eneza The Navigators-Kenya 1st Edition 2015 1 inside-out change Stan’s Letter In Matthew 5:36 we read the following words - “Nor shall you make an oath by your head, for you cannot make one hair white or black.” Do you ever wonder if such verses have been overtaken by time? Can the word of the Lord be overtaken by time? He says elsewhere that heaven and earth will pass away but his word abideth forever. Is it possible to know the words that make a sentence and still not understand what the sentence means? At the last National Leadership Council, we pondered over many things. Among them was the thought of raising true followers of Christ. It is easier to raise a Pharisee than a true follower of Jesus. If you were to judge Pharisees by their actions, you would have to conclude that they were extremely zealous for God. And such was Paul when he described himself in Galatians 1:14. But is it possible to be zealous for God without knowing Him? Is it possible to raise a person who reads his bible daily, journals, memorizes scripture, shares the gospel, goes to church, tithes, sings in choir - but who does not walk with God? Such were the Pharisees of the day of Jesus. They loved the scriptures and had memorized sizeable chunks of them. They could quote them with ease and point people in the right direction using the scriptures. But they saw the scrip- 2 Continued on page 3 Continued from page 2 tures as an end in themselves and rejected him whom the scriptures referred to. Like a man in a restaurant studying a menu, they were satisfied with studying the menu of scripture - instead of ordering and enjoying the meal that the menu represented. Malcolm Smith in his 30 year-old message “Christ and the Pharisees” says the menu describes a lot more than it can offer – the chef needs to translate the menu into food that really satisfies. the colour one wants but one cannot make hair black or white. The original hair colour always emerges with new growth. The Lord was harsh towards the Pharisees on many occasions - and with good reason. In John 5:39-40 he said to them- “You search the Scriptures because you think that in them you have eternal life; it is these that testify about Me; and you are unwilling to come to Me so that you may have life.” NASU Christ wants us to change on the inside – not just to appear changed on the outside. When looking at the sons of Jesse for a possible King, Samuel looked on the outside and saw what he was looking for. But the Lord redirected his attention in the famous words that we quote so often but pay little attention to: “…man looks at the outward appearance but the Lord looks at the heart…” 1 Samuel 16:7. While we can quote these words, it is hard to live out what they say. If God indeed looks at the heart what can I do to keep my heart in a state that pleases God? What is the true measure of transformation? Going back to the opening statement, “…you cannot make one hair white or black…” I gave it further thought. Those who dye their hair have to repeat the process every couple of weeks. Why is this necessary? Because new hair growth does not acquire the colour of the dye! The essence of the hair does not change with colouring. One has to keep colouring emerging hair to retain the look. So, in fact, one can give hair It is love. Loving God and loving people is easier to talk about than to practice but that, in essence, is the evidence of true transformation. When was the last time you poured love to someone whom you did not like? When was the last time you chose to do them good? When was the last time you prayed God’s favour on them? Our Navigator Core Value no. 1 (the passion to know, love and become like Jesus Christ) and no. Continued on page 9 3 MUTUA MAHIAINI- NEW INTERNATIONAL NAVIGATOR PRESIDENT Kenyan Navigator Mutua Mahiaini has been selected as the next international president and general director of The Navigators. The unanimous decision followed three days of prayerful deliberations by a selection council made up of 40 men and women representing each region of The Navigators worldwide work. The Kenyan and U.S. Navigator boards subsequently confirmed the decision. Mutua will take office April 18 with a formal commissioning ceremony at The Navigators Glen Eyrie Conference Center in Colorado Springs. Outgoing international president Mike Treneer says, “Everyone recognized that Mutua’s depth in the Word and prayer, his faith and courage, his demonstrated ability to build strong teams and develop leaders, his commitment to our Navigator core beliefs, and his gifting to lead from the Scriptures, make him highly qualified for this role. His extensive experience and ability in functioning cross-culturally are important assets for serving in this international role.” In a letter to The Navigators staff, Treneer continued, “It is Pictured are Stephanie Mahiaini and her