Segment #2 - Kids Max Live

training manual
Integrity Request
Integrity Request—It is very important that KidzMax Live! teams have
integrity in the following areas:
the manual—The KidzMax Live! event manual and training manual may be
the Training DVDs or Background DVDs— Teams are not allowed to
copied for only your team’s use. It cannot and should not be copied for anyone outside of
your team.
copy the Training DVDs or Background DVDs. This is a violation of copyright law.
the Event Manual and Background DVDs without the KidzMax
Live! kit—In accordance with the policy and the commitment form that you signed and to
assure quality control, teams cannot perform this event without the full KidzMax Live! kit. The
only exception to this rule would be if you are renting a kit from a district office or another
church. To obtain a kit, please contact the National KidzMax Live! Office or your district office.
Thank you for helping us with the above issues. Please contact the
National KidzMax Live! office if you have any questions.
© Copyright 2007 Gospel Publishing House 
1445 N. Boonville Avenue
Springfield, MO. 65802
All rights reserved. Unauthorized reproduction is a violation of applicable laws.
No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or
transmitted in any form or by any means—
electronic, mechanical, photocopy, recording, or any other—
except in brief quotations in articles or reviews,
without prior written permission of the publisher.
Written by: Jason Noble, Patti Chapman, Faith Tyson, Bob Aston
TJ Wolfe, James Hall, Kathy Daldrup
Edited by: Patti Chapman, Lisa Lyons
Consultants: David Richards, Steve Sobey
KidzMax Live Training Manual
Table of Contents
Table of Contents
Table of Contents ..................... 2
Introduction ........................ 5
Letter from the Director ........................................................................................ 6
Why We Need KidzMax Live ............................................................................... 7
Notable Quotes ...................................................................................................... 8
Mission Statement .................................................................................................. 9
How KidzMax Live Works .................................................................................. 11
KidzMax Live Training Plan................................................................................ 12
How to Get a Kit ................................................................................................... 14
Event Suggestions................................................................................................ 15
Equipment ......................................................................................................... 15
Performance ...................................................................................................... 16
Overall Service .................................................................................................. 17
Available Resources ............................................................................................. 18
Supporting KidzMax Live ................................................................................... 19
Preparing for a KidzMax Live Event...... 20
Event Timeline ...................................................................................................... 21
Scheduling the Event .......................................................................................... 22
Outreach Form and Evaluation ........................................................................ 23
Prize Campaign ..................................................................................................... 25
Promoting the Event ........................................................................................... 26
Unpacking the KidzMax Live Kit....................................................................... 28
Using the Event Manual ..................................................................................... 29
Using the Background DVDs............................................................................. 30
Building the Team / Discipleship ...................................................................... 31
Recruiting Team Members ................................................................................. 32
Key Roles ............................................................................................................ 33
Drama Positions ................................................................................................ 35
Support Positions ............................................................................................. 36
Team Assignments ............................................................................................... 37
Training Information for Max & Operator...................................................... 38
Using the Training DVDs .................................................................................... 39
Registration ........................................................................................................... 40
Altar ......................................................................................................................... 41
KidzMax Live Training Manual
Table of Contents
Worker Training ............................................................................................... 41
Training Handouts ........................................................................................... 42
Decision Packet ................................................................................................. 45
Salvation Letter to Parent............................................................................... 46
Children’s Ministries Training ........................................................................ 47
The KidzMax Live Event .............. 48
Event Layout ......................................................................................................... 49
Using Labels for Participants ............................................................................. 51
Service #1: Choice ................................................................................................ 52
Service Information.......................................................................................... 53
Segment #1: Opening Game ......................................................................... 54
Segment #2: Countdown/Opening ............................................................. 55
Segment #3: Crazy Game ............................................................................... 57
Segment #4: Lesson Introduction ................................................................ 59
Segment #5: Life Verse/Game ....................................................................... 61
Segment #6: Object Lesson ........................................................................... 63
Segment #7: Bible Lesson............................................................................... 65
Segment #8: Illusion ........................................................................................ 68
Segment #9: Real Life Drama ........................................................................ 70
Segment #10: Altar Response ....................................................................... 74
Extras ...................................................................................................................... 76
Highlighted Max Script ................................................................................... 77
The Deal Is… Box Labels.................................................................................. 79
Fold-up Bible Script .......................................................................................... 81
Highlighted Drama Script............................................................................... 83
Volunteer Stickers ............................................................................................ 85
Large Prop Table List ....................................................................................... 86
Large Schedule.................................................................................................. 93
After the Event ..................... 95
Follow Up ............................................................................................................... 96
Follow Up Tracker ................................................................................................ 97
Mentoring Plan ..................................................................................................... 98
KidzMax Live Forms ................ 100
Forms..................................................................................................................... 101
Commitment Form ......................................................................................... 101
Outreach Form................................................................................................ 101
KidzMax Live Training Manual
Table of Contents
Evaluation ........................................................................................................ 101
KidzMax Live BGMC Target Form ............................................................... 101
Complete Order Form ................................................................................... 101
Training Order Form ..................................................................................... 101
© Copyright 2007 Gospel Publishing House
1445 N. Boonville Avenue ~ Springfield, MO. 65802
1-417-862-2781 ext. 4089
KidzMax Live Training Manual
KidzMax Live Training Manual
Letter from the Director
Dear KidsQuest USA and KidzMax Live! Teams,
We are excited to launch KidzMax Live to the next generation of children’s
outreach. The National Children’s Ministries Agency, from its beginning in
1999, has the primary purpose of equipping leaders and assisting churches to
each kids until He comes.‖ KidzMax Live is a focused strategy to empower
local church ministries to reach kids in America and to partner with Assemblies
of God World Missions to reach kids around the world. It follows many of the
same principles as KidsQuest USA.
KidzMax Live capitalizes on our passion for evangelism and equipping
children’s leaders to be more effective in their communities. KidzMax Live is
the evangelism tool to get kids plugged into our great discipleship programs.
The project intentionally mobilizes the church to fulfill the Great Commission
and reach children in their communities and in neighboring cities.
The greatest value of KidzMax Live is its ability to be replicated. We have
worked diligently to make this edition even more useable through DVD training
that can be done right at your church, regional training events, and web
training. Our desire is to empower the individual church while preserving the
quality of the whole project. Proper training is critical for the long-term success
of KidzMax Live.
One of the other great values of KidzMax Live is the training and outlet for
fourth, fifth, and sixth graders and youth age kids to be a part of this ministry.
This project is allowing us to literally ―r
aise up‖ the next generation fully trained,
discipled, and prepared for ministry. We believe that they are going to do great
things for God because of the training and on the job experience they receive
from being a part of a KidzMax team.
This manual, in which KidzMax Live is outlined in detail, is the standard for
duplication in each local church and district,. This manual also introduces
resources and products that are available or are in development for the future.
The KidzMax Live concept is familiar, yet its strategy and flexibility is
refreshingly exciting. You will find the new edition of KidzMax live to be
culturally relative and impacting.
Our goal is to reach two million children within the next ten years. Partnership
and expansion are the methods by which we will accomplish this goal.
Thanks for being here and experiencing the wonderful potential of KidzMax
Committed to your success,
National Director
KidzMax Live Training Manual
Why We Need KidzMax Live
Today in America:
There are almost 36 million children in the USA from the Ages of 5-13 years old.
This age group represents ½ of the under 18 age group - over 72 million strong.
(2008 estimates from the US Census Bureau)
1 out of every 10 teenagers has been sexually active prior to his or her 13th
1 out of every 10 eighth graders smoke daily.
1 out of every 5 have tried drugs in the past year.
1 out of every 3 have gotten drunk in the past year.
45% of elementary schools reported one or more incidents of violent crime this past
The figure balloons up to 75% of all middle schools reported one or more incidents
of violent crime (Transforming Children into Spiritual Champions—George Barna)
Interesting Statistics
Why KidzMax Live and reaching your community is important:
43% of those who accept salvation do so before they are 13 years old- Barna Group
There has been a 92% increase in the number of non-churched in the last 13 yearsBarna Group
America is now the third most unchurched nation in the world.
America needs the church today.
KidzMax Live is your partner
to help you creatively reach
the children in your community.
As we partner together,
we will start to turn the tide
and reach kids so that
they will not become the next statistic.
KidzMax Live Training Manual
Notable Quotes
―For 20 years, credible and convincing information regarding the centrality of children to the health and the future wellbeing of the Church was right in front of my eyes. During that time I’d consistently, although by no mean exclusively,
been working with ministries whose success could be traced back to their wholehearted devotion to the needs and
development of children.‖
George Barna—Transforming Children into Spiritual Champions
―It is easier to build boys and girls than to repair men and women.‖
Dan Wetzel—Basketball entertainer and motivational speaker
―In my opinion, KidsQuest USA is one of the most creative ventures I have seen in a long time.‖
Charles Hackett—Former Executive Director, Assemblies of God US Missions
―I cannot think of any better investment than to invest in our children.‖
Paul Drost—Former Director of Church Planting
―KidsQuest USA has the potential to reach the third largest un-churched population in the world (the United States of
Steve Tourville--Pennsylvania/Delaware District Superintendent
―KidsQuest USA is a fantastic event. I would do it again in a heartbeat and look forward to taking it to other churches
who in other circumstances would not be able to have this type of event. This is probably the best event material I have
ever seen. It is so easy to use and the gospel message shines through powerfully!‖
Pastor Joe Lorenzo—Children’s Pastor
―We had a great event! We had a total of 319 come to the last night of our KidsQuest USA event. Many of those
families do not attend our church! Thank you so much!‖
Leslie Stewart—Children’s Pastor
―We had three new families that said they were going to return to our church because of the impact that KidsQuest USA
had on our Children’s Ministries. We all had an awesome and fun time.‖
Melanie Harris—Children’s Pastor
―If you have people unsure of KidsQuest USA give them my number and I will share with them how easy and well
KidsQuest supports the full ministry to children in the local assembly from a Senior Pastor’s viewpoint.‖
Les Craig—Senior Pastor, Gold Beach, Oregon
KidzMax Live Training Manual
Mission Statement
The mission of KidzMax Live is to:
 reach children in America with the gospel,
 mobilize and equip the local church for evangelism,
 partner churches with churches for outreach, and
 partner with AGWM and the National KidzMax Live office for international
ministry to children.
KidzMax Live fulfills all 3 primary purposes of the National Children’s Ministries Agency:
 Reaching Children
 Developing Leaders
 Equipping Churches
Proper training is critical for the long-term success of KidzMax Live.
 If a team leader has been trained for KidsQuest USA, they can use the DVD
training for KidzMax Live. They do not have to go through a regional training
again. (Regional training events will still be available, but not required.)
 If a church has never been through training for KidsQuest USA or KidzMax Live,
they will be required to attend a district or regional training. We will also offer a
webinar training that can be done online.
 Once a team leader has been trained, he or she can minister the event at his or
her church.
 After a home event, we ask that one perform the event in settings such as a
church plant, an Indian Reservation, a home missions church, a military
installation, a Convoy of Hope outreach, a Canadian A/G church, a language
church, or other local ministries.
 Teams can also train other churches to perform this event.
 A church may then work with the national KidzMax Live office to take the event
overseas. (We want to be a resource and help you in your trip planning. You are
not required to go through our office, but we can assist you in travel insurance,
travel plans, and other general information.)
KidzMax Live Training Manual
KidzMax Live exists as an outreach and partnering tool Not only do we want KidzMax Live to be a blessing to your community, it’s also a
tool that you can use to assist other churches in your area and district to reach
their communities.
 The overall concept of KidzMax Live is simple:
 Churches helping churches to “reach kids ONE leader at a time.”
 The event is not designed to be used simply as a one-time event at the team
leader’s church. Follow-up is crucial to the success of this event. The KidzMax
Live program’s purpose and function lie in its ability to be used as a method of
evangelism and outreach in partnership with other ministries.
This Mission is accomplished by:
 Proper training and duplication of the KidzMax Live event in the local church.
 Local church follow-up on all children receiving Christ as Savior.
 Partnership of the trained KidzMax Live team and a mission church or ministry.
 Conducting a one-day children’s ministries training event with the mission church’s
children’s ministries team.
 Mentoring of the mission church’s children’s leader.
 Possible partnership with AGWM and the National KidzMax Live office to minister
the KidzMax Live event in an international setting.
Core Values and Keys to Success
 Committed and well-trained leaders.
 Event consistency nationwide.
 A program that is impacting and culturally relevant
 Program materials—kit, flyers, brochures, videos, apparel, lawn banners, and
other support materials.
 Integration of technology and the most effective children’s ministry techniques
available today.
 Partnership with a missions church or ministry.
 Empowering local churches for repeated evangelistic efforts
 Ministering to children internationally.
The leadership and management philosophy of KidzMax Live is designed to involve a minimal
amount of bureaucracy, freeing the local team leaders to be quickly trained and prepared for
ministry on their own.
The entire concept is for KidzMax Live to be indigenous to the local church.
We train leaders, they do it, and they train others.
KidzMax Live Training Manual
How KidzMax Live Works
The project currently consists of a four day kids event (similar to a kids crusade)
using the KidzMax Live kit. The kit is a pre-packaged children’s event, complete
with scripts, costumes, props, and sound effects. The event can be done as one
day event, a two day event, a three day event, or a four day event. We have also
included a big event called Nitro. Nitro is a one day stand alone big event.
KidzMax Live can be done in the evening or during the day. Basically, the
program is flexible to meet your needs.
a. There are over 80 items contained in the kit.
b. The script was written to be culturally neutral and flexible, therefore
reproducible in different settings within the United States. It is delivered in a
rolling foot locker, 1 banner roll, and a truss bag. The kit comes from the
National KidzMax Live office. The KidzMax Live kit also includes all of the
video traxx’s that a team will need to do the event.
c. This event can be changed and adapted to your particular church or area.
We ask that you do not take away anything from the script, but we
encourage you to add anything that you feel you need to the event.
The event is performed at the trained team leader’s church and then performed
as an outreach event for a missions church, church plant, or other ministry or
church. The types of events can and are encouraged to happen repeatedly in
different venues.
One essential part of the KidzMax Live event is critically important when a team
takes KidzMax Live to another church or ministry.
a. A children’s ministries training event is to be conducted at any church that is
hosting a KidzMax Live event.
Our goal is training and equipping local churches to effectively minister to their children.
How to build a team
___ Purchase a training pak.
___ Train your team, or attend a Regional or District KidzMax Training event.
___ Fill out a commitment form online or fax it to the National KidzMax Live office.
___ Schedule your home event, and your outreach events.
___ Reserve or buy your kit (at least 6 weeks in advance)
___ Send in an outreach form for each event that you have scheduled.
-With this form order all of your promotion and follow-up material as well.
___ Promote your event
___ Practice and prepare.
___ Perform your events.
___ Mentor your churches, and make sure they are following up on their visitors
and guests.
___ Send evaluation forms for each event back to the National Office.
___ Schedule your next events.
KidzMax Live Training Manual
KidzMax Live Training Plan
Our goal with KidzMax Live is to make the program available to as many churches as possible.
With this goal in mind we are designing training events and methods that churches will find very
easy to participate in, while providing effective training. We believe that proper training is
essential for a team to succeed with KidzMax and see long lasting success from the event.
Below we have listed the different methods that your church can use to be trained to do KidzMax
If a team has not been to an official KidsQuest USA event or hosted a KidsQuest USA, they
will need to attend one of the following training events:
A. Regional Training event: these events are listed on our website. Teams can find
out more information at These events are led by either the
national KidzMax Live office, or by one of our Regional Trainers.
B. District Training event: these events are also listed on our website. These events
are led by district coordinators. To find out who your district coordinator is, go to or contact your district office.
C. Webinar: the national KidzMax Live office will be offering webinar training events
on a regular basis. Teams will need to register for these events online. All training
events will be held online in a conference call atmosphere. Teams will need to
purchase the training pak ahead of time and watch the full KidzMax Live Sample
Service prior to the webinar.
If a team has already been trained in KidsQuest USA or has already performed a KidsQuest
USA event:
A. We are offering the following training events for those teams who want a little extra
help in training with KidzMax Live. These events are not mandatory to perform
KidzMax Live if your team has already done KidsQuest USA. They, however, will
be very helpful to training your team, and preparing them for the KidzMax Live
 Regional Training Events (see description above)
 District Training Events (see description above)
 Webinar (see description above)
 Self-Training (see checklist below)
(Again, for KidsQuest USA trained teams, these training events are not
mandatory. They are offered for teams who would like help with training their
teams for KidzMax Live.)
KidzMax Live Training Manual
Self Training Plan: KidzMax Live is very easy to use, especially if your team has done
KidsQuest USA. Below we have listed the essential components of the self-training plan.
 Purchase the KidzMax Live training pak.
 Look through all of the material included in the training pak.
 Read through the training manual completely.
 Begin to think about recruiting your team.
 Watch the sample service on the Training DVD’s.
 Recruit and Choose your team (For more information on what is needed to build
your team, please go to the section “Recruiting your team” in this training manual.)
 Schedule your first practice. (Schedule at least one month before your event.
For an exact timeline, please see “Event Timeline” in this training manual.)
 Make a copy of the Event Manual for each of your team members.
 The front section of the Event Manual has the ―G
etting Started‖ segment. You
should go through this section with your team at the beginning of your first practice.
