Acta Anaesthesiol Scand 2000; 44: 910–918 Printed in Denmark. All rights reserved Copyright C Acta Anaesthesiol Scand 2000 ACTA ANAESTHESIOLOGICA SCANDINAVICA ISSN 0001-5172 Prevention of post-herpetic neuralgia: acyclovir and prednisolone versus epidural local anesthetic and methylprednisolone A. PASQUALUCCI1, V. PASQUALUCCI2, F. GALLA3, V. DE ANGELIS4, V. MARZOCCHI3, R. COLUSSI1, F. PAOLETTI2, M. GIRARDIS1, M. LUGANO1 and F. DEL SINDACO2 1 Department of Anesthesioloy and Intensive Care, University of Udine, 3Department of Dermatology, Hospital of Udine, 2Institute of Anesthesiology, Intensive Care and Pain Clinic, University of Perugia and 4Division of Medical Oncology, Hospital of Perugia, Italy Background: Treatment of herpes zoster (HZ) includes the use of acyclovir with or without steroids. An alternative therapy is the epidural administration of local anesthetics with or without steroids. This trial compared the efficacy of these two treatment regimens in the prevention of post-herpetic neuralgia (PHN). Methods: Six hundred adults over 55 years of age with a rash of less than 7 days duration, and severe pain due to HZ, were enrolled and randomized to receive either intravenous acyclovir (10 mg/kg three times daily) for 9 daysπprednisolone (60 mg per day with progressive reduction) for 21 days, or 6–12 ml bupivacaine (0.25%) every 6–8 or 12 hπmethylprednisolone 40 mg every 3–4 days by epidural catheter during a period ranging from 7 to 21 days. Efficacy was evaluated at 1, 3, 6 and 12 months. PHN was assessed as pain and/or allodynia, and ‘‘abnormal sensations’’ (hypoesthesia, burning, itching, etc.). Statistical analysis was performed based on the intent-to-treat population. Results: In the 485 patients who completed the study, the inci- dence of pain after 1 year was 22.2% (51 patients of 230) after acyclovir π steroids, and 1.6% (4 patients of 255) after epidural analgesiaπsteroids. The incidence of abnormal sensations was 12.2% (28 patients) after acyclovirπsteroids, and 4.3% (11 patients) in group B. Conclusions: Epidural administration of local anesthetic and methylprednisolone is significantly more effective in preventing PHN at 12 months compared to intravenous acyclovir and prednisolone. P aging. In fact, not only does this therapy have a favorable effect on resolving the acute phase, but it also appears to be capable of preventing the onset of PHN (7–9, 11, 13–16). However, there are no well-designed randomized and controlled studies with both longterm follow-up and assessment of pain intensity. There is also no current rational explanation for the favorable results observed with this treatment regimen. Therefore, this therapy has been considered strictly empirical and not entirely reliable (3, 5, 17). The difficulties in verifying the validity of the use of either acyclovirπsteroids or epidural anestheticπ steroids are also due to lack of standardization of concepts. There is a lack of agreement on the definition of PHN. It has been defined as pain persisting beyond the crusting of lesions (1), or lasting more than 1 (18), 2 (19), 3 (20) or 6 months (21) after the acute infection. neuralgia (PHN) is observed in 9– 45% of all cases of herpes zoster (HZ) and the incidence has been reported to be as high as 50–60% among elderly or immunosuppressed patients (1–6). A consensus on treatment has not been reached (1– 12), but there is general agreement for the need of early therapy that can not only treat the acute infection (2, 8, 10) but can also prevent the onset of PHN (5, 8, 11, 13, 14). Acyclovir is the current treatment of choice for HZ and may be used with or without concomitant steroid administration. It has been found to be useful in treating the acute phase if used early enough (2, 3, 5, 10, 12), but the data on its efficiency in the prevention of PHN remain equivocal (5, 6). Only a few studies have discussed the use of local anesthetics administered epidurally, either with or without steroids, but the results appear to be encourOST-HERPETIC 910 Received 19 April 1999, accepted for publication 24 February 2000 Key words: Acyclovir; dorsal horn; epidural route; herpes zoster; local anesthetic; post-herpetic neuralgia; prednisolone; spinal nerve root; steroids; varicella zoster virus. c Acta Anaesthesiologica Scandinavica 44 (2000) Treatment for