your free blog planner here

Target audience (ie
gender, age, location,
their interests, their
What will the style/tone
of your blog be?
What is the purpose of
your blog?
What categories could
your blog have?
If you start to run out of
ideas, where is
somewhere you can
gain inspiration from?
(eg the newspaper,
bookstores, friends)
Why people will choose
to read your blog/point
of difference?
How many posts per
Length of each post
What images will you
include (if any)?
How will you spread the
word of your blog?
What will your first
couple of posts be
What you want your
readers to get out of
reading your blog?
A review of every restaurant in Adelaide.
Gobbling up the City
Target audience (ie
gender, age, location,
their interests, their
People who live in and around Adelaide.
People aged 18 – 45, of both genders, who dine out
frequently and appreciate nice food.
What will the style/tone of
your blog be?
Informal, with an undertone of authority, providing an
opinionated stance. It will be an objective, unbiased,
fair review on the experiences that the blogger
directly encounters.
To inform readers of the various types of restaurants in
Adelaide and what kind of service, food, atmosphere
and experience they provide.
Service, cleanliness, wine, food (this could be divided
into sub-cats – entrée, main, dessert, vegetarian,
chicken etc), atmosphere, suburbs, cuisine
Other blogs, newspaper reviews, television shows,
recipe books, parents, friends, the internet, talk to
people in the industry
What is the purpose of
your blog?
What categories could
your blog have?
If you start to run out of
ideas, where is
somewhere you can gain
inspiration from? (eg the
newspaper, bookstores,
Why people will choose to
read your blog/point of
Because it will be an unbiased view of restaurants,
coming from an 18 year old female (rather than the
typical 50 year old restaurant reviewer)
How many posts per
Two posts per week.
Length of each post
Between two hundred and four hundred words each.
What images will you
include (if any)?
Photos of the meals, restaurant, logo, staff, blogger
eating the food
How will you spread the
word of your blog?
Comment on similar blogs, use social media outlets,
tell people about it, tell restaurants involved,
approach local media, advertising
I will start by eating at my favourite restaurant and
talking about my favourite dish there. I might like to
introduce the blog and its intention, although this can
be done in the “About” section.
An idea of where to eat in Adelaide and what
experience they can expect. I would like my blog to
be the ‘go to’ guide for eating in Adelaide.
What will your first couple
of posts be about?
What you want your
readers to get out of
reading your blog?