SPRING/ SUMMER 2015 Register online at KINGWILLIAMREC.COM See inside for details ABOUT US Our Mission It is the mission of the Parks and Recreation Department to provide and maintain a comprehensive program of leisure opportunities, facilities and services that enhance the quality of life in King William County. County Vision Statement King William County envisions a united community built on the foundations of its past, the strength of its diverse population and the promise of the future generations by focusing on quality of education for all citizens, quality of public services and quality of life balancing rural and suburban lifestyles. Come See Us King William County Parks & Recreation Office is located at 180 Horse Landing Rd, King William. Office Hours Monday - Friday 8:30 am to 4:30 pm Mailing Address PO Box 215, King William, Virginia 23086 Fax 804-769-4964 Department Manager Alison Fox, 804-769-4981, [email protected] Recreation Assistant Lindsy Dufore, 804-769-4923, [email protected] Visit us online at KingWilliamRec.com Athletic Field Weather Hotline 804-769-3011 ext. 4281 County Government The Recreation Commission meets the first Thursday of each month at 7pm in the Board Room at the County Administration Building, 180 Horse Landing Road, King William, VA 23086. Citizens are encouraged to attend. To be placed on the Meeting Agenda, please notify the Parks & Recreation Department. Recreation Advisory Commission Board of Supervisors Eugene Rivara, Chair Terry S. Stone, Chair Second District Fourth District Travis Moskalski, Vice Chair Board of Supervisors Stephen K. Greenwood, Vice Third District Chair Donny Longest, Secretary King William Schools C. Thomas Redd, III First District Vernice Wilson First District Travis J. Moskalski Second District Charles Faulkner, Jr. Third District Otto O. Williams Fifth District Troy Simons Fourth District Stacey Lantz Fifth District Katherine Upshaw West Point Schools Evelyn Martin At-Large PARK AND FACILITIES Reservations General Public To reserve a park area in the County, complete the Recreation Park Reservation Form and return it to the Department of Parks and Recreation. A Recreation Park Reservation Form is located on page 4. It is also posted on the Department website, KingWilliamRec.com. Read the Park Areas, Rules, and Regulations, located on page 3 and on the Department website. To reserve an athletic field for multiple days, complete the Athletic Field Allocation Request Form and return it to the Department of Parks and Recreation. This form is posted on the Department website, KingWilliamRec.com. To reserve any park area (to include the fields and basketball courts, etc.) for Tournament Use, the Department charges the regular rates per park area per day to the tournament organizer. County Affiliated User Group A “County Affiliated” Use Group is any community organization that provides recreational outlets for youth and adults. The Department may collaborate with a community organization in order to minimize the need for programs and facilities to be developed and operated by the Department or the local government. Benefits for being a County Affiliated User Group include discounted rates for field use, free use of the Rec Center, and priority for field reservation. County Affiliated User Groups get use of the athletic fields at the Recreational Park at the following discounted rates: General Use: $5.00 per participant per season. Tournament Use: County-Affiliated Groups will only be charged for tournaments that are not part of league season play or playoffs. Regular rental rates will apply. Established tournaments will have priority over new tournaments when it comes to field assignments. To apply for “County-Affiliation,” a group representative must complete an Application for County Affiliation Status, located on the Department website. User Groups will still need to submit the Athletic Field Allocation Request Form to reserve fields. Current County Affiliated User Group: King William Little League, Inc. (Ages 4-16) www.kingwilliamlittleleague.org Inclement Weather Athletic fields may be closed due to inclement weather. To check on the status of an athletic field, call the automated Athletic Field Weather Hotline at 804-769-3011 ext. 4281. Weather/Adverse Conditions Policy When King William County Schools are closed due to inclement weather or adverse conditions, all recreational programs and activities will be cancelled. Call 804-769-3011 ext. 4281 for the latest information on closings and cancellations. 2 Recreation Park Reservations Park Areas, Rules and Regulations Fields 1 and 4 300’ fence $10/hr (R/NR), minimum 2 hrs $50 for lighting, $50 to prep field T-Ball Fields 150’ fence $10/hr (R/NR), minimum 2 hrs $50 for lighting, $50 to prep field Shelter 4 picnic tables $30 (R) $60 (NR) Rules and Regulations Persons requesting the reservation of a park area in the County must complete a Recreation Park Reservation Form and return it to the Dept. of Parks and Recreation. Reservation usage in non-lighted areas is allowed between 10am and 7pm daily. Refunds will be granted one week prior to the reservation date, after which no refunds will be allowed. Refunds will not be made due to inclement weather. All refund requests MUST be submitted in writing to the Parks and Recreation office. The Recreation Park is open throughout the entire year, but only certain Park Areas are open after daylight hours. When King William County Public Schools close due to inclement weather, the Recreation Park will also be closed. King William Parks and Recreation reserves the right to refuse a request to use any Park Area, and will notify applicants of such a decision in a timely manner. Upon receipt of a completed Park Reservation Form, a Reservation Confirmation will be returned to the applicant. The applicant must then submit full payment and have this Reservation Confirmation in his/her possession on the day of the reservation. The picnic area (not the reserved Shelter) shall be available to the public on a first come, first served basis at no charge. Rec Center attendance shall not exceed the maximum capacity stated on the Recreation Park Reservation Form. Any cleanup or damage to the Park Areas and damage or theft of supplies and equipment stored in the Rec Center is the responsibility of the applicant. The applicant will be billed if this responsibility is not met. The applicant is completely responsible for damages, accidents, and injuries. The applicant agrees to save King William County harmless from any and all accidents and injuries occurring during the use of park facilities. King William County will not be held responsible for any loss or theft during the use of park facilities. All fires must be in a grill; ground fires are strictly prohibited. Special equipment shall not be installed without written permission from the Director of Parks and Recreation. Under no circumstances will commercial amusements be allowed (blow-up slides, etc). 