prevention of post-herpetic neuralgia Further, only a few researchers have studied patients with HZ in the acute phase and followed the development of HZ into PHN over a duration of 6 months (7, 10) or more (19). Based on the literature (17, 22–24), the acute phase can develop into five categories: i) Constant, spontaneous, and generally deep or cutaneous burning pain. ii) A brief recurrent, piercing or electrical-shocktype pain often described as a shooting, tic-like pain. iii) A sharp, radiating, dysesthetic sensation of burning pain generally evoked by a very light tactile response, known as tactile allodynia (pain from nonnoxious stimuli). A state of hyperalgesia superimposed over the continuous component of the pain may also be present. iv) Reduced sensitivity and/or the appearance of abnormal sensations in the involved area. Burning, aching or itching, prickling, and other sensations that vary in intensity may also be present either spontaneously or provoked by touch or movement. Concurrently, the skin may also be insensitive and tender. v) Complete recovery. These clinically relevant outcomes may be grouped as ‘‘pain’’ (i, ii, iii), ‘‘abnormal sensations’’ (iv) and ‘‘complete recovery’’ (v). However, clinical studies have made little use of the distinctions among the above symptoms, and patients are generally divided into two groups, those with PHN, and those without. Consequently, it is not clear whether the patients with abnormal sensations are included in the group with pain or in the complete recovery group. The objective of the present study was to compare the 1-year efficacy of acyclovirπsteroids with epidurally administered anesthetics π steroids, taking into account pain and abnormal sensations as separate endpoints. Through a 1-year follow-up, we attempted to define when patients should be considered as having PHN, as well as the true incidence and intensity of pain and abnormal sensations. Based on this study and a review of the literature, we propose a hypothesis to explain our observations. Patients and methods This randomized prospective trial was performed at two study centers on 600 patients between February 1992 and June 1995. A design with two randomized samples of different dimension (340 and 260 for the two centers) was used. The study protocol was approved by the ethics committees of both institutions and an informed consent was obtained from each patient. Patients were enrolled if they were over 55 years with acute herpes zoster, had a skin rash of less than 7 days duration, and a pain score ⬎7 on a 10-cm visual analog scale (VAS). Exclusion criteria included kidney failure, liver damage, peptic ulcer, generalized or skin infections, alterations in blood-clotting tests, and previous systemic treatment with antiviral agents, steroids, local anesthetics, capsaicin or acetylsalicylic acid. The patients were randomized to one of the following treatment groups: Group A: intravenous acyclovir (10 mg/kg) three times a day, from day 0 to day 9, plus intravenous prednisolone 60 mg/d from day 0 to day 8 with a change to oral prednisolone administration and progressive reduction as follows: 30 mg/d from day 9 to day 13, 15 mg/d from day 14 to day 18, and 7.5 mg/ d from day 19 to day 21. Patients were hospitalized during the intravenous treatment. Group B: an epidural catheter was positioned and taped at the involved spinal segments (correct placement of the catheter was verified by direct fluoroscopy). When HZ was localized in the trigeminal area, the catheter was placed at C5–C6 and inserted upwards for approximately 3–4 cm. Bupivacaine (0.25%) with epinephrine 1:200 000 in a volume of 6–12 ml (the volume was determined on the basis of the spinal segments involved) was administered through the catheter every 6–8 or 12 h (timing to ensure pain-free periods of 24 h). Methylprednisolone acetate retard 40 mg was also administered through the catheter every 3–4 days for 7 consecutive days. After a 24-h break during which the catheter was left in place, this cycle of therapy was repeated for an additional 7-day period if pain persisted. Using the same procedure, the therapeutic cycle was repeated a third time, if needed, and the epidural catheter was removed at the end of the third cycle. The injection of the local anesthetic was always followed by