" TfH UJhfv.AV .EIGHT, ' . 1MfNra MII1UU , A MOONLIGHT " W8M .. r. ProBuIt Salem Youth Speaks Evidently Fron Very Recent Experience, With Undoubtedly, Salem Girl i . Editor Journal: Dowle objects to kissing, except In ono'H own family. Tills may be all right from the family sfand poliu, and yet a cursory oxnmlri-ailoof Mrs. Dowle's picture ,lmpol8 ono to tho t)ollef that Dowle Is not much of an authority- on ovulation, and certainly woefully deficient In the matter of the selection of n suitable n - klssuo. If the lady In question tho ono from whom 'Llgo obtained bin Information on Uie tendorost and most dullcnto of all forms of salutation, his objections oan be. oaslly Inomphatlcally and undorstood dorsed. The truth Is, tho old fraud don't Inow any mora nbotit kissing than ho doon about religion. No ono has yot boon able to clolltio a kiss, It Is lndoflnnble. " " 1b .To Keep Well IBeecham's Pills j Sold Everywhere Webster was compelled to try, but all he could get out of it, tangible, Was this; "Kiss of uncertain origin (nllud-dinto tho word) to aaluto with tho lips, as a mark of affection, reverenao, etc." Tho good old Latin term for klislng was osculation, derived from "oBCUlum." a "little mouth." Tho aid Romans understood what thoy woro talking about, also kissing, for whlo a little mouth Is not absolutely necoesary, It Is a great aid in tho kindergarten stage of the osculatory education. Of course a reasonably largernouth mny'bo kissed with to both parties to the transaction, if Its job lots Is properly horded togothor, but a thoroughly artistic, kiss cannot be given or taken with tho cornors of tho mouth, hnnglng ovor, and not Included in the division of tho sweets. Oscul.itlon g satis-factio- n g means also tho touching of one curvo to another. The noaror a cupld's bow tho mouth fomlnlne la, tho moro subtle tho pianissimo offecta at tho start and the more harmonious tho subsequent cresscondo, and the flnnl ending in minor tones and blue lights. A woman with an economical mouth, where nature made Just a straight cut across Ii.t countenance, Is, of course, klssable, some of thorn, divinely so; but thv delicate effects, of the "de gustibus non comntlhus" as the lawyers would say, Is generally every organ must bo doing its duty stomach, liver and kidneys must each be in thorough working order. If you are not as well as you ought to be take a, small dose of J THE I Jill In boxes 10c. and 25c. wanting, and tho result Is of the "de bonus non" ordor, or words to that effect. That's where Dowle falls down. Ho never had tho proper combination, for thoro nro circumstances whero a kiss Is an absolute necessity, to fill In tho breaks in the conversation, and temporarily blot out tho landscape. Imagine a beautiful starlight night, such aft spring brings to Salem, the air is soft, dellclously cool, and redolent with porfumo wafted from the orchard and wooed to sweeter fra granco by tho envious rosas, a friendly gate, that keeps from botwoen, a piquant face the chin slightly raised, tho oyes wldo open yet dreaming, and gazing upward as If wntchlng the angels on Jacob's lndder of light, lips slightly parted, showing a faint gleam of Ivory beneath, a few truant tendrils about a of silken hair round nlabaster neck, a dainty Ehlrt waist gatheied In the most approved fushlon by n strong and willing left arm (the right will do If necessary) a far away goneness around tho heart, until somehow, you swallow your voice, and don't care If It nevor comes back, and tho sllonce Itsoif, like n Beu shell, whispers and murmure In an