FEV1 as a percentage of predicted, is useful in terms of severity assessment and as a prognostic indicator. Figure 6. Volume-Time Plots Assess severity Spirometry is the most reproducible, standardised and objective way of measuring airflow limitation, and the one most closely associated with prognosis21 . With the advent of electronic spirometers, flow-volume tests are now being used more frequently. In some cases more complex lung function tests such as diffusing capacity and static lung volumes are useful to assist in the investigation and management of COPD (see page 21). 17 Figure 7. Classification of severity (Airflow limitation is indicated by FEV1/FVC <0.7) Mild COPD Moderate COPD Severe COPD Spirometry FEV1% predicted 60-80% predicted 40-59% predicted <40% predicted Functional assessment (Activities of daily living) Few symptoms Increasing dyspnoea Dyspnoea on minimal exertion No effect on daily activities Breathless on the flat Breathless on moderate exertion Increasing limitation of daily activities No Exclude complications Complications Consider sleep apnoea if pulmonary hypertension Daily activities severely curtailed Severe hypoxaemia (PaO2 <60mm Hg or 8kPa) Hypercapnia (PaCO2 >45mm Hg or 6kPa) Pulmonary hypertension Cor pulmonale Polycythaemia Assess acute response to bronchodilators The response to bronchodilators should be performed at the time of diagnosis, when clinically stable, in order to: · assign level of severity (post-bronchodilator) · help confirm or exclude asthma The longer term response to bronchodilators and glucocorticoids should also be assessed to guide rational choice of medication and to establish best attainable lung function (see Optimise function, page 27). The change in FEV1 after an acute bronchodilator reversibility test indicates the degree of reversibility of airflow limitation. This is often expressed as a percentage of the baseline measurement (e.g. 12% increase). However where the FEV1 is small (e.g. less than 40% predicted), a more useful measure is the absolute increase in FEV1 (e.g. >200ml increase). An increase of FEV1 of greater than 12% and 200ml is greater than average day to day variability and is unlikely to occur by chance22. This degree of reversibility is not diagnostic of asthma and is frequently seen in patients with COPD. 18 Figure 8. Assessment of acute beta-agonist/bronchodilator response (at diagnosis) Preparation · · Spirometry · · · · · Perform tests when patients are clinically stable and free from respiratory infection Patients should not have taken inhaled short-acting bronchodilators in the previous six hours, long-acting beta-agonists in the previous 12 hours, or sustained-release theophyllines in the previous 24 hours. Measure baseline spirometry (pre-bronchodilator) and look for indicators of airflow limitation FEV1 < 80% predicted and FEV1/FVC < 0.70 The bronchodilator should be given by metered dose inhaler through a spacer device or by nebuliser to be certain it has been inhaled. Give standard beta-agonist, at a dose selected to be high on the doseresponse curve. Suitable dosage protocols are 200 - 400 mcg salbutamol from MDI and spacer Repeat spirometry 15 Ð 30 minutes after bronchodilator is given, look for indicators of reversibility. Confirm or exclude asthma Asthma and COPD are usually easy to differentiate even though they share many symptoms. Asthma usually runs a more variable course and dates back to a younger age (even to recurrent wheezy bronchitis in childhood). Atopy is more common in asthmatics and the smoking history is often relatively light. Airflow limitation in asthma is substantially, if not completely, reversible either spontaneously or in response to treatment (short or long term bronchodilators and/or glucocorticoids). By contrast COPD tends to be progressive with a late onset of symptoms and a moderately heaving smoking history (usually >15 pack years). The airflow obstruction, by definition, is not completely reversible. However, there is some overlap between asthma and COPD. Longstanding or poorly controlled asthma can lead to chronic, irreversible airway narrowing even in nonsmokers. Such an outcome is more likely in smoking asthmatics. On the other hand many patients with COPD and no history to suggest asthma may have clinically significant but incomplete reversibility of airflow limitation with treatment. Support Diagnosis The diagnosis of COPD may be confirmed by the use of more complex lung function tests and a high resolution CT scan of the lungs. Differentiation from chronic asthma, airway hyperresponsiveness or significant occupational exposures that may cause a clinically relevant degree of bronchodilator and/or steroid responsiveness is important and often requires specialised knowledge and investigations. The long-term management of most people with COPD will usually take place in primary care. However referral to a respiratory specialist may contribute to assessment and management of people with moderate or severe disease (Indications for specialist referral are listed in Section D, page 61). Normal spirometry in heavy smokers does not necessarily mean that smoking-related lung damage has not occurred. In these cases more sophisticated lung function tests are needed to demonstrate respiratory abnormalities. Neither should normal spirometric results deter the advice to smokers that it is in their best long-term interests to quit. Smoking cessation will have tangible benefits even in advanced 19 disease. The effects of smoking on other organ systems also need to be discussed with the patient. Smoking cessation techniques are discussed in Section P. Figure 9. Excluding Other Diagnoses Alternative Diagnosis Suggestive Features Asthma Cardiac failure Onset early in life Day to day variability Nocturnal cough and/or wheeze Atopic features (eczema, hayfever) Family history Substantial reversibility with bronchodilator Non Smoker History of hypertension, ischaemic heart disease Elevated JVP, peripheral oedema Cardiac enlargement Bronchiectasis Large volumes of sputum, often daily Frequent purulent exacerbations May date back to childhood or severe infection May show finger clubbing Coarse crackles and/or wheeze CXR/HRCT bronchial dilation, thickened airway walls Interstitial lung disease Tachypnoea, clubbing Bibasal fine inspiratory crackles Basal reticulonodular shadowing on CXR HRCT: septal thickening, honeycombing Chronic bronchiolitis Usually younger Non-smokers Predisposing disorders e.g. rheumatoid arthritis HRCT: hypodense areas and patchy ground glass shadowing Cystic fibrosis Family history Usually diagnosed in childhood History of childhood chest disorder, malabsorption Finger clubbing, failure to thrive Unexplained breathlessness Check FBE to exclude anaemia Check V/Q scan or CTPA, D-dimer to exclude thromboembolism Consider hyperventilation syndromes Check thyroid function to exclude thyrotoxicosis Flow volume tests Electronic spirometers allow for the simultaneous measurement of flow and volume during maximal expiration. Reduced expiratory flows at mid and low lung volumes are the earliest indicators of airflow limitation in this patient group. 20 Figure 10. Flow-Volume Curves Complex lung function testing Measurement of airways resistance, static lung volumes and diffusing capacity (DLCO) all assist in the assessment of patients with more complex respiratory symptoms. In the presence of airflow limitation, a reduction in DLCO below 70% is highly suggestive of the presence of emphysema. Static lung volumes (total lung capacity [TLC], functional residual capacity [FRC] and residual volume [RV]) are usually increased in COPD. The diagnosis of COPD is strongly supported by the finding of an increase in TLC, FRC and RV in the presence of a reduced FEV1/FVC. Exercise testing Simple exercise tests (e.g. six-minute walk, incremental or endurance shuttle walking test) are useful to determine the extent of disability and as an outcome measure following intervention e.g. pulmonary rehabilitation. Integrated cardiopulmonary exercise testing is not routine in the diagnosis of COPD. Laboratory based exercise tests may be useful to identify the cause of exercise limitation and to differentiate between breathlessness due to cardiac or respiratory disease and exercise limitation due to other causes (eg peripheral vascular disease). Sleep studies Worsening of blood gas abnormalities during sleep or nocturnal desaturation is frequently observed in patients with COPD. Mechanisms include worsening of gas exchange and reduced efficiency of respiratory mechanics in the recumbent posture, and central hypoventilation during sleep, especially REM sleep. Obstructive sleep apnoea may co-exist with COPD, and may be responsible for cardiac failure that is poorly responsive to treatment. 21 Specialist referral is recommended for COPD Consider the possibility of patients suspected of having a coexistent sleep COPD co-existing with a sleep breathing disorder. Indications for sleep studies disorder in patients with COPD include symptoms suggesting sleep apnoea, such as excessive daytime sleepiness, hypercapnia, pulmonary hypertension in the absence of daytime hypoxaemia, right heart failure or polycythaemia. Overnight pulse oximetry may be indicated in patients receiving long-term domiciliary oxygen therapy to assess its efficacy. Chest radiographs A plain posteroanterior and lateral chest radiograph (CXR) is a useful part of the initial assessment of patients with COPD. It serves as a baseline for future assessments and also helps to exclude other conditions such as lung cancer. The CXR is not sensitive in the diagnosis of COPD and will not exclude a small carcinoma (<1cm). FEV1 and CXRs may be normal in early disease. A CXR is an important baseline test to exclude an obvious lung tumour. Hyperinflation of the lung fields is a common feature in the CXR of COPD patients, but is also seen in other conditions such as chronic asthma and even in fit young adults. Bullae can be seen in some patients with advanced emphysema. Moderate emphysema is associated with disruption and attenuation of vascular markings especially in the upper zones. High Resolution CT Scanning (HRCT) HRCT scanning gives precise images of the lung parenchyma and mediastinal structures. The presence of emphysema and the size and number of bullae can be determined. This is necessary if bullectomy or lung reduction surgery is being contemplated. A high resolution CT is the appropriate way to detect the presence of bronchiectasis. Vertical reconstructions can provide a virtual bronchogram. Spiral CT scans with intravenous contrast should be used in other circumstances such as the investigation and staging of lung cancer. CT pulmonary angiograms are useful in investigating possible pulmonary embolism especially when the chest radiograph is abnormal. Ventilation and perfusion scans Ventilation and perfusion (V/Q) scans are not part of the routine workup of the COPD patient but may be helpful if pulmonary embolism is suspected. In patients with COPD the V/Q scan may be difficult to interpret as regional lung ventilation may also be compromised leading to matched defects. If pulmonary emboli are strongly suspected a CT pulmonary angiogram may be indicated. V/Q scans are helpful in assessing patients for suitability for lung resection and lung volume reduction surgery. Transcutaneous oxygen saturation Hypoxaemia may develop in patients with moderate and severe COPD. It may also occur transiently in acute exacerbations during exercise or during sleep. Transcutaneous haemoglobin oxygen saturation (SpO2 ), measured by pulse oximetry, is an easy, non-invasive guide to the adequacy of oxygenation. Currently available oximeters have an accuracy of plus or minus 2%, which is satisfactory for routine clinical purposes. Oximetry does not provide any information regarding 22 carbon dioxide status and is inaccurate in the presence of poor peripheral circulation (e.g. cold extremities, cardiac failure). Arterial blood gas measurement In general, if the SpO2 is greater than 92%, arterial blood gas analysis is not necessary. It should however be considered in all patients with severe disease, those being considered for domiciliary oxygen therapy, and in all patients with complications or a rapidly deteriorating clinical state e.g. when the FEV1 is <40% predicted or <1litre, SpO2 <92%, when pulmonary hypertension is present, and in those with breathlessness out of proportion to their clinical status. Elevation of arterial carbon dioxide tension PaCO2 >45mm Hg (6kPa) is a sign of inadequate ventilation due to critically impaired lung function and/or impaired control of breathing. Respiratory failure is defined as a PaO2 <60mm Hg (8kPa) or a PaCO2 >50 mm Hg (6.7kPa). Sputum examination Sputum culture may identify the infecting organism causing an exacerbation of COPD. However, positive bacterial cultures can also be found in patients who are clinically stable. Sputum cultures are often negative even when the sputum is obviously purulent. Sputum culture is recommended when the infection is not responding to antibiotic therapy or when a resistant organism is suspected. Routine sputum culture in clinically stable COPD patients is unhelpful and unnecessary. The lack of sputum culture results should not delay the introduction of antibiotics into the treatment program if clinically indicated. Once they are available, the results may guide more appropriate antibiotic therapy. Haematology and biochemistry Haemoglobin and haematocrit measurement are part of the assessment of COPD patients. Polycythaemia should be confirmed as being secondary to COPD by blood gas measurement confirming the presence of hypoxaemia. The possibility of sleep apnoea/hypoventilation should be considered if the awake O 2 saturation is normal. Occasionally unsuspected anaemia may be detected and when treated may improve symptoms. Measurement of thyroid function and acid base status are sometimes useful in patients in whom the cause of breathlessness is obscure. Hyperthyroidism and acidosis are associated with breathlessness. Hyperventilation states are associated with respiratory alkalosis. Hypothyroidism aggravates obstructive sleep apnoea. Electrocardiography and echocardiography Electrocardiography is useful when coexistent ischaemic heart disease or an arrhythmia are suspected. Atrial fibrillation commonly develops when pulmonary artery pressure rises, leading to increased right atrial pressure. Echocardiography may be useful in the assessment of right heart function e.g. if cor pulmonale is suspected. It is also useful when breathlessness is out of proportion to the degree of respiratory impairment and when conditions such as ischaemic heart disease, pulmonary embolus and left heart failure are suspected. 23 Complications and Comorbidities Complications of COPD include a range of conditions, which are discussed in detail in Sections ÒOÓ and ÒXÓ. The most common are infective exacerbations, pneumonia, pleurisy and empyema and pneumothorax. Hypoxaemia, hypercapnia, pulmonary hypertension, polycythaemia and cor pulmonale are usually late manifestations indicating severe impairment of lung function. Sleep-disordered breathing should be considered if the degree of pulmonary hypertension seems excessive for the impairment of lung function. Deconditioning occurs rapidly in patients with advanced COPD contributing to disability and poor quality of life. A reduction in body mass index (BMI<20%) is an independent risk factor for mortality in COPD patients23. Comorbidities Patients with COPD are prone to other conditions associated with cigarette smoking including accelerated cardiovascular, cerebrovascular and peripheral vascular disease; oropharyngeal, laryngeal and lung carcinoma. Conversely, there is a high prevalence of COPD among patients with ischaemic heart disease, peripheral vascular disease and cerebrovascular disease. These patients should be screened for COPD (including spirometry). Complications of treatment Other comorbidities are related to treatment, especially the inappropriate use of highdose inhaled and oral glucocorticoids. Problems include easy bruising, weight gain, myopathy, hyperglycaemia, hypertension, osteoporosis and cataract. Aggravators of COPD COPD and its symptoms may be aggravated by a range of conditions including left ventricular failure, aspiration, gastro-oesophageal reflux, sleep apnoea, anaemia, hyperthyroidism and renal failure (e.g. metabolic acidosis). Left ventricular function may be difficult to assess because of hyperinflation affecting echocardiography and the respiratory limitation of exercise. The radiographic sign of upper lobe diversion may not be obvious with the vascular attenuation of emphysema. A gated heart pool scan may be useful. 24 O OPTIMISE FUNCTION Pulmonary rehabilitation reduces dyspnoea, anxiety and depression, improves exercise capacity and quality of life and may reduce hospitalisation90-91. Inhaled bronchodilators provide symptom relief and may increase exercise capacity 24- 27,63 Inhaled glucocorticoids should be considered in patients with a documented response or who have severe COPD with frequent exacerbations59-62. Oral glucocorticoids are contraindicated for maintenance use in most cases53-57. In selected patients, a surgical approach may be considered for symptom relief 64-70. AIMS Symptom relief GOALS Reduce breathlessness Improve exercise capacity/quality of life Bronchodilatation - Avoid overdosing - Avoid drug interactions - Stop drug if no benefit Other approaches Identify & treat aggravating factors Identify & Treat complications Improve function Assess oxygen status Sleep apnoea Reflux, aspiration Avoid excess alcohol & sedative use Pulmonary hypertension CO2 retention Osteoporosis Peripheral and respiratory muscle dysfunction Address psychosocial issues Increase daily exercise Improve knowledge & self management skills Optimise nutrition Chronic hypoxaemia Exercise hypoxaemia Sleep hypoxaemia RECOMMENDATIONS / ACTIONS A A B A C LEVEL Pulmonary Rehabilitation A Optimise inhaler technique Use inhaled b2 agonist or anticholinergic Combined b2 agonist and anticholinergic may be more effective and better tolerated Consider long acting inhaled bronchodilators Consider trial of inhaled glucocorticoids MDI with spacer or dry powder inhaler may be as effective as nebuliser Consider theophyllines SR (check serum levels) Consider bullectomy, LVRS or transplantation C A/A A Overnight saturations, sleep study History +/- modified Ba swallow if indicated Ask, advise, assess, assist, arrange C C/D C Long term oxygen (> 15 hrs/day) Low flow oxygen (of 0.5-2 lpm), consider NIPPV Minimise or cease corticosteroids Measure bone density and treat Optimise nutrition Treat hypoxaemia and avoid systemic steroids Advise daily physical activity (including walking) Pulmonary rehabilitation achieves all goals - Diagnose and treat anxiety/depression - Encourage physical activity, consider portable O2 - Enrol in respiratory support group - Educate patients and carers - Obtain diet history, - Advise weight gain or reduction as appropriate Formal assessment Ð see section P, page 50 A B A C/D C/D C/D C/D Where two levels of evidence are given (e.g. A/A) this means evidence is given for both recommendations/actions. 25 A B C B C A C B C A C Symptom Relief Pulmonary Rehabilitation (see under Improve Function, page 39) Bronchodilator therapy in COPD Patients with COPD present with breathlessness during and after exertion. Individuals who have a sedentary lifestyle will generally have a moderate or severe lung function abnormality at diagnosis. The two classes of inhaled bronchodilators, selective beta-adrenoceptor agonists and anticholinergics, relax airway smooth muscle. However, airway smooth muscle contraction is only one contributor to the physiological and functional deficits in COPD63. All bronchodilators have been shown to improve exercise capacity to some degree 29. However, changes in simple measurements of airway function (FEV1, FVC) are not closely associated with symptomatic improvement or changes in measures of quality of life32-33,63. 