All prices include sales tax. Receive $15 discount for every twelve bottles/units purchased. Max. 2x the bottle limit will apply to case discount. New arrivals are shown in bold. - B Jester King Jester King Jester King Jester King Jester King Le Petit Prince Black Metal (limit 3) Hibernal Dichotomous Funk Metal (limit 2) Boxer's Revenge (limit 3) Jester King Coquetier (limit 4) Jester King Cerveza Sin Frontera (limit 4) 5 Stones (Cibolo, TX) Aloha Piña 5 Stones (Cibolo, TX) Camo Freetail Brewing (San Antonio, TX) Bat Outta Helles Freetail Brewing (San Antonio, TX)Rye Wit Freetail Brewing (San Antonio, TX) Soul Doubt IPA Freetail Brewing (San Antonio, TX) Freetail Original Freetail Brewing (San Antonio, TX) Witicus Freetail Brewing (San Antonio, TX)Hopothesis (limit 2) Freetail Brewing (San Antonio, TX)Remix 12-pack Adelbert's Brewery (Austin, TX) Vintage Nun Prairie Artisan Ales (Oklahoma) Noir (limit 1) Prairie Artisan Ales (Oklahoma) Limo Tint Prairie Artisan Ales (Oklahoma) Funky Gold Amarillo Prairie Artisan Ales (Oklahoma) Birra Prairie Artisan Ales (Oklahoma) Standard Prairie Artisan Ales (Oklahoma) Ale Prairie Artisan Ales (Oklahoma) Prairie Somewhere Jolly Pumpkin Artisan Ales (Mich.) Calabaza Blanca Jolly Pumpkin Artisan Ales (Mich.) Calabaza Blanca Jolly Pumpkin Artisan Ales (Mich.) Bam Bière Jolly Pumpkin Artisan Ales (Mich.) Bam Noire Jolly Pumpkin Artisan Ales (Mich.) Weizen Bam Jolly Pumpkin Artisan Ales (Mich.) Oro de Calabaza Jolly Pumpkin Artisan Ales (Mich.) Luciernaga “The Firefly” Jolly Pumpkin Artisan Ales (Mich.) Bière de Mars Jolly Pumpkin Artisan Ales (Mich.) Maracaibo Especial Jolly Pumpkin Artisan Ales (Mich.) Fuego del Otoño Jolly Pumpkin Artisan Ales (Mich.) La Parcela #1 Pumpkin Ale Jolly Pumpkin Artisan Ales (Mich.) 2013 Noel de Calabaza Elevation Beer Co. (Colorado) 7437 Elevation Beer Co. (Colorado) Wild Flowers Elevation Beer Co. (Colorado) Arête Elevation Beer Co. (Colorado) Apis IV Elevation Beer Co. (Colorado) Raspberry Gulch Elevation Beer Co. (Colorado) Signal de Botrange Elevation Beer Co. (Colorado) False Summit Cervejaria Colorado (Brazil) Vixnu Cervejaria Colorado (Brazil) Bertho Cervejaria Colorado (Brazil) Guanabara Wild Beer Co. (England) Somerset Saison Wild Beer Co. (England) Evolver IPA Wild Beer Co. (England) Somerset Wild Wild Beer Co. (England) Iduna Cru Wild Beer Co. (England) Modus Vivendi Thornbridge (England) Jaipur IPA Harviestoun Brewery (Scotland) Old Engine Oil Harviestoun Brewery (Scotland) Old Engine Oil Reserve Harviestoun Brewery (Scotland) Ola Dubh 12 Harviestoun Brewery (Scotland) Ola Dubh 16 Harviestoun Brewery (Scotland) Ola Dubh 18 Harviestoun Brewery (Scotland) Ola Dubh 21 Æcht Schlenkerla (Germany) Rauchbier Märzen Æcht Schlenkerla (Germany) Rauchbier Weizen Æcht Schlenkerla (Germany) Eiche Doppelbock Weihenstephaner (Germany) Hefeweissbier G. Schneider & Sohn (Germany) Wiesen Edel-Weisse G. Schneider & Sohn (Germany) Aventinus G. Schneider & Sohn (Germany) Aventinus Eisbock Professor Fritz Briem (Germany) 13th Century Grut Bier Professor Fritz Briem (Germany) 1809 Berliner Weisse Stift Engleszell (Austria) Benno Trappistenbier BFM (Switzerland) Cuvée Alex Le Rouge BFM (Switzerland) Bière Ambrée Parfumée au Tarry Suchong BFM (Switzerland) La Meule BFM (Switzerland) La Quatorze (XIV) BFM (Switzerland) √225th Anniversary Saison Birrificio Del Ducato (Italy) Verdi Birrificio Del Ducato (Italy) Beersel Mattina Birra Amarcord (Italy) AMA Bionda Birra Del Borgo (Italy) Perle Ai Porci Mateo y Bernabé (Spain) “11” Bernabé Mateo y Bernabé (Spain) “21” Mateo Mateo y Bernabé (Spain) “25” Santiago Brasserie Craig Allan (France) Cuvée d'Oscar St-Sylvestre (France) 3 Monts Grande Rèserve Brasserie d'Orval (Belgium) Orval Brasserie Dupont (Belgium) Saison Dupont Vieille Provision Brasserie Dupont (Belgium) Avec les Bons Voeux Brouwerij Alvinne (Belgium) Gaspar Brouwerij Alvinne (Belgium) Omega Brouwerij Alvinne (Belgium) Phi Brouwerij Alvinne (Belgium) Podge E E R - Farmhouse table beer Farmhouse imperial stout Farmhouse ale brewed with beets, oranges, and thyme Sour, barrel-aged stout Sour barrel-aged strong ale Farmhouse ale brewed with cubeb, anise, & lemon & aged in French brandy barrels Farmhouse ale aged in Spanish sherry barrels. Collaboration with Crooked Stave and Trois Dames Golden ale brewed with pineapple and jalapeño Pale stout brewed with cocoa nibs and espresso beans Traditional Helles-style lager Belgian-style witbier brewed with raw wheat and malted rye American IPA American amber ale Double rye witbier Imperial IPA 3 cans each of Helles, Rye Wit, Soul Doubt, and Original Witbier aged in red wine barrels Imperial stout aged in oak whiskey barrels Milk stout aged on chocolate Dry-hopped sour ale Farmhouse ale Hoppy farmhouse ale Belgian-style saison Sour farmhouse ale brewed with Citrus (St. Somewhere collab) Belgian-style white ale aged in oak barrels Belgian-style white ale aged in oak barrels Farmhouse ale aged in oak barrels Dark farmhouse ale aged in oak barrels Farmhouse wheat beer aged in oak barrels Franco-Belgian golden ale aged in oak barrels Farmhouse grand cru with coriander and grains of paradise French-style stock ale aged in oak barrels Farmhouse brown ale w/cacao nibs, cinnamon, and orange peel Barrel-aged farmhouse ale brewed with chestnuts and spices Farmhouse ale brewed with pumpkin, spices, & cacao Dark, strong, special farmhouse holiday ale aged in oak barrels Double IPA “Imperial Saison” American barley wine dry hopped with centennial Quadrupel brewed with honey Imperial saison brewed with raspberries Farmhouse ale aged in Chardonnay wine barrels Quadrupel aged in bourbon barrels Imperial IPA brewed with rapadura sugar Brown ale brewed with Brazil nuts Imperial stout brewed with black rapadura sugar Farmhouse ale with North American Sorachi Ace hops Brettanomyces-fermented IPA Sour ale fermented with native yeast and bacteria Wild yeast saison brewed with apple juice & New Zealand hops Barrel-aged old ale brewed with wild yeast Bottle-conditioned IPA Black ale Blackest ale Dark ale aged in Highland Park 12 y.o. malt whiskey barrels Dark ale aged in Highland Park 16 y.o. malt whiskey barrels Dark ale aged in Highland Park 18 y.o. malt whiskey barrels Dark ale aged in Highland Park 21 y.o. malt whiskey barrels Smoked amber lager Smoked wheat beer Oak smoked doppelbock Unfiltered Bavarian wheat beer Organic unfiltered Bavarian wheat beer Wheat doppelbock Wheat eisbock Historical spiced ale Bottle-conditioned sour wheat ale Pale Trappist “dubbel” Imperial stout with vanilla, black pepper, & tea Amber brewed