husband, Mutua difficult to convey the remarkable presence of God in the Mahiaini, who is the new international Navigator president. midst of our council. God clearly guided our thinking and 4 Continued on page 5 Continued from page 4 dialogue. He gave us an overarching sense of encouragement as we reflected on what God has done in The Navigators and will do in the future. I came away with great joy and confidence, seeing again the humility and godliness of our international leaders, who walk in dependence on the Lord and His Word.” Mutua and his wife, Stephanie, step into this leadership role with broad and varied experiences in Navigator ministry. In the last few years, Mutua and Stephanie have travelled extensively and ministered widely, building relationships of trust around The Navigators Worldwide Partnership. rica. They landed in Kenya and planted the ministry of the gospel, praying through Genesis 22:17-18. This was the first Navigator ministry in Africa. A few years before they arrived in Kenya, God had put Isaiah 43:34 on Dawson Trotman’s heart- and he prayed that God would give him many young men from the nations. At about the same time Dawson prayed these thoughts, 60 years ago, Mutua was born. Treneer added, “I commend Mutua and Stephanie to your prayers as they prepare for this new role and phase of life. First Samuel 16:13 records the anointing of David: ‘So Samuel took the horn of oil and anointed him in the presence of his brothers, and from that day on the Spirit of the LORD came powerfully upon David’ (NIV). We trust the Lord will similarly anoint Mutua and Stephanie as they lead our Navigator family.” It is interesting to note that almost 60 years ago, God sent Doug Sparks to lead a team of labourers to Af- Pictured : The Treneers (Mike and Chris) take a photo with the Mahiainis (Mutua and Stephanie) moments after Mutua was announced as the new president. 5 FRUIT THAT WILL LAST teen years ago. He was very patient as I shared with him how to become a member of God’s family and the privileges thereof. “I am sorry that I disrespected you when we were in high school” said Jim (not his real name). “As you may know we were very proud as teenagers in school; I now know better,” added Jim with a slight smile at the corner of his mouth. “I need an encounter with Jesus.” He continued. “It seems so clear and simple,” he said, “Why didn’t you tell me these things when we were in school?” I stuttered and stammered and talked about how I was also growing back then. Truth be told I was humbled and rebuked. Jim gave his life to Christ and prayed a moving prayer of repentance and commitment to Christ. Being of Asian descent, Jim was concerned about where he was going to get Christian fellowship. He asked about a certain Baptist church close to where he lives. I knew the church so I recommended it. I gave him a new Bible that I had brought along just in case he received Christ. I asked him to start reading a chapter a day of the Gospel of John. By David Odhuno Jim and I were in the same high school for six years; we stayed in the same dorm. Since high school, we had not met until the Westgate terror in Nairobi. We exchanged phone numbers then. It wasn’t until January this year that I got a message from him stating that he was seeking out the truth in life. I replied and sent him my testimony as well as four simple steps to salvation. The following morning he called and wanted us to meet as soon as possible. We met in the afternoon in a restaurant over coffee. After listening to him for an hour it became obvious that he needed Christ desperately. Jim was going through a divorce from an estranged wife who left him about fif- 6 As we were leaving he said to me, “I feel like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders!”. I suggested to him to share his findings from John with me daily. As I went home I was very intrigued by the power of sowing a seed in people’s lives. I last saw Jim 39 years ago! Then the Lord brought him backto complete the work he began in Jim. Continued on page 7 Continued from page 6 “You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you to go and bear fruit- fruit that will last.” John 15:16a stronger marriages The Navigators-Kenya held their quarterly Building Stronger Marriages workshop for their staff on 17 Jan 2015 at Dimesse Sisters, in Karen. The couples are nearing the completion of the book, From Anger to David Odhuno, giving a talk at a recent Nav marriage seminar. Intimacy, by Gary Smalley and Ted Cunningham. A David Odhuno serves as the director of missions at The Navigamajor theme in the January session was how to craft tors- Kenya. an apology when we wrong our spouse. From Anger DID YOU KNOW? to Intimacy is a brilliant book for married persons who David Odhuno’s testimony about Jim is in line with our struggle with anger in their marriage. Grab one at The eigth Core Value: Families and Relational networks in Navigator Bookshop for 990 KES. discipling the nations. Pictured above are Waturi and Ernest Wamboye, who are part of the couples undegoing the marriage training. 