verification of complete coverage of the dermatomes involved by assessing the disappearance of pain. If coverage was not complete, additional 2-ml doses were injected until this objective was achieved. Patients were only hospitalized for the initial 24-h period. Patients were asked to come to the hospital for subsequent doses. Hovewer, the doses were often administered by the family doctor or by the patient’s relatives after appropriate instruction. These patients were controlled every 24–48 h until the end of the therapy. Blood samples were obtained for biochemical and hematological monitoring before starting treatment and again on days 3–9 and 21. 911 A. Pasqualucci et al. Follow-up examinations were performed at 1, 3, 6 and 12 months after the end of the treatment. During each follow-up examination, the patients were asked to categorize and assess the intensity of their symptoms using the following parameters: 1. Presence of ‘‘pain’’ (see ‘‘introduction’’: patterns i, ii, iii) and its intensity, as measured on a 10-cm VAS. These patients demonstrated spontaneous, continuous or intermittent pain and/or allodynia (provoked or otherwise (see below)). 2. Presence of ‘‘abnormal sensations’’ (see ‘‘introduction’’: pattern iv). These patients presented with hypoesthesia, itching, prickling, burning sensations and so on. The intensity of these symptoms was measured using a 4-point verbal rating scale (VRS): 1Ω light, 2Ωmild, 3Ωmoderate and 4Ωintense. 3. ‘‘Complete recovery’’ (patients without pain: VASΩ0 and without abnormal sensations: VRSΩ0). The patients enrolled in the study were explained the difference between pain and abnormal sensations and were given instructions on how to use the VAS and VRS scales. During the follow-up examination the patients had to determine whether their symptoms were referable to ‘‘pain’’ or to ‘‘abnormal sensations’’. Provoked pain assessment was performed with the patient’s eyes closed and consisted of both the involved skin area and the healthy contralateral dermatome being rubbed lightly with a cotton ball or pinched lightly with tweezers. Although this study was not designed to be double-blind, follow-up examinations were performed by researchers who were not aware of the treatment group to which the patient was assigned. Baseline sensory evaluations were not performed prior to initiation of the treatment since entry criteria required only the presence of pain ⬎7 cm on the VAS, and the change in these values from baseline was not an endpoint of the study. Rescue medication (analgesics) was available during follow-up, and any adverse effects correlated with the treatment being used were also recorded. Statistical analysis Statistical analyses were performed on the intent-totreat population. Two-tailed Z tests and c2 tests (with Yates’ correction) were used to verify that the two groups were balanced in terms of demographic and clinical variables (sex, age, number of days elapsed from onset of skin eruption and the beginning of treatment, localization of HZ, ‘‘pain’’ and ‘‘abnormal sensations’’). The Mann-Whitney U-test was used to analyze VAS and VRS scores between groups, and the c2 test and Fisher’s exact test (for variables that had a low fre- 912 quency in at least one cell) were used to compare the presence or absence of ‘‘pain’’ and of ‘‘abnormal sensation’’. VAS and VRS are expressed as the median and range, the localization of HZ is expressed as a percentage, whereas all the other parameters are expressed as mean∫standard deviation (SD). Stated P values are for two-tailed tests and were considered significant if ⬍0.05. Results Of the 600 patients who were enrolled, 31 were excluded due to protocol violations (wrong assessment of rash onset time, use of dosage and/or drugs that differed from the study protocol). This left 569 patients (279 in Group A and 290 in Group B) that we were able to assess as an intent-to-treat population. The demographic characteristics of the patients are shown in Table 1, and the cutaneous areas of HZ localization at baseline are shown in Table 2. These characteristics were similar for the two groups except for the mean time from onset of rash to beginning of treatment which was shorter in Group A (3.1∫2.1 days) compared with Group B (4.3∫2.3 days). Of the 569 patients, 84 did not complete the followup due to death (causes not related to the pathology or therapy), change of residency, or refusal or inability to return to the hospital for assessment. Sixteen of these patients dropped out after the first assessment (1 month), 15 after the second (3 months), and 53 after the 6-month follow-up visit. The mean time required for treatment in Group Table 1 Demographic and disease characteristics of the patient population. Group A, acylovirπprednisolone; Group B bupivacaineπ methylprednisolone. Group A (nΩ279) Group B (nΩ290) Sex Male, n (%) Female, n (%) 125 (44.8) 154 (55.2) 131 (45.2) 159 (54.8) N.S.