2 Rutland Square Edinburgh, EH1 2AS Tel: 0131 229 8800 Fax: 0131 229 4827 email: [email protected] John Clegg & Co CHARTERED SURVEYORS & FORESTRY AGENTS Culshabbin Wood Glenling Moss Culshabbin Wood Crailloch Moss THE GLENLING WOODS Nr Port William, Galloway, South West Scotland 98.83 Hectares/244.21 Acres Three individual woodland properties located in the south-west of Scotland, providing a growing timber resource in an area renowned for commercial timber production. Sporting potential with sporting rights included. FREEHOLD FOR SALE AS A WHOLE As a Whole Offers Over £325,000 www.johnclegg.co.uk 801 21/04/2015 15:15 Glenling Moss Glenling Moss Stranraer 20 20 mile Stranraer miles 804 Glenling Moss Glenling Moss Newton Stewart 15 miles Newton Stewart 15 miles Dumfries miles Dumfries56 56 miles AryAyr 56 miles 56 miles (Distances are approximate) SOLE SELLING AGENTS SELLING John Clegg & Co,SOLE 2 Rutland Square,AGENTS Edinburgh, EH1 2AS John Clegg & Co,229 2 Rutland Square, Tel: 0131 8800 Fax: 0131Edinburgh, 229 4827 EH1 2AS Tel: 0131 229 8800 Fax: 0131 Ref: Patrick Porteous 229 4827 Ref: Patrick Porteous LOCATION LOCATION The Glenling are insituated in area the of Machars area of Glenling GlenlingMoss Mossand andCrailloch Crailloch Moss Moss could be felled felled in in the thenext nextfive fivetoto The Glenling Woods Woods are situated the Machars Wigtownshire Wigtownshire West the Galloway. Followfrom the A714 south fromon the tentenyears. years.The Thecrop cropininCrailloch Crailloch Moss Moss has has been been slow slow to to develop developbut but in West Galloway. in Follow A714 south the roundabout roundabout on the A75 atTurn Newton Turnon right afterB7005 6 miles offers offersprivacy privacyand andgood good sporting sporting potential. potential. the A75 at Newton Stewart. rightStewart. after 6 miles to the on to the B7005 to Bladnoch. Cross the bridge at the distillery to Bladnoch. Cross the bridge at the distillery towards Whithorn and towards Whithorn and after 400 yards, turn right again on to the after B7005 400 yards, turn right again on to the B7005 to Glenluce. to Glenluce. Culshabbin Wood Planting Year property is shown on the location plans rear The The property is shown on the location andand salesale plans to to thethe rear ofof particulars be found Sheet 1:50,000 Number82,82, thesethese particulars and and can can be found on on OSOS Sheet 1:50,000 Number Reference GridGrid Reference NXNX 318318 513.513. Species 1982 1993 Area (Ha.) Sitka spruce 25.15 2.02 27.17 Larch 1.86 3.12 4.98 ACCESS ACCESS The woodlands are located around the B7005 road which runs from The the woodlands located around the B7005 runs from distillery are at Bladnoch to the coast of Luceroad Bay which at Alticry. Norway spruce 4.01 Broadleaves 0.09 Culshabbin Wood is situated on the north side of the B7005. A light vehicle Wood access istrack runson to the thenorth north-east of the A property Culshabbin situated side ofcorner the B7005. light from pointtrack A1 toruns A2, astoshown on the salecorner plan. of the property vehicle access the north-east Unplanted 4.39 the distillery at Bladnoch to the coast of Luce Bay at Alticry. Lodgepole pine 4.01 1.12 0.33 1.12 0.42 4.39 TOTAL 35.50 6.59 Glenling Moss Planting Year 42.09 from point A1 to A2, as shown on the sale plan. Glenling Moss sits on the south side of the B7005. There is no road or track into this woodland; this will need to be constructed at some Glenling stage.Moss sits on the south side of the B7005. There is no road or track into this woodland; this will need to be constructed at some stage.Crailloch Moss is reached via a shared road, which turns north from the B7005 at point A3 to White Dyke Farm. There is a locked gate at pointMoss A4 leading on to the Forestry Crailloch is reached via aa good sharedforest road, road whichthrough turns north from Commission’s Corsemalzie Forest. This road runs for approximately the B7005 at point A3 to White Dyke Farm. There is a locked gate 2.5 miles to