unknown tonguo, and brings visions of tropic Isles and luxuriant veri duro nnd amethystine waves breaking with soft and sibilant sound, langour-ouupon the and pliosphoroscont snowy sands of some corul guarded beach and you look down Into lim pid pools of her oyos. nnd see heaven's own stars, reflected from their fathomless and pellucid depths, and woll when you como beck to oarth, you will know more about It than Dowle does. This Is an incident, never an acci dent, gonerally happening before n fellow hns any family, but it Is con ceded to be one of tho strongest nnd most Impolllng Influences that point a fellow's toos toward the County Clerk's office, n marriage license and s NINETEEN. Btotherto CHURCjH AND CLERGY. m the reward nature 'OTHKIUIOOD bestows upon brallliy womanhood. wlinnftvlliihtvliin been Banned cannot safely givo birth to chilby disc-lidren. In pregnancy and in childbirth weakness of tho mother is revealed in the pain e suffers. and agony Tina grout inedicino drives out every vestige of inflammation nnd weakness, and gives tono and strength to tho delicato or- oiiim whirli mature tho child. TllO nuins of pregnancy aro banished by Wine of t'ardui, and miscarriages, which blast so many fond mother's hopes, aro prevented. Flooding, which so often occurs after childbirth, is corrected when Wine of Carilui is used during pregnancy. Winoof Cnnliu babies nro healthy babies, because, uurrni? the months of pregnancy, tho mother is able to give tliem necessary vitality and strength. With theso facts presented to American women no expectant mother should be satisfied without tho that Wine of Cardui will give her. Krory mother should be ablo to treat herself in her homo with Uiis valuable medicine. Wino of Cardui can bo secured from any druggist ut $1,00 a bottle. alio - Polycarp, N. C, Jan. 11, 1002., I am the mother of seven children and while in pregnancy with the first six suffered untold misery until they wero born. One month before tho even! was torn I liegnntotukonbottloof Wine of Cardui, which gavomo I used the remainder of the bottle until the rolietnflrrtnkmgthreedoaes. birth of tho cluld .and was stouter in three days after the birth than I was in a mouth after tho birth of either of tho first six. I nm 29 years old. MRS. V. KLlZAHhTU STAb'r'OHD. Unnpnrculnlt-il- . Tho shrvwtliKWH of ono of the found, ers of a famous estate In Maine gave rise to iiMiiy amusing stories, one of WINEGIRDUI In the river. Suddenly the spruce ou whli'h he' was standing slipped. The liiuitoriiuui dropped out or tt,ii t In the tt.itrr, niul the logs cloved over him. '1 he uetit'tfHt I'reiicUmiui saw the ac- teoosacoiqiaociMC-tc-K4ljtt- Clearance Sale goods calls for more room in which to display them. Therefore we have instituted a clearance sale. Come and we will surprise you. Seven patterns of decto be orated closed out at Clearance Sale prices. Note the following: ! I Regular $ J. 20 per set Cops and Saucers now AC. S Regular $?? O per set Dinner Plates now - - 75c Regular 35 J. 00 per set Mash Bowls - - - - 65c $ Regular $0.40 8 Inch Vegetable Dish - - - 20c $ Itlbbou ruches will ngMlu be extensively used to trim drawee, Bklrts. ten gowus uml spriug millinery Top garments slmihsl on the looe Oowlug linos of tho oriental styles of Uie winter will remain in fnvor uext season. Shirring, tucking, plMlts and hemstitching play an Important pert lu the iiwklng up of gowns belli fur dsy and evening woar. The newest bloue and faney wUt eollara are slmpeil like isolnteil girdles both front nd IwaU. or they take too bishop