31 The dose response relationship for all bronchodilators is low in COPD24-27 and the Nebulisers have a limited role failure to achieve a large therapeutic response in management of stable should not necessarily trigger the use of higher COPD doses. Wet nebuliser use is not recommended for routine use in stable disease 3 4 . The duration of action of short-acting inhaled anticholinergics is greater than that of shortacting beta-agonists. The combination of beta-agonists35 and anticholinergics may be more effective and better tolerated than higher doses of either agent used alone35-42. At all levels of lung function abnormality, efforts to maintain or regain physical fitness should be encouraged as the effect of this is likely to match or exceed the benefits of bronchodilator use. The role of pulmonary rehabilitation is discussed on page 39. Use of a short-acting bronchodilator before an exercise session may reduce dynamic hyperinflation and allow better training effects to be achieved23. Initial Drug Therapy Figure 11. Suggested initial treatment with short acting bronchodilators Severity FEV1 Suggested treatment Mild COPD 60-80% Moderate COPD 40-59% Severe COPD <40% Modified from GOLD, pages 72 Intermittent bronchodilator - use prn before exercise Salbutamol 200mcg or Ipratropium bromide 40mcg Intermittent or regular bronchodilator Salbutamol 200-400mcg qid or Ipratropium bromide 40mcg qid Combination bronchodilators may be considered Regular combination bronchodilator Salbutamol 200-400mcg qid and ipratropium bromide 4080mcg qid 43 26 Long-acting inhaled bronchodilators Long-acting beta-agonists (e.g. salmeterol and eformoterol) provide bronchodilation for 12 hours44-46 and are widely used for asthma. They are not currently subsidised for COPD (as opposed to asthma), though they have been shown to improve exercise endurance, improve health-related quality of life and reduce both exacerbation and hospitalisations. · · Salmeterol 50mcg bd has a favourable effect on measures of health-related quality of life 5 0 . Again the doseresponse relationship is low, so compared to the standard dose, the higher dose of 100mcg bd does not improve quality of life50. Long-acting bronchodilators provide sustained relief of symptoms in moderate to severe COPD Eformoterol 12mcg bd improves lung function and symptoms46. Tiotropium, an anticholinergic, has a greater than 24-hour duration of effect and is used once daily. Compared with placebo and regular ipratropium it reduces dyspnoea and exacerbation rate and improves health status47-49. Various other chemicals acting on other receptors, enzymes, cells and genes with anti-inflammatory and bronchodilating properties are in development. Theophyllines Theophyllines are rarely used because of the narrow therapeutic index and potential for significant side effects26,36-37. Some patients with disabling breathlessness may derive benefit from their use. Theophyllines may have an anti-inflammatory effect and /or reduce muscle fatigue36-38,51-52. Evidence supports only the slow-release formulation. Dosage should be adjusted according to trough serum levels. Assessment of response and continuation of bronchodilator therapy The response to treatment should be assessed over a period of at least four weeks. Where there is documented improvement in lung function, symptoms and/or objective measurements of breathlessness (MRC Scale) or exercise capacity, this therapy should be continued. An unsatisfactory response to a beta-agonist should lead to a trial of anticholinergic therapy, and vice versa. The combination is more useful than either alone and effective bronchodilation may be achieved with lower doses 35-36,38-42,44. Patients can have a symptomatic and functional improvement without change in FEV1. When there is still no improvement in either lung function or symptoms, the justification for ongoing treatment with inhaled bronchodilator is doubtful. If there is no response to treatment, consider the following questions: · · · Is the patient using the inhaler device correctly? Check and educate on Combination therapy is useful timing, triggering and technique (see in moderate and severe page 31). COPD. Are a lack of fitness, deconditioning or psychosocial factors disabling the patient? Should exercise or formal rehabilitation be pursued further? Is another condition causing the exercise impairment? Some examples include coronary artery disease, cardiac failure, peripheral muscle weakness and anaemia. 27 Glucocorticoid therapy in COPD There is a substantial component of inflammation in COPD and clinicians are tempted to use glucocorticoids in treating this disorder. However the inflammatory component of COPD is much less responsive to glucocorticoids than the inflammation of asthma. Caution is necessary because of this limited efficacy and a likely increase in toxicity in the elderly patients who represent the bulk of individuals with COPD. The long-term use of systemic glucocorticoids in COPD is not recommended53-57. Short-course oral glucocorticoids There are two main uses for oral glucocorticoids. One is during acute Long-term use of oral exacerbations, and the other is for therapy glucocorticoids is not trials. Controlled trials show that when patients recommended. are admitted to hospital with an acute exacerbation of COPD, treatment with oral glucocorticoids reduces the rate of treatment failure, increases FEV1 within 24 hours and shortens the hospital stay180-182 (see Section X, page 77). After recovery from an acute exacerbation, oral glucocorticoids should be withdrawn promptly. An attempt should be made to cease oral glucocorticoids in all patients, given the inevitable side effects that occur with chronic use. A trial of oral glucocorticoids is warranted in stable patients with moderate and severe GOPD not currently taking inhaled glucocorticoids (see page 30, Glucocorticoid Response Trial). There is no benefit to continuing such a trial beyond two weeks. Further, no extra benefits have been shown from an oral steroid trial for six weeks in patients already on stable inhaled glucocorticoids200. Inhaled glucocorticoids Although inhaled glucocorticoids are widely prescribed for patients with COPD, the evidence to date indicates that they do not influence the rate of decline in FEV1 in patients without acute reversibility. Smoking cessation remains the only effective means of reducing the rate of decline in lung function for these patients (see Section P). On the other hand, patients with significant but not substantial bronchodilator reversibility (i.e. not regarded as having asthma) may benefit from long-term inhaled glucocorticoids. Long-term inhaled corticosteroids are also indicated in patients with COPD who have significant reversibility of airway function following a more prolonged trial of bronchodilators and /or glucocorticoids59-62 (see page 29). In one large RCT of patients with severe non-reversible COPD (mean FEV1 approximately 40% predicted), high-dose inhaled glucocorticoid (fluticasone 1000 mcg daily) slowed the rate of decline in quality of life over a three-year period and the rate of acute exacerbations without affecting overall decline in lung function61. Some systemic absorption of the inhaled fluticasone may occur so the modest benefits of inhaled glucocorticoids must be weighed against the potential risks of easy bruising, cataract formation and possible contribution to osteoporosis. Similar results may be expected Inhaled glucocorticoids from high doses of other inhaled glucocorticoids should be trialed in moderate but are yet to be documented in randomised and severe COPD with controlled trials. In another large RCT in milder objective measures of COPD, medium dose budesonide had no response e.g. spirometry, significant impact59. performance status, quality of life. Given these limitations, the role of inhaled glucocorticoids in COPD management is 28 currently uncertain. They should be trialed for three to six months in patients with moderate to severe COPD, and continued if there is objective benefit (see page 30). The response to glucocorticoids should be assessed with spirometry and measures of performance status and/or quality of life. Performance status may be assessed subjectively by history e.g. ease of performing activities of daily living or responses to categorical dyspnoea scales such as the MRC Dsypnoea Scale (see page 16). Exercise capacity may be measured objectively. Simple tests which can be performed by a nurse or physiotherapist, or scientist/technician include the six-minute walk test and the shuttle walk test. Health-related quality of life can be measured objectively using sensitive validated questionnaires. These may be general such as the SF36, or disease specific such as St Georges Respiratory Questionnaire (SGRQ) or the Chronic Respiratory Disease Questionnaire (CRDQ). These tools may not be useful in the primary care setting but documentation of patient and carer well being is recommended. Combination inhaled glucocorticoid/long-acting bronchodilator There is at present insufficient evidence published in peer-reviewed journals to determine the role of combination inhaled glucocorticoid and long-acting bronchodilators in COPD, though the evidence is strong in people with asthma. Assess long-term medication response Long-term responsiveness may be assessed by changes in airway function (e.g. FEV1, FVC) (see Figure 12). Symptomatic and functional benefits can often be demonstrated in the absence of an increase in FEV1. Other objective measurements such as an increase in exercise capacity (e.g. six-minute walk distance) or a decrease in FRC (which indicates increased inspiratory reserve) may be useful indicators of physiological improvement. In some patients, increases in airway calibre require prolonged treatment of up to two months. Subjective measurements such as quality of life, breathlessness and functional limitation (e.g. MRC Dyspnoea Scale, see page 16) can also be undertaken to demonstrate the patientÕs perception of benefit. Figure 12. Assessing long term medication response At diagnosis At next visit · · · · · · · Measure and record post beta-agonist FEV1 and FVC Record MRC Breathlessness Scale score Prescribe trial medications as per dosage protocols below Re-measure spirometry and MRC Breathlessness Scale score to determine response to medications If FEV1 and/or FVC increases > 12% and > 200 mL following a treatment trial, and/or MRC Score improves > 1 unit, the tested medication should be included as ongoing treatment If FEV1 and/or FVC increase > 20% and 300mL with inhaled or oral glucocorticoids Ð consider asthma If no significant response to the tested medication it could be ruled out for ongoing treatment. 29 Figure 13. Long term bronchodilator responsiveness protocol Response Drug Dose Delivery Frequency Duration of trial Beta Agonist Airway function Exercise capacity Breathlessness QOL salbutamol 200mcg MDI/spacer MDI/spacer 6 hourly 6 hourly terbutaline 500mcg DPI 12 hourly salmeterol 50mcg MDI/DPI 12 hourly eformoterol 12 mcg MDI/DPI 12 hourly 4080mcg MDI/spacer 6 hourly up to 1-2 months Anticholinergic ipratropium Glucocorticoid Response Trial · Some COPD patients show a significant response to oral or inhaled glucocorticoids. · A negative reversibility test to bronchodilator does not predict a negative steroid response. · A response to oral glucocorticoids does not always predict a response to an inhaled glucorticoid58,61. · Patients with a negligible response to glucocorticoids should have them stopped. · Doses of inhaled glucocorticoids higher than the recommended protocol (see Figure 14), may be associated with systemic absorption and adverse effects. · Long-term oral glucocorticoids should be avoided because of a poor adverse effect profile and a lack of evidence of efficacy beyond acute exacerbations5357 . Figure 14. Glucocorticoid response trial protocol Response Glucocorticoid response Drug prednisolone Dose 20 - 50 mg Delivery Duration of trial oral 2 weeks inhaled 3 months beclomethasone · large particle 1000-2000mcg/day · small particle 400-800 mcg/day budesonide 800-1600 mcg/day fluticasone 500-1000 mcg/day 30 Optimise Inhaler Technique Careful explanation and demonstration of all inhaler devices is necessary in order for patients to achieve optimal benefit. Different devices require different inspiratory flow rates for optimal drug delivery. Check regularly that the patient can demonstrate correct inhaler technique. Elderly and frail patients, especially those with cognitive deficits, may have difficulty with some devices. Device training should be part of a pulmonary rehabilitation program. Available delivery systems are listed below. Delivery system Metered dose inhaler (MDI) Figure 15. Explanation of Inhaler Devices Available Products Considerations Qvar (beclomethasone 50 and 100mcg), Flixotide (fluticasone 50, 125 and 250 mcg), Atrovent (20 mcg) and Atrovent Forte (40 mcg) (ipratropium bromide) Ventolin, Asmol, Airomir, Epaq (salbutamol 100mcg) Most commonly used inhaler. Some people have difficulty coordinating the release of medication with inhalation. It is therefore recommended that MDIs be used with a spacer device (see below). Serevent (salmeterol 25 mcg) Spacers Seretide (fluticasone 50, 125 or 250 mcg, with salmeterol 25 mcg) Aerochamber, Breath-A-Tech, Fisonair, Nebuhaler and Volumatic A small volume spacer is preferable when the vital capacity is less than 1.5 litres. Spacer chamber acts as a reservoir for the aerosol released from an MDI. The patient can then inhale from this chamber without having to coordinate the release of the medication. Using spacers with inhaled corticosteroids reduces side effects of oral candidiasis and hoarseness as well as optimising medication delivery. MDI with spacer are as effective as a nebuliser if an equivalent dose is taken. 10 to 15 puffs of 100mcg salbutamol MDI via a spacer is therapeutically equivalent to a 5mg salbutamol nebule. Spacers are cheap, portable, easily cleaned and maintained, do not require electricity and are simple and quick to use. Autohaler Airomir (salbutamol 100 mcg), Qvar (beclomethasone 50 and 100 mcg), Atrovent (ipratropium bromide 20 mcg). Breath-activated MDI containing 200 doses of medication. Use can improve lung deposition in patients with poor MDI inhaler technique. As the patient starts a slow and deep breath through the mouthpiece, a flap valve is triggered and the dose automatically releases. 31 Dry Powder Inhalers (DPI) Accuhaler Serevent (salmeterol 50mcg), Flixotide (fluticasone 100, 250, 500mcg) Seretide (salmeterol 50 mcg and fluticasone 100, 250, 500 mcg) Aerolizer Foradile (eformoterol 12mcg) Turbuhaler Bricanyl (terbutaline 500mcg), Pulmicort (budesonide 100, 200, 400mcg), and Oxis (eformoterol 12mcg) HandiHaler Spiriva (tiotropium) Spiriva has recently been approved by the TGA and is expected to be available in 2002/2003. Nebulisers The majority of nebulisers are electric, but there are some ultrasonic nebulisers that are battery operated. These ultrasonic models are not heavy duty, but they are Breath-activated multi-dose DPI containing 60 individually sealed doses of drug. The device has a dose counter that shows the number of doses remaining. It delivers accurate and consistent drug delivery over a range of inspiratory flow rates (30-120 L/min). Lactose powder is combined with the active medication for patients to taste and reassure them that they have inhaled a dose. Breath-activated single-dose powder inhaler comes with a sheet of 60 capsules in push-out foil sheet. For each dose, one capsule is loaded into the inhaler and pierced before inhaling. The Aerolizer produces consistent drug delivery over a range of inspiratory flow rates. Breath-activated multi-dose inhaler, containing 60 (Oxis) or 200 (Pulmicort, Bricanyl) doses, ensures delivery without the need to coordinate inspiration with drug release. Dose delivery is halved if the patient cannot produce inspiratory flow above 30 L/min. Produces very fine powder so patients often donÕt taste anything. Dose indicator shows when the inhaler has 20 doses remaining, and then when it is empty. The inhaler contains a drying agent that can be heard when the inhaler is shaken. This can be misinterpreted that there is still medication available. Breath activated dry powder inhaler. Breath-activated dry powder inhaler. A capsule containing tiotropium is dropped into the HandiHaler, and the capsule is pierced by pressing a button on the device. The patient then inhales through the mouthpiece of the device for effective drug delivery. Patients with a wide range of disease severity are able to generate sufficient inspiratory airflow (as low as 20L/min) to evacuate the powder from the capsule. The aerosol should not be allowed to enter the eyes if aerosolising glucocorticoid or ipratropium bromide to avoid the risk of side effects such as glaucoma or urinary 32 ideal for travelling. There are also 12-volt pumps that plug into a car cigarette lighter. If used for inhaled glucocorticoids, a high-flow, heavyduty pump is necessary. outlet obstruction. Patients should be advised to wipe their face dry after using the nebuliser to remove medication from their skin. Ipratropium can be combined with beta-agonist, but not with glucocorticoid. Surgical Treatments Several operations have been proposed to alleviate the symptoms of advanced COPD. No operation has been shown to provide a survival advantage. In view of the potential for serious morbidity and mortality, all surgical treatments for COPD require careful assessment by an experienced thoracic medical and surgical team. Bullectomy This operation involves elective resection of large bullae >5cm. The procedure is most successful where there are very large cysts compressing adjacent apparently normal lung64,71,72.. Patient selection is based on the chest HRCT and functional status. Lung volume reduction surgery This procedure involves resection of the most severely affected areas of emphysematous, non-bullous lung73. This allows improvement in lung elastic recoil on small collapsed airways and improved diaphragmatic function65. Careful medical assessment is required to pick the best candidates and avoid excessive morbidity and mortality. The procedure is most successful in patients with clear-cut target areas of poorly-perfused lung, gross hyperinflation, reasonable remaining lung tissue, minimal comorbidities and without cor pulmonale. Patient selection is based on the chest HRCT, nuclear V/Q scan, detailed lung function tests and electrocardiogram. Surgery is performed electively following a pulmonary rehabilitation program. Midline sternotomy and video-assisted thoracoscopy are most commonly utilised to remove approximately 25% of each lung. Physiological improvement takes weeks to months to be achieved e.g. a 40% improvement in FEV1 (from about 25% predicted normal values to 35% predicted) and six-minute walk (from about 300m to 420m). The duration of the improvement is between two and four years. These gains should be weighed against risks of operative and post-operative mortality (around 5 to 15%), morbidity and cost. However the natural history of patients with COPD of this severity is a progressive decline in function and early mortality. LVRS is still an experimental palliative surgical procedure. Several large randomised multicentre studies are underway to investigate the effectiveness and cost-benefit of LVRS67. Lung transplantation In COPD this procedure usually involves replacement of one diseased lung with a normal lung from an organ donor. Heart-lung transplantation is rarely necessary in COPD patients. Detailed medical and psychological assessment and counselling are required to pick the best candidates and avoid excessive morbidity and mortality. Severe lung disease, limited life expectancy and poor quality of life are prerequisites. However 33 malnutrition, severe weakness and steroid and ventilator dependence predict a poor outcome. The procedure is most successful when lung disease is the recipientÕs only medical problem. The waiting time for the procedure is variable but typically around nine months. Surgery is performed through a single or bilateral thoracotomy approach. Thereafter, a complex regimen of immunosuppressive therapy and close clinical monitoring continues for life to minimise complications from rejection and infection. Physiological improvement takes weeks to months to achieve and would typically translate to a large improvement in FEV1 (from about 20% predicted normal values to 60% predicted for single lung transplant), exercise performance and quality of life 6870,74 . Fitness for surgery The assessment of COPD patients for fitness for surgery is complex (see Section P, page 55). Identify & Treat Aggravating Factors Sleep Apnoea/Hypoventilation/Hypoxaemia For people with COPD, sleep is the time of maximal hypoxaemia and hypercapnia, the highest risk of cardiac arrhythmias and highest mortality. Episodes of hypoventilation may be prolonged (1 to 30 minutes) and exaggerate the changes in ventilation and gas exchange normally induced by sleep. Short-lived and cyclical episodes may indicate the coexistence of COPD and obstructive sleep apnoea/ hypopnoea syndrome - the overlap syndrome. Physiology of sleep Hypoventilation in sleep results from both increased upper airway resistance due to relaxation of upper airway dilator muscles, and reduced central drive. Both mechanisms are exaggerated in REM compared with non-REM sleep. In REM sleep there is a marked reduction in intercostal muscle activity, which may be important in patients with hyperinflation and increased work of breathing. Sleep-related hypoxaemia increases pulmonary artery pressure and may also impair cardiac contractility and rhythm. The overlap syndrome Many patients with COPD also have obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA), the combination being known as the Òoverlap syndromeÓ. Patients with COPD who also have OSA have a higher prevalence of pulmonary hypertension and congestive heart failure compared to those without OSA. There is frequently a history of excessive alcohol intake. Typically the fall in SpO2 is cyclical in this condition (cycles usually less than one minute). Some patients with overlap syndrome may develop progressive hypercapnic respiratory failure with increasing drowsiness. While oxygen administration may diminish the degree of O2 desaturation, it may increase the frequency of hypopnoeas in the overlap syndrome. The general principles of weight reduction to ideal weight, alcohol avoidance and improvement of nasal patency make sound sense in the COPD group as in OSA patients