Water Is Life Pamphlet

A Summary of the Facts:
The Problem,
The Need,
The Solution.
Water is Life
Improve the quality of your life
simply through the
quality of your drinking water.
Hello Friends:
I have traveled around the world and I know the
importance of having access to safe, good-tasting drinking
water. I became aware of the health-threatening
contaminates that can reside in the water we drink here
in the United State of America and got very interested in
the problem.
The health and well being of my family and friends is of
major importance to me, so I began to look for ways to
fulfill the need and went to work on a solution to create
products that ensure the safety and quality of the water
we drink, anytime, anywhere.
That was over 40 years ago and am still at it because the
problem still exists.
Be aware and be prepared.
Yours in Christ,
Carl Palmer
Innovator and Founder
Seychelle Water Filtration
This concise overview was written for those who have ever questioned the quality
of their drinking water—and for those who should. It is dedicated to everyone
who is concerned about the health-threatening contaminates that may be present
in our government regulated municipal drinking water and are seeking a viable
solution to a serious problem
The quality of your drinking water
directly affects your health
Quote from Robert Jones, NASA astronaut and 3 time
cancer survivor:
“I have reviewed the laboratory test results of Carl Palmers’
filters and found that 99.9% of contaminants were removed to
provide healthy water for human consumption. Mr. Palmers’
innovation will benefit humankind, where contaminants are
present in the water and at the same time his pH water
filtration system will help reduce the illness such as cancer as
well as other conditions. I am living proof.”
Pure alkaline
Nectar for Life
Water the way it was intended!
Because of what we take out (contaminates)
Because of what we leave in (trace minerals)
Your Body of Water
What do you really know about the quality of your water and the
direct effects on your health? Water is essential for life. Water is
the most important nutrient we consume, every day of our lives.
Your body is approximately 70% water
You should drink 8 or more glasses of quality water per day.
Water helps maintain proper muscle tone; prevents
dehydration, improves skin tone, texture and resilience; rids
the body of waste; relieves constipation; increases energy
levels; suppresses appetite naturally; metabolizes stored fat;
maintains body weight; and supports good health!
• 1% deficiency in the body’s water makes us thirsty.
• 5% deficit causes a slight fever.
• 8% shortage causes the glands to stop producing saliva
and the skin to turn blue.
• 10% deprives a person of the ability to walk;
• 12% deficiency is fatal.
“By the gift of water you nourish and sustain us and
all living things.”
- Lutheran Services baptismal rite
Fact: There is NO New Water
Water is constantly circulating from the earth to the atmosphere and back again. This is
accomplished by the heat of the sun and pull of the earth’s gravity. Water evaporates from
lakes, streams, rivers and oceans as vapor. Vapor condenses and returns back to earth as
rain, snow, mist and fog. This phenomenon is known as the hydrological cycle. Without it,
life would not exist
The second that water comes back to earth, as the world’s greatest solvent it starts
accumulating particles of almost everything it touches. The more knowledge that we gain
on pollution and contamination, and their specific effects on our health, the better
decisions we can make regarding processes, products, and solutions!
Combine man, population growth, human waste, dumpsites-add agriculture with
pesticides, fertilizers and animal waste PLUS industry which creates hydrocarbons, toxic
chemicals and rain and you have POLLUTION!
The EPA has issued drinking water standards or Maximum
Contaminant Levels (MCLs) for more than 90 contaminants.
Cities, states, and governments do all they can to safeguard our
drinking water… and the problem still persists.
Is your drinking water safe from
contaminants and pollutants?
According to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA):
“Microbiological and chemical contaminants can enter water supplies. These
materials can be the result of human activity or can be found in nature. For
instance, chemicals can migrate from disposal sites and contaminate sources of
drinking water. Animal wastes and pesticides may be carried to lakes and streams
by rainfall runoff or snow melt. Human wastes may be discharged to receiving
waters that ultimately flow to water bodies used for drinking water. Coliform
bacteria from human and animal wastes may be found in drinking water if the
water is not properly treated or disinfected. These bacteria are used as indicators
that other harmful organisms may be in the water…we can no longer take our
drinking water for granted.”
As reported by the EPA:
•Drinking water, including bottled
water, may reasonably be expected
to contain at least small amounts
of some contaminants.
