Sale Day Phones SALE MANAGEMENT P.O. Box 410 • Wilton, CA 95693 916/685-8980 • Fax 916/685-8996 Email: [email protected] Dear Angus Enthusiasts, Each and every year this sale has presented you with some of the best Angus genetics available and 2015 is no different. As you make your way through the catalog, take note that represented are current sires, pedigrees that are as contemporary as you’ll find. These paramount genetics come from breeders both large and small throughout the state. This sale was designed for every breeder in California, whether you have 5 cows or 500; it is a program that has consistently been very successful for all participants. If you’re thinking this might be a sale that you would be interested in joining, contact our office to begin your relationship with the buyers this time next year! I really can’t say enough about the solid genetics that the breeders have brought to this year’s sale; it may be the best yet. Mark your calendars to be on hand May 17th as we kick-off one of the strongest Angus female consignment sales in the state of California. It’s a great day to evaluate programs and have the opportunity to meet others. The best part of the day is the prospect to add some very special genetics to your own Angus program. If we can be of any assistance, whether to just answer a question or answer in depth questions regarding pedigrees, feel free to contact us at (916) 685-8980. This is your invitation from not just me, but all of the 2015 consignors to be with us in Escalon on May 17th, where many great females will sell! Sincerely, 2 Mercedes Danekas-Lohse James Danekas & Associates, Inc. Day Phone (209) 838-7011 Sale Management Cell Phones Mercedes Danekas-Lohse (916) 849-2725 Robert Bianchi (916) 895-5540 sale location: Sale will be held at the Escalon Livestock Market, 25525 E. Lone Tree Road, Escalon, CA 95320; (209) 838-7011. The yards are located two miles north of Escalon on Hwy. J-7, approximately 12 miles Southeast of Stockton, CA on Mariposa Rd. sale accommodations: BEST WESTERN INN of Manteca, 1415 E. Yosemite, Manteca, CA; (209) 825-1415. Accommodations also available in Oakdale, CA. herd health: All females selling, over six (6) months of age, are official calfhood vaccinates. For cattle selling outside the state of California that require testing, testing will have to be completed before shipment can be made. GENETic condition status: All cattle are AMF, CAF, M1F, DDF NHF by test or pedigree unless indicated in the catalog. terms & conditions: The cattle will all sell under the suggested sale terms and conditions adopted by the American Angus Association effective February 8, 2009. Except for those stated in the terms and conditions, there are no warranties, either expressed or implied, as to the merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose with respect to the cattle being sold in this auction. The warranties and guarantees set forth in the “Terms and Conditions” are in lieu of all other warranties, either expressed or implied, and the remedies provided therein shall be the sole and exclusive remedy of the buyer (or any party claiming through the buyer) or any breach of warranty or guarantee therein provided and all other obligations available at the clerk’s office sale day. UPDATED EPDS: As EPDs are updated every Friday by the American Angus Assocation, the EPDs in the catalog may vary slightly due to the time between the catalog being produced and sale day. To check the most current EPDs, after the catalog is online or printed, visit American Angus Association website. transportation: Upon request, with sufficient time, planes will be met at the Stockton, Escalon or Oakdale airports. delivery: The consignors will work with you any way possible to assist you in getting the cattle shipped. Delivery guaranteed not to exceed $400 per lot in the continental United States. identification of cattle: Lot numbers on the cattle will correspond to the sale catalog. Calves alongside will correspond with the dam’s tag numbers. inspection of cattle: Sale cattle will be available for inspection after May 15th at the sale site. livestock mortality insurance: Mortality insurance on your purchases can be obtained from the Sale Management through American Livestock Insurance Co. at time of settlement, inquire at the clerking table. lunch: Will be available on sale day. Over 50 12:30 P.M. • Sunday May 17th, 2015 HEAD S E LL! Sale Staff Max Olvera (209) 277-2063................................................................ Auctioneer Mercedes Danekas-Lohse (916) 849-2725................... Angus Icon, Magazine Robert Bianchi (916) 895-5540........................... Western Cowman, Magazine Logan Ipsen (916) 947-2392.................. Western Livestock Journal, Magazine s c h e d u l e o f e v e n t s 8:00 am................ complimentary coffee & doughnuts cattle available for viewing 11:30 am��������������������������������������������� lunch 12:30 pm���������������������������������������� sale time! 3 Connealy consensus 7229 bw ww +2.2 +63 yw milk +104 +33 cw marb +55 +1.05 re fat +.92 +.114 $w $f +85.65 +49.62 $g $b +34.40 +118.00 Sire of Lot 1, 4 & 14. 1 B A R Alli Consensus 145 Reg: 17995348CowBirth Date: 08/09/2013 Tattoo: 313 Owned by: Borges Angus Ranch, Byron, CA CW +39 #KMK Alliance 6595 I87 Blinda of Conanga 004 #Woodhill Admiral 77K Blue Lilly of Conanga 16..................................... Blue Cash of Conanga 6020 #B/R New Design 036 #B/R New Frontier 095......................................... White Fence Pride H1 Oak Ridge Venus 1338 #Schurrtop Supreme Oak Ridge Venus 071.............................................. Wiese Miss Venus E205 Connealy Consensus............................................ +5 bw ww +2 Marb +56 yw +95 milk +24 $w +40.39 $f +44.93 +0.82 re +0.61 fat $g +38.38 +0.045 $b +108.32 Growth and $ Beef found in this female! Along with great carcass EPD’s as a whole, this female has it all. With “Consensus” as her sire, she’s got that extra punch of performance while maintaining a moderate BW EPD. Check out her $ Values; $F of +44.93, $G of +38.38 and a $B of +108.32, means she will give you that added value in her progeny. A valuable female to not to over looked. •AI’d on 11/01/14 to BREAKING NEWS, Safe in Calf. 2 B A R Lady Upward 73 Reg: 18067523CowBirth Date: 08/12/2014 Tattoo: 314 Owned by: Borges Angus Ranch, Byron, CA CW +54 #Connealy Lead On Altune of Conanga 6104 #Sitz Value 7097 Sitz Henrietta Pride 81M..................................... Sitz Henrietta Pride 1370 #S S Traveler 6807 T510 #S S Objective T510 0T26........................................ S S Miss Rita R011 7R8 B A R Objective Lady 42 #B/R New Frontier 095 B A R Lady Frontier 095........................................ B A R Babes Cher #Connealy Onward............................................... Marb Sitz Upward 307R ced +5 bw +2 ww +59 yw +112 milk +29 $w +46.77 $f +70.91 +0.55 re +0.54 fat $g +30.93 +0.0 $b +120.53 If you’re looking for extreme performance, here is your next replacement heifer. She records a huge YW EPD of +112. Along with excellent carcass EPD’s and an amazing $B of +120.53, she’s got it all . Just as her sire, “Upward”, she has a flawless EPD tabulation. With her maternal grandsire being “Objective”, its a guarantee that the maternal performance is there. •She sells Open. 3 B A R Upshot Sandy 79 Reg: 18067524CowBirth Date: 08/13/2014 Tattoo: 1314 Owned by: Borges Angus Ranch, Byron, CA CW +48 #Connealy Onward #Sitz Upward 307R................................................ Sitz Henrietta Pride 81M EXAR Upshot 0562B #Isu Imaging Q 9111 #EXAR Barbara T020.............................................. LCC Mc Henry Barbar MG382 #S A V Final Answer 0035 [RDF] #HARB Pendleton 765 J H...................................... #H A R B Black Lady 375 J H B A R Lady Pendleton 67 Holiday Midland 3165 DML Delta Midland Lady 3406............................. D M L Delta Lady 1003 ced +9 bw +2.6 ww +56 yw +103 milk +23 $w +46.08 $f +57.87 Marb +0.59 re +0.81 fat $g +32.60 +0.047 $b +114.37 Calving ease, growth, carcass and great $Values all in one. “Sandy” records a CED of +9, YW of +103, RE of +0.81 and a $B of +114.37, a great tabulation and even better knowing she’s sired by the National Western crowd favorite, EXAR Upshot. With “Pendleton” as her maternal grandsire we get that added punch of growth as well as calving ease with great maternal traits. A replacement female not to be over looked. •She sells Open. 4 bw ww +2.5 +71 yw milk +132 +37 cw marb +89 +.57 re fat +.77 +.050 $w $f +80.60 +77.96 $g $b +21.87 +121.12 Sire of Lot 2 & 5. Connealy Consensus 7229 ced sitz upward 307r 4 B A R Shelby Consensus 65 Reg: 18067521CowBirth Date: 08/14/2014 Tattoo: 5414 Owned by: Borges Angus Ranch, Byron, CA CW +32 #KMK Alliance 6595 I87 Blinda of Conanga 004 #Woodhill Admiral 77K Blue Lilly of Conanga 16..................................... Blue Cash of Conanga 6020 #G A R Precision 1680 #G A R Retail Product........................................... G A R Ext 4927 DML Tehama Kindness 2506 Tehama Durabull H927 Tehama Kindness M893........................................ Tehama Kindness G439 Connealy Consensus............................................ Marb Connealy Consensus 7229 ced +3 bw ww +2.1 +51 yw +86 milk +26 $w +49.06 +0.72 re +0.61 fat $f $g +33.82 +34.22 +0.061 $b +93.92 Sired by a multi trait leader found in “Consensus” here is a replacement female that pulls it all together. “Consensus” was the high selling bull at the Connealy Angus Ranch sale at $210,000 and his calves don’t fall too far from the tree as his calves have also topped many bull and female sales around the country. With “Retail Product” as her maternal grandsire, you can rest assured that this mix of genetics produces above average $Values and carcass merit. •She sells Open. 5 B A R Babes Upward 66 Reg: 18067522CowBirth Date: 08/16/2014 Tattoo: 114 Owned by: Borges Angus Ranch, Byron, CA CW +61 #Connealy Lead On Altune of Conanga 6104 #Sitz Value 7097 Sitz Henrietta Pride 81M..................................... Sitz Henrietta Pride 1370 #S S Objective T510 0T26 Ideal 4355 of 0T26 2440......................................... Ideal 2440 of 7407 7275 B A R Rito’s Babe 17 Oak Ridge Scooter 2215 B A R Babes Lady 398.............................................. B A R Babes Jilt Lady 386 #Connealy Onward............................................... Marb #Sitz Upward 307R ced +2 bw +3 ww +61 yw +109 milk +30 $w +41.47 $f +64.58 +0.41 re +0.53 fat $g +21.96 +0.028 $b +117.29 Huge growth and $Values found in this heifer. With a YW EPD of +109 and $B of +117.29, you can rest assured that she and her progeny will perform. If you’re looking for that individual who will convert and grow, here she is. Being an “Upward” daughter, she gets that balance of EPD’s with huge $Values. From a program known to produce great replacement females, here is your chance to incorporate a good one into your herd. •She sells Open. 6 BARW M 131 indy onarch [ DDP ] Reg: 17786536Cow Birth Date: 08/22/2013 Tattoo: 2713 Owned by: Borges Angus Ranch, Byron, CA CW +43 #C F Right Design 1802 [DDC] Summitcrest Elba 1M17 #C A Future Direction 5321 [DDF] V A R Blackcap 6204............................................... G A R 044 Traveler 2328 #Connealy Onward [DDF] Werner War Party 2417 [DDF]................................. BAAR USA Lady Jaye 489 B A R Meg Werner War Party #HARB Pendleton 765 J H [DDF] J/V Blackbird 940 6405.......................................... J /V Blackbird 6405 #Summitcrest Complete 1P55[RDF-DDF]................... Marb Monarch Complete Y191 ced -2 bw +3.6 ww +55 yw +99 milk +33 $w +40.03 $f +51.98 +0.72 re +0.83 fat $g +40.77 +0.019 $b +116.14 A carcass maker here! On top of amazing carcass EPD’s, this female also has great growth, recording a WW EPD of +55 and a YW EPD of +99. Following in her grandsire’s footsteps, “Complete” too has a great carcass merit recording a CW EPD of +43, a MARB EPD of +0.72 and a RE EPD of +0.83. WIth $ Values of $F a +51.98, $G a +40.77 and $B a +116.14. She’s got it all and is ready to bring it to your program today. •AI’d 11/2/14 to BREAKING NEWS, Safe in Calf. EXAR UPSHOT 0562B bw ww +3.1 +62 yw milk +114 +20 cw marb +52 +.70 re fat +1.20 +.038 $w $f +44.34 +60.87 $g $b +41.02 +117.43 Sire of Lot 3. 7 +9 B A R Objective Ms Spade 90 Reg: 17470965CowBirth Date: 07/30/2012 Tattoo: 1212 Owned by: C2- It Cattle Co, Brentwood, CA CW bw +1.5 +22 ww +57 yw +100 milk +21 $w +50.38 Marb +0.73 re +0.35 fat $f +42 $g +44.97 -0.046 $b +81.07 A great time to aquire “Objective” genetics! Now that this female’s sire is deceased, this opportunity is one to take advantage of. “Objective” is known to be a high marbling sire that excels in maternal performance. His calves follow in his footsteps with a large spread between BW EPD and YW EPD while maintaining excellent $Values. This daughter is no different as she too excels in calving ease, YEPD and $B. •AI’d 10/25/2014 to KOUPALS B&B IDENTITY and pasture exposed to 11/15/2014-Sale Day to C2-It Upward 114. 8 C2-IT Queen Objective 217 Reg: 17375450CowBirth Date: 08/16/2012 Tattoo: 217 Owned by: C2-It Cattle Co, Brentwood, CA CW +28 D H D Traveler 6807 S S Traveler 6807 T510........................................... S S Miss Hi Spade A114 S S Objective T510 0T26 #S S Rito Rito R76 R011 S S Miss Rita R011 7R8............................................ S S Miss Ultress U56 Leachman Right Time # Hyline Right Time 338......................................... # Hyline Pride 265 Furtados RT 338 Queen 4036 G D A R Oscar 711 #Furtados 711 B P D Queen 574............................ Furtados Power DR Queen 904 ced +12 bw +1 ww +55 yw +91 milk +22 $w +46.88 $f +31.87 Marb +0.97 re +0.13 fat $g +43.57 -0.005 $b +90.66 An “Objective” daughter! “Objective” has been famed for high marbling and excellent maternal traits. This female follows in her sire’s footsteps as she records a huge CED EPD of +12 while bending the growth curve with a YW EPD of +91. With high $Values and a breed icon as her maternal grandsire found in “338” you know you’re getting a great package in this lot. •Pasture exposed 11/10/2014- sale day to C2-IT UPWARD 114. 9 ES Lucy Retail Monument [ DDF ] Reg: 17845393Cow Birth Date: 02/14/2014 Tattoo: 212 Owned by: Estralita Springs Ranch Co, Springville, CA CW Exar Sudden Impact 1537 PAF 7684 Dateline E129 L S R 707 Handy Flight 3110 BB9R 9902 Tehema Katelyn 122............................ BB9R Ms Katelyn Tehama Band #Rito 6I6 of 4B20 6807 Brooks Night Off 309........................................... Primrose 1557 BCBR Mello Angus Lucy VAR Retail Product 1440 4248 Mello-Angus-Rosa............................................... Deep Well Pride 670-705 Limestone PAF Texas Tea 320................................ Marb MVL Texas Monument J066 Projected ced +7 bw +.2 bw ww +1.1 +17 yw milk +119 +28 cw marb +22 +.86 re fat +.44 -.033 $w $f +69.19 +58.40 $g $b +48.16 +80.37 Sire of Lot 7 & 8. #D H D Traveler 6807 #S S Traveler 6807 T510......................................... #S S Miss Hi Spade A114 #S S Objective T510 0T26 S S Rito Rito R76 R011 S S Miss Rita R011 7R8............................................ S S Miss Ultress U56 #Connealy Forefront #TC Foreman 016.................................................... #TC Pride 8067 Oak Ridge Ms Spade 1956 #S A F Fame Oak Ridge Fames Ms Spade................................... Hoff Miss Spade 3103 ced s s objective t510 0t26 ww +36 yw +67 milk +19 $w +28.25 $f +14.30 re fat $g $b A replacement prospect not to be overlooked! In this female’s pedigree we find both EXAR Sudden Impact 1537, who sired show ring champions throughout the years and also we find “4B20 6807” who has recorded the highest docility score in the breed of +29. With this mixture of genetics, you can’t go wrong. •She sells Open. 10 ES E M nchanted idland [ DDF ] Reg: 17767374CowBirth Date: 02/18/2014 Tattoo: 211 Owned by: Estralita Springs Ranch Co., Springville, CA CW +32 #HARB Onward 786 J H #Vermilion Lass 0029 #BR Midland May-Way Primrose 654......................................... EXG Primrose P054 R3 W C Northern Edge 0C04 Laflins Extra Edge 4114....................................... Kruegers Errolline 301H HCC Enchantress 7463 #BR Midland Hutchings Enchantress 5747............................. #Hutchings Enchantress 1409 #VAR Rocky 80029................................................... Marb May-Way Rocket Man ced -2 bw +3 ww +57 yw +91 milk $w +26 +42.5 $f +37.99 +0.44 re +0.19 fat $g +28.06 -0.003 $b +88.28 With a YW EPD of +91, we’ve got growth potential here. This female’s paternal grandsire is “Rocky”, who is in the top 1% of the breed for both WW and YW. Also being a crowd favorite at the National Western, “Rocky” has great phenotype and has been said to have high conception semen which is just an added bonus of positive fertility. Definitely a super replacement prospect in this lot. •She sells Open. 11 ES C F M lemetine inal onument [ DDF ] Reg: 17845394Cow Birth Date: 02/19/2014 Tattoo: 214 Owned by: Estralita Springs Ranch Co, Springville, CA CW Exar Sudden Impact 1537 PAF 7684 Dateline E129 L S R 707 Handy Flight 3110 BB9R 9902 Tehema Katelyn 122............................ BB9R Ms Katelyn Tehama Band #Sitz Traveler 8180 #S A V Final Answer 0035 [RDF]........................... S A V Emulous 8145 Voml Clementine 436W #H S A F Bando 1961 Furtados 1961 B Jane 7134................................... Furtados G Trendy Jane 1125 Limestone PAF Texas Tea 320................................ Marb MVL Texas Monument J066 ced +8 bw -0.3 ww +45 yw +78 milk +23 $w +36.86 $f +25.10 re fat $g $b Another great replacement prospect carrying the genetics of “Final Answer” in her pedigree. “Final Answer” has been a globally celebrated AI sire known for superb calving ease, huge growth, and excellent carcass quality. This female’s dam is a daughter of “Jane 7134” who comes out of the award winning Furtado Angus herd of California whose been raising some of the state’s top selling bulls and high performing females. •She sells Open. 12 ES Missy Final Monument Reg: 17817187CowBirth Date: 03/16/2014 Tattoo: 216 Owned by: Estralita Springs Ranch Co., Springville, CA CW Exar Sudden Impact 1537 PAF 7684 Dateline E129 L S R 707 Handy Flight 3110 BB9R 9902 Tehema Katelyn 122............................ BB9R Ms Katelyn Tehama Band #Sitz Traveler 8180 #S A V Final Answer 0035 [RDF]............................... S A V Emulous 8145 Yolo Miss Rito 9265 V A R Commitment 9357 #Yolo Gloria’s Sunrise 365.................................. Larks Miss Rito 1N8 5578 Limestone PAF Texas Tea 320................................ Marb MVL Texas Monument J066 ced +6 bw +1 ww +45 yw +76 milk +23 $w +37.11 $f +22.07 re fat $g $b A replacement to add to any program! This female is a daughter of a cow from the great Yolo Land & Cattle program and a direct granddaughter of “Final Answer”, an AI sire that made such an impact that he has been used worldwide. Known as a super calving ease sire, he also excels in yearling bending the growth curve while excelling in carcass quality. With these values of added traits in this female’s pedigree be sure to include her on our replacement female list. •She sells Open. 5 HOOVER DAM bw ww +.1 +51 yw milk +97 +21 cw marb +29 +.72 re fat +1.16 -.043 $w $f +53.74 +52.29 $g $b +51.11 +109.09 16 RJR Lady Jaye G18-6026-220 Reg: 17538598CowBirth Date: 08/12/2012 Tattoo: 220 Owned by: Flying RJ Ranch, Live Oak, CA CW +14 #S A F Connection SydGen Forever Lady 4087 #TC Gridiron 258 #Erica of Ellston C124......................................... Erica of Ellston V65 O C C Focus 813F #O C C Homer 650H.................................................. O C C Dixie Erica 816B BCC Lady Jaye 650H 743-6026 #B A R Ext Traveler 205 B C C Lady Jaye 205 608-743................................... Cra Lady Jaye 608 498 S Easy SydGen C C & 7......................................................... Marb #Hoover Dam +13 bw -1.3 ww +46 yw +83 milk +26 $w +52.03 +0.57 re +0.7 fat $f +32.17 $g +42.96 -0.023 $b +73.62 Sired by the most popular and proven sires of the breed known for calving ease, you can’t go wrong with this individual. Like her sire, “Hoover Dam”, she too has tremendous calving ease recording a CED EPD of +13. With a super low BW EPD of -1.3 she maintains a YW EPD of +83, bending the growth curve. With a great Marb EPD and RE EPD she’s got it all. Put her on your shopping list sale day. •AI’d 11/18/2014 to CONNEALY COURAGE 25L and pasture exposed after to Silveiras Inspiration 3096 & RJR Echo Consensus 359. 14 RJR B C 361 lackcap onnie [ DDF ] Reg: 17798021Cow Birth Date: 08/15/2013 Tattoo: 361 Owned by: Flying RJ Ranch, Live Oak, CA CW +38 #KMK Alliance 6595 I87 Blinda of Conanga 004 #Woodhill Admiral 77K Blue Lilly of Conanga 16..................................... Blue Cash of Conanga 6020 #EXAR New Look 2971 RJR Aviator New Look 805.................................... G A R Precision 770 RJR Blackcap 125 #Rito 4L60 of 2536 BVND 208 V A R Blackcap 8059............................................... V A R Blackcap 6051 Connealy Consensus............................................ Marb Connealy Consensus 7229 ced +5 bw +2.05 ww +51 yw +88 milk +28 $w +57.94 $f +34.59 +.71 re +0.62 fat $g +32.39 +010 $b +95.04 Sired by the $210,000 Connealy Angus Ranch top selling bull, this female’s pedigree is flawless. Sire, “Consensus”, records a low BW EPD and a huge YW EPD bending the growth curve and adding extra performance to his calves. With EXAR New Look 2971 as her dam’s sire, the cow she stems from is full of current and quality genetics. Mark this individual as one to check out sale day. •AI’d 11/4/2014 to CONNEALY CAPITALIST 028 and pasture exposed after to Silveiras Inspiration 3096 & RJR Echo Consensus 359. 15 RJR Lucy Bex 118 [ DDF ] Reg: 17203737Cow Birth Date: 08/19/2011 Tattoo: 118 Owned by: Flying RJ Ranch, Live Oak, CA CW +32 #B A R Ext Traveler 205 Cra Lady Jaye 608 498 S Easy #G A R Precision 1680 G A R Precision 770................................................ G A R Ext 327 #S A F Focus of E R #Mytty In Focus [RDF].............................................. Mytty Countess 906 V A R Lucy 8047 #Bon View New Design 1407 V A R Lucy 6153....................................................... V A R Lucy 3168 #C R A Bextor 872 5205 608.................................... Marb RJR Aviator Bextor 9025 ced +6 bw +3 ww +48 yw +87 milk +24 $w +43.21 $f +36.64 +0.63 re +0.57 fat $g +37.74 +0.012 $b +97.32 This female’s dam is sired by the famous Mytty In Focus bull who is among the very top bulls in the breed for calving ease, growth, maternal value, and docility. Being a “Bextor” grand daughter who is found on the top side of her pedigree, she receives that added punch of carcass values which is apparent in her $B in which is recorded at +97.32. An all around great multi trait female. •Pasture exposed 11/28/2014 to Silveiras Inspiration 3096 & RJR Echo Conseneus 359. 6 +59 #S A F Focus of E R Mytty Countess 906 S A V Adaptor 2213 #A A R Lady Kelton 5551........................................ H S A F Lady Kelton 504B #Rito 1I2 of 2536 Rito 6I6 #TC Rito 416............................................................. #TC Chloe 2056 Furtados 416 Rito Lass 1030 #H S A F Bando 1961 Furtados 1961 B Lass 8011................................... Furtados 24J RT Lass 5014 #Mytty In Focus [RDF] ............................................. Marb ced bw ww +1.5 +61 yw +113 milk +22 $w +38.28 $f +71.29 +0.92 re +0.79 fat $g +44.96 -0.005 $b +138.89 Sired by the hottest sire groups to sell this spring, “Ten X” who is in the top 1% of the breed for YW, Milk, CW, Marb, $F and $B. Also, Ten X ranks #4 in the breed for $B pulling it all together for calving ease, performance, carcass merit, $Values and an outcross pedigree. This replacement is also a complete package with huge performance YW EPD of +113, stellar carcass EPD’s and a $B of +138.89. Make sure she’s not overlooked, come sale day. • Will be AI’d by sale date to Connealy Black Granite. Sire of Lot 13. ced Reg: 18059141CowBirth Date: 2/17/2014 Tattoo: 4022 Owned by: Furtado Angus, Turlock, CA CW A A R Ten X 7008 S A +5 13 Furtados Ten X Lass 4022 17 Furtados Wisdom Lass 4032 Reg: 18059131CowBirth Date: 2/20/2014 Tattoo: 4032 Owned by: Furtado Angus, Turlock, CA CW +56 #Connealy Lead On Altune of Conanga 6104 #Sitz New Design 349M Sitz Elluna Elite 94P............................................. Sitz Elluna Elite 163M #Connealy Onward #Sitz Upward 307R................................................ Sitz Henrietta Pride 81M Furtados Upward Lass 1062 TC Dividend 963 [RDF] Furtados Divine T R Lass 816............................... Furtados Trans Lass 638 #Connealy Onward............................................... Marb Sitz Wisdom 481T ced +4 bw ww +1.9 +61 yw +111 milk +29 $w +41.35 $f +67.92 +0.54 re +0.55 fat $g +24.95 +0.051 $b +115.92 This female bends the growth curve with a BW EPD of +1.9 and a YW EPD of +111. Along with amazing carcass EPD’s including a CW EPD of +56 and $Values of $W +41.35, $F +67.92, and $B +115.92, she’s optimum performance with carcass merit. Being a “Wisdom” daughter who’s in the top 1% of the breed for YW and records a +111, this is a package guaranteed to perform for you. • Will be AI’d by sale date to Connealy Black Granite. 18 Furtados Upshot Lass 4062 Reg: 18062063CowBirth Date: 3/6/2014 Tattoo: 4062 Owned by: Furtado Angus, Turlock, CA CW +33 #Connealy Onward Sitz Henrietta Pride 81M #Isu Imaging Q 9111 #EXAR Barbara T020.............................................. LCC Mc Henry Barbar MG382 #Leachman Right Time #BT Right Time 24J.................................................. Sitz Everelda Entense 1905 Furtados RT 24J Lass 9081 Famous 7001 Furtados Famous T Lass 2012............................. Furtados Trans Lass 638 #Sitz Upward 307R................................................ Marb EXAR Upshot 0562B ced +5 bw ww +3.0 +60 yw +103 milk +20 $w +36.18 $f +55.33 +0.48 re +0.76 fat $g +34.77 +0.011 $b +97.63 This female’s sire, “Upshot”, ranks in the top 1% of the breed for yearling weight as well as $Feedlot and $Beef indexes. “Lass” follows in her father’s footsteps recording a YW EPD of +103, a $F EPD of +55.33, and a $B EPD of +97.63. Along with a huge RE EPD of +0.76 she excels in the carcass department and in any program. • Will be AI’d by sale date to Connealy Black Granite. 19 Furtados Ten X Eborea 4081 Reg: 18059139CowBirth Date: 3/20/2014 Tattoo: 4081 Owned by: Furtado Angus, Turlock, CA CW +46 #S A F Focus of E R Mytty Countess 906 S A V Adaptor 2213 #A A R Lady Kelton 5551........................................ H S A F Lady Kelton 504B #Leachman Right Time #BT Right Time 24J.................................................. Sitz Everelda Entense 1905 Furtados 24J RT Eborea 6033 #Papa Equator 2928 Furtados Equat Eborea 841................................ Furtados Divine Eborea 236 #Mytty In Focus [RDF].............................................. Marb A A R Ten X 7008 S A ced +3 bw +2.6 ww +56 yw +108 milk +17 $w +26.93 $f +66.15 +0.68 re +0.46 fat $g +40.07 -0.035 $b +120.31 Sire, “Ten X”, excels in many departments, but ranks in the top 1% of the breed for YW, Marbling, CW, $F, and $B. This female too excels in these departments recording a +108 for a YW EPD, +46 for a CW EPD, +0.68 for a Marb EPD, +66.15 for a $F EPD and a $B EPD of +123.20. She’s a great replacement prospect as she’s full of performance and carcass merit. Make sure to take a look at her on sale day. •Will be AI’d by sale date to Connealy Black Granite. 20 PR Holly 913 MYTTY IN FOCUS Reg: 17809616CowBirth Date: 12/14/2013 Tattoo: 913 Owned by: Pearl Ridge Angus, Rescue, CA CW +30 #TC Stockman 365 Blackcap of R R 5367 #A&b Yukon 7150 Exar Saras Dream 9809........................................ Saras Dream #Famous 7001 PT Roth Famous Addiction 101........................... WAF Missie 9057 P T Betty Ford 704 Gdar Russ 8346 WAF Miss Kelly 1125.............................................. Jauer 054 Rito 077 565 #Northern Improvement 4480 GF...................... Marb #Exar Lutton 1831 ced +4 bw +3.1 ww +49 yw I+84 milk +23 $w +29.39 +0.31 re +0.24 fat $f +31.92 $g +26.79 -0.034 $b +83.34 This female’s sire, “Lutton” has sired many show champions throughout the country and now his genetics is almost impossible to aquire. Dam, “Betty Ford” is no stranger to the winner’s circle as she won many shows within California and even more important raised many champions for the Piland family throughout her production. In fact, this individuals full sister has been a champion many times including Champion Bred and Owned female at the Western National Angus Show and California Angus State Field Day. The most notable win was the reserve champion Bred and Owned cow/calf at the National Junior Angus Show. • Will be AI’d by sale day to AAAR TEN X 7008 SA. 21 PR Britt’s Doll 114 Reg: 17813765CowBirth Date: 4/4/2014 Tattoo: 114 Owned by: Pearl Ridge Angus, Rescue, CA CW +13 #Famous 7001 Champion Hill Lady 703 Silveiras Style 9303 Twin Valley Precision E161 [RDF] Silveiras Elba 2520............................................... D A R Elba 55 #Famous 7001 PT Roth Famous Addiction 101........................... WAF Missie 9057 P T Missie 1206 #R R Scotchcap 9440 Waf Missie 8032...................................................... #Waf Rally Missie 554 Gambles Hot Rod................................................... ced +8 bw +2.9 ww +45 yw +79 milk +23 $w +30.45 $f +26.62 Marb +0.40 re +0.23 fat $g +28.46 +0.015 $b +56.84 A replacement or show prospect here! This heifer calf is a “Missie” which is a cow family known very well throughout the West as many “Missie” females have graced the winner’s circle at numerous shows throughout the Western states and topped sales at the Pheasant Trek program of California . This lot’s grand dam “8032” was herself a many time champion and super producer with the power of “Style” added to her pedigree, she’s destined to be a great one. Make sure she’s on your shopping list sale day. •She sells Open. 22 Sampsons S805 Marathon S707[ AMF-CAF-DDF-M1F ] Reg: 15846946Cow Birth Date: 10/10/2007 Tattoo: S707 Owned by: Reeser Bros Angus, San Jose, CA CW #O C C Emblazon 854E O C C Blackbird 785H #Papa Equator 2928 Gibbet Hill Mignonne E37.................................... Gibbet Hill Mignonne TR 29 #B/R New Design 036 #Bon View New Design 208................................... #Bon View Erica 443 Sampson Kohl Creek 208 S805 High Valley 2H22 of P103 9J9 Kohl Creek Blackdee 279M.................................. Blackdee P 294M of K C O C C Kirby 633K...................................................... Marb #B C Marathon 7022 ced +3 bw +2.5 ww +44 yw +73 milk +20 $w +31.62 $f +18.14 re fat $g $b Sired by what many in the breed regard as the thickest, best muscled shape bull known as“Marathon”, this female will pass this great phenotypcial trait into her calves. With“Marathon’s”make up consisting of Ohlde genetics, moderate yet high performing genetics are in this individuals makeup.“Marathon”has also produced many top sellers thougthout the county and show ring champions as well. •Lot 22A, 3/9/2015 Cow, 74 lbs, sired by REESERS MIKE VIC 101. •Pasture exposed to REESERS MIKE VIC 101. 23 Silveiras Ever Entense 8065 [ DDP ] Reg: 16095635Cow Birth Date: 1/21/2008 Tattoo: 8065 CW Owned by: Reeser Bros Angus, San Jose, CA +36 #Sitz Alliance 6595 [DDF] WAR Bando 6006 598 4053 W G A Powerhouse 0423 #SVF Gdar 216 LTD Boyd Forever Lady 9001....................................... S V F Forever Lady 57D #B/R New Design 036 [DDC] #Bon View New Design 1407 [DDC]........................... Bon View Pride 664 Southern Ever Entense 2555 #Traveler 124 G D A R P C A R Everelda Entense 601............................... Sitz Everelda Entense 1137 #WAR Alliance 9126 6006 [DDF]............................... ced +3 bw +3.2 bw ww -1.3 +54 yw milk +95 +24 cw marb +31 +.81 re fat +.07 +.018 $w $f +61.90 +47.84 $g $b +35.65 +96.46 ww +46 yw +88 milk +30 $w +29.72 $f +39.98 Marb +0.27 re +0.32 fat $g +21.38 +0.002 $b +86.95 This female’s sire, “Powerhouse” was heavily used by the 7-L program based out of Mississippi, after winning his age division at the Central Illinois Angus Show. Her Dam is sired by the famous “1407” who is known for superior calving ease, making his daughters a sought after product. “1407” also brings carcass merit to the table adding value at every angle. With above average $F and $B, you’ll want this female sale day. •Lot 23A, 3/20/2015 Bull, 71 lbs, sired by REESERS MIKE VIC 101. •Pasture exposed to REESERS MIKE VIC 101. Sire of Lot 25. 