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eil was watching his earnings plummet.
COPYRIGHT 2015 INNER CIRCLE SELF PUBLISHERS / ALL RIGHTS RESERVED It was December 2014 and life was hectic. Being an impersonator of Henry VIII is a
busier job than one might expect. Traveling from city to city and school to school to
speak in front of crowds has its perks, but “lots of free time” isn’t one of them.
As much as Neil loved his job, it wasn’t enough.
Back in 2010 Neil got a bona-fide book deal (with an advance!) and serialization in the
nation press. It was for a biography. Neil had gone through some pretty harsh stuff
through the first thirty years of this life and it left him with an addiction that was killing
him. By taking radical action, he managed to transform his life. It was this book
publishers were interested in. But despite writing 80,000 words and having extensive
press exposure, the book didn’t do very well.
It seemed that his dreams of making money from writing were gone for good.
Then he read about self publishing on kindle.
Using his free time wisely, Neil worked tirelessly to brainstorm, research, outline, and
finally write non-fiction, “true crime” type books.
A couple of these books sold very well, and he had several two and three thousand
dollar months... but then things changed-- fast.
He couldn’t put his finger on the problem, but his royalties were dropping like a stone,
and it was demoralizing. With all the work it took to create just one of these books, it
was hard to witness them slip down the ranks in the amazon kindle store.
What was once working wasn’t working so well anymore.
COPYRIGHT 2015 INNER CIRCLE SELF PUBLISHERS / ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Neil began to feel something we’ve all experienced and what many refer to as “getting
kicked in the balls”-- that sick, empty, gnawing feeling that starts low in the gut. That
feeling of impending failure... or hopelessness.
So he did what any sensible man would do... he started working less on his books, and
with his numbers sinking faster than concrete shoes, who could blame him?
A few months slipped by, and the direct deposits he had grown accustomed to from
amazon shrunk further. It wasn’t until the advice and gentle nudge of a friend
re-inspired him and he made a decision... actually, it was a goal.
...a big hairy goal..
..a goal that wasn’t “realistic”...
..a goal that many might scoff at
...the goal he set was:
ONE $20,000 MONTH​
He set the goal, and didn’t think too much about it... until he received an email from
me. He had no idea who I was, but he read the email and was intrigued.
When I asked Neil about how he found me he laughed and said he had no idea. He also
said it was a stroke of luck that he took me up on my offer and gained access to a
brand new, private mastermind group I had just put together.
he said ​
“those things all look like big scams to me.”
COPYRIGHT 2015 INNER CIRCLE SELF PUBLISHERS / ALL RIGHTS RESERVED He was talking about my pitch. Neil wasn’t a big believer in spending money on
products or training... or “masterminds”.
Even still, he decided to give it a shot. Unfortunately, his initial thoughts of the
mastermind being a bad idea resurfaced as soon as he read “The Smoking Gun” report
I gave him upon joining. Although the intel looked solid enough, Neil had an
overwhelming sense that his investment had been a mistake.
In fact, during a private skype video call a couple months later, Neil confessed his
initial reaction upon reading through the information had been:
“What the hell did I just buy?!”
..and that thought was promptly followed by the feeling that this “opportunity” wasn’t
anything more than a pie-in-the-sky dream. I was just another snake oil peddler who
had managed to dupe him. There was simply no way it was going to work-- not for him
at least.
Then he remembered his goal, and since he had already made the purchase (to which
there were no refunds) he decided it wouldn’t hurt to at least give it a try.
Fast forward a few weeks later and Neil can’t believe what he’s looking at:
Those magic little graphs on the KDP select dashboards that self publishers are
obsessed with, weren’t showing a downward trend. They were going up!
At first just a trickle, then it started picking up.
he thought.
The sight of numbers showing up where there had been only empty space a short while
ago, gave him all the motivation he needed. He promptly buckled down and got to
By month’s end, he couldn’t believe the results.
He had made:
£3700 GBP
Or if you prefer:
$5,500 USD
Yes, in a single month (give or take a couple days), Neil had earned some serious
dough. This month was a game changer, and now he focuses exclusively on the
information he obtained through the mastermind.
Now, this is all fine and dandy, but any reasonable person is going to want to look a
little closer.
What EXACTLY had he done to achieve such astounding results so quickly?
What was his total investment?
...and perhaps most important of all, was it just a fluke? Was this nothing more than
pure dumb luck, or was it something that could be repeatable?
COPYRIGHT 2015 INNER CIRCLE SELF PUBLISHERS / ALL RIGHTS RESERVED First, let’s look at exactly what he did and how much money he spent to achieve such
stunning results so rapidly.
First, he hired someone to write a short story of just 3,000 words to publish in the
genre exposed in the mastermind.
This story cost him a grand total of: $25
To be honest he was just using this as a test to check the quality of any potential
writers. But the short story started selling. He immediately re-hired the writer to repeat
the process.
While this was happening in the background, he used the template I gave him to
rapidly write his very own novella length “book” to publish in this same secret genre.
As far as money was concerned this cost him: $0
Time cost: 7 days give or take.
He said that he wrote 75% of it in 3 days, then dilly-daddled for a couple more days
before finishing it up.
He spent $30 getting the piece edited - as you will read later, editing is not Neil’s
strong point.
Editing Cost:​
$30 (Neil, like many of us struggles with grammar, syntax, story and that
sort of thing)
COPYRIGHT 2015 INNER CIRCLE SELF PUBLISHERS / ALL RIGHTS RESERVED In the mean time, his meager $50 investment (For two short stories) had quickly made
him his money back plus profit. Seeing this, he hired the same writer for another 6
short stories.
