Reliability of Clinical Measurements of Lumbar Lordosis Taken with a Flexible Rule Franklin W Lovell, Jules M Rothstein and Walter J Personius PHYS THER. 1989; 69:96-102. The online version of this article, along with updated information and services, can be found online at: Collections This article, along with others on similar topics, appears in the following collection(s): Injuries and Conditions: Low Back Tests and Measurements e-Letters To submit an e-Letter on this article, click here or click on "Submit a response" in the right-hand menu under "Responses" in the online version of this article. E-mail alerts Sign up here to receive free e-mail alerts Downloaded from by guest on September 9, 2014 Reliability of Clinical Measurements of Lumbar Lordosis Taken with a Flexible Rule The purpose of this study was to examine the intratester and intertester reliability of lumbar lordosis measurements taken with a flexible rule. Two physical therapists (Tester 1 and Tester 2) took measurements on 40 subjects without low back pain (LBP) and on 40 subjects with LBP. Intraclass correlation coefficients (ICCs) were used to determine the degree of agreement between repeated measurements taken by the same therapist and between measurements taken by the two therapists. The ICC values for intratester reliability of Tester 1 were .84 for subjects without LBP and .94 for subjects with LBP. The ICC values of Tester 2 were . 73 for subjects without LBP and .83 for subjects with LBP. Intertester reliability generally was poor, with ICC values of .41 for subjects without LBP and .50 for subjects with LBP. The results suggest that measurements of lumbar lordosis with a flexible rule may be reliable if taken by the same physical therapist. The degree of reliability, however, may vary from therapist to therapist. The intertester reliability of these measurements appears to be poor, but these conclusions must be interpreted carefully because of the limited number of therapists participating in this study. [Lovell FW, RothsteinJM,Personius WJ: Reliability of clinical measurements of lumbar lordosis taken with a flexible rule. Phys Ther 69:96-105, 1989.] Franklin W Lovell Jules M Rothstein Walter J Personius Key Words: Backache; Lordosis; Lumbar vertebrae; Tests and measurements, general. Physical therapists frequently evaluate and treat patients with low back pain (LBP). During the therapist's evaluation, the extent of lumbar lordosis is often assessed.1-3 This assessment often consists of visual inspection. The patient often is then classified as having a specific type of posture.4,5 This assessment is then used by some therapists to determine the choice of treatment programs.4,5 However, to provide meaningful and accurate information on which to base assessments and treatment selection, measurements must be reliable and valid. The reliability of techniques to F Lovell, MS, is Chief, Physical Therapy Services, 92nd Strategic Hospital/SGHY, Fairchild Air Force Base, WA 99011 (USA). He was a master's degree candidate, Program in Physical Therapy, Medical College of Virginia, Virginia Commonwealth University, when this research was completed in partial fulfillment of the requirements for his master's degree. Address correspondence to Major Lovell. assess lumbar lordosis based on visual inspection has not been demonstrated. In addition, visual inspection does not provide quantitative information about the lumbar lordosis. Several measurement techniques have been described for quantifying lumbar lordosis. These techniques include the use of radiographs,6 photographs,7,8 the Iowa Anatomical Positioning System (IAPS),9 posture meters,10 specialized goniometers,8 and flexible rules.11-13 Repeated radiographs are expensive and pose a potential health hazard to the patient.14 Photographs are W Personius, PhD, is Associate Professor, Department of Physical Therapy, School of Allied Health expensive, and studies have not Professions, Medical College of Virginia, Virginia Commonwealth University. demonstrated a high degree of validity for these methods.7,8 The IAPS, posture The opinions expressed herein are solely those of the authors and may not be construed as an official position of the US Air Force Medical Service or the Department of Defense. meters, and specialized goniometers are not readily available to clinicians. This article was submitted August 3, 1987; was with the authors for revision for 31 weeks; and was J Rothstein, PhD, is Associate Professor, Department of Physical Therapy, School of Allied Health