7 Non-Christians in a Biblical Community By Ian and Mbithe Cheruiyot Can non-Christians be part of our biblical community? This is the question we had been grappling with at the end of last year. Many of the students we meet on campus have not yet come to a saving faith in Jesus. Some have shown interest to meet and discuss the Bible and share their life stories with us. When I (Mbithe) consider the time God has granted me with Antoinette, Ruth, Jacinta, Sue, Rose and Robert, I 8 am assured that God is able to do immeasurably more than we ask or imagine. These students are friends who happen to share a similar course in campus. We have been meeting weekly since October 2014. None has received Christ yet but I sense God pursuing them. Antoinette stands out as the leader of this group because the rest are willing to follow what she says and does. The group began with her and Jacinta, her roommate. The rest joined a little later. We invited them into our home one evening in December before they closed for the Christmas season. We had a wonderful time together and had our colleague Muthoni share her testimony. The students didn’t want to leave the next day. We trust our time together helped them get closer to knowing Christ. Upon meditating on Mark 2:13-17, I (Ian) am led to believe that non-Christians can be part of our biblical community. Jesus demonstrates this for us in this story of the calling of Levi the tax collector. Jesus enters into Levi’s circle of friends and shares a meal Continued on page 9 Continued from page 8 Continued from page 3 7 (love and grace expressed among us in community) are among the most difficult to measure. It is easier to measure how much scripture one has memorized or how many chapters of the bible one has read. But that is the wrong yard stick to measure maturity. Maturity is measured using the yardstick of Christ (Eph 4:13) and the language of maturity is love and unity. How Jesus invited sinners into communion with him. Pray are you doing as a believer? that these students will respond to Christ’s invitation to commune with Him. Pray that our home will be a Stanley Mukolwe is the Country Director of The Naviplace in which people with bad reputations, outcasts, gators-Kenya. He is married to Patience Mukolwe and those disregarded and despised can share together with they have three childen. Dr. Mukolwe’s ministry is big us. Pray that the Lord will lead us to “Levis”- men and on parenting and marriage issues. Visit his new site women who open a wide door to the lost people. Pray www.raisingfutureparents.com . that we will be courageous to enter into that circle of Nav News: Admin Bible Study friends in faith. The administrative staff at The Navigators Kenya DID YOU KNOW? began a weekly Bible study. The team of eight, led The hope of Ian and Mbithe Cheruiyot for the salvation by Country Director, Dr. Stanley Mukolwe, has been of the members of their campus group lines up with studying the book of Ephesians using the Life Change our fifth Core Value: Expectant faith and persevering Series of The Navigators. The study, that takes place prayer rooted in the promises of God. The desire to every Thursday morning, has offered a platform for reach to the disregarded in society lines up with our the members of the admin staff to grow closely and sixth Core Value: The dignity and value of every per- engage each other spiritually. son. with them. This was very intimate in that culture as it is in many present cultures. Later that day, Jesus and his followers ate at Levi’s house. There were many tax collectors and several people with bad reputations eating with the Lord. The majority of these people ended up following Jesus and abandoning their former lives. 9 WHO IS MUTUA MAHIAINI? Just who exactly is Mutua? The new Navigator president and general director, Mutua Mahiaini, may be familiar to some but very new to many. Here is a brief bio about him: Mutua Mahiaini is a Kenyan citizen by birth. He committed his life to Christ at the age of 10 and was later discipled by The Navigators. Mutua spent two years in France earning his masters degree as a professor of French. He taught French in Kenya for two years before joining Navigator staff in 1981. Mutua and Stephanie were married in 1982. Stephanie has her B.A. in music and education and was also discipled by Navigators. Early in their marriage, Mutua and Stephanie led a fruitful campus ministry at Kenyatta University. In 1986, Mutua became the Kenya Country Leader, taking over from American missionary Bruce van Wyk. In 1994, Mutua and Stephanie moved to Abidjan in French-speaking West Africa to lead the work in Côte d’Ivoire and help oversee the pioneering of Navigator ministries throughout the French-speaking countries in Africa. In 1998, Mutua was appointed Africa Regional DirecMutua and Stephanie Mahiaini at Glen Eyrie Castle tor, after Mike Treneer (the incumbent president). The Africa work in Colorado Springs, USA. This photo was taken after the announcement of Mutua’s selection as the grew strongly under Mutua’s leadership over the next 13 years. In new president. 