March 2015 - Katharine Lady Berkeley`s School

26 March 2015
The Solar Eclipse
Having the Solar Eclipse during a changeover of lessons was a daunting prospect for the school but the fact that
the science department allowed me and few other Year 13 students to set up three telescopes as eclipse projectors
meant that many students could enjoy viewing some part of the day’s phenomenon safely. It was wonderful to be
able to do something for the eclipse which previously wouldn’t have been an option and it was great to see so
much enthusiasm from other students over the event. As the first memorable eclipse of my life I found it a great
privilege to be given responsibility for the set up and am glad to have contributed something to the occasion. Can’t
wait for the next one!
Gethin Robson
British Physics Olympiad
The British Physics Olympiad (BPhO) has run for over 25 years and is entered annually by more than 1,600
talented young physicists. The examination-based competition has a dual purpose: to challenge and reward the
best physicists in British schools and to select the UK Physics Team for competition at international level.
This year, four students from Year 13 entered the qualifying round and two went on to complete round 1 of the
BPhO: Jack Joynson and Dawn Barnaby. Jack was awarded a commendation and Dawn achieved a Bronze level 2.
Congratulations to both of them.
Dr Vorley
KLB Sixth Form students represent the UK at the European Parliament in Strasbourg
Twelve students from Katharine Lady Berkeley’s School Sixth Form - Rachel Barrett, Nicholas Butcher, Tabitha
Candy, Victoria Copeland, Christopher Dixon, Matthew Gallagher, Lois Iddles, Cara McNamara, Molly Richardson,
Rebecca Thomas, Emma Trevelyan and Daniel Wilson – were invited to the Euroscola day at the European
Parliament in Strasbourg on Friday 13 February.
The students were selected to represent the United Kingdom after winning the Gloucestershire Euroscola
competition last November, along with the runners-up from Pate’s Grammar School. They showed that they were
a superb team as they participated fully in all the events.
Over 500 16-18 year olds from over 20 EU member countries spent the day being Members of the European
Parliament. They were able to sit in the seats of current MEPs while participating in discussions in several
languages with the support of the European Parliament’s interpreting team. To start the proceedings, participants
were invited to put questions to German MEP Michael Theurer. Daniel Wilson managed to catch the eye of the
chamber president and asked the MEP about environmental issues.
During the second half of the morning session, each group was
introduced by at least one member in a language other than
his or her own, from the lectern in the centre of the main
chamber. Cara McNamara introduced KLB School in excellent
The afternoon session began with students working in
committees, discussing an issue which they had prepared in
advance. When the discussions had been completed, all the
participants returned to the main chamber for the plenary
session. Each working party chose a spokesperson to put
forward their resolution to the full chamber. Almost all KLB
students put an interesting question during the ensuing
debates. Daniel Wilson was selected to speak on behalf of
the environment group and the group’s proposals were
overwhelmingly accepted by the full assembly using the
Parliament’s electronic voting system. The day ended with
the parade of flags and the presentation of certificates and
Many congratulations to the KLB students for the efforts they put into their preparations and for being such
outstanding representatives of the UK. In addition, everyone thoroughly enjoyed the Euroscola Day and made
new friends from many different countries. On the following day, the group made the most of their free time to
visit the beautiful city of Strasbourg and the German town of Kehl.
Mrs Bretherton
Exchange visit from Hikawa High School, Japan
It is easy to think about our school community as being limited to
the school buildings we spend our time in every day. However,
our exchange partnerships with schools all over the world are the
perfect opportunity to remind ourselves that our community is
much larger than we think; in fact, it extends all the way to Japan!
KLB school students, families, staff, the Chair of Governors, and Mr
Claydon, the Mayor of Wotton extended a warm welcome to 20
students and three staff from Hikawa High school from the 14 -23
March. The Hikawa students had a wide programme of events,
including English lessons in the morning, a theatre visit to see
Wicked at the Hippodrome, a visit to Bath, and lessons with KLB
students, including Years 9, 10 and 11. In addition, the whole of
Year 8 listened attentively while the Hikawa students bravely introduced themselves in English in assembly.
Learning a foreign language in a classroom situation can be quite challenging without the motivation of a real
context, so it was wonderful to see all the Hikawa and KLB students participating well and making the most of the
opportunity to communicate in an authentic situation.
Huge thanks go out to everyone who helped make the students and staff from Hikawa High School so welcome.