24 RB Alley Elba 5442 Reg: 16262386CowBirth Date: 10/28/2008 Tattoo: 5442 Owned by: Reeser Bros Angus, San Jose, CA CW +24 #Tehama Bando 155 Miss Wix 204 of Mc Cumber #TC Dividend 963 [RDF] #Sun Miss Horizon 28G......................................... O&M Max 4202 #S S Traveler 6807 T510 Tehama Total M811............................................... #Tehama Elite Blackbird K592 Silveiras Elba 5446 #B/R New Design 036 Silveiras Elba 1548............................................... D A R Elba 55 #Mr Wix of Mc Cumber 204.................................. Marb Silveiras Mr Wix 1031 ced +12 bw ww -1 +44 yw +80 milk +19 $w +35.76 $f +28.74 +0.46 re +0.32 fat $g +32.74 -0.012 $b +80.09 This female is made of genetics stemming from one of the most competitive and progressive programs found on the West Coast, Silveira Brothers from California. Also made up of Tehama Angus genetics, also from California, this female is guaranteed to perform just like the programs behind her. With a $B of +80.09 and a CED EPD of +12, this is a female with all around quality and the kind to add value to any herd. •AI’d 8/9/2014 to HSAF BANDO 1961. 25 CPK E I F 9040 rica n ocus [ NHF ] Reg: 16566411Cow Birth Date: 09/06/2009 Tattoo: 9040 Owned by: Reeser Bros Angus, San Jose, CA CW +33 #S A F Fame G D A R Forever Lady 246 #Sitz Alliance 6595 Mytty Countess 906.............................................. Baldridge Countess 357 #G A R Precision 1680 #Twin Valley Precision E161 [RDF]......................... W C C Blackcap C9 [RDC] CPK E161 Erica Pride 6017 #TC Stockman 365 CPK Stockmans Erica 1023................................... C P K Executive Erica 7008 #S A F Focus of E R.................................................. Marb #Mytty In Focus [RDF] ced +7 bw ww +2 +48 yw +86 milk +24 $w +34.52 $f +35.63 +0.5 re +0.29 fat $g +31.71 -0.006 $b +92.82 Sired by one of the very top bulls in the breed for calving ease, growth, maternal value, as well as docility “In Focus” daughters are sought after. “In Focus” has been one of the most heavily used AI sires in the breed, guaranteeing that he’s proven as any. This female follows in her sire’s foot steps carrying on the calving ease traits and super $Values. •Lot 25A, sired by REESERS MIKE VIC 101. •Pasture exposed to REESERS MIKE VIC 101. 26 Silveiras Bar S Queen 1012 [ DDF-M1F ] Reg: 16868768Cow Birth Date: 04/03/2010 Tattoo: 1012 CW Owned by: Reeser Bros Angus, San Jose, CA +11 #S A F Fame T K Karen 1369 #Leachman Saugahatchee 3000C Champion Hill Lady 703....................................... Champion Hill Lady Stone 731 #B/R New Design 323 #P V F New Horizon 001......................................... Hyline Ellen 410 PVF Dameron Proven Queen 413 #Rito 9FB3 of 5H11 Fullback P V F Proven Queen 602......................................... Davis Proven Queen 3026 #Famous 7001......................................................... Marb Gambles Hot Rod ced +5 bw +4.1 ww +45 yw +83 milk +21 $w +23.03 $f +38.39 -0.11 re +0.26 fat $g +8.66 -0.034 $b +39.41 Wow, what a package here. Sired by the famous National Western Champion bull, Hot Rod, she has all the ingredients to produce a great one herself. Her dam, “Proven Queen”was also a many time champion for the Silveira sisters as they competed both regionally and nationally standing numerous times in the winner’s circle. A pedigree which is sought after and one not to let slip away on sale day. •AI’d 8/9/2014 to BC EAGLE EYE 110-7, and then pasture exposed to Reesers Mike Vic 101. 7 CONNEALY IMPRESSION bw ww +1.2 +65 yw milk +107 +25 cw marb +25 +.57 re fat +.94 -.038 $w $f +67.47 +60.86 $g $b +44.76 +98.53 Sire of Lot 28. 27 SMR Blackcap 8512 [ AMF-NHF ] Reg: 16192140Cow Birth Date: 08/23/2008 Tattoo: 8512 Owned by: Silveira Bros, Firebaugh, CA CW +43 #B/R New Design 036 Bon View Pride 664 #G A R Precision 1680 #G A R Precision 1919............................................ G A R Ext 544 #B/R Destination 727 #B/R Destination 727-928..................................... B/R Blackcap Empress 558 LHR Blackcap 5515 #G A R Precision 1680 EF Blackcap 2134................................................... A Plus Blackcap 0097 #Bon View New Design 1407................................. +6 bw +1.8 Marb ww +44 yw +81 milk +26 $w +45.05 $f +32.11 +0.67 re +0.43 fat $g +36.36 +0.002 $b +112.61 A true carcass maker here! Being sired by “Mile High” adds that added carcass value as he records a RE EPD of +0.43, Marb EPD of +0.67 and CW EPD of +44 with a $B of 121.07 this bull adds much value to this female. As an individual, she follows in ther sire’s footsteps recording above average carcass EPD’s, high $Values while maintaining strong scores for calving ease. A proven female to add to the most competetive program. •Will have calf at side by sale day. 28 KLR Lady 1493 Reg: 17144090CowBirth Date: 09/11/2011 Tattoo: 1493 Owned by: Silveira Bros, Firebaugh, CA CW +45 #Bon View New Design 878 Happy Grill of Conanga 6260 #Vermilion Dateline 7078 Pearl Pammy of Conanga 194............................. Pearl Jam of Conanga 6114 #B/R New Design 036 #Bon View New Design 1407................................. Bon View Pride 664 Three Trees First Lady 6108 #D H D Traveler 6807 Ideal 4465 of 6807 4286......................................... E E 4286 of Ideal 2240 1254 #Connealy Reflection.......................................... Marb #Connealy Impression ced +7 bw +1.2 ww +60 yw +100 milk +23 $w +61.69 $f +53.08 +0.29 re +0.99 fat $g +30.02 -0.015 $b +110.16 Super calving ease and growth individual in this female. With“Impression”as her sire, these traits are guaranteed.“Impression”has an outstanding birth-to-yearling spread with strong carcass merit and a $B of +110.16. This female expresses these traits as she records a +7 CED EPD, +100 YW EPD, and huge $ Values throughout. Definitely a candidate all buyers should have on their shopping lists. •Will have calf at side by sale day. 29 R T R Everelda Entense 2007 Reg: 17285993CowBirth Date: 01/29/2012 Tattoo: 2007 Owned by: Silveira Bros, Firebaugh, CA CW +35 #C A Future Direction 5321 #BT Crossover 758N.............................................. BT Royal Pride 237G Silveiras Conversion 8064 #BR Midland EXG Saras Dream S609 R3..................................... Exar Saras Dream 9809 #B/R New Design 036 #G A R Predestined................................................ #G A R Ext 4206 RTR Everelda Entense 0103 #Summitcrest High Prime 0H29 Falcon Everelda Entense 328N........................... Sitz Everelda Entense 023 ced +0 bw +4.3 ww +52 yw +92 milk +20 $w +34.17 $f +41.61 Marb +0.88 re +0.8 fat $g +49.37 -0.019 $b +113.18 With a Marb EPD of +0.88 and RE EPD of +0.80, this female has great carcass merit. Sire, “Conversion” ranks in the top 1% of WW, YW, RE, $F and $B. With both growth and carcass as the building block of this female its no wonder she records a YW EPD of +92, a $G of +49.37 and a $B of +113.18. She is by far an individual carrying the traits which have been proven to be very important in the breed today. •AI’d 2/24/2015 to VAR DISCOVERY 2240 and exposed to 2 Bar Assault 1876 of SB 4/1-5/15/2015. 