the northern edge of the wood, point A5, and continues at point leading on tointo a good forest road through the for aA4short distance the property. Maintenance of Forestry the access Commission’s Corsemalzie Forest. This road runs for approximately route across the neighbouring property is according to user. 2.5 miles to the northern edge of the wood, point A5, and continues B7005 publicinto roadthe is property. suitable forMaintenance timber haulage, linking with for aThe short distance of the access thethe A714 or A747, which, in turn, link with the A75. routeeither across neighbouring property is according to user. The DESCRIPTION B7005 public road is suitable for timber haulage, linking with This area is renowned for its excellent growing conditions for conifer eitherspecies the A714 or A747, which, in turn, link with the A75. such as Sitka spruce and benefits from being close to established timber markets. The woodlands were planted as part of a DESCRIPTION commercial afforestation scheme between 1982 and 1983, although a This small area section is renowned for itswas excellent growing conditions of Culshabbin planted in 1993. Growth ratesfor vary across the such properties with the best growth from foundbeing in Culshabbin, conifer species as Sitka spruce and benefits close to which istimber now approaching thewoodlands potential for felling. established markets. The were planted as part of a commercial afforestation scheme between 1982 and 1983, although a small section of Culshabbin was planted in 1993. Growth rates vary across the properties with the best growth found in Culshabbin, which is now approaching the potential for felling. Species 1982 Area (Ha.) Sitka spruce 13.81 13.81 Larch 1.75 1.75 Norway spruce 1.71 1.71 Unplanted 3.16 3.16 20.43 20.43 TOTAL Crailloch Moss Planting Year Species 1983 Area (Ha.) Sitka spruce 28.11 28.11 Norway spruce 1.69 1.69 Scots pine 1.10 1.10 Unplanted 5.41 5.41 36.31 36.31 TOTAL SPORTING RIGHTS The sporting rights are included, subject to a five year lease that commenced in September, 2013 providing a rent of £400 per annum. There is a six month notice period to end the lease for all properties. The woods hold both Red and Roe deer and Crailloch Moss is a favoured holding ground for Red deer stags. As the crops enter the felling phase, there will be scope to improve the woodland stalking. BOUNDARIES The woods are surrounded by dry stone dykes or wire and net fences. These are shared and maintained at joint equal expense with the neighbours. MINERAL RIGHTS Mineral rights are included, except on the area shown hatched in Culshabbin Wood, or as reserved by Statute and in terms of the Titles. WAYLEAVES & THIRD PARTY RIGHTS A mains water pipe runs along the roadside ride at the southern side of Culshabbin Wood. The properties will be sold with the benefit of, and subject to, all existing rights and burdens with the Titles. WOODLAND GRANTS There are no grant schemes in place and no transfer of obligations required. For further information on current grants available please visit the FCS and Scottish Government websites: •www.forestry.gov.uk/scotland •www.scotland.gov.uk/Topics/Rural/SRDP AUTHORITIES Forestry Commission Scotland Forest Enterprise 55/57 Moffat Road Dumfries DG1 1NP Tel: 01387 272 440 TAXATION At present, all revenue from timber sales is Income and Corporation Tax free. There is no Capital Gains Tax on growing timber, although there may be a liability on the land. Under the Inheritance Tax regime, 100% Business Property Relief should be available on commercial woodlands. VAT is charged on forestry work and timber sales, although its effect is neutral if managed as a business. Government grants are received tax free with the exception of farm woodland and subsidy payments. IMPORTANT NOTICE John Clegg & Co LLP, its members, employees and clients give notice that: 1. These particulars (prepared in April 2015) and all statements, areas, measurements, plans, maps, aspects, distances or references to condition form no part of any offer or contract and are only intended to give a fair overall description of the property for guidance. John Clegg & Co LLP will not be responsible to purchasers, who should rely on their own enquiries into all such matters and seek professional advice prior to purchase. 