We are looking forward to our return visit in October.
Ms De Silva
Year 10 Language Leaders Visit to Balcarras School
Hello, we are Year 10 oriental language learners who have
been participating in the Language Leaders course. Language
Leaders is part of a national scheme to give us the knowledge
of how to teach languages and how to work in a team. On 12
February we were invited to teach Japanese and Chinese to
Year 8 students at Balcarras School, Cheltenham. We each
taught 3 groups of around 20 students as well as one session
of calligraphy. We had created our PowerPoints, games and
other teaching materials in the Language Leader sessions held
every Tuesday after school. We were helped by Mrs
Bretherton, Miss De Silva and Mrs Caldwell. We all really
enjoyed the opportunity to put our newly acquired language
teaching skills to the test. The Balcarras students were very
enthusiastic and participated well in the lessons we delivered.
Miss Li, our Chinese teaching assistant, accompanied us and
taught Tai Chi and Chinese fan dancing.
Ben Wiffen, Kasia Nickells, Max Smith, Evie Bennett-Stone, Jasmine Davis, Matilda Knight, Tom Baxendine, Anna
Rogers and Richard Harper
Forthcoming Drama Club Production
Following the success of the Billy Elliot production at the start of the year, it is now the turn of our Year 7 and 8
students to take to the stage and deliver their rendition of ‘Alice in Wonderland’. These budding young thespians
have been attending the weekly Drama Club run by our very own Year 12 students, who have cast, cut and
coordinated the production themselves. Come and see the efforts of the students from both ends of the school
who have combined their skills and enthusiasm to take an audience on a journey down the rabbit hole.
For one night only, at 17:00 on Thursday 16 April, treat yourself to some post-Easter entertainment and for just £1
a ticket you can witness the rising stars of future KLB productions. See you then!
Mr Blake
Study Skills
Students in Years 7, 8 and 9 have taken part in a study skills programme delivered by KLB’s SENCO, Miss John.
The first session for each year group took place in October 2014; the second session will have been delivered by
the end of April 2015. The study skills programme aims to increase student understanding of how we learn and
strategies for revision and exam technique. Research by The Education Endowment Fund concludes that such
metacognitive and self-monitoring strategies are one of the most effective ways to increase student progress. This
research can be found at:
Materials designed to support the workshop sessions are being posted on the KLB school website. To access them
please got to the ‘STUDENT’ menu on the school website and follow the ‘Learning Support’ link. The guidance on
understanding, memorising and revising incorporates the aide memoire ‘Mind Your P, Q, R, S Ts’ which has been
used with the students in Year 7, 8 and 9.
Miss John
Careers Department
Year 11 Applications
Year 11 students will now have made applications to Sixth Forms, Colleges and Apprenticeships and will be going
through the interview process prior to offers being made. If this process stalls for any reason or you have any
concerns about the choices /decisions your son/daughter is making please contact [email protected]
Work Experience
We are delighted that so many students are looking for placements within the various engineering disciplines.
However, we now have more students wishing to consider work experience in the sector than there appear to be
placements available. If any parents work within this sector and would be able to offer a one-week placement to a
Year 10 student from 6 – 10 July this year, we would be very happy to hear from you. Generally, placements
where the employer holds Employer’s Liability Insurance are approved. Please email: [email protected]
First Aid at KLB
The First Aid room is manned by a rota of school support staff all of whom have completed a First Aid course. This
team is on hand to deal with accidents and sickness that may occur during the school day. We do not have the
expertise at school to diagnose illness or other medical conditions and parents should consult local health
practitioners before sending their child to school if they have concerns about his/her illness or injury.
If a student becomes unwell or has an accident/injury during the school day, First Aid staff may consider it
necessary to contact home. For safeguarding reasons this contact needs to be with someone who has parental
responsibility for the student. In most cases this will be the mother or father of the student. The person with
parental responsibility may wish to arrange for someone else such as a grandparent, step-parent or family friend to
collect their child from school (if this is deemed necessary) and must provide the name of the person who will
collect the student from school.
Recently, we have had a number of incidences where students are not reporting to First Aid when they feel unwell
but are contacting parents directly and asking to be collected from school. In order for a student to be signed out
from First Aid, they must first report to the First Aid room. The staff in the First Aid room will contact home on the
student’s behalf if they consider it necessary to do so. If your son or daughter contacts you directly during the
school day saying that they feel unwell, please encourage them to visit the First Aid room and telephone the school
reception to let us know. This is also relevant to Sixth Formers; our duty of care applies to all students from Year 7
through to Year 13, including those over age 18.
