Continuing evolution of therapy for coronary artery disease. Initial results from the era of coronary angioplasty. D B Mark, C L Nelson, R M Califf, F E Harrell, Jr, K L Lee, R H Jones, D F Fortin, R S Stack, D D Glower and L R Smith Circulation. 1994;89:2015-2025 doi: 10.1161/01.CIR.89.5.2015 Circulation is published by the American Heart Association, 7272 Greenville Avenue, Dallas, TX 75231 Copyright © 1994 American Heart Association, Inc. All rights reserved. Print ISSN: 0009-7322. Online ISSN: 1524-4539 The online version of this article, along with updated information and services, is located on the World Wide Web at: Permissions: Requests for permissions to reproduce figures, tables, or portions of articles originally published in Circulation can be obtained via RightsLink, a service of the Copyright Clearance Center, not the Editorial Office. Once the online version of the published article for which permission is being requested is located, click Request Permissions in the middle column of the Web page under Services. Further information about this process is available in the Permissions and Rights Question and Answer document. Reprints: Information about reprints can be found online at: Subscriptions: Information about subscribing to Circulation is online at: Downloaded from by guest on September 9, 2014 2015 Continuing Evolution of Therapy for Coronary Artery Disease Initial Results From the Era of Coronary Angioplasty Daniel B. Mark, MD, MPH; Charlotte L. Nelson, MS; Robert M. CalifT, MD; Frank E. Harrell, Jr, PhD; Kerry L. Lee, PhD; Robert H. Jones, MD; Donald F. Fortin, MD; Richard S. Stack, MD; Donald D. Glower, MD; L. Richard Smith, PhD; Elizabeth R. DeLong, PhD; Peter K. Smith, MD; J.G. Reves, MD; James G. Jollis, MD; James E. Tcheng, MD; Lawrence H. Muhlbaier, PhD; James E. Lowe, MD; Harry R. Phillips, MD; David B. Pryor, MD Background Survival after coronary artery bypass graft surgery (CABG) and medical therapy in patients with coronary artery disease (CAD) has been studied in both randomized trials and observational treatment comparisons. Over the past decade, the use of coronary angioplasty (PTCA) has increased dramatically, without guidance from either randomized trials or prospective observational comparisons. The purpose of this study was to describe the survival experience of a large prospective cohort of CAD patients treated with medicine, PTCA, or CABG. Methods and Results The study was designed as a prospective nonrandomized treatment comparison in the setting of an academic medical center (tertiary care). Subjects were 9263 patients with symptomatic CAD referred for cardiac catheterization (1984 through 1990). Patients with prior PTCA or CABG, valvular or congenital disease, nonischemic cardiomyopathy, or significant (.75%) left main disease were excluded. Baseline clinical, laboratory, and catheterization data were collected prospectively in the Duke Cardiovascular Disease Databank. All patients were contacted at 6 months, 1 year, and annually thereafter (follow-up 97% complete). Cardiovascular death was the primary end point. Of this cohort, 2788 patients were treated with PTCA (2626 within 60 days) and 3422 with CABG (3080 within 60 days). Repeat or crossover revascularization procedures were counted as part of the initial treatment strategy. Kaplan-Meier survival curves (both unadjusted and adjusted for all known imbalances in baseline prognostic factors) were used to examine absolute survival differences, and treatment pair hazard ratios from the Cox model were used to summarize average relative survival benefits. For the latter, a 13-level CAD prognostic index was used to examine the relation between survival and revascularization as a function of CAD severity. The effects of revascularization on survival depended on the extent of CAD. For the least severe forms of CAD (ie, one-vessel disease), there were no survival advantages out to 5 years for revascularization over medical therapy. For intermediate levels of CAD (ie, two-vessel disease), revascularization was associated with higher survival rates than medical therapy. For less severe forms of two-vessel disease, PTCA had a small advantage over CABG, whereas for the most severe form of two-vessel disease (with a critical lesion of the proximal left anterior descending artery), CABG was superior. For the most severe forms of CAD (ie, threevessel disease), CABG provided a consistent survival advantage over medicine. PTCA appeared prognostically equivalent to medicine in these patients, but the number of PTCA patients in this subgroup was low. Conclusions In this first large-scale, prospective observational treatment comparison of PTCA, CABG, and medicine, we confirmed the previously reported survival advantages for CABG over medical therapy for three-vessel disease and severe two-vessel disease. For less severe CAD, the primary treatment choices are between medicine and PTCA. In these patients, there is a trend for a relative survival advantage with PTCA, although absolute survival differences were modest. In this setting, treatment decisions should be based not only on survival differences but also on symptom relief, quality of life outcomes, and patient preferences. (Circulation. 1994;89:2015-2025.) Key Words * angioplasty * bypass * coronary disease T he effects of both coronary artery bypass graft surgery (CABG) and medical therapy on survival in patients with coronary artery disease (CAD) have been well studied.'