10 Continued on page 11 Continued from page 10 2011, Mutua passed the baton for the Africa leadership to Nigerian, Bulus Bossan. Mutua and Stephanie then moved to Colorado Springs to join the International Executive Team in April 2012. His role as International President of The Navigators starts in April 2015. The Mahiainis have four adult children. This is what the Kenyan Board of Directors wrote about their opinion on Mutua’s selection: No reservations! He is intelligent, a listener, led by the Word in all aspects of daily life, mature, godly, a teacher of the Word, a practical living example of what it means to live faithfully by the Word. His knowledge of Scripture and its application cannot be challenged. May the Lord be glorified. Mutua is a great follower of Christ and a people person; he will be a blessing to the body of believers. We ask you to pray for the well-being of Mutua and his family. Commit the monumental task ahead of him into God’s hands and pray that the Lord may fill him with THREE PRESIDENTS: (L to R) The Navigators’ president emeriall wisdom and power to lead The Navigators. tus, Jerry White, incoming president, Mutua Mahiaini and incumbent president, Mike Treneer taking a photo, February this year, at Glen Eyrie Castle in Colorado Springs, USA. 11 uPCOMING NAVIGATOR KENYA EVENTS The following are upcoming events by The Navigators-Kenya. Navigator Worldwide Day of Prayer Date: 21st March 2015 Location: Local Areas HQS Back to the Basics conference Date: 28th March 2015 Location: Nairobi Cost: 1,500 KES pp CDM Meeting Date 23-29 March Location: Navigators grounds Cost: 1000 KES Easter Conference Date: 3rd-6th April Location: Eldoret Cost: To be announced 12 Women’s Conferenece Date: 11th April 2015 Location: Dari Coffee garden, Karen Nairobi. Cost: 1300 KES pp Students Staff Retreat Date: 24th-26th April Location: To be announced Cost: 8,000 KES pp Faith and the City Conference Date: 1st-3rd May Location: Kabarak Guest House Cost: 8,000 KES pp National Prayer Conference Date: 29th May -1st June Location: ACK Guest House Likoni Cost: 6,500 KES pp NAV BOOK REVIEW Treading Water In An Empty Pool “I’m stuck in a job I can’t stand.” “I’m not living the dream I once had.” “My wife doesn’t look like the person I married.” “I haven’t accomplished much worth celebrating.” These are some of the thoughts in the minds of many men who feel disappointed in life. Treading Water In An Empty Pool is a Bible study for men that tackles disappointment and unease by exploring useful spiritual principles from savvy articles, pop culture, literature, and especially God’s Word. Regain hope and purpose in what seems to be your out-of-control life. Designed for small groups (yet also hospitable for a solo act) this book does not demand a seminary-trained leader at the helm. Treading Water In An Empty Pool is part of the Real Life Stuff For Men series. This book and the series are available at The Navigators-Kenya bookshop. Cost: 1,100 KES Contact The Navigators-Kenya bookshop: [email protected]. +254-723-969-644 or +254-738-573-868 13 CELEBRATING Co-lABOURERS IN MACHAKOS By Alex Kiamba Every Saturday and Sunday a group of young men and women go to the five high schools in Machakos for ministry. These schools are Machakos Boys, Machakos Girls, Kwanthanze Secondary, Katoloni Secondary and Machakos Academy. These labourers are generally not on fulltime ministry with The Navigators; they are either in college or working within Machakos town. They have become like Epaphras to us here, sharing the good news and helping high schools students to grow in their walk with God. There are also other labourers serving in Core Group and a couple that lead City Life Ministry. Our current labourers include Mercy Munanie, Daniel Alex and Monica Kiamba lead the Navigators ministry Kyalo, Daniel Musyoki, Martin Ndeto, Erastus Kilonzo, Brian and Janet Mulinge. They have been faithfully in Machakos. serving and giving their time, prayers and thoughts to Colossians 1:7-8 “It’s as vigorous in you now as when the advancement of the gospel. If we did not have these you learned it from our friend and close associate Epa- reliable workers some of the ministry stations would phras. He is one reliable worker for Christ! I could be closed. We have seen students transition from high always depend on him. He’s the one who told us how school to Core Group (our high school