ENTRY FORM The B'NAI B'RITH SHALOM MENORAH UNIT 20th ANNUAL JEWISH YOUTH ART COMPETITION 2015 Entrants must complete PART A and PART B for each work to be entered. AGE 11-13 one entry per person. AGE 14-15 up to two entries per person. AGE 16-18 up to two entries inc. Digital. PART A - SHOULD BE COMPLETED, DETACHED AND THEN SECURELY FIXED TO THE WORK (back of painting, base of sculpture, etc.) AND DELIVERED TO THE GLEN EIRA ARTS COMPLEX Cnr. Glen Eira Rd. and Hawthorn Rd. Caulfield. (Refer Conditions of Entry No. 6). PART B - SHOULD BE COMPLETED, DETACHED AND THEN FORWARDED BEFORE 11th JUNE 2015 to: Mrs. Leah Black, 6 Kendall Street, Elwood, Vic., 3184 ENTRIES CLOSE THURSDAY 11h JUNE 2015. Cut here-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------(FIRST ENTRY) PART A (SECOND ENTRY) PART A To be attached to work To be attached to work PLEASE PRINT CLEARLY PLEASE PRINT CLEARLY ARTIST’S SURNAME……………………………………….. FIRST NAME…………………………………………………. ADDRESS……………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………….. TEL. NO. After Hours…………………………………………. DATE of BIRTH…………………………..GRADE………… AGE in years at May 1st 2015………. ………………………… SCHOOL (If applicable)……………………………………….. TITLE of WORK (Optional)………………………………….. ………………………………………………………………….. CATEGORY of WORK (Painting, Sculpture, other medium… …………………………………………………………………... DIMENSIONS…………………………………………………. INDIVIDUAL PICK UP TICK HERE …………. ARTIST’S SURNAME………………………………… FIRST NAME………………………………………….. ADDRESS………………………………………………. …………………………………………………………… TEL. NO. After Hours…………………………………… DATE of BIRTH…………………………GRADE…… AGE in years at May 1st 2015……………………………. SCHOOL (If applicable)………………………………… TITLE of WORK (Optional)…………………………… …………………………………………………………… CATEGORY of WORK (Painting, Sculpture, other med. ……………………………………………………………. DIMENSIONS…………………………………………… INDIVIDUAL PICK UP TICK HERE Cut here Cut here (FIRST ENTRY) PART B To be forwarded to: Mrs. L. Black, 6 Kendall Street, Elwood, Vic., 3184. (SECOND ENTRY) PART B To be forwarded to: Mrs. L. Black 6 Kendall Street, Elwood, Vic., 3184. …………… PLEASE PRINT CLEARLY PLEASE PRINT CLEARLY ARTIST’S SURNAME……………………………………….. ARTIST’S SURNAME……………………………….. FIRST NAME…………………………………………………. FIRST NAME………………………………………….. ADDRESS……………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………….. ADDRESS………………………………………………. …………………………………………………………… TEL. No. After Hours………………………………………….. TEL. No. After Hours……………………………………. DATE of BIRTH…………………………….GRADE………. DATE of BIRTH………………………GRADE………. AGE in years at 1st May 2015…………….……………………. AGE in years at 1st May, 2015………….………………… SCHOOL (If applicable)……………………………………….. SCHOOL (If applicable)…………………………………. TITLE of WORK (Optional)………………………………….. ………………………………………………………………….. TITLE of WORK (Optional)……………………………. ……………………………………………………………. CATEGORY of WORK (Painting, Sculpture, other medium… …………………………………………………………………... DIMENSIONS…………………………………………………. CATEGORY of WORK (Painting, Sculpture, other med. ……………………………………………………………. DIMENSIONS…………………………………………… I have read and accepted the conditions of entry into this Competition I have read and accepted the conditions of entry into this Competition SIGNATURE OF ARTIST……………………………………. SIGNATURE OF ARTIST………………………………. I have read and accepted the conditions of entry into this Competition and confirm that the details concerning the entrant are correct. I have read and accepted the conditions of entry into this Competition and confirm that the details concerning the entrant are correct. SIGNATURE OF PARENT/ART TEACHER ……………………………………………………………………. SIGNATURE OF PARENT/ART TEACHER ………………………………………………………………… 1. ENTRY FORM B'NAI B'RITH SHALOM MENORAH UNIT 20th ANNUAL JEWISH YOUTH ART COMPETITION 2015 Conditions of Entry Categories of Works The Competition is open for original works of artists in the following categories: a) Paintings - including Water Colours, Acrylics, Oils, Pastels, Charcoal, Ink, Pencil etc. b) Sculpture - including a variety of media displayed as free standing artworks. c) Other Media - including Wall Hangings, Collages and other Graphic arts which do not fall into either of the above mentioned categories. (Photographs not accepted). d) Digital – for ages 16-18 only. Prizes in all categories plus: The Morrie Gold Memorial Award, outstanding work on a Jewish theme in any medium and a Scholarship is also available for the student with most potential. 2. Age Categories: 11 to 13 years; 14 to 15 years; 16 to 18 years. 3. Eligibility a) Entrants must be of the Jewish faith, and must not be older than 18 years or younger than 11 years on the 1st of May, 2015. b) All works must have been completed after 1st May 2013. c) All works must be the original work of the entrant. 4. Entry Forms (Names, addresses, tel: nos. to be clearly PRINTED) All fully completed Entry Forms must be returned by no later than Thursday 11th June 2015 to: Mrs. L. Black, 6 Kendall Street, Elwood, Vic., 3184. 5. Conditions for Presentation of Work a) All artwork must be suitably mounted, with cord or wire for hanging, correctly marked and labelled on the back with the label provided with the Entry Form. b) Mounting instructions are set out on a separate sheet which has been provided to your Schools’ Art Department or individually attached. c) Tick on attached Entry Form if you wish to collect your work after the Exhibition, other than school pick-up. d) Artworks should be limited in weight to 10 kilos. 6. Delivery of Works All works must be delivered to: Glen Eira Arts Complex, cnr. Glen Eira Rd. & Hawthorn Rd., Caulfield North on Wednesday 29th July 2015 between 3.30pm and 5pm OR Thursday 30 July between 2pm and 4.30pm. NO LATE ENTRIES WILL BE ACCEPTED. 7. B'nai B'rith Shalom Menorah Unit reserves the right to refuse acceptance of any entry or work. 8. Display of Works The Official Opening and Presentation of Awards will take place on SUNDAY 9th AUGUST at 2pm. Works will be displayed at the Glen Eira Arts Complex from August 5th to 23rd. 9. Collection of Works All work MUST be collected on MON. 24th August, 2015 between 1pm and 5pm. No responsibility will be taken for works left at Glen Eira Arts Complex after that time. 10. The Organisers will not enter into discussion, either verbally or in writing, on any judgement. All works must remain on display for the duration of the Exhibition. 11. The Organisers will exercise all reasonable care in handling of all works, but no responsibility will be taken for loss or damage. 12. The Organisers have the right to photograph work for publicity purposes. 13. The Organisers reserve the right to withhold any prize if the work/works are below considered standards. 14. Further information may be obtained from Leah on 9531 8837 or Rachel on 0408 918 957.
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