-5 During the 1980s, the use of percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty (PTCA) as a third alternative grew to the point that more than 250 000 PTCAs are now performed annually in the United States.67 Although PTCA was initially viewed as a treatment that would allow patients to defer or eliminate the need for CABG, there is now strong Received July 14, 1993; revision accepted January 14, 1994. From the Heart Center, the Departments of Medicine, Community and Family Medicine, Anesthesiology, and Surgery, Duke University Medical Center, Durham, NC. Correspondence to Daniel B. Mark, MD, MPH, PO Box 3485, Duke University Medical Center, Durham, NC 27710. evidence that the procedure has been used predominantly in patients who would formerly have been treated medically.8 Thus, the rising incidence of PTCA in the United States has actually been accompanied by an increase in the use of CABG.7 Many have pointed out that the current patterns of PTCA use have evolved without guidance from randomized trial data.9 The first major randomized trial involving PTCA was published in 1992.10 This trial, Angioplasty Compared to Medicine (ACME), found that PTCA was associated with better functional status and more complete relief of symptoms in patients with angina who had single-vessel disease. However, ACME, which randomized 212 patients, was not large enough to address the issue of possible survival differences. Re- Downloaded from by guest on September 9, 2014 2016 Circulation Vol 89, No 5 May 1994 cently, an interim analysis of the Randomized Intervention Treatment of Angina (RITA) trial was published."1 This trial randomized 1011 patients with significant CAD to either PTCA or CABG. At a mean follow-up of 2.5 years, cardiac mortality in the PTCA group was 1.6% and in the CABG group, 2% (P=NS). Of the four additional randomized trials comparing PTCA and CABG in multivessel-disease patients, only BARI was designed with survival as the primary end point.12,13 In 1989, we described our survival experience with therapy for CAD starting with the initiation of CABG at Duke Medical Center in 1969 and continuing to 1984.4 The purpose of the present report is to extend those results into the era of PTCA by describing the 5-year survival experience of patients with ischemic heart disease treated with medicine, PTCA, or CABG at Duke between 1984 and 1990. Methods Patient Population Between March 1984 and August 1990, 17 309 consecutive patients were referred to the Duke Heart Center for initial cardiac catheterization for evaluation of suspected ischemic heart disease. Of these, 7710 patients were excluded for the following reasons: absence of significant (275% diameter) stenosis in at least one major epicardial coronary segment (n=5817), 275% left main stenosis (n=691), significant (ie, 3+ to 4+) ischemic mitral regurgitation (n=422), prior PTCA (n=253), and prior CABG (n=527). Patients with primary valvular, congenital, or cardiomyopathic disease were also excluded. Thus, the final study population consisted of 9263 patients with significant CAD comprising all eligible patients with stable angina, progressive angina, unstable angina, postinfarction angina, an acute evolving myocardial infarction, or a recent myocardial infarction. Data Collection and Information System Pertinent baseline variables from the history, physical examination, laboratory tests, chest x-ray, and 12-lead ECG were collected prospectively on standardized forms as part of the patient care process and stored in the Duke Cardiovascular Disease Databank.14'15 The results of cardiac catheterization and the procedural details of each PTCA and CABG have also been collected prospectively. Definitions of key prognostic variables (Table 1) have been published previously.4'15-18 Cardiac Catheterization Significant coronary artery stenosis was defined as 75% or greater obstruction of a major epicardial coronary segment.4 Arterial lesions were graded by subjective visual consensus of at least two experienced observers on the following ordinal scale: 0%, 10% (minor irregularities), 25%, 50%, 75%, 95%, or 100% luminal diameter stenosis. The amount of coronary disease present was summarized in two ways for this study. First, we used the traditional one-, two-, or three-vessel disease classification.19 Recognizing that this widely used classification groups together categories of patients with differing prognoses and (presumably) differing responses to revascularization, we also used a more detailed characterization of coronary disease severity. In this latter system, the Coronary Artery Disease Prognostic Index (Table 2), possible combinations of coronary lesions were ranked and weighted using a Cox regression analysis of medical prognosis in patients treated at Duke between 1969 and 1984.18 This CAD index considers not only the number of diseased vessels but also any significant involvement of the left anterior descending coronary artery (LAD), particularly when there was involvement of the proximal segment and/or the proximal segment stenosis was severe (ie, .95% stenosis). TABLE 1. BaselIne Prognostic Characerlstics Left ventricular ejection fraction Coronary disease severity (No. of diseased vessels, proximal left anterior descending stenosis, severe [95%] proximal left anterior descending stenosis, coronary artery disease index) Noninvasive markers of myocardial damage (Q wave on ECG, history of myocardial infarction, cardiomegaly on chest x-ray, S3 gallop, severity of congestive heart failure) Severity of angina (stable, progressive, unstable, postinfarction, frequency, nocturnal) Acute myocardial infarction (<6 hours, 6-24 hours, 24 hours to 6 weeks) Demographics (age) Mitral regurgitation (none, 1+, 2+) Conduction disturbances on ECG (right bundle branch block, left bundle branch block, hemiblocks) Extracardiac vascular disease (cerebrovascular, peripheral vascular) Comorbidity (renal insufficiency, chronic obstructive lung disease, cancer [excluding skin], liver disease) Year of cardiac catheterization Coronary Revascularization and Medical Therapy Standard PTCA techniques used at Duke during the period of this study have been described in detail elsewhere.20 During this study, the procedural success rate (c50% residual stenosis) for angioplasty was 91% for acute myocardial infarction patients and unstable angina patients undergoing an emergency procedure and 95% for nonacute procedures (overall procedural success rate, 94%). The emergency bypass surgery rate for this cohort was 2.8%. The 30-day unadjusted