generally. Nasal Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP) can unload the upper airway and may obviate the need for nocturnal oxygen. If nasal CPAP is not effective then nocturnal bilevel positive airway pressure ventilation should be considered, although the benefits of this approach in stable patients remain to be established in randomised controlled trials. The role of other OSA treatments such as 34 mandibular advancement splinting remains to be further evaluated in the overlap syndrome. Many patients with COPD complain of insomnia due to sleep fragmentation whilst others present with daytime hypersomnolence associated with hypoventilation. COPD has adverse effects on sleep quality resulting in poor sleep efficiency, delayed sleep onset, multiple wakenings with fragmentation of sleep architecture and high arousal index. Arousals are caused by hypoxia, hypercapnia, nocturnal cough and the pharmacologic effects of methylxanthines and beta-adrenergic agents. Intranasal oxygen administration has been shown to improve sleep architecture and efficiency as well as SpO2 during sleep. Indications for full diagnostic polysomnography in COPD include persistent snoring, witnessed Diagnostic sleep tests should apnoeas, choking episodes and excessive be considered if patients with daytime sleepiness. In subjects with daytime COPD have pulmonary hypercapnia, monitoring of nocturnal hypertension, hypercapnia, transcutaneous CO2 should be considered to daytime somnolence or assess nocturnal hypoventilation. COPD witnessed apnoeas. patients with a stable wakeful PaO2 of more than 55mm Hg (7.3kPa) who have the complications of pulmonary hypertension, right heart failure or polycythemia should also be studied. Overnight pulse oximetry is also useful in COPD patients in whom long-term domiciliary oxygen therapy is indicated (stable PaO2 less than 55mm Hg or 7.3kPa) for the prescribing of an appropriate oxygen flow rate during sleep. Gastro-oesophageal Reflux Gastro-oesophageal reflux is common in patients with COPD. Hyperinflation, coughing and the increased negative intrathoracic pressures of inspiration may predispose to reflux, especially during recumbency and sleep. Microaspiration of oesophageal secretions (possibly including refluxed gastric content) is a risk, especially with co-existent snoring or OSA. Reflux and microaspiration exacerbate cough, bronchial inflammation and airway narrowing. Reflux will be suggested by the history but about 50% of patients with reflux documented by 24-hour ambulatory pH monitoring will deny typical symptoms. Diagnosis may be confirmed by pH monitoring, modified Barium swallow or gastroscopy or a therapeutic trial. A trial of therapy with H2 -receptor antagonists or a proton pump inhibitor may be warranted. Lifestyle changes such as cessation of smoking, reduction of caffeine and alcohol consumption, weight loss and exercise will also help. Elevation of the head of the bed is also recommended. Aspiration Aspiration of food and liquid is common in COPD and may be the cause of recurrent exacerbations and complications such as pneumonia and patchy pulmonary fibrosis. COPD patients are more prone to aspiration because of impaired swallowing efficiency. Hyperinflation impairs lower oesophageal sphincter efficiency, increasing the likelihood of supine gastric reflux. The upper oesophageal sphincter relaxes during REM sleep resulting in a high risk of aspiration. Following aspiration, COPD patients are more prone to develop pneumonia and have reduced ventilatory reserve than those with healthy lungs. 35 Tachypnoea in COPD patients increases the likelihood of aspiration. COPD patients also have the same characteristics as the ageing population, which predispose them to aspiration. Diagnosis is usually easy with an adequate history from the patient and/or their partner or carer. Dry biscuits and thin fluids cause the most difficulty. Confirmation rests with assessment by a speech pathologist and a modified Barium swallow. These patients ideally should be assessed by a dietitian and speech pathologist. Treatment involves re-training in safe swallowing techniques. This may include: · Avoiding talking when eating · Sitting upright · Taking small mouthfuls · Chewing adequately · Drinking with dry foods · Using a straw · Thickened fluids may be necessary Oral / dental health Aspiration pneumonia is a major cause of morbidity and hospital admission in the elderly. After controlling for other variables the number of decayed teeth and other indices of oral health are significant predictors of aspiration pneumonia. Patients with COPD are more likely to have poor oral hygiene than age matched controls. Thus, an examination of oral cavity should include assessment of dental decay. Dental treatment should be advised when appropriate. Alcohol and sedatives Patients with COPD have impaired gas exchange and an exaggerated fall in PaO2 with recumbency and sleep onset. Excessive use of alcohol and sedatives exacerbates this and predisposes to sleep-disordered breathing. Heavy cigarette smoking is associated with abuse of other substances in many individuals. Patients should be asked about substance abuse and appropriate advice given. Nicotine, caffeine and alcohol also predispose to gastro-oesophageal reflux. Identify and Treat Complications Pulmonary hypertension and cor pulmonale Pulmonary hypertension in COPD results mainly from vasoconstriction of pulmonary arterioles in response to local hypoxia usually due to impaired ventilation and vasoconstrictor peptides produced by inflammatory cells75-78. The vasoconstriction minimises blood flow through poorly ventilated lung reducing the mismatch of ventilation and perfusion. While this compensatory mechanism initially helps to maintain the blood gases the price is increased pulmonary vascular resistance, ultimately leading to right ventricular strain and failure (cor pulmonale). The vascoconstriction is reversible initially but vascular remodeling occurs eventually and the condition becomes irreversible. In pulmonary emphysema there is also an anatomical disruption of capillaries in alveolar walls. 36 Right ventricular hypertrophy is seen in about 40% of patients with FEV1 <1.0 L and 70% of those with FEV1 < 0.6 L. The presence of hypercapnia is strongly associated with cor pulmonale. When pulmonary hypertension and cor pulmonale seem out of proportion with the severity of airway narrowing, additional mechanisms should be considered. These include sleep apnoea (central and obstructive) leading to repetitive hypoxia, polycythaemia (either primary or secondary), and recurrent pulmonary thromboembolism, which occurs with increased frequency in COPD. The development of pulmonary hypertension and peripheral oedema is a poor prognostic sign in COPD79. If left untreated, the five-year survival rate is about 30%. Investigations (i) Chest radiographs Enlargement of proximal pulmonary arteries. Right ventricular enlargement may be difficult to detect due to hyperinflation. (ii) Electrocardiograph Right axis deviation and pulmonale may be difficult to detect because of low voltage traces (due to hyperinflation). Multifocal atrial tachycardia and atrial fibrillation are common. (iii) Echocardiography Echocardiography is the best non-invasive assessment of pulmonary hypertension but image quality is reduced by hyperinflation. Estimation of pressure relies on the presence of at least some tricuspid regurgitation. Other findings include midsystolic closure of the pulmonic valve and increased right ventricular wall thickness. Treatment (i) Treat underlying lung disease The logical first step in treatment of cor pulmonale is to optimise lung function and treat all potential aggravating conditions in order to improve oxygenation (see Section O). (ii) Oxygen therapy Treatment of hypoxaemia with long-term continuous (>15 hours/day) oxygen prolongs survival of COPD patients presumably by reducing pulmonary hypertension11-12,81,82. For a detailed description of oxygen therapy in COPD (see Section P page 50). Oxygen therapy is appropriate when the hypoxaemia is due to impaired gas exchange rather than hypoventilation. Treatment of acute hypoxaemia in exacerbations is discussed in X. (iii) Ventilatory Support For COPD patients with sleep apnoea and/or hypoventilation, ventilatory support with CPAP (Continuous Positive Airway Pressure) or non-invasive positive pressure ventilation (NIPPV) may be more appropriate than oxygen (for more details see Section X, page 79). NIPPV has not yet been proven for long-term treatment83-86. 37 (iv) Diuretics Diuretics may reduce right ventricular filling pressure and oedema. However, maintenance of cardiac output relies on a relatively high filling pressure so excessive volume depletion must be avoided. Monitor serum creatinine and urea to assess volume status. Diuretics may cause metabolic alkalosis (due to increased hydrogen ion excretion) resulting in suppression of ventilatory drive. (v) Digoxin Digoxin is not indicated in the treatment of cor pulmonale and may increase the risk of arrhythmia when hypoxaemia is present. It may be used to control the rate of atrial fibrillation. (vi) Vasodilators Vasodilators87,88 (hydralazine, nitrates, nifedipine, verapamil, diltiazem, ACE inhibitors) do not produce sustained relief of pulmonary hypertension in patients with COPD. Some vasodilators (eg selective calcium channel blockers) have been shown to reduce right ventricular pressure with minimal side effects and increased well-being, at least short term. Vasodilators can worsen oxygenation (by increasing blood flow through poorly ventilated lung) and result in systemic hypotension. However, a cautious trial may be used in patients with severe or persistent pulmonary hypertension not responsive to oxygen therapy. Left ventricular failure Left ventricular failure occurs in patients with COPD at least as frequently as in age matched controls and for the same reasons (ischaemia, heart disease, hypertension, cardiomyopathy, etc). The treatment is no different other than the caution regarding diuretic therapy mentioned above, and caution should be exercised with beta-blocker medication. Osteoporosis The COPD population has high rates of bone fracture (11-14%) and low bone mineral density (BMD) as measured by Dual Energy Xray Absorbitometry (DEXA) scan, with an average 10% decrease in BMD compared to controls. A 10% drop in BMD equates to a 2.6 fold increase in fracture risk. Greater deficits are seen in patients with more severe disease89. Relevant risk factors for low BMD in COPD patients include periods of immobilisation/hospitalisation, low FEV1, oral or inhaled corticosteroids, decreased weight bearing activity and smoking. Other risk factors relevant to the general population such as low calcium intake, low body mass index, alcohol abuse and hypogonadism also apply. No Australian guidelines exist for prevention or management of osteoporosis in patients with COPD. However guidelines from elsewhere suggest that all patients who receive corticosteroids including those with COPD should be given lifestyle advice, including recommendation of regular, weight bearing exercise (e.g. walking and light resistance training). Those who have had long-term steroid therapy at lower doses and who have other risk factors should be screened. Intervention should be targeted at men and women who are taking more than 15mg/day of prednisolone or who have several risk factors for osteoporosis and whose BMD is <1.5 SDs below the young adult mean. Oral bisphosphonates, 38 particularly risedronate, have been shown to be effective in the prevention and treatment of bone loss in men and women taking corticosteroids. However only a minority of patients in those studies had respiratory disease. The studies also demonstrated a reduction in risk of spinal fracture, especially in post-menopausal women. Other agents that have been used with some success in patients with respiratory disease include calcium, vitamin D and medroxyprogesterone acetate. Selecting COPD patients who may be at increased risk of osteoporosis is most appropriately done on the basis of conventional risk factors. Further refining of clinical predictors and more evidence on the cost-effectiveness of such programs still needs to be resolved before recommendations on a screening strategy can be made. For more information on prevention and treatment of osteoporosis89. Improve Function Pulmonary Rehabilitation Pulmonary rehabilitation refers to structured usually multi-disciplinary programs that aim to reduce the symptoms, disability and handicap arising from long-term respiratory disorders and to help patients reach and maintain a good level of functioning in the community. The strategies for achieving these aims are: (i) Improving cardiovascular fitness, muscle function and exercise endurance; (ii) Enhancing the patient's self-confidence and coping strategies, and improving medication adherence and use of respiratory treatment devices; (iii) Improving mood by controlling anxiety and panic, decreasing depression, and reducing social impediments. Pulmonary rehabilitation is mostly offered to patients with moderate to severe COPD, but can be applied to people with any long-term respiratory disorder characterised by d y s p n o e a 1 0 2 - 1 0 3 . The greatest amount of high quality evidence supports comprehensive programs that include exercise training, patient education and psychosocial support103. Patients should be carefully assessed and treatment goals agreed at the outset. Outcome assessment is also an important component to reinforce to the patient the gains made and to evaluate the program. Comprehensive programs are delivered by a multi-disciplinary team of healthcare professionals, ideally in close collaboration. Exercise programs alone have clear benefits104, while the benefits of education or psychosocial support without exercise training are less well documented102,105-108. Exercise training Numerous randomised controlled trials in moderate to severe COPD have shown decreased symptoms (breathlessness and fatigue) and improved cardiovascular fitness, exercise endurance, health-related quality of life and mood following exercise conditioning alone. Improvements in muscle strength and self-efficacy have also been reported90-101. Exercise training and encouragement of activity are vital components of pulmonary rehabilitation. Specific benefits can be measured from endurance and strength training of upper and/or lower limbs and trunk muscles. The evidence for benefit from high intensity training of the respiratory muscles is less convincing102,104. Breathing strategies during exertion including pursed lip breathing are recommended for some patients, based on both scientific evidence and pragmatism102 . For some very disabled patients, the teaching of task optimisation to reduce unnecessary energy expenditure for activities of daily living is also beneficial102. 39 An initial assessment of symptoms and usual activities, and of other significant health conditions (such as angina, cardiac limitation, peripheral arterial disease and musculoskeletal problems) that may interfere with training programs is important. Assessment should also include exercise capacity or endurance, and specific patient requirements. Using this information the therapists and the patient can set appropriate and realistic goals. Supervision of the exercise program is recommended initially so that the possibility of oxygen desaturation can be monitored and supplemental oxygen provided if necessary, confidence can be built and improved cardiovascular fitness can be achieved. Goals can more easily be reset when patients are regularly monitored. Some patients may benefit from portable oxygen (see P, page 50). Gains in all outcomes decline with time after a fixed-term program, so maintenance of activities is essential for continuing the benefits from the initial training program. Home or community based programs should be encouraged109. Patient education There is limited evidence that education alone can improve self-management skills, mood and health-related quality of life in patients with COPD105-108. Provision of information and tools to enhance self-management is more effective than didactic teaching105. Educational input can be provided by a range of health professionals who will often work together to establish a set of goals with the patient. Topics usually include information to improve the patientÕs knowledge about lung health, the benefits of regular exercise, breathing strategies and the various treatments available to control breathlessness including relaxation techniques. The single most important outcome is smoking cessation110. Monitoring tobacco abstinence and support to maintain it will make sustained quitting more likely. Other important issues that might be emphasised more in individual consultations, include the need to optimise activities and maintain (or improve) good nutrition, task optimisation for the more severely disabled patients, access to community resources, assistance to obtain control over anxiety, panic or depression, instruction on effective use of medications and therapeutic devices (including oxygen where necessary), relationships, end of life and continence issues102,106,111. Psychosocial support Improved exercise tolerance, mood, self-efficacy and health-related quality of life have been reported in COPD from cognitive behaviour therapy alone103. Depression, anxiety and panic are frequent complications of chronic disabling breathlessness, with dependency and social isolation being common. General support, specific behavioural training and the use of appropriate antidepressant medications may enhance quality of life for the patient, and for the spouse or carer. Comprehensive integrated rehabilitation This includes all the components discussed above in an integrated program. There is strong evidence supporting comprehensive pulmonary rehabilitation as a means of enhancing health-related quality of life and self-efficacy, improving exercise performance, reducing breathlessness, and reducing health care utilisation. While the individual components have benefits, the greatest efficacy is derived from a comprehensive integrated program90-101,104. Most of the benefits have been observed in hospital based programs, but there is increasing evidence of benefit from rehabilitation in the community102-103. The Australian Lung Foundation is developing a template for pulmonary rehabilitation enabling community based groups to provide better access to quality programs. 40 Pulmonary rehabilitation should be one part of disease management and patient support, with close liaison among all care providers and the patient. Clear goals should be developed for each patient, communicated to the medical and informal care providers, and reviewed regularly. After pulmonary rehabilitation, patients should be confident to monitor and manage their lung condition more effectively so that they need to access emergency treatment less frequently, and their dependency level is reduced. Pulmonary rehabilitation should enable patients to collaborate in a more informed manner with their doctor and other health care providers in planning their own care. Their spouse or carers should also feel more confident. After pulmonary rehabilitation, patients should be confident to monitor and manage their lung Exercise alone or as part of condition more effectively so that they need to comprehensive rehabilitation access emergency treatment less frequently, program improves symptoms, and their dependency level is reduced. self-confidence, endurance Pulmonary rehabilitation should enable patients and quality of life. to collaborate in a more informed manner with their doctor and other health care providers in planning their own care. Their spouse or carers should also feel more confident. Involvement of patients, their partners or carers in patient support groups may help sustain the gains made in formal rehabilitation courses. Lung support groups may provide patients and carers with emotional support, social interaction, and other social outlets, and help them gain new knowledge and coping strategies. More than 70 groups throughout Australia can be contacted via LungNet. Toll free 1800 654 301 and web-address In New Zealand, contact the Asthma and Respiratory Foundation of NZ. Chest physiotherapy in COPD Some patients with COPD have difficulty clearing mucus each day. Others notice increased mucus production during an exacerbation. In each setting chest physiotherapy may be of value103. The aims are to assist sputum removal and improve ventilation without increasing the distress of the patient. Auscultation plus chest x-ray findings help determine the region(s) of the lung to be treated. Bronchodilator therapy may be given prior to treatment if the patient is responsive to bronchodilators, as opening the airways will result in a more effective treatment. If patients are hypoxaemic (SpO2 < 88%) supplemental oxygen is given during treatment. Various techniques and devices are available to aid sputum removal. The choice of technique depends on the volume of sputum, the patient's condition (eg. extent of airflow limitation, severity of breathlessness), patient preference and the cognitive status of the patient. Weight management and nutrition Weight management is important for COPD patients because both excess and low weight are associated with increased morbidity. Excessive weight increases the work of breathing and predisposes to sleep apnoea Ð both central hypoventilation and upper airway obstruction. Progressive weight loss is an important prognostic factor for poor survival 23,112-113. This may be due to a relative catabolic state (related to high energy demands of 41 increased work of breathing) added to disturbance of nutritional intake (related to breathlessness while eating). Deleterious consequences include specific mineral or essential vitamin/anti-oxidant deficiencies as well as combined protein - energy malnutrition. Patients with COPD should not eat large meals as this can make breathing more difficult. Several small nutritious (high energy, high protein) meals are better tolerated. Snacks may provide a useful addition to energy and nutrient intake. Referral to a dietitian for advice and individual advice may be beneficial particularly if the patient is underweight or has recently lost weight. Sex & COPD People with COPD should be reassured that having a lung problem doesnÕt necessarily mean they should stop sexual relations. Neither is it specifically a cause for loss of interest in sex. Those who have a chronic illness need the love and comfort of a close, intimate relationship perhaps more than ever. Sex and intimacy are necessary and rewarding parts of life. Attitude and communication are the keys to resuming and maintaining good relationships. There is no reason why most COPD patients should not be able to enjoy an active sex life although energy conservation and breathing control may need addressing. Check for psychological problems and drugs that might affect erectile performance. There is no contraindication to the use of drugs to facilitate erection. 