LOAN INTAKE: Client Household Profile ROOF REPLACEMENT "Foster Homeownership and Revitalize Neighborhoods" Must be completed for all clients Date: Date of Birth: Client Name (First, Middle Initial, Last): Social Security Number: Street Address: City: State: Home or Cell Phone Number: Email Address: Married: Zip: Disabled: Type of Rehabilitation Interested: Job Duration: Farm Worker: Y N For statistical purposes, circle or check appropriate answer as it applies: Ethnicity: (You must select one:) Hispanic Non-Hispanic Choose not to respond Single Race: Multi-Race: Veteran: Y N Gender: Male Household Type: 1. America Indian/Alaskan Native 7. American Indian/Alaskan Native 1. Single adult 2. Asian and White 8. Asian and White 9. Black/African and White 10. American Indian/Alaska Native and Black/African American 11. Other Multiple Race 2. Female-headed single parent 3. Male-headed single parent 4. Married without children 5. Married with children 6. Two or more unrelated adults 7. Other 3. Black/African American 4. Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander 5. White 6. Choose Not to Respond Female For statistical purposes, please indicate highest level of education: Doctoral or Professional Degree Master's Degree Bachelor's Degree Must be completed for all clients Associate's Degree Postsecondary Non-Degree Award Some College, No Degree Date: Co-Client Name (First, Middle Initial, Last): High School Diploma or Equivalent Less than High School Date of Birth: Social Security Number: Street Address: check if same as above City: State: Zip: Home or Cell Phone Number: Email Address: Married: Farm Worker: Y N Veteran: Y N Disabled: Type of Rehabilitation Interested: Job Duration: For statistical purposes, circle or check appropriate answer as it applies: Ethnicity: (You must select one:) Hispanic Non-Hispanic Choose not to respond Single Race: Multi-Race: 1. America Indian/Alaskan Native 2. Asian 3. Black/African American 4. Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander 5. White 6. Choose Not to Respond 7. American Indian/Alaskan Native and White 8. Asian and White 9. Black/African and White 10. American Indian/Alaska Native and Black/African American 11. Other Multiple Race Gender: Male Household Type: 1. Single adult 2. Female-headed single parent 3. Male-headed single parent 4. Married without children 5. Married with children 6. Two or more unrelated adults 7. Other For statistical purposes, please indicate highest level of education: Doctoral or Professional Degree Master's Degree Bachelor's Degree Associate's Degree Postsecondary Non-Degree Award Some College, No Degree High School Diploma or Equivalent Less than High School Female List ALL Household Members including Client and ALL sources of income for adult members of the household. Include unearned income of minor children. Income Sources: Wages, Worker's Comp, Veteran Benefits, Unemployment, SSI, Social Security Benefits, Retirement, Public Assistance, Military, Child Support, Alimony, Other: amounts must be broken down per category per recipient. Name Relationship to Client Date of Birth (of non applicant) High School Student Gross Annual Income Y or N Primary Source of Income Client Co-Client I hereby certify that the information given above is accurate and complete. I understand that if information I provided is discovered to be false or misleading, my participation may be denied or terminated. CONSENT: I/We hereby allow this Agency, its agents, employees, or its affiliates to request and obtain income and asset information, mortgage, credit bureau and personal information pertinent to KNHS Loan Programs. I/We allow contact to be made on my/our behalf with representatives from mortgage, attorney, collection and credit bureau companies. ______________________________________ Printed Name ______________________________________ Printed Name ______________________________________ Printed Name ______________________________________ Signature ______________________________________ Signature ______________________________________ Signature ________________ Date ________________ Date ________________ Date KNHS will be providing 0% loans for Deferred Maintenance Roof Program. The program guidelines allows for 7 qualified applicants. This program is available for owner-occupied and income qualified homeowners in Eastside, Edison, Fairmont/Douglas, Northside, Stuart & Vine Neighborhoods. This activity is brought to you in partnership with the City of Kalamazoo. A Loan Specialist will contact you within 1-2 weeks after receiving a completed Loan Intake. Additional paperwork will be required to verify income and eligibility.
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