Professions, Medical College of Virginia, Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, VA 23298. accepted May 27, 1988. Physical Therapy/Volume 69, Number 2/February 1989 Downloaded from by guest on September 9, 2014 96/13 On the other hand, the flexible rule has no safety problems and is inexpensive, readily available, and easy to use.11 However, reliability and validity of the flexible rule have not been shown on clinically relevant populations. This documentation is necessary if the measurements are to be meaningful to clinicians. reported an ICC of .97 for 23 pairs of repeated measurements taken on subjects who were either standing or maximally forward bent. The type of subjects measured was not described, and the reliability for each position was not reported. Hart and Rose appear to have used a form of the ICC that tends to overestimate reliability.15 In addition to examining reliability, Hart and Rose examined the validity of the flexible-rule measurements using data from six of their subjects. They compared the measurements they obtained using aflexiblerule with two different measurements they made from radiographs. The Pearson product-moment correlations between each of the two methods and the flexible-rule measurements were .87 and .51, respectively. Based on their results, Hart and Rose concluded that theflexible-rulemethod had good intratester reliability and validity. Walker et al reported an intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) (formula of Shrout and Fleiss [1,1])15 of .90 for intratester reliability of measurements of lumbar lordosis using aflexiblerule on 31 young, healthy physical therapy students.12 The ICC was used to determine the degree of agreement between paired measurements. They concluded that their measurements were reliable on young, healthy subjects. We found no published studies that examined the intertester reliability of measurements of lumbar lordosis using the flexible rule on patient populations. Intertester reliability is important if two or more examiners are measuring the same subject or exchanging data. In addition, reliability demonstrated for one type of subject cannot be assumed Hart and Rose studied the reliability of measurements obtained by a single tester with aflexiblerule.13 They to be present for another type of subject.16 Therefore, even though measurements obtained using a flexible rule on healthy subjects appear to be reliable, they may not be reliable on patients with LBP. Patients with LBP are commonly assessed and treated by physical therapists. Therefore, determination of the reliability of measurements obtained with a flexible rule on patients with LBP is needed. The purpose of this study was to determine intratester and intertester reliability of lumbar lordosis measurements using aflexiblerule on subjects with LBP and on subjects without LBP. Specifically, the degree of reliability was assessed for 1) repeated measurements of lumbar lordosis taken with aflexiblerule by the same therapist on subjects without LBP, 2) repeated measurements of lumbar lordosis taken with aflexiblerule by the same therapist on subjects with LBP, 3) measurements of lumbar lordosis taken with aflexiblerule by two different therapists on subjects without LBP, and 4) measurements of lumbar lordosis taken with a flexible rule by two different therapists on subjects with LBP. Method T a b l e 1. Characteristics of Subjects Subjects a Variable NSLBP Group (n = 40) b SLBP Group (n = 40) Men 20 15 Women 20 25 30 40 Age (yr) s Range 10 11 (20-61) (24-68) 147 161 23 31 Weight (lbc) s Range (98-195) (114-233) 172.7 167.6 Height (cm) s Range a Nonsignificant low back pain. b Significant low back pain. c 1 lb = 0.4536 kg. 14/97 10.2 (152.4-193.0) 10.2 (152.4-185.4) Subjects for this study consisted of two groups of 40 volunteers who were patients, students, or staff members at the Medical College of Virginia, Richmond, Va. The first group consisted of 40 volunteers who did not have low back pain and who had limited work or recreational activities or required medical care within the past 12 months. This group was referred to as the Nonsignificant Low Back Pain (NSLBP) Group. The second group consisted of 40 volunteers with LBP. We defined low back pain as pain in the lower third of the back that resulted in the patient limiting work or recreational activities or that caused the patient to seek medical help during the past 12 months. This group was referred to as the Significant Low Back Pain (SLBP) Group. None of the female subjects reported