SPECIAL ISSUE .*l"$h$N$J* THE KENYA GAZETTE, Published by Authority of the Republic of Kenya (Regrstered as a Newspaper at the G.P.O.) Vol. CXVII-No.28 GAZETTENoTIcENo. NAIROBI, 18th March, Price Sh.60 2015 I7I4 CAUSENo. 182.1 IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT NAIROBI PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION TAKE NOTICE that apphcations having been made in this court oF20l4 By Salim Jivraj of 21, Albert Hall Mansrons, London SW7, 2AJ. the deceased's son, through Messrs. H. A Damji Esq. advocate of Nairobi, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of Gulamhussein Rahemtulla Jrvraj alias Gulam-Hussein Jrvraj. late of 131, Hartfleld Road, Wimbeldon, England, who died there on 30th October,1974. in: CAIJSE CAUSENo.95 oF 1978 By Aneet Singh Sabarwal, of P.O. Box 46097, Nairobi in Kenya, the deceased's grandson, through Messrs. M. A. Khan, advocate of Nairobi, for a grant of letters of admrnistration rntestate de bonis non to the estate of Bhogal Singh alias s/o Shri Hari Singh, late of Gurdaspur. India who died there on 8th February, 1966. By (l) By (I CAUSENo. 1903oF2Ol4 cAUsE No. 2658 0F 2009 By (l) Joseph Michino Turunga and (2) Francrs Thiaka Turunga, both of P.O. Box 18, Kikuyu in Kenya, the deceased's nephews, through Messrs. Gatumuta & Co., advocates of Nairobi, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of Gichungo Githrma, late of Nduma, Thigo, who died there on 2lst May,2000 CAUSENo 23'70 intestate to the estate of John Grtau Ehas, late of Kaharo, who died at Nairobi Hospital in Kenya, on I 4th February, 2O I I CAUSENo 2134oF2ol3 By Lucy Njoki Macharia, of P.O. Box 9171-O0300, Nairobi in Kenya, the deceased's rvidow, through Messrs Kahuthu & Kahuthu, advocates of Nairobi, for a grant of letters of admrnrstratron intestate to the estate of Nickson Macharra Gartho, late of Umola Estate, Narrobr who died at District Hospital, Thika in Kenya, on 2nd April.20l3. CAUSE ) Carolne Naisrae Olomunya and (2) Ndirangu Kariukr, both of P.O. Box 579734O2OO, Nairobi in Kenya, the deceased's widow and uncle, respectrvely, through Messrs. Kingori Karruki & Co., advocates of Narrobr, for a grant of lettcrs of administratron lntestate to the estate of Mrchael Mwangi Kariukr, late of Nyandarua, who dred along Kangundo Road, on lst February,20l4. CAUSENo. 2000 oF 2014 oF20ll By (1) Elizabeth Wanjugu Karanja and (2) Elias Mbau. both of P.O Box 8512-{0200. Nairobi in Kenya, the deceased's widorv and brother-rn-law, respectively, for a grant of letters of administratron No. 768 oF 2Ol4 No. 1880 oF 2014 Moses Kinyiru Simba and (2) Rose Krnyiru, both of P.O Box 7979-O0100, Nairobr in Kenya, the deceased's son and daughter, respectively, through Messrs. Nganga Nyaga & Co., advocates of Nairobi, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of Johana Simba Kinyiru, late of Meru. who died at Kenyatta National Hospital in Kenya, on 3rd December, 2001 . By (l) Patrick Krngor Gitukui and (2) Fehsta Wariara Gitukur. both of P.O. Box 65801-00607, Kamrtr rn Kenya, the deceased's son and daughter, respectively. through Messrs. F. N Kimanr & Assoclates, advocates of Nairobi, for a grant of letters of adminrstratron lntestate to the estate of Grtukui Kingor alias Julius Gitukur Krngor, late of Kiamumbi, who dred there on 25th November, 20t1. CAUSENo.20l'7 oF2014 By (l) Christrne Njambr Wamwatr and (2) Sebastian Irungu Wamwatr, both of P.O. Box 282914O200. Narrobr in Kenya, the deceased's son and daughter, respectively, through Messrs Njrrn Kanu & Co, advocates of Narrobr, for a grant of letters of admlnlstrahon rntestate to the estate of Mary Wangarr Wamwah ahas Wangan Wamwatr, late of Narrobr, who dred at St. Mary's Mission Hospital rn Kenya, on 9th March, 2009. By (1) Susan Mueni Augustino and (2) Dominic Ndambuki Mutisya, both of P.O. Box l. Mbeere rn Kenya, the deceased's daughter and son, respectrvely. through Messrs. Mburu Machua & Co., advocates of Narrobi, for a grant of letters of admrnistranon intestate to the estate of Agnes Wanza Mutisya ahas Agnes Wanza, late of Wachoro, Mbeere who died at Wachoro Sub-locatron, on 26th By Amina Allaudin Nurani, of l5l 12, S E ,22nd Street, Bellevue, Washington. Unrted States of America, the deceased's daughter, through Messrs. Grlani & Co , advocates of Nairobr. for a grant of Ietters of admlnlstration intestate to the estate of Leila Huseinali Kassam Shrvjr. late of Mombasa, who died there on 22nd October, November, 201 2. 2007 cAUsE No. 2398 0F 2014 fstt THE KENYA GAZETTE 578 18th March, 2015 cAUsE No. 2474 0F 2014 CAUSE No. 2896 oF 2014 By Leah Gathonr Ngatha, of P.O. Box 30197, Nairobi in Kenya, By (1) Mariam Mweru and (2) Boniface Njuguna Njau, both of the deceased's wrdow, through Messrs. Julia Kanukr & Co., advocates of Nairobi, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate P.O. Box 71432-{[622 Nairobi in Kenya, the deceased's widow and son, respectlvely, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of Peter Njau Njuguna, late of Githunguri, Kiambu, who died at Kamiti, on lst December, 2003. of David Ngatha Guchu, late of Kiambu, who died at Kenyatta National Hospital in Kenya, on lOth March,20l4. CAUSE CAUSENo.291l oF2014. No. 2483 oF 2014 By (1) Ojendo John Baraza and (2) Ojwang Joseph Tom, both of P.O. Box 63740200, Nairobi rn Kenya, the deceased's brothers, through Messrs. Wambo & Co., advocates of Nairobi, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of Odhiambo Baraza, late of Nairobi, who died at Coptic Hospital in Kenya, on 4th June, By Carol Wangechi Maina of P.O. Box 682-{0515, Nairobi tn Kenya, the deceased's widow, through Messrs. Betty Rashid & Co., advocates of Nairobi, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of Joram Kihori Gichina, late of Nyeri, who died at Coptic Hosprtal in Kenya, on 25th July,2014. CAUSE NO. 2940 0F 2007. By david Gitau Kariuki, of P.O. Box 479, Ruiru in Kenya, cAUsENo. 2495 o.F2014 By Peter Kabui Wairegi of P.O. Box 5, Ruiru rn Kenya, deceased's son, through Messrs. Mugo Moses grant of letters of the & Co., advocates, for of administration intestate to the Wambui Wairegi, late estate Theta, Ruiru, who died of a Teresia 27 59 0F at Theta Sub- 2014 By (l) David Kamuyu Mbugua and (2) Eliud Ngau Mbugua, both of P.O. Box 24740625, Kangemi in Kenya, the deceased's sons, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of Samuel Mbugua Gakumo, late of Nairobi, who dred at Kangemi, on lSth March,2014. ' CAUSENo.2803 oF2014 By Hezekiah Wilfred Muchae Kabue, of P.O. Box 60664-{0200, Nairobi in Kenya, the deceased's son, through Messrs. J. K. Muchae & Co., advocates of Nairobi, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of John Ezekiel Kabue Muchae, late of Mutu-ini, who died at Dagoretti, on 23rd June, 201 3. cAUsE No. 2813 0F 2014 By (1) Watson Mwangi Gachiri and (2) James Wachira Kabugu, both of P.O. Box 6133240200, Narrobi in Kenya, the deceased's sons, through Messrs. Philip Muoka & Co., advocates of Nairobi, for a grant of letters of administratron intestate to the estate of Samuel Kabugu Gachrri, late of Nairobi, who died at St. Mary's Missron Hospital rn Kenya, on 2 I st July, 2005. CAUSE No. 3036 oF 20 I 4 By (l) James Kamau Kabogo and (2) Peter Tharao Kabogo, both of P.O. Box 122340217, Limuru in Kenya, the deceased's, sons, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of Kabogo Tharao alias Kabogo Tharau alias Jason Kabogo Tharao alias Jasan Kabogo Tharao alias Kabogo s/o Tharao, late of Kiambu, who died at Avenue Hospital in Kenya, on 25th June,2013. CAUSE No. 3 105 oF 2014 By Shamim Shamshudin Karim Jaffer, of 20, Water Street Apt *, 626, Markham, Ontario, L3P, 7W ,Canada, the deceased's widow, through Messrs. Gilani & Co., advocates of Nairobi, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of Shamshudin Karim Jaffer, late of Ontario, who died at Toronto, on 8th May, 2008. CAUSENo. 3435 oF2014 By Ruth Njeri Kagunya of P.O. Box 2245-40100, Nairobi in Kenya, the deceased's niece, through Messrs. Gathii & Co., advocates of Nairobi, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of Nyore Kagunya, late of Nairobi, who died at Kenyatta National Hospital in Kenya, on 28th April, 1984. The Court will proceed to issue the same unless cause be shown to the contrary and appearance in this respect entered within thirty (30) days from the date of publication of this notice in the Kenya GaTette. cAUsENo.283l oF2014 Eated the 24th February,2015. By Margaret Wangeci Ngugr, of P.O. Box 24998-O0502, Nairobi in Kenya, the deceased's wrdow, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of Edward Ngugi Githagui, late of Kiambu, who died at Langata, on 4th October, 2005. CAUSE late L. K. MUTAI, gistrar, Narrobi. Re Note.-The wills mentroned above have been deposited in and are No. 2862 oF 2ol4 (l) of Nyeri, who died at Deputy open to inspection at the court. Leah Wanjiru Munene, (2) Cathenne Wathuti Munene and (3) Samuel Krmanr Munene, all of P.O. Box 248-{O510, Nairobi rn Kenya, the deceased's widow, daughter and son, respectively, through Messrs. Oyugi & Co., advocates of Narrobr, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of Alexander Munene Tutuma, By the deceased's son, through Messrs. Zipporah Mwau & Co., advocates of Narrobi, for a grant of letters of administration mtestate to tre estate of Simon Kariuki Mbuthu, late of Ruiru, who died at District Hospital Kiambu in Kenya, on l9th June, 2001. location, on 20th November,2013. cAUsE No. 2014 Narrobr Hospital in Kenya, on GAzE-rrE NorrcE I7 1 5 IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT NAIROBI PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION l6th February,20l4. No. TAKE NOTICE that applications having been made in this court in: CAUSE No. 2865 oF 2Ol4 By Bogeh Onyango Solomon, of P.O. Box 30041-{0100, Nairobr in Kenya, the deceased's widower, through Messrs. Betty Rashid & Co., advocates of Nairobi, for a grant of letters of administration rntestate to the estate of Joyce Bogeh Onyango, late of Kiserian, who dred at Kenyatta Nahonal Hospital rn Kenya, on 29lh October,2Ol2. CAUSENo. 2873 oF2014 By Domrnic Wamugunda (Fr.), of P.O. Box 725484O200, Narrobi rn Kenya, and (2) Peter Gachoni Mbogua, of P.O. Box 74112-&2N, Nairobi in Kenya, the executors named in the deceased's last will, through Messrs. S. M. Kitonga & Co., advocates, for a grant of probate of written will of Peter Gregory Muhuhu, late of Nairobi, who died at P.P., on 30th November,2Ol3 i CAUSENo. 1098 oF2007 By Taslim Altaz Mitha Adatia, of P.O. Box 30185-00100, Nairobi in Kenya, the executor named in the deceased's last will, through Messrs. Gilani & Co., advocates of Nairobi, for a grant of probate with will annexed de bonis non to the estate of Khatoon Sadrudin Tharani alias Khatun Sadrudin Gulamhussein Tharanr, late of Nairobi, who died at Aga Khan Hospital in Kenya, on 7th July,2fi)6. CAUSE No. 1826 oF 2012 By (l) Leah Waithrra Ngrgi, (2) Peter Mbugua Ngigi and (3) Danson Kamuyu Ngigi, all of P.O. Box 902-{0217, Limuru in Kenya, the deceased's widow and sons, respectively, for a grant of letters of adminrstration intestate to the estate of Daniel Ngigi Mungai alias Ngige Mungai, late of Tigoni, who died there on l5th November, 1976. I I I t l I l8th March,2015 CAUSE By (l) No. 1900 oF 2012 CAUSE Francisca Nyiva Mutinda and (2) Oliver Ndambukr Nthuli, both of P.O. Box 3572540200, Nairobi in Kenya, the deceased's widow and brother, respectively, through Messrs. Ngata Kamau & Co., advocates of Nairobi, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of Robert Munyilu Muendo, late of Migadini, who died there on 3rd September, 20 I I . Aga Khan Hospital in Kenya, on 5th April. 2014. CAUSE By Wairimu Gitau alias Wairimu Waweru, of P.O. Box 298, Athi River in Kenya, the deceased's mother, thmugh Messrs. Kimondo Mubea & Co., advocates of Nairobi, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of John Waweru Gitau, late of Kitdngela, who died at Nairobi Hospital in Kenya, on 15th August, 2011. CAUSE (l) No. 92O oF By (l) Rehema Muhatia Musonye and (2) Dickens Musonye, both and son, respectively, through Messrs. Onsando Ogonji & Tiego advocate of Nairobi, for a grant of letters of administratron intestate to the estate of Alfred Kobia Kabuna, late of Nairobi, who died at Kenyatta National Hospital in Kenya, on 9th February,2014. CAUSENo. 2289 oF2014 Margaret Wanjiku Kiarie and (2) Willie Ndung'u Njoroge, deceased's daughter-in-law and son, respectively, through Messrs. J. K. Muchae & Co., advocates of Nairobi, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of Njoroge Kiarie, late of Kiambu, who dred at Escarpment, on 26th July, 1995. CAUSENo. 1215 oF2Ol4 By Robert Kuria Horo, of P.O. Box 5-l02l7, Limuru in Kenya, the deceased's son, through Messrs. Mwaura Shairi & Co., advocates, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of Harun Horo Kabutu, late of Longonot, who died at Kiambogo, on lOth October, 1997. By Njeri Njenga and Charles Gitau Njenga, both of P-O. Box 196, Limuru in Kenya, the deceased's widow and son, respectively, through Messrs. G. E. O. Oluoch & Co., advocates of Nairobi, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of Njenga Ngethe, late of Limuru, Kiambu, who died at Rironi, on 27th March, 201 3. CAUSE No. 1483 oF 2014 By John Paul Githiiyi Waithiru, of P.O. Box 897H0100, Nairobi in Kenya, the deceased's son, through Messrs. Kabue Thumi & Co., advocates of Nairobi, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of Beatrice Mugure Waithiru, late of Kiambu, who died advocates of Nairobi, for a grant of letters of administration lntestate to the estate of Simon Kiarie Kiania, late of Kiambu, who died at Kenyatta National Hospital in Kenya, on 22ndMay,2O14. 2014 By (1) Alice Odero Arega and (2) Vincent Juma Arega, both of P.O. Box 24344O2OO, Nairobi in Kenya, the deceased's wrdow and son, respectively, through Messrs. Chnstine Kungu, advocates of Nairobi, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of Peter Arega, late of Seme, Kisumu, who died at District Hospital, Kisumu in Kenya, on 28th September,2008. CAUSE No. 1726 oF 2014 By Jane Wambui Kimani of P.O. Box 14941{0800, Nairobi in Kenya, the deceased's widow, through Messrs. Murimi & Co., advocates of Nairobi, for a grant of letters of administration rntestate to the estate of Thomas Kabecha Kimani, late of Nairobi, who died at Embakasi, on 27th August,20l0. CAUSE. No. 1822 oF 2014 (l) Edith Njambi Mathenge and (2) Nancy Njeri both of P.O. Box 49318-O0100, Nairobi in Kenya, the deceased's widow and daughter, respectively, through Messrs. Mwenda Kinyua & Co., advocates of Nairobi, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of Charles Mathenge Njuki, late of Nyahururu, who dred at Thigio SubJocation, on l6th February,2010. By CAUSE No. 1940 oF 2014 By (1) Hannah Wanjeri Kabiro, of P.O. Box 826, Nakuru in Kenya, (2) Elizabeth Gachamiu Kabiru, of P.O. Box 16309, Nakuru in Kenya, (3) Samuel Maina Kabiru, of P.O. Box 826. Nakuru in Kenya, and (4) Daniel Ndungu Kagunda Kabiru, of P.O. Box 38770{n600, in Kenya, the deceased's widow, daughter and sons, respectively, through Messrs. Wambui Kyama & Co., advocates of Nairobi, for a grant of letters of administration intestat€ to the estate of Amos Kabiru Kimemia, late of Nakuru, who died at Nairobi Hospital in Kenya, on lOth October, 2013. Nairobi CAUSE No. 2413 oF 2Ol4 By Sylvia Nduta Hrnga, of P.O. Box 63783-00619, Nairobi rn Kenya, the deceased's widow, through Messrs. Mohamed Madhani & Co., advocates of Nairobi, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of Francis Kaphian Edward Hinga, late of Nairobi, who died at H.C.G., Hospita.l Bangalore, India, on 8th June, 20t4. CAUSE No. 24@ oF 2014 By Margaret Nyambura N1ogu, of P.O. Box 62246, Narrobi Kenya, the deceased's widow, through Messrs. Osero & rn Co., advocates of Nairobi, for a grant of letters of adminrstration rntestate to the estate of Samuel Karogo Njogu, late of Nairobi, who died at St. Mary's Hospital in Kenya, on 24th April,2008. CAUSENo. 2533 oF2014 By Mary Wanjiku Kairigo, of P.O. Box 30240902, Kikuyu rn Kenya, the executor named in the deceased's last will, through Messrs. F. N. Mungai & Co., advocates of Nairobi, for a grant of probate of written will of Samuel Kairigo Wakahia, late of Kikuyu, who died at Ondiri, Kikuyu Township, on l5th December,20l2. CAUSENo. 2632 oF2Ol4 By Cecilia Wanjeri Makumi, of P.O. Box 405-O0902, Kikuyu in Kenya, the deceased's mother, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of Benson Makumi Mathu, late of Kanjeru, who died at Sigona, on 2nd November,2013. CAUSE No. 2634 oF 2Ol4 By Dorothy Kanyiva Echaria, of P.O. Box 45642, Nairobi in Kenya, the executrix named in the deceased's last will, through Messrs. Kamau Kuria & Co., advocates of Nairobi, for a grant of probate of written will of Peter Mburu Echaria, late of Kiambu, who died at Nairobi Hospital in Kenya, on 2lst July, 2014. CAUSE CAUSENo. 1965 oF20t4 No. 2393 oF 2Ol4 By Surinder Singh Phull, of P.O. Box 47837-{0100, Nairobi rn Kenya, the lawfully appornted Attomey, through Messrs. M. A. Khan advocate of Nairobi, for a grant of letters of administration tntestate to the estate of Karam Singh Bhogal, late of India, who died along 2, Boyne Road, Lewisham U.K., on 20th November, 1981. along Langata Road, on 25th December, 1986. CAUSE NO. 1496 0F No. 2363 oF 2014 By (1) Irene Njeri Wakaba and (2) Grace Wanja Kiarre, both of P.O. Box 31846, Nairobi in Kenya, the deceased's widow and daughter, respectively, through Messrs. Kinyanjui Kirimi & Co., CAUSE CAUSE No. 2257 oF 2014 of P.O. Box 12618-00100, Nairobi in Kenya, the deceased's widow 2Ol4 both of P.O. Box 7540221, Matathia in Kenya, the No. 219'7 oF 2ol4 By Hansagauri Jamnadps Patel alias Hansa Gaun Jamnadas Patel, of P.O. Box 78055-{0507, Nairobi in Kenya, the executrix named in the deceased's last will, through Messrs. Taitrjee & Bhalla, advocates of Nairobi, for a grant of probate of written will of Jamnadas Valji Jivraj Patel alias Jamnadas Valji Patel, late of Nairobr, who died at cAUsE NO. 838 0F 201 3 By 579 THE KENYA GAZETTE No. 2635 oF 2Ol4 By Oscar Kihara Mwaniki, of P.O. Box 52836-{0200, Nairobi in By Lucy Wamaitha Kimani, of P.O. Box 3668, Thrka in Kenya, the deceased's, daughter, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of Veronica Ruguru Kimani, late of Gatundu, Kenya, the deceased's son, through Messrs. Krnyanjui Kirimi & Co., advocates of Nairobi, for a grant of letters of admrnistration intestate to who died at Kigaa Sub-location, on 7th March,2013. N.H.C., Langata, on 30th October,2Ol3. the estate of Hilda Wambui Kihara, late of Nairobi, who died at CAUSE No. 2646 oF 2014 CAUSE By (l) Japhethar Alusa Ndeda and (2) Dan Musalia Ndeda, both of P.O. Box 73381-00200, Narrobr rn Kenya, the deceased's sons, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of Enock Ndeda Lovole alias Ndeda s/o Robore, late of Kivagala Sub-location, who died at Kakamega General Hospital in Kenya, on 23rd January, I 987. CAUSENo 2741 oF2014 By ( I ) Jane Njuka Allan and (2) John Grthehu Kamrtr, both of P.O. Box 21082, Nairobi rn Kenya. the deceased's daughter and son, respectively, through Messrs. Paul Anderson, advocates of Narrobi, for a grant of letters of admlnistratlon rntestate to the estate of Susan Nloki Kamrti alias Susan Njoki Kramiti ahas Susan Njokr Kaih, late of Nairobi, who died atMelzedeck Hosprtal in Kenya. on 3rd July,20l2. CAUSE No. 2780 oF 2014 The Court wrll proceed to issue the same unless cause be shown to the contrary and appearance in thrs respect entered wrthin thrrty (30) days from the date of publicaron of this notlce in the Keny,o Gdaette. Dated the l6th February.20l5. CAUSE K. KIPTOON, Depu4' Re g strar, Nturobi r Note.-The wills mentioned above have been deposrted rn and are open to rnspectron at the court. 9l oF 2014 No. 16l oF 2ol4 By Kaushal Paras Shah, of P.O. Box 41921-{0100, Nairobi in Kenya, the executor named in the deceased's last wrll, through Messrs. Walker Kontos, advocates of Narobt, for a grant of probate of written will of Anjnadevi Premchand Karamshi Shah, late of Nairobi, who died at M.P. Shah Hospital in Kenya, on 15th June,2013. CAUSE No. 916 oF 2014 By Jetha Nazir of 4975, 130 TH, AVE, S. E. Suite, 1404, Calgary Alberta, T2Z, 4M4, Carada, the deceased's son, through Messrs. Mohamed Madhani & Co., advocates of Narobr, for a grant of letters of administratron intestate to the estate of Nizar Nurali Salehmohamed Jetha alias Nizarali Nurali alias Nizarali Nurali Salehmohamed, late of Coqurtlam, Bntish Columbia, who died at Coqurtlam, on 15th November, 1996. CAUSE V No. By (l) Mary Wanlrru Githuka, (2) Rose Nduta Gathogo, (3) Caroline Wambur Mwrti and (4) Mrchael Kariukr Gathogo, all of P.O. Box 61559{)0200, Narrobi in Kenya, the deceased's daughters and son respectrvely, through Messrs. Nyambura Munyua & Co., advocates of Nairobi, for a grant of letters of adminrstration intestate to the estate of Peris Nyambura Gathogo, late of Madaraka Estate, who died at Ohve Tree Hospital in Kenya, on lSth January,2006. (l) Paul Ndrrangu Kariukr and (2) Charles Nloroge Benson, both of P.O Box 17, Nyahururu tn Kenya, the deceased's son and step-son, respectrvely, through Robson Harrrs & Co, advocates of Narrobi, for a grant of letters of adminrstration intestate to the estate of Eunice Wamuchu Karrukr, Iate of Orarmutia, who died there on l2th December.20l3. By lSth March,20l5 THE KENYA GAZETTE 580 No. 991 oF 2014 By (1) Lucy Mandela Tiema and (2) Brenda Kaleya Tiema, both of PO. Box 319, Luanda in Kenya, the deceased's widow and sister-inlaw respectively, through Messrs. Kulecho & Co., advocates of Nairobi, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of of Nairobi, who died at Cheptiret, on 25th Jason Abel Mbalanya, late Apnl,20l2. GAZETTENoTICENo. I716 IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT NAIROBI PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION TAKE NOTICE that apphcations having been made in thrs court in: CAUSENo 1739oF2olo By Mandy Gatimu, of P.O. Box 133240502, Narrobr rn Kenya and (2) Hellen Fay Hardrng of 9, Amy Street, Marnckvrle, NSW, ,2204, Austraha, the deceased's wrdow and mother, respectrvely, through Messrs. Ransley. McVicker & Shaw, advocates of Narrobi, for a grant of letters of admrnlstratron rntestate to the estate of Edward Marna Gattmu, late of Narrobi, who dted at Wilson Alrport, on 9th November.2009. cAUsE No. 1486 0F 2014 By (1) Ir{argaret Ndahura and (2) Augustine Ndahura, both of P.O. Box 22240218, Ngecha, Uganda, the lawfully appointed adminlstrators, through Messrs. Wambugu & Muriuki, Associates advocates, for the resealing of a grant of letters of administration rssued by Hrgh Court of Uganda at Kampala to the estate of Florence Ndahura alias Florence Karungi Ndahura, late of Makindye, Uganda, who died there on 17th October, 1997. CAUSE By Leonard Makumr Mukono, of P.O. Box l6l {0605, Uthrru rn Kenya, the deceased's son, for a grant of letters of admmtstratlon lntestate to the estate of Noah Mukono Makumi alias Mukono Makumi, late of Uthiru, who died there on 1Oth March, 1975. CAUSENo.2697 oF2ol3 By Helena Ndunge Mutrnda, of P.O Box 3636{)0100. Narrobt rn Kenya, the deceased's sister, through Messrs. Kenanr & Co., advocates of Narrobr, for a grant of letters of admlnrstratlon intestate to the estate of Peter Mutuku Mutrnda, late of Nairobt. who dted at Jericho Estate, Narrobr. on 29th May,20l I cAUsENo.26ll oF201-l -By John Maingi Marna, of PO. Box 1213-00618. Ruaraka in Kenya, the deceased's brother, through Messrs Mutimu Kang'atta & Co., advocates of Narrobi, for a grant of letters of admrnistration intestate to the estate of Francrs lrungu Maina, late of Embu, who died at Kenyatta National Hosprtal rn Kenya, on 20th March,2012. CAUSENo.2l3l oF2013 By (l) Pnsca Anyango Dalla, (2) Joshua Wanyama Dalla and (3,) Nancy Oundo Dalla. all of P.O. Box 30805-00100, Narrobr rn Kertya, the deceased's. widow. son and daughter, respectively, through Messrs. Rachuonyo & Rachuonyo, advocates of Natrobr, for a grant of letters of administratron rntestate to the estate of Nrcholas Dalla Olung, late of Busra, who dred at Kenyatta National Hosprtal rn Kenya, on l8th January,2013. cAUsENo.2865 (]F2013 By (1) Winfred Mutua, both Nthenya Muendo and (2) Bernard Musyoka 14406-00lOO,Narrobi in Kenya, the of P.O. Box deceased's wrdow and brother, respectrvely, through Messrs. Lumumba Mumma & Kaluma, aCvocates of Narrobr, for a grant of letters of administratlon lntestate to the estate of John Mwendo Mutua, late of Makuenl, who dred at Dlstrrct Hosprtal, Makuenr rn Kenya, on 2nd August,2012. No. 1573 oF 2014 CAUSE No. l'728 oF 2014 By (l) Quinter Akoth Ojuka and (2) Carolrne Adhiambo Oluka both of P.O. Box 256, Sondu, Nyakach rn Kenya, the deceased's wrdow and sister-inJaw, respectively, for a grant of letters of adminrstrahon intestate to the estate of Mourice Ouma Odlno, late of Kayole. who died at Athi River Shalom Hospital in Kenya, on 27th January,20l4. ) l CAUSENo. l'797 oF2014 By Teresia Waithira Karanu, of P.O. Box l0n-{n219, Karun in Kenya, the benehciary named in the deceased's last wrll, for a grant of probate of written wrll of Felix Ndung'u Mwatha, late of Ndumben, who dred there on 16th February,2014. CAUSENo.1884oF2014 By Joyce Wanjiru of P.O. Box 38701, Nairobi in Kenya, the deceased's granddaughter, through Messrs. Krmanthr & Associates, advocates of Nairobr, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of Zrpporah Wanjiku Koru, late of Mathare North, who died at Enkltok Joy Nursrng Home, on 13th February,2014. CAU1FNo.1960oF2014 By (l) Danvas Omare Maburi and (2) Morrison Rogito Mugoya, both of P.O. Box 239, Kitengela rn Kenya, the deceased's brother and brother-rn-law respectively, for a grant of letters of administration rntestate to the estate of Zipporah Mongrna Maburi, late of Nairobr, who dred at District Hospital, Mbagathi, in Kenya, on 14th July,2007. r 1 CAUSE No. 1972 oF 2Ol4 By (l) Jane Nungarr and (2) Parmenas Ngugi Krarie, both of P.O. Box 46766{0100, Narrobi rn Kenya, the deceased's widow and son, respectively, through Messrs. Mwangr Kigotho & Co., advocates of Nairobi, for a grant of letters of admrnrstration lntestate to the estate of Eliud Kiarie Mutembei, late of Krambu, who died at P.C.E.A., Krkuyu Hospital rn Kenya, on 26th January.2014. CAUSE I I l No. 1994 oF 2011 .By (l) Susan Wan;rru N..;enga and (2) Charles Ndung'u Kangiri, both of P O. Box 823-O0516, Nairobi in Kenya, the deceased's widow and son, respectively, through Messrs. V. A Nyamodi & Co., advocates of Nairobi, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of Joseph Kangrrr Njorog, late of Nairobi, who died at St. Mary's Hosprtal rn Kenya, on 8th July, 201 2. I CAUSE CAUSE The Court wrll proceed to lssue the same unless cause be shown to the contrary and appearance ln this respect entered wlthin thirty (30) days from the date of pubhcatron of this notice in the Kenya Gazette. Dated the 20th February,2015. Deputy By Kariuki Ngarr, of P.O. Box 64185-00620. Nairobi rn Kenya, Krguatha. advocates of Narrobr, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of Stephen Gachoki lreri, late of Krrinyaga, who dred at Avenue Hosprtal rn Kenya, on lst April,2002. CAUSE No. 2416 0F 2014 By Grace Ndonga Njoroge, of P.O. Box 69995-00400, Nairobi in Kenya, the deceased's daughter, through Messrs. J. M. Nlengo & Co.. advocates of Nairobi. for a grant of letters of adminrstratron rntestate to the estate of Bernard Nloroge Macharia, late of Nairobi, who died at Meridian Equator Hosprtal rn Kenya, on 19th May,20l4. CAUSENo.265'l oF2Ol4 By (l) Brenda Cherono Maru and (2) Nely Chemutai Maru, both of P.O. Box 59252-10200, Nairob in Kenya, the deceased's daughters, through Messrs. Ngetrch & Associates, advocates of Nairobr, for a grant of letters of adminlstratron rntestate to the estate of Maryaileen Cherotich Korro, late of Nairobr, who died at M. P. Shah Hospital in Kenya, on 25th May, 2009. GAzEr-rENoncENo. I7I7 IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT NAIROBI PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION TAKE NOTICE that applications having been made in l t of 295, Vrllage Market rn Kenya, the deceased's brother, for a grant of lefters of admrnlstratron rntestate to the estate of Angelina Nduta Kahanya, late of Kenya, who died at Place of Work. Abu Dhabi. on l5th June.2014. CAUSENo.2808 0F2014 By Alice Wambui Kariuki Murage, of P.O Box 288546-{0200, Nairobi rn Kenya. the deceased's daughter-in-law, through Messrs. J. M. Onyancha & Associates, advocates of Nairobi, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of David Karrukr Murage, late of Nairobi, who died at M.P. Shah Hospital in Kenya, on 22nd July, 1990 CAUSENo. 2823 oF2Ol4 By (1) David Njau Wambugu, (2) Samuel Billy Muita Njau and (3) Chnstrne Wanlrru Nlau, all of P.O. Box 6038-00200, Nairobi in Kenya, the deceased's widower, son and daughter, respectively, through Messrs. Tongor & Co., advocates of Narrobr, for a grant of letters of admlnlstratron intestate to the estate of Esther wangechi N1au, late of Narrobi, who dred at Aga Khan Hosprtal rn Kenya, on 30th June,2014. CAUSENo. 2824 oF2Ol4 By Francis Maina Nduatr, of P.O. Box 49181-O0100, Nairobr in Kenya, the deceased's son, through Messrs. Murrrthr Krrena & Assocrates, advocates of Narrobr, for a grant of letters of admlnlstration intestate to the estate of Joseph Nduati Mwangi, late of Krambu, who dred at Kenyatta Natronal Hospital rn Kenya, on 13th October.20l0. th,. urt in: CAUSE No. 600 oF 20 I 2 By Mrchael N;aga Maina, of P.O Box 4879ffi0100, Nairobi in Kenya, the deceased's son, through Messrs. Kahuthu & Kahuthu, advocates of Nairobi, for a grant of letters of adminrstration intestate to the estate of Joseph Maina Muchiri, late of Nyeri, who died at Kenyatta Natronal Hospital in Kenya, on 29th November,2N7. CAUSENo. l04l oF2013 By Sara Louise Gullberg. of Celsrngs Vag 81, 19279, Sollentuna Sweden, the executnx named rn the deceased's last will, through Messrs. Daly & Frggrs, advocates of Nairobi, for a grant of probate of written wrll of Valene Ehzabeth Gullberg, late of Narrobr. who died at M P Shah Hosprtal rn Kenya, on 4th March, 2013 CAUSENo 2510oF2013 By (l) Ehzabeth Muya Wairimu and (2) Ben Muhia Munga.i both of P.O. Box 72164-OO2U) Nairobi, the deceased's widow and son, respectrvely, through Messrs. Gichuru Kiplagat & Co.. advocates of Nairobr, for a grant of letters of adminrstration intestate to the estate of Joseph Mungai Mburu. late of Kikuyu, who died at P.C.E.A.. Kikuyu, Hosprtal in Kenya, on l5th September,2013 CAUSENo.2757 oF2014 Kanraru, are open to inspectron at the court. No. 2356 oF 2Ol4 the deceased's nephew, through Messrs. Mwaura & L. K. MUTAI, Nairobi. Re Bi strar, Note.-The wills mentioned above have been deposrted in and Stratton, advocates of Narrobr, for a grant of letters of administrati<ln rntestate to the estate of Naomi Wambui Thige. late of Burnaby, Bntrsh Columbia, who dred at Burnaby, on l lth February, 2014. CAUSE No. 2854 0F 2014 (l) Leah Wambui Njoroge and (2) John Nduati Nlorog, both of P.O. Box 6578-00300, Nairobr rn Kenya, the deceased's widow and son, respectively, through Messrs. Gathumbr & Co., advocates of Narrobi, for a grant of letters of admlnlstratlon mtestate to the estate of Peter Njoroge Wambui. late of Muranga, who died at Kenyatta National Hospital rn Kenya, on l2th October,20l0. By No. 2243 oF 2014 By (l) John Thrge Gatharta and (2) Kevin Kihara Thrge, both of 102,9300, Unrversrty Crescent, Bumaby, B. C., V5A, 4X9, the deceased's wrdower and son, respectively, through Messrs. Kaplan & By Anthony 58t THE KENYA GAZETTE l8th March,2015 CALrsENo. 2191 oF2013 By (l) Rahab Wanjiru Irungu and (2) Mary Nloki Thurya. both of P.O. Box 4O44O9O2, Krkuyu rn Kenya, the deceased's daughters. through Messrs. P K. Njiiri & Co., advocates of Narrobr, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of Monicah Wanjira Irungu, late of Kiambu, who dred at Kikuyu Nursrng Home, on l3th July. 2002. CAUSE No. 3199 oF 2013 By (1) Annah Wanjiru N1on1o and 12) Stephen Ngrge Kimani, both of P.O. Box 675, Lrmuru rn Kenya, the deceased's wtdow and cousin, respectively, through Messrs. Krane Joshua & Co., advocates of I\lairobi, for a grant of [etters of admrnrstration intestate to the estate of Josiah Njonjo Njubi, tate of Krambu West. who died at District Hospital, Tigoni, on 23rd July. 201 l. CAUSE No. 656 oF 20 I 4 By Hrhma Ahmed El Hard Shallo, of P.O. Box 67188-{0100, Nairobi in Kenya, the deceased's mother. through Messrs. Kabaru & Co., advocates of Narrobi. for a grant of letters of administration lntestate to the estate of Nashra Ahmed El Hard Shallo, late of Narrobi, who died atNarrobi Hosprtal rn Kenya, on 7th December,20l3. CAUSE No. 875 oF 2014 By (l) Francis Steven Oyugr, (2) Raynold Akumu Oyugi, (3) Stella Oripa Oyugi and (4) Rose Akinyr Oyugi, all of P.O. Box 16298- 00100, Nairobr in Kenya. the deceased's sons and daughter, respectively, through Messrs. Lumumba Mumma & Kaluma, advocates of Nairobi, for a grant of letters of adminlstratlon intestate to the estate of Ambrose Akumu Oyugr, late of Ongata Rongai, who died at Kenyatta Natronal Hospital rn Kenya, on 19th November, 1993. CAUSENo. ll32oF2014 CAUSENo. 2486 oF2Ol4 (l) Peris Wanjiru Kanukr and (2) Anne Nlerr Ng'ang'a, both of Box 16885-{0100, Nairobi rn Kenya, the deceased's daughters, By P.O. through Messrs. Kiarie Kariukr & Grthlr, advocates of Nairobi, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of Mary Wanjiku Ruiru, late of Nyandarua, who died at Kenyatta University, on Sth April, 1997. By (1) Kashambi Kakai Shura, (2) Sisita ene Kakai, (3) David Toyranka Kakar and (4) Denilson Malit Kakai, all of P.O. Box 78, Ngong Hrlls in Kenya, the deceased's widows and sons, respectively, through Messrs. Naikuni Ngaah & Miencha Co., advocates of Nairobi, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of Kakai Shura Tatek, late of Kalado, who died at Isinya, on 21st February, 1995. CAUSENo 1590 oF2014 By Joseph Macharia Wanguku, of P.O. Box 521079-{0200, Nalrobr 29th August,2012. CAUSENo. 2613 oF2014 By Peninah Milanoi Macharia, of P.O. Box 2935, Nairobi in Kenya, the deceased's daughter, through Messrs. P. K. Njoroge & Co., advocates of Nairobi, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of Ibrahrm Kamau Wakaba, late of Nairobi, who died at Mater Hosprtal in Kenya, on 6th December,2012. No. l'798 oF 2014 By (1) George Njoroge Kamau and (2) Simon Kaguthi Kamau, both of P.O. Box 4144O216, Githunguri in Kenya, the deceased's sons, through Messrs. Kingori Kariuki & Co., advocates of Nairobi, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of Ezekiel Kamau Njoroge alias Hezekiel, late of Githunguri, who died at Kenyatta National Hospital in Kenya, on 26th May, 1998. CAUSE advocates of Nairobi, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of Ishimael Maina Kaniu alias Ishmail Maina Kaniu alias Esmail Maina Kaniu, late of Kaguthi, who died at Kaguthi Sublocation, on I 3th June. 201 l. CAUSENo. 2624 oF2Ol4 By Rose Redempter Ndunge Okwengu, of P.O. Box 4137-{0100, Nairobi in Kenya, the deceased's widow, for a grant of letters of 3lst January, 2014. cAUsENo. 2848 o,F2014 By Margaret Murugi Chege, of P.O. Box 8633-{0100, Nairobi in Kenya, the deceased's widow, through Messrs. L. N. Muchira & Co., advocates of Nairobi, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of Haron Njoroge Njogu, late of Nairobi, who died at Aga Khan Hospital in Kenya, on 20th June,2014. CAUSE cAUsENo.2107 o,F2014 By (l) Dorothy Mumu Kamau and (2) Kellen Wanja John, both of P.O. Box 1151, Ruiru in Kenya, the deceased's mother and sister, respectively, for a grant of letters of administratron intestate to the estate of Mercy Kaari John, late of Kasarani, who died at M.P. Shah Hospital in Kenya, on lOth March,2013. Dominrc Mwangi Karanja and (2) George Karanla Mwangi, advocates of Nairobi, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of Lucy Njoki Mwangi, late of Kiambu, who died at Nazareth Hospital in Kenya, on 28th January, 2005. No. 2234 oF 2Ol4 By Ahce Nduta Kimani, of P.O. Box 1543-00200, Narrobi in Kenya, the deceased's daughter, through Messrs. Narangwi & Associates, advocates of Nairobi, for a grant of letters of administratron intestate to the estate of Kimani Waruingu, late of Krambu, who died at District Hospital, Kiambu in Kenya, on 8th November, 1987. CAUSENo.2387 oF2014 By (1) Musrli Wambua (Prof.) and (2) Juliana Muindi Wambua, both of P.O. Box 5984840200, Narobr in Kenya, the deceased's son and widow, respectrvely, through Messrs. Prof. Musili Wambua & Co., advocates of Nairobr, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of Francis Wambua Maingi, late of Nairobi who died at Lavrngton, on 1st March, 2014. CAUSE No. 2452 oF 2Ol4 By (1) Gladwell Muthoni Mwai, (2) Vrrginia Hiuko Githui and (3) Timothy Irimu Ruhiu, all of P.O. Box 56158-O0200, Nairobi in Kenya, the deceased's widow, daughter and brother, respectively, through Messrs. C. W. Githae & Co., advocates of Nairobi, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of Titus Githui Ruhiu, late of Ongata Rongai, who died at Jamii Hospital in Kenya, on 5th March,20l3. No. 2964 oF 2Ol4 By (1) Florence Wambui Mwaniki and (2) Stephen Maina Mwaniki, both of P.O. Box 30075-00100, Nairobi in Kenya, the deceased's daughter and son, respectively, through Messrs. D. K. Thuo & Co., advocates of Nairobr, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of Julia Waititu Mwaniki, late of Nairobi, who died at Uhuru Estate, on I 4th November, 20 I 3. CAUSE No. 2174 oF 2Ol4 both of P.O. Box 454234O1OO, Nairobi in Kenya, the deceased's widower and son, respectively, through Messrs. R. M. Mugo & Co., CAUSE I administration intestate to the estate of Sammy Titus Okwengu, late of Olympic Estate, who died at Meridian Equator Hospital rn Kenya, on October,1973. (l) I By Mary Muthoni Maina, of P.O. Box 74119-{02C0, Nairobi in Kenya, the deceased's widow, through Messrs. Murimi & Co., No. 2072 oF 2014 By (l) Serah Wairimu Mwatho and (2) Benson Kung'u Mwatho, both of P.O. Box 7687-00100, Nairobi in Kenya, the deceased's widow and son, respectively, for a grant of letters of administration rntestate to the estate of Lrmon Mwatha ahas Mwathu Murru. late of Krambu, who died at Kenyatta National Hospital rn Kenya, on 13th CAUSE I in Kenya, the deceased's son, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of Wangechi Mbocho Macharia, late of Kawangware, who died at District Hospital, Mbagathi in Kenya, on CAUSENo. 1687 oF2Ol4 CAUSE I { CAUSENo. 2600 oF2Ol4 By (1) Anjeline Auma Okuto and (2) Julius Otieno Okuto, both of P.O. Box 6068H0200, Nairobi in Kenya, the deceased's widow and brother, respectively, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of James Marko Okuto, late of S. Kabura, who died there on 30th April,2003. By 18th March,20l5 THE KENYA GAZETTE 582 No. 3Ol2 oF 2oL4 By Gladwell Wanjiku Kamau, of P.O. Box 78, Ruiru in Kenya, the deceased's mother, through Messrs. Wamwea & Mosota, advocates of Nairobi, for a grant of letters of admrnistration intestate to the estate of Peter Mwangi Kamau, late of Kanunga, Kiratina, Githunguri, who dred there on 2nd lantary,2013. CAUSE No. 3317 oF 2Ol4 By Esther Mwihaki Maina, of P.O. Box 53-10209, Gitugi in Kenya, the deceased's daughter-inJaw, through Messrs. Maina Rogoi & Co., advocates of Nairobi, for a grant of letters of administration rntestate to the estate of Mwangi Rogoi, who died in 1966. CAUSENO. 3353 o,F2014 By Esther Seyran Apale, of P.O. Box 37307-001000, Nairobi in Kenya, the deceased's widow, through Messrs. Irah Mosoni Apale, advocate, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of Julius Mark Apale late of Narobr, who died at Mater Hospital in Kenya, on 5th September,20l3. CAUE No. 3354 oF 2Ol4 By Joseph Thuku Wanene of P.O. Box 317, Kikuyu in Kenya, the deceased's son, through Messrs. Kibatia & Co., advoctes of Nairobi, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of Gladys Wambui Murimr, late of Kiambu, who died at St. Teresa Nursing Hospital in Kenya, on 28th Novembet,Z009. CAUSE No. 3362 oF 2Ol4 By Peter Andrew Mbugua Kamiti, of P.O. Box 72452-{[2C0, Nairobi in Kenya, the deceased's son, through Messrs. Kimanr Charagu & Co., advocates, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of Grace Wairimu Kamiti, late of Kahuho, who died at Kahuho Sub-location, on 25th April, 2013. ( THE KENYA GAZETTE tSth March,2015 CAUSE No. 33'72 oF 2014 583 CAUSE By Regrna Wangare Ndonyo, of P.O. Box 23079, I-ower Kabete in Kenya, the deceased's daughter, through Messrs. Mwaura Sharri & Co., advocates, for a grant of letters of admrnrstration intestate to the estate of Hannah Njeri Ndonyo, late of Kiambu West, who died at Chura, on 28th February,2009 The Court wrll proceed to lssue the same unless cause be shown to the contrary and appearance in this respect entered withrn thirty (30) days from the date of publication of this notice in the Kenya Gazette. Dated the 25th February,2015. L. K. MUTAI. Deputy Registrar, Nairobi. Note.-Tlhe wrlls mentioned above have been deposited in and are open to inspection at the court. By (l) Cecrlia Wanjiku Munrthi and (2) Kiman Joseph Kahura, both of P.O. Box 34461-O0100, Narrobi in Kenya, the deceased's daughter and son, respectively, through Messrs. V. Chokaa & Co., advocates of Nairobi, for a grant of letters of admrnistration intestate to the estate of Nancy Mukamr Kahura, late of Kiambu, who died at Krambu Hospital in Kenya, on 28th September,2010. CAUSE No. 1433 oF 2Ol4 By (1) Elizabeth Wangoi Waweru, of P.O. Box 1360-20100, Nakuru in Kenya, and (2) Elizabeth Wambui Waweru, of P.O. Box 45112-{0100, Nairobi in Kenya, the deceased's mother and sister, respectively, through Messrs. Githinji, Kimamo & Co., advocates of Nairobi, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of Monica Wangare Waweru, late of Nakuru, who died at Coptic Hospital rn Kenya, on 30th July, 2013. CAUSE GAZETTENoTICENO. No. 1268 oF 2Ol4 I7I8 No. 1644 oF 2014 By (1) Julia Wanpku Njibu and (2) Edith Nyambura Njibu, both of P.O. Box 4174021'1, Limuru in Kenya, the deceased's widow and daughter, respectively, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of Elijah Njibu Mwathi, late of Kiambu, who died at Kamirithu, on 9th November, 1991. IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT NAIROBI PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION TAKE NOTICE that applications having been made in this court CAUSENo. 1690 oF2014 in: CAUSENo. 