Understanding Allergies And How To Deal With Them By: Dr

Understanding Allergies
And How To Deal With Them
By: Dr. Douglas K. Schreiber MD, FACAAI
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Table of Contents
Introduction .................................................................................................................. 3
What is an allergy? ..................................................................................................... 4
Recognizing some more common allergens ....................................................... 6
How do allergic reactions manifest themselves? .............................................. 9
Why do some people develop allergies while others do not? ..................... 11
Hereditary factors ................................................................................................. 11
Environmental factors.......................................................................................... 12
Other possible causes of allergies ................................................................... 14
The conclusion ....................................................................................................... 15
So, what’s next? ........................................................................................................ 17
Diagnosing your condition.................................................................................. 17
Treating allergies................................................................................................... 19
Conclusion ................................................................................................................... 21
Thank you for requesting this free guide to understanding allergies and
how to deal with them.
Given that suffering an allergy is an increasingly common complaint
nowadays, almost everyone is familiar with the general concept of what
an allergy is. Indeed, being allergic to something or other is so
commonplace that it is not even impolite to talk about it around the
dinner table!
Nevertheless, there are many misunderstandings and false beliefs about
allergies. Consequently, my primary objective in this report is to dispel
many of the more common myths and mysteries surrounding allergies,
what they are and what they are not.
Most importantly of all, I am also going to highlight exactly what you
should do if you believe that you might be suffering from some form of
allergy or allergic reaction.
I understand that this is vital information that you need and that you
need it as quickly as possible.
So, let’s get going!
What is an allergy?
According to the widely respected Dorland’s Medical Dictionary for
Healthcare Consumers, an allergy can be defined as “a state of
abnormal hypersensitivity acquired through exposure to a substance
called an allergen; re-exposure reveals a heightened capacity to react”.
In simple terms, allergies are caused by the reaction of your immune
system to a substance or situation which should not cause any
problems under normal circumstances.
If you had no allergy, there would be no reaction to this particular
substance but because it has become an allergic trigger for some
reason, your immune system releases chemicals that cause the allergic
The normally harmless substances that cause allergic reactions in those
who are susceptible to them are known as allergens. These allergens
cause a reaction because an allergic person suffers hypersensitivity,
more specifically what is known as a Type I reaction or an immediate
hypersensitive reaction.
What this means is that in the presence of an allergen to which you
react badly, your body is allowing the allergen to react with a form of
protein known as immunoglobulin, namely IgE or immunoglobulin E.
This causes the excessive activation of certain white blood cells that
under normal circumstances defend your body against infection and
In the case of an allergic reaction however, the overproduction of
protective white blood cells results in the production of histamines and
leukotrienes resulting in an inflammatory response, often an excessive
Some authorities now suggest that the explanation linking IgE to all
forms of allergy may be an oversimplified one as it appears increasingly
apparent that many areas or aspects of your immune system might be
involved in any allergy that you have.
For example, MedicineNet.com reports that current research indicates
that other cells is the immune system known as T and B cells appear to
play a role in the development of allergies.
Leaving aside the intricacies of medical science however, the main point
to understand is that an allergy is an indication of an abnormal reaction
in certain parts of your immune system to a trigger that for most people
is entirely harmless.
In effect, when you suffer an allergic reaction, your immune system is
sending out a false alarm signal which triggers an equally false reaction
to the imaginary invader.
Hence you have a situation where one person has an immune system
that sees a particular allergen as a would-be invader whereas the
person stood next to them has an immune system that does not.
The final thing to reiterate is that an allergy is a condition that your
body ‘learns’ or acquires.
In other words, the very first time you are exposed to any particular
allergen, your immune system is not going to react to it.
However, as a result of this initial exposure, your body might learn to
react badly to that particular substance in the future.
