09 84 00/PER BuyLine 8857 ACOUSTICAL WALL AND CEILING TREATMENTS ABSORBERS • DIFFUSERS • REFLECTORS www.perdueacoustics.com Visit our online catalog at SWEETS.com FLAT PANEL SYSTEM Class A Fabric Wrap Mineral Wool Core 1 - 4 inch Original Fabric Panels Perdue Acoustics’ patented Rockwool core standard Original Fabric Panels are the industry leaders in the area of sound absorption with an NRC of 1.40 for the 2” panels. The Original Fabric Panels provide an aesthetically pleasing product with high quality noise reduction and are available in standard sizes from 2’ x 2’ to 4’ x 8’ with custom sizes available. 2” panel 125 Hz .31 250 Hz 1.05 500 Hz 1.67 1000 Hz 1.50 2000 Hz 1.37 4000 Hz 1.30 NRC 1.40* High-Impact Mat 1 - 2 inch Hanging Ceiling Baffles Vertically Hung using Grommet and Wire System 8VLQJWKHVDPH5RFNZRROFRUHDVWKH2ULJLQDO)DEULF3DQHOV3HUGXH$FRXVWLFV¶2ULJLQDO)DEULF%DIÀHV SURYLGH H[FHOOHQW VRXQG DEVRUSWLRQ LQ WKH XSSHU FHLOLQJ DUHD ¿WWLQJ SHUIHFWO\ EHWZHHQ KLJK FHLOLQJ EHDPVRUMRLVWV7KH2ULJLQDO)DEULF%DIÀHVKDYHWZLFHWKHVXUIDFHDEVRUSWLRQDUHDRIIHULQJWKHKLJK SHUIRUPDQFHDEVRUSWLRQFRHI¿FLHQWVLQVWDQGDUGVL]HVIURP¶[¶WR¶[¶ZLWKFXVWRPVL]HVDYDLODEOH 2” panel Horizontally Suspended using Ceiling Mounted Framework 125 Hz .88 250 Hz 1.18 500 Hz 1.98 1000 Hz 2.14 2000 Hz 1.94 4000 Hz 1.78 NRC 1.80* Absorptive Ceiling Clouds With the same Rockwool core as the Original Fabric Panels and an internal framework for ceiling mounting, the Absorptive Ceiling Clouds add additional absorption to the facility. With the same aesthetically pleasing look of the Original Fabric Panels, the Absorptive Ceiling Clouds provide a consistent look to the room and are available in standard sizes from 4’ x 2’ to 4’ x 8’ with custom sizes available. 2” panel 125 Hz .88 250 Hz 1.18 500 Hz 1.98 1000 Hz 2.14 2000 Hz 1.94 4000 Hz 1.78 NRC 1.80* WEDGE™ SYSTEM Wedge™ and EconoWedge™ Diffsorbers Slope from 1 3/16” to 3 3/16” in Thickness over Width of Panel Perdue Acoustics patented Wedge™ and EconoWedge™ Diffsorbers provide the same aesthetically pleasing appearance of the Original Fabric Panels but offer a 61% increase in low frequency (125 Hz) absorption and a 14% overall NRC increase over our standard 2” Original Fabric Panel. The Wedge™ and EconoWedge™ Diffsorbers are designed to minimize not only the bothersome high frequencies, but also the “boomy” low frequencies that cause the most hearing damage. 125 Hz 250 Hz 500 Hz 1000 Hz 2000 Hz .50 1.10 1.72 1.86 1.63 (Wedge™ available in 2’ widths and EconoWedge™ available in 4’ widths) 4000 Hz 1.48 NRC 1.60* MegaWedge™ and EconoMegaWedge™ Diffsorbers Slope from 3 3/16” in Thickness to 5 3/16” in Thickness over Width of Panel The patented MegaWedge™ and EconoMegaWedge™ Diffsorbers are designed to provide even more low frequency absorption than the Wedge™ and EconoWedge™. With the same pleasing appearance as the Original Fabric Panels, the MegaWedge™ and EconoMegaWedge™ offer a 358% increase in low frequency (125 Hz) absorption over the standard 2” Original Fabric panel and 184% increase in low frequency (125 Hz) absorption over the Wedge™ and EconoWedge™. 125 Hz 250 Hz 500 Hz 1000 Hz 2000 Hz 4000 Hz 1.42 1.61 2.19 2.13 1.89 1.75 (MegaWedge™ available in 2’ widths and EconoMegaWedge™ available in 4’ widths) NRC 1.95* Wedge™ and MegaWedge™ Diffusers Patented Diffusion “Wells” The Wedge™ and MegaWedge™ Diffusers are custom molded using high-impact styrene construction and specially designed diffusion “wells” with varying depths to diffuse echo across the frequency band. Available in the standard size of 2’ x 4’, the Wedge™ and MegaWedge™ Diffusers can also use the same attractive fabric options as the Wedge™ Diffsorbers. Cloth Covered Custom Molded High-impact Styrene can be Fabric Covered or Painted 100 Hz .34 125 Hz .33 250 Hz .40 500 Hz .58 1000 Hz .57 2000 Hz .54 Wedge™ and MegaWedge™ Reflectors 3HUGXH$FRXVWLFV¶:HGJHDQG0HJD:HGJH5HÀHFWRUVDUHFXVWRPPROGHGVPRRWKUHÀHFWRUV $YDLODEOHLQWKHVWDQGDUGVL]HRI¶[¶WKH:HGJHDQG0HJD:HGJH5HÀHFWRUVFDQDOVRXVH the same attractive fabric options as the Wedge™ Diffsorbers, making the products aesthetically