1408 oF2013 By Josephine Anne Kristensen alias Josephine Anne Hessel Knstensen, of Toftevej 24, Fynshav, DK-64210, Augustenborg, Denmark, the executrix named in the deceased's last will, through Messrs. Daly & Figgis, advocates of Nairobi, for a grant of probate of written will of Jens-Eske Hessel, late of Laikipia, who died at Nanyuki Cottage Hospital in Kenya, on 5th May, 201 I . CAUSE Rose Kasiala Lukalo and (2) Daniel Musa Owino, both of P.O. Box 41170-o0100, Nairobi in Kenya, the deceased's widow and son, respectrvely, through Messrs. Okulo & Co., advocates of Nairobi, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of James Odhiambo Owino, late of Nairobi, who died at Aga Khan Hospital in Kenya, on l2th May, 20 13. CAUSE No. 2380 oF 2013 By (l) Mary Nyambura Karurkr and (2) Anthony Mburu Karuiki, both of P.O. Box 9103-O0100, Narrobr rn Kenya, the deceased's son and daughter, respectively, through Messrs. Ongicho Ongicho & Co., advocates of Nairobi, for a grant of letters of administratron intestate to the estate of James Karuiki Muikamba, late of Murang'a, who died at Nairobi Eastleigh, on lOth August,2009. CAUSE By (l) No. 2482 oF 2ol3 No. 1769 oF 2014 By Griffin Mwangi Wahihia, of P.O. Box 13953-O0zlO0, Nairobi in Kenya, the deceased's widower, through Messrs. Robi Kerato Partners, advocates of Nairobi, for a grant of letters of administration lntestate to the estate of Esther Nyambura Mwangi late of Murang'a, who dred along Thika-Nairobi Road, on 4th April,2002. CAUSENo. 1835 oF2014 grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of Jennefer Muthoni Ngure, late of Murang'a, who died at Kawangware, on 10th By (l) David John Chfton Shaw and (2) Fiona Jane De Boer, both of P. O. Box 2471140502, Nairobi in Kenya, the executors named in the deceased's last will, through Messrs. B. M. Quadros, advocates of Nairobi, for a grant of probate of written will of James Clifton Shaw, late of Nairobi, who died at Karen Hospital in Kenya, on lSth June, December,2007. 2014. By (l) Edwin Irungu Njuru and (2) Eric Thumbi Mutegi, both of P.O. Box 30210-00100, Nairobr in Kenya, the deceased's sons, for a CAUSENo. l82oF2014 CAUSE By Peter Ngugi Njuguna, of P.O. Box 3500{520 Ruai in Kenya, the deceased's brother, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of Nyambura Njuguna, late of Loitoktok, who died at Komarock Modern Patience Care, on 21thMay,2Ol0. CAUSE By (l) Judith Chesoni, both of Nerea Shisoka Indimuli and (2) Eric P.O. Box 2681-{0200, Nairobi in Richard Kenya, the deceased's widow and son, respectively, through Messrs. Kahari & Krai, advocates of Nairobi, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of lrmuel Soita Chesoni, late of South B, Nauobr, who died at Aga Khan Hospital in Kenya, on 3rd September, 2012. By (l) Esther Wanliku Sammy and (2) Martrn Karanja Karaya, both of P.O. Box 12, Kenol in Kenya, the deceased's daughter and grandson, respectively, through Messrs. Thuita Kiiru & Co., advocates of Nairobi, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of Karanja Kirema, late of Thika, who died at Miuu Kirimiri, on l4th November,2000. No. 8'71 oF 2014 Ramesh Sharma, advocate of Nairobi, the lawfully appointed administrator, for the resealing of a grant of of written will issued by the Court of I st Class Magistrate Karachi to the estate of Muzaffar Basit s/o Chaudry Mohammand Alau Uddin, late of Block L. Orangi Town, Pakistan, who died at Mater Hospital in Kenya, on 25th June, 2001. probate April,20l4. CAUSE No. 1916 oF 2014 By Nlen W. Munrthia, of P.O. Box 584, Ongata Rongai in Kenya, the deceased's widow, through Messrs. Odera Were, advocate of Nairobi, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of Jackson Mwangi Mbaria Munithia, Iate of Kajlado, who died at P.C.E.A., Kikuyu Hosprtal in Kenya, on 17th Apnl,2012. By (l) Teresiah Wanjiku Ndungu, (2) James Muthiora Waweru and (3) Jane Wairimu Waweru, all of P.O. Box 25153-O0603, Nairobi m Kenya, the deceased's daughters and son, respectively, for a grant of letters of adminrstrauon intestate to the estate of Rahab Wachuka Kimi alias Wacuka Amos, late of Nairobi, who died at Riruta, on 30th July, 2012. CAUSE By Ramesh Chander Sharma, of P.O. Box 40159-{0100, Nairobi in Kenya, through M/D advocates of Nairobi, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of Agnes Nyambura Githinji, late of Lingaini, who died at CAUSENo. 196l oF2014 CAUSE NO. 483 OF 2OI4 CAUSE By Peter Njomo Mwangi, of P.O. Box 682, Kitengela in Kenya, the deceased's son, through Messrs. Kithinji Thuranira & Co., Kitengela, on 1st No. 260 oF 2Ol4 No. 1906 oF 2014 No. 1967 oF 2Ol4 By (l) Anthony Muturi Nyoike, (2) Pauline Florence Wanjiru and (3) John Kagwi Nyorke, all of P.O. Box 4213240100, Nairobi in Kenya, the deceased's sons and daughter, respectively, through Messrs. E. K. Mutua & Co., advocates of Nairobi, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of Alice Wangui Nyoike, late of Nairobl, who dred at Karen, Nairobr, on 24th February,2Ol4. l8th March,2015 THE KENYA GAZETTE 584 cAUsENo.239l oF2014 CAUSENo. 1996oF2Ol4 By (l) Rose Anyango Juma and (2) Maureen Achieng Juma, both of P.O. Box 19072-{0501, Nairobi in Kenya, the deceased's sisters, through Messrs. Burton Isindu & Co., advocates of Nairobr, fbr a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of Juma Jack Aldo, late of B. Mumias, who died at Loresho Area, on 30th July,2013. CAUSE No. 2OO2 oF for a grant of of administration intestate to the estate of CAUSENo. 2423 oF2Ol4 No. 2033 oF 2014 By (1) Maria Bemadette Quadros and (2) Mana Lucra Quadros, both of P.O. Box 211{n502, Nairobi rn Kenya, the deceased's daughters, through Messrs. K. H. Osmond, advocates of Narrobi, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of Serafina Borges Quadros alias Serafina Quadros, late of Nairobi, who died at M.P. Shah Hospital in Kenya, on l2th November, 2010. By (1) Everline Chepkurui Chepkwony and (2) Christian Kipchumbe Tonje, both of P.O. Box 1426640800, Naimbi in Kenya, the deceased's widow and son, respectively, for a grant of letters of adrninistration intestate to the estate of Reuben Kibichii Tonje, late of Nakuru, who died at Kenyatta National Hospital in Kenya, on 3lst January,20l3. The Court will proceed to issue the same unless clu$ be shown to the conuary and appearance in this respect entered within thirty (30) days from the date of publication of this notice in the Kenya Gazette. Dated the 9th February,2015. LK. Deputy Re MUTAI, gisfi 'ar, I\Ia,iro&. Nors.-The wills mentioned abow have been depositcd in and are open to inspection at the couft. CAUSENo.205l oF2014 By (l) Roy Kimathi Murirthr, (2) Sussie Kathure Muriithi, (3) Dennis Munene Muriithi and (4) Caroline Muthoni Muriithr, all of P.O. Box 2613il),0504, Nairobi rn Kenya. the deceased's sons and daughters, respectively, through Messrs. Mwenda Kinyua & Co., advocates of Narrobi, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of Godfrey Samson Murrrthr, late of Nairobr, who died at GAzErrENoTrcENo. I7I9 IN IT{E HIGH COI.JRT OF KENYA AT NAIROBI PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION Nairobr West, on 25th November, 20 13. CAUSE letters Wangunyu Karoki, late of Mahigaini, who died at Mea Med., on 2nd November, 201 l. 2Ol4 By Passwell Shapi, of House No D. Abyalan Court, Kimbambala Road, Kileleshwa, Nairobi in Kenya, through Messrs. S. M. Kitonga & Co., advocates of Nairobi. the lawfully appointed administrator for the resealing of a grant of probate of written will issued by High Court of Zambru to the estate of Rachel Tembo Shapr, late of Klleleshwa, Nairobr, who dred at Nairobr Hospital in Kenya, on lTth April,2014. CAUSE By (l) Monha Njoki Warrpnyu and (2) Ali,ce Waccke Ng'ang'a, both of P.O, Box 8-O1ffi0, Thrka in Kenya, the deceased's daughters, TAKE NOTICE that applications having been made in this coun No. 2052 oF 2Ol4 ln: cArJsENo. 2441 oF2ol4 By (1) Regina Mukami Kariuki and (2) Pascal Kiragu Mugwe, both of P.O. Box 2405-{0606, Nairobi in Kenya, the deceased's daughter and son, respectively, through Messrs. Gatheru Gathemia & Co., advocates of Nairobi, for a grant of letters of administratron tntestate to the estate of Pnscilla Njeri Mugwe. late of Krambu, who By Moses Wamigongo Kioi, of P.O. Box 16238-O0160, Nairobi in Kenya, the deceased's son, for a grant of letters of administration rntestrte to dre esate of Devid Kbi Wamigmgo dies David Kioi Wamgongo, late of Nairobi who died at District Hospital, Mbagathi in dred at Nairobr Hospital rn Kenya. on gth August, 2013. Kenya, on 28th July, 201 3. CAUSE CAUSENo. 2453 oF2014 No. 2138 oF 2Ol4 By (l) Edward Omondr Oluma and (2) Domtilla Awange Oluma, both of P.O. Box 51204-{0200, Nairobr in Kenya, the deceased's Co., advocates of Nairobi, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of Davrd Oyunga Oluma, late of Nairobi, who By Catherine Wanjiku Ogembo, of P.O. Box 1333-00217, Limuru in Kenya, the deceased's daughter, through Messrs. Owang & Assocrates, advocates of Nairobi, for a grant of letters of administration lntestate to the estate of Emily Gathoni Mwaura, late of Kiambu ,who dred at Nazareth Hospital in Kenya, on lTth February, died at Aga Khan Hospital in Kenya, on 5th July,20O9. 2012. brother and mother, respectively, through Messrs. C. K. Mwangangr CAUSE & By Hannah Wanjiru Ng'ang'a, of P.O. Box 185, Uthiru in Kenya, the deceased's widow, through Messrs. Ndirangu Kamau, advocates of Narrobr, for a grant of lefters of administratron intestate to the estate of Charles Ng'ang'a Kinyanjui. late of Kikuyu, who died at Kenyatta National Hospital in Kenya, on 22nd lune,2Ol0. CAUSE CAUSENo. 2489 oF2Ol4 No. 2199 oF 2Ol4 By Margaret Juliette Khadetsa Mudeshi of P.O. Box 210759-{0100, Nairobi in Kenya, the deoeased's widow, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of Nehemiah Mutsalazi Mudeshi, late of Nairobi, who died at Mater Hospital By Sameer Gadhia and (2) Shrlen Gadhra, both of P.O. Bcx 38843-{0623, Parklands, Narrobr in Kenya, the deceased's sons, through Messrs. Njoroge Regeru & Co., advocates of Nairobi, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to tlle estate of Pravinkumar Shivlal Mulli Gadhia, late of Krsumu, who died at Aga Khan Hospital By John Njenga Njihia, of P.O. Box 47, Gatundu in Kenya, the deceased's son, for a grant of letters of adminrstration intestate to the estate of Joseph Muchuki Ndombe alias Joseph Muchuki Njihia, late of Krambu, who dred at Muthithi, Kibrchoi, Kiambu, on 2nd August, t997. on l9th By (l) Obadiah Kihara Wainaina and (2) James Njuguna of P.O. Box 46951-00100, Nairobi in Kenya, the deceased's sons, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of Paul Wainaina Wang'ang'a, late of Kanyariri, Kiambu, who Wainaina, both died at Aga Khan Hospital in Kenya, on 24th March, 1976. in Kenya, on 30th November,2012. CAUSENo 2240oF2ol4 Kenya, CAUSENo.2497 oF2Ol4 No. 2215 oF 2014 (l) in February,20l4. CAUSENo. 2521otr2014 By 1l) Daniel Kamau Ivlutiria and (2) Jonas Muiruri Gitau, both of P.O. Box 54000-{0200, Nairobi in Kenya, the deceased's sons, through Messrs. Munga Wanjau & Co., advocates of Nairobi, for a grant of lefters of administration intestate to the estate ofJostph Gitau Mathigu, late of Nyandarua, who died at Kileleshwa, on 23rd February, 201 I . CAUSE No. 23Ol oF 2Ol4 By (l) Phillip Wanderi Mwangi and (2) Catherrne Wangechi Mwangi, both of P.O. Box 5396640200, Narrobi in Kenya, the deceased's son and daughter, respectively, for a grant of letters of adminrstration intestate to the estate of Charles Mwangi Kingori, late of Nyeri, who died at Huruma Health Centre, on 30th October, 20 12. cAUsE No. 2561 oF 2014 By Lucy Njeri Kibugi, of P.O. Box 1133,+-OOm0, Nairobi in Kenya, the deceased's widow, through Messrs. Waruhiu K'Owade & Ng'ang'a, advocates of Nairobi, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of Edward Gikonyo, late of Nairobi, who died at Kenyatta National Hospital in Kenya, on 28th March,2014. I . cAUsENo.258l OF20l4 CAUSENo.2887 oF2014 By (l) Mary Njeri Gitau and (2) Henry Mwangi Gitau, both of P.O. Box 1360}-0o800, Nairobi in Kenya, the deceased's widow and Associates, son rcspectively, through Messrs. K. N. Mburu advocates of Nairobi, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of Joseph Gitau Mwangi, late of Nairobi, who died at Aga Khan Hospital in Kenya, on 2lst August,2007. & CAUSE No. 2606 0F 2014 (l) Trbitha Karimi Kirugua and (2) Abraham Muthika Kirugua, both of P.O. Box 1, Chiakariga, Mcru in Kenya, tho By 58s THE KENYA GAZETTE lSth March,2015 deceased's widow and son, respcctively, through Messrs. Hamilton Harrison & Mathews, advocates of Nairobi, f91 a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of Josphat Kirugua Mitugo, late of Kamanyalti Sub'location, who died thcre on 23rd June, 2(tr5. CAUSE Hosprtal in Kenya, on l9th March,2008. CAUSE By Feter Muehiri Kamunya, of P.O. Box 53, KagwE in Kenya, the deceased's widower, through Messrs. Maina Ngaruiya Co., advocates of Nairobi, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of Theresiah Wairimu Kamunya, late of Kiambu, who died et St. Mary's Hospital in Kenya, on 23rd October, 2O13. & oF2ol4 Kenya, on 23d November,2012. advocates of Nairobi, for a grant of letters of administratron intestate to the estato of Flancis Mwania Muasa Kali, lato of Kitongela ,who died there on 20th Doaernbar,2012. CAUSENo.289l oF20l4 James Ng'ang'a Karanja and (2) Moses Kamau Karanja, both ofP.O. Box 4469800, Nqirobi in Konya, the deceased's sons, for a grant of lottors of administration lntestate 10 the estate of Richard Karanja Ng'ang'a alias Richard Karanja J. Nganga, late of Krambu, who diod at Naircbi Women's Hosprtal ln Kenya, on 5th August, 2010. CAUSE Wilfred Gathigi Ngugi and (2) Hannah Njen Grchuhr, both of P.O. Box 635, Kikuyu in Kenya, the de+oased's son and daughterinJaw, respoctivoly, through Messrs. Marm & Ndegwa, advocates of Nairobr, for a Bmnt of latto$ of adminislmtion intestate to the estate of Ngugi Kinganr Krmotho, late of Kanyanjara, Kerwa, who died there on l2th August,2O05. CAusENo. 2934 oFzol4 By (l) Milikah Ngonyo Mugu and (2) Benjamin Mbugua Mugu. both of P.O. Box 135, South Kinangop in Kcnya, the deceascd's widow and son, respectively, through Messrs. Irungu Mwangi, Nganga Co., advocates of Nairobi, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of Simon Mugu Wakuria, late of Njahini, who died at N.K,C,H,, on l2th July,2012. & CAUSB NO. 2687 0F 2014 53067-00200, in Kenya, the decrcrsed's solt, for e gftmt of letters of admrnistration intestate to the estate of Arnose Mbugua Kamau, late of Gathiga, who died at Gathiga Sub.locetion, on l9th Novembor. 1998, Nairobi CAUSE at Avenue By Mumtaz Begum Virani, of 65, Summer Valley Drive, Brrmpton Ontario, Canada, L5Z, AVl, thc deceased's daughter, through Messrs. Gilani & Co., advocates of Nairobi, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estatc of Savjali Oghad Hirjani, late of Laty Bazaar, Joravar Nagar, who died at Joravar Nagar, 19911. CAUSE No. 2754 oF 2014 (l) Miriam Mukuhi Kuria and (2) Alex Ng'nga'a Kuria, both of P.O. Box 1555G{0503, Mbrgrthi, Naimbi in Kenya, the deceased's widow and son, rcspcotively, through Messrs. Mwiti & Co., advocaies of Nairobi, for a grant of letters of administration By October, 201 l. CAUSB inteslate to thc estatc of Justus Kuria Ng'ang'a, late of Ongata Rongai, who died thcre on 22nd June,2014. CAUSE No. 2'794 oF 2Ol4 By John Kamau Karanja, of P.O. Box 8698-0O100, Nairobi in Kenya, the deceased's son, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of Phyllis Nyokabi Karanja, late of Ngong, who died at Nairobi Womens Hospial in Kenya, on 24th April,2014. cAUsE No. 2872 0F 2014 By John Mwangi Mwangi, of P.O. Box 50685-{02m, Nairobi in Kcnye, the deccased's broher-inJaw, for a grant of lenen of administration intestatc to the estate of Esther Magiri Mwangi, late of Nairobi, who dicd at Shauri Moyo, on 25th March,2014, No. 2935 0F 20 I 4 By htor Kamau Gaturu, of P.O. Bor 410, Kalirnonr in Konya, tho decersod's son, for a g,rant of lettors of administration lntcslato to tho estrte of Rogrnah Wanjiru Kimrnr alias Rogrna Wanjiru Gaturu, late of Gatundu, who diod at Githunguchu Sub-location, on 4th July, 2009. CAUSE No. 2984 oF 2Ol4 By Simon Kangethe Wambu, of P.O. Box ?9024-{0400, Nairobi in Kcnya, the deceased's son, for a grant of letters of administration intestatc to thc cstrtc of Philomena Rugunr Wambu, late of Narrobi, who died at Kcnyatta National Hospital rn Kenya, on lTth September, 2007. lucrre, on 2nd February,2012. CAUSENo, ??18 oF2Ol4 on 26th December, By Jacinta Waringa Mbui, of P.O Box 410. Kalimonr in Kenya, the deccrsod's widow, for a Brant of letten of administration intestate to the astato of Rhhrd Mbui Gaturu alias Mbui Gaturu, late of Gatundu, who diod rt Disrict Hosprtal, Gatundu in Konya, on 28th No. 2705 oF 2014 By (1) Emmah Wanini Waithaka and (2) Margaret Waithera Karani, both of P.O. Box 62210_{0,20{), Nairobi in Kenya, the deceased's widow and daughter, resp€ctively, through Messrs. D. K. Thuo & Co., advocates of Nairobi, for a grant of letters of administmtion intestrtc to the estalD of Simon Karani Thuo, late of Kirmbu, who died No. 2892 oF 2ol4 (l) CAUSBNo.2660 oF2014 By Flancis Peter Kamau Mbugua, of P.O. Box 201 4 By Susan Syokau Mwania, of P.O. Box 497, Athi River in Kenya, the deceased's widow, through Messrs. Onesmus Githinji & Co., By By Lucy Nyambura Kabim, of P.O. Box 35161-O02(X), Nairobr in Kenya, the doc.cespd's widow, for r grant of letters of admrnistration intcstrte to the ostate of Georgo Kabinr Kibuika alias Goorge Kibilu Kibuika, lrte of Korogaho, who died at Kenyatt National Hospital in T. T. No. 2889 oF By (l) No. 2612 oF 2014 CAUSENo. 2@o By (l) hninah Muthoni Njenga and (2) Lucy Wambui Npnga, of P.O. Box 23047, Lower Kabele in Konya, tho decoased's widows, for a gmnt of lotte$ of adminlstretion intestate to tho ostate of Feter Njenga Kibinge, late of Kabete, who dred at Kenyatta National both CAUSENo.30ol oF2014 By (l) Juseph Owuor Yamo end (2) Richard Oloo Omamo, both of P.O. Box 253440100, Nairobi in Konya. the doc,oasod's grandsons, for a grant of lcttcrs of adminisuation lntestate to the estate of Martrn Yamo alias Yamo Omolo, late of Ugunja, who dred there in I 969. CAUSENo.30l0oF2014 By Michael Otieno Okoth, of P.O, Box 5297o-o02m, Nairobi in Kenya, tho doceased's naphew, thmugh Messrs. Soita & Saende, advocates of Nairobi, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of Ismael Juma Bunde. late of Kisumu West, who died at Kenyatta Nrtional Hospital in Kenya, on l2th Septomber, 201 I . CAUSE No. 3020 oF 2014 By Charles Osiemo Onyango, of P.O Box 591-{0206, Kiserian in Kenya, thc deceased's brother, through Messrs. Ondabu & Co., advocates of Nairobi, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of Joshua Nyakundi Onyango, late of Nairobi, who died at District Hospital, Mbagathi in Kenya, on Sth June, 2013. CAUSE No. 3030 oF 201 4 B (l) Nirmala Bhanulal Devji, of75, Oxleay Road, Rayners Lane, Harrow Middlesex, HA2,9UZ and (2) Kausik Bhanulal Mavji, of 10, Allerford Court, Nonh Hanow, Mrddlesox, HA2, 6AW, through Messrs. P. J, Kakad & Co., advocates of Nairobi, the lawfully appointea administrators for the resoaling of a grant of probate of writton will issued by Hrgh Court of Justice Oxford, England to the estrte of Bhanuhl Mrvjl Devji, late of England, who died therc on 20th Septomber,2009, THE KENYA GAZBTTE 586 l8th March, 2015 cAUsE No. 2820 0F 2014 CAUSENo.3038 oF2014 By (l) Timothy Mugo Karani, (2) Stephen Nthiga Karani and (3) Simon Nthiga Karani, all of P.O. Box 173, Siakago in Kenya, the deceased's sons, through Messrs. R. M. Mutiso & Co., advocates of Nairobi, for a grant of letters of administration rntestate to the estate of John Karani Kibereng, late of Siakago who died at Mbeere Hospital in Kenya, on 2'7 By of P.O. Box 100-20300, Nyahururu in Kenya, the deceased's daughter, through Messrs. Mumo Mutoru & Co., advocates, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of Margaret Wambui Jomo, late of Marmanet, who died at Charity M.H. on 28ahMarch,20l4. Elizabeth Wanjiku Njuguna,' th March, 20 10. CAUSENo. 2870 oF2Ol4 cAUsE No. 3049 0F 2014 By Virginiah Wanliku Kamuyu, of P.O. Box 46397-{0100, Nairobi in Kenya, the deceased's daughter, through Messrs. Mwamuye, Kimathi & Kimani, advocates of Nairobi, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of James Kamuyu Kinuthia, late of Nairobi, who died at Nairobi West Hospital in Kenya, on26th luly,2012. CAUSENo.307'7 oF2014 By (l) Millicent R. Wambur Nloroge and (2) Racheal Nduta Njoroge, both of P.O. Box 176l{)0100, Nairobi in Kenya, the deceased's widow and daughter, respectively, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of David Mungai Njoroge, late of Nakuru, who died at Meridian Equator Hospital in Kenya, on 3rd March,2O12. cAusE No. 3163 0F 2014 By (l) Monicah Wambui Kabogo, (2) John Tharau Kabogo, (3) Hezekiah Njagi Kabogo and (4) George Ngure Kabogo, all of P.O. Box 91-O601, Limuru in Kenya, the deceased's widow and sons, respectively, through Messrs. Njoroge Regeru & Co., advocates of Nairobi, for a grant of letters of administration rntestate to the estate of Kabogo Tharau, late of Lari, who died at Nazareth Hospital in Kenya, on 30th January, 2014. By (1) Nancy Wangari Muchiri and (2) Joseph Nahashon Muchrri, both of P.O. Box 7463-{0300, Narrobi, the deceased's widow and son, respectively, through Messrs. Mwiti & Co., advocates of Nairobi, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of Christopher Muchiri Mwangi, late of Ongata Rongai, who died at Kenyatta National Hospital in Kenya, on 2 I st June, 20 14. cAUsE No. 2912 0F 2014 By Munyinyi Mungai Njama, of P.O. Box 7l 38-{0300, Nairobi in Kenya, the deceased's uncle, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of Jeremiah Mungai Njeri late of Gachie who died at Gachie, Kiambu East, on 22nd July, 2009. CAUSENo. 3024 oF2014 By James Wahome Kinyua, of P.O. Box 44187-{0100, Nairobi in Kenya, the deceased's son, through Messrs. Maina Wachira & Co., advocates of Nairobi, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of Francis Kinyua Gachuri alias Frances Kinyua Gachuri alias Kinyua Gachuri, late of Ragati, who died at Jamii Hospital in Kenya, on 9th September, 2006. cAUsENo.3048 0F2014 By Evelyn Cheptanui Kilimo, of P.O. Box 39711-{0623, Nairobi in Kenya, the deceased's widow, through Messrs. Hamilton Harrison & Mathews (Incorporating Oraro & Co.,) Nairobi, for a grant of letters of adminrstration intestate to the estate of John Jothams Kilimo alias John Kilimo, late of Nairobi, who died at Aga Khan Hospital in CAUSENo.3267 oF2014 By (1) Margaret Wanjiru Muchoki and (2) Charles Muchoki Gichuki, both of P.O. Box 65108-{0618, Nairobi rn Kenya, the deceased's widow and brother, respectively, for a grant of letters of administration lntestate to the estate of Peter Nloroge Krnuthia, late of Gatanga, who dred at Kenyatta National Hosprtal in Kenya, on lTth Kenya, on lst January, 1994. October,2Ol2. deceased's daughter and son, respectively, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of Josiah Wainaina Kiriu alas Joseph Wainaina Kiriu, late of Kiambu, who died at Kijabe Medical Centre, on 3rd June, 1994. CAUSE No. 33'76 oF 2Ol4 By (1) Hannah Njeri Njuguna and (2) James Njoroge Njuguna, both of P.O. Box 28596-00100 Nairobi in Kenya, the deceased's widow and son, respectively, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of Paul Nluguna Nloroge, late of Llarr, who dred at Kirenga, on 21st July,2010. The Court will proceed to rssue the same unless cause be shown to the contrary and appearance in this respect entered withrn thrty (30) days from the date of pubhcatron of this notice n the Kenya Gazette. Dated the l0th February,2015. Deputy L. K. MUTAI, gistrar, Nairobi. Re Note.-Tlrc wills mentroned above have been deposrted rn ard are open to inspection at the court. CAUSENo. 3069 oF2014 By (1) Hannah Wanjrru Wainaina and (2) Bamabas Krnu Warnaina, both of P.O. Box 145M0900, Kiambu rn Kenya, the cAusE No. 3I 68 0F 20 I 4 By Bina M. Shah, of P.O. Box 4399640100, Narrobi in Kenya, the Attomey of the executor named in the deceased's last will, through Messrs. Pritesh H. Shah & Co., advocates of Nairobi, for a grant of probate of written will of Prafulchanora Hirji Shah alias Prafulchandra Hirji Popat Shah, late of Nairobi, who died at M.P. Shah Hospital rn Kenya, on 29th August, 20 14. cAUsE No. 3169 0F 2014 By Rajni Behal of P.O. Box2067O, Narrobi in Kenya, the executor named in the deceased's last wrll, through Messrs. Tanq Khan & Associates, advocates of Nairobl, for a grant of probate of written will of Vijay Behal, late of Nairobi, who died at Nairobi Hospital in Kenya, on22rd April,2O14. cAUsE No. 3170 0F 2014 GAZET-IENoTCENo. 1720 IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT NAIROBI PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION TAKE NOTICE that applications having been made in thrs court tn: CAUSE By Bemard Kiinii Gitau, of P.O. Box 331, Saba Saba in Kenya, the deceased's son, through Messrs. Krboi & Co., advocates of Narrobr, for a grant of letters of adminrstration intestate to the estate of Wairimu Kirnii Gitau, late of Saba Saba, who died at Distnct Hosprtal, Murang'a in Kenya, on l2th October, 1995. No. 2793 oF 2Ol4 CAUSENo. 31'73 "8" oF 2Ol4 By Yegon W. Kiplangat, of P.O. Box 6740232, Ruiru in Kenya, By Mary Wanja Wathome, of P.O. Box 731-O0902, Kikuyu in the deceased's son, for a grant of letters of administratron intestate to of Bomet, who Kenya, the deceased's widow, through Messrs. F. N. Munga & Co., advocates of Nairobi, for a grant of letters of admlnistratlon intestate to the estate of Kinyuru Muthondu, late of Muguga, who died there on the estate of Onesmus Kipyegon arap Biomdo, late died at District Hospital, Longisa, on22nd May, 2013. CAUSE No. 2798 oF 2Ol4 By (1) Charity Wambura Muraguri and (2) Anne Wanjira Kimani, both of P.O. Box 40014-O0100, Nairobr rn Kenya, the deceased's daughter, through Messrs. J. W. Wanjohi & Co., advocates of Nairobi, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of Mariamu Wambur Warur, late of Kiambu, who died at P.C.E.A., Kikuyu Hospital in Kenya, on 2nd April, 199b. 7th Iuly,2012. CAUSE No. 31 80 oF 2014 By Fredrick Mugendi Nyaga, of P.O. Box 45112-O0100, Nairobi in Kenya, the executor named in the Messrs. Saende & Ochola, deceased's last will, through advocates of Nairobi, for a grant of probate of written will of Luc Michael Marie Cabon, late of Nairobr, who died at Nairobi Hospital in Kenya, on 6th November, 2010. s87 THE KENYA GAZETTE 1Sth March,2015 CAUSENo.3l8l oF2014 CAUSE By Peter Kaberi Kamangu, of P.O. Box 51-O0902, Kikuyu in Kenya, the deceased's son, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of Mary Njeri Kamangu, late of Kikuyu, who died at Gitaru, on 7th July, 2014. CAUSE No. 3 185 oF Kenya, the deceased's daughter, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of Priscilar Njeri Mbatia alias Priscilla Njeri Mbatia alias Philisirah Njeri Mbatia, late of Nairobi, who died at Ruai, on l6th March,2012. 2014 By Martin Lemaiyan Mokoosio, of P.O. Box 386-O0208, Ngong deceased's son, through Messrs. Mwamuye Kimathi & Kimani, advocates of Narobi, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of Florence Ngendo Mokoosio, late of Kajiado, who died the Karen Hospital in Kenya, on lSth Hills in Kenya, the September,20l3. CAUSE CAUSE CAUSE (l) Jagdish Singh Jowhal, Kabono N1uru, late of Ritho, who died there on 7rh J^nuary, 1997 CAUSE of 13, Farway Herghts, Camberly, Kirti Shah, of P.O. Box 4583900100 Nairobi in Kenya, the executors named rn the deceased's last will, through Messrs. Shah & Shah, advocates of Nairobi, for a grant of probate of written will of Bharpur Kaur Grewal, late of No.l0, Denai Pinang 2, Seri Tanjung Pinang, 10470, Georgetown, Pulau Pinang, who died at Hospital Adventist, Pulau Pinang, on llth and Rita September,20l4. cAUsE No. 3l9l Dated the lTth February,20l5. V. K. KIPTOON, De Pu t1t Re g istro r, Nairob i. Note.-Tlte wills mentioned above have been deposited in ard (l) GAZETTE No'rrcE of P.O. Box CAUSE By Margaret Ojwang Onyango, of P.O. Box 172 I PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION in: CAUSE 58397-00200, . cAUsE No. 3221 oF 2014 By (1) Edwin Kibrsu Mudiri and (2) Stephen Chadianga Mudm, both of P.O. Box 188, Chavakali in Kenya, the deceased's sons, through Messrs. G. M. Muhoro, advocate of Nairobi, for a grant of letters of administratron intestate to the estate of Geoffrey Mudiri Kevogo, late of Vihiga, who died at Vihiga Hospital in Kenya, on 7th Novembe,2004. No. 3231 oF2014 By Peter Grtau Mbanya, of P.O. Box I122, Krambu rn Kenya, the deceased's son, for a grant of letters of adminlstratlon intestate to the estate of Benina Wambui Mbanya, late of Gathanga, who died there on l9th Ju1y,2002. CAUSE No. IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT NAIROBI TAKE NOTICE that applications having been made rn this court No. 3216 oF 2014 Nairobi, the deceased's widow, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of Charles Onyango Owala, late of Nairobi, who dred at Meridran Equator Hosprtal in Kenya, on 5th March, 201 I CAUSE are open to rnspection at the court. No. 3205 oF 2014 Grace Wambui Mwangi and (2) Lucy Muthoni Mwangi, 13150-O0200, Narrobi in Kenya, the deceased's daughters, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of Nancy Wanjiru Mwangr, late of Nairobi, who died at Kenyatta Natronal Hospita rn Kenya, on 23rd September,2014. By No. 3345 oF 2Ol4 The Court will proceed to rssue the same unless cause be shown to the contrary and appearance rn this respect entered within thlrty (30) days from the date of publication of thrs notice in the Kenya Gazette. 31st October,2014. both . By Prrscrllah Nyambura Kuru, of P.O. Box 79199, Nairobi in Kenya, the deceased's widow, through Messrs. J. Ngari Gikonyo & Co., advocates of Nairobi, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of Edward Klrru Gituro, late of Nairobi, who died at Kayole, on lOth November, 20 13. oF 2014 By Mary Njeri Wacrra, of P.O. Box 317, South Kinango in Kenya, the deceased's mother, through Messrs. Ratemo & Mberia advocates of Nairobi, for a grart of letters of admrnistration intestate to the estate of John Kamau Njeri, late of Nyandarua, who died at Kapendo, on CAUSE No. 3338 oF 2014 By Peter Githae Kabono, of P.O. Box 503, Gatundu rn Kenya, the deceased's son, through Messrs. Ngata Kamau & Co., advocates of Nairobi, for a grant of lefters of administration lntestate to the estate of CAUSENo.3187 oF2014 By No. 3335 oF 2014 By Simon Kiarie Kinyanjui, of P.O. Box 58236-0O200, Nairobi rn Kenya, the deceased's son, through Messrs. L. N. Muchira & Co., advocates of Nairobi, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of Joyce Wambui Rurana, late of Nairobi, who died at Gataka Hardy, on I 2th October, 20 I 4. No. 3186 oF 2014 By Anne Wambui Gichohi, of P.O. Box 130240502, Nairobi in Kenya, the deceased's widow, through Messrs. Mwaura & Kiguatha, advocates of Nairobi, for a grant of letters of adminiskation intestate to the estate of Joseph Gichohi Ndegwa, late of KaIado, who died at Our Ladys Hospice, Thrgro, on I lth December,2012. GUl5, lNJ, United Kingdom No. 3329 oF 2014 By Anne Wathithi Mbatia, of P.O. Box 47513-00100, Nairobi in No. 3233 oF 2Ol4 By Joan Wanjiku Kamau, of P.O. Box 358-O511, Ongata Rongai in Kenya, the deceased's daughter, through Messrs. Githinli Victor & Co., advocates of Narrobi, for a grant of letters of admrnistration intestate to the estate of Millicent Wangari Kamau, late of Kajrado, who died at M.P. Shah Hospital in Kenya, on 9th January. 2008. CAUSENo.323l oF2014 By Margaret Wamboi Murruri of P.O. Box 58215-O0200, Nairobr in Kenya, the deceased's widow, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of Paul Muiruri Mwangi, late of Nairobi, who died at Kenyatta National Hospital rn Kenya, on 22ndMay,2012. No. 2946 oF 2Ol4 By John Barasa Fwamba, of P.O. Box 54133-{0200, Nairobi in Kenya, the deceased's son, through Messrs. Onyancha Nyakundi & Co., advocates of Nairobi, for a grant of letters of admrnrstration intestate to the estate of Fwamba Mukhelela Wambuto, late of Bungoma, who died at Sitabicha Vrllage, on lOth August,2000. CAUSE No. 2956 oF 2Ol4 By (1) Elizabeth Wanjiru Theun and (2) Martin Gikonyo, both of P.O. Box 1064,1-{0400, Nairobi in Kenya, the deceased's mother and brother, respectively, through Messrs. Koceyo & Co., advocates of Nairobi, for a grant of letters of admrnrstration tntestate to the estate of Anne Wanjiku Mwai (Petersen), late of Hamburg ,Germany, who died at Flensburg, on 22nd August,2014. CAUSE No. 3016 oF 2014 (l) Chnstine Njeri Njoroge alias Christine Njeri Warnarna, of P.O. Box 38347-00100, Narrobi in Kenya and (2) Sarah Muthoni Ngwiri, of P.O. Box 50540-00200 Nairobi in Kenya, the deceased's widow and sister-in-law, respectively, through Messrs Kimamo Kuna, adyocates of Nairobi, for a grant of letters of administratron intestate to the estate of Clement Wainarna Ndrrangu ahas Wainaina Ndirangu, late of Nairobr, who died at South C, on22nd April,20l4. By CAUSE No. 3026 oF 2014 By Mary Wairimu Muchene, of P.O. Box 2906M0605, Nairobi in Kenya, the deceased's widow, through Messrs. Nyoro Njogu & Co., advocates of Nairobr, for a grant of letters of administration tntestate to the estate of Ironard Muchene Kirumba, late of Kiambu, who died at P.C.E.A., Kikuyu, on l9th July,2008. THE KENYA GAZETTE 588 CAUSE 18th March,2015 CAUSENo 3291 oF2014 No. 3078 oF 2Ol4 By (l) Lrhan Aoko Omrtr and (2) Wrlkrster Adoyo Mulowa, both of P.O. Box 728454O2OO, Nairobi rn Kenya, the deceased's wrdow and mother, respectrvely, through Messrs Morara Onsongo & Co., advocates of Narrobi, for a grant of letters of admrnistratron intestate to the estate of Daniel Ochreng Mulowa late of Sumba. Nyatike, who By Rebecca Akoth Mrguda, of P.O. Box 57977-{02C0, Nairobi in Kenya, the deceased's wrdow, through Messrs. Narkuni Ngaah & Miencha Co., advocates of Nairobi, for a grant of letters of admrnlstratlon intestate to the estate of Nesbrt Onyango Ojwang, late of Narrobi, who dred at Harambee Estate, on 25thMay,2Ol3. died along Mombasa Road, on 3rd August, 20 14. CAUSE CALTSENo 3166oF2014 By (l) Ann Mumbua Kithua and (2) Joyce Wanalo, both of P.O. Box 20045-'fi)200, Narrobr in Kenya, the deceased's wrdow and stster, respectrvely, through Messrs. Kamotho Njomo & Co., advocates of Narobr, for a grant of letters of admrnistration lntestate to the estate of Andrew Wafula Weyama, late of Mumias, who died at Narrobi Hosprtal rn Kenya, on [9th October,2008. CALTSENo 3212oF2014 No. 3296 oF 2ol4 By (1) Mohamoud Ali Mohamed and (2) Sulekha Mohamoud Ali, both of P.O. Box 803--00621, Nairobi rn Kenya. the-deceased's widower and daughter, respectively, through Messrs. Wandabwa, advocates of Narrobr, for a grant of letters of admlnrstratton intestate to the estate of Nrmo Hassan Ah, late of Nairobi, who died at Aga Khan Universrty Hosprtal in Kenya, on l9th August,20l l. CAUSENo.329'l oF2014 By ( I ) Judy Wanjiru Machuka, of P.O. Box 14718-Cr0100, Nairobi rn Kenya and (2) Margaret Ngrna Muiru, of P.O. Box 57156 -{0200, ) Grace Warrimu Torome and (2) Nteyie ene Torome, both of P.O. Box 477, Narok in Kenya, the deceased's wrdows, through Messrs. Henra Anzala & Associates. advocates of Narrobr, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of Clement Taporu Torome, late of Narok, who died at Suswa, along Narok Road, on l2th Narrobi rn Kenya, the deceased's widow and aunt, respectively, through Messrs. Kitheka & Co., advocates of Nairobi, for a grant of letters of admlnlstration lntestate to the estate of Jesse Stmryu Machuka, late of Nalrobi, who dred at Kenyatta Universrty, on 9th November.2O0-3. May.2013. By (I CAusENo 3249oF2014 By (l) Margaret Wambur Mbugua and CAUSE (2\ George Gachiri Mbugua, both of P.O Box 11993, Nairobr rn Kenya, the deceased's wrdow and son, respectively, for grant of letters of admrnrstration rntestate to the estate of Mbugua Gachrrr Leonard alias Leonard Mbugua Gachrri, late of Krambu, who died at Karuri Sub-location, on I 3th August, 2006. cAUsE No. 3260 0F 2014 By both By (1) Vinette Okola, (2) Stephanie Okola and (3) Tashanya Okola, both of 23, Belvra, DR, Vaughan, Ontario, LztK, 5J6, the deceased's widow and daughter, respectively, through Messrs. Rachter & Amollo, advocates of Nairobl, for a grant of letters of admrnrstration intestate to the estate of Wilham Akich Okola alias Akich Okola ahas Siaya, who dted at William Stansfield Akich Okola, late Kileleshwa, Nairobi, on I lth August,20l4. of CAUSE (l) of Robert Kamau Ngari and (2) Margaret Wanmu Ngare, P.O. Box 10878-004O0, Nairobr rn Kenya, the deceased's mother and brother, respectively, for a gtant of letters of administration intcstate to the estate of Rahab Wanlrru alias Rahab Wanjiru Wairimu, late of Huruma, who dred at Kenyatta National Hospital in Kenya, on l2th September,2014, CAUSENo 3262oF2014 By (l) Festus Kaberia M'Mucheke and (2) Evelina Wairimu Kaberia, both of P.O. Box 176ll-00500, Nairobi in Kenya, the deceased's mother and father, respectively, through Messrs. Karuru Mwaura & Co., advocates of Nairobi, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of Celia Mwari Kabefla, late of Narrobi, who dred at lvLP. Shah Hospital in Kenya, on Sth July,2014. By Mohamed Suleiman Munyu of P.O Box 75186 O0200, Narrobr rn Kenya, the deceased's widower, for a grant of letters of administration Intestate to the estate of Amina Nlerr Mohamed, late of Narrobr, who died at Alpha Maternlty Home, on lst November, 2001. CAUSE Sarah Wanliku Kurra and (2) Srmon Kagar Kimanr, both of P.O. Box 1092-00900, Krambu rn Kenya, the deceased's srster and son, respectively, for a grant of letters of admrnrstration lntestate to the estate of Margaret Wambui Kuria, late of Nairobi, rvho dred at Kenyatta Natronal Hospltal rn Kenya, on 3rd January.20l4. CAUSE No. 3288 oF 2014 By (l) Mary Nlen Gi,thungurr of 4378, Nrcholas Avenue, Balhmore, MD. 21206, Unrted States oi Amelca, the deceased's widow, through Messrs. Nlogu & Ngugi, advocates of Nairobr, for a grant of letters of adminrstratron rntestate to the estate of Samuel Gathungurl Waweru ahas Sammy Gathungurr Waweru alias Sammy Gathunguri W., late of Karun Kiambaa, Krambu, who dred at Baltrmore City (U.S.A ). on 30th January, 1998 CAUSENo 3290oFZOl4 By (l) Regrna Nyambura Krnyanjur and (2) Antony Mwangi Kinyanjui, both of P.O. Box l'l'1-rJ0520, Ruar rn Kenya, the deceased's daughter and son, respectively, for a grant of letters of No. 3392 oF 2Ol4 By (1) Mary Nloki Ngure and (2) Samuel Krnyagia Ngure, both of P.O. Box 5985H)0200, Nairobi in Kenya, the deceased's widow and brother-inJaw, respectively, through Messrs. Maina Kagura & Co., advocates of Nairobi, for a grant of letters of administration rntestate to the estate of John Keru Ngaramba, late of Villa Franca, who died at Nairobi West Hospital rn Kenya, on 27th June, 2014. By (l) No. 3395 oF 2014 Wallace Kihingo and (2) George Ngigi Ngugi, both of P.O. Box 82-'fi)902, Kikuyu in Kenya, the deceased's sons, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of James Ngugr Munjuga, late of Kiambu, who died at District Hospital, Tigoni in Kenya, on l5th September,20l3. cAUsENo 3219C.F20t4 By (l) No. 3304 0F 2014 By (1) David Njuguna Kaguri and (2) Joseph Karanja Kagun, both of P.O. Box 3745, Nakuru in Kenya, the deceased's sons, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of Beth Gathoni Kagun, late of Nyakiambi, who died there on 20th August,2013. CAUSE cAUsENo 3275C.F2014 No. 3303 oF 2014 CAUSE No. 3402 oF 2014 By (1) Dominic Macharia Kiruri and (2) Miriam Njoki Krruri, both of P O Box 16044-{0610, Nairobi in Kenya, the deceased's son and daughter, respectively. through Messrs. Maina Mukclma & Co., advocates of Narobi, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of John Kruri Gatlbl, late of Muthrthi, who died at Jamil Hosprtal rn Kenya, on 20th January,2012. CAUSE No. 3403 oF 2014 By (l) George David Njuguna Gathun, (2) Mark Wallace Wamagata Gathuri and (3) Pauline Waringa Gathun, the deceased's sons and daughter, respectively, through Messrs. D. K. Thuo & Co., advocates of Narrobr, for a grant of letters of admrnistration intestate to the estate of I-enah Wanjiku Gathuri allas Lenah Wanliku Wamagata Iate of Muchatha, who died at Muchatha Sub-location, on 30th September,20l1. CAUSE No. 3432 oF 2014 of Ruai, who died at Kenyatta National Hosprtal rn Kenya. on l0th By Geeta Krishan Dhall, of P.O. Box 1890-40606, Nairobi in Kenya, the deceased's daughter, through Messrs. M. A. Khan, advocate of Nairobr, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of Sudesh Krishan Dhall, late of Nairobi, who died at August,20l2. Lavrngton, on 28th November, 2013. administratron intestate to the estate of James Kinyanjui Mrvangi, late 1Sth CAUSE No. 3433 oF 2014 GAZETTE NOTICENO. 1722 By Radhabar Bhrka Kerar alias Radhabar Bhrkha Kurjr Kerai alias Bhikha Radhabhai, of P.O. Box 535-00606, Nairobi in Kenya, the executnx named in the deceased's last will, through Messrs. Lalji R. Raghwani, advocate of Narrobr, for a grant of probate of written will of Bhika Kurjr Kerai alias Bhikha Kurji Kerai alias Bhiku Kurji Kerai, late of Nairobr, who dred at Aga Khan Hosprtal in Kenya, on 5th November.20l4. CAUSE No. 3435 oF 2Ol4 By Hellen Wanjiru Bube, of P.O. Box 267406()5. Nairobr rn Kenya, the deceased's widow, through Messrs. Nyoro Njogu & Co., advocates of Narrobi, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of Daniel Charles Bube, late of Kiambu, who died at Kikuyu, on 5th February,2014. No. 3438 oF 2014 By Francis Muthaka Moche, of P.O. Box 34239-O0100, Nairobr in Kenya, the deceased's son, through Messrs. Nyoro Nlogu & Co., advocates of Nairobi, for a granl of letters of admrnrstration lntestate to the estate of Moche Muthaka alias Moche Muthoka, late of Kiambu District, who died at District Hospltal, Krambu in Kenya, on 7th Aprrl, l 988. CAUSE the estate By Silvester Kamau Wanjiku, of P.O. Box 9-00216, Githungun in Kenya, the deceased's grandson, through Messrs Marna Rogor & Co , advocates of Narrobi, for a grant of letters of administratlon intestate to the estate of Julia Wamuhu Kamau, late of Ikinu, who died there on 3rd June,2000. L CAUSE NO. I 97 OF 20 I 5 By (l) Peter Grcheru Wamba, (2) James Ngari Wamba and (3) Ndrrangu Wamba, (4) Elizabeth Wanjiru Wamba, all of P.O. Box 28112-00200, Nairobr rn Kenya, the deceased's sons and daughtcr, respectrvely, through Messrs. Ekin & Associates, advocates of Nairobr, for a grant ofletters ofadministration intestate to the estate of Joshua Wamba Isatya, late of Kimathr Estate, who died at Nairobi Hosprtal in Kenya, on 30th August, 201 2 CAUSENo.23l oF20l5 By Eunrce Wamuyu Ndegwa, of P.O. Box 75971, Nairobi rn Kenya, the deceased's widow, for a grant of letters of admrnistration intestate to the estate of Peterkrn Ndegwa Mwangi, late of Krtengela, Mrhmant, who died at Kitengela Medical Services, on 22nd April, 2014. CAUSE NO. 279 OF 2OI4 By (l) Rameshchandra Kanlr Vaja Malde, (2) Naresh Kanlr Malde and (3) Anil Kanji Malde, all of P.O. Box 81927 , Mombasa m Kenya, the deceased's executors, for a grant of probate to the estate of Kankuben Kanji Vaja Malde, who died at Pandya Memoria Hosprtal rn Kenya, on 8th February,2010 CAUSE i I i l l \ No. 302 oF 2014 By Manlulaben Mansukhlal Shah, of P.O. Box 87288, Mombasa in Kenya, the deceased's executrix, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of Mansukhlal Devshi Shah, who died at Nyah, Mombasa, on 22r,d September, 2008 CAUSENo. 