Journal of Novel Applied Sciences Available online at ©2015 JNAS Journal-2014-4-3/394-403 ISSN 2322-5149 ©2015 JNAS Examination of Mercury concentration in the hair, milk and Saliva mothers, and relation to number of dental amalgam filling and mother feeding Sanaz Khammar1*, Alireza Pourkhabbaz1 and Reza Dahmardeh Behrooz2 1- Department of Environmental Sciences, Faculty of Natural Resources and Environmental, University of Birjand, Birjand, South Khorasan, Iran 2- Department of Environmental Sciences, Faculty of Natural Resources, University of Zabol, Zabol, Sistan, Iran Corresponding author: Sanaz Khammar ABSTRACT: in this study we aimed to evaluate the maternal factors [including dietary habits and dental care, during pregnancy and number of children] that influence milk, hair and saliva mercury concentration. Forty healthy mothers were enrolled in the study in order to take milk, hair and saliva samples. The mean mercury concentration milk, hair and saliva of mothers were 1.23 (μg / g), 1.81 (μg / g) and 1.10(μg / g) respectively.The analysis showed that fish consumption, chewing gum, maternal weight and number of dental amalgam fillings were the factors which had positive correlation with mercury concentration of mothers. The effect of the factors number of children, during pregnancy, fruit consumption and birth weight infants had negative relation on mercury levels of mothers. Preventive strategies for mercury exposure should include, consume appropriate amounts of fishes with low mercury, more of the dental care and proper nutrition during the pregnancy period. Keywords: Maternal Factors, Mercury, Milk, Hair, Saliva. INTRODUCTION Mercury is a heavy metal that is widespread in the environment and has important adverse health effects (Fok et al., 2006). The contamination sources of mercury consist of industrial waste water, use of fossil fuels and fungicides, and burning wastes (Hernandez et al., 1999). The amount of mercury is transformed into methylmercury and transferred up in the food chain through bio-accumulation (UNEP,1999; EPA, 2000 ; FDA, 2004). Infants may be exposed to Methyl mercury via breast-milk (Dorea, 2004; Gundacker et al., 2002). Generally, there is a low transfer of toxic metals through milk when maternal exposure levels are low (Dorea, 2004; Bjornberg et al., 2005). To diminish maternal and infant exposure to mercury, it is necessary to establish guidelines based on an understanding of the environmental occurrence of these metals and the manner in which they reach the developing human organism (Ünüvar et al., 2007; Passos et al., 2007). A mother's diet affect on her breast-milk metal concentrations and the transfer of mercury through breast-milk in relation to other trace elements (Oskarsson et al., 1996; Sharma and Pervez, 2005). Previous studies have shown that a diet rich in fish is the primary pathway of human exposure to MeHg and that statistical differences in MeHg intake exist between high and low fish consumption groups (Oskarsson et al.,19961; Foo and Tan, 1998 ). WHO reduced the MeHg provisional tolerable daily intake from 0.47 to 0.23 μg/kg body weight/day (FAO/WHO, 2003). In addition to milk, hair and saliva of the mother, the most important indicators of exposure to methyl mercury. Hair contains the thiol (- SH) group for which mercury cations have high affinity (Boischio and Henshel, 2000) and mercury levels in hair have been shown to reflect mercury level in internal organs (Clarkson, 1992; Pfeiffer et al., 1993) as well as dietary intake (Clarkson, 1992). J Nov. Appl Sci., 4 (3): 394-403, 2015 in recent years because of the benefits, Saliva, including easy access, is a non-invasive method to collect the liquid that has been unrivaled as a diagnostic agent (Shiran, 1996). In this study, we calculate the total concentration of mercury in breast milk, hair and saliva in mothers in this region and also we examined the relationship between mercury levels of mothers with regard to their factors. Characteristics of the study area The city of Zahedan , with an