mortality rate for PTCA was strongly influenced by mode of clinical TABLE 2. Coronary Artery Diseae Pronsic Index* Extent of CAD No CAD .50% 1 VD 50%-74% > 1 VD 50%-74% 1 VD (75%) 1 VD (.95%) 2 VD 2 VD (both .95%) 1 VD, .95% proximal LAD 2 VD, .95% LAD 2 VD, >95% proximal LAD 3 VD 3 VD, .95% in at least Prognostic Weight (0-100) 0 19 23 23 32 37 42 48 48 56 56 63 67 74 82 100 CAD indicates coronary artery disease; VD, vessel disease; and LAD, left anterior descending coronary artery. *Note that the CAD index is hierarchical and that patents are assigned to the most severe category that applies to them.18 one 3 VD, 75% proximal LAD 3 VD, .95% proximal LAD Left main (75%) Left main (.95%) Downloaded from by guest on September 9, 2014 Mark et al Evolution of Therapy: Angioplasty TABLE 3. Baseline Clinical Characteristics of 9263 Study Patients Medicine (n=3557) PTCA (n=2626) Male patients, % Age, y (range) Anginal symptoms, % or No. Typical angina Stable angina 71 61 (53-68) 65 27 32 28 5 8 <1 2 (0-5) 11 11 (1-58) 70 58 (50-66) 71 11 28 22 6 2017 CABG (n=3080) 76 62 (56-69) 78 19 42 24 6 9 Progressive/unstable Recent Ml, stable Recent Ml, unstable Acute Ml (s24 hours) 33 Variant angina 1 Pain frequency/week 4 (1-7) 3 (0-5) Nocturnal pain 14 8 Duration of CAD symptoms, mo 1 (0.1-12) 12 (0.8-68) Risk factors, % Family history of CAD 47 47 51 Smoker 67 72 65 Hypertension 55 46 53 Diabetes 24 15 22 Hyperlipidemia 29 27 31 Clinical measures of myocardial damage, % 63 History of Ml 71 59 17 History of CHF 7 12 NYHA CHF class IV 3 1 6 S3 gallop 4 4 Major comorbidity* 11 7 9 PTCA indicates percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty; CABG, coronary artery bypass graft surgery; Ml, myocardial infarction; CAD, coronary artery disease; CHF, congestive heart failure; and NYHA, New York Heart Association. *Specified in Table 1. presentation: acute myocardial infarction (s24 hours), 10.4%; recent myocardial infarction (>24 hours but c6 weeks), 2.1%; unstable angina, 0.8%; and stable angina, 0.3%. The standard cardiac surgical and anesthesia techniques used at Duke during the period of this study have also been described in detail previously.21 The unadjusted 30-day mortality rates in the surgical patients included in this study were acute myocardial infarction, 6.2%; recent myocardial infarction, 3.7%; unstable angina, 2.8%; and stable angina, 1.6%. The medical therapy given to each study patient was determined by the patient's attending Duke cardiologist and primary care physician. Follow-up Procedures Patients were contacted at 6 months and 1 year after presentation and then annually.4"15 The follow-up anniversary was timed from the date of catheterization for medical patients and from the time of the initial revascularization procedure for PTCA and CABG patients. Follow-up was performed primarily with self-administered questionnaires; telephone contact was reserved for patients who did not return the questionnaires. Survival data were 97% complete for all time intervals. Cause of death was classified by an independent mortality committee into cardiovascular and noncardiovascular causes. The primary end point for this study was cardiovascular death. Importantly, our conclusions were unchanged when all-cause mortality was substituted as the end point for analysis. Data Analysis Descriptive Stasics Baseline characteristics were summarized with medians and interquartile ranges for continuous variables and percentages for discrete variables. For the purposes of describing baseline characteristics (Tables 3 and 4), patients were assigned to a treatment group defined by the initial revascularization procedure performed within 60 days of cardiac catheterization. Patients not receiving revascularization within 60 days of catheterization composed the medical group. Patients were assigned to a therapeutic group according to the first revascularization procedure performed, regardless of success of the procedure or subsequent crossover. Treatment Assignment for Survival Analysis For survival analysis, Kaplan-Meier survival estimates were used to describe patterns of mortality by treatment group.22 Because the >60-day treatment group definition unfairly penalizes the medical group by ascribing medical therapy to all patients who die before they are able to undergo revascularization, we used a method of treatment assignment that reduces this waiting-time bias. With this method, all 9263 Downloaded from by guest on September 9, 2014 2018 Circulation Vol 89, No S May 1994 TABLE 4. Baelane CMwlzaion of 93 Study Psents MedLcine (n=3557) PTCA (n=2626) CABG (n=3080) Coronary artery disease, % 1 VD 48 61 10 2 VD 29 30 34 22 3 VD 10 56 LAD disease (>75%), % 62 56 91 Prox LAD disease (.75%), % 22 23 46 CAD index*, % 1 VD (275%) 11 8 1 32 1 VD (.95%) 43 5 11 12 2 VD 7 4 2 VD, 2 severe 5 4 1 VD, prox LAD 295% or 2 VD, .95% LAD 18 15 15 4 6 2 VD, .95% prox LAD or 3 VD 11 14 6 3 VD, 1 severe 30 1 3 3 VD, >75% prox LAD 9 2 5 3 VD, 295% prox LAD 18 53 (45-60) 50 (39-59) 52 (42-60) Ejection fraction, % 71 76 Abnormal LV contraction, % 76 Mitral insufficiency, % 85 80 Grade 0 81 10 13 Grade 1 13 7 5 Grade 2 6 PTCA indicates percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty; CABG, coronary artery bypass graft surgery; VD, vessel disease; LAD, left anterior descending coronary artery; prox, proximal; and LV, left ventricular. *The CAD index is hierarchical -patients are placed into the most severe category appropriate to their anatomy. patients were initially considered to be medically treated. When patients underwent their initial revascularization procedure, their medical follow-up was censored and their follow-up was restarted at time zero in the appropriate revascularization group (Fig 1). This method of assigning treatment is identical to that used in our previous observational treatment comparison of medicine and CABG4 and is also the same as "method A" used by the CASS group in their nonrandomized initil Rx A "eigm M edicie n lot ~ ~ * CASO [m | lcA--->J) |imi Rx _g | 9263 | PTCA Mod~ 4---PTCA (4%) in CABG FiG 1. Diagram showing method of assignment of therapeutic for treatment comparison that reduces the waiting time bias against medical survival. All patients are initially counted as medically treated. When patients cross over for the first time to either percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty (PTCA) or coronary artery bypass graft surgery (CABG), they are censored (ie, removed alive) from the medical group and their follow-up is restarted in the appropriate revascularizatlon group. If an intervening repeat cardiac catheterization has been performed, their covariates are updated to the newer values. Once assigned to a revascularization group, patients are counted in that group regardless of subsequent crossovers. group treatment comparisons.23 Once a patient was assigned to a revascularization group, either PTCA or CABG, he or she was maintained in that group until death or the end of follow-up regardless of subsequent therapeutic crossovers. Thus, a PTCA patient with a failed procedure requiring emergency CABG would be analyzed as a PTCA patient. Similarly, a CABG patient requiring PTCA of a graft stenosis would be counted as a CABG patient. If patients who crossed over from medicine to a revascularization procedure underwent a repeat catheterization before that procedure, the baseline variables used in our prognostic calculations for that revascularization group were those of the most recent preprocedural catheterization study. Of the 2788 patients undergoing initial PTCA during the study, 162 (6%) had their procedure more than 60 days after the index cardiac catheterization. Similarly, of the 3422 CABG patients in the study, 342 (10%) had their operation more than 60 days after cardiac catheterization. Covarite Adjusens and Ststical Modeling Because treatment in our study was not randomly assigned, observed survival differences among groups may be due to imbalances in baseline prognostic factors rather than to a specific effect of treatment on outcome. To control for or "subtract out" the effects of such baseline imbalances before comparing therapies, we performed a standard covariate adjustment that included all identifiable prognostic factors (Table 1) in a multivariable survival model. The objective of this adjustment was to ensure that any prognostic differences between treatments were additional to the effects of these nontreatment variables. For these analyses, we used a Cox proportional-hazards regression model stratified on treatment Downloaded from by guest on September 9, 2014 Mark et al Evolution of Therapy: Angioplasty 1 Vessel Disease Unadjusted 1.0 1.0 L_ t~ ~~~~eetee-"~ @ ' 0.91- E 0.9 .0 .0 2 0.8 A. 0 Adjusted 0.7 1 (0. - PTCA -CABG -Medicine 0.81- 0.71- 2919 96 425 1693 944 3C9p 339 219 {X-fr |7 l 0 1 2 3 4 5 C 06 2919 1693 339 (ls 0 1 2 94 M 944 219 0P 3 c 4 5 2019 FIG 2. Survival curves for one-vessel disease showing unadjusted (left) and adjusted (right) comparisons of the three treatment groups to demonstrate absolute survival differences. X axis shows follow-up time out to 5 years. Y axis shows cardiovascular survival probability from 1.0 to 0.5. Numbers at the bottom of the plots show number of patients in each treatment group remaining to be followed at 0, 3, and 5 years of follow-up. PTCA indicates percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty (P); CABG, coronary artery bypass graft surgery (C); and M, medically treated. Years Years and number of diseased vessels,24 using an approach described in detail previously.416 24 Basically, this model allows separate underlying hazard functions for the three treatments with common coefficients for each of the other covariates in the model across the three treatments, unless covariate-treatment interactions were present. By stratification on treatment, the need for assuming proportional hazards among treatments is eliminated. In addition to standard covariate adjustments, we adjusted for factors favoring selection of one treatment over another using propensity scores.25-27 These scores were developed from binary logistic regression models and were represented in the final Cox regression models by three variables consisting of the linear score or logit from each of the three logistic models (ie, CABG versus PTCA, CABG versus medical therapy, PTCA versus medical therapy). Statistical Testing and Treatment Comparisons Treatment comparisons are presented in this paper in two main formats: Kaplan-Meier survival curves (unadjusted and adjusted) to contrast absolute survival differences and hazard ratios from the Cox model to compare relative survival differences of the three treatments (taken two at a time) according to levels of the Duke prognostic CAD index (Table 2). Because the hazard ratios involve a direct treatment comparison, the calculations required refitting Cox models in which the treatment group was used as a covariate rather than as a stratification factor. Since early procedural mortality creates a pattern of crossing survival curves, the proportional-hazards assumptions of the Cox model are violated. The typical effect of this violation is to make statistical treatment comparisons more conservative and confidence limits on the hazard ratios wider. Hazard ratios are presented with 99% confidence limits rather than 95% limits because a more conservative position is warranted by the multiple comparisons involved in calculating separate hazard ratios for each level of the CAD index. Confidence limits that do not intersect the 1.0 line of treatment equivalence are indicative of a treatment difference that is significant at the .01 level. Results Baseline clinical characteristics are shown in Table 3 for the 2626 patients receiving PTCA as their initial revascularization procedure within 60 days of catheterization, the 3080 patients initially treated with CABG within 60 days, and the 3557 patients who were treated medically for at least 60 days. Although there was