# 4, 2015 (May) The Newsletters are also available at the Research School’s webpage HERE CONTENTS The Research School Activities: ! Doctoral Seminars ! 21 May: Research School’s Workshop – on Research Ethics ! 3 September: Research School’s Workshop ! 12 -13 October Research School’s Symposium ! Research School’s Basic Course 2, On methods 7,5 HEC’s ! Project management and leadership in professional organizations – for PhD students, 7,5 HEC’s ! Revised Rules on Doctoral Education / Electronic ISP ! Dissertation Reviews – Östlind and Krook ! Research Pavillion: Venice Biennale 2015 ! JAR at the Venice Biennale Research Pavillion ! Open lecture: Making / Narratives: Jan Rothuizen ! Tyrone Martinsson at Hasselblad Center ! Open lecture: Laura Mulvey and dr. Anna Backman Rogers ! Will art save the world? What’s in it for the sciences? ! The Dark Precursor – International conference on Deleuze and Artistic Research ! Transvaluation: Making the World Matter – International Symposium ! Call for Papers - International Journal of Music and Performing Arts ! Research Magazine Curie - Hanna Hallgren is guest blogger ! Scholarship - Grez-sur -Loing ! Current Scholarships and Grants at GU ! Announcement of post doctor position at Malmö University/K3 st rd th th LINK TO THE RESEARCH SCHOOL’S WEB PAGE AND CALENDAR HERE Please let me know if you have information to be included in the calendar and/or the newsletter! /Anna Frisk DOCTORAL SEMINARS Normally the texts are uploaded in the internal learning platform GUL: “Etappseminarier för doktorander” WEDNESDAY 13 MAY at 13-16 50%-seminar for licentiate: Mirjana Vukoja, Design, HDK/Röhsska Museum Title: Jag ser inte, jag förstår inte – en berättelse om seende Opponent: PhD Niclas Östlind, curator and head of the Faculty Research School, Valand Academy Venue: Room 338, HDK, Kristinelundsgatan 6-8 The seminar will be held in Swedish st MONDAY 1 JUNE at 13:00-16:00 25%-seminar: Marina Cyrino, musical performance and interpretation, HSM Opponent: Stefan Östersjö, Musician, PhD in Fine Arts in Music, Senior Lecturer, Malmö Academy of Music Venue: Artisten (Högskolan för scen och musik) A306 The seminar will be held in English THURSDAY 4th JUNE AT 09:00-12:00 75%-seminar: Johan Petri, Performance in Theatre and Music Drama, HSM Opponent: Dr Camilla Damkjaer, researcher and head of doctoral education at Uniarts, Stockholm Venue: Artisten, Academy of Music and Drama/Högskolan för scen och musik The seminar will be held in Swedish THURSDAY 4th JUNE AT 13:00-16:00 25%-seminar: Anna Pettersson, doktoral student at StDH/Uniarts in Stockholm Opponent: Henrik Frisk, Musician, PhD in Fine Arts in Music, Research Associate at the Royal College of Music, Stockholm Venue: Artisten, Academy of Music and Drama/Högskolan för scen och musik (in cooperation with Uniarts, Stockholm) The seminar will be held in Swedish th WEDNESDAY 10 JUNE at 13:00-16:00 End seminar: Lisa Tan, Fine Arts, Valand Academy Opponent: Dr. Cecilia Sjöholm, Professor, Södertörn Univeristy Venue: Glashuset, Valand Academy The seminar will be held in English WEDNESDAY 2 nd SEPTEMBER at 10-12 (film screening), 13:00-16:00 End seminar: Elke Marhöfer, Fine Arts, Valand Academy Opponent: Dr. Felicity Colman, Manchester School of Art, Manchester Metropolitan University Venue: Valand Cinema and Glashuset, Valand Academy The seminar will be held in English THURSDAY 10th SEPTEMBER at 13:00-15:00 50%-seminar: Lena Magnusson, Research on Arts Education, HDK Opponent: Anna Palmér, PhD, Senior Lecturer, Department of Child and youth Studies, Stockholm University Venue: Room 301, HDK Thursday 24th SEPTEMBER at 10:00-12:00 50%- seminar for licentiate: Joakim Andersson, Research on Arts Education, HDK Opponent: Ragnhild Sandberg Jurström, PhD, Senior Lecturer in Music Education at Karlstad University Venue: Room 301, HDK THE RESEARCH SCHOOL THURSDAY 21st MAY at 9.30-12 Research School’s Workshop – on Research Ethics Questions on ethics are central to research. They are often controversial and highly debated. Therefore our next workshop focus on moral dilemmas and problems and how they can be critically discussed, and not only be seen as a difference in opinions and traditions. We have invited the philosopher Bengt Brülde to guide us in the field of research ethics. See http://flov.gu.se/om/personal/bengt-brulde Please, bring examples of moral dilemmas you are facing in you own research projects and share them in the seminar! Venue: Library without Books, Valand Academy (1 stair up), Vasagatan 50 Sign up by sending an e-mail to Anna Frisk THURSDAY 3rd SEPTEMER at 9.30-12 Research School’s Workshop th th Monday 12 –TUESDAY 13 OCTOBER Research School’s SYMPOSIUM – on Mapping the field DOCTORAL COURSE: "ON RESEARCH: BETWEEN METHOD DOCTRINE AND ARCHIVE PALAVER " Research School’s Basic Course 2, Autumn 2015, 7.5 HEC:s The course – delivered through English – is a primer in core research competencies at doctoral level that addresses research constructs; the organization of knowledge; and different ways of constructing questions of method, methodology and research design across the creative arts. The course introduces and historicises the contested constructs of research within the art field and within the university more generally. It examines the description of the researcher role with reference to research ethics and the rhetorical construct of ‘ethos’. It introduces soem of the different ways in which knowledge practices and the interpretation of knowledge formations have been described, critiqued