Thank you for your support.
Rugby 7s
This year the school has played more rugby 7s matches than ever before. Traditionally the game is dominated by
the independent and grammar schools however, this year, the boys have really narrowed the gap on these schools
with some exceptional performances.
After dominating the 15-a-side season, expectation was again high for the Year 7 boys and the transition to the 7
man game was made quickly. As has been the pattern this year, numbers at training have been so high that we
have been able to field a number of teams in various competitions. The season started with an incredible
performance at the QEH invitational house 7s. We took four house teams along to compete against the equivalent
houses from Pates, Sir Thomas Rich’s and Queen Elizabeth’s Hospital. All four teams acquitted themselves superbly
against some top rugby playing schools. Berkeley house came out top of their group which in itself was a fantastic
achievement, a solid win against Sir Thomas Rich’s in semi-finals preceded a mouth-watering clash against this
season’s biggest rivals. In an end to end game KLB, tired, battered and a little bruised, scored a decisive try
through Alex Gunton in extra time to seal the victory.
The season continued in much the same manor with A and B teams featuring in the Bristol Schools tournament,
recording victories over Bristol Grammar and Colston’s School, however on this occasion QEH gained revenge
winning the final.
The Year 8 boys performed well at the
Bristol Schools 7s, but were ultimately
undone by bigger and better drilled
teams from Colston’s and Bristol
Grammar School. This was early in the
season and proved a valuable platform to
work from. A late invitation to the
prestigious Crypt Grammar School 7s
gave the boys a great opportunity to
make up for the disappointment of the
previous tournament. Thumping victories
over Beechen Cliff and Bishop of
Hereford School sealed a place in the cup
semi-final where we met hosts Crypt. In
a memorable game the boys came back
from 2 tries down to win by just two
points. The final was one game too far
for the boys and, despite their best
efforts, came up just short losing 24-19
to Chosen Hilll School. Player of the
tournament was Keiran Davies who
scored 8 tries.
The Year 9 boys have continued to
develop their game and to make huge
strides forward from last season.
Attendance and attitude at fixtures have
been really positive and this was reflected in some of the results on the pitch. After a poor start at Bristol Schools,
the team narrowly lost their remaining group games therefore missing out on the semi-finals. Highlight of the year
was the victory against QEH school at their tournament. Player of the day Alfie Galvin.
Year 10 boys have also shown a big improvement in a format of the game they had not previously excelled in.
Despite not making the semi-finals of the Bristol Schools, the team showed patches of fantastic rugby. Lots of tries
were scored but too many are being conceded, some work on defence will be needed for next year. Player of the
tournaments and leading try scorer was James Baker.
The U18s and U16s are midway through the 7s season. Both put in mixed performance at the Gloucestershire
Schools Tournament, winning some good games, however losing others that they possibly should have won. The
target for both sides is success in the season ending Bristol Schools Tournament. Both teams have set themselves
a target of at least reaching the semi-finals, with a chance at winning the whole tournament.
Year 8 Girls County Rugby Finals
Our squad of twelve girls set off for Hartpury College on Tuesday 24 March to take part in the first transition rugby
competition hosted in the County for girls by Gloucester Rugby Club.
Ten teams took part in the competition and these teams were split into two pools. The winner of each pool
qualified for the regional competition later in the year. Each game was seven minutes each way.
Our school was drawn in Pool B, against some well drilled teams. Our first game was against St Peter’s High
School. In the first half we put on an excellent display of attacking rugby, passing along the line and making some
direct runs. This resulted in an array of five tries two apiece to Evie England and Pippa Eames. The final try saw
Cece Stacey score in the corner, which brought the half-time to a close. The second half continued in the same
fashion with some excellent solo tries from Evie England and Ismay Lloyd-Fowlin. Once again Pippa powered her
way through the opposition’s defence to score and Sarah Challis added the final try. The game ended 10 tries to 3
to KLB.
Our second game was a much tighter match against Kingshill. A strong run forward from Lizzy Gorman and a quick
pass out saw Evie England score in the corner. This was followed Maddy Lawfull distributed the ball to Pippa
Eames who demolished the opposition with a strong run to score our second try. Kingshill then pulled a try back to
send us into the interval a try up. An injury to Evie England, forced us to rethink our game in the second half.
