Church of the Ascension P ARISH M ISSION S TATEMENT : W E J OYFULLY P ROCLAIM , C ELEBRATE , W ITNESS , AND S ERVE J ESUS C HRIST (913) 681-3348 • 9510 W. 127th St. • Overland Park, KS 66213 • [email protected] SUNDAY MASSES Saturday: 4:30 p.m. Sunday: 8:15 a.m., 10:00 a.m., 11:45 a.m., 5:00 p.m. WEEKDAY MASSES Monday-Friday: 6:45 a.m., 12:00 noon Saturday: 8:30 a.m. RECONCILIATION Tuesday: 6:15 a.m., 11:30 a.m. Thursday: 7:00 p.m. Saturday: 3:30 p.m. ANOINTING OF THE SICK 1st Thursday of the Month: 6:30 p.m. OFFICE HOURS Monday-Friday: 8:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. ROSARY Sunday: 9:30 a.m. Monday-Friday: 6:20 a.m. Thursday: 6:30 p.m. Saturday: 8:00 a.m. May 10, 2015 Happy Mother’s Day Church of the Ascension 6th Sunday of Easter May 10, 2015 ASCENSION THIS WEEK CALENDAR OF EVENTS Sunday, May 10 Marriage Vow Renewals, Church Baby Bottle Boomerang, Gathering Area Sunday Scripture, Conf. Rm. May Crowning Mass, Church AA Mtg., St. John Rm. May Holy Rosary Rally, Church Al Anon Mtg., St. John Rm. During All Masses All Day 9:15AM 10:00AM 1:00PM 3:00PM 4:00PM Monday, May 11 Blood Drive, St. Matthew Rm. AED and CPR Class, St. Luke Rm. School of Faith, Church International Missions Mtg., Conf. Rm. Men’s Basketball Age 21+, Gym “This is my commandment: love one another as I love you. No one has greater love than this, to lay down one’s life for one’s friends” - John 15:12-13 1:00PM –5:30PM 6:30PM 7:00PM 7:30PM 8:15PM Tuesday, May 12 Guadalupe Home Dinner Liturgy Committee Mtg., Conf. Rm. Do you love Jesus? Do you consider Him your friend? Jesus says that if we love Him we should be willing to offer whatever we have to Him, not because we want praise and glory, but simply because we love Him. My Gift of Treasure Meet at 5:00PM 7:00PM Wednesday, May 13 55+ Mtg., St. Matthew Rm. Ascension Book Club, Conf. Rm. Zoom-HS Group, Youth Rm. AA Mtg., St. John Rm. Legion of Mary, St. Martha Rm. Men’s Basketball Age 21+, Gym Thursday, May 14 Shalom House Dinners STEWARDSHIP Financial Update 12:45PM 1:00PM 6:00PM 7:00PM 7:00PM 8:15PM Drop-off Before 3:00PM Weekly Offertory: May 2-3 $ Monthly Autodebit: April 649 Families on Autodebit $ 179,853.48 Fiscal YTD: April, 2015 $4,986,783.03 Registered Families Friday, May 15 Men of Ascension, St. Luke Rm. Ascension School 8th Grade Graduation, Church 6:00AM 6:30PM Saturday, May 16 Baby Bottle Boomerang, Gathering Area All Day 65,116.91 3,193 UPDATE ON FATHER TOM I am continuing the standard treatment for my cancer and will have another CT scan at the end of May to ascertain if it is still effective. In the meantime, I am also receiving a vaccine that is in the experimental stage. It is an immune vaccine developed by American doctors and made out of my own tumor and blood. It is in an FDA approved experimental trial for treatment of melanoma. Since what works for melanoma often also works for renal cancer, I decided to enter into treatment. I recently traveled to receive the first dose and will continue to receive an injection each month for the next three months. Sunday, May 17 Baby Bottle Boomerang, Gathering Area All Day Donuts, Parish Hall After 8:15AM and 10:00AM Masses Sunday Scripture, Conf. Rm. 9:15AM Baptisms, Church 1:00PM AA Mtg., St. John Rm. 1:00PM Al Anon Mtg., St. John Rm. 4:00PM VBS Teen Training, Parish Hall 6;30PM NFP For Engaged Couples, St. Matthew Rm. 7:00PM SPECIAL COLLECTION FOR NEPAL May 16 and 17 at All Masses In the meantime, I am taking some time for a vacation by taking advantage of a Baltic Sea cruise. I will be returning on May 21st. You are in good hands with Father Nathan and Father Alessandro. Father Alessandro will be leaving for the summer beginning the last weekend of May, and plans to return in early August. On April 25, a devastating magnitude-7.8 earthquake struck Nepal near Kathmandu, also affecting nearby parts of India. Avalanches were reported in the Himalayas, including on Mount Everest. The official death toll is over 4,600 lives. Catholic Relief Services emergency personnel are onsite and giving aid to the tens of thousands of people affected by this powerful earthquake. A special collection will be taken and all proceeds will be forwarded to CRS. Thank you in advance for your generosity. Thanks for your continued prayers and support. God bless! Fr. Tom 2 Church of the Ascension 6th Sunday of Easter May 10, 2015 ASCENSION THIS WEEK (Continued) BABY BOTTLE BOOMERANG May 10-17 Gathering Area LOVE IS OUR MISSION For small groups and families using this book study, here are some discussion topics for Chapter 1. From Chapter 1 Created for Joy: 2. As Pope Francis has recently said of married life, “Promising love for ever is possible when we perceive a plan bigger than our own ideas and undertakings, a plan which sustains us and enables us to surrender our future entirely to the one we love.” But we live in a time of deep worldly skepticism about any “bigger plan” or higher meaning to human experience. 