Treatment for Collapsed Ill Patients* Selective Fiberoptic Intrabronchial Bronchoscope Chang-Yao Tsao, M.D.; Lan, M.D., F.C.C.P; Thomas Ray-Shee Cheng-Huei Lee, M.D., Lung in Critically Air Insufflation Using the Ying-Huang Tsai, M.D. , FC.C.P; Wen-Bin Shi#{128}h,M.D., F.C.C.P; and F.C.C.P A new, simpler method to re-expand collapsed lungs was in 14 procedures in 12 critically ill patients. To close the bronchus, we wedge the fiberoptic bronchoscope into each segment or subsegment of the collapsed lung instead ofusing a balloon cuff. Room air was then insufflated into the atelectatic alveoli after repetitive sputum suctioning and bronchial washing with normal saline solution. Com- plete re-expansion was achieved in 12 of the 14 procedures and partial in two. The average alveolar-arterial oxygen pressure difference (P[A-a]01) declined from 217.5 before the procedure to 200.3, 150.0 and 152.2, respectively at 30 minutes, 12 hours and 24 hours after. There were no complications. (Chest 1990; 97:435-38) introduced C ollapsed lung is a common problem in critically ill patients. Although respiratory therapy is a priand effective method of treatment, it is not mary suctioning suitable for some patients, such as those with rib fractures, hemothorax, or pneumothorax. Other patients are too critical to wait for the results of repetitive respiratory In 1973, expand scope 5Fmm care or cannot tolerate a bedside procedure was the . ‘ collapsed This lung procedure Department using vigorous introduced includes of Chest repetitive Medicine, Chang 1-Clinical Data and Chest chronic Gung and washing a secondary sputum trabronchial Memorial endotracheal tube cuff was introduced. July 6. Hospital, X-ray bronchial with infection devices were invented compliance and higher broncho- Hospital, Taipei, Taiwan, Republic of China. Manuscript received February 28; revision accepted Reprint requests: Dt Tsao, Chang Gung Memorial Twig thea N Road, Taipei, Taiwan, ROC Table therapy. to re- a fiberoptic and solution. Although most of the lung expanded with the above procedure, fractory. This may be due to a lower and higher critical opening pressure lung. If the collapse is left untreated fortunately, available. 199 Film Findings on Patients pressure Many lower pressure. lung In- using an with a balloon results.2 Un- are complex and a simpler method Fiberoptk saline occur. the ventilation or a bronchoscope All attained good these devices We designed Undergoing may to overcome critical opening positive normal collapse was resome were relung compliance in the collapsed it may become not readily to accom- Procedures Bronchoscopk Collapse Case Age Sex Underlying 1 24 M R’t rib 2 52 M Traumatic fracture with 3 56 M* R’t rib fracture 4 24 F Esophageal 5 18 F* L’t renal 6 64 M R’t lower limb 7 48 F Diabetic mellitus 8 29 M NPC Area Condition hemothorax, septic shock, acute renal failure RLL hemopneumothorax post with cell with large skin with 9 28 F5 SLE with pulmonary 30 M BAT with internal 11 52 F RHD 12a 16 M Traumatic with uremia post myelopathy infection bleeding with infection, CPR, interposition septic hypoxic shock encephalopathy CR1’ lung CR RLL CR L’t lung CR RUL PR L’t lung CR L’t lung CR LLL CR LLL CR L’t lung CR annuloplasty RLL CR quadriplegia LLL above and post + tricuspid C6 dislocation s/p colon nephrectomy defect AVR + MVR C5, injury radical radiation 10 post for corrosive cancer B/F, Ct hemopneumothorax stricture Result respiratory C2 level with quadriplegia failure splenectomy + RLL CR 12b LUL+RUL PR 12c RUL CR *Chest tCR, x-ray PR: film complete with and air bronchogram. partial re-expansu)n. CHEST Downloaded From: on 09/09/2014 I 97 I 2 I FEBRUARY, 1990 435 Arterial scopic blsal gas I)rocedure, chest x-ray values then were checked 30 minutes, followed examination just 12 and after SO()fl before 24 hours the the after. bronchoA portable procedure. RESULTS After 12 showed the of 5 and the x-ray film showed collapsed full Case after blood the third gas value 112.1 and and In bronchoscope, to a three-wa MATERIALS Twelve for patients the collapse formed before during The were not the mechanical saline sputum solution then ment of the the previous ranged from 100 percent cedure. The sible Flu2 and arterial all the h four mask. line The vital or frequent visualized at P(A-a)02 152.2 (Fig collapse to 30 86.5, minutes, declined from 2). recurred two days insufflated 180 eight were measurement patients the clear. air into patients monitored the keeping the higher average 14 procedures during were I 120 or subseg- or 10 cmIL,O intubated “ normal were r(xm ofthe ±29.7 140 studies. with minutes, duration ventilation patients T 150.0 connected segment 30 cmII2O, The 217.5 was patients, airways each to two signs RUL 11 procedures procedure respectively The and 12’s three airway four washing rapidly nonintubated remaining the case above 200 port port in previous for one The other adaptor bronchial and by mechanical the after the ±41.9 was I)erlPheral in the hag 20 to 30 minutes. per- One intubated into pressure. the was adaptor the the a swivel bronchoscope around \Vhen therapy hag, eight done airway oxygen the and pressure 12, obtained sepsis. 160 as described lobe after. 