JLTASA PO Box 3065 Unley 5061 South Australia ABN- 30248708122 [email protected] Japanese Language Teachers’ Association of South Australia Annual Japanese Language Teachers’ Conference 2015 2015 “美 Japan (Be Japan)” Celebrating the art and culture of beautiful Japan Saturday 9 May Education Development Centre, Hindmarsh 10.00am to 4.45pm Networking Dinner “Ginza” Japanese Restaurant 5:30pm for 6:00pm start Participation certificates with appropriate National Standards for Teachers covered by Conference workshops will be provided for participants Please register by Wednesday 29 April, 2015 10:00am Registration & Morning Tea 10:30 – 11:15am Welcome & Administration 11:15am – 11:45am Keynote Address: Co de Presenter 1A The Japan Foundation Cathy Jonak PROGRA MME Browsing many Japanese language education resources and networking with colleagues ボディーをうごかしましょう! Russell Kelty 〜美術館の「美」〜 “Bijutsukan” no “Bi” 11:45am – 12:45pm Session One Worksh op Title (P = Primary, M = Middle, S = Senio r Secondary) び じゅつ 美 術 [Art] in the Japanese Classroom (P /M ) This workshop explores Intercultural Language Learning through the “Art Speaks Japanese” resource kit. The workshop will focus on activities relevant to middle years students. 1B MCJLE Anne de Kretser Be Prepared for the Australian Curriculum (P ) 1C Sun Kim Bright Ideas for In Depth Study (S) 1D Yuhiko Fujiwara Be Zen….Not the Pottery! (P /M/ S) This session will examine the elements and features of the Primary section of the F-10 Sequence of the Australian Curriculum: LanguagesJapanese. Teachers will discover what is new, challenging and familiar. An approach to planning will be explained as teachers are given time to discuss planning with colleagues. This workshop introduces a wide range of IDS topics that give more connections to students' tertiary study or future career. Share experiences about how to encourage students, from choosing the right topic to completing their IDS assessment without procrastinating. The session will consist of sitting meditation and interactive talk about Zen embedded in Japanese life/culture. 1E Laura Carrington Blogging (P /M/ S) 1F Trish Takahashi Books in the Japanese Classroom (P ) Co de Presenter 2A The Japan Foundation Cathy Jonak Discover how to use blogging as a tool for online assessment and promotion. Students can create their own blog or collaborate in a class blog to share their studies of Japanese with the school community. This workshop introduces the series, “Rokunin no Tomodachi” and provides ideas and strategies for maximising the use of the readers in the Japanese classroom. 12:45pm – 1:45pm Lunch 1:45pm – 2:45pm Ses sion Two Worksh op Title (P = Primary, M = Middle, S = Senio r Secondary) び じゅつ 美 術 [Art] in the Japanese Classroom (S) This workshop explores Intercultural Language Learning through the “Art Speaks Japanese” resource kit. The workshop will focus on activities relevant to senior secondary students. 2B MCJLE Anne de Kretser Be Prepared for the Australian Curriculum (M/S) 2C Sun Kim Bopping to J-Pop: Songs for the Senior Japanese Classroom (S) 2D Katie Chandler べんりなリゾース、つくろう! (P /M) 2E Kirsty Jeffree & Laura Carrington Ayako Uchikawa Bento (P /M) 2F Co de Presenter 3A The Japan Foundation Tomoko Semba 3B MCJLE Anne de Kretser * BYO zabu ton /cu shi on This session will examine the elements and features of the middle years section of the F-10 Sequence of the Australian Curriculum: Languages-Japanese. Teachers will discover what is new, challenging and familiar. An approach to planning will be explained as teachers are given time to discuss planning with colleagues. This workshop introduces various Japanese songs to help high school students to understand SACE Japanese grammar with ease as well as to enhance SACE Japanese vocabulary. Come along, sing together using particles, て form, ない form, potential form, and more. A hands-on, collaborative workshop to create teaching resources, such as high frequency word lists and repeat sentence structure cards, within AC Japanese F-10 Sequence. *P arti cipan ts pleas e br ing own ICT devi ces. Discover how to use 'Bento' as a theme for a cross-curriculum project involving making an obento box in Technology, Japanese obento food in Home Economics and describing it using the Japanese language. Brush Strokes (P ) Participants will be treated to an example of a primary school lesson on shodo (calligraphy), including an explanation of how to hold the brush and draw characters and also an introduction to sumi-e. 2:45pm – 3:15pm Afternoon Tea 3:15pm – 4:15pm Sessio n Three Worksh op Title (P = Primary, M = Middle, S = Senior Seco ndary) Bringing the Japan Foundation to Your Classroom (P/ M/ S) In this hands-on session we will explore the website and find materials relevant to your students. * P leas e bri ng yo ur o wn d evice. Building Skills for Senior Japanese (S) Often teachers and students focus on content and language acquisition only; however, a key to success in the senior levels in language learning skills. This session will explore language learning and examination skills necessary for students to navigate real life language exchanges such as listening, speaking, reading and writing skills as well as dealing with unfamiliar language and using time management 3C Skye Baldacchino & Alysha Milani Blitzing Hiragana (P /M) 3D Hiroshi Haga Behaviour Management (M) 3E Rob Ruediger Bonsai (P /M/ S) 3F Catherine Emmerson Be Tech Savvy (M/S) In a workshop where you are in the shoes of your students to learn, play and experience hiragana teaching, you will also have the chance to share with others your own methods for teaching hiragana. The activities can easily be applied to katakana and kanji teaching too! Instant classroom teaching ideas to use next lesson to help your students blitz hiragana! Behaviour management is one of the most important skills to enhance students' learning outcomes. This workshop will give you some ideas to create a happy, meaningful learning environment for middle school students. This will be a bilingual workshop, in which participants will learn how to create bonsai and explore some ways they can be used in the classroom. This session shows you some good ways to use technology to deepen and personalise student learning such as ‘Office Mix’ and ‘Padlet’. This can be used in class with your students or to ‘flip’ your classroom. 4:15pm – 4:45pm Raffle & Conference Cl ose 5:30-6.00pm Meet for Dinner at Ginza (48 Unley Road, Unley)
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