PREQUALIFICATION OF PROVIDERS FOR LEGAL AUDIT SERVICES FOR THE PERIOD ENDING 30TH JUNE 2017 PREQUALIFICATION FOR PROVISION OF LEGAL AUDIT SERVICES PROVIDERS FOR THE PERIOD ENDING 30TH JUNE 2017. TENDER No: KeNHA/1019/2015 MAY 2015 HEAD OF LEGAL SERVICES DIRECTOR GENERAL KENYA NATIONAL HIGHWAYS KENYA NATIONAL HIGHWAYS AUTHORITY AUTHORITY P.O. BOX 49712-00100 P.O. BOX 49712-00100 FAX NAIROBI 0202715483 NAIROBI 1 PREQUALIFICATION OF PROVIDERS FOR LEGAL AUDIT SERVICES FOR THE PERIOD ENDING 30TH JUNE 2017 TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION DESCRIPTION PAGE - Invitation for prequalification …………….......................3 SECTION II - Tender Submission Checklist .…………….....................5 SECTION III - Instructions to Candidates .……………............................. 6 SECTION IV - Pre-Qualification Submission Form...................................11 SECTION V - References from Three Other Clients...................................12 SECTION VI - Qualification And Experience Of Key Personnel.................12 SECTION VII - Business Questionnaire.........................................................13 SECTION I 2 PREQUALIFICATION OF PROVIDERS FOR LEGAL AUDIT SERVICES FOR THE PERIOD ENDING 30TH JUNE 2017 SECTION 1: INVITATION FOR PREQUALIFICATION (IFPQ) TENDER NO. KeNHA/1019/2015 - PREQUALIFICATION FOR PROVISION OF LEGAL AUDIT SERVICES FOR THE PERIOD ENDING 30TH JUNE 2017. The Kenya National Highways Authority (KeNHA) is a State Corporation established under the Kenya Roads Act, 2007, with the responsibility for management, development, rehabilitation and maintenance of national roads. The Authority intends to pre-qualify eligible Candidates to be placed in our List of prequalified firms for provision of Legal Audit Services for a period of 2 years and who may from time to time be invited to quote for provision of the above services. The following must be submitted together with the pre-qualification documents for the applicants to be pre-qualified and included in the list of pre-qualified firms for 2015/2016 and 2016/2017 financial years: Copy of Certificate of Registration / Incorporation Copy of Valid Tax Compliance Certificate from Kenya Revenue Authority Dully filled confidential questionnaire Pre-Qualification Submission Form Interested eligible bidders may obtain further information from and inspect the prequalification documents at the Procurement Office, situated at the Kenya National Highways Authority Headquarters, Blue Shield Towers First Floor, Hospital Road, Upper Hill during normal working hours. Interested applicants may obtain prequalification document by downloading from our website or IFMIS Kenya Suppliers Portal : free of charge or from KeNHA Headquarters, Blue Shield Towers, Upper Hill Road, Ground Floor or Regional Procurement Offices as detailed below: 3 PREQUALIFICATION OF PROVIDERS FOR LEGAL AUDIT SERVICES FOR THE PERIOD ENDING 30TH JUNE 2017 Completed pre-qualification documents must be submitted in enclosed plain sealed envelopes, clearly marked with the Tender name, Tender number, Code number and Category description as provided in invitation for pre-qualification and deposited in the tender box at Mezzanine floor, Blue shield Towers or be addressed to; Secretary/ Tender Committee Kenya National Highways Authority Blue Shield Towers, Mezzanine Floor, Hospital Road, Upper Hill P.O Box 49712 – 00100, Nairobi so as to be received on or before Thursday, 28th May, 2015 at 11.00am. Opening of the pre-qualification documents will take place immediately thereafter in the presence of the candidates representatives who choose to attend at KeNHA Boardroom on 3rd Floor of the same building. All candidates whose applications will have been received before the closing date and time shall be advised in due course of the results of their applications. Procurement Manager For: DIRECTOR GENERAL 4 PREQUALIFICATION OF PROVIDERS FOR LEGAL AUDIT SERVICES FOR THE PERIOD ENDING 30TH JUNE 2017 SECTION II- TENDER SUBMISSION CHECKLIST This order and arrangement shall be considered as the Tender Format. Candidates shall tick against each item indicating that they have provided it. No. Item Tick Where Provided 1 Letter of Application. 2 Copy of Company or Firm's Registration Certificate 4 Three letters of commendation from your corporate clients 5 Duly Completed Confidential Pre-qualification Business Questionnaire 6 Evidence of physical address and premises (attach copies of utility bills e.g. electricity/water or lease agreement/Title 8 Attach CV's of Partners, Associates, Consultants if any and staff 10 together with their professional/academic certificates. Any other document or item required by the Prequalification Document. (The Candidate shall specify such other documents or items it has submitted) 5 PREQUALIFICATION OF PROVIDERS FOR LEGAL AUDIT SERVICES FOR THE PERIOD ENDING 30TH JUNE 2017 SECTION III - INSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATES 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 The Kenya National Highways Authority (KeNHA) will pre-qualify and enlist prospective bidders from among those who will have submitted their prequalification documents in accordance with the pre-qualification requirements for the provision of services described herein for a period of two (2) years. 