area of 36581Km2 is the most important town in the South East of Iran. The city is located in terms of the geographical coordinates in 60 degrees 51 minutes and 25 seconds east longitude and 29 degrees 30 minutes 45 seconds north latitude and its height from sea level is 1385 meters. In the last census had a population of 660,575. Due to the proximity of the city of Zahedan to the Chahnimeh of Zabol and Gulf of Oman, the people of this area, generally consumed fishes of Zabol Chahnimeh and Gulf of Oman, this city was selected to perforrm the research. Figure 1. The map of Iran showing sampling site in South East of Iran MATERIALS AND METHODS This prospective study was conducted between January 2013 and March 2014, in Zahedan. A number of 40 mothers (15 to 35 years) without any systemic disease and levels of dental amalgam restorations, were selected. Mothers were informed about the purpose of the study and completed a questionnaire with respect to weight prior to pregnancy, height, gestational age, environmental factors, maternal nutrition (fish consumption), amalgam fillings and lactation period. Infants were examined, their birth weight and height were recorded. To analyze mercury exposure, about (5-10) ml milk, (5-10)ml saliva and(1gr) hair from each of the mothers of were collected. In order to avoid contamination to the extent possible, milk was expressed in the morning, 2 hours after the last breast-feeding by hand. Hair was sampled from occipital area, cut close to the scalp with stainless still scissors, and placed in an envelope properly labeled. Milk and saliva samples were put directly into polyethylene bottles previously immersed in nitric acid (65%) for one day and well rinsed with deionized water and were frozen at 20 C. All samples were evaluated in the environmental analysis laboratory of Natural Resources Faculty of Birjand University. Analysis At first, the amount of 3 mg of milk and saliva were accurately weighed and poured into nickel pipes washed with deionized water. Then the hair samples were washed with distilled water (3 times) and finally with acetone (UNEP,1987) After drying, the samples became into very small pieces as possible by using special scissors. In this study, atomic absorption spectrometer model ContrAA300 (Analytik Jena, Germany) was used with continuous light equipped with a flame, hydride generation and continuous mercury lamp . 395 J Nov. Appl Sci., 4 (3): 394-403, 2015 Statistical analysis The statistical analysis was performed by SPSS software (version 16). Data were tested for normality using Kolmogorov–Smirnov test. One-way ANOVA was used to compare between mercury concentrations with maternal weight and birth weight infants factors. A paired t-test was used to determine significant differences in fish and fruit consumption, chewing gum and number of children. Pearson rank correlation coefficients were used to test correlations among various mercury levels with amalgam fillings and during pregnancy and also to study the relation between mercury of mothers’ breast milk, hair and saliva. A p-value < 0.05 indicated statistical significance. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Results The concentrations of mercury in milk, hair and saliva are summarized in Table 1 for mothers. The mean concentrations of mercury in milk, hair and saliva of mothers were 1.23 μg / g , 1.81 μg / g, and 1.10 μg / g respectively. Tbable 1. Mercury concentration (μg / g) in milk, hair and saliva of mothers Characteristic Milk Hair Saliva N 40 40 40 Minimum 0.21 0.67 0.20 Maximum 1.70 3.00 1.99 Mean 1.23 1.81 1.10 Std. Deviation 0.306 0.54 0.50 In our study, there was a significant correlation between mercury concentration in saliva and hair of mothers(R= 0.25 , P= 0.02) and there was a weak correlation between mercury concentrations found in milk and hair (R= 0.064, P= 0. 