42 P PREVENT DETERIORATION Smoking cessation reduces the rate of decline of lung function7,110. Medications have not yet been shown to prevent the long-term decline in lung function59-61,110. General practitioners and pharmacists can help smokers quit 117-119. Relapse is common. Treatment of nicotine dependence is effective and should be offered to smokers117-120. Influenza vaccination reduces the risk of exacerbations, hospitalisation and death126. Long-term oxygen (>15 hrs/day) prolongs life in hypoxaemic patients (PaO2 <55 mm Hg or 7.3kPa)11-12,134-136. Optimal nutrition and regular physical activity are important. AIMS Smoking cessation Prevent infection and exacerbation Regular review GOALS Implement 5A Strategy - Ask & identify smokers - Advise risks & benefits, review options - Assess dependence and motivation - Assist cessation - Arrange follow up Influenza vaccination Pneumococcal vaccination Consider: - Long-acting bronchodilators - Inhaled glucocorticoids - Antibiotics - Antitussives, vasodilators, immunotherapy - Mucolytics Monitor: - Lung function - Performance status - Psychological status Smoking status Detect/treat complications RECOMMENDATIONS / ACTIONS A C A B B B B LEVEL Every patient, at every visit, should have smoking status documented and be offered intervention Even brief counselling is effective Formal quit programs are effective Consider nicotine replacement Consider bupropion SR Check for multi-substance abuse, psychological disturbance Monitor during quit attempt Annual vaccination (except ovalbumin allergy) Recommended every five years for COPD with frequent exacerbations C Patient with frequent exacerbations B Patients with frequent exacerbations Not recommended for long term use Insufficient evidence to recommend for widespread use A A D Mucolytics may have a role for selected patients (e.g. frequent exacerbations, tenacious sputum) B Annual spirometry Assess exercise/physical capacity Consider further pulmonary rehabilitation Assess quality of life Address carer status/strain (see D) Seek confirmation of cessation Check O2 sat, ABGs, cardiac echo, sleep oximetry D D D A A A A B D A B D D D D 43 Patient understands medications Stop unhelpful medications Maintain exercise program Consider device training / medication card / self-management plan / dose administration aids Review medications and drug interactions Review compliance with exercise program D D D 44 Introduction Identification, reduction and control of risk factors are important steps towards prevention and treatment of any disease. In the case of COPD, these factors include tobacco smoke, occupational exposures, and indoor and outdoor air pollution and irritants. Cigarette smoking is the major risk factor for COPD worldwide7,8. Smoking prevention and cessation programs should be implemented and be made readily available114. Reduction of exposure to occupational dust, fumes, and gases and to indoor and outdoor air pollutants is recommended115. Smoking cessation is the single most effective way to reduce the risk of developing COPD and slow its progression. Smoking Cessation Smoking cessation has been shown to halt the accelerated decline in lung function seen with COPD7,110 . People who continue to smoke despite having pulmonary disease are likely to be highly nicotine dependent and may require treatment with pharmacological agents to help them quit116. The 5A strategy should be considered for every smoker. Most people who quit smoking relapse 24 to It is never too late to stop 72 hours after the last cigarette when the smoking. withdrawal symptoms are at their peak. To reduce this early relapse may require nicotine Smoking cessation will slow replacement therapy (NRT), other the rate of decline in lung pharmacological treatments of nicotine function compared to that of addiction (e.g. bupropion, clonidine), or non-smokers. cognitive-behavioural management techniques. NRT is effective in assisting dependent smokers to quit121 and no form appears more efficacious than another. NRT costs less per week than the average cost of smoking. Brief lapses, usually associated with certain situations, environments and stresses, are best handled by behavioural approaches. Identify stage of readiness to quit Cessation of smoking is a process rather than a single event and smokers cycle through the stages of being not ready, unsure, ready, quitting and relapsing before achieving long-term success. ÒHow do you feel about your smoking?Ó is a good question to determine the smokerÕs stage of readiness. Not-ready smokers and unmotivated, unsure about quitting smokers are either happy or ambivalent about their smoking. They may be seriously considering quitting in the next six months. Ready smokers are planning to quit in the next 30 days. They have usually made a 24-hour quit attempt in the past year. The aim of initial intervention should be to help the smoker advance one stage in the cessation cycle. The most strenuous efforts should be with those smokers ready to quit. 45 Discuss behavioural and cognitive strategies Strategies to help people quit are suggested in the acronym DEAD (delay, escape, avoid, distract). · · · · Delay lighting the cigarette until any craving passes (use a nicotine substitute). Escape e.g. to another room until the urge to smoke subsides, if motivation is waning when faced with a group of smokers in a social situation. Avoid or be aware of cues for smoking (alcohol, coffee and some social situations). Distract attention from cravings by drinking a glass of water, having a low calorie snack, chewing gum or going for a brisk walk. The environment should be prepared by removing cigarettes. The new ex-smoker will need to reaffirm that they are strong enough to resist smoking and will need to be reminded of the negative consequences of smoking again. Try and encourage smokers to think about the negative impact of smoking on health, fitness, appearance and saving money. Cessation rates increase with the amount of support and intervention. Discuss pharmacotherapies: nicotine replacement and bupropion All forms of NRT appear to be useful in aiding smoking cessation121 . NRT is most suitable for highly dependent smokers who are motivated to quit. There is little evidence about its role in smokers of < 10-15/day. The choice of type of NRT depends upon patient preference, needs and tolerability. Nicotine transdermal patch Patch use avoids the peaks and troughs of plasma nicotine that characterises smoking, and other forms of NRT. A steady nicotine level sufficient to reduce withdrawal symptoms is maintained. However the patch does not provide the peak nicotine levels which reinforce the addiction. A self-administered form of nicotine such as gum or inhaler in addition may further improve abstinence rates121. The patch is simple to use and produces blood nicotine levels about half those of smoking. The strength of patch used depends on the number of cigarettes smoked daily. Three strengths are available in doubling doses, e.g. 7, 14 and 21mg. Both 24 and 16-hour patches are available. The 24-hour patches achieve higher blood nicotine levels and provide more relief of morning cravings but both patches have about the same efficacy. Patch use doubles the success rates of quit attempts compared to placebo. Six to eight weeks of use are generally required with tapering of the nicotine dose every two weeks122. The only significant side effect is skin irritation which is generally mild and rarely leads to cessation of use. Nicotine gum Nicotine is rapidly absorbed through the oral mucous membrane. Gum should be chewed only two to three times per minute to avoid excessive salivation, swallowing of nicotine and gastrointestinal side effects. The blood levels achieved by nicotine chewing gum are one-third (2mg gum) and two-thirds (4mg gum) those of smoking. Patients should taper the dose gradually but dependence on the gum can occur in up to 20% of users. Most patients should have ceased the gum within three months. 46 Nicotine inhaler The nicotine inhaler consists of a plastic mouthpiece and cartridge containing 10mg of nicotine. The inhaler produces nicotine concentrations that are one-third of those achieved with smoking. The inhaler is useful for those smokers who miss the handto-mouth action of smoking, or who have problems with the gum. The recommended use is for 16 weeks. Nicotine Lozenges Nicotine lozenges are available in 2mg and 4mg doses. No special technique is required and the lozenge is moved around in the mouth periodically until it dissolves. As the lozenge is dissolved, it releases about 25% more nicotine than the equivalent dose of gum. Patients should reduce the number of lozenges they are using over 12 weeks, remaining on the same strength lozenge throughout. Lozenges may be preferable for denture wearers who wish to use oral NRT. Bupropion Bupropion hydrochloride (Zyban sustained release tablets), an aminoketone, is an atypical antidepressant that has both dopaminergic and adrenergic actions. In conjunction with counselling and support, it doubles the quit rates achieved by placebo, with or without NRT as an adjunct123-125 . It is recommended as first line pharmacotherapy for smoking cessation alongside NRT, but there are currently insufficient data to recommend its use in preference to NRT or vice versa. It is also effective in people who have relapsed and are motivated to quit again. The recommended dose is 150mg orally once daily for three days then 150mg twice daily (at least eight hours apart) for between seven and nine weeks, in combination with counselling. A quit date should be set (e.g. day 5-10).The drug works equally well in smokers with and without a past history of depression, suggesting that its efficacy is not due to its antidepressant effect. Bupropion should not be used in patients with a history of seizures. The commonest side effects are insomnia, dry mouth and nausea. No patient has been reported to have died during clinical trials of bupropion, but some have died whilst taking bupropion in routine clinical practice. There is no evidence that bupropion was responsible for these deaths. Figure 16. Advantages and disadvantages of pharmacological treatments for smoking cessation Treatment Advantage Disadvantage Nicotine patch Nicotine gum Easy to use, few compliance problems. Available over the counter. Available over the counter; good to use as a safety valve in times of stress. Provides oral substitute for smoking. Nicotine inhaler Nicotine Lozenges Mimics hand-to-mouth behaviour of cigarette smoking. Easy to use, useful for denture wearers as alternative to gum. No special technique. Non nicotine; can be used with patch. Reduces urge to smoke and withdrawal symptoms. Bupropion hydrochloride Half of the users have skin reactions. Some sleep disturbances with the 24-hour patch. Need to spend time explaining correct use. Common adverse effects are mouth soreness, hiccups, dyspepsia and jaw ache. Effectiveness limited by under use and excessive chewing. Dependence on the gum can occur. Low nicotine levels. Mild throat irritation and cough. Hiccups Contraindicated in patients with history of seizures, significant head injury, drugs which lower seizure threshold and alcohol abuse. Adverse effects are mild insomnia and dry mouth, headache, rash and tremor. These are generally transient. 47 Discuss social support It is advisable for the person to inform family, Quit lines: friends or work-mates of the intention to quit and request understanding and support. Ask Australia 131 848 them to communicate caring and concern and be open and patient with any difficulties in NZ 0800 778 778 maintaining non-smoking. Other smokers in the household can reduce the resolve to quit so the patient might consider quitting with another smoker in the household. Suggest the patient ring the Quit line or other local services. Discuss prevention of relapse Quitting is a dynamic and continuing process often involving repeated attempts. Most successful ex-smokers take an average of four to five serious quit attempts before finally succeeding. A brief lapse often occurs at times of stress, in social situations and sometimes accompanied by alcohol. Relapse is a return to regular smoking usually within the first three months after quitting. Ex-smokers who attend for follow-up are more likely to be successful in the long term. Support is most needed in the first few weeks so encourage regular follow-up visits then and continue over the first three months. At follow-up visits: · Regard brief lapses and relapses as learning experiences and not failures. Pharmacotherapies double the · Provide praise and encouragement success of quit attempts. · Identify high-risk smoking situations and avoid them for a limited time. These can Behavioural techniques include drinking with friends and further increase the quit rate. negative emotional states such as conflict, anger, frustration and anxiety. · Identify specific problems that may cause relapse such as weight gain. Advice should be given on modifying diet to include more fruit and vegetables, increasing exercise, and trying stress management techniques such as meditation. A small increase in weight is less of a risk to health than smoking. · Plan coping strategies in advance. Discuss problem-solving skills to cope with and anticipate high-risk situations. Discuss how slips were overcome in the past. Prevent infection and exacerbation Influenza Vaccination Annual influenza vaccination reduces the development of severe respiratory Annual influenza vaccination complications and hospitalisation or death from is recommended for all 126-127 . both respiratory disease and all causes people with COPD The vaccine does not contain a live virus and cannot cause an infection. Side effects include a sore arm the following day and possibly a mild fever and arthralgia at five to eight days due to the immune response. 48 Pneumococcal Vaccination Pneumococcal vaccination is known to be highly effective in the prevention of invasive bacteraemic pneumococcal pneumonia but may be less effective in the elderly or immunosuppressed. There is no direct evidence of its efficacy in preventing pneumococcal exacerbations of COPD, but prevention of pneumonia in these patients with already reduced respiratory reserve is a worthy goal in its own right and pneumococcal vaccination is therefore recommended in this group. It should be repeated five yearly. There is no evidence or rationale for vaccinating more frequently in COPD. Antibiotics Current evidence does not support long-term antibiotic use to prevent exacerbations in COPD131-132. However antibiotics should be used in exacerbations with an increase in cough, dyspnoea, sputum volume or purulence (see Section X). Glucocorticoids High-dose inhaled corticosteroids may reduce the rate of acute exacerbations and slow the rate of decline of quality of life (see Section O page 28 and Section X page 77) in patients with severe COPD and frequent exacerbations. However the risks of adverse effects versus potential benefits must be carefully considered and regular review is recommended with cessation of therapy if no benefit is seen (see Section O, page 30). Mucolytics in COPD People with COPD frequently complain of chronic productive cough. For some, difficulty in expectorating sputum can be distressing and fatiguing. During exacerbations, infective or otherwise, sputum may increase in volume and become purulent. Drugs that modify the physicochemical Mucolytics may reduce the properties of sputum to assist expectoration frequency and duration of may play a useful role in some patients with exacerbations. COPD. Examples of mucolytic agents include bromhexine, N-acetylcysteine, ambroxol, potassium iodide and glycerol guaiacolate. Few side effects have been reported and mucolytic drugs are generally considered safe. Some patients do respond to mucolytic agents but criteria for predicting such a response have not been established. A clinical trial in selected patients, documenting lung function and symptoms, is justified for patients with difficulty expectorating sputum. A Cochrane Review133 concluded that in subjects with COPD or chronic bronchitis and a higher than average rate of exacerbations, treatment with mucolytic agents was associated with a small reduction in acute exacerbations and total number of days of disability. However this finding may not apply to all patients with COPD. 49 Regular Review Monitor disease progression and development of complications COPD is usually a progressive disease, and a patientÕs lung function can be expected to worsen over time, even with the best available care. Symptoms and objective measures of airflow limitation should be monitored for development of complications that worsen prognosis, and to determine when to adjust therapy. · · · · · · Follow-up visits should include a discussion of new or worsening symptoms. Spirometry should be performed if there is a substantial increase in symptoms or a complication, and annually to determine rate of disease progression. Measurement of arterial blood gas tensions should be performed in all patients with an FEV1<40% predicted, or clinical signs of respiratory failure or right heart failure. Elevation of the jugular venous pressure and pitting ankle oedema are signs of right heart failure. Screen for daytime or nocturnal hypoxaemia if signs of right heart failure. Check for recent weight loss. Monitor pharmacotherapy and other medical treatment In order to adjust therapy appropriately as the disease progresses, each follow-up visit should include a discussion of the therapeutic regimen to which the patient is currently adhering. Dosages of various medications, adherence to the regimen, inhaler technique, effectiveness of the current regimen at controlling symptoms, and side effects of treatments should be monitored. Monitor exacerbation history Frequency, severity, and likely causes of exacerbations should be evaluated. Increased sputum volume, acutely worsening dyspnoea, and the presence of purulent sputum should be noted. An exacerbation is suggested by an increased need for bronchodilator medication or glucocorticoids and by the need for antibiotic treatment. Hospitalisations should be documented including the facility, duration of stay, and any use of critical care or intubation. Monitor comorbidities In treating patients with COPD, consider the presence of concomitant conditions such as bronchial carcinoma, tuberculosis, sleep apnoea and left heart failure. The appropriate diagnostic tools (such as chest radiograph, ECG) should be used whenever symptoms (e.g. haemoptysis) suggest one of these conditions. Home Oxygen Therapy Indications Home oxygen therapy is one of the principal non-pharmacologic treatments for patients with severe COPD. Apart from smoking cessation, domiciliary oxygen is the only therapy shown to reduce mortality in COPD11-12,134-136. Although effective, it is a potentially expensive therapy that should only be prescribed for those in whom there is evidence for benefit. Oxygen therapy can be administered as long-term continuous, intermittent or nocturnal therapy. 