Six short story costs:​
25 x 6 = $150 (this was money he spent KNOWING it would pay
for itself and profit, rapidly)
Once he had the stories in hand, all he needed were covers. He purchased some stock
photographs for a couple bucks and created the covers himself. (it’s important to note
that Neil is NOT an experienced graphic designer)
Total cost:​
$20 (rough estimate) + time (about 10 - 20 minutes per book is what he told
Next up, he created a simple little facebook ad for the short novella he had just
released. Facebook ads were something he had never tried, but he said the process
couldn’t have been easier.
It went something like this:
He wrote a quick one paragraph status update using the facebook page he had created
for his pen name. He added a link to his book at the end of the paragraph and
“boosted” the post to just one group of people who liked the kinds of books he had just
He set the budget to ​
£3 (about $5 - $6 USD)
A couple of days later and his little “book” was selling like hot cakes-- and so were his
short stories!
He did a little facebook boosted post for everything he released. Most of the time
COPYRIGHT 2015 INNER CIRCLE SELF PUBLISHERS / ALL RIGHTS RESERVED spending about £5 per title, and occasionally, if he was feeling particularly
adventurous he would spend £10 or £12.
Here’s a breakdown of Neil’s month one numbers: Short story 1:
Sales: 498
Borrows: 276
Short story 2:
Borrows: 214
Novella 1:
Sales: 607
Borrows: 503
Short story 3:
Sales: 281
Borrows: 200
Short story 4:
Sales: 45
Borrows: 41
Stand alone short story 1:
Sales: 131
Borrows: 101
Stand alone short story 2:
Sales: 296
Borrows: 180
Stand alone short story 3:
Sales: 83
Borrows: 60
Sales: 342
Borrows: 109
*A small portion of this came as residual sales from the other non-fiction titles he had released in the past.
If you’re skeptical, who can blame you? There’s a fair amount of lying and
“exaggerated truths” floating around the internet. That being said, I’ve given you the
real facts and the real numbers. There’s nothing to hide or exaggerate.
However, for the super skeptical, here’s some additional information that may or may
not be relevant:
We’ve sited all these numbers as “MONTH ONE”. We consider January 2015 to be
month one, even though the group was founded in December. This is due to the fact
that almost nobody started working until January (some much later). Neil did start
working on his first short story and novella at the end of December. However, he didn’t
really get going until after the holidays, in January.
That’s also why some of his titles didn’t move nearly as many units; they just weren’t
published until later in the month!
COPYRIGHT 2015 INNER CIRCLE SELF PUBLISHERS / ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Now, let’s dig a little deeper and get to know Neil... Who is he, and exactly what super power does he posses to have been able to see so
much success so quickly?
Neil is actually a professional speaker. He makes his living giving pep-talks and
historical re-enactments to groups of people-- typically schools. This is a very
impressive career when you consider that at age nine Neil had a stammer and couldn’t
COPYRIGHT 2015 INNER CIRCLE SELF PUBLISHERS / ALL RIGHTS RESERVED string more than two words together without his face going bright red as he fought to
spit out the words.
He was bullied on the school playground; children can be cruel.
But Neil found a new friend in this time of darkness…..FOOD.
Food, was his friend, his mentor, his comforter. As he grew older, his new friend
accompanied him on the ride. After years of bad eating practices, Neil ended up
weighing in at 703 pounds. No, that is not a typo.
He couldn’t walk further than a few yards. He could barely fit in his car. He was
suffering from sleep apnea that was causing him to wake up every 60 seconds at night.
In short, he was a wreck travelling on the fastlane to an early grave.
Neil isn’t stupid, he has a degree in aeronautical engineering. Neil isn’t lazy, he worked
16 hour days to build up his business. He was simply a man with an addiction. The
problem was, unlike drink or drugs, this was an addiction that he couldn’t switch off.
Unlike drink or drugs a human being simply can’t abstain from food indefinitely.
After an appeal from his wife and daughter who were convinced they were going to
lose him, he agreed to life changing surgery. He was a frightened man the morning of
the surgery (703 pounds doesn’t have a great track record when it comes to surviving
the surgeons knife); but he got through it.
Now he’s almost shed half of his body weight!
Neil readily admits that it was his headline grabbing story that landed him his book
deal, not the fact that he was the next J.K Rowling.
COPYRIGHT 2015 INNER CIRCLE SELF PUBLISHERS / ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Recovering from his operation he decided he was going to beat his stutter. Not only
that, but he also decided to become a professional speaker. A pretty bold move for a
man that would normally quiver like jelly before making even a phone call.
Hard work, persistence and practice paid off. Neil now makes a living doing something
he was once mocked for.
Neil says that these are the only qualities you need to be a success at anything.
No-one can do the hard work for you.
No one can motivate you on a daily basis.
That has to come from you.
Everything else can be learned.
If you’re willing to work hard, persist and practice, you can be a success with self
Neil’s day job is mainly based around school term time, and he found that there were
big periods of time he wasn’t bringing money home. It was after a short period of
illness that Neil decided to take a stab at kindle as a second source of income.
COPYRIGHT 2015 INNER CIRCLE SELF PUBLISHERS / ALL RIGHTS RESERVED He knew he needed a way to make money around the clock, even if he couldn’t “punch
Residual income gives you security, and that’s what Neil wanted... though he never
imagined he would attain it through fiction!
Fiction?.. I can’t write fiction! N​
eil never seriously thought about writing fiction.
It’s complicated with plot twists and characters having their own voices.
With Fiction you have show, not tell (whatever that means), and then there’s grammar
and spelling-- the list goes on.
It’s scary.
Because of this, Neil discounted the idea of himself publishing fiction as somewhat of a
fairytale, and instead, he wrote non-fiction books on a wide range of subjects.
He wrote and he published. He never even thought of promoting his books. Some were
a success, and some weren’t. One book took him just 7 hours to write and at one stage
was selling 80 copies a day at $2.99. However, for every success there was a failure.