graduates felthoroughly love had been worked into your lives by the lowship) because of the help they received from these labourers. They not only follow up, but are willing to Spirit.” (THE MESSAGE) 14 Continued on page 15 Continued from page 14 share from their own lives and to model Christlikeness to the believers. These workers are God-sent. They remind us of what Jesus told the disciples: “The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Therefore beseech the Lord of the harvest to send out workers into His harvest.” Matt 9:37-38 NASB. This year, a group of our labourers organised our annual high school conference, held in March here in Machakos. We celebrate these friends and co-labourers for their diligent work in the harvest field in Machakos. Pray that The Lord will richly reward these men and women who have given themselves to serve him; they are true co-workers in the field. “How lovely on the mountains are the feet of him who brings good news, who announces peace and brings good news of happiness, who announces salvation, and says to Zion, “Your God reigns!” Isaiah 52:7 NASB In this Photo L to R: Daniel Musyoki, Boniface Ndambuki (one of our Field Ministry Partners with The Navigators-Kenya), myself (Alex), Daniel Kyalo and Mercy Munanie. DID YOU KNOW? The encouraging story of the committed labourers in Machakos lines up with our third strategic focus for The Navigators Kenya ministry: The development of many new and fruitful generationalminded labourers; men and women who are marked by faithfulness, obedience and courage. 15 NAV NEWS: INternational Leadership chaNge After having served for 10 years, Mike Treneer is stepping down as the international president of The Navigators and handing over to Mutua Mahiaini, from Kenya (story on page 4). Mike and his wife, Chris, joined the staff of The Navigators in 1971 and led a fruitful student ministry in Southampton for four years. Then, from the mid-seventies, Mike led the team that pioneered the Navigator ministry in Nigeria. In 1981 Mike was appointed the Navigator director for Africa. For the next 16 years Mike and Chris lived in Nairobi, Kenya, with their three children. Mike travelled extensively throughout the continent developing African leaders, teaching the Bible, shepherding missionaries, and coaching the pioneering of Navigator ministries in 20 countries. In 1998, Mike passed the leadership of The Navigators of Africa to an African team. He was appointed an international vice president of The Navigators in June 1998. In August of 2004, Mike was unanimously chosen by an international council to succeed Jerry White as international president of The Navigators, efMike Treneer, who pioneered the Navigator fective January 1, 2005. His greatest sense of accomplishministry in Nigeria, has served as International ment comes from using his gifts in teaching and preaching, and opening the Bible with groups and individuals. Pray for President of The Navigators for 10 years. Mike and Chris as they transition into their next season in life. 16 RELATIONAL NETWORKS: The streamS of GOD The Navigators-kenya has a strong emphasis on relational networks. In a recent missions meeting of women in East Africa, a leader at the meeting mentioned that having travelled through Africa and Asia, and with what she knows of Europe and the US, she thought that what we have in Kenya, in terms of advancing the gospel through family and relational networks, was far ahead of the rest of the world. Yet in truth, we have barely scratched the surface. We still have many unreached people that we meet everyday. In our Strategic Plan under Missional Living initiative no.7, we read: Establish a model for discipling of children by parents that can be replicated nationally. Under Transformed Communities initiative no. 3 we read: Staff and labourers, in various areas and entities, to meet regularly for Word, prayer and fellowship with an aim of sharing the Gospel freely within families and relational networks. In the picture is one of the first US Navigators who helped establish the ministry in Kenya. Her name is Lena Hagegard. She is with a team of women that she used to regularly meet and disciple. Relational networks are the streams of God to bring waters of refreshing to the lost. The people in your everyday schedule can be reached by God through you. It will take your time, your money, your energy and even opening up your home. The fruit of the labour will be worth it, both now and in the hereafter. 