 Have your team watch the sample service on the Training DVDs at your first
 Team leaders should schedule drama practice and Max practice separate from
whole team practices.
 We recommend focusing especially on Max’s training. For Max, team leaders need
to focus on stage presence, audience eye contact, movement, and memorization of
Max’s lines. For the person operating Max, they need to focus on knowing the
Background traxx’s. For more recommendations on training your team to operate
and perform Max in the most effective manner, go to the ―Tr
aining for Max and
Operator‖ in this training manual. If Max is not trained correctly, his effectiveness
will be greatly diminished.
 A team leader should schedule two dress rehearsals: two weeks and one week
before his or her event. At these dress rehearsals, teams will need to run through
the event completely using all props and walking through the event just as if there
were an audience. We also recommend setting up the truss system and having
your sound and video operators at practice. Max also needs to be at these dress
rehearsals. It’s a good idea to video tape these practices and let your whole team
see what the event looks like from the perspective of the audience.
The KidzMax team at the national office is committed to your success. If at any time you
need assistance in training your team or understanding the program, please call or email
us. We will be glad to assist you in putting this event together.
KidzMax Live Training Manual
How to Get a Kit
If you are a trained KidsQuest USA team leader or you have attended training and you have
been approved to conduct an event, the kit can be obtained one of three ways.
Method 1: Buying a Kit
Individual churches are highly encouraged to buy a KidzMax Live kit. The most
current prices for the KidzMax Live kit are listed on the KidzMax Live Resource
Order form included in the forms packet provided at training.
Please allow 6-8 weeks for your kit to be delivered.
Churches can pay for their KidzMax Live kit on their GPH account, by check, or
by Visa, MasterCard, or Discover card.
All of the props from the kit have been chosen because of their versatility. They
can very easily be used in other areas of your children’s ministry and are a very
worthwhile purchase. Teams are free to use KidzMax Live overseas. Please
contact our office for assistance with these trips. We have many resources that
will help you in planning.
Churches do not receive BGMC giving credit for the kit, unless the church is
buying the kit for an overseas mission’s trip to be left with the missionaries in
that country.
Method 2: Multiple churches may combine their funds and purchase a kit for their city,
town, or region.
One church would maintain the calendar for the kit.
Please fill out and return a completed KidzMax Resource Order form to order
your kit.
You can charge your kit to your GPH account, Credit Card, or send a check in
with your Order Form.
Method 3: Renting the kit from the District office.
The district, with the help of your District KidzMax Live Coordinator, will help
maintain the calendar.
The district, also with the help of your District KidzMax Live Coordinator, will
help set the policy by which the kit will be rented. You will need to contact your
District to find out what that policy is.
If your District does not own a kit, there are ways that we can help a District
purchase the kit. Please contact the national KidzMax Live office for more
Please fill out and return a completed KidzMax Live Resource Order Form to
order your kit.
KidzMax Live Training Manual
Event Suggestions
It is very important to have adequate equipment when you do a KidzMax Live event at your
church. For this reason we have included equipment suggestions that we encourage teams to
Video Projector—A video projector is not necessary to do KidzMax Live. It is highly
recommended though. We recommend that you have a projector that can do front and
rear projection, a projector that has at least 3000 Ansi Lumens in brightness, and has
zoom and focus. If you need to purchase a projector, you can look at our KidzMax Live
Resource Order Form and order one. We have chosen a projector that is the best
value for the price. The projector should be bright and provide a large image for use in
every situation. If the event is being done outside a projector will not be needed unless
you are in a dark area. A DVD player can be attached to your sound system and the
service can be run from there.
Sound system—Your sound system should be adequate for the size of your service. If the
audience cannot hear the program, or the music is not loud enough, then your sound
system is not adequate. Along with your sound system we recommend that you have
wireless headset microphones, and a handheld wireless microphone. It is vital that your
drama characters have microphones so that the audience can hear them. If you need to
purchase these items, we recommend that you contact our office and we can give you
suggestions on where to find these items at the best prices on the market.
DVD Player—We recommend a portable DVD player or a regular DVD player. The DVD
player must have a remote control that works.
CD Player—A team will also need a CD player to play pre-event music.
Screen—We recommend that you have a screen that is least 7' x 9'. The screen should be
able to be set up for either rear projection or front projection. We have a screen
recommendation on our KidzMax Live Resource Order Form. This screen should be
set up on center stage.
Lighting and Special effects—Lighting and special effects are not needed to perform
KidzMax Live. Any kind of special effects that you can add will always add to the overall
audience wow-factor. For a current list of special effects and lighting that we recommend
please contact the national KidzMax Live office.
KidzMax Live Training Manual
Event Suggestions
A polished, well performed event is crucial to the success of KidzMax Live at your church. Not
only will it reflect the team to the community, it will also reflect your church. We have listed
suggestions below that will help your team be successful in the overall performance of KidzMax
Practice is the key—Practice is one of the main ingredients for a successful KidzMax Live
event. To ensure your team’s success, it is crucial that plenty of time is given to practice
and prepare for a KidzMax Live event.
Max—Max’s performance is another key to the success of your event. Choosing the right
person to play this part is very important. Stage presence, audience eye contact, and
stage movement are all important aspects to focus on with Max. The operator also plays
a very important part with Max. Your operator must have proper lip sync skills. The goal
should be to look as human as possible. For more training tips on how to be successful
with Max look at the training tips on the Training DVDs and also the ―Tr
aining information
for Max and Operator‖ section in this training manual.
No Dead Time—Dead time is your greatest enemy. Your video operator and your
backstage person will be the key to making sure that there is no dead time. In practice,
walk through the event with your stage crew to make sure all props are taken on and off
stage, make sure your hosts and game captains know where to come on stage, and
where to exit. Always have a person standing by to fill time in case something should
happen that is out of the team’s control.
Good kids’ communicator—Anyone who gets up on stage should be a person that
communicates well with kids. The audience should never get bored or uninterested with
the service because the person on stage is not a good communicator with kids. The
service should move along at a good pace.
KidzMax Live Training Manual
Event Suggestions
Overall Service
Our goal is to provide high-quality; impacting, high-energy services that are a whole lot of fun no
matter where the service takes place across the nation. Every KidzMax team member should
strive for excellence and high quality. It is very important that each KidzMax Live is duplicated
correctly. Here are the standards that we recommend for your team:
Quality—Each segment should be practiced and performed with quality. You should have quality
equipment that will provide your church with a great audio/visual presentation.
Impacting—It is important that every segment of the service drive home the point that is being
taught. Each segment of the service should point toward the main concept of the day and the
topic being taught. At the end of the service, students should be able to put into their own words
the topic of the service and the general idea of what they have learned. The kids should always
be given a chance to let God impact their lives, and give their hearts to the Lord at the end of
every service. The altar should be a high impact place in your services.
High Energy—Whoever steps on your stage should be high energy and exciting. This gives
KidzMax Live an edge over other programs that are available today. Don’t let anyone on stage
that might cause the kids to be bored.
Keep it Fun—Our main goal is to provide a program in which the students can have fun while
they are learning. When every segment of the service is kept fun, you will connect with the kids.
Keeping the program youthful—The overall event should be kept youthful. When it is, KidzMax
Live will connect with the audience. KidzMax Live teams should be keeping up with trends so
they will be able to identify with the kids. The program has been written at a fifth and sixth grade
level. We believe that kindergarten through fourth graders will easily rise up to this level. Talk to
the audience at the fifth and sixth grade level. If we try to talk to the kids at an early childhood or
early elementary level, we will lose the fifth and sixth grade crowd. The potential is also there to
lose the fourth graders. So make sure you keep KidzMax Live age appropriate.
KidzMax Live Training Manual
Available Resources
These items must be ordered using the KidzMax Live Outreach Form. If an outreach form is
not on file these items will not be shipped until the National KidzMax Live office has these forms
on file.
Free items
Promotional Video
- A fast-paced, video about the KidzMax Live Event. This is best used to promote
the concept and potential in presentations to the total church body and individual
recruiting meetings.
Power-Mark Seeker Series
-6 different comic books that you will use in your follow-up. (2 boxes are FREE).
More may be purchased using the Outreach Form
Support Items
 Promotional posters and handbills.
-posters available in two sizes, 11‖ X 17 and 8 ½‖ X 5 ½‖, that your church can
customize for your church’s event.
 Training Pak
-includes a Training Manual, a Promotional Video, sample resources, Training
DVDs, a KidzMax Live ringer T-shirt and a KidzMax Live brief-bag.
 Training DVDs
-A set of DVDs that gives a step-by-step presentation of the KidzMax Live event,
with training segments throughout. The training DVDs also include a complete
demo service.
 Extensive Getting Started and Extras sections in the Event Manual
-An instructional resource to help each team leader. All necessary forms are
included, with a volunteer recruitment and powerpoint presentation. The CD also
includes the altar worker’s guide, the mentoring plan, follow-up training and
promotional artwork.
 Children’s Ministries Training help disk
-A manual containing outlines that can be used to train the host church.
 Team polo and T-Shirts
-We have a team t-shirt, and a polo for KidzMax Live. These shirts can be
ordered through the national KidzMax Live office. We recommend all teams either
wear the ringers or the polos.
 Future Development
-We are currently in the process of developing more products that will support the
KidzMax Live concept. They may include new shirt styles, giveaway prizes,
backpacks, waterbottles, and more. We welcome any input you may have on
resources that will assist you.
KidzMax Live Training Manual
Supporting KidzMax Live
KidzMax Live is only possible with the financial support of individuals and churches across
America. We believe that now is the time to strategically train children’s workers and help
churches build their children’s ministries into vibrant, impacting ministries. We also believe that it
is now time to reach the 36 million children in the United States. As with any ministry, for
KidzMax Live to be effective and continue, we have to have individuals and churches supporting
the ministry. With your help, we will be able to continue to provide this great outreach and
partnership program to churches all around the nation that are in desperate need of help. Please
pray about what God would have you and your church do to Support KidzMax Live on a one
time, or monthly basis.
Ways to Support KidzMax Live
Monthly Home Missions Support
A. Your Children’s Ministries, church, or individuals can support KidzMax
Live with a monthly pledge through Assemblies of God US Missions and
in turn can receive Home Missions giving credit.
B. Any amount helps in regards to support. Even if your Children’s Ministries
will pledge $10.00 a month, it would be greatly appreciated. Every little
bit is important and will help.
C. To make a pledge, fill out a Home Missions Pledge form and send it to
the National KidzMax Live Office.
 Offerings
A. A one-time offering for KidzMax Live is also an option.
B. These offerings can be taken in Kids Church, adult services, camps,
conventions, and other events.
C. Any offerings that are taken for KidzMax Live can receive BGMC giving
D. We do ask that these offerings be above and beyond your regular BGMC
giving. We don’t want to take anything away from BGMC.
 Target Giving
A. You can target your BGMC giving to go toward KidzMax Live.
B. Please use the BGMC Target form when you are sending in this type of
C. Once again we ask that you do not take away from BGMC giving but add
to what you are already giving.
 Purchase a Kit
A. A church, a coalition of churches, or a district may purchase a kit.
If we can help you with promoting any of these types of support to your congregation,
pastor, missions committees please let us know. We can provide promotional videos,
brochures, and more information on this program.
KidzMax Live Training Manual
Preparing for a
KidzMax Live
Preparing for a KidzMax Live Event
KidzMax Live Training Manual
Preparing for a
KidzMax Live
Event Timeline
This event timeline should be used to plan your KidzMax Live Event. Planning ahead will help
make your event a success.
4 Months before your event
___ Set your KidzMax Live event dates
___ Order or rent your KidzMax Live Kit from our office or your district office
___ Send in Outreach Form
___ Order promotional material
___ Begin planning and preparing your prize campaign
___ Begin raising funds for prize campaign through your church and corporate
___ Put together a calendar for the event. Include practices, dress rehearsals, stage
call times, and any other events that will be happening that your team will need.
2 Months before your event
___ Prepare promotional material
___ Distribute promotional material
___ Begin recruiting your team
___ Have your first team meeting
___ Assign parts and pass out scripts
___ Begin practicing dramas and Max
___ On-stage performers should be learning their parts
1 Month before your event
___ Promote the event in every service at your church
___ Unveil your prize campaign in your kids church and other children’s ministry weekly
___ Continue practicing for the event
___ Bring your team together and plan for set-up and tear down, and also walk through
the event with your Backstage Manager
___ Plan for set-up and tear down with your church
2 weeks before your event
___ Do two dress rehearsals during this period
___ Add extra practices if needed
___ Continue promoting your event
2 days before your event
___ Set-up for KidzMax Live
___ Do a stage walk through with the stage set-up
KidzMax Live Training Manual
Preparing for a
KidzMax Live
Scheduling the Event
When does a KidzMax Live Event work best?
KidzMax Live events work all year long. Pick dates that you know kids are out of school, or have
long weekends. It is important for you to pick a date that will work best for you and your church.
The event can be done during the day or evening. It can also be done as a one, two, three, or
four day event.
Scheduling Practices
There are two ways that you can schedule practices. Here are the two ways that are most used
to practice and prepare for KidzMax Live.
1. Long Term Practice Schedule
- A team would begin practicing 4-6 weeks ahead of the event for about 2 hours a week. It
is best to practice with your drama team and Max and his operator separate. About two
weeks from the event, bring everyone together and do at least two dress rehearsals. Your
first practice would be handing out parts and familiarizing everyone with KidzMax Live.
After that, you should plan to practice one service a week.
2. Short Term Practice Schedule
- A team would come in on a Friday and receive their parts. They would then practice on
Saturday with dress rehearsals. They would then begin the event on Sunday. Each
evening before the event begins, time would be allotted to run through that evening’s
(Whichever method you use to train your team, please keep in mind: promotion needs to
be done at least 6 weeks before your KidzMax Live event.)
Outreach Form
Once you have scheduled an event, please fill out an Outreach Form that can be found at our
website under downloadable forms. The form can also be found on your Team Leaders CD and
in the forms section of this manual. It is important that you schedule all of your events through
the national office so that we can post your event on the web and so you can order the
promotional material that you need to promote your event. The sooner you can forward this form
to us after you have scheduled your event, the quicker we can get your material mailed out.
Once this form is filled out, you can fax it back to our office. If you are scheduling an event using
your district’s kit, please send your form to your regional trainer or your district Christian
Education director so that they can make sure they have your kit reservation on file, and then
also send one copy to the national office.
Follow-Up Events
It is important to schedule and promote follow-up events at your KidzMax Live event so that the
kids will come back to your church. Ideas for events are: Fall Festivals, Parties, special big days
in Kids Church, special weekend events, and so on. Our goal is to get kids back to your church
after the KidzMax Live event.
KidzMax Live Training Manual
Preparing for a
KidzMax Live
Outreach Form and Evaluation
Tracking events and what God has done at each event is very important to the long term success
of KidzMax Live. Psalms 78:4 says: ―
We will tell the next generation the praiseworthy deeds
of the LORD, his power, and the wonders He has done.‖ We want to be able to communicate
the powerful impact KidzMax Live is having and share the success stories. The outreach and
evaluation forms help us do that. In addition to being able to share what God has done, the
forms are especially important to team members because, once we have this form on file, we can
provide you the free resources available from the national office to promote your event and
follow-up with the kids that are visitors and that are saved at your outreaches.
Outreach Form
1. When to fill out an outreach form.
a. As soon as you schedule an event (even if you own your own kit).
b. If you need to make a change in dates.
c. Anytime that you are doing a KidzMax Live event, even if the event is not for your
2. Where do you send the outreach form after it has been filled out?
a. Please email, fax, or mail the form to the person who is in charge of scheduling the
KidzMax Live kit that you are going to be using.
b. Also, email, fax, or mail a copy of the form to the national KidzMax office so that we
can order your promotional and follow-up material.
c. Please have this form on file with the national office 6-8 weeks before your event.
3. What the outreach form does.
a. The outreach form schedules your event, and allows the national office to send out
promotional and follow-up material.
b. With the form we are able to list your event on the national KidzMax website.
c. The outreach form helps your district and the national office track your events.
d. It is the first step to scheduling the kit from your district office or the national office.
4. What the outreach form does not do.
a. This form DOES NOT automatically reserve your KidzMax Live kit for your event.
-Please contact your district office for policies and paperwork relating to
renting the KidzMax Live kit.
5. Where to find the outreach form.
a. The outreach form can be found in the forms packet, or it can be downloaded from
our website, ( under downloadable forms.
Please get in the habit of filling out an Outreach Form every time you schedule an event.
KidzMax Live Training Manual
Preparing for a
KidzMax Live
Evaluation Form
To make KidzMax Live a success and track what God is doing across the nation through
KidzMax, we must receive evaluations from every KidzMax Live event that is held in the United
States. There are two types of evaluation forms we ask you to use to respond back to us after
you have done the KidzMax Live event.
1. Team Evaluation
a. We would like to get your perspective on the success of your KidzMax Live
b. This form can be found in the forms packet.
c. After you have filled this out, please e-mail, fax, or mail this back to the national
2. Senior Pastor Evaluation
a. We are very interested to hear what Senior Pastors think about the
effectiveness of the KidzMax Live event. Within four weeks of the KidzMax Live
event, we will send the Senior Pastor of the church listed on the outreach form
an evaluation to fill out and return to the national office.
b. Please encourage the senior pastor to give us feedback on how he felt the
event went.