Sarah Challis took the initiative after the interval scoring two excellent tries, side stepping the opposition. However
the following period saw some strong pressure from the opposition on our defensive lines. Abbie Green and
Rhiannon Davis on the wing showed great defensive awareness to force Kingshill into touch on a number of
occasions. However this pressure lead to Kingshill scoring two further tries bringing the score to 4-3 in favour of
KLB. With minutes to go Ismay Lloyd-Fowlin made an excellent individual run splitting the defence, running the full
length of the pitch to score in the corner. This meant KLB won 5 tries to 3.
In the next game against Winchcombe it was a game of two halves. KLB were superior in the first half passing the
ball along the line quickly and making lots of ground by running forward at speed. This resulted in two well drilled
tries to one try from the opposition. The fortunes turned in the second half when Winchcombe got the upper hand
and scored two further tries. Strong running from Flora King on the wing and good inter-play from Libby Taylor
almost brought about a try to level the score but this was not to be. KLB were defeated 3 tries to 2.
In the final game KLB were against Dene Magna,
undefeated in the competition so far. KLB’s task
was clear; they had to defeat Dene Magna to be
crowned champions of the group. KLB showed
great determination scoring first with a fantastic
individual try from Ismay Lloyd–Fowlin. KLB’s
defence had to be strong and withstand relentless
pressure from Dene Magna. Eventually we folded
from two excellent tries from worked set pieces.
Izzy Miller, our fast winger, made a number of
excellent individual runs but had no support and
this resulted in a turn over ball. Dene Magna went
on to score a number of tries and so KLB was
defeated in their final game.
The squad, trained by Miss Siwek and a coach
from the RFU, were a credit to our school on the
day. The picture to the right shows the squad on
the Hartpury pitches between games.
Fantastic Performance by our Girls Football Teams
On Tuesday 17 March, two of our school football teams
qualified for the County Games Finals. The school has
benefitted immensely from the excellent coaching received
by our students from local football clubs, especially Wotton
Rovers. Dr C Thomas, assisted by Mrs Bates, has led
training sessions that have focussed on match play
situations, allowing the players from various clubs to gain
experience of playing together. The insert photo features
our two teams, with Izzy Dalton from Bristol Ladies
At the County Tournament, the U12 and U14 girls’ teams
were a credit to our school and both teams started the
tournament well, unbeaten in their first two games. Top
scorers in the U14 side were Izzy Newns and Ellie Butler
who played some fantastic passing football upfront on the
3G. Gwen Hughes led the side well from a defensive mid-field position. Jess Marsh & Tarragon Newcombe shared
the goalkeeping duties on the day. Shekea Knight and Geogia Ford came close to scoring. Ollie Bradbury and
Hannah Meheran had strong performances in defence.
The U14 side’s fortune changed when the girls played their final two matches on uneven grass pitches, which did
not suit their skilful passing game. In their first game they were unlucky to concede a penalty from a pass back to
the goalie, which resulted in a narrow 2-1 defeat. Their final game decided their fate. They drew this game, which
placed them in third position, just missing out on a semi-final spot by one point.
Our U12 girls were unbeaten in their group without conceding a goal, booking the team a place in the semi-final.
The majority of the goals in the group games came from Amy McCorkell ably supported in attack by Paige Todd,
Evie Smith and Lucy Lloyd. Defensively KLB were imperious with outstanding performances from Hannah Dix and
Kirstie Weston and Emma Foxwell in goal. The semi-final was a close fought game against Thomas Keble but
exceptional work rate from all players, and a special goal from Ella Aston assured the team’s place in the Final with
a 1-0 win. Their opposition in the final was a team they had already beaten in a very close game in their group (St.
Peter’s). Unfortunately a wonder goal from the opposition meant they lost this game 2-1 but came a creditable
second place, silver medal winners! A special mention should also go to Erin Hodson, Kyla Derrick and Anna
Symanowski for their performance in the district finals and other matches.
Great Team effort for the Year 8 Girls hockey players
On Tuesday 17 March the Year 8 hockey team travelled
to Deer Park School in Cirencester for the District
Captained by Pip Eames, the team
consisted of Naomi Culpepper, Anna McGlaughlin, Lizzie
Firks, Sarah Challis, Erin Hodson, Emily Crowley, Laura
Dickson, Olivia Green and Laura Pugh.
The team had a fantastic start against Deer Park A
team winning 1 – 0 against a very good attacking team.