interchangeable, allowing custom tuning of a room without changing the look of the product. Cloth covered 125 Hz .27 150 Hz .26 500 Hz .21 1000 Hz .14 2000 Hz .13 4000 Hz .20 09 84 00/PER BuyLine 8857 180° SYSTEM Class A Fabric Wrap Rockwool Core High-impact Mat Class A Fabric Wrap High-impact Styrene High-impact Mat 180° Diffsorbers Perdue Acoustics’ unique 180° Diffsorbers have a 503% increase in low frequency (125 Hz) absorption over the standard 2” Original Fabric Panels. In standard sizes of 18” x 36” and 28” x 36” with custom sizes available and the same visually appealing fabric options of the Original Fabric 3DQHOVWKH'LIIVRUEHUVHDVLO\¿WLQWRWKHGpFRURIDQ\IDFLOLW\ 28” 125 Hz 1.87 250 Hz 1.64 500 Hz 2.46 1000 Hz 2.59 2000 Hz 2.33 4000 Hz 2.32 NRC 2.25* 180° Diffusers The 180° Diffusers are custom molded using high-impact styrene construction and a specially designed patented internal rib system with varying depths to diffuse echo across the frequency band. Available in the standard size of 28” x 36”, the 180° Diffusers also use the same attractive fabric options as the 180° Diffsorbers. Cloth covered 100 Hz .34 125 Hz .33 250 Hz .40 500 Hz .58 1000 Hz .57 2000 Hz .54 180° Reflectors Class A Fabric Wrap or Painted High-impact Styrene 3HUGXH$FRXVWLFV¶5HÀHFWRULVDFXVWRPPROGHGVPRRWKUHÀHFWRU$YDLODEOHLQWKHVWDQGDUG VL]H RI ´ [ ´ WKH 5HÀHFWRU DOVR XVHV WKH VDPH DWWUDFWLYH IDEULF RSWLRQV DV WKH Diffsorbers, making the products aesthetically interchangeable, allowing custom tuning of a room without changing the look of the product. Cloth covered 105 Hz .94 120 Hz .40 250 Hz .34 500 Hz .10 1000 Hz .07 2000 Hz .04 STANDARD DIFFUSERS Pyramidal Diffusers Perdue Acoustics’ Pyramidal Diffusers are custom engineered and vacuum molded of high-impact styrene. The Pyramidal Diffusers diffuse and help diaphragm low frequencies. These Diffusers can be ceiling or wall mounted and fabric covered or painted. 100 Hz .94 High-impact Styrene 125 Hz .40 250 Hz .34 500 Hz .10 1000 Hz .07 2000 Hz .04 4000 Hz .02 Barrel Diffusers Made from the same high-impact styrene as the Pyramidal Diffusers, Perdue Acoustics’ Barrel Diffusers have a slightly curved face that diffuses sound and stops echoes while preserving reverberation. The Barrel Diffusers absorb low frequencies, creating a better balance between high and low frequency sounds. The Barrel Diffuser can be wall mounted, laid in a standard ceiling grid, or hung from the ceiling as a “cloud” and can also be fabric covered or painted. High-impact Styrene 100 Hz .94 125 Hz .40 250 Hz .34 500 Hz .10 1000 Hz .07 2000 Hz .04 4000 Hz .02 Bowed Diffusers Perdue Acoustics’ Bowed Diffusers are vacuum molded of high-impact styrene and are used to UHÀHFW RU GLIIXVH VRXQG 7KH %RZHG 'LIIXVHUV FDQ HLWKHU EH FHLOLQJ RU ZDOO PRXQWHG DQG IDEULF covered or painted. High-impact Styrene 100 Hz .94 125 Hz .40 250 Hz .34 500 Hz .10 1000 Hz .07 2000 Hz .04 4000 Hz .02 PANEL CONSTRUCTION 3HUGXH$FRXVWLFV¶'LIIVRUEHUVSDQHOVDQGEDIÀHVVWDUWZLWKRXUSDWHQWHGPLQHUDOZRROFRUH7KHIURQWDQG EDFNDUHWKHQFRYHUHGZLWKDUDQGRPVWUDQG¿EHUJODVVPDWDQGIDEULFZUDSSHG$OOSURGXFWFRUHVKDYHD PHOWLQJSRLQWRI)$670(ÀDPHVSUHDGRIVPRNHGHYHORSHGUDWLQJRIWHQVLOHVWUHQJWK minimum of 2631 lbs./sq. ft. breaking load, compressive resistance of 480 lbs./sq. ft. at 10% compression, and horizontal sag of not more than 1/2” in 4 ft. 3DQHOVFDQEHIDEULFDWHGZLWKRXUUHJXODUHGJH¿QLVKRU39&WULPPHGHGJHWUHDWPHQWLQDVTXDUHUDGLXV RUEHYHOHGHGJH2XUEDIÀHVDUHIXOO\IDEULFZUDSSHGDQG¿QLVKHGZLWKDÀDSDQGJURPPHWVDWWKHWRSHGJH for hanging. * panels in spaced arrangement FINISHES - We offer a large assortment of fabrics with many colors and patterns from quality industry textile PDQXIDFWXUHUV:HE&RUHPLFURSHUIRUDWHGYLQ\OVHOHFWLRQVDUHDOVRDYDLODEOHWRPDWFK\RXUIDFLOLW\GHFRU 800.729.9402 or online at perdueacoustics.com Perdue Acoustics’ mineral wool core is made of at least 40% post-industrial recycled content. The beautiful fabrics used to cover the core material are made either of 100% recycled polyester (that can later be recycled or composted) or from reused petroleum by-products.
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