1.2 The Pre-qualification Tender document and the Tenderers response thereof shall be the basis for pre-qualification. Tenderers must familiarize themselves with the requirements described in this document including all attachments and take them into account while preparing their response. 1.3 KeNHA does not bind itself for provision of any service but shall endeavor to ensure that tenderers for the provision of the required services will be treated equitably. 1.4 The pre-qualification of legal Audit service providers does not constitute a retainer. 1.5 Applicants will be informed in writing of the results of the application. 1.6 Tenderers will meet all costs associated with preparation and submission of their applications. 1.7 KeNHA will have the right to inspect the business premises of the tenderer. 1.8 Submission of Applications shall be as follows: a) Applications for prequalification shall be submitted in sealed envelopes marked with the prequalification tender name and reference number and deposited in the tender box at address and location indicated or be addressed to the respective addresses provided in the tender notice so as to be received on or 6 PREQUALIFICATION OF PROVIDERS FOR LEGAL AUDIT SERVICES FOR THE PERIOD ENDING 30TH JUNE 2017 before Thursday, 28th May, 2015 at 11.00am. Applications received after the closing date shall be rejected and returned to the applicant unopened. b) The Candidate shall seal the original and the copies of the prequalification document in separate envelopes duly marking the envelopes “ORIGINAL” and “COPY”. The envelopes shall then be sealed in an outer separate envelope. c) The inner and outer envelopes shall: Be addressed and delivered to the address provided in the invitation for prequalification and the prequalification advertisement. Bear the name and identification number of the prequalification document. In addition to the identification, the inner envelopes shall indicate the name and address of the applicant to enable the application to be returned unopened in case it is declared “late”. d) If the outer envelope is not sealed and marked as instructed above, Kenya National Highways Authority will assume no responsibility for the misplacement or premature opening of the prequalification document. If the outer envelope discloses the Candidate’s identity the Authority will not guarantee the anonymity of the prequalification submission, but this shall not constitute grounds for rejection of the prequalification document. e) All the information requested for prequalification shall be provided in the English language. Where information is provided in any other language, it shall be accompanied by a translation of its pertinent parts into English language. The translation will govern and will be used for interpreting the information. f) Failure to provide information that is essential for effective evaluation of the applicant’s qualifications or to provide timely clarification or substantiation of the information supplied may result in the applicant’s disqualification. 7 PREQUALIFICATION OF PROVIDERS FOR LEGAL AUDIT SERVICES FOR THE PERIOD ENDING 30TH JUNE 2017 2.0 QUALIFICATIONS AND COMPETENCIES The firms should provide adequate information indicating that he/she is/are qualified to undertake Legal Audit Assignments. Demonstrate that they have undertaken similar assignment successfully (description of similar assignments, experience in similar assignments preferably in the public sector, availability of appropriate skills, competencies and qualifications of professional staff if any) 3.0 3.1 CLARIFICATIONS OF PREQUALIFICATION DOCUMENTS The prospective applicant requiring any clarification of the prequalification documents may notify the Authority in writing or by email at the Authority’s mailing address indicated in the prequalification data. 3.2 The Authority will respond in writing to any request for clarification that is received earlier than seven (7) days prior to the deadline for the submission of applications. Copies of the Authority’s response to queries raised by applicants (including an explanation of the query but without identifying the sources of the inquiry) will be sent to all prospective applicants who will have purchased the prequalification documents. 