Recognizing some more common allergens
As our knowledge of exactly what causes allergies is never likely to be
100% complete and because every individual is different, the causes of
allergic reactions vary from person to person. Nevertheless, there are
some allergens that are widely recognized as presenting the greatest
To begin with, there are airborne allergic threats such as pollen,
airborne chemicals and dust. As these substances are in the air,
symptoms tend to arise in areas of the body which are in contact with it
like your eyes, nose and lungs.
When you are outside, it is difficult to avoid ingesting airborne pollution
from the surrounding traffic and industry in the town and cities,
whereas in more rural areas, pollen and other plant produced allergens
will be very difficult to avoid.
However, even when you are indoors, you are not safe from airborne
allergens. In fact, the complete opposite may very well be true.
Most houses and apartments are a rich breeding ground for the almost
unfettered development and growth of a multitude of allergens.
As many live in an artificially maintained environment that is heated in
the winter and cooled in the summer, the conditions are ideal for house
mites, bed bugs and the like to thrive.
Many of these unseen bugs live on dust and other less attractive
sounding food sources such as dead skin flakes. Hence, you have a
‘double whammy’ in most domestic residences.
On the one hand, you have the mites and bugs themselves – and many
people are allergic to their secretions – while dead skin and other
household detritus causes allergic problems for some people as well.
Then you have the preponderance of household pets like cats and dogs,
with many people being allergic to the fur and skin particles they
naturally shed.
Study results published in 2008 suggest that in excess of 50% of
domestic American residences have at least six known allergens in the
You might therefore think that you are safe indoors but if you do, you’d
better think again!
Next, there are millions of people all over the world who suffer allergic
reactions to particular foodstuffs.
As an example, allergic sensitivity to peanuts is extremely common.
Allergic reactions to peanuts can be extremely severe in some cases but
fortunately, this tends to be a condition that is more prevalent in
children and one that many childhood sufferers grow out off.
In addition to peanuts, there are many who are allergic to ‘real’ nuts
like pistachios, pecans, almonds and walnuts, with some people
unfortunately allergic to several of them.
Milk and the by-products of milk such as cheese are also a common
cause of allergic reactions, with milk from cows, goat and even sheep
equally at fault. And as beef contains a trace of the same proteins that
cause allergic reactions when milk is consumed, a small percentage of
children are allergic to beef as well.
Next, there are oily seeds such as poppy and sunflower seeds that
contain proteins that might cause allergic reactions in some.
Eggs are also a known cause of allergies, particularly in children. This
form of allergy is believed to be caused by proteins in the egg yoke and
is one that is normally grown out of by age five or six.
Insects are also a major source of allergic medical problems, with wasp
and bee stings known to cause systematic allergic responses.
Skin contact with allergens is also a problem for many.
To begin with, some patients suffer skin problems as a result of contact
with latex, possibly as a result of the allergenic proteins in the
Although some sources suggest that less than 1% of individuals who
come into contact with latex will suffer an allergic reaction, others put
the incidence of allergic problems among those who are exposed to
latex contact as high as 10%.
Suffering an allergic reaction to contact the latex can be particularly
troublesome as medical professionals use latex protection while treating
patients, during medical or dental surgery as an example. In the case of
exposure under these circumstances, it is not unknown for patients to
suffer an allergic reaction.
Furthermore, it was reported in the Annals of Allergy in 1993 that some
latex-induced allergy sufferers may be more susceptible to allergies to
certain foods including bananas, chestnuts, kiwi and avocado as well.
Another cause of allergic skin reactions is contact with certain plants
such as poison ivy, poison sumac or either Eastern or Western poison
In this case, the cause of the problem is Urushiol oil which is an
extremely potent irritant.
Sensitivity to this incredibly strong irritant is one of the most common
allergies in the country to the extent that it is covered by workers
compensation in some states including California.
How do allergic reactions manifest themselves?
As suggested in the previous chapter, there are many different
substances that cause allergic reactions in different people. In the same
way that the causes of allergic responses will vary, so will the degree of
the response as well.