69) with milk and saliva (R= 0.059, P= 0.71) (Table 2). The most influential independent variables for mercury contamination have been shown in Tables 3,4 and 5. Concentration of mercury of breast milk, hair and saliva of this study has been compared with other countries in Table 6, 7 and 8. consumption of fish had increasing effect on mercury concentration in hair (p=0.001) and saliva(p=0.002) of mothers and only the number of dental amalgam fillings had positive association on mercury concentration in maternal hair(p=0.002). Furthermore, chewing gum (p=0.001) and weight of mothers (p=0.000) had a positive association on mercury content in saliva of the mothers. The analysis showed that consumption of fruits(p=0.004 ), birth weight babies(p saliva=0.007 ) and (p hair=0.002 ), number of children(p=0.001 ) and during pregnancy(p=0.003 ), respectively, had negative effects on mercury levels in hair, saliva and hair, milk, and saliva of mothers . Table 2. The correlation between mercury in the milk, hair and saliva of mothers Variables Hair Milk Saliva R 1 0.064 0.250 Hair P 0.695 0.02 N 40 40 40 R 0.064 1 0.059 Milk P 0.695 0.719 N 40 40 40 R 0.250 0.059 1 Saliva P 0.02 0.719 N 40 40 40 396 J Nov. Appl Sci., 4 (3): 394-403, 2015 Table 3. Associations between Hg concentration(μg / g) in the milk of mothers and independent factors in mothers Characteristic Number of dental amalgam fillings Variable N Mean±S.D Range P value <1 per month 40 37 1.38±1.07 1.53±1.28 1-4 1-9 0.38 1-2 per week 3 1.46±1.24 9-17 2 children 36 1.20±0.73 1-4 > 2 children 4 0.85±0.71 4-7 1 per month 36 0.49±0.29 0-4 1 per week 4 1.08±0.26 4-8 1 per week 27 1.41±1.08 1-4 4-5 per week 13 1.62±1.47 4-7 45-60 11 1.54±1.15 38-55.33 61-75 17 1.7±1.63 55.33-72.66 76-90 12 1.50±1.37 72.66-89.99 1600-2500 18 1.10±1.00 1.75-2.8 2600-3400 16 1.12±1.04 2.8-3.85 3500-4300 6 1.25±0.49 3.85-4.9 - 40 1.60±1.48 0-769 Chewing gum 0.58 0.001 Number of Children Fish consumption 0.72 Fruit consumption Mother's weight 0.18 0.21 Birth weight infants 0.92 During pregnancy 0.000 Table 4. Associations between Hg concentration(μg / g) in the hair of mothers and independent factors in mothers Characteristic Number of dental amalgam fillings Variable N Mean±S.D Range P value <1 per month 40 37 2.18±0.79 1.81±1.26 1-4 1-9 0.002 1-2 per week 2 children 3 36 2.67±1.85 2.33±0.76 9-17 1-4 > 2 children 1 per month 4 36 1.41±1.72 0.73±2.18 4-7 0-4 1 per week 1 per week 4 27 2.66±1.27 2.92±1.85 4-8 1-4 4-5 per week 45-60 13 11 1.55±1.42 2.26±1.23 4-7 38-55.33 61-75 17 2.91±0.85 55.33-72.66 76-90 1600-2500 12 18 1.47±1.30 2.30±1.96 72.66-89.99 1.75-2.8 Birth weight infants 2600-3400 16 1.75±1.34 2.8-3.85 0.002 During pregnancy 3500-4300 - 6 40 0.75±0. 69 2.62±2.17 3.85-4.9 0-769 0.083 Chewing gum 0.64 Number of Children 0.27 0.001 Fish consumption 0.004 Fruit consumption Mother's weight 0.90 397 J Nov. Appl Sci., 4 (3): 394-403, 2015 Table 5. Associations between Hg concentration(μg / g) in the saliva of mothers and independent factors in mothers Characteristic Number of dental amalgam fillings Variable <1 per month N 40 37 Mean±S.D 1.74±1.46 1.43±1.29 Range 1-4 1-9 1-2 per week 2 children 3 36 1.75±0.64 1.58±1.44 9-17 1-4 > 2 children 1 per month 4 36 2.8±1.4 1.25±0.56 4-7 0-4 1 per week 1 per week 4 27 0.64±0.22 1.52±1.41 4-8 1-4 4-5 per week 13 1.96±1.66 4-7 45-60 11 0.59±0.35 38-55.33 61-75 17 1.49±1.1 55.33-72.66 76-90 1600-2500 12 18 1.6±1.25 1.75±1.87 72.66-89.99 1.75-2.8 Birth weight infants 2600-3400 16 1.64±1.47 2.8-3.85 0.007 During pregnancy 3500-4300 - 6 40 1.92±1.21 1.81±1.12 3.85-4.9 0-769 0.003 0.001 Chewing gum Number of Children 0.81 0.002 Fish consumption Fruit consumption Mother's weight P value 0.20 0.094 0.000 Discussion In our study The mean concentration of breast milk mercury was 1.23μg /g. mean Concentrations of mercury vary widely in human milk samples around the world: 2.02-9.50 μg / g (Dorea, 2004 ; Da Costa et al., 2005; Chien et al., 2006 ; Drasch et al., 1998 ; Bose-O'Reilly et al., 2008; Sakamoto et al.,2002; Sandborgh-Englund et al., 2001; Klemann et al., 1990). The mercury concentration in breast milk of mothers in the area was higher than mercury concentration in Sweden (Oskarsson et al., 1996),Canada (Vimy et al., 