3 Field 2 200’ fence $10/hr (R/NR), minimum 2 hrs $50 for lighting, $50 to prep field Basketball Courts 2 courts $15 for half day, $30 for full day (R/NR) Rec Center 2 TVs, tables, chairs, bathrooms $20/hr for meetings only (R) $30/hr for meetings only (NR) The King William Recreation Park is patrolled by the King William Sheriff’s Department. Sheriff Dept non-emergency: 804-769-0999 For Office Use Only: Recreation Park Received: __________________ Staff: _________ Date: _______ Reservation Form check cash credit Please mail or return this form, with check payable to “King William County Parks & Recreation” to the following locations: Walk In/After Hours Drop Box Mail To: Parks and Recreation Main Office King William County Parks and Recreation 180 Horse Landing Road PO Box 215 King William, VA 23086 King William, VA 23086 (804) 769-4981 Required Applicant Information (please print clearly) Name: _______________________________ Organization/Company Name: _____________________________________ Address: ________________________________________ City: ____________________State: _________ Zip: __________ Phone #: (H) ____________________________ (W) ___________________________ (C) ______________________ E-mail: please note that confirmation will be emailed to this account __________________________________________________ Recreation Park Reservations Name/Type of Event: _____________________________________________ Estimated Attendance:__________________ Reservation Area and Date: __________________________________ 2nd Choice: _________________________________ (see below for list of Park Areas) Estimated Time of Usage: FROM: ________________________ am/pm TO: _______________________ am/pm Non-lighted areas are available between 10am-7pm Fees Payment must be made at time of reservation. Park Area Shelter Rec Center Max Capacity 50 50 Fields 1 and 4 N/A Items Included 4 picnic tables 2 TVs, tables, chairs, bathrooms 300’ fence Field 2 N/A 200’ fence T-ball Field N/A 150’ fence Basketball Courts N/A 2 courts Resident/ Non-Resident $30 (R)/ $60 (NR) $20/hr (R)/ $30/hr (NR) For meetings only $10/hr (R/NR), min 2 hrs $50 for lighting $50 to prep field $10/hr (R/NR), min 2 hrs $50 for lighting $50 to prep field $10/hr (R/NR), min 2 hrs $50 for lighting $50 to prep field $15 for half day, $30 for full day (R/NR) King William County Resident: Any person, organization, company, etc. that is located within King William County Non-Resident: Any person, organization, company, etc. that is located other than in King William County ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES ARE PROHIBITED ON COUNTY PROPERTY Special equipment shall not be installed without written permission from the Director of Parks & Recreation. Under no circumstances will commercial amusements be allowed (blow-up slides, moon bounces, etc). Please help keep the shelter areas and our park clean for the next user group. By signing below, you are agreeing to adhere to all Recreation Park Rules and Regulations. Signature: ______________________________________________________ Date: __________________________ 4 PROGRAM REGISTRATION Registration All programs listed in this brochure or online are open for registration on April 10. Registration deadline is generally 1 week prior to start of program. Most programs with registration deadlines have a $5 late registration fee. Registration form is located on page 6. We reserve the right to cancel any program not meeting enrollment requirements. WE ACCEPT ONLINE, DROP OFF, AND MAIL-IN REGISTRATIONS FOR MOST PROGRAMS. Programs are open to King William County residents and non-residents. Non-residents may incur an additional cost. Individuals who submit an invalid check for a Parks and Recreation program will be charged an additional $25. Ways to Register and Pay Note: registration is not complete until payment has been rendered. Online— Visit KingWilliamRec.com. Create an account first, then you can login to register for programs, view account history, and much more. To submit payment online, click the left side link “Click here to pay online” to go to Official Payments to submit payment. There will be a $4.95 convenience fee for submitting payment online. Mail In— Mail completed registration forms and payment to King William Parks and Recreation, PO Box 215, King William, Virginia 23086. Drop Off— Visit our office at 180 Horse Landing Rd, King William or drop completed registration forms and payment in the Administrative Building drop box at the front of the building. Fax— Fax completed registration forms to 804-769-4964. Refund Policy A full refund will be issued if a program is full or cancelled by the department; if a change in day, time or location prohibits a participant’s attendance; or if a participant withdraws prior to the first class meeting. Refund requests will not be considered once a program has ended. Refund requests may be considered on a case by case basis. Refunds may take up to four weeks to process. To request a refund, submit a Refund Request Form to the Department of Parks and Recreation. Refund Request Forms are available at the Parks and Recreation Office or on the Department’s Website, KingWilliamRec.com. Program Locations King William Recreational Park and Rec Center 330 Recreation Lane Aylett, VA 23009 Upper King William Branch Library Pamunkey Regional Library 694-J Sharon Road King William, VA 23086 Liberty Tax Office, West Point 2800 King William Avenue West Point, VA 23181 Mattaponi Volunteer Rescue Squad 6089 Canterbury Rd. Walkerton, VA 23177 King William Volunteer Fire and Rescue 7936 Richmond-Tappahannock Hwy