He didn’t think about market research. Nor did he check to see if books were selling in
a niche. He simply thought of a subject and then he would write. This flip-flop success
wasn’t enough, so he did something different.
If it isn’t already evident, let me say it simply:Neil doesn’t seem to have a background
or history that would give him an unfair advantage... except for the information in the
mastermind, and the willingness to work hard and persist.
In fact, Neil has some struggles that might make self publishing a strange and difficult
road for him.
Let’s take a look at some of the things Neil struggles with: ● Dyslexia
Neil is dyslexic. Although his condition isn’t super severe, it’s enough to turn
easy tasks into more difficult tasks that frustrate him. When he gets frustrated
● Budget
Now, let’s be straight. Neil has a job that pays for all of his expenses, but he
didn’t have a big budget for his books. He’s naturally averse to taking financial
risks, even small ones. His total spend for his $5500 month was in the region of
$180 which includes the outsourcing costs and the promotion on Facebook. It’s
very important to remember that Neil, like most people who are trying to turn
self publishing into a lucrative reality, did not have an endless amount of money
he could just throw at his books with the hope he would hit a homerun.
● Grammar
Although a smart egg, Neil is not a fan of Grammar. In his own words, he’s
Grammatically challenged, give him an equation and he is fine ( This can make
the writing process more challenging, but with the help of free and affordable
software and tools, this “big problem” becomes a little problem.
● Proofing
Neil confessed that this is one of the most frustrating parts of the process for
him, due mainly to his dyslexia. Although a nuisance, it’s not enough to hold him
back, and he finds creative ways around this hurdle (like getting family or
friends to help him or simply investing a few extra dollars).
● Plotting/Structuring
Neil is more of a “panster” which makes the notion of using a template or
plotting an intimidating prospect. “My plots are naturally about a paragraph
long” he confided, “It took a little fidgeting and discomfort to get past this
dilemma, but I did, and it wasn’t that big of a deal”. Now that he’s done it
several times, it’s easy.
● And more... like most people who have no experience writing or publishing
fiction, Neil has faced and overcome many obstacles.
These are issues many of us face, but now you know it’s possible to overcome...
How would you like to do the same thing Neil’s done?
COPYRIGHT 2015 INNER CIRCLE SELF PUBLISHERS / ALL RIGHTS RESERVED How To Replicate Neil’s Success: Neil and I have spent a few hours via skype video chat, discussing what we believe is
responsible for success or failure, and how we can help more people achieve results
they simply don’t believe are within their reach.
We’ve gone over a lot over the past weeks, but there are a few things we felt
contributed highly to Neil’s success.
We’ve listed them below. COPYRIGHT 2015 INNER CIRCLE SELF PUBLISHERS / ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Market Is Everything! “Don’t find customers for your products, find products for
your customers.”
-Seth Godin I​
t all comes back to your market. It all comes back to your genre.
Market is everything​
Genre is everything.
If you hit a broad market with tons of competition (think general romance/erotica)
you’re going to have a real tough time. If, however, you search for the low hanging
COPYRIGHT 2015 INNER CIRCLE SELF PUBLISHERS / ALL RIGHTS RESERVED fruit, you can make real progress, real fast-- and see results faster than you currently
imagine possible.
Now, to be completely transparent, the chances of Neil having done this without the
special intel, tools and support group are slim.
In his own words:
“Unless you’re pointed to this genre, you don’t know it exists. You know hot fiction
genres exist but you have no idea these little genres exist.”
Neil later confessed that even if he had found this genre on his own, he never would
have given it a second thought.
If you’re going to sell anything --I don’t care what it is-- you need to carefully choose
your market. In the case of selling ebooks on amazon, it’s imperative that you select
the right genre. Otherwise you’re pretty much shooting blindfolded, hoping to hit a
bulls eye.
I’m not a big numbers guy, but I do know how to spot potential and it really isn’t that
difficult. I don’t use any fancy software or tools. I just dig and look for patterns. You can
do this too.
Set aside a few hours to dig down into genres you find interesting or intriguing. You
might be surprised at what you find.
If you want to take this a step further, hire someone to gather market/genre
intelligence for you. I’ve done this numerous times and I always spend under $100.
Give your freelancer criteria to look for, then have her manually dig down through
genres and subgenres, listing the information you’re looking for.
COPYRIGHT 2015 INNER CIRCLE SELF PUBLISHERS / ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Have him deliver this intel in a manner you find easy to read. I have them list it visually,
with a picture of the cover, the rank, related books, page count, etc. When I see it in
this format, I’m able to skim through it and look for patterns easier.
When you find a potential fishing hole, it’s time to test the waters. This requires work,
and requires the possibility of “failure”.
COPYRIGHT 2015 INNER CIRCLE SELF PUBLISHERS / ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Volume Is Key “Success is a lousy teacher. It seduces smart people into
thinking they can't lose.”
-Bill Gates
n the beginning, volume is KEY.
Quality is important but ​
volume is necessary.
COPYRIGHT 2015 INNER CIRCLE SELF PUBLISHERS / ALL RIGHTS RESERVED [/begin tangent] I know when some of you hear me say that, you’re going
to immediately accuse me of suggesting people start churning out low
quality books enmass.
I want you to pay very close attention to what I say next:
That’s not at all what I’m suggesting.
On the contrary, doing that will hurt you and everyone else playing the
game. You may make some money, but I promise you it will not last, and
if you actually put the extra attention and effort required to turn
something from sub-par to good, your rewards will be immense.
I’m talking about REAL, monetary rewards, as in: you will make way more
money if you do things the right way. That is a guarantee, not a maybe.
It’s a definite.
You might “trick” readers once with your crap books, but they won’t be
fooled again, and instead of having an income that snowballs, you’ll have
only a temporary flash of cash, that once spent will never return. [/end
What Neil, myself and other successful people from our exclusive mastermind have
noticed, is that your sales and borrows will be somewhat sporadic and slow until you
have a few titles released under the same pen name.
