*orloN,ikEfJilili,l"- "^ SPECIAL ISSUE ttgRoRY 485 Kenya Gazette Supplement No.49 Le LEGAL NoTICE No. 24th gislative Supplement No. April,20l5 26 ) 6I THE PUBLIC HEALTH OFFICERS (TRAINING, REGISTRATION AND LICENSING) ACT, 2OI3 (No. 12 of2ot3) IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred by section 46 (e) of the Public Health Officers (Training, Registration and Licensing) Act, 2013, the Public Health Officers and Technicians Council, with the approval Cabinet Secretary for the Ministry of Health, makes the following Regulations: - THE PUBLIC HEALTH OFFICERS (TRAINING, REGISTRATION AND LICENSING) (FEES AND RATES) REGULATIONS,2Ol5 I i l. These Regulations may be cited as the Public Health Officers Cltation. (Fees and Rates) Regulations, 2015. I 2. In these Regulations, i "Act" unless the context otherwise requires - means the Public Health Officers (Training, Regisfration Interpretahon. No 12 of 2013 and Licensing) Act; "Council" means the Public Health Officers and Technicians Council as established under the Act; 3. The fees paid to the Council by a professional training in Kenya on the items described in the Second Column of the First Schedule to ttrese Regulations shall be the rate specified in ttre third column of First Fees for a professional trainrng rn Kenya Schedule. 4. The fees paid to the Council by a professional trained outside Kenya on the items described in the Second Column of the Second Schedule to these Regulations shall be the rate specified in the third Fees for a professronal trained outsrde Kenya- column of Second Schedule. 5. (1) The fees paid to the Council for registration of a professional on the items described in the Second Column of the Third Schedule to these Regulations shall be the rate specified in the third column of Third Fees for hcensure and reglstratlon of a professronal. Schedule. (2) The fees paid to the Council for licensure and re-licensure of a professional on the items described in the Second Column of the Third Schedule to these Regulations shall be the rate specified in the third column of Third Schedule. 6. The fees paid to the Council for registation of firms, consultancies, non-govemmental organizations on the items described in the Second Column of the Fourth Schedule to these Regulations shall be the rate specified in the third column of Fourth Schedule. Fees for registratlon of fims, consultancies, non- govmmental orgmrzatrons, etc Kenya Subsidiary Legislation, 20 I 5 7. The fees paid to the Council for accreditation of training institutions on the items described in the Second Column of the Fifth schedule to these Regulations shall be the rate specified in the third Feesror accreditattonor trarmns rnstrtutions' column of Fifth Schedule. 8. The fees paid to the Council for continuing professional development on the items described in the Second Column of the Sixth Schedule to these Regulations shall be the rate specified in the third column of Sixth Schedule. FIRST Fees for continuns !:",';ilm,. SCHEDULE (T.3) FEES FOR PROFESSIONAL TRAINING IN KENYA 1 l Amount of Fee (KSh.) Description of Fee I Fee for indexine of a (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) 2. 3,000 degree 7,000 5,000 code of ethics 500 scope ofpractice s00 Fee for council examination (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) t_ student- certificate diploma for- certificate 0,000 r diploma 15,000 degree 20,000 re-sitting of examination re-marking of examination Fee for internship Internship log book SECOND 5.000 50,000 1,000 SCHEDULE (r.4) FEES FOR PROFESSIONAL TRAINED OUTSIDE KENYA Amount of Fee (KSh.) Description of Fee I 2. J. Application for verification of qualification Application for Council examination (after internship) Council Examination (a) Certificate (b) Diploma (c) 5,000 5,000 for20,000 25,000 30,000 Degree THIRD SCHEDULE (r.5) FEES FOR REGISTRATION. LICENSURE AND RE-LICENSURE Description of Fee I 2. Application for professional registration Application for Drofessional licence Application for renewal of licence Amount of Fee (KSh.) 2,000 2,400 2.400 487 Kenya Subsidiary Legislation, 20 I 5 Description of Fee Amount 5. Late apolication for renewal of licence Certification of copies of an official document 6. Replacement of lost or defaced official document 7. Restoration of name in a register 8. Obtainine a coDv of or extracting 4. o.f Fee (KSh.) 4,000 200 per copv 5,000 20,000 a FOURTH name from a resister 1,000 SCHEDULE (r.6) FEES FOR REGISTRATION OF FIRMS, CONSULTANCIES, NON- GOVERNMENTAL ORGANIZATIONS, ETC. Description of Fee I 2. Amount of Fee (KSh.) Application for registration Application for practicing licence for(i) I to 3 year services or project (ii) 4 to 7 year services or project (iii) Above 8 year services or proiect FIFIH 30.000 50,000 90,000 150,000 SCHEDULE (r.1) FEES FOR ACCREDITATION OF A TRAINING INSTITUTION Amount oJ Fee (KSh.) Description of Fee Existing training institutions offering public or environmental health programme (a) Application for inspection for( certificate ( ) diploma ( 2. i) 350.000 Der camDus degree New training institution intending to offer public or environmental health programme (a) Application for inspection for( certificate ( ) diploma ( i) degree (b) 1- 4. 200,000 per campus 280,000 per campus Application for re-inspection of training institution Application for Re-inspection for compliance monitoring (after every 5 years) 200.000 Der campus 300,000 per campus 400,000 per campus 200,000 per campus 200,000 per campus Additional accreditation fees for- (a) core-curriculum document ( certificate ( ) (iii) (b) in20.000 diploma 30.000 desree 50.000 review of a training institution curriculum document in- 488 Kenya Subsidiary Le g islation, 20 1 5 Amount of Fee (KSh.) Description of Fee (i) certificate diploma 50,000 (ii) (iii) degree 100,000 70,000 Accreditation standards documents 5. r0,000 (r.8) SIXTH SCHEDULE FEES FOR CONTINUING PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT Amount of Fee (KSh.) Description of Fee Fee for continuing professional development logbook 5,000 (renewable after three years) Continuing professional development provider's license fee (renewable annually) 2. 10,000 Per course Made on the 23rd March,2015. KIOKO KIILU, Chairman, Public Health Officers andTechnicians Council. KEPHA OMBACHO, Registrar, Public Health Officers and Technicians Council. Lpcnr- Norcs No. 62 THE CATTLE CLEANSING ACT (Cap.358) PRESCRIPTIoN oF EFFECTIVE TICK DESTRoYING AGENTS IN EXERCISE of powers conferred by section 2 of Cattle Cleansing Act, the Director of Veterinary Services prescribes the details which are specified in the Schedule, to be effective tick destroying agents for the purposes of the Act. SCHEDULE A suspension in water of "DUODIP 557o EC" brand of Cypermethrin: Cyano(3phenoxyphenyl) methyl 3 (2, 2dichloroethenyl) 2, 2- dimethyl Cyclopropanecarboxylate and Chlorpyrifos: 0, O-diethyl 0-3, 5, 6-trichloro-2-pyridyl phosphorothioate containing not less than 0.055 per cent active principle when such a suspension is used for cattle cleansing by submission at intervals of not more than seven days. Dated the lSth March 2015. KISA J. Z.JU}/.A NGEIYWA, Ag. Director of Veterinam Services. PRINTED AND PUBLISHED BY THE GOVERNMENT PRINTER, NAIROBI
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