Beginning with airborne allergens, there cannot be many people who do
not know someone who suffers allergic rhinitis, a condition more
commonly known as hay fever.
Fortunately for most sufferers, hay fever tends to be a seasonal
condition which is not too serious in the majority of cases.
However, other conditions that are caused or exacerbated by airborne
pollutants such as asthma can be considerably more serious, with
symptoms such as bronchoconstriction (a narrowing of the airways), a
buildup of mucus in the lungs and shortness of breath causing serious
discomfort or perhaps even worse.
If you know anyone who suffers from asthma, you will be aware that
the symptoms of the condition can be extremely severe and very
distressing for the patient and for those around them.
In the most extreme examples, there is also a risk of anaphylactic
shock, a widespread and traumatic systematic allergic reaction, the
symptoms of which can include dizziness, struggling for breath, a
swollen tongue, shortness of breath, blue skin (caused by a lack of
oxygen), low blood pressure, heart failure and ultimately possibly even
Given the potentially lethal nature of this condition, emergency medical
treatment must always be sought when any allergic reaction appears to
be severe. As with all medical matters, it is better to be safe than sorry
and the possibility of anaphylactic shock is one that you should never
As you are also aware, there are many foodstuffs that can cause allergic
reactions. When they do so, the most common symptoms of an allergic
response to a foodborne allergen would include digestive problems such
as bloating, diarrhea and vomiting as well as cutaneous symptoms such
as itchy rashes and/or hives.
Insect stings (as well as certain drugs and antibiotics) cause
symptomatic allergic reactions, internal symptoms that might cripple
your respiratory system, digestive and circulatory systems.
These effects are together known as anaphylaxis which can manifest
itself as a cutaneous reaction, breathing difficulties, edema and possible
death from anaphylactic shock.
Once again, the same proviso applies as in the previous example – and
I’ll remind you because this can never be stated often enough ☺ –
emergency medical treatment is absolutely essential if you have even
the slightest suspicion that shock is setting in.
You should also be aware that anaphylaxis is a condition which does not
always manifest itself in a consistent manner.
For instance, the onset of anaphylaxis can be immediate and sudden
whereas in other cases, the appearance of the condition might be
significantly delayed.
Furthermore, the condition can appear to be ‘cured’ only for it to return
with a vengeance. As they might say in an old spy movie, anaphylaxis
can be a very ‘tricky customer’ so it is essential that the condition is
monitored and treated.
Substances or materials that come into contact with your skin such as
latex, chemicals and plants like poison ivy often cause itches and rashes
which can result in eczema, dermatitis and other recognized skin
In the case or of an allergic reaction to latex or chemicals, itching can
lead to ulceration and broken skin which may allow infections in.
Common reactions to contact with poison ivy or (even worse) poison
sumac include redness, itching, blisters and pustules.
Why do some people develop allergies while
others do not?
There is no is one single definitive answer to this question as there are
many factors that are believed to play a part in dictating whether you
react badly to a particular allergen or not.
Hereditary factors
The first factor in to take into account is your family history as there is
plenty of evidence to suggest that hereditary factors play a part in
deciding how predisposed you are to suffering an allergy.
If you have a family history of allergies, the chances of you being
allergic to something are generally higher.
Most allergies first appear in childhood and studies indicate that even at
an early age, there are differences between children who have allergy
sufferers in the family and those who don’t.
For instance, this report suggests that while identical twins carry a 70%
likelihood of suffering the same allergies, only 40% of non-identical
twins are subject to the same level of probability.
Furthermore, a study conducted in Belgium in the late 1990s suggests
that there is significant evidence that parents who suffer allergies are
far more likely to have children who also suffer than those who don’t. In
addition, the children who have parents who suffer allergies are likely to
suffer more severely than those who don’t.
The same study concluded that it is likely that the predisposition to
allergies is inherited due to some form of immune system malfunction
but it also appears that the specific allergen to which children will react
is not predetermined.