7. Amid this uncertainty, Christians are people who trust in Jesus Christ. Despite the ambiguities of human history, the Catholic way of hope and joy, love and service grounds itself in an encounter with Jesus…Jesus Christ is the basis of Christian faith. 19. Catholic views on marriage, family, and sexuality belong to a larger mission to live in a way that makes God’s love visible and radiant; to live this mission makes everyday life alive with God’s joy. 20. Our era is a confusing and uncertain time. Jesus Christ is a trustworthy anchor. Human dignity rests securely in Jesus, God became man. The Baby Bottle Boomerang program is designed to raise needed funds for the Advice and Aid Pregnancy Clinic to operate its life-affirming services. Pick up a bottle today! The bottles with your donation inside need to be returned the weekend of May 10 or 17. PLEASE use this as an educational opportunity for your family to discuss in your homes, how this helps women and helps save babies! Please contact Jean Hinman at [email protected] with questions. SUNDAY SCRIPTURE STUDY MAJOR PROPHETS May 10, 9:15AM Conf. Rm. The study is from 9:15am-10:45am in the conference room off the gathering area. Want to join or need a book or for more information call Paul O’Connell at 913-888-2130. For discussion with your family, small group, or personal meditation: What does it mean to be “created in the image of God”? Is it possible to understand human identity without God? What does ‘Love” mean in your life? How might a mission to love affect your choices, priorities, and ambitions? MAY HOLY ROSARY RALLY IN HONOR OF OUR LADY OF FATIMA May 10, 3:00PM Church For more information or study materials, contact Ray Martin at [email protected] or the Parish Office 913-681-3348. Celebrate Mother’s Day with our Blessed Mother Mary! The May Holy Rosary Rally in Honor of Our Lady of Fatima will be held on Mother’s Day, Sunday, May 10, from 3:00pm-4:15pm. We will pray the Joyful, Sorrowful and Glorious mysteries of the Holy Rosary followed by Benediction and the opportunity for attendees to enroll in the Brown Scapular. For future dates for monthly Holy Rosary rallies visit: ASCENSION SCHOOL POSITION OPENING Ascension Catholic School is currently seeking applicants interested in a full-time school nurse position, part time/job sharing is possible. Applicants must be licensed in the state of Kansas, possess two years of clinical experience, and be CPR certified. Please email Becky Wright if interested at: [email protected]. CATHOLIC FACT The Liturgy of the Hours The Liturgy of the Hours, also called the Divine Office, is the official public prayer of the Church outside of Mass. Its purpose is to sanctify the day and it consists of a cycle of psalms, prayers, litanies, hymns, and readings prayed at various times of the day and night. The praying of the psalms was an important part of the Jewish people and Jesus is often quoted in the Gospels reciting the psalms. Priests and religious make a promise to pray the Liturgy of the Hours each day but all the faithful are encouraged to pray it. 3 Church of the Ascension 6th Sunday of Easter May 10, 2015 ASCENSION THIS WEEK (Continued) 55+ FELLOWSHIP May 13, 12:45PM St. Matthew Rm. BE A “LIFE SAVER” BLOOD DRIVE: WE NEED DONORS! May 11, 1:00PM-5:30PM St. Matthew Rm. See Page 9 for details. ASCENSION BOOK CLUB May 13, 1:00PM Conf. Rm. Be a hero and give the gift of LIFE in honor of our mothers! A 2007 University of Minnesota study estimated that about one third of the U.S. population is eligible to donate blood. However, the number of people who actually choose to donate is far fewer. Currently, the Kansas City based Community Blood Center, which provides seventy area hospitals with 3,600 units of blood each week, describes its supply as critical; meaning the supply for hospitals and patients is stretched thin. This limits elective surgery and can postpone life saving treatments. To make an advanced appointment: go to, then quick link or just walk in that day! Our book for May is The Invention of Wings by Sue Monk Kidd. We will meet on Wednesday, May 13, at 1:00pm in the conference room. For details call Linda Cook at 8973201. Come join our discussion! ZOOM May 13, 6:00PM Youth Rm. All high school students are invited to join us for Zoom (food, fellowship, & small groups) in the YR. Dinner starts at 6:00pm. Event runs until 8:00pm. CPR AND AED TRAINING May 11 or June 22, 6:30PM St. Luke Rm. LEGION OF MARY May 6, 7:00PM St. Mark Rm. Learn to do CPR (Cardio –Pulmonary resuscitation) and use the AED (Autonomic External Defibrillator) and potentially save a life from a heart attack (sudden cardiac event). There is nothing better than knowing what to do in an emergency (besides praying and calling 911)! Training will last 90 minutes and each session is limited to 15 people. To register go to and scroll down to Quick Links or e-mail Jean at [email