8 bw ww +4.1 +70 yw milk +123 +19 cw marb +63 +73. re fat +1.35 -.022 $w $f +48.63 +86.76 $g $b +47.09 +150.03 Sire of Lot 29. #Riverbend Mile High 3718 ced SILVEIRAS CONVERSION 8064 30 Silveiras Lady 4409 Reg: 17894048CowBirth Date: 08/08/2014 Tattoo: 4409 Owned by: Silveira Bros, Firebaugh, CA CW +48 #Sitz Upward 307R #EXAR Barbara T020 #BT Crossover 758N 44 Blackbird 9337.................................................. B/R Blackbird 234 #Connealy Reflection #Connealy Impression......................................... Pearl Pammy of Conanga 194 KLR Lady 1493 #Bon View New Design 1407 Three Trees First Lady 6108................................. Ideal 4465 of 6807 4286 EXAR Upshot 0562B................................................ Marb S&H Upshot 2010 ced +8 bw ww +1.6 +62 yw +108 milk +23 $w +54.4 $f +62.28 +0.54 re +1.11 fat $g +39.43 -0.002 $b +121.95 This repleacement female has a huge spead from birth to yearling. Coupled with her CED EPD of +8, she’s a super prospect. Her grandsire is the noteable “Upshot” who is known as the most attractive high $ Beef bull in the breed. With the birth to yearling curve bender “Impression” as her maternal grandsire, she gets that extra punch of carcass merit and huge $Values. Recording a $B of +121.95, this is an excellent pedigree heifer ready to start adding years of value ot the most competitive of programs. •Pasture Exposed 2/1 - 3/16/15 to 2 BAR ASSAULT 1876 of SB , Safe in calf due 11/15/2015. 31 Silveras Blackcap 4425 Reg: 17894054CowBirth Date: 08/18/2014 Tattoo: 4425 CW Owned by: Silveira Bros, Firebaugh, CA +47 #Sitz Upward 307R #EXAR Barbara T020 #BT Crossover 758N 44 Blackbird 9337.................................................. B/R Blackbird 234 #Bon View New Design 1407 #Riverbend Mile High 3718.................................. #G A R Precision 1919 SMR Blackcap 8512 #B/R Destination 727-928 LHR Blackcap 5515................................................. EF Blackcap 2134 #EXAR Upshot 0562B.............................................. Marb S&H Upshot 2010 ced +7 bw +1.9 ww +54 yw +98 milk +25 $w +46.96 $f +50.99 +0.73 re +0.83 fat $g +41.55 +0.007 $b +121.46 With “Upshot” freatured as this heifer’s paternal gransire, she too acquired a huge spread from birth to yearling with a BW EPD of +1.9 and a YW EOD of +98. Along with great performance, this female also incorporates excellent carcass merit recording a CW EPD of +47, Marb EPD of +0.73 and a RE EPD of +0.83. WIth extreme $ Values inluding a $B of +121.46 its hard to overlook this individual on sale day. Be sure she is on your shopping list sale day! •Pasture exposed 1/1 - 3/16/2015 to 2 BAR ASSAULT 1876 of SB, Safe in calf due 10/20/2015. 32 S&H P P 4014 leasant ride [ DDF ] Reg: 17990326Cow Birth Date: 08/13/2014 Tattoo: 4014 Owned by: Sudden & Hollister Cattle Co, Lompoc, CA CW +33 Connealy Consensus Blue Lilly of Conanga 16 #Bon View New Design 1407 Three Trees First Lady 6108................................. Ideal 4465 of 6807 4286 GAR-EGL Protégé VAR Protege 0106................................................... F R F Rita 4079 S&H Pleasant Pride 2005 #SQ Credence 67S V A R Pleasant Pride 0360.................................... CSP Pleasant Pride T717 Connealy Consensus 7229................................... Marb V A R Consensus 2051 ced +13 bw -0.4 ww +56 yw +92 milk +25 $w +60.05 $f +43.23 +1.03 re +0.96 fat $g +49.03 +0.041 $b +112.70 Sired by the $11,00 VAR Consensus 2051 who was one of the sale toppers in the 2012 Vintage Bull Sale, this female has it all. A super calving ease individual with a high YW EPD, she bends the growth curve while excelling in all $Values especially in the $B department. This female is as complete as any and should not be overlooked on sale day. •She sells Open. •Halter broke. 33 S&H Lucy 4010 SILVEIRAS STYLE 9303 Reg: 17990327CowBirth Date: 08/10/2014 Tattoo: 4010 Owned by: Sudden & Hollister Cattle Co, Lompoc, CA CW +54 #Connealy Onward Sitz Henrietta Pride 81M #Isu Imaging Q 9111 #EXAR Barbara T020.............................................. LCC Mc Henry Barbar MG382 #C F Right Design 1802 #Summitcrest Complete 1P55 [RDF]....................... Summitcrest Elba 1M17 V A R Lucy 1294 #Bon View New Design 1407 Basin Lucy N947..................................................... Basin Lucy 178E #Sitz Upward 307R................................................ Marb EXAR Upshot 0562B ced +8 bw +2.8 ww +56 yw +101 milk +30 $w $f +47.72 +50.74 +0.29 re +1.03 fat $g +26.95 +0.008 $b +110.65 This heifer’s sire “Upshot” was a National Western crowd favorite and is known to be one of the stoutest, most attractive high Beef value bull in the business. A proven performance sire, “Upshot”, records a YW EPD of +101 and a $B of +110.65. With the #1 ranking RE EPD sire as her maternal grandsire, this will bring huge carcass merit to any program. With a +101 for YW EPD and a $B of +110.65 she’s as complete as any you will find. •She sells Open. •Halter Broke. 34 S&H Holiday 4022 Reg: 17990313CowBirth Date: 09/10/2014 Tattoo: 4022 Owned by: Sudden & Hollister Cattle Co, Lompoc, CA CW +47 #C F Right Design 1802 #Summitcrest Complete 1P55 ....................... Summitcrest Elba 1M17 V A R Complete 1209 #Connealy Onward Sandpoint Blackbird 8809.................................. Riverbend Blackbird 4301 #SydGen 1407 Corona 2016 SydGen Corona 6078............................................. S A F Royal Queen 0105 TEX Holiday in Sidney U #Northern Improvement 4480 GF Pride of Holiday 3053........................................... Pride of Holiday 0012 [RDF] ced +0 bw +4.1 ww +61 yw +100 milk +27 $w +46.93 $f +49.45 Marb +0.47 re +0.71 fat $g +33.93 -0.014 $b +113.28 Performance and carcass merit makes this heifer excel. Just like her sire’s name, her tabulation is as complete as any, recording a huge YW EPD of +100, CW EPD of +47, RE EPD of +0.71 and a $B of +113.28. “Corona”, her maternal grandsire records the hightest $Values of any bull in the breed making this female a significant replacement prospect for your program. •She sells Open. •Halter Broke. 35 S&H Countess 4024 Reg: 17990324CowBirth Date: 09/12/2014 Tattoo: 4024 Owned by: Sudden & Hollister Cattle Co, Lompoc, CA CW +52 Connealy Consensus Blue Lilly of Conanga 16 V A R Consensus 2051 #Bon View New Design 1407 Three Trees First Lady 6108................................. Ideal 4465 of 6807 4286 #C F Right Design 1802 #Summitcrest Complete 1P55 [RDF]....................... Summitcrest Elba 1M17 V A R Countess 1356 #Sitz Alliance 6595 Mytty Countess U249........................................... Baldridge Countess 357 Connealy Consensus 7229................................... ced +1 bw +2.2 ww +58 yw I+105 milk +30 $w +47.22 $f +59.02 Marb +0.71 re +0.9 fat $g +38.27 +0.033 $b +123.81 This replacement female bends the growth curve, with a BW EPD of +2.2, a WW EPD of +58 and a YW EPD of +105. She also has tons of carcass merit recording a CW EPD of +52 ,a MARB EPD of +0.71 and a RE EPD of +0.90. Along with great $ Values including a +123.81 for $B, this female has as complete as any EPD tabulation making her a valuable addition to any program. •She sells Open. •Halter Broke. 36 S&H Belle 4026 Reg: 17990323CowBirth Date: 09/20/2014 Tattoo: 4026 Owned by: Sudden & Hollister Cattle Co, Lompoc, CA CW +32 Connealy Consensus Blue Lilly of Conanga 16 #Bon View New Design 1407 Three Trees First Lady 6108................................. Ideal 4465 of 6807 4286 #G T Shear Force B C C Shear Force 3096-8532................................. B C C 878 Anita 179-3096 HAVE Belle 8532 1256 Sankeys Lazer 609 of 6N HAVE H2 Belle 609 H539......................................... Poly 7261 Belle 1012 Connealy Consensus 7229................................... Marb V A R Consensus 2051 ced +11 bw -0.9 bw ww +2.9 +44 yw milk +81 +24 cw marb +15 +.50 re fat +.28 +.028 $w $f +26.75 +35.74 $g $b +31.21 +68.77 ww +49 yw +85 milk +23 $w +46.85 $f +33.87 +0.5 re +0.46 fat $g +33.74 -0.004 $b +93.81 Calving ease better than any! With a CED EPD of +11 and BW EPD of -0.9 she is by far a low prospect whos EPD’s also include carcass merit and a $W of +46.85, $G of +33.74 and a $B of +93.81. With the popular AI sire featured as her paternal grandsire, this is a great current genetic makeup. •She sells Open. •Halter Broke. Sire of Lot 38. 