3. Return Time Frame
a. Please return your team evaluation as soon as possible after your event.
Thank you
for helping us tell
the next generation
the praiseworthy deeds
God is doing
with KidzMax Live
across the nation.
KidzMax Live Training Manual
Preparing for a
KidzMax Live
Prize Campaign
One of the greatest ways to encourage kids to come to your event is by providing a great prize
campaign. This is the recommended prize campaign program that has been used and proven
successful in other events that have been done. We are currently working on putting together a
package deal for prizes but have not gotten to that point as of yet. To help fund this event, we
recommend that you go to the businesses in your community to ask for donations, or
sponsorship of the event, take an offering in your congregation. There are many creative ways to
finance the crusade. Please keep in mind that, along with promotion, the prize campaign will be
a key to having a successful event.
Grand Prize
Every night, a grand prize should be given away for the person that brings the most friends. We
also recommend giving a grand prize on one of the nights to a kid that brought their parents. We
recommend the following prizes: (Don’t panic--you only need one grand prize per night, plus the
parent’s prize.)
Gameboy Advanced or WII
Amusement park tickets
DVD Player
Prize Wall
The prize wall is smaller prizes than the grand prize. Normally you give out 10 or 20 prizes per
night from the prize wall. Kids get tickets for: every visitor they bring, playing games, being good,
singing, and participating. At the end of the night, you draw 10 or 20 tickets for kids that get to go
to the prize wall. There are some great places online to order these prizes from. We recommend
that you buy prizes that have a lot of visual appeal in size and color. You can get a lot of these
prizes even from a local dollar store or something along those lines. Companies online that you
can order from:
Everyone Wins Something
We also recommend giving something to everyone each night of the crusade just for being there.
There are some very cost-effective ways to make this happen. We would definitely recommend
buying these items at stores like Walmart, Costco, Sams Club and other wholesale stores. You
can also buy items like these on the net. Here’s a list of recommended prizes:
--Ice Cream Sundays
--Candy Bars
--Shaved Ice
--Ice Cream Bars
--Bag of Chips
--Sour Candy
Please note: There are many ways to run a prize campaign that do not cost a great deal of
money. You can get donations from your church, businesses in your community, or
grants from local businesses. Do not let finances be the deciding factor on whether you
host an event or not; do what you can.
If you need help coming up with some creative ways to put your prize campaign together, please
contact our office at 417-862-2781 ext. 4089. We look forward to partnering with you for this
exciting event.
KidzMax Live Training Manual
Preparing for a
KidzMax Live
Promoting the Event
One of the real keys to getting kids to your event is promotion. Start promoting the event right
away. The more excitement through promotion you can create, the more of a success the event
will be. Don’t wait until the last moment to get the word out.
Promotional Material Available
The following promotion material can be ordered before the event, courtesy of the National
Children’s Ministries Agency. We really encourage you to take full advantage of the promotional
material that is available to you. If you need to order more, please use the promotion order form
or the outreach form that is in this packet, and order it through our office.
Flyers: Your church can order 1,000 starter flyers that can be imprinted with your church’s
information. You can customize the front and back of the flyers by running them through your
copy machine. The back of the flyer is a good place to put prize information.
Posters: Our posters are 11‖ X 17‖ in size and can be imprinted with your church’s information.
More of these posters are available to you. Once again, if you need more, please order them on
the form enclosed.
Ideas for Promoting the event
Word of Mouth: One of the best tools for promoting this event is by word of mouth. Encourage
your congregation to take flyers and invite their whole neighborhood to this event.
Knock on Doors: Send out teams with flyers and have them knock on doors to invite people to
Invite other Churches to Participate: Send out a mailer inviting other churches to participate in
the crusade. You can also make a personal call to their pastor or their Children’s Ministry
Leadership Team.
Bulk Mailing: One of the best ways to invite your neighborhood is to do target bulk mailing of
postcards to people around your church, or to specific neighborhoods in your city that you want
to reach. Postcards are sent to specific zip codes in your city. They can even be sent to people
who have families with kids. If you would like more information on this method, please contact
our office.
Lawn Banner: You can have someone paint a nice lawn banner or have one designed. If you
would like to have one designed, you can contact a company called Group Imaging at If you need a graphic artist to design the banner for you, please call us
and we will help you get in touch with someone. Group Imaging will give you a very professional
product that will make your church look top notch. We are also currently working on producing a
low cost 4’ x 6’ banner that you can purchase through the national office.
KidzMax Live Training Manual
Preparing for a
KidzMax Live
Radio, Newspaper, and TV: We would highly recommend getting this event publicized on your
local media outlets. Frequently, media outlets have free community bulletin boards that you can
post information on. It may even be worth spending some money and doing a newspaper ad or
radio spot for the event. Families will be added to your church through this event, so the money
you spend will be well worth it.
Places to put Flyers and Posters: There are many places that will allow you to post flyers and
posters for the event, especially when they understand that the event is reaching out to kids.
--Public and Christian Schools
--Local Businesses
--Day camps
--Grocery Stores
Thank you for partnering with us to promote this event. The amount of promotion will definitely
determine the success of the event. If you have any questions or need any help, please contact
KidzMax Live Training Manual
Preparing for a
KidzMax Live
Unpacking the KidzMax Live Kit
The KidzMax Live kit is packed in two rolling foot lockers, a banner tube, and a truss bag. In all,
the kit includes over 80 pieces and contains everything you need to perform the full-length four
night event.
Two keys will be mailed ahead of the kit. The same key opens all of the master locks on the kit.
Also included in this packet is an inventory/packing list. Once the kit arrives, you should have the
prop manager and the stage crew recruited so that they can assist with the unpacking and
distribution of the kit.
Each container has a packing list that describes the items in the box. The packing list also
contains space for you to check off items when they are received and repacked for the next
event. It is very important that you inventory the kit once you get it, and after you pack it.
You could be charged for missing items if the kit is missing anything once it is returned. If
the kit is missing items when you receive it, please let the owner of the kit know right away.
The majority of the kit is packed by service. We recommend that you only unpack for the service
that you are doing. There will be some crossover to accommodate space, so keep in mind that
some props will be reassigned after they are unpacked. Please refer to the ―
Stage Set-up‖ for
specific instructions in this area. We highly recommend against unpacking the whole kit at
once for your event. Unpacking a service at a time will lessen the chance for confusion
and missing props.
Note: Take a few minutes to notice how each container is packed. Our goal is to maximize the
space available, so some things may be packed inside buckets and other props.
KidzMax Live Training Manual
Preparing for a
KidzMax Live
Using the Event Manual
The KidzMax Event Manual is designed to provide the support needed to do a successful
KidzMax Live event. In the event manual, you will find the outline for each service, the service
schedules, the scripts for dramas, and everything else you will need for a successful KidzMax
Live event. The event manual comes with the KidzMax Live kit. If you are borrowing a kit
from your district, please contact the national KidzMax Live office to get a manual.
Breakdown of the Manual
Introduction: Getting Started
This section highlights different areas for your consideration. We highly
recommend you take the time to look over these sections. They have some great insights
for having a great event.
Service Sections
To the Max point/ FYI
Quick Glance/ Supply list
Each segment is explained in detail.
Highlighted Max Script
This piece is helpful to Max’s remote control operator to know what
words are coming next on the DVD.
Fold-up Bible Script
Print this piece out front and back, and it can be folded and used inside a Bible for the person doing the Bible Lesson to have a quick reference.
Highlighted Bible/Drama Script
These are nice to give your drama people whether they are your own
team or kids from the audience. Then everyone knows exactly where
their part is.
Volunteer Stickers
Use these ahead of time so time is not wasted during the service picking kids.
Large Prop Table List
This list can be taped to your prop table backstage. Then everyone
knows what props are needed for what segment and where they belong in the backstage area.
Large Schedule
Use these to enter your team parts and then make copies and post
them everywhere so everyone knows where they should be when.
Don’t forget to give one to your sound person.
KidzMax Live Training Manual
Preparing for a
KidzMax Live
Using the Background DVDs
There are four background DVDs that come with the purchase of the KidzMax Live kit. The
program cannot be done without these background DVDs. You will notice on the label which
event each DVD goes with. Listed below is important information pertaining to our background
Each segment has a DVD track
Each segment has a DVD track that the presenter will use while presenting the event. The
idea of the background tract is to provide music and video behind the presenter to help
keep the audience’s attention.
Easy-to-use menu
On the menu you will see the numbers 1–10. These are the buttons that you will choose to
take you to the individual DVD tracks corresponding to the segment that you are
presenting. Once the track is finished, the DVD will return to the main menu and will loop
until the presenter is ready to move on to the next segment of the event. The DVD button
will actually move to the next segment so that all the presenter will have to do is choose
―select‖ on the DVD remote. You can always choose ―back‖ if you need to return to the
prior segment.
The DVD segments will help the presenter and team members stay on track to finish the
event in 60—65 minutes. When the DVD track for the current segment is finished and the
DVD returns to the main menu, the presenter will know that his time is up, and it’s time to
go to the next segment.
Using the DVD as a CD
If you don’t have a projector, you still need to use the background tracks in your events.
Bring a DVD player and hook it up to a sound system. We recommend that you hook a TV
up so that you know where you are on the DVD.
(Please do not duplicate these DVDs. They are copyrighted. They are also not to be
shared with anyone who is not an official KidzMax Live presenter.)
KidzMax Live Training Manual
Preparing for a
KidzMax Live
Building the Team / Discipleship
The Right Team
Building and recruiting the right team is the key to having a successful KidzMax Live event. We
recommend using a mix of upper elementary kids, youth, and adults to build your team. It is not
only important to train your team for ministry but also disciple them for ministry now and in the
future. Discipleship along with ministry training is especially vital if you are using upper
elementary age kids or youth. Your training will shape their futures and give them very important
skills and Godly principles they will use in future ministry.
Discipleship Topics
Listed below are some topics that we feel might be important to cover when you are discipling
your team:
First things First-Salvation
Living the life-Principles of the Christian Life
Firm Foundation-Prayer and Bible Reading
The Real Deal-Holy Spirit
The Calling
Using Your Gifts
Getting Used By God
A Right Heart
Sharing your Faith
Being Good Stewards
Being Effective
Learning the Ropes of Ministry
Altar Work
Discipleship Training
You can do your discipleship training at any time. You can take the first ½ of your training to
disciple your team and then the rest of the time to train your team for KidzMax Live. You can also
do a Sunday School class or a special Bible study during the week or on Wednesday. Fit
discipleship training in where it works best for you.
KidzMax Live Training Manual
Preparing for a
KidzMax Live
Recruiting Team Members
KidzMax Live Event Participants
Conducting a KidzMax Live event is a great way to get the entire church involved in children’s
outreach. In all, you will need 4-5 volunteers for your stage team, 3 back stage crew members,
and additional volunteers for registration, crowd control, follow-up, and game captains.
How to Build a Team
Your team can consist of fourth, fifth, and sixth graders or youth or adults. A mix of these age
groups will help you build a great event. Don’t underestimate the power of your fifth and sixth
graders and youth. You will be pleasantly surprised how God will use these kids.
Using your team members
Fourth, Fifth, and Sixth Graders: You can use your fourth, fifth, and sixth graders to play
all of the major drama roles. You can also use them to help set-up your stage, as your stage
crew, technical crew, including sound, tech, lights, video, and Power Point. They can also
be game captains.
Youth: Youth are a great addition to your team. Older responsible teens can be your drama
team, illusionist, game leaders, sound, light, and video leaders, backstage crew, and other
positions that are available. It’s a great idea to partner youth in their ministry positions with
fourth, fifth, and sixth graders and have them mentor and raise them up.
Adults: Adults can be used for any positions that you have for this event. Keep in mind that
you need to put high-energy people in place for your stage team.
Discipleship Training
It is important that you disciple your staff - especially your youth and fourth, fifth, and sixth
graders. Be intentional on how you train and disciple your staff and volunteers. If you are
interested in ideas on how to disciple your volunteers, make sure to read the section entitled
Building the Team/Discipleship.
KidzMax Live Training Manual
Preparing for a
KidzMax Live
Key Roles
Prop Director and Backstage Manager
This person maintains all props necessary for each performance. This includes preliminary
preparations (ex. blowing up balloons) and back stage organization of the props. The prop
manager is also responsible to coordinate with the front stage crew in setting up and clearing the
stage in between program segments. It is very important that this person is responsible and very
precise in how they deal with all of the props. This person will also be responsible for packing
and unpacking the kit. One other important role that this person will play is backstage manager.
They will be responsible for making sure that everyone, and all props, are on and off stage at
exactly the right time. Also, they will be responsible to walk through staging positions and where
each person will enter and exit stage during the dress rehearsal.
Front Stage Crew (1-3 people)
The person or persons who are serving as the front stage crew will be responsible for making
sure all props are on stage when they are supposed to be. They will also be responsible for
clearing the stage in between every segment and returning all props to the Prop Director. The
Prop Director will be responsible for overseeing this team and will assign all set-up and tear
down responsibilities.
If you have enough volunteers or a responsible youth, you can assign them to be the assistant
Prop Director. It also works well to use these same people as the Front Stage crew.
Sound Director
Sound is one of the most important positions that you will fill. The sound person will be
responsible for all cues that are needed for the service. Your sound person will be responsible for
setting up the sound and instruments if you have them on the stage.
This is a good position to train your youth and use a fourth, fifth, or six grader as an assistant.
Lights/Power-Point/Video Director
Video is a vital component to KidzMax Live. It’s very important that whoever runs your video
follows along with the cues and ensures that there is no dead time in your services. Lights and
power-point are optional. If your church has them, be sure to recruit the people you need to run
the event.
This person will coordinate the Lighting/Power-Point/Video team that will enhance the ministry of
KidzMax Live. This person will be responsible for recruiting and training people to operate these
areas during the outreach. They will also make sure that the power-point and video are set-up
and operating during the event. They will also be responsible for ensuring the Tech Script is
correct for the event.
KidzMax Live Training Manual
Preparing for a
KidzMax Live
The KidzMax Live event includes five illusions, one each night and two for Nitro. The Illusionist
needs to have a good, commanding stage presence. He or she also needs to practice the
illusions and understand how they work each night and how they work into the service. In many
cases, your Emcee can also double as your Illusionist.
The Emcee provides a link between each segment of the program. During the times of
transition/stage clearing, the Emcee will tie the previous segment to the next. They will also help
cover any dead time that might occur. The Emcee will also announce Max each evening;
therefore, this person must project high energy at all times. The Emcee can also double as the
Illusionist during the program. The Emcee is also responsible for the altar call every evening.
Game Captains
Choose two people who will be in the audience helping you run the games. They will also help
you pick the people who are going to play the games prior to the service. They will need to be
very high-energy and able to follow and, if necessary, explain directions well.
Drama Director
Each night the KidzMax Live event includes a full-length drama. The Drama Director is
responsible to recruit players, distribute parts, set-up rehearsals, help the prop director maintain
all props and costumes related to the drama, and provide cues the night of the performance. The
Drama Director can also double as other parts in each service.
KidzMax Live Training Manual
Preparing for a
KidzMax Live
Drama Positions
Max is a full body puppetume. He is a kid that everyone would want to be friends with. He is into
extreme sports. His costume is a KidzMax Live ringer t-shirt, jeans, and tennis shoes. It is vital
that you pick a person that can play the part of Max well. This person will need to sell to the
audience that Max is real. Max needs to connect well with the audience. Good stage presence,
lip sync operation, and stage movement are vital to the success of Max. Max will need to have an
operator to run his mouth by remote control. This person will need to focus on having good lip
sync skills. Their goal should be to make Max’s mouth look human.
All of Max’s voice parts are pre-recorded on the background DVDs.
Drama Casts
Many of the drama cast members can be used in multiple positions during the event.
Lesson #1 – Nitro – A Free Gift (Segment #9: Real Life Drama)
2 children
Lesson #2 – Choice – Way to Go (Segment #9: Real Life Drama)
1st Skit:
2nd Skit:
Lesson #3 – Courage – To Tell or not to Tell (Segment #9: Real Life Drama)
4 kids (actors)
Lesson #4 – Challenge – Tell the World (Segment #9: Real Life Drama)
Shy kid at the end of the script
Other kids to fill in (as many as you have)
KidzMax Live Training Manual
Preparing for a
KidzMax Live
Support Positions
Registration Coordinator/Crowd Control
This person will recruit and coordinate all crowd activities personnel. This includes setting up the
registration area when the kids enter as well as setting up an area for children to fill out the
decision forms with altar workers. During the program, they assist with crowd control and
oversee the game captains.
Additionally, you will need individuals to serve as registration, crowd control, and two game
captains. If you are conducting the event in your home church, you might decide to combine
some of the roles such as games director and emcee or have one person do all of the illusions.
The number of volunteers needed for registration, crowd control, and altar workers should
correlate with your projected attendance for the event.
Follow-up Coordinator
One of the most important positions of the whole event is your follow-up coordinator. This person
will be responsible for recruiting and training all of your altar workers. They will also be
responsible for following-up on all first time salvations and new visitors who have not listed a
church home on their registration card. They can use the Follow-Up section of this manual for
ideas and suggestions on follow-up. The person who is recruited for this position needs to have
good follow-through and a passion to follow-up. The concept behind this position is for a lay
person to help take the load off of the senior pastor or children’s pastor in the area of follow-up.