•The presence of contaminants
does not necessarily indicate that
water poses a health risk.
•EPA sets standards for
approximately 90 contaminants
and indicators in drinking water.
•The presence of indicators at a
level outside of specified limits may
reflect a problem in the treatment
process or in the integrity of the
distribution system.
For more information see EPA Publication
Water on Tap: A Consumer’s Guide to the
Nation’s Drinking Water.
Why filter your drinking water?
The Zones of Drinking Water Contamination
The A, B, C, D, R and pH of drinking water:
Aesthetic – offensive tastes, odors, chlorine, silt, sand, and
Biological – harmful microscopic pathogens such as
Cryptosporidium, Giardia , and other cysts and spores.
Chemical - industrial VOC’s (Volatile Organic Compounds),
PBC’s, THM’s (Trihalomethanes), detergents; Agricultural
SOC’s (Synthetic Organic Compounds), pesticides, DDT, etc.
Dissolved Solids – harmful heavy metals such as Aluminum,
Arsenic, Asbestos, Cadmium, Chromium 6, Fluorides, Copper,
Lead, Mercury, etc.
Radiological – Gross Beta, Radon 222, Radium 226, Plutonium,
Uranium, Cesium 134 & 137, Radioactive Iodine 131.
pH - Acidic (0-7) Neutral (7) Alkaline (7-14)
What is healthy?
Our body systems are in a continual state of
fine adjustment.
Each system has an ideal range for optimal
health and vitality.
Some of the systems we are commonly
familiar with are:
Blood pressure 120/80
• Hypertension
• Hypotension
Weight – varies
• Obesity
• Anorexia
Blood Sugar – varies
• Diabetes
• Hypoglycemia
Temperature 98.6
• Fever
• Hypothermia
Most of us never consider the acid/alkaline balance of
our blood, but a proper pH is a crucial aspect to health.
Many doctors stress the importance of pH because a
balanced pH protects us from the inside out. Disease
and disorder, they say, cannot take root in a body whose
pH is in balance.
Why pH is Crucial to Health?
It is an imbalance of acidity and alkalinity that allows unhealthy
organisms to flourish, damages tissues and organs and
compromises the immune system.
So what is proper pH?
What we call pH is short for the potential of hydrogen. It is a
measure of the acidity or alkalinity of our body’s fluids and
tissues. It is measured on a scale from 0 to 14. The more acidic a
solution is, the lower its pH. The more alkaline, the higher the
number is.
A pH of 7 is perfectly neutral. The healthiest pH is one that is
slightly alkaline. Optimally, we want a pH of 7.365. This number
will fluctuate throughout the day, but the normal range is
between 6 and 7.5.
What affects pH?
Normally, the kidneys maintain our electrolyte levels, those of
calcium, magnesium, potassium and sodium. When we are
exposed to acidic substances, these electrolytes are used to
combat acidity. High degrees of acidity force our bodies to rob
minerals from the bones, cells, organs and tissues. Cells end up
lacking enough minerals to properly dispose of waste or
oxygenate completely. Vitamin absorption is compromised by
mineral loss. Toxins and pathogens accumulate in the body and
the immune system becomes suppressed.
What causes acidity in your body?
Alcohol and drug use
Antibiotic overuse
Artificial sweeteners
Chronic stress
Declining nutrient levels in foods due to industrial farming
Low levels of fiber in the diet
Lack of exercise
Excess animal meats in the diet (from non-grass fed sources)
Excess hormones from foods, health and beauty products and
Exposure to chemicals and radiation from household cleansers,
building materials, computers, cell phones and microwaves
Food coloring and preservatives
Pesticides and herbicides
Poor chewing and eating habits
Processed and refined foods
Shallow Breathing
What are the effects of acidity on health?
Allergies, asthma and congestion
Frequent colds
Joint and muscle pain
Skin problems
Weight gain
“The natural environment of our lives directly
affects the health of our lives. Therefore,
everything we take within, all food or water, will
positively affect the future health of mankind.” –
Over the long term, acidosis can lead to:
• Arthritis
• Cancer
• Diabetes
• Fibromyalgia
• Heart disease
• Multiple Sclerosis
• Osteoporosis
• Stroke
**Seychelle’s proprietary Ph2OPURE filter enhances the alkalinity of source
water up to 9.5pH range. Actual pH reading after filtration will vary.