329 oF2014 By (l) Carohne Kanini Kavengi, (2) Patrick Kamuti Mwanthi, (3) Anjelina Kambua Mwanthi and (4) Peter Mbita James, all of P.O. Box 92550, Mombasa in Kenya, the deceased's widows and chrldren, respectrvely, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of James Mwanthi Mbita, who dred at Krtui Nursing Home, on CAUSE No. 340 oF 2014 The Court will proceed to lssue the same unless cause be shown to the contrary and appearance in this respect entered wlthrn thirty (30) days from the date of publicahon of this notice in the Kenya Gazette. CAUSENo.157 oF2014 open to inspection at the court. l9l, CAUSE No. 375 oF 2014 By (l) Regrna Odowa Were and (2) Hamisi Mwaghandi Ponda, both of P.O. Box 43541, Mombasa n Kenya, the deceased's widow and brother, respectrvely, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of Juma Mboe Charo. who died at Coast General Hosprtal in Kenya, on 29th March, 2012. CAUSENO 436OF2OI4 ) Mwanabrbr Ali Msuwo and (2) Hamza Ali Msuwo, both of P.O. I 16-80100, Mombasa rn Kenya, the deceased's daughter and son, respectrvely, for a grant of letters of administration mtestate to the estate of Ali Mohamed Msuwo Boa, who died at Coast General Hospital in Kenya, on 30th January, 201 I . By (I CAUSE No. 460 oF 2014 By (l) Abdulgani Aladina Varvanr and (2) Badrudrn Aladina Khamrsa, both of P.O. Box 82359, Mombasa in Kenya, for a grant of letters of admrnistratlon intestate to the estate of Zulekhabai Varvani, who died at Aga Khan Hospital in Kenya, on I 7th March, 1999 The Court wrll proceed to lssue the same unless cause be shown to the contrary and appearance in this respect entered within thirty (30) days from the date of publicatron of thrs notice rn the Kenya Gazelte. Dated the 5th December, 2014. D. WASIKE, Depuv Registrar, Mombasa. GAZETTENoTICENO, I723 IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT MOMBASA L. K. MUTAI, De puty Re gistrar, Nairobi. Note.-The wills mentioned above have been deposited in and (l) Mohamed Rashid Maro and (2) Maro Rashid Maro. both of Mtwapa in Kenya, the deceased's sons, for a grant of letters of admrnistratron intestate to the estate of Rashrd Maro Mwinyingwisa, who dred at Kijipwa, Kilifi, on 19th September, 201 3. By P.O. Box Dated the 3rd March, 2015. I Pandya Memonal Hosprtal m Kenya, on 23rd October, 1996. CAUSENo. l94oF2015 I of Harriet Karura Ndungi, who dred at Hospital rn Kenya, on l6th December,2008. No. 63 oF 20 I 5 Westlands, Nairobr, who died at London Clinic 20, Devonshire Place, Westmlnster, on 3rd October,20l2. I oF 2OO9 on 25th August, 2014. No. 18704t/230, Donyo Sabuk Lane, off General Mathenge Drive i No. 4 By Solomon Waweru Kigecha, of P.O. Box 1090, Mombasa in Kenya, the deceased's son. for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of Joseph Ngrge Kigecha, who died at Aga Klan Rameshchandra Babubhai Patel, of P.O. Box 2312-00606, Narobr rn Kenya, the deceased's widower, through Messrs. Tarbjee & Bhalla, advocates of Nairobr, for a grant of letters of adminrstration intestate to the estate of Madhukanta Rameshchandra Patel, late of Plot ) CAUSE l2th October,2012. No.46 oF 2015 By I TAKE NOTICE that applications having been made in thrs court in: By Mary Nyambura Njau, of P.O. Box 5007 00200, Narrobi rn Kenya, the deceased's daughter, through Messrs. John Mburu & Co., advocates ofNarrobr, for a grant ofletters ofadministration intestate to the estate of Esther Wangui Kamanja, late of Kawaida, who dred there CAUSE i PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION deceased's daughter, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to CAUSENo.343'7 oF2014 CAUSE IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT MOMBASA By Lois Njeri Ndicu, of P.O. Box 88014, Mombasa in Kenya, the By (l) James Muthiora Muchene and (2) Jane Wanliku Muchene, both of P.O. Box 58798-00200, Nairobi in Kenya, the deceased's widow and son, respechvely, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of Dishon Muchene Muthrora alias Drshon M. Muthiora, late of Rrruta, who died at P.C.E.A., Krkuyu Hosprtal rn Kenya, on 2lst September,20l4. i 589 THE KENYA GAZETTE March,20l5 PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION TAKE NOTICE that an applicahon havrng been made rn this court are in: THE KENYA GAZETTE s90 CAUSE No. 47 6 oF 2014 By (1) Umazi Mangale Chimera and (2) Dennis Mangale Chrmera, both ofP.O. Box 55. Kaloleni in Kenya, the deceased's daughter and son, respectively, for a grant ofletters ofadministration intestate to the estate of Japhet Mangale Chimera, who died at Kwamagongo, l8th March, 2015 The Court will proceed to issue the same unless cause be shown to the contrary and appearance in thrs respect entered wrthin thirty (30) days from the date ofpubhcahon ofthis notice in the Kenya Gazetle. Dated the 17th February, 2015. T. OBUTU, Depuly Regstrar, Kisumu. Mazeras, on 2lst October, 1997. The Court will proceed to issue the same unless cause be shown to the contrary and appearance in this respect entered withrn thrty (30) days from the date of publication of this notice inthe Kenya Gazette. GAZETTE NoTIcE IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT KISUMU Dated the 23rd December,20l4. J. De pu t1t Re gi s No. 1 725 PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION KITUKU, tra r, Mom bas a. TAKE NOTICE that an application having been made in this court in: CAUSE GAZETTENoTICENo 1724 IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT KISUMU PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION TAKE NOTICE that applications havrng been made rn this court ln: cAUsE NO. 289 0F 2013 By John Alaro Awiti, the deceased's son, for a grant of letters of administratron intestate to the estate of Otieno A.1wang, who died at UpperKadongo, on 20th January, 1998. The Court will proceed to issue the same unless cause be shown to the contrary and appearance in this respect entered within thirty (30) days from the date ofpublication ofthis notice inthe Kenya Gazette. Dated the 22nd Decerber, 2014. By Erick Jeckonia Sijenje, the deceased's son, for a gant of letters of administration mtestate to the estate of Helena Anyango Sr.;en1e, who died at Krsumu. on 5fi August,20l2. cAUsE No. 8'77 0F 2014 E. OBINA, D eputy Re gistrar, Kis umu. GAZETTE NoTrcE By Sehna Omolo Omenya, the deceased's sister-in-law, for a grant of letters of administration rntestate to the estate of Ochieng Muga, PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION TAKE NOTICE that an application having been made m thts court CAUSE NO. 1092 0F 2014 By Verontca Atieno Guya, of P.O. Box 128, Ng'rya in Kenya, the deceased's widow, for a grant of letters of adminrstration ntestate to the estate of Gabriel Otieno Rambrn, who died on 9th November,20l3. CAUSE No. 25 oF 2015 By Shem Thure Osango, the deceased's son, for a grant ofletters of administration intestate to the estate of Osango Ogutu alias Amos Osango Ogutu, who dred at East Karateng, Kisumu, on 22nd July, 2007. No. 56 oF 20 I 5 By John Okech Orinda, the deceased's son, for a grant ofletters of administration mtestate to the estate of Okech Orinda, who dred at Rongo Pala, on I 9th July, I 986 CAUSENo. No. 1 726 IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT KISUMU who died on 25th Augnst,1972. CAUSE No. 812 oF 2014 l09oF20l5 By Zainabu Vihenda Baraka, of P.O. Box 309, Ahero ln Kenya, the deceased's widow, for a grant of letters of administratlon intestate to the estate of Paul Otieno Odiende, who died at Kang'o Sub-location, on I 8th August, 20 I L CAUSENo. 121 oF2015 in: CAUSE No. 355 oF 2014 By Michael Otieno Opinya, of P.O. Box 3I5, Krsumu in Kenya, the deceased's son, for a grant of letters of administratlon mtesat€ to the estate of Kilaris Moro Oprnya, who died at Nyalunya, Kibos, on 4th January, 2013. CAUSE No. 22 oF 2015 By George Ooko Ochreng, of P.O. Box 88, Ng'iya n Kenya, the deceased's son, for a grant of letters of adminlstration intestate to the estate of John Ralak Ochieng ahas Ochiel Adola, who died at Bama Hospttal in Kenya, on 1Oth Septembet,2012. CAUSE No. 1 50 oF 201 5 By Richard Onoka, the deceased's son, for a grant of letters of administratron mtestate to the estate of Isabela Mbeda Ongany, who died on 8th December, 1999. CAUSE No..189 oF 2015 By Angelina Ojwang Nyang'oro, through Messrs. Omaya & Co., advocates of Kisumu, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate ofThomas Odondi Ojwang, who died at Gem Kanyadet, on lOth May, 1984, By Elida Mafirr Odrndo, the deceased's daughter, for a grant of letters of admmlstratron mtestate to the estate of Margaret Wangrya CAUSENo. 195 oF2015 Oginga ahas Magret Wanginya Ogmga, who died at Got Agulu Sublocation, on 3rd May, 1982. By Barnabas Odaya Oduor, the deceased's brother, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of Weda Ohare, who dred on 9th January, 1993. CAUSENo. 143 oF20l5 CAUSENo. l97 oF2015 By Monrca Obado Odongo, the deceased's mother, for a grant of of admmistratron tntestate to the estate Odongo, who died on 2nd December,2000. letters CAUSE No. 169 oF 201 of Rrchard OtreDo By Elija Ojoro Osala, the deceased's son, for a grant of letters of admrnistration lntestate to the estate of Osala Oduogo, who died on 9th April, 1983. cAUsE No. 219 0F 2015 5 By (1) Rehman Suleiman Abdul, (2) Ibrahrm Mukwaya Abdul and (3) Addah Nsiko Abdul, the deceased's sons and daughter, respectively, for a grant of letters of admrnistration mtestate to the estate of Ibrahrm Juma, who died on 4th May, l98l . CAUSENo 241oF2015 By Philemon Koko Nyakiti, the deceased's son, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of Johnson Nyakiti Amoko, who died on 3fth April, 1991. By (l) Esther Makokha Obukwi and (2) Vincent Dindi Okello, the deceased's widow and brother-in-law, respectively, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of Jacob Musotsr, who died on l5th January,20l5. The Court will proceed to issue the same unless cause be shown to the contrary and appearance rn this respect entered within thirfy (30) days from the date ofpublication ofthis notice m the Kenva Gazette. Dated the 4th March, 2015. P. L. SHINYADA, Deputy Registrar, Kisumu GAZETIENoTICENo. 1727 CAUSENo.53 oF2015 IN THE HIGH COIJRT OF KENYA AT NAKURU PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION TAKE NOTICE that sfl rpplication having been made in this court By Annah Muftoni Njuguna, the deceseed's sister, for a grant of letets of adminiBEBtion intestate to the eBtate of Amina Karitrgi Manji, who died at Provincial General Hospital. Nyeri in Kenya, on 6th August, 2012. in: CAUSE CAUSE No. 268 oF 2012 By (1) Petet Mweura Njamba and (2) Mary Wanjiru Njamba, for a grarrt of lettef! of adminishation intestate to the estate of Paul Njama Gatari, who died at District Hospital, Molo in Kenya, on I lth October, 2008. CAUSE No. 401 oF 2013 By (l) Ma* Karatja Chege and (2) Rore Muthoni Chege, the deceased's son and daughter, respectively, for a grant of letters of administatiort intesbt€ to the estate of Veronicrh Waruiru Chege, who died at Pwani Sub-location, on l3th April,2009. CAUSE No. 256 oF 201,1 By Lucy Njoi Wawuu, the deceased's widow, for a grant of letters of administation intestate to the estBte of Robert Waweru Ngata, who died at Disrict Hospital, Nakuru in Kurya, on 20th April, 2013. CAUSE No. 142 By Lydia Wambui Mutaguti, the deceased's widow, for a grant of of administation intestate to the estate of Joseph Muraguri Munyau, who died at Simba, oh 15th April,2012. CAUBENo.6I or2015 By Bonfrce (Xhhmbo Onyango, the deceaccd's sofl, for d grant of letteru of administration intestate to the eEtate of Elizaboth Anyango Otieno, who died at Provincial General Hospital, Nakuru in Kenya, on 9th August,2000. CAUSENo.63 oF2015 By (l) Mugo Kageka Mugo and (2) Agustino Mugo Kagika, the deceased's sonr, fot e gmnt of letters of administration intestate to tJte estate of Kagika Mugo Kagika alias Kagaika Mugo, who dred at Siron Sub-location, on 2lrt Sept€rnber, 19E9. By Agustino Mugo Kagika, the deceared's son, for a grant of letters of adminrtration intestate to dre estate of Kabuiya Kagika Mugo, who died at Siton Sub-locrtlon, on 23rd Sdptember, 2006. CAUSE CAUSENo. l0oF2015 By Metrine Akai Ngolong, the deceased's daughter, for a grant of lcters of adminiitrrtion intestete to the edtate of John Ngolong tokopiti, Jluly , 2012 . CAUSE No. 42 oF 2015 By (l) Florurce Njoki Krgo srd (2) Joilrus Kaduki Kage, ihs decea$d'r widow and son, respcctively, for a grant of letters of rdminirtration intertete to dte estBte of Ikgr Kitnrru Gattrtra, rvho died at Dieffict Hospitel, Nyahururu in Kcny4 otr 5th Juty, 2003. C^usE No. 45 oF 2015 By Mrry Njeri Kimemir, the docesred'r widow, fot r Ernt of l€tters of adminighation iflt€rtlt€ to the Estrte of Onesmer Kirnemia lfumbai, who died etNakuru Matemity and Nurrhrg, on 7th April,2014. CAUSENo. 50 oF 2015 By (l) Charles Kabuthia Hinga and (2) John Kamau Hing4 the deceared'r sons, for a grrdt of leucrs of adminirffition intestate to the csute of Francis Hinga Kabuthia, who died at Provinciel Gsneral Hospital, Nakuru in Kenya, on 9th Apnl,2Ol2. cAusENo.5l oF2015 By (1) Jrron Momrnyi Ours Ondieki rrtd (2) Jerph. Ntobo oum, tho deceased's fathcr md motrer, respectively, for r grant of htters of a&ninirtatisn intdit8ta to lhe drtate of Arnos Mokandu Ouso, who died at Nakuru Nursing, on 25th July, 201 3. Ceusr No. 52 oF 2015 By (l) Grace Wurjiku Kabiru and (2) Jackson Ngugi IGbiru, the deceased's widorp rnd bmdrer-inlaw, respectively, for a grmt of letters of adminirtation inte8t to to tlro ertrte of James Mugen Murcthi, who died at KanjrTya, on 28lh Deoembcr, 2fi)t. CAusENo.55 oF20lJ By Mwangi Wahome Kabui 0re deceard's son, for a g$nt of letters of adminisfrdon inrcstxte to tre estate of Wahome Kabui, who died at or lrtAuguit, 19t4. By Jane Wambui Mutrota, the deceased's widow, for a grant of of a&ninistration futesate to the estate of Danson Mwangi Mutuota, who died at Subukia, on 23rd November, 2006. letters Wamoga Kingori and (2) Margar€t Mumti Kingori, fts deceared's ron md daughter, rcspectively, for a grant of lctters of rdmhidration irt€ttats b fte cstate of William Kingori Ngari, whs dicd rt Malcwa &r&hcation, on 23rd November, 1994. 201 5 b CAusENo.6T oF20l5 By Joyce Wamuyu Kinuttria, the deceared't widow, for a grant of letcrt of adminirttatior intesbte td the estate of Bertard Kinuthia Jurtra clhr Bem.rd Kiturtria Boyo, who died 6t Dirrlct Hospital, Ol-Kalou in Kenya, on 2lst August,2004. CAUSENo.63 oF2015 By (l) Joseph Maina Theuri and (2) Stephen Waweru Theuri, the deceased's widower and brother, respectively, for a grant of letters of adminirhation inter&tte to dre estate of Dorodry Mwende Masur, who died atNakuru War Memonal, on 26ttr Jrme,2014. CAUSENo.69 oF2015 By (l) Janres Kinyanjui Mwangi and (2) James Maina Wamae, the doceued'r widower and brother, rerpectively, for a grant of letters of rdmhirhrtion inEiute to ih6 ertste of Elizabe& Wangari Mama, who died rt S.lgaa, on Eth March,2014. CAUSENo. 70 oF 2015 By (l) Joeeph Mbugur Ngugi and (2) Dorcas Njeri Ngugi, the deeeased'c ron rnd drughter, rcdpectlvely, for a grant of letters of adminimation intestste to tlle ert tc of Dadus Ngugi Nguro, who died at Provincial General Hospital, Nakuru in Kenya, on 29th October, 2009. CAUSE No. 7l oF 2015 (l) By Stcplun lknyi Mrina and (2) Joseph Gichuru Maina, the deceased's !onr, for s graflt of letters of administration intestate to the estat€ of Margaffi Wanbui Maina, who died at Huhirio, on l6th July, 2013. CAUSE No. 75 oF 201 5 By (l) Mrry r#rruiru Wahegu rnd (2) Nelas Muthoni Maina, the dcoerred'r widow md datghtet, reryectively, for a grant of letters of adminishetion intertrte to lhe atatE of Johnron Maina Githungu, who died at Kinrnbr Sub-locedon, on 23td Deccmber,2014, CAUSENo.5l oF2015 (l) tlominic No. 66 0F By (l) Washinton Wachrra Mahugu and (2) Elizabeth Njeri Mbuthia, the deceared'r rcn Ed daughter, respectively, for a grant of letters of administratbn intsrtat€ 0le estate of Rettecca Nlokr Wairera ahas Rebbocah NJoki Wrhera alias Rebescah Njoki Wairera, who died at Moi Teachingand Referral Hospital in Kenya, on 26th May,20l0. CAUSE No. 56 oF 2015 By oF 201 5 CAUSENo.65 oF2015 June, 1995. who died et Kenyatta National Hospital in Kenya, ort 23rd No. 60 letters oR 2014 By Peer Mwsmiki Pilhon Grtru, tlre deceased's son, for a grdlt of lctters of adminirtation intestate to the eshte of Pithoni Oathu Mbuya alias Pifton Grtru, who died at Muriranjas Hospital in Kenya, on lfth Malewa, 591 THE KENYA GAZETTE lSth March,2Ol5 CAU$B No. 79 oF 2015 By Srmuel Krrneu Mwrngi, the deceerd'r Eon, for a grant of letters of rdminirtntinn htertate ts tlre erBte of Mwrngi Krgrudr, who died at Mukinyri Sublocrtfun, on l* Oetober,20l2, THE KENYA GAZETTE 592 The Court wrll proceed to issue the same unless cause be shown to the conhary and appearance in thrs respect entered within thirty (30) days from the date ofpubhcation ofthis notice tn lhe Kenya Gazette. lSth March,2015 CAUSE By Jacinta Mwihakr Gikonyo, of P.O. Box 7487, Nairobr m Kenya, for a grant of letters of admnistratron intestate to the estate of Alfred Gikonyo Ndegwa, who died at District Hosprtal, Karatina in Kenya, on Dated the 16th February,20l5. R. 22nd November,20l3. AMWAYI, Deputy Registrar, Nakuru (l) Mrlliam CAUSENO 98I "B"OF2OI4 TAKE NOTICE that applications havrng been made rn thrs court in: CAUSE No. 43). oF 2002 Isaac Karuri Ngan and (2) Patrick Muchri Ngari, both of P.O. By Abraham Gitonga Gathrr, of P.O. Box 4-00521, Natrobt n Kenya, for a grant of letters of administratton lntestate to the estate of Simon Gathrr Mwathi alias Gattrii Mwathr, who dred at Karaihu, on l9th June.1984. in Kenya, tbr a grant of letters of admmrstration rntestate to the estate of Ngarr Karurr Gakure, who dred on l9th Endarasha CAUSENo. 1290oF20ll (l) Margaret Wagittri Kambura and (2) Gideon Gathu, both of P.O. Box 2245, Nyen ur Kenya, for a grant of letters of admmlstratron lntestate to the estate of Charles Ihiga Kariukr, who died at Consolata Hospital rn Kenya, on 15th August,200l. CAUSENo 23loF2014 By (1) Naomi Wangur Gitonga and (2) Penna Wainmu Gitonga, ofP.O Box 7-20300, Nyahururu rn Kenya, for a grant ofletters of both administration lntestate to the estate of No. 285 oF 2014 No. 339 "8" oF 2014 By (l) t-oise Wangechi Kihoha, (2) Geofrey Ruoro Krhohra, Mary Njoki Kihohia and (4) Benson Kiiru Kihohia, all of P.O. Box Mweiga in Kenya, for a grant of letters of admmrstratlon rntestate to estate of Grace Wambui Kihohra, who died at Wahrka Sub-locatron, l5th September,2008. (3) 93, the on CAUSENo 481oF2014 By Charity Muthonr Kinyua, of P.O. Box 494, Karatina in Kenya, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of Johnson Kinyua Muriukr, who dred at Coptic Hospital rn Kenya, on 28th March, 201 3. CAUSE By (l) No. 654 oF 2014 Hellen Nlokr Rare and (2) Phoeby Ngrma Rare, bottr of P.O. Box 33, Kiganjo in Kenya, for a grant of letters of admmrstration intestate to the estate of John Rare N1agi, who dred at Kain, on 30th November.20l2. No. '779 oF 2014 By Simon Mwangi Komu, of P.O. Box 35, Mukurweini in Kenya, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of Mwangi Komu, who dred at Drstnct Hospital, Karatina in Kenya, on l5th August, 2012. CAUSE No. 8l 6 oF 2014 By Charles Mwruki Ngari, of P.O Box 46, Kiganjo in Kenya, for a grant of letters of admrnrstration intestate to fie estate of Ngari Hungi alias Ngan Hrurgu, who dred at District Hospital, Karatina in Kenya, on st May, 2012. CAUSE No. 1023 oF 2014 (l) Sarah Nyacomba Ngarna and (2) Jane Wambui Ngaina, both of P.O. Box 52, Karatina in Kenya, for a gant of letters of admrnistration intestate to the estate of Ngarna Githu, who died at Drstrrct Hosprtal, Karatina in Kenya, on 29th April,2001 . CAUSENo 1031 oF2014 By Loise Nyambun Kihihu, of P.O. Box 52-10103, Mukurwe-ini rn Kenya, for a grant of letters of admrnistration intestate to the estate of Krhrhu Gatoto aLas Kihihu s/o Gatoto, who died at Muthuthi-ini Sublocation, on 6th November, 1992. CAUSE No. 2 oF 2015 By Grace Wambur Ngari, of P.O. Box 251 , Mwerga in Kenya, for a .grant of letters of admrristratron intestate to the estate of Peterson Ngari Ndrrangu, who dred at Kamarrkr SubJocation, on l9th December,20ll. CAUSENo.3 oF2OI5 By (1) Pnscrlta Wanliru Githinl and (2) Patrick Kabengr Krura, both P.O. Box 272, K:alyaga in Kenya, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of Charles Maina Ndegwa, who died at Provincial General Hospital, Nyeri in Kenya, on 11th February, 2014. of CAUSE No. 4 oF 201 5 By (1) Benson Wachira Muthama and (2) Jane Wambui Ruhent, of P.O. Box 172, Nyeri rn Kenya, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of Philis Wanjiru Muthama, who both CAUSE NO. 5 OF 2015 By (l) Joseph Wangigi Njori and (2) Isaac Irungu Njori, both of P.O. Box 16, Othaya rn Kenya, for a grant of letters of adminstratron intestate to the estate of Nlori Gichuki, who dred at Outspan Hospital in Kenya, on 23rd February,20l4. CAUSENO.6 OF2O15 By Grace Watare Kairangi, of P.O. Box 153, Karahna in Kenya, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of Wachira Mwaniki alias Kairangi s/o Muringi, who died at Tumutumu Hosprtal rn Kenya, on 9th October, 1994. CAUSENo 930oF2014 By Esther Gathoni Mithamo, of P O Box 366, Karatina rn Kenya, for a grant of letters of administration mtestate to he estate of Gladys Warnmu Krbaki, who died at Drstrrct Hospital, Karatina in Kenya, on 30th June,2013. CAUSENo. 1010 oF2014 By Hanah Wahiga Murrrthr, of P.O. Box 50, Othaya rn Kenya, for a grant of letters of admmlstratlon intestate to the estate of Dishon Gathenya Murithi ahas Mudithi Gathenya, who died at Provmcial General Hosprtal Nyeri in Kenya, on 28th January, 1982. died at Nairutia, Nyeri, on 19th February, 201 I . CAUSE 3 I Thuu, who died at District Hosprtal, Karatina in Kenya, on l6th By By Mary Wairimu Muchiri, of P O Box 32, Mukurweinr rrr Kenya, for a grant of letters' of administration intestate to the estate of Permrnus Peter Muchiri Magochi, who died at Distnct Hospital, Mukurweinr in Kenya, on 12th hne, 20 12. CAUSE oF 2014 November,2012. Joseph Gitonga Gathu alias Joseph G. Gathu, who dred at Gatimu, on 6th September, 201l CAUSE No. 998 CAUSE By (l) Daniel Butti Njoroge, (2) Anthony Thuo Mwaura and (3) Caroline Wangari Thuo, all of P.O. Box 668. Nanyuki in Kenya, for a grant of letters of administration rntestate to the estate of Rahab Nyawira February, 1998. By of on 4th October,20l4. PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION (l) Warrimu Kariuki and (2) Amold Ndentu Ndegwa, Box 1324, Nyeri in Kenya, for a grant of letters of administratron mtestate to the estate of Duncan Ndegwa Nderitu, who died at Chania, P O. IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT NYERI By No. 967 oF 2014 CAUSE By GAZETTENoTICENo. I728 Box 14, No. 943 oF 2014 CAUSENo. T oF2ol5 By John Kanyingr Wanyiri, of P.O. Box 3 1, Giakanja in Kenya. for a grant of letters of administratron intestate to the estate of George Wanyiri Kinongi, who died at Kianjogu Sub-location, on 30th June,2003 593 THE KENYA GAZETTE l8th March,2015 CAUSENO. S OF2OI5 CAUSE By Patrick Thuku Gartho, of P.O. Box I 8l , Othaya in Kenya, for a grant of letters of administration mtestate to the estate of Serah Wanlru Gaitho. who died at Outspan Hospita in Kenya, on 6th June, 201 l. CAUSE No. I I oF 20 I 5 By Gilbert Muhuri Waweru, of P.O. Box 1860, Nyeri in Kenya, for a grant of letters of adminrstration intestate to the estate of Muraya Miano alias Muraya s/o Miano, who died at Wachoro, Embu, on 7th July, 1982. CAUSE oF 201 5 By (l) Mesheck Kahuthia Nloon and (2) Mary Nlen Njoon, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of Susan Wangra Njoon, who dred at Mater Hospital in Kenya, on I l0r May, 2012. No. 45 No. 46 oF 2015 By Immaculate Wangan Munyaga, of P.O. Box 32, Mweiga in Kenya, for a grant of letters of administration mtestate to the estate of Hillary Wambugu alas Rev. Fr. Hillary Wambugu, who dred at Karen Hosprtal in Kenya, on l5th September,20l4. CAUSENo. l3 oF20l5 cAUsE No. 47 0F 2015 By Julus Mwangi Githrmii, of P.O. Box 112-10400, Nanyukr rn Kenya, for a grant of letters of adminrstration mtestate to the estate of Joseph Githimi Warriuko ahas Joseph Githimu Wairiuko alias Joseph Githimr Wairioko alias Githimir Vo Wanoko. who died at Provincral General Hospital, Nyeri in Kenya, on 13th October, 1999. By Mary Nyaguthtr Munuhe, of P.O. Box 1561, Nyeri rn Kenya, for a grant of letters of administration mtestate to the estate of April,2008. CAUSE No. 48 oF 201 5 cAUsE No. 14 0F 201 5 By Mtchael Gakere Munyrri, of P.O. Box 357-10400, Nanyuki in Kenya, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of Wangui Munyiri, who died on 5th December, 1989. By (1) Samuel Mwangi Njoroge and (2) Teresa Wanjiku Njoroge, both of P.O. Box 357, Nanyuki, for a grant of letters of administration int€state to the estate of Wilson Njoroge Mwangi, who dred at Huruma Health Cente, on 22nd March, 2014. CAUSENo 16oF2015 By Anthony Ndrntu Gichuhr, of P O Box 8, Kiganjo rn Kenya, for a grant of letters of admnstratron intestate to the estate of Gichuhi Wangai, who dred at Tumutumu Hospital in Kenya, on lOth March, 2008. CAUSE No. 49 oF 2015 By Margaret Nduta Waiganjo, of P.O Box 1362 10400, Nanyukr rn Kenya, for a grant of letters of admrnstration intestate to the estate of Anthony Waiganjo Muchina, who died at Drstrict Hospital, Thika rn Kenya, on 1 7th November, 2003. CAUSENo. 18 oF2015 By John Githarga Ndrangu, of P.O. Box 30, Giakanja in Kenya, for a grant of letters of admrnstration intestate to the estate of Simon Ndrangu Githarga, who dred at Consolata Hospital in Kenya, on 23rd August, 1993. CAUSENo.5I oF20l5 By Jane Nloki Muriuki, of P.O. Box 93, Karatrna in Kenya, for a grant of letters of adminrstrahon lntestate to the estate of Phillis Wanjugu Muriukt alias Peris Wanjugu Muriukr ahas Wanlugu w/o Kimunya, who died at District Hospital, Karatrra in Kenya, on 5th December, 1990. CAUSE No. 20 oF 2015 By Kingangi Waruingi, of P.O. Box 30, Mukurweinr m Kenya, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of Waruingr Ngan ahas Waruingr s/o Ngari, who died at Krrungr Sub-locatron, on 2lst July. 1967. CAUSE By James Ndungu Krugumr, ofP.O. Box 1310, Nyen m Kenya, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estat€ of Krrugtrmr Wanjukr Karuru, who died at Kanjora, on 3rd November,2009. CAUSE No. 26 oF 2015 By Francis Warui Njuiri, of P.O. Box 398, Mukurwe-ini in Kenya, for a grant of letters of administration mtestate to the estate of Gacheru Gathogo alias Gacheru s/o Gathogo, who died at Kiharo, Githi, on 25th September, 1969. CAUSE No. 52 oF 2015 By Simon Kibocha Munuki, of P.O. Box 419, Karatina in Kenya, for a grant of letters of adminrstratron intestate to the estate of Murruki Kabui alias Muriuki s/o Kabur, who dred at Karatina Hospitalm in Kenya, on 20th January, 1 991. CAUSENo. 23 oF 2015 i Francrs Munuhe Mwakano, who dred at Tumutumu Hospital in Kenya, on 27th CAUSENo.53 oF2015 By (l) Agnes Wangur Ngumi, of P.O. Box 42, Kiganjo rn Kenya, (2) Wachira Waruru Kanja, of P.O. Box 21334, Nairobi in Kenya and (3) Issa Grtonga Waruru, of P.O. Box 728, Fox Bow DR Bel Air, MD, 21014, U.S.A., for a grant of letters of admrnrstration intestate to the estate of Waruru Kanja, who died at Tumutumu Hospital in Kenya, on lTth Decembe,2013. The Court will proceed to issue the same unless cause be shown to the contrary and appearance in this respect entered wrthin thrrty (30) days from the date of publication of this notice inthe Kenya Gazette. No. 27 oF 2015 Dated the 23rd January,2015 . By (l) Lucy Wairimu Macharia and (2) Paul Wachira Macharia, of J. CAUSE GAZETTE NoTICE No. 29 oF 2Ol5 By Joseph Kimofro Kinyui, of P.O. Box 2035340200, Narrobi in Kenya, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of Beth Gathoni Grtahi, who died at District Hospital, Othaya in Kenya, on lOth November,2014. ARINGO Deputy Registrar, Nyert. P.O. Box 9719-00100, Narobi in Kenya, for a grant of letters of adminrstration intestat€ to the estate of Patrick Macharia Gichimu, who died at Jamii Hosprtal in Kenya, on l4th August,2010 No. 1 729 IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT EMBU PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION TAKE NOTICE that apphcations having been made in this court ln' CAUSENo.5I oF2015 CAUSE No. 30 oF 201 5 By Catlrerine Njeri Kinyua, of P.O. Box 287, Mukurwe-ini rn Kenya, for a grant of letters of administation mtestate to the estate of Erastus Kinyua Muturi, who died at Outspan Hospital in Kenya, on l8th June, 2014. I CAUSE No. 44 oF 201 5 By (l) Julius Gacoro Mute and (2) Ruth Wanja Gachoro, both of P.O. Box 138, Nyeri in Kenya, for a grant of letters of adminrstration intestate to the estate of Benson Mute Gachoro, who died at Kenyatta Natronal Hospital in Kenya, on 8th March,2014. I \ By Fredrick Kmyua Wanjira, of P.O. Box 680, Embu lrr Kenya, the deceased's grandson, for a grant of letters of admmistration ntestate to the estate of Kimotho Njiru, who dred at Njukin, Embu, on 30ttr January, 1999. The Court will proceed to rssue the same unless cause be shown to the contrary and appearance rn this respect entered within thirty (30) days from the date of publicatron of thrs notrce nthe Kenya Gdzette. Dated the l2th February,2015. V, O. NYAKUNDI Deputy Regis trar, Embu. l8th March, 2015 THE KENYA GAZETTE 594 GAZETTE NoTICE CAUSENo.897 oFzol4 No. 1 730 IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT KAKAMEGA PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION TAKE NOTICE that applications having been made in this court By lnice Naliaka Chigi, of P.O. Box 37, Kambiri in Kenya, fto deceaged's widow, for a gnurt of lGten of adminisratiorr inbstrtc to thc estah of Chitai Muranda Lumbasi alias Kitai Muranda, who died at Ikoh, on 28th October, 1994. I I I i CAUSENo.898 oF2014 in: CAUSENo.101 oF2014 By Roseline Ndukwe Likuyi, of P.O. Box 6139, Nairobi in Kenya, By Wychff Oduor Mabosio, of P.O. Box 143, Butere m Kenya, the deceased's son, for a grant of letters of admuristration intestat€ to fte estate of Odongo Mabosro, who died at Bushieni, on 2l st August, 1982. the gstate of Lukas Olwande Awino, who died at Muhakq on 3lst October,20l2. CAUSENo.6'77 oF2014 CAUSE By (1) Rebecca Okuba Juma and (2) konida O. Juma, both of P.O. Box 120, Musanda in Kenya, fie deceased's daughter and widow, respectively, for a grant of letters of adminietration inteshtE to the estate of Dickson Juma Wambwa ahas Dickson Juma, who died at Eshihaka, on l9h February,2000. CAUSE No. l5l, Shinyalu in Kanya, CAUSE No. 829 oF 2ol4 By Charles Martin Muyale, of P.O. Box 83, Lubao in Kenya, the deceased's son, for a grant of letters of admimstratron mtestate to the estate of Caleb Muyale Nelabunuka alias Kaleb Muyale, who died at Ifivetere, on 25th October, 200 I CAUSE NO. 873 OF 2OI4 By Remoly Okeno Ndakalu, of P.O. Box 11, Khumusalaba in Kenya, the deceased's son, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of Elfas Otsimr Ndakalu alias Otsimi Ndakalu, who dred at Eslubinga, on l0th October, 1984 CAUSE No. 875 oF 2014 By Bonface Mukabwa Shikoli, of P.O. Box 731, Kakamega in Karya, the deceased's son, for a grant of letters of admmrstration intestate to the estate of Clement Shikoli Lftala alias Shikoli Likata, who died at Shivagala Sub-location, on 7h lanuary,2002. CAUSE No. 879 . By Jackson Mukenya Makokha, of P,O. Box 37, Mumias in Kenya, the deceased's son, for a grant of letterc of adminisfration int€shte to fie eshto of Tindibale Omukenya, who died at Eluchc, on 9ft January, 1980, CAUSE No. 893 Sasala, on 2nd September,2000. CAUSE CAUSE on 3rd February,20l4. CAUSENO.9O5 OF2OI4 By Joseph Omukuba Omwende, of P.O. Box 6, Khwisero in Kenya, the deceased's beneficiary, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of Jacktone Shikanda Ombonya, who died at Khwisero, in 1997. By (l) knsa No. 895 oF 2014 By Suneon Wafula, of P.O. Box l, Matete m Kenya, the deceased's son, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of Shttemu Shamonya alias Sitemu Siamonya, who died at Lwandeti, on 26th July, I 989. CAUSE No. 896 oF 2014 By Walter Imbenzi Muyanle, of P.O. Box 20, Shinyalu in Kenya, the deceased's son, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to tre estate of Nathan Muchesia Muyanje, who died at Mukango Sub-locatron, on 3rd May,2014. No. 909 oF 2014 Sophia Akello and (2) Dickens Akivaga, both of P.O. Box I129, Kakamega, the deceased's widow and son, respectively, for a letters of administration intastate to the estate of John Ebu Shichenje, who died at Provincial General Hospital, Kakamega in Kenya, on I st July, 2013. grant of CAUSE No. 912 oF 2014 By Rotany Madiga Kedawa, of P.O. Box 20, Maragoli in Kenya, tre deceased's son, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to tre estate of Jailus Kidagwa Ahuta alias Jairo Kidagwa, who died at Chango Sub-location, on 28th June, 1982. cAUsE No. 919 0F 2014 By Shem Mbayi, of P.O. Box 33, Khwisem in Kenya, thc deceased's son, for a grant of leters of administration intestate to tre estate of Elijah Mukoma, who died at M. P. Shah Hospital in Kenya, on l8th Deceinber, 1971. CAUSE CAUSE No. 904 oF 2014 By Chrishpher Sava Amugin, of P,O, Box 90, Gambogi in Kenya, the deceased's son, for a grant of lette$ of administation intestate to dre estate of Amugiri Obondo, who died at Masana Sub-location, ot 22td February, 1978. No. 894 oF 2014 By (l) Zeinabu Shiunda Ekombe, (2) Mary Mmbone Shimba and (3) Carolyne Nasambu Wafula, all of P.O. Box 415, Mumias in Kenya, the deceased's widows, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of Desterio Ekombe Oteng'o, who died at Nala Hospital in Kenya, oF 2014 the deceased's son, for a grant of letters of administation intcstate to the estate of Prono Andati Mali alias Burono Wandati, who died at Lusheya Sub-location, on l0tr August, 2007. oF 2014 By (l) Habert Mmata Siringi and (2) Solomon Kidia, both of P.O. Box 92, Kakunga in Kenya, the deceased's sons, for a grant of letters of administratron intestate to the estate of Simon Silingi Ahuga, who died at No. 902 By Vincent Ambunda Andati, of P.O. Box 184, Shianda in Kenya, CAUSE died at Provincial General Hospital in Kenya, on I 8ilr Novernber, I 995. CAUSE i -{ CAUSENo.90I oF20l4 oF 2014 By (l) Agneta Okwabola Ingutn and (2) Peter Nambala Ingutia, both of P.O. Box SlZ,Kakamega in Kenya, the deceased's widow and son, respectively, for a grant of letters of administation intestate to the estate of Borjamin Ingutia Wambali alias Benjamin Ingutra J. Wamali, who I By Hendirika Adikinyi Wanga, of P,O. Box 9210, Mumias in Kenya, the decoased's widow, for a grant of lettos of administrotion inteshtr to the estate of Joseph Wanga Otlrieno alias Otsieno Osore, who died at Nanyeni Suh'location, on 4th Deccmber, 1997. cAUsE NO. 854 0F 201 4 By (l ) Romonah Anyoso Omuyoma and (2) Caleb Stephen Angatia, both of P.O. Box 434, Kakamega in Kenya, the deceased's widow and brother, respectively, for a grant of letters of adminrstration intestate to the estate of Julius Masayi Maleche, who dred at Highway Nursing Home, on 20th Jurc,2012. i oF 2014 Hospital, on 25ttr September, 1981. '741 oF 2014 By Oliver Yachama Mateche, of P.O. Box No. 899 By Morrice Mbati Ombuni, of P.O. Box 9, Luanda in Kenya, fte deceased's Eon, for a grant of letters of administration intestatc to the estate of Ombuni Mbati alias Ommbuni Mbati, who dM at N.N,G cAUsE No. 900 0F 2014 the deceased's son, for a grant of letters of administation intestate to the estate of Mbiyia Lugohe, who died at Vrrhembe SubJocatron, on 27th March, 1976. I the deceased's widow, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to No. 920 oF 2014 By Muswa Onyango Evans, of P.O. Box 6680, Eldoret in Kenya, fte deceased's grandson, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of Alexanda Muswa, who died at Shamoni SubJocatrcn, on 7th March, 1980. CAUSENo. 921 oF2014 By Grace Nasimiyu Molenje, of P.O. Box 29, Kakunga in Kenya, the deceased's widow, for a grant of letters of administration mtestat€ to the estate of Nathan Molenje Milune, who died at K.C.G.H, on l8th July, 2014. I J THE KENYA GAZETTE l8th March,20l5 CAUSENo 924oF2014 By Doreen Khasandr Khayumbi, of P.O. tsox 135, Chavakali in Kenya, the deceased's daughter, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of Catherine Lunaga Emesa, who died at Malinya, on 22nd lttly , 2006 . CAUSE Kenya, the deceased's grandson, for a grant of letters of admmrstratron intestate to the estat€ of Mumbehr Tembwa Shikoto, who dred at Shrere Sub-locatron. on 29th October. 1993. I I : I CAUSE Indangalasia Sub-locatron, on I 8th July, I 999. t i i CAUSE By (1) Francis Okamulo Nabutu and (2) Bonface Akamulo Nabutu, both of P.O. Box 46, Butere, the deceased's sons, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of Nabuhr Inganga, who died at Shiamwaya, on l9th June, 1993. CAUSE No. 93 I oF 2014 By Emmanuel Mwaro Ayuka, of P.O. Box 1403, Kakamega in Kenya, the deceased's son, for a grant of letters of adminishation intestate to the estate of Alfonsi Ayuko Munywele ahas Alfonzr Ayuka Munywele, who died at Esumeyia Sub-location, on 29th December, No. 954 oF 2Ol4 By Jackson Lrvondo, of P.O. Box 99, Khayega rn Kenya, the deceased's' son, for a grant of letten of administration intestate to the estate of Andrew Kulebi Lwoba alias Andrea Kulebr Lwoba, who died at Savane Sub-location, on 29th December,20l3. No. 930 oF 2014 By Andrea Nanzala Nachen, of P.O. Box 430, Mumns m Kenya, the deceased's son, for a grant of letters of admmrstration intestate to fte estate of John Nanjeri Wanga alias Nacheri Wanga, who died at I cAUsE No. 952 0F 2014 No. 927 oF 2014 By Josephat Shrnonyo Likunda, of P.O. Box 42, Kakamega in 59s CAUSE No. 956 oF 2014 By (1) Ruth Lindrsa Amariatr and (2) Okwaro Amanati Jackon, both of P.O. Box 198, Bukura in Kenya, the deceased's widow and son, respectively, for a grant of letters of admmistation lntestate to the estate of Stephen Amariati Manyasi alias Manyasi Manate alias Amarrati Manyasi alias Stephm Amariati, who died at St. Mary's Hospital in Kenya, on 22nd May,Z0l4. CAUSE No. 957 oF 2014 By Adriano Ashroya Swaka. the deceased's son, for a grant of letfr admmistratron intestate to the estate of Ashroya Nandwa M' -.:c alias Ashioya Nandwa Mashele, who dred at Wambulishe Sub-loertion, on 9th September, 1996. of 2010. CAUSE No. 935 oF 2014 By Gabriel Sore Muyonga, of P.O. Box 32, Shrnyalu rr Kenya. the deceased's son, for a grant of letters of administratron intestate to the estate of Alex Muyonga Imbilu alias Muyonga Imbro, who died at Mukulusu Sub-location, on 20th February, 1995. CAUSE No. 936 oF 2014 By Elphas Nanjira Mayabr, of P.O. Box 168, Butere rn Kenya, the deceased's son, for a grant of letters of administratron mtestate to the estate of NoahMayabr Chitechr ahas Nuah Mayabr, who died at Imanga Locatron, on 5th June, 1977. CAUSE No. 937 oF 2014 By Musa Alukhome Shitote, of P.O. Box 44, Yala rr Kenya, the deceased's brother, for a grant of letters of adminrstration intestate to the estate of Paskal Eshuchi Shitote alias Eshuchi Shitote. who died at Eshibinga Sub-location, on Sttr September, 1969. CAUSE No. 942 oF 2014 By Tabitha Ayuma Kuboka, of P.O. Box 540, Kakamega in Kenya, the deceased's widow, for a grant of letters of admrnstratron intestate to the estate ofJoseph Lrseche Mabia, who died at Shirere Sub-locatron, on 31st March,2009. CAUSE No. 944 oF 2014 By Benea Henry Otreno, of P.O. Box 87, Musanda in Kenya, the tle at Musanda, on 23rd deceased's brother, for a grant of letters of admurrstatron intestate to estate of Frednck Ochreng Otieno, who dred February, 201 I . CAUSE No. 945 oF 2014 By Henry Grbendr Alwodr, of P.O. Box 11082, Narobi in Kenya, the deceased's grandson, for a grant ofletters ofadmrristratron mtestate to the estate of Esteri Mugaji, who died at Kipturya, on l3th August, 2008. CAUSE CAUSE intestate to the estate of Elija Embwaga Enefas ahas Elijah Ibwaga, who died at New Nyanza Provrncral General Hosprtal in Kenya, on l lth February, 1992. cAUsE No. 959 0F 2014 By (1) Patrick Wesonga Tembu and (2) Beatnce Sada, both of P.O. Box 76, Nambacha rn Kenya, the deceased's sons, for a grant of letters of administratron intestate to the estate of Jacob Mang'oli Tembu alias Mang'oli Tembu, who dred at Sidrkho SubJocation, on 17th June, 1982. CAUSE No. 960 oF 2014 Kakamega in Kenya, the for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of Thomas Embali Mukata alias Thomas Imbali Mukata alias By Tom Imbali, of P.O. Box 256, deceased's son, Imbali Amukatta, who died at Kakamega, on Z9thMarch,1976 CAUSE No. 961 oF 2Ol4 By Reuben Mukala Matamba, of P.O. Box 56, Kaimosi rn Kenya, the deceased's son, for a grant of letten of administration intestate to fte estate of Matayo Matamba Lwikado alias Matamba Lwikato, who died at Ileho Sub-location, on lOth November, 1994. CAUSE No. 962 oF 2ol4 By (1) Clementma Maanya Muyoyo and (2) Margaret Vulimu Mulanda, both of P.O. Box 65, Koyonzo m Kenya, the deceased's widow and daughter, respecfively, for a grant of lefters of adminrstration mlestate to the estate of Timoteyo Otieno Muyoyo ahas Timoteo Muyoyo Otsreno, who died at Nanyenr, on l0th January, 2000. CAUSE No. 963 oF 2Ol4 No. 947 oF 2014 By Issack Odmdo Odindo, of P.O. Box 295, Kisumu in Kenya, the deceased's son, for a grant of letters of admmrstratron mtestate to the estste of Odurdo Mwakha ahas Mwakha Odindo, who dred at Shranda No. 958 oF 2014 By Ericah Mulengeka Embwaga, of P.O. Box 157, Wodanga in Kenya, the deceased's wrdow, for a grant of letters of administration By Nasiche Mukarsr, of P.O. Box 147, Malava in Kenya, the of letters of administration intestate to t]re estate of Zaphania Shisra alias Safania Shrsia, who died at District deceased's widow, for a grant Hospital, Malava m Kenya, on Ist December, 2013. Sub-locatton, on 28th August, I 959 CAUSE CAUSE No. 948 oF 2014 By Asha Nasirumbr Khaoma, of P.O. Box 46, Nambacha in Kenya, the deceased's widow, for a grant of letters of admrnrstratron intestate to the estate of Muriale Khaoma, who died at Buchangu, on l2th February, 2011. By Tom Imbali, of P.O. Box 2584, Kakamega rn Kenya. By Maxwell Krvrya Isaiah, of P.O. Box l44,Maragoh in Kenya, the for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of Jamen Muhavr ahas Muhavr Kibihi, who died at Kenyatta National Hosprtal in Kenya, on 22nd Jrne, 1979 . ttre deceased's son, for a grant of letters of admmistratron intestate to the estate of Titus Aboka Anyonyi, who died at Malinya SubJocation, on 22nd September,2003. CAUSE No. 972 oF cAUsE No. 951 oF 2014 deceased's son, No. 964 oF 2014 2ol4 By Jeddah Shayo, ofP.O. Box 92, Kakunga in Kenya, the deceased's widow, for a grant of letters of adminrstration intestate to the estate of Daniel Shayo alias Daniel Shiayo, who died at Sasala, on 4th Augrst, I 983. THE KENYA GAZETTE s96 CAUSE No. 974 oF 2014 18th March.2015 cAUsENo 1008 0F2014 By Catherine lndoshi Makanga, of P.O. Box 120, Khayega in Kenya, the deceased's daughter-inJaw, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of Paul Ling'ondo Alukwe alias Paul Lingo'ndo, who died at Mugomari, on 6th July, 1996. By (l) Pascal Wechesa Shikanda and (2) Addah Edrines Aross, both of P.O. Box 204,Kakamega in Kenya, the deceased's son and daughter, respectively, for a grant of letters of administaton intestate to the estate of Manueli Shnali, who died at Murumba Sub-location, on 15th September, 197 I CAUSE No. 975 oF 2Ol4 CAUSENo. By Andrew Mbatr Angusl, of P.O. Box 152, Malava rn Kenya, the deceased's son, for a grant of letters of admrnrstratron intestate to ttre estate of Shirandula Shitiamba ahas Shirandula Shntimba, who died at Cheptuli, on I lth May, 2001. cAUsENo 981 OF20l4 oF2014 CAUSENo. l012oF2014 By Musa Shihanda Okutoto, of P.O. Box 1000, Mumras rn Kenya, the deceased's son, for a grant of letten of admrnrstration intestate to the estate of Bakan Mutanyt Chrtayi, who died at Mung'ang'a, on l5th March, 1996. CAUSE l0ll By (1) Francis Tsuma Lubale and (2) Beretina Stekisa Lubalu, both of P.O. Box 391, Kakamega in Kenya, for a $ant of letters of administration intestate to the estate Titus Luvale Osanya, who died at Provincial General Hospital, Kakamega in Kenya, on Z3rdMay,2014. By George Shikunga Were, of P.O. Box 65, Koyonzo in Kenya, the deceased's wrdower, for a grant of letten of administration intestate to the estate of Beatrrce Adongo Were, who died at Mt. Longonot Medrcal, on 2nd September,2014. No. 987 oF 2014 CAUSE No. 1014 oF 2014 I By Oda Mary Kibisu, of P.O. Box 19, Wodanga, the deceased's widow, for a grant of letters of admrnistration mtestate to the estate of Peter Kibisu Lidaywa ahas Peter Fredrick Kibrsu alias Peter F. Kibisu , who died at Gawdra Sub-location,on22nd htne,20l4. CAUSE No. 988 By Joseph Indago Jumba, of P.O. Box 367, Vihiga in Kenya, the deceased's widow, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estat€ of Alfayo Jumba Musuda ahas Alfayo Jumba Musunda alias Alfayo Jumba, who died at Glory Nursing Home, on 4th November, 1993. oF 2014 By Samwel Bodi Omamu, of P.O. Box 692, Turbo in Kenya, the deceased's son, for a grant of letters of administration lntestate to the estate of Erastus Omamu alias Erastus Omamu Habil , who died on 31st January, 2013. cAusENo. l0l5 0F2014 By Mary Omuyuka Omukwaya, of P.O. Box 46, Butere in Kenya, the deceased's widow, for a grant of letters of administratron intestate to the estate of John Omukwaya Mukamba, who died at Imanga, on l1th April. 