protected]. SHALOM HOUSE May 14, Drop off by 3:00PM SHALOM HOUSE : We serve and bake desserts for our homeless brothers at Shalom House on the 2nd Thursday and 4th Tuesday of the month. Sign up to help on our web site at under quick links. Please drop off your desserts by 3:00pm in the lower level. GUADALUPE HOME SERVE AND COOK FOR THE HOMELESS!!! May 12 and May 27 FAMILY, CRHP Teams, neighbors, friends…Our Lady of Guadalupe Home, operated by nuns of the Fraternity of Missionaries of the Poor of Jesus Christ, is a safe haven for homeless women. It provides a safe place for them to stay with nutritious meals and offers spiritual counsel to address and help resolve the issues the women guests face. Servers should arrive at Ascension at 5:00pm to pick up desserts in St John's hallway and pick up the meal in the Ascension kitchen (cooked by the Knights previously) so as to arrive at the Guadalupe Home by 5:30pm to warm the food and prep for dinner. Meal is served cafeteria style at 6:30pm. *Desserts need to be dropped off by 4:30pm (if you are not serving dinner). See Involved/Service Opportunities/ Our Lady of Guadalupe House. FR. SCOTT WALLISCH May 16 and 17, All Masses Next weekend, we are excited to have at our parish, Fr. Scott Wallisch, Vocation Director for the Archdiocese. He will be preaching at all of the Sunday Masses on the important topic of vocations. Let us pray that God will call many more young men and women from our parish to enter the priesthood or religious life! 4 Church of the Ascension 6th Sunday of Easter May 10, 2015 UPCOMING EVENTS A2J May 21, 5:30PM Youth Room SAVE THE DATE GARAGE SALE June 10-13 A2J is calling all 6th & 7th graders and your friends. Please come join us for youth group! We meet every first and third Thursday of the month from 5:30pm-6:30pm in the Ascension Youth Room. Parents keep any eye out for our A2J email updates and off campus events. We encourage all 6th & 7th graders to come experience our A2J culture of love, laughter, fun, food, faith and fellowship and let's not forget our famous "Candy Toss". Most importantly, we do this all in the presence of Jesus as we better ourselves as good Catholic ladies and gentlemen. Any questions about volunteering as a team leader or donating food, please contact Heath Cole at 913-706-2254. Spring is coming and while you clean up and clean out, save all: furniture, clothes, books, pictures and ALL YOUR TREASURES for the Annual Ascension Garage Sale! The Garage Sale helps to fund the many ministries we serve and ministries beyond our parish. So clean out a corner of the garage and store everything until drop-off in June. We will have a recycling truck here for electronics and a recycling truck for baby strollers, car seats and beds! Contact Jean in the office for additional information at: [email protected]. VOLUNTEERS NEEDED CHAPERONES NEEDED FOR HIGH-SCHOOL YOUTH PERPETUAL ADORATION Jesus Needs YOU! There are a lot of permanent Hours and a lot of substitute Hours to be had with Jesus starting now and continuing through the summer. Interested in spending a week of your summer helping those in need? The High School Youth Group at Ascension is looking for chaperones to help with Prayer & Action - a week-long mission to the needy in our Archdiocese. This year, we are spending two different weeks (June 21-26 AND July 12-17) in Atchison, KS. Chaperones need to be 25 years or older and willing to drive kids, stay the week at Maur Hill Academy, and co-lead a work site in Atchison. Interested? Please contact Joe/Chelsea in the youth office for information at [email protected], or call 913-6817683. THANK YOU!!! Holy hours needing weekly adorers are: Sunday at 11:00am and 1:00pm Monday at 9:00am Tuesday at 11:00am and 1:00pm Thursday at noon Friday at 5:00am, noon, 3:00pm and 5:00pm Saturday at 4:00pm and 9:00pm If you are interested in becoming a permanent adorer for one of these hours, or are in need of a substitute or have questions, contact Debbie at [email protected] or 913-485-8918. You can always be added to any other Hour as well. In addition, please check the signup genus link if you can possibly substitute for a regular adorer: HIGH SCHOOL VOLUNTEERS NEEDED FOR ASCENSION GARAGE SALE High School Teens - We need your help! It is that time of the year again for the annual Ascension Garage Sale- June 8-13! We need your help signing up for specific shifts. Please go to and click on Garage Sale. Use the "Sign-up Genius" link and be sure to select a time that is designated for high schoolers. One third of the proceeds of this garage sale go to support Youth Ministry at our parish, so we need as many teens as possible to commit to helping. More info? Contact Chelsea/Joe at [email protected] or call 913-940-5672. VOLUNTEERS NEEDED Do you love your faith? Would you be willing to share it with our young parishioners this June? You are personally invited to consider being a catechist for our Summer SOR Program which is from 9:00am to 12:30pm June 15-26. Please call the SOR office to volunteer or for more information at 913-681-7683. We really need 3rd, 4th and 5th grade catechists. You will have a co-catechist so you do not have to teach alone. 