We also realize that, without follow-up, the KidzMax Live event is not successful. The only way to
have lasting results from the event is to also have effective follow-up. This person will be your
key lead person in this effort. Be very selective in who you choose to fill this position. Pray and
ask God to lead you to the right person.
KidzMax Live Training Manual
Preparing for a
KidzMax Live
Team Assignments
Assignments for the entire event
Prop Director/Backstage Manager
Front Stage Crew (1-3 people)
Sound Director
Lights/Power-Point/Video Director
Game Captains
Registration Coor./Crowd Control
Follow-up Coordinator
Drama Director
Assignments for specific services
Lesson #1 – Nitro – A Free Gift (Segment #9: Real Life Drama)
Person 1
Person 2
Lesson #2 – Choice – Way to Go (Segment #9: Real Life Drama)
Skit #1
Skit #2
Lesson #3 – Courage – To Tell or not to Tell (Segment #9: Drama)
Kid 1
Kid 2
Kid 3
Kid 4
Lesson #4 – Challenge – Tell the World (Segment #9: Drama)
Shy Kid at the end
KidzMax Live Training Manual
Preparing for a
KidzMax Live
Training Information for Max & Operator
Max is the main character of KidzMax Live. To make him successful, teams have to focus on the
Stage Presence
Max must be bigger than life and extremely high energy
His actions must ―sell
‖ him to the audience
His actions must highlight his lines
Max needs to know his lines
He needs to look real
Who you choose to play this part will be very important
Audience eye contact must also be focused on
Operator Lip Sync
Max’s operator must know his lines
He also must work hard to line up Max’s lip sync to his lines
The operator must practice ahead with Max
Max’s servos have a slight delay. Your operator will want to keep this in mind when
they are running Max
The operator should make sure that Max’s mouth opens fully, and then closes when he
is talking. The operator should also focus on hitting every other syllable with Max. If the
operator tries to hit every syllable Max will look unnatural.
Taking care of Max
Max needs to be taken good care of. He can be broken easily and is very expensive to
We recommend reading through the Owner’s manual that comes with Max
The servos can be broken very easily with Max. Do not allow anyone on your team to
force Max’s mouth open. The servos will break.
For cleaning Max, use the Puppet Wash that we sell, and follow the cleaning
instructions in Max’s owner’s manual.
There are 2 switches that should never be moved on Max’s remote control. See the
owner’s manual for identifying these.
KidzMax Live Training Manual
Preparing for a
KidzMax Live
Using the Training DVDs
Because of our desire to provide a quality program, we have put together training DVDs that will
walk you through the full service. These also provide training tips for each segment of each
service. It is imperative teams follow these DVDs and train from them. There are 2 training DVDs
that include the following:
Full service
The assembly can be watched either in its entirety or by segments.
Training tips
Each segment includes a training tip. These training tips will provide invaluable instruction on
putting the assembly together. Many of the segments have teaching tips that will not only help
you put the assembly together, but will assist you in becoming a better presenter as a whole.
When you move forward on your menu and you have the training tip selected, you will
automatically move to the next training tip. The training tips are always the final word on how
each segment should be performed.
Effective use
We recommend that your team watch a service in its entirety. We then recommend that you
watch the training tips and watch the segments again.
(Please do not duplicate these DVDs. They are copyrighted. They are also not to be shared with
other churches.)
KidzMax Live Training Manual
Preparing for a
KidzMax Live
One of the main purposes of KidzMax Live is to help your church reach out to your
community. KidzMax Live is not a hit-and-run event. We encourage you to follow up on new
families that attended your event and also kids that gave their hearts to the Lord during the
event. For further information, please see the Follow-Up Section in this Manual.
The goal will be to register every single kid that attends this event so you will have all of
their information. On the team leader CD, you will find a template for a registration card. These
can be used for pre-registration of your regular children prior to the event (which will help move
things along on event night) and for those children coming for the first time to the event. When
you push pre-registration, it gives you a great idea of how many kids will be in attendance for the
We cannot stress enough how much having a good registration team means to your
event. The benefits begin with being able to have an accurate count of each night of your event.
The numbers are important; whatever they are, they are worth giving God the praise for! The
registration team is also many times the first group of people the child(ren) and their parent(s)
come in contact with. We only get one chance to make a first impression; take this opportunity to
make a great one. God is so pleased when someone comes to know Him, but His heart must
break when some are snatched away or try to grow on stony ground like the parable of the sower
and the seed. Well-filled-out registration cards give you the most important key to following up
and discipling that one into not just a number to be thankful for but a mighty warrior for the
kingdom. Always remember the next child you come in contact with may do things beyond what
you can think or imagine. Keep good records – it’s that important!
KidzMax Live Training Manual
Preparing for a
KidzMax Live
Worker Training
The altar time is one of the most important aspects of a KidzMax Live event. Yet, it can easily be
overlooked when you are staffing and training your workers. To have an impact on the children
that have attended your event and made a decision to follow Christ, please make sure that your
Follow-Up coordinator has recruited sufficient volunteers and trained them thoroughly in this
Recruiting Altar Workers
1. Who should be an altar worker:
a. Somebody that cares and can relate to children in this setting.
b. A person that has a passion to see children come to the Lord and experience
c. A person who is thoroughly screened and approved by your senior pastor.
d. Someone who is willing to attend training for altar workers and follow the policies
that your church has set relating to altar workers.
2. Responsibilities of an altar worker:
a. Helping children understand the decision they are making by answering questions,
giving a small amount of instruction, and leading the child in a prayer that is on his
or her level of understanding.
b. Helping each child fill out the altar cards.
c. To explain the Seeker Comic Book series and help the child understand how they
get the remaining 5 editions.
d. Go over any other material that is included in the altar packet to ensure that the
child understands what he or she is doing.
3. How to do altar worker training
a. Recruit your team.
b. Set a time when you can train your team.
c. Go over the handout that follows this page.
d. Require all of your altar workers to attend this training.
e. Make the training event fun.
f. If you are doing this event as an outreach away from your church, include the host
churches volunteers in this training so that they can also be altar workers.
g. Make copies and handout the following pages to your altar workers team. Cover
these pages in training.
KidzMax Live Training Manual
Preparing for a
KidzMax Live
Training Handouts
Who should be an altar worker?
Somebody who cares and can relate to children in this setting.
A person that has a passion to see children come to the Lord and experience salvation.
A person who is thoroughly screened and approved by your senior pastor.
Someone who is willing to attend training for altar workers and follow the policies that your
church sets relating to altar workers.
a. Helping children understand the decision they are making by answering questions, giving
a small amount of instruction, and leading the child in a prayer that is on his or her level of
b. Helping each child fill out the altar cards.
c. To explain the Seeker Comic Book series and help the child understand how they get the
remaining 5 editions.
d. Go over everything included in the altar packet to ensure the child understands what he or
she is doing.
Altar Workers Procedures
a. As soon as the emcee has given the altar call and asked children to come forward, all
altar workers should come forward.
b. All children should be acknowledged when they first come to the altar.
c. Every child should also be prayed for.
d. Altar workers should find out why the child has responded to the altar call.
e. Altar workers should pray with the kids. If the Emcee has not already done a group prayer,
workers should have the children repeat a simple prayer of salvation confessing Jesus as
their Lord. (Romans 10:9-10)
f. Workers should then remind the child that they have made a very important decision and
they need to keep coming to church.
g. If the child is making a first time decision for Christ or rededicating his or her life to the
Lord, the altar worker needs to give him an altar packet. This packet should include a
letter from the pastoral staff explaining what the child just did, an altar card, a golf pencil,
the first edition of the Seeker Series, and any other information your church decides to
h. Please fill out the Altar Card completely.
i. After a child has been prayed for and their information recorded, they may return to their
KidzMax Live Training Manual
Preparing for a
KidzMax Live
How to be successful at the altar
a. Listen to the sermon and to the altar call so you know the basic concept of why the
student has gone down for prayer.
b. Pray and ask the Lord to guide you.
c. Grab a mint; even kids don’t like bad breath.
d. Find out the child’s name. When you know their name, the altar time becomes more
e. Look each child in the eyes and listen to them. If they have needs other than salvation,
listen to the need and pray for them. Show them you care about why they are at the altar.
f. Pray for the child in way that they can understand. Make sure the words are not under or
over their level of understanding.
g. If a scripture comes to mind, share it with them.
h. After praying with them, it is okay to give a hug. The child must see Jesus in you.
i. If there is ever a situation when abuse is involved with the child, a pastor should be told
immediately. If the child asks for confidentiality, be honest with them and let them know
that it is your duty/responsibility to tell leadership. Feel free to suggest that both you and
the child come and talk to the leadership if the child feels uncomfortable.
j. Explain to the child about the Seeker Series Comic book. Seeker Series one should be
the only comic book handed out during the event. The other editions should be handed
out one per week that they come back to church.
k. Explain to the child any incentives your church is offering for them to come back to church.
Basics of the Prayer for Salvation
Let the children pray in their own words, and be careful not to hurry them.
If a child is not familiar with praying, be ready to assist them by having them repeat the
sinner’s prayer.
Jesus, I know that I am a sinner, I know I have done things wrong and need you to
forgive me. Please forgive me. I walk the other way from the things I have done
wrong. Make my life clean; be the leader of my life, and help me to follow you every
After a child is through praying, ask him/her to tell you what has happened to him/her. This
helps to clarify the meaning of the experience in his mind and helps you see if he or she
had questions that need to be clarified.
Once the child has prayed, you should then pray over him/her.
Be careful about using ―Christiane
se,‖ the language that we as Christians use that others
might not understand. Below are some replacement solutions.
od of the Lamb‖
Jesus died on the cross for our sins
―Coveredni the blood‖
Jesus paid a great price for our lives
Turn away from our sins
KidzMax Live Training Manual
Preparing for a
KidzMax Live
Complete the altar response for each child.
Bring a pen with you to the altar.
Give the altar response card to the children’s ministries leader after the service is
Scriptures to use at the altar
Romans 3:32
Romans 10:9,10
Romans 6:23
Romans 5:8
2 Corinthians 5:17 Philippians 1:6
Jeremiah 29:11
Proverbs 3:5
Event Information
a. Dates:
b. Times:
c. Times that I need to be here:
KidzMax Live Training Manual
Preparing for a
KidzMax Live
Decision Packet
We recommend that you put together an altar decision packet. Please check to ensure that
you have these forms. If not, please call us at the national office so that we can get them
to you right away. On the next page is a sample letter that you can put in the decision packet.
We also recommend including a sample letter from your pastor welcoming kids to your church. A
copy of the first issue of the Powermark comic series can also be enclosed in the decision
packet. Please note 3 different ways below you can use these comics with your event.
1. Put them in each Decision Packet and give them to the children as they return to their
seats. (Note: some churches do not use this method because it could be that the
second night when the altar call is given that children only come up for the comic
2. Give them to all of the children who received Christ and/or rededicated their lives or if
you have enough to all children on the final night of the event.
3. Mail them or take them to the homes of the children who received Christ and/or
rededicated their lives.
This is an integral part of the follow-up plan for KidzMax Live and your church. Kids will get the
first of six comic books when they make the decision to follow Christ. Each comic book is a cliffhanger. The child must return back to church for six weeks, and he or she will get a new edition
each week that they come. Two boxes of these are provided free of charge courtesy of the
National Children’s Ministries Agency and KidzMax Live. The free ones and more can be ordered
on the Outreach Form that you fill out to schedule a KidzMax Live event.
Putting the packet together
We recommend buying white 6 x 9‖ envelopes.
With each envelope, we also recommend a golf pencil.
A decision card needs to be placed in each packet along with a flyer and a letter from
your pastor.
Place a copy of the Power Mark comic in each decision packet if you desire.
When the event is over, a letter should be mailed to the child’s parents.
 The letter to the parents will inform them of their child’s wonderful decision to receive
Christ as Lord and Savior.
 The letter will recommend a course of action for the next few days.
 The letter will invite them to attend weekly church services.
A separate letter should be mailed to the child.
 This letter will remind the child of the decision he made at the crusade event.
 The letter will recommend a plan of Bible reading and prayer.
It is very important that follow-up on first time visitors and on children receiving Christ as Savior
happen promptly after your event is over. The chances of retaining visitors are considerably
higher the sooner contact is made.
God bless you as you begin the process of disciple-making in your church
KidzMax Live Training Manual
Preparing for a
KidzMax Live
Salvation Letter to Parent
Dear (Parent’s Name),
Thank you for allowing (child’s name) to be a part of our children’s service this past week. I am
happy to report that (child’s name) accepted Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior in our service on (day
and date). I believe it is vital for parents to know about the important spiritual steps in the lives of their
During the next few weeks, it will be especially important for you to encourage (child’s name)
in (his/her) relationship with Christ. Pray together, talk openly about the experience, and read
passages of the Bible together. If you, as a parent, will view this as an important milestone, your child
will highly esteem it as well.
If I can be of assistance in any manner, please contact me at (phone number). I’ll be happy to
share some ideas that can enhance your child’s spiritual development. As parents, we must not only
provide our children with food, clothing, and shelter, but we also have a responsibility to train them
spiritually (Ephesians 6:4).
I will be providing (child’s name) with comic books over the next five weeks every time he/she
comes to church. The comic books are cliff-hangers, and your kids will want to get every single issue.
Once again, if I can be of any service, don’t hesitate to call.
(Your Name)
KidzMax Live Training Manual
Preparing for a
KidzMax Live
Children’s Ministries Training
We ask, if you are doing an event outside of your church as an outreach that you train the
children’s ministries workers from the host church. This section will give you ideas on how you
can accomplish this. Training is essential to help build strong children’s ministries in the churches
that KidzMax Live ministers in.
Scheduling the training event
1. The date for training should be set when you schedule your event with the host church.
2. Set a time that will be most convenient for the host church to get the majority of their
workers to attend.
3. Have the host church publicize this event well.
4. To encourage attendance, have the host church offer a free breakfast or lunch to the
volunteers that attend.
5. Schedule a 4 hour training block.
6. Training can be scheduled while you are doing a KidzMax Live event or before or after
the event.
Assessing the churches greatest training need
1. Contact the leadership of the church and find where the church has the greatest need
in training.
2. Tailor the training to fit their needs.
Material to use for training
1. Children’s Ministries Help Sheets are included on the CD in your Training Pak.
2. Use these helps sheets for your training with the host church’s volunteers.
Layout of the training event
Below is the recommend schedule for a training event.
A. Open In Prayer (5 Minutes)
B. Session #1
(50 Minutes)
C. Break
(5 Minutes)
D. Session #2
(50 Minutes)
E. Lunch or break (30 Minutes)
F. Session #3
(45 Minutes)
G. Break
(5 Minutes)
H. Session #4
(45 Minutes)
KidzMax Live Training Manual
KidzMax Live
The KidzMax Live Event
KidzMax Live Training Manual
KidzMax Live
Event Layout
The event runs approximately 60 to 65 minutes in length. It can be formatted to fit your needs or the
needs of the host church. Each event runs similar to a kid’s church service. Our suggested layout is
a general guide. It matches the layout of the DVDs, but you can mix and match the different
segments and add to the event program however you see fit. We do ask that you don’t take
anything away from the program. Our goal has been to design this program for maximum flexibility.
Each event is designed to be fast moving and fast paced. When you plan your layout, we
recommend that you don’t allow any dead time. The program needs to be constructed in a way that
keeps the kids’ attention.
This is an audience participation game just to help build
excitement and involve everyone.
Countdowns can be so much fun. Use this time to get your
audience pumped for what is about to come. This will also
be their first glimpse of Max and also the place for you to
make any necessary announcements. But remember to keep
those short and to a minimum.
The crazy game is a fun game intended to use a few from the
audience to grab attention. We have tried to provide games
in this portion that have something to do with the point of the
specific event.
Max is at his best in this segment. Each lesson introduction
features Max and a story from his life about something that
happened to him (and can easily be related to any kid) that
emphasizes the point of the event.
Each life verse segment has a portion of time to really drill
the verse from scripture and make sure the whole audience
knows the verse. Then each event holds a different way of
reinforcing the verse with a game.
KidzMax Live Training Manual
KidzMax Live
The object lesson is meant to do exactly what its title says—
to use real objects to reinforce the point.
The Bible Lesson of each event is where God’s Word comes
to life. We have intentionally picked events from the Bible
that kids could relate to. Make sure and relay to your kids
that these were real people that made these very real-life
Each event includes a high-impact illusion. The illusions can
easily be done by anybody with a little practice.
The real-life drama gives you the ability to use kids from the
audience to play your characters. You can also use your
own team that has been pre-trained to do the drama. Each
drama will present a real-life application of the event point to
the kids.
Each event ends with an altar response time. This time is the
focus of your event and should be planned accordingly. We
have put in 5 minutes of background; however, it would be
good for your sound person or praise team to have other
worship music ready for this portion to last however long
God has in mind.