being pregnant at the time of the study, and volunteers who Physical Therapy/Volume 69, Number 2/February 1989 Downloaded from by guest on September 9, 2014 Fig. 1. Photograph offlexiblerule. reported a history of lumbar spinal fusions, connective tissue diseases, or neurological diseases were excluded from the study. All subjects gave informed consent before participation in the study. Table 1 describes the characteristics of the subject groups. increments was used to measure distances on the tracings. The data obtained from these instruments were used to calculate the angle of the lumbar lordosis. Testers The procedure was a modification of a method described by Walker et al.12 The subjects were asked to stand in a relaxed position with the low back and upper buttocks exposed. The subjects were told to distribute their weight evenly, with their feet 10 to 15 cm apart. The subjects stood with their arms at their sides and their head facing forward. A tracing was then made of the position of the subjects' feet on a piece of paper on the floor. This procedure allowed repeated measurements of the lumbar lordosis to be made with the subjects' feet in the same position. Measurements of the lumbar lordosis were made by two physical therapists. Tester 1 (FWL) had nine years of clinical orthopedic physical therapy experience and was a graduate physical therapy student at the time of the study. Tester 2 had eight years of clinical orthopedic physical therapy experience and was the Orthopedic Clinical Supervisor at the Medical College of Virginia at the time of the study. Each tester served as his or her own recorder. Both testers independently practiced taking measurements on five subjects before the study. Instrumentation Aflexiblerule* was used to obtain tracings of the lumbar lordosis of each subject (Figure 1). Small adhesive markers with a horizontal line drawn through the center were used to mark the spinous processes of L3 and S2. A straight ruler marked in 1-mm Procedure The tester palpated the spinous processes of L3 and S2 and marked them with small paper adhesive markers. The spinous process of L3 was located using the following method. The L4-5 interspace was located on an imaginary line approximately midway between the superior aspect of the two iliac crests.17 The tester then palpated two spinous processes up from this space to locate the L3 spinous process. A marker was placed over this process making sure the line on the marker was horizontal. Next, the examiner palpated the S2 spinous process, which was assumed to be midway between the inferior aspects of the posterior superior iliac spines (PSISs).17 This assumption was made because of the difficulty in identifying this spinous process. An adhesive marker was placed over the center of the S2 spinous process keeping the line on the marker horizontal. The flexible rule was then placed over the spinous processes of the low back and shaped to fit its contour. The markings on the flexible rule that intersected with the lines on the adhesive markers at the L3 and S2 spinous processes were noted. The tester then carefully removed the flexible rule so as not to distort its shape. The outline of the curve was traced onto paper, and the markings that corresponded to the L3 and S2 levels were labeled as points A and B, respectively (Figure 2). To reduce examiner bias, all measurements from tracings were calculated randomly after all subjects were measured. The testers calculated their own measurements. The length of the line (L) drawn from point A to point B was measured to the nearest millimeter (Figure 2). The length of a perpendicular line (H) drawn from the midpoint of L to the *Model TC-384, C-Thru Ruler Co, 6 Britton Dr, Bloomfield, CT 06002. Physical Therapy/Volume 69, Number 2/February 1989 Downloaded from by guest on September 9, 2014 98/15 Intertester reliability. After being measured two consecutive times by the first tester, the subjects were given a one- to three-minute rest. Each subject was then measured by the other tester, who used the same procedure, including making a tracing of the position of the subjects' feet. Tester 1 measured all subjects first, followed by Tester 2. Each tester measured all 40 subjects in each group. measurements of theta by Tester 1 were .84 for the NSLBP Group and .94 for the SLBP Group (Tab. 2). The ICC values for Tester 2 were .73 for the NSLBP Group and .83 for the SLBP Group (Tab. 2). The ICC values for intertester reliability using first measurements taken by each therapist were .41 for the NSLBP Group and .50 for the SLBP Group (Tab. 3). The ICC values for intertester reliability using the second set of measurements taken by each therapist were .54 for the NSLBP Group and .52 for the SLBP Group (Tab. 3). Data Analysis θ = 4 x [arctan (2H/L)] F i g . 