Aylett, VA 23009 Cool Spring Primary 7301 Acquinton Church Road King William, VA 23086 Acquinton Elementary School 18850 King William Road King William, VA 23086 Hamilton-Holmes Middle School 1844 King William Road King William, VA 23086 King William High School 80 Cavalier Dr. King William, VA 23086 5 Emergency Contact: _____________________________________________________ Phone Number Name Place of Employment: ____________________________________________________ Allergies/medical conditions: _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Special accommodations requested (please specify participant): _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Please note that registration receipts and confirmations will be emailed to this account. Email Address: ______________________________________________________ Place of Employment: ___________________________________________________ *If you would like to be contacted via text message regarding program cancellations and/ or program schedule changes, please list your cell phone carrier (i.e. Verizon, AT&T, T-Mobile, Sprint, etc.): ____________ Phone (H): __________________ (W): ______________ (C): ________________ *If you would like to be contacted via text message regarding program cancellations and/ or program schedule changes, please list your cell phone carrier (i.e. Verizon, AT&T, T-Mobile, Sprint, etc.): ______________________ Phone (H): ___________________ (W): _________________ (C): __________________ cash Please print clearly ______________________________ _____________________________ _____ Last Name MI First Name _______________________________________________________________________ Address ________________ ________________________ ___________ ____________ Birth Date Zip State City Rev. 9/1/12 check For Office Use Only: Received: ____________ Staff: _____ Date: ____ Please print clearly ________________________________ _______________________________ _____ Last Name MI First Name __________________________________________________________________________ Address ________________ __________________________ ____________ ____________ Birth Date Zip State City Submit completed form and payment via mail to: King William County Parks and Recreation P.O. Box 215 King William, VA 23086 Second Parent (if applicable) Walk In or After Hours Drop Slot: King William Administrative Bldg. 180 Horse Landing Road, King William 23086 Program Registration Form Adult Participant or Parent/Guardian Information Last Name Method of Payment Accepted: / / / / Current Grade Gender Program # www.KingWilliamCounty.us Check (Make payable to King William County) www.KingWilliamRec.com (804) 769-4981 TOTAL $ Location (804) 769-4923 Fee Credit Card: Online Only-Go to www.KingWilliamREC.com /* /* /* /* Program Title /* Shirt Size *Youth Athletic Leagues Only Payment is required at the time of registration. / / / / Birth Date Cash (please bring correct change) King William County Parks and Recreation Pau 1 2 3 4 Participant First Name Participant or Parent/Guardian Signature: ___________________________________________________________________________ Date:___________________ Publicity Waiver: I hereby fully consent to allow King William County Parks and Recreation to use photographs taken during this program for publicity purposes. Participant or Parent/Guardian Signature: ___________________________________________________________________________ Date:___________________ programs and all special events, hereby release and agree to indemnify and save harmless King William County, the Parks and Recreation Department, their employees, King William County Public Schools, Town of West Point, West Point Public Schools and any official of the special activity from any and all claims of any nature for injury or loss that may result from such participation or preparation for such participation. I hereby fully consent to emergency medical care rendered by competent personnel or hospitals, should such attention become necessary during the event. Further, I certify that the entrant is in good physical condition and capable of participating in programs. Participation Waiver: I, the undersigned participant/parent or guardian, if under eighteen, desiring to participate in the King William County Parks and Recreation Department 6 PRESCHOOL Soccer for Tots A fast-paced, fun exposure to the most popular sport in the world. Children will play movement and skill games that work on eye-foot coordination and balance. The class will also focus on basic soccer fundamentals such as dribbling, passing and trapping. We’ll begin to introduce the concepts of team work and cooperation in a non-competitive environment. Each soccer class offers: Interactivity | builds social skills Appropriate physical movement | develops growing bodies Equipment | improves manipulative skills Physical conditioning | prepares for team sports Group participation | builds self esteem Age appropriate workouts | builds endurance and strength Cool Downs | emphasizes stretching and flexibility Certified fitness instructors | focuses on safe fitness Ages 3.5-5 year old. Located at King William Rec Park. Bring a Size 3 soccer ball and water and wear your sneakers! No shin guards or cleats. Each child will receive a t-shirt and medal. Siblings receive a 10% discount. Registration Deadline is May 28, 2015! $5 late fee starts May 29. Classes provided by Stretch-n-Grow. Coaches are both certified youth fitness instructors as well as USSF certified. For more information, please call Krystal Johnston, Owner and Director, 804 -769-7238. Activity Summer Session Code 0604152 Date Time Thursdays, 5:45 PM 06/04/15 6:30 PM 07/09/15 Fee $50.00 Blastball Blastball is an excellent introductory game for a bat & ball sport. Players will learn all five basic fundamentals of baseball and softball: hitting, throwing, catching, running and fielding. The game is designed to have fast and continuous action and simple rules. The game is safe - tots use a foam bat and a softer ball that does not require players to wear a glove. Register Early! Registration Deadlines are about 1 week prior to the start date. Don’t let a good program die— register early! Ages 3-5, age as of August 18, 2015. Located at King William Rec Park. Players will receive Youth XS t-shirts. Siblings