Heartspace art for heart’s sake is proud to present workshops by San Leenstra BA, MA; Family Therapy (Reg AAFT), AThR Working with People with Complex Needs Date: Thu 2 July 2015 (10-‐5pm) Cost : $ 250 per person (pay before 15 May 2015) Usual $300 Feedback on San’s Workshops San is an excellent presenter, clear and concise and gave great case examples, it was the best training we've had for ages" This 1-‐day workshop will explore different ways of working with complex clients. This group includes individuals who experience various combinations of mental illness, intellectual disability, physical disability, behavioural difficulties, homelessness, social isolation, family dysfunction and substance abuse. "San uses a great mix of power-‐point, photos, videos and activities to break up the day, one of the videos was such an eye-‐opener! I also liked San's way of in-‐depth analysis on each topic covered" It will highlight Positive Behaviour Support tools and the use of different analytical techniques to work out the messages complex clients can send through their behaviour. Case Scenarios taken from San’s work will be presented to illustrate the benefits of art therapy with families. "San's presentation was inspiring, uplifting and motivating us to change our practice, it was amazing, thank you" Working with Complex Family Dynamics : Using Art therapy tools & Family therapy techniques Date: Fri 3 July 2015 (10-‐5pm) Cost : $ 250 per person (pay before 15 May 2015 -‐ usu $300) This 1-‐day workshop aims to further develop the skills of art/s therapists, counsellors and other health professionals when working with family dynamics. It will explore different models of understanding family sensitive practice and provide participants with tools to work with families. Art based exercises and techniques will be incorporated throughout the day to give participants an opportunity to experience art processes. The workshop will include a clarification on the importance of relational work and systemic ways of identifying relationships dilemma’s, raising awareness of family dynamics in a non-‐ blaming and inclusive manner and the use of Arts Therapy techniques. Participants will be encouraged to reflect on ways of overcoming family resistance when working with families. This will be presented along with a variety of theoretical approaches in Family Therapy and Family Art Therapy. Case Scenarios taken from San’s clinical work will be presented to illustrate the benefits of art therapy with families. San Leenstra BA, MA; Family Therapy (Registered AAFT), AThR (Registered ANZATA), San has been working as senior practitioner in Specialist Services since 2005, working with complex clients and families. San studied Art Therapy in the Netherlands at the University of Utrecht and obtained her Art Therapy registration in 2000. She has worked since 1998 in adult mental health and disability services with a broad client-‐ range in organisations as well as in private practice. She moved to Australia in 2004 and completed a Masters in Family Therapy at LaTrobe University and is a Registered Clinical Family Therapist with AAFT (the Australian Association of Family Therapy). San is the previous Vice-‐President of ANZATA. She has a special interest in working with complex families and providing staff training around Family Sensitive Practices, Arts Therapy and Positive Behaviour Support. San has presented extensively nationally (Australia) and internationally. ! 1 "San presented in a clear, light-‐hearted way while providing lots of information, she is well versed in her area of work" "San's ability to keep everyone engaged on a serious topic while using humour was fantastic. I would love to do more training with San." "I've seen San present the two topics of family centred practice and BSS several times now and each time she never fails to inspire them to really think about family inclusive practice. San's case examples are always fantastic and she delivers information in a very engaging way.” Senior Learning and Development Consultant, DHHS Registration is via payment : Email [email protected] with your Name / Contact / Occupation / Title of workshop. Payment : mail crossed cheque to Heartspace, send to 55 Waterloo St. #05-‐03 S’pore 187954 or email for details of bank transfer. Venue : 55 Waterloo St. 2F Singapore 187954 Please note : No refunds for cancellation but substitutions can be made by email at least 3 days before the workshop. Full refund of fees will be made in the event of cancellation of the workshop. For more details, see www.joannatan.com
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