Event Order & Timing
Segment #1 Opening Game
5:00 Minutes
Segment #2 ................................. Countdown/Opening/Introduction ......................... 5:00 Minutes
Segment #3 ................................. Crazy Game .......................................................... 5:00 Minutes
Segment #4 ................................. Lesson Introduction............................................... 5:00 Minutes
Segment #5 ................................. Life Verse/Game ................................................... 7:30 Minutes
Segment #6 ................................. Object Lesson ....................................................... 5:00 Minutes
Segment #7 ................................. Bible Lesson ....................................................... 10:00 Minutes
Segment #8 ................................. Illusion................................................................... 5:00 Minutes
Segment #9 ................................. Real Life Drama .................................................. 10:00 Minutes
Segment #10 ............................... Altar Response ..................................................... 5:00 Minutes
.................................................... Total Event Timeline ........................................ 62:30 Minutes
KidzMax Live Training Manual
KidzMax Live
Using Labels for Participants
In the event manual, you will find the pages containing the labels for each service. They can be
printed on standard mailing label sheets you can obtain at any store that handles office supplies.
They are a nifty idea for picking children to help up front or to play games. There are certain
segments where you need audience participation. If you have either the person in charge of that
particular segment or your registration people put these labels on children (one per child) as they
come in, you have already solved that problem. This will help with the flow of the service
because you won’t need to take the time to pick kids; they will have already been chosen. All the
presenter will need to do is call for the kids with that particular color and type of sticker. You will
also need to stress to your presenters and registration people that all of the labels need to be
used and need to be placed on children in 2nd grade and above. The age restriction helps the
presenter because the children will need to be old enough to follow directions well.
We highly recommend that the PRESENTER of each segment choose the kids
This serves 2 purposes. First the child will know who is going to call on them. And second the
presenter is more familiar with what the child will be doing, and will be able to pick accordingly.
If your registration people choose the children
When they are done with registration, if they have not used all of the labels, have them go and
find kids to stick them on. One child can have 2 different color stickers, but try to avoid this.
Sample use: The Crazy Game for Nitro – Donut on a String (Segment 3) you need four children
to play the game. You simply ask the children who have Yellow Crazy Game Labels on to come
forward to help you. The chaos and difficulty of choosing children in the middle of the service is
immediately taken care of.
Segment #3: Crazy Game
___ 2 Yellow Courage Crazy Game Stickers
Segment #3: Crazy Game
___ 4 Yellow Nitro Crazy Game Stickers
Segment #5: Life Verse
___ 4 Blue Courage Life Verse Stickers
___ 4 Red Courage Life Verse Stickers
Segment #5: Life Verse
___ 2 Blue Nitro Life Verse Stickers
___ 2 Red Nitro Life Verse Stickers
Segment #7: Bible Lesson
___ Optional: 3 children with Green Nitro Bible Lesson Stickers
Segment #9: Drama
___ Optional: 2 children with Purple Nitro Drama Stickers
Segment #6: Object Lesson
___ 3 Purple Courage Object Lesson Stickers
Segment #7: Bible Lesson
___ 4 Green Courage Bible Lesson Stickers
Segment #8: Illusion
___ 1 Orange Courage Illusion Sticker
Segment #3: Crazy Game
___ 1 Yellow Choice Crazy Game Sticker
Segment #3: Crazy Game
___ 4 Yellow Challenge Crazy Game Stickers
Segment #5: Life Verse
___ 7 Blue Choice Life Verse Stickers
___ 7 Red Choice Life Verse Stickers
Segment #5: Life Verse
___ 4 Blue Challenge Life Verse Stickers
___ 4 Red Challenge Life Verse Stickers
Segment #6: Object Lesson
___ 2 Purple Choice Object Lesson Stickers
Segment #7: Bible Lesson
___ 5 Green Challenge Bible Lesson Stickers
Segment #7: Bible Lesson
___ 4 Green Choice Bible Lesson Stickers
Segment #8: Illusion
___ 2 Orange Challenge Illusion Stickers
Segment #8: Illusion
___ 3 Orange Choice Illusion Stickers
Segment #9: Drama
___ 4 – 7 Purple Challenge Drama Stickers
KidzMax Live Training Manual
KidzMax Live
Service #1: Choice
To the Max Point:
God will help me
make right choices
We all have choices to make. We make them
hundreds of times a day. Some choices we
make without even really thinking. But each
and every choice we make affects those around
us. Those affected may be our family, our coworkers or maybe just the strangers we come in
contact with every day. Whoever they are, they
are affected by the choices we make. Children
make choices as well. Some of the choices they
make now will become habits of their future.
Other choices will literally form their future.
This service emphasizes how important the
choices we make are and no matter the age how
important it is to make the right choice.
KidzMax Live Training Manual
KidzMax Live
Service Information
 To the Max Point: God will help me make the right choices
 Life Verse: ―
Choose today who you will serve.” Joshua 24:15a
Support Roles
 Backstage Manager:
 Backstage Crew:
 Game Captains:
Order of Service
* Provided with the kit
Segment #1– Opening Game—Sit
Down/Stand Up
___ *Stopwatch
___ *Flash Cards
Segment #2-- Countdown and
Opening—Blast of Max
___ None
Segment #3-Crazy Game-The Deal Is...
___ 5 prizes: some good, some bad
___ 5 boxes
___ *5 The Deal Is… labels to attach to the Boxes
___ 3 small prizes to use tempting prizes for The Deal Is...
Segment #4-- Lesson Introduction
___ Math book
___ Cell phone
Segment #5-- Life Verse—Memory
Verse Mix-up
___ *Stopwatch
___ *Red & Blue Verse cards (Joshua 24:15a)
___ 14 small prizes
Segment #6-- Object Lesson—Nothing
But the Real Thing
___ 1 bottle full of soda
___ 1 soda bottle full of cold coffee
___ Floor covering
___ Extra bottle of soda for the child who gets the coffee
Segment #7-- Bible Lesson—Daniel
Makes a Choice
___ Bible open to Daniel 1
___ Bible costumes (optional)
___ Table with junk food
___ Table with healthy food
___ 4 small prizes
Segment #8-Illusion-The Right Choice
___ *1 red, blue, yellow, and green balloon
___ *1 needle
___ Balloon pump (if needed)
___ *Mental Balloon Illusion
___ 3 king size candy bars
Segment #9-- Real Life Drama—Way to
___ Handheld game
___ Keys and/or sunglasses
___ *Sign: “Way to go” / “Oh no”
___ People to play a Parent, 3 kids, and a Sign-holder
 Segment #1— Crazy Game
(5 Min)
- Host:
- Game: Sit Down/Stand Up
- DVD Clip #1: Crazy Game
 Segment #2— Countdown/Service Opening (5 Min)
- Host:
- Max:
-Max Operator:
- Announcements:
- DVD Clip #2: Countdown/Service Opening
 Segment #3— Crazy Game (5 Min)
- Host:
- Game: The Deal Is...
- DVD Clip #3: Crazy Game
 Segment #4— Lesson Introduction (5 Min)
- Host:
- Max:
-Max Operator:
- DVD Clip #4: Lesson Introduction
 Segment #5— Life Verse/Game (7:30 Min)
- Host:
- Game: The Memory Verse Mix-Up
- DVD Clip #5: Life Verse/Game
 Segment #6— Object Lesson (5 Min)
- Host:
- Object Lesson: Nothing but the Real Thing
- DVD Clip #6: Object Lesson
 Segment #7— Bible Lesson (10 Min)
- Host:
- Bible Lesson: Daniel 1
- DVD Clip #7: Bible Lesson
 Segment #8— Illusion (5 Min)
- Host:
- Illusion: The Right Choice
- DVD Clip #8: Illusion
 Segment #9— Real Life Drama (10 Min)
- Host:
- Drama: Way To Go
- Drama Team:
- DVD Clip #9: Real Life Drama
 Segment #10— Altar (5 Min)
- Host:
- Altar Workers:
- DVD Clip #10: Altar
KidzMax Live Training Manual
KidzMax Live
Segment #1: Opening Game
Sit down/Stand Up
5 Minutes
Tech Notes:
Supplies Needed
* Provided with the kit
___ *Stopwatch
___ *Flash Cards
Segment #1 Tips:
Don’t spend too much time explaining this
game. The game becomes easy once you
have done it with the audience. So it’s best to
explain it thru once and then do a quick
Practice run really slowly, speeding up as the
audience gets the idea.
Tech Cues:
 DVD#1—Clip #1: Opening Game
To begin the service advance DVD #1 to Clip #1: Opening
Game. The DVD automatically reverts back to the main menu at
the end of the clip.
Staff and players needed:
 Game Coach
 Everyone
Bring the flash cards with you for this game. The idea of the game
is to have the audience follow along with what is on the card.
Example: If the card says ―
Sit down if you have something with
the color red on,‖ all of the audience members who have red on
should sit down. Other cards will read: ―Sit downor stand up if
you are wearing glasses‖; ―
Sit down or stand up if you have
blonde hair‖; ―S
it down or stand up if you had pancakes for
breakfast‖; etc.
Game Coach: I’ve got a game for you that everyone is going
to play. I need to you be honest with me as we play. We are
going to play Sit Down/Stand Up. I am going to say
something like, ―Sitdown or stand up if you have red on.‖ Or
―Sitdown or stand up if you wear glasses.‖ If the statement
applies to you, then you have to listen closely and either sit
down or stand up. This is going to be a test to see who will
still be standing when we are all done. The person or
persons who are still standing when I am done will be the
winner(s). We are going to start slow but then we’ll go very
fast at the end. Is everyone ready? Here we go! (Read the
flash cards saying “Sit down or stand up if…” and have the
audience follow along. Time the game for 2 minutes. Continue the
game for as many rounds as you like.)
Did you see how many of you have things that are in
common with one another? It is pretty fun to see other
people who are like us and some who are not. Thanks for
making the choice to be honest as we played. Are you ready
for a great service? Let me hear you if you are. Here we go
with the rest of the service.
KidzMax Live Training Manual
KidzMax Live
Segment #2: Countdown/Opening
Blast of Max
5 Minutes
Tech Notes:
Supplies Needed
* Provided with the kit
___ None
Segment #2 Tips:
This segment will set the tone of the whole
service. Max needs to be extremely animated,
and the host should be over-the-top excited.
Make sure to have a well-thought-out prize
campaign. The kids need to understand exactly
how they can win—this will also add
excitement. Keep your announcements to a
minimum. Too many announcements will drag
this segment out. Short and to the point is best
for announcements.
Tech Cues:
 DVD#1—Clip #2: Countdown/Opening
The DVD should automatically advance to this segment. To avoid
dead time the sound man should automatically start Clip #2:
Countdown/Opening as soon as the game host is off the stage
main menu, the sound tech can also choose to fast-forward the
DVD to this segment.
Staff and players needed:
 Host
 Game Coach
Host will need to learn lines and have announcements and prize
campaign instructions ready.
(Countdown begins. After countdown, Max appears on stage.
This needs to be a big entrance. It kicks off the service and sets
the tone for the rest of the event.)
Max: Hey, dudes and dudettes! What’s up? My name is Max!
I’m pumped to welcome you to my show, KidzMax Live! Are
you ready to have a TO THE MAX time? I’ve brought my
friends with me today who are going to help me. I want to
introduce you to the host of my show. Let’s give it up for our
host. (Host runs onto stage.)
Host: Hi, Max; hi, kids! We have a great show all set to go.
Everyone is in their places; the kids are here. It’s show time!
Max, the question is, are you ready to have a TO THE MAX
Max: Definitely! Let’s get this show on the road. Kids, if
you’re ready to get started, let me hear you say, ―TO THE
MAX!‖ I can’t hear you! Say it again! Here’s my belief,
whenever we do anything for God, we need to do it TO THE
MAX. Are you ready to go TO THE MAX for God? (Allow
audience to respond.)
I have a secret. Do you want to hear my secret? You’re really
going to like it.
KidzMax Live Training Manual
KidzMax Live
Max: How many of you really want to hear my secret? (Allow
the audience to respond.) You will have to wait until later on in
my show. You guys are the coolest kids around. Hey, your
host has some important things to tell you. I’ll be back a little
later to hang out with you more. So, sit up straight, listen
closely, and have fun TO THE MAX!
Host: (Go over announcements, welcome kids, explain the prize
campaign.) Now that we have all that stuff out of the way, it’s
time to play a game. Are you ready? I want to introduce you
to our coach. (Introduce coach.)
KidzMax Live Training Manual
KidzMax Live
Segment #3: Crazy Game
The Deal Is….
5 Minutes
Tech Notes:
* Provided with the kit
___ 5 prizes: some good, some bad
___ 5 boxes
___ *5 The Deal Is… labels to attach to the Boxes
___ 3 small prizes to use as temptation prizes for The Deal
The DVD should automatically advance to this segment. To avoid
dead time the sound man should automatically start Clip #3:
Crazy Game as soon as the host is off the stage from the
previous segment. If the DVD has not gone back to the main
menu, the sound tech can also choose to fast-forward the DVD to
this segment.
Segment #3 Tips:
Staff and players needed:
Supplies Needed
Not all kids are good at making choices. The
game captain will need to keep this segment
moving. If someone just can’t choose, the
game captain can ask a friend come up and
help. Give your participant time to choose, but
not so much the segment drags.
Tech Cues:
 DVD#1—Clip #3: Crazy Game
 Game Coach
 1 child with a Yellow Choice Crazy Game Sticker
Find 5 boxes to hold the 5 prizes. Number them 1 through 5 with
the number stickers that are provided in the kit. Place the prizes
inside the boxes before the service. Have the 3 small prizes out
on the stage in front. This game is a variation of ―
Let’s Make A
Game Host: How many of you like to get gifts? Well, I have
some gifts that I want to give away. I need someone who is
great at making choices and good deals. There is someone
in the audience who has a Yellow Choice Crazy Game Sticker
on. If that is you, come on up, you’re going to play ―TheDeal
Is….‖ In this game I am going to give you a chance to get a
great gift or prize. But you have to know that you have a
chance of getting a gag gift. The choice will be up to you. Are
you ready to play?
(Show the child the five boxes.) Here is what I want you to do. I
want you to choose one of these five boxes. Once you
choose that box, whatever is inside of it is yours, unless you
want to make a different choice or a better deal. OK, go
ahead and pick your box. (Allow child to choose one of the
boxes.) Are you sure this is the one you want? (Allow the child
a chance to change his/her choice right away.) OK, this is your
box. Are you pretty confident that this is the best prize that
you could choose? Would you be willing to trade your box
for_________? (Offer one of the other boxes or one of the three
KidzMax Live Training Manual
KidzMax Live
prizes on the stage.
Do this several times till you run out of options or the child will not
choose anything else.)
All right, this is your final choice. This is for sure what you
want, right? Open your box and show us all what you have.
(Depending on what is inside, the volunteer will have made either
a good choice or a bad choice.) The choice that you made was
either great for you or not so great for you. Let’s look at all
the other prizes to see if you made a great deal. (Show what
all the other prizes are.) You either made a good deal or a notso-good deal, but the fact is that we have to live with the choices
we make. When we make good choices, there are benefits;
but when we make bad choices, there are consequences.
Today we are going to learn about how to make good
choices with God’s help.
KidzMax Live Training Manual
KidzMax Live
Segment #4: Lesson Introduction
5 Minutes
Tech Notes:
Supplies Needed
* Provided with the kit
___ Math book
___ Cell phone
Segment #4 Tips:
We can’t say it enough. Max needs to be
ANIMATED! Because of the amount of time
Max is on the stage if he’s not animated and
engaging the audience the effectiveness of his
character could be diminished.
Tech Cues:
 DVD#1—Clip #4: Lesson Introduction
The DVD should automatically advance to this segment. To avoid
dead time the sound man should automatically start Clip #4:
Lesson Introduction as soon as the host is off the stage from
the previous segment. If the DVD has not gone back to the main
menu, the sound tech can also choose to fast-forward the DVD to
this segment.
Staff and players needed:
 Max
Max should know his lines well enough to add BIG actions to
everything he says.
Max: Hey, everybody! I hope you’re having a great time so far
at KidzMax Live! Say our TO THE MAX point with me. (Have
the audience follow along.) ―Godhelps me make the right
choices!‖ How many of you want to hear the secret I have?
You’ll have to wait a little longer.
Life is all about choices. I had a big choice to make once.
How many of you ever had a big choice to make? (Allow
audience response.) I had a big math test coming up at
school. It was one of the biggest tests of the year. My mom
and dad told me that if I passed the test, they would take me
to the biggest and coolest roller coaster park around.
Because I really wanted to go to the roller coaster park, I
planned to study and do everything I could to pass that test. I
wanted to study, but things came up, such as: playing my
new video game, talking with my friends on my computer,
watching a cool new movie.
I spent so much time doing these things that I ran out of time
to study for my test. I mean, I’m a busy guy. My
calendar is full. So, I had a choice to make. I wanted to go
and see the newest, biggest roller coaster, but how was I
going to pass the test?
A thought came into my mind. I could ask some of my
KidzMax Live Training Manual
KidzMax Live
friends who took the test yesterday for the answers. I then
could put them on my handy, dandy cell phone and have all
the answers for the test. The plan started unfolding; I
thought of all the angles. Then, all of a sudden I felt God
tugging on my heart. I had given my life to God when I was 5
years old, and I knew that I had to make the right choice. A
―TOTHE MAX‖ choice! A choice God would be happy with. I
knew that I couldn’t cheat on the test. I prayed, and God
helped me to know the right answer, and I studied as much
as I could.