COPYRIGHT 2015 INNER CIRCLE SELF PUBLISHERS / ALL RIGHTS RESERVED There are different ideas and theories as to why this is, but the why isn’t so important
right now. Just know that by testing, we’ve discovered this to be the case. There have
been numerous group members who were initially frustrated, wondering why their one
or two short stories weren’t garnering the sales/borrows they were looking for.
Many of these members didn’t let that stop them, instead they put their head down
and continued forward. When they do this, something miraculous occurs:
...and then begin to climb upwards, sometimes slowly until it reaches a tipping point,
and then rapidly-- with some of these members moving (sales + borrows) literally
thousands of books per month.
There are always exceptions. I happened to be one of them. I released a single 25,000
word novella and made $1400+ month one with it.
However, I was willing to push my facebook promotion harder than most, and I
enjoyed a nice rank between 1K - 2K for a month or more.
That being said, you should anticipate the former scenario. It’s the more likely of the
two. It’s what Caroline, Joshua, Neil, David, Nathan, Rahul and others have
experienced, and it’s what will generally occur.
Caroline only had a handful of sales her first month.
Now she’s moving 5K+ every month, and she’s picking up speed like crazy. When she
saw that the books were selling, and she realized how easy it was to write/create
them, she threw her weight against “the machine” and started releasing more short
stories and novellas.
COPYRIGHT 2015 INNER CIRCLE SELF PUBLISHERS / ALL RIGHTS RESERVED The breakthrough she’s experienced the past three months have been life changing for
her (in her own words), and I hope to feature her in the next case study-- as well as
record an interview with her so you can listen in as she explains how she felt before
and after joining my mastermind.
It’s also imperative that you realize that it’s unlikely your first attempt will be a success!
It happens, but it’s not the rule-- for anything in life-- you’re likely going to fail before
you succeed, which is why most people give up. Keep your eyes forward and do not
scrutinize too closely your results until you have several titles up. COPYRIGHT 2015 INNER CIRCLE SELF PUBLISHERS / ALL RIGHTS RESERVED The Double Whammy "​
Working hard and working smart sometimes can be
two different things.​
- Bryon Dorgan
eil made a smart move right from the beginning.
He did something that allowed him to speed up his success exponentially, and if you
model him, you may also reap the rewards.
COPYRIGHT 2015 INNER CIRCLE SELF PUBLISHERS / ALL RIGHTS RESERVED What’s funny is that this one smart move was actually an easy one, and it cost him very
little in both money and time. In fact, it saved him time, and in doing this, he basically
bought money.
Neil took The Two Pronged Approach...
Like a general gearing to move his troops into battle, Neil didn’t place all his eggs in
one basket. He used the expertise of another individual to leverage his output and his
earnings (this has never failed to profit him), and it cost him under $100 to try.
Instead of taking on the full workload himself, Neil took my advice and hired someone
to write 3K word short stories for just $25 each. The writer worked fast, producing two
stories each week for several weeks, and the stories needed very little polishing up
when finished.
Once a story was submitted to him, he would proof read it, create a very simple cover
very quickly, and publish it.
This small investment of time and resources has earned him THOUSANDS-- in both
royalties as well as sales and borrows.
Now, there is a “catch” to this, and it is simply the fact that to do this you must actually
do something! This isn’t meant to be condescending, I’m just telling you like it is.
Believe it or not, there are people who actually delude themselves into believing
someday things will miraculously change on their own, or that one day, someone else
will do all the work for them.
We’ll talk about that in a moment, for now just understand that even though to take
the two pronged approach requires minimum investment for maximum return, the
investment still exists!
COPYRIGHT 2015 INNER CIRCLE SELF PUBLISHERS / ALL RIGHTS RESERVED It means you’ll likely have to test several writers before you find who can produce
writing good enough to publish, but so what?
If that’s enough to stop you from achieving a second income (or a primary income)
then you are not a good candidate for this.
*Of course, the caveat to this is that you don’t like the idea of hiring other writers and you’re willing
to write and release everything yourself (like Joshua and Caroline who don’t employ the two
pronged approach and still manage to move ​
of units every month).
If you’re like me, and don’t want to write your own fiction (and can afford not to) or if
you’re like Neil and you just want to maximize your output while minimizing your time
investment, the two pronged approach is an excellent way to double, triple, even
quadruple your output (and if done correctly, your income).
Consider taking the two pronged approach with all of your self publishing endeavors,
and especially with your fiction books. We’ve seen it work, and common sense dictates
it’s a viable strategy-- yet it is only employed by those who who are serious about
creating a real income stream via kindle and are willing to make calculated risks.
Do or do not. There is no try.​
- Yoda
othing gets done unless you’re getting things done.
Seems simple enough, ​
Taking the leap from pondering an idea to taking action is scary, especially if you aren’t
accustomed to making uncomfortable decisions, and/or you’re averse to taking
calculated risks. Hundreds of thousands of information products are sold every day,
but where are the hundreds of thousands of new businesses blooming every day? Take action.
Having an idea is easy, turning it into a reality is a struggle, and it doesn’t happen
overnight. If you’re serious about changing your financial situation and you want to do
so with self publishing to kindle, it absolutely can be done, and depending on your
attitude, the information you have, your support group and your work ethic, it can be
done very, very quickly.
I’ve experienced it personally several years ago ($1K+ my first month after 4+ years of
struggle and failure with “internet marketing”). I’ve seen my mastermind members
experience it. WE know, as a collective body, that it’s not only doable, it’s actually
pretty simple when you make the decision to really DO IT instead of just thinking about
Taking that leap--from thinking to acting-- will separate you from about 70 - 80 percent
of the world. Most people have ideas, few people put the work in to turn those ideas
into a reality.