2 . Drawing to depict length (L) and height (H) of curve used to calculate theta. (A corresponds to L3 spinous process; B corresponds to S2 spinous process.) curve (Fig. 2) was then measured with a ruler to the nearest millimeter. This distance represented the height of the curve. These two measurements (L and H) were then recorded on the data form by the tester performing the measurements. An angle, theta (θ), 18 was then determined by using these measurements in the equation: 0 = 4 x [arctan(2H/L)] where 6 represents the magnitude of the lordotic curve. Intratester reliability. After this procedure was performed, the markers were removed, and the subjects were given a one-minute rest. The subjects were then asked to stand with their feet in the same position as for the first measurement. This positioning was controlled by having the subjects place their feet on the outline drawn before the first measurement was taken. We believe that clinicians who use the flexible rule should control for subject foot position when taking serial measurements and that the use of a tracing is a practical means for achieving this goal. The procedure previously described was then used to obtain a second measurement of theta. Intratester reliability was determined for both testers on each of the 40 subjects in each group. Only one tester was present in the examination room at a time. Intraclass correlation coefficients15 were calculated to describe the degree of agreement for the repeated measures (ie, for intratester reliability, the paired measurements taken by each therapist, and for intertester reliability, the paired measurements taken by the two therapists). We were interested in only the error associated with repeated measures and not the effects of each tester. Therefore, the form of ICC described by Shrout and Fleiss in equation 1,1 was used.15 Calculation of the ICC for intratester reliability was made by comparing paired measurements taken by each tester. There were 40 pairs of measurements for Tester 1 and 40 pairs of measurements for Tester 2 for each subject group. Calculation of the ICC for intertester reliability was made by comparing the first measurements taken by each tester. Discussion Measurements of lumbar lordosis obtained with a flexible rule appear to be reliable when repeated by the same tester over a short period of time (Tab. 2). This observation is based on the high ICCs for intratester reliability of theta measurements for Tester 1. Intratester reliability of theta measurements by Tester 2 were considerably lower (Tab. 2). The ICC values obtained by Tester 1 were similar to the ICC value of .90 Walker et al found for repeated measures in 31 young, healthy physical therapy students.12 Hart and Rose also obtained a high ICC value for intratester reliability.13 However, Hart and Rose did not report separate values for the measurements of standing and forward-bent subjects. They also used a less conservative form of the ICC than was used in our study and by Walker et al.12 Therefore, their results may have Results Results based on ICC values showed that intratester reliability for the Table 2. Intraclass Correlation Coefficienta for Intratester Reliability NSLBPb Group (n = 40) SLBPC Group (n = 40) T1d T2e T1 T2 T1 T2 Length .92 .90 .92 .91 .96 .80 .84 .97 .72 .94 Height .77 .88 .74 .73 .94 .83 .91 .78 Theta a d b Shrout and Fleiss equation (1,1).15 e Nonsignificant low back pain. Combined Groups (N = 80) Therapist 1. Therapist 2. c Significant low back pain. 16/99 Physical Therapy/Volume 69, Number 2/February 1989 Downloaded from by guest on September 9, 2014 Table 3- Intraclass CorrelationCoefficientsafor Intertester Reliability NSLBPb Group (n = 40) SLBPC Group (n = 40) Combined Groups (N = 80) Length 1 .70 .52 .62 Height 1 .32 .38 .35 Theta 1 .41 .50 .46 Length 2 .73 .43 .60 Height 2 .36 .50 .44 Theta 2 .54 .52 .53 healthy subject by 10 different examiners. The low ICC values for intratester reliability of Tester 2 appear to have contributed to the poor intertester reliability. The use of only two therapists in our study, however, makes it difficult to generalize our intertester reliability results to the general population of therapists. Therefore, using a greater number of therapists to measure subjects would have