receive a 7% discount. Registration Deadline is June 30, 2015! Activity Code Date 2015 Season 0714151 Tuesdays, 07/14/15 08/18/15 Time 6:00 PM 7:00 PM Fee QUESTIONS ABOUT A PROGRAM? Call 769-4981 / 769-4923 or E-mail [email protected] $30.00 7 YOUTH Beginning Guitar Ages 12 and up. Located at the Liberty Tax Office, West Point. The object of the course is to give the participant a basic understanding of the guitar, both its parts and how to play simple tunes. The first weeks will stress learning all the basic major and minor chord forms. The students will be responsible for learning the parts and how to tune the instrument in the basic E tuning. Other tunings will be shown in the latter weeks or as the student's progress allows. Following the mastery of the basic chord forms the students will learn more difficult chord structures including barre chords and site-specific chord forms. In the latter weeks we will work with tablature and possibly note recognition in the 1st through 5th position. Throughout the course there will be a constant but modest emphasis on basic elements of music theory. Outside practice, preferably everyday, is necessary for the student to excel! The instructor will provide all needed music and materials, but students are encouraged to bring additional music they want to learn! Registration Deadline is June 11, 2015! $5 late fee starts June 12. Activity Summer Lessons Code 061815 Date Thursdays, 06/18/15 08/27/15 Time 7:00 PM 8:00 PM Fee $150.00 Little Kookers About Mommy & Me Young Rembrandts DrawTooning Under Sea Creatures Sea creatures come to life when artists learn to draw them with success. From the mighty killer whale and amazing seahorse to the hammerhead shark and king crab... our step by step process will teach you how to draw them all. You will also have a super fun time learning to cartoon many of our under sea friends. Grades K-5. Program runs Fridays, 3:05-4:35pm at CSPS. All supplies are included in the tuition. Siblings receive a 10% discount. Registration Deadline is April 27, 2015. $5 late fee starts April 28. Activity Drawing & Cartooning Under Sea Creatures Code 050115 Date Fridays, 05/01/2015 05/29/2015 With a little help from Mom or Dad, these hands-on cooking classes will give your budding chef a great start in the kitchen! (Participating adult chaperone required.) Chefs, are you ready? Registration Deadline is May 25! $5 late fee starts May 26. About the Kids' Cooking Class No more Mac n Cheese and hot dogs! Join in the fun preparing kid friendly cuisines! These hands-on classes will boost your child’s confidence and willingness to help out in the kitchen as we have fun learning about and making international recipes. Registration Deadline is June 22, 2015! $5 late fee starts June 23. Fee $60.00 Ages 5-14. Location TBD. All supplies are included. Little Kookers will provide aprons and hats if you don't bring your own. Activity Code Mommy & 053015 Me Discover Recreation Opportunities Online! www.KingWilliamREC.com What Can You Do Online? Browse and Register for Programs - View Facility Availability - Create an Account - Update Account Information Kids' Cooking Class 8 062915 Date Saturdays, 05/30/2015 06/13/2015 Mondays, 06/29/2015 07/20/2015 Time Fee 1:00 PM $30.00 3:00 PM 9:00 AM $22.00 11:00 AM After School Rec After-School REC is a recreational program that strives to reinforce healthy behavior skills, positive attitudes, and study skills learned in school. In addition to homework assistance, the group will engage in reading time and a variety of recreational activities including arts & crafts, sports & games, field trips, special visitors and more. Payments are accepted on a weekly or monthly basis. There is no Registration Deadline. Grades K-5. Program runs M-F, 3:00-6:00pm at AES. A staff member will walk all children attending Cool Spring Primary School over to Acquinton for the program. Activity Code 2014-2015 School 0902141 Year Punch Card—10 vis0902142 its Date 09/02/2014 06/11/2015 09/02/2014 06/11/2015 Fee $50/week $110.00 Summer Pick-up Basketball Mondays for adults. Thursdays for youth. Come play pick-up basketball with friends this summer! Drop-ins are welcome. $2 per night per player, or pay for all 7 weeks at once for $10 (register by June 22 for the $10 deal). Register online or at the gym before playing. Located at HHMS Gym. Volunteers Needed! Know the sport well? Going to be there every night anyway? Volunteer to manage it! Volunteers will collect payment and registration forms, manage sign-in and out, and monitor safety. Volunteers will meet before the season starts to discuss in person. Benefit: Members from a volunteer's household play for free! Activity Code Youth Pick- 0629151 up Play Teen Pick- 0629152 up Play Age 8-12 13 - 17 Date Horseback Riding Lessons Flexible dates and times! Time Thursdays, 07/02/15 08/13/15 6:00 PM 7:30 PM About Intro to Riding Classes Thursdays, 07/02/15 08/13/15 7:30 PM 9:00 PM About Intro to Jumping Instructors Wanted! The Department is always looking for instructors to teach preschool, youth, adult and senior programs that feature a unique subject or current trend in leisure or recreational topics. Compensation is based upon percentage of revenue from registrations. To receive more information on becoming an Instructor, or to be placed on the Instructor mailing list for proposals, call the Parks & Recreation Office at (804) 769-4923 or email: [email protected] Learn the first steps of horseback riding, to include proper equipment, grooming, mounting/dismounting and walking. Learn the techniques of jumping over fences and other obstacles with your horse. 4 classes for $120 5 classes for $150 Instructor will provide helmets and riding shoes. Participants must wear long pants and hard soled, closed toed shoes with 1/2 inch heel. Classes will be held at Edgehill Farm weekly for 4-5 weeks, 1 hour each week. Max class size is 4 students. Contact Parks and Recreation to coordinate small group classes and individual lessons. Classes are available between May 1 and August 31. 