201 1. cAUsE NO. 990 0F 2014 Samuel Chaya Adagala, of P.O. Box l3l, Kiritu in Kenya, the deceased's son, for a gant of letters of administratron intestate to the estate of Jether Solomon Ngaywa Adagala alias Jether Solomon N. Adagala, who died at Mudete SubJocatron, on 18tlr August, 2002. By Fredrick CAUSE CAUSENo.1016oF2014 By Pius Upande Wawire, of P.O. Box 2235, Kitale in Kenya, the deceased's son, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of Wawre Mukoto Kenya, the deceased's son, for a grant letters l0l7 oF2014 CAUSENo. 1019 oF2014 of P.O. Box 224, Sabaia of at Namirama, By Yvonne Khalechi Odawa, of P.O. Box 701 1G{0400, Narrobr in Kenya, the deceased's daughter, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of Grace Liakayr, who died at Ekamanyr Sublocation, on 20tlr Augusr 2014. CAUSE NO. 993 OF 2OI4 Samson Amunavr Mageso Zryen, Wawre Mukodo, who died CAUSENo. No. 992 oF 2014 By Sammy Ashrhundu Isaya, of P O Box 28, Malava m Kenya, the deceased's son, for a grant of letters of admrustration mtestate to the estate of Isaya Ashiundu alias Isaya Shiundu, who died at Malanga, on 9th Augtst, 1989. By ahas on 26th October,2007. of n admrristratron rntestate to the estate of Francis Mageno Thieri alias Mageso Ziyeri, who dted at Losengeli, on22nd, Aprll, l99l . By Stephen Omulama Alukwe, of P.O. Box 12, K}wtsero in Kenya, the deceased's son, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of Haronr Alukwe Olutali alias Haron Olutali, who died at Mundobelwa, on 27th htly, 1999. CAUSENo. cAUsE No. 994 0F 2014 l02l oF2014 By Francrs Anzetse Matakwe, of P.O. Box 256, Mumias rn Kenya, the deceased's son, for a grant of letters of administation int€state to the estate of Saleh Matakwe Wambutsi alias Matakwe Ambutsi, who died at By (l) John Krmani Kigotho and (2) Aineah Makanga Caleb, both of P.O. Box 182, Turbo in Kenya, the deceased's sons, for a grant of letters of administation intestate to dre estate of Joseph Kigotho Kimani alias Joseph K. Kimani, who died at Lugulu M. Hospital in Kenya, on 3rd Ekero, on l3th November,2001. February, 1993 CAUSE CAUSENo.995 oF20l4 By (1) Peter Beda Kusimba and (2) Patrick Mulayo Chumah, both of 1 5, Shranda rn Kenya, the deceased's sons, for a grant ofletters of administration intestate to the estate of Chuma Wesonga Tundubale, who dred at Mung'ang'a, on 2nd May,2014. P.O. Box March,2014. CAUSE CAUSENo.1000oF2014 By Pauhna Shikuku, of P.O. Box 12,Imatga, Mumras m Kenya, the deceased's widow, for a grant of letters of admmrstratron intestate to the estate of Gabriel Kweyu Chitechi, who died at Buchifr, on 6th February, t996. the deceased's son, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of Paul Makaka Apuka ahas Makaka Shinali, who died at Shikoti, on 26th June, I 985. CAUSE By Isaac Buchunju, of P.O. Box 30, Malava in Kenya, the for a grart of letters of admmlstratlon intestate to the estate of Vuchunju Kusimba Mukakulo, who died at Mugai Subdeceased's son, location, on l6th March, 1998. No. 1025 oF 2014 By Edwin Isenjia Tsipesa, of P.O. Box 50, Isulu in Kenya, the deceased's son, for a grant of letters of administration int€state to the estate of Libombolo Liyayi, who died at Shivagala, on 20th February, in 1979. CAUSE CAUSENO. 1007 0F2014 No. 1024 oF 2014 By Jacquelyn Muronji Makuba, of P.O. Box 221, Shibuli in Kenya, the deceased's daughter, for a grant of letters of administation intestate to the estate of Charles Ichera Makuba ahas Charles Chera Makuba, who died at Shibuli, on27thhtly,2013. CAUSENo. 1006 oF20l4 By Francis Makaka Obare, of P.O. Box 2M, Kakamega rn Kenya, No. 1022 oF 2014 Masitsa, of P.O. Box 979, Kisumu m Kenya, the deceased'S daughter, for a grant of letters of admmstration intestate to the estate of Mildred Wanyona Masitsa, who dred at Bandari, on lst By Christine No. 1026 oF 2014 By (l) Joyce Isalano Magotsr and (2) Marion Khakayi Musoga, both of P.O. Box 198, Kakamega rn Kenya, the deceased's widow and daughter, respectively, for a grant of letters of admrnistration intestate to the estat€ of Macdonald Itolondo Musoga, who died at Shiswa, on 12th December,20l3. I l8th March, 2015 s97 THE KENYA GAZETTE CAUSENo. ll27 oF2014 By Patick Litali Shinachi, of P.O. Box 89, Kakamega in Kenya, the deceased's son, for a grant of letters of adminrstration intestate to the estate of Francrs Shinachi Libondo alias Shinachi Akhuyuyu, who died at Provincial General Hospital, Kakamega in Kenya, on 2 I st July, I 987. CAUSENo. ll3l oF20l4 CAUSE May,201 l. oF 2014 By (1) Charles Aligula Paul Nangugwa and (2) Emest Evans Luseno, both ofP.O. Box 174, Mago in Kenya, the deceased's sons, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of Pau[ Mutengeka Inangugwa alias Paulo Mafafa, who dred at Chavogere SubJocatron, on 28th May, 1982. CAUSE By Asha Gulet Ahmed, of P.O. Box 70, Kakamega in Kenya, the deceased's widow, for a grant of letten of administration intestate to the estate of Jama Abi Heer, who died at Nairobi Hospital in Kenya, on 2lst No. ll53 No. I I 54 0F 20 14 By Charles Kuboka, of P.O. Box 48, Yala in Kenya, the deceased's son, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of Richard Kuboka Mutindi, who died at Muhaka Sublocation. on l5th October, 2001. CAUSE No. 1132 oF 2014 CAUSENo. By Asha Gulet Ahmed, of P.O. Box 70, Kakamega in Kenya, the deceased's mother, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of Ahmed Jama Abi alias Nur Jama, who dred at Kakamega, on l5th April,20l2. CAUSENo. ll35 intestate to the estate of Odungo Matakwa, who died at Wambulishe, on I 6th July, I 997. ll37 oF20l4 By Absolom Keith Ngalama, of P.O. Box 133, Wodanga in Kenya, the deceased's son, for a grant of letten of admrnistation intestate to the estate of Joshua Ngarama ahas Joshua Ngalama s/o Mutira, who died at Vokoli,on 29th September, Michael Asabe Okachia and (2) Musasia David Wilson, both of P.O. Box 4953H0100, Nairobi rn Kenya, the deceased's sons, for a grant of letten of administration intestate to the estate of Wilson Okachia Asabe alias Okacha Asabe, who died at Empali. on 27th April, 1989. CAUSENO.3 oF2015 By No. Rogers Ong'iya, on 25th December,2014. The Court will proceed to rssue the same unless cause be shown to the contrary and appearance in thrs respect entered within thirty (30) days from the date ofpublicatlon ofthis notice in the Kenya Gazette. Dated the l4th January, 2015. C. KENDAGOR, Deputy Regis trar, Kakamega. I I 39 oF 2014 GAZETTENoTICENo. I73I IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT MURANG'A PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION cAUsENo.11400F2014 By Teresra Shimuli Menji, of P.O. Box lM, Khayega in Kenya, the deceased's daughter, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate ofJohn Tendwa Bulinda, who died at Lugose Sublocation, on 29th September,2009. ll4l oF2Ol4 By Jamin Luchisoi, of P.O. Box 356, Malava in Kenya, the deceased's son, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate oflsaya Luchisoyi Sekuti, who died at Fuvuye, on 9th April, 1997. cAUsE No. 1142 0F 2014 By Aggrcy Mungasiah Bande, of P.O. Box 666, Webuye in Kenya, the deceased's son, for a grant of letters of adminrstation intestate to the estate of Jacob Bande Mamisu, who died at Mukumu Hospital in Kenya, on 3 [ st January, 20 I 2. CAUSE No. 1143 oF 2014 By John Kalerwa Mapesa, of P.O. Box 1518, Kakamega rn Kenya, the deceased's son, for a grant of letters of administation intestate to the estate of Paul Mapesa Tsisiche alias Pau[ Mabesa Tsisiche, who died at Sinoyi Sub-location, on 24th June, 1985. CAUSENo. the of letters of administation lntestate to the estate of Humphrey Ong'rya Lugadiru, who dred at Mogadishu, Somalia, By Horace Shivachi Masheti, of P.O. Box 849, Kakamega in Kenya, the deceased's son, for a grant of letters of administation intestate to the estate of Japhetha Masheti Kabushi alias Jafeft Masheti Abukabushi, who died at Shiveye Sub-location, on 25th January, 1999. CAUSENo. of P.O. Box 116, Maragol rn Kenya, deceased's father, for a grant 1981. CAUSE oF2014 (l) oF2014 By Josphine Ayako Mukolwe, of P.O. Box 22, Mumias in Kenya, the deceased's widow, for a grant of letters of adminishation CAUSENo. By ll57 ll48 oF2014 By James Makhabwa Inzaya, of P.O. Box 62, Kakamega in Kenya, the deceased's brother, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of Javan Amwayi Anzaya, who died at Wambulishe, on I lth November,20l0. CAUSENo.1l5l oF2014 By (l) Sofia Oytera Omulama and (2) Trtus Asioya Eshikumo, both of P.O. Box 49539-'00100, Nairobi rn Kenya, the deceased's wrdow and son, respectrvely, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of Samwel Eshikumo Omukhobero alias Omukhobero Eshikumo, TAKE NOTICE that applications having been made in this court in: CAUSENo.83l oF20l2 By Stanley Maina Mwangi, of P.O. Box 49093-{0100, Nairobi in Kenya, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of Mwangi Mbuti, who died at Kinarri Hosprtal in Kenya, on lTth August, 1990. CAUSENo.2T oF2013 By Kamau Kanogo, of P.O. Box252, Kangema m Kenya, for a gant intestate to the estate of Kanogo Mukenyu, who died at Njumbi, Gikoe, on 2nd June, 2000. of letters of administation CAUSE No. 775 oF 2013 By Nyambura Muhia, of P.O. Box 77, Kiriainr in Kenya, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of Mbuthia Kigotho, who died at Ngutu SubJocation, on 2nd March, I 987. CAUSENo. l019oF20l3 By (l) Julius Kiruhi Kimondo and (2) Nyagah Chege Kimondo, both letters of administratron intestate to the estate of Shem Krmondo Chege alias Kimondo Chege, who died at Consolata Hospital in Kenya, on 2lst of P.O. Box 77-102M, Kinauri rn Kenya, for a grant of April, 1988. cAUsENo. 13l OF2014 By Peter Kamau Mwangi, of P.O. Box 199, Kangema in Kenya, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to fte estate of Trmothy Mwangi Gihrku alias Mwangi Gituku, who died at Krarrathe, Iyego, on 12th Apnl, 1988. CAUSE No. 777 oF 2014 By Juhus Macharia Mwangr, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of Kabura Muigar, who dred at Ngaru, Kina Sublocation, on I I th November, 1992. who died at Eshibrnga, on Sttr August,2008. CAUSENo. ll52 cAUsE No. 812 0F 2014 oF2014 By Minam Christrne Luyo, the deceased's widow, for a grant of letters of admrnistration intestate to the estate of Michael Analo Manya, who dred at Buchenya, on 2lst June,2008. By (1) Florence Cherono Matingwoy and (2) Stella Chalang'at Soi, of P.O. Box 59, Murang'a in Kenya, for a grant of letters of adminrstration intestate to the estate of James Gittrinji Kanymgr, who died at Kieni, on lst December, 2013. By Esther Wanjiku Warui, of P.O. Box I 17, Gatura in Kenya, for a grant of [etters of administration intestate to the estate of George Warui Kariri alias Warui Kariri, who died at Mbugiti, Gahnga, on 5th September,2006. CAUSE No. 814 oF 2014 By Francis Karanu Munyinyi, of P.O. Box 217, Kangari in Kenya, for a grant of letten of administration mtestate to the estat€ of Munyinyi Karanu, who died at Dsurct Hospital, Murang'a in Kenya, on l8th March,1977. CAUSE NO. 8I5 OF By Solomonr Machua Njagi, of P.O. Box 1007, Embu in Kenya, for of letters of administration int€state to tre estate of Jane Wanjiku Njagi alias Jane Wanjiku, who died at Kaganda, on 15t}r March, 1993. a grant CAUSE John Njora Zakaia Njuu and (2) Nancy Wambui Karanja, both of P.O. Box 581, Murang'a in Kenya, for a grant of letters of admrnistration intestate to the estate of Nyanbura Z^kaia, who died at Kindaruma Power Station, m 1972. CAUSE NO. 81 6 OF 2OI4 By Joyce Wambui Njorcge, of P.O. Box 820, Murang'a in Korya, for a grant of letters of administation intestate to the estate of Maina Muchuthi, who died at District Hospital, Murang'a in Kenya, on l2th of By (l) No. 817 oF 2014 Cecilia Wangui Karimi and (2) Joyce Wangechi Iturimi, both P.O. Box 64, Murang'a in Kenya, for a gant of CAUSENO,8I9 OF2OI4 No. 822 oF 2Ol4 Murang'a in Kenya, on 7th Novernber,2003. CAUSENo. CAUSENo.823 oF2014 CAUSE 7O41G404O0, Nairobi in Kenya, for a grant of letters of adminisration intestate to thc estate of Henry Mwangi Karumi, who died at Kenyatta National Hospial in Kenya, on l6th February, 2009. CAUSE CAUSE CAUSE I I 83 8 oF 20 I 4 No. 840 I who died at Ndikwe, on 22nd Apil, 2013, I CAUSE I No. 841 oF20l4 I By Wanjiru Njoroge, of P.O. Box 49, Kahum in Kenya, for a grant of lctters of adminisration int€state to tre estate of Njomge By Stephen Kamau Maina, of P.O.Box252, Kangema in Kenya, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of Duncan Maina D. Gichiri, who died at Dstrict Hospital, Murang'a in Kenya, on 29thMarch,2007. CAUSE No. 844 oF 2014 By Monicah Muthoni Gitudru, of P.O. Box 993, Nanyuki in Kenya, for a grant of letters of administratron intestate to the estat€ of Njuguna Kangunr, who died at Kairo Sub.location, on 3l st March, 1999. CAUSENo.847 oF2014 By Simon Kariuki Mwai, of P.O. Box 252, Kangema in Kenya, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of Mwai Kariuki, who died at Kihoya, in 1960. CAUSENo. 853 oF2014 Karanja" who died at Gikumbo, on 14th July, 1985. CAUSE cAUsE NO. 826 0F 2014 I3 CAUSENO.827 o,F2014 No. 854 oF 2014 By Veronrcah Wanjiru Guchu, of P.O. Box 393, Maragua in Kenya, for a grant of letters of administration int€state to tre estate of Nduati Kangiri alias Nduati Kagiri, who died at IGbibiri, Ichagaki Sub-location, on4thAugust, 1992. CAUSENo. 859 oF 2014 826"8" oF2014 th November, 20 1 0. By (l) Dedan Kariuki Machana, (2) Robert Macharia Mwangi and (3) Zahra Wanjiku Kariuki, all of P.O. Box 27 , Kihoya in Kenya, for a gmnt of letters of administration intestate to the estate of James Kariuki Kahing'a, who died at Park Road Nursrng Home in Kenya, on 8th April, 1971. CAUSE No. 860 oF 2014 of letters of administration intestat€ to the estate of By Samson lkhira Macharia, of P.O. Box 121, Kangerna in Kanya, for a grant of lefters of administration intestate to the estate of Macharia Chege alias Methucella Macharia, who died at Disfict Hosprtal, Novernber, 1991. Murang'a in Kenya, on 29th March, 1982. By Kiana Muchiri, of P.O. Box 207, Murang'a in Kenya, for a grant Erasto Muchiri Tuberi alias Eratus Muchiri Tuberi, who died at Mwang'a, on 26th I CAUSENO 8r'.2OF2OI4 Wakonyo Kireru, who died at Kiambuthia, on 24th March, 2008. Gahrnguru Sub-location, on I Muturi, who died at Distsict Hospital, Murang'a in Kenya, on 25tr Novernbcr, 1975. By Catherine Muthoni Kamutu, of P.O. Box 35, Sagana in Kenya, for a gant of letters of administation intestate to the estate of Kamutu By (l) Jackson Mwaura Kamau and (2) Francis Mwangi Kamau, both of P.O. Box 162, Gailra in Kenya, for a grant of letters of admmrstration rntestate to the estate of Kamau Njoroge, who died at I i oF 2014 By Samuel Kinyari Kireru, of P.O. Box 97, Kiria-ini in Kenya, for a grant of letten of administration intestate to the estate of Margaret CAUSENo. I I No. 825 oF 2014 By (1) Simon Mwaya Wandurwa and (2) Nancy Wanjiku Wandurwa, both of P.O. Box 35, Gacharageini in Kenya, for a grant of letters of administration int€state to fte estate of Fulgens Wandurwa Muthui alias Wandurwa Muthui, who died at P.C.E.A., Tumuhrmu Hospital in Kenya, on 24th May, 1991. I ,! '..i By Jane Njeri Thuo, of P.O. Box 231, Ndikwe in Kenya, for a grant of letrcrs of administration inte state to fte estate of Peter Thuo Wandaka, No. 824 oF 2014 By Michael Kinyari Kireru, of P.O. Box 19, Kiria-ini in Kenya, for a grant of lettcrs of administration intestate to the estate of Mary Wanjiku Kireru, who died at Oubpan Hospital in Kenya, on 28th March,2008 No. By Keziah Njeri Muhri, of P.O. Box 252, Kangena in Keny4 for a grant of letters of admrnistration intestate to the estat€ of Samuel Mutrri Kiragu alias Mufirri Kiragu, who died at Mukzu, on 22nd Api1,2005. (l) Box '1 Thuo, who died at Nyakahura Village, on 6dr July, 1972. Rachael Wanjiru Mwangi, (2) Milka Wangechi Mwangi, (3) Charles Kimcmia Mwangi and (4) Beatrice Mugechi Mwangi, all of P.O. By I I E34oFzoll By Stanley Inurgu Mwangi, of P.O. Box 3155, Thika in Kenya, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of Kagwanja By Bctty Wambui Gachanja, of P.O. Box 68, Maragua in Kenya, for . i I i I Mwangi Mukuha Alias Mwangi Mukuha who died at District Hospital a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of Mwangi Nduati, who dicd at Gifiumu Health Cenhe, on 29th June,1992. 1 I (l) Sabina Wanjiru Gachihi and (2) George Gichimu Gachihi, both of P.O. Box 9, Kangari in Kenyafor a grant of letters of CAUSE ! By George Gachomo Mwangr, of P.O. Box269,Kaagenra in Kenya, By adminisration int€stat€ to frre estatc of Nelson Gachihi Gichimu who dicd at M.P. Shah Hospital in Kenya, on lOth August,20l3. i for a grant of letten of administration intestate to the estate of David letters of administration intestale to the estatc of James Wangombe Kamiri, who died at Chania High School, on l4dr March,2014. I I CAUSENo.833 oF2014 October,2007. CAUSE No. 832 oF 2014 By Lucy Wangui Wanyoike, of P.O. Box 15, Maragua in Kenya, for a grant of letters of adminrstration intestate to the estate of Mwangi Marungo, who died at Provirrcial General Hospital, Murang'a in Katya, on 18ft July, 1982. 2014 (l) I I CAUSENo. S3l oF20l4 CAUSENo.813 oF2014 By l8th March,2015 THE KENYA GAZETTE 598 1 CAUSE No. 864 oF 2014 CAUSE By (l) lv{ary Njoki Muirui md (2) Esther Wachu Mburu, bo6 of P.O. Box 59, Kigumo in Kcnya, for a grant of lettcn of adminirtntion inGstotr b tho cstate of Jorphrt Muinri Mburu, who dicd et Githcmbc, on 270r Juty, 201 0. cAUsE No. 865 oF 2014 By Drvid Kibui Mwrngi, of P.O. Box l12, Mangur in Konya, for a grant of lctEll of adminictrltion intcEtatc to 0lc cstatc of Damerie Wanjiku M'rnngi, who diod rt Dktriot Ho$pital, Munng'a in Kcnyr, on 30ttr April,2009. c^usE No. t66 By Angclica Wrnjugu Ndonyc, for a grant of lctters of cAUsENo.867 oF20l4 i Murigi Mrina Grchukr, who dld rt c^usE No. in Kcnya, on I 3th Juno, 1996. I Drtcd thc 22nd Jmurry, 2015. B,N. KITUYI, Deputy Reglstar, Murang'a. 86E oF 2014 C^usENo. E71oF2014 By Chuity Wrmbui lkman, of P.O. Box 236, Krngionr in Karyr, for a grant of leterg of administrtion irte3bts to lhc cltrtc of Drvid Kinyungu Kamru, who dicd at Nrirobi Horpibl in Kcnyr, on lSth Ocobcr,2013. CAUSENo. 879 oF2014 By Lcrrmy Gitu Klgondu, of P.O. Box 11t3H0400, Nrtobi in Kcnya, 6r r grttrt of lctrrrs of dminishtion intatrt b ttc crEta of Johnrcn Miringu lbgondu, who dicd in U.S.A., on l4lh Jrnury,2013. C^usE No. 8to oF 2ol 4 By Alice Muguro Wriyrki, of P.O. Box 15144440200, Nrirobi in Kcnya, for a grmt of lcttcfl of admiaistrrtion intcltstc to &e crtrtc of Njuki Ngrrcga, who diod at Munng'a, in 1968. cAUsENo. t8l oF2014 By MaryilEt Warjiku Mwangi, of P.O. Box 818, Murmg'r in Kenya, for a gnnt of lctcm of dministration intatntc to thc crbtc Mwurgi Kirugu, *ho diod at Kengcma, on 30th Janury, 1974. of ADMINISTMTION By (l) Bcrtricc kmbui Kiarji and (2) Agattr Njai Wehonc both of P.O. Box 77, Kiririni in Kcnyr, for a grfit of letEn of adminirtation int€statc to lhc crb& of Jamcs Kicnje Kaheru, who diod rt Othryt Horpital in Kanyr, on l9th Augrut,2007. By Beatice Wanjiru Kiban, of P.O. Box 199, Kangeme in lfunya, for e grant of letters of administntion htestate to lhc cstrtc of ?zkadit Kibrra Hcho, who dicd at Ortspan Hospital in Kenya, on 5ft Junc,2007. oF 201 4 By Prircrl Mutroni Njau, of P.O. Box 18558-{,0507, Nrircbi in Kcnye, for a grmt of tetcre of administration intcrtatc to ftc cst atr of et Kenyatte Nationel l15oF2014 By Anthony Maim Giari, of P.O. Box 235, Karatina in Kcnya, thc dcceerod'r !on, for a grant of lcttcrs of rdministration intcstrta to the cstrtc of Rufur Gihri Kibir alias Oitri Kibia, lrte of Kiinc Location, c^usENo. lE50F2014 By (l) Jrnc Trbitha Waruguru rnd (2) Symon Muriithi Muriuki, bodr of P.O. Box 319, Embu in Kcnyr, thc dceoarcd'r widow and unctc, rerpcctivcly, for r grunt of lcttoru of rdminictrrtion intrltrtc to thG ottrt of Jrm. Mwri Mugo, lrtc of Riagichoru, Kirinyrgr, who diod rt Riqichcru, Kirinyrga, on I lth Augr120l3. CAUSE No. 404 oF 2014 By Zrkarir Njagi Paul, of P.O. Box I174, Kerugoya in Kenya the dcceuod'r ron, for a grant of lcttcrs of adminisration interutc to thc ectatc of Peul Gachiribiri Ngari alier Paul Gacibiri, late of Kirinyaga, who diod rt Krithori Villagc, on 8th Mry, 1997, CAUSENo.467 or 2014 By Judy Nyawira Ndcmi, of P.O. Box 66, Wanguru in Kcnye thc dcccuod'r widow, for a gnnt of lcttcru of rdminirration inrrtrtc to tho iltrto of Ndcmi Mulrnc, lrtc of Nymtrti, Kirinyaga, who dicd at Mwcr Horpiul in Kcnyr, on 3rd Scptaflbcr, 2008. CAUSE No. 478 oF 2014 By Jrne P. Wrruguru Mubri, of P.O. Box 30, Kianyrga in Kcnya, thc dccorrod'r widow, for r lrrnt of lGficri of dministration intestatc !o thc crut! of Mutrri Grkudo, lrtc of Rwambiti, Kirinyrgr, who dicd r Rwrmbiti, otr 16dl Ostobcr, I 999 cAUsENo. 639 0F 2014 dcccucd'r ron, fof r the of lcttcra of rdminirtratioil intcstatc to the cstatc of Chondi lhbrrc, lrto of Mutigc, Kirinyaga, who died at lnflt Mutigc, on 6th Scpteinber, 1999, CAUSENo. 50 oF 2015 By Michrcl Mugwcru Ngucugwa, of P.O. Box 34, Kerugoya in Kcnyr, thc dcccucd'r lon, for a tiltrt of letterr of rdminietration CAUSENo. 888 oF 2014 No. 889 CAUSENo. By Mwmgi Condi, of P.O. Box E5, Kcnrgoyr in Kcnya, C^usENo. t87 oF 2014 orl26hblay 2006. PROBATE AND Kirinyrgr, urho died rt Kibirigwi Villrgc, on 9th Mrrch, 1972. By Grrcc Wrnnryu Mwhoki, of P.O. Box 236, Munng'r in Karyr, for a grrnt of lcttcn of adninictetion inteshts to trc crtrtc of Muchoki Wrrup dire Muchoki Wemhrgu, who dicd rt Dirtrict Hocpihl, Munng'r in Kanya, on l3th Fcbrurry, 1997. Wanjiku Gidcon Njeu, who dicd IN TTIB HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT KERUOOYA in: By turdrine Nyrmbun Mrrchenr, of P.O. Box 17291{0510, Neirobi in Kcnya, for a grrnt of lctcn of administntion inesEt to thc estate of Andrew Muchcru lGnyingi, who dicd rt Conrchtr Hocpiul in Kenyr, on 7th May,2012. CAUSE NoflcE No. 1 732 TAKE NOTICE drrt rpplicationr having bcen made in this court c^usE No. cAusENo. t10aF2014 t The Court will procced to igsuc thc lrmc unless cause be shown to thc contsery and rppcrtmcc in thlr ttrpcct cnterrd within thirty (30) dryr ftom thc drto of publicrtion of thir noticc inthe Kcnya Gazette, GAZETTE t r r gnnt of httsn of r&ninirrrtinn intoltlts to 6c ortrtc of Mrina Krmrwo, who diod rt Mwhun3uchr Sub-locrtion, on 3llt Mry, 1999. E69 0F 201 4 i i C^usE No. 894 or 2014 Gitlrmbc, on 28tr Decernbcr, By Danicl lGmeu Mwragi, of P.O. Box 77, Kiria-ini in Kenya, for e gnnt of lctun of rdminirtation inertrt to trc crtatc of Margrrct Weirimu dirc Wririmu Gechu, who died at Distsict Hospiul, Mbagatti t C^usENo.893 oF2ol4 By Srmuel Kariuki Oihu, of P.O. Box 32, Maragua in Kcnye, for a grrnt of lettcrs of edministrtion intcstrte to the cstate of Ifuriuki Kimani, who dicd u hcgi Villagc, in 1966. 2007. I t oF 2014 By Florcnce Wairimu Kariuki, of P.O. Box 2l-10214, Kora in Kenyr, for r grut of lcficrs of rdminirmtion intcshtr to drc c![tc of Vicodr Wangrri Kariuki, who diod at lfuriokor, on 8th Augurt,200E. By Frith Wanjiru Murigi, of P.O, Box 115094100, Natuobi in r grurt of lctc$ of dminiltratiofl int6t te b 6c csEt€ of Kcnya, for No. 890 By Jrno lVrqiiru Ndueti, of P.O. Box 23, Srgrnr in Konyr, for 0F 2014 rdminishrtion inbstrts to 6c cstrtc of Consolatr Mukami Njoroge, who dicd rtNazarcth Hospibl ln Kcnya, on 20S July, 194. r 599 THE KENYA GAZETTE lSth March,2015 Hospiul in Ke,nye, int€rt t to 60 olbtc of Jorphrt Njryi Ngucugua, lrte of Kanyei, Kirinyrgr, who dicd rt Krnyci, on 27th June,l0l, , C^usE No, 52 oF 2015 By Mukingo Michugu, of P.O. Box 12, Kerugoya in Kenya the dcccruod't rcn, for l 3trnt of lcttcru of administration intertrte to thc atrtc of Mithugu Njcru rllu Muthugu Ngure aliu Jocl Michugu Njcru, Irtc of Kirriftr-ini Vilh3c, Inoi Locrtion, Kirinyrgr, who dicd rt Provincid Ocncnl Horpiol, Nyori in Kmyr, on 3rd Mry, 197t, I THE KENYA GAZETTE 600 CAUSE No. 55 oF CAUSE 20 1 5 By Florence Wambui Kamanja, of P.O. Box 1314, Kerugoya in Kenya, the deceased's widow, for a grant of letters of administratron intestate to the estate of Samson Kamanja Nloroge, late of Mutige, Kinnyaga, who dred at Karen Hosprtal in Kenya, on 21st December, 20tt. The Court will proceed to issue the same unless cause be shown to the contrary and appearance in this respect entered within thirty (30) days from the date of pubhcatron of this notice in the Kenya Gazette. Dated the l3th February,2015. J. Deputy GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 1 A. KASAM, Re gts lrar, Kerugoy a. CAUSE PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION TAKE NOTICE that applicatrons havrng been made in this court ln: By David Waweru Runyen.;e, of P.O. Box l, Kerugoya in Kenya, the deceased's son, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of Justus Runyenje Kigan alias Runyen;e Kegari, late of Kana, Krrinyaga, who dred at Dlstnct Hospital, Kerugoya in Kenya, on l9th May, 2001. By (l) Priscah Wanjiku Mwaniki and (2) Samuel Mutugi Mwaniki, both of P.O. Box 34, Kerugoya in Kenya, the deceased's son and daughter, respectively, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of Hezekiah Mwaniki Kaburi, late of Ktaga, Kirinyaga, who died at Kiaga, on l2th February, 1989. No. 794 oF 2013 By Joseph Kirunde Tirus, of P.O. Box 70, Baricho in Kenya, the deceased's son, for a grant of letters of administration lntestate to the estate of Tirus Warui Ngumbu, late of Sagana, Krnnyaga, who died at Sagana Sub-locatron, on 8th October,20l0. No. 208 oF 2014 By John Kithaka Kamuru, of P.O. Box I166, Kerugoya in Kenya the deceased's son, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of James Kamuru Gachogu alias James Kamuru Kagori, late of Ngiroche, Kirinyaga, who died at Ngrroche, on I 3th August, I 994 CAUSENo.3l0 oF 2014 CAUSE Harry Matere Nginyi and (2) Mercy Wangui Munene, both By ofP.O. Box 53, Kerugoya in Kenya, the deceased's daughter and son, respectively, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of Nginyi Matere, late of Kanyekiini, Kirinyaga, who died at Gitatiini, Nyeri, on 26th November. 1975. No. 3 l8 oF 2014 By Janet Wanjiru Njeru, of P.O. Box 60, Kerugoya rn Kenya, the deceased's daughter-in-law, for a grant of letters of administratron intestate to the estate of Gatonga Ngure, [ate of Nguguini, Kirinyaga, who died at Nguguini, on 20th July, 1 997 . CAUSE No. 335 oF 2014 Peter Mugo Ndiga and (2) Wilson Gathumbi Mugo, both of P.O. Box 62, Kerugoya in Kenya, the deceased's son and grandson, respectrvely, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of Miromo Ndiga, late of Koroma, Kirinyaga, who died at Kirinyaga, n 1967. CAUSE CAUSE No.409 oF 2014 By Charles Wambare Macharia, of P.O. Box 71, Kerugoya in Kenya, the deceased's son, for a grant of letters of administratron intestate to the estate of Geoffrey Macharia Mundia alias Macharia Mundra, late of Nyangio, Krmyaga, who dred at Riaichtri, Nyandarua North, on 26th July, 1993. CAUSE No.4l7 oF 2014 Elizabeth Muthoni George, of P.O. Box 30, Ktanyaga in Kenya, the deceased's widow, for a grant of letters of admtntstration intestate to the estate of George Nlogu Muchiri, late of Kirinyaga, who died at District Hospital, Kirinyaga in Kenya, on 25th September, By 2003. CAUSENo 428oF2014 By (l) Tonny Krnyua Mwangi and (2) Pnscilla Wakint Mwangi, both of P.O. Box 1058, Kenrgoya in Kenya, the deceased's son and daughter, respectively, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of Jessy Norman Mwangt Kinyua alias Jesse Norman Mwangi Kinyua, late of Kiangai, Kirinyaga, who died at District Hospital, Kerugoya rn Kenya, on 24th February,2005. No. 506 oF 2014 By Naomi Njeri Kimani, of P.O. Box 300, Itugio rn Kenya, the deceased's widow, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of Peter Krmani Manyeki, late of Rukanga, Kirinyaga, who dred at Kenyatta National Hospital in Kenya, on llth November, 2013. CAUSE No. 520 oF 2014 By Isaac Muriithi Munene, of P.O. Box 31, Kutus m Kenya, the deceased's son, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of Wrlson Munene Gachokr, late of Ndomba, Kirinyaga, who dred at Ndomba. on l8th January, 1987 CAUSE No. 538 oF 2014 By (l) Duncan Gachoki N..;rrarni and (2) Janiffer Wanjrku Kibuchi, both of P.O. Box 29'7, Kerugoya in Kenya, the deceased's son and daughter, respectrvely, for a grant of letters of adminlstration lntestate to the estate of Njiraini Magondu, late of Gatuto, Kirinyaga, who died at Gatuto, on By (l) Esther Njeri Gathuri and (2) David Karani Munyi, both of P.O. Box 30, Kutus rn Kenya the deceased's widow and uncle, respectively, for a grant of letters of admmistratron intestate to the estate of James Muchira Gachtnt, late of Krrinyaga, who died at Kenyafta National Hospital in Kenya, on 7th March, 2014. No. 498 oF 2014 By (l) (l) CAUSE No. 466 oF 2014 CAUSENo.482 oF2014 IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT KERUGOYA CAUSE No. 459 oF 2014 By (l) John Muthii Njoke, (2) Pheris Wamarua Karimi and (3) Judy Wambui Njukr, all of P.O. Box 20, Kerugoya in Kenya, the deceased's son and daughters, respectively, for a grant of letters of admmistration intestate to the estate of Luke Njukr Mwangi alias Njuki Mwangi, late of Thaita, Kirinyaga, who died at Kerugoya Hospital in Kenya, on I 7th November, 1995. 733 CAUSE 18th March, 2015 3lst March, 2010. CAUSE No. 539 oF 2014 By Monica Kagio Muranr, of P.O. Box 70, Banch in Kenya, the deceased's widow, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of Murani Rukungu, late of Kagio-ini, Kinnyaga, who died at Kaglo-ini, on 1 1th June,2009. CAUSE By (l) No. 541 oF 2014 Susan Wanyku Mwobe and (2) Beatrice Wairimu Kithage, of P.O. Box 467, Embu in Kenya, the deceased's widow and daughter, respectively, for a grant of letters of adminishation intestate to the estate of Solomon Mwobe Ndambiri alias Solomon Mwobe, late of Kirinyaga, who died along Kutus-Embu Road, on 2nd October, both 2002. CAUSENo.547 oF2014 By (l) Christine Micere and (2) Joseph Mbrti Njangitu, both of P.O. Box 1, Kerugoya n Kenya, the deceased's daughter and son, respectively, for a grant of letters of adminrstration intestate to the estate of Nlangitu Karugr, late of Kaguyu, Kirinyaga, who died at Distnct Hospital, Kerugoya in Kenya, on 28th November, 1989. CAUSE No. 594 oF 2014 By Fredrick Njagr Njiru, of P.O. Box 2, Kagio in Kenya, the deceased's brother, for a grant of letters of administratton intestate to the estate of Francrs Muriithi Njiru, late of Komburni, Kirinyaga, who dred at District Hosprtal, Kerugoya m Kenya, on 25th October, 2012. CAUSENo.657 oF2014 CAUSE By Mwangr Karanr Kamatha, of P.O. Box 50, Baricho rn Kenya, the deceased's son, for a grant of letters of administratron lntestate to the estate of Karani Kamatha, late of lhara, Kagio-ini, Kirinyaga, who died at Ihara-Kagro-rni on l2th April, 1988. CAUSE By Warur Nduma, of P O. Box 70, Baricho rn Kenya, CAUSENo.33 oF 2015 the Sublocation, on I 1th Aprrl, 1996 CAUSE No. 5 oP 20 I No. 29 oF 2015 By Kithaka Murango Muthara, of P.O. Box 70, Kerugoya rn Kenya, the deceased's son, for a grant of letters of admlnlstratlon intestate to the estate of Murango Muthara, late of Mikarara, Krrinyaga, who died at Mrkarara, on lOth August, 1995 . No. 688 oF 2014 deceased's father, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of Nduma Warur, late of Krnnyaga, who died at Nyangio I 601 THE KENYA GAZETTE lSth March, 2015 By Fredrick Mwangi Nyaga, of P.O. Box 63, Kagio rn Kenya, the deceased's son, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of Nyaga Manyura, late of Githumbi, Kirinyaga, who died at Tumutumu Hospital in Kenya, on 13th May, 1996. CAUSENo. 35 oF 2015 5 By Nancy Murangi N1eru, of P.O. Box 2, Kianyaga in Kenya, the deceased's widow, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of Njeru Kangi, late of Nyangenr, Kirinyaga, who died at Nyangeti, on 27th December,2013. By Esther Njeri Ngugr, of P.O. Box 225, Kerugoya in Kenya, the deceased's widow, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of Samson Ngugi Kihru alias Ngugi Kihiu, late of Kirinyaga, who died at Kenyatta National Hospital in Kenya, on 6th May,20l3. I CAUSE No. CAUSE 14 oF 2015 By Peterson Gathumbr Wamugunda, the deceased's son, for a grant of letters of administration mtestate to the estate of Wamugunda Nduma Ndonge, late of Kinnyaga, who dred at Embu Hospital in Kenya, on 11th February,2010. No. 36 oF 201 5 By Jemimah Wangari Gituko, of P.O. Box 1818, Embu in Kenya, the deceased's daughter, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of Krama Kihara, late of Mukangu, Nyangio, Krinyaga, who died at Distnct Hospital, Karatina in Kenya, on 16th July,1984. CAUSENo.16oF2015 By CAUSENo. 37 oF 2015 (l) Samuel Irungu Njurarta and (2) Danrel Gichrra Njurarta, both of P.O. Box 70, Baricho rn Kenya, the deceased's sons, for a grant of lefters of admrnistratron rntestate to the estate of Jorayta Njuguna alias Njguguna Jorayta, late of Krinyaga, who died at Mukur SubJocation, on lOth January,20l0. By Julia Wanjira Kirori, of P.O. Box 57, Wang'uru in Kenya, the deceased's widow, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of Kirori Kamau Kagwi, late of Kimbimbi, Kirinyaga, who died at Mwea Medical, on 23rd.March,2014. CAUSE CAUSENo. I'1 oF2015 By Esther Wamuhra Maruga, of P.O. Box 220, Kerugoya in Kenya, the deceased's widow, for a grant of letters of admrnistration intestate to the estate of Daniel Maruga Mendo alias Maruga Mondo, late of Kiawakara, Thaita, Kirinyaga, who died at Tutumu Hosprtal in Kenya, on 28th August, 1987. CAUSE No. I 8 oF 20 CAUSE No. 20 oF 2015 (l) Mary Nleri and and (2) Jane Njoki, both of P.O. Box 13, Wang'uru in Kenya, the deceased's daughters, for a grant of letters of adminrstration intestate to the estate of Gachuru Kamangara, late of Nyangto, Kmnyaga, who died at Mwea Medical, on l4th August, 2014. By CAUSE No. 2f oF 2015 By (l) Beatrice Wakabuu Wachira and (2) Tabrtha Wambui Kabiru, both of P.O. Box 5, Kerugoya in Kenya, the deceased's daughter and daughter-rn-law, respectlvely, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of Ahce Muthonr Munene, late of Thaita, Kirinyaga, who died at Dlstrict Hosprtal, Kerugoya in Kenya, on lTth June,2006. CAUSE By No. 25 oF 20 I 5 of P.O. Box 41, Kutus rn Kenya, the deceased's son, for a grant of letters of administratron intestate to the estate of Gatimu Murage Kathunga, late of Nduini, Kirinyaga, who died at District Hospital, Kerugoya rn Kenya, on l0th September, I Francis Wachira, 995. CAUSE Kathiga, on l8th June,2013. CAUSENo. 39 oF 2015 By Misere Gatimu Mbire and (2) Alice Wanjiku Mugo, both of died at District Hosprtal, Kerugoya in Kenya, on 5th July, 1987. CAUSE No. 46 oF 2015 By (l) Wambut mboni and (2) Pilcila Micere Gikuru, both of P.O. l, Sagana m Kenya, the deceased's daughters, for a grant of letters of admtnistratron intestate to the estate of Mugo Kabrre Kubu, late of Gacharu, Kinnyaga, who dred at Gacharu, on l3th July,200l. Box CAUSENo. 54 oF 2015 By (l) George Grtau Mburu and (2) Joseph Kabugi Mburu, both of P.O. Box 24,Kerugoya in Kenya the deceased's sons, for a grant of letters of adminisfiation intestate to the estate of Mary Wanjrru Mburu, late of Kerugoya, Ktrinyaga, who died at Outspan Hospital m Kenya, on 20th April,2012. CAUSE No. 6 I oF 20 I 5 By Patrick Mwendwa Wangari, of P.O. Box 140, Wang'uru in Kenya, the deceased's son, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of Elizabeth Wangari Maina alias Elizabeh Wangan Mwendwa, late of Nguka, Kirinyaga, who died at Mwea Hospital in Kenya, on 24th November, 2001. The Court wrll proceed to issue the same unless cause be shown to the contrary and appearance in thrs respect entered within thirty (30) days from the date ofpublication ofthis notice in the Kenya Gazelte. Dated the 9th February, 201 5. J. A. KASAM, Deput.v Re grstrar, Kentgoya. GAZETTENoTICENo. I734 CAUSENo.28 oF20l5 By Michael Kinyua Kugwa, of P.O. Box 12,Bancho in Kenya, the deceased's son, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of Esther Wanjiru Kugua, late of Kranjanga, Krrinyaga, who died at Kagio Nursing Home, on 9th June, 2013. (l) Box l18, Kutus rn Kenya, the deceased's widow and daughter, respecttvely, for a grant of letters of administratron intestate to the estate of Thambrn Kathagu Mareru, late of Nduini, Kirinyaga, who P.O. No. 26 oF 2015 By Nancy Nyawira Kmyua, of P.O. Box 350, Kerugoya rn Kenya, the deceased's daughter, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of Jane Wanjiku Kinyua, late of Kabari, Krrinyaga, who dred at Kabari, on 8th August,20l0. 201 5 estate of Leah Muthoni Muuru, late of Kathiga, Kinnyaga, who died at I5 By Verginra Kabari Nyaga and (2) Grace Wambur Kariuki, both of P.O. Box 50, Kiamutugu in Kenya, the deceased's widow, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of Zakaria Nyaga Karanr alias Zacharia Nyaga Karani, late of Kabari, Kirinyaga, who died at District Hospital, Kerugoya in Kenya, on 30th March,2013 . No. 38 oF By Charles Kariukr Muru, of P.O. Box 300, Kangai in Kenya, the deceased's son, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT KERUGOYA PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION TAKE NOTICE that applications havrng been made in thrs court ln: THE KENYA GAZETTE 602 C^usBNo.552 oF2014 C^usE No. 660 oF 2014 By Bomard Muriithi Gathura, tho doccarod's son, for a grant of letters of administration intcstatc to dro estato of Gathun Kioi, latc Kirinyaga, who died at Kirimungc, Kathare, on lOth May, 1994. of By Srrabina Wrnjiru Mutugi, the dcceased's widow, for r grant of lcttcrr of adminirtntion intestltc to the cstatc of Karomo Ndai Karomo, latc of Kirinyaga, who dicd at Kithiriti, on llth January, 2012. CAUSENo. 596 oF 2014 CAUSENo.662 oF 2014 (l) Rose Njoki Munene and (2) Wilson Muriuki Njagua, the deceased's daughter and son, respcctively, for a grant of letters of By administration intestate to the estate of Njagwa Kirinyaga, who died at Ngaru, on 25ft Augusl 2003. Njiru, late of By Michael Kimani Murage, the deceased's son, for a gnnt of 6c cstate of Muragc Mwatha latc letters of administation intcstatc to of Nduini, Kirinyaga, who died at Karia, Nduini, on 31st Decembcr, I CAUSE 995. No. 600 oF 2014 By lrone Wambui Wrmunyua, thc deccrsed's widow, for r grant of lettcrs of administration intestatc to the esta& of Gichohi Kariuki alias Gichobi Ifuriuki, late of Kirinyaga, who died at Kiangei, on 24th April,2013. CAUSENo. 665 oF 2014 By John lkbuko F. Gichira, thc deccased's son, for a grant of lcttcrs ofadminirtatiotr intestatc to thc estatc of Paustino Gichira Gaciani, late of Kianjang'a, Kirinyaga, who dicd rt Kianjang'a Sublocation, on l3th August,2001. C^usENo.602 oF 2014 CAUSE C^usE By Julirna Nyawira Njogu, for a grant of letters of administration intestrBtc to the cstate of Isaac Njogu Karanja, late of Mutuma, Kirinyaga, who died at Kariko, on 22nd May, 2010. CAUSE No. 604 oF 2014. By Loise Wanjira Kinyua, the dcccased's widow, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to thc estate of Kinyua Njogu Mbogo alias Kinyua Njogu, late of Mutira, Kirinyaga, who dicd at Mutira, on 28th Novcmbcr, 201 l. CAUSE No. 605 or 201 4 By Gichira Ndambiri, the deceased's son, for a grant of letters administration intestate to the estate of Wagatu Ndambiri, late Rukcnya, Kirinyaga, who died at Rukenya, on 3rd April, 1988. CAUSE By No. 61 5 oF 201 4 administration intostete to tho cststo of Wawira Kiragu, late of Kirinyaga, who dicd at Embu Hospital in Kenya, on 7th February, 2013. No. By (1) Eunicc Wanjr Chubi and (2) Jrnc Warwarc Munge, the for a grant of lcthrs of administration intcstatc to thc cstrte of Gcofhcy Cbubi Muragc alias Geofrcy Chobi Muragc, late of Kianjegc, Kirinyaga, who died at Jericho, on 27th Novcmbcr, I 9E0, CAUSE By Faith Wakuthii Muthikc, the dcceased's widow, for a grant of lettcrs of administrrtion intasbE to thc cstrtr of Jrmes Muthike Runji, lrtc of Kirinyrgr, who died at Mwea Hospital in Kenya, on 9th Deccmbcr, 201 l. CAUSE 61 6 oF 20 14 Kenya, on l3th Scptcmber,20ll. C^usENo.6El oF2014 By Nathan Kinyua Mugwcru, the dcceased's son, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of Joshua Mugweru Njcga alias Mugweru Njegq lrtc of Ngaru, Kirinyagq who dicd at Gatuto, Ngaru, on lOth July, 2002. a grant of lettcrs Kiragu Muthingaini, late of Ngaru, Kirinyaga, who died at Ngaru Sublocation, on 5 March,2009. No. 621 oF 2014 By John Njeru Nyaga, the deceased's brother, for a grant oflctters of administation intestate to the estate of Nyaga Karuego, late of Murinduko, Kirinyaga, who dred at Murinduko, on 25th April, 1998. CAUSENo.624 oF 2014 By Feroinanda Karuana Ndiga, thc deceased's widow, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of Duncan Ndiga Mubiato, late of Kirinyaga, who died at Mbeti, on 2fth October, 2008. CAUSE No.625 oF 2014 By John Kiragu Mwangi, the deceased's son, for a grant of letters of adminisration intestate to the estatc of Mwrngi Gatirii Kirugumi, late of Kirinyrga, who died at Kagumo, on l6th April,2002. CAUSE CAUSE By (l) No. 65 I oF 2014 By Janefer Michere Wachira, the deceased's widow, for ! gmnt of letters of administration intestate to the estate of Francis Wachira Kibuchi, late of Ndimi, Kirinyaga, who died at District Hospital, Kerugoya in Kenya, on 9th June,2013. No. 682 or 20 l4 Johnson Muthikc Murunge, (2) Julius Mugo Murunge and (3) Mary Wangaru Murungc, the dcceased's sons and daughter, respectively, for a grant of lettcrs of administration intcstate to the estate of Ziporah Waruguru Murunge, late of Kaitheri, Kirinyaga, who died at O.L.L., Mwea, on 4th August,2012. CAUSE By No. 683 or 2014 (l) John Muriithi Mbeti and (2) Janc Wangcci Mureithi, the dcccascd's son end drughrcr-inJaw, respcctively, for a grrrt of letters of administration intcstatc to the estatc of Mbeti Ngari, latc of kimandi, Kirinyaga, who dicd at Kimandi, on l4th June, 1995. CAUSENo. 