**Seychelle’s proprietary Ph2OPURE filter enhances the alkalinity of source
water up to 9.5pH range. Actual pH reading after filtration will vary.
So what …
We would do well to have concern for, or at least to take interest
in, our typical daily ingestion of liquids like cola, tea and coffee,
which contribute to the health risks associated with an acidic
Below we offer a simple diagram to demonstrate the impact these
three common beverages, tea, coffee or a cola drink, have on the
body’s pH. In general terms we’ll say the body is slightly alkaline at
7 to 14
0 to 7
Alkalinity(compared to pure H2O)
500 times
100 times
10 times
Pure Water - H2O*
-10 times more alkaline
5 tea
-100 times more alkaline
4 coffee
-1,000 times more alkaline
3 cola drink -10,000 times more alkaline
Notice tea, coffee and cola drinks have a “negative”
alkalinity ranging from 100 to 10,000 times the acidity
of neutral water.
Compare that to the “positive” alkalinity of the
pH2OPURE water at 8.5pH** is 500,000 times more
alkaline than cola!!!
As noted on the chart on the previous page, It takes 20 parts
of alkalinity to neutralize 1 part acidity in the body!
**Seychelle’s proprietary Ph2OPURE filter enhances the alkalinity of source
water up to 9.5pH range. Actual pH reading after filtration will vary.
Why Alkaline Water?
Read what researchers and experts have been
saying for years about water, pH & good health.
Alkaline Water
The best water for you and your family.
“You Are Not Sick, You Are Thirsty”
Dr. F. Batmanghelidj M.D.
“You Are Not Sick, You Are Thirsty”
Dr. F. Batmanghelidj M.D.
Neutralize the free radicals
Dr. Sang Whang “Reverse Aging”
Flush out he toxins
Daniel Reid “Detox” – The Universal Cure
The Battle For Health Is Over pH: Life and Death Hangs in the
Balance By Gary Tunsky
“I have found that drinking alkaline water is the quickest and most
effective way to change the body’s pH and reverse Acidosis,
dehydration, and free radical damage. Alkaline water will hydrate,
detoxify, and oxygenate your body’s cells and act as a liquid antioxidant
to neutralize harmful free radicals.”p71
The Acid Alkaline Balance Diet By Felicia Drury Kliment
“That the injury of the arterial was by acid particles is the major cause
of high blood pressure is strongly indicated by the clinical studies of Dr.
Kancho Kuninaha, who successfully lowered the blood pressure of
many of his patients with alkaline water. “ p5
The Acid-Alkaline Food Guide
By Dr. Susan E. Brown and Larry Trivieri, Jr.
“….the importance of maintaining proper acid-alkaline balance is not
a new concept. In fact, it has been written about in medical
textbooks for more than a century. Only in the last few years has the
concept of chronic, low-grade acidosis started to make its way into
the public at large…”
“….each minute of every day the body’s metabolic processes produce enormous quantities
of acid even though, in order to do their jobs properly, the cells and tissues require a slightly
alkaline environment. Therefore, in order to maintain its health, the body must neutralize
or excrete the vast majority of acids that it produces on a minute-to-minute basis. Healthy
bodies maintain a narrow range of pH blood and tissue balance is one of the most essential
elements of optimal health, while imbalances between acid and alkaline compounds are
certain signs that the body is in danger of becoming unhealthy and increasingly susceptible
to disease.”
Clean Remove, Restore, Rejuvenate By Alejandro Junger, M.D. with Amely Greeven
“Seventy percent of the Earth’s surface is water; our bodies are also seventy
percent water. It is one of the essentials of life. Without enough water, the cells
cannot function properly. Water is essential for detoxification, because our
bodies eliminate most waste products with the help of water—in urine, in
feces, which need enough hydration to move, and also in sweat. Most people
today are dehydrated not only from not drinking enough water, but also
because many foods and drinks, especially caffeinated ones, soda and alcohol,
have a dehydrating effect.
