Issue 37 Page 4 IM PORTANT NOTICE W ha t’s FIRE PERMITS ARE NEEDED FOR ALL FIRES! There are no exceptions. Only ratepayers are eligible for a fire permit. When you pick up your fire permit from the Township office, you will receive a comprehensive to-do list. Please follow these instructions. You must call the Fire Department prior to burning. THERE IS NO DAYTIME BURNING. Every year the Fire Department is called out to deal with fires that would not need attention if safe fire rules and instructions were followed; it is a waste of resources and volunteer time and you can be liable for the costs of putting out illegal fires. Smoke and CO alarm inspections will be carried out throughout the summer months - each sleeping area must have a smoke alarm - that includes the bunkies, trailers, camper trailers etc. and CO alarms are now required by law in every home and apartment. PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT NEWS A new Public Works Supervisor has been hired by Council. Johnson Township welcomes Randy Spurway to this important township role that is responsible for not only Roads, but Water, Sewer, Parks and Facility maintenance. Randy invites you to call him at the township office to express any concerns you might have. The PW Dep’t. has graded all township roads at least once this spring and is now on a second pass of all gravel roads. Patching is ongoing. LOCAL AREA EVENTS AND NEWS DESBARATS WOMEN’S INSTITUTE MEETING - every 2nd Tuesday of the month. Info: Marlee 782 4236 MATHEWS MEMORIAL HOSPITAL HEALTH FAIR AND LUNCHEON - Thursday, May 14, 11am to 2pm. Legion Hall, Richards Landing,. Raffles and door prizes. $7.00 at the door. THANKS TO ALL VOLUNTEERS WHO ATTENDED THE VOLUNTEER DINNER! A great night was had by all at the Volunteer Dinner on Saturday, April 18. All Recreation volunteers present were recognized individually by the Recreation Coordinator. Andy Irvine was awarded Fireman of the Year. Special thanks goes out to our chefs, Marlee Hopkins and Heather Kirby, and to our sponsors McKenzie Seeds of Manitoba, Lawrence’s Springwater Farms, and McClelland’s Hardware and Feed. OLD-TIME COUNTRY DANCE - Friday, June 5, 7:30 with Bill Pateman, and members of the O’Schraves: Julie Schryer, Benoit Schryer Lefebvre, and Áine Schryer O’Gorman. Featuring Square Dance Caller Donna Bisson Johnson Township Community Centre Arena Admission $10, including lunch Tickets at the door. Info: call Pat at the Rec Office GET OUT ON THE WATER PROGRAM—free sailing and rowing with experienced instructors-presented by Johnson Twp. Recreation Wednesday, June 10, 4:30PM to 9:00PM Johnson Twp. Public Dock (Hwy 17 and Lake Huron Dr) and Kensington Point More details inside this newsletter. Register on-line at or call Pat. SON TWP RECREATION AND JOHNSON TWP. FIRE DEPARTMENT CARSTAR’S GREAT STRIDES WALK FOR CYSTIC FIBROSIS - Sun- This document is available in accessible formats upon request. BIG PIKE FAMILY FISHING DERBY - BROUGHT TO YOU BY JOHN- 50+ CLUB - is finished for this year. See you in the fall! day, May 31, John Rhodes Community Centre, Rocky DiPietro Track. 9:30am registration, 2k and 4k walk 10:30-12:30. Several Johnson Township Office employees are taking part in this. To register or donate, visit or call1 800 378 2233. T he .. . To w n s h i p o f J o h n s o n IMPORTANT NOTES FROM THE FIRE CHIEF! In May/June 2015 FIRE DEPARTMENT NEWS Ha pp en in g Issue 37 1Johnson Drive, Box 160 Desbarats, ON P0R 1E0 Telephone: 705-782-6601 Fax: 705-782-6780 E-mail: [email protected] Website: Hours of Operation Monday to Wednesday 8:30am to 4:30pm Thursday Closed Friday 8:30am to 4:30pm Saturday and Sunday Closed Saturday, June 27, 8AM TO 3PM Johnson Twp. Public Docks, Hwy. 17 and Lake Huron Dr. Cash Prizes; Draw prizes; Early Registration and Fishermen’s Breakfast at 6am at Stobies; Fire Department Fundraiser BBQ. Registration on the day. $15/Adult, $5/Child under 16, $25/Family (immediate). More info in this newsletter or call Pat at the Recreation Office. SPRING SENSATIONS ART SHOW ARTS, CRAFTS, & FARMER’S MARKET Saturday, May 9, 10AM TO 3PM Johnson Township Community Centre Arena, Desbarats Lunch available. Info: Carol Wilson: [email protected], or 782 6764 Edith Orr: [email protected], or 782 2201 Display tables available for $20 You can receive a digital copy of the Newsletter by subscribing at S UMMER L ANDFILL H OURS Wednesdays– 1PM to 6PM Saturdays - 9AM to 5PM Free day May 9 Half-loading is now in effect on all township roads Limit 5 tons/axle Second tax installment is due May 16 DOG TAGS Don’t forget to purchase them from the Township Office. $10/dog. Tags provide dogs with identification if lost or stolen, help provide statistics on number of dogs in our community, and encourage responsible pet ownership Report dogs at large to Dog Control Officer – Leanne Dow Cell# 705-206-3323 – leave verbal message or text. Inside this issue: Local Area Events 1,4 Johnson Township Recreation 1-3 Fire Dept. News Public Works News Council News – special insert 4 Issue 37 Page 2 Page 3 Township of Johnson RECREATION NEWS—CONT’D J O H N S O N T O W N S H I P R E C R E AT I O N UPCOMING RECREATION EVENTS AND PROGRAMS BASEBALL AND SOCCER REGISTRATIONS SHOULD BE IN! - If you haven’t registered your children for baseball and soccer please call the Recreation office. Schedule begins May 19. TRACTOR PARADE AND BREAKFAST BUFFET - Mark Saturday, June 6 on your calendar for this annual community event that also marks the opening of the Johnson Farmer’s Market. Parade starts up at 9am. Games scheduled for 10am in the arena parking lot. Tractor Games are organized by Kevin and Marla Barber gram on Wednesday, June 10, 4:30PM to 9PM, which will include both Rowing and Sailing. The event will occur at the Johnson Township Public Docks (Hwy 17 and Lake Huron Dr., Desbarats) for Rowing and at Kensington Point for Sailing. The “Get out on the Water” mobile unit provides the boats, the instructors, the training and the safety equipment. This is a great AND FREE opportunity to try two wonderful water sports right here in our own area. Interested parties can sign-up for the event and reserve their own time slot at register.html or call the Johnson Township Recreation office at 705 782 6601 ext 1-205. “Get out on the Water” is a joint initiative between Ontario Sailing & ROWONTARIO funded by Ontario Sport and Recreation Communities Fund. The OLD-TIME DANCE - FRIDAY, JUNE 5, goal is to rejuvenate the interest and create a pas7:30PM sion in the sports of Sailing and Rowing through a Hosted by Recreation, the dance will feature mu- fun, safe and barrier free day on the water. Johnson sic by Bill Pateman with back-up and old-time Township and Central Algoma Secondary School have teamed-up to provide this opportunity to all fiddle tunes from members of local group the area residents and CASS will be operating this proO’Schraves - Julie Schryer, Benoit Schryer Legram for their students throughout the day on febvre, and Áine Schryer O’Gorman. Square Thursday, June 11, 2015. dance caller Donna Bisson, who ran learn-to- square dance program for the township several Everyone is invited out, whether you would like to years ago, will be on hand to provide the square come by yourself or with a partner. We strongly dance calls. Anyone who would like to help out encourage families to make this an outing together. Regardless of skill level, knowledge or physical with preparing a lunch for the event, please call Pat at the Recreation. Entry is $10, at the door. capabilities the “Get Out on the Water” instructors will be there to help you learn more about sailing Any proceeds go to support Recreation events and rowing. and programs. The public is encouraged to register early to ensure a spot. GET OUT ON THE WATER @ Spaces are limited, sign up NOW! Johnson Township Recreation is providing a