NOW (a farewell to complexity) “Learn from the mistakes of others. You can’t live long
enough to make them all yourself.”
-Eleanor Roosevelt I​
n general, self publishing really only consists of 3 steps:
The words:
Set a word count, draft a simple plot modeling what works, and either write the story
yourself or hire someone else to do it for you. While working with my mastermind
members, I realized this step was an obstacle for many, until they understood how
simple the process was. I gave them a couple “cheat sheets” and templates that made
everything “stupid simple” and that really seemed to help.
Having a framework to draw from will help you tremendously, so make sure you have a
plot template to work with. If you’re a customer of mine, you likely own “The 25 Minute
Fiction System” which has my “Universal Plot Creator” template included. This
template can be adapted to just about any genre quickly and easily.
The Cover:
DIY or hire it out. Many a book fail due to bad covers, so make sure yours looks good. If
hiring it out, ALWAYS show your artist what you’re looking for. Give them 3 - 6 covers
you like, and tell them what you do and don’t like about the covers. Give them some
idea as to what you want yours to look like and don’t be afraid to ask for a revision or
Another crucial point to remember is that perfection isn’t possible. If you’re like me,
you struggle with perfectionist tendencies. It’s imperative to remember that these
tendencies will actually sabotage you. If you think it’s impossible or very unlikely for
anyone to publish two novellas and six short stories in a months time, then you’re very
COPYRIGHT 2015 INNER CIRCLE SELF PUBLISHERS / ALL RIGHTS RESERVED likely a perfectionist, and it’s killing you. The good news is, by making one simple shift
in your thinking, you can open the creative and industrious reservoirs of your mind for
a flood of output.
This is Neil’s biggest secret...
This is the often overlooked aspect to those who prosper fast:
They throw perfection to the wind, narrow their focus to the one or two most critical
components and laser target all available energy on their strengths while finding
creative ways around their weaknesses (like hiring it out affordably).
Neil kept things “stupid simple”. He used the template and intel to quickly (very
quickly) write up a short novella. He hired a woman to write him a few stories, and he
quickly made some covers.
A few uploads to amazon later, and viola-- he saw results! The potential he saw gave
him all the extra motivation and drive he needed to plow forward.
When you break down the three step self publishing model, it can either be complex
and daunting, or it can be simple, straight forward (for the most part) and completely
I prefer the latter, but continually fight the temptation to believe the former. When you
start to feel overwhelmed, bring it back to the drawing board and break it down again.
Everyone’s favorite subject, right?
If one thing sends self publishers running in fear, it’s the word “MARKETING”. There’s a
common line of thinking surrounding marketing, and it’s the idea there is some elusive,
mysterious, secret that either requires a ton of time and work, or a ton of money.
I understand this because it’s what I once believed, it’s also something I’ve seen my
mastermind members get real worked up over. The fact of the matter is that your
market is more important than your marketing.
Contrary to what many people have been spouting, amazon is STILL a marketing
machine. They do all the heavy lifting, and for the most part, they do it well. They didn’t
become the number one online store-- selling billions of dollars worth of physical and
digital goods-- by accident. They know what they’re doing, and they will gladly be your
marketing machine. All you have to do is fuel it a bit; which brings us back to what I just
If you can do the initial legwork of seeking out genres with high demand, low
competition and a relatively short barrier to entry, all you have to do is release
books/stories people want and bring some initial momentum-- they’ll carry you after
that... better said: THEIR READERS WILL CARRY YOU.
This is the “secret” formula:
● WRITE (or pay someone to write) BOOKS PEOPLE WANT
● SEND ​
Not much of a secret, really, yet it’s so overlooked and overcomplicated in the self
publishing industry that it would appear there’s some mysterious power at work.
If you understand these three simple steps, as some of you definitely do, and you’re
still struggling... then it’s likely you’re getting hung upon the nitty gritty of step three
(getting eyeballs to your book).
There are is a lot of talk about the most effective way to bring readers to your books,
but one of the cheapest, most simple ways to do it is through facebook advertising. If
the idea of advertising on facebook scares you, you aren’t alone, ​
which is why it’s still
such a viable option.
Most self publishers mistakenly believe it’s complicated, expensive and scary. Because
of this, the competition (as of 2015) is way lower than it should be. Self publishers have
an unprecedented opportunity to target millions of potential fans, and they can get
started with as little as twenty bucks.
Neil got started with a daily budget of about $5.
In total (for his first novella) he spent about $25 to get the book boosted high in the
charts, as did Caroline (who’s had even MORE success than Neil) as have other
members from my mastermind.
COPYRIGHT 2015 INNER CIRCLE SELF PUBLISHERS / ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Now, I’m not saying all you need is five bucks, I just want to stress the fact that it can
be done starting with a very small investment. Like anything else, there’s a measure of
testing and “lost” money (it’s not lost if it’s contributing to your education and future
success) with facebook ads. Just don’t believe the lie that you can only do ads if you’re
an experienced marketer with a big bank roll.
I’m not going to give you a detailed lesson in facebook ads in this case study, but the
idea-- in a nutshell-- is to understand your market (who buys books like yours) and then
find and target them on facebook through interests.
Your ad should be a promoted post featuring a nice looking image of your book cover,
with a very simple call to action and maybe even a benefit (marked down from $2.99
to $0.99, etc).
The body (text) of your promoted post should be simple and relatively short with a
strong, but simple call to action that isn’t full of hype, or traditional sales language. The
route you’ll want to take with your ad will vary depending on your market, but
sincerity, honesty and brevity seem to work well. If you come across as someone who’s
desperate to make a couple bucks with a shoddy book, your ad won’t convert.