684 oF 2014 By Joseph Kancgeni Waigwa, thc deceased's son, for a grant of lstters of administration intcstatc to the cstate of Waigwa Mbuga, lete of Maitharui, Kirinyaga, who died at Maitharui, on 27th Scptembcr, 2007. C^usE No.6E6 oF 2014 No. 647 oF 2014 By Humphrey Rufus Maina, the deceased's son, for a grant of letterr of sdministration intestate to the estate of Esther Wamwirua Mwangi, late of Nguguine, Kirinyaga, who dred at Kenyatta National Hospital in Kenya, on 7 June, 1988. CAUSE No. 680 oF 2014 By Sicilia Wanjiru Njaguara, the dcccascd's widow, for r gftmt of letters of administration intestatc to thc estatc of Njagwera Rukungu, of administration intestate to the estate of Kiragu Muthangaine alias CAUSE No. 673 oF 2014 late of Thigirichi, Kirinyagr, who died at District Hospital, Krratina in Jorcph Nyamu Kiragu and (2) Pauline Wanjiru Muriuki, the deceascd's son and daughter, respectivcly, for a grant of lcttcrs of CAUSE No.667 or 2014 dcceascd's' widow and daughter-in-law, rcspcctively, of of (l) By Simon Mathia Kiragu, the deceased's son, for lSth March,2015 By Wilson Maina Karubiu, the deccased's son, for a grant of lcttcrs of administration intestatc to the cstatc of Peninah Kabari Kabiu, lalte of Kabari, Kirinyage, who died at Kabari, on 23rd February,2013. CAUSE No. 689 oF 2014 By (l) Faith Wawira Wagiti and (2) John Kimotho Wagiti, the deceased's daughter and son, respectively, for a grant of lettcrs of administration intesAte to the estate of Jostrua Wagati Njoki alias Joshua Wagiti Njuki, late of Karia/Kirinyaga, who died at Karia, on I 7th June, 2003. CAUSENo. 658 oF 2014 CAUSENo.692 oF 2014 By Paul Gitari Mubiri, the deceased's son, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of Mubiri Antony Ikua, late of Wamumu, Kinnyaga, who died at Mwea Hosprtal in Kenya, on 23rd of Gatu, Kirinyaga, who died at Karigu, Gatu, on 26th February,2002. 1998. By Zablon Bundi Mutongu, the deceased's son, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the cstate of Muriuki Gacenga, late Deccmber, CAUSENo. 694 oF 2014 cAUsENo.4Tl oF2014 By Pauline Wambui Waweru, the deceased's daughter, for a grant intestate to the estate of Antony Karoki Karia alias Karoki Kariya, late of Kirinyaga, who died at Kagio of letters of administration Market, on 10th December, 1979. CAUSE h CAUSE of No. 3 oF 2OI5 By Wanjiku Karugi Gatimu, the deceased's widow, for a gnnt of of administration intestate to the estate of Karugi Gatimu Cabangui alias Karugi Gatimu, late of Kirinyaga, who died at District letters Hospital, Kerugoya in Kenya, on l2th March, 1989. CAUSE By (l) Miriam Awinja Ikuywa and (2) Abraham Buluma Ojiambo, both of P.O. Box 97, Funyula in Kenya, the deceased's widow and son, respectively, for a grant of letters of administation mtestate to the estate Clement Buluma Ojiambo, late No.6 oF 2OI5 By Jane Muthonr Krmani, the deceased's daughter, for a grant of CAUSE By (l) No. '7 oF 2015 By (l) No. 9 oF 2015 Tabitha Wanjiru Ngari and (2) Charles Gikonyo Ngari, to the deceased's mother and brother, respectively, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of Sarah Wangari Ngari, late of Kanyekiini, Kirinyaga, who dted at Kenyatta National Hospital in Kenya, on 20 CAUSENo.11 oF2015 By Rose Njeri Kinyua, the deceased's widow, for a grant of letters of adminiskation intestate to the estate of Christopher Kinyua Mwai, late of Kirinyaga, who died at Kennol, on l2th October, 2014. CAUSE No. 473 oF 2014 cAUsE No. 474 0F 2014 By (l) Samson Nyongesa Namisi and (2) David Abwire Nar"' both of P.O. Box 655, Busia in Kenya, the deceased's sons, for a 1 -.*.rf letters administration intestate the estate Paul Nlamisr J. A. KASAM, Re gistra r, Kerugoya. By Osamo Odwori Ochwila, of P.O. Box 218, Bumala in Kenya, the deccascd's brottrer, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estat€ of (l) Andera Odwori and (2) Okuku Odwon, late of Luliba, who died at tlliba, on l0th August l9EE and 5th June 1986, respectively. C^usE No. 2 oF 201 By George Asingo Oduor, of P.O. Box 20, Bumala rn Kenya, the deceased's son, for a grant of letters of admini$ration intesate to the estate of Oduol Osingo, late of Ikonzo, who died at lkonzo, on l0th Decernber, 1968. By Jafeth Kwasinra Chechi, of P.O. Box 232, Nambale in Kenya, fie deceased's son, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of kban Ichechi Kwasima, late of Nambale, who died at Nambale, on 9th August, 1989. By Augustus Agogua Khayoko, of P.O. Box 10, Port Victoria in Kenya, the deceased's brother, for a grant of letters of administration mtestate to the estate of (l) Alexander Wanjala Khayoko, (2) Shadrack Oundo Ohayo, (3) Sylvanus Musakhi and (4) Luwa Khayoko Onaisi, late of Mundere, who dred at Mundere, on l3th March, 1991, 13th May, 1994, l2th August, 1993 and 28th December, 1982, respectively. PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION TAKE NOTICE that applications having been made in this court in: CAUSENO.6 OF20I5 By Wycliffee Ojiambo Okuda, of P.O. Box 23, Funyula in Kenya, the deceased's son, for a grant of letten of administation intestate to the estate of Wilson Okuda Olendo, late of Bumala, who died at Dstrict Hopsital, Busia m Kenya, on 131h February, 1989. No. 84 oF 2014 By (l) Jackline Nyongesa Ouma and (2) Emily Nabwire Ornwidi, both of P.O. Box 45, Amukura in Kenya, the deceased's daughter-inlaw, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of Magero Oleso, late of Mayenje, who died at Mayenje, on 30tlr May, 1989. CAUSENO. T OF2OI5 By (l) George Odhiambo Mahero and (2) Richard Oduor Otieno, both of P.O. Box I 12, Bumala in Kenya, the deceased's brother and son, respectively, for a grant of letters of adminisaadon intestate to the estate of Maurrce Okello Manero, late of Busire, who died at B.D.H., on 12th February,2014. CAUSE No. 422 oF 2014 I By (l) Penina Makokha Okwaro and (2) Oscar Wandera Okwaro, both of P.O. Box 7, Funyula in Kanya, the deceased's widow and son, i respectively, for a grant of letters of administation intestate to the estate of Daniel Okwaro, late of Nangina, who died at Nangina Hospital in Kenya, on 31st December, 1984. 1 No. 5 oF2015 By Wycliffe Ojiambo Okuda, of P.O. Box 201, Port Victoria in Kanya, the deceased's brother, for a grant of letters of administration IN THE HIGH COURT OF KE}IYA AT BUSIA t 5 intestate to the estate of Fred Jackson Okochi Wamango, late of Bumala, who died at Coast General Hosprtal in Kenya, on 6th May,2005. GAZETTENoTIcENo. I735 CAUSE uucember, CAUSE No. 476 oF 2014 CAUSE Dated the 4th February,2015. Deputy l9tr CAUSENo.4 oF20l5 The Court will proceed to lssue the same unless cause be shown to the contrary and appearance m this respect entered wrthm thrty (30) days from the date of publicatron of this notrce nthe Kenya Gazette. I of CAUSE NO. 3 OF 2OI5 By Bemard Muthuku Gachoki, the deceased's son, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of Eliud Gachoki Kibara, late of Kibirigwi, Kirinyaga, who died at Ndimi SubJocatron, on22ndMay,2014. ta to Namuchong'o, Iate of Bugengi, who died at Bugotgi, on 2014. CAUSENo. 15 oF2015 I No. 472 oF 2014 Cleophas Onyango Ndiacha and (2) Barard Wamahra Alumidi, both of P.O. Box 160, Matayos in Kenya, the deceased's son and grandson, respectively, for a grant of letters of admrnrstration intestate to the estate of Musa Ojaju Alumidi, late of Ganjala, who died at Ganjala, on 5th August,2009. No. 12 oF 2014 By Julius Matia Maina, the deceased's son, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of Maina Matia Warur, late of Rukanga, Kirinyaga, who died at Rukanga, on 20th December, 2010. I at By (l) lanuary,20ll. CAUSE who died Milimo Ndubi and (2) Christine Ndubi, both of P.O. Box 45, Nambale in Korya, the deceased's widows, for a grant of letters of a&ninistation intestate to the estate of William Ndubi Ndubi, late of Busia, who died at Jalaram, on l9th August,2007. of By Teresia Waithira Kiongo, the deceased's daughter, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of Kiongo Ireri, late of Mutithi, Kirinyaga, who died at Kabiriri, on l3th May,200l. CAUSE Namboboto, Crctsude letters of admrnistration intestate to the estate of Kimani Gathara alias Kimani Kathara, late of Krbirigwi, Kirinyaga, who died at Kibingwi, Nguguini, on I lth December,200l CAUSE of Namboboto, on l6th December,2010. No. 695 oF 2014 By Zablon Bundi Mutongu, the deceased's son, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of Gacenga Ciuti alias Nicodem Gachenga Ciuti, late of Gatu, Kirinyaga, who died at Gatu, on 2lst July, 1993. r 603 THE KENYA GAZETTE 18th March,2015 CAUSENO. 8 OF2OI5 Onyango, of P.O. Box 226, Bumala in Kenya, the deceased's son, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of Ibrahim Omond Otaro, late of Bumala, who who died at Burind4 on 18th November, 2000. By Gabriel THE KENYA GAZETTE 604 l8th March,2015 CAUSE No. 22 oF 20 15 CAUSE No.9 oF 2015 By (l) By Joab Wesonga Oyoda, of P.O. Box l, Mungatsi in Kenya, the deceased's son, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of Joseck Oyanda Asia, late of Busia, who died at Buyofu, on 3rd Box270, Busia in Kenya, the deceased's sons, for a grant ofletters of October,1982. of Alomodot, who died Anjero Icholiat Emojel and (2) John Ilukunyang, both ofP.O. administratron intestate to the estate of Xaverio Emojel Ilukunyang, late CAUSENo. l0oF2015 No. I I estate of Joseph Juma Madanga, late of Mundere, who died at Mundere, on 27th March,2008. CAUSE 50-1214 Nairobi m Kenya, the deceased's son, for a grant of letters of admnistrauon mtestate to the estate of Gabrtel Makokha Oleso, late of Busta, who died at Bwaliro, on 25th December,2006. CAUSE CAUSE No. Benard Pamba Juma, of P.O. Box 216, Busia rr Kenya, the deceased's brother, for a grant of letters of admrnistation intestate to the estate of Bonface Egesa Ndege, late of Busia, who dred at Township, on lstApril,1994. CAUSENo. 15 oF2015 By Helida Apiyo Obonyo, of P.O. Box 335, Busia in Kenya, the deceased's widow, for a grant of letters of administratron intestate to the estate of Mrchael Obonyo Okoth, late of Busn, who dred at Busia, on 26th December, 1986. CAUSE on 8thNovember, 1991. estate of Dodofigo Okwenyi, late of Amukura, who dred at Amukura, on CAUSENo.2T oF2015 By Lambert Owino Opro, of P.O. Box 67, Butula in Kenya, the deceased's son, for a grant of letten of administration intestate to the estate of Opio Oguche Mubedi, late of Bulemia, who died at Bulemia, on 6th June,2004. CAUSENo. 28 oF 2015 By (l) Albert Aggrey Alexander Ekrrapa and (2) Humphrey Ekisai Ekirapa, bottr of P.O. Box 43855, Nairobi in Kenya, the deceased's executors, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of John Richard Imo Ekirapa, late of Busia, who died at Avenue Healthcare, on l4th September, 2013. CAUSENo. 29 oF20l5 By James Stephen Ilukunyang, of P.O. Box 14, Malakisi in Kenya, the deceased's son, for a grant of letters of administation intestate to the estate of Zerubabel Olukunyang Okiring, late of Chelelemuk, who died at Chelelemuk, on 27th April, 2008. CAUSENo. 17 oF20l5 By John Were Khasenyepf P.O. Box 23, Funyula in Kenya, the for a grant of letters of adminlstration mtestate to the estate of Alfayo Khasenye Were, late of Namuduru, who died at deceased's son, Namuduru, on lst September,2003. CAUSE Nyongesa, of P.O. Box 831, Busia rn Kenya, the for a grant of letters of admmistration mtestate to the Joseph Wandera Wanga, late of Mundika, who died at By konard estate of Mundika, on 6th June,2013. CAUSE No, I 9 oF 201 CAUSE on l9th December,Z004. CAUSE CAUSE No. 2l oF 2015 By Christopher Obarasa Ochwe, of P.O. Box 16, Amukum in Kenya, the deceased's son, for a grant of letters of administation intestate o the estate of Gregory Ocue Okodoi, late of Okatekok, who died at Okatekok, on l5thJuly, 1987. No. 3 I oF 2015 CAUSE No. 34 oF 2015 By Dismas Ochieng Okwaro, of P.O. Box 392, Ukwra in Kanya, the deceased's stepson, for a grant of leuers ofadministation int€state to the estate of Alfred Amolo Angengo alias Al-fred Amolo Agego, late of Siranga who died at Siranga, on 22nd August, 1994. CAUSENo.35 oF2015 No. 20 oF 2015 By Simon Otieno Murwayr, of P.O. Box 7, Buyofu in Kenya, the deceased's son, for a grant of letters of admmistration rntestate to the estate of Zakayo Murwayi Awuor, late of Sikinga, who died at Sikinga, on 26th August, 1980. oF 2015 By Gaudencia Auma Obonyo, of P.O. Box 88, Bumala in Kenya, the deceased's widow, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of George Obonyo Okello, late of Bumala, who died at Bumala, on 2nd June, 1996. 5 By Festus Barasa Mwaro, of P.O. Box 45, Nambale in Kenya, the deceased's son, for a grant of letten of admrnistration intestate to the estate of Barasa Okello Namwaya, late of Busia, who died at Malanga, No. 30 By Everse Tibetegereza Bwire, of P.O. Box 13, Funyula in Kenya, the deceased's widow, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of Sillas Paul Narnutende Bwire, late of Busia, who died at Coptic Hospital in Kenya, on 30th April,20l4. CAUSENo. 18 oF2015 deceased's son, No. 26 oF 2015 2lst September,2014. CAUSENo. 16oF2015 By Stephen Oduol Oteno, of P.O. Box 208, Funyula m Kenya, tle deceased's son, for a grant of letters of admmrstration intestate to the estate of Joason Otieno Binji, late of Sirekeresi, who died at Sirekeresi, oF 2015 By Ojuma Oruta Omaria, of P.O. Box 7, Amukura in Kenya, the deceased's son, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the 14 oF 201 5 By No. 25 By Frlis Atemi Wandera, of P.O. Box 179, Nambale in Kenya. the deceased's daughter, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of Veronica Eli Tera, late of Narnbale, who died at Nambale, on 26th Apnl,2008. CAUSENo. 13 oF2015 By (1) Jane Nanjala and (2) Agnes Nakimo Nyangweso, both of P.O. Box 490, Busra in Kenya, the deceased's widow and sister, respectively, for a grant of letters of administation intestate to the estate of Samuel Bahati Okumu, late of Busia, who died at Nakuru, on 4th July, 2007. No. 24 oF 2015 By Sabina A. Were, of P.O. Box 273, Nambale in Kenya, the deceased's wrdow, for a grant of letters of administration intestat€ to fte estate of Clarence Wiseman Were Akombo, late of Nambale, who died at Jootrh, on l6th February,2014. CAUSENo. 12oF2015 By Comel Omachar Esirang. of P.O. Box 134. Amagoro in Kenya. the deceased's brother, for a grant of letters of administration ntestate to the estate of Paul Omoti Pondeti, late of Kakapel, who died at Kakapel, on 24th November,2010. No. 23 oF 2015 By Frednck Bwire Nadanga, of P.O. Box 10, Hakati in Kenya, dre deceased's son, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the oF 2015 By Vncent Oluku Makokha of P.O. Box Alomodoi,on22nd Apil,1979. CAUSE By (1) Rose Atieno Otteno and (2) Ahce Nanjala Khaemba, both of P.O. Box 989, Ugunja in Kenya, the deceased's widows, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of George Otieno Omondi, late ofUgunja, who dred at Ugunja, on 5th July, 2014. CAUSE at By Silvanus Wandera Odwera, of P.O. Box 593, Busia in Kenya, the deceased's son, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to fte estate of Zakaria Odwera Odoli, late of Buyende, who died at Mundika, on lstOctober,1996. The Court will proceed to issue the same unless cause be shown to the contrary and appearance in this respect entered within thirty (30) days from the date ofpublication ofthis notice inthe Kenya Gpzette. Dated the 30th February,20l5. M. MT]NYEKENYE, Deputy Registrar, Busia (K). GAZETTE NoTICE 605 THE KENYA GAZETTE 18th March,2015 No. 1 736 CAUSENo.4I oF2015 IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT BUSIA By Gr:ce Makokha Murambula, of P.O. Box 188, Nambale in . Kenya, the deceased's daughter, for a grant of letters of admrnistration intestate to the estate of William Kodia Odongo, late of Alungoli, who PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION died at Alungoli, onl7th Augusl 2003. TAKE NOTICE that apphcatrons havrng been made m thls court in: CAUSE CAUSE No. 125 oF 2014 By Fidetis Andera Omukwe, of P.O. Box 201, Port Victoria in Kenya, the deceased's son, for a grant of letters of admrnistration intestate to the estate of Mukwe Omala Mwabr, late of Ruambwa, who died at Ruambwa, on 27th June, 1996. estate of Joakim Aloise Omondi Osur, late of Busia, who died at Forces Memorial Hospital rn Kenya , on 27frt January, 1997 . cAUsE No.43 0F 2015 CAUSE No. 467 oF 2014 By (l) Mary Oduor Namude and (2) Emmaculate Oduor, both of P.O. Box 33, Butrla in Kenya, the deceased's widows, for a grant of letters of administation intestate to the estate of John Oduor Odialo, late ofBusia, who died at Elukongo, on 4th June, 2002. CAUSE No.469 By (l) Teresrna Sande Ouma and (2) Lilian Auma Ouma, both of P.O. Box 14 Busia in Kenya, the deceased's wrdow and daughter, respectively, for a grant of letters of administation intestate to the estate of Benendict Odhiambo Ouma, late of Murende, who dred at Murende, on l4th September, 2012. oF 2014 CAUSE By (t) Jesika Midi Ohumu and (2) David Wabwire Wafula, bottr of P.O. Box 71, Busia in Kenya, the deceased's widow and crtor, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of John Ohumo Ajiki, late of Marachi, who died at District Hospital, Busia in Kenya, on lfth May,2004. estate of Pamphill Onyango Ojrambo ahas Ranpili Onyango Odhiambo, late of Nangoma, who died atNangoma, on 25th March,2007. By (l) Wilson Juma Kunya and (2) Joseph Okumu Krmya, both of P.O. Box 20, Bumala in Kenya, the deceased's sons, for a grant of letters adminrstratron intestate to the estate of Kunya Sokhoyo, late Ikonzo, who died at Ikonzo, on 2nd July, 1990. of I oF20I5 CAUSE (l) Furida Nekunda Oloo and (2) Isaya Adedr Oloo, both of P.O. Box 20 I , Butrla, the deceased's widow and son, respectively, for a grant of letters of adminishation ntestate to the estate of Willington Oloo Osore, late of Eluhare, who died at New Nyarza General Hospital in Kenya, on 4th September, 1984. (l) Anastancia Adwoli Okello and (2) Stephane Mudibo, both P.O. Box 420, Funyula in Kenya, the deceased's daughters, for a grant No. 37 CAUSE 6h lanuary,1972. Ouma, both of P.O. Box 201, Port Victoria in Kenya, 0re deceased's son and widow, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of Wycklif Onyango Ogola, late of Budalangi, who died at Budalangi, on l2th August,20l4. CAUSENo.50oF2015 and (2) Gabriel Warinda Ombalo, late of Tingolo, who dred at Tmgolo, on 24th December, 2005 and lOth Apnl,2004, respectlely. CAUSE 1965. CAUSE June,1981. No. 52 oF 2015 By Melisa Akochr Okoso,of P.O. Box 23, Funyula in Kenya, the deceased's widow, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of Raphael Okoso Oduki, late of Agenga, who died at Agenga, on 3rd March 201 1. CAUSE CAUSE No. 40 oF 201 5 By Felix Wabwire Bara, of P.O. Box 300, Busia in Kenya, the deceased's son, for a gmnt of letters of administration intestate to the estate of Anderea Bara Okota, late of Busia, who died at Busia, on 4th No. 51 oF 2015 By Emest Barasa Wabwire, of P.O. Box 82, Butula, the deceased's son, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the esate of Wabwire Mudon, late of Emukweso, who died at Emukhweso, in June, CAUSENO.39 OF2OI5 By William Omonya Karant, of P.O. Box 14, Amukura in Kenya, the deceased's son, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of Henry Karani Omoit, late of Kamolo, who died at Kamolo, on l5th October,201 l oF 2015 By Davtd Dunba Ombalo, of P.O. Box 14, Butula rn Kenya, the deceased's son and nephew, respectively, for a grant of letters of administration rntestate to the estate of (l) Michael Radido Odhiambo No. 38 oF 2015 By (1) Ibrahim Ouma Onyango and (2) Alrnelda Nabwire No.49 By Pepter Sianga Oduor, of P.O. Box 140, Bumula tn Kenya, the deceased's son, for a grant of letters of administratron mtestate to the estate of John Achila Siangani, late of Namusala, who died at Namusala, on l4thJune, 1984. oF 2015 By Peter Nambikhwa, Buluma, of P.O. Box 274, Nambale in Kenya, the deceased's son, for a grant of letters of adminrstration intestate to the estate of Wanzala Namudiba, late of Alung'oli, who died at Ahmg'ol, on CAUSE By Joseph Omondi Muheya, of P.O. Box 941, Busia rn Kenya, the deceased's son, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of Wilfrida Makokha Siko, late of Luliba, who died at Luliba, on l2th July. 1993. No. 36 oF 2015 By Esther Nyayanga Kadrma, of P.O. Box 33, Funyula in Kenya, the deceased's widow, for a grant of letters of admrnistration int€state to the estate of Jethro Obuba, late of Makupa, Mombasa, who died at Coast General Hospital in Kenya, on 26th May, 1985. CAUSE No.46oF 2015 CAUSENo-47 oF2015 of of letters of administration intestate to the estate of (l) Jonathan Ouma Wafula and (2) Solomon Makokha Wafula, late of Rumbiye, who died at Rumbiye, on 23rd April, 1992 and I lth May 1996, respectively. CAUSE of By Peter Ogomo Ingwe, of P.O. Box 25069-{0100, Narobr in Kenya, , the deceased's nephew, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of (l) Yohana Ojulu, (2) Omala Omolo and (3) Magomere Khaseke, late of Mumoni, who died at Mumonr, on 20th August, 1976, 8th June, 198 I and I 3th May, 1995. respectrvely. CAUSENo.33 oF2015 By oF 2015 CAUSENO,45 oF2015 By Noah Omondi Onyango, of P.O. Box 15, Busia in Kenya, the deceased's son, for a grant of letten of admmistration intestate to the CAUSENo. No.44 By (l) Malhilda Achieng Orege and (2) Grace Aoko Oduor, both of P.O. Box 600, Busia in Kenkya, the deceased's widows, for a grant of letten of administration intestate to the estate of Andrew Opiyo Oyenga, late of Busia, who died at District Hospital, Busia in Kenya, on 27th August,20l3. CAUSE NO. 470 0F 2014 By No.42 oF 2015 By Bonface Peter Otreno, of P.O. Box I l, Bumala in Kenya, the deceased's son, for a grant of letters of administratlon nt€state to the No. 53 oF 2015 By Charles Ojiambo Marachr, of P.O. Box 23, Funyula in Kenya, the deceased's son, for a grant of letters of adminlstration intestate to the estate of Ojiambo Mu.;une Wesula, late of Busia, who died at Busia, on 5th December,2005. THE KENYA GAZETTE 606 CAUSE By (l) No. 54 C^usENo. oF 201 5 Antony Chelan'ga Ruto and (2) George Kiplangat Chilang, both ofP.O. Box 544, Busia in Kenya, trre deceased's sons, for a grant letters of administration intestat€ to the estate of of Nancy Karimi Mwongera, late of Agolog who died at District Hospital, Busra in Kenya, on 28th January,20l l. 13 or2015 By (l) Simon Kipmalel Langat and (2) Esther Sigey Rono, both of P.O. Box 779, Kib,le in Kenya, for a grant of letters of a&ninistration int€stat€ to the estate of Kiplagat arap Rono alias Kiplangat A. Rono, who died at Disrict Hospsrtal, Kitale in Kenya, on 22nd Octob€r, 2001. CAUSENo. 15 oF2015 CAUSENo.55 oF2015 By (1) Joseph Gathaga Kamau and (2) Alex Gacheru, both of P.O. (l) Christine Achoka Ikemeri and (2) Charles Orapungu, both of P.O. Box 283, Kamuriai, the deceased's widow and son, respectrvely, for a grant of letters of administation intestate to the estate of Gerald Ikemeri Ekirapa, late of Teso, who died at Eldoret Hospital in Kenya, on By l8th March,2015 l2th November,20l0. Box 82, Kitale m Kenya, for a grant of letters of administation intestate to the estate of George Kamau Gathaga, who died at Cherangani Nursing Home, on 28th October, 201 I . The Court will proceed to issue the same unless cause be shown to the contrary and appearance in this respect entered within thirty (30) days from the date of publication of this notice irathe Kenya Gazetle. The Court will proceed to issue the same unless cause be shown to the contrary and appearance in this respect entered within tfrirty (30) days from the date of publication of this notice inthe Kenya Gazette. Dated the 3rd February,20l5. P. W. WASIKE, Depu ty Reg is trar, Kital e Dated the 6th February,20l5. M. MUNYEKENYE, Deputy Regtstrar, Busia (K). GAZETTENoTICENo. I738 IN THE HIGH COURT OF KE}.TYA AT KITALE GAZETTENOTICENo. I737 PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT KITALE TAKE NOTICE that applications having bean made in this court in: PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION cAUsE No. 259 0F 2014 TAKE NOTICE that applications having been made in this court in: C^usE No. 64 oF 2013 By (l) Eglyne Chepchirchir Choge, (2) Benjamin Kipchwen, (3) Chrstran Choge and (4) Joseph Ang'anga, all of P.O. Box 2255, Kiale in Kenya, for a grant of leters of administration inteshte to the estate of Simeon Kiptum Choge, who died at Moi's Bridge, on 14th Decernber, By (l) Teresia Jepkoech Kiboke and (2) Henry Shimeno, bofir of P.O. Box 943, Kiale in Kanya, for a grant of letters of administration inEstat€ to tle estate of Imbasha Andrew Mutsangala, who died at 20t3. Kapterit Sub-location, on l6th March,2009. By (l) Gladys Lolern and (2) Isaac Rwataa Moi, both of P.O. Box 30600, Kapenguria in Kenya, the deceased's widow and brother, cAUsE No. 253 0F 2014 By Gladys Conigonda Otundo, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of Zablon Otmdo Nyaribo, who died on l9th June, 2003. CAUSE No. 254 oF 2014 Beatrice Jemutai Thomas and (2) William Kimtai, both of P.O. Box 436, Kapenguria in Keny4 for a grant of letters -of administration intestate to the estate of Thomas Kibet Chelal, who died at District Hospital, Kapenguria in Kenya, on 30th September, 2002. CAUSE NO. 260 OF 2OI4 Sang, Kigai, who died at Kaimugul Sublocation, on I 8th September, 2010. CAUSENo.3ll oF2014 By (l) Etta N. Chasia and (2) Kermedy Ageha Chasia, both of P.O. Box 56, Kitale in Korya, for a grant of lett€rs of administration intestate to 0re estate of William Chiasia Kisali, who died at Moi Teaching and Referral Hospital in Kenya, on 27th October,2010. By Paul Kinuthia Kilundi, for a grant of letters of administration of Wangeci Muturi, who died at Chesrto, on l9th No. l0 CAUSENo. 16 oF2015 of Kenneth Kataboi I-ochul, who died at District Hospital, lodwar in The Court will proceed to issue the same unless cause be shown to the contriry and appearance in this respect entered within thirty (30) days from the date ofpublication ofthis notice inthe Kenya Gazette. Dated the 9th February,2015. oF 2015 By Alice Nasike Bunyoli, of P.O. Box 743, Moi's Bndge (l) Enrpe Akutan Esinyen and (2) Sylvia Amase Kataboi, both of P.O. Box 75, Lodwar in Kenya, deceased's widow and daughter, respectively, for a grant of letters of administation intestate to the estate By Kenya, on 2nd Augus! 2(XX. CAUSE NO. 285 OF 2OI4 CAUSE CAUSENo.305 oF2014 (2) Daniel Kipsang Sabulei and (3) Benson Kiptoo Birech, all of P.O. Box 565, Kitale in Kenya, for a grant of letters of administation intestat€ to fire estate of Kibirech arap Kogo, who died at Lol Keringet Farm Waitaluk Location, on l3th August, 2001. intestate to the estate Jr:Jy,200,4. respectively, for a grant of letters of administation intestate to the estate of Mnangat Simon, who died at Mwotot SubJocation, on 5th May, 2013. By (1) Cherotich Alice Kirong and (2) Andrew Jogy Kirong, for a grant of letters of admrnrstration intestat€ to the estate of David Ktboki By (l) By (1) Dinah Robby CAUSENO.30l OF2014 J. A, n Kenya, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of Zablon Wambani Bunyoli, who died at Kapkoi, Trans-Nzoia, on 4th July, 2004. CAUSENo. ll GAZETTE NoTIcE oF2015 PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION TAKE NOTICE that applications having been made in this court in: CAUSE CAUSENo. 12oF2015 By (l) John lrmukwang Kapuruet and (2) Joseph Lotumoi [otorern, both of P.O. Box 224, Kapenguria in Kenya, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of Lemukwang Kapuriet alias Lemukwangi Kapurwet, who died at District Hospital, Kapenguria rn Kenya, on 8ft April, 1990. No. 1 739 IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT ELDORET (l) Chrysantus Wafula Muganda and (2) Paul Shikuku Muganda, both of P.O. Box 2112, Kitzle in Kenya, for a grant of letters of By administration intestate to the estate of Clement Simiyu Manamana, who died at Kapkoi Sisal, Trans-Nzoia, on I lth October,2012. OWITI, Deputy Regtstrar, Kitale No. 427oF 2014 By (l) Peter Kipchumba Kernboi and (2) Charles Koech Barmosio, both of P.O. Box 66, Chepyemit in Kenya, through Messrs. Kigen & Co., advocates of Eldoret, for a grant of letters of administation intestate to the estbte of Augustine Barmasai Ego alias Barmasio Ego, late of Chepyemit Sub-location, who died at Chepyemit Sub-location, on l2th April, 1988. l8th March,2015 THE KENYA GAZETTE Thc Court will procced to issue thc samc unless cause be shown to 607 GAZETTENoTCENo. 1742 thc conEary and appearancc in this rcSpcct cntered within thirty (30) days from the datc of publication of this noticc intdrre Kenya Gazette. IN THE HIGH COIJRT OF KENYA AT BUNGOMA PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION Datcd the 27th Novembcr,2014. P. W. MBULIKA, De puty Reg is trar, E ldo ret. TAKE NOTICE that applications having been made in this court in: CAUSENo. 260 oF 2013 GAZETIENoTIcENo. 1740 IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT NAROK By Jonathan Chcloti for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the cstatc of Clcophas Wamalwa Makokha, who died at Bungoma in 2009. PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION CAUSENo.470 oF2014 TAKE NOTICE that applications having been made in this court in: CAUSENo.3 oF2OI5 Mauka Wekunda, who died at Tarakwa, on 28th June,2014. By Drvid Saitoti ole Ireri, of P.O. Box 4, Narok in Kanya, for a grant of lettcrs of administration intcstate b thc estBE of Francis Asuman Ireri, who dicd at Narok, on l5h March, 2010. CAUSENo.6 oF2015 By John Kongo, thc deceased's son, By (l) Felistus Nafula Wekunda and (2) fuchard Muyala Mauka, for a grant of lcttcrs of administation intestate to the estab of Reuben for a grant of letters of C^usE No. 25 oF 2015 By (l) Patisipa Nangekhe Wepukhulu, (2) Martin Juma Wepukhulu and (3) Kenncdy Makokha Saratuki, for a grant of lctters of administration intestate to the estate of ko Wepukhulu Saranrki, who dicd at Kenyatta National Hospital in Kenya, on 28th January, 2009. adminisrrtion intestrtc to tre estete of Alex Kongo, who died at Narck, CAUSE on 8th February,2012. CAUSENo.8 oF2015 By (l) Noormeiscr Lcmcin and (2) Marima Lcmein, through Messrs. Kiptoo & Co., edvocates of Narok for a grant of letErs of administration inkstat€ to the estatc of Koiyet Lemein, who died at Narok, on l5th March,2010. CAUSE No. 9 No. 33 oF 2015 By Walter Wekesa Nalianya, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to ftc estate of Benjamin Khaemba Lusweti, who died at Misikhu, on 26h March, 2013. CAUSENo.36 0F2015 By Nurali Habib Punjani, of P.O. Box I183, Bungoma in Kenya, for of lcttcrs of adminisfation intestaE to the estate of Zarina Nurali Habib, who died at Aga Khan Hospital in Kenya, on 26th Novernber, a grant oF 201 5 By Frurcis Merin Naitera, of P.O. Box 15, N/Enkare in Kenya, through Mcssrs. Mogerc & Co., edvocates of Narok, for a grant of letters of administation intestaE to [re cstrtc of Aronke ole Naircr4 who died at Nairai Enkarc, on 24th August, 1994. 2014. CAUSE No. 40 oF 2015 By Gladys Sibwa Nyongesa, of P.O. Box 667, Bungoma in Kenya, for a grant of lctters of administration intestate to the estate of Joel Nyongesa Mala Biketi, who died at Kuywa Village, on 18th April, 2000. CAUSENo. l0 oF2015 By Alcx ole Narioyo, of P.O. Box 20, Olotulunga in Kenya, tlrough Messrs. Mogcrc & Co., edvocatcs of Narok, for a grant of letters of a&ninishatinn inEsteE to thc estate of Shapapa Narioyo, who died at Maji Moto, on 5th August,2008. Thc Court will procecd to issue the same unless cause be shown to the conhary and appcarance in this respect entered within thirty (30) days from thc date of publication of this notice nthe Kenya Gazette. Datcd the 20th Febnrary,2015. A.K. KITHUKU, Deputy Re gis tra r, Naro k. CAUSENo.58 oF2015 By Ham Kisache Wangusi, of P.O. Box 40, Cheptais in Kenya, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of Andrew Wangusi Kikulesi, who died at Mayekwe Village, on 6th March,2008. CAUSE No. 59 oF 2015 By (l) Hassan Farsy Mukabane and (2) Abubakar Wekesa Wafula, both of P.O. Box 22168, Brurgoma in Kenyq for a grant of lettsn of adminisration intestate to the estate of Maurice Wafula Makhanu, who died at Siritrnyi Village, on 6th January,l99l. CAUSENo. 66 oF 2015 By Eugene Pascal Nabwana, for a grant of letters of administration to tlre estate of Richard Patrick Nabwana, who died at GAZETTENoTICENo. I74I intcstate IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT BUNGOMA Kimilili, on 30th May,2014. PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION TAKE NOTICE that applicrtions having bcen made in this court in: CAUSE No. 2 I 0 0F 201 5 By Janc Wangare Mwangi, for a grant of letters of adminishation to the estate of Joseph Njuguna Muraya, who died at District Hospital, Kimilili in Kenya, on 28th January,2009. intestate CAUSE No. 320 oF 2014 By Rose Naliaka Wekesa, for a grant of letters of administration intestae to thc cstate of Pius Busolo Wesong4 who died at District Hospital, hngoma in Kcnye, on sth October,2008. - The Court will proceed to issue the same unless cause be shown to the contrary and appearance in this respect entered within thirty (30) days from the date of publicatlon of this notice inthe Kenya Gazette. Dated thel6th February, 2015. CAUSENo.368oF20I4 C. L. YALWALA, De pu ty Re gis trar, Bun goma. By Haji Khabcndi Wesonga, for a grant of letters of administration int€stat€ b the estrE of Hilario Wekcsa Mukonambi, who died at Watoya Sub-location, on l2th April, 1974. The Court will proceed to issue the same unless cause be shown to the contary and appearance in this respect entered within thirty (30) days from the date of publication of this nolice ilnilte Kenya Gazette. GAZETTENoTIcENo. I743 IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA ATNAIVASHA PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION Datcd the 26th May.2014. D. C. MUTAI, D eputy Re gis lra r, Bungo ma. TAKE NOTICE that applicatrons having been made in this court in: I THE KENYA GAZETTE 608 CAUSENo.3T oF2014 CAUSE By Njoki Grtau of P.O. Box 1098-20117, Naivasha in Kenya, the deceased's daughter, for a grant ofletters ofadminrstratron mtestate to the estate of Njen Gitau alias Ngendo Gitau, late of Satelite Sublocahon, who dred at Satelite, Narvasha, on 12th July, 201 I . By Nyakarru Muchirr, of P.O. Box 195-20117, Naivasha rn Kenya, the deceased's widow, for agrant of letters of admintstratton intestate to the estate of Muchm Grchuhr, late of Lakeview, who dted at Lakeview, Narvasha, on 6th July,2013. No. 44 oF 2014 (l) Elisha Mburu Mungai and (2) Manam Nlokr Mungar, both deceased's son and daughter, respectively, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of Hezron Mungai Nluiri, late of Maai Mahru, who died at Maai Mahiu, on I lth June, 2005. By of P.O. Box 109 Maai Mahiu in Kenya, the CAUSE No. 45 oF 2014 By Daniel Mwangr Wamahiga, of P.O. Box 7l-20117, Narvasha in Kenya, the deceased's son, for a grant of letters of adminrstration intestate to the estate of Kamau Nluguna, late of Hells Gate, who dred at Mirera, on 2lst May, 1985. CAUSENo No.48 oF2014 By Peter Kamau Muthee of P.O Box 1774, Natvasha rn Kenya, the deceased's son, for a grant of letters of admrnrstratron intestate to the estate of Wanjiru Muthee, late of Krambogo, By (l) Agnes Njoki Nloroge and (2) John Grkaru Wanjiku, both of P.O. Box 69, Naivasha tn Kenya, the deceased's daughter and son, respectively, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of Michael Gutu Thagui, late of Nyandarua, who died at A.I.C., who dred CAUSE brother-in-law, respectively, for a grant of letters of admtnistratron rntestate to the estate of Patrick Mbugua Itotra, late of Murungaru, Krnangop who died at Dlstrict Hospital, Narvasha ln Kenya, on 26th October,20l4 CAUSENo. l00oF2014 By Robert Kurra Njoroge, of P.O. Box 41, Kinale in Kenya, the deceased's son, for a grant of letters of adminrstration intestate to the estate of Rakel Wangur N;oroge, late of Gitwe ,who died at Gitwe, on 9th May, 1985. CAUSE CAUSENO. By By (l) Kamau Mungai and (2) Beth Wamaitha, both of P.O Box 1738, Nyahururu rn Kenya, the deceased's son and granddaughter, respectively, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of Annah Ngendo Mungai, late of Gathanga, who died at Gathanga, on I lth November,2ll3. I No. oF 20 I 4 (l) By John Ndungu Mungai and (2) Jenrffer Muthoni Ndungu, both of P.O.. Box 1738, Nyahururu m Kenya, the deceased's son and daughter-in-law, respectively, for a grant of letters of admlnlstratlon intestate to the estate of Ruth Njeri Mungai, late of Laikipra West, who died at Karti Sub-locatron, on 23rd February,20l2 CAUSE (l) Wanjrru Kuria and (2) Lu,cy Wanlrku Ngure, both of P.O. CAUSENO.4 OF2O15 By Sarah Wansa Macharia, of P.O. Box 167-20117, Naivasha in Kenya, the deceased's wrdow, for a grant of letters of admintstrahon intestate to the estate of Lucas Machana Mwangt, late of Nakuru District, who died at Kijabe Hosprtal in Kenya, on 30th October,2007. The Court will proceed to issue the same unless cause be shown to the contrary and appearance in this respect entered wlthin thirty (30) days from the date of publication of this notrce nthe Kenya Gazette. No. 52 oF 2014 No. 54 oF 2014 GMETTENoTICENo. I744 PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION TAKE NOTICE that applications having been made in this court in: CAUSE CAUSE No. 66 oF 2ol4 By (1) Grace Njerr Kuna and (2) Mary N.;eri Kuria, both of P O. Box ll7, Wangige rn Kenya, , the deceased's widow and daughter, respectively, for a grant of letters of adminrstration rntestate to the estate of Kuria Kirobi, late of Kiambu, who dred at Kenyatta Natlonal Hospital in Kenya, on l2th May, 1993. CAUSE NO, 68 OF 2014 By Isaak Krmani Enos, of P.O. Box 70854-00400, Narobt tn Kenya, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of Enos Gachiri Nganga, late of Naivasha, who died at Kenyatta National Hospital in Kenya, on l5th August,2008. l ,t 'I I ,l IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT KISII September,2000 By Clement Joseph Wathigo, of P.O. Box 292, Grlgil rn Kenya, the deceased's son, for a grant of letters of admtnistration intestate to the estate of Eunice Nungari Nganga, late of Uthiru, who died at Uthiru, on l9th May, 2008. : i Deputy Registrar, Naivas ha deceased's daughter and son, respectively, for a grant of letters of administrahon lntestate to the estate of Mercy Nyambura Karanja late No. 64 oF 2014 t P. GESORA, Grace Wangeshi Nyambura and (2) Davrd Karanja of P O. Box 6254540200, Nairobt in Kenya, the of Nakuru, who dred at Aga Khan Hospital in Kenya, on l5th , I Dated the I Sth January, 201 5. Nyambura both CAUSE deceased's mother and widow, respectively, for a grant of letters of admintstration intestate to the estate of Robert Wairegi Kuria, late of Narvasha, who dred at Kenyatta National Hospital in Kenya, on 2nd Ju1y,2012. brother, respectively, for a grant of letters of admtntstration intestate to the estate of Francis Mwangi Kahugu, late of Narvasha, who dred at Kenyatta National Hospital rn Kenya, on 4th September, 2012. By (l) I OF20I5 Box 322-20117, Naivasha rn Kenya, the By (l) Ruth N..;en Mwangr and (2) Ayub Groko Kahugu, both of P.O. Box 1257, Nyahururu in Kenya, the deceased's widow and CAUSE No. 112 oF 2014 By John Kimani Njengere, of P.O. Box 1506, Natvasha in Kenya, the deceased's son, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of Kezra Wambui Njengere, late of Nakuru, who died at Kijabe Medical Centre, on 1Sth September, 1996. at CAUSENo. 50 oF 2014 No. 73 oF 2014 By (l) Pauline Wangechi Mbugua and (2) Murenga Mwangr, both of P O. Box 674, Naivasha in Kenya, the deceased's widow and Kiambogo, on 9th June, 1987. CAUSE 5 No. 72 oF 2014 Kijabe Hospital in Kenya, on 4th December,20l3. CAUSENo. 