Likeness & Differences: Comparing & Contrasting North Carolina with Mexico Unit by Nicole Emmert & Tyson Pentecost The fourth grade curriculum objectives addressed in this unit are NC Social Studies Competency Goals 2.02, 4.02, 5.01, and 5.02. These goals address immigration, religion, holidays, cultural traditions, art, and music in North Carolina. In this unit, we will incorporate higher order thinking skills by providing experiences where students can compare NC to another country, which will provide an understanding of multiple cultures in relation to their own. While this unit may specifically focus on the fourth grade curriculum, this unit could easily be tweaked to address the multi-cultural goals of each grade level school-wide. To successfully create and implement this unit, my study tour partner and I will use resources we gathered in Mexico & resources at school including information, artifacts, and photographs about music, art, religion, and celebrations. The unit topic is “How does NC culture compare to the Yucatan and Maya cultures of Mexico?” Some of the objectives include: K-5 Lesson One: Write a story or discuss with a partner the details of where you would go and what you would do if you visited Mexico in the Yucatan or Maya region. K-5 Lesson Two: Using Venn diagrams, contrast and compare art/architecture made in Mexico to art/architecture made in NC. K-5 Lesson Three: When listening to traditional Yucatan/Maya music and then traditional NC music, write in different colors the words to describe the music. K-1: A fun learning experience well-established in our school is “Christmas Around the World” for K-1 students. What my study partner and I gain from this study tour would be contributed to that learning experience with “Christmas Around the World.” Pretend your family is visiting in Mexico over a holiday, illustrate decorations you would take to Mexico to celebrate in your traditional way; then, draw decorations from Mexico you would bring home with you that you do not already have to help you celebrate the holidays. Professional Development for Person County School Teachers (K-12): Share experiences with fellow teachers about our experiences in Mexico. Stress the importance of professional collaboration and rejuvenation. Encourage teachers to participate in traveling/learning opportunities. LESSON # 1 (Tweaked for K-‐5 classes as developmentally appropriate) Essential Question: How does NC culture compare to the Yucatan and Maya cultures of Mexico? Lesson Question: Where would you choose to go and what would you choose to do if you visited Mexico in the Yucatan or Maya region? What do students need to learn to be able to answer the Essential Question? *Location of Mexico and Yucatan & Maya regions *Important cities *Historical landmarks of the regions *Possible activities in Mexico Activating Strategy: Talk with a partner about places you have visited. Locate on a map/globe various locations people have been. Key vocabulary to preview: Mexico, Maya, Yucatan, Peninsula, culture Teaching Strategies: multimedia presentation, group discussions, Graphic Organizer: Note taking sheet: Students write/draw/jot down notes about what they liked/did not like about my travel experiences. Instruction: Share pictures from travel experience in Mexico. Discuss what I enjoyed and found challenging about Mexico. Assignment: Write a story or discuss with a partner the details of where you would go and what you would do if you visited Mexico in the Yucatan or Maya regions. Summarizing Strategy: Students share their story/ideas with peers. LESSON #2 Essential Question: How does NC culture compare to the Yucatan and Maya cultures of Mexico? Lesson Question: How does Mexico’s art and architecture compare to North Carolina’s art and architecture? What do students need to learn to be able to answer the Essential Question? *What Mexican/Yucatan/Mayan art & architecture look like *What NC art & architecture look like Activating Strategy: Look at books borrowed from all PCS libraries of Mexican art/architecture Key vocabulary to preview: Mexico, Maya, Yucatan, Peninsula, culture, art, architecture Teaching Strategies: Multimedia presentation; Printed resources for exploration Graphic Organizer: Venn Diagram Instruction: After students have time to peruse books, do a search-‐and-‐find activity for certain common elements in Mexican art and architecture. Assignment: Using Venn diagrams, contrast and compare art/architecture made in Mexico to art/architecture made in NC. Summarizing Strategy: Throughout all classes, complete two Venn Diagrams comparing art and architecture in the two locations. Post diagrams where they are visible for entire school. LESSON # 3 Essential Question: How does NC culture compare to the Yucatan and Maya cultures of Mexico? Lesson Question: How does music/dancing from Mexico and the United States compare? What do students need to learn to be able to answer the Essential Question? *What traditional NC music sounds like *What traditional Mexican music sounds like *colors related to emotion Activating Strategy: Given one minute, students pair up and sing bits of their all-‐time favorite songs. Key vocabulary to preview: music, rhythm, feel, tradition Teaching Strategies: audio/visual examples, whole group instruction, artistic interpretation Graphic Organizer: color words about the music; combine students color words into charts about traditional Mexican music and American music Instruction: Listen to various traditional music from the areas; Watch dance videos from two areas Assignment: When listening to traditional Yucatan/Maya music and then traditional NC music, write in different colors the words to describe the music. Summarizing Strategy: Compare people’s various responses (color words); What are the tends and common themes in how people interpreted/related to the music? LESSON #4 Essential Question: How does NC culture compare to the Yucatan and Maya cultures of Mexico? What do students need to learn to be able to answer the Essential Question? Basic ways winter holidays are celebrated in America & Mexico Activating Strategy: Popcorn Recognition: I say or show picture of usual American decoration/way of celebrating Christmas, students stand/raise hand to show they celebrate in that way also. Key vocabulary to preview: culture, decorations, holiday traditions, similarities, differences, respect Teaching Strategies: video of typical Mexican winter celebrations Graphic Organizer: Pictograph Bingo cards & flashcards Instruction: Show traditional decorations and explain traditional ways of celebrating Christmas in Mexico Assignment: Pretend your family is visiting in Mexico over a holiday, illustrate decorations you would take to Mexico to celebrate in your traditional way OR draw decorations from Mexico you would bring home with you that you do not already have to help you celebrate the holidays. Summarizing Strategy: Line up based on whether you would choose to celebrate Christmas in America or Mexico this year. Share your reasons why with someone in the opposing group. Professional Development Session Essential Question: How can travel improve my teaching? What do teachers need to learn to be able to answer the Essential Question? Benefits of professional travel; Hearing personal experiences & evaluating if this is something that person is interested in Activating Strategy: Write on a sticky note about a place you have traveled to and what you learned from that experience that you never expected to experience. Stick the sticky note on the map/globe near that location. Key vocabulary to preview: Teaching Strategies: Sharing electronic links to various opportunities; Multimedia presentation; Sharing personal experiences in small groups Graphic Organizer: Globe/map postings Instruction: Teachers share learning experiences via professional travel opportunities. Assignment: Explore possibilities for professional travel. Apply for opportunity if so desired. Summarizing Strategy: Pros & Cons chart of professional travel
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