If your ad is good, and you’re targeting the appropriate market with a book similar to
books they’ve already purchased, your ad will get some viral exposure. It could be a lot
or a little, but almost all of my simple ads have had thousands of views I didn’t pay for
due to people sharing and liking the ad.
Once you have a winning ad, and assuming your book has a good cover, an engaging
description and a sample (what potential readers see when clicking “Look Inside”) that
is well written and compelling, you’ve now set yourself up for a torrent of sales that
will boost your book high in the charts. Once there, you’ll get all the free exposure you
could ever want. If readers like your book, you’ll continue to sell lots and lots of copies,
and your book will stay high in the ranks for weeks, months-- even longer.
COPYRIGHT 2015 INNER CIRCLE SELF PUBLISHERS / ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Once your book drops in the charts, you can schedule a “kindle countdown deal” where
the book’s price is temporarily lowered (you still receive 70% royalties) and you can be
boosted back up. You can couple this with another ad highlighting the discount, or just
let it be and see what happens. The last time I did this, I didn’t do any outside
promotion, yet the book sold hundreds of copies in a short period of time, and
consequently rose in the charts. This can be done once every 90 days, and I suggest
you take advantage of it.
Once you’ve done this once (MAKE & MARKET) and you’ve made it successfully around
the learning curve, all you have to do is rinse and repeat. As you do so, you’ll become
faster and more efficient, and repeating the process will be simple and easy.
You’ll face some initial doubt and frustration. You’ll have some failures, but if you’re
smart, you will persevere and prosper.
It REALLY is that simple.
If you chase two rabbits, both will escape​
- Anonymous
If you’re reading this right now, and you’ve decided to make this a reality, then the next
thing you’ll need to do is FOCUS.
Set all other projects on hold, craft a very simple game plan detailing exactly what
you’ll need to do to get your first book/novella/short story published and then get to
work, immediately.
COPYRIGHT 2015 INNER CIRCLE SELF PUBLISHERS / ALL RIGHTS RESERVED If you struggle with focus, then you’re a lot like me. Although I don’t believe in all the
“ADHD” hype, I do believe we all have different ways of working, and for some of us,
focus is very, very elusive. It’s been one of my biggest struggles for the past eight
years, and it’s a battle I’m winning slowly but surely.
I can tell you without a doubt, that it is one of the single biggest keys to success in
anything. It is one of the single biggest keys to earning massive royalty checks very
quickly. The more focused you are, the faster you’ll get to your desired destination.
Focus is so critical to success, that it can literally change your life-- fast!
Remember, without a goal, you have nothing to aim for, and nothing is what you’ll
receive. You’ll wander, you’ll waste time, you’ll get fed up and you’ll quit.
Set the goal.
Create the plan (keep it simple!).
Get to work.
If you struggle with setting the goal, reverse engineer from where you want to be to
where you are, and come up with an immediate action step you can take right now. If
you want to make a living self publishing, what needs to happen in order for that to be
a reality? Start from the end (your desired outcome) and work your way back.
Set the goal:
“I want to earn $10,000/mo via amazon publishing within 6 months”
COPYRIGHT 2015 INNER CIRCLE SELF PUBLISHERS / ALL RIGHTS RESERVED This means I need 10 stories or books that each earn $1K per month; or I need 20
stories that each earn $500 per month (these are both very realistic numbers by the
way, if you’re in the right market and you’re giving readers what they want).
If I need 10 books, or 20 books, that means I need to start with book one...
Create the plan:
Brainstorming For A Plan - Example:
I need a book that sells
which means I need to do some basic research to discover what people want
Once I know what people want, I then need to give it to them
which means I need actual words on a page, I need a story
which means I need to write or hire a ghostwriter (ACTION STEP!)
If I write, I need a plot
which means I need to use a template to create one (ACTION STEP!)
now that I have a plot, I need to write (ACTION STEP!)
my story is finished, now I need a book cover
which means I need to pay a professional an affordable fee to create one for me
which means I need to hire said professional and explain what I want (ACTION
Now that I have a story and a cover, I need to publish to amazon
which means I need to upload the word document, select my categories and
write my description (ACTION STEP!)
With my new book published on amazon, I now need to bring some initial
momentum to the book
which means I need to run a paid ad on facebook
so I’ll need a facebook “fan page” for my pen name (ACTION STEP!)
and then I’ll need to create a simple, but attractive ad image (ACTION STEP!)
and write a short 1 - 6 paragraph facebook post and boost it (ACTION STEP!)
Now I need just need to sit back and see what happens
If the ad doesn’t perform well, I will need to tweak (ACTION STEP!)
If it performs well, I’ll need to see if potential readers are buying my book once
on they hit the amazon page
if they’re not, I’ll need to determine if it is due to my cover, description, title or
sample-- or if it’s just due to not enough people seeing the ad (ACTION STEP!)
Now that my ad is performing well, my book is moving quickly up the bestseller
chart and it’s now time for me to repeat the process.
Whew, when it’s all written out like that, it sure looks like a ton of work.
Would you believe me if I told you that you could do all this several times in just a week
or two, without killing yourself with work?
What if I went a bit further and told you that you could do all this in that short time
span, and it wouldn’t be anywhere near as hard as it sounds?
I hope you’d believe me, because it’s the truth. I’ve done it and so have numerous
members in my mastermind group.
● Research to find out what people want in my genre
● Write or hire someone to write short book
● Create cover
● Publish
● Run a facebook promoted post
● Repeat
COPYRIGHT 2015 INNER CIRCLE SELF PUBLISHERS / ALL RIGHTS RESERVED What’s funny is that even if you simplify this further and simply: ​
create a book​
a cover​
, and ​
, you can still achieve awesome results (the ad will increase your
chances and your speed!).
Get to work:
Take action on step one. That’s it. Don’t worry about step two or three. Get started on
step one immediately. Even if you can’t get yourself to sit still and work for more than
fifteen minutes, take those fifteen minutes and use them!