with smoked malt and tea leaves Golden ale brewed with sage Hoppy double weizen with coffee beans Barrel-aged historical sour saison Imperial stout A blend of Nuovo Mattina & 18 month aged 3 Fonteinen lambic Blonde ale brewed with orange blossom honey Oyster stout brewed with Fine de Claire oysters Citrusy, hand-crafted golden ale Hand-crafted wheat beer Abbey-style ale Nelson Sauvin dry-hopped dark wheat ale Amber bière de garde Trappist ale “Old provision” saison Strong blond Belgian holiday ale Hoppy Belgian Ale Belgian sour blond ale Blonde demi-sour ale Belgian imperial stout 750ml 750ml 750ml 750ml 750ml $8.00 $12.00 $12.00 $16.00 $16.00 750ml $18.00 750ml $20.00 750ml 750ml 6×355ml 6x355ml 6×355ml 650ml 650ml 650ml 12x355ml 750ml 355ml 4x355ml 500ml 4×355ml 4×355ml 500ml 500ml 375ml 750ml 750ml 750ml 750ml 750ml 750ml 750ml 750ml 750ml 750ml 750ml 750ml 750ml 750ml 750ml 750ml 750ml 750ml 600ml 600ml 650ml 330ml 330ml 330ml 330ml 330ml 500ml 6×330ml $13.00 $13.00 $9.50 $9.50 $9.50 $7.00 $7.00 $11.00 $17.50 $15.50 $12.50 $11.00 $11.00 $11.00 $11.00 $11.00 $11.00 $7.50 $11.00 $11.00 $11.00 $11.50 $12.00 $15.00 $15.00 $15.00 $15.00 $15.00 $15.00 $13.50 $13.50 $13.50 $13.50 $13.50 $18.00 $18.00 $10.00 $10.00 $10.00 $7.50 $9.00 $9.00 $10.00 $10.50 $8.50 $21.00 $6.50 $9.00 $9.50 $10.50 $16.00 $6.00 $6.00 $6.50 $5.00 $7.00 $6.50 $7.50 $7.00 $7.00 $7.50 $9.00 $9.00 $9.00 $9.00 $9.50 $11.00 $31.00 $12.00 $9.00 $10.00 $10.00 $10.00 $9.00 $11.00 $7.00 $14.00 $14.00 $6.50 $6.50 $6.50 $6.50 330ml 330ml 330ml 330ml 500ml 500ml 500ml 500ml 500ml 500ml 330ml 500ml 500ml 330ml 330ml 330ml 330ml 330ml 330ml 330ml 750ml 750ml 330ml 500ml 500ml 500ml 375ml 750ml 330ml 750ml 750ml 330ml 330ml 330ml 330ml All prices include sales tax. Receive $15 discount for every twelve bottles/units purchased. Max. 2x the bottle limit will apply to case discount. New arrivals are shown in bold. - B E E R ( C O N T I N U E D Brouwerij De Glazen Toren (Belgium)Jan de Lichte Brouwerij De Ranke (Belgium) Père Noël Brouwerij De Ranke (Belgium) Guldenberg Triple Brouwerij De Ranke (Belgium) Hop Harvest Brouwerij De Ranke (Belgium) Saison de Dottignies Brouwerij De Ranke (Belgium) XX Bitter Brouwerij De Ranke (Belgium) XXX Bitter DeProefbrouwerij (Belgium) Reinaert Flemish Wild Ale DeProefbrouwerij (Belgium) Witte Noire DeProefbrouwerij (Belgium) Lozen Boer Abt Slaapmutske (Belgium) Organic Triple Nightcap Van Honsebrouck (Belgium) St. Louis Gueuze Fond Tradition Van Honsebrouck (Belgium) St. Louis Kriek Fond Tradition Brouwerij Van Viven (Belgium) Viven Imperial IPA To Øl (Denmark/Belgium) By Udder Means To Øl (Denmark/Belgium) Goliat To Øl (Denmark/Belgium) Black Malts and Body Salts To Øl (Denmark/Belgium) Nordic by Nature To Øl (Denmark/Belgium) Yeastus Christus (limit 2) To Øl (Denmark/Belgium) Sans Frontière To Øl (Denmark/Belgium) Snowball Saison Mikkeller (Denmark/Belgium) Monk's Brew Mikkeller (Denmark/Belgium) (U.S.) Alive! Mikkeller (Denmark/Belgium) Santa's Little Helper Mikkeller (Denmark/Belgium) To Via From Mikkeller (Denmark/Belgium) Red/White Christmas Magnum Malka (Israel) Stout Baird (Japan) Rising Sun Baird (Japan) Red Rose Baird (Japan) Angry Boy Baird (Japan) Dark Sky Baird (Japan) Jubilation ) - Spiced wheat Hoppy amber Belgian holiday ale Hoppy strong Belgian pale