Research has scientifically established what most parents already know
which is that childhood is the time when allergies are most likely to
develop. This is in line with other studies that indicate that IgE levels
are highest in the early years with a marked decline between the ages
of ten and thirty.
As examples, research suggest that the peak hay fever years usually
occur in childhood and early adolescence while asthma is most common
in the under tens.
Interestingly, in these early years, there is a difference between the
prevalence of certain allergic conditions between boys and girls but
these differences gradually dissipate with the passing years.
For instance, boys are more likely to suffer allergic conditions as
children or youngsters but with asthma in particular, the highest
prevalence is among young adult females.
Environmental factors
All of the available statistics indicate that the incidence of allergies and
the percentage of the population who suffer them has dramatically
increased over the past few generations.
As a consequence, many have suggested that the changes in the dayto-day environment in which we live wrought by development and
progress is at least partially responsible for the increase.
In many ways, the statistics about the prevalence of allergies are
For example, according to the American Academy of Allergy Asthma and
Immunology website, a nationwide study established that 54.6% of all
Americans tested positive to at least one known allergen.
Furthermore, the same site reports that between 40 and 50 million
American citizens are affected by some form of allergic disease or
condition while over 50% of homes in this country show traces of at
least six detectable allergens.
Another website report effectively concurs with the AAAAI findings but
puts them in even more stark terms by suggesting that ‘the allergy
epidemic effects one in four Americans’.
The same site also suggests that allergies lie at number six in the
league table of conditions that cause chronic diseases in the USA and
that 15 million people visit their doctor or allergist as a result of
suspected hay fever every year.
As an example of the way that our modern urban lifestyle may be
contributing to allergic problems, it is believed that chemicals in diesel
fumes damage the outer membranes of pollen.
Consequently, when damaged pollen is inhaled, the proteins in the
pollen are immediately much closer to the delicate membranes of your
nose, mouth and lungs than they would be otherwise. Furthermore, as
the pollen may still have traces of the chemicals attached, your immune
system reacts by attacking the pollen, causing hay fever.
The cost of dealing with allergies and other associated conditions (e.g.
asthma) costs the medical services in excess of $20 billion every year in
America alone, and these problems (or the size of them) are not limited
to the USA.
As an example, the Energy Medicine website suggests that the level of
allergy problems suffered in the UK is not all that different to those that
we are suffering here.
From these brief snapshots of two societies, there is strong evidence
that in the developed, industrialized West, the prevalence of allergies is
on the increase.
At the same time however, there has been no such explosion in the
occurrence of allergies in less developed societies, those countries
where ‘progress’ has not been so rapid or travelled so far.
Similarly, the evidence suggests that in developed countries like
America, the incidence of allergies is higher in urban areas than it is in
more rural communities, although the divide between the two is
gradually becoming less marked.
Thus, the conclusion that there appears to be a connection between our
‘Western’ style of life and the explosion in the prevalence of allergies
becomes inescapable.
Of course, the real question is, if there is a connection between our
lifestyle and the explosion in the incidence of allergies, what is the
This sadly is a question that science and research is still trying to find a
firm answer to. There are however many clues and theories, some of
which seem to have some validity at least from a common sense point
of view.
To begin with, we have already established that the average modern
western home is a perfect incubator for all sorts of allergens that would
have found it far harder to survive in days gone by when we couldn’t
maintain the same indoor climate all year round.
But there is another angle to this theory as well.
While many allergists believe that the presence of household mites and
other bugs is a major cause of the modern allergy plague, others
believe something akin to the opposite.
According to this theory, IgE and other antibodies exist to fight off both
infections and parasites. With our clean water and pasteurized,
sterilized or processed foods, there are less parasites to fight off than
there have ever been before.
Hence, we have an idle immune system that is forced to work harder
than ever to find a ‘real’ enemy to repel. As a result, your immune
system ‘invents’ invaders to fight off and so you have an allergic
reaction to an invader that doesn’t really exist.