The Ultimate pH Solution: Balance Your Body Chemistry to Prevent Disease and Lose
Weight By Michelle Schoffro Cook, DNM, DAc
“It can be difficult to find alkaline water from traditional sources, let alone water
that will have a significant alkalinizing effect on our body. And yet alkaline water
gives us tremendous health benefits. … The quest for pure, alkaline water has led
to considerable growth in the water filtration industry – and considerable growth
in unscrupulous products, gimmicks, and schemes as well. No filter will remove
every contaminate. Specific filtration technologies tend to focus on a certain type
of water problem. Some are better at removing inorganic pollutants, such as heavy
metals and chemicals, while other are more effective on organics intruders, such
as viruses and bacteria. …It is important to do your homework to find the best
option for your water needs.”
“Kick acid out of our body for lasting vitality!”
The Acid-Alkaline Diet For Optimum Health. Restore Your Health by Creating pH
Balance in Your Diet By Christopher Vasey, N. D
“Enzymes are the little ‘workers’ responsible for a large
number of biochemical transformation that are necessary to
physical function. Digestion, assimilation, growth, tissue
repair, elimination, energy production, and more all
dependent on the activity of enzymes.
When the body is dehydrated, it becomes acidified with
substances it has created itself.”p124
Water Fit to Drink By Carol Keough
“As Americans, we have always been a little smug about our
water. The first question we ask a travel agent before setting
foot on foreign shore is “Is the water safe to drink?” “But we
have little reason to be smug. Our water is fast becoming a
national scandal [Published in 1980]. Congress is grappling
with the problem of how to protect, or at least compensate,
people victimized by industrial poisons – buried decades ago-that have leached into local water supplies.”
Now, how do we provide an effective,
efficient, convenient, inexpensive way to
safeguard the water for you and your family?
**Seychelle’s proprietary Ph2OPURE filter enhances the alkalinity of source
water up to 9.5pH range. Actual pH reading after filtration will vary.
Seychelle is dedicated to providing quality, effective, affordable pointof-use filtered products to protect you and your family. We have a full
line of products for household, travel, and outdoor recreation.
What we know
Water IS a basic necessity of life; Every BODY needs water.
Our bodies are 65-75% water; water regulates body functions.
Dehydration (lack of hydrating water) kills the body.
There is no NEW water. Water picks up contaminates as it travels.
The government cannot keep up with regulating water pollutants that
degrade our municipal water supply.
75% of the water we drink in our lifetime we drink away from home.
Clean drinking water is better than contaminated water.
Filtration is a reliable method of contaminate removal.
Portable filtration is essential with 75% of our time away from home.
Water matters.
The quality of water matters.
The choice is yours.
Tested and trusted for two decades!
Those who know, choose
Our filter system reduces or removes contaminates such as
chlorine, improving taste and odor; chemicals including
volatile organic compounds (VOC’s) such as pesticides,
insecticides DDT and Benzene, micro-organisms such as
giardia, cryptosporidium and E-coli; and heavy metals such as
lead, fluoride, cadmium, mercury, arsenic, zinc and
chromium 6; and nuclear contaminates such as Gross Beta,
Radon 222, Radium 226, Plutonium, Uranium, Strontium,
Cesium 134 & 137 and Radioactive Iodine 131.
For yourself and your health, simply hydrate with the highest
quality drinking water you can, free from contaminates.
Seychelle pH2OPURE provides a convenient, affordable,
reliable way to have safe alkaline drinking water**,
anywhere, anytime there is a source of tap water.
**Seychelle’s proprietary Ph2OPURE filter enhances the alkalinity of source
water up to 9.5pH range. Actual pH reading after filtration will vary.
Currently available in our 28oz Bottle and our NEWEST Water Pitcher.
reduces and removes contaminates,
including RAD, and naturally
enhances the alkalinity of
tap water to 9.5pH**
Tested and Trusted, Seychelle, the best
kept secret in drinking water.
**Seychelle’s proprietary Ph2OPURE filter enhances the alkalinity of source
water up to 9.5pH range. Actual pH reading after filtration will vary.
Proven results: The most field and laboratory tested product of it’s kind with over 6 million sold!