5 Church of the Ascension 6th Sunday of Easter May 10, 2015 WEEKLY PRAYER NOTE: Please be sure to let us know when your loved one is better. Email Jean Hinman at: [email protected] or call the Parish Office 913-681-3348. Thank you. Monday 6:45AM 12:00PM May 11 +Marie Thome by Family Ascension Third Grade Mothers Tuesday 6:15AM 6:45AM 11:30AM 12:00PM May 12 Reconciliation +Jordan Erisman by Parrish Family Reconciliation +Art Morales by Nick and Terri Nicholson Wednesday 6:45AM 8:00AM 12:00PM May 13 +Marco Antonio Cantu by Surles Family +Patrick Rode by Lisa Ragan and Children +Martha Horan by Family Thursday 6:45AM 12:00PM 6:30PM 7:00PM May 14 +George Pester by Levell Family +Jerry Horan by Family Weekly Rosary Reconciliation Friday 6:45AM May 15 +John Kavanaugh, +Jim Bob, +Pat White, Jose Martinez by Knights of Columbus +Al Wrape by Steve and Lisa Dunleavy 12:00PM Saturday 8:30AM 3:30PM 4:30PM May 16 +May Poehling Reconciliation +Winifred Windisch Guest Priest by Madeleine and Joe Carrol Sunday 8:15AM 9:30AM 10:00AM May 17 +Jim Meyer by Family Weekly Rosary +Patrick Rode by Curran Family Ascension Parishioners +Keith Kwapiszeski by Warrington Family 11:45AM 5:00PM Please let us know when your loved one is better! Parishioners: Pete Arnold, Charles Arrambide, Margaret Augustine, Kathleen Baldwin, Joannie Basler, Janine Bensman, Patrick Bins, Jamie Boos, Heather Cardin, Shirley Chenoweth, Tim Cowden, Hunter Cussigh, Chelsea Dalbey, Mike Delaney, Bob and Mary Dinneen, Janet Dodd, Rick Doran, Patricia Dors, Karen Elliott, Joe Esposito, Leona Fladung, Jack Gessler, Robert Gilworth, Scott Graham, Mary Pat Harpenau, Virginia Hermes, Burry Hinman, Barb Hughes, Alice Isom, Louise Larson, Trudy Larson, Helen Legleiter, Jose Martinez, Ralph Mettler, Joe Montgomery, Deloris Moore, Mary Nail, Elanie Nelson, Charles Nutt, Tom Oxley, Jeff Palmer, Lisa Palmer, Kay Raab, Guadalupe Sauceda, Martha Schofield, Deidre Sechi, George Shore, Ann Smith, Jill Smith, Ana Sosa de Alonzo, Fr. Tom Tank, Jack Thesing, Dave Watson. Relatives & Friends of Parishioners: Ruth Adams, Rick Alvarez, Sandy Beer, Bill Bins, Sherry Burge, Cameron Burroughs, Sister Mary Concetta Cardinale, Lucille Carolo, Chris Cross, Tami Cross, Bob Cunningham, Paula Darling, Daphne, Evan Davies, Sister Elaine Delaney, Kim Dunn, Dean Edson, Virginia Engel, Darlene Ewers, Jack Ferguson, Charlie Futhy, Kala Groff, Nancy Greenwood, John Grillos, Frank Gwynn, Grant Haden, Jean Hartnett, Willie Hayne, Andrew Heckey, Carl Hodel, Mary Holke, Carol Ingram, Carmen Juasi, Jim and Tom Kinerk, Stan Klimek, Pam Kopplin, Don Kozlowski, Mary Kurt, Anne Latora, Mary Ann Leach, Scott Leahy, John Lichiello, Mark Lindstrom, Msgr. Raymond Lopatesky, Jane Mahoney, Kelly Shea Manning, Joyce Maurer, James McGinnis, Steve McGowan, Sarah McNally, Buzz Meara, Leslie Morley, Martin Murphy, Annie Murray, Beth Nelson, Michael P., Linda Pearson, Jill Pechacek, Frank Pish, Carol Reilly, Ron Reynolds, Jackie Rogers, Ed Roginski, Cathy Rohr, Jason Ross, Patrick Ruelle, Joan Russo, Dan Rynard, Lucca Sachse, Bill Schaefer, Jamie Scheibach, Robert Schmidt, Kim Scholz, Bonnie Schrick, Elle Schwartz, Adrienne Smith, Caren Smith, Reverie Smith, Claude Snyder, Kay Snyder, Jacob Sprinkle, Patty Staab, Joyce Stallbaumer, Francis Sudbeck, Jennifer Tarpin, Steve Thomas, Greg Trunzo, Monica Vance, Marilyn Vaughn, Michele Vigil, Doug Ward, Michael Ward, Fran Waymire, Michael Wellinghoff, Noah Wilson, David Wiltgen, Kathy Wright. Fr. Nathan Guest Priest Fr. Alessandro Guest Priest Unforeseen circumstances may require a change in the priest schedule. 6 Church of the Ascension 6th Sunday of Easter May 10, 2015 WEEKLY PRAYER Baptisms Sixth Sunday of Easter Who Needs Love? Benton Michael Jurado Blake David Borota Part of the first reading from Acts that we don’t hear is a vision Peter has, in which God tells him that all foods are OK to eat; no longer are some unclean. He later realizes that the vision was a symbol that all people are “clean,” Gentiles as well as Jews. All are called to have faith in Jesus. Not all of the early Christians understood. The Jewish Christians were shocked that the Holy Spirit would give gifts, such as speaking in tongues, to Gentiles. Especially Gentiles who had not been baptized. Now the distinction between Gentile and Jewish Christians doesn’t seem very important today. But we still need to follow St. Peter’s example of sharing our faith in Jesus. We seem to be more interested in converting other Christians than in bringing non-Christians to the faith. Does that mean we should drag any non-believers we meet to church on Sunday? Should we brag about how much we love God? Today’s gospel