* Age (years) Mean (∫SD) Range 66.9 (17.1) 55–93 68.7 (18.2) 55–94 N.S. Baseline VAS Median (range) 8.25 (7–10) 8.75 (7–10) N.S. 3.1 (2.1) 4.3 (2.3) ⬍0.001 Time (days) from onset of skin eruption to beginning of treatment Mean (∫SD) * N.S.Ωnot significant. P Treatment for prevention of post-herpetic neuralgia Table 2 Localization of HZ in Group A (acyclovirπprednisolone) and Group B (bupivacaineπmethylprednisolone) at baseline (pre-treatment). Number (%) of patients Group A (nΩ279) HZ Site Trigeminal I division II division III division I and II division Ramsay Hunt** Cervical Thoracic Lumbar Sacral 31 15 7 3 6 2 57 113 36 9 (11.1) (48.4) (22.6) (9.7) (19.4) (0.7) (20.4) (40.5) (13) (3.2) Group B (nΩ290) 29 15 6 3 5 2 60 135 44 20 (10) (51.7) (20.7) (10.3) (17.2) (0.7) (20.7) (46.6) (15.2) (6.7) P N.S.* N.S. N.S. N.S. N.S. N.S. N.S. N.S. N.S. N.S. * N.S.Ωnot significant. ** Ramsay Hunt syndrome is Bell’s palsy associated with HZ of the geniculated ganglion, herpetic lesions being visible on the tympanic membrane, external auditory canal, and on the pinna. B was 12.5∫5.5 days, and during treatment, bupivacaine was administered an average 2.4 times/day. Table 3 shows that at 1, 3, and 6 months post-therapy, significantly fewer patients in Group B (epidural anestheticπsteroid) had PHN (painπabnormal sensations) than in Group A (intravenous acyclovirπ steroid). After 1 year, the incidence of PHN (painπabnormal sensations) was still significantly lower in Group B (5.9%) than in Group A (34.3%; P⬍0.0001) (Table 3). When the PHN symptoms are considered individually (i.e., either pain or abnormal sensations), a difference for pain is still observed between the treatments at all time points. However, for abnormal sensations, a difference between treatments is not observed until 3 months post-treatment (Table 3). After 1 year, only 4 patients (1.6%) in Group B reported pain. This was lower than the 22.2% of the patients who reported pain in Group A. Likewise, the incidence of abnormal sensations was almost threefold higher in Group A (12.2%) than in Group B (4.3%) (Table 3). For those patients who did report pain or abnormal sensations, the intensity of pain was similar in the two groups at all time points (Table 4). Furthermore, at 12 months, the dermatomal distribution of pain and abnormal sensations was uniform between the two groups (Table 5). Control tests on the contralateral dermatome were negative in all patients. Of the treated patients, 21 were immunocompromised, 9 patients had Hodgkin’s lymphoma, 6 had non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, and 6 had solid tumors. The distribution of these patients was 8 in Group A and 13 in group B. However, their immunocompromised state was neither clinically evident nor debilitating when they were enrolled, and in fact eight of the patients were not known to be immunocompromised. This only became evident when five patients were hospitalized for tests. The routine tests for enrollment revealed neoplasms in three patients. None of the immunocompromised patients in group B showed worsening of pathology or systemic dis- Table 3 Comparative efficacy (incidence) of the treatment regimens at follow-up. Group A, acylovirπprednisolone; Group B bupivacaineπ methylprednisolone. Time One month Three months Six months One year Group A Group B Total no. of patients: 569 Pts. (%) without PHN (complete recovery) Pts. (%) with pain Pts. (%) with ‘‘abn. sens.’’ 279 39 (14.0) 113 (40.5) 127 (45.5) 290 133 (45.9) 22 (7.6) 135 (46.5) Total no. of patients: 553 Pts. (%) without PHN (complete recovery) Pts. (%) with pain Pts. (%) with ‘‘abn. sens.’’ 274 157 (57.3) 81 (29.6) 36 (13.1) 279 243 (87.1) 15 (5.4) 21 (7.5) Total no. of patients: 