1997) and Germany (Drexler and Schaller, 1998) and this amount was lower than mercury concentration in Brazil (Barbosa and Dorea, 1998), Zimbabwe and Tanzania (Bose-O'Reilly et al., 2008). Milk mercury concentrations may differ depending on sampling day and time during each feeding session and exposure concentrations of the mothers(Dorea, 2004 ; Bjornberg et al., 2005; Drexler and Schaller 1998; Abadi et al 1997). Analysis showed that increase in the number of children had a statistically significant differences in milk mercury concentrations in our study population(p = 0.001). Some studies observed a negative correlation between mercury concentration in the breast milk and the number of children (Oskarsson et al., 1996; Drexler and Schaller, 1998) . The mean concentration of mercury in all tested hair samples in this study was (1.81 μg / g). In this study, the mean for hair mercury concentrations was lower than Mahshahr port (South of Iran) ,(2.95μg/g) (Fakour et al., 2010) but, this amount was higher than the Southern shores of the Caspian Sea(North of Iran) ,(0.19μg/g) (Ghasempouri et al., 2010). Also in the present study, hair mercury concentrations was higher than New Jersey(Stern et al., 2001), Sweden (Bjornberg et al., 2005), Japan (Yasutake et al., 2003) and Florida (Adam et al., 2014) and this amount was lower than mercury concentration in Brazil(Santos et al., 2002) and Seychelles (Cernichiari et al., 1995) . In the heavily polluted Mina Mata Bay (1953-1971), where the villagers consumed mercury contaminated fish (11.4-39.0 μg g-1), the level of mercury in their hair was 191-705 μg / g (Koos and Longo, 1976 ; Harada, 1982). In Zahedan, a good positive correlation between fish consumption and accumulation of toxic mercury was found in hair (p=0.001) and saliva (p=0.002) of mothers. Fish is the most important food bio-concentration of mercury (Pinheiro et al., 2002) . The mercury content in hair and saliva reflects mainly the uptake of organic mercury compounds via fish consumption. Mothers were classified in two groups in relation to fish consumption (1per week and 1per month) in this region. The mean mercury concentration was significantly higher in hair and saliva samples obtained from mothers with 1 meal per week of fish consumption compared to mothers with 1 per month of fish consumption. A statistically significant difference were found between the concentration of mercury in hair and saliva and fish consumption. 398 J Nov. Appl Sci., 4 (3): 394-403, 2015 Fish consumption influenced mercury levels in the hair and saliva of mothers and with more fish consumption, mercury concentration increased. Based on our questionnaires, people of the region often consume fishes such as salmon, cod, grouper and trout although we did not examine the effects of different fishes on mercury contamination. Dahmardeh Behrooz et al, examined mercury levels of fishes of Chahnimeh of Zabol and Gulf of Oman, concluded that fish is by far the most important dietary item consumed by people in South East of Iran and one of the main sources of mercury to the body is consumption of seafood (Dahmardeh Behrooz et al.., 2013). In order to decrease the risk of perinatal mercury exposure, mothers should be advised to consume appropriate amounts of fishes that are low in mercury (Gerbersman et al., 1997). In the present study, a significant positive correlation between the number of dental amalgam fillings and hair mercury levels in women was demonstrated (p=0.002). These results are compatible with the findings in pregnant Italian women reported by Luglie et al. (Luglie et al., 2005). They have demonstrated that the number of amalgam fillings positively influenced the mercury concentration in the amniotic fluid of pregnant Italian women. These findings suggest that in addition to dietary mercury intake, dental amalgam fillings also contribute to mercury accumulation in the body. The amount of mercury absorbed into the human body through the amalgam is about 1.2 to 1.10 of the absorbed mercury through food. The mean