2. Neither these particulars nor any subsequent communication by John Clegg & Co LLP will be binding on its clients, whether acted upon or not, unless incorporated within a written document signed by the sellers or on their behalf, satisfying the requirements of section 3 of the Requirements of Writing (Scotland) Act 1995. 3. The sellers do not make or give, and neither John Clegg & Co LLP nor its members or employees nor any joint agent have any authority to make or give, any representation or warranty in relation to the property. 4. The property (which may be subject to rights of way, servitudes, wayleaves and others) will be sold as per the title deeds, which may differ from these particulars. Photographs may depict only parts of the property, which may not have remained the same as when photographed. 5. Where reference is made to grant schemes, planning permissions or potential uses, such information is given by John Clegg & Co LLP in good faith, but purchasers should rely on their own enquiries into those matters. 6. Prospective purchasers should be aware of the influence and effect the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981, Nature Conservation (Scotland) Act 2004 and the Wildlife and Natural Environmental (Scotland) Act 2011 along with any statutory designations, may have on the property, including rights of public access under the Land Reform (Scotland) Act 2003. 7. The sellers will not be obliged to accept the highest, or indeed any, offer and may at any time accept an offer or withdraw the property from the market. Neither the sellers nor John Clegg & Co LLP will be responsible for any costs incurred by interested parties. Dumfries & Galloway Council Council Offices English Street Dumfries DG1 2DD Tel: 0303 333 3000 VIEWING Viewing is possible at any time during daylight hours so long as potential purchasers are in possession of a set of these sale particulars. Please contact the Selling Agents in advance of your visit to arrange a viewing. For your own personal safety please be aware of potential hazards within the woodlands when viewing. For vehicular access to Crailloch Moss, a combination lock code is required, which can be obtained from the Selling Agents in advance of your intended visit. OFFERS If you wish to make an offer on this property or would like us to inform you of a closing date for offers, it is important that you notify us in writing of your interest. Offers in Scottish Legal Form are to be submitted to the Selling Agent. SELLER’S SOLICITORS Brodies LLP, 15 Atholl Crescent, Edinburgh, EH3 8HA; Tel: 0131 228 3777; Fax: 0131 228 3878. Ref: Odell Milne. Culshabbin Wood THE GLENLING WOODS Crailloch Moss England: 01844 291384 Glenling Moss Culshabbin Wood Culshabbin Wood Culshabbin Wood Crailloch Moss John Clegg & Co Scotland: 0131 229 8800 Wales: 01600 730735 John Clegg & Co LLP is a limited liability partnership registered in Scotland (No. SO302718) whose registered office is at 2 Rutland Square, Edinburgh EH1 2AS GLENLING WOODS Culshabbin Wood A1 0 100 A2 500 1000 metres A5 Crailloch Moss Glenling Moss A4 A3 N This plan is only for the guidance of intending purchasers. Although believed to be correct, its accuracy is not guaranteed and it does not form any part of any contract. Reproduced by permission of Ordnance Survey on behalf of The Controller of Her Majesty’s Stationery Office Crown copyright. All rights reserved. Licence number 100020416 THE GLENLING WOODS NR PORT WILLIAM GALLOWAY Sole Selling Agents John Clegg & Co Chartered Surveyors & Forestry Agents 2 Rutland Square Edinburgh EH1 2AS Tel 0131 229 8800 Fax 0131 229 4827 email: [email protected]
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