43 oF 2Ol4 CAUSE I 1Sth March,2015 No. 615 oF 2012 By Vitus Nyariki Mayaka, of P.O. Box 35, Kisii in Kenya, the for a grant of letten of administration intestate to the estate of Augostantino Mayaka Ogendi, who died at Gesero, Ibeno deceased's son, Locatron, on l5th May, 1983. CAUSE No. 683 oF 2012 By (l ) John Ombuna Oywako and (2) Ghday Nyabwonda Oywako, of?.O. Box 332, Nyansiongo, the deceased's sons, for a grant of letters of admrnrstration mttstate to the estate of Gatharina Moraa Oywako, who died at Matutu Village, on lSth January,2012. CAUSE No. 215 oF 2014 By (l) Dickson Bosire Manombe and (2) Sabina Bonareri Bikeri, both of P.O. Box 807-40200, Krsii rn Kenya, the deceased's son and daughter-rn-law, respectively, for a grant of letters of administration rntestate to the estate of James Mariombe Kidogo, late of Kisri, who died at Drstnct Hospital, Kisii in Kenya, on 28th September,2004. CAUSE No. 219 oF 2014 By Marttrn Joel Onytego, of P.O. Box 298140200, Kisii in Kenya, the deceased's son, for a grant of letters of administation intestate to the estate of Onyiego Ondieki, who died on 20th October, 1984 CAUSE CAUSE No.400 No.430 Simeon Ondimu Ogutu and (2) Paul Onyambu Ogutu, bodr of P.O. Box 3946, Kisii in Kenya, the deceased's sons, for a grant of letters of admuristration intestate to the estate of Bihah Kerubo Thomas. who died at Nyamagesa, on l5th May,2005. CAUSENo 440oF2014 By George Makon Nyongoina, both of P.O. Box 60, Kramokama, the deceased's son, for a grant of letters of administratron mtestate to the estate of Zachanah Nyongoma Araka, who died on 2nd September, 1978. No.459 CAUSE the deceased's wrdow, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of Makon Obara, who died on 7th November, 2006. CAUSE No. 499 oF 2014 CAUSE CAUSE Sakawa, who died at Nyatira Locauon, on 4th July, I 989. CAUSENo.507 oF2014 By Musa Daniel Oturi, of P.O. Box 202, Nyansiongo in Kenya, the deceased's son, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of Israel Oturi Ontita, who died at Tenwek Hospital in Kenya, on 28th February, 2010. CAUSENo.9 oF20l5 By Eunrce Kemunto Mochache, of P.O. Box 640, Kisi in Kenya, the deceased's widow, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of Mama Mochache, who died at Drstnct Hospital, Krsri in Kenya, on l4th July,2007. No. 22 oF 2015 By Jane Nyanchera Bota, of P.O. Box 10, Nyamache in Kenya, the deceased's widow, for a grant of letters of admuristration intestate to the estate of William Bota Maragia, who died at Nyamache SubJocation, on 20th February, 2001. The Court wrll proceed to issue the same unless cause be shown to the contrary and appearance in this respect entered withrn thirty (30) days from the date ofpublication ofthis notice in the Kenya Gazette No. 1 745 CAUSE TAKE NOTICE that applications havrng been made in thrs court ln: No. 520 oF 2014 Lrmmy Okoth Matu and (2) Geofrey Omondr James, both of P.O. Box 396, Sare in Kenya, the deceased's sons, for a grant of letters of administation intestate to the estate of Rispa Auma James, who died at East Kogelo Sub-location, on l6th December, 201 1. No. 523 oF 2014 By (l) Charles Chacha Nyaikeba and (2) Kaunda Chacha Mutukr, both of P.O. Box Suba Kuna rn Kenya, the deceased's sons, for a grant of letters of admimstratron mtestate to the estrte of Nyarkeba Krbrtr and Musogai Kibrti, who died at Mabera Sub-location, on 12th June, 1976 and l2th June, 1974, respectively CAUSE No. 524 oF 2014 By Margaret Okelo Oloo, of P.O. Box 29, Rongo rn Kenya, the deceased's wrdow, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of Odhumo Nyalur alias Odhuno, who died at North Kamwango Sub-location, on 14th December. 1997. cAUsE NO. 525 0F 2014 By Jane Achieng Odongo, the deceased's widow, for a grant of of administratron intestate to the estate of Samwel Odongo Nyangah who dred at South Kamwango Sub-location, on 15th October, letters 2000 CAUSE No. 526 oF 2ol4 By Grace Adhiambo Ogweno, of P.O. Box 4, Rangwe rn Kenya, the deceased's wrdow, for a grant of letters of adminrstration intestate to the estate of Kenneth Ogweno Achreng alias Kenneth Ogweno, who died at Kagan East Sub-locahon, on 27th October,2014. CAUSENo.52'7 oF2014 By Domtrla Adhiambo, of P.O. Box 28 I , Sare Awendo rn Kenya, dre deceased's widow, for a grant of letters of adminrstration intestate to the estate of Silvano Otieno Ogol, who dred at Waware SubJocation, on 8th July,2012. CAUSE No. 529 oF 2014 By Kerestna Ogueno Omolo, of PO. Box l, Rongo in Kenya, the deceased's wrdow. for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of Omolo Opryo, who dred at Kamelr Sub-location, on lOth June, 1996. CAUSENo 531oF2014 By Samwel Bogagire Monanka, of P.O. Box 296, Isibania rn Kenya, the deceased's son, for a gtant of lefters of administrahon mtestate to the estate of Monanka Tatiro, who dred at Gwrkonge Sub-location, on 26th May,1992. CAUSE IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT MIGORI PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION No. 482 oF 2014 By (l) Dated the 3rd February, 2015. L. C. KAITTANY. Deputy Regtstrar, Kts it. No. 465 oF 2014 By Peter Omito Njaga, the deceased's son, for a grant of letters of admrnistration intestate to the estate of NJaga Odongo, who died at South Kamwango SubJocation, on 25th May, 1978. By Joel Nyanchoka Mbaka, of P.O. Box l0(H0203, Nyamache in Kenya, the deceased's son, for a grant of letters of admu:istratron intestate to the estate of Makorius Nyanchoka Srse alns Nyanchoka GAZETTE NoTICE oF 2014 By Munmi Rioba Marama, the deceased's son, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of James Rroba Marama, who died at Moheto Sub-locatron, on 18th Aprrl, 1990. No. 484 oF 2014 By Alice Bitutu Makori, of P.O. Box 3908, Krsri in Kenya, CAUSE No.424 By (1) Yvone Kay Odhiambo and (2) Michael Kungu W. O. Goga, the deceased's daughter and son, respectively, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of Mary Aoko Goga, who dred at Kanyaluo, on 30th May, 201 l. CAUSE oF 2014 By Elzabeth Kwamboka Obaga, of P.O. Box 57, Molo in Kenya, the deceased's widow, for a grant of letters of administration lntesate to the estate of Andrew Omariba Mabeya, who died at Nyaura Sub-locatron, on 10th August,2014. CAUSE By George Onde Agade, the deceased's son, for a grant oflefters of adminrstration intestate to the estate of Seth Agade Juma, who dred at Mukuyu Sub-locatron, on 26th Febnrary,20l2. oF 2014 (l) CAUSE No. 398 oF 2014 oF 2014 - By (1) Emily Nyaboke Ogega and (2) Mrchael Orom Ogega, both of P.O. Box 225, Nyansiongo in Kenya" the deceased's wrdow and son, respectrvely, for a grant of letters of administrahon intestate to the estate of Tom Ogega, who died at Moi Teaching and Referral Hospital in Kenya, on l2th March,20l1. CAUSE CAUSE No. 339 oF 2014 By (1) Peter O. Nyamboania and (2) Enock A. Nyamboania, both of P.O Box 2, Kisii m Kenya, the deceased's sons, for a grant ofletters of admurrstration intestate to the estate of Methusela Nyamboanra ahas Nyambwani. who died at Nyamra, on l0th October, 1973. By 609 THE KENYA GAZETTE 18th March, 2015 No. 532 oF 2014 By David Wersrko Sendr, of P.O. Box 248, Isibania rn Kenya, the deceased's son, for a grant of letters of admmrstratlon mtestate to the estate of Mrnam Nyakibati Sendr, who died at Makerero Locatron, on 27thMay,2003. IHSKIINYA GAZETTE.- olu l8th March,2015 CAusENo. CAUSENo.533 oF2014 By Martin Julius Mwib, of P.O. Box 75, Kehanch in Kenya, the deceased's son, for a grant of letters of administration intestat€ to the estate ofMotongori Buruna, who died at Gokeharaka Location, on 20th July, 1988. By Esther Odira March,2004. CAUSENo. 13 oF2015 deceased's widow, for a grant of leters of adminisration intestate to thc estate of John Dalrnas Olilo, who died at Kotieno I Sub-location, on lst August, 1997. I, Rongo in Kcnyg thc Sub-location, of P.O. Box dcceascd's son, for a grant of lcttcrs of administntion inE6tab to ftc estate of James Akal Odero alias Jemcs Akd Kodcro, who dicd at Kamkuyu SubJocation, on 5tr March, 1997. By David CAUSENo.56l oF2014 CAusENo. By Yunita Aticno Nyauchi, of P.O. Box 33, Rongo in Kenya, the deccased's widow, for a grant-of letters of administration intestat€ to the estat€ of Martin Ligawa Oseya, who died at Kabuoro Sub-location, on l6th Decembcr,2013. No. 586 CAUSENo.23 oF 2015 By Abisai Kisia Kisia, tbe dcccrscd's brothcr, for a grant ofkttcn of administration intcstatc to fic cstits of Zena Mmbonc l-alafr, who dicd at Kawcrc I SubJocetion, on 17fi tvlay, 1995. CAUSENo.35 oF2015 By By (l) Lronida Juma Nyandiga and (2) Samwel Oticno Nyandiga, both P.O. Box 19, Kilgoris in Kcnya, thc dcceascd's widow and son, respcctivcly, for a grant of letters of administation intestate to the estate of Vitelis Nyandiga Malago, who died at Waundha Sub-location, on 30th August,1992. CAUSENo.658 oF2014 By (l) Nclly Khavcrp Mulchi and (2) Arhur Onyango Odongo, the dcceascd's widow and brother, respcctivcly, for a grant of letters of adrninistration inteshtc to hc estrtc of Amos Opiyo Odongo, who dicd at Kenyatta National Hospital in Kenya, on lTth August,2014. C^usENo.659 oF 2014 l, Jonathan Mwitr Mrbengo, of P.O. Box Subl lfurir No. 680 CAUSE No. 37 oF 2015 By Nerea Winny Agwuda Okombo, Oc dcccarcd's widow, for a gant of letErs of administation intcshtc to thc cstatc of Gcrald Agwanda Okombo, who did at WOgik Sub-locetion, on 2l!t Deccmbcr,2012. Thc Court will procccd to issuc thc gemc unlclg causc bc shorm to thc contrary and appcarancc in this rcspcct cntcred within thirty (30) days from thc detc of publicatioa of this noticc nthc Kenya Gazette. Ntimaru in Kenya, thc oF 2014 Datcd thc 5th February,2015. D. K. KEMEI, Depu ty Regls trar, IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT MERU - of Timothco Kahohzela Sura alias Timotheo Kahosera, who died at Thim Jopc Sub-location, on 30th CAUSE TAKE NOTICE that an application having bcen mrdc in this court No. 726 oF 2014 By Lucas Mokono Mwer4 of P.O. Box I, Ntimaru in Keny4 tlrc of letters of administration intestate to the estab of Mwera Chacha Kehongo, who died at Makararangwe Sub- lTtr Augus! PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION March,20l3. deceased's son, for a grant location, on Mtgorl GAZETTENoTIcENO. 1746 By Boaz Madaga Kalrozela, of P.O. Box 35, Sarc in Kcnya, ihe deceased's son, for a grant of letters of administration intcstat€'to the estate thc dcceased's son, for a gmnt of lcttcrs of administmtion inbstrtc to ftc estate of Mabengo Nyamarato alies Mrpcngo Nyemanto, who dicd at Mabera Sub-locatiorL on 2lst April, 1986. deccased's widow, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estatc of Chacha Marwa Waitara, who dicd at Bongebo SubJocation, on lSth Septembcr, 1979. CAUSE in Kcnya, ftc By Mariam Achicng Sdimin, of P.O. Box 537, Sarc in lknya, 6c No. 632 oF 2014 By Yuncs Chacha Maroa, of P.O. Box Rongo deceased's widow, for a grmt of lctcrs of administation intcstrtc to fic estate of Abubakar Ali Oryango, who dicd at Kadqn Kwoyo Sublocation, on 20tr April,2005. No. 6l I oF 2014 By Samucl Nchama Nyamohanga, of P.O. Box l, Kegonga in Kcnya, the deccascd's son, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to thc cstatc of Kihingu Nyenrgumba, who died at Girigiri Sublocation, on 20lh August 1976. , l, dcceased's widow, for a grant of lettcrs of administsetion inbstrtc to thc estatc ofAyoko Ochicng, who dicd !t Krrnwlngo Sub-location, on 24th April, 1981. C^usENo. l5 oF2015 Novernber, 1997 and 28th July, 1983, respectively. CAUSE 14 oF2015 By lvlargarct Akcyo Odcro, of P.O. Box oF 2014 By (l) David Kcrioba Marwa and (2) Simon Mwita Moseti, botlr of P.O. Box 225, IGhancha in Kenya, the deccascd's sons, for a grant of letten of adminisfation intestat€ !o hc estate of ( I ) William Moseti and (2) Marwa Mwia, who died at Karutiyange Sub-location, on 21st CAUSE Owii, of P.O. Box 835, Rongo in Kcnya, trc deceased's widow, for a grant of leten of administration intcstarc to ttc estate of Ondiany Abuya, who died at Kowuor Sub-location, on l4th CAUSENo.54l oF2014 By Dosila Akongo Obilo, of P.O. Box 13, Rapogi in Kenya, tro CAUSE 12 oF2015 2006. CAUSENo. I or20l5 By Florence Juma Obunga, of P.O. Box l, Rongo in Kenya, thc deccascd's sistlr, for a grant of lettcrs of administation intestat€ to hc estatc of Percilia Adhiambo Obunga, who died at Kanyriemi Sub- in: CAUSENo.519 or2014 (l) Shaban Hassan Woldc and (2) AMi Hrsem Woldc, tltc deceased's son and deughtcr, rcspcctivcly, for a gznt of lottcrr of administration intert tr to thc cltltc of Hassan Woldc Mirche, latc of Marsabit, who dicd at Wabcra, on 28th Scptembsr,2007. By Thc Court will procecd to irrue thc samc unlcrr caurc bc thown to the contrary and appeerancc in this rcspcct cntrrcd within thirty (30) days from the date of publication of this noticc nthc Kenya Gazettc. location, on 9th Jurc,20l4. Datcd thc 23rd Octobcr, 201 4. CAUSENo.2 oF2015 S. R. ROTICH, Deputy Regktrar, Ment By Rcgina Akoth Mumbo, of P.O. Box Suna, Migori in Kenya, the dcccarcd's widow, for a grant of letten of administration intestate to the estat€ of Joscph Mumbo Ogwanda, who died at Wasweta I Sublocation, on 23rd August,201 L GAZETTENOTICENO. I747 CAUSENO.9 OF2OI5 INTHE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT MERU By Olivcr Tambo Ogola" of P.O. Box l, Rongo in Kenya, tre deccascd's son, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION estat of Sabron Ogula Waringa, who died at South Kanyajuok Sublocation, on l8th October, 1998. TAKE NOTICE th.t an applic.tion having bccn medc in drir ccurt in: THE"KENYA UA.f,EI-f]{_ lSth March,2015 CAUSE No. 701 oF 2012 GAZETTENoTIcENo. 175I By (1) Elizabeth Gakii Kirimi and (2) Francis Aburia, both of P.O. IN THE CHIEF MAGISTRATE'S COURTATTHIKA Box 938, Meru in Kenya, for a grant of letters of admrmstration intestate to the estate of Kirimi s/o Rukaria alias Kirimi Rukaila, late PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION of Nduruma, who died at Nduruma Sub-location, on l9th July, 2000. The Court wrll proceed to issue the same unless cause be shown to the conkary and appearance in this respect entered within thirty (30) days from the date of publication of this notice inthe Kenya Gazette. 1 CAUSE No. 222 oF 201 I E, W, WAMBUGU, By (l) Julia Wanjiku Mwangi and (2) Danson Mwangi Nyaga, both of P.O. Box I 15, Thika in Kenya, for a grant of leters of administration intestate to the estat€ of Mwangi Muchoki, who died at A.I.C., Githumu Deputy Registrar, Meru. Health Cente, on 23rd Apil,1994. Dated the l9th December, 2012. GAZETTE NoTIcE NO. TAKE NOTICE that an application having been made in this court in: CAUSE 748 No. 746 oF 2013 By Regina Wambui Ngumi, of P.O. Box 70H090, Kiambu in Kenya, for a grant of leters of administration intestate to ffre estate of Benson Ngumi Job Mwangi, late of Thika, who died at Kihiu Mwiri, on IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT MALINDI PROBATE AND ADMI}.iISTRATION 3rd April, 1999. TAKE NOTICE that an application having been made in this court in: CAUSENo. l3 oF2014 By Sidi Kidorobe Ngombo, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of Kithorobi Mwaijau, who died on 22nd June, 1981 The Court will proceed to issue the same unless cause be shown to the contrary and appearance in this respect entered within thirty (30) days from the date ofpublication ofthis notice in the Kenya Gazelle. Dated the 9th December,2014. J. W. ONCHURU, D is tric t Re gis trar, Thi ka. . CAUSE No. 46 oF 2014 By (l) Jacob Krti Mbura and (2) Boniface Gambo Mbura, the deceased's sons, for a grant ofletters ofadministration intestate to the estate of Mbura Kuruja Munyu, who dred on 14th June, 1991. GAZET-IE NOTICE NO. I 752 IN THE CHIEF MAGISTRATE'S COURT AT THIKA The Court will proceed to issue the same unless cause be shown to the contrary and appearance in this respect entered wrthin thirty (30) days from the date of publication of this notice inthe Kenya Gazette. Dated the l6th June' PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION TAKE NOTICE that applications having been made in this court 2014 y. A. in: Deputy Registrar, 'HIKANDA, Malindi. GAZE'I-TE NOTICE NO. I 749 CAUSENo.491 oF 2014 By Cecilia Nduta Kabaya, of P.O. Box 252,{4, Naiobi in Kotya, for estate of Mary Gorreti Nyakeru Muguafti alias Nyakio Muguahi, late of Igegania, Thik4 who died at Karuri Sub-locatiobn, on l6th March, I 996. a IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT MALINDI PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION TAKE NOTICE that applications having been made m this court in: gnnt of lettcrs of administration intestate to the The Court will proceed to issue the same unless cause be shown to the contrary and appearance in this respect entered within thirty (30) days from the date of publication of this notice inthe Kenya Gazette. CAUSENo. l40oF2014 Dated the 29th September,2014. By (1) Mwanguza Kai Deche and (2) Jefiva S. Erickson, the executors named in the deceased's will, for a grant of letters of administration testate to the estate ofLilli Jorgensen, who died on I lth C.A. MUCHOKI, Dis tric t Re gis tr ar, Thika. September,20l4. The Court will proceed to issue the same unless cause be shown to the contrary and appearance in this respect entered within thrty (30) days from the date of publication of this notice inthe Kenya Gazetle. GAZETTENoTICENo. I753 IN THE CHIEF MAGISTRATE'S COURT ATTHIKA PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION Dated the 5ttr March, 201 5. L. GICHEHA, Deputy Registrar, Malindi. TAKE NOTICE that applications having been made in this court in: CAUSE GAZETTENoTICENo. I75O IN THE CHIEF MAGISTRATE'S COURTATTHIKA By Susan Wairimu Waheftu, of P.O . Box 2673, Thika in Kenya, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estat€ of Wahethu Kiarii, who died at Nguthuru, in 1967. PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION CAUSE TAKE NOTICE that an application having been made in this court in: CAUSENO.476 No. 624 oF 2014 No. 626 oF 2Ol4 By (l) Josphine Wanjrru Ng'anga and (2) Lucy Murigi Ng'anga, of P.O. Box ll5, Gatundu in Kenya, for a grant of letters of both OF 2OIO By Jane Nyambura Mbugua, of P.O. Box 1484, Thrka in Kenya, for a grant of letters of administation intestate to the estate of Mbugua Kinuthia, who died at Nguthuru, on 9th February, 1970. The Court will proceed to rssue the same unless cause be shown to the contrary and appearance in this respect entered within thirty (30) days from the date of publication of this notice inthe Kenya Gazette. adminishation intestate to the estate of Sylvester Okwach alias Sylvester Okwach Juma, who died at Kenyatta National Hospital in Kenya, on 9th laruuy,2014. The Court will proceed to issue the same unless cause be shown to the contrary and appearance in this respect entered within thirty (30) days from the date of publicatron of this notice inthe Kenya Gdzette. Dated the 23rd Dated the 23rd December,2014. G. ONSARIGO, Dis *ic t Regis trar, Thika. Jamary,2il5. G. ONSARIGO, D is tric t Re gis trar, Thika. THE KENYA GAZETTE 612 GAZETTENoTIcENo. I754 IN THE CHIEF MAGISTRATE'S COURT AT THIKA 1Sth March,2015 The Court will proceed to issue the same unless cause be shown to the contrary and appearance in this respect entered within thirty (30) days from the date ofpublication ofthis notice inthe Kenya Gazette. PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION Dated the 3rd February,2015. M. KIVUTI, TAKE NOTICE that applications havrng been made in this court Dis tricl Regis trar, Kiambu. in: CAUSE No. 631 oF 2014 By David Kariuki Gachunga, of P.O. Box 232, Thika in Kenya, for a grant of letters of administration lntestate to the estate of Gachunga Kriru, who died at Komo Munyu, on24thhne,1992. CAUSE GAZETTE NoTICE No. 1 757 IN THE CHIEF MAGISTRATE'S COURT AT KIAMBU PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION No. 633 oF 2014 By Beatrice Wanjiru Mburu, of P.O. Box 23, Saba Saba in Kenya, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of Njugrma Kanyoro, late of Murang'a, who died at Nazareth Hospital in Keny4 on 28th January, I 975. CAUSENo.647 oF2014 By David Mwangi Wanyoike, of P.O. Box 1288, Thrka m Kenya, for a grant of letters of administation intestate to the estate of Joseph Kamande Githari, late of Subukia, who died at Gachuhi, Subuku Sub- TAKE NOTICE that appLcations having been made in this court in: ceusiNo. l44oF2ol4 By Moses Karanla, of P.O. Box 250, Karuri rn Kenya, the deceased's grandson, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of Njeri Karoga Mituutu, who died at Mbuyu Sub-location, on l6th February, 1990. location, on 6th April,20l0. CAUSE The Court will proceed to issue the same unless cause be shown to the contrary and appearance ln thrs respect entered within thirty (30) days from the date ofpublication ofthrs notrce in the Kenya Gazette. Dated the l6th January,20l5. No. 210 oF 2014 By Helen Mwihaki Kang'ethe, of P.O. Box 250, Karuri in Kenya, the deceased's widow, for a grant of letters of adminlstration mtestate to the estate of Kangethe Kiarie Watiri alias Gathimi Kiarie, who died at Ndumberi, on 1 5th July, 1996. B. J. BARTOO, CAUSE Dstrtct Regtstrar, Thika No. 218 oF 2014 By Mary Nyamwathi Kimani, of P.O. Box 250, Karuri in Kenya, the deceased's daughter, for a grant of letters of admmistratron GAZETTENoTICENo. I755 IN THE CHIEF MAGISTRATE'S COURT AT THIKA intestate to the estate of Paul Kimani Kiane alias Kimani Kiarie, who died at Ikrnu Sub-location, on 5th November,2004. PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION CAUSE TAKE NOTICE that applications havrng been made in thrs court in: CAUSE No. 638 oF 2014 By Paul Kinyanjui Kiogora, of P.O. Box 1049-01000, Thika in Kenya, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of Ruth Nyambura Ngugr, who dred at Drstnct Hospital, Thfta rn Kenya, on 30th June,2012. CAUSE By (l) No. 646 oF 2014 Mary Juliana Kihunyu and (2) Jane Nleri Marna, both of P.O. By Moses Karanja Mbugua, of P.O. Box 250, Karuri in Kenya, the deceased's grandson, for a grant ofletters ofadministration intestate to the estate of Njeri Karoga Mituuru, who died at Mbuyu SubJocation, on 16th February, 1990. CAUSE March,2013. The Court will proceed to issue the same unless cause be shown to the contrary and appearance ln thrs respect entered within thrrty (30) days from the date ofpubhcation ofthis notrce in the Kenya Gazette. E. W. MBURU, District Registrar, Thtka. IN THE CHIEF MAGISTRATE'S COURT AT KIAMBU TAKE NOTICE that applications having been made in this court Stephen Gachuma Ndungu and (2) Margaret Wangan P.O. Box 69953-00400, Nairobr in Kenya, the deceased's widower and mother-rn-law, respectively, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of Margaret Wairrmu Macharia, who died at Kenyatta National Hospital in Kenya, on 24th March.20l4. CAUSENo. 12oF2015 By Paul Nganju N1au, of P.O. Box 433, Kiambu m Kenya, the deceased's son, for a grant of letten of administratron intestate to the estate of Peter Njau Krmanr, who dred at Gathanga, Mucatha, on 27th August,20l3. By (l) David Wainaina Ndungu, (2) John Njoroge Ndungu and (3) Charles Mbugua Ndungu, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of Eliud Ndungu Wainaina, who died at Guru Nanak, on CAUSE No. 37 oF 2015 Kenya, the deceased's son, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of Leah Wairimu Kinyanjui, who died at Maai Mahiu, on 9th August,2013. cAUsENo.191 0F2014 of deceased's widow, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of John Thuku Kiarie, who died at District Hospital, Tigoni in Kenya, on 26th Jantnfi,2014. By Peter Mwaura Kinyanjui, of P.O. Box 183-{0900, Kiambu in PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION Ndungu, both No. 25 oF 2015 20th July,2014. GAZETTENoTICENo. I756 By (l) CAUSE By Joyce Wanjiru Thuku, of P.O. Box 250, Karuri in Kenya, the CAUSENo.30 oF2015 Dated the l6th January,2015. . tn: No. 24 oF 2015 By Moses Karanja Karonga, of P.O. Box 250, IGruri in Kenya, the deceased's son, for a grant of letten of administration intestate to the estate of Joseph Mbugua Karonga alias Joseph Mbugua Karong'a, who died at Irshau Location, on 26th Jantary,2014. Box 590, Kalimonr m Kenya, for a grant of letters of adminrstration intestate to the estate of Apollo Kihunyu Kaboro alias Appollo Kihunyu, late of Thka, who dred at Drstrict Hospilal, Thika in Kenya, on 16th No. 23 oF 2015 CAUSENo.40 oF20l5 By Joyce Wanjiru Michinji, of P.O. Box 70601-{0400, Nairobi in Kenya, the deceased's granddaughter, for a grant of letters of administratron intestate to the estate of Esther Nyathiru Kinyanjui, who died atNazareth, on 16th September, 1990. CAUSE No. 46 oF 2015 By Margaret Wahu Kimani, of P.O. Box 44819-{0100, Nairobi in Kenya, the deceased's widow, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of Moses Kimani Karunde, who died at Nazareth Hospital in Kenya, on l6th May,2009. CAUSE No. 48 oF 20 I 5 By James Nganga Mumita, of P.O. Box 32-00900, Krambu m Kenya, the deceased's father, for a grant of letters of admrnrstration intestrte to the estate of Grace Wambui Nganga lias Janet Nganga alias Khadija Abdr, who dred at John Radcliff, Oxford Radchffe Hospital, Headley Way Oxford, on 13th December,201 l. ' The Court wlll proceed to rssue the same unless cause be shown to the contrary and appearance m thrs respect entered wtthin thirty (30) days from tire date ofpubhcation ofthis notice in the Kenya Gazette. Dated the 3rd February, 2015. C OLUOCH, Dtstn ( t Regstrar, Kia m bu. CAUSENo.62 oF2015 By Charity Njeri Mundati, of P.O. Box 6413440620, Narrobi rt Kenya, the deceased's wrdow, for a grant of letters of administratron intestate tro the estate of James Mundati Gatabakt, who dted at Texas GAZETTENoTICENo. I759 IN THE CHIEF MAGISTRATE'S COURT AT KITUI PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION Cancer Center, on I 2th January 201 5 CAUSE No. 69 oF TAKE NOTICE that applicatrons havrng been made rn thrs court 20 I 5 By Mary Wambur Mugi, of P.O. Box 61026 {0900. Kiambu in: rn Kenya, the deceased's widow, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of David Mugi Kinyanjui, who died at St. Teresa Hospital rn Kenya, on 8th June,20l4. CAUSE CAUSE CAUSE Grace Mwrhaki Mwaura and (2) Wrlson Mwaura Ngeene, both of P.O. Box 30-00900, Kiambu rn Kenya, the deceased's wrdow and son, respectively, for a grant of Ietters of administration intestate to the estate of Evan Mwaura Ngene alias Mwaura Ngene "B", who died at Tinganga, Kiambu, on 26th October,2012. The Court wrll proceed to issue the same unless cause be shown to the contrary and appearance in this respect entered withrn thrty (30) days from the date ofpilbhcation ofthis notice m the Keny a Gazetle. Dated the 20th February,2015. S. K. AROME, Dts trtct Reg$ !rar, Krumbu GAZETTENoTICENo. IT58 IN THE CHIEF MAGISTRATE'S COURT AT KIAMBU l4th July,2012. CAUSENo l3 oF20l5 By Mutende Makau Kinyungu, of P.O- Box l, Kitur m Kenya, the deceased's widow, for a grant of letters of admrnistration mtestate to the estate of Makau Kinyungu Ngia alias Makau Kinyungu, who dred on 5th May,2001. CAUSE TAKE NOTICE that apphcatrons havmg been made rn this court CAUSENo. l92oF2013 By Naomi Wairimu Mugi, of P.O. Box 250, Karuri rn Kenya, the deceased's daughter-inJaw, for a grant of letters of admrnistration intestate to the estate of Hrri Mugi, who dred at Muchatha Sublocation, on 27th April, 2003. CAUSE 16 oF 20 I 5 the estate of Musee Mbrtr, who died at on 9th May, 1993. CAUSE No. 20 Drstict Hosprtal, Krtur in Kenya, oF 2015 By Chnstopher Mbiti Sema, of P.O. Box 252, Krhtr in Kenya, the deceased's son, for a grant of letters of admrnistration intestate to the estate of Serna Mwendwa, who dred at Ndongunt Sub-location, on l3th October, 1986. CAUSE No.22 oF 2015 By Danson Nthenge Joseph . of P.O. Box 1018, Kitur rn Kenya, the deceased's son, for a grant of letters of admmistratron intestate to the estate of Ruth Mungat Joseph, who dted at Wrktltlye, on lst September, 2006. The Court will proceed to issue the same unless cause be shown to the contrary and appearance in this respect entered wrthrn thrty (30) days from the date of publication of thrs notice ll:.the Kenya Gazette. A. No. 216 oF 2014 By (1) Monica Wanjiku Wamrtr, (2) Jane Wagro Grchuri and (3) Martha Wangari KaranSa, all of P.O. Box 250, Karun rn Kenya, the deceased's daughters, for a grant of letters of admrnrstration lntestate to the estate of Magdalene Wanjiru Wamiti ahas Wanjiru w/o Wamrtr ahas Magdahne Wanjiru Wamiti, who dred at Drstrrct Hospital Kiambu rn Kenya, on 25th August,2014. By (l) Joseph Njuguna Kimuhu and (2) Peter H. Gichuru Mararo, both of P.O. Box 433, Kiambu in Kenya, the deceased's sons, for a grant of letters of admrnistration intestate to the estate of Domrnic Mararu ahas Kimuhu Kibiku alias Domrntc Krmuhu, who dred at Kamri Sub-locationi, on 2nd July, 201l. No. 2l oF 2015 By (l) Peter Gathenya Gichuri and (2) Danrel Mungai, both of P.O. Box 5930H0200, Nairobr in Kenya, the deceased's sons, for a grant of letters of adminrstration intestate to the estate of Joseph Gichuri Gathenya, who dred at Drstrict Hospital, Kiambu in Kenya, on 27th October, I 980. S. Drs tnct LESOOTIA, Regtstrar, Kttui GAZETTENoTICENo I760 IN THE CHIEF MAGISTRATE'S COURT AT KITUI PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION CAUSENo. I I oF2015 CAUSE No. By Mwajuma Mbeti Farajr, of PO. Box 11, Kitur rn Kenya, the deceased's daughter, for a grant of letters of admrnistration intestate to PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION in: No. 242 oF 2014 By Telesra Kalii Masila, of P.O. Box 1, Kitur m Kenya, the deceased's wrdow, for a grant of letten of adminrstration mtestate to the estate of Joseph Masila Mbane, who dred at Katyethoka Sub-locatron, on CAUSENo. '77 oF 2015 (l) No. 232 oF 2014 By Mbuvr Murnde, the deceased's son, for a grant of letters of admrnistratron intestate to the estate of Joseph Muinde Kang'esa, who died at Kenyatta Nahonal Hospital rn Kenya, on 6th March,2009. No. 76 oF 2015 By (1) Joseph Muturi Gachuma and (2) Patrick Ngethe N.;en, both of P.O. Box 78, Karuri in Kenya, the deceased's son and purchaser, respectively, for a grant of letters of admmrstratron mtestate to the estate of Rahab Muthoni Gachuma, who dred at Kenyatta National Hospital in Kenya, on 24th December,2013. By 613 THE KENYA GAZETTE lSth March,2015 TAKE NOTICE that apphcatrons havrng been made m thrs court in: CAUSE No. 23O oF 2014 By William Mbevo Mwendwa, of P.O. Box 818, Krtur in Kenya, the deceased's son, for a grant of letters of adminrstration mtestate to the estate of Mwendwa Mbevo, who dred at Kyangwithya East Location, on lOth April, 1985 CAUSENo. 17 oF20l5 By Newton Isika Wambua, of P.O. Box 669-90200, Kitur in Kenya, the deceased's son, for a grant of letters of administratron mtestate to the estate of Wambua Kangulya, who dred at Kenyatta Nahonal Hospital in Kenya, on 25th May, 2010. 6t4 THE KENYA GAZETTE l8th March.2015 CAUSENo. l8 oF20l5 CAUSE No. 2 oF 2015 By Rodah Kasanzar Job, of P.O. Box 1-90200, Kitui rn Kenya, tlre deceased's widow, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of Job Wambua Kilungya, who died at Mombasa, on 13th By Teresra Mprndr Mun:ngi, of P.O. Box 149, Laare rn Kenya, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of Nchebere Mutinku alias Nchebere Mutingu, who died at Antuambui, on 2nd Novernber,1995. March, 1982. CAUSE No. I 9 oF CAUSENo.5 OF2OI5 20 I 5 By Rose Mutolo Nzila, of P.O. Box 78-90200. Kihri in Kenya, the deceased's widow, for a grant of letters of admnrstration mtestate to the estate of Frederick Mutrangya Munyao, who died at Kakeani Sublocatron, on 25th October, 1 996. CAUSE No. 2l oF 2015 By JosphatMaundu Kitau, of P.O. Box 1007-90200, Kitui in Kenya, the deceased's son, for a grant of letiers of adm[ristration intestate to the estate of Tavitha Nzivi Mulu, who died at Changwithya Location, on By Paulina Kanga Mutura, of P.O. Box 149, Maua tn Kenya, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of M'Munganra M'Itiame, who died at Antuambui, on 8th Apnl,2012. The Court will proceed to issue the same unless cause be shown to the contrary and appearance in this respect entered within thirty (30) days from the date ofpublicatron ofthis notrce rn the Kenya Gazetle. Dated the 28th January,2015. J. KINGORI, Distrtct Regislrar, Maua 22ndh:Jry,1994. CAUSE No. 23 oF 2015 By (l) Mwia Maluki and (2) Bnan Nduto Maluki, both of P.O. Box GAZETTENoTICENo. I763 IN THE CHIEF MAGISTRATE'S COURT AT ISIOLO 750-90200, Kitu in Kenya, the deceased's widow and son, respectively, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of Geofrey Maluki Masika, who died at Utawala, on 7th July, 2014. PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION TAKE NOTICE that apphcations havrng been made in this court CAUSE No. 24 oF 2015 ln: CAUSE By Juliana Musangr Muli, of P,O. Box 414-90200, Kiur m Kenya, No. 9 oF 2OI4 the deceased's wrdow, for a grant of letters of admrnistration mtestat€ to the estrte of Muli Musembei alns Francis Mulimusembei, who died at Kenyatta National Hospita in Kenya, on l8th August, 2001. By (1) Sadia Gayo and (2) Shaaban Ah, the deceascd's widow and brother, respectively, for a grant of letters of administratron intestat€ to the estate of Mohamed Ah Mohamed, who dred at Kambui Bulle, on The Court wrll proceed to issue the same unless cause be shown to the contrary and appearance rn thrs respect entered within thirty (30) days from the date ofpublication ofthis nohce in the Kenya Gazette. 29th September,20l3. Dated the 17th February, 20 15. The Court will proceed to issue the same unless cause be shown to the contrary and appearance in this respect entered wrthrn thrty (30) days from the date of pubhcatron of this notice inthe Kenya Gazette. A. S. LESOOTIA, Kilui. Dated the I st September, 2014. Dis tric I Re gis trar, R. G. MLINDIA, Distnct Registrar, Isiolo. GAZETTENoTICENo. I76I IN THE CHIEF MAGISTRATE'S COURT AT KITUI GAZETTENoTICENo. I764 IN THE CHIEF MAGISTRATE'S COURTAT GATI.INDU PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION TAKE NOTICE that an application havmg been made rn this court in: TAKE NOTICE that applications having been made in this court CAUSENo. I oF 2015 By Naomi Wairimu Mugi, of P.O. Box 1492, Kitui in Kenya, the deceased's widow, for a grant of letters of adminrstration intestate to the estate of Muthangya Mutetei, who died at District Hospital, Kitui in Kenya, on 13th March, 1984. The Court will proceed to rssue the same unless cause be shown to the contrary and appearance in thrs respect entered withrn thrrty (30) days from the date ofpubhcation ofthis notice in the Kenvd Gazette. in: CAUSE No. 135 oF 2014 By Christopher Muiruri Warui, of P.O. Box 115, Gatundu rt Kenya, the deceased's son, for a grant of letters of admrntstafon mtestate to the estate of Warui Gacheru, who died at Kahuguini, on 26th Jamary,2007. The Court will proceed to issue the same unless cause be shown to the contrary and appearance in this respect entered within thlrty (30) days from the date of publicatron of this notrce inthe Kenya Gazette. Dated the 5th February, 2015. Dated the 23rd February, 2015. D. M. NDT]NGI, trar, Gatundu A. S. LESOOTIA, Dtstrict Registrar, Kttut. Dis tric t Re gis GAZETTENoTICENO. I765 GAZETTENoTIcENo. I762 IN THE SENIOR PRINCIPAL MAGISTRATE'S COURT IN THE CHIEF MAGISTRATE'S COURTAT MAUA AT LIMURU PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION TAKE NOTICE that applications having been made in this court tn: CAUSE No. 76 oF 2014 By Joseph Gwantai Mberia, of P.O. Box 149, Maua n Kenya, for a grant of letters of administahon intestate to the estate of Henry M'Limberia KrLungu alias Rimberra Krnungu, who dred at Njia Location, on 13ft January, 1994. CAUSENo. l oF2015 By Peter Thiru M'Mauta, of P.O. Box 4,Laare in Kenya, for a grant of letters of administation intestate to the estate of M'Mauta Krliungu, who died at Antr-rambui, on 22nd September,2006. TAKE NOTICE that apphcatrons havrng been made in thrs court in: CAUSENo.l l0 oF 2014 By John Mungar Nloroge, of P.O.Box 14748 Nakuru rn Kenya, the deceased's brother, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of Ahce Wariara Chege, who died at St. Mar's R.V Mission Hospital rn Kenya, on l8th March,2012. CAUSENo. l4l oF2014 By Wanjiku Kihika, for a grant of letters of admintsfiation mtestate to the estate of Krhrka Kangethe, who died at Nazareth Hosprtal Kenya, on 17th April, 1990. rn CAUSE By (l) 615 THE KENYA GAZETTE lSth March,2015 No. 215 oF 2014 GAZETTE NoTICE No. 1 767 IN THE SENIOR PRINCIPAL MAGISTRATE'S COURT John Mweura Kengche and (2) James Njuguna, botr of P.O. ATVIHIGA Box 259, Kiambu in Kcnyr, for a grant of lctErs of adminisEntion inEstate to the cstatr of Kangcthe Kirembe, who died at Kiambu Hospita in Kenya, on 29th Scptembcr, 1979. CAUSENo. I oF20l5 in: CAUSE No. 44 oF 2014 (l) Esfier Nyambura Njuguna and (2) Alice Wanjiru Mwaura, both of P.O. Box 1236, Limuru in Kenya, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of Njuguna Matrcri, who dicd at Ngecha, on I llh dpril,2012. By PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION TAKE NOTICE that applications having been made in this court CAUSE No. 9 "B" By Jererniah Avina Zakaya Givondo, the deceased's son, for a grant of lctt€n of administsation intestate to the estate of Inisi Mudeitsi Oivondo, who died at Lyaduywa SubJocation, on 4th April,2013. oF 2015 CAUSE NO. 2 OF 2OI5 By (l) Solomon Wainaina, (2) John Njorogc Mutonp and (3) John Njoroge Kamau, all of P.O. Box 1263-40902, Kikuyu in Kcnya, for a By Peter Knight Mutonyi, the deceased's son, for a grant of letters of adminiffation intcstate to the estate of Caleb ll&alukha Esiholi, who gtant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of Arlhur Njoroge alias Artrur Njoroge Mutonga, who died at Makutano, Ndeiya Location, on 9th Novcmber, 1974. died at Ebusundi SubJocation, on 26th January,2003. The Court will procecd to issue the same unless cause be shown to the contrary and appcarancc in this tcspect entered within thirty (30) days from the date of publication of this notice inthe Kenya Gazette. By Francis Kimiya Bezlin, of P.O. Box l16, Maragoli in Kenya, the deceased's son, br a grant of lettcrs of edministration intestate to the estate of Bezelin Mohele Mujenyi alias Bethelel Ojenyi, who died at Kegoye Sub-location, on 3rd August, 2012. Dated the I 9th January, 20 I 5. G. H. ODUOR, Dis trict Regis trar, Limuru. CAUSENO.5 OF2OI5 The Court will proceed to issue the same unless cause be shown to the conrary and appearance in this respect entered wrthin thirty (30) days from the date of publication of this notice in the Kenya Gazette. Dated thc 90r February,2014. GAZETTE NoTIcE G. A. MMASI, lrihiga. No. 1766 D is tr ic t Re gis trar, IN THE SENIOR PRINCIPAL MAGISTRATE'S COURT ATLIMURU PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION GAZETTENonCENo. I768 IN THE SENIOR PRINCIPAL MACISTRATE'S COURT TAKE NOTICE that applications having been made in this court ATMOLO in: PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION CAUSENo.5l oF2014 By Isaac Mukiri Kiarie, of P.O. Box 147, Ngecha in Kenya, for a grant of lcttrrc of adminirtration intcatate to the estate of James Kiarie Waweru, who died at K€nyatta National Hospital in Kenya, on lst August,2008. CAUSE No. 192 0F 2014 By Lucy Wangui Guthonda, of P.O. Box I197, Limuru in Kenya, the deceased's widow, for a grant of leters of administration intestate to fie estate of Francs Gulhonda Kihila alias Francis Guthonda Kihika, who died at Bibirioni Sublocation, on l2tr January,2005. CAUSENo.3 oF20l5 By Jecinta Njambi, of P.O. Box l2G{0217, Limuru in Kenya, for a grant of letten of administration intestate to the estate of James Kamau Daniel Wangewa, who died at Kenyatta National Hospital in Karya, on 5ft February,2014. CAUSENo.9 oF2OI5 By Paul Ndungr Nganga, of P.O. Box 7l-{[.221, Matatria in Kenya, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to fte estate of Joseph Nganga Kagogo, who died at Kinale, on 10ft December, 2008. CAUSE No. 24 oF 2ol5 By John Gachie Karugn, of P.O. Box 459, Limuru in Kenya, for a grant of letters of adminisfation intestate to the estate of Felistas Wakonyo Gachie alias Felistas W. Gachie, who died at Nyambari, on 4th April,2014. CAUSE No. 27 oF 2015 . TAKE NOTICE that applications havmg been made in this court ln: CAUSE No. 17 oF 2014 By (l) Itilargaret Wangui Njoroge and (2) Obadiah Kariuki Njoroge, both of P.O. Box 509, Molo in Kenya, the deceased's wrdow and son, resp€ctively, for a grant of letters of administation intestate to the estate of Hosea Kabugo Njoroge, late of Molo, who died at Mediheal Hospital in Kenya, on 7th July,20l3. CAUSE No. 22 oF 2014 By Peter Lucy Njoki Wanjiku, of P.O. Box 386, Molo in Kenya, the deceased's daughter, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of Mary Wanjiku Wawem, late of Moo, Molo, who diod at District Hospital, Molo in Kenya, on l3th December, 2003. CAUSENo.23 oF20l4 By (1) Janeth Chepkemoi Sitonik and Q) Zephania Kipkoech Mutai, both of P.O. Box 42, Molo in Keny4 the deceased's widow and son, reryectively, for a grant of letters of administation intestate to the estate of David Kimutai Sitomk, late of Chematich, who died at Chematrch, on lst September,2012. CAUSENo. I OF2O15 By Margaret Mwihaki Mboya, of P.O. Box 309, Molo in Kenya, the deceased's widow, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of Petcr Kinandi IGgai, late of Mukinyai, who died at Provincial General Hospital Annex in Keny4 on 22nd August, 2010. The Court will proceed to issue the same unless cause be shown to the contrary and appearance in this respect entered within thirty (30) days from the date ofpublication ofthis notice in the r(ezya Gazette. By Margaret Njeri G. Kairu, of P.O. Box 500, Njoro in Kenya, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of Dorcas Wangui Kimani, who died at Njiku, Kiambu, on l5th September, H. M. NYAGA, Distnct Regtstrar, Molo 2012. The Court will proceed to issue the same unless cause be shown to the contrary and appearance in this respect entered within thlrty (30) days from the date ofpublication ofthis notice in the Kenya Gazette. GAZETTE NoTICE No. 1 769 IN THE SENIOR PRINCIPAL MAGISTRATE'S COURT ATMOLO PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION Dated the 26th January,20l5. N. MAKAU, Dislrict Registrar, Limuru . ln: TAKE NOTICE that apphcations having been made in this court THE KENYA GAZETTE 616 lSth March,2015 No. 24 oF 2014 CAUSE No. 62 oF 2015 CAUSE By Solomon Krhara Mbugua, of P.O. Box 311, Molo rn Kenya, the deceased's wrdower, for a grant of letters of admuristratron rntestate to the estate of Lucra Wangari Krhara, late of Kiambogo, Molo, who dred at Kiambogo, Matumamr Sub-locatron, on 29th August.20l3. The Court wrll proceed to lssue the same unless cause be shown to the contrary and appearance rn ths respect entered wrthrn thtrty (30) days from the date of publicatron of this notrce ln the Kerya Ga:ette By Cecrla Wangarr Mugo, of P.O. Box 67, Kigumo in Kenya, for a grant of letters of adminrstration intestate to the estate of Krmanr Munyorr, who dred on Sth June,2014. The Court wrll proceed to issue the same unless cause be shown to the contrary and appearance in this respect entered withrn thirty (30) days from the date ofpublication ofthrs notice in the Kenya Gazette. Dated the 4th February, 2015. A TOWETT, Dis tnct Regtstrar, Molo D. ORIMBA, Distrrct Regtstrar, Kgumo GAZETTENoTICENo. I77O GAZETTE NoTICE IN THE SENIOR PRINCIPAL MAGISTRATE'S COURT AT GITHUNGURI No. 1 773 IN THE SENIOR PRINCIPAL MAGISTRATE'S COURT AT HAMISI PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION TAKE NOTICE that applicatrons havrng been made rn thrs court TAKE NOTICE that applicatlons havmg been made m this court m. CAUSE ln: No. I 80 oF 20 I 4 CAUSE By Benson Nlcgu Kamunyu, of P.O. Box 404, Rurru in Kenya, the deceased's son, for a grant of letters of adminlstratlon lntestate to the estate of Mary Wan;rru N1ogu, who dred at District Hosprtal, Kiambu rn Kenya, on l2th Apnl, l99l CAUSE By Sehna Kegehi Ligazo, the deceased's widow, for a grant of of administration lntestate to the estate of Zablon Lifazo Ilahalwa, who died on 27th November,20O6. CAUSE (l) CAUSENo. 