4.0 QUALIFICATION CRITERIA Pre-qualification will be based on meeting the minimum requirements to pass in the criteria set as shown below: (i) Pre-qualification Submission Form. (ii) A certified copy of Certificate of Registration/Incorporation. (iii) Three letters of commendation from your corporate clients. (iv) Certified valid Tax Compliance Certificate. (v) Duly Completed Confidential Business Questionnaire. (vi) Evidence of physical address and premises (attach copies of utility bills e.g. electricity/water or lease agreement/Title. (vii) The declaration will be either pass or fail regarding the applicant’s general and particular experience, personnel and equipment capabilities as demonstrated by the applicant’s response in the forms provided. The procuring entity reserves the right to waive minor deviations if they do not materially affect the capability of an applicant to perform the contract. 8 PREQUALIFICATION OF PROVIDERS FOR LEGAL AUDIT SERVICES FOR THE PERIOD ENDING 30TH JUNE 2017 4.1 KeNHA will examine the tenders to determine completeness, general orderliness and sufficiency in responsiveness. 4.2 Applicants shall not contact KeNHA on the matter relating to their Pre-Qualification Document from the time of opening to the time the evaluation is finalized and official communication is sent to them. Any effort by the Applicant to influence KeNHA in the Pre-Qualification Document evaluation shall result in the rejection of their application. 4.3 Pre-qualification will be based on meeting the following minimum criteria regarding the Applicant's legal status, general and particular experience, personnel and financial position as demonstrated by the responses in the attached forms. 4.4 The applicants should have registered offices and KeNHA reserves the discretion of visiting physical premises from which the applicant conducts business if so desired to confirm existence and capability to deliver the said good/service. 5.0 Evaluation Criteria 1. PRELIMINARY REQUIREMENTS (MANDATORY) Note: The following are mandatory requirements and must be submitted with the bid failure to which the candidate shall be disqualified. No. Documents to be Submitted Yes/NO 1. Copy of Valid Tax Compliance Certificate 2. Copy of Certificate of registration 3. Dully filled confidential questionnaire 4. Pre-Qualification Submission Form 9 PREQUALIFICATION OF PROVIDERS FOR LEGAL AUDIT SERVICES FOR THE PERIOD ENDING 30TH JUNE 2017 TECHNICAL EVALUATION CRITERIA: The points for the technical evaluation are as per the following evaluation criteria matrix. 1 2 Requirements Duly filled Pre-qualification Data Score 10 Demonstration of Resource capability and Equipment for carrying out 10 the specific services. Letters of Commendation from at least three of your corporate clients. (Documentary Evidence Must be provided for each assignment in 20 order to be considered). 5 Evidence of Physical Address (E.g. copies of utility bills, Agreement/Title Document, County Government License etc. 3 Financial Position i) Firm’s audited accounts/ Certified Bank Statement for ii) Letterone of reference from the banker regarding supplier’s credit previous year iii) State Credit period (minimum proposed is 30 days) position. 10 5 5 Relevant experience and qualification of key staff (Documentary 4 Evidence to be provided) (Signed CVs and Certified copies of all the registration, academic 5 and professional certificates must be provided in order to be Litigation History (Provide current sworn affidavit) awarded any marks) Total 30 5 100 Successful Applicants will be required to attain 75 marks and above. Tenderers are informed that services shall be procured on the basis of "AS AND WHEN REQUIRED" and award of the tender shall not constitute a retainer. 6.0 Notification of Pre-Qualification 6.1 KeNHA will promptly notify the successful Candidates. 10 PREQUALIFICATION OF PROVIDERS FOR LEGAL AUDIT SERVICES FOR THE PERIOD ENDING 30TH JUNE 2017 6.2 The selected Candidates will be expected to commence any allocated assignment on receipt of any instructions from KeNHA. 6.3 Upon pre-qualification, KeNHA does not bind itself to assign any case to any of the pre-qualified firms/ lawyers but shall endeavor to ensure equitable distribution of the available briefs among the prequalified firms/lawyers taking into account the experience, qualification and geographical location of the individual firms. 17.0 COST OF APPLICATION The applicant shall bear all costs associated with the preparation and submission of this tender and the Employer will in no case be responsible or liable for those costs, regardless of the conduct or outcome of the prequalification process. 