538 Pts. (%) without PHN (complete recovery) Pts. (%) with pain Pts. (%) with ‘‘abn. sens.’’ 261 170 (65.1) 60 (22.0) 31 (11.9) 277 252 (91.0) 10 (3.6) 15 (5.4) Total no. of patients: 485 Pts. (%) without PHN (complete recovery) Pts. (%) with pain Pts. (%) with ‘‘abn. sens.’’ 230 151 (65.6) 51 (22.2) 28 (12.2) 255 240 (94.1) 4 (1.6) 11 (4.3) P ∞0.0001 ∞0.0001 ∞0.0001 ∞0.0001 913 A. Pasqualucci et al. Table 4 Comparative efficacy (severity of symptoms) of the treatment regimens at follow-up. Group A, acylovirπprednisolone; Group B bupivacaineπ methylprednisolone. Time Group A Group B One month VAS median (range); in pts. with pain VRS median (range); in pts. with ‘‘abn. sens.’’ 7 (3.5–10) 3.5 (2–4) 6.5 (3–10) 2.5 (1–4) Three months VAS median (range); in pts. with pain VRS median (range); in pts. with ‘‘abn. sens.’’ 6.5 (3–10) 3 (2–4) 6.5 (2.5–9.5) 2 (1–4) Six months VAS median (range); in pts. with pain VRS median (range); in pts. with ‘‘abn. sens.’’ 5.75 (2.5–9) 3 (2–4) 5.5 (2.5–8.5) 2 (1–4) One year VAS median (range); in pts. with pain VRS median (range); in pts. with ‘‘abn. sens.’’ 4 (2.5–7.5) 3 (2–4) 4 (2.5–7) 2 (1–4) Table 5 Localization of HZ and number (%) of patients with pain and abnormal sensation after 12 months. Group A, acylovirπprednisolone; Group B, bupivacaineπmethylprednisolone. Group A (nΩ230) HZ site Number of patients Pain Trigeminal I division II division III division I and II division Ramsay Hunt Cervical Thoracic Lumbar Sacral 23 13 5 2 3 1 54 107 36 9 4 2 1 0 1 0 11 30 4 2 Total no. of patients 230 51 (17.4) (20.4) (28) (11.1) (22.2) Group B (nΩ255) Abnormal sensations 4 1 1 1 1 0 6 14 3 1 (17.4) (11.1) (13.1) (8.3) (11.1) 28 semination of varicella-zoster virus (VZV). Furthermore, none of these patients developed any pain or abnormal sensations. No significant differences were observed between immunocompromised and immunocompetent patients treated with acyclovir. Adverse events reported in Group A were predominantly limited to nausea and/or vomiting, diarrhea and dyspepsia. Nineteen patients in this group failed to complete therapy; seven patients spontaneously stopped therapy, eleven patients had adverse effects (nausea and/or vomiting, gastralgia), and one patient had serious renal failure that required a brief period of dialysis. Changes in serum creatinine levels and liver function tests were observed in 21 patients, but these changes were transitory in nature and they were not considered clinically significant. Thirteen patients in Group B failed to complete therapy. Of these, two patients had frequent sweating and fainting spells (one with a cervical epidural for 914 Number of patients Pain 25 14 5 2 4 2 53 118 41 16 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 (2.9) 2 (1.7) 1 (2.4) 0 255 4 Abnormal sensations 2 0 1 0 1 0 3 5 1 0 (8) (5.7) (4.2) (2.4) 11 HZ of the trigeminal nerve), one had neck pain and stiffness following cervical epidural, one had paresis of the left leg and oliguria, and in nine patients the epidural catheter came out. All adverse effects resolved completely. In 16 patients in Group B, the dura mater was pierced when the epidural catheter was being positioned. In these patients, the catheter was put into its final position by shifting the insertion point by one dermatome either in a cephalic or caudal direction, and delaying the start of therapy by 48 h. Three of these patients developed a dural puncture headache that was fully resolved by immobilization in bed for 5 to 7 days. We were able to complete the study in all of these patients and at final follow-up, none of them had pain and only one had abnormal sensations. No clinically important ocular complications were observed, even among the immunocompromised patients. However, there was temporary inflammation of the conjunctiva and/or the cornea in 27 patients. In Treatment for prevention of post-herpetic neuralgia 13 of these patients (7 in Group A and 6 in Group B), it was decided that the use of an antiviral ophthalmic lotion during the first few days of therapy would provide an extra margin of safety. Discussion The results of this randomized study demonstrate that the administration of a local anesthetic π steroid via the epidural route within 7 days of rash onset prevents the development of PHN (pain and abnormal sensations) to a significantly