gives us a hint at what we can do to bring others to Christ. Jesus makes it sound simple: Love one another as I love you. (Jn 15:12) Remember that God’s love for us comes first. That’s why the Gentiles in the first reading received the gifts of the Spirit before they were baptized. The second reading from John tells us that love is not people loving God; it’s that God loved us first, enough to send his Son to die for us. We may think that we have chosen to love and follow Jesus, but as the gospel tells us, Jesus chose us before we ever chose him. So maybe that part about loving others as Jesus loves us is not so much about being willing to die for those you love. It may just be our willingness to love others without requiring that they love us first. How can we do that? I can introduce myself to someone new to the parish that I see in church. I can offer to help the poor without waiting for the pastor to beg. I can be courteous to other drivers, letting them go in front of me in heavy traffic. I can make a priority of seeing what I can do for others, instead of what they can do for me. Perhaps part of our daily prayer can be asking God to show us who needs our love today. Banns of Matrimony Alison McDaniel and Brian Krumbiegel Ashlee Hernandez and Daniel Rios Together For Life Kaleigh Hudson and Salvatore Capra From Death to New Life James Currigan, Brother of Charlotte Husmann May 11 - May 17 Monday: Acts 16:11-15; Ps 149:1b-6a, 9b; Jn 15:26 — 16:4a Tuesday: Acts 16:22-34; Ps 138:1-3, 7c-8; Jn 16:5-11 Wednesday: Acts 17:15, 22 — 18:1; Ps 148:1-2, 11-14; Jn 16:12-15 Thursday: Acts 1:1-11; Ps 47:2-3, 6-9; Eph 1:17-23 or Eph 4:1-13 [1-7, 11-13]; Mk 16:15-20 (for Ascension); otherwise Acts 1:15-27, 20-26; Ps 113:1-8; Jn 15:9-17 Friday: Acts 18:9-18; Ps 47:2-7; Jn 16:20-23 Saturday: Acts 18:23-28; Ps 47:2-3, 8-10; Jn 16:23b-28 Sunday: Acts 1:15-17, 20a, 20c-26; Ps 103:1-2, 11-12, 19-20; 1 Jn 4:11-16; Jn 17:11b-19; or, for Ascension, Acts 1:1-11; Ps 47:2-3, 6-9; Eph 1:17- 23 or Eph 4:1-13 [1-7, 11-13]; Mk 16:15-20 If you have a relative or friend serving in the Armed Forces whom you would like for us to pray for, please add him/ her to the list located in the gathering area. God Bless our soldiers! Prayer Partners Intention Voicemail Number 1 -888-684-6555 Thank you! 7 WELCOME! This year, we had 21 adults received into the Catholic Church at the Easter Vigil. This photo was taken at a prayer service the morning of Easter Vigil. Please welcome our newest Catholics! If you or someone you know is interested in learning more about becoming Catholic, please contact Liz Willman, Director of Adult Faith & RCIA at (913) 681-3348 or email: [email protected]. THANK YOU! This past year, we had over 3,000 registrations for 23 different Adult Faith Offerings at Ascension. We were able to do this with the 30 + parishioners who volunteered their time to lead a class or small faith group. Thank you! Some of the wonderful parishioners who led classes and small groups this past year. 8 Church of the Ascension 6th Sunday of Easter May 10, 2015 MINISTRY NEWS KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS Join your 55+ friends for the second Cd of Father Barron's Catholicism, “A Journey to the Heart of Faith,” on Wednesday May 13, in the St Matthew Rm. following noon Mass. Lunch will be served for a cost of $5.00 payable in the church office by May 11th. The Knights of Columbus is a Catholic men’s Fraternal organization open to all Catholic men ages 18 and over. Knights’ Interested in joining the Knights? Call Greg Wuller at 913-484-1026 or David Whitaker at 913-626-2676. A fun night for 55+ fellowship is scheduled for Friday, June 26, at 8:00pm. We will be going to see "The Church Basement Ladies" at the Chestnut Theater in downtown Olathe. Ticket price is $19.00. Reservation and money is due in parish office by May 25. If you will need a ride, call Charlotte 913-839-3553. Knight of the Month - Congratulations to Bob Martinez for being voted KOM for all his work as the key supply man for the culinary functions. Family of the Month - Congratulations to the Mic Giess family, Mic, Sue and Cole Giess. All are very active working with the Columbian Squires as well as other Parish functions. \ Welcome to the new Knights - On April 27th Derek Brown, Robert Chenoweth and Keith St. Louis went through the First Degree Initiation at the meeting. We welcome our new Brothers. Additionally, Sal Marzullo transferred into our council from St. Michael’s. We welcome all of you. MOTHERS OF YOUNG CHILDREN “Ascending Smoke” BBQ Contest - The Ascension Knights will be hosting a BBQ contest the weekend of October 16th & 17th here at Ascension. Details will be formalized soon and all of the information will be on the website. This is an open BBQ Contest and is open to all regardless of Church affiliation, etc. Mothers of Young Children (MOYC) provides expectant moms through moms with second grade age