Do date wnload unk n PDF own N U S F P S M D A I C K Y S ’ A R D E L R E H E M K M U S Kids Fun Factory! Karate! Arts & Crafts! Gymnastics! Rock Climbing! Mini Golf! No Price Increase! Everything’s included! Register for any number of weeks up to 11 weeks. Register by: 3/30/155/30/15after 5/30/15 ✰5 Day 9:00- 3:00 Mon. - Fri. 3 - 13 yrs. $135.99/wk.$145.99/wk. $154.99/wk. ✰5 Day 9:00- 12:00 Mon. - Fri. 3 - 8 yrs. $79.99/wk. $89.99/wk.$99.99/wk. ✰3 Day 9:00- 12:00 Mon./Wed./Fri. 3 - 8 yrs. $55.99/wk. $59.99/wk.$64.99/wk. ✰2 Day 9:00- 12:00 Tue./Thur. 3-6 yrs. $41.99/wk. $44.99/wk.$49.99/wk. Early drop off 8- 8:45am @ $3/ day prepaid. Late pick up 3:00- 6:00 Mon. - Thurs. & 3:00- 5:00 Fri. @ $10/ day prepaid. 1/2 1/2 1/2 If you have a special request or question please e-mail to see if we can help: [email protected] Activities: Gymnastics, Kids Fun Factory, Rock Climbing, Movement Games, Air Bouncer, Trampolines, Arts & Crafts, & more! Full Day Camp also includes daily special activities which change from week to week so there’s always something new happening! Karate, Mini Golf, Juggling, Music, Dance and much more! Computer Training for Full Day Campers! See our web site for photos of our great computer lab. Special Needs: Allergies, Behavioral, Attention or Processing Difficulties, Medications, etc. We welcome those with Special Needs, but parents must begin the process of Special Needs Documentation with Kehler’s Staff and family medical professionals, no less than 30 days prior to the first day of camp. (See reverse page, permission form, and for details. Other deadlines apply.) Low, Check Out the LOW Prices! BEST OF PHILLY Philadelphia Magazine BESTOF THECITY COMCAST This Summer! New ! Air Conditioned “C Gym” We’re planning a COOL summer in our Brand NEW Fully Air Conditioned 8000 sq. ft. “C Gym”, which supplements our Main Gym, and will be used for many of our activities this summer, along with our Fully Air Conditioned Kids Fun Factory, Computer Lab, Game Room, and Balcony Areas! Your Kids Will Be Comfy This Summer! BEST of the Mainline Mainline Today 680 Parkway, Broomall, Pa. 19008 (610) 359-9999 Our 34 th Season ! Kids Fun Summer Camp Registration Kehler’s Gymnastics Center Inc., NO Price Increase AGAIN this season! Register before March 30, 2015 save $$$. (See reverse). 50% must be in our hands by March 30, 2015 to receive discount. Balance is due by June 1, 2015. Deposits are not refundable and balances not paid by June 1, 2015 will be treated as drops. Summer Gym Camp registrations after May 1st must pay in full at time of registration. Spaces filled on first come basis. All campers must be potty trained. Late Registrations : After the program starts, registrations will be accepted where available only. Special Needs Kids require 30 days written notice.* Make up policy: There are no make ups or credits or refunds for missed camp days regardless of the reason for missing camps. (Please note: Summer make-up policy differs slightly from the school year policy listed in our rules. Please wear white socks & sneakers to Camp. Ask for express drop off directions. Children should wear shorts and tee shirt. No wire rim glasses, zippers, belts, pockets, skirts, dresses, skorts, or gum. Tie long hair back. Full day Campers ask for Camper’s Check List after June 1st. Children who are not following dress code may not participate. Special Summer Camp Parent permission forms signed after 2/01/15 needs to be signed to complete registration. (This is not that form) Kehler’s Gymnastics does not provide any food or candy to children but be aware that there are many foods sold in the snack bar which do contain peanuts. Campers are not permitted to share food so please remind your child to help us protect those with allergies. Please avoid peanut butter sandwiches and candies in lunch boxes. We are not always able to comply w/ requests for placing siblings or friends in the same group due to differences in age, temperament, etc., but we will do our best. All such requests must be made in writing at time of registration as groups are often prepared weeks ahead of time. Summer program runs 6/22/15- 9/04/15. We will be closed on July 3 to 4 & camp prices will be prorated for that date. Call for information. Child’s Name___________________________________ Age_________ DOB____/____/____ Home Phone ( )___________________ Work/Cell/Pager Phone( )___________________ E-Mail: (print carefully) _____________________________________________________ Street_____________________________________ Town___________________________ Zip____________ Check #____________ Please check: Cash receipt #____________ ❒ 5 day (9-3) Amount $__________________ ❒ 5 day (9-12) ❒ 2 day (9-12) First Choice for 2015 camp weeks please check: ❒ 6/22 ❒ 6/29(prorated $) ❒ 7/6 ❒ 7/13 ❒ 7/20 ❒ 7/27 Extended Camp Weeks: ❒ 8/24 ❒ 8/31 ❒ 3 day (9-12) ❒ 8/3 ❒ 8/10 ❒ 8/17 Need to get on the Holding list? Read Below: Parents may immediately register any Camper for extended weeks (8/24 or 8/31) if they are also registered for at least two other camp weeks of the same category, earlier in the summer. Those who have NOT registered for two previous weeks during this Summer Camp Session may register on an Ext. Wks. Holding List. Available spots are then assigned on a first come basis, notifying parents after 7/24/15, so reserve early. All payments including deposits, balances, and additions must have a complete registration form attached. Do d wnl o ate unk ad Please check: n PDF own 1 ❒ NoSpecial Needs/Allergies ❒ Yes, Special Needs/Allergies* (Parent & doctor complete all paperwork by deadlines listed on 2 ❒ I have signed a Summer Camp permission form after 2/01/15. ❒ I must sign a Summer Camp permission form before registration is complete. 3 Early drop off please add $3/day ❐ yes (include $ w/deposit) ❐ no, I will not need. Late pick up please add $10/day ❐ yes (include $ w/deposit) ❐ no, I will not need. All dates for early/late care must be listed in writing at time of deposit. *I clearly understand that if there are any special needs of any sort, that I must contact Kehler’s Program Director, Mr. Kehler, and schedule a meeting with him to begin the process of Special Needs Documentation with Kehler’s Staff and family medical professionals, no less than 30 days prior to starting camp, although 60 days is recommended. Further meetings and training sessions will be required before the first day of camp so parents must have returned 100% complete documentation to Mr. Kehler no later than the deadlines listed at Kehler’s does not have trained medical professionals on site and minors (campers under 18 yrs.) with any type of medication or medical devices in their possession, may be immediately dismissed w/o refund. (See and #11 & #11a on permission form.) 4 Parent’s signature__________________________ Date:___________ Credit Card Deposit Information (Use form ONLY when mailing) Print Clearly Cardholder’s name:____________________________________________________________ ❒ VISA ❒ MC ❒ Discover Card number: _______________________________________________ Exp. date (Month / Year): _________________ Billing address must match above address. I hereby authorize KGC Inc. to charge my credit card for the nonrefundable deposit amount checked above. $10 minimum. Cardholder’s signature: ___________________________________ Date: ________________
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