enabled us to more adequately assess intertester reliability. a Shrout and Fleiss equation (1,1).15 b Nonsignificant low back pain. c Significant low back pain. overestimated the degree of reliability because they used a questionable statistic. One possible explanation for lower ICC values of Tester 2 could be error in measuring the height of the curve. Intratester reliability for measurements of curve length was good for both therapists (Tab. 2). However, intratester reliability of height measurements for Tester 2 was much lower than it was for Tester 1 (Tab. 2). During the study, we noted that a difference in height of 1 mm could affect the value of theta by as much as 10 degrees. Because the height had a smaller excursion (range of values) than the length, and because it was multiplied by a factor of 2 in the equation to determine theta, small variations in height greatly affected the value generated by the equation. As a result, even small differences in the height measurement could result in very different values for theta. These differences could possibly have resulted in lower intratester reliability based on ICC values for measurements of theta by Tester 2. Other possible explanations also exist for the lower ICC values of Tester 2. Tester 2 performed measurements for this study while treating patients and performing administrative duties. Many times she had to interrupt a patient's treatment session or leave a meeting to obtain measurements. These interruptions caused her to be rushed at times during the measurement process. Tester 1, on the other hand, was a full-time graduate student whose only requirement was to collect data. He did not have time constraints and was not rushed. Therefore, he took between 5 and 10 minutes to perform each measurement. Both therapists had similar experience in orthopedic clinical work. However, Tester 1 was more knowledgeable and familiar with the measurement procedures using a flexible rule than Tester 2. Subject fatigue may also have been a factor leading to decreased reliability. The subjects may have become tired during the period of time required for Tester 1 to measure the patients. Fatigue may have resulted in subjects being unable to maintain their posture during the measurements taken by Tester 2. This factor could have diminished the intratester reliability of Tester 2 and the intertester reliability. Intertester reliability for all measurements of lumbar lordosis was generally poor (Tab. 3). The ICC values for intertester reliability of the second measurements were higher than for the first measurements, but the reliability was still poor (Tab. 3). These values were much lower than those found by Henkel (Barbara A Henkel, unpublished data, 1985). Henkel reported an ICC of .70 for the intertester reliability of lumbar lordosis measurements obtained from a single Another possible source of error affecting intertester reliability may have been errors by the testers in not locating the same bony landmarks. If the testers were not consistent in locating the same landmarks, this inconsistency could have resulted in the testers measuring different curves and obtaining different values. For example, if Tester 1 labeled the L2 spinous process as L3 and Tester 2 labeledLAas L3, the length and height of the curve would be different and could result in different values for theta. As can be seen in Table 3, the ability of the testers to agree on the length and height was poor, indicating a possible problem in locating the same bony landmarks. An additional source of error affecting intertester reliability may have been some differences in the way the subjects stood while being measured by each tester. Foot tracings were taken by each tester to ensure that the subject stood similarly during each measurement by the same tester. However, the therapists took their own tracings. The SLBP Group demonstrated higher intratester reliability than the NSLBP Group (Tab. 2). This 10% difference appears to represent a meaningful difference. The higher ICC values for intratester reliability of the SLBP Group could be a result of a more rigid posture associated with patients with LBP. Good intratester reliability of measurements of the lumbar lordosis by Tester 1 suggests that the flexible Physical Therapy/Volume 69, Number 2/February 1989 Downloaded from by guest on September 9, 2014 100/17 subject fatigue. Our results demonstrate the need for therapists to determine their own intratester reliability before using measurements of lumbar lordosis obtained with a