FREE Anyone who would like to volunteer to help with this program is invited to contact the Johnson Come-and-Try “Get out on the Water” evening proTownship Recreation Office. “GET OUT ON THE WATER” COME&TRY EVENT FOR RECREATON INFORMATION OR IF YOU HAVE AN IDEA TO SHARE CALL PAT @ 782 6601 X205 OR EMAIL [email protected] BIG PIKE FAMILY FISHING DERBY SUCCESSFUL MARCH/APRIL EVENT Johnson Township Recreation and the Johnson Township Fire Department, with the help of Cory Moore and several other area residents, are planning a Fishing Derby for Saturday, June 27. Fifty percent of the entry fees will be split amongst the top 3 anglers in the Youth and Adult divisions, and there will be trophies for the winners as well - the only measurement will be length; if there is a tie, the first fish registered will win. All participants will be eligible for draw prizes as well. Stobies Restaurant will offer a Fisherman’s Breakfast and an site for early registration starting at 6am. Registration will officially open at 8am at the Johnson Township Public Docks at Hwy 17 and Lake Huron Dr. Boats can be launched from the same location. Measurement will close at 3PM sharp at the same location. The Fire Department will be running a fundraiser BBQ at the conclusion of the event. Proceeds from the Derby will go towards the Fire Department and Recreation Programs. Watch for posters about this event. JOHNSON TWP/CUJO MEMORIAL FAMILY HOCKEY TOURNAMENT - occurred on Friday and Saturday, March 20 and 21, with 8 teams competing in this annual fun community event. We had 2 Divisions this year, a Fun Family Division, won by the Ford team, and a Competitive Division, one by a new team to the tournament, the Campbell/Jones team. Other teams involved: 2 Hunter/Buck teams, a Karhi/Ouimette team, a Matheson team and 2 Evoy teams. The Bruce Mines Legion provided bar service throughout the weekend, raising funds that they return to the community with their programs. The Recreation Committee will once again donate some of the proceeds to a CASS scholarship, in the name of the CUJO tournament and Johnson Twp. Recreation, for a graduating student that displays a high level of commitment to volunteerism in recreation at the school and in the community. Recipients for 2014 were Mack Barber and Eric Kern. COMMUNITY NIGHT PREPARATIONS The Sault Pipe Band is booked. The theme for this year is “Country Roots and Cowboy Boots” . The date is Saturday, July 11. We are having our first organizational meetings: Any ideas? Call Pat at the Township office, we’d love to hear from you 2015 - JOHNSON TOWNSHIP - 126 YEARS YOUNG WE NEED YOUR PHOTOGRAPHS FOR COMMUNITY NIGHT We are planning another slideshow to continue to celebrate the history and memories of our great little town. Hard copy or digital, we’ll take it all. Just drop them off at the township office! Or you can email them to [email protected] JOHNSON TWP. CURLING FUNSPIEL - 20 avid curlers hit the arena on Sunday, March 22 for a fun 5team round robin, 2-end/round bonspiel. The curling program is a fun way to learn and there are some great folks. Come join us next year! JOHNSON TWP. ADULT RECREATIONAL HOCKEY - wrapped up on March 16 with the final game played between the Barley Kings team from Thessalon and the young Riuniti team, many of whom were from the Island. Riuniti avenged last year’s defeat in the final, winning a come-frombehind victory, 3-2. The league had another successful year with 6 teams. CHILDREN’S RECREATIONAL HOCKEY PROGRAM - Another great year for this program with 26 area kids having fun learning the FUNdamentals. The program serves both beginner hockey players and those who are already playing competitively in the North Shore Minor Hockey program. Huge thanks goes to Mitch Clark from St. Joseph Island who leads this program, and to all the parents who offered their time to help out on the ice.
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