3 oF 20I5 20 I 5 letters No. 2 oF 2OI5 Davrd Karanla Kamra and (2) Samson Nloroge Kamrra, both of P.O. Box2-00216, Githungun in Kenya, the deceased's sons, for a grant of letters of admrnistration intestate to the estate of John Kamira Karanja, who dred at Grthunguri, Ngetetl, on 3rd July, 2002 By No. 4 oF No. 8 oF 20 I 5 By Edward Muhavi Mukawale, the deceased's son, for a grant of letters of admmlstratlon intestate to the estate of Samson Lumbete MMaitsi, who dred on 27th August, 1998. The Court will proceed to rssue the same unless cause be shown to the contrary and appearance in this respect entered within thirty (30) days from the date of publication of this notrce nthe Kenya Gazette. By Francrs Waweru Krbe, of P.O. Box 12740216, Grthungurr rn Kenya, the deceased's uncle, for a grant of letters of administration ntestate to the estate of Gakon Chege, who dred rn 1965. Dated the 24th February,2015. J. K. NG'ARNG'AR, Distnct Regtstrar, Hamisr. The Court will proceed to lssue the same unless cause be shown to the contrary and appearance rn thls respect entered wrthrn thrty (30) days from the date ofpublication ofthis notice m the Keny,a Go.ette. GAZETTENoTICENo. I774 IN THE PRINCIPAL MAGISTRATE'S COURT AT GITHT]}IGURI Dated the 29th lantnry,2015. W NGUMI. D rs trict Re grs PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION trar, Gihu n gurr TAKE NOTICE that apphcatlons havmg been made in this court in: GAZETTENoTIcENo I77I CAUSE IN THE SENIOR PRINCIPAL MAGISTRATE'S COURT AT GITHTINGURI No. 146 oF 2014 By Fehstar Njoki Ndirrma, of P.O. Box 25 00216, Githunguri in Kenya, the deceased's widow, for a grant of letters of administration lntestate to the estate of Davrd Mirie Ndirima, who died at Kijabe Hospital rn Kenya, on l8th Aprrl,2001. PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION TAKE NOTICE that an application havrng been made rn thrs court CAUSE m. CAUSE No. 4 oF 20I 5 By (l) No. 1 50 oF 20 I 4 Miriam Waceke Nlatha and (2) George Mburu Nlatha, both the deceased's sons, for a grant of letters of admrnistratron rntestate to Gathangan, Githunguri, on 2Oth Septemb er, 2012. of P.O. Box 613-00216, Grthunguri in Kenya, the deceased's widow and son, respectively, for a grant of letters of admmlstration intestate to the estate of Samuel Njatha Migwi, who dred at Thakwa, Grthunguri, on I lth April,2013. The Court will proceed to rssue the same unless cause be shown to the contrary and appearance in thrs respect entered wrthrn thirty (30) days from the date of pubhcatron of thrs notice in the Kenyo Gazette The Court wrll proceed to issue the same unless cause be shown to the contrary and appearance in this respect entered withm thirty (30) days from the date ofpubhcation ofthis notice in the Kenya Gazette. By (1) Joseph Mwarn Gichuhr and (2) Francis Mbugua Grchuhi, the estate of Mrchael Grchuhr Kega, who dred at Dated the I lth February, 2015. Dated the lSth February,20l5. E.O WAMBO, D istrict Re gis tro r, G i t hun gu W.NGUMI, ri GAZETTENoTICENo. I772 t Regrs trar, Gil hun guri. GAzErrE NoncE No. 1775 IN THE SENIOR PRINCIPAL MAGISTRATE'S COURT ATKIGUMO IN THE PRINCIPAL MAGISTRATE'S COURT AT GITHLINGURI PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION TAKE NOTICE that an apphcatron havtng been made rn this court in. D istnc TAKE NOTICE that apphcations having been made in this court in: THE KENYA GAZETTE 1Sth March,2015 CAUSE ' No. 166 oF 2014 By (1) Rahab Wan1rru Gitau and (2) Margaret Wangui Karan;a, both of P.O. Box 9282-00100, Nairobi rn Kenya, the deceased's wrdow and srster-rn-law, respectively, for a grant of letters of The Court will proceed to rssue the same unless cause be shown to the contrary and appearance in thrs respect entered withln thrrty (30) days from the date of publication of thls noice n the Kery.'a Gazelte. Dated the 4th February, 201 admrnistration rntestate to the estate of Danson Wachira Muigua, who dred at Lodwar, on I 5th August, 20 I I . The Court will proceed to rssue the same unless cause be shown to the contrary and appearance in this respect entered wrthin thrrty (30) days from the date ofpublicatron ofthis notice in the Kenya Gazette. 617 5 C. KITHINJI, DBtrrct Registrar, Kandara GAZETTENoTICENo. I779 IN THE PRINCIPAL MAGISTRATE'S COURT AT KANDARA Dated the 24th November.2014. PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION E. O. WAMBO. Dr st rict Re gis tt'ar, Git hungu n. TAKE NOTICE that an apphcatlon havrng been made in this court . ln: GMETTENoTICE No I776 CAUSENo.6oF2OI4 IN THE PRINCIPAL MAGISTRATE'S COURT AT MAKUENI By Francrs Wanlau Grchra, for a grant of letters of administratlon intestate to the estate of Gichra Kariuki, who dred at Central Provrnce. on 16th July,2006. PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION TAKE NOTICE that an applicatron having been made rn this court ln: CAUSE NO. 5 Oi 20 I 5 By (l) Kasuvt Nzuh Ngolo and (2) Kakuti Mutune, both of P.O. Box I 59, Itaa rn Kenya, for a grant of letters of admlnlstrahon intestate to the estate of Nzuh Ngolo Srla alas Nzuli Ngolo, who dled at The Court will proceed to issue the same unless cause be shown to the contrary and appearance ln thls respect entered withrn thirty (30) days from the date of publicahon of this notice in the Kenya Gazette Dated the lTth March.20l5. is tri c t Re I Gazette Notice No. 5589 of 2014 rs revoked. The Court will proceed to lssue the same unless cause be shown to the contrary and appearance in thrs respect entered wrthin thtrty (30) days from the date ofpubhcation ofthis notrce in the Kenya Gdzette. GAZETTENoTICENo. I78O Dated the l2th February,2015 IN THE PRINCIPAL MAGISTRATE'S COURT AT KITHIMANI R. KOECH, Dis tt'i c t Re gr s tra r, Maku en t PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION TAKI NOTICE GAZETTENoTICENo. I777 that an apphcatlon havrng been made ln thls court ln: CAUSE IN THE PRINCIPAL MAGISTRATE'S COURT AT NYAMIRA By PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION TAKE NOTICE that an application having been made in thrs court in: CAUSE No. 24 oF 2014 By (l) Joseph Makorr Karata and (2) Robert Masese Karata, both of P.O Box 20, Nyamrra rn Kenya, the deceased's sons, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of Karata Kenyun, who dred at Moitunya, Kemera, Kiangoso Location, on 26th February, No. 10 oF 20 14 (l) Kaveke Musau Kroko and (2) Mbuvr Musau, both of PO. Box I 80-901 19, Matuu in Kenya, for a grant of letters of administratron intestate to the estate of Musau Kroko. who died at Katulani Sub-locatron, on lst December, 1996. The Court will proceed to rssue the same unless cause be shown to the contrary and appearance in thrs respect entered wrthin thirty (30) days from the date of publicatlon of thls notice rn the Kent,a Gdzette. Dated the l5th October, 2014. M.A.O Dstrict 2005. The Court will proceed to NDITIKA, $tror, Ka ndara. P. T, D Drstrrct Hosprta[, Makueni in Kenya issue the same unless cause be shown to the contrary and appearance ln thls respect entered wtthln thrrty (30) days from the date ofpublrcation ofthis notice rn the Kenva Gazetle GAZETTENoTICENo. OPANGA, Regis h'ar, Ki th t mu n i I78I IN THE PRINCIPAL MAGISTRATE'S COURT AT RUNYENJES Dated the l2th August, 2014 PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION N. NJAGI. D$trtct Regtstrar, N1'amira _ TAKE NOTICE that an applrcation havrng been made ln thts court ln: GAZETTE NoTICE CAUSENo 12oF2OI5 No. I778 By Peter Karanla Kahiu, ofP.O Box 96, Runyenles rn Kenya, the deceased's son, for a grant of letters of adminrstration intestate to the estate of Kahru Roger, who died at KawanJara Sub-locatron, on l8th IN THE PRINCIPAL MAGISTRATE'S COURT AT KANDARA PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION October.1983. TAKE NOTICE that applications having been made rn this court in. CAUSENo 5 oF20I5 By Jane Wangui Waweru, of PO. Box l-01034, Kandara The Court wrll proceed to issue the same unless cause be showr to the contrary and appearance ln thls respect entered within thirty (30) days from the date ofpublication ofthrs nohce in the Kenya Gazette. rn Dated the 2nd March.20l5. Kenya, for a grant of letters of admrnrstration lntestate to the estate of Joseph Waweru Thrgrra alias Waweru Thigira, who dred at Kenyatta National Hosprtal in Kenya, on 20th October,2003. CAUSENo 6 oF 20I5 NANDI. Runye ryes GAZETTENOTICENo. I782 (l) Mary Muthonr Mwangi and (2) Alice Wanliru Rongu, both of PO. Box l-01034, Kandara in Kenya, for a grant of letters of admrnrstration lntestate to the estate of Cosmas Mwangr Kaburi alias Mwangr Kaburi, who dred at Kenyatta Natronal Hosprtal rn Kenya, on I lth October,20l4. By J. P. D^ tnLl Regtstror, IN THE PRINCIPAL MAGISTRATE'S COURT AT CHUKA PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION . tn' TAKE NOTICE that apphcatlons havrng been made rn thls court THE KENYA GAZETTE 618 CAUSE No. 217 oF 2ol4 18th March,2015 GAZETTENoTICENo. I783 By Raphael Njeru Kamundi, ofP.O. Box 189, Chuka in Kenya, for e grant of lctters of administration intestate to the estate of Inacio IN THE PRINCIPAL MAGISTRATE'S COURT AT KAJIADO PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION M'Ndcbu M'Igane, who dicd at Catua, on 16th June, 1999. CAUSENo. l0 oF2015 TAKE NOTICE that applications having been made in this court By Onesmus Muthomi Njuki, of P.O. Box 93ffi2ffi, Nairobi n Kenya, for a Sr8nt of letters of administration intestate to the estate of Panucl Njuki Igane alias Panuel Njuki M'Igane, who died at Nairobi, on 20th June, 1992. CAUSE No. 22 oB 2015 By Jevi M'Kinithc, of P.O. Box Chogoria in Kenya, for a grant of letters of administation intesate t,o fie estate of M'Kiraithe M'Bagiri, who died at Gianchuku SubJocation, on 70l October, 1997. CAUSENo.23 oF2015 By Elemina Njoka Kanambiu, of P.O. Box 70, Runyenjes in Kenya, for a grant of lctters of administration intcstatc to the estate of Nguru Nyaga, who dicd at District Hospital, Chuka in Kenya, on lOth May, in: CAUSENo. 69 oF20l4 By (l) Kakenyia ene Kayic and (2) Malei lkyie, tlre decoascd's widow and sorl respectively, for a grant of letters of administtation intestate to the estate of Kaye ole Sikiria, who died at Nairobi, on 6th July, 1988. CAUSENo. the deceased's widows, for a grant of letters of administation intestate to the cstate of Moshila Mcbaki Lckum alias Moshila kkumot Mebaki, who died at Anoi SubJocation, on 206 lvlay, 2006. CAUSENo.3 t997. CAUSE No. 24 oF 2015 By Jane Rose Mbim Riungu, of P.O. Box 142, Chogoria in Kenya, for a grant of letters of administsation int€state to the estate of No. 26 oF 2ol5 By Euscbio Gitonga Manene, of P.O. Box 185, Nkubu in Kenya, for a grant of leftos of administration intcstatc to thc estatc of Jeremano Manene Muthigc, who died at Kirogine SubJocation, on l2th May, 1990. CAUSENo. 28 oF 2015 By Charlcs Njoka Julius Mugo, of P.O. Box 14, Ikuu in Kenya, for of letters of adminisfiation intestatc to thc estatc of M'Mbiuki M'Ringata alias Mbiuki Ringata alias Julius Mugo Ngata, who died at Embu Hospital in Kenya, on 7th December,20l3. a grant C^usE No. 29 oF 20 I 5 By Teregina Kanyua Meeruh, of P.O. Box 103, Chuka in Kenya, for a grant of letters of administration intcstetc to thc c8tatc of Patrick Kirimi M'Arithi, who died or20l5 By Elizabefi Surumpeni Ntayicyio, the deceased's daughter, for a grant of lettcrs of adminisnation inEsttrE to the estate of Korompcnale Lenande Katoyie, who died at Anoi Villagc, on l2th March, 1994. John Riungu J. Maiti alias John Riungu Maiti, who died at Chogoria Hospial in Kenya, on 6th Septcmber,2012. CAUSE I oF20l5 By (l) Ntuluma Mashila Mcbeki and (2) Sayo ene Moshila, at Ndagani, on 7th December, 2013. CAUSE No. 4 oF 2015 Samuel Oigoro Omosa, the deceased's widowcr, fot a grmt of lctters of adminisfation intestEte to the estatE of Susan Kemunto Omosa, who died at Mulot, on 2lst June,2014. By CAUSENo.5 oF20l5 By (l) Manacha Nyabuto Oongc and (2) Zabloll. Isabokc Oonge, the deccascd's widower and brother-in-lrw, tespcctively, for a grant of lcttcrs of administration intcsarc to the estae of Betty Mariachana Atandi, who died at longisa County Hospital in Kenya, on 2lst June, 2014. CAUSENo.6 oF2015 By (l) Solomon Tetilc Murunkarc Kileino and (2) Priscilla Munyenyc, trc deccased's son rnd drughter, rcspcctively, for a 8rant of lctters of administration inteshte to the esbte of Norman Murunkaro Kilaino, who dicd at Kanyattr National Hospital in Kenya, on l4th June, 1995. C^usE No. 30 oF 20 I 5 CAUSENO.8 OF2OI5 By Nkonge Daniel M'Buri, of P.O. Box 87-60401, Chogoria in Kenya, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of M'Buri Njeru alias Burine Kanara, who died at Chogoria Hospital in Kenya, on 6th January, 1980. CAUSENo.3l oF20l5 By Agnos Nkumia Njeru, of P.O. Box 62, Chuka in Kenya, for a grant of letters of administration intestatc to the cstate of Orestc Njcru Njiru, who died at Chuka Hosprtal in Kenya, on 2nd March, 2013. CAUSENo.35 oF2015 By (l) Jackson Njagi Mugambi and (2) David Muritlti Mugambi, both ofP.O. Box 144-60400, Chuka in Kcnya, for a grant oflettcrs of administration intcstate to the estate of Junias Njue Mugambi, who died at District Hospital, Meru in Kenya, on 19th April, 1988. By (1) Rutus Mbugua Wanjiru and (2) Flormce Murugi, CAUSENo. l0 oF2015 By (l) Noolkisaruni ene Nkuito Mpiimpi and (2) Lesiyia ole Bi Patiat, the deccased's widow and son, respectively, fdr a Srant oflettcts of adminisnation intestate to the estate of Nkoito ole Mbimbi lnnkorrg, who died at Impiro, on 9th March,2005. Thc Court will proceed to irsue thc rsme uflless caus€ b€ shown to thc contrary and appcarance in thir rerpect entered within thifiy (30) days from the date of publication of ttris notice ill.the Kenya Gazette. C^usE No, 42 oF 2015 DBted the l2th February,2015, M, A, OCHIENG, By Lotisia Ciambaka Moru, of P.O. Box t03, Chuka in Kenya, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of M'Baini Kathuma, who died at Kiangondu Location, on 21 st July, I 994. CAUSE No. 43 oF 201 5 Dis tr ic t Regk trar, Kaj iad o. GAZETTENoTIcENo. I784 By (l) Abon Baini Mbutu, (2) Loyce Maruta Mugo and Haron Kithinji Mugoh, all of F.O. Box 143, Chuka in Kenya, for a grant of lotters of administration intestate to the estate of Patrick Murithi IN THE PRINCIPAL MAGISTRATE'S COURTATKAJIADO PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION Mugo, who died at Mikumbune, on 29th August, 2001. The Court will proceed to issue the same unless cause be shown to tho confary and appearance in this respect entered within thfty (30) days ftom tho dato of publication of this notice ilrthe Kenya Gazette. Dated the 4th March, 2015. B. N. IRERI, District Registrar, Chuka. the deceased's son and daughrcr, rcsp€ctively, for a grant of letters of adminishation intcstlte to thc ototc of Nancy Wanjlnr Mugo, who died at Kenyatta National Hospibl in Kenya, on 3rd April, 201 l. TAKE NOTICE that applioations having been made in this court in: C^usE No. 2 oF 2015 By (1) Simon Nduati Meitiaki ad (2) Mainge Meitiaki, fte deceased's sons, for a grant of letlers of dministtiti(fi iflt€$tite b lhe estate of Kawli Nkudate Seki, who died 6t Sucor Hospital in Ka1ya, on 6fi March,2012. I CAUSENo. ll oF2015 CAUSE By (1) Fmncis Karankwa Ntiyoine and (2) Abdrahman Morto, the deceased's sons, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of Naneu Ntiyione Konko, who dred at Olkiloriti Village, on l8th July,2004. The Court will proceed to issue the same unless cause be shown to the contrary and appearance in thrs respect entered within thirty (30) days from the date of publication of this notrce in the Kezr-ya Gazette. Dated the l Tth February, 2015. E. A. Drstrict MBICHA, Regis trar, Kaj iado. No. 22 oF 2015 By David Githu Gathutri, of P.O. Box 22,1{tgmjo in Kenya, for a grant of letters of administration int€state to the cstate of Gathuthi Maranga alias Gathuthi s/o Maranga, who dred at Kiamariga, on 3lsl December, 1988. CAUSE No. 23 oF 2015 By Grace Gathigia Ndirangu, of P.O. Box 542,Kamtma in Kenya, for a grant of letters of administmtion intestate to thc estate of Ndirangu Muchcmi, who did at Kianjogu, Hirrga, Sub-location, on lSth August, 2005. CAUSE No. 24 oF 2015 GAZETTENoTIcENo. I785 IN THE PRINCIPAL MAGISTRATE'S COURTAT KARATINA PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION TAKE NOTICE that applications having been made m thrs court ln: CAUSE 619 THE KENYA GAZETTE lSth March,2015 No. 96 oF 2014 By Jane Wanjiku Grthu, of PO. Box 99, Karatina in Kenya, for a grant of letters of administratron mtestate to the estate of Githu Karuru ahas Grthu s/o Karuru, who died at Drstrict Hospital, Karatina in Kenya, on 23rd August, 2007. By Margaret Wf,rgan Mwangr, of P.O. Box 145, Kmatina in Kenya, for a grant of lctters of administation intestate to the estate of Simon Ndcgwa Mwaniki alias Symon Ndegwa Mwaniki, who died at Tumutumu Hospital in Kenya, on 3rd February, 1998. The Court will proceed to issue thc same unless cause be shown to the contrary and appcarance in this respect entered within thirty (30) days from thc date ofpubhcation ofthis notice in the Kenya Gazelte. Dated the l3th February,2015. D. N. MUSYOKA, Districl Regislrar, Karattna. CAUSENo 12oF20l5 By (1) James Mwanftr Mwangi and (2) Agnes Wanjim Mwangr, both of P.O. Box 5ll, Karahna in Kenya, for a gmnt of letters of administration ntestate to the estate of Gichuhr Mwangr, who died at Kahurura SubJocation, on 23rd December,2D9. GAZETTENoTICENo, 1786 IN THE PRINCIPAL MAGISTRATE'S COURT AT KARATINA PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION CAUSENo. l3 oF2015 By John Mwangi Maina, of P.O. Box 236, Karatma rn Kenya, for a of letters of administratron mtestate to the estate of Maina grant Mbanrku, who died at Tumutumu Hospital in Kenya, on 2009. 2 I st TAKE NOTICE that applications having been made in this court in: November, CAUSENo. 14 oF2015 By John Mwangi Maina, of P.O. Box 236, Karatina in Kenya, for a grant of letters of adminstratron mtestatc to the estate of Kibuthu Thuku, who died at Kangoco, Gatundu, on 2lst August, 1982. CAUSENo. 15 oF2015 By James Maina Kamwaro, of P.O. Box 420, Karatina in Kenya, for a grant of letters of admrnistratron mtestate to the estate of Kamwaro Gachari ahas Kamwaro Gachare alias Robert Kamwaro Gachari, who died at Provincral General Hospital, Nyeri in Kenya, on 20th June, 1985. CAUSE No. I 8 oF 20 14 By Paulinc Njoki Githua, of P.O. Box 19, Mukurweini in Kenya, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of Wanjau Muguruki, who died at Gitri SubJocation, on lst January, 1969. CAUSE NO. 7 OF 2OI5 By of (l) Irene Wairinru Kagai and (2) Catherine Wangui Maina, both P.O. Box 2M, Karz;tma in Kanya, for a grant of letters of adrninistratron intestate to the estate of James Muriuki Kagirime alias James Murioki Kagirime, who died at Ngaini SubJocation, on l6th Re&tnry,20A. CAUSE CAUSENo. 16 oF2015 No. 8 oF20l5 Wanjohi, who dred at Provincral General Hospital, Nyeri in Kenya, on By (l) Regina Wanjiru Macharia, (2) Ndegwa Macharia and (3) Lucy Njeri Ngonjo, all of P.O. Box 52, Mukurweini in Kenya, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of Macharia Nduiga alias Macharia Vo Nduiga, who died at Mathaithi Village, lOth July, 1976. Konyu Location, on 6th July, 1966. By (l) John Wachira Mirauri and (2) Pauline Wangui Muriuki, botlr P.O. Box 131. Karatma in Kenya, for a grant of letters of admmlstratlon tntestate to the estate of Festo Mirauri alias Mirauri Vo of CAUSENo. 17 oF2015 By Marion Njoki Mathenge, of P.O Box 175, Karatina in Kenya, for a grant of letters of admrnrstration intestate to the estate of Loise Gathonr Munoru, who dred at Kenyatta National Hospital rr Kenya, on 6th April, 2004. CAUSENO. l8 0F2015 By Marion Njoki Mathenge, of P.O. Box 175, Karahna in Kenya, for a grant of letters of administation ntestate to the estate of Ngima Mathenge, who died at Mungi Sub-locatron, on 30th May,2014. CAUSE of The Court will proceed to issue the same unless cause be shown to the contrary and appearance in this rcspect entered within thirty (30) days from the date ofpublication ofthis notice il the Kenya Gozette. Dated the 28th lan:uary,20li. S. MWAYULI, Dis tr i ct Re gistrar, Karatino. By (1) CAUSE No. 21 oF 2015 GAZETTENoTICENo. I787 IN THE PRINCIPAL MAGISTRATE'S COURT AT KAPSABET By Charles Maina Gathari, of P.O. Box 236,Karatna in Kenya, for a grant of letters of administratron intestate to the estate of Gathari Kanyrngi, who died at Kangocho, Gatundu, Nyerr, on 30th August, 1984. oF 201 5 administration ntestate to the estate of Joseph Wachira Karimi, who died at Tumuumu Hospital in Kenya, on I lth November, 20(X. CAUSE No. 20 oF 2015 Rrchard Ndamburi Muchin and (2) Charles Mwangi Ndirangu, both of P.O. Box 2058, Karatrn rn Kenya, for a grant of letters of admrnrstratron mtestate to the estate of Muchrri Gacheche, who died at Provincial General Hosprtal, Nyeri in Kenya, on 20th September, 1959. No. I I By (l) Ephantus Gathee Karimi and (2) John Mwangi IGrimi, both P.O. Box 327, Kar3'tma in Kenya, for a grant of letters of PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION TAKE NOTICE that applications having been made in this court in: THE KENYA GAZETTE 620 l8th March, 2015 CAUSENo 26oF2OI4 CAUSE By David Krprono Koech, of P.O Box 127, Songhor in Kenya, for a grant of letters ofadmrnrstration intestate to the estate ofKipkoech arap Birgen, who died on I I th June, 201 I . 17th CAUSE No. 2l oF 2015 By Simon Oyrego Lubang'a, of P.O. Box ll12, Kapsabet in Kenya, for a grant of letters of administratron mtestate to the estate of Hezekiah Lubanga Lrhanda. who died on 8th December,2006. CAUSENo. l54oF2014 By Davrd Kiprugut Sum, of P.O. Box 34, Kapsabet m Kenya, for a of letters of admmlstrahon intestate to the estrate of Krsum arap grant st July, 2006. CAUSENo 22oF2015 By Norah Jepkosger Kogo, ofP.O. Box I I 12, Kapsabet m Kenya, for of admrnistration intestate to the estate of Krnnaria arap Kogo, who dred on l6th September, 2003. a grant of letters CAUSENo. 157 oF2014 By ( I ) Francrs Kipleler Chepkwony and (2) Noah Kirwa Too, both of P O. Box 358, Eldoret rr Kenya, for a grant of letters of admmlstratron rntestate to the estate of Jerubet Jerotrch , who died on 4th May, 1980. CAUSENo 23oF2015 By Josphat Mbano Lusasr, of P.O. Box 7, Serem in Kenya, for By Joseph Krprop Maryo, of P.O. Box, 334, Serem in Kenya, the of letters of admrnistration mtestate to the estate of Kiprotich Chegugu, who dred at Kapkures, on l4rhMay,1994. CAUSE No. 25 oF 2015 deceased son, for a grant CAUSENo l92oF2Ol4 By (l) John Krptabut Korir and (2) Gilbert Krpleting Korir, both of P.O. Box 97, Moi Universrty in Kenya, for a grant of letters of admmistratron lntestate to the estate of Matras Kipkorom Srtiener, who dred in 1995 No. I 0 a grant of lefters of administration intestate to the estate of Michael Lusasi, who died on I 9th June, 2000. CAUSENo 190oF2014 CAUSE on September,1981. CAUSENo l43oF2014 2 I By Sarah Jesang Kosgei, of P.O. Box 39, Chepterwai in Kenya, for a grant of letters of administratlon intestate to the estate of Krmurrngor Cheruiyot ahas Krmuringor arap Cheruiyot, who died By Pius Kosgei Maswai, of of P.O. Box 30, Kapsabet rn Kenya, for a grant of letters of administratron lntestate to the estate of Kimngey arap Maswai alus Kimngey s/o Maswar, who dred on 4th July, 1990. Lagat, who dred on No. 20 oF 2015 By ( I ) Josina Odanga and (2) Milton Arro Odongo, both of P.O. Box 125, Kapcheno in Kenya, the deceased's widow and son, respectively, for a grant of letters of administahon mtestate to the estate of Jairus Angaya Odongo, who died on 8th September,2006 The Court will proceed to issue the same unless cause be shown to the contrary and appearance in this respect entered wrthrn thirty (30) days from the date of pubhcatron of this notice in the Kenya Gazette. OF 20 I 5 Dated the 16th February,2014. By Russy Jesang Krrwa, of P.O. Box 30, Kapsabet in Kenya. for a grant of letters of adminstratron lntestate to the estate of Julius B. MOSIRIA, D is tric t Re gi s trar, Kaps ab Kipsongok A. Krrwa, who died rn 2008 CAUSENo I I oF2015 By Aron Ktptanur Konr, of GAZETTE NOTICE NO. O. Box 30, Kapsabet rn Kenya, for a grant of letters of admrnrstatron mtestate to the estate of Krpchrlan arap P TAKE NOTICE that apphcations havrng been made rn this court By (l ) Omar Kiptoo and (2) Davrd Krplagat Too, bodr of P.O. Box 30, Kapsabet rn Kenya, for a grant of letters of administration lntestate to the estate of Martim arap Langat ahas Martrm Langat, who dred on I 5th March, 1982 CAUSENo I3 OF2OI5 ln: CAUSE No. l0 By Elizabeth Chepkemor Koechi, of P.O. Box l, Kilgoris in Kenya, the deceased's'widow, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of Phihp Cheruiyot arap Koech, who died at Rogena Rongena, on 29th November,2oo4. oF 20 I 5 The Court will proceed to issue the same unless cause be shown to the contrary and appearance in this respect entered within thirty (30) days from the date ofpublication ofthis notice in the Kenya Gazette. Dated the I lth December,20l4. By Juhus Lrchoh Lishenga, of P.O Box 214, Trnki in Kenya, for a grant of lefters of admmistratron mtestate to the estate of Macomera A CAUSENO I5 OF2OI5 GAZETTE NoTICE By Kibiwot Rono, of P.O. Box 574, Kapsabet in Kenya, for a grant of letters of admrnistratron intestate to the estate of Kiprono arap Birir, PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION 16 oF20l5 By Anna Jerohch Sthener, ofP.O. Box 3 177, Eldoret rn Kenya, for a grant of lefters of adminrstration rntestate to tIe estate of Langat Klmaiyo Sitiener, who dred on 8th November,2012. CAUSENO I7 OF2OI5 By Sarah Jehmo Keter, of P.O. Box 282, Kapsabet tn Kenya, for a grant of letters of admrntstratron intestate to the estate of Krplagat arap Keter, who died on l5th July, 2008. CAUSENO 19 OF2OI5 of P.O. Box 30, Baraton m Kenya, for a grant of admlnistratlon rntestate to the estate of Lawrence Kipyego Kosger, who dred rn 2014. By Sarah Jerop, of No. 1789 IN THE PRINCIPAL MAGISTRATE'S COURT AT MARALAL who dred on l5th May, 2015. letters K.MOKOROSS. Dis tnc I Regi s trar, Kr lgori s Liboiyawa, who died on 8th February,2007. cAUsENo oF 2009 a grant of letters of admmistratlon rntestate to the estate of John Chepkieng Lelei, who dred on 3rd February,2012. No. I 4 788 PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION CAUSENo. l2 oF20l5 CAUSE t. IN THE PRINCIPAL MAGISTRATE'S COURT AT KILGORIS Leting, who dred on 28th February, 1994. By Joel Kimeh Meto, of P.O. Box 377, Kapsabet in Kenya, for 1 e TAKE NOTICE that applications having been made in this court in' . CAUSENo.2jF20|4 By George Lentanyichie, for a grant of letters of admmrtratron lntestate to the estate of trimpian lrntanyishe, who died at Lakira, on 29th December, 20 I 3. The Court will proceed to lssue the same unless cause be shown to the contrary and appearance in this respect entered withrn thrty (30) days from the date of pubhcation of this notrce in the Kenya Gazette. Dated the l4th June' 2014 B. s. KHApoyA, Dtstri ct Re gi.t tra r, Ma ra I al GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 1 621 THE KENYA GAZETTE lSth March, 2015 790 CAUSENo. IN THE PRINCIPAL MAGISTRATE'S COURT MARALAL PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION TAKE NOTICE that applicatlons havmg been made in this court 1n CAUSE NO. 3 OF 2OI4 By Selina Chebor lrshoomo, for a grant of letters of adminrstration mtestat€ to the estate of Salati Leshoomo, who died at Maralal, on 2nd ll oF2014 By Alice Kurendi, of P.O Box 100+0502, Kemka in Kenya, the deceased's wrdow, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of Stanley Makori Onden, who dred at Manga, Raitigo, on 5th November,20l2. The Court wrll proceed to lssue the same unless cause be shown to the contrary and appearance in this respect entered within thirty (30) days from the date of pubhcation of thls notice inthe Kenya Gazetle. Dated the lOth December, 2014. June,2007. C. N. SINDANI, The Court will proceed to issue the same unless cause be shown to the contrary and appearance in thrs respect entered wrthrn thirty (30) days from the date of publication of this notice in the Kerrya Gazette. Dstrict Registrar, Keroka. GAZETTENoTIcENo. I793 Dated the l5th July, 2014. IN THE SENIOR RESIDENT MAGISTRATE'S COURT C. N. NDEGWA, ATKANCUNDO Dislrict Reg$trdr, Maralal PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION GAZETTENOTICENo I79I TAKE NOTICE that an application having been made in this court IN THE PRINCIPAL MAGISTRATE'S COURT AT KIKUYU PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION TAKE NOTICE that applications havrng been made in this court m: CAUSE, No. l3 oF 2015 James Karanja Thubt of P.O. Box l892zt-O0100, Nairobi in Kenya, the deceased's grandson, for a grant ofletters ofadministration intestate to the estate of Teresra Njokr Ndungu alias Gachoki Ndungu, who dred at Thogoto, Kinoo, Kikuyu, on 25th April, 1992. CAUSE 30th August, 1 998. The Court will proceed to issue the same unless cause be shown to the contrary and appearance in this respect entercd wrthin thirty (30) days from the date ofpublication of this notrce in the Kenya Gazette. Dated the 12th January, 2015. J. BII, Dis tric t Re gis trar, Kangundo. (l) Ehzabeth Wanjnu Grtlturjr and (2) Eva Muthonr Kibtku, both of P.O. Box 72685-00200, Nairobr in Kenya, the deceased's daughter and widow, respectively, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estat€ of Paul Krbiku Githmji, who died at P.C.E.A., Kikuyu Hospital in Kenya, on 9th November,2012. 5 and son, respectively, for a grant of letters of admmishation intestate to tle estato of Makasa Kilonzo Kiseli, who died at Kavilinguni, on CAUSE. No.14 oF2014 By No. I oF 201 (l) Patrick Mumia Makasa and (2) Luisa Muotr Makasa, both ofP.O. Box 1050-90115, Kangundo in Kenya, the deceased's widow By GAZETTENoTIcENo. I794 IN THE SENIOR RESIDENT MAGISTRATE'S COURT CAUSE.No 15 oF 2015 ATMWINGI By Esther Nlekehu Kiane, of P.O. Box 40-O0902, Kikulu in Kenya, the deceased's widow, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of Ayub Kiane Kinyanjui, who died at Kamangu, Rengutl on 2nd October, 1996. PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION CAUSE.No l6 . TAKE NOTICE that applications having been made in this court ln: CAUSE No. 43 oF 2014 oF 2015 By Munyoki Sila, of P.O. Box l-90400, Mwingi in Kenya, the By Hannah Wanjiru Muirun, of P.O. Box 1512, Kikulu m Kenya, the deceased's son, for a grant deceased's widow, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of Joseph Muiruri Kabugi, who died at Narok on I lth Decernber, estate of Sila Wambo Nungu, late of Mwingr Central, who died at Nzelunr Sub-location, on I 8th February, 1993. 2014. CAUSE.No 17 oF 2015 By Danrel Bube Magua, of P.O. Box 51 {0902, Krkuyu m Kenya, the deceased's son, for a grant of letters of adminrstratron mtestate to the estrte of Michael Mbru Nganga, who died at Kenyatta Nahonal Hospital tn Kenya, on 23rd April, 1988. of letters of administration intestate to the The Court will proceed to issue the same unless cause be shown to the contrary and appearance ln thrs resp€ct entered within thirty (30) days from the date ofpublication ofthis notice inthe Kenya Gazetle. Dated ihe 6th February, 2015. G. W. KIRUGUMI, Dis t r ic t Regi strqr, Mwin gi. CAUSE.No 19 oF 2015 By (l) Mary Mukuhe Mbugua and (2) Peter Mbugua Krrumba, both P.O. Box 5l-00902, Kikuyu m Kenya, the deceased's son and daughter, respectrvely, for a grant of letters of admnNtratlon lntestate to the estate of Kirumba Njuguna, who died at Kamangu, on 19th GAZETTE NOTICE of No. 1 795 IN THE SENIOR RESIDENT MAGISTRATE'S COURT ATGATUNDU December, 1991. PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION The Court will proceed to rssue the same unless cause be shown to the contrary and appearance m this respect entered within thirty (30) days fiom the date ofpublication ofthrs notlce inthe Kenya Gazette. Dated the 2nd February, 2015. A. W. MWANGI, D.stnct Reg$trar, Kikuyu. TAKE NOTICE that apphcations having been made in this court in: CAUSENo. l0 oF2015 By Edward Chege Kibera, of P.O. Box 6l-01030, Gatundu in Kenya, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of Kibera Chege alias Daniel Kibera Chege, who died at lake View, on 29th May, 1995. GAZETTE NoTtCE No. 1 792 IN THE PRINCIPAL MAGISTRATE'S COURT KEROKA PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION TAKE NOTICE that applications having been made in thrs court tn. The Court will proceed to issue the same unless cause bq shown to the contrary and appearance in this respect entered within thirty (30) days from the date of publication of this notice inthe Kenya Gazette. Dated the 5th February,2015. D. M.NDLTNGI, District Registrar, Gatundu. THE KENYA GAZETTE 622 GAZETTENoTICENo, I796 CAUSE IN THE SENIOR RESIDENT MAGISTRATE'S COURT AT WUNDANYI PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION CAUSE By Francis Mmazo Mwashori, of P O. Box 1010, Wundanyi m Kenya, the deceased's son, for a grant of letters of admrustation intestate to the estate of Mwashori Mghosi Lengu, late of Sagharghu Sub-location, who died at Mghamboni Sub-location, on l4th October,2005. No. 6 oF 2OI5 By Nancy Kitawa Mwalozi, of P.O. Box 4, Werugha rr Kenya, the letters of administration intestate to the estate of Dalton Mwalozr Mshrla, late of Wumingu Location, who dred at Mwarungu Sub-location, on lOth October,2014- both of P.O. Box 16, Souttr Kinangop in Kenya, the deceased's son and widow, respectively, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of Harun Ng'ang'a Muigai, late of Njabini, who died at North Krnangop Catholic Hospital in Kenya, on l3th Febraury, 2010. CAUSENO. @OF2OI4 By Mary Njambi Karanja, of PO. Box 817, Nairob in Kanya, the deceased's widow, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of Francis Karanja Kariuki, late of Nyandarua, who dred at Marigrti Markeq on 24ttr November,2D07. CAUSE No. 67 oF 2014 By Chege Nganga Mutonga, of P.O. Box 6, Kinale, the deceased's CAUSENo. T oF2015 By Justine Mwadime Kora of P.O. Box 53, Ng'ambwa n Kenya, the deceased's son, for a grant of letters of admrnrstration intestate to the estate of Kora Krruga Mwavadu, late of Wumari, Sechu, who dred at a grant of letters of administration intestat€ to the estate of Grace Wanlrku Chege, late of Matura South Kinangop, who died at St. Mary's 'Hospital in Kenya, on l3th Juty, 2008. widower, for CAUSE No. 68 oF 20 14 Wumari, Sechu, on lOth January,2014. CAUSENo.8 oF20l5 By Patrick Mwangangu Nyange, of P.O. Box 32, Vor in Kenya, the deceased's son, for a grant of letters of adminrstration intestate to the By Lucy Wan1iru Chege, of P.O. Box 240, Naivasha in Kenya, the deceased's widow, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of Benard Chege Machana, late of Lakeview, who died at Lakevrew, on 2lst May,2008. estate of Mrchael Nyange Mcharo, late of Mgange, Dawida, who dred at Mgange, Dawida, on l3th October, 1987. CAUSE No. 9 oF2015 By Rose Kifushr Mwawasr, of P.O. Box I I 13, Wundanyi in Kenya the deceased's daughter-rn-law, for a grant of letters of administration intestrte to the estate of Nattran Dixon Thomas, late of Mbale Incation, Taita, who dred at Mbale, Tarta, on 9th June, 1995. CAUSENo. l0oF20l5 By Kesr Geofrey Mwakamu, of P.O Box I I 13, Wundanyi in Kenya, the deceased's' son, for a grant of lefters of administration intestate to the estate of Norman Kesi Mwasi, late of Mbale Location, Taita, who died at Mbale, Tarta, on l9th February, 1992. CAUSENo. ll No. 63 oF 2014 By (1) Samuel Muiru Ng'ang'a and (2) Teresia Njeri Ng'ang'a, CAUSENo.5 oF20l5 of oF 2014 By Jane Gathoni Njoroge, of P.O. Box 10, South Kinangop in Kenya, the deceased's widow, for a grant of letters of administration lntestate to the estate of Samson Njoroge Muuni, late of Nyandarua, who TAKE NOTICE that applications having been made in this court deceased's daughter, for a agtant No.62 dred at A.I.C., Krjabe Hospital in Kenya, on 9th February,2013. in: CAUSE l8th March,2015 oF20l5 By Douglas Ngoma Kilinda, of P.O Box 90, Mwatate in Kenya, the deceased's son, for a grant of letters of administration lntestate to the estate of Philip Kilinda alias Phihp B. Krhnda, late of Kishamba, who died at Wesu Hosprtal rn Kenya, on lst January, 1987. The Court will proceed to lssue the same unless cause be shown to the contrary and appearance in this respect entered within thirty (30) days from the date ofpublication ofthrs notrce in the Kenya Gazette. CAUSE Mrharati, on 5th January, 1998. CAUSE GAZETTENoTICENo. I797 oF 2014 CAUSE No. 72 oF 2014 By (l) Mary Wanjrku Njoroge and (2) Lucy Wangui Nloroge, both of P.O. Box 5, Kinari in Kenya, the deceased's widows, for a grant of letters of admimsffatlon mtestate. to the estate of John Njoroge Gathtge, lale ofKenton, who died atKenton, on l0th June,20l3. CAUSE No. 75 oF 2014 By Margaret Wanjiru Mboko, of P.O. Box 62, Wanjohr in Kenya, the deceased's widow, for a grant of letters of admmistrahon lntestate. to the estate of David Mboko Gikuma alias Mboko Gikuma Wambuku alias Mboko Githuma, late of Makumbr, who died at Mikeu, on 2lst Apnl,2003. CAUSE G M. GITONGA, Wmdany t No. 71 By Grace Wanjiku Kuria, of P.O. Box 92, Kinari in Kenya, the deceased's widow, for a grant of letters of administsation intestate. to the estate of Kuria Gikonyo Kuria, late of Nyandarua, who died at Kuabe Hospsrtal in Kenya, on 22nd F ebruary, 201 l. Dated the l3th February,2015. D ts tric t Re gis trar, No. 70 oF 2014 By Joseph Kimam Muhlrr, of P.O. Box 154, Miharati in Kenya, the deceased's son, for a grant of letters of administation intestate. to the estate of Ibrahim Muturi Ngathika, late of Mrharati, who died at No. '76 oF 2014 By Paul Njuguna Muturi and (2) Simon Muchrn Muturi, of P.O. Box 90, South Krnangop in Kenya, the deceased's sons, for a grant of letters of administration intestate. to the estate of Ruth Wangur Muturi, late of Nyandarua, who died at Kenyatta National Hospital in Kenya, on 18th December, 2003. IN THE SENIOR RESIDENT MAGISTRATE'S COURT AT ENG]NEER PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION TAKE NOTICE that applications having been made rn thrs court ln' CAUSE No. 60 oF 20 14 By Jeremiah Thuo Krige, of P.O. Box 32, Wanjohi in Kenya, the deceased's son, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of Kiige Thuo, late of Geta Sub-locatron, who died at Nyandarua, on l8th May, 1971. CAUSENo.6I oF2014 By George Kamau Karigr, of P.O Box 178-20318, North Knangop rn Kenya, the deceased's son, for a grant of letters of administration rntestate to the estate of Joseph Karigr Kamau, late of Kitirr, who died at North Kmangop Cathohc Hosprtal in Kenya, on 22nd May,2012. CAUSE No. 77 oF 2014 By (1) Monicah Wan1iru Njuguna and (2) Srliva Wambui Nluguna, both of P.O. Box 51, North Knangop in Kenya, the deceased's widows, for a grant of letters of adminrstratron intestate to the estate of Ezekia N.;uguna Ndua!, late of Kahuru, who died at Kahuru, on l5th Ju1y,2007. CAUSENO.T8 0F2014 By Wanyorke Karu Kanunwa, of P.O. Box'79'73240200,Nairobi in Kenya, the deceased's son, for a grant of letters of administration rnt€state to the estate of Karu Kanunwa Irungu, late of Geta, Nyandarua, who died at longonot Matemity, on l8t]r May,2000. CAUSE No. 79 oF 2014 By Benard Wanjohi Maina, of P.O. Box 14, North Kinangop in Kenya, the deceased's son, for a grant of letters of administration rntestate to the estate of Maina Kinlungu Kanai, late of Kiamigui, Mathira, who dred at Consolata Hospital in Kenya, on l6th March, 2013. 623 THE KENYA GAZETTE 18th March, 2015 CAUSE No. 80 CAUSE oF 2014 No. 81 oF 20 14 By Moses Ndegwa Wangondu, of P.O. Box 42, North Knangop in Kenya, the deceased's son, for a grant of letters of administration rntestate to the estate of Mukami Wangondu, late of Weru Sub-location, who died at Weru Sub-locatron, on I lth November, 2013. By John Karuku Kgwanja, of P.O. Box 42, North Kmangop in Kenya, the deceased's son, for a grant of letters of admmlstratlon intestate to the estate of Krgwanja Karuku Kigwanja alias Kigwanja Karuku Kiwanja, late of Miharatr, who died at Mftaratr, on 22nd October,200l. CAUSE No. 8 I The Court will proceed to rssue the same unless cause be shown to the contrary and appearance in this respect entered withrn thirty (30) days from the date of publication of thrs notice in the Kenya Gazette oF 2013 By Srmon Krhru Waweru, of P.O. Box 79, North Wanjohi rn Kenya, the deceased's son, for a grant of letters of adminrstration intestate to the estate of Wambui Waweru Karanja, late of Miharati, who died at Mrharatr, on 22nd October, 2001. G. N. OPAKASI, Dis trrct Re gi s trar', E n gr n ee r GAZE"TTENonCENo I798 PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION TAKE NOTICE that after thrrty (30) days from the date of thrs Gazette, and unless cause be shown to the contrary, I mtend to apply to the High Court at Nairobi for representation of the estates of the persons named rn the second column of the Schedule hereto, who dred on the dates respectively set forth agalnst their names And further take notlce that all persons having any claims agarnst or interests ln the estate of the said deceased persons are requrred to prove such claims or Interests before me withrn two (2) months from the date of this Gazette, after which the date claims and lnterests so proved will be paid and satisfied and the several estates distributed accordrng to law. SCHEDLLE No. Deceased's Nane Address Date of Death Testate/ Intestate 344t2008 552t2014 8t312003 234t2014 Adow Abdi Kassrm Baros A. Lot Magaga Beatrice Pamela Atieno Cathenne Awuor Oduor P.O Box 25, Rhamu, Mandera P.O. Box 7384-O0100, Nairobi P.O. Box 52802, Nairobi 20-5-2004 Intestate 5-8-20 l 0 Intestate Intestate Intestate 562-20t4 Christopher Marna Wainarna Daniel Karukr Ben Mwangr Danson Mukurra Elias Kanyi Iregr ahas Kanyr Iregr Waguku Florence Muthonr Njuki George Grtau Rrbuthu Gerald Wachira Ngigi Isaack Abdullahihassan James Jumamoi Topelen Janet Kabura Gitau Jimna Gitau Kmuthra Joseph Kipeuansekendo Leah Njuthe alias [-eah Njuthe Mwandiko Lydiah Wanjiku Karega Maria Wangui Gatitu Paul Gitau Njaiya Peter Ndegwa Thirikwa Sarah N.;en Mwangr Selina Awinja Otima Wycliffe Donald Okwoku Z,ebednh Wakesho Popelah PTlCouse 642t2014 617 t20t4 636t2014 45n996 485t20t4 74212012 641t2014 26612006 576t2014 397 t2014 60212014 t2014 371/2014 47'.7 56812014 56512014 598t2014 s50t2014 60512014 62212014 546t20t4 P.O. P.O. P.O. P.O. P.O. P.O. P.O. P.O. P.O. 26-8-2013 Box 498-00614, Wangige 23-2-t98t Box 55 l{)0300, Nairobi P.O Box 288,Kangarr P O. Box 229,Kangema P.O. P.O. P.O. P.O. P.O. 34-2000 Box 53828, Nairobr Box 2972-00100, Thika Box 34, Kahuhia Box 30047-O0 100, Narrobr Box 22097-00400. Nairobi Box 14109-00100, Nairobr Box 659, Thika Box 356-00610, Wajir P O. Box 120, Kapenguria P.O. Box 33, Gatundu P.O. Box 4240223,Kagwe P O. Box 81, Loitokrtok P.O. l Box 7430-O0100, Narrobi Box 5,Igwamitr Box 3l l-O0300, Nairobi Box 104, Lrmuru Box 721 I 8-{0200, Nairobi PO. Box 20002-{0200, Nairobr 24-tt-201t Intestate t5-4-2014 Intestate Intestate Intestate Intestate Intestate r r-8-2014 4-3-1993 3-3-2013 t6-3-2011 29,8-2013 Intestate 0-6-1 998 Intestate Intestate t5-2-2013 28-7-2013 Intestate Intestate 7 Intestate I 5-2014 26*8-20t3 l l-3 20t I t7-1-2004 9-7J014 14JOO1 Intestate Intestate Intestate Intestate 3-9)0t3 Intestate Intestate 6-6-20t4 Intestate t2-6-2008 Intestate 2t-2-20t0 Intestate M N NJUYA. January,20l5 l.{W6901492 for Public Trustee, Nairobt. GAZET"IENOTCENo. 