11 PREQUALIFICATION OF PROVIDERS FOR LEGAL AUDIT SERVICES FOR THE PERIOD ENDING 30TH JUNE 2017 SECTION IV- PRE-QUALIFICATION SUBMISSION FORM Date: Tender No. To: The Kenya National Highways Authority Blue Shield Towers, Hospital Road, Upper Hill, P.O Box 49712—00100, Nairobi, Kenya. Dear Ladies and Gentlemen, We, the undersigned, offer to provide the required services in accordance with your instructions and we hereby submit our Pre —qualification Document. Our Tender is binding to us and if found acceptable we shall be pleased to be included in the list of pre-qualified firms, We understand you are not bound to accept any application you receive. We remain, Yours sincerely, Authorized Signature: .................................................................................... Name and Title of Signatory .............................................................................. Name of Tender ................................................................................................ Address……………………………………………………………………………… 12 PREQUALIFICATION OF PROVIDERS FOR LEGAL AUDIT SERVICES FOR THE PERIOD ENDING 30TH JUNE 2017 SECTION V: REFERENCES FROM THREE OTHER CLIENTS (Attach) No. 1 Company Client's Contact Name Person 2 3 Note: Recommendation Letters from client the clients mentioned must be provided. SECTION VI: QUALIFICATION AND EXPERIENCE OF KEY PERSONNEL Name Position AREAS OF PRACTICE 1 2 3 4 5 13 PREQUALIFICATION OF PROVIDERS FOR LEGAL AUDIT SERVICES FOR THE PERIOD ENDING 30TH JUNE 2017 SECTION VII- MANDATORY CONFIDENTIAL BUSINESS QUESTIONNAIRE (Must be filled by all applicants or tenderers' who choose to participate in this tender) Name of Applicant(s): You are requested to give the particulars in Part 1 and either Part 2 (a), 2 (b) or 2 (c), whichever applies to your type of business. Part 2 (d) to part 2 (i) must be filled. You are advised that giving wrong or false information o n this Form will lead to automatic disqualification/termination of your business proposal at your cost. Part 1— General Business Name ................................................................................................................................................. Certification of Incorporation/Registration No .................................................................................. Location of business premises: Country ............................................................................ Physical address ........................................ Town ................................................................................. Building .........................................................Floor .......................................................................... Plot No ................................................Street/Road .............................................................................. Postal Address..........................................................Postal/County Code .................................................... Telephone No's...................................................................................Fax No's ............................................ Email address ..................................................................................................................................... Website ............................................................................................................................................. Contact Person (Full Names) ................................................... Direct/Mobile No's................................ Title.............................................................. Power of Attorney (Yes/No) If Yes, Attach written document. Nature of Business (indicate whether manufacturer, distributor, etc) ............................................... Value Added Tax No ........................................................................................................ Value of the largest single assignment you have undertaken to date (USS/KShs) ....................... Was this successfully undertaken? Yes/No ....................................... (If Yes, attach reference) Name (s) of your banker (s) ................................................................ Branches ............................................................. Tel No's ............................................. 14 PREQUALIFICATION OF PROVIDERS FOR LEGAL AUDIT SERVICES FOR THE PERIOD ENDING 30TH JUNE 2017 Part 2 (a)—Sole Proprietor Full names ..................................................................................................................... Nationality.........................................................................Country of Origin .......................... Citizenship details ............................................................................................................. Company Profile ............................................................................................................. Part 2 (b) — Partnerships Give details of partners as follows: Full Names Nationality Citizenship Details Shares 1 ................................ 2 ................................ 3 ................................ 4 ............................... Company Profile .................................... (Attach Firm Profile) Part 2 (c) Associate Law Firms or Branches in other towns and/or countries (if any other countries, attach relevant written confirmation) 1) ............................................................................................................................. 