50 Long-term continuous oxygen therapy Long-term continuous oxygen therapy (at least 15 hours a day) is appropriate for patients who Long-term oxygen greater have PaO2 consistently less than or equal to than 15 hrs/day prolongs life 55mm Hg (7.3kPa) when breathing air, at rest in hypoxaemic patients and awake. If oxygen is prescribed when PaO2<55 mmHg (7.3 kPa). unstable (e.g. during an exacerbation) then the requirement for it should be reviewed four to eight weeks after initiation. At assessment, the patient's condition must be stable and all potentially reversible factors treated. The assessment should be made at least one month after the patient has stopped smoking because gas exchange may improve substantially on cessation. Polycythaemia (Hb >170gm/L), clinical or ECG evidence of pulmonary hypertension, as well as episodes of right heart failure, are consistent with the systemic effects of chronic hypoxaemia and strengthen the case for therapeutic use of oxygen. Patients with these complications should be prescribed continuous oxygen if their stable PaO 2 is 55-59 mmHg (7.3-7.9kPa). Continuous oxygen therapy is of most benefit for patients with increased arterial PaCO2 (>45 mm Hg or 6kPa)12. As well as prolonging life, long-term oxygen therapy may have a beneficial impact on haemodynamics, haematologic characteristics, exercise capacity, lung mechanics and mental state136. In order to maximise the number of hours per day of oxygen usage, portable oxygen may be advisable for long-term oxygen therapy users, depending on their circumstances. Government funding is on the basis of an approved prescriber (usually a Respiratory Physician). Oxygen is usually supplied free in Australia and in New Zealand topatients meeting the criteria. Intermittent oxygen therapy Available evidence does not allow any firm conclusions to be made concerning the effectiveness of intermittent ambulatory domiciliary oxygen therapy137 in COPD, however, use of intermittent oxygen may be considered for: · people for whom supplementary oxygen improves exercise capacity. The benefit cannot be predicted by a resting test. Acute benefit may be established by comparing exercise endurance when breathing oxygen and when breathing air, using a treadmill, stationary bicycle or six-minute walk test. · Patients living in isolated areas or prone to sudden life-threatening episodes while they are awaiting medical attention or evacuation by ambulance. · Patients undertaking air travel. Flying is generally safe for most patients with chronic respiratory failure who are on long-term oxygen therapy. However, patients should be instructed to increase the flow by 1-2 L/min during the flight. Ideally, patients who fly should be able to maintain an in-flight PaO2 of at least 50 mm Hg (6.7 kPa). Careful consideration should be given to any comorbidity that may impair oxygen delivery to tissues, such as cardiac impairment. Exertion during flight may aggravate hypoxaemia. 51 Nocturnal oxygen therapy The use of nocturnal oxygen therapy may be indicated in patients with nocturnal hypoxaemia (i.e. without daytime hypoxaemia or obstructive sleep apnoea) whose nocturnal arterial oxygen saturation repeatedly falls below 88% [Evidence level D]. Hypoxaemia during sleep should be distinguished from sleep apnoea caused by upper airway obstruction or impaired drive to breathe, which require other forms of therapy. Nocturnal hypoxaemia may be suspected in patients whose arterial gas tensions are satisfactory when awake, but who have daytime somnolence, polycythaemia or right heart failure. Sleep apnoea should be excluded as the appropriate therapy might be continuous positive airway pressure or nocturnal intermittent positive pressure ventilation. Contraindications Supplementary oxygen is not indicated for: · Patients with severe airflow limitation whose main complaint is dyspnoea, but who maintain a PaO2 greater than 60mm Hg (8kPa) and who show no secondary effects of chronic hypoxia. · Patients who continue to smoke cigarettes, because of the increased fire risk and the probability that the poorer prognosis conferred by smoking will offset treatment benefit. Initiating oxygen therapy Before introducing oxygen therapy, ensure optimal treatment of the pulmonary disorder while monitoring improvement with objective tests such as FEV1 and vital capacity. Treatment may include maximum therapy for airway obstruction, attention to nutrition and body weight, an exercise rehabilitation program, control of infection and treatment of cor pulmonale. In patients selected for oxygen therapy, assess the adequacy of relief of hypoxaemia (PaO 2 >60mm Hg (8kPa), SpO2 >90%) and/or improvement in exercise capacity or nocturnal arterial oxygen saturation while using a practical oxygen delivery system. What the patient needs to know Patients receiving oxygen therapy in the home, and their carers, should have the prescription clearly explained in terms of hours of use, flow rate, and the need to vary flow rates at given times. The equipment, its care, and how to obtain servicing or replacements requires explanation. The dangers of open flames (especially cigarettes, gas heaters and cookers) needs to be emphasised. Flow should be set at the lowest rate needed to maintain a resting PaO2 of 60 mm Hg (8kPa) or SpO2 >90%. For COPD patients 0.5 Ð 2L/min is usually sufficient. It should be increased by 1L/min during exercise. Humidifiers are generally not needed at oxygen flow rates below 4L/min. Extrasoft nasal prongs are recommended for continuous oxygen use, but may become uncomfortable at flow rates over 2-3 L/min and in the long term. Facemasks 52 may be preferred for at least some of the time, although there are theoretical dangers of rebreathing exhaled CO2 at flow rates below 4 L/min. In selected patients needing 24-hour oxygen therapy, transtracheal delivery systems may have advantages, though these need to be weighed against the need for frequent stoma care and secretion control. Review Reassess four to eight weeks after starting continuous or nocturnal oxygen therapy, both clinically and by measurement of PaO2 and PaCO 2 with and without supplementary oxygen. A decision can then be made as to whether the treatment has been properly applied and whether it should be continued or abandoned. Undertake subsequent review at least annually, or more often according to the clinical situation. Some patients will show a sustained rise in PaO2 to >60 mm Hg (8kPa) when breathing air, but current thinking suggests this should not necessarily be a rationale for stopping therapy. One-month review: confirm low PaO2 (55mm Hg or 7.3kPa) Periodic assessment is also recommended for patients on intermittent oxygen therapy. The review can be undertaken by appropriately trained outreach staff using a pulse oximeter to confirm hypoxaemia (SpO2<88%) at rest or during daily activities. They should also check compliance with therapy and smoking status. Dangers Supplementary oxygen in patients with increased arterial PaCO 2 may theoretically depress ventilation, increase physiological dead space, and further increase arterial PaCO2. However with long-term low flow oxygen therapy, any increase in arterial PaCO 2 is usually small and well tolerated. Sedatives (particularly benzodiazepines), narcotics, alcohol and other drugs that impair the central regulation of breathing should generally be avoided in patients with hypercapnia receiving oxygen therapy. Choosing the right method Domiciliary oxygen therapy can be delivered via three systems: · The prescription should always include the source of supplemental oxygen (gas or liquid), method of delivery, duration of use, and flow rate at rest, during exercise and during sleep. Cylinders: These contain compressed pure oxygen gas and deliver 100% oxygen at the outlet. Several portable lightweight cylinders are available which allow the patient to leave home for several hours. Electronic conservation devices are available to trigger oxygen supply on demand resulting in up to a four-fold reduction in oxygen consumption. Reservoir style conservers provide similar conservation rates and are a cost effective alternative (no ongoing fixed cost) that likewise promote convenience by prolonging cylinder duration. 53 · Oxygen concentrators: These are floor-standing devices that entrain room air, extract the nitrogen in molecular sieves and deliver oxygen at the outlet. They run off electricity. Most of these units deliver 90-95% oxygen at the outlet when operating at a flow rate of 2 L/min. The percentage falls with increasing flow rate to about 78% oxygen at 5 L/min, depending on the model. All units currently available in Australia are imported. A back-up standard D-size oxygen cylinder may be added in case of concentrator breakdown or power failure, but adds to the cost and is rarely necessary. · Liquid oxygen systems: These systems conserve space by storing oxygen in liquid form. The oxygen is delivered through coils, where it vaporises. Two tanks are needed: a large storage tank, which is filled by the supplier as required (e.g. one unit is equivalent to seven E-size cylinders), and a portable unit filled from the larger tank for ambulatory use. Ê Which system is the best? There is no significant difference in the quality of oxygen delivery among the above methods, however: · Concentrators are cheaper than cylinders if use is equivalent to or greater than three E-size cylinders per month, but electricity costs must be considered. · Concentrators can be wheeled around the home but are heavy (about 21-26 kg) and are difficult to move up stairs and in and out of cars. · Concentrators cannot be used for nebulisation, as the pressure delivered is too low (35-63 kPa, compared with 140 kPa for nebuliser pumps). · If the anticipated need is for longer than three years, it is cheaper to buy than to rent a unit. The units usually have a five -year guarantee. However in each state of Australia there are specific arrangements for the provision of oxygen therapy to public patients. More detailed information can be obtained through the respiratory units at large public hospitals. Fitness to Fly Commercial aircraft operate at altitudes of up to 12,500m where outside pressure is less than 25% that at sea level. Cabins are pressurised to 2100-2400m. At this ÒaltitudeÓ the alveolar PaO2 for healthy individuals reduces from 103mm Hg (13.7kPa) to 64mm Hg (8.5kPa) and O2 saturation declines from 97% to 93%. Any pre-existing hypoxaemia will substantially worsen at altitude. Patients with borderline hypoxemia at sea level will operate on the steep section of the O2 dissociation curve when at altitude and thus any further fall in PaO2 will be associated with a marked fall in oxygen saturation/content. Who requires supplemental oxygen during flight? Exercise tolerance determined by walking distance correlates poorly with PaO 2 and this is unsuitable as a predictor. Oximetry is unlikely to be helpful because the variation in O2 saturation measured by oximetry equates to a very wide range of PaO2; a variety of factors including PaCO2 and pH cause shifts in the O2 dissociation curve. As a general rule however if resting O2 is ³ 95%, supplemental oxygen is unlikely to be required and if O2 saturation £ 88%, supplemental oxygen is likely to be required. Before flying patients should ideally be clinically stable. The patient recovering from an acute exacerbation is particularly at risk. Those already on long-term oxygen 54 therapy need an increase in flow of 1-2 L/min during flight. Careful consideration should be given to any comorbidity which may impair tissue oxygen delivery eg. cardiac impairment, anaemia. The American Thoracic Society currently recommends that PaO2 during air travel should be maintained at >50mm Hg (6.7kPa). PaO2 measured on the ground at sea level (PaO2) is the most reliable value for predicting during flight (PaO 2 alt). PaO2 alt can be estimated from PaO2 using published nomograms developed on the basis of hypoxic testing (F1 O 2 =15%) at sea level. Based on these nomograms, if PaO2 <70mm Hg (9.3kPa), PaO2 alt for 2300m is <50mm Hg (6.7kPa). The natural conclusion is that all patients with PaO2 <70mm Hg (9.3kPa) at rest at ground level should receive supplemental O2. Many lung function laboratories perform assessments for fitness to fly. These may include measurement of ABGs or O2 saturation while breathing a mixture of 15% oxygen and 85% nitrogen. Fitness for Surgery Postoperative respiratory complications are a common clinical problem that can extend hospital stay significantly (see Figure 17). These complications include pneumonia, respiratory failure with mechanical ventilation, bronchospasm, atelectasis and exacerbation of any underlying chronic lung disease, including COPD. Figure 17. Risk factors for postoperative respiratory complications Factor Risk of Respiratory Action Complication Patient-related COPD Increases risk for unselected surgery 3.0 fold and for thoracic or abdominal surgery 4.7 fold. Smoking Increases risk 3.4 fold. Age >70 years Risk related to comorbidities General health status Poor health increases risk 1.7 fold. Combinations of bronchodilators, physiotherapy, antibiotics, smoking cessation and glucocorticoids reduce respiratory complications. This is notable even in the absence of COPD. Risk reduction greatest if smoking ceased six weeks preoperatively. Risk is less if co-existing disease (particularly cardiac) is controlled for. Evaluate using standardised Goldman or American Society of Anaesthesiologists Risk Indices or simple clinical exercise testing. 55 Asthma Not a risk factor if have a stable lung peak flow measurement, greater than 80% of personal best and currently free from wheeze or night symptoms. Obesity Not a proven risk factor other than a predictor of comorbidity. Can use a brief course of prednisolone pre-operatively (e.g. four days of 50mg daily) with no increase in post-operative complications. Check for diabetes, sleep apnoea, hypertension. Procedure-related Surgical incision Surgery >3hours Long-acting neuromuscular blockers (pancuronium) General anaesthesia Narcotic analgesia Increased risk up to 10 fold as the incision approaches the diaphragm. Increases risk 3 fold. Increases risk 3 fold. Probably increases risk slightly over spinal/epidural anaesthesia. Hypoventilation Laparoscopic procedures preferable if high risk. Optimise peri- and postoperative respiratory support. Optimise peri- and postoperative respiratory support. Avoid general anaesthesia if possible in high-risk patients. Epidural infusion Preoperative assessment and preparation Respiratory assessment prior to surgery addresses the wisdom of operating in an individual patient at that time. Exclude from surgery patients who face major risks of morbidity or mortality in the postoperative period and those patients whose quality of life would be severely compromised should the operation proceed. Some practical examples include: · A patient with severe emphysema and recurrent diverticulitis needing semielective hemicolectomy. The risk is extended high dependency and postoperative respiratory failure related to broncho-pulmonary infection. · Resectable lung cancer in a patient with very poor lung function. A curative operation might be performed technically well but the loss of lung function may lead to an unacceptable quality of life. The issues related to surgical risk should be identified at the same time as the need for surgery. Unless the COPD is known to be mild in severity based on symptoms and lung function, a specialist assessment is recommended. History Ask about cough, sputum, breathlessness, smoking, heart or lung disease, problems after previous surgery or anaesthesia. If history of lung disease, smoking or unexplained dyspnoea, define and treat lung disease to reduce risks rather than exclude surgery. Examination Heart and lungs in detail. Lung function tests The impact of lung function impairment will vary greatly depending on the surgery planned. This will be influenced by any significant co-morbidity. 56 · Assessment of the impact of lung function on safety of lung surgery is a complex task. Surgery may be possible in some patients with very severe lung function abnormality. No patient should be denied the opportunity for lung cancer resection without specialist assessment. · Lung resection is possible if the predicted post-op FEV1 and DLCO are > 40% predicted. · Limits of operability can be extended if eligible for lung reduction surgery. · Predicted post-op. FEV1 = Pre-op. FEV1 X (1 minus proportion of lung to be resected) (see Figure 18). Figure 18. Proportions to be used in calculating the effect of lung resection Lung or Lobe for Resection Whole lung Upper Lobe Middle Lobe Lower Lobe Right Side 0.53 0.16 0.11 0.26 Left Side 0.47 0.26 (+ Lingula) 0.21 N.B. Can refine the fraction with quantitative radionuclide lung scanning. Fractions do not apply to LVRS · · No firm guidelines exist for operability before cardiac surgery and upper abdominal surgery but FEV1 useful. Lower morbidity if FEV1 >1L or >30% of predicted. Recommended before other surgery only in selected patients ABGs Not needed routinely but indicated if severe COPD (FEV1 < 40% predicted). Increased morbidity if PaCO2 > 45 mm Hg (6kPa). Integrated cardiopulmonary exercise testing Peak oxygen uptake and anaerobic threshold can be measured from this incremental testing procedure. Operations that are associated with a metabolic stress in excess of the anaerobic threshold appear to pose undue risk for intra- or post-operative mortality or prolonged post-operative recovery. Smoking cessation All current smokers who are being prepared for elective general anaesthetics must be counselled about the risks of smoking and benefits of quitting. The greatest reduction in post-operative respiratory morbidity/mortality is achieved by cessation at least six weeks prior to surgery. In many cases, surgery is urgent or semi-urgent and lesser periods of cessation must be accepted. In urgent cases, it may be necessary to acknowledge the increased risk but proceed with the operation nonetheless. Control of sputum Independent of lung function, sputum production is a risk factor for postoperative respiratory infection. Therapy should be optimised in the preoperative period. Patients should be taught appropriate sputum clearance techniques and breathing techniques with the aim of optimising lung function pre-operatively and minimising post-operative respiratory complications such as atelectasis and sputum retention. Post-operative complications may also be minimised by using large volume ventilation and avoiding excessive FiO2 intra-operatively. 57 Effect of nature of surgery For abdominal procedures, risks are greater with upper versus lower, and horizontal rather than vertical incisions. Minimally invasive surgery with smaller incisions should reduce the pain stimulus that limits respiration and cough and therefore improve outcomes. This is partially balanced by the fact that procedures may be longer and there is a longer period for development of intraoperative atelectasis. Induced pneumoperitoneum increases the potential for development of intraoperative atelectasis. Management of postoperative COPD patient During general anaesthesia, ventilation is controlled and oxygen delivery can be easily maintained. Few patients with COPD will have respiratory difficulties, irrespective of the severity of their lung disease. Some patients because of the severity of their lung disease and/or the nature of the surgical procedure will be electively managed in an intensive care setting. For patients who return to ward care, this is the critical period. The general principles are: · Optimal analgesia - Most major centres use patient controlled analgesia supervised by an integrated pain control team including an anaesthetist and specialist nurse. Some patients will benefit from supplementary epidural analgesia, as this will limit the total systemic narcotic dosing. · Clearance of secretions - For patients who regularly expectorate, physiotherapy emphasising deep respiration and cough cycles is useful. Percussion chest drainage is of questionable value. Patients lying on their side may experience further derangement of V/Q relationships and it is good practice to have patients use oxygen by nasal prongs in this situation. Incentive spirometers can be used to encourage full inspiration to overcome atelectasis but their effectiveness has not been well established. · Early mobilisation - This should be emphasised and patients should be advised pre-operatively that they will be mobilised as soon as possible in the post-operative period. Sitting out of bed is preferred to lying supine in a hospital bed. All patients with COPD should have appropriate prophylaxis against DVT according to the local practice. · Discharge planning and later care - Many COPD patients do not have a physically able spouse or carer. For efficient, effective care the discharge planning process should commence prior to admission. Almost all significant procedures will be associated with deconditioning that will limit exercise capacity to a level often much below that prior to surgery. Where this is significant, rehabilitation should be part of the discharge plan. 58 D DEVELOP SUPPORT NETWORK AND SELF-MANAGEMENT PLAN COPD imposes a handicap which affects both patient and carers. These carers are sometimes under great strain105-108. Enhancing quality of life and reducing handicap requires a support team. The patient and their family/friends /whanau (NZ) should be actively involved in a therapeutic partnership with a range of professional disciplines90,105-108. Patients should be encouraged to take appropriate responsibility for their own management146-148. Multidisciplinary* care plans and individual self-management plans may help to prevent or manage crises149. B C C C C B AIMS RECOMMENDATIONS/ACTIONS LEVEL Assess individual's resources