9 2015 Summer Camps Summer Sneakers June 22-August 19 Monday-Friday, 7:30am - 6pm For rising K through rising 6th graders. Weeks will have themes like On the Move, Days of Thunder, Roaring Rapids, and Outdoor Adventure. Youth will go on fun and educational field trips at least once every two weeks; likely destinations include Jumpology, Richmond BMX, Randolph Macon College, TV and radio stations, the Richmond Zoo, and the Mattaponi River for a River Day with 4-H and the Department of Forestry. Campers will play and lead games, participate in service learning projects, compete in sports, learn from guest speakers, create crafts, and build teamwork through different challenges. Lunch and Supplies Lunch is included! Please provide two snacks for your child. Bring a water bottle and sneakers. Pricing and Discounts Sign up for the full summer ($120 per week), 3 days per week ($85 per week), a single week ($120), or a Punch Card ($120 for 5 visits) to drop in! Please note: Punch Card Campers will need to pay for field trips. See our website for details. New discounts this year: Siblings receive a 7% discount! Campers who will come to the program only 3 days/week: $85/ week; sibling discount applies in addition! Registration Deadline for the 5 Days per Week Full Time Camper and 3 Days per Week Full Summer Camper is June 15! $5 late fee starts June 16. Location will be Acquinton Elementary School. 10 2015 Summer Camps Overtime Athletics About Sports Spectacular Grades K-5: Do you love to play sports? Then you'll love Sports Spectacular! Each day we'll play a different sport or game including: basketball, soccer, flag football, kickball, capture the flag, tag games and MORE! Get moving with games like Bump and Bite, Knights and Dragons, the Numbers Game, and Safe Base. We'll work on teamwork, sportsmanship, and fitness, all while having FUN! Register siblings for only $125! Registration Deadline is July 27, 2015. Register before June 15 and pay only $125! $5 late fee starts July 28. Located on front field of HHMS. Bring a water bottle, lunch, and snack! All other supplies are included. About Fast Break Basketball Grades 6-8: Swish! Join us for Fast Break Basketball where you'll learn FUNdamental basketball skills with a focus on dribActivity Code Date Time Fee Fast Break Basketball, July Camp 0706153 Mon-Fri, 07/06/15 07/10/15 8:30 AM 4:00 PM $150.00 Sports Spec0803152 tacular Mon-Fri, 08/03/15 08/07/15 8:30 AM 4:00 PM $150.00 Fast Break Basketball, 0803153 August Camp Mon-Fri, 08/03/15 08/07/15 8:30 AM 4:00 PM $150.00 bling, passing, shooting, and defense. Test your skills while we play Dribble Scribble, King of the Court, Hot Shot Shooting, and MORE! Teams will be formed on Monday for scrimmages during the week. Register siblings for only $125! Registration Deadlines are June 29 and July 27. Register before May 15 and June 15, respectively, and pay only $125! $5 late fee starts June 30 and July 28, respectively. Located at HHMS Gym. Bring a water bottle, lunch, and snack! All other supplies are included. Interested in More Sports Camps? "Overtime Athletics™ attention to details, emphasis on FUNdamentals, and enthusiasm for combining athletic games, contests, and instruction creates a positive environment for young participants to succeed. Our philosophy of dedication, discipline, and hard work guarantees participants' improvement in all aspects of the game. "Overtime Athletics' proven curriculum for boys and girls of all skill levels puts as much emphasis on positive attitudes and sportsmanship as it does on any contemporary athletic technique." (from Overtime Athletics' website). 11 ADULTS Summer Pick-up Basketball American Mahjong Mondays for adults. Thursdays for youth. Come play pick-up basketball with friends this summer! Drop-ins are welcome. $2 per night per player, or pay for all 7 weeks at once for $10 (register by June 22 for the $10 deal). Register online or at the gym before playing. Located at HHMS Gym. A tile game of 152 tiles played with 4 people around a table. Tiles are shuffled, dice are cast, rituals begin involving the allocation of tiles, and then the exchange of tiles begins! Hands are determined by the National Mahjong League. The first person to match a hand of 14 tiles and thus call "MAHJONG!" ends the game. Led by Tammy Garber. Volunteers Needed! Know the sport well? Going to be Located at the Upper King William Library. Free! there every night anyway? Volunteer to manage it! Want to join? Register online or visit our office to start the 4Volunteers will collect payment and registration forms, manage month instructional class beginning in September! There will be sign-in and out, and monitor safety. Volunteers will meet before a required watch-n-learn class on August 26. the season starts to discuss in person. Benefit: Members from a Activity Code Day Date Time volunteer's household play for free! Spring/ Sum05/06/2015 - 1:00 PM 05062015 Wed. Code Age Date Time Activity mer Class 08/26/2015 4:00 PM Mondays, Adult Pick7:30 PM 0629153 18 - 90 06/29/15 up Play 9:00 PM 08/10/15 King William Concert Band The King William Concert Band is a group of adult and young adult musicians in the King William area. The mission of this community band is to provide a fun and wholesome performing experience and to provide free concerts in our area. The concert schedule and musical selections will be determined based on skills of interested musicians. Ages 12 and up. Located at KWHS. Free! Contact David Nelson at 804-347-7690 if you are interested in joining! Musicians should bring their own instrument. Activity King William Concert Band Day Tues Date 01/27/2015 12/29/2015 Time 6:30 PM - 8:00 PM Knit and Crochet Ages 8 and up. For all levels of knit and crochet skills. The group shares techniques, patterns, and help. Stop by and join the fun! Located at the Upper King William Library. Free! Activity Day Date Knit & Crochet 3rd Thursday of 10/16/2014 Group each month 08/20/2015 Time 10:00 AM 12:00 PM Discover Recreation Opportunities Online! Instructors Wanted! www.KingWilliamREC.com What Can You Do Online? Browse and Register for Programs - View Facility Availability - Create an Account - Update Account Information The Department is always looking for instructors to teach preschool, youth, adult and senior programs that feature a unique subject or current trend in leisure or recreational topics. 