2015-Johnson-Creek-C.. - Johnson Creek Watershed Council

 Johnson Creek Celebration
Thursday, May 21, 2015 6pm – 8pm
Kaul Auditorium, Reed College
Event Summary
The Johnson Creek Celebration is one of the Council’s signature events, attended by 200 of the
Council’s partners and supporters. This year’s gala dinner will feature a presentation by Watershed
Science Director Robin Jenkinson as she unveils the 2015-2025 Action Plan. Developed in
collaboration with Johnson Creek Watershed partners, this document will guide our restoration work for
the next decade. An awards presentation will follow honoring individuals, community groups, civic
leaders and businesses, whose work supports the mission of the Council.
$2,500 Coho Sponsor
• Company name highlighted as Coho Sponsor in all event materials including: invitation, event
sponsor display, program, table placards, slideshow, and press release
• Full page ad in the summer edition of the newsletter
• Reserved table (eight seats with VIP bar access)
• Verbal recognition at event during opening remarks
$1,000 Lamprey Sponsor
• Company name highlighted as Lamprey Sponsor in all event materials including: invitation, event
sponsor display, program, table placards, slideshow, and press release
• Half page ad in the summer edition of the newsletter
• Half-table reservation (four seats)
• Verbal recognition at the event
$500 Steelhead Sponsor
Company name highlighted as Steelhead Sponsor in all event materials including: invitation,
event sponsor display, program, table placards, slideshow, and press release
One-sixth page (2.5”x4.5”) ad in the summer edition of the newsletter
Two tickets to the Johnson Creek Celebration
Verbal recognition at the event
Our mission is to promote restoration and stewardship of a healthy Johnson Creek Watershed through sound science and community engagement. Sponsorship Agreement 2015
□ Coho Sponsor
□ Lamprey Sponsor
□ Steelhead Sponsor
Sponsorship Contact_________________________________________________________________________
Company/Organization ______________________________________________________________________
How many guests will be in attendance? _______
If you know any guest names, please submit here: ________________________________________________
Would you like to offer any remaining seats as student scholarships? ___________
Address __________________________________________________________________________________
City, State, Zip _____________________________________________________________________________
Phone ____________________________________
Sponsorship contact email ____________________________________________________________________
Payment Method
Check (payable to Johnson Creek Watershed Council)
VISA or MasterCard
# _______________________________________________________
Expiration Date _____________3 digit CVV code __________
Signature _______________________________________________
Sponsorship Frequently Asked Questions
1) When do I need submit payment?
Preferably prior to the event, but the Council is flexible and wants to accommodate your financial needs. Just
let us know what works best for your business.
2) I’m not sure who is coming – do you need to know guest names prior to the event?
No – but if you think you may have extra seats please let the Council know. We will collect a waiting list of
scholarship hopefuls and will notify them when seats are available.
3) I just found out about this and the event is only a few days away. Can I still sponsor?
Yes! Call Amy Lodholz at the Council at 503-652-7477 or email [email protected]. You may have missed the
opportunities for print material recognition but we can make many quick changes with just a few days of
4) What time should I arrive?
There will be a refreshments hour following the Science Symposium (more details soon - 4:30pm-5:30pm)
and prior to the Celebration. Drinks and appetizers will be served during this time. This is an ideal time to
arrive before dinner is served at 6:30pm.
Other Questions? Contact JCWC Event Planner Amy Lodholz at [email protected] or call 503-652-7477
Johnson Creek Watershed Council is a federal 501(c)3 nonprofit organization.
Our mission is to promote restoration and stewardship of a healthy Johnson Creek Watershed through sound science and community engagement.