and support and provide improved support network Provide access to community based resources Minimise barriers to accessing healthcare Consider multidisciplinary case conference Enrol in pulmonary rehabilitation program Educate patient and carers as appropriate Develop multidisciplinary care plan* Enrol in respiratory support group Assess cognitive and coping abilities Educate patients and carers as appropriate Treat anxiety, panic and depression Enrol in Pulmonary Rehabilitation Program Ensure optimal use of inhaler devices / oxygen delivery devices Develop self-management plan for maintenance therapy Develop self-management plan for acute exacerbations Include crisis medication pack and appropriate support D Increase patient/carer knowledge base and reduce patient/carer strain Improve patient coping skills and self management behaviour and develop positive patient attitudes to selfmanagement and exercise Reduce frequency of exacerbations and hospitalisations C D A B D C B B D A B D B C * may include: general practitioner, respiratory physician, district or outreach nurse, respiratory educator, physiotherapist, occupational therapist, social worker, clinical psychologist, speech therapist, pharmacist, dietitian, oxygen service personnel, nonmedical care. 59 Impact on patient and carer In the early stages of disease, COPD patients will often ignore mild symptoms. As the disease progresses impairment and disability increase. In addition, common complications emerge including depression, anxiety, panic disorder, social isolation, cor pulmonale, polycythaemia, osteoporosis, proximal and ventilatory myopathies, upper airway obstruction and altered ventilatory control. Concurrent conditions commonly seen in patients with COPD include coronary artery disease, diabetes, cerebrovascular disease, dementia and degenerative joint disease. As a health state, severe COPD has the third highest perceived ÔseverityÕ rating, on a par with paraplegia and first-stage AIDS 1. People with chronic conditions are usually cared for by partners or family members. In non-respiratory populations, there is evidence that the psychological health status of carers and patients are linked. Levels of loneliness, social isolation and depression were similar among carers and their patients. The quality of care received by the patient from family carers is linked with the health of the carer, so that carer health status has been found to be associated with rates of health care utilisation. Carers are critical to and bound up in care of respiratory patients: this results in physical and emotional health problems. Assess and improve individual’s supports Enhancing quality of life and reducing handicap requires a support team (which may include the GP, a respiratory specialist, specialist nurses and a range of other health professionals, both from hospitals and in the community). GP’s role The GP plays a central role in the management of COPD. As the primary health provider the GP is uniquely placed to identify smokers and help them quit, diagnose COPD in its early stages and coordinate care as the disease progresses. (i) Smoking cessation A doctorÕs advice is an important motivator for smoking cessation, especially if from the family physician. The GP can help initiate the cycle of change by repeated brief interventions. There are several smoking cessation programs that have been developed for use in general practice. The GP is also the appropriate health professional to recommend or prescribe nicotine replacement therapy and/or pharmacological treatment of nicotine addiction (for a detailed discussion of smoking cessation interventions see Section P, page 45). (ii) Early diagnosis The GP is in the most favourable position to make an early diagnosis of COPD. Most people visit a GP approximately annually. Simple questions relating to daily cough and degree of breathlessness should lead to lung function testing, either at the GP practice or in a nearby lung function laboratory. A history of chronic or recurrent bronchitis, exertional dyspnoea and/or a significant smoking history (>15 pack years) should alert the GP to the need for spirometry (see Section C, page 16). 60 (iii) Coordinate investigation and management The GP will manage patients with mild and moderate COPD. Referral to a consultant respiratory physician may be indicated to confirm the diagnosis, exclude complications and aggravating factors, and to contribute to a selfmanagement plan (see Figure 19 below and page 67 for Self-management Plans). (iv) Coordinate care in advanced disease The GP plays a crucial role in the overall medical management of patients with advanced COPD including terminal care and grieving, and helps to coordinate a range of services provided by a multidisciplinary team of health professionals and care agencies. Respiratory specialist’s role Although the long-term management of most persons with COPD will take place in primary care, there are advantages associated with review by a respiratory specialist, particularly for people with moderate to severe disease. Respiratory specialists may be able to facilitate patient access to pulmonary rehabilitation, and generally are responsible for decisions regarding long-term oxygen therapy, lung volume reduction surgery, lung transplantation, investigation of ventilation during sleep and prescription of non-invasive positive pressure ventilation. Figure 19. Indications for referral to respiratory specialist Factors requiring Role of respiratory specialist specialist review Moderate/severe COPD Uncertain diagnosis · <10 pack year smoking or · <40 years of age or · rapid decline in FEV1 - Confirm diagnosis and optimise therapy Stop inappropriate/ ineffective therapies Assess side effects Determine need for nebulised therapy - Assess complications - Confirm diagnosis and exclude other diagnoses e.g. asthma, pulmonary embolism, cancer, heart failure, pneumothorax, anaemia Determine other aetiologic factors Determine if predisposed e.g.alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency Exclude other conditions e.g. bronchiectasis, cystic fibrosis, immunologic abnormality, aspiration Exclude complications of COPD or comorbidities e.g. pulmonary hypertension, cardiac disease Consider sleep study Confirm diagnosis and optimise treatment including assessment for oxygen or other ventilatory support Confirm chronic hypoxaemia or nocturnal hypoxaemia Assess for ambulatory oxygen therapy Determine suitability for bullectomy or lung volume reduction surgery Determine suitability for LVRS or lung transplantation or home ventilation Consider referral to palliative care - Recurrent infections Exacerbations Symptoms/disability out of proportion to lung function impairment Cor pulmonale - Suspect chronic hypoxaemia - Bullous lung disease/severe emphysema Severe disability/respiratory failure - - 61 The multidisciplinary team In advanced disease the many comorbidities, social isolation and disability mean that a multidisciplinary approach to coordinated care may be appropriate. Many health professionals are in an ideal situation to detect patients who smoke, and assist them in quitting. In addition to the GP and respiratory specialist, the multidisciplinary team may include: Nurse/respiratory educator Specific aspects of care provided by the nurse in COPD may include: · Respiratory assessment including spirometry and pulse oximetry · Implementation or referral for interventions such as smoking cessation, sputum clearance strategies, oxygen therapy · Skills training with inhalational devices · Education to promote better self-management, eg medications and response to worsening of symptoms · Organisation of multidisciplinary case conferences and participation in care plan development · Assessment of home environment Physiotherapist Physiotherapists are involved in a broad range of areas including exercise training, sputum clearance, breathing retraining, mobility, non-invasive positive pressure ventilation, post-operative respiratory care (e.g. post LVRS), and assessment and treatment of musculoskeletal disorders commonly associated with COPD. Occupational therapist The occupational therapist provides specific skills in task optimisation and prescription of adaptive equipment and home modifications. Some therapists also teach energy conservation for activities of daily living and can help in the set-up of home and portable oxygen. Social worker Social workers can provide counselling for patients and their carers, organisation of support services, respite and long-term care. Clinical psychologist Anxiety and depression are common comorbidities in patients with COPD. Panic disorder is also frequent and disabling out of proportion to the impairment of lung function. Clinical psychologists can assess and employ techniques such as counselling and cognitive behavioural therapy to help address anxiety and depression. Speech pathologist/therapist Speech pathologists can be involved in the assessment and management of recurrent aspiration, swallowing and eating difficulties due to shortness of breath, and dry mouth associated with some pharmaceuticals, age and mouth breathing. Pharmacist Pharmacists, both in the community and in hospitals, are involved in education about medications and supply of medications. They can help smokers quit by advising about nicotine replacement and counsel patients requesting over-the-counter salbutamol. They are well placed to monitor for medication problems and complications and suggest solutions (eg individual dosing dispensers). There is an EPC item number for GPs involved in medication review by a pharmacist (Item 900). Further information is available at . 62 Dietitian Significant weight-loss is a common problem for patients with end stage COPD. Conversely, obesity in patients with COPD is associated with sleep apnoea, CO2 retention and cor pulmonale. Dietitians can educate on nutrition and prescribe diets and supplements specific to the needs of the individual. Non-medical care agencies Many COPD patients have difficulties with activities of daily living (ADLs) and may require a range of non-medical support services, including governmental and nongovernmental organisations. Availability of services and organisational structure vary between states and between areas within states (e.g. urban, rural, remote). Some examples include: · Financial support and organisation of oxygen, CPAP, nebulisers, etc · Homecare · Government supported assistance with ADLs (showering, cleaning, shopping, etc) · Home maintenance · Meals on wheels · Exercise programs · Support groups Develop multidisciplinary care plan/ case conference A multidisciplinary care plan is a documentation of the various medical, paramedical and non-medical services required to keep a patient functioning in the community. Various generic and disease specific proformas are available (see for examples). Also check with local Division of GPs, Alliance of Divisions, etc. The care plan may be initiated in the context of a multidisciplinary case conference involving the GP and at least two other health professionals (one of whom is not a doctor). The remuneration varies depending on the level of involvement of the GP and the location of the patient. EPC item numbers are available to support GP involvement in care plan development. GP involvement in case conferences is supported by EPC item numbers (see below) that also vary according to the level of involvement of the GP and the location of the patient. The GP may participate by telephone. A consultant physician is also entitled to claim rebates for organising or participating in a case conference (Item numbers 801-815). Item numbers for GP involvement in care plans and case conferences appear in the table below. Further information is available at . Figure 20. Enhanced Primary Care Item Numbers Item 720 Item 722 Item 724 Item 726 Item 728 Multidisciplinary care plan item numbers Preparation of a multidisciplinary community care plan Preparation of a multidisciplinary care plan Review of a community care plan or discharge care plan claimed for under 720 or 722 Contribute to a multidisciplinary community care plan or review a multidisciplinary community care plan prepared by another provider Contribute to a multidisciplinary discharge care plan or review a multidisciplinary discharge care plan prepared by another provider 63 Item 730 Contribute to a multidisciplinary care plan in a residential aged care facility or review a multidisciplinary care plan in a residential aged care facility Multidisciplinary case conference item numbers Residential aged care facility Task: Organise, coordinate and attend a case conference at a residential aged care facility (not being a service associated with a service to which item 730 applies) Item 734 15-30 minutes Item 736 30-45 minutes Item 738 >45 minutes Task: Participate in a case conference at a residential aged care facility (not being a service associated with a service to which items 720-730 applies) Item 775 15-30 minutes Item 778 30-45 minutes Item 779 > 45 minutes Community Task: Organise, coordinate and attend a community case conference (not being a service associated with a service to which items 720-730 applies) Item 740 15-30 minutes Item 742 30-45 minutes Item 744 > 45 minutes Task: Participate in a community case conference (not being a service associated with a service to which items 720-730 applies) Item 759 15-30 minutes Item 762 30-45 minutes Item 765 > 45 minutes Discharge Task: Organise, coordinate and attend a discharge case conference (not being a service associated with a service to which items 720-730 applies) Item 746 15-30 minutes Item 749 30-45 minutes Item 757 > 45 minutes Task Participate in a discharge case conference (not being a service associated with a service to which items 720-730 applies) Item 768 15-30 minutes Item 771 30-45 minutes Item 773 > 45 minutes Increase Knowledge and Reduce Strain Educate patients and carers Health education can play a role in improving skills, ability to cope with illness and health status105-108. Educational messages should be incorporated into all aspects of COPD care and may take place in many settings. Education should be: · tailored to the needs and environment of the individual patient · interactive · directed at improving quality of life · simple to follow · practical · appropriate to the intellectual and social skills of the patient and the care givers. Health professionals should discuss patientsÕ fears and apprehensions and issues affecting adherence, focus on educational goals (see figure 21), tailor treatment 64 regimens to each individual patient, anticipate the effects of functional decline and optimise the patientÕs practical skills. In COPD, compliance refers not only to pharmacologic treatments but also to maintaining an exercise program after pulmonary rehabilitation, undertaking and sustaining smoking cessation, and using devices such as nebulisers, spacers and oxygen concentrators properly. Education is most effective when it is interactive and conducted in small workshops110 (see also Section O, pulmonary rehabilitation, page 39). Figure 21. Suggested COPD patient education topics Mild to moderate COPD Severe COPD Information and advice re: risk factor reduction Information about nature of COPD Instructions on how to use inhalers and other treatments Recognition and treatment of acute exacerbations Strategies for minimising dyspnoea Strategies to optimise or correct nutrition status Benefits of exercise Support groups Above topics plus: Information about complications Information about oxygen treatment Advance directives and end-of-life decisions Task optimisation for ADLs Maintenance of nutrition Adapted from Global Strategy for the Diagnosis, Management and Prevention of Chronic Obstructive 6 Pulmonary Disease, NHLBI/WHO workshop report . Refer to a support group Psychiatric morbidity is high in people with severe COPD and in many instances requires more than a prescription aimed at symptom relief. Many patients and their families are left alone to cope with the functional and emotional difficulties caused by this irreversible and progressive disease which can severely impair their quality of life. Patients who receive education and psycho so cia l su p p o r t sh ow greater Health professionals should improvements in more aspects of health-related encourage patients to join a quality of life than those who receive education support group. with no ongoing support. One way in which this aim can be achieved is through patient support groups. Support groups aim to empower patients with COPD to take a more active role in the management of their health care and thus reduce the psychosocial impact of their condition. Figure 22. Patient Support Groups Typical support group activities Regular meetings Expert guest speakers on COPD topics Telephone calls, hospital and home visits Receive and distribute lung health education information Special seminars and patient programs Social outings Rehabilitation assistance and maintenance of exercise Social enjoyment 65 Benefits of support groups Reinforce and clarify information learnt from health professionals Access new information on lung health Share experiences in a caring environment Empower patients to be more actively involved in their health care, through self-management techniques Participate in social activities and exercise programs Encourage patients to think more positively about their lung disease Help carers understand lung disease Improve Coping Skills and Self Management Behaviour. Develop Positive Attitudes to Self-Management and Exercise. Reduce Frequency of Exacerbations/Admissions. Assess cognitive and coping abilities90,105-108 Hypoxic COPD patients often have neuropsychological deficits suggestive of cerebral dysfunction. The deficits are in the areas of verbal and visual short-term memory, simple motor skills, visuomotor speed and abstract thought processing. COPD patients can also develop social phobia, the fear and anxiety of being evaluated negatively by other people, which leads to feelings of inadequacy, embarrassment, humiliation and depression. Dyspnoea, coughing, heavy breathing, oxygen cylinders and taking of medication in public can embarrass COPD patients. Cognitive impairment may be assessed using the Mini Mental State test (available from Coping abilities may be assessed using the Jalowiec Coping Scale or the Ways of Coping Questionnnaire (WAYS). Treat anxiety and depression149 The strong relationship between anxiety and COPD has long been established. One report Identification of individuals at suggested that as many as 67% of patients with risk for clinical anxiety and COPD will develop panic disorder, a figure that effective interventions for is at least 10 times greater than in the general treating panic disorder in population. Anxiety symptoms lead to repeated COPD should be priorities. presentations for hospital admission for many patients, at a significant financial cost. Current models of anxiety disorders would predict that COPD is likely to be associated with high rates of panic disorders due to changes in breathing and heart rate being interpreted as threatening and potentially harmful. Identification of individuals at risk for clinical anxiety and the development of effective interventions for treating panic disorder in COPD, or ideally, preventing its development, should be priorities. There are many outcome trials demonstrating the effectiveness of cognitive behaviour therapy in treating panic disorder when no respiratory disease is present. Cognitive behaviour therapy should also be an effective intervention for treating patients with COPD-related panic disorder. Depression is common in patients with chronic illness, and COPD is no exception. Anxiety and mood disturbances can often be precipitated by respiratory drugs (eg theophylline and steroids respectively). Pharmacological treatment of depression in COPD may be hampered by poor tolerance of side effects from drugs which may affect respiratory control and/or aggravate sleep disturbances. 