12 Recreation Classes Beginning Guitar Adult Cooking Class Ages 12 and up. Located at the Liberty Tax Office, West Point. The object of the course is to give the participant a basic understanding of the guitar, both its parts and how to play simple tunes. The first weeks will stress learning all the basic major and minor chord forms. Enjoyable and instructional hands-on classes that will broaden your familiarity with ingredients and techniques to make recipes. Bring home what you make along with recipe cards! Registration Deadline is July 20, 2015! $5 late fee starts July 21. Ages 18 and up. Location TBA. All supplies are included. Little Kookers will provide aprons and hats if you don't bring your own. The students will be responsible for learning the parts and how to tune the instrument in the basic E tuning. Other tunings will be shown in the latter weeks or as the student's progress allows. Following the mastery of the basic chord forms the students will learn more difficult chord structures including barre chords and site-specific chord forms. In the latter weeks we will work with tablature and possibly note recognition in the 1st through 5th position. Throughout the course there will be a constant but modest emphasis on basic elements of music theory. Activity Adult Cooking Class Summer Lessons Code 061815 Date Thursdays, 06/18/15 08/27/15 Time 7:00 PM 8:00 PM Fee $150.00 Boater Safety Course This is a Virginia Department of Game and Inland Fisheries Boat Virginia course and participating students who meet the course requirements will be allowed to take the exam to receive their boating safety education card. Students will learn about boating safety, equipment, navigation and nautical terms. There is NO FEE for the club but students who pass the exam may apply to VDGIF for a lifetime card for $10. 080315 Date Mondays, 07/27/15 08/17/15 Time 10:00 AM 12:00 PM Fee $22.00 CPR/ 1st Aid Course Outside practice, preferably everyday, is necessary for the student to excel! The instructor will provide all needed music and materials, but students are encouraged to bring additional music they want to learn! Registration Deadline is June 11, 2015! $5 late fee starts June 12. Activity Code Students will learn CPR and AED for the Professional Rescuer (covers infant, child, and adult CPR) and Basic 1st Aid. Participating students who meet the course requirements and pass the exam will receive a certification card. Registration Deadline is one week before the class date! Next class will be in September. Taught by Curtis Mason, Jr, EMT, Fire Fighter. Pack a lunch! A workbook will be provided by the instructor. Located at the Mattaponi Volunteer Rescue Squad building in Walkerton. Activity April Course Code 418151 Date Time Fee Saturday, 8:00 AM $34.00 04/18/2015 3:00 PM Horseback Riding Lessons Adult Classes Available! Flexible dates and times. About Intro to Riding Classes Learn the first steps of horseback riding, to include proper equipment, grooming, mounting/dismounting and walking. Go to www.register-ed.com to register. Class is listed as “Virginia Boating Safety Education Classroom Course.” The class About Intro to Jumping fills up fast, so register early! Pack a lunch! A workbook and Learn the techniques of jumping over fences and other obstacles handouts will be provided by the instructor. Located at HHMS with your horse. Library. 4 classes for $120 Activity Date Time Fee 5 classes for $150 Boater Safety Saturday, 9:00 AM - 4:00 Instructor will provide helmets and riding shoes. Participants Free Course 05/02/15 PM must wear long pants and hard soled, closed toed shoes with 1/2 inch heel. Register Early! Registration Deadlines are about 1 week prior to the start date. Don’t let a good program die— register early! Classes will be held at Edgehill Farm weekly for 4-5 weeks, 1 hour each week. Max class size is 4 students. Contact Parks and Recreation to coordinate small group classes and individual lessons. Classes are available between May 1 and August 31. 13 Wellness Programs Zumba Ages 10 and up! Looking for a fitness class that is truly addictive? Then Zumba is for you! This class offers the heart pumping, fat burning, energy building FUN you need! Using Latin inspired dance moves and up tempo, catchy beats, this fitness class will have you wanting more! Burn hundreds of calories each class while getting a total body toning workout! Anyone can do it, no dance experience necessary. Ditch the workout, join the PARTY! Family members reAges 8 to 80! A multi-level class emphasizing alignment, balceive a 10% discount. Registration Deadline is June 9, 2015! $5 ance, breathing, strength, and coordination. late fee starts June 10. Yoga All poses can be modified according to an individual's Classes provided by Stretch-n-Grow. For more information, needs. The end result of yoga practice should be enhanced selfplease call Krystal Johnston, Owner and Director, 804-769-7238. esteem and ability to be more centered. Located at HHMS Gym. Bring a towel and water to class! Activity Summer Session Code 061615 Date Tuesdays, 06/16/15 07/28/15 Time 7:00 PM 8:00 PM Fee $30.00 To secure a spot in the class or get information on Discounts, please contact Ann Careatti: (804)443-3092. Located at King William Rec Center. Students must bring their own yoga mat to class. Drop-ins are welcome! Activity BeeFit TBS/ CrossFit $70.00 06182015 Thursdays, 06/18/15 08/06/15 6:30 PM 7:30 PM $70.00 Tandem Buddy System Workout… Brand new for 2015! Strengthen your core and Get “Waisted”… TBS & CARDIO & CORE & MORE! To secure a spot in the class or get information on Discounts and Membership Fees, please contact Monica Howell, CPT: (804)370-5091. Located at the KW Rec Center. Jan-May Session Saturdays, 01/03/15 05/30/15 9:00 AM 10:00 AM Fee 6:30 PM 7:30 PM SPRING has SPRUNG! Try any 2-FREE hr. Workouts in AprilMay *Valid for newcomers only.* BeeFIT Members receive lower class rates PLUS discounts on L.E. Supplements—Protein Powders—TriFUEL pre-post products! Time Time Thursdays, 04/16/15 06/04/15 Workouts may include: TBS, Battling Ropes, Speed Bags, Kettle Bells, Mega Balls, and more. All equipment is provided by BeeFIT! PEAK “After-BURN Effect” results in fat burning for hours post workout completion! Date Date April-June 04162015 Session Ages 16-65. The Tandem Buddy System requires you to work multiple muscle groups at once, engaging CORE MUSCLES for the entire workout. This workout provides stability training, bilatJune-Aug eral training, and hydraulic sets, which create an accelerated Session peak cardio performance to help you meet your max heart rate (MHR). Extended sets with variable and instant tension changes and a little bit of friendly competition—all at the same time! A wide variety of Cardiovascular & Weight Resistance exercises challenging your every move.