Incidentally, there are still others who see allergies as being caused by
excessively active parasites. You can therefore see that there is little
consensus about what the environmental factors are that drive
The same is true of the idea that dirt plays some part in causing
allergies. There are two sides to the argument and the only thing that
the two agree on is that dirt somehow plays a part in the presence or
absence of allergies.
On the one hand, there are those that believe (perhaps not
unreasonably) that living in industrialized, heavily populated societies
creates more dirt which in turn means that there are more allergens
surrounding us. Hence, there is more chance of being allergic simply
because there is more dirt around us according to this theory.
On the opposite side of the fence are those who believe that allergies
occur because of our modern obsession with cleanliness.
This theory holds that a certain element of dirt is a good thing in the
youngest days when a child is first developing an immune system as it
teaches their immune system to react appropriately.
The suggestion of the so-called ‘hygiene hypothesis’ is that because our
bodies have evolved to expect to fight against certain levels of
infections and other invaders (such as common childhood ailments), the
fact that these are kept at bay means that the immune system looks for
something else to fight against.
Similarly, there are some medical practitioners that believe that
childhood vaccinations are not necessarily a 100% good thing.
Of course, vaccinating your children is normally a good idea but the
problem is that because we vaccinate children against what were once
common childhood ailments, this theory suggests that we might be
weakening our children’s immune systems at one and the same time.
In a supreme irony, the fact that we are too clean makes us more prone
to allergies because there are no invaders to fight against. In the same
way, vaccinations that protect children against common illnesses and
diseases also make them more susceptible to allergies.
Other possible causes of allergies
If your immune system has been somehow weakened by illness or
disease, your ability to fight against allergies is significantly weakened
as well.
Another factor that is often present in those who suffer allergies is
stress. Stress naturally weakens your immune system and as already
established, a weakened immune system makes you far more prone to
medical problems including allergies.
Studies also indicate that bottle-fed babies are more likely to suffer
allergies later in life than those who are breastfed. It is also suggested
that babies who are weaned suddenly or too early are also more
susceptible to allergies.
In fact, diet throughout your life may play a part in dictating whether
you suffer allergies or not. It’s a simple truth of modern Western living
that while our diet is often high in calories, it is far less so in terms of
essential nutrients and goodness.
It’s no secret that fast and junk foods are not good for you and yet the
pace of modern life dictates that fast food is an essential for many
rather than a choice. At the same time, the soil in which our food is
grown is depleted of the minerals and other nutrients that we once took
for granted.
It is therefore a sad fact that the food you eat and the beverages you
drink are simply not helping your system to build up the immunity that
it needs to fight off allergies and other medical ailments.
It is even suggested that electromagnetic pollution may play a part in
causing allergies as some researchers and scientists suggests that the
parallel growth in energy radiation of this form and allergies over the
past few years is no coincidence.
For example, many people who seem to be sensitive to the
electromagnetic field generated by computers are also prone to
In these cases, treating the patient to suppress their sensitivity to
electromagnetic forces often gets rid of their allergy-like symptoms as
well, so the two are unlikely to be entirely continental.
And of course, with billions of mobile phones and other similar devices
in use everywhere, we are literally walking around bathed in an unseen
but unremitting electromagnetic ‘soup’ each and every day.
You may not be aware of it, but it’s there every minute, surrounding
you right now, even as you read these words.
The conclusion
As I have just illustrated, there are many possible reasons why you are
allergic to some particular substance or substances.
And from my own experience, I know that there is no one identifiable
reason why particular individuals are allergic, sensitive or intolerant of
some substances.
The bottom line is, there are a huge number of possible contributory
factors that could cause allergies and it is not uncommon for sufferers
to display several of the factors highlighted in this chapter.
Of course, without analyzing every single aspect of a patient’s
background, it is impossible to isolate exactly what it is that has caused
them to be allergic, and no doubt this will apply to you as much as it
does to any other sufferer.