150.0 the to underlying intensive atelectasis. transnasally suctioning until received 1). ventilator by Ambu airway Ambu monitor (Fig 220 of lung bronchoscope. to through collapsed had A three-way by performed In hours excluded because procedure. used. perfonned the airways peripheral than was wedged selected air iflttll)ated. was All of the gauge mm were 26 arte- 240 ICU duration of respirator channel room 90.6 and 260 even or surgical 1). The to prevent hours air insufflation bronchoscopy Repetitive hours. was was medical bronchoscopic suction bronchoscopy the (Tal)le 120 fiberoptic to a pressure pressure We 24 to introduce connected to admission to the used to bronchoscope connected who since another the A fiberoptic was 24 care collapsed, to conditions from or before Hg, 24 METHODS AND admitted critical ranged respiratory lung were different same of the 79.0 12, with Their they excluding Pa02 24 case not from to 200.3, 217.5 plish the same results, obtaining the greater effect without any complications. was shock P(A-a)O2 be due to After the improved a fiberoptic connected thought days case 1). and and six In procedure. worsened, the 5 the performed of septic of PaO2 procedure. procedures, included gauge were value 12, after (Table film two, case care. was bronchoscopic was A blood 12, completely 6 died analysis worsening In procedure case gas the from in case re-expansion 1 and hours procedure pulmonary bronchoscopic x-ray remaining re-expansion. reexpanded intensive, immediate Fi;uiw 1 . The whole apparatus an ambu hag and a pressure adaptor (arrow). partial lung chest in the secondary ofcontinuous, a third the reexpansion; case rial 14 procedures, complete the given received whole as high h ECG as posmonitor by sphygomanometer. 436 Downloaded From: on 09/09/2014 -I,before proFi:u,w ( P[A-a102) choscopic 2. The average improvement ii 0 30Mm - l2hr 24hr alveolar-arterial oxygen pressure difference during 24 hours following fiberoptic bron- procedure. Collapsed Lung in Critically III Patients (Tsao et a!) after the first bronchoscopic procedure. two further procedures with In case 8, the LLL collapse subsequent recurred repeat bronchoscopic procedure but was refused by the patient. at discharge four weeks later. He underwent Harada reexpansion. six days later. reexpanded A was recommended This lesion remained Collapsed lung is one of the ill patients, and rapidly. Treatment optic bronchoscopic introduced procedure and good at results studies.#{176}5’9This therapeutic itive sputum suctioning normal saline solution; sion of atelectasis was the important problems in the clinical condition with a therapeutic the were and procedure bronchial complete attained may fiber- bedside reported was in many includes washing sure, volume and the relationship: T-alveolar repetwith or partial re-expanin 60 to 90 percent of decreases, alveolar P’r surface = the alveolar tension, is profound, sion can not and the alveolar r’-alveolar critical lower the reduction the reduction overcome pressure will opening pressure lung compliance. rise and radius). into But the atelectatic to be distributed oflower airway In order alveoli designed alveoli and are espe- area of collapse. pressure of the to overcome the refractory after the atelectasis do above broncho- It would be useful if we could pressure ventilation directly into to overcome the critical opening if we can not alveoli, suffiate the into the noncollapsed resistance and higher to introduce the insufilated This will result in a hyperinflated which in turn will compress the tatic In a higher in the atelectatic The above findings These even scopic procedures. introduce positive the collapsed area pressure. air lung each close still we the trachea to the lungs however, rupture served peripheral sure air selectively into lung area. gauge the atelec- complex and simply wedged segment or subsegment the bronchus. not the of the readily available. bronchoscope into collapsed lobe to about of to the of had but our 14 been were than and lung. All of in complications hemorrhage. the duration 48 hours. the was it higher than insuffiation. the critical above of In nine, areas were limited to one lobe. x-ray film showed air bronchograms collapsed ob- study the by a pres- 10 cm H20 during air to overcome procedures, more dogs and found no 30 cm H20; alveoli did not result or pulmonary cm fluoroet al5 of adult bronchoscope 30 cm H20, or airway pressure was high enough 20 during Mutsuda lung bleeding the In three, in the conditions were documented to be handicaps to reexpansion of atelectasis in previous studies. “‘s The collapsed lung reexpanded completely soon after 12 ofthe bronchoscopic in two. Arterial blood gas procedures, values following and partially the proce- dure showed apparent improvement of P(A-a)O2 in all. No significant complications from these 14 bronchoscopic procedures, transient tachycardia some Manni care had et al’ described the same effect compared our cases injury. hypertension developed in that intensive respiratory on acute lobar collapse when with bronchoscopic suffered from chest These intolerance cases were cases were procedures, but half of trauma or spinal cord excluded from his of respiratory care. Moreover, in critical condition and might correct we the a new selective We just wedge or subsegment the pulmonary suggest to introduce ventilation. were or Pa02 and resulted although cases. balloon cuff simpler, effective positive into collapsed to close even the for impairment intrabronchial of the no complications study all of our not survive the bronchoscope lobe bronchus. in critical each instead There cases. REFERENCES 1 WannerA, LandaJF, Nieman bronchofiberoscopy RE, for atelectasis Delgado VevainaJ, and lung abscess. I. 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Although these special devices obtained good results, they are Therefore, positive through damage atelectatic the chest to lower the in surface radius and But if the create that endotracheal exerted collapse in surface tenin alveolar radius, cially common in cases with a small In these cases, the transpulmonary atelectatic alveoli is often too low critical pressure.”’3 not easily re-expand radius pressure rise according 2 T/r (PT-alveolar pres- these conditions, the surfactant will work alveolar surface tension; this reduction tension offsets the reduction in alveolar prevents alveolar pressure from rising. atelectasis the In the lung will decrease to Laplace through kept around the previous This pressure cases.”6’7’#{176} When stated following H2O airway pressure scopic roentgenograms DISCUSSION critically worsen et al through atelectasis an endobron- 18:65-70 DC, Surg Col 1974; EF. Treatment of 18:584-89 I 97 I 2 I FEBRUARY, 1990 437 4 Harada K, Mutsuda expansion balloon. 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