JOE FLAHERTY’S DOLPHINS 2015-2016 LESSON FORM Swimmer’s Last Name First Middle Age Street Address City Birth Date M/F Home Phone Number State Mother’s Name Zip Cell Phone Number Work Phone Father’s Name Work Phone E-mail Address (for JFD billing & announcements only) List your preferred coach or comments Name of person who referred you (so they can receive the family referral credit) Summer Swim Team FEES – PAYMENT PLANS PRACTICES PER WEEK (Please Circle One) 1 2 3 $706 $1,216 $1,556 Program Fee: Discount Full Season Lessons $ Ten Week Session 1&2 Session 1 ___ 9/21-11/22 $238 $426 Session 2___11/23-1/31 Twelve Week Session 3 ___ 2/1-5/1 $286 $602 $511 $ $722 $ You will receive 10% off of each additional sibling’s program fee $ $ Annual Registration Fee: Non-Refundable, $50.00 swimmer Total Number of Practices per week: _____ Days (circle) Start Date: ___________ M Tu W Th F Sa 50.00 per $ Su Time: |_____| |_____| |_____| |_____| |_____| |_____| |_____| Circle Location: Quince Orchard We are providing suits for our swimmers who register for a full season. A coupon will be sent to you through the mail Option A: Please make checks payable and send to: Joe Flaherty’s Dolphins, LLC. 16512 Roundabout Dr. Gaithersburg, MD 20878 Or Fax to 301 916-2952 Or call 301-916-1852 with any questions! Email [email protected] Payment Options: (Circle One) Option A – Check (Please write your child's name on the check) Option B – Credit Card additional 4% service charge Please Charge My Credit Card: __ Visa __ MasterCard __Am. Express __ Discover Account Number: __________________________________________ Exp. Date: _____________ Code ________ Signature: ________________________________________________________ Date: _____________ Skill Level by Swimmer Name of Swimmer Child #1 Child #2 Child #3 Age as of 6/15/14 Goes under water Yes No Yes No Yes No Can float & kick Yes No Yes No Yes No Stroke Experience None Learning Legal None Side Breathing Backstroke Breaststroke Butterfly C:\Users\Tim\Desktop\2015-2016 LESSON REGISTRATION FORM.doc 4/24/2015 Learning Legal None Learning Legal Child’s Last__________________ Child’s First___________________ Circle: Team Clinic Lesson EMERGENCY MEDICAL INFORMATION, LIABILITY RELEASE AND INDEMNIFICATION I, the undersigned participant and parent, request voluntary participation for minor to participate in all events, which are hereinafter referred to as the “activities.” This agreement is valid while the participant is a member of Joe Flaherty’s Dolphins, LLC. I consent to my/minor’s participation in the activities and acknowledge that the minor and I fully understand that my/minor’s participation may involve risk of serious injury or death, including losses which may result not only from my/minor’s own actions, inactions or negligence, but also from the actions, inactions, or negligence of others, the condition of the facilities, equipment, or areas where the event or activity is being conducted, and/or the rules of play of this type of event or activity. I understand that if I have any concerns about the risk, I should discuss them with the activity coordinators and event staff, before I sign this document and before the activity begins. Release – Minor’s Rights: In consideration of allowing Minor Participant to participate in the activities, I hereby release and hold harmless Joe Flaherty’s Dolphins, LLC, employees, volunteers, other participants, and agents (collectively, the “Released Parties”), of and from, and do discharge and waive, any and all claims, demands, losses, damages, and liabilities that Minor Participant may have or sustain with respect to any and all damage and/or injury, of any type, arising out of his or her participating in the activities. I also agree that if any portion of this agreement is held to be invalid the balance, notwithstanding, shall continue in full force and effect. (Print name of minor) (Signature of minor) (Date) _______________________________ ____________________________ _______________ Release – Parents’/Guardians’ Rights: In consideration of allowing Minor Participant to participate in Joe Flaherty’s Dolphins, LLC Swimming events, I hereby release and hold harmless the Released Parties, of and from, and do discharge and waive, any and all claims, demands, losses, damages, and liabilities that I may have or sustain with respect to any and all damage and/or injury, of any type, arising from Minor Participant’s participation in the activities. I also agree that if any portion of this agreement is held to be invalid the balance, notwithstanding, shall continue in full force and effect. I certify that my/minor is in good health and have no physical condition that would prevent participation in this activity. I consent to emergency medical treatment in the event such care is required. (Print name of Parent/Guardian) (Signature of parent) (Date) _______________________________ ____________________________ _______________ Indemnification by Parent/Guardian: The undersigned parent/guardian further agrees to indemnify, save and hold harmless the Released Parties from any and all claims, demands, losses, damages and liabilities for indemnities, contribution or otherwise with respect to any damage and/or injury, of any type, arising from Minor Participant’s participation in the activities. (Print name of Parent/Guardian) (Signature of parent) (Date) _______________________________ ____________________________ _______________ In the event of illness, accident or injury, permission is granted to have _________________________ treated by a physician. Please note that our child is allergic to the following medications: ___________________________________ Please note that our child has the following health conditions: ________________________________________ Emergency contact if parents cannot be reached (Names, Relationship, and Phone Numbers) Name________________________ Relationship_________________________ Phone _______________ Medical Insurance Carrier __________________________________ Policy #: _____________________ Group # _____________(if applicable) I give my permission for JFD to be photographed with the potential for use on JFD website and promotional material Signature of Parent or Legal Guardian: _________________________________________________ Phone _______________________ C:\Users\Tim\Desktop\2015-2016 LESSON REGISTRATION FORM.doc 4/24/2015 (date) _______________
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