ale Fresh-hopped harvest ale Belgian saison Hoppy Belgian ale Belgian ale even hoppier than XX Bitter Strong golden ale with brettanomyces Imperial amber wheat with coriander & orange peel Strong, dark Belgian abbey-style ale Organic hoppy Belgian tripel “Traditional” “lambic” blend “Traditional” kriek “lambic” Flemish imperial IPA Milk stout Imperial stout brewed with coffee Black coffee IIPA IPA with seabuckthorn and juniper berries Farmhouse double IPA with brettanomycs Belgian-style IPA Dry-hopped winter saison Quadrupel Dry-hopped Belgian wild ale with American hops Belgian strong ale brewed with spices Belgian holiday porter brewed with spices Hybrid red ale/witbier Irish stout Pale ale Amber ale Brown ale Imperial stout Ale brewed with figs and cinnamon - W I N E 2014 Txakolina Getaria Light, crisp white, imported by De Maison Selections 2014 “Lily's Cuvée” Chardonnay PéllitantLightly sparkling Chardonnay 2014 Swim Spot Light, refreshing Vinho Verde-style white Musar Jeune 40% Viognier, 30% Vermentino, 30% Chardonnay 2013 Vouvray Light, dry Chenin Blanc 2013 Sauvignon de Touraine Loire Valley Sauvignon Blanc, imported by Louis/Dressner 2013 Sauvignon Blanc Loire Valley Sauvignon Blanc, imported by Louis/Dressner 2010 Cohete Rojo Dry red (75% Lenoir, 25% Black Spanish) 2012 Marine Layer Pinot Noir Sonoma Coast Pinot Noir 2011 El Pais de Quenehao Beaujolais-style red from 300-year-old vines, imported by Louis/Dressner 2011 Carmenere Cauquenes Red from Chilean Carmenere grapes, imported by Louis/Dressner 2013 Otoño Old vines red blend, imported by Louis/Dressner 2013 Côtes du Jura Trousseau Medium-bodied red with Trousseau grapes 2013 Cheverny Rouge Gamay/Pinot Noir, imported by Louis/Dressner 2013 Le Millesime Beaujolais red 2012 Texas Tempranillo Tempranillo with 100% Texas-grown grapes 2012 Negroamaro Organic red with Negroamaro grapes, imported by Louis/Dressner 2013 Nero D'Avola Red wine with Sicilian-grown Nero D'Avola grapes 2014 “Isabel's Cuvée” Grenache Rosé Rosé made from 100+-year-old Grenache Gris vines 2014 High Plains Rosé Rosé with 90% Cinsault, 10% Mourvedre 2014 Mourvedre Rosé Rosé with Texas-grown Mourvedre grapes 2014 Rubentis Txakolina Lightly effervescent, vibrant rosé, imported by De Maison Selections 2013 Susucaru Skin-fermented rosé with red and white grapes 2013 “La Cueille” Sparkling dry rosé, imported by Kermit Lynch Wine Merchant 2014 Rosé Willamette Valley rosé 2012 Après Coup de Grace White dessert wine – 100% estate grown Blanc du Bois Texas Keeper Cider (Austin) Texas Keeper Cider (Austin) Texas Keeper Cider (Austin) Texas Keeper Cider (Austin) Virtue Cider (Michigan) Virtue Cider (Michigan) Virtue Cider (Michigan) Virtue Cider (Michigan) Virtue Cider (Michigan) Virtue Cider (Michigan) Virtue Cider (Michigan) Martinez Sopena-Hinos (Spain) Isastegi (Basque. Spain) Etienne Dupont (France) Etienne Dupont (France) Etienne Dupont (France) Cidre du Vulcain (Switzerland) Wandering Ængus Cider (Oregon) Argus Cidery (Austin) Argus Cidery (Austin) Argus Cidery (Austin) Argus Cidery (Austin) Hollows & Fentiman's (UK) Hollows & Fentiman's (UK) Cider Weizen Texas Keeper No. 1 GoldRush Golden Russet 2013 Cidre Nouveau The Ledbury The Mitten Lapinette Sidra de Nava Percheron Cidre Fermier The Publican (limit 1) Gobernador Sidra