Step 1. ​
Put ALL other projects on hold for a pre-determined amount of time, and do not
resume working on ANY other project until that time has passed. You may extend the
time, but you may not subtract. Give yourself ​
at least 30 days​
to focus SOLELY on this
endeavor. This means you forget about all the other opportunities and shiny objects
that are begging to steal your time, attention and money, and you (for the first time,
perhaps) focus solely on doing the work that will make you money.
Step 2:​
Create a 2 item “to do list” before bed for the following day. Make these two
items are “mission critical”, meaning: LIST THE TWO TASKS THAT ARE NEEDED TO
MOVE FORWARD. It doesn’t matter if these 2 tasks will only take a few minutes to
accomplish, if they’re needed, they need to be done. Write them down on a sticky note
and stick it on or beside your computer screen where you can look over at it
throughout the day. Do nothing else until these two tasks are complete.
After that, you may 3 more items on the to-do list for other things you would like to get
finished that day, but it isn’t mandatory.
1. Use template to outline plot
2. Write chapter one
Set short deadlines for your work. Set few deadlines. Don’t make the mistake
of coming up with twenty ambiguous daily/weekly tasks or goals. Use just a couple (1 3) and set an unrealistic deadline (if you would normally feel comfortable setting the
deadline to one day, make it two hours). Set a timer and try to meet the unrealistic
deadline. This kind of pressure is powerful, and will absolutely force you to focus. It will
kill procrastination and allow you to do way more in a shorter period of time than you
might believe. Once you have some experience under your belt, your work time will
become shorter and unimaginably productive. A project that once felt impossible,
you’ll be able to knock out grace and speed.
Truth be told, I don’t always follow my own advice, and I NEVER follow it flawlessly. I
cheat. I make excuses. I procrastinate. I lose motivation. I become discouraged and I
fail. All the time! It doesn’t matter though, because I no longer measure my progress
daily, I measure it over time. I have bad days-- heck, I have bad months!-- but I keep
getting back on the horse, and every time I do, I stay on a little longer...
...and I make more money as a direct result.
You too will fail. You will attempt to follow this advice and feel like you’re doing it all
wrong. That’s great! It means you’re well on the way. It means you’re truly getting
closer to turning your dream into a solid reality. This is a process, and it won’t happen
overnight-- but it will happen, and the faster you get back on the horse, the faster it will
COPYRIGHT 2015 INNER CIRCLE SELF PUBLISHERS / ALL RIGHTS RESERVED The Wait Is Over! (Action Over Everything) On the Plains of Hesitation bleach the bones of
countless millions who, at the Dawn of Victory, sat down
to wait, and waiting—died!​
- Sam Ewing A​
s my good friend Lynn Johnston says:
Action is the antidote for fear, doubt, and an empty bank account. It’s the answer to
paying debt, getting a new car, starting a business or leaving the 9 - 5 behind for good.
As my close friend Chris Ice likes to remind me:
“Move gracefully through uncertainty.”
You will never feel ready. You will never feel like you have it all together. The emperor
is naked, and that’s OK. You have far more knowledge in this little PDF than I had when
I got started. I was clueless, frustrated and lost. Fortunately, perseverance and action
are more powerful than any emotional state. They’re more powerful than any secret
knowledge. Combined, they’ll allow anyone to improve their circumstances.
If you possess the will, you will find the way.
It’s an unfailing law. I’ve witnessed it and experienced it too many times to ever be
convinced otherwise. You know it to be true, so now own it. Get to work NOW.
Literally, as soon as you finish reading this, take step one. Like I said previously, even if
you can’t get yourself to sit down to do the work for more than fifteen minutes-- sit
down for fifteen minutes! Those fifteen minutes can change your life.
eil says that the really exciting thing about all of this, is that he is never going to be
in a worse position than he is now.
He will never have fewer books than he has now. He will always be increasing the
number of books he has for sale and not only will be serving readers that already love
his books, but he will be attracting new ones.
COPYRIGHT 2015 INNER CIRCLE SELF PUBLISHERS / ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Neil can immediately see that this business is scalable. If you can make $1,000 a month
from Kindle. You just need 10 times the books to make $10,000 a month.
Neil has said is basically a case of deciding what income you would like to make, and
then finding a way to produce the number of books which are required to reach it.
He says:
“It’s brilliant to constantly break my own records: 50 books sold in a
day, 100 books sold in a day, 200 books sold in a day, 250, and most
recently, 300 sales/borrows in a single day! Where next? $500 dollars
while I’m in bed sleeping? Even $1000?!”
Neil says the potential for his kindle business is only limited by his imagination. He
also says his imagination can do very big things!
If you’re thinking “This is great, but Neil’s just one guy.. this is just one success...” you’ll
be happy to hear that Neil is actually NOT our group’s most successful member, and
he’s definitely not the only one.
The past 3 - 4 months have yielded some truly incredible results, and I hope to share
the stories of Caroline, and Joshua (who I believe are both outselling Neil at the
moment), David, Nathan, Rahul, Don, and many others very soon. These are normal
people who are having extraordinary results. All of these folks are incredible, and
they’ve all overcome obstacles to get to where they are now. If you want to hear more
about them, get their case studies, interviews, etc, then pay close attention to this last
bit below.
Where do I go from here?​
- You
hat’s really the only question you should be asking yourself right now.
COPYRIGHT 2015 INNER CIRCLE SELF PUBLISHERS / ALL RIGHTS RESERVED If this case study doesn’t inspire you-- and show you the reality of what can be
achieved quickly with kindle-- then I’m not sure anything will.
I’ve tried my best to lay everything out in a manner that makes sense, while keeping
things as simple as possible. I’ve also have given you the basic ground work to do this
yourself-- without buying any other product/training/course, I hope you take hold of it.