children spiritual enrichment and fellowship. To join, or if you have any questions, please contact Stefanie Spencer at [email protected] or 913-461-9410. Members meeting will be moved to the third Monday, May 18th due to the Memorial Day weekend. Please mark your calendars to attend. SCHOOL OF RELIGION Office hours: Monday - Thursday 9:00AM - 4:00PM 681-7683 UPCOMING EVENTS (Sign up on our website for activities) Villa St. Francis Bingo - May 14th at 7:30pm Volunteers welcome. Sign up on the Knights website. Membership meeting - May 18th. Rosary at 6:30pm upstairs (outside by Sanctity of Life statue weather permitting) and the meeting starts at 7:00pm lower level. Vacation Bible School (June 1-5). Monday, May 11th is the last day to sign-up at – All are welcome – Grades Pre-school 4 – 5th Grade. Officer’s meeting - the next Officers meeting will be held on Sunday, June 7th at 6:30pm in the Knights Room. Summer SOR Program June 15-26 is enrolling students 1st, 3rd - 6th grade. Our young parishioners attend from 9:00am to 12:30pm Monday – Friday for two weeks and then attend 4 enrichment sessions during the year. To find out more about this program or to register please go to Family Fun Knights @ the T-Bones game - Friday, June 5th . Sign up on the website. Knights Golf Tournament will be held on September 25th at Falcon Ridge Golf Course. Details will be announced soon. Wine tasting and dinner to benefit the Villa St. FrancisSeptember 26th at Talk of the Town. All recently Confirmed…ZOOM, Ascension’s High School Youth Ministry wants you to be a part of it. Bring a friend and check it out. It meets on Wednesdays in the Youth Room from 6:30pm to 8:00pm (doors open with food at 6:00pm). 9 Church of the Ascension 6th Sunday of Easter May 10, 2015 MINISTRY NEWS - SCHOOL (Continued) To educate, celebrate and serve in the spirit of Christ Come and discover what a great place Ascension Catholic School is! We invite prospective families to learn about our faith formation, outstanding academics, and stewardship community. “Take a Look Tuesday” on May 12th and 19th with tours from 9:00am11:00am. Ascension Catholic School is a faith-filled community that will help your child flourish both spiritually and academically. We look forward to meeting you! RSVP 913-851-2531 or [email protected] 10 Church of the Ascension 6th Sunday of Easter MINISTRY NEWS (Continued) 11 May 10, 2015 Church of the Ascension 6th Sunday of Easter May 10, 2015 COMMUNITY NEWS CATHOLIC HOME SCHOOL AND CURRICULUM FAIR June 5 and 6 Early Registration ends May 15 Catholic Home School and Curriculum Fair, "Our Faith, Our Families", is the theme of this year's Kansas City Catholic Home School Conference, which will take place on June 5th & 6th at St. Paul Catholic Church, 900 South Honeysuckle Drive, Olathe, KS 66061. Early Bird Preregistration lasts until May 15th. Please visit the website for more information: We hope to see you there! PILGRIMAGE WITH ABBOT JAMES September 20 - 30 Registration Deadline May 15 Join Abbot James and the monks of St. Benedict’s Abbey for a pilgrimage to Germany and Poland September 20-30, 2015. You will visit Benedictine sites and explore the lives of St. Maximilian Kolbe, St. Faustina, and St. John Paul II. For more information contact Trinity Travel at: [email protected] or by calling 913-422-4141. The registration deadline for the group travel rate is May 15, 2015. YOUNG ADULTS WALKING PILGRIMAGE May 30 - 31 Registration Deadline May 16 The Community of the Lamb invites all young adults (ages 18 and over) to join them in a walking pilgrimage to the Shrine and Park of St. Rose Philippine Duchesne. It will begin with morning Mass at the Little Monastery on Saturday, May 30th and will end with Mass and dinner on Sunday, May 31st. Please call 913-621-1727 to sign up by May 16th. CYP BOWLING NIGHT May 22, 7:00PM Ward Parkway Lanes Can you spare an evening for fun? Care to strike up a conversation with friends you just haven’t met yet? Join the Committee of Young Patrons (CYP) for a night of bowling! CYP is a group of 20 to 40 somethings supporting the mission of Catholic Charities of Northeast Kansas. We strive to impact the lives of those in need through volunteer efforts, social outings, professional development, fundraising and friendraising. When: Friday, May 22 Time: 7:00pm Where: Ward Parkway Lanes – 1523 W 89th Street, KCMO Register online: CATHOLIC CEMETERIES MEMORIAL DAY MASSES May 25 Catholic Cemeteries of Northeast Kansas will host Memorial Day Masses on Monday, May 25, at the following locations and times: · Mt. Calvary Cemetery, 15825 S. 169 Highway, Olathe, Kan., 8am · St. John Cemetery, Lenexa, Kan., 8:15am at Holy Trinity Church, 89th and Pflumm Road, Lenexa. · Gate of Heaven Cemetery, 126th and Parallel Parkway, Kansas City, Kan., 9:00am · Mt. Calvary Cemetery, 38th and State Avenue, Kansas City, Kan., 9:00am · Resurrection Cemetery, 83rd and Quivira