mercury in the hair of women who had a number of amalgam surfaces was 2.18±0.79 μg / g. According to the results of Fakour et al., individuals who have many amalgam fillings and consume large amounts of fish have higher levels of mercury than others (Fakour et al., 2010). The number of maternal dental amalgam fillings and amalgam placements or removals during pregnancy and the lactation period were reported to determine the mercury concentration of mothers (Oskarsson et al., 1996 ; Drasch et al., 1998). The mean concentration of saliva mercury found (1.10 μg/g) in Zahedan women.The mean mercury levels of saliva was higher from Germany (Pesch et al., 2002) and Finland (Leistevuo et al., 2002). In addition, the concentrations of saliva mercury in this study was lower than reported from Fakour et al in North of Iran 4.14 μg/g (Fakour et al., 2010 ). We noticed positive correlation between chewing gum(p=0.001) and mercury levels in the saliva of mothers. The mean mercury concentration was significantly higher in saliva samples generated from mothers with 1-2 per week chewing gum 1.75± 0.64μg / g compared to mothers with <1 per month chewing gum 1.43± 1.29 μg /g. Amalgam continuously releases mercury into the oral cavity, that is releasing in activities such as chewing gum increases (Brune,1988, Sällsten et al., 1996). Pesch et al stated behavioral peculiarities such as bruxism and chewing gum increase the saliva mercury concentration ( Pesch et al., 2002). The analysis showed a positive relation in mercury levels in saliva with maternal weight (p=0.000). In a study conducted by Al-Majed et al found that the weight of the control group and the group of fishermen are the most important factors influencing on mercury levels (Al-Majed and Preston, 2000). Also observed low during pregnancy significantly increased the saliva(p=0.003) and milk(p=0.000) mercury levels. Gundacker et al.( Gundacker et al., 2002) reported elevated mercury levels prematurity (<37 weeks gestation), frequent consumption of cereals, maternal use of vitamins, and residence in either urban or industrial areas of Austria. Research on the effects of mercury suggests there is good reason to limit exposure. For women of child-bearing age, mercury can be passed on to a developing fetus at its most sensitive stage posing neurological risks to the child. While fish consumption is often encouraged to increase gestation in pregnancy and bolster developing children’s neurodevelopment, high mercury exposure in mothers may lead to very preterm delivery and counter beneficial effects for children’s neurodevelopment. In the present study, the mothers with higher fruit consumption had low concentration of mercury in their hair (p=0.004) . Interestingly, Passos et al.( Passos et al., 2007) reported an association between fruit consumption and lower Hg levels in Amazonian riparians, thus showing the protective effect of fruit consumption against mercury exposure via dietary intake of fish. The results showed mercury levels of mothers had no effect on the weight and height of five-month old children and of two-year-old children ,but, mercury concentrations in hair (p=0.002) and saliva (p=0.007) of mothers had a significant influence in infants of low birth weight. The mean of mercury in mothers’milk and hair in the South East of Iran is lower than the normal WHO recommended limits (2 μg / g) and (7.2 μg / g), respectively (WHO, 2008). But the concentration of mercury in milk 399 J Nov. Appl Sci., 4 (3): 394-403, 2015 8.5 % and the concentration of mercury in hair was 12.5 % of mothers’milk and hair samples were higher than the normal WHO recommended limit. In this study, the mean of mercury in saliva was lower than breast milk and the mean of mercury in breast milk was lower than that of mothers’ hair. According to the correlation between indicators of milk, hair and saliva was found a significant correlation between hair and saliva (R= 0.25 , P= 0.02) and there was a weak correlation between mercury concentrations found in milk and hair (R= 0.064, P= 0. 