37 HAVE Chanel 8532 1225 Reg: 17262608CowBirth Date: 03/16/2012 Tattoo: 1225 Owned by: Tasker Ranch, Martinez, CA CW +21 #N Bar Prime Time D806 #G T Siskin 106 #Bon View New Design 878 B C C 878 Anita 179-3096........................................ B C C T510 Anita 41-179 #G 13 Structure G 13 Steel................................................................ G 13 Lassy 9492 Voml All That Jazz 370U #B/R New Frontier 095 Voml Lady Chanel 260R........................................ V A R Gaines Lady 9014 #G T Shear Force.................................................... Marb B C C Shear Force 3096-8532 ced +7 bw +1.9 ww +46 yw +81 milk +24 $w +37.33 $f +29.09 +0.63 re +0.09 fat $g +36.31 -0.011 $b +78.59 A low birth weight and calving ease package is represented in this individual who records a CED EPD of +7 and BW EPD of +1.9. Along with a Marb EPD of +0.63 and $G of +36.31 she’s got that added carcass value as well. Sired by a bull who’s progeny has won champions at the California State Fair, this female has all you need to incorporate value into your program! •AI’d on 4/11/2015 to CONNEALY CONRAD. 38 Tasker’s Pride and Style [ DDP ] Reg: 17576320Cow Birth Date: 01/04/2013 Tattoo: 1 CW Owned by: Tasker Ranch, Martinez, CA +13 Famous 7001 Champion Hill Lady 703 Twin Valley Precision E161 [RDF-DDF] Silveiras Elba 2520............................................... D A R Elba 55 Twin Valley Precision E161 [RDF-DDF] BR Midland [DDF].................................................. BR Royal Lass 7036-19 EXG Arkdale Pride T606 R3 Bon View New Design 1407 [DDC] EXAR Arkdale Pride 1001...................................... WK Arkdale Pride 9353 Gambles Hot Rod................................................... Marb Silveiras Style 9303 ced +8 bw +3 ww +46 yw +81 milk +18 $w +25.11 $f +29.09 +0.57 re +0.32 fat $g +36.46 +0.008 $b +65.1 Sired by the $101,000 selling, “Style”, who himself was a many time national champion and also sired many national champions, this female is as superb of a genetic package as any. She’s got calving Ease, high YW EPD, and a great marbling score all while carrying the great genetic line of “Midland”, who is found as her maternal grandsire. This female is a great young cow who’s got a lot of good, and ready to go to work for you. •AI’d on 4/11/2015 to CONNEALY ONWARD. 39 V A R Rita 3330 Reg: 17607577CowBirth Date: 09/01/2013 Tattoo: 3330 Owned by: Vintage Angus, Modesto CA CW +36 Connealy Consensus Blue Lilly of Conanga 16 #G A R New Design 5050 V A R Rita 9302........................................................ G A R Objective 2345 #Twin Valley Precision E161 [RDF] #BR Midland........................................................... BR Royal Lass 7036-19 Circle G Rita 5194 #G A R Expectation 4915 Cedar CReek 6K20 2306.......................................... Rita 6K20 of 2T6 EXT Connealy Consensus 7229................................... Marb V A R Confirmed CKR 1269 ced +9 bw +2.7 ww +57 yw +103 milk +25 $w +45.2 $f +64.91 +0.66 re +0.6 fat $g +38.06 +0.014 $b +113.31 From the nationally famous Vintage Angus Ranch, we have a “Consensus” granddaughter. “Consensus” has been regarded as one of the hottest bulls in the breed. This female is no different and her EPD tabulation is as good as any. She has a combination of both high calving ease and growth, along with carcass, and excellent $Values. You can’t go wrong with this pedigree which will bring tons of extra value and proven genetics to any herd. •AI’d 11/22/14 to V A R INDEX 3282, Safe in Calf due 9/1/15. 9 ALC BIG EYE D09N bw ww +2.2 +51 yw milk +91 +35 cw marb +26 +.56 re fat +1.15 +.021 $w $f +46.69 +47.44 $g $b +41.81 +988.83 Sire of Lot 44. 40 +8 bw +1.5 V A R Primrose 3345 Reg: 17607591CowBirth Date: 09/02/2013 Tattoo: 3345 Owned by: Vintage Angus Ranch, Modesto, CA CW +26 ww +42 yw +81 milk +25 $w +33.31 $f +41.84 Marb +0.54 re +0.49 fat $g +37.25 -0.013 $b +98.01 Sire, “Confirmed”, records a CED EPD of +8 and bends the growth curve with a YW EPD of +81. “Confirmed” also has superb carcass EPD’s even recording a RE EPD of +0.49. This female also carries the “Primrose” cowline which for decades has produced some of the top individuals to come out of the breed. This individual herself excels, with a $B of +98.01. So be sure to use her to add that priceless “Primrose” cow family to your program. •AI’d 11/22/14 to V A R INDEX 3282, Safe in Calf due 9/1/15. 41 V A R Blackcap 3353 Reg: 17607599CowBirth Date: 09/03/2013 Tattoo: 3353 Owned by: Vintage Angus Ranch, Modesto, CA CW +35 #Connealy Onward Sitz Henrietta Pride 81M #Isu Imaging Q 9111 #EXAR Barbara T020.............................................. LCC Mc Henry Barbar MG382 #S S Traveler 6807 T510 #S S Objective T510 0T26........................................ S S Miss Rita R011 7R8 Bo Bo Blackcap 9515 #G A R Grid Maker Three Trees Blackcap 3594.................................. G A R Lucys Boy 2118 #Sitz Upward 307R................................................ Marb EXAR Upshot 0562B ced +7 bw +4 ww +68 yw +122 milk +24 $w +49.67 $f +71.03 +0.56 re +0.73 fat $g +36.85 +0.01 $b +95.27 If you’re looking for added growth and great carcass merit all in one superb package, here is your chance. Sired by “Upshot” who ranks in the top 1% of the breed for YW, this truly creates a high performing package. With extraordinary $ Values as well, “Blackcap” puts it all together to create this value added tabulation stemming from one of the most famous and proven programs of the West, Vintage Angus Ranch. •AI’d 11/22/14 to V A R Empire 3037, Safe in Calf due 9/1/15. 42 VARS 3381 usanna [ DDF ] Reg: 17607627CowBirth Date: 09/05/2013 Tattoo: 3381 Owned by: Vintage Angus Ranch, Modesto, CA CW +29 Connealy Consensus Blue Lilly of Conanga 16 #G A R New Design 5050 V A R Rita 9302........................................................ G A R Objective 2345 #Rito 1I2 of 2536 Rito 6I6 V A R Rito 1I2 5061.................................................. V A R Blackcap M51 V A R Susanna 0270 #C A Future Direction 5321 V A R Susanna 4069................................................ V A R Susanna 1014 Connealy Consensus 7229................................... Marb V A R Confirmed CKR 1269 ced +8 bw +1.2 ww +61 yw +102 milk +33 $w +66.44 $f +61.86 +0.6 re +0.63 fat $g +39.86 -0.008 $b +105.89 A female in her prime, “Susanna” comes from the nationally famed Vintage Angus Ranch program, a program known for show ring champions. Many nationally used AI sires as well as beautiful cows as complete as any when it comes to all EPD’s. This female is no different, she’s a high calving ease YW EPD individual who, like her sire, excels in all $Values especially $B and $W. A wonderful cow to add calue to any program. •AI’d 12/16/15 to V A R INDEX 3282, Safe in Calf due 9/25/15. 10 bw ww +3.6 +60 yw milk +105 +5 cw marb +30 +1.04 re fat +.34 +.025 $w $f +31.68 +47.63 $g $b +43.94 +92.33 Sire of Lot 45. Connealy Consensus Connealy Consensus 7229................................... Blue Lilly of Conanga 16 V A R Confirmed CKR 1269 #G A R New Design 5050 V A R Rita 9302........................................................ G A R Objective 2345 #Bon View New Design 878 #Rito 2 878 of 2536 BVND 878................................ G A R Precision 2536 V A R Primrose 7113 #Rito 1I2 of 2536 Rito 6I6 VAR Primrose 5002................................................ V A R Primrose 8359 ced S A V IRON MOUNTAIN 8066 43 J3R O 6C01 8601 bjective [ NHF ] Reg: 15977870Cow Birth Date: 03/07/2008 Tattoo: 8601 Owned by: Westwind Ranch Angus, Oroville, CA CW +19 #D H D Traveler 6807 #S S Miss Hi Spade A114 S S Rito Rito R76 R011 S S Miss Rita R011 7R8............................................ S S Miss Ultress U56 #G A R Precision 1680 #G A R Pinnacle...................................................... G A R Ext 2114 DRMCTR Pinnacle 6C01 #S S Traveler 6807 T510 G A R T510 Traveler H142...................................... G A R Sleep Easy 1328 #S S Traveler 6807 T510......................................... Marb #S S Objective T510 0T26 ced +11 bw ww +1.4 +52 yw +93 milk +24 $w +42.79 +0.96 re +0.58 fat $f +41.93 $g +48.49 +0.012 $b +86.68 Being bred to RB Tour of Duty, 10/25 him being one of the hottest bulls in the breed. One daughter retained in our program. 