66 In addition to usual clinical assessment, the presence and/or impact of anxiety and depression may be reliably predicted with several validated questionnaires, eg, the HAD Scale (Hospital Anxiety Depression Scale). This self report questionnaire has good psychometric properties and is widely used in psychological research with medical Cognitive behavioural patients150. techniques are useful for anxiety and depression. Referral to psychiatrists, psychologists, social Pulmonary rehabilitation also workers and pulmonary rehabilitation programs helps. may assist patients dealing with psychological problems. Address carer strain Caring for someone with COPD can be stressful, and it is not surprising that significant psychological and physical consequences for carers are well documented. Carers themselves may require some form of intervention. In fact, some researchers suggest that carer stress can in some instances be as great or greater than that of the patient. Carer issues should be addressed as part of the medical assessment, with objective measurement possible using a career strain assessment tool. Enrol in pulmonary rehabilitation90-101,138-149 The primary goal of pulmonary rehabilitation has been to restore the patient to the highest possible level of independent functioning. The effects of pulmonary rehabilitation begin to dissipate 6-12 months after the intervention if there is no ongoing maintenance program. Benefits are wide ranging and there are minimal risks (refer to Section O, page 39). Ensure optimal use of inhalers111 Elderly and frail patients, especially those with cognitive deficits may have difficulty with some inhalers. It takes time and patience to find the best device. Device training is usually included in pulmonary rehabilitation programs (refer to Section O), but is often addressed by the Respiratory Nurse Educator. Develop a self-management plan There is evidence that patients with chronic illness who participate in selfmanagement have better outcomes including reduced health care costs than those who do not. In asthma, patient education with emphasis on self-management behaviour improves quality of life and reduces exacerbation severity more than simply providing information and knowledge. It has not been specifically studied in COPD, but behavioural education alone is effective, though less effective than integrated pulmonary rehabilitation programs that include an exercise component. In patients with COPD, most exacerbations evolve over days rather than hours. In many patients the baseline lung function is so low that even small changes can exceed the respiratory reserve, precipitating a major deterioration in functional status. Viral and bacterial infections play a role in exacerbations of COPD but psychosocial factors such as depression, anxiety, panic or lack of a carer may also be of major importance. The traditional approach to exacerbations of moderate to severe COPD has been admission to hospital. Recent work exploring the concept of hospital-at-home has demonstrated that many patients can be managed at home by appropriately qualified staff146-148. Whether such treatment is cost-effective remains uncertain. 67 The concept of self-management plans for COPD is derived from their success in asthma management indicating doses and medications to take for maintenance therapy and for exacerbations. Instructions for crises are often included. In contrast with asthma, pharmacological treatment of COPD is generally less effective and the condition is by definition non-reversible. However, some of the interventions have strong support (e.g. use of bronchodilators for symptoms, systemic glucocorticoids for exacerbations and antibiotics if there is purulent sputum). They might be more effective if instituted early in an exacerbation, thereby preventing crises and hospital admission. The primary care team needs to develop systems to identify those with more severe COPD who might benefit from more intensive education and training in self-management skills. The components of a self-management plan include all the elements of a full rehabilitation and self-help program. Those patients with a history of exacerbations should be invited to the practice/clinic for an interview with the practice nurse or educator to discuss implementation of the plan. The doctor should decide if it is appropriate for the patient to have an antibiotic and a course of prednisone at home for use in an exacerbation, and the patient and carer trained in how these drugs should be taken. A typical self-management plan might include instructions for maintenance therapy, exacerbations and crises. Symptom control measures may include drug use or breathing techniques. Examples can be found at GP involvement in review of self-management plans (including medications) may be undertaken in the context of Care Plan Item Numbers or Domiciliary Medication Management / Review (DMMR) for which an MBS fee is applicable (Item 900). This requires the involvement of an accredited pharmacist and patient consent. The plan should be reviewed after any exacerbation to make adjustments as appropriate. Patients will often tend to delay initiating actions agreed in their plan in the hope that they may not need additional treatment. Instead, they should be encouraged to start their prescribed additional treatment at the earliest sign of an impending exacerbation. (i) Maintenance therapy Detailed discussion of the maintenance therapy for COPD appears in Section O, page 26. In general, drug management in COPD does not involve backtitration, which is a core principle in asthma management. The exception is when oral glucocorticoids have been given for an acute exacerbation. (ii) Exacerbations Detailed discussion of the management of exacerbations is found in Section X. For mild to moderate exacerbations an increase in inhaled bronchodilator therapy and an increase in, or introduction of, inhaled glucocorticoid therapy may be beneficial. For severe exacerbations there is evidence for the use of antibiotics, systemic glucocorticoids and supplemental oxygen (if hypoxaemic). Selected patients may benefit from early intervention with these agents according to a predetermined plan developed by a GP and/or respiratory specialist. (iii) Crisis medication pack To facilitate early intervention in severe exacerbations selected patients may be instructed to use a supplied crisis medication pack including: 68 · · · Broad spectrum antibiotics (eg, amoxycillin, tetracycline, cephalosporin) Prednisolone and dosage schedule (eg, 35-50 mg daily for five days, then 25 mg daily for 5-10 days). Tapering the dose is not required for courses shorter than three weeks. O x y g e n. For some patients, who are not hypoxaemic when well, supplemental oxygen may help to avoid hospital admission. However, there are often organisational and financial impediments to the timely supply of oxygen in this setting. Controlled trials are required to document the efficacy of self-management plans (in addition to pulmonary rehabilitation) in patients with stable COPD. At this point, drawing on the success of asthma action plans, education of COPD patients in selfmanagement is recommended. Written plans are usually required to complement such interventions (see examples at End of Life Issues Terminal COPD patients are usually elderly and have already experienced one or more decades of increasingly frustrating functional restriction. Their course is likely to have been punctuated by hospital admissions. They often have several comorbidities and are frequently dependent on the care of others. Determining prognosis in end-stage COPD is extremely difficult, though guides to shortened survival include FEV1 <25% predicted, weight loss (BMI below 18), respiratory failure (PaCO2>50mm Hg or 6.7kPa), and right heart failure. The major ethical issues are deciding whether to offer invasive or non-invasive ventilatory support or alternatively to withhold, limit or withdraw such support. These decisions are often complex but as in other areas of medicine they are ultimately constrained by the standard ethical principles of respect for patient autonomy, ensuring that good is achieved without harm. Most patients with end-stage COPD wish to participate in end of life management decisions. They would prefer to do so in a non-acute setting. The treating doctor should ascertain the preferences of the patient with regard to ventilation and palliation. This conversation is best conducted when the patient is stable between exacerbations or in the setting of a pulmonary rehabilitation program. It may take several meetings for a conclusion to evolve and with the permission of the patient it can be very helpful to involve significant family or carers. Evidence suggests that family and other surrogate decision-makers are often unaware of the patientÕs views. The patient should be encouraged to share such views with important others. Information should be provided to help patients and carers answer questions such as: · What is it like for the patient to be on a ventilator? · What is it like for the family? · What are the chances of getting off the ventilator? · In what state of health would the patient be then? The patient should also be reassured that in the event that they choose not to be ventilated, full supportive care including appropriate sedation will be offered to avoid discomfort. In some states the patientÕs wishes can be given legal force through the use of an enduring power of attorney or advance health directive. 69 Although difficult for the health professional and potentially distressing for the patient, a frank discussion about these often unspoken issues can be beneficial. Palliative Care in COPD Palliation means providing supportive care that reduces suffering for the patient through the terminal phases of illness, and for his/her family. Palliative care is now a widely-accepted approach for the care of people with terminal malignant diseases after cure has become impossible. The traditional curative approach taken for conditions like COPD also needs to be tempered in a similar way. Symptom relief includes bronchodilators, oxygen and assisted ventilation, but dyspnoea can also be relived by opioids and anxiety can be suppressed by anxiolytics. The opioids and many anxiolytics depress ventilatory drive and are contraindicated in most patients with COPD. When palliation is warranted, however they should be considered. Referral to a palliative care service to support (not to replace) the continuity of care provided by the GP is logical. 70 X EXACERBATIONS: MANAGE APPROPRIATELY Early diagnosis and treatment may prevent admission. Multidisciplinary care may assist home management. Controlled oxygen (28% or 0.5-2 L/min) is indicated for hypoxaemia199. Inhaled bronchodilators134,165-166 and systemic glucocorticoids 180-182 are effective treatments for acute exacerbations. Exacerbations with clinical signs of infection (increased volume and change in colour of sputum and/or fever, leucocytosis) benefit from antibiotic therapy176-178. Non-invasive positive pressure ventilation is effective for acute hypercapnic ventilatory failure86,173,183-197. Involvement of the general practitioner in a case conference and care plan development may facilitate early discharge. AIMS GOALS Early Diagnosis Patient and carer recognise symptoms of declining function (see handbook C & D) Early Action (see handbook C,O & D) Optimise Treatment (see handbook O & D) Refer Appropriately (see handbook O & P) Patient is able to access prompt assessment and treatment Severity is assessed accurately and other diagnoses are excluded Appropriate bronchodilator therapy is commenced Antiinflammatory therapy is considered Antimicrobial therapy is considered Crisis is averted ACTIONS C B C A B A C LEVEL Education of the patient and the support team Patient uses Action/Crisis Plan Patient contacts GP and/or outreach nurse Review Care Plan, Action/Crisis Plan Check medications Use Crisis Medication Pack Ð steroids, antibiotics etc. Symptoms/signs cor pulmonale Spirometry may help determine severity Chest X-Ray may exclude other diagnosis Pulse Oximetry, Arterial Blood Gases Bronchodilators (Beta-agonist &/or Anticholinergic) - Metered Dose Inhalers (Spacers improve delivery) - Dry Powder Inhalers - Nebulisers Glucocorticoids (oral where possible, for 7-14 days) Antibiotics (oral where possible), if signs of bacterial infection C Monitor regularly - cyanosis, arrhythmia, peripheral oedema Refer to consultant or for hospital admission D C C A A B C 71 Respiratory support O2 saturation is maintained at 8892% Failing ventilation is detected and supported (see handbook O & P) Monitor and review (see handbook P & D) Convalescence Iatrogenic sedation is avoided Sputum clearance is optimised Improvement is documented: · airway function · gas exchange · functional status · coping strategies · support Independent living is achieved Relapse is avoided Follow up is arranged (see handbook P & D) Function & quality of life are improved Controlled O2 therapy FiO2 28% or 0.5-2.0 L/min nasal prongs initially PaCO2>45, pH<7.3, RR>30 Non invasive positive pressure ventilation - reverse acute respiratory acidosis - avoid intubation if possible Respiratory stimulants have a limited role. Avoid narcotic, analgesic and sedatives C Chest physiotherapy in general is of limited value, however it may be used where appropriate based on individual assessment. Mucolytics are of limited value C A D D B Review regularly (RR/HR/level of Consciousness). · Post bronchodilator spirometry (PEF unreliable) · Oximetry +/- ABGs · Walking distance/ADLs · Review level of support · Assess carer strain C Encourage early mobilisation/ADLs D Ensure appropriate ongoing support Review self-management plan and inhaler technique Step-down treatment (define steroid Schedule) Review need for O2 Plan graded exercise Consider referral for pulmonary rehabilitation A 72 Acute Exacerbations of COPD Acute exacerbations of COPD are characterised by an increase in respiratory symptoms of cough, wheeze, dyspnoea and/or sputum production 176 . Initial assessment involves clinical examination of the cardiac and respiratory systems, including inspection of sputum and spirometry. Chest X-ray is indicated in severe exacerbations or where there is a suspicion of pneumonia or other complications. Blood gas analyses are indicated in severe exacerbations or where there is suspicion of hypercapnia. Treatment is directed at the pathophysiological abnormalities, the causes of the exacerbation and the complications. The management of acute COPD exacerbations, which is usually the cause of hospital admission in COPD, is not well studied. In one study of more than 1000 patients admitted to several hospitals with an acute exacerbation of severe COPD, about 50% of the patients were admitted with a respiratory infection, 25% because of congestive cardiac failure and 30% were admitted with no known cause for the exacerbation. In a study of 173 COPD patients, an average of 1.3 (range 0-9.6) exacerbations per annum was found . Pathophysiological abnormalities An acute exacerbation of COPD may involve an increase in airflow limitation, excess sputum production, airway inflammation, infection, hypoxia, hypercapnia and acidosis. Treatment is directed at each of these problems. · Bronchodilators: inhaled beta-agonist (e.g. salbutamol) and anticholinergic (ipratropium) drugs can be delivered by pressurised metered dose inhaler and spacer (4 puffs of each drug) or via jet nebulisation (salbutamol 2.5-5mg, ipratropium 500mcg). The dose interval is titrated to the response and can range from hourly to 4-6 hourly. · Glucocorticoids: oral glucocorticoids hasten resolution and reduce relapse. Prednisolone 30 to 50mg daily for 2 weeks is adequate. Longer courses add no further benefit and have a higher risk of side effects. · Controlled oxygen therapy is indicated in hypoxic patients, with the aim to improve oxygen saturation to over 90% (PaO2 >50mm Hg or 6.7kPa). Use a Venturi mask initially at 24% or 28%. Minimise excessive oxygenation which can worsen hypercapnia. · Hypercapnia and acidosis must be carefully monitored. Deterioration in spite of medical therapy may indicate a need for ventilatory assistance. Causes In patients with COPD the normally sterile lower airway is frequently colonized with bacteria such as Haemophilus influenzae, Streptococcus pneumoniae and Moraxella catarrhalis155-159. While the number of organisms (as detected by quantitative culture techniques) may increase during exacerbations, there will often be difficulty determining whether an infection is present160-163 . Furthermore sputum can be contaminated by pharyngeal secretions that include the same organisms. Exacerbations can also be due to viral infection and to non-infectious causes that increase airflow obstruction such as left ventricular failure, pulmonary embolus and possibly other factors such as changes in weather or pollution164. 73 Complications An acute exacerbation of COPD can result in worsening of cor pulmonale, left ventricular failure, pneumothorax or pulmonary embolus. In general practice Treat with inhaled bronchodilators (MDI via spacer is preferred), oral corticosteroids and antibiotics if indicated. Follow the response to therapy with clinical assessment and spirometry, if available. Watch for worsening dyspnoea, drowsiness (CO2 retention), cyanosis and heart failure. In hospital Treat with inhaled bronchodilators, oral corticosteroids, antibiotics if indicated, controlled oxygen therapy and assess the need for chest physiotherapy. Monitor oxygenation and CO2 retention during therapy to guide management. Add diuretics if there is peripheral oedema. Assess the patient for complications as described above. At resolution Review maintenance treatment with bronchodilators, smoking cessation, vaccination against influenza and pneumococcus, and the need for exercise rehabilitation and long-term oxygen therapy. Provide a treatment plan for the patient to use when the next exacerbation occurs. Early Diagnosis Early diagnosis of exacerbations of COPD and prompt, appropriate treatment may prevent progressive functional deterioration and reduce the necessity for admission to hospital. Education of the patient, carers, other support people and family may aid in the early detection of exacerbations. This may be part of a pulmonary rehabilitation program, but should be reinforced by the GP and other healthcare workers. The patient should have a self-management plan developed in conjunction with the GP and specialist to indicate how to step-up treatment (see examples at This plan should also require the patient to contact their GP and/or community nurse to allow rapid assessment. Isolated or disabled patients may require additional home care during exacerbations (see section D, page 67). Early Action Prompt assessment and treatment may prevent crisis situations. The selfmanagement plan should indicate medications to take, possibly including antibiotics and oral glucocorticoids. This action can be supported by the availability of a crisis medication pack. Initial assessment of severity The initial assessment of severity of the current episode is critical to acute management of these patients. An exacerbation typically includes signs suggesting significant deterioration such as: · increased breathlessness · Changes in exercise tolerance and ability to complete activities of daily living (ADLs) 74 · · · · Changes in sputum volume, colour and viscosity Audible wheeze Chest tightness Overuse of accessory muscles There may also be evidence of peripheral oedema or confusion. The severity of the airway obstruction sometimes means that the patient has an ineffective cough and is incapable of expectoration. History and examination A full history should be obtained from all patients and/or carers, but treatment in urgent cases should not be delayed. Include: · Pre-hospital treatment, especially the use of steroids, nebulisers and longterm oxygen therapy · Time course of the current exacerbation · Frequency of previous admissions e.g. intensive care admissions · Episodes of mechanical assisted ventilation · Smoking history · Exercise tolerance and ADLs under usual circumstances and at present · Ability to speak i.e. phrases, sentences, words or not at all · PatientÕs wishes regarding intubation and resuscitation · Identify any comorbid illnesses. Physical examination should include: · Chest auscultation · Oxygen saturation (SpO2) · Work of breathing and level of exhaustion · Cough · Jugular venous pressure · Peripheral oedema · Cyanosis · Sweating Optimise Treatment Bronchodilator therapy 132,134-135,166-171,174-175 Introduction Relief of airflow limitation is a major goal of treatment of acute exacerbations and leads to more effective cough and expectoration. In COPD, the immediate effect of bronchodilators is small, but may provide significant improvement in clinical symptoms in patients with severe obstruction. Studies of acute airflow limitation in asthma indicate that beta -agonists are as effectively delivered via MDI and spacer as via nebuliser. This may be applicable to patients with COPD. An adequate dose should be used. The dose equivalence to 5mg of salbutamol delivered by nebuliser is 8-10 puffs of 100 mcg salbutamol via an MDI and spacer. With nebulisers the driving force needs to be of sufficient rate ³6 L/min to achieve an aerosol. Such high flow rates of oxygen may cause CO2 retention so air should be used. High doses of beta-agonists may induce hypokalaemia and predispose to cardiac arrhythmias. Few studies have examined the use of ipratropium bromide in acute exacerbations of COPD 167-168. One study which compared the effectiveness of ipratropium bromide 75 with a beta-agonist demonstrated that each drug produced a small but significant improvement in pulmonary function. Inhaled ipratropium bromide also demonstrated a small but significant increase in PaO2 (av. 6 mm Hg or 0.8kPa) within 30 minutes of its delivery. In long-term management of stable COPD, three large randomised controlled trials have found significant and clinically relevant improvements in FEV 1 when both salbutamol and ipratropium were used compared to either drug administered on its own. In the acute setting additional benefit has not been proven for COPD. The use of oral theophylline and IV aminophylline in the management of COPD has diminished because of toxicity. One study showed no additional benefit when aminophylline was added to treatment but demonstrated detrimental side effects. A contrary outcome was found in a later study. The routine use of aminophylline is not recommended for acute exacerbations172-173. Initial treatment Continuously nebulised beta-agonist bronchodilator (e.g. salbutamol) should be given on arrival for extremely unwell patients and intermittently in other patients. This will usually be delivered via high flow air. An anticholinergic agent (ipratropium bromide) may be delivered together with the nebulised beta-agonist in patients with severe exacerbations (Triage Categories 1 & 2) or when response to beta-agonists alone is poor. Nebulised medications can also be administered through the assisted ventilation circuit if required. The mode for delivery should be changed to a MDI with a spacer device or a DPI, within 24 hours of the initial dose of nebulised bronchodilator, unless the patient remains severely ill167,171,174-175. Antibiotic therapy176-179 Infection and the subsequent inflammatory reaction increase airway obstruction in COPD. About one third of respiratory infections in these patients are viral155-158,160,178. Bacterial infection may have either a primary or secondary role in an exacerbation177178 . The major bacterial organisms that have been associated with exacerbations include Haemophilus influenzae, Streptococcus pneumoniae and Moraxella catarrhalis. Mycoplasma pneumoniae and Chlamydia pneumoniae may also be involved. As lung function deteriorates (FEV1<35%), bacteria like Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Staphylococcus aureus may infect airways. A meta-analysis of nine studies examining the use of oral antibiotics in the treatment of patients with exacerbations of COPD demonstrated a small but significant clinical and symptomatic benefit. The greatest amount of improvement was seen in those patients who had been hospitalised rather than ambulatory patients. Antibiotic Therapeutic Guidelines recommend the use of oral antibiotics such doxycycline or amoxycillin (alternatively erythromycin or roxithromycin). If patients not respond, amoxycillin-clavulanate should be prescribed. If pneumonia suspected, appropriate antibiotics should be used. Similarly, if Pseudomonas Staphylococcus is suspected, use appropriate antibiotics. as do is or The duration of antibiotics depends on the rate of clinical resolution. Typically a course of treatment will be 7-10 days. Response is usually seen within 3-5 days and a change of antibiotic should be considered if the response is unsatisfactory. 