2) ............................................................................................................................. 3) ............................................................................................................................. Part 2 (d) — Debarment I/We declare that I/We have not been debarred from any procurement process and shall not engage in any fraudulent or corrupt acts with regard to this or any other tender by KPLC and any other public or private institutions. Full Names ....................................................................................................... 15 PREQUALIFICATION OF PROVIDERS FOR LEGAL AUDIT SERVICES FOR THE PERIOD ENDING 30TH JUNE 2017 Signature .......................................................................................................... Dated this .............................................. day of ..........................................2015 In the capacity of ........................................................................................... Duly authorized to sign Tender for and on behalf of ........................................ Part 2 (e) — Criminal Offence I/We, (Name (s) of Partner (s)):a) .................................. b) .................................. c) .................................. d) .................................. have not been convicted of any criminal offence relating to professional conduct or the making of false statements or misrepresentations as to its qualifications to enter into a procurement contract within a period of three (3) years preceding the commencement of procurement proceedings. Signed ........................................................................................................................ For and on behalf of M/s.............................................................................................. In the capacity of ....................................................................................................... Dated this ......................................................... day of ............................................2015 Law Firm's Official Rubber Stamp .............................................................. Part 2 (f) — Conflict of Interest I/We, the undersigned state that I/We have no conflict of interest in relation to this procurement: a) ................................................................................................................................ b) ................................................................................................................................ c) ................................................................................................................................ For and on behalf of M/s ...................................................................................................... In the capacity of ..................................................................................................... Dated this ......................................................... day of ......................................... .2015 Law firm's Official Rubber Stamp ............................................................ 16 PREQUALIFICATION OF PROVIDERS FOR LEGAL AUDIT SERVICES FOR THE PERIOD ENDING 30TH JUNE 2017 Part 2(g) — Interest in the Firm: Is there any person/persons in KeNHA or any other public institution who has interest in the Firm? Yes /No? (Delete as necessary) Institution (Title) (Signature) (Date) Part 2(h) — Experience Please list here below 3 major companies/ clients you have acted for in the last two (2) years. Company Name Country Contract/Order No. Value 1. 2. 3. Contact person (Full Names) .................................................... Email address ............................................................................ Cell phone No. Part 2 (i) — Declaration I/we the undersigned state that the above information is correct and that I/We give the Kenya National Highways Authority, authority to seek any other references concerning my/our firm from whatever sources deemed relevant e.g. Office of the Registrar of Companies, Bankers etc Full names ................................................................................................................ Signature .................................................................................................................... For and on behalf of M/s............................................................................................... In the capacity of ....................................................................................................... Dated this ................................................... day of ........................................................ 2015 Suppliers '/Company's Rubber Stamp 17 PREQUALIFICATION OF PROVIDERS FOR LEGAL AUDIT SERVICES FOR THE PERIOD ENDING 30TH JUNE 2017 18
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