3 sons have sold at the front of the Cal Poly Bull Test. With a CED EPD of +11 and a YW EPD of +93 this female also bends the growth curve. Sire, “Objective” ranks amongst the top 10 sires in the breed for $B and is also in the top 1% for YW EPD. With above average scores for all $ Values, this female’s scores can compete with any value at every angle. •AI’d 10/25/2014 to RB TOUR OF DUTY. 44 Westwind Anita DJH 009 Reg: 16566899CowBirth Date: 01/18/2010 Tattoo: 9 Owned by: Westwind Ranch Angus, Oroville, CA CW +27 #G A R Precision 1680 C A Miss Power Fix 308 S V F Bandolier ALC Hazel L12L........................................................ #Alc Hazel K14H #Tehama Bando 155 #Bon View Bando 598............................................ #Bon View Dora 56 B C C Anita 598 039-5026 #Rockn D Ambush 1531 B C C 1531 Anita 41-039.......................................... R C Anita T Bando 918903 #C A Future Direction 5321.................................. Marb #ALC Big Eye D09N ced +10 bw +2 ww +49 yw +80 milk +29 $w +47.86 +0.65 re +0.52 fat $f +28.71 $g +38.76 +0.01 $b +93.69 From the same cow family that produced BCC Bushwacker comes this big impressive cow. Her flush sister produced the Champion Calving Ease and high selling bull at Snyder’s. With a CED EPD of +10 and a Marb EPD of +0.65 we’ve got a calving ease carcass queen in the this lot. Her sire “Big Eye” records an outstanding RE EPD which tops the breed and along with his great $ Values, he’s known to improve carcass values. “Big Eye” passed on these positive traits here as this female records a $B of +93.69, a $W of +47.86 and a $G of +38.76. Better check her out on sale day. •Pasture bred 12/10-01/10/15 to S A V Bentley 1864 and pasture bred 1/11/-3/6/15 to Westwind Waylon DJH 342. 45 KLR Lady 1281 Reg: 17047894CowBirth Date: 05/03/2011 Tattoo: 1281 Owned by: Westwind Ranch Angus, Oroville, CA CW +31 #G A R Grid Maker #TC Blackbird 7049 #S A V 8180 Traveler 004 [RDF] S A V Madame Pride 3249...................................... S A V Madame Pride 8264 #S A F Focus of E R S A F Strategy 9015................................................ S A F Royal Queen 5084 #Belmont Lady 9015 3313 #Leachman Explorer Belmont Laddy Expl 0124.................................... #Belmont Laddy 315 3275 #TC Gridiron 258.................................................... Marb S A V Iron Mountain 8066 ced +7 bw +3.3 ww +61 yw +105 milk +13 $w +39.7 $f +52.84 +0.89 re +0.08 fat $g +38.49 +0.013 $b +93.82 Here we have a maternal sister to Pine Ridge Hammer. Her Pathfinder famed Dam, “Belmont Lady” is a featured donor cow at Krebs Ranch. With “Iron Mountain” as this individuals sire, we get great calving ease with an CED EPD of +7, while maintaining great performance of a YW EPD of +105. “Lady” also records a Marb EPD of +0.89 and $ Values of, $F +52.84, $G +38.49, and $B +93.82 adding great significance to her pedigree. •AI’d to S A V BENTLEY 1864 on 12/18/2014. 46 Westwind Anita DJH 129 Reg: 17087129CowBirth Date: 09/23/2011 Tattoo: 129 Owned by: Westwind Ranch Angus, Oroville, CA CW +28 #Bon View New Design 1407 #Vision HF Blackcap 0015 #Vermilion Dateline 7078 Summitcrest Elba 1M17....................................... Summitcrest Elba 1F43 #Sitz Traveler 8180 #S A V 8180 Traveler 004 [RDF]................................. Boyd Forever Lady 8003 #Bohi Anita 7612 #Paramont Ambush 2172 B C C Ambush Anita 41-142................................... R C Anita T Bando 918903 #C F Right Design 1802.......................................... Marb #Summitcrest Complete 1P55 [RDF] ced +3 bw +1 ww +50 yw +86 milk +32 $w $f +51.43 +42.89 +0.54 re +0.64 fat $g +35.53 +0.019 $b +97.83 Another high quality female from the Anita family. Her pathfinder dam was selected as one of the high selling females in the 2010 Buford Sale. Both of her daughters have been kept in Westwind Ranch Angus herd. This female is sired by “Complete” who is in the top 1% of the breed for REA. This added carcass value is carried on by this individual as she records a RE EPD of +64 and a Marb EPD of +0.54. Along with her excellent $ Values including a $B of +97.83, this is without a doubt a carcass trait improver who is just at her prime and ready to to work for you. •AI’d to S A V BENTLEY 1864 on 12/24/2014. 47 LL Have Jewel 3097 Reg: 17610622CowBirth Date: 6/17/2013 Tattoo: 3097 Owned by: Lewis Livestock, Lockford, CA CW #O C C Emblazon 854E O C C Blackbird 632J #Bon View New Design 878 CPK 878 Erica Empress 7036................................. CPK TVP E161 Erica 3013 #B/R New Design 036 #Bon View New Design 878................................... Bon View Gammer 85 HAVE Jewel 878 H297 #B C C Bushwacker 41-93 BCC O&M Jewel 1209 of 63..................................... G A R 5522 Emulation 63 O C C Legend 616L................................................... Marb L L Legend 616L-0036 ced +9 bw +0.6 ww +46 yw +78 milk +19 $w +37.79 $f +24.51 re fat $g $b With this female’s dam being sired by “Bon View New Design 878”, one of the breed’s best cow maker’s, this female too carrys that extra value. With “OCC Legend 616L” as her paternal grandsire, thickness and a moderate frame are guaranteed to be in this individual’s makeup. A great young cow to incorporate into any program. •AI’d 10/1/2014 to MYTTY IN FOCUS and pasture exposed 10/23-12/6/2014 to Palomino Focus 1206. S A V International 2020 Consignor List Borges Angus, Byron, CA Lot 1, 2. 3, 4, 5, 6 C2-IT CAttle Co, Brentwood, CA Lots 7, 8 Estralita Springs Ranch Co., Springville, CA Lots 9, 10, 11, 12 Flying RJ Ranch, Live Oak, CA Lots 13, 14, 15 Sire of Embryo Lot 49. 48 Furtado Angus, Turlock, CA Lots 16, 17, 18, 19 Embryos 4 Embryos • Westwind Blackcap Owned by: Westwind Ranch Angus, Oroville, CA SAV Heritage 6295 SAV Emblynette 7749 #sav 8180 traveler 004 [rdf] sav emblynette 5483............................................. #sav emblynette7260 exg rs first rate s903 r3 dameron first class ........................................... dameron northern miss 3114 ear blackcap 2868 exar sudden impact 1537 EXG Blackcap r054 r3............................................ exg blackcap N 145 R3 SAV HARVESTOR 0338.............................................. sav international 2020 Projected EPDS bw +3.7 ww +72 yw +116 milk +33 marb +.032 re +0.35 $b +76.37 •These featured frozen embryoes by the $300,000 S A V International 2020 stem back to the ever popular Blackcap family. • EXAR Blackcap 2868, a full sister to the $100,000 EXAR Blackcap 1703 was purchase by Roy Stevens and named the Grand Champion at the Western National Angus Futurity stemming back to the dam of the ROV Triple Crown Winner, EXAR Titleist T01. • These beautiful embryos offer timeless genetics. 49 Semen 6 Straws • B C C BUSHWACKER 41-93 Consigned by: Fox Angus Venture, Dixon, CA Lewis Livestock, Lockford, CA Lot 48 PEARL Ridge Angus, Rescue, CA Lots 20, 21 Reeser Bros. Angus, San Jose, CA Lots 22, 23, 24, 25, 26 Silveira Bros., Firebaugh, CA Lots 27, 28, 29, 30, 31 Sudden & Hollister Cattle Co, Lompoc, CA Lots 32, 33, 34, 35, 36 Tasker Ranch, Martinez, CA Lots 37, 38 Vintage Angus, Modesto, CA Lots 39, 40, 41, 42 Westwind Ranch Angus, Oroville, CA Lots 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48 Shipping costs are the buyers responsiblity. 11 PRESORTED FIRST CLASS u.s. postage c/o James Danekas & Associates, Inc. P. O. Box 410 Wilton, CA 95693 Change of Service Requested paid Tucson, AZ permit no. 271 4 Stockton 4 E. M 4 arip osa Rd S Van Allen Rd Stockon Metropoliton Airport 99 Escalon Livestock Market 25525 Lone Tree Rd. Escalon, CA 95320 5 Fre n ch Ca m pR d. Escalon Livestock Market Lone Tree Rd 99 Manteca 120 Escalon 120 120 McHenry Ave S Van Allen Rd Ripon 108
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