>>> BURN up to 600 calories per workout!! Activity Code Fee $32.00/ 4 weeks 14 Wellness Programs BeeFit Muscle Confusion BeeFit Burn & Firm WOMEN ONLY! Ages 16-65 - modifications provided. For any female looking to get LEAN, TONED, and FIT! Using light to moderate weights with lots of repetition, BURN & FIRM gives you a total body workout. No heavy lifting, just persistent lifting! **Additional Nutrition and Wellness Symposiums offered to all BeeFIT participants. A Certified Personal Trainer (CPT) will coach you through every workout and ensure your every move and technique is safe and effective. Our trainers are always pumping out encouragement, motivation, and great music, helping you achieve not only a GREAT workout, but a FUN workout! All Barbell sets and Plates provided by BeeFIT Services. SPRING has SPRUNG! Try any 2-FREE hr. Workouts in AprilMay *Valid for newcomers only* Ages 16-65 - not recommended for some. This Cardio interval PEAK fitness workout uses the science of “metabolic circuits” to crank up your calorie-burn for the most efficient and effective fat-loss workout ever designed. You’ll alternate between lower and upper body resistance exercises at a fast pace to maximize your time, speed your results, and leave you so exhilarated you’ll be counting down the minutes until your next workout! Muscle Confusion helps eliminate the “plateau effect” by always utilizing different muscles through providing a variety of exercises. Each of these training sessions focuses on the Workout of the Day (WOD). You can BURN up to 600 calories per workout!! PEAK “After-BURN Effect” results in fat burning for hours post workout completion! Like all BeeFIT workouts, all exercises are modified to accommodate each individual’s level. Participants are encouraged to perform all exercises at the highest intensity that each can sustain while maintaining good form and proper technique. It’s a FULL BODY workout that engages your “CORE” muscles the entire time. (Not recommended for those suffering from joint pain &/ or heart disease.) ** Additional Nutrition and Wellness Symposiums offered to all BeeFIT participants. To secure a spot in the class or get information on Discounts and Membership Fees, please contact Monica Howell, CPT: (804)370 SPRING has SPRUNG! Try any 2-FREE hr. Workouts in April-5091. Located at the KW Rec Center. For more information: May *Valid for newcomers only* BeeFIT Members receive lowwww.youcanBeeFIT.com, or [email protected]. er class rates PLUS discounts on L.E. Supplements—Protein Powders—TriFUEL pre-post products! Activity Date Time Fee Jan-May, 5pm Jan-May, 6pm Mondays, 01/05/2015 05/25/2015 June Session- 5pm Mondays, 06/08/2015 June Session - 6pm 06/29/2015 July Session- 5PM July Session- 6PM August Session5PM August Session6PM Mondays, 07/06/15 07/27/15 Mondays, 08/03/15 08/24/15 5:00 PM 6:00 PM 6:00 PM 7:00 PM 5:00 PM 6:00 PM 6:00 PM 7:00 PM 5:00 PM 6:00 PM 6:00 PM 7:00 PM 5:00 PM 6:00 PM 6:00 PM 7:00 PM $32.00/ 4 weeks Sign up for multiple sessions at a lower rate! To secure a spot in the class or get information on Discounts and Membership Fees, please contact Monica Howell, CPT: (804)370-5091. Located at the King William Rec Center. Activity $32.00 Jan-May Session5PM Jan-May Session– Date Wednesdays, 01/07/15 05/27/15 $32.00 June Session- 5PM June Session– 6PM Wednesdays, 06/03/15 06/24/15 $32.00 July Session- 5PM July Session- 6PM Wednesdays, 07/01/15 07/22/15 August Session- 5PM Wednesdays, 08/05/15 August Session- 6PM 08/26/15 15 Time 5:00 PM 6:00 PM, 6:00 PM 7:00PM 5:00 PM 6:00 PM 6:00 PM 7:00 PM 5:00 PM 6:00 PM 6:00 PM 7:00 PM 5:00 PM 6:00 PM 6:00 PM 7:00 PM Fee $32.00/ 4 weeks $32.00 $32.00 $32.00 Wellness Programs Early Risers Total Body Workout Ages 16 and up. Start the day off right! Boost your metabolism, increase your strength & endurance, and reduce body fat! Using a "super-slow" style of training, you will challenge the muscles by utilizing a lighter weight or your own bodyweight. This is just as effective as training with a heavier resistances- it's all in the technique. You make up the difference in the intensity provided by a sustained grip on the targeted muscle, until it reaches total momentary fatigue. This allows you to more effectively address the safety and integrity of your joints, which is paramount when it comes to resistance training. Fitness Fusion Fun, challenging and effective. Adapted for all fitness levels. Modified for physical limitations. Taught by Kimberly Hicks, AFAA, Certified Personal Trainer, Group Instructor: 804-769-0212, 804-339-0081, [email protected]. Located at King William Rec Center. Classes are on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Discounts - see instructor to redeem! Ages 16 and up. Rev up your metabolism, tone and firm your muscles, and burn excess body fat! You'll perform high intensity interval training and compound/ functional resistance exercises, as well as exercises to strengthen your core followed by stretching and deep breathing. When done together, all these exercises provide you with a power-packed workout that maximizes your metabolism and fitness. Fun, challenging and effective. Adapted for all fitness levels. Modified for physical limitations. 1. Bring someone new! If new participant signs up for the full Taught by Kimberly Hicks, AFAA, Certified Personal Trainer, session with referral from current member, current member will Group Instructor: 804-769-0212, 804-339-0081, receive next session at 1/2 price. [email protected]. Activity Code Date Time Fee Located at King William Rec Center. Classes are on Tuesdays. 05/05/15 - 5:15 AM May Session 05052015 $30.00 05/26/15 6:15 AM Discounts - see instructor to redeem! June Session 06/02/15 06022015 07/02/15 5:15 AM 6:15 AM $40.00 July Session 06302015 07/07/15 07/30/15 5:15 AM 6:15 AM $40.00 August Session 07282015 08/04/15 08/27/15 5:15 AM 6:15 AM $30.00 1. Bring someone new! If new participant signs up for the full session with referral from current member, current member will receive next session at 1/2 price. 