The next day, I went to school and took the test. I learned a
―TOTHE MAX‖ lesson that day. It’s what we’re talking about
today. I didn’t do so bad on the test, and guess what? The
teacher actually changed tests. If I would have cheated, all of
my answers would have been wrong. I would have flunked
the test. The material I studied was the material that was on
the test. It was amazing! My parents took me to the roller
coaster park. It was so cool.
We are talking about choices today. The most important
choice you can make is to give your life to God. He will help
you make all the other important choices in life. Say our TO
THE MAX point again with me: ―God help
s me make the right
choices!‖ Do you still want to know my secret? Here it is.
After KidzMax Live!, I want to meet each one of you at my
autograph table. It will be a blast. All right, dudes and
dudettes, it’s time for me to go, but you need to sit up
straight, put your hands in your laps, and get ready for a TO
THE MAX time! Max out!
KidzMax Live Training Manual
KidzMax Live
Segment #5: Life Verse/Game
Joshua 24:15a
7:30 Minutes
Life Verse:
Supplies Needed
* Provided with the kit
___ *Stopwatch
___ *Red & Blue Verse cards (Joshua 24:15a)
___ 14 small prizes
Segment #5 Tips:
The timing is crucial for this segment to look
polished. The memory verse will begin rolling
across the screen 30 seconds after you start
the segment. It happens six times so be ready.
Practice with the DVD and then practice again,
and again, until you feel comfortable with the
DVD cues for learning the life verse. Then
don’t let the game time drag—be excited. Get
all the kids into cheering for their teams.
Tech Cues:
 DVD#1—Clip #5: Life Verse & Game
se today who you will serve,‖ Joshua 24:15a
Tech Notes:
The DVD should automatically advance to this segment. To avoid
dead time the sound man should automatically start Clip #5: Life
Verse/Life Verse Game as soon as the host is off the stage from
the previous segment. If the DVD has not gone back to the main
menu, the sound tech can also choose to fast-forward the DVD to
this segment.
Staff and players needed:
 Life Verse Host
 7 children with Blue Choice Life Verse Stickers
 7 children with Red Choice Life Verse Stickers
The host needs to have the memory verse committed to memory.
The host will also need to practice with this DVD segment to
easily fill in the first thirty seconds with something similar to the
presentation below, as well as have smooth timing for the 6 times
the memory verse appears on the screen.
Bring the 2 sets of verse cards out with you.
The first team to put the verse together in the correct order wins
the game. There should be a 30-second time limit for this game.
See ya, Max. Hey, boys and girls, are you having a TO THE
MAX time yet? (Allow response.) Great! Are you ready to MAX
OUT some more? (Allow response.) We have a maxed out
memory verse we need to learn in order to play the next
game. Are you ready? (Allow response.) Are you sure you’re
ready? (Allow response, encouraging them to get loud) Then
here we go, I want to hear you!!!
(The Memory Verse will come on the screen 6 times—lead the
audience in practicing it.)
KidzMax Live Training Manual
KidzMax Live
How many of you like to play games? I need the 7 kids with
Blue Life Verse Stickers to join me on this side of the stage
(move to one side of the stage), and the 7 kids with Red Life
Verse Stickers to join me on this side of the stage (move to
the opposite side of the stage). We are going to play the TO
THE MAX Memory Verse Mix-up. Now that we have our two
teams, I am going to give you each a set of verse cards. You
will have 30 seconds to put the verse cards in the correct
order across the floor here on the platform. Any questions?
(Allow for questions and provide answers.)
(Address the audience.) I need this side to help your team
(move to that side and point to the corresponding team) by
yelling really loud. Can you do it? Let me hear you. (Allow
response.) Great! OK (move to the other side and point to the
corresponding team), you are going to need to help your team
by yelling really loud. Can you do it? Let me hear you. (Allow
response.) Super!
(Address the teams.) Now, teams, are you ready? We’re going
to set the timer for 30 seconds. Get ready! Set! Go!
(Set the timer for 30 seconds now. Watch to see if anyone
finishes before the 30 seconds is up. If they do finish before the
time is up, let the other team finish up their time. Then start with
the team that finished first. If no one finished on time, chose the
team closest to being done.) OK, let’s take a look at your cards.
(Read the cards in the order they have them. Do this quickly.)
(Address the audience) Do you think it’s correct? (Look at and
listen to the audience, then declare if it’s correct or not.) Thanks
for playing TO THE MAX Memory Verse Mix-up. (Present a
small prize to everyone who played.)
KidzMax Live Training Manual
KidzMax Live
Segment #6: Object Lesson
Nothing but the real thing
5 Minutes
Tech Notes:
Supplies Needed
* Provided with the kit
___ 1 bottle full of soda
___ 1 soda bottle full of cold coffee
___ Floor covering
___ Extra bottle of soda for the child who gets the coffee
Segment #6 Tips:
It is possible that the volunteer drinking the
coffee may spit it back out, so depending on
your flooring; you may want to have it covered
beforehand. Also, you will want to at least cool
the coffee before putting it into the plastic
bottle, preferably not too long before the
service. The heat can cause the bottle to
contract as it cools, making the bottle look
Tech Cues:
The DVD should automatically advance to this segment. To avoid
dead time the sound man should automatically start Clip #6:
Object Lesson as soon as the host is off the stage from the
previous segment. If the DVD has not gone back to the main
menu, the sound tech can also choose to fast-forward the DVD to
this segment.
Staff and players needed:
 Object Lesson Host
 2 children with Purple Choice Object Lesson Stickers
Before the service, empty one of the bottles and fill it with cold
coffee that is the same color as the cola. Break the seal on the
bottle of cola so they look identical. Bring the two
bottles out with you and place them together on the table.
 DVD#1—Clip #6: Object Lesson
Is anybody out there thirsty? I sure am. I have a couple of
nice refreshing beverages up here. I’m going to need a
couple of volunteers to come up here and have a nice cold
drink. In the audience, there are two children with Purple
Choice Object Lesson Stickers on. If that’s you, come up and
help me. OK, each of you can have one of these amazing
drinks. (Have each volunteer choose a bottle.) Now, before you
drink them, I have one question for you. You both have had
cola before, right? OK, good. Go ahead and open up that
bottle and take a big drink. (Allow both kids to take a drink.
Don’t allow the child with coffee to take a very large drink.) That
was good, wasn’t it? Did you really enjoy that? (Allow for
responses.) What? Something is wrong with your cola? Are
you sure? Take another big drink and make sure. (Encourage
volunteer to take another drink.) So, you’re sure that something
is wrong with your cola? What is it? Does it taste funny?
What does it taste like? It tastes like coffee? Well, is it cold?
It sure looks a lot like cola. (Turn to other child.) Did yours
taste funny? Did it taste like cola? Was it refreshing? (Allow
for response.)
When you came up here you had a choice. You didn’t know
KidzMax Live Training Manual
KidzMax Live
it, but you had a choice as to which bottle you chose. And I
admit that I secretly put coffee into this cola bottle. I wanted
you to make a tough choice. I never told you that it was cola;
I just told you that it was a nice cold drink. It was your choice
which one you took. One of you made a good choice. One of
you made a bad choice.
When we make our choices, we need to think about what the
results will be. There is always a consequence to your
choice. When we ask God to help us, we are sure that He will
help us make the right choice every time.
KidzMax Live Training Manual
KidzMax Live
Segment #7: Bible Lesson
Daniel 1
10 Minutes
Tech Notes:
Supplies Needed
* Provided with the kit
___ Bible open to Daniel 1
___ Bible costumes (optional)
___ Table with junk food
___ Table with healthy food
___ 4 small prizes
Segment #7 Tips:
When teaching a Bible lesson, it is very
important to actually use your Bible. Know the
story well enough to teach it without reading it
from the Bible, but let the kids see you read
certain sections from the Bible to help reinforce
how important you believe the Bible is.
Tech Cues:
 DVD#1—Clip #7: Bible Lesson
The DVD should automatically advance to this segment. To avoid
dead time the sound man should automatically start Clip #7:
Bible Lesson as soon as the host is off the stage from the
previous segment. If the DVD has not gone back to the main
menu, the sound tech can also choose to fast-forward the DVD to
this segment.
Staff and players needed:
 Narrator
 Chief of Staff (Adult or teen prepared ahead of time)
 4 children with Green Choice Bible Lesson Stickers to play
Daniel and his friends
Prepare food for two tables, one with junk food and one with good
food. Before this segment starts, have your stage crew bring the
tables out front.
Our Bible lesson comes from the book of Daniel. It’s about
Daniel and three of his friends. They were from the country
of Judah. Their country had just been taken over by King
Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon. The king had taken many
beautiful things along with many people taken back to
Babylon with him. When they arrived in Babylon, the king
told his Chief of Staff to bring to the palace some of the
young men of Judah’s royal family and other noble families
who had been brought to Babylon as
The king said to his Chief of Staff (a pre-selected adult or
teen), ―Se
lect only strong, healthy, and good-looking young
men. Make sure they are very smart and well educated and
are good prospects for leadership positions in the
government. I want perfect specimens!‖
The Chief of Staff went out among the young men who had
been brought to Babylon. He is looking for the children with
the Green Choice Bible Lesson Stickers to stand up and then
do what he tells you.
KidzMax Live Training Manual
KidzMax Live
Chief of Staff interviews them: (Cue the boys to answer “Yes”
to all questions.)
niel, are you smart? Are you well educated? Are you
healthy? Are you handsome? He passes. Step over there.‖
adrach, are you smart? Are you well educated? Are you
healthy? Are you handsome? He passes. Step over there.‖
h, are you smart? Are you well educated? Are you
healthy? Are you handsome? He passes. Step over there.‖
dnego, are you smart? Are you well educated? Are you
healthy? Are you handsome? He passes. Step over there.‖
ur Honor, I present to you Daniel, Shadrach, Meshach,
and Abednego. They have passed the interview, and they all
have followed my instructions. I am sure they are fine
candidates for your apprentice program.‖
The king told the Chief of Staff to train them in the language
of the land and in the literature of Babylon, which included
the lore of magic and fortune-telling. He also ordered the
best food and the finest wine from his own kitchens. He told
them that after three years of training they would be given
positions in the royal service.
As the young men were taken into the kitchen and shown the
food that they would get to eat and the wine that they would
have (take boys to the table of unhealthy food), Daniel formed a
plan. He knew that God would not be pleased to have him
and his friends eat such an unhealthy diet. Now Daniel could
have tried to fit in with his surroundings, but he loved God
and knew he should obey the things that had been taught
him in his home country. He got his friends in a huddle and
began to reveal his plan to them. (Have the boys get in a
huddle and begin to whisper to each other.)
After a few minutes, the boys turned to the Chief of Staff, and
Daniel spoke for the group.
Daniel: (have child repeat what you say) ―Ple
ase, sir, we
appreciate what you are doing for us, but we would like to
ask permission to not eat these unacceptable foods.‖
Now the Chief of Staff liked these young men very much and
was very impressed with their behavior, but he felt he must
KidzMax Live Training Manual
KidzMax Live
warn them.
Chief of Staff: ―
I’m afraid of what my master the king will do.
He is the one who assigned you to eat this food and drink
this wine. If he sees that you become pale and thin compared
to the other youths your age, I am afraid the king will have
me killed!‖
But Daniel was determined not to disobey God by eating the
king’s food, so he made a good choice and made a deal with
the Chief of Staff.
Daniel: ―Pl
ease test us for ten days on a diet of vegetables
and water. At the end of ten days, see how we look compared
to the other young men who are eating the king’s food. Then
make your decision in light of what you see.‖
The chief of staff agreed to Daniel’s suggestion and tested
them for ten days. (The boys go over to the table of healthy
food.) At the end of ten days, Daniel and his friends looked
healthier and better nourished than all the others who had
been eating from the royal menu. So after that, they were
allowed to continue eating vegetables instead of the royal
God gave these young men knowledge and skill in both
books and life. In addition, Daniel was gifted in
understanding all sorts of visions and dreams. At the time
set by the king for the training, the Chief of Staff brought
them in to the king. When the king interviewed them, he
found them far superior to all the other young men. And so
they took their place in the king’s service.
When the king consulted them on anything, he found them
ten times better than all the magicians and enchanters in his
kingdom put together.
Thank you for helping us. Give our actors a hand. Kids, it is
really important to make wise choices in your life. There are
many things and many people who will try to get you to make
wrong choices. But if you know God and obey His word, He
will help you to make the right choices. And you will see
many wonderful things that God has planned for you.
KidzMax Live Training Manual
KidzMax Live
Segment #8: Illusion
The Right Choice
5 Minutes
Tech Notes:
Supplies Needed
* Provided with the kit
___ *1 red, blue, yellow, and green balloon
___ *1 needle
___ Balloon pump (if needed)
___ *Mental Balloon Illusion
___ 3 king size candy bars
Segment #8 Tips:
This illusion should be set up towards the back
of the platform, so the children who come up
will not see the back before it is time. Place
yourself between the children a few steps in
front of the trick. The host for this segment may
also want to steady the trick as each child pops
the balloon so they don’t turn it over; however,
be careful of getting stabbed.
Tech Cues:
 DVD#1—Clip #8: Illusion
The DVD should automatically advance to this segment. To avoid
dead time the sound man should automatically start Clip #8:
Illusion as soon as the host is off the stage from the previous
segment. If the DVD has not gone back to the main menu, the
sound tech can also choose to fast-forward the DVD to this
Staff and players needed:
 Illusionist
 3 children with Orange Choice Illusion Stickers
 Blow up each balloon according to the KidzMax Training
 Blow the balloons up in the center of the rings on the board with
your balloon pump. The balloon colors
should match the
color of the number under the ring on the front of the board.
 Make sure the arrow doors are up on the back of the
 Make sure the needle that will be used to pop the balloons is
with the illusion.
In life, we all have choices to make. Some choices are good,
and some are bad. The real challenge in life is to always
make the right choice. One very important good choice in life
is deciding to give Jesus your life. When you give Jesus your
life you will live forever with Him, and He will help you to
make good choices. When you make good choices, you will
be rewarded in life.
How many of you would like to win one of these king-size
candy bars tonight? (Allow the audience to respond.) I’m going
to pick three of you from the audience who want to win one
of these candy bars. There are 3 of you out there who have
Orange Choice Illusion Stickers on. If that’s you, come on up
and help me. Here’s how you are going to win. Before the
service began tonight, I made a choice. I have chosen the
winning balloon on this board.
I am going to ask each one of the contestants whom I have
KidzMax Live Training Manual
KidzMax Live
just chosen from the audience to pick a balloon I didn’t
choose. (Emphasize the fact that there are three balloons that
you didn’t choose.) I’m going to ask each one of you to pop
the balloon that you think was not chosen. If each of you
make the right choice and the last balloon on the board is the
one I chose, all 3 of you will win a prize. If one of you makes
the wrong choice, all 3 of you will lose the prizes. Are you
Contestant #1, go ahead and pop a balloon that you think I
did not choose. Audience, you can help us by yelling out the
number that you think this volunteer should pop. (Allow the
contestant to pop the balloon.) I hope that you made the right
choice. Contestant #2, are you ready to pop a balloon that
you think I didn’t choose? (Allow the contestant to pop the
balloon.) I hope you made the right choice. Do you think you
did? (Allow the contestant to respond.) Contestant #3, are you
ready? Go ahead and pop a balloon that you think I didn’t
choose. (Allow the audience to interact.)
Our contestants have made their choices. I hope that they
have made the right choices and have chosen the balloons
that I did not choose. Are you ready, contestants, for me to
unveil my choice? Are you ready to be winners? (Allow them
to respond.) Audience, do you think they made the right
choices? (Allow the audience to respond.) On the count of
three, I’m going to turn the board around and show you my
choice. One, two, three. (Turn the board around and show the
audience the balloon that you chose.) Let’s give our
contestants a hand! They made the right choice and are now
winners! (Encourage the audience to cheer! Give the winners
their prizes.)
This illusion is just like life. When we make the right choice
and ask Jesus into our hearts, He will help us to always
make right choices. Sometimes in life, choices can seem
very confusing, like these balloons. No one but me would
have known the right choice. That’s sometimes like life. No
one but Jesus knows the outcomes of choices we make.
When we put our trust in Him, and follow Him with our lives,
we will win the greatest prize. That’s salvation, and our lives
will be blessed.
KidzMax Live Training Manual
KidzMax Live
Segment #9: Real Life Drama
Way to Go
10 Minutes
Tech Notes:
Supplies Needed
* Provided with the kit
___ Handheld game
___ Keys and/or sunglasses
___ *Sign: “Way to go” / “Oh no”
___ People to play a Narrator, 4 kids, and a Teacher
Segment #9 Tips:
Take time to practice this skit ahead of time
with your drama team. Make sure that you
encourage audience participation in the Real
Life drama. Children love to be a part of things
like this, so really play up the ―Way to Go‖ and
―Oh no‖ audience responses.
Tech Cues:
 DVD#1—Clip #9: Real Life Drama
The DVD should automatically advance to this segment. To avoid
dead time the sound man should automatically start Clip #9: Real
Life Drama as soon as the host is off the stage from the previous
segment. If the DVD has not gone back to the main menu, the
sound tech can also choose to fast-forward the DVD to this
Staff and players needed:
 2 sign holders
 1st Skit:
 2nd Skit:
1. Narrator
2. Parent
3. Taylor
1. Same Narrator
2. Kelly
3. Jamie
4. Friend
This skit shows the difference between good and bad choices in
our everyday lives. The players should know their lines well
enough to do this without scripts. Your players can also add-lib on
these dramas.