Road, Lenexa, Kan.; flag-raising by American Legion Post 370 at 8:30am; Mass at 9:00am · St. Joseph Cemetery, 61st Terrace and Quivira Road, Shawnee, Kan., 9:00am For more information, call 913-371-4040; email [email protected]; or visit LADIES OF CHARITY SYMPHONY DESIGNERS’ SHOWHOUSE June 1, 10:30AM Reservation Due May 25 Spring is alive in Kansas City and that means it’s time to make plans attend the 46th annual Symphony Designers’ Showhouse with the Ladies of Charity of Metropolitan Kansas City for a Tour of the Home, Box Lunch, Boutique and Raffle on Monday, June 1 from 10:30am to 1:00pm. Invite your friends or family; make it a special day and help support our beneficiaries: Duchesne Clinic, Seton Center and Villa St. Francis. Mail your $30 p/p reservation to Christy Towle, 11415 Manor Road, Leawood, KS 66211 (Reservations due by May 25th) For more information contact Marnie Robinette 913-451-2484. DIRECTOR OF RELIGIOUS EDUCATION HOLY CROSS PARISH Resume Deadline May 26 Holy Cross Parish, Overland Park, is seeking a director of religious education. This position involves approximately 30 hours a week. This person will develop and coordinate catechetical and sacramental preparation programs for elementary school children (grades K-6) and their families. Ability to speak, read and write in English and Spanish is preferred but not required. For more information or to submit a resume, send an e-mail to [email protected]. Deadline for resume submission is May 26th. Church of the Ascension 6th Sunday of Easter May 10, 2015 COMMUNITY NEWS (Cont.) LITURGY SCHEDULE COORDINATOR OF RELIGIOUS EDUCATION AND RCIA Church of the Nativity Saturday – May 16 - 4:30PM Greeters: O’Herron Family Sacristan: G Grimaldi, C Rager Servers: L Hottovy, C Koettker, G Kreeger Ushers: C Verville, J Krizman, C Jacobs, R Schwind, D Sosna, D Long Lec/Com: Bautts, Dierks E.M: G Grimaldi, C Rager, P Sykes, C Thorendahl, M Tracy, A & R Washburn, G Whyte, D Wille, R Commodore, B Dierks, K Farnan, C Geiger, J Godar Kreiter, K Hane, W S Happer, K Koettker The Church of Nativity, a 2,100 family parish in Leawood, Kansas, seeks a part-time Coordinator of Religious Education and a part-time RCIA Director. These two positions may be combined into one full-time position for qualified individuals. Applicants must be faith-filled practicing Catholics with appropriate skills and educational background. For immediate consideration, please download and submit application at: Positions are open until filled. For more information, please call 913-491-5017. Sunday – May 17 - 8:15AM Greeters: Streitweiser Family Sacristan: J Smith, M Whalen (S) Servers: M Flucke, T Ford, T Frommelt Ushers: T Ingram, A Flucke, J Flucke, S Gengler, P Healy, R Kneib, D Levell, R Vosters Lec/Com: Hall, Jennison E.M: J Smith, J & K Finnegan, G & K Flax, G & S Friedrichsen, T Gomez, P & D Healy, B Henson, J Hicks, P Highstrom, P Hittle, J Huber, K Huppe, K Jennison 50TH ORDINATION RECEPTION FOR FR. LARRY ALBERTSON May 31, 2:00PM - 4:00PM Queen of the Holy Rosary, Wea All are invited to an open house with Father Lawrence Albertson, ordained May 29, 1965, as he celebrates his 50th Ordination Anniversary at Queen of the Holy Rosary-Wea Parish Hall, 22779 Metcalf Road, Bucyrus, Kansas, on Sunday, May 31, 2015, from 2:00pm - 4:00pm. For more information 913-533-2462 ext. 103. Father Larry was the first Pastor at Church of the Ascension and was here from 1991 to 2003. Sunday – May 17 - 10:00 AM Greeters: Heying Family Sacristan: M & T Billam Servers: C Willenbring, C Willenbring, J Willenbring Ushers: W Parsons, D Geck, E Kelly, J Kennedy, D Lisak, J Searle, M Stolte, D Vater, J Woodruff Lec/Com: Stump, Nicholson E.M: M & T Billam, J & T Ekedahl, J Fischer, Y Ford, S Fry, S Govea, H Harper, K Hatfield-Baker, E Herman, J Hogan, B Jackson, K Joerger, G Jones, D & L Kelly, R Kahm CATHOLIC CHARITIES REFUGEE VOLUNTEERS AND SUMMER INTERNS NEEDED Kansas City, Kansas Sunday – May 17 - 11:45AM Greeters: Bruegger Family Sacristan: J Drew, M Shriver Servers: C Porterfield, G Protzman, D Rephlo Ushers: T Lehr, L Estrada, N Gould, F Montalvo, T Warriner, G Sailor, J Sailor Lec/Com: Engel, Kozakowski E.M: J Drew, M Shriver, S Leary, T Leese, M Lewandowski, B Martinez, B Mason, P Miller, G Pearson, T Radke, C Rephlo The Refugee and Immigration Services Program in Wyandotte County is seeking volunteers to teach and tutor English classes, tutor during weekday Citizenship Education Classes and provide administrative assistance to our immigration attorney. We are also seeking summer interns and volunteers to assist with our New Roots Program, a program that assists farmers at local food markets; and interns to assist our Case Workers. For additional information please contact Michelle Carlstedt at 913.433.2080 or [email protected]. Sunday – May 17 - 5:00PM Greeters: T Malnar Sacristan: E (S) & R Cotter Servers: A Connor, R Connor, B Connor Ushers: B Shea, B Gilworth, K Shea, B Shea, N Shea, C Cardin, I Cardin Lec/Com: Fredrickson, Borst E.M: R Cotter, S Mowery, M Noack, D Rodriguez, S, A, & S Smeltzer, D & D Warlick, A Weaver, G Wilferth, M Winters, C Boudreaux, Don Brazen, J Carley Donuts: 8:15AM – B & A Hall, J & L Kocen 10:00AM – K & B Jackson, J & M Maxwell Counters: May 18: D Healy, B Jones, A Mellard, S Sasenick, B Wilson 13 Church of the Ascension 6th Sunday of Easter May 10, 2015 PLEASE TAKE STEPS TO COME BACK TO THE CHURCH…. 