greater extent (94.1%) than acyclovirπsteroids (65.7%; P⬍0.0001). The difference between treatments was observed as early as at 1 month (45.9% vs 14.0%; P⬍0.0001) and it lasted for the entire duration of the trial. The prevention of the onset of pain in Group B was especially dramatic at 1 month (92.4%) compared with acyclovir (59.5%). Although 1 month may not be considered a clinically relevant time point for the development of PHN, these results were maintained until the end of the trial (98.4% and 77.8% for groups B and A, respectively). In contrast, the incidence of abnormal sensations was similar in the two groups at 1 month. Only after 3 months was a lower incidence observed in Group B (92.5%) compared with Group A (86.9%). This difference was also maintained for the duration of the trial (95.7% and 87.8% for groups B and A, respectively). In agreement with a previous report (21), it appeared that PHN stabilized within 6 months from the onset of the skin rash. The apparent reduction in the number of patients with these symptoms in both groups is primarily due to patients who were lost to follow-up between the 6-month and 12-month time points. We do not know the status of these patients. For this reason, we are taking the conservative approach and stating that there was stabilization rather than further improvement. The intensity of pain (VAS) and abnormal sensations (VRS) was similar in the two groups at 4 follow-up points, suggesting that there are qualitative differences rather than quantitative differences between the treatments. In addition, the dermatomal distribution of the lesions did not appear to have any effect on the results obtained using either treatment. In the 21 immunocompromised patients, neither treatment resulted in systemic dissemination or a worsening of condition. Furthermore, no significant differences were observed between the immunocompromised patients and the immunocompetent patients in the development of either pain or abnormal sensations. This is in agreement with previous sugges- tions that immunocompromised patients are not at higher risk for developing PHN than immunocompetent patients (25, 26). Both treatments in our study incorporated steroids. Their use, although contentious, is still frequent. Many authors agree that these drugs are effective for both the acute phase pain and for the prevention of PHN, and attribute their efficacy to the anti-inflammatory effects and to lysosomal protection which could reduce neuronal damage (15, 27). Other authors, however, doubt the efficacy of these drugs and suggest that steroids increase the risk of herpes dissemination (28, 29). Our choice of the dose was based on other reported studies (10, 13, 14, 25), and our results do not support the latter viewpoint that these drugs are ineffective and contribute to systemic dissemination. The results observed in Group B are consistent with previous uncontrolled studies that reported an incidence of PHN of 1.5–9% using similar epidural therapy (7–9, 11, 13, 14). The slight variability among the studies may be attributable to a partial displacement of the catheter, to insufficient coverage of the dermatomes involved, or to the definition of PHN itself, i.e. whether patients with abnormal sensations were considered recovered or with pain. It is agreed that treatment of HZ should begin as early as possible for best efficacy (2, 7–11, 13, 14). Many authors (uncontrolled studies) agree that the epidural block seems to maintain its efficacy if performed within 10–15 days (7–9, 11, 13, 14) whereas there does not seem to be any data with regard to when acyclovir has to be administered. In our study, treatment after rash onset was started significantly later with anestheticπsteroid (4.3∫2.3 days) than with acyclovirπsteroid (3.1∫2.1 days; P⬍0.001) due to either administrative reasons (the patients from Group B generally started treatment 24–36 h after their control visit: laboratory tests and availability of the physician responsible for positioning the epidural catheter) or accidental piercing of the dura mater in 16 patients. Despite this delay, epidural treatment still resulted in a significantly lower incidence of PHN compared with the other treatment. The incidence of PHN in Group A (acyclovir π steroid) was consistent with other studies, even though