Now, if I don’t address this here and now, I can guarantee I’ll be receiving a flood of
emails-- and I simply don’t have the time to answer hundreds of questions...
..about the mastermind... I know you’re wondering, so let me lay it out here:
The mastermind/support group/information Neil (and many others) have used to
achieve these results is ​
not currently accepting new members.
Big bummer, I know.
The good news is, Neil and I are currently putting another group together, and to be
perfectly honest, I think this second group will be 2X better-- if not more. The genre
shows more potential, and after seeing what folks struggled with in my first group, I’m
making every effort possible to make success even faster and easier for members of
group #2.
I’ll be streamlining the information in a way that is more intuitive, and will have a basic
cheat sheet or syllabus that simplifies the process and shows you exactly which steps
to take and when-- so wasted time is eliminated and you always know what needs to
be done next.
With Neil’s help, I’m able to do more, and we’re putting a heavy focus on teaching by
COPYRIGHT 2015 INNER CIRCLE SELF PUBLISHERS / ALL RIGHTS RESERVED I believe that watching someone actually DO what they’re teaching makes everything
easier. When you can say:
“Look, this is exactly what I did, now you can do the same thing!”...
and you can do so transparently, the mysterious veil falls away and the barriers that
once stood between you and the ​
TRUE​game-changing information are removed.
This is something I’ve had trouble I’ve had doing in the past, as it was difficult to
balance the time spent helping customers/students/members/coming up with
ideas/creating products/setting up systems/etc while balancing a self publishing
business at the same time... it wasn’t just difficult, it wasn’t doable. Now, that I’m
becoming better at leveraging my time, I’m happy to say I am able to devote more
time to actually practice what I preach!
Neil and I have just recently started to test this market, and we’ll know more soon, but
early signs are looking ​
very positive.​
It looks like we’ve found a VERY lucrative
Perks Of The Model I asked Neil what he found appealing about my model, and this is what he told me:
● There’s a system you can follow (so you aren’t wandering around lost)
● It’s fast to go from blank page to published (short and simple stories -- nothing
COPYRIGHT 2015 INNER CIRCLE SELF PUBLISHERS / ALL RIGHTS RESERVED ● It’s super simple (limited number of characters - same story structure for each
book - you can regurgitate in a slightly different manner)
● It’s scalable - you can scale quickly and easily - the more you produce, the more
you make
● The audience genuinely LOVES what you produce I’m no fool. I know there will be hundreds (thousands?) of people who will want to get
into the next group, and as much as I hate to say it, it’s simply not possible.
Group #2, like group #1, is going to have a pretty low cap. Since the genre looks to be a
good bit bigger, we’re hoping to allow more members in than group #1 (80 members),
but we want to ensure we don’t add too many members too quickly.
We haven’t completely decided, but it’s looking like we’ll only be allowing 100 - 125
members in up front... and quite possibly-- total.
I believe in treating my tribe with the priority and preferential treatment they deserve,
which is why group #1 members will have first access to join group #2.
After they’ve joined, we will allow new members in.
If you would like to be notified as soon as seats open up, enter your email on this page.
You’ll also be notified when new case studies and information is released:
I have no interest in having you on my list if you don’t wish to be on
it, hence the reason there was no forced optin to download and read this report. This
goes against mainstream marketing advice, but I’m of the opinion that you aren’t
actually ​
you’re determined, intelligent human beings who can make decisions
for yourselves-- and that your instincts will push you in the right direction.
Please understand:​
If you think I’m going to “hard sell” this opportunity to you, then
you’re in for a disappointment. I know what I’m offering is incredibly valuable, and I
know smart self publishers will see that. If you’re fortunate-- and fast!--, there will be a
spot for you when we open, and that’s that.
My aim since the formation of my first group has been to help as many self publishers
achieve life changing results as quickly and easily as humanly possible. We are literally
still at the infancy stage, but the results I’ve seen many of my current mastermind
members achieve already have motivated and inspired me more than I can tell. THEY
have inspired me to get back on the self publishing bandwagon with a newfound vigor
and resolve, and I sincerely hope I’ll have the privilege of working with them in their
continual success, as well with you and your future success.
Perhaps I’ll be seeing you around?
“You can’t do this without me-- you need to buy my stuff...”
That’s the mantra you hear from most marketers every day.
I just want to assure you that the information you received for free in this report can be
used without purchasing anything from me, now or in the future. I’m not looking to
convince you success like Neil’s is only achievable IF you buy something from me.
On the contrary, I’ve designed this case study to give you a massive leg up, even if you
can’t afford to invest in any of my products or training.
I know what it’s like to feel helpless and lost. I know what it’s like to want freedom
from a 9 - 5 job. I know what it’s like to be in dire financial straits-- without a job!
For this reason, I want you to understand that if you are unable to join our next
mastermind group, you should not lose hope. Do whatever is in your power to succeed
with the information you have at your disposal. I’m a firm believer that if if there’s a
will, there’s a way.
I am not a trust fund baby. I started from the bottom, and in many cases, I started with
many less advantages than many of you who feel like you’re at the bottom. I’ve
struggled and toiled for years on end feeling like I would never make it into the
promised land and I just want to reassure you that if you’re willing to put the work in
and never give up, there’s virtually no way you can fail.
If you want to increase your speed to success exponentially, and you can afford to join
the high caliber mastermind when it opens, then you should jump on it without
hesitation. If you can’t however, then you can get yourself prepared for the next
COPYRIGHT 2015 INNER CIRCLE SELF PUBLISHERS / ALL RIGHTS RESERVED opportunity, because there will be plenty more. It’s easy to feel like you’ve missed the
wave, but there will be more waves, and if you can’t ride the current wave, get yourself
ready to catch the next one!
I wish you Godspeed on your journey!