Nutural 2012 Sagardo Naturala Cidre Triple Organic Bouché Brut Cidre Reserve 2013 Trois Pepins 2009/2010 Oaked Dry Ciderkin Ginger Perry 2013 Perennial Tepache Especial Alcoholic Ginger Beer Alcoholic Ginger Beer Fentiman's (Canada) Cherrytree Cola, Curiosity Cola, Dandelion & Burdock, Ginger Beer (nonalcoholic), Victorian Lemonade, Orange Jigger I D E R , PER R Y , TEPACHE, A N D G I N G E R B E E R O D A 750ml 750ml 750ml 750ml 750ml 750ml 750ml 750ml 750ml 750ml 750ml 750ml 750ml 750ml 750ml 750ml 750ml 750ml 750ml 750ml 750ml 750ml 750ml 750ml 750ml 500ml $18.50 $34.00 $13.50 $21.50 $22.50 $21.00 $20.00 $34.00 $44.00 $22.00 $22.00 $22.00 $21.50 $23.50 $21.50 $20.50 $15.50 $17.00 $27.50 $21.00 $22.50 $18.50 $27.50 $24.00 $22.50 $40.00 500ml 750ml 750ml 750ml 750ml 750ml 750ml 750ml 750ml 750ml 750ml 750ml 750ml 750ml 750ml 750ml 750ml 500ml 6x355ml 355ml 750ml 750ml 500ml 8×500ml $11.00 $13.00 $15.00 $17.00 $11.00 $11.00 $19.50 $11.00 $11.00 $19.50 $17.00 $8.50 $12.00 $13.00 $14.50 $21.00 $24.50 $11.50 $12.50 $3.50 $18.00 $12.00 $6.00 $36.00 4×275ml $8.50 - Delicately spiced dry cider with Hallertau hops Dry, unfiltered cider Sparkling, single-varietal cider from tart Gold Rush apples. Dry, tropical, single-varietal cider from Golden Russet Apples Bright, sparkling, dry French-style cider English farmhouse style cider made with Tom Oliver Bourbon barrel aged cider Norman-style cidre brut, aged in oak barrels Tart, lemony Spanish-style cider Barnyardy, full-bodied farmhouse cider Collaboration with Chef Paul Kahan, The Publican—Chicago Spontaneously fermenting Basque cider Traditional Basque cider Wild yeast triple fermented cider Dry Normandy cider made from 100% organic apples Cider aged in Calvados casks Cider made from quince, apple, and pear Oak-aged dry cider with spicy, clove-like notes Dry, light cider with pressed Texas apples Unpasteurized dry pear cider with ginger Sparkling dry cider Sparkling dry pineapple wine Brewed with ginger root, water, sugar, pear juice, & yeast Brewed with ginger root, water, sugar, pear juice, & yeast - S $14.50 $5.50 $13.00 $15.50 $12.00 $12.00 $13.00 $6.00 $11.00 $12.00 $5.50 $8.50 $9.00 $5.00 $7.00 $10.50 $11.00 $11.00 $11.50 $14.50 $15.50 $14.00 $14.50 $15.00 $15.00 $25.50 $15.00 $5.50 $5.50 $5.50 $7.00 $6.50 - Ameztoi Txakolina (Basque, Spain) Donkey & Goat (California) Lewis Wines (Johnson City, TX) Chateau Musar (Lebanon) François Pinon (Loire, France) Puzelat-Bonhomme (Loire, France) Hervé Villemade (Loire, France) La Cruz de Comal (Startzville, TX) Banshee (Sonoma County, CA) Clos Ouvert (Chile) Clos Ouvert (Chile) Clos Ouvert (Chile) Domaine Grand (Jura, France) Hervé Villemade (Loire, France) L&R DuFaitre (Beaujolais, France) Lewis Wines (Johnson City, TX) Perrini (Puglia, Italy) Tami (Sicily, Italy) Donkey & Goat (California) Lewis Wines (Johnson City, TX) Lewis Wines (Johnson City, TX) Ameztoi Txakolina (Basque, Spain) Frank Cornelissen (Sicily, Italy) Patrick Bottex (Bugey, France) Teutonic Wine Co. (Oregon) La Cruz de Comal (Startzville, TX) - C 750ml 330ml 750ml 750ml 750ml 750ml 750ml 330ml 750ml 750ml 330ml 375ml 375ml 330ml 330ml 375ml 330ml 500ml 500ml 750ml 750ml 750ml 750ml 750ml 750ml 1.5 liter 4×330ml 330ml 330ml 330ml 330ml 330ml -
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