Sarah Challis, Pip Eames and Anna McGlaughlin
defended well to ensure they did not concede a goal.
Game two was against Farmor’s School and the team
knew that this would be one of the more challenging
games of their pool. The girls played some of the best
hockey they had played making great passes and runs
into the corners to score two fantastic goals. The final score was 2 – 0.
The final game in our group was Thomas Keeble School. After a slow start, the girls picked the pace up and began
to make some great runs into goal. Their confidence grew throughout the game and comfortably won 3 – 0.
After winning all the games in their pool the girls played the runners up from the pool on the adjacent pitch. This
team was Deer Park B team who defending very tightly but Naomi Culpepper and Lizzie Firks kept their cool to
score 2 great goals and win.
The girls were in high spirits and knew that the final against Wycliffe was going to be tricky. However they dug
deep and Sarah Challis used her transferrable football skills to make some high class saves as Goal Keeper.
Unfortunately the Wycliffe forwards could not be contained and great runs into the corners created fantastic goal
opportunities. Wycliffe won 2 – 0 and the KLB Year 8 girls were District runners up.
Captain’s Player – Lizzie Firks.
Table Tennis Club
During this term in table tennis club, we have been holding a boys table tennis competition. Starting off with a
round robin, giving all players a chance of a number of matches. This followed on with knockout stages for the
Winners and runners up and a consolation group knockout.
The round robin matches proved to be good fun, and it was great to see the competitive side of all the club
members, with all being involved from playing , scoring and umpiring the matches. The knockout stages involved
some very tense and close match play, with some games which could have resulted either way.
In the winners and runner up knockout, a very close match was played between Jack Derrick & Lucas Lingham,
with Jack coming through for the win 6/11, 11/6, 11/6 . Jack went on to meet Rory Farewell in the Final, a great
high quality match played, with both players showing great skill and shot selection. Rory becoming the final victor
after a 5 game all action packed match.
The consolation group knockout consisted of a semi-final and a final. Robert McRitchie Vs Tom Barton and Josh
Weirett Vs Ellis Cox. Good consistent matches were played. The winners of each taking part in the Final. The
finalists were, Josh Vs Robert. Josh coming through with a convincing win over Robert to take the victory.
Well done to all players taking part, and the roles you took, to make the matches run smoothly. Also, not
forgetting the victors of the competition, Rory and Josh. Well Done!
A Tinder
Rebel Skateboard and Scooter Competition
For the last two weeks, Mr Hall and his team of sixth form photographers continued to capture this alternative
sporting competition, open to all schools in Gloucestershire. At the end, they will edit their work and put together a
short promotion piece to feature on local social media sites, as well a compilation to be sent to Superdry, one of
the major sponsors of the event.
Louis Spragg, a Year 8 student, entered the skateboard competition and
put in a creditable performance against strong opposition. He faced
opposition much older than himself but on the day put together a string of
tricks in his individual runs.
The following week saw the scooter
competition. The insert picture on the
right features Marcus Jotcham, during his
individual run. Marcus showed nerves of
steel to perform some great tricks.
The action shot on the left shows Elliott Chard in full flight during his medley of
tricks as part of his individual performance at the Skate centre.
All our riders were a credit to KLB and, although they failed to qualify for the final
in mid-May, relished the opportunity to perform.
The final event will take place at the Rush Skate Park, Brimscombe in Stroud on
Monday 11 May at 4pm. This event will feature some top riders from the UK and
spectators are welcome to attend.
U16 Badminton - Pipped at the Post
On Thursday 12 March the U16 boys Badminton Squad
competed in the Regional round of the Centre Parcs
National Badminton Competition, between the best
schools in the seven counties of the SW region. Having
won the District and County Rounds without dropping a
game hopes were high for a good performance and
possible qualification to the Finals at Centre Parcs,
Sherwood Forest.
Being drawn into the group of four, the boys needed to
start well against the Cornish team from Richard Lander.
Good wins from Henry in the 1st singles and Seb and Rob
in the 3-4 doubles set up Rory for a rubber winning game
in the 2nd singles. Once again Rory played a great game
to win comfortably. Two wins in the crossover doubles
secured a 5-0 win and a great start to the competition,
and still no losses!
Things were to get harder as the team played Newton Abbot College next, but again a great start from Henry and
Rory, gave KLB the two singles games. A loss in the 3-4 doubles brought it to 2-1 but then the crossover doubles
pairs, Henry with Rob and Rory with Seb, came good and secured two more wins. 4-1 and another hurdle over.