1799 PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION TAKE NOTICE that after thrrty (30) days from the date of this Gazette, and unless cause be shown to the contrary, I intend to apply to the High Court at Nairobr for representatron of the estates of the persons named in the second column of the Schedule hereto, who died on the dates respectively set forth against ther names. And fu(her take notice that all persons having any clarms agarnst or lnterests rn the estate of the said deceased persons are required to prove such claims or interests before me within two (2) months from the date of this Gazette, after whrch the date clarms and interests so proved wrll be paid and satisfied and the several estates drstributed accordrng to law SCHEDULE No. Deceased's Nane Acldress 2l/2011 62U20t4 Abdalla Sheikh Abdi Alice Nyanchama Mose P.O. Box 42. Masalanr P.O. Box 19010{)0501. Nairobi 3t1994 607t2014 251/2014 679/2012 126t2014 135t2014 Benrgnus Wangu Macharr Bibiana Nyawira Kibe David Muange Muema Eliud Warega Owuor P 40212014 Gladys Wairimu Matherr PT/Cause O Box 58078-{0200. Dote Narrobi P.O. Box 59094-O0200, Nairobr P.O. Box 45404-{0 100. Nairobr P.O. Box 52. Macalder, Nyatrka oJ Death t6-12-1997 7-71014 3-1-t991 t4-tt-2013 Esther Wamburu Ngugi P.O. Box 6852-00200, Nairobi 5-2-20t4 27-t-2004 25-t-2013 Francrs Mugaramr Kamonr P.O. Box 281 85. Nairobi P.O. Box 5250-{0200, Nairobi 2-l-2001 2-2-2013 Testatellntestate Intestate Intestate Intestate Intestate Intestate Intestate Intestate Intestate Intestate THE KENYA GAZETTE 624 PTlCause No. Deceased's Name 436tnt4 Gitooga Mugo 478/2014 Jamcs Muthlnji Kariuki Jane Kerubo Oremo 2tnm7 56U2014 430t?0t4 500tr014 423.tmt1 John Mwelcli Kimeu l9l/1999 Lizzie Monje Ngao Marry Atieno Onyango 628f2,Jtt 57Umt4 John Orito Joseph Maina Matheri Josephine Masikah 525notl Musa Kasolo Kamau Nicholas Ngiwili Mulei Prul Musembi Kiminza 414rmt4 Foter Kihugu Muthiga 1421?o14 SamuelTaitta Chepkwony Simon Kanyoni Kamau Walter Kihoto Muniu 15502004 623rDt4 481t2014 462mt4 399nnt4 460/1990 462tpt4 P.O. P.O. P.O. P.O. P.O. P.O. P.O. P.O. P.O. P.O. P.O. P.O. P.O. P.O. P.O. P.O. P.O. P.O. P.O. P.O. Eric Mukiri Magambo Frankline Ateko Kwasi Peul Mackcnzie Onchaba AMalla Shcikh AMi Box 46-6O4O7, Magutuni Box 78558-OO507, Nairobi Box 58242-{0200, Natuobi Box 30457-O0100, Natobi Box 120, Kakamega Box l03l, Ruiru Box 15648-O0503, Mbagathi Box 520-80109, Mtwapa Box 7134H0622, Nairobi Box 88, TaYeta Box 55134, Nairobi Box 20O5, Taita Taveta Box 1392, Kiambu Box 44-20424, Amalo Box 61529{D200, Nairobi Box 745, Murang'a Box 55000-OO200, Nairobi Box 7@14-O0400, Nairobi Box 1179, Nyamira Box 42, Masalani lSth March,2015 Date of Death Te state I Inte state 44-2i14 Intostrb 28-7-2014 Intastatc 28-10-405 l1-8-2@9 Intestate 14-,2-?IJt3 22-7-2014 Intestate Intestate 3M-.20t2 Intestale l8-l InEst{tc lntestate 1-1993 l5-9-2012 Intestatc 14*2014 Intastrtc 22-2-2W Intestate Intestate Intestatc Intestate Intestatc Intestate Intestate Intcstate Intcstate Intestate 27^10-?ot2 5-{-2013 29-l-2013 5-8*2014 2+2010 24-8-2014 25-t-t997 7-.4-1985 t6-12-1997 M. N.NJUYA, Fobruary,2015. 054204 MR fur Public Trustce, Neirobi. GAZErmNoncENo. 1800 PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION TAKE NOTICE that after thirty (30) days from the date of this Gazette, and unless cause bc shown to thc conuary, I intend to apply to the High Court at Nairobi for represcnt&tion of thc cstates of the persons named in the second column of thc Schedule hcrch, who dicd on the dates respectivcly set forth against their names, And further takc notlce that all pcrsons having any claims against or interests in thc estatc of the said dcceased panons arc rt{uirtd to prove such clairns or intercsts bcforo ma withh two (2) months from the date of tlris Gazettc, aftcr which thc datc claims and intercsts so provcd will bc paid and satisficd and the scvcral cstatcs distributed according to law. S.HEDULE PTlCauseNo, Deceascd'sName Address 126/2015 Adow Hussein Emoi Agatha Blandina Achcbi Daugras Mwangi Kimani Edith Khakasa Munialo Elizrbcth Njeri James Eunice Atieno Arwa Francis Njuguna Ngugi Gabricl Maina Mwangi Gorby Kimeu Kikuvi Grace J. Mulci Alias Grace Jcmeli Murei James Kuria Ngugi Jane Perpetua Nyaguthii Mwaniki Jason Kamau Githuka Ieremiah Njagi Karani P.O. P.O. P.O. P.O. P.O. P.O. P.O. 4&t2012 625t2IJt4 455tntt 211tntl 54il.tmt4 685/2014 42"il2414 2tn0t5 644n0t4 101/2015 57'tnl4 643t2014 I 3/201 5 r000/2004 149t2012 2s7l20tt 656tNt4 604/2010 @4t2ot3 451tnt4 s6t20t5 t387nO04 u5t20t4 Jcrcmiah Partcyie Shukunr John Kihonge Githiu Peninan Scleiyan Julius Gikaria Kimari Murku Warguto Bewa Beatrice Jibcra Kisivuli Nganga Chau Mathia Paul Karanja Rukungu Njiiri Roscmary Linet Odera Box 19, Rhrmu, Mandera Box 701l0-O0.()O, Nafuobi Box 232-01020, Kenol Box 75104-{0200, Natobi Box 5371{tr100, Nairobi Box 63030{0200, Nairobi Box 50, Ganrndu P.O. Box 482-10205, Maragua P.O. Box 90, Othrya P.O. Box 30483, Nairobi P.O. Box 4008, Thika P.O. Box 9273-O0100, Nairobi P.O. Box 147, Kangare P.O. Box 42557-{0100, Nairobi P.O. Box 24, Kajiado P.O. Box 167, Kanjuku P.O. Box 123-O0207, Namanga P.O. Box 302, Namanga P.O. Box 5-60500, Marsabit P.O. Box 71488-00622, Natuobi P.O. Box 56, Kagwe P.O. Box 3l-80502, Mokowe lamu Date of Death Tcstatcllntestate 26-ll-2013 Intestarc 5-9-2007 Intcstrta 9-{-2008 Intestatc Intestatc Intestate Intcstate Intestate Intestate 2-9-2008 20-4-20tt 20-7-2014 t4-l-2014 22-4-2014 26_10-2014 2z-raot4 2l-8-2013 30-l-201 I 28-2-20t4 l6-l l-2014 l.+-l-1993 7-l l-2010 l6-2008 2J-.G20t2 26-4-201O l5-?-2010 2-2-20t4 I l-l-2012 3-7-19n P.O. Box 548, Uthiru P.O. Box 59, Kigumo 25-l l-200e 288/201 3 Timothy Kibinge Wahinya Winnic Njoki Ndirangu Phoebc Wanjiru Githaiga P.O. Box 13267-00100, Nairobi 14-10.-2000 484tmt4 Edward Njoroge Kamau P.O. Box 3t2015 2032-0232, Ruiru 8-10-2009 t7-5-20t4 Intcstrtc Intcstrtc Intestatc Intestatc Intestatc Intestate Intcstatc Intestatc Intestata Intestatc Intestatc Intcstatc Intestrte Irttcstatc Intcstatc Intcstatc Intestrte Intestate Intestate M, N. NJUYA, February,2015. for Public Trustee, Nairobi. MR/70542M GAZErrENoncENo. l80l PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION TAKE NOTICE that after thirty (30) days from the date of this Gazette, and unless cause bc shown to the contary, I intend to apply to the High rt Mombnsa for representation of the estatcs of the pcrsons named in the second column of thc Schedule hcreto, who dicd on tlrc dates Court respectlvely set forth against their names. I i t lSth Marph,2015 I 625 THE KENYA GAZETTE t And further take notice that all pesons hlving any claims against or interests in the esEte of the said deceased persons are required to prove suc,tl claims or intercsts before me within two (2) monilrs fiom tre date of this Gazette, after which the date claims and interests so proved will be prid and satisfied and thr sE\rcral estates distributcd according to law. SCHEDULE PT/Cause No. t2015 26t2015 7 255t?tn6 mtmts r l/2015 t5t20t5 20y?0t4 no/nt2 zt8tfrr4 221tnt4 Addtess Appollo Mfuko Ayub Irinah Rong'e Nyika, Mwatate 3 Bakari Yunus Benta Sikukuu Hakika Charo Chilaga Nuri C-hivatsi Chai Johnson Dheval Keshavji Harir Dziza Kadenge Kombe Hamis Bonaya Henry Oloo Laldo Kisauni Kaloleni 5-10-1996 Isaac Mwinzi Maingi Jacksorr Mutinda chengo Janres Mzae Chola Jane Emmanuel Ngome John Douglas Mwandisha 23t2015 2a2Ar5 t7 t20t5 r0/2015 137t2fr9 Juddy l.{dolo Kyalo Julius Ndhungu Milambo Iuma Ali Kutunza Kassim SaaOmar Majiwa Ogola Obari Martin Mwandaa Kitiro Mohamed Hussein Juma Paul Msharnba Mghanga zmt1999 13t2{15 r54t20tl 206t20t4 48t2ffi7 Date of lkath Deceased's Name l8-t*1999 Manakani, Kinango Ribe, Kilifi Ukunda, Msambwenr Kizingo, Kilifi Madogo, Tana River Magongo, Changamwe Kichakasimba, Kwale Mivumoni, Msambweni Sagalla, l-10-2009 Voi Tudor, Mombasa Mikindani, Changamwe Chaani, Changamwe West Uyoma Tiwi, Kwale Maunguja, Rabai Ugenya Taveta King'orani, Mombasa l4-F2m9 6-8-2009 30-9-2014 30-to-203 27-4-2011 28-8-2m2 ts-12-2012 5-10-2013 l.+-t r-2014 24-12-2014 t8*ll*mto 9-5*2009 l-3*r998 tt-12-2014 l 5-5-20 l l r#?m2 r 2-5-2005 Testate llatestute Intestate Intestate Ifltestate Intestate Intestate Intestate Intestate Intcstate Intestrte Intestate Intestate Intestate Intestate lilcslrtc Iftcst te Intestate Intestete Intestatc Inteslate Inte$ate Intestate Intcstate tt5t20t4 Phoebe Samba Mghmg. Rhigho John Duko Wundanyi Mwakingali, Voi Tana River 2G5-2m5 2J-2014 r7-to-2012 25-5-mr3 212t2014 32t2015 Sofia Aurna Baraka Urbanus Matata Muvaka Mombasa Magongo, Changamwe l7-tt-?f02 Intestate Intcstate 6-1-2015 Ingestate 24t2015 3l/2015 2t2015 Intestate J. E. MALIRO, Jor Public Trustee, Mombasa. 2nd March,2015. MR/70541O3 GAZE'TTENOTrcENO. I8O2 PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION TAKE NOTICE, thlt after thifty (30) days ftom $e date of this Gazete, and unless cause bc shown to the conrary, I intend to apply to thc High l&mbas. for repr€saution of the estates of the persons named in the second oolurrur of the Schedule hereto, who died on the dates Court at respectively set forth egainst their names. And firnher take notice that all persons havhg any claims against or interess in the estate of the said deceased persons are required to prove such clairns o interests before me within rwo (2) months from the date of this Gazette, after which the date claims and interests so proved will be paid and satrsfied and the several estates distributed according to law. SCHEDULE Address Date of Death Te Agnes Kahindi Mwanzia Anjelina Aluodo Nyadenge Atlas Kenga Kalume Boaz M. Katana Caroline Kamathe Kimeu Charles Maera Okiki Charles Opiyo Mijwang'a Bombolulu, Kisauni Intestate Intestate Kilifi 25-2-2011 5-2-2003 7-2-2010 Kaloleni 22-9-196 Taveta 16-5-201 3 Intestate Intestate Bombolulu, Kisauni 6-5-2014 Intestate Port Reitz, Changamwe t8-5--2012 Intestate Dzila Mwatumbi Kilifi Intestate 8t2015 George Jaka Konde Kaloleni 20-3-2N6 20-7-20t2 r4t20t5 Hrr;i Virji l,alji James Maningi Sikenyi Taveta Bombolulu, Kisauni 74-201O 23-6-t9'76 Jonathan Kiraga Nzar Port Reitz, Changamwe 1t-4-2ml 25-tt-2013 @t2012 499t2DO4 208t2014 423t2001 t73t20t4 t I No. Deceased.'s Name PTlCause 9t2015 t42t2014 45t2m7 r47 t20t4 28U200t Port Reitz, Changamwe t8512014 Jones Mwashumbe Mwalegha Kitifi 37 t20t 4 Judi& Cherono Kaloleni t7-s-2013 406t2001 Jumani Mwadzombo Munga Kabwcre Swafi Gaya Liverson Mwadime Mwakio Lydia Mawondo Mwawughanga Martin Ochieng Osur Matilda Matunda Mwandango Mati'lde Hakofa Alimali Meshack Okemba Omolo Morrison Mtwana Kabaha Mwasaru Babu Nyamawi Mwero Haranga Taveta 20-9-2Wl 22U2nt1 85t2007 368t2W3 403t200t 236t200,6 214120r4 213120t4 205t2014 405t200t 56t2012 Bombolulu, Kisauni 27-9-2011 Port Reitz, Changamwe 25-tl-2006 KiIifi 23-5-2m3 Kaloleni l5-4-2000 Taveta u-2000 Bombolulu, Kisauni 26-5-2013 Port Reitz, Changamwe 304-2013 Kilifi 29-6-2013 23-U198't 16-1 l-2001 Kaloleni Taveta state llnte state Intestate Intestate Intestate Intestatc Intestate Intestate Intestate Intestate Intestate Intestatc Intestate Intestate Intestate Intestate Intestate Intestate Intestate Intestate THE KENYA GAZETTE 626 PT/Cause No. 193t2014 1Sth March. 2015 Deceased's Name Address Date of Death Testate/Intestate Samuel Odede Nvawata Bombolulu. Krsaunr 131-2013 Intestate 4th February,20l5 MR/7054103 J. E. MALIRO, Jor Publtc Trustee, Mombasa GAZETTENoTICENo I8O3 PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION Let all partres concemed take notice that the Public Trustee of Kenya, P.O. Box 1744, Machakos, has frled apphcatrons for representations of the estate of the persons named in the second column of the Schedule hereto who dred on the dates respectrvely set forth agarnst their names. And further take notlce that the obJections in the prescribed form to any regrstry withrn thirty (30) days of the dzrte of the publicatron of thrs notice. of the aforesard apphcations are rnvrted and must be lodged in this And further take notice that if no objections has been lodged in this registry in the prescribed form withrn thrrty (30) days of the date of the publication of this notice, the Court shall proceed to make the respectlve Grants of representations as prayed or make such other order as it thinks fit. SCHEDULE No. Death Deceased's Name P& A/ Cause No Atldress Date of 28l/20t3 Cephas Wekalao Situma 7158t20t4 P.O. Box 82, Athi River t4-201t 2r5t20t3 Trtus Muema Kambo 716t2014 2t-5-2012 509/2012 Amina Ali Athumanl 71812014 15212013 Peter Silvester Kasyula Grace Ndrnr Ndambukr James Mwanthi Matheka 72U2014 P.O. Box 421, Mwingi P.O. Box 6731 , Nairobi P.O. Box 636. Machakos P.O. Box 1023, Kangundo P.O. Box I 148, Kangundo 729t2014 83t2014 Joseph Nzukr Mutrso Joseph Nloroge Lawrence 73012014 P.O. Box 9071 . Nairobi P.O. Box 2618, Machakos 265t20t3 Davrd Maluki Musrli 73U2014 P.O. 447 t2013 Henry Mumila Ngila 732t2014 46/2014 398t2012 147 t2013 473/2013 Samuel Muthoka Wambua 733t20t4 Muthoka Kithei Isabela Muthike Mutunga '734t2014 738t2014 739120t4 3-2-2013 2-8-2010 20-9-2012 1-t2-2012 PO. Box 172, Nunguni 2t-6-2012 1412014 Ben Mutua Samuel Scholastica Mbula Munyao Fredrick Titi Ngula P.O. Box 45, Machakos P.O. Box 243, Krtur P.O. Box 302, Mwrngr P O. Box 569. Machakos P.O. Box 155, Krtur 45U2012 Paul Kasenze Mutisya '7 6-t-2011 58t2013 Alfonse Mrtau Muthui 14212014 Box 29, Krlala P O. Box 15. Mwala P.O. Box 4394, Narrobr 2t/2012 Davrd Mbaluka Masila Zrppor ah Ndendwa Kilonzo Masaku Edward Sembwa Patrick Douglas Muoki Newton Ndonye Maliti Daniel Krngoo Kitheka Fredrtck Muia Mutua Frdehs Musango KaleL Annastacla Mwrkali Munuve John Munyao Krthanze Jackson Katambo Nzau '743t2014 P/T Cause 9st20t4 7 t t2014 90/20 l 0 1712014 499t2012 2'74t2013 to7l20t3 326t2006 290t2013 24912013 75t20t3 145t2012 2tt/2012 t50t2004 473t2009 372/2010 303t2012 126t2008 254/2008 218t2013 395t2011 31212011 38512:011 t65/2007 484/201I 47612011 18012013 430t2013 205t2013 19U20t3 7v2N9 216t2012 36'7t2013 380t2013 354t20t1 6312013 1 88/20 I 3 12312014 12412014 737 t20t4 740t20t4 4t/20t4 Box 120, Mwingr P O. Testate/Intestate 28-t-2010 Intestate Intestate Intestate Intestate Intestate Intestate Intestate Intestate Intestate Intestate Intestate Intestate Intestate Intestate Intestate Intestate Intestate Intestate Intestate Intestate Intestate 9-10-2010 Intestate 29-5-2N3 30-5-20t2 Intestate 7-7-2012 26-12-201O 8-l t-20t I t8-8-2012 3- l 2-2008 20,6-2013 29-7-2010 t6-6-20t2 1-2-201O I 0-3-2003 16-2-2010 48412014 P.O. Box 46. Kabati P.O. Box 34, Mbruni P.O. Box 44, Machakos P O Box 6l . Kitandini P.O. Box 1, Mwingi P.O. Box 52, Masinga P.O Box 66, Sultan Hamud P.O. Box 148, Nzeeka 30-'7-2010 Intestate Intestate Intestate 319t2013 P.O. Box 34, Tulia 8-'7-20fi Intestate 30012014 t5-7-2012 2s-2-1998 Intestate Intestate Intestate Intestate Intestate Intestate Intestate Intestate Intestate Intestate Intestate Intestate Intestate Intestate Intestate Intestate Intestate Intestate Intestate Intestate Intestate Intestate Intestate 744/2014 74512014 28212014 795/2007 268t2014 486120t4 4-9-2012 t7-8-2011 Peter Kimwele 47612014 P.O. Box 38, Masinga P.O. Box 15, Kithyoko P.O. Box l, Matinya Nicholas Somba Musyrmi Michael Mulungye Munene Francis Wambua Muia 474/2014 477 t2014 P.O. Box 27, Sultan Hamud P.O. Box 5, Makindu 26-3-201O 48012014 24-12-200'7 Nzioka Somba 48U2014 Patrick Musyoka Kilonzo Benjamin Vundi Kitonga Robert Kioko Mulika Peter Mbai Kyengo Mark Musau Mathooko John Kioko Kikoma Wilson Wambua Makau Washinhton Mumina Makau Bonrface Kathithu Ndiwa Stanley Mutuku Kimuyu Dennis Muye Mwangovya Charles K Mwikya Alias Charles Kilonzo Mwikya Joseph Krsele Krovr Elizabeth Kavuu Mutua 482t20t4 P.O. Box 71 , Machakos P.O. Box 1026, Kangundo P.O. Box 1081, Kangundo P.O. Box 105, Mwingi P.O. Box 809, Machakos 58U2006 48712014 488t2014 490t20t4 49212014 P.O. Box 52, Makueni P.O. Box 1187, Machakos 493t20t4 P.O. 735t2014 736t2014 720t2014 72712014 309t2014 Box P.O. Box 50, Machakos 102, Mwala P.O. Box 242, Machakos P O. Box 715. Krtui P.O. Box 1031, Machakos P.O. Box I I l, Machakos 30-7-2N7 l3-l l-2010 23-t-2008 25-3-20t1 3-l-2010 25-tt-2009 1-l l-2009 2-tt-2006 2t-3-2010 l 8-3-201 1 29-11-2012 t5-2-20t3 l0-3-l 3 t5-t-20t2 4-15t2014 Box I106, Kangundo Box 135, Kikima 47912014 P.O. P.O. 11412014 P.O. Box Sophra Muh Munyithya Onesmus Ngwrli Nthumo 485t2014 P.O. 491/20t4 Elilah Srla Krtaka Mrchael Mutua Munguti 759120t4 P.O. Box 40. Masii P.O. Box 276, Machakos P.O. Box I 150, Kangundo 302/20t4 l0l. Mitabonr Box 656, Kiyui 8-6-2008 8-12-20tO 29-t2-20t2 t9-7-20to 2t-4-2009 9-'7-20t2 10-5-2012 Intestate Intestate Intestate I { I I I II i I I P/T Cause No. 15t2011 199/2012 29412010 627 THE KENYA GAZETTE 1Sth March, 2015 N Deceased's Name P& Justus Mutuku Mwau 489t2014 P.O. Wellington Kyalo Mukuvi Mary Nyokabi Mutua 47812014 P.O. Box 140, Makueni P.O. Box 1130, Machakos Cause No. 30|2014 Address Box l45,Machakos DateofDeath Testate/Intestate 6-r l-2009 lntestate t2-8-20tt lntestate lntestate 8-8-20 I 0 R. N. 4th February,20l5 MR/6901376 GAZETTE NoTIcE MAKUNGU, De puty Re gistrar, Mac hakos No. 1 804 PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION TAKE NOTICE that after thirty (30) days from the date of this Gazette, and unless cause be shown to the contrary, I intend to apply to the High Court at Machakos for representation of the estates of the persons named in the second column of the Schedule hereto, who dred on the dates respectively set forth against therr names. And further take notice that all persons havmg any claims against or interests in the estate of the sard deceased persons are required to prove such claims or interests before me withrn two (2) months from the date of this Gazette, after which the date clarms and lnterests so proved will be pard and satisfied and the several estates distributed according to law. SCHEDULE PT/Cause 85t2014 t3012014 352t2012 66t2014 374t2012 8U2014 122t2014 281/2014 325/2012 301/2008 475t2013 376t2012 I I I I t Deceased's Name Address Date Agnes Mutindi Kyalo Alex Mwangangi Maundu Alice Ndunge Kauso Ambrose Mwangangr Wambua Anthony Makoma Kasuku Antony Muia D. Mwivandi Antony Mutunga Muthrani Annie Mumbua Nzavi Benedict Kitheka Munyoki Boniface Musyili Muthui P.O. Box 72, Mitaboni P.O. Box 876, Kitui t0-5-20021 30-4-2012 r-6-2007 t6-4-2013 7-10-201t t2-7-2013 Elijah Mwalili Mwetu Erastus Mbuvi Muoki 14112014 Eunrce Nthenya t29t2014 Eunice Syokau Makau Faith Mukenyi Nzioka Francis Muoa Musyimi Gedion W. Nzuve Geoffrey Kithinji Njue Grace Itumbi Mwenga Henry Musyoka Mukasa Howard Mulinge Mwania Jackson Mutua Mulala 373t2013 360t2013 66t2008 164120r4 293t20t2 l No. 156120r4 132t2014 407t2013 65t2014 52t2012 420t2013 312t2009 t4U2012 63t2014 30U20t2 336t2012 299t2012 Jane John John John Kalumu Kilonzo Kilonzi Nzau Nziokl Kilonzo Nzioki Kiseve JohnBosco Muthama Sila Joseph Wambua Muoki Joshua Musau Munyao Joshua Silu Mukusya Juma Hassan 6t20t4 Kabuu Mutua Mbuvi 3t1120t2 Kioko Kiluku Kitunga Peter 40912012 3112014 Mary Wangui Ngigi Muli Kyule 99t2012 309/2012 449t2012 260t2012 12312frt4 Moses 379/20t2 Paul Mutuku Mualuko Paul Ngei Kitgku Peter Kyule Peter Musyoka Munyao Peter Mutua Kanuna Peter Njuguna Regrna Mwikali Mutunga 458t2012 7'7 t20t4 452t2008 279t2013 t65t20t4 296t2012 U2014 4712014 tt0n993 33,/2n12 32U2013 Muange Kiinde Nzioka Mweu Omar Jilloh Bonaya Onesmus Kasina Muungu Rose Beth Kitati Scolastica Nduku Ndunda Stephen Malonza Mathenge 184t2014 465t2013 Thomas Kilonzo Kasango Thomas Maundu Ndunda Tracy Mueni Wambua thomas Mutefi Wambua t28t2013 William Mutia Kimani I lth October, 2014. MR/6901131 P.O. Box 24232,Nairobr P.O. Box 59,Zombe P.O. P.O. P.O. P.O. P.O. P.O. P.O. P.O. P O P.O. P.O. P.O. P O. Box 458, Machakos Box 187, Tala Box 1, Nungunr Box 715, Matinyani Box 4969, Nairobi Box 54,7nmbe Box 47, Masu Box 73350-O0200, Nairobi Box 47, Masrr Box 1303, Machakos Box 2120, Machakos Box I 3l , Nunguni Box 5, Machakos Box 18, Wamunyu P.O. P.O. Box 58, Kola P.O. Box 68, Mwala P.O. Box 39, Sulatan Hamud P.O. Box 9, Kisasi Private Bag, Nairobr P.O. Box 53, Machakos P.O. Box 291, Kikima P.O. Box 158, Tala P.O. Box 1652, Kangundo P.O. Box 1294, Machakos P.O. P.O. P.O. P.O. P.O. P.O. P.O. P.O. P.O. P.O. P.O. P.O. P.O. P.O. P.O. P.O. P.O. P.O. P.O. P.O. P O. P.O. P.O. P.O. P.O. P.O. Box 16, Kola Box 1560, Machakos Box 30, Krtrse box 49, Mutomo Box 33, Matuu Box 107, Kithimani oJ Death Testate/lntestate t6-12-2011 11-12-20t3 29-1-2012 5-9:2011 Intestate Intestate Intestate Intestate lntestate Intestate lntestate Intestate lntestate Intestate Intestate Intestate Intestate Intestate Intestate Intestate Intestate In testate Intestate Intestate Intestate Intestate Intestate Intestate Intestate Intestate Intestate Intestate Intestate lntestate 22-2-1995 Intestate 24-2013 2'7-3-20t3 13-3-2014 9-12-2N9 26-2-2007 11-12-2011 27-8-2012 t5-t-2014 8-t2-20tt 6-10-201 l 29-7-20t3 5-3-200 l 16-10-2013 l-6-20r I l-10-20t 3 t3-r-2013 7-5-2012 t4-9-2012 29-5-2m,O 8-3-20 I 3 l 8-7-2006 tt-5-20t2 Intestate Intestate Intestate 9-8-20t2 l0-10-r998 Intestate Intestate Box 26, Kabati Box 93, Mbiuni Box 12, Masinga Box 72, Krsasi Box 58, Kalawa Box 58, Kathiani Box 393, Athi River Box 70, Makueni Box 36, Miu Machakos Box 10, Makrndu Box I12, Kibwezi 2r-9-2009 Intestate Intestate Box 48. Nzeeka Box 129-90100, Machakos Box 100, Katangr Box 1374, Kangundo Box 50, Katangi Box l. Machakos Box 55, Machakos Box 2l , Kisasi 11-7-2000 Intestate 28-ll-2013 Intestate Intestate Intestate Intestate Intestate Box 668. Machakos 25-t2-2001 24-2--2013 2t-7-2010 2'r-l-2013 r-21011 t-12-t998 27-1-2014 74-2006 19-5-2012 23-5-2012 14-t-2008 I 8-3- l 993 15-6-2006 2l-9-2010 8-8-20 r 3 34-2013 '7-lt-201o Intestate Intestate Intestate Intestate Intestate Intestate Intestate Intestate Intestate Intestate Intestate H.N CHOMBA, for Public Trustee, Machakos. THE KENYA GAZETTE 628 l8th March,2015 GAzE'rrEN0IICENo. 1805 PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION TAKE NOTICE that efter thirty (30) days from the date of thrs Gazette, and unless cause be shown to the contrary, I intend to apply to the High Court at Machakos for representation of thc estates of the persons named in the second column of the Schedule hereto, who died on the dates respectively sct forth against their names. And further take notice that all persons having any claims against or rnterests in the estate of the said deceased persons are required to prove such claims or interests before me within two (2) months from the date of thrs Gazette, after which the date claims and interests so proved will be paid and satisfied and the several estates dtstributed according to law. SCHEDULE No. Deceased's Name Address 185t2014 216t2014 Ann Ngondu Mbuva 333t20t2 r63t2014 Benson Kamba Wasua Benson Ngumbau Mutua 300t2013 Boniface Kyalo Musyoki Boniface Leonard Gathu Karangi Brian Mutua Wambua Catheline Mutile Nzroka Charles Wambua Manundu Daniel Kanyamu Wanyua Daniel Kyule Mutie Daniel Mulei Kimeu P.O. P.O. P.O. P.O. P.O. P.O. P.O. P.O. P.O. P.O. P.O. P.O. P.O. P.O. P.O. P.O. P.O. P.O. P.O. PTlCause 13U2014 202t20t4 62t2014 206t2012 t90t2014 112t2012 193t2014 483t2013 273/2003 194t2014 33t20ro Antony Kyalo Muinde David Krmolo Peter Mulu David Kiusya Mutie David Nzioka Kithuka 87t2014 Elizabeth Kakenea Patrick Mutui Elizabeth Kiluu kul Felistas Wamboi Njuguna t59t20t4 Festus Kyule Kivoto 329t2005 Florence Kanini Ndambuki Florence kathikwa Mutuku Florence Mueni Mwendwa Francis Musyoka Muinde Francisca Kalekye Muthoka Fredrick Mulu Nzingu t6U20t4 tl4t20t4 t8,/2014 245t2012 5U2014 144t2014 1o512014 3t5t20ll 158t20t4 47u2fr13 179/2014 142t2014 133t2014 t46t20tt I t'7 t2014 344t2012 145t2014 210t2013 150t2014 121/2014 t9u20t4 Henry Mutua Maundu Isaiah Mwangangr Kingee James Muthoka Musau Jackson Kivusa Ngomoa James Mwendo Mutuku Jane Mwikali Musyoka Jane Kiluti Musyoki John Kalovwe Mwanzui Joseph Mukeku Mutala Joseph Mwanzia Mwanza Josiah Mbevo Kamende Kavilu Kithu Munyambu l,azarus Musyoka Lilian Muthina Muli martin Nzioka Matheka 294t2012 Milcah Mutio Ndivu Kitiku 173t20t4 Moses Kimani Masave Moses Masesi Mutuku 4't4t20t2 91/2014 l98l20rt 54120t4 437/2013 168t2014 2tt/2014 140t2014 376t2006 160t2014 l5U20l4 t't U2014 120t2014 Muia Mbuyu Kimuyu Mwanzia Ndeti Patrick Mutuku Nzyuko Peter Ngwenze Mutunga Rabecca Kuthea Kitrku Robert Mwanra Kaunga Samuel Musenkonte Ehkana Stephen Ndambuki Mbuvr Teresiah Gedion Ngumbr Thom Lai Ndunda Titus Mulwa Nyali Vuncent Mulwa Kakie Date Box 56, Machakos Box 320, Kitui Box 35, Kalamba Box 168, Machakos Box 617, Machakos Box 122, Kithimanr Box 1987. Machakos Box 56, Machakos Box 47. Ekalkala Box 572, Mwrngi Box 37, Kola Box 88, Matiliku Box 305, Kikima Box 33, Ikutha Box 1113, Machakos Box 69, Ndooa, Kitu Box 12, Mitaboni Box 965, Machakos Box 57, Athr River P O. Box 5. Emali P.O. P.O. P.O. P.O. P.O. P.O. P.O. P.O. P.O. P.O. P.O. P.O. P.O. P.O. P.O. P.O. P.O. P.O. P.O. P.O. P.O. P.O. P.O. P.O. P.O. P.O. P.O. P.O. P.O. P.O. P.O. P.O. P.O. P.O. P.O. Box 16, Machakos Box 36. Kisasi, Kitui Box 1400, Kitur Box 194, Kitui Box 41-90140, Matiluku Box 13, Kathonzweni Box 227, Sultan Hamud Box 50675, Nairobi Box 28203, Nairobi Box 233. Matuu Box 147, Kangundo Box 660, Kitui Box 5, Ikutha Box 80, Kola Box 68, Kitui oJ Death t6-6-2013 Testatellntestate 9-3-2014 Intestate Intestate Intestate Intestate Intestate Intestate Intestate Intestate Intestate Intestate Intestate Intestate Intestate Intestate Intestate Intestate Intestate 2t-t2-20t1 Intestate 21-7-2013 Intestate 30-6-2005 Intestate Intestate 14-2-2014 23-6-2011 30-10-20 l 3 1 1-10-201 1 |4-2014 6-3-2014 23-10-2013 l-8-20 I 1 I l-11-2013 2'7-9-2011 2t-6-20t3 27-3-2013 6-4-1983 r-3-2014 22-10-2007 5-l-20t4 22-8-20t3 Intestate 26-5-2013 3-8-2009 Intestate Intestate Intestate Intestate to-2-2(n9 Intestate l2-6-2013 5-9-20t2 t5-5-2013 Intestate Intestate Intestate 4-2-20t4 26-5-20t3 Intestate Intestate Intestate 25-3-201O 7-2-2014 14-3-2008 r-10-201 3 Intestate Intestate Intestate Box 350, Kitur t3-7-2011 5-8-2012 t4-5-2011 Box 34, Nungunr 28-tt-2013 Intestate Box 4-9-2013 5-4-2012 t7-9-2013 Intestate Intestate Intestate Intestate Box 465, Yoykshrre t5-t-2012 Intestate Box Kalamba Box 103 Tala Box 28 Matuu Box 42788, Nairobi 7-6-2010 Intestate Intestate Intestate Intestate Intestate Box 146, Krtur 143, Kikrma Box 1, Machakos Box 172, Machakos Box 9, Kithrmanr Box Box Box Box Box Box 12, Muthetheni 789, Machakos l8 I, Loitoktok 1218, Kangundo 58, Masii 320. Machakos Box 432. Kitui Box 28. Emali I lth October, 2014. MR/6901131 224-2014 I 8- 10-20 l 3 l 0- 10-20 I 3 3-'7-2012 20-5-2013 l3-tt-20t2 Intestate Intestate 3-t2-2013 Intestate 3-8-2005 Intestate l 9-tt-2013 I 8- 10-20 I 3 Intestate Intestate 28 t-2013 Intestate 2t-3-2012 Intestate H. N. CHOMBA. for Public Trustee, Machakos. GAZETTENoTIcENo. I806 PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION TAKE NOTICE that after thirty (30) days from the date of this Gazette, and unless cause be shown to the contrary, I mtend to apply to the High Court at Machakos for representation of the estates of the persons named in the second column of the Schedule hereto, who died on the dates respectively set forth against their names. I i I 629 THE KENYA GAZETTE l8th March,2015 And further take notice that all persons having any claims against or interests rn the estate of the said deceased persons are required to prove such claims or interests before me within two (2) months from the date of this Gazetle, after which the date claims and lnterests so proved will be paid and satisfied and the several estates distributed according to law. SCHEDULE PT/Cause No Deceased's Name Ad.dress Date of Death Testate/Intestate 102t2014 245/2014 Agnes Ndrnda Ndolo Agnes Nduku Krio 4-10.2012 3-7-2006 Intestate Intestate 23312014 44212013 Antony Nzioki Kioko P.O. Box 571 Mutituni P.O. Box 267, Machakos P.O. Box 156, Sultan Hamud P.O. Box I165, Kitui P.O. Box 43, Mathunthini P O. Box 194, Kitui P.O. Box 296, Machakos P.O. Box 8232, Narrobi P.O. Box 1520, Nyen P.O. Box 136, Ikutha P.O. Box 82, Kitui 20-6-20t3 4-2-20t3 Intestate Intestate 4-10-2012 Intestate Intestate 219t2014 5212014 359t2012 20'7120t4 25612014 t 89t20t4 295t2014 390t2005 234t20t4 82t2014 t43t20t4 22712014 266t2014 59t2014 443t20tt 205t2014 297 t2012 348t2012 362t20t2 20U2014 348t2013 182120t4 t'70/2008 240/2014 267t2014 t'7212014 26212012 278t2014 363t2012 tt8l20t4 23t20t4 30512014 r il 318t2012 189120t4 327t2008 20012014 t7911993 6412014 108/2014 49012012 154/2014 253t2014 228t2014 12612012 86/2014 212t2014 232t20r4 462t20t2 234t2013 452t2013 t86t2013 Augustus Mwangangi Ngonga Charles Muthuka Savali Daniel Muthoka Munyao Drckson Nzioki Mumo Erastus Mukilya Ndeto Eunice Mitl Mbulu Everlyne Mueni Ndolo Harrison Kanya Kilenga James Mutiso Muli Jackster Mukulu Mwilu James Mutuku Mwangi Jane Nzilani Kimeu Jechonius Muinde Muthusi Joel Muh Kakundi John Kingoo Katue John Kinyanjui chege John Musyoki Ndonye John Mwau Kivala Joseph Joseph Joseph Joseph Joseph Joseph Hillary Kahi Kasrke Mulu Musyoka Kieti Mutunga Kingoo Mwanthi Mwea Ndile Mwanra Julius Kyali Mwetu Kagwana Daudr Munywokr Kanini Francisca Musili Kilonzi Nzaghr Mangara Kilonzo Kuli Kimonyi Kingele Lefty Atieno Ogola Lialo Adam Lucy Muter Krlonzo Michael Mutua Ivita Morris Mbuvi Kasyuma Mule Jeremiah Mwalali Mutua Mutonga Ndila Makau Nyumu Ngui Mutunga Matheeto Nzoka Musyoka Philip Charles Mwangangi Kwali Raeli Mutheu Mathrthi Raphael Kitaumuo Mungau Richard Wathome Muema Rose Munyiva Mutunga Samson Nzyoka Muthike Stanley M Kitoto Stephen Mbai Ndambuki Thomas Kitele Muthusi Timothy Nuiso Kyalo Veronica Wandia Kalii Vrolet Wandii Mutunga P.O Box P O. Box P.O. Box P.O. Box P.O. Box P.O. Box P.O. Box P.O. Box P.O. Box P.O. Box P.O. Box 22-1-2N5 3-9-2008 3-l-2013 29-12-1996 r-tt-2012 l4-12-2013 253, Mitaboni 54, Machakos l7-8-l 91, Mutulani 9-8-2013 t2-3-2014 68852, Nairobi 366, Mitaboni 237,Matut 199, Nunguni 85, Tala 2, Kathiani 159, Makueni 13, Kyatune P.O. Box 93, Mbumbuni P.O. Box 35, Masii P.O. Box 1050, Kangundo P.O. Box 13, Kisasi P.O. Box I12, Kathonzweni P.O. Box I, Kitui P.O. Box 1495, Kitui P.O. Box 15, Kithyoko P.O. Box l, Mwingi P.O. Box 33,Znmbe P.O. Box 7l , Makueni P.O. Box 54974, Nairobi P.O. Box l, Loitoktok P.O. Box 3, Machakos P.O. Box 134, Wote 30-ll-2012 29-9-2012 t3-12-2013 l2-10-2010 t4-3-2014 r-9-2011 Intestate Intestate Intestate Intestate 20-tr-20ll Intestate t3-3-2012 r6-10-2013 8-1-2012 Intestate Intestate 24-5-20t3 2-9-2005 29-10-2012 9-3-20t4 t2-3-1996 5-7-20tO r-l 1-2013 29-10-2011 24-5-20t3 9-1 1-201 1 19-4-20t3 l2-12-2010 l3-2-2014 Intestate Intestate Intestate Intestate Intestate Intestate Intestate Intestate Intestate Intestate Intestate Intestate Intestate P.O. P.O. P.O. P.O. P.O. P.O. Box Box Box Box Box Box 5-t-2012 Intestate Intestate Intestate Intestate Intestate Intestate Intestate P.O. P.O. P.O. P.O. Box 419, Makueni Box 64, Sultan Hamud r-'7-2012 31-12-2012 Intestate Intestate Box 2l,Kiaa Box 340, Machakos t4-9-2014 3-9-2014 Intestate 1, Kithimani 999 t3-5-20t3 Intestate Intestate Intestate Intestate Intestate Intestate Intestate Intestate Intestate Intestate Intestate 66, Wamunyu l0-7-2008 61600, Nairobi 1595, Machakos 137, Ngwata 8-6-2011 22-tr-2013 127, Mutom<r 7-5-2011 P.O. Box 47,Kola P.O. Box 24, Miu P.O. Box 259, Machakos P.O. Box 58, Mbiuni P.O. Box 1064, Kangundo P.O. Box 135, Sultan Hamud P.O. Box 1045, Machakos I 1th October,2014 5-l l-1987 8-8-201 3 Intestate Intestate 2-3-2013 t9-10-2013 Intestate Intestate 21-n-2012 Intestate Intestate Intestate Intestate 1 19-12-2011 t3-12-20t2 29-8-2014 H. N. CHOMBA, MR/6901t3l for Public Trustee, Machakos. GAZETTENONCENO. I8O7 PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION Let all parties concerned take notice that the Public Trustee of Kenya, P.O. Box 1379, Embu, has filed applications for representatlons of the estate of the persons named rn the second column of the Schedule hereto who died on the dates respectively set forth against their names. And further take notice that the obJections ln the prescribed form to any of the aforesaid applications are invited and must be lodged in this registry wrthin thirty (30) days of the date of the publication of this notice. And further take notice that if no objections has been lodged in this registry in the prescnbed form within thrty (30) days of the date of the publication of this notrce, the Court shall proceed to make the respective Grants of representatlons as prayed or make such other order as it thinks fit. l8th March,2015 THE KENYA GAZETTE 630 SCHEDT,LE PTl Cause No. Deceased's Name Succ- No- Address 128t2014 175t2014 123t2014 86120r4 Alex Nyaga Muturi David Rwito Mwambra Elijah Kirera Felister Kayrne Mannga 35t2015 24212013 105/20 I 3 Flora Igandu Njiru 2212015 Ivirginia Wawira Mbogo John Gitari Ndambiri 23t20t5 Joseph Isaac Runga Kamau Joseph Mrthika M'Ekotha Joseph Nkunda M'Thinji 29t2015 24t2015 Kibaara Francis Mwiandi Mutavi Karanja Nyaga Rosemary Tirindi Samson Krogora Mutuaruchiu Samuel Kinmr Rukaria 2lt20t5 Severina Karuki Kiunga 33t2015 34t2015 P.O. P.O. P.O. P.O. P.O. P.O. P.O. P.O. P.O. P.O. P.O. P.O. P.O. P.O. P.O. P.O. P.O. 147t20t4 26/2013 85t2014 t2t20t4 59t2014 208/2014 t'I6t2013 216t2014 56t2007 135t2013 84t2014 Stanley Mworia Mutunga 27t20t5 32t2015 28t20r5 3,/2015 25t2015 30t20t5 20t2015 26t20r5 Box Box Box Box Box Box Date of 214, Kiritiri r Death 0-8-201 3 25-9-2010 149, Maua 248, Maua 804, Embu 320, Embu 109, Embu Boxl706, Embu Boxl0, Kerugoya Box 261, Maua Box 53, Nkubu Box 3l , Chogoria Box I175, Embu 23-2-20t2 28-t-2010 2427,Embt 3-tt-2012 Box Box Box Box 29-7-2011 20-4-2011 23-r-2014 30-8-2012 t6-t2-2012 3L-t-2012 l-6-201 1 27-2-20t4t7-9-2010 67, Meru 8, Meru 34, Timau Box 109, Embu tl_2-2m5 t4-12-2010 20-6-2011 Testatellntestate Intestate Intestate Intestate Intestate Intestate Intestate Intestate Intestate Intestate Intestate Intestate Intestate Intestate Intestate Intestate Intestate lntestate V. O. NYAKUNDI, Deputy Registrar, Embu. 28th January,2015. MR/6993000 GAzEmENoTICENo. I8O8 PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION TAKE NOTICE that after thirty (30) days from the date of this Gazette, and unless cause be shown to the contrary, I intend to apply to the High Court at Embu for representation of the estates of the persons named in the second column of the Schedule hereto, who died on the dates respectively set forth against their names. And further take notice that all persons having any claims agarnst or interests in the estate of the said deceased persons are required to prove such claims or interests before me within two (2) months from the date of this Gazette, after which the date claims and interests so proved will be paid and satisfied and the several estates distributed according to law. S.HEDULE PTlCause No. 2t't t2013 2tU20t3 Abidiel Thambu Agnes Kajuju Phares Agnes Kayuyu Phares Ahmed Jillo Halake Alex Abdur Golicha 38t2015 Angela Waithira Jeremia t53tzot3 David Kirimi Mutonga Dorothy Murugi Njagi Elias Njagi Gerald Eliud Njaraimwe Kamotho 3512014 35t2014 73t2014 2U2014 166t200r 25U2003 2ty20t4 Gakono Wanjigua Geoffrey Muriithi Njagi 138t2014 23t2015 '73t2014 Grace Ndithi William Jillo Halake Kinanu M'Irare Anjericah Michael Antony Mwenda 230t2006 238t2014 l 55/2008 244t2014 Mohamed Godo Wale Mugo Njue Njue Njagi r4/2003 94t2012 PeterNliru Npru Peterson Gachoki Mwara Samuel Nyaga Mwaniki 219t2014 249tO3 '15t2014 Thomas Kathure M'Mauta William Njagi Ntoore 147 t2012 Date of Dedth Testate/Intestate Box 393, Chuka Box 65, Kionyo, Meru Box 65, Kionyo Box 154, Moyale Box 128, Marsabit Box 129, Manyatta Box 5l-60205, Gitonga Box 15, Chuka P.O. Box 8, Runyenjes P.O. Box 13l, Embu 7-4-2013 Intestate Intestate Intestate P.O. Box 53, Kiandagai P.O. Box 1004-1003, Kerugoya P.0. Box 2, Kianyaga P.O. Box 154, Moyale P.O. Box 546, Nkubu P.O. Box 214, Nkubu P.O. Box 42, Isiolo P.O. Box 23, Chuka P.O. Box 5, Karurumo P.O. Box 614, Embu P.O. Box I16, Kerugoya P.O. Box 430, Embu P.O. Box 75, Maua P.O. Box 24'75,Meru 4-r-2012 Deceased's Name P.O. P.O. P.O. P.O. P.O. P.O. P.O. P.O. t5-u2012 t5-8-2012 l8-6-2010 lntestate l 1-8-201 1 25-9-2011 5-7-2011 30-5-2006 Intestate Intestate Intestate Intestate 28-5-2c0l Intestate Intestate Intestate Intestate Intestate Intestate Intestate Intestate Intestate Intestate Intestate Intestate Intestate Intestate Intestale Intestate 27-2-1999 27-:1-2012 25-tt-2006 l8-6-2010 54-2006 2t-tt-20t3 t9-3-2N7 I 8-5-l 998 8-8-1998 6-5-2010 30-9-1 998 7-3-2003 24-3-1999 30-5-2010 M. NYABOCHOA, 2nd March,2015 MR/6993000 for Public Trustee, Embu. GAzErrENoflcENo. 1809 PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION TAKE NOTICE that after thirty (30) days from the date of this Gazette, and unless cause be shown to the contrary, I intend to apply to the High Court at Malindi for representation of the estates of the persons named in the second column of the Schedule hereto, who died on the dates respecbvely set forth against their names. And further take notice that all persons having any claims agarnst or interests in the estate of the said deceased persons are required to prove such claims or interests before me within two (2) months from the date of this Gazette, after which the date claims and interests so proved will be paid and satisfied and the several estates dlstributed according to law. SCHEDTJLE PTlCause 8t2014 t2t20t4 No. Deceased's Name Address Date of Death Testatellntestate Thomas Mwashuke Mngodo Robert Makevo Kidada P.O. Box 1, Taita Taveta P.O. Box 81, Hola 5-8-2013 Intestate Intestate t0-12-2013 PTlCause No. 4sl20t4 Deceased's Name Address Beatrice Jumwa Munga Margaret Wanjiku Gitau Mary Kadzo Fondo Ali Ndegwa Hezekia Dulu Yako 48t2014 49t2014 50t2014 y2015 2t20t5 P.O. P.O. P.O. P.O. P.O. P.O. P.O. P.O. P.O. P.O. P.O. P.O. P.O. P.O. P.O. P.O. P.O. P.O. P.O. P.O. David Muigai Njoroge Danrel Chibarua Gar,nbo Ngao Kombe Yeri Hamisi Pande Nyambura Myuquson Salim Folo Charles Jali Mwatete Sidi Kombo Toya Jiro Guyo Bingo Benson Kahrndi Changawa Said Kombo Farijalwa Julius Nzai Kombe Daniel Karisa Kazungu Rachel Sidi Karisa Festus Chipa Munga George Chiwai Barua 3t2015 4t20t5 5t2015 7/2015 8t2015 9t2015 lot20l5 tU20t5 t2t20l5 l3t20t5 14t2015 t5t20t5 t6t2015 t7t20t5 631 THE KENYA GAZETTE l8th March,2015 Box Box Box Box Box Box 39, Vipingo Date of Death Testatellntestate t4-5-2013 Intestate Intestate 20, Mpeketoni t6-t-2002 5054, Malindi I l, Marekebuni 3-6-2014 Intestate 13-5-2014 1 8-5-20 l 0 Intestate 61, Garsen 19-3-2013 Intestate Intestate Intestate 8-2-l Intestate 30-9-2014 20, Mpeketoni Box 47, Madina Box 818, Malindi Box 394, Kilifi Box I I16, Kilifi Box 40, Malindi Kilifi Box I, Kilifi Box 746, 998 26-tO-201t 25-6-2014 Intestate t2-tt-2015 22-ll-2008 Intestate Intestate Intestate Intestate Intestate Intestate 23-2-2014 Boxl, Garsen 24-l-2015 Box 6, Hola Box 34, Madina 2t_6-2012 Box I, Malindi Box I, Matindi Box 178, Kilit'i Box 135, Mahndi 3 t2-5-2014 Intestate l-5-201 Intestate Intestate 5 2-10-20lL 5-12-1997 Intestate Intestate 28-t0-2014 K. O. ODHIAMBO, 9th March,2015. MN7054204 for Public Trustee, Malindi GAzE"rrENcflcENo. 1810 Prl.cause H. C. Deceased's Name No. PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION TAKE NOTICE that the accounts of the deceased persons mentioned in the Schedule below have been lodged with the Deputy Registrar High Court of Kenya at Machakos and that she has appointed 23rd March, 2015, at Nine O'clock or in the forenoon for the passing of such accounts. SCHEDTJLE Prlcause l93l200l 4611999 l87l2OOl 87l2C0l 24411998 22111998 40611998 29211998 300/1998 41311998 14012001 llll200l 82l200l 105/2001 lfil2frOl 601200l lffil2fr0l l78l200l 40412006 l38l200l 198/2001 l59l2OO2 22412003 l79l2OO4 l5ll2003 ll3l2ffi4 H. C. Deceased'sName No. 27512003 2612m4 30512003 388/2005 Hearing Date 50212005 23-3-2015 Kieti Mulandi 6712002 23-3-2015 Ngosi 312/2002 23-3-2015 Abednego Mutinda Mutiso 13412003 23-3-2015 FlorenceNdindaMusau 7512002 23-3-2015 Lydiah Mwikali Ndungi 32612001 23-3-2015 Benjamin Kithuku Kilonzo 7612002 23-3-2015 James Mutua Nyonywe 12012003 23-3-2015 Francis M. Wathome 7312002 23-3-2015 John Sane Malei 9612001 23-3-2015 Nicholas Musymr Musembi 10l/2006 23-3-20\5 Jones Mutuku Maingi 25O|2OO2 23-3-2OI5 Emmah Kalunde Kanyingi 2l4l2OOZ 23-3-2015 Paul Kiathuka 67412007 23-3-2015 Joseph Mutuku Kyao 2l'7l2OO2 23-3-2015 Paul Mbate Mbalu 32012006 23-3-2015 John Mutua Joseph Kavila Rose Mbithe Alcxander Maithya Muoka Fredrick Kivaya Isika Geoffrey Musembi Nthiwa 8012002 GilbertNgula 15612004 23-3-2015 Ngonga 16412001 23-3-2015 12312003 23-3-2015 30912002 Gregory Mutua I 10/2005 Gerald John Kaunga George Ngwava Kimundi 75l2OO5 11612005 Everlyne Kaindi Musee 33912006 Jolm Nzioka Mutunga Nthautho Munyao Julius Simba Ithila Joseph Mutula Kimrlu John Mwaiwa Kimeu Justus Muthoka Kisonge ll9l2005 8712C05 108/2005 7612005 3l2l2OO5 305/2003 James Mbuvi Mwangangi Januaries Wambua Musyoka 553/2frO6 Elijah Mulu 19712003 Jeniffer Mbinya 8612004 Succ. 23-3-2015 23-3-2015 510/2006 95/2005 497/2005 65012007 3l2OO5 '7412004 23-3-2015 23-3-2015 23-3-2015 23-3-2015 23-3-2015 23-3-2015 23-3-2015 23-3-2015 23-3-2015 23-3-2015 23-3-2015 23-3-2015 23-3-2015 Date 23-3-2015 68412007 68812007 9012003 '7611995 23-3-2015 23-3-2015 23-3-2015 23-3-2015 23-3-2015 23-3-2015 23-3-2015 23-3-2015 lO9l2OO5 105/2006 28612004 Mohammed Mustafa Khamis 33112006 Kilungu 9U2n6 Wambua 53412005 Nzivo 5 l8/2005 2051200,4 2l3l2N4 Ndolo Mawili 8912006 16212000 Phoebe Kanyiva Kilonzi 15712004 275|2OOO PaulNgau 201/2002 4l9l2OO3 Christopher Mutune 52712005 l72l2OO4 23-3-2015 23-3-2015 Musau Chyalo Peter Nzuki Peter Mwangangi No. 23-3-2015 23-3-2015 23-3-2n15 23-3-2015 23-3-2015 H. N. CHOMBA, 20th February,2015. MR/6992901 GAZE-TTE NoTIcE Hearing 486/2005 22112004 Mwendwa Munyoki Mwele for Public Trustee, Machakos. I811 PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION TAKE NOTICE that the accounts of the estates of the deceased persons mentioned in the Schedule below have been lodged with the Deputy Registrm of the High Court at Mombasa. And further take notice that the accounts will be hsted before the Deputy Regishar for passing fourteen (14) days from the date of publication of this notice. SCHEDULE 23-3-2015 ll'71?n05 23-3-2015 12612004 34312005 ElizabethSyombuaNzwili 34612006 23-3-2015 20412004 Jacquiline Mwende Nzoya 11312fr06 23-3-2015 412006 EliudNguiNzuki 512004 Jeffrey Mbula Nyambali 3O'1|2OO7 Josphat Kenya Ngewa 35ll2OO4 Jonathan Mumina Kavila Nzioki 2312C07 Shadrack Kavuu Sumuni 35912006 Stephen Kariuki Njuna 8l/2003 Stanley Mutuaa Matheka 26111993 Rebecca Ngina Mathiyi 24120[,4 Michael Mbithi Nzuki 10412004 Peter Kilonzo Nzioka 270|2OOO George Mulei Succ. PIT No. Cause Htgh Court No. Deceased's Name 26111999 Eliud Mutui Mubili 36411996 Willis Fredrick Wasonga 19112012 Mulele Tari Mariko 297/2012 Janji Chrgunda Piri 32212012 MwanjiraniMwagaradrDickson Mururu 137/2012 295/2002 James 6l/2011 Josphat Kasee 10512012 Liih Magenda Fehx Kesi Japhet Karisa Shariff Mwonga 26912012 Yusuf Racho Abajila lTth February, 2015 MR_/7054103 23-3-2015 PRINTED AND PUBLISHED BY THE COVERNMENT PRINTER, NAIROBI 1412012 24712004 232/2012 20512013 27312013 534/2012 436/2006 26112013 184/2013 208/2013 J. E. MALIRO, Jor Public Trustee, Mombasa.
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