Nevertheless, now you have a clearer idea of some of the factors that
may cause allergies, it might help you to identify some of the elements
that might be at least partially responsible for your condition.
So, what’s next?
Diagnosing your condition
If you believe that you or a close family member is suffering an allergic
problem – whether it is hay fever, asthma, a skin condition like eczema
or hives or whatever it might be – the first thing that you need to do is
see an allergist or doctor to have the condition professionally examined
and diagnosed.
As an essential part of the diagnostic process, the first thing that your
allergist or doctor will do is ask you to present a detailed medical
history to enable him or her to form an idea of what it might be that is
causing problems.
It therefore follows that the more thoroughly you can present your
medical history, the more accurately your allergist will be able to
formulate a clearer idea of what it might be that is causing you
From your medical history, it is likely that your allergist will be able to
identify what causes your allergic problems with a reasonable degree of
accuracy. After this, it will therefore be necessary to test whether the
suspected allergen that is causing problems for you is indeed the guilty
This may be done in one of several different ways depending upon the
suspected cause of your allergic reactions.
For example, if a particular food seems to be the root cause of your
difficulties, your allergist may ask you to eliminate these foods from
your diet for a period of time before reintroducing them.
In this case, removing the suspected foods from your diet should mean
that your allergy dissipates while reintroducing them should restart it.
In these circumstances, it is however extremely important that this test
is only carried out under careful medical supervision. In a worst-case
scenario, a severe allergic reaction could lead to serious repercussions
and therefore medical supervision is absolutely essential.
If the suspected allergen is not a particular food and assuming that you
are not suffering some skin condition that makes it impractical, your
allergist may attempt to diagnose your condition with a skin test.
There are three forms of skin test that your medical practitioner might
use in these circumstances:
• The prick or scratch test. In this situation, your medical attendant
will place a drop of the suspected allergen on your skin before
making a tiny pinprick hole directly beneath it. If the suspected
allergen is indeed the cause of your allergy, this should result in
skin swelling and/or hives, thereby proving that the suspected
allergen is indeed the cause of your difficulties.
• The intradermal test is one where a tiny drop of the suspected
allergen is injected just below the skin of your upper arm. Once
again, this should cause swelling or hives within 15 minutes or so.
• A patch test might be used in a situation where a particular
substance is suspected of causing contact dermatitis. In this
scenario, the allergen is placed on the skin which is then covered
by a patch for a period of 48 hours. After this, the skin should be
red and/or peeling if the allergen under suspicion is indeed the
cause of your dermatitis.
As a general rule, one of the three methods of skin testing is the
preferred method of diagnosing an allergy, primarily because it is quick
and very simple.
However, in a situation where skin testing is not practical – if for
example you are suffering eczema or some other skin condition – your
allergist or Doctor might use a RAST blood test to determine the cause
of your problems.
This is an allergen specific blood test that must be carried out under
close medical supervision because depending on the specific allergen
that is suspected, your reaction to the test must be carefully monitored.
As suggested, conditions such as eczema or dermatitis can compromise
the effectiveness of the RAST test. Similarly, some medications such as
antidepressants or histamines can also negate the validity of the test
In any situation where your allergist or doctor suspects that the RAST
may not be effective or that your reaction to the test may not be
favorable, he or she may suggest an allergen specific IgE antibody test
as this is a test that is performed on a blood sample.
As suggested previously, children are more prone to developing
allergies than adults but they often grow out of them.
The external allergen specific IgE test you may also be used to assess
whether a child has grown out of a specific allergic condition although
the test is general in nature and not 100% conclusive because a child
who has outgrown an allergy may be IgE positive for many years
Treating allergies
In terms of treating allergies, there are three approaches that your
allergist might adopt or suggest.