form, with pointed embroidered tabs In (Tout. Mttiltg Nerfolk Jacket Will The,py rejimln a fMverlte model for geuentl utIMly u during tb twttre irtux Boason. The iHwaet hicHleU are sllvht-lshorter tlutn the ithrocwiUMrler shut of Uie whiter. y ! : ; These nro only a fovv samples of our sale pricos. aoo mo reai. Como M9vv69vvvfvMv9vvv9VvM United Evangelical. Sunday services as usual. Sunday School at 10 a. m. Proaching at 11 a. Christian m.: "Intornal Expansion." Endoavor at C:30 p. m. Preaching at 7:30 p. m. Charles T. Hurd, pastor and LMH BU noUNIIililPlCIFiG i IMME'S Castle Chapel. Church of tho United Brethren in Christ, corner of 14th and Marion streets. Sunday School at 10 8 m. Frank Helm, superintendent. Preach ing by the pastor at 11 a. m and 7:30 p. m. Junior at 3 p. m. Clarlnda Crawford, superintendent Y P. C. U. at 0:30 p. m., Harry Talbot, p res Id on t ' First Unitarian. Corner of Chemsketa and Cottage streets. Frank Abrnm Powell, pastor. Sunday School at 10 a. m. Proaching by tho pastor nt 11 n. m: and 7:S0 p. m. All welcome. Christian Science. First Church of Christ, Scientist. Services: Losson sermon nnd chil (Iron's clnssos at 11 a. m. Subject of losson sorraon: "Adam and Fallen Man." Wednesday evening moeting at 7:30 p m. Rsndlng rooni open dally, except Sunday. Christian, Science Hall corner of Court and v Liberty TO THE EAST TRAINS S First Presbyterian. H. A. Ketchum, pastor. Preaching services at 10:30 a. m. and 7:30 p m. Sabbath School at 12 m. Young People's meeting at' 0:30 p. m. ffcoi . cnicago Fortlaud Bait -"- - lke, Denver, Ft Worth, Omh, Katuw BpiciRl m OHt, Ht UmU, vU Hunt, aud Easw InKlon " FffiOTPHilN DAII.V, From PorllAnd, Or, VOB BfiHBOIE iiiicfro 4SdPB " AtUutlc Kzpreu Suit Luke, benrer Ft. 8:16 p. m. Worth Omaha, Kanua Tin Hum- Cltr, 8t. Lou In, Chicago u and Bast. 'HTpaoT WauT Walla. LcwfntoST raatUall Siokano, Wallace, Pull- S.00 p. tn, nian, Minneapolis Bt l'nlll, Duluth.MUvmnkcp via Bpokau UIiIcako, and fiajt. - Ink-to- WILLCOREYOUI ST HAKES J -- " " ;u, . , 7A VJ HOURS 7C PORTLAND TO CHICAGO Ko Change of Cars OCEAN AND HIVFP SCHEDUU From Portfard' sp hi minus datei aubjeut to change FotanFtanolkOO Sail (TerySdayti 111 Uallr root Sunday s u. m Baton' ay WELL COLUMUIAKIVKK TOAHort ani Wajr Laudlnff WILLAMETTE i (JB P.. ex Mm',. RIVER Steamer Ruth leaves Salem fq Portland and way landings on Tuestreets. Second Church of Christ, Scientists. Sttnngers nnd visitors aro wolcome to sdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, bout M. P. BALDmN, 7n.ni. Next to the city hall. Services Sun- nil these services. A. L. CRAIO, AgLO.R.&N. Salem. day nt 10: SO a. m. nnd 8 p. m. SubM. Y. C. A. Gen. PaB8. Agt. Portland, Or. ject: "Adam nnd Fallen Man." There will be" a meeting for men at Evangollcal. the Y. M. C. A. Sunday afternoon nt Corner of 17th nnd Chsmekota 3:30 o'clock, to which all men are streets. T. H. Hornschuck, pastor. Invited. There will be a special song Ksi Sunday School at 10 a. m.. Y. P. A. service, led by the association male !ta nt 0:30 p. m. Prayer and teaohors' quartet and orchostra, and a short admeeting Thursday at 7 p. m. Sunday dress by Rev. J. A. Goode. services nt 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. In TUrnar Block. Evangelistic service will be hold In the hall In the Turner block on Commercial streot, beginning at 7:30 p. m. Saturday. Sabbath sorvlcos at 10:30 a. m., 3 p. ni. and 7:30 p. in., conducted by Evangelist W. G Hamner, of Chicago, assisted by tho ministers of tho Free Methodist church. Itov. John Qlon, pastor. St. Paul's