Potential Health Effects per EPA
Reduction %
A) Volitile Organic Compounds
Carbon Tetrachloride
1.1-1.2-1.4 Dichlorovenzenes
1.1-1.2 Dichloroethane
1.1-1.2 Dichloroethylene
1.1.1-1.1.2 Trichloroethane
Trichloroethylene (TCE)
Total Xylenes
Dibromochloropane (DBCP)
Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCB)
4.4 DDD and DDT
Vinyl Chloride
Muscle, nervous system damage, cancer
Muscle, nervous system damage, cancer
Cancer, leukemia, anemia
Muscle, nervous system damage, cancer
Liver, kidney, nervous system damage
Muscle, nervous system damage, cancer
Liver, kidney, lung damage, cancer
Liver, kidney, nervous system damage
Liver, kidney, nervous system damage
Liver, kidney, nervous system damage
Liver, kidney, nervous system damage
Liver, kidney, nervous system damage
Liver, kidney, lung, mucous membranes
Pending study
Nervous system damage, cancer
Liver, kidney
Reproductive system damage, cancer
Endocrine disrupter, cancer
Liver, immune system, nerve damage
B) Inorganics
Nitrates &Nitrites
Chlorine Risidual
Radon 222
Total Suspended Solids
Respiratory, nervous system disorders
Skin, nervous system disorders
Kidney Damage
Liver, kidney, circulatory system
Gastroenteric diseases
Highly toxic to infants and in pregnancy
Kidney, nervous system
Spleen hemorrhage, diuresis
Cancer, birth defects
Interferes with disinfection
C) Microbiological Organisms
E. Coli
Gastroenteric diseases
Gastroenteric diseases
Gastroenteric diseases
D) Radionuclides
Alpha Radium 226
Gross Beta
Radon 222
Cesium 124 & 137
Increased risk of cancer
Increased risk of cancer
Increased risk of cancer
Increased risk of cancer, kidney toxicity
Increased risk of cancer, kidney toxicity
Increased risk of cancer
Opinions Vary
We want to thank all who have come before us who have taken the
interest and the time to discuss, research and discover what may be
one of the major keys to human health, clean, naturally alkaline
drinking water with a pH up to 9.5pH.
We are not health practitioners or experts in health care. We make
no claims that the publicly available information contained in this
presentation are fact; but strongly believe that clean water that is
naturally alkaline is good for hydration and health and this is why we
have developed our new pH2OPURE product line.
We hope you will consider the information we’ve outlined, along with
all the other information available about human health, vitality, and
longevity when forming your own opinion. Please consult your health
care professional to treat or cure any ailment you may have.
We wish you a healthy, prosperous and full life.
God Bless,
Carl Palmer
& the Seychelle Team
Seychelle Environmental Technologies | 32963 Calle Perfecto, San Juan Capistrano, CA USA
A Man with a Mission
Carl Palmer has been involved in the
water filtration industry for over four
decades. During that time he has had
one, and only one mission, “to
improve the quality of life though the
quality of drinking water…for all
mankind…across the globe.”
Experience Counts
Carl Palmer is the founder, inventor, principal and driving force behind Seychelle
Water Filtration, which uses his patented Ionic Adsorption Micro Filtration (IAMF)
process to remove contaminates from drinking water.
Mr. Palmer has earned international acclaim with the first application of reverse
osmosis for residential and office use. Many of his enterprises, having had
significant impact throughout the world, have been acquired by major, publiclyheld corporations, including Coca-Cola, Shaklee and AMF Cuno.
”The products and statements made about specific pH products manufactured by
Seychelle Water Filtration have not been evaluated by the United States Food and
Drug Administration (FDA) and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent
disease. All information provided in literature or on the company web site; or any
information contained on or in any product label or packaging is for informational
purposes only and is not intended as a substitute for advice from your physician or
other health care professional. You should not use any of this information for diagnosis
or treatment of any health problem. Always consult with a healthcare professional
before starting any new program if you have or suspect you might have a health
The types of people who buy and use
our products:
Those concerned about the taste, order and quality of
their drinking water.
Those who travel worldwide.
Those who pursue an active lifestyle.
Those who are concerned about survival.
Those who question the quality of their bottled water.
Those concerned about the environment.
Those concerned about radiological effects on their
Those concerned about their pH.
Seychelle Water Filtration
32963 Calle Perfecto
San Juan Capistrano CA 92675
Seychelle Environmental Technologies, Inc. [OT:SYEV]