much overlap among groups in these clinical characteristics, some trends were evident (Table 3). Median age was lowest in the PTCA group and highest in the CABG group. CABG patients had more progressive or unstable anginal symptoms, whereas the PTCA group had the highest prevalence of acute myocardial infarction (catheterization within 24 hours of presentation). CABG patients had been symptomatic the greatest period of time, whereas PTCA patients had a median of 1 month between the date of symptom onset and catheterization. The medical patients had the highest prevalence of any congestive heart failure and of class IV heart failure. Major comorbidity, including renal insufficiency, chronic obstructive lung disease, and cancer, was also slightly more prevalent in the medical group. The biggest differences among groups were found in the distribution of baseline catheterization characteristics (Table 4). In particular, 61% of the PTCA group had one-vessel disease and 10% three-vessel disease, whereas for CABG the proportions were essentially reversed (10% and 56%, respectively). Examination of the CAD index provided more details regarding differences in the distribution of coronary disease among the three groups (Table 4). PTCA patients had the best and medical patients the worst left ventricular function, judged in terms of the ejection fraction. The prevalence of mild mitral regurgitation was similar in the three groups. Fig 2 displays survival curves for the patients with one-vessel disease according to treatment group with (right) and without (left) adjustment for imbalances in baseline characteristics. Although there was a very slight trend toward higher survival in the PTCA group compared with the other two treatments, this difference was small at the 5-year follow-up point (adjusted 5-year survivals: PTCA, 95%; CABG, 93%; medicine, 94%). In the patients with two-vessel disease (Fig 3), revascularization with either PTCA or CABG showed a small advantage over medicine emerging at 1 year of follow-up (adjusted 5-year survivals: PTCA, 91%; CABG, 91%; medicine, 86%). In contrast, in the group with three-vessel disease (Fig 4), which had the smallest number of PTCA patients (n=260), CABG was superior to both medicine and PTCA (adjusted 5-year survivals: CABG, 89%; PTCA, 81%; medicine, 72%). To ensure that these results were not due to inappropriate combination of survival experience from acute or recent myocardial infarction patients with other symptomatic CAD patients, we generated the same survival curves after excluding patients with a myocardial infarc- Downloaded from by guest on September 9, 2014 Circulation Vol 89, No S May 1994 2020 2 Vessel Disease Unadjusted 1.0 U .0 2 0.8 W 0.91 m0.9 I. Adjusted 1.0 PTCA CABG - dicine F 0.7 rL 53 .6 1216 0.7 I 22m 06 174P 29 C 708 1160 a 0 1 2 FIG 3. Survival curves for two-vessel disease. See Fig 2 for orientation. PTCA indicates percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty (P); CABG, coronary artery bypass graft surgery (C); and M, medically treated. 0.8 F 537 425 anJ- A_~~~~~~~~~~~~~- 3 4 5 2568 Sm 1169 u.5. 537 226 M 174 P 289 C 425 708 l 0 1 2 Years tion within 2 weeks of the diagnostic catheterization (Fig 5). The patterns evident in Figs 2 through 4 were also clearly evident in this subset of the population. Additional subsets examined, including patients with unstable angina, older patients, and those with low ejection fraction, also displayed these same relations. Because the traditional classification of one-, two-, and three-vessel disease is not sufficiently detailed to reflect all the important prognostic aspects of coronary anatomy, we used a recently derived CAD index (Table 2) to calculate Cox model estimated hazard or mortality ratios for pairs of treatments against nine levels of coronary disease severity. Hazard ratios summarize the relative effect of one treatment versus another on mortality averaged over the 5-year follow-up period. Fig 6 shows the hazard ratios for CABG and medical therapy along with 99% confidence limits. In the least severe categories of CAD (left side of Fig 6), there is a trend favoring medicine, although the confidence limits include the possibility of no effect (ie, hazard ratio of 1) or even benefit from CABG. In the more severe forms of one-vessel disease and the less severe forms of two-vessel disease, the two therapies appear equivalent, whereas in severe two-vessel disease (with a 95% proximal LAD lesion) and all forms of three-vessel disease, CABG clearly improves survival relative to medicine by 36% to 63%. A similar comparison is shown in Fig 7 for medical therapy and PTCA. In one-vessel disease categories and A 3 Years 4 5 the less severe forms of two-vessel disease, there is a trend for PTCA to reduce mortality relative to medicine by approximately 20%, although in every case the confidence limits cross the 1.0 hazard ratio line of identity. In severe two-vessel disease (with 95% proximal LAD involvement) and all forms of three-vessel disease, the estimated benefit of PTCA is 10% to 15% and the confidence limits suggest an equivalent effect on survival. The final set of hazard ratios involving CABG and PTCA is shown in Fig 8. In the less severe forms of oneand two-vessel disease, PTCA reduced mortality by almost 50% relative to CABG. In severe one-vessel disease (with 95% proximal LAD involvement) and moderate two-vessel disease, the two therapies had an equivalent effect on survival, whereas in severe twovessel disease (with 95% proximal LAD involvement) and all forms of three-vessel disease, there was a clear survival benefit for CABG, with the magnitude of the benefit (25% to 60% mortality reduction) proportional to the severity of the coronary disease. Discussion This study is the first large-scale prospective observational treatment comparison of 5-year survival outcomes with PTCA, CABG, and medical therapy. The major findings are as follows. First, we confirmed the survival benefits of CABG relative to medicine that had been reported for CAD patients treated during the 3 Vessel Disease Unadjusted I Adjusted 1.0 FIG 4. Survival curves for three-vessel disease. See Fig 2 for orientation. PTCA indicates percutaneous transluminal coronary angloplasty (P); CABG, coronary artery bypass graft surgery (C); and M, medically treated. 