our initiation of treatment occurred 24–48 h later than recommended and used in other trials (2, 5, 10, 12). Of the 279 patients who were treated with acyclovir, 196 were treated within 3 days from onset of skin eruption (26 patients had a skin rash of 1 day, 41 patients of 2 days, 129 patients of 3 days). Of the 196 patients, 161 completed follow-up: 30 (18.6%) had 915 A. Pasqualucci et al. pain and 23 (14.2%) referred abnormal sensations. Incidence of PHN (32.8%) in patients treated with acyclovir within 3 days from onset of skin rash was in agreement with total data and therefore it is higher than in patients treated with epidural block. The efficacy of acyclovir in preventing PHN is not unequivocal, and may depend upon the definition of PHN. In our study, if the definition of PHN includes both pain and abnormal sensations, the incidence of PHN at 12 months (34.3%) is comparable to that reported in trials that did not specify whether the abnormal sensations were included in pain or recovery (1, 2, 4, 5, 10, 12). However, if we separate out abnormal sensations and consider only pain, our data seem to support the recent meta-analysis that suggests some efficacy for acyclovir (6). During our study, it was not infrequent to see abnormal sensations in addition to pain in some patients. However, in these patients, the abnormal sensations were always marginal and of reduced intensity compared with the pain. We therefore believe that it is necessary to further differentiate the symptomatology and we propose such a differentiation which may be correlated with specific pathology (Table 6). According to our proposal, if abnormal sensations are present, there is likely widespread inflammation and damage of the cutaneous branches of the sensory nerves. This would result in late onset phenomena involving reorganiza- Table 6 Proposed differentiation of PHN into 3 symptomatologic groups and pathophysiologic correlates. 1. Complete recovery. Limited inflammation; no damage or minimal damage to ganglia, posterior roots and nerve endings; good immune response limits viral spreading (34–37). It was observed in 5 patients with complete recovery (32, 39). 2. Abnormal sensations. Widespread inflammation and damage to cutaneous sensory nerves and spinal nerve root; phenomena of excitability that arose during the acute phase (35–36); reorganization of nerve fibers, residual modifications of the dorsal horn (peripheral and central sensitization mechanisms) 23, 30, 31, 35, 36, 39). It was observed in 4 patients with abnormal sensations (32, 39; case 21 of 31). 3. Pain: – Allodynia. New connections between nonnociceptive large diameter primary afferents and central pain transmission neurons (pain associated with small fiber deafferentation) (23, 34, 35, 40), in addition to the phenomena that arose in patients with abnormal sensations. – Brief recurrent or constant and spontaneous pain. Damage of the dorsal horn in addition to the damage of the spinal nerve root (with or without a loss of both large and small diameter fibers) with the mechanisms and characteristics of ‘‘central-type’’ pain (22–24, 34, 35, 40, 41). It was observed in 5 patients who had brief recurrent or constant and spontaneous pain (38, 39; case 7 of 31). 916 tion of the peripheral nerve fibers and/or residual modifications of the dorsal horn in addition to the development of excitability that took place during the acute phase (23, 30–39). When ‘‘pain’’ is present, there could be either the formation of new connections between primary afferents and central pain transmission neurons (small fiber deafferentation leading to allodynia), or damage to the dorsal horn (leading to recurrent or constant spontaneous pain) (23, 31, 33–36, 38– 41). Therefore, in agreement with Fields et al. (35), it is likely that more than one mechanism is operative in one individual with PHN (patients with abnormal sensations or with allodynia) but, in agreement with Mondelli et al. (41) too, we believe that the only difference between subjects with and without brief recurrent or constant spontaneous pain is related to the damage caused by the VZV to the dorsal horn and caudal trigeminal nuclei. These distinctions between ‘‘pain’’ and abnormal sensations would appear to be crucial, and a more complete differentiation (i.e. pain and allodynia, pain