76 Parenteral antibiotic therapy should only be used in patients who are very ill, febrile, with copious sputum, unconscious, unable to swallow safely or otherwise unlikely to absorb oral drugs. If parenteral administration was commenced, oral treatment should usually start within 72 hours. Radiologically proven pneumonia in COPD patients, especially when they have been frequently hospitalised, may not be restricted to the above organisms. A broader range may be responsible including Gram negatives, Legionella sp and even anaerobic organisms. Their presence may significantly alter initial empiric antibiotic therapy. Glucocorticoids135,166,175,180-182 A recent randomised controlled trial of 271 patients receiving systemic glucocorticoid for acute exacerbations of COPD demonstrated a moderate improvement in clinical outcomes. Maximum improvement was gained with two weeks of therapy. Prolonging the course of treatment beyond two weeks did not result in further benefit. An important side effect was the development of hyperglycaemia, often of sufficient severity to warrant treatment. Optimum dosage has not been established. Oral rather than inhaled glucocorticoids are more effective in patients with mild to moderate COPD during an exacerbation. In severe exacerbations parenteral glucocorticoids may be useful initially. If the response to parenteral glucocorticoids is adequate, change to oral prednisolone 30-50 mg daily within 48 hours. The continued use of inhaled corticosteroids and administration technique should be reviewed. At discharge, oral prednisolone 2537.5 mg may be continued for a total of 7 to 14 days and then ceased. Tapering of glucocorticoids is not necessary following short-term administration. However patients taking glucocorticoids for more than three consecutive weeks may have adrenal suppression and their glucocorticoids should not be ceased abruptly. Patients on long-term oral steroid therapy (>7.5 mg prednisolone daily for more than six months) are at risk of developing osteoporosis. Prevention and treatment of steroid-induced osteoporosis should be considered. Steroid-induced hyperglycaemia may develop in patients prescribed high doses of glucocorticoids. Blood sugar levels should be monitored. Refer Appropriately Indications for specialist referral Depending on expertise and other local issues, indications for referral of COPD patients for specialist opinion include the following: · Those who need lung function testing · Those with sudden deterioration · Those who seem to require long-term oral steroids · Those with new symptoms (e.g. haemoptysis, chest pain) · Consideration for pulmonary rehabilitation or LTOT 77 Indications for hospitalisation of patients with COPD (i) Patient has acute exacerbation characterised by increased dyspnoea, cough or sputum production, plus one or more of the following: · Inadequate response to outpatient management · Inability to walk between rooms when previously mobile · Inability to eat or sleep due to dyspnoea · Patient cannot manage at home (or supplementary home care resources not immediately available) · High risk comorbidity condition - pulmonary (e.g. pneumonia) or nonpulmonary · Prolonged, progressive symptoms before emergency visit · Altered mental status suggestive of hypercapnia · Worsening hypoxaemia (ii) Patient has new or worsening cor pulmonale unresponsive to outpatient management (iii) Planned invasive surgical or diagnostic procedure requires analgesics or sedatives that may worsen pulmonary condition (iv) Comorbid condition e.g. severe steroid myopathy or acute vertebral compression fractures that has worsened pulmonary function Indications for increased respiratory support or ICU admission (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) Severe dyspnoea that responds inadequately to initial emergency therapy Confusion, lethargy or evidence of hypoventilation Persistent or worsening hypoxaemia despite supplemental oxygen or severe / worsening respiratory acidosis (pH < 7.3) Assisted mechanical ventilation is required Respiratory Support Controlled O2 therapy199 Correction of hypoxaemia to achieve a PaO2 of at least 55mm Hg (7.3kPa) and an oxygen saturation of 88-92% is the immediate priority. Where there is evidence of an acute rise in PaCO2 together with signs of increasing respiratory fatigue and/or obtunded conscious state, assisted ventilation should be considered. Early noninvasive positive pressure ventilation (NIPPV) may reduce the need for endotracheal intubation (see below for more detail). A minority of patients with longstanding hypercapnia may develop a worsening of their respiratory acidosis if they breathe high levels of inspired oxygen. This may occur within 15 minutes and occurs mainly because of hypoventilation. Administration of oxygen at an inspired oxygen concentration (FIO2) of 24-28% via a Venturi mask is usually sufficient to improve oxygenation in most patients. Nasal cannulae, although more comfortable, deliver a variable level of enrichment but a flow of 0.5-2.0 L/min is usually sufficient. Gas flow provided through Hudson-type masks is inadequate when patients are tachypnoeic and therefore these should not be used. Careful monitoring with oximetry and, where hypercapnia is a potential concern, ABGs are required. There is no benefit in trying to obtain SpO2 levels >92% in these patients. 78 Patients should be weaned off supplementary oxygen as soon as possible, with none for 24-48 hours before discharge unless home oxygen is prescribed. Figure 23. Adjustments for oxygen settings in acute exacerbations of COPD PaO2 (mm Hg) PaCO2 (mm Hg) PH Adjustment >>60 (8 kPa) (SpO2>90% by oximetry Normal (<45) or High (>45) Normal (7.357.45) or Low (<7.35) >60 (8 kPa) (SpO2 >90% by oximetry) (i) (ii) Normal (<45) Increased (i) (ii) Normal Normal (iii) Large increase (iii) Low (i) Normal or low (i) Normal (ii) Slight increase (ii) Normal (iii) Large increase (iii) Low <60 (8 kPa) (SpO2 <90% by oximetry) Reduce O2 FIO2 to maintain PaO2 closer to 50 (SpO2 90-92%) and monitor blood gases (i) Continue same FIO2 (ii) Same FIO2 but monitor ABG (iii) Consider assisted ventilation (i) Increase FIO2 but monitor ABG (ii) Increase FIO2 but monitor ABG (iii) Consider assisted ventilation Source: Frith PA. Treating chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Current Therapeutics May 1998, pp 21 Ð 33 Noninvasive positive pressure ventilation (NIPPV)183-197 Ventilatory support, either NIPPV or invasive positive pressure ventilation (IPPV) via an endotracheal tube, should be considered in patients who are unable to ventilate adequately with rising PaCO2. NIPPV is an effective and safe means of treatment in COPD patients with acute respiratory failure. Its use allows preservation of cough, physiologic air warming and humidification, and normal swallowing, feeding and speech. Early intervention with NIPPV has been suggested when the respiratory rate > 30 min and pH < 7.35. An improvement should occur in rate and pH within one hour of starting NIPPV. Conventional therapy in addition to the application of non-invasive ventilation results in a reduced need for intubation and therefore the associated potential complications. NIPPV also results in a more rapid improvement in respiratory rate, dyspnoea score and blood gas abnormalities than conventional therapy alone. Some of these studies have also shown an improvement in survival and a reduced hospital length of stay86,183. NIPPV is contraindicated in patients who are unable to protect their airway, are not spontaneously breathing or who have severe facial injury. Relative contraindications (situations where NIPPV may be less effective) include life-threatening refractory hypoxaemia (PaO2 < 60 mm Hg or 8kPa on 100% inspired oxygen), bronchiectasis with copious secretions, severe pneumonia and haemodynamic instability. These patients may require intubation. 79 Randomised controlled trials of NIPPV show that fewer patients require intubation, and that there are lower complication rates and reduced mortality. It is important to ascertain the patientÕs wishes, either directly or from family and carers, regarding intubation and resuscitation - preferably prior to an admission for management of respiratory failure. Patients who require ventilatory support during exacerbations of COPD may have impaired control of breathing and/or apnoeas during sleep, even when well. Therefore consideration should be given to undertaking a diagnostic sleep study after discharge. Clearance of secretions Patients who regularly expectorate or those with tenacious sputum may benefit from relaxed breathing exercises in combination with forced expiratory techniques. If patients have >25mL sputum per day, or if mucus plugging with lobar atelectasis is present, physiotherapy incorporating the use of postural drainage and associated techniques such as percussion and vibration may be of benefit. A systematic review of postural drainage in COPD found that the evidence for supporting its routine use was inconclusive. The efficacy of mucolytics in patients requiring hospitalisation has not been evaluated. Monitor & Review Monitoring response to initial treatment The initial aim is to relieve hypoxaemia. (i) Clinical examination Response to treatment is assessed by: · Improved level of consciousness · Reduction in respiratory rate and heart rate · Higher oxygen saturation and/or improved ABGs · Improvement in the feeling of chest tightness · Improvement in pattern of breathing (e.g. less laboured) and less use of accessory muscles · Less wheezing (ii) Pulmonary function monitoring Where feasible monitoring the patientÕs progress with respiratory function tests (e.g. FEV1). Peak flow monitoring is unreliable. Monitoring response to ongoing treatment The continuing aim is to relieve hypoxaemia which should result in improvement in clinical signs and symptoms. (i) Clinical examination Response to ongoing treatment should result in further reduction in wheeze, accessory muscle use, respiratory rate and distress. (ii) Gas exchange ABGs and /or pulse oximetry levels should be monitored until stable (SpO2 ~90%). When the patient is improving, pulse oximetry is sufficient. Patients whose condition deteriorates and/or fails to respond to treatment (especially if 80 the PaO2 and PaCO2 are not improving) should be assessed for IRCU and/or ICU. (iii) Respiratory function testing FEV1 should be recorded in all patients after recovery from acute exacerbation. (iv) Discharge Planning Discharge planning should be commenced within 24 Ð 48 hours of admission Discharge planning Discharge planning involves the patient, external lay and professional carers, the multidisciplinary hospital and community team and the patientÕs regular GP. It should commence on or before admission and be documented within 24-48 hours. Appropriate patient education and attention to preventive management are likely to reduce the frequency of further acute exacerbations. Assessment of social supports and domestic arrangements are critical in discharge planning. Suggested criteria for a patientÕs readiness for discharge include: ¥ Clinically stable and no parenteral therapy for 24 hours ¥ Inhaled bronchodilators required less than 4 hourly ¥ Oxygen ceased for 24 hours (unless home oxygen is indicated) ¥ If previously able, ambulating safely and independently and performing ADLs ¥ Able to eat and sleep without significant episodes of dyspnoea ¥ Patient/caregiver understands and is able to administer medications ¥ Completion of follow-up and home care arrangements (e.g. home oxygen arranged if required, home-care, Meals on Wheels, community nurse, allied health, GP, specialist.) A discharge pack which includes general information about COPD, advice on medication usage, written instructions on use of inhalation and oxygen devices where appropriate, and a plan for management of worsening symptoms should always be provided. Dietary advice for patients who are underweight or have recently lost weight may also be required. The GP and/or Respiratory Outreach Program (if available) should be notified during the patientÕs admission. A case-conference involving the multidisciplinary team may assist successful transition to the community. The MBS Enhanced Primary Care item numbers may be claimed for Òparticipation in a case conferenceÓ and Òcontribution to a care planÓ (see Section D, page 63). On discharge, the patient will be contacted at home to review their progress, within 2 to 7 days, depending on severity of the exacerbation. Psychosocial assessment and activities of daily living The patientÕs home environment needs to be assessed early during admission. This will enable appropriate planning for supports or changes at home or for alternative short or long-term accommodation. An early referral to occupational therapy, social work or aged care teams facilitates optimal management. If home-based support services (e.g. assistance with showering) are required, an in-hospital assessment by the occupational therapist should be completed and documented beforehand. The ability to complete basic ADLs should be properly assessed and documented. Such activities include dressing, showering, toileting, meal preparation and eating and should be compared with the patientÕs best or usual status. A simple, objective test of functional status is the distance walked in six minutes (<150m indicates severe disability). 81 Therapy to reduce anxiety may also be of value to some patients. Assessment which considers both physiological impairment and functional disability helps to determine the need for active interventions. Tools such as the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale may be used. Carer strain may also be measured objectively. Pulmonary Rehabilitation Prior to discharge, referral to a comprehensive pulmonary rehabilitation program should be considered. Patients with pre-existing comorbidities such as severe arthritis, or unstable angina may be unsuitable to partake in the exercise component of the program but may benefit from the education and anxiety modulation aspects. Several randomised controlled trials show that pulmonary rehabilitation programs add to the quality of life in COPD patients. Comprehensive programs, which combine education, behaviour modulation and general support with exercise training, have been shown to be effective in improving quality of life and exercise capacity. The common indications for referral include: ¥ Dyspnoea with activities, especially ADLs ¥ Loss of independence. ¥ High levels of patient anxiety when attempting activity Convalescence Outreach support after discharge Follow-up at home after discharge from hospital may extend the continuum of care process commenced within the acute environment, although evidence supporting benefit from this practice is still being evaluated. To undertake this in a cost effective way, telephone follow-up may be a way of systematically extending support to patients and increase their coping strategies at home. Several descriptive papers have addressed the impact on patient care of telephone follow-up after discharge and found that 30-50% of patients have unresolved medical and social problems that need to be addressed. Impact on re-admission rates were not addressed by these studies. In older patients, many studies have reviewed interventions aimed at reducing unplanned re-admission to hospital from poor compliance with medication; unwanted and adverse side effects from medication; inadequate follow-up and early clinical deterioration. The results from the introduction of a respiratory outreach service, including COPD, provided in Sydney found that an average of three home visits per patient were required. The service provided education on the disease process and the use of medications and other therapeutic aids. The outcome demonstrated lowered readmission rates. Clinical review/follow up198 There are no randomised clinical trials that have addressed the best method for follow-up. It is recommended that the first review after a hospital admission should be by the GP and within seven days of discharge. A decision about the need for specialist review should be made at the time of discharge. Follow-up care allows further discussion of self-management plans and future monitoring. If a pulmonary rehabilitation program is considered the GP should be involved before referral to the program. 82 The following factors should be considered at follow-up: Assessment of the patientÕs coping ability and strategies Measurement of FEV1 Reassessment of medication adherence and techniques with inhalation devices Assessment for long-term oxygen therapy (may require reference to specialist facility) · Consideration of referral to pulmonary rehabilitation · · · · The risks and prevention of steroid-induced osteoporosis and its management should also be considered at this time. Assessment for long-term oxygen therapy Patients who are discharged home with domiciliary oxygen therapy need to be reassessed at 30-60 days after discharge. They need to be referred to the Department of Respiratory Medicine for assessment of the continuation of this therapy (see Section P page 50). Smoking cessation All patients with COPD who continue to smoke should be counselled and assisted/ supported to quit. Strategies such as pharmacological treatment (e.g. buproprion, NRT) and behavioural therapy may be useful (see Section P, page 45). Vaccination Evidence for the protection against both hospitalisation and death in patients with COPD after influenza immunisation is very strong and it is likely that pneumococcal vaccination has a similar benefit (see Section P, page 48). Nutrition Several studies have demonstrated that at least 50% of patients admitted to hospital with COPD are malnourished. In malnourished patients, attempts should be made to restore nutrition as this is a highly significant indicator of early re-admission and death in severe COPD. Weight gain, though, has proven elusive in several renutrition studies. Several smaller meals per day may assist with reducing dyspnoea whilst eating. 83 Abbreviations ABGs ADLs ATS DLCO DXA FEV1 FiO2 FRC FVC HRCT JVP LTOT LVF MMEFR NIPPV CXR PaCO2 PaO2 PEF PA PTX RV SaO2 SpO2 TLC TLCO V/Q VE/VCO2 VE/VO2 arterial blood gases activities of daily living American Thoracic Society diffusing capacity Dexascan forced expiratory volume in one second oxygen pressure in inspired air functional residual capacity forced vital capacity high res CT jugular venous pressure long term oxygen therapy left ventricular failure maximum mid-expiratory flow Noninvasive intermittent positive pressure ventilation chest X-ray arterial partial pressure of CO2 arterial partial pressure of O2 peak expiratory flow posteroanterior pneumothorax residual volume oxygen saturation Transcutaneous haemoglobin oxygen saturation total lung capacity transfer factor of carbon monoxide ventilation and perfusion ventilatory response to progressive hypercapnia ventilatory response to progressive hypoxia 84 References 1. 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