0.9 0.8 IL 0.7 60 0.6 267 n}-s -- rW v._ F 2 Years - - PTCA - CABG - Mkdlicna E~U~55w A- 260 1814 w =I 1 2 302 118m 117 46 P 510 c 1151 3 4 5 Years Downloaded from by guest on September 9, 2014 Mark et al Evolution of Therapy: Angioplasty 1 Vessel Disease > 1.0 = .0 -0 MU.. MMUM 0.9 - b> 0.6 CO n= U.* PTCA CABG Medicine - 2 0.8 I11 0.7 1606 672 719 223 447 0 o 1 1 154 2 2 3 3 4 5 4 5 Years 2 Vessel Disease > 1.0 n 0.9 2 0.8 ~j0.7cn 0.6 1589 295 394 109 0.5-753 1 A 0 1 2 14901 3 Years 3 Vessel Disease 1.0 0 .0 0 0.9 0.8 CD 0.7 CL) 0. 1746 215 ,74 37 504 12U" 0.5L0 95 1 1A 1 2 3 md 20 PTCA 373 CABO a~~~~~~~~~~~~ 4 5 Years FIG 5. Adjusted survival curves for one-, two-, and three-vessel disease excluding patients with acute myocardial infarction within 2 weeks. Patterns seen in Figs 2 through 4 are clearly preserved in the non-acute myocardial infarction portion of the study population. PTCA indicates percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty; CABG, coronary artery bypass graft surgery; and Med, medically treated. 1970s and early 1980s.1-5'28 Specifically, in this more recent (1984 through 1990) cohort of patients, CABG was found to improve survival for the more severe forms of CAD, starting with severe two-vessel disease and extending through all forms of three-vessel disease (Fig 6). Furthermore, the magnitude of survival benefits was clearly a function of the severity of the CAD present, with more severe CAD associated with greater benefit.4,U Second, in less severe forms of CAD, PTCA showed a modest survival advantage over CABG (Fig 8). In the most severe category of one-vessel disease and moderate two-vessel disease (both involving LAD lesions), however, PTCA and CABG appeared prognostically equivalent, whereas in the most severe forms of CAD, PTCA had prognostic effects equivalent to medicine (Fig 4). Finally, comparing PTCA and medicine (Fig 7), there was a definite trend favoring PTCA in the less severe forms of CAD, although this did not reach statistical significance. Starting with severe two-vessel 2021 disease and continuing with all forms of three-vessel disease, PTCA and medicine appeared prognostically equivalent. Typically, when survival differences between treatment alternatives are present, they are largest in absolute terms in high-risk patients and smallest in low-risk patients.4 In the case of low-risk patients, such as those with one-vessel disease, the small absolute differences present in the survival outcomes of alternative therapies may be of less consequence in decision making than effects on symptom status or patient preferences, whereas in high-risk patients, survival considerations may dominate. Although our results by themselves are not sufficient for individual patient treatment selection (since they do not include either symptom status or patient preferences), they do provide a conceptual framework for such decisions. Generally, medicine or PTCA should be the preferred initial strategies for low-risk CAD (eg, one-vessel disease), whereas CABG should be preferred in many high-risk CAD patients (eg, three-vessel disease). In the intermediate levels of CAD severity, revascularization offers a modest survival advantage by 5 years relative to medicine, with CABG offering an advantage for the highest-risk patients of the group (ie, those with a critical proximal LAD lesion) and PTCA preferable for many of the remainder. To date, only one randomized trial has compared outcomes between PTCA and medical therapy for patients with angina.10 The ACME trial, involving 212 patients with single-vessel disease, reported better 6-month symptom and functional status after PTCA. However, the study was not intended to be large enough to evaluate mortality outcomes. No other randomized comparison of PTCA and medicine is currently under way, although the ACME group is planning a trial in lower-risk multivessel-disease patients. Five randomized trials are being conducted to compare PTCA and CABG, four of which are restricted to multivessel CAD. The largest of these trials, the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI) BARI trial, enrolled 1829 patients; the other trials are substantially smaller. Two of these trials, the NHLBI BARI trial12 and the UK RITA trial,29 have "hard event" primary end points of death and myocardial infarction, whereas the other three (EAST, CABRI, and GABI) are smaller and have composite end points that include both cardiac events and other measures such as thallium defects or anginal symptoms.13 Recently published interim results from the RITA trial reveal no survival differences between PTCA and CABG at a mean follow-up of 2.5 years.11 To date, no prospective nonrandomized treatment comparisons of long-term survival with medicine versus PTCA have been reported. A nonrandomized treatment comparison from Emory of PTCA and CABG in patients with two-vessel disease reported identical adjusted 5-year survival results for PTCA and CABG at 93%.3° Our study had very similar results, with adjusted 5-year survival rates of 91% for both PTCA and CABG (Fig 3, right). In our study, there was heterogeneity in the relative effects of PTCA and CABG on different subtypes of two-vessel disease (Fig 8). This possibility was not examined in the Emory study. Recently, investigators from the Cleveland Clinic conducted a 588patient matched-pair comparison of PTCA and CABG for multivessel CAD using the patient selection criteria Downloaded from by guest on September 9, 2014 Circulation Vol 89, No 5 May 1994 2022 2.5 I 2.0 .2 1U cc N Th0 U I 1.5 a 1.0 FIG 6. Hazard (mortality) ratios for coronary artery bypass graft surgery (CABG) vs medicine calculated from the Cox regression model to