To begin with, he or she may discuss with you how you can avoid the
specific allergen that is causing you problems. Depending upon what
particular allergen is causing your condition, the recommended remedial
steps might include some the following:
• Wearing a dust or pollen mask when outside during the summer
or when cleaning indoors.
• For people with food allergies, it is essential that you always
remember to read the label on any food cans or packaging
• You might need to stay inside in the morning (which is when the
pollen count is usually highest) or on windy days if you suffer hay
• For the same reason, keeping the windows and doors closed
during the summer months would be beneficial in the case of hay
• Get rid of indoor plants that might cause mildew and other forms
of fungus.
• Don’t keep dogs, cats or birds in the house.
• Change feather pillows and woolen clothes or blankets for those
that are made out of artificial materials.
• Keep the air conditioning switched on in your car and home
during ‘high risk’ periods such as during the summer and when
• Wash all of your bedding at least once a week in hot water (and
least 130°F).
• Use a tannic acid solution to neutralize the allergens in mite
• Use humidifiers and air filters to keep the quality of air in your
home as high as possible.
• In the most extreme circumstances, you may need to remove
carpets and upholstered furniture from your home.
If avoiding contact with the specific allergens that appear to cause your
problems is not sufficient or effective, your allergist may recommend
some form of medication to deal with your allergy problems.
The most appropriate form of medication will naturally be predicated on
the allergen that your allergist has identified as being the cause of your
problems but could include:
• Decongestants rendered either as a spray or orally. These unblock
your nasal passages making it easier to breathe, with well-known
over-the-counter brands including Vicks Sinex nasal spray being
safe and effective.
• A steroid-based nasal spray such as fluticonase (Flonase) which is
designed to reduce the inflammatory response.
• Antihistamines are drugs that hinder the production of histamines
which are responsible for causing allergic reactions. Short-acting
antihistamines are available over-the-counter and are often
effective in the short term. They can however cause drowsiness
and there is some evidence that they hinder learning in children
as well. These would include Benadryl and Tavist.
Longer acting antihistamines do not however exhibit these
adverse qualities but they are only available by prescription.
Medicines in this category would include Zyrtec and Allegra.
In a situation where neither of these two remedies is effective, your
allergist may turn to allergy immunotherapy or allergy shots.
In this case, you will receive a shot containing the allergen to which you
are allergic one to five times a week to begin with, starting with a very
weak solution of whatever it is that is causing you problems.
The strength of the injected solution will gradually be increased so that
your body will slowly build up resistance to the substance which was
previously causing a problem.
After you arrive at a full strength dose, you will then be placed on a
maintenance dosage, where a shot once every few months is all you
need to maintain your immunity to the allergen that previously caused
allergic reactions.
If your problem is asthma, the main form of treatments that you would
receive will be anti-inflammatory drugs or bronchodilators. As the
names probably suggest, anti-inflammatories prevent inflammation
whereas bronchodilators widen your air passages.
If on the other hand the problem is related to your skin – eczema or
dermatitis as examples – your allergist may recommend cold
compresses to reduce the inflammation and/or topical corticosteroids,
creams or ointments that you apply to the area of damaged skin.
As you have seen in this report, allergies are on the increase
throughout the industrialized West but at this moment, we do not know
exactly why.
Nevertheless, the fact is that if you suffer an allergy or even if you
suspect that you might, it is absolutely essential that you seek
professional medical attention as soon as possible.
As suggested earlier, a ‘worst case scenario’ allergic reaction could be
very serious indeed and this is not a risk that you should willingly or
knowingly take.
As I have also pointed out, for most patients, diagnosing the root cause
of an allergic problem is not difficult, complex or expensive.
On the contrary, for the majority of patients that I see, a skin test
combined with analyzing a full medical history is all that is needed to
diagnose the root cause of their allergy problem.
There is no reason to delay if you suspect that you might be suffering
an allergy and you have already seen, delaying a professional diagnosis
could even lead to life-threatening consequences.
So, if you think that you might be allergic to something, talk to us now
we’re always here to help.
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