Last rubber in the group was against Thomas Hardye from Dorset, regular regional finalists. Time to bring on super
sub Harry. Once again the singles went our way, but the 3-4 doubles was dropped from 2-1. Picking up the pace,
both pairs then went on the win giving another 4-1 win and a place in the playoff.
Gordano, Avon champions, had qualified from the group of 3, setting up some keen rivalries between our two top
players and players they knew well from county and competition. Henry played a cat and mouse game, never more
than 2 points up or down. At 19-17 up he was in a strong position, only to lose 21-19 in a nail biter. Seb and Rob
struggled against their opponents and came up 14-21 sort. Two down and under pressure Rory took the next
game 21-12 and restored some hope. The crossover doubles were put on court at the same time. Henry and Rob
played hard in a tight game to come up 20-21 losers, while Seb and Rory took their game to end the final 2-3.
So silver medals and the knowledge that they had played some of the best badminton KLB has ever seen,
producing our best ever placing in the competition, but just pipped at the post for the trip to Nottingham.
Mr McRitchie
Fencing at the South West Regional Finals
KLB Fencers have again been active, this time in a regional competition. Several KLB students made the trip to
Millfield School in Street on 25 January to take part in the South West Regional Qualifiers; one of a number of
regional events held around the country used to decide who will represent the regions at the National Fencing
Championship Finals to be held in Sheffield in May. The South West region covers all areas from Gloucestershire,
right down to the Isles of Scilly. For some, this was their first experience of taking part in a large competitive
event. For others, it was a chance to pitch themselves against some of the best fencers in the country.
Chris Cumming and Austin Hampshire (both Year 8) took part in the Under 14 boys foil event. Chris did very well in
his first major competition, achieving a mid-table placing having won almost half of his fights. Austin also put in a
strong performance against experienced opposition. Laura Copeland (Year 10) put in a very brave showing in the
Under 16 Girls event; her only fencing experience to date has been taking part in the Friday lunchtime lessons at
school and a local competition against Wycliffe School. She found herself in a field of girls who regularly compete
at regional and national level and managed to surprise them and herself by scoring several hits against significantly
more experienced competitors. An excellent performance, showing that Chris, Austin and Laura have a promising
foundation on which to build their fencing skills.
Rob Williams and Dom Aston (both Year 11) have taken part in similar
competitions before and achieved excellent results. Rob took a hard fought
third place in the Under 18 Boys against some very strong competition, losing
out in a close semi-final round to the eventual winner. His high placing meant
that he qualified for the National Finals competition. Dom Aston put in an
excellent performance in the Under 16 Boys. He only lost one match and was
seeded first following the pool rounds. After the direct elimination section of
the competition, Dom finished runner-up in his age group, missing out on
outright victory in a hard-fought final match. Dom too qualified for the
National Finals.
Overall, all those taking part did themselves, their coaches and their school
The next competition on the calendar is the Gloucestershire Junior Foil
Championships at Wycliffe College on Sunday 8 March.
Vacancies at Katharine Lady Berkeley’s School
We are currently recruiting for:
Catering Assistant
 £7.06/hour
 (Term time only) Monday – Friday 08:30 – 14:00 (or 09:00 – 14:30)
An Application Form and Job Description are available on the school website
For any queries, please contact:
 [email protected]
 £7.06/hour
 (Term time) Monday – Thursday 15:00 – 18:30, Fridays 15:00 – 17:45
+25 days non-term time
An Application Form and Job Description are available on the school website
For any queries, please contact Debbie Pavey:
 [email protected]
For both posts:
Closing date: 17:00 10 April 2015
Interviews week commencing: 13 April 2015
Dates for your Diary
(Full calendar available at
27 March
Last day of term 4
13 April
4 May
12 May
22 May
First day of term 5
May bank holiday
Pastoral workshop – Dealing with challenging behaviour, 6:30 to 8:00pm
Last day of term 5
1 Jun
11 Jun
17/18/23 Jun
27 Jun
29/30 Jun
6-10 July
14 July
17 July
First day of term 6
Higher Education information evening, 7:00pm
Year 6 information evenings, 7:00pm
KLB Friends Summer Festival
Year 6 Induction Days
Year 10 Work Experience
Sixth Form induction
Last day of term 6