evaluate relative survival differences. Points indicate hazard ratios for each level of the coronary artery disease index (see Table 2); bars indicate 99% confidence intervals. Horizontal line at ratio of 1.0 indicates point of prognostic equivalence between treatments. Hazard ratios below the line favor CABG, those above the line favor medicine. VD indicates vessel disease; Prox LAD, proximal left anterior descending coronary artery. . - I 0.5 h 0.0 WvD 1VD 2VD 2VD 5% b IYD y% 3vD 3vD 2VD >05% >95% >95* Prox LAD Prox LAD or Prox WvD >95% LAD PrOxLAD or 2VD SYD >95% LAD of the BARI trial.31 Overall, they found no mortality difference between the two treatment strategies out to 3 years. BARI eligible patients were not specifically examined in the present study, but our results suggest that the likelihood of a true difference in survival between PTCA and CABG in multivessel disease would depend on the mix of CAD subtypes enrolled in the study. It should be strongly emphasized that our analysis, as well as every randomized trial involving revascularization therapies, compares treatment strategies rather than the "pure effects" of the treatments themselves.32 A clinician selects a particular treatment for a given patient with the explicit understanding that, if necessary, that patient may require an alternative treatment in the future. For example, PTCA may be selected initially for a patient with two-vessel disease, but if the procedure is complicated by abrupt closure, the patient may undergo emergency CABG. The same patient might have an uncomplicated PTCA but experience several subsequent episodes of symptomatic restenosis g to the need for CABG in a more elective fashion 2 months after the initial procedure. In fact, if the ian's goal is to defer CABG as long as possible, an nplicated crossover could readily be viewed as the ssful culmination of that strategy. the present study, PTCA patients had a fivefold r incidence of crossovers than CABG patients [) in addition to the frequent need for repeat i to treat restenosis. Because such events cannot )ided or eliminated with currently available therthere are two remaining options for dealing with in a treatment comparison analysis: incorporate into the treatment plan and view the whole nent course as a "strategy," the approach we td in this study, or treat them as outcome events failure of therapy). Although repeat PTCA is now only accepted as a part of PTCA therapy, views on vers to CABG are mixed. In the absence of a licating death or (otherwise avoidable) major morit is unclear that crossover to CABG should be 2.5 2.0 1.5 1.0 _r 40 1 00 1. 0. 40 00 cates vessel disease; Prox LAD, proximal left anterior descending coronary artery. 1 1 0.5 0.0 a a A 1WD IVO 2VD A 2V 1 1 IVD 2VD PMo or PMo LAD or 2VD SYD LAD 1 A 3VM 3YD k^ FIG 7. Hazard ratios for percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty (PTCA) vs medicine. See Fig 6 for orientation. Points beiow 1.0 favor PTCA. VD indi- L-i SVD Prox LAD PoxLAD LAD Downloaded from by guest on September 9, 2014 Mark et al Evolution of Therapy: Angioplasty 2023 2.5 I 2.0 0 .2 1.5 90 N U . 4 cc FIG 8. Hazard ratios for coronary artery bypass graft surgery (CABG) vs percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty (PTCA). See Fig 6 for orientation. Points below 1.0 favor CABG. VD indicates vessel disease; Prox LAD, proximal left anterior descending coronary artery. 1.0 0.5 0.0 ND IVD >i% 2VD a 2VD VD % >% Prox LAD 2VD VD 3VD M MVD >% >05% Prox >05% Prox LAD ProxLAD LAD or or 2VD 05% LAD SYD regarded more adversely than initial selection of CABG therapy. Our analysis strategy of starting all CABG and PTCA patients in the medical therapy group and then restarting them at time zero in the appropriate revascularization group with updated baseline covariates is one of several ways that have been used to control waiting-time bias in observational treatment comparisons. We have also performed our treatment comparisons using arbitrary time windows (eg, 60 days, 90 days). To correct for waiting-time bias using this approach, which was used by the CASS group as "method B." we started medical follow-up at the average value of the time from catheterization to revascularization (7 days for PTCA and 14 days for CABG in our population).23 This approach yielded results that are virtually the same as those presented. Thus, we do not feel that the choice of analytical methods used in our study affects our final results. In this study, we have presented only data on cardiovascular mortality end points. Additional analyses (not presented) have shown similar results for all-cause mortality. As noted above, repeat procedures and crossovers between PTCA and CABG and their consequences have been analyzed as part of the initial treatment strategy (Fig 1). We have not included nonfatal myocardial infarction events in the present analysis. There is now strong evidence from the CABG literature that revascularization does not prevent myocardial infarctions, although it does make them smaller and more survivable.33-35 Whether PTCA has equivalent effects relative to CABG in this regard is unsettled. A related issue is that of incomplete revascularization. The present analysis does not consider the effects of incomplete revascularization on PTCA outcomes, but it is tempting to speculate that the diminished survival benefits of PTCA relative to CABG in the more complex, severe CAD patients are at least partially attributable to this factor. Recent data, including results from the NHLBI 1985-1986 PTCA Registry, have indicated that complete revascularization is intended in only about one third of multivessel-disease patients under- going PTCA and is actually achieved in only two thirds of the patients in whom it is attempted (ie, 25% to 50% of two-vessel disease and 9% to 25% of three-vessel disease patients).36-38 One of the main reasons for these low figures appears to be chronic total occlusions, which are associated with lower PTCA success rates and relatively