17 SCANDINAVIAN COUPLE THAT IMPACTED KENYA MINISTRY The Navigator Leadership Council (NLC) met from 2327 February at St. Magdalene’s retreat centre in Karen, Nairobi. In one of the meetings, the team was joined by Ove and Anne-Marie Tinggaard, a Danish couple that helped pioneer the Navigator ministry in Kenya in the 1970s. Ove and Anne-Marie got married in April 1972 in Denmark. Eight months later, in January 1973, they responded to God’s call and headed to a land they knew nothing about- Kenya. in teenage-hood are still soft and receptive to the gospel. As he shared stories from the 1970s and 1980s he encouraged fully tapping into the students’ ministry. It was very clear that Ove and Anne-Marie had poured out their lives richly into others evident by the testimonials of older members of the NLC. Those testimonials spoke fondly of how Ove and Anne-Marie led students to Christ, discipled them in campus, sacrificed their time and resources so that others may grow, rebuked in love and offered practical help to members in the body of Christ. Pictured: Ove and Annemarie Tinggaard Ove shared with the leadership how dearly he esteemed the high school ministry because the hearts of people 18 Pictured: Ove Tinggaard (first left) with some of the African Navigators he was discipling. Continued on page 19 Continued from page 18 An outstanding observation was the generosity and hospitality of the Scandinavian couple marked by the opening of their home to the students. From building water tanks for widows to taking hiking trips with the young men to teaching the young adults how to ride motor-cycles, the Tinggaards helped many Kenyan Navigators develop a strong footing in their faith in Christ Jesus. done a good job already by raising him well, therefore discipling him was quite easy. A few years back, Ove remembers remarking that The Navigators would never have an international president from outside the United States. He admits being stood corrected and very pleasantly surprised at the announcement of Mutua Mahiaini as the new international presidenthis own disciple! He had no idea it was coming. Ove and Anne-Marie have been married for over 42 years It is quite remarkable to note that Ove Tinggaard disci- now and still continue to share the gospel and fulfil the pled Mutua Mahiaini, the new international Navigator Great Commission of Jesus Christ. Remember them in president. Ove modestly says that Mutua’s parents had prayer as often as you can. Ove Tinggaard (5th from right) with friends from teaching the young adults how to ride motorbikes. Year: 1984. 19 ELDORET AREA LEADERSHIP CHANGE By Tom Owuor In February 2015, the Navigators began praying for a new leader to take over the Eldoret area ministry from my wife, Emma, and I. We spent time asking the Lord to guide us to the right people to lead the ministry as we transitioned to the Kenya Leadership Team (KLT). On Sunday the 1st of March, our Country Director Stanley Mukolwe led the process of selecting the new area leader for Eldoret. There was evidence of God’s leading as 25 of us gathered around his word and prayer. Philipson and Stella Njue were unanimously selected to lead the work for the next three years. Join us as we celebrate the Lord’s goodness and faithfulness. I am sure that the work would take a new turn, strengthening it to accomplish what He, the Lord, has purposed in His time. As conventional income people, the Njues have served on the area leadership team for ten years. Their leadership contribution has been evident in the thriving couples’ ministry and fervour during our regular area corporate prayers. Philipson and Stella have also developed various discipleship relationships with high school students and within the community. As the Njues shared their story of how the Lord worked in their lives to respond to the new role, we felt at peace and our hearts rejoiced. They 20 Continued on page 22 NAV NEWS Nav Student Partnership 2015 Prayer Retreat in Mombasa The 2015 Navigators-Kenya Prayer Retreat will be held in Mombasa from 29th May to 1st June 2015 at the A.C.K Guest House in Likoni. Check in time on 29th May is in the evening from 6:00 PM. Departure will be after breakfast on the 1st of June. Should you intend to attend, send an email with your full names and phone number to: [email protected]. The cost per person will be KES 6500. Leadership Council Meeting The Navigator Leadership Council (NLC) met from 23-27 February at St. Magdalene’s retreat centre in Karen, Nairobi. The leaders of the various ministries and areas convened for a time of prayer, sharing the word, praise and worship and planning on how to improve the Navigator ministry by examing our Core Values. The leadership team also placed emphasis on creating a strong base in the Mombasa region. Pray for wisdom in the execution of the plans prepared and for the unity of Navigator believers across the country. In January 2015, the student ministry hosted a group of Americans led by the students’ ministry leader, Chris Amulo. The Kenyan work was explained to the foreigners with the hope of hosting a few of them in Kenya for a Short Term Experience in Ministry (STEM). Pray for the fruitful outcome of this partnership between the students ministry and the U.S. Navigators. Pictured are Kenyan Field Ministry Partners (FMPs), Bethuel Bissem and Naftali Oswago (extreme left), the American Nav team, FMP Milton Mao (extreme right standing) and students’ ministry leader, Chris Amulo (squatting). 