Narrator: Boys and girls, we need your help. Are you ready?
(Allow the audience to respond.) In this next segment of the
service, everybody gets to play a part. Audience, here’s your
job. Every time someone makes a bad choice and you see
this sign go up (have your sign holder hold up the sign that says
“Oh no!”), we need you to say really loud, ―Oh no.‖ Let’s
practice. Are you ready? (Point to your sign holder and have
them hold up the sign. Encourage the audience to yell, “Oh no.”)
Because this drama is about making good and bad choices,
when our actors make a good choice, our sign holder is
going to hold up this sign. (Have your sign holder hold up the
sign that says “Way to go!”)
KidzMax Live Training Manual
KidzMax Live
I need you to say as loud as you can ―Wayto go‖ let’s
practice this. Are you ready? Remember, say it as loud as
you can (have your sign holder hold up the sign that says “Way
to go!” Encourage the audience to yell, “Way to go!”) Great job,
everyone. Now we’re going to practice with real choices.
Let’s see if the boys can be louder than the girls, or if the
girls can be louder than the boys. If I was at school and
someone asked me to cheat on a test and I did, what kind of
a choice would that be? (Have your sign holder hold up the “Oh
no” sign and encourage the audience to respond.) Great! Good
choice. Now, what if I would have decided not to cheat? What
would you say? What kind of a choice would that be? (Have
your sign holder hold up the “Way to go” sign. Encourage the
audience to respond.) Super! You’ve got this figured out. Let’s
do it!
All right, you are good to go; you’re doing great at your part!
Remember, you’re looking for good choices, and you’re
looking for bad choices. Watch closely!
(Drama opens with a table on stage. A child will be sitting on the
floor playing video game. Parent will walk in the door from work,
laying down his/her keys, sunglasses, etc.)
Parent: Hey, Taylor.
Child: Hey, Mom/Dad.
Parent: How was your day?
Child: Fine.
Parent: Did you get your room cleaned up like I asked you to?
Child: Not yet; I’ve been too busy playing my new video
game. But I will. (Actors freeze.)
Narrator: Audience, what kind of a choice did the child just
make? (Sign holder with “Oh no” should hold up sign, and the
audience should respond with, “Oh no.” Actors unfreeze.)
Parent: No, I want you to do it now.
Child: In a minute, I’m almost done. I’ve almost won the
game. (Actors freeze. Sign holder with “Oh no” should hold up
sign, and the audience should respond with, “Oh no”. Actors
Parent: I need you to do it now. Put down the game and go.
Child: FINE! You’re going to make me lose my game. This is
not fair! (Drops the game and stomps off. Have sign holder hold
up sign, and encourage the audience to respond, “Oh no.”)
Narrator: You did a great job. Let’s rewind that scene and try
KidzMax Live Training Manual
KidzMax Live
it again.
(Have actors act like they are being rewound and reset the scene.
Parent and child take original positions to start over.)
Parent: Hey, Taylor.
Child: Hey, Mom/Dad.
Parent: How was your day?
Child: Great. I got all my homework done.
Parent: Did you get your room cleaned up like I asked you to?
Child: Yeah, Mom, I did that as soon as I got home. (Have sign
holder hold up sign, and encourage the audience to respond,
“Way to go.” Child puts game down to focus on what Mom says.)
Parent: Thank you so much. I appreciate it when you do what
I ask.
Child: Was there anything else you wanted me to do? (Have
sign holder hold up sign, and encourage the audience to respond,
“Way to go.”)
Parent: No, honey, you go ahead and enjoy your game. I’m
going to start supper.
Narrator: Another great job. Taylor did good too, don’t you
think? (Allow audience to respond.) We’ve got another
situation we want you to help us with. This one might be a
little harder, so watch really close! Here come my helpers
again. This time we’re watching for gossip. Are you ready?
(Two people come to one side of the stage with one or more on
the opposite side of the stage.)
Kelly: Hey, Jamie, how did you do on your math test?
Jamie: I didn’t do very well. I was up late last night; my
parents were fighting.
Kelly: That stinks!
Jamie: It does stink. Hey, I have to get home. I’ll catch you
later. (Jamie exits the stage waving good-bye.)
Kelly: OK, see ya tomorrow. (Kelly moves quickly towards her
Kelly: Guess what I just heard? (Have sign holder hold up sign,
and encourage the audience to respond, “Oh no.”)
Friend(s): What?
Kelly: Jamie just told me his/her parents are getting a
Friend: I actually heard his/her dad already moved out. (Have
sign holder hold up sign, and encourage the audience to respond,
“Oh no.”)
KidzMax Live Training Manual
KidzMax Live
Kelly: Really, that’s terrible. I wonder what’s really going on in
that family.
Friend: I wonder too. Let’s go tell Johnny, and see if he
knows anything. (Have sign holder hold up sign, and encourage
the audience to respond, “Oh no.” Kids exit.)
Narrator: You guys are great! OK, here we go, rewind! Are
you still watching? Don’t forget, when you see the sign go
up, make sure and yell as loud as you can.
(Actors take the same original positions.)
Kelly: Hey, Jamie, how did you do on your math test?
Jamie: I didn’t do very well. I was up late last night; my
parents were fighting.
Kelly: That stinks!
Jamie: It does stink. Hey, I have to get home. I’ll catch you
later. (Jamie exits the stage waving good-bye.)
Kelly: OK, see ya tomorrow. Let me know if there’s anything I
can help with. I’ll be praying for your family. (Have sign holder
hold up sign, and encourage the audience to respond, “Way to
(Kelly moves quickly towards her friend[s])
Friend: What’s up with Jamie?
Kelly: He/she didn’t do so well on his/her test. He/she is really
bummed. We really need to pray for him/her. (Have sign
holder hold up sign, and encourage the audience to respond,
“Way to go.”)
Friend: I didn’t do too hot on my test either.
Kelly: Well, why don’t we pray about your test and for Jamie
too? (Have sign holder hold up sign, and encourage the audience
to respond, “Way to go.” Have Kelly pray for friend and for Jamie.)
Let’s go see how Johnny did on his test.
Narrator: Did everyone catch that? Kelly didn’t say anything
about Jamie’s family. She knew that might hurt her, so she
kept it to herself. We need to give Kelly a really big ―Way to
go.‖ Ready? One, two, three. (Have sign holder hold up sign,
and encourage the audience to respond, “Way to go.”) The
choices we make in our everyday lives are so important. Not
only do they affect us, they affect everyone all around us. It
doesn’t matter how old you are. Everyone needs to make
wise choices and choose to do the right thing.
KidzMax Live Training Manual
KidzMax Live
Segment #10: Altar Response
5 Minutes
Tech Notes:
Supplies Needed
* Provided with the kit
___ None
Segment #10 Tips:
This truly is the most important segment of the
whole service. It is very important that the host
of this segment really pray and ask God for
direction on the altar call. Have your whole
team praying for this specific segment. Have
your altar workers come up front with their altar
The DVD should automatically advance to this segment. To avoid
dead time the sound man should automatically start Clip #10:
Altar Response as soon as the host is off the stage from the
previous segment. If the DVD has not gone back to the main
menu, the sound tech can also choose to fast-forward the DVD to
this segment.
Staff and players needed:
 Emcee
 DVD#1—Clip #10: Altar Response
Many times we prepare the whole service and forget to prepare
the most important part—the altar time. Take time to pray about
the altar time; it’s absolutely the most important part of this whole
Tech Cues:
You know, kids, both of these skits were about choices. You
each have choices to make in everything you do. This whole
service has been about making right choices. But kids, I
know I have made wrong choices. (Raise your own hand.) How
about the leaders around the room—have any of you made
wrong choices? (Encourage the leaders to raise their hands with
you.) How about you kids—have you made some wrong
choices? (Raise
your own hand and encourage everyone to raise their hands.)
Of course, we have all made bad choices at times. You know,
kids, just like the kids in these skits, we all have to make
choices. We can choose to be mean or rude or hateful or
disobedient, or we can choose to let the Holy Spirit guide the
choices we make. Jesus lived a perfect life; He made His
choices with the help of the Holy Spirit. Then He made the
biggest choice of all; He chose to die so you and I could live.
The Holy Spirit can help us to make right choices, too. But
we have to choose to let Him help. How many of you would
like the Holy Spirit to help you make right choices from now
on? Not only that, wouldn't it be great for Jesus to take all
the wrong choices we have made and just get rid of them?
(Allow hand response.)
KidzMax Live Training Manual
KidzMax Live
That’s exactly why Jesus lived and died. Now, you have a
choice. You have the choice to tell Jesus how sorry you are
for all of your wrong choices and ask the Holy Spirit to help
you make right choices. I’m going to say a prayer, and you
have the choice of repeating after me. Bow your heads and
close your eyes.
(Pause after each phrase to allow audience to repeat after you.)
Jesus…thank You for dying for me…. Thank You for allowing
me to choose…. I have made some wrong choices…. I’m
sorry for those wrong choices…. Will You forgive me?… I
choose…right now…to make You my best friend,…and I ask
You, Holy Spirit…to help me make right choices…. I love
You, Jesus…. Amen.
If you have made the choice to make Jesus your best friend, I
would like you to stand up and come forward. My friends
would like to pray for you and get your name.
While they are praying, I'm hoping the rest of you have
already made that choice to accept Jesus. Just because we
make the choice to ask Jesus to forgive us does not mean
that we will never make a wrong choice again. I think I can
say that all of us have made wrong choices even after we
have asked Jesus into our lives. Tonight I want to pray with
you and ask God to continue to help you make right choices.
Again, you also get to choose to repeat after me.
Jesus,…thank You…for helping me make the best
choice,…the choice to live for You…. Holy Spirit,…I need
Your help…to continue to make right choices…. I know that I
have made some wrong choices…. I am sorry for those
wrong choices…. Please help me…to think what You would
do…. I want to live for You…. In Jesus’ name,… Amen.
Boys and girls, we all make wrong choices. Remember when
Max almost cheated on the test? He listened to the Holy
Spirit and made the right choice. And if you do make a wrong
choice, as soon as you know it was wrong, tell Jesus you're
sorry and ask the Holy Spirit to help you make the right
choice the next time. Whatever you do, do your best to live
life like Jesus did—TO THE MAX!
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KidzMax Live
KidzMax Live Training Manual
KidzMax Live
Segment #2: Countdown and Opening
Highlighted Max Script
Max: Hey, dudes and dudettes! What’s up? My name is Max! I’m pumped
to welcome you to my show, KidzMax Live! Are you ready to have a TO
THE MAX time? I’ve brought my friends with me today who are going to
help me. I want to introduce you to the host of my show. Let’s give it up
for our host. (Host runs onto stage.)
Host: Hi, Max; hi, kids! We have a great show all set to go. Everyone is
in their places; the kids are here. It’s show time! Max, the question is,
are you ready to have a TO THE MAX time?
Max: Definitely! Let’s get this show on the road. Kids, if you’re ready to
get started, let me hear you say, ―T
O THE MAX!‖ I can’t hear you! Say it
again! Here’s my belief, whenever we do anything for God, we need to
do it TO THE MAX. Are you ready to go TO THE MAX for God? (Allow
audience to respond.)
I have a secret. Do you want to hear my secret? You’re really going to
like it. How many of you really want to hear my secret? (Allow the
audience to respond.) You will have to wait until later on in my show. You
guys are the coolest kids around. Hey, your host has some important
things to tell you. I’ll be back a little later to hang out with you more. So,
sit up straight, listen closely, and have fun TO THE MAX!
Host: (Go over announcements, welcome kids, explain the prize campaign.)
Now that we have all that stuff out of the way, it’s time to play a game.
Are you ready? I want to introduce you to our coach. (Introduce coach.)
Segment #4: Lesson Introduction
Max: Hey, everybody! I hope you’re having a great time so far at
KidzMax Live! Say our TO THE MAX point with me. (Have the audience
follow along.) ―God helps me make the right choices!‖ How many of you
want to hear the secret I have? You’ll have to wait a little longer.
Life is all about choices. I had a big choice to make once. How many of
you ever had a big choice to make? (Allow audience response.) I had a
KidzMax Live Training Manual
KidzMax Live
big math test coming up at school. It was one of the biggest tests of the
year. My mom and dad told me that if I passed the test, they would take
me to the biggest and coolest roller coaster park around. Because I
really wanted to go to the roller coaster park, I planned to study and do
everything I could to pass that test. I wanted to study, but things came
up, such as: playing my new video game, talking with my friends on my
computer, watching a cool new movie. I spent so much time doing these
things that I ran out of time to study for my test. I mean, I’m a busy guy.
My calendar is full. So, I had a choice to make. I wanted to go and see
the newest, biggest roller coaster, but how was I going to pass the test?
A thought came into my mind. I could ask some of my friends who took
the test yesterday for the answers. I then could put them on my handy,
dandy cell phone and have all the answers for the test. The plan started
unfolding; I thought of all the angles. Then, all of a sudden I felt God
tugging on my heart. I had given my life to God when I was 5 years old,
and I knew that I had to make the right choice. A ―T
O THE MAX‖ choice!
A choice God would be happy with. I knew that I couldn’t cheat on the
test. I prayed, and God helped me to know the right answer, and I
studied as much as I could.
The next day, I went to school and took the test. I learned a ―
MAX‖ lesson that day. It’s what we’re talking about today. I didn’t do so
bad on the test, and guess what? The teacher actually changed tests. If I
would have cheated, all of my answers would have been wrong. I would
have flunked the test. The material I studied was the material that was
on the test. It was amazing! My parents took me to the roller coaster
park. It was so cool.
We are talking about choices today. The most important choice you can
make is to give your life to God. He will help you make all the other
important choices in life. Say our TO THE MAX point again with me:
―God hel
ps me make the right choices!‖ Do you still want to know my
secret? Here it is. After KidzMax Live, I want to meet each one of you at
my autograph table. It will be a blast. All right, dudes and dudettes, it’s
time for me to go, but you need to sit up straight, put your hands in your
laps, and get ready for a TO THE MAX time! Max out!
KidzMax Live Training Manual
KidzMax Live
The Deal Is… Box Labels
KidzMax Live Training Manual
KidzMax Live
KidzMax Live Training Manual
God gave these young men knowledge and skill in
both books and life. In addition, Daniel was gifted
in understanding all sorts of visions and dreams.
At the time set by the king for the training, the
Chief of Staff brought them in to the king. When
the king interviewed them, he found them far
superior to all the other young men. And so they
took their place in the king’s service. When the
king consulted them on anything, he found them
ten times better than all the magicians and
enchanters in his kingdom put together.
to the table of healthy food.) At the end of ten days,
Daniel and his friends looked healthier and better
nourished than all the others who had been eating
from the royal menu. So after that, they were
allowed to continue eating vegetables instead of
the royal menu.
(pg 4)
Thank you for helping us. Give our actors a hand.
Kids, it is really important to make wise choices in
your life. There are many things and many people
who will try to get you to make wrong choices.
But if you know God and obey His word, He will
help you to make the right choices. And you will
see many wonderful things that God has planned
for you.
KidzMax Live Training Manual
Chief of Staff interviews them: (Cue the boys to
answer “Yes” to all questions.)
The Chief of Staff went out among the young men
who had been brought to Babylon. He is looking
for the children with the Green Choice Bible
Lesson Stickers to stand up and then do what he
tells you.
The king said to his Chief of Staff (a pre-selected
adult or teen), ―Select only strong, healthy, and
good-looking young men. Make sure they are very
smart and well educated and are good prospects
for leadership positions in the government. I want
perfect specimens!‖
Our Bible lesson comes from the book of Daniel.
It’s about Daniel and three of his friends. They
were from the country of Judah. Their country had
just been taken over by King Nebuchadnezzar of
Babylon. The king had taken many beautiful
things along with many people taken back to
Babylon with him. When they arrived in Babylon,
the king told his Chief of Staff to bring to the
palace some of the young men of Judah’s royal
family and other noble families who had been
brought to Babylon as captives.
CHOICE – Bible Lesson
―Daniel, are you smart? Are you well educated?
Are you healthy? Are you handsome? He passes.
Step over there.‖
(pg 1)
KidzMax Live
Fold-up Bible Script
―Shadrach, are you smart? Are you well
educated? Are you healthy? Are you handsome?
He passes. Step over there.‖
―Meshach, are you smart? Are you well educated?
Are you healthy? Are you handsome? He passes.
Step over there.‖
―Abednego, are you smart? Are you well
educated? Are you healthy? Are you handsome?
He passes. Step over there.‖
our Honor, I present to you Daniel, Shadrach,
Meshach, and Abednego. They have passed the
interview, and they all have followed my
instructions. I am sure they are fine candidates for
your apprentice program.‖
The king told the Chief of Staff to train them in the
language of the land and in the literature of
Babylon, which included the lore of magic and
fortune-telling. He also ordered the best food and
the finest wine from his own kitchens. He told
them that after three years of training they would
be given positions in the royal service.