high complication rates.36,38 Another potential reason is the substantial increase in the number of angiographically identifiable individual lesions that are present in more severe CAD patients that must be attempted so as to provide complete revascularization. Each site of dilation represents another opportunity for abrupt closure or other acute complications and for eventual restenosis. Consequently, the vast majority of PTCA patients currently being treated receive three or fewer individual lesion dilations.39A40 There are several important limitations that must be considered in the interpretation of this study. First, despite extensive efforts to control for treatment selection bias by use of both standard covariate adjustments and covariate adjustment with treatment propensity scores, we cannot rule out the possibility that residual selection bias accounts for some of our observed treatment differences. Covariate adjustment can only correct for observed imbalances. Unobserved or unmeasured factors affecting both treatment selection and outcome could have influenced our results. The consistency of our CABG/medicine results with those reported previously by US4 and others provides at least a measure of reassurance against this concern. However, this success of a previous observational treatment comparison does not guarantee the accuracy of the present analysis, and direct validation of our results against the larger PTCA/ CABG randomized trials will not be possible for several more years. Second, the effects of lesion morphology on outcome are not considered in our analysis. There is no evidence that lesion-specific details, such as are contained in the American Heart Association/American College of Cardiology classification, affect outcome with medicine or CABG, but the long-term prognostic effects in the PTCA population are uncertain. Certainly, the relation Downloaded from by guest on September 9, 2014 2024 Circulation Vol 89, No S May 1994 between specific morphological characteristics and acute success and complication rates have been well described.41,42 However, unless such factors are strongly associated with subsequent mortality, no long-term prognostic effects may be evident. In a preliminary analysis of this issue, we found no relation between lesion morphology and long-term survival in our PTCA cohort,43 so we do not feel that variations in lesionspecific characteristics in the PTCA cohort affected our results. Finally, treatment selection in CAD is a complex decision involving consideration of multiple dimensions of outcome, including functional status, symptom relief, and perceived quality of life. Data on survival effects of therapy, whether from observational studies or randomized trials, can only be one part of this decision and must be interpreted in light of those other dimensions. In particular, among low-risk patients with coronary disease, consideration of likely functional status and quality of life outcomes should carry particular weight and are currently being analyzed in our patient population. Ultimately, such multidimensional outcome data will need to be combined with subjective patient preference data to define not only the benefits of different treatment options but also whether they are worthwhile.44 Acknowledgments This study was supported by research grants HL-36587, HL-45702, and HL-17670 from the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, Bethesda, Md; research grants HS-05636 and HS-06503 from the Agency for Health Care Policy and Research, Rockville, Md; and a grant from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, Princeton, NJ. The authors wish to acknowledge the leadership of Drs Joseph C. Greenfield, Jr, and David C. Sabiston, whose support and vision have made it possible for us to continually evaluate and test the benefits of the treatments we provide to our patients. We are also indebted to our patients, without whose cooperation this study would not have been possible. We appreciate critical reviews of the manuscript provided by Dr Mark A. Hlatky and Dr Eric J. Topol. Finally, we appreciate the editorial and technical assistance of Lisa Breslau and Lori Baysden in the preparation of the manuscript. Contributing Cardiologists: Thomas M. Bashore, MD; Victor S. Behar, MD; Robert M. Califf, MD; Stephen Culp, MD; Julie K. Fetters, MD; Walter L. Floyd, MD; Donald F. Fortin, MD; David J. Frid, MD; Christopher B. Granger, MD; J. Kevin Harrison, MD; Sheila Kim Heinle, MD; Michael Higginbotham, MD; Mark A. Hlatky, MD; James G. Jollis, MD; Yi-Hong Kong, MD; Mitchell W. Krucoff, MD; Daniel B. Mark, MD, MPH; Kenneth G. Morris, MD; James J. Morris, MD; Christopher M. O'Connor, MD; E. Magnus Ohman, MD; Jose A. Perez, MD; Robert H. Peter, MD; Edward L.C. Pritchett, MD; Harry R. Phillips, MD; David B. Pryor, MD; Robert A. Rosati, MD; Michael H. Sketch, Jr, MD; Richard S. Stack, MD; James E. Tcheng, MD; Thomas C. Wall, MD; Robert A. Waugh, MD; Robert E. Whalen, MD; James P. Zidar, MD. Contributing Surgeons: James M. Douglas, Jr, MD; Donald D. Glower, MD; Robert H. Jones, MD; James E. Lowe, MD; H. Newland Oldham, Jr, MD; J. Scott Rankin, MD; David C. Sabiston, Jr, MD; Peter K. Smith, MD; Peter Van Trigt, MD; Andrew S. Wechsler, MD; Walter G. Wolfe, MD. Contributing CardiacAnesthesiologists: Fiona Clements, MD; Norbert P. Debruijn, MD; Joannes H. Kavis, MD; J.G. Reves, MD; Thomas E. Stanley III, MD. Follow-up: Charles B. McCants, Mary Rainey. ComputerProgramming: Patricia Blunden, Donald F. Fortin, MD, William E. Hammond, Jr, PhD. Biostatistics: Elizabeth R. DeLong, PhD; Frank E. Harrell, PhD; Kerry L. Lee, PhD; Lawrence H. Muhlbaier, PhD; Charlotte L. Nelson, MS; Karen S. Pieper, MS; Linda K. Shaw; Richard Smith, PhD. Clinical Epidemiology: Robert M. Califf, MD; Donald F. Fortin, MD; David Frid, MD; Mark A. Hlatky, MD; James G. Jollis, MD; Daniel B. Mark, MD; E. Magnus Ohman, MD; David B. Pryor, MD; Robert A. Rosati, MD. References 1. 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