14 PARISH STAFF PARISH OFFICE : Phone 681-3348; Fax 681-3517 Monsignor Thomas Tank Pastor Father Nathan Haverland Parochial Vicar Father Alessandro Borraccia Parochial Vicar Dorothy Brandwein Music Director Virgil Crumpton Maintenance/Head Custodian Denise Greene Adult Faith and RCIA Secretary Jean Hinman Ministry of Care Director Ray Martin Social Media and Family Life Director Dawnlee Maurer Parish Life Coordinator Jan Montalvo Receptionist Sharon Weems Parish Administrator Liz Willman Adult Faith and RCIA Director Maggie Wright Communications Coordinator SCHOOL OF RELIGION 681-7683; Fax 681-7634 William O’Leary Director Tricia Baldwin Administrative Assistant YOUTH MINISTRIES 681-7683; Fax 681-7634 Joe Passantino High School Youth Director Chelsea Pratt High School Youth Director Heath Cole Jr. High Youth Coordinator ASCENSION CATHOLIC SCHOOL 851-2531 Fax Number 851-2518 Becky Wright Principal Andrew Legler Assistant Principal Janet Eckert Administrative Assistant Karen Kellerman Administrative Assistant NEW PARISHIONERS Please see Parish Registration info. on our website. VISITS FOR THE HOMEBOUND/HOSPITAL VISITS Please contact Jean Hinman to schedule. BAPTISMS Please call the Parish Office for class information and scheduling. MATRIMONY Please contact one of our priests six months prior to wedding. WEDDING COORDINATORS Dorothy Long - 681-1289; Karen Pierpoint - 558-3403 ANNULMENTS Contact Father Tom or Father Nathan Please go to to see a listing of staff email addresses. PARISH MINISTRY CONTACTS 55+ FELLOWSHIP Laverne O’Neill 766-3011 ADDICTION SUPPORT George Crossland 451-3296 ADULT FAITH LIBRARY Kim Sutton 897-6593 ALTAR SERVERS TRAINING Bryan Didier 705-0266 SCHEDULING Jeremy Didier 908-2566 ARTS & ENVIRONMENT Sarah Devore 851-9406 ATHLETIC DIR. (CYO) Tim Davidson 685-5877 BASKETBALL MEN’S Rob Spaedy 816-506-3706 BEREAVEMENT GROUP Denny & Karen Schemmel 897-5079 BOOK CLUB Linda Cook 897-3201 BRIDGE: COUPLES John & Kathleen Hlavacek 897-0495 LADIES DAYTIME Sue Reed 940-0978 LADIES EVENING Louise Kramer 766-0973 CATECHESIS OF THE GOOD SHEPHERD Karen Newkirk 814-9009 CHILDREN’S MINISTERS Heather Kuo 681-3698 OF THE WORD COLLECTION COUNTERS Annette Mellard 851-1349 COVERED IN PRAYER Susan Wolfgang 910-3099 DONUT COORDINATOR Nila Henderson 481-8608 EUCHARISTIC MINISTRY Craig & Judy Arnold 685-9305 SCHEDULING Mike Smoots 685-0118 FINANCE COUNCIL Sharon Weems 681-3348 GREETERS LeeAnn Cure 488-4761 GYM COORDINATOR Mark Thomas 579-4434 HELP FOR PARISHIONERS Jean Hinman 681-3348 HOMEBOUND EUCHARISTIC MINISTRY Jean Hinman 681-3348 ILLNESS & CAREGIVERS Marina Carrizosa-Ramos 416-0355 SUPPORT GROUP Cathy Oxley 681-9982 INTL. MISSIONS Ed Herman 897-0082 KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS Mark Short 653-6814 LECTORS Jim Baldwin 816-803-4505 LEGION OF MARY Dick Kane 484-7402 LINEN CARE LITURGY MARDI GRAS MARRIAGE ENCOUNTER Mary Jo Doherty 685-8313 Russ Engel 469-1918 Dawnlee Maurer 681-3348 Denny & Karen Schemmel 897-5079 MARRIAGE & FAMILY ENRICHMENT Liz Willman 681-3348 MARRIAGE PREP/NFP Bruce & Mona Snider 851-1231 MEN OF ASCENSION Mike Fischbach 469-5325 MOYC Abby Walter 839-9403 MUSIC FOR LITURGY Dorothy Brandwein 681-3348 NEWLY MARRIEDS Ignacio & Kate Contreras 714-335-8775 NURSERY Carol Rephlo 897-3377 PARISH COUNCIL Father Tom 681-3348 PARISH LIFE COMMITTEE Dawnlee Maurer 681-3348 PERPETUAL ADORATION Debbie Engel 485-8918 PRAYER PARTNERS Matt Wasko 749-3442 Sherry McAuliffe 681-6824 PRISON MINISTRY John Stanley 685-0351 RCIA Liz Willman 681-3348 RETROUVAILLE Joe & Danette Searle 681-2040 RESPECT LIFE John & Melissa Joerger 549-4406 RESPITE CARE Mary Ann Woodward 897-3258 SACRISTAN Scott & Nancy Huddlestun 269-6288 SOCIAL CONCERNS John Kratofil 768-8379 ST. LUKES SOUTH EUCHARISTIC MINISTRY Marguerite Enlow 897-5623 USHERS Jeff Frederes 681-2195 WEEKLY FAMILY ROSARY Jean Hinman 681-3348 WELCOMING Dawnlee Maurer 681-3348 WOMEN OF ASCENSION Teresa Davis 526-4570 Please go to to see a complete listing of all of our ministries. Ad Pages Ad Pages Ad Pages Bulletin Number: 017629 Church Name & Address: Church of the Ascension 9510 W. 127th Street, Overland Park, KS 66213 Contact: Maggie Wright or Sharon Weems (913) 681-3348 Email: [email protected] And [email protected] Software: MS Publisher 2010 Transmission Time: May 6, 11:30AM May 10 Bulletin . . NOTE: Please call as soon as possible if there are any issues with the font. Thank you!
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