Episcopal. Services on Sunday nt 10:30 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Sunday Scbhool at 12, noon'. First Christian. Corner of Contor and High streota. Preaching nt 10:30 .n. m. and 7:30 p. m , by tho pastor. D. Errett. Morning theme: "Oregon for Christ." Evening: "Vital Unity." Bible School nt 12 m. Endeavor at Christian C 30 p. m. Hi OASTOXIIA. a 3us ti The Kind You Have Always BotjT "55 Your Stepmother la still Hero, and as busy evor. Whon your clothos are worn and dirty, or Uie buttons off, take thorn to nor, at the Salem Dyeing and Cleaning Works, Repairing and rollnlng; new velvet collars put on overcoats; also four suits a month for $1. Called for and roturnod. MRS. O. H. WALKER, Prop. 195 Commercial 8trpol W. Hall. W R. E. DOWNING. HALL & DOWNING. on T. 'WfflSKYgl -- s&ma&L PILES Mr KnriAb4 tf th bm "sPILE RiinnnpHnm wujjjjuuuia Mtll TtuwMti. B.H. Fru-clsc- dally botwoen Ogdcn and Chicago. Lowest rate In effect always aril) able via "Rock Island System." Reduced ROUND TRIP RATES h effect on July 12, 13, 15 and 16, td August 18, 19, 25 and 2C; 90 days f " -' J ruaRTIN S'JOT. UNCXWn. vr- r. 1 Sold In Salem by 8. C. Stone. Call for Free Samples. -- k .. riioMrorrivs f--S OLD and PURE. I For Sale by, 71 , V SCHREIQER. Salem. 153 State St. FARMER'S HOME.. Orll&I Rd Ualr Uul. Ck'A m cm icii i si rn-. ivouriii l.HI - I I. .1.1 M..M lnlUfiiM vMi."' "''"" K. VS'I u aai Imiu .klliailHa i 7 (o :'i- iii i II, ri-- . I. J !,-- . Ip il r jl' tor. n.ll, H'.iiim. InllanUlh eil4,' " 'V n.ra, '(. ' s . lirikrr. m !.. llri...Ur'kflMlfV Or.u Corval lis & Eastern H R. 265 TIME CARD NO. 22. Has a new stock of first-clas- s rubber boots and shoes. All for sale at the No. 2 for Yaqulna Leaves Albany toweat prices. Leaves Corvallls Arrives Yaqulna 12:46 p.m. 1:50 pm, 6:35 p.m. 1 returning Leaves Yaqijlna No. 11 Iron. Rntbcrand Metals. From Tacoma, Seattle, the Purt Sound rnnntrv anil Hnnkane to Ml sourl river points and the Southe tho Burlington offers quick serrlM. Through trains Seattle to City equipped with big, free cnur csn Btandard Pullman slceporB, and lw but not loast, tourist sleepers, elm. rntnfnrtflhlA nnrt rtliAan Why not tako tho Southeast spUl via Billings and the Burlington? T cant do better and you might w worse. A. C. lOO Cora'l J. Brownsteln &Son. street. Highest cash price State 54 Mid for Ides, Felts. Wool. Tallow andfnrs: also 'central dealer In old Time East KJ nqlibh 'ENKYRQYAL IR Physicians prescribe It for their most delicate patients. 7:30 a.m. 11:30 a.m. 13.16 p.m. Leaves Corvallls Arrives Albany No. 3 for Detroit-Lea- ves Albany . Arrives Detroit No, 4 from Detroit-Lea- ves A. 260 Alia Quick D. OrUti Sboaj, SlXMTlll,, N. I wrltM 'IruHf Vl 8. V. I,,.,, t3uf d. .11 th nil. IV tbu R.r,fllUk 1UrfflT,.nlrir,&l4il T. rlu, - li l M.OIll, Curl. tire luuu,. D- ... villwl r l jtut, I h... Una I . HMlf ,. rr mm. w ' r t, M Cun, feu.,. FtM. S.I4 mem Jacob Vogi Through Standard and Tonrirt sleeping cars dally between San and Chicago via Los Aogthi and El Paso. Sleeper tuH Through Tourist TUESDAY from Portland to Chlcsfl via Salt Lnko and Colorado Spiinjv Through Standard Sleeping On GEO. W. DAINTER, T. P. I B. GOIUIAM, Gon Agt., streot. Portlrnd Ore. T., 1" Offers a cholco of TH11EE gatewsj KANSAS CITY, ST. JOSEPH n OMAHA, to Chicago and polnU Xut Money Loaning, Insurance. Collections. Loans nceotiatcd for turn limit Do euro that your ticket reads rfi ourselves .and catrons on tho fees terms at reasonable rates. Tlopa blk tho Great Rock Island Route. dl The best and most reasonaKa up