2. May and August Sessions: Come to 6 classes per session for $30 or 3 classes per session for $18! Choose from Fitness Fusion, Butts and Guts, and Sit and Get Fit. 3. June and July Sessions: Come to 8 classes per session for $40 or 4 classes per session for $24! Choose from Fitness Fusion, Butts and Guts, and Sit and Get Fit. Activity Instructors Wanted! The Department is always looking for instructors to teach preschool, youth, adult and senior programs that feature a unique subject or current trend in leisure or recreational topics. Code Date Time Fee May Session 050515 05/05/15 05/19/15 5:25 PM 6:25 PM $18.00 June Session 060215 06/02/15 06/23/15 5:25 PM 6:25 PM $24.00 July Session 063015 07/07/15 07/28/15 5:25 PM 6:25 PM $24.00 August Session 072815 08/04/15 08/25/15 5:25 PM 6:25 PM $18.00 Compensation is based upon percentage of revenue from registrations. To receive more information on becoming an Instructor, or to be placed on the Instructor mailing list for proposals, call the Parks & Recreation Office at (804) 769-4923 or email: [email protected] 16 Wellness Programs Sit and Get Fit This low-impact class uses movements to improve range of motion, agility, and functional skills for daily activities, in addition to increasing muscular strength. Exercises will improve flexibility, joint stability, balance, coordination and cardiovascular endurance. Light resistance will be in the form of resistance bands and/or light weights. Chairs will be used during seated segments. Fun, challenging and effective. Adapted for all fitness levels. Modified for physical limitations. Butts & Guts Taught by Kimberly Hicks, AFAA, Certified Personal Trainer, Ages 16 and up. This class is a quick-no-fuss-high energy muscle Group Instructor: 804-769-0212, 804-339-0081, conditioning class that tones and shapes your hips, thighs, butt, [email protected]. and abdomen. Exercises target and tone your entire core and lower body. Includes H.E.L.P (Healthy Eating Lifestyle Plan). Located at King William Rec Center. Classes are on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Fun, challenging and effective. Adapted for all fitness levels. Modified for physical limitations. Discounts - see instructor to redeem! Taught by Kimberly Hicks, AFAA, Certified Personal Trainer, Group Instructor: 804-769-0212, 804-339-0081, [email protected]. Located at King William Rec Center. Classes are on Thursdays. Discounts - see instructor to redeem! 1. Bring someone new! If new participant signs up for the full session with referral from current member, current member will receive next session at 1/2 price. 2. May and August Sessions: Come to 6 classes per session for $30 or 3 classes per session for $18! Choose from Fitness Fusion, Butts and Guts, and Sit and Get Fit. 3. June and July Sessions: Come to 8 classes per session for $40 or 4 classes per session for $24! Choose from Fitness Fusion, Butts and Guts, and Sit and Get Fit. Activity Code Date Time Fee May Session 0507152 05/14/15 05/26/15 5:25 PM 6:25 PM $18.00 June Session 060415 06/04/15 07/02/15 5:25 PM 6:25 PM $24.00 July Session 070215 07/09/15 07/30/15 5:25 PM 6:25 PM $24.00 August Session 073015 08/06/15 08/27/15 5:25 PM 6:25 PM $18.00 1. Bring someone new! If new participant signs up for the full session with referral from current member, current member will receive next session at 1/2 price. 2. May and August Sessions: Come to 6 classes per session for $30 or 3 classes per session for $18! Choose from Fitness Fusion, Butts and Guts, and Sit and Get Fit. 3. June and July Sessions: Come to 8 classes per session for $40 or 4 classes per session for $24! Choose from Fitness Fusion, Butts and Guts, and Sit and Get Fit. Activity Code Date Time Fee May Session 050520151 05/05/15 05/26/15 4:15 PM 5:15 PM $30.00 June Session 06022015 06/02/15 07/02/15 4:15 PM 5:15 PM $40.00 July Session 06302015 07/07/15 07/30/15 4:15 PM 5:15 PM $40.00 August Session 07282015 08/04/15 08/27/15 4:15 PM 5:15 PM $30.00 QUESTIONS ABOUT A PROGRAM? Call 769-4981 / 769-4923 or E-mail [email protected] 17 SENIOR PROGRAMS Wii Bowling Bowl on Wii Sports with your fellow King William Seniors. Participants will bowl 3 games every Friday. End of the season awards will be presented to the top 3 bowlers! Ages 50 and up. League plays every Friday for 14 weeks. Located at the King William Rec Center. Free! All equipment is provided. Register online or contact Parks and Recreation to sign up! Activity Code Spring/Summer 0417152 Season Summer/Fall Season 0731152 Day Fri Fri Date Time 04/17/2015 - 9:00 AM 07/17/2015 12:00 PM 07/31/2015 - 9:00 AM 10/30/2015 12:00 PM Pickleball Join King William Pickleball, one of the fastest growing court sports in America! Pickleball is a cross between tennis, badminton, and ping pong. Come play pick-up games year round! Ages 21 and up. Located at the Acquinton Elementary Gym. Free! All equipment will be provided. Participants must sign a liability waiver, provided on site. See the Department website for more info, or call Nip Gaidos at 804-769-1074. Activity Pickleball BINGO Club Join us for some FREE BINGO FUN! Bring a snack to share with the group. Drinks and door prizes provided. BINGO runs all year round except for January and February 2015. Ages 50 and up. Located at the King William Volunteer Fire and Rescue Squad Building. Free! Activity Day Date First Monday of 10/06/2014 BINGO Club each month 09/07/2015 Time 12:00 PM - 3:00 PM Instructors Wanted! The Department is always looking for instructors to teach preschool, youth, adult and senior programs that feature a unique subject or current trend in leisure or recreational topics. 18 Day Wed, Sat Date 08/06/2014 09/05/2015 Time WED 6-8pm, SAT 10-12pm INITIATIVES Adopt a SPOT You do: 1.Pick a spot 2.Gather a group 3.Contact P&R 4. Attack some litter! We do: Hand out special tools and safety equipment Publicly recognize groups through media/ signage Host an Annual Community Night for all volunteers Call 769-4923 or email [email protected] for details. In conjunction with several community partners and sponsors Cornhole Tournament Challenge Discovery Change 4 Change Concert Free to attend! Coming this summer. 19
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