flexible rule. T a b l e 4. Intraclass Correlation Coefficientsa for Intratester Reliability as a Result of Certain Factors SLBPC Group NSLBPb Group Factor T1d T2 e N T1 T2 Male .88 .58 20 .88 .83 15 Female .78 .76 20 .93 .74 25 Age <33 yr .78 .95 33 .95 .83 15 Age >33 yr .90 .93 7 .94 .81 25 Previous LBP .91 .82 20 No previous LBP .96 .81 20 Pain <3 f .88 .73 17 Pain >3 .96 .84 23 a e b Shrout and Fleiss equation (1,1).15 f N Therapist 2. Nonsignificant low back pain (LBP). Pain was measured by asking the subject to mark the pain intensity on a 10-cm line. c Significant LBP. d Therapist 1. rule may be useful when taking measurements on a subject by the same tester. This utility may be clinically relevant by enabling a physical therapist to note changes in lumbar lordosis as a result of treatment. However, functional criteria would still be necessary to validate whether a treatment was helpful to a patient. The following factors may have had an effect on reliability: the tester's expertise in using the flexible rule, the amount of time available to take measurements, and the effects of T a b l e 5 . Intraclass Correlation Coefficientsa for Intertester Reliability as a Result of Certain Factors Factor NSLBPb Group .35 Male N SLBPC Group N 20 .73 15 25 Female .36 20 .34 Age <33 yr .48 33 .61 15 Age >33 yr .38 7 .44 25 Previous LBP .70 20 No previous LBP .36 20 d .45 17 Pain >3 .54 23 Buttock pain .60 27 Thigh pain .71 20 Leg pain .57 15 Pain < 3 Poor intertester reliability of lumbar lordosis measurements also has important clinical implications. If intertester reliability of measurements of lumbar lordosis is poor, a patient seen by two or more therapists might receive different treatments. For example, one therapist may measure a small amount of lumbar lordosis and prescribe McKenzie's extension exercises4 to increase the amount of lordosis. Another therapist, however, after measuring the same patient, might find a great deal of lordosis and prescribe Williams's flexion exercises.5 In addition to this problem, poor intertester reliability for measurements of lumbar lordosis could impede communications between physical therapists. Measurements reported by one therapist could not be used by another. Therefore, a therapist may not be able to describe the lumbar lordosis using measurement values of an unreliable measurement method. In an attempt to identify factors that may have affected reliability, a posteriori analyses were performed. The variables that were examined for effects on reliability were subject's sex, age, pain level, and history of previous LBP. Pain level was determined during the initial assessment by asking the subjects with LBP to mark the level of pain on a 10-cm line. Intratester reliability did not appear to be affected to any significant degree by any of these factors (Tab. 4). These factors appeared to have had a small effect on intertester reliability. However, even considering these effects, the ICC values were still poor (Tab. 5). In addition, the number of subjects in some of these categories was too small to make any definite conclusions (Tab. 5). Conclusions a Shrout and Fleiss equation (1,1).15 b Nonsignificant low back pain (LBP). c Significant LBP. d Pain was measured by asking the subject to mark the pain intensity on a 10-cm line. 18/101 Clinical measurements of lumbar lordosis using a flexible rule can be highly reliable if taken by the same Physical Therapy/Volume 69, Number 2/February 1989 Downloaded from by guest on September 9, 2014 therapist over a short period of time. However, this statement may not be true for all therapists. The level of expertise in using the flexible rule, time available to take measurements, and subject fatigue may also influence reliability. Therefore, intratester reliability should be assessed for each therapist before using this procedure. This precaution appears to be true for measuring both subjects with significant LBP and those without significant LBP. Clinical measurement of lumbar lordosis using the flexible rule cannot be considered reliable between therapists. Our results strongly suggest that measurements of the lumbar lordosis using a flexible rule should be made by the same tester. Additional studies involving a greater number of testers are needed to more clearly assess intertester reliability. Acknowledgments We thank Delores Nice, PT, and the staff of the Physical Therapy Department, Medical College of Virginia Hospital, Richmond, Va, for their assistance in this study and Thomas P Mayhew, PT, and Dan L Riddle, PT, for