21 Continued from page 20 were praying through Isaiah 42 and John 13. The Lord reminded them that He is the Lord, calling them His servants into a relationship of righteousness to be used as His instruments to advance His Kingdom into the nations. The promise that He will be with them, leading, counselling and guiding in spite of their inadequacy resolved the many questions that held them back. Emma and I will walk with them at least for the next three months, ensuring smooth ministry transition. We plan to have a commissioning that will affirm and celebrate what the Lord has done and continues to do here in Eldoret. In the meantime, Emma and I continue to serve the Lord as we train four young men as leaders. We will continue to serve in the Kenya Leadership Team. Pray that we may be sensitive to God speaking during this transition process. Continue to pray, that the Njues would settle quickly and lead by faith from His word. Together In His harvest field, Tom and Emma Owuor. Top right are Philipson and Stella Njue, who are taking over from Tom and Emma Owuor’s leadership in Eldoret. Bottom right are the Njues, the Owuors and Stanley Mukolwe, just after the selection process. 22 MYTHS ABOUT GIVING AND MONEY Jesus kept a money account. Paul the Apostle used money to fund his mission work. Both were supported through the generous giving of faithful men and women. The Navigators-Kenya appreciates the giving from our donors. Often when people hear of giving, a few fears settle in their minds. These include: loves a cheerful giver. And God is able to bless you abundantly, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work.” 2. Money is the root of all evil That is another myth often quoted by many. The idea is a misread, misquoted and misinterpreted portion of Biblical scripture found in 1st Timothy 6:10. Paul the 1. If I give I will be poor Many people may fear giving because they think that apostle categorically states that the love of money is a they will lack. The scripture affirms that when we hon- root of all kinds of evil- not money in itself. Bank acour the Lord with our wealth, he will not abandon us. counts are not filled with evil; human hearts are. One guaranteed way to avoid falling into the idolatrous love Proverbs 3:9-10 says, “Honour the Lord with your of money is to be generous with it. wealth, with the first fruits of your crops. Then our barns will be filled to overflowing and your vats will The Navigators-Kenya has been able to reach remote areas of the country, disciple new believers and pass brim over with new wine.” godly values to homes through your faithful giving! 2 Corinthians 9:6-8 says “Remember this: Whoever Between 2006 and 2014, the number of Field Minissows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever try Parters (FMPs) in the field has increased encouragsows generously will also reap generously. Each of ingly. The giving has also increased. you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God 23 Why do you give to The navigators-KENYA? We recently asked one of our faithful donors, *David Gatende, why he gives financially to our ministry. This was his response: No.of FMP 60 50 40 30 No.of FMP 20 10 I give to the Navigators for many reasons amongst them: • I believe I’m obeying God as it is part of my tithe. • I’m personally convinced about the effectiveness of the Navigator ministry model. • Many years ago in the mid 1980s, I too benefited from the generosity of others so I’m happy to give back now so that others can also benefit. • I relate well with the various ministries that the different staff I support are involved in. • Those I support have the calling and the passion while I have a bit of money I can contribute to their ministries. • I’m convinced of the teaching in Luke 16:9 “I tell you, use worldly wealth to gain friends for yourselves, so than when it is gone, you will be welcomed into eternal dwellings.” 24 0 Year 2006 Year 2007 Year 2008 Year 2009 Year 2010 Year 2011 Year 2012 Year 2013 Year 2014 The graph shows the increase in our Field Ministry partners since 2006. If you have a desire to give and help fulfil Jesus’ Great Commission through The Navigators-Kenya, contact us. *David Gatende served as the BOD Chairman for The Navigators-Kenya for 14 years. ENEZA newsletter is a publication of The Navigators-Kenya. The Editor reserves the right to the publishing process. www.kenyanavigators.org P.O. Box 47300-00100 Nairobi +254-723-969-644 or +254-738-573-868 www.facebook.com/TheNavigatorsKenya Twitter: @NavigatorsKenya [email protected]
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