69) with milk and saliva (R= 0.059, P= 0.71) (Table 2). The analysis of hair cannot be considered as an alternative method to the analysis of milk, though the sampling procedure is much easier than milk collection. Nevertheless, both methods contribute to a comprehensive estimation of the total mercury exposure, since mercury analysis in hair is preferred concerning the estimation of the body burden related to organic mercury compounds, whereas the results of the analysis of mercury in milk are a better indicator for exposure to inorganic mercury . In fact, hair is established as a screening matrix specially targeted for determination of organic mercury, but also of inorganic mercury (Schweinsberg and Kroiher, 1994 Wilhelm and Idel 1996). In the present study, saliva was tested as a substitute matrix for assessing the mercury load. Saliva as a readily collectable material has also been discussed for use as a diagnostic fluid (Jaffe et al., 2005). Conventional saliva sampling is a noninvasive procedure and saliva mercury analysis may be of importance in HBM studies. A disadvantage of mercury determination in saliva is that the analytical method has not yet been standardized and the interpretation of the obtained data remains unclear (Pesch et al., 2002). The explanation is that breast-milk is not the primary pathway of exposure for infants, and that prenatal transplacental exposure is a much greater concern. It should be noted that the trans-lactational barrier is more effective than the transplacental barrier in preventing the transfer of these toxic metals to infants (Bjornberg et al., 2005; Sharma and Pervez, 2005). The transfer of mercury from the mother to the fetus is through the placenta and breastfeeding and occurs at different rates, depending on the source of mercury (Bjornberg et al., 2005). Mercury concentrations in maternal milk are a function of age, body mass, time of sampling, nutritional status, lactation period, and fat content of milk (IPCS, 2000). Anyway there is no study concerning dangers of mercury for health as a bio-environmental toxic material and the advantages of breast milk in the developing countries to contribute in studies like this (Pronczuk et al., 2002). At the community level, publicbased information and risk factors should be investigated and at the individual level, the physician could provide advices on reducing the toxicological burden to the expectant mothers and their children. In this study, it is determined that maternal dietary habits, dental care and other factors have an important role on mercury levels in mothers, but we should not ignore the effects of other factors, such as the use of drugs containing mercury like Thimer Thimerosalm and Mercurochome, pesticides containing mercury in agricultural activities may be used and the use of some cosmetics that contain mercury. Table 6. Comparison of mercury levels in breast milk (μg/g) in different populations Country/location N - 0.25 0.24 Subjects Mothers at the first week after birth After 2 months of breast feeding Amalgam filling 72 30 30 20 40 0.15 5.8 0.6 48.50 4.20 1.23 Control Mothers—high eaters Women 6 week after delivery Amalgam burner Former miner Mothers in South East of Iran 118 Mean 0.90 Germany 82 References Drexler and Schaller Vimy et al Canada Brazil Sweden Tanzania Zimbabwe Iran Barbosa and Dorea Oskarsson et al Bose-O’Reilly et al Bose-O,Reilly et al. Present study 400 J Nov. Appl Sci., 4 (3): 394-403, 2015 Table 7. Comparison of mercury levels in hair (μg/g) in different populations Country/location Brazil New Jersey Sweden Seychelles N - Japan Florida Iran - 189 127 - 135 40 Mean 15.7 0.53 0.35 6.85 Subjects Indigenous women aged 14-44 years pregnant women pregnant women Women with frequent fish consumption References Oliviera Santos et al Stern et al Björnberg et al Cernichiari et al 1.43 0.96 1.81 adult females residing Women with dietary fish Mothers in South East of Iran Yasutake et al Adam et al Present study Table 8. 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