their assistance with this manuscript. References 1 Corrigan B, Maitland GD: Practical Orthopaedic Medicine. Boston, MA, Butterworth Publishers, 1983 2 Cyriax J: Textbook of Orthopaedic Medicine: Diagnosis of Soft Tissue Lesions, ed 8. London, England, Baillière Tindall, vol 1, 1982 3 Grieve GP (ed): Common Vertebral Joint Problems. London, England, Churchill Livingstone, 1981 4 McKenzie RA: Manual correction of sciatic scoliosis. N Z Med J 76:194-199, 1972 5 Williams PC: The Lumbosacral Spine: Emphasizing Conservative Management. New York, NY, McGraw-Hill Inc, 1965 6 Farfan HF: Mechanical Disorders of the Low Back. Philadelphia, PA, Lea & Febiger, 1973 7 Flint MM: Lumbar posture: A study of roentgenographic measurement and the influence of flexibility and strength. Research Quarterly 34:15-20, 1963 8 Burdett RG, Brown KE, Fall MP: Reliability and validity of four instruments for measuring lumbar spine and pelvic positions. Phys Ther 66:677-684, 1986 9 Day JW, Smidt GL, Lehmann T: Effect of pelvic tilt on standing posture. Phys Ther 64:510-516, 1984 10 Harris R: A simple posture meter. Ann Rheum Dis 14:90-91, 1955 11 Israel M: A quantitative method of estimating flexion and extension of the spine: A preliminary report. Milit Med 124:181-186, 1959 12 Walker ML, Rothstein JM, Finucane SD, et al: Relationships between lumbar lordosis, pelvic tilt, and abdominal muscle performance. Phys Ther 67:512-516, 1987 13 Hart DL, Rose SJ: Reliability of a non-invasive method for measuring the lumbar curve. Journal of Orthopaedic and Sports Physical Therapy 8:180-184, 1986 14 Russell JG: How dangerous are diagnostic x-rays? Clin Radiol 35:347-351, 1984 15 Shrout PE, Fleiss JL: Intraclass correlations: Uses in assessing rater reliability. Psychol Bull 86:420-428, 1979 16 Rothstein JM: Measurement and clinical practice: Theory and application. In Rothstein JM (ed): Measurement in Physical Therapy: Clinics in Physical Therapy. New York, NY, Churchill Livingstone Inc, 1985, vol 7, pp 1-46 17 Hoppenfeld S: Physical Examination of the Spine and Extremities. New York, NY, Appleton-Century-Crofts, 1976 18 Shelby SM (ed): CRC Mathematical Tables, ed 21. Cleveland, OH, Cleveland Press, 1973 Commentary The authors should be complimented on their meticulous study of intratester and intertester reliability of the external shape of the lumbar spine, particularly of patients with low back pain syndrome. Exacting clinical and research procedures such as the procedure described in this article should act as an example for other clinicians and researchers so that the readers can easily interpret the results of research articles in such a way that they can decide whether the findings should be applied to their specific patients and whether the investigation can be duplicated if necessary. Of particular clinical importance, the article represents an example of how to quantify a specific clinical observation, in this case, the shape of the lumbar spine, which has not been shown to be reliable without such quantification. For this fact alone, the authors deserve recognition. It should be emphasized that without these types of investigations, the physical therapy profession runs the distinct risk of losing much of its support. The insurance industry, for example, because it has not had the justification for the use of physical therapy services previously, has simply begun to stop remunerating physical therapists for many services. Therefore, the authors deserve our respect for this study. However, as with all reliability studies, if the reliable measurement is not used now to answer appropriate clinical questions, particularly after appropriate validity studies, the efforts to determine the reliability of the measurement will have been for naught. Because we have known that the flexible ruler can be used to assess both intratester and intertester reliability and to reliably measure inanimate objects,1 healthy subjects,1,2 and patients with low back pain,3-5 the findings of this study are not new. However, the article stimulates debate that is fruitful in the analysis of this and Physical Therapy/Volume 69, Number 2/February 1989 Downloaded from by guest on September 9, 2014 102/19 Reliability of Clinical Measurements of Lumbar Lordosis Taken with a Flexible Rule Franklin W Lovell, Jules M Rothstein and Walter J Personius PHYS THER. 1989; 69:96-102. Subscription Information Permissions and Reprints Information for Authors Downloaded from by guest on September 9, 2014
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