and/or allodynia with or without other abnormal sensations, different symptomatologies of abnormal sensations) could facilitate comparisons between studies. From a pathophysiologic perspective, we believe that it is possible to explain the efficacy of local anesthetics in preventing PHN. Following VZV infection, the virus remains quiescent within the dorsal root ganglia, but if the immune response is weakened, there is a change in the balance between the virus and the host, and viral latency is broken, leading to acute localized recrudescence of the disease (42–45). When this occurs, viral spreading takes place by the axon transport mechanism characteristic of all epidermoneurotrophic viruses (46–48), as well as by the anterograde/retrograde routes and transneuronally (30–49), since it is also observed in the autonomic system fibers (46). Once reactivated, VZV is especially damaging to the dorsal root ganglia, the peripheral nerves, and the nerve endings, the latter resulting in skin rash. The damage may diffuse centrally to the dorsal horn of the spinal cord via the neurons (31, 32, 37, 42, 45, 50, 51). It is generally thought that 9–12 days are necessary for central lesions to appear (31, 45, 50). This variability in time, along with the different extension and seriousness of the damage (31, 32, 38, 39) could be due to the immune status of the host and/ or the capacity to react to viral spreading (18, 33, 34, 45, 50, 51). Although it is possible that viral diffusion could also occur via cell-to-cell contact, this is believed to be a secondary mechanism (31, 32, 42, 50). A recent study (34) suggests that subclinical extension Treatment for prevention of post-herpetic neuralgia of viral inflammation into the spinal cord is common in HZ, and another study suggests that VZV reactivation can result in acute aseptic meningitis even in the absence of rash (33). We propose that local anesthetics prevent PHN by blocking axonal transport and hindering axonal and transneuronal spread of the virus (52–56) and perhaps, indirectly, also its replication. Although the actual mechanism has not been elucidated, it is known that axonal transport is independent of nervous conduction interruption (52, 53), and the axonal transport blocking capacity of different local anesthetics has been demonstrated at lower concentrations than the ones adopted in clinical settings (53–56). Additionally, pharmacokinetic studies have shown that drugs administered epidurally spread along the axon of the spinal nerve roots to the most superficial layers of the spinal cord (57–60). It is important to bear in mind that VZV damage that occurs at the spinal root and the dorsal horn (31, 38, 39, 42, 45, 50, 61) is equivalent to the damage occurring at the spinal root of the trigeminal nerve and of the sensory nucleus of the trigeminal nerve, localized in the medulla oblongata and in the first cervical segments (62). Consequently, early treatment with local anesthetic could be related to the possibility of blocking the spread of VZV, giving the host enough time for its immune system to react adequately. In summary, this study demonstrates that continuous epidural anesthetic block in combination with steroids is significantly more effective than treatment with acyclovir and steroids in preventing PHN. This efficacy may be due to the capacity of the local anesthetics to block the axonal diffusion of VZV. We suggest that this treatment be employed as early as possible in immunocompetent patients at high risk of PHN. Although immunocompromised patients in this study responded in a similar manner to the immunocompetent patients, the low number of immunocompromised patients does not permit the specific recommendation of this therapy. Until further data are available, concomitant administration of an epidural block and an antiviral might be prudent to reduce the possibility of disseminated infection or other serious complications. Acknowledgments The authors thank Claudia Galli, PhD Tappo, for her advice and help in translating, and Anna Boanelli, MD, Piero Cirulli, MD (University of Perugia), Veronica Bonfreschi, MD, Riccardo Contardo, MD and Paola Antares, MD (University of Udine), for their great assistance and dedication in collecting data. References 1. 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