As the young men were taken into the kitchen and
shown the food that they would get to eat and the
wine that they would have (take boys to the table of
unhealthy food), Daniel formed a plan. He knew that
God would not be pleased to have him and his
friends eat such an unhealthy diet. Now Daniel
could have tried to fit in with his surroundings,
but he loved God and knew he should obey the
things that had been taught
(pg 2)
him in his home country. He got his friends in a
huddle and began to reveal his plan to them.
(Have the boys get in a huddle and began to whisper
to each other.) After a few minutes, the boys turned
to the Chief of Staff, and Daniel spoke for the
The chief of staff agreed to Daniel’s suggestion
and tested them for ten days. (The boys go over (3)
Daniel: ―Please test us for ten days on a diet of
vegetables and water. At the end of ten days, see
how we look compared to the other young men
who are eating the king’s food. Then make your
decision in light of what you see.‖
But Daniel was determined not to disobey God by
eating the king’s food, so he made a good choice
and made a deal with the Chief of Staff.
Chief of Staff: ―I’m afraid of what my master the
king will do. He is the one who assigned you to
eat this food and drink this wine. If he sees that
you become pale and thin compared to the other
youths your age, I am afraid the king will have me
Now the Chief of Staff liked these young men very
much and was very impressed with their behavior,
but he felt he must warn them.
Daniel: (have child repeat what you say) ―Please, sir,
we appreciate what you are doing for us, but we
would like to ask permission to not eat these
unacceptable foods.‖
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KidzMax Live
KidzMax Live
Highlighted Drama Script
Narrator: Boys and girls, we need your help. Are you ready? (Allow the audience to respond.) In this
next segment of the service, everybody gets to play a part. Audience, here’s your job. Every time
someone makes a bad choice and you see this sign go up (have your sign holder hold up the sign
that says “Oh no!”), we need you to say really loud, ―Oh no.‖ Let’s practice. Are you ready? (Point to
your sign holder and have them hold up the sign. Encourage the audience to yell, “Oh no.”)
Because this drama is about making good and bad choices, when our actors make a good choice,
our sign holder is going to hold up this sign. (Have your sign holder hold up the sign that says “Way to
go!”) I need you to say as loud as you can ―Way to go‖ let’s practice this. Are you ready?
Remember, say it as loud as you can (have your sign holder hold up the sign that says “Way to go!”
Encourage the audience to yell, “Way to go!”) Great job, everyone. Now we’re going to practice with
real choices. Let’s see if the boys can be louder than the girls, or if the girls can be louder than the
boys. If I was at school and someone asked me to cheat on a test and I did, what kind of a choice
would that be? (Have your sign holder hold up the “Oh no” sign and encourage the audience to
respond.) Great! Good choice. Now, what if I would have decided not to cheat? What would you
say? What kind of a choice would that be? (Have your sign holder hold up the “Way to go” sign.
Encourage the audience to respond.) Super! You’ve got this figured out. Let’s do it!
All right, you are good to go; you’re doing great at your part! Remember, you’re looking for good
choices, and you’re looking for bad choices. Watch closely!
(Drama opens with a table on stage. A child will be sitting on the floor playing video game. Parent will walk
in the door from work, laying down his/her keys, sunglasses, etc.)
Parent: Hey, Taylor.
Child: Hey, Mom/Dad.
Parent: How was your day?
Child: Fine.
Parent: Did you get your room cleaned up like I asked you to?
Child: Not yet; I’ve been too busy playing my new video game. But I will. (Actors freeze.)
Narrator: Audience, what kind of a choice did the child just make? (Sign holder with “Oh no” should
hold up sign, and the audience should respond with, “Oh no.” Actors unfreeze.)
Parent: No, I want you to do it now.
Child: In a minute, I’m almost done. I’ve almost won the game. (Actors freeze. Sign holder with “Oh
no” should hold up sign, and the audience should respond with, “Oh no”. Actors unfreeze.)
Parent: I need you to do it now. Put down the game and go.
Child: FINE! You’re going to make me lose my game. This is not fair! (Drops the game and stomps
off. Have sign holder hold up sign, and encourage the audience to respond, “Oh no.”)
Narrator: You did a great job. Let’s rewind that scene and try it again.
(Have actors act like they are being rewound and reset the scene. Parent and child take original positions
to start over.)
Parent: Hey, Taylor.
Child: Hey, Mom/Dad.
Parent: How was your day?
Child: Great. I got all my homework done.
Parent: Did you get your room cleaned up like I asked you to?
KidzMax Live Training Manual
KidzMax Live
Child: Yeah, Mom, I did that as soon as I got home. (Have sign holder hold up sign, and encourage the
audience to respond, “Way to go.” Child puts game down to focus on what Mom says.)
Parent: Thank you so much. I appreciate it when you do what I ask.
Child: Was there anything else you wanted me to do? (Have sign holder hold up sign, and encourage
the audience to respond, “Way to go.”)
Parent: No, honey, you go ahead and enjoy your game. I’m going to start supper.
Narrator: Another great job. Taylor did good too, don’t you think? (Allow audience to respond.) We’ve
got another situation we want you to help us with. This one might be a little harder, so watch really
close! Here come my helpers again. This time we’re watching for gossip. Are you ready?
(Two people come to one side of the stage with one or more on the opposite side of the stage.)
Kelly: Hey, Jamie, how did you do on your math test?
Jamie: I didn’t do very well. I was up late last night; my parents were fighting.
Kelly: That stinks!
Jamie: It does stink. Hey, I have to get home; I’ll catch you later. (Jamie exits the stage waving goodbye.)
Kelly: OK, see ya tomorrow. (Kelly moves quickly towards her friend[s].)
Kelly: Guess what I just heard? (Have sign holder hold up sign, and encourage the audience to respond,
“Oh no.”)
Friend(s): What?
Kelly: Jamie just told me his/her parents are getting a divorce.
Friend: I actually heard his/her dad already moved out. (Have sign holder hold up sign, and encourage
the audience to respond, “Oh no.”)
Kelly: Really, that’s terrible. I wonder what’s really going on in that family.
Friend: I wonder too. Let’s go tell Johnny, and see if he knows anything. (Have sign holder hold up
sign, and encourage the audience to respond, “Oh no.” Kids exit.)
Narrator: You guys are great! OK, here we go, rewind! Are you still watching? Don’t forget, when
you see the sign go up, make sure and yell as loud as you can.
(Actors take the same original positions.)
Kelly: Hey, Jamie, how did you do on your math test?
Jamie: I didn’t do very well. I was up late last night; my parents were fighting.
Kelly: That stinks!
Jamie: It does stink. Hey, I have to get home. I’ll catch you later. (Jamie exits the stage waving goodbye.)
Kelly: OK, see ya tomorrow. Let me know if there’s anything I can help with. I’ll be praying for your
family. (Have sign holder hold up sign, and encourage the audience to respond, “Way to go.”)
(Kelly moves quickly towards her friend[s])
Friend: What’s up with Jamie?
Kelly: He/she didn’t do so well on his/her test. He/she is really bummed. We really need to pray for
him/her. (Have sign holder hold up sign, and encourage the audience to respond, “Way to go.”)
Friend: I didn’t do too hot on my test either.
Kelly: Well, why don’t we pray about your test and for Jamie too? (Have sign holder hold up sign, and
encourage the audience to respond, “Way to go.” Have Kelly pray for friend and for Jamie.) Let’s go see
how Johnny did on his test.
Narrator: Did everyone catch that? Kelly didn’t say anything about Jamie’s family. She knew that
might hurt her, so she kept it to herself. We need to give Kelly a really big ―Way to go.‖ Ready?
One, two, three. (Have sign holder hold up sign, and encourage the audience to respond, “Way to go.”)
The choices we make in our everyday lives are so important. Not only do they affect us, they affect
everyone all around us. It doesn’t matter how old you are. Everyone needs to make wise choices
and choose to do the right thing.
KidzMax Live Training Manual
KidzMax Live
KidzMax Live Training Manual
Volunteer Stickers
KidzMax Live
* Provided with the kit
Segment #1
Opening Game
Large Prop Table List
Sit Down/Stand Up
___ *Stopwatch
___ *Flash Cards
Segment #2
Countdown & Opening
Blast of Max
___ None
KidzMax Live Training Manual
KidzMax Live
* Provided with the kit
Segment #3
Crazy Game
The Deal Is...
___ 5 prizes: some good, some
___ 5 boxes
___ *5 The Deal Is… labels to
attach to the Boxes
___ 3 small prizes to use as
temptation prizes for The Deal Is...
KidzMax Live Training Manual
KidzMax Live
* Provided with the kit
Segment #4
Lesson Introduction
___ Math book
___ Cell phone
Segment #5
Life Verse
Memory Verse Mix-up
___ *Stopwatch
___ *Red & Blue Verse cards
(Joshua 24:15a)
___ 14 small prizes
KidzMax Live Training Manual
KidzMax Live
* Provided with the kit
Segment #6
Object Lesson
Nothing But the Real
___ 1 bottle full of soda
___ 1 soda bottle full of cold coffee
___ Floor covering
___ Extra bottle of soda for the
child who gets the coffee
KidzMax Live Training Manual
KidzMax Live
* Provided with the kit
Segment #7
Bible Lesson
Daniel Makes a Choice
___ Bible open to Daniel 1
___ Bible costumes (optional)
___ Table with junk food
___ Table with healthy food
___ 4 small prizes
KidzMax Live Training Manual
KidzMax Live
* Provided with the kit
Segment #8
The Right Choice
___ *1 red, blue, yellow, and
green balloon
___ *1 needle
___ Balloon pump (if needed)
___ *Mental Balloon Illusion
___ 3 king size candy bars
KidzMax Live Training Manual
KidzMax Live
* Provided with the kit
Segment #9
Real Life Drama
Way to Go
___ Handheld game
___ Keys and/or sunglasses
___ *Sign: “Way to go” / “Oh no”
KidzMax Live Training Manual
KidzMax Live
Large Schedule
Kid Music – until start
Start time – P&W DVD
Change DVDs – KidzMax
Opening Game
5 min
5 min
5 min
5 min
Sit Down / Stand Up
Service Opening
and Countdown
5 min
Blast of Max
Crazy Game
5 min
The Deal Is…
Lesson Introduction 5 min
KidzMax Live Training Manual
KidzMax Live
Life Verse Game
Object Lesson
5 min
Bible Lesson
5 min
Joshua 24:15
Memory Verse
Nothing But The
Real Thing
Daniel 1
Daniel Makes a
The Right Choice
Real Life Drama
Way To Go
Altar Call
After Altar Service – Kid
KidzMax Live Training Manual
After the
After the Event
KidzMax Live Training Manual
After the
Follow Up
Choose a Follow-Up Coordinator
a. Choose a person who has a heart and passion to follow up with families and children
who have made a first-time decision.
b. This person will work hand in hand with the senior pastor or the children’s pastor to
make sure that all of the follow-up steps are implemented and followed.
c. Information has been put together for your follow-up coordinator to use with all of the
necessary steps, letters, forms, and ideas to implement a successful follow-up program
on the team leaders CD.
First-Time Visitors Follow-Up
On the bottom of the Registration Form is a box to check if the child is a visitor to the
a. Within the first three days following the KidzMax Live event, a letter should be mailed
to the child’s home recognizing and showing appreciation for his attendance at the
event. The letter should also invite him back to weekly church services.
b. Within the first week of the event, every visiting child should receive a phone call from
someone on your children’s ministries team. It may be more appropriate to speak with
the parent instead of the child. If the parent allows, the person from the church who is
calling may speak with the child.
c. If the child has not returned in two weeks, a postcard should be mailed to the home
inviting him to attend the church’s children’s program.
Salvation Response Follow-Up
Every child who receives Christ as Savior should be thoroughly followed up. This will
ensure that the child adequately understands the experience and that the parents are aware of
their child’s decision.
KidzMax Live Training Manual
After the
Follow Up Tracker
KidzMax Live Training Manual
After the
Mentoring Plan
An important part of assisting our Assemblies of God churches and ministries is to continue the
impact of the event after it is over. The New Testament commands us to equip others for the
work of ministry. One of our goals is to build strong children’s ministries throughout the nation
with KidzMax Live.
One method of equipping is mentoring. Consider becoming a mentor to the children’s ministries
leader of the missions church where you ministered. The following pages provide suggestions to
accomplish this.
Pray for the church’s children’s ministry leader
The leader may not be on staff at the church. He or she is probably a volunteer. Many times a
leader can be birthed from a mentoring relationship. When the children’s ministry grows after the
KidzMax Live event, it will be important for these children to have a strong children’s ministry to
attend and be discipled. Without this, the efforts of the event would be in vain. You may want to
make a copy of this page and keep it in your Bible or in a place where you have prayer time.
Pray for:
The leader’s openness to the mentoring process
The leader’s spiritual growth
Wednesday: Wisdom and creativity as they prepare lessons
Thursday: Their success in volunteer recruitment
Their leadership development and vision for ministry to children
Saturday: Their relationships with their family, pastor, church and community
God to anoint them as they minister
The Mentoring Plan
Mentoring will take place in four ways.
1. Children’s Ministries Training Event with KidzMax Live
a. The mentorship process begins with the children’s ministries leaders of the church
when you conduct a training seminar for the workers.
b. The training seminar topics should be chosen from the Children’s Ministries Help
Disk included in your Training Pak with the help of the host church.
c. Schedule the time you will hold the training ahead of time with the host church.
d. Choose a time that works best for the host church.
e. Encourage the church to promote the training event with all of their children’s
2. Personal Contact
a. Put the children’s ministries leader’s phone number on your speed dial on your cell
phone and/or office phone.
b. Contact them once a month to see how they are doing.
KidzMax Live Training Manual
After the
c. Add them to your personal distribution list on your email. It is very easy to forward
an encouraging article or idea.
d. If they are close enough, take them to lunch. If your budget does not allow you to
pay for their meal, meet them for a sack lunch or go dutch.
e. Buy a box of encouraging notes, and address and stamp each one. Then when
you are ready to send a note of encouragement, you are already halfway finished.
f. Copy information about conferences and retreats that you receive. You may even
ask your pastor to sponsor them to go.
g. If the church is nearby, ask your volunteers to rotate going to that church to help.
3. Help Leaders Find Resources
a. After reading a good book, send them a copy with a note on the inside.
b. Inform them about the free BGMC materials.
c. Tell them about the National Children’s Ministries Agency website, , where they can download free information.
d. Notify the National Children’s Ministries Agency to insure they are on the mailing
list to receive catalogs, newsletters, etc.
e. Encourage your Sunday School teachers, Royal Ranger commanders,
Missionettes sponsors, Men’s and Women’s Ministries, and other church ministries
to send care packages. You could fill the basket with crayons, markers,
construction paper, glue, and other classroom supplies. The children of your
church will enjoy bringing in items, knowing that they have helped.
f. At Christmas, set a large wrapped box by the nurseries. Encourage church
members to donate toys for the missions church nursery.
g. Send a team of children from your church to do human videos or puppet songs in
the host’s children’s church.
h. Offer to share curriculum you are not presently using.
4. Suggest the Leaders Come Watch Your Ministry for a Weekend
a. When they arrive, have a packet of information ready for them to take home.
Include visitor brochures, guest registration forms, nursery policy, check-in
procedures, name tags, etc.
b. If your Sunday schedule finds you too busy to host the team, have one of your
volunteers ready to serve as host during their visit.
You can play a very important role in the life of another children’s ministry leader. You have
been chosen to be a part of KidzMax Live because you have proven ministry. Invest your life
and experience into the life of someone who may need someone to believe in them.
Suggested Readings:
Mentoring, Tim Elmore 678-885-3311
KidzMax Live Training Manual
After the
KidzMax Live Forms
KidzMax Live Training Manual
After the
The KidzMax Live Forms are very important to the program, so please take time to get a
feel for what each form does and how to use it. If you ever have any questions about the
forms, we are here to assist. Don’t hesitate to contact us.
The forms are included in a Forms Packet you received at the Official Training. Our new
website will also have these forms available for download. (
Commitment Form
 The Commitment Form lets us here at the National Children’s Ministries Agency office know two things
that are very important to the quality of the KidzMax Live Program.
o First, that you agree with all of the statements outlined in the form and that you will, as a
KidzMax Live Leader, hold to those statements.
o Second, that you have been through an Official KidzMax Live Training.
Outreach Form
 We covered this form previously but, just as a reminder, please get in the habit of filling out an Outreach
Form every time you schedule an event.
 We also covered this form previously. To make KidzMax Live a success and track what God is doing
across the nation through KidzMax, we must receive evaluations from every KidzMax Live event that is
held in the United States.
KidzMax Live BGMC Target Form
 This form is the best way to contribute financially to KidzMax Live. Because KidzMax Live is a Non-
Profit Organization, those giving to it can receive credit for that giving and will receive a giving statement
at the end of the year.
 It can be used for multiple purposes:
o Churches, Businesses, and other Organizations can donate
o Individuals can donate to KidzMax Live
Complete Order Form
 This order form shows a listing of every item in each of the kits as well as other items for purchase from
KidzMax Live.
Training Order Form
 This version of the Order Form is good only for 14 days (2 weeks) from the date of your training. It
provides some great savings on many of the products to help you get started with the KidzMax Live
 To take advantage of this great offer, the form will need to be filled out completely and faxed (417) 8622650 or phoned (417) 863-1527 into the National Children’s Ministries Office.
KidzMax Live Training Manual