stairs, opposite Gray Bros. log car sorvlco. Ifor Infonnatloi, State St-- . Salem Oretrot A. It is oonsldurvtl more fHshloimhle to wear a blue, green, gray or red hat with a blwok guwu than u blsck hat Semi-porcelai- n i 1 slip-iwr- MODES OF THE MOMENT. r f ll The daily amval of Holiday v n AV SERVICES recently been retold Hopping briskly over tin logs, he holped tho "Imss ' to laud. Nothing was said about tho accident After mii houtor so the Frenchman to get anxious teenuM the rewunl which he considered due was not forth eomiug. Ho nppioacliiHl the lumberman mid, pulling clumsily at his cap, stammered: In, m'slenr, an' I run "I see you-faqueek to pull you out 'fore you drowned." Trob'ly," snapped tht lumberman "prob'Iy If you'd been 'tending to busl-- ' noes as you'd oiighter you wouldn't havo been uie fall inl" Come to Oar Continuing C?T 1TL1T tine tiny the man. who was n l.irgo lumber operator, was suMrlntemllng u crew whleli was hi nuking up a logjam cident. a m Services Ilov. (icorj.o Hughes or Orange, N. .1., prondied u pcruian u.i hi eightieth btrthcbiy lli the Street .Methodist church, where he delivered his first Borinon sixty yearn ago. Itev. Henry W. Jameson, pastor of Afrk-iiEpiscopal Methodist the church of Mndlson. Wis.. Is the first colored minister to serve as chaplain " of tho Wisconsin legislature. In tho your W2 Itomiiu. Greek, Rus shin. English, Catholic mid I'rotestaiit church buildings were nil dedicated In Nr.v o.: iit.i. A gtvut ii'.iiu..ic:iool f uuuletl. for Jewish nibbls was nlThe .Mormon church now el.ilius JJOO.. 00J ni'Miibors mid 110.000 touchers and pupils in Its Sunday schools. Every Mormon boy Is looked upon us a future missionary, mid the first object Is to make mi orator of him. which 31, 1903. AltY JOCBHM tAWBM, OREGON, SATURDAY. OCTOBER subsequent trouble. $ ,t - 'r-l- C 'WV'i j'""w "" y&tn"" 7:00 a.m. 12:20 p.m. SHE-DO- N, General Aoent THIRD STREET, PORTLAND. O. C. T. CO.'S PASSENGER STEAMER3 POMONA and ALTONA leaves for Portland at 7 a. m. dally except Sunday, Fare, one way, St.OO; Round trip, $1.50. QuickTime, Cheap 1:00 pm. Dock: Foot of Trade 8tret p.m. 5:55 M. P. BALDWIN, Aflt. Train No. 1 arrives in Albany In time to connect with thn n P smith bound train, as well as giving two or mroo nours in Aioany before doparture Capital Normal School of S. P. north bound train. Train No. 2 connects with the S. P. First National Bank Bulldlne. Sale-Thtrains at Corvallls and Alhanv cHvini fall term of twelve weeks ocew direct sorvlco to Newport and adjacent September 2 a, Aoaress, ueacnes. J. J. KRAPS. Salem. Of Train No. 3 for Detroit. Breltenbush and other mountain resorts leaves AlCRATES bany ut 7: ajau reaching Detroit about FRUIT TRAYS, BOXES and Cltn soon, git lng ample time to reach tho styles. First and all kinds Springs the same day work and Material. Prices reasoi; For further Information apply to able. Shop on HlUer St.. SoutB EDWIN 8TONB; Manager. Red 2191 Salem, T COCKRELL. Agent. Albany. H VL CROJ11BB, Agent, Corvallls, GEO. F. MASON- Detroit Rates ArrlTes Albany HUIEWING SANG CO. FANCY DRY GOODS e Yokonama Tea 6o. Fine Coffee a Specialty. Free Delivery. JPtyAfc Blftk 2411. tHHM(HWIlitlll Made up in a new line of wrappers, all colors. White Underwear, All kinds of waists I tancy goods, silks, gents and For Infants and Children, ladies furnishing goods, matTbe Kind You Have Always Bought tings, Newlineot winter goods 1 00 Court Bears tho for sale cheap CASTOR A Signature of &&tfffi St., Salem, Or. Cor. Alley
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