and re-interpreted in current debates in the arts. It introduces key concepts such as “discipline” and "research" in a critical-historical framework. It introduces the question of research method and methodology including practical strategies of method disclosure and the “anti”-method positions of some authors. The course consists of intensive short periods of immersion with a strong emphasis on content delivery and invites discussion to be elaborated by the participants in writing between workshops. The idea is to foster the generation of written text as the means to express individual positions on the material treated. This will be done by means of moderated online seminars one after each immersive workshop. There are three themes that run through the course 1) research constructs – different ways in which research is described, defined and contested 2) the organization of knowledge – a historical / critical analysis of knowledge organisation 3) madness in the method – a survey of issues that arise in the attempt to disclose method as part of a research process. For dates and course syllabus, see HERE Course leader: Dr Mick Wilson Interested? contact Anna Frisk PROJECT MANAGEMENT AND LEADERSHIP IN PROFESSIONAL ORGANIZATIONS – FOR PHD STUDENTS, 7,5 HP The course is offered as a University-wide doctoral course at the University of Gothenburg in accordance with the goals stated in the strategic plan. The course consists of two parts. The first part gives students basic knowledge of projects as a work model and addresses both thesis, research and development projects in professional organizations. In addition to studies of different theories of project management, risk management and communication, course participants get to apply project management tools in their own projects. In the second part of the course, students study basic concepts and perspectives of leadership in professional organizations. The second part of the course starts out in the context of project leadership, and hence relates to the first part of the course, and then moves on to discuss leadership in professional organizations more broadly, focusing on the relationship between the leader and (project) co-workers. The purpose of this part is to prepare doctoral students for leadership assignments, not only in the academic world but also in other types of professionally managed organizations. th Starts 7 September, 11 seats remaining today. More information and enrol HERE REVISED RULES ON DOCTORAL EDUCATION / ELECTRONIC ISP The University Vice Chancellor decided on 13 April on the revision of Rules and regulations for third-cycle studies at the University of Gothenburg. In Swedish HERE. This is a minor revision, with extensions of our obligation to assure the scholarship-funded students in accordance with the Swedish Higher Education Ordinance (Högskoleförordningen), and a clarification of public defense and nailing times (spiktid) have been made. Further revisions will be necessary, particularly for scholarship funding. Furthermore, the University Vice Chancellor decided that the electronic ISP system should be mandatory for all doctoral students admitted from July 2014, and that these students should have a system established ISP by 28 February in 2016. The decision also means that the Vice Chancellor recommends that to the individual study plan it should be included a plan for how the doctoral student must achieve the university objectives of the lerning outcome in the Higher Ordinance. DISSERTATION REVIEWS – NICLAS ÖSTLIND AND HELGA KROOK Two of the dissertations produced within our faculty and Research School has recently been reviewed in Svenska Dagbladet: Niclas Östlind: HERE Helga Krook: HERE WEDNESDAY 14th OCTOBER at 09.00-12.00 HOW DO I PROTECT MY RESEARCH? (Hur skyddar jag min forskning) A half day course arranged by the University of Gothenburg. The purpose is to increase understanding of risks and problems that, if not corrected in time, in the worst cases can lead to your research results will be contested, annulled or ends up in the wrong hands. The training is aimed at all researchers, PhD students and administrative staff who support the researchers. The training addresses the following issues: How the regulations look like steering publicity and privacy and processing of personal data. What official documents are, what archive and archiving means, the rules that govern and how all this affects one's own work and why the right level of security is so important in the world of research. Also about the importance of back-up and safety copies, and how you as a researcher can use the services/servers at the University for storing your working material/results. The course will be held in Swedish Enrol HERE RESEARCH PAVILLION: VENICE BIENNALE 2015 The University of the Arts Helsinki is organising a Research Pavilion at the 56th Venice Biennale. The first pavilion in the history of the biennale to be dedicated to research will consist of an international contemporary art exhibition and a platform for events, both featuring artistic research. The dynamic between artistic research and contemporary art will be explored through the theme of experimentality. The Valand Academy will be profiling its research and its research environment at the Venice Biennale through three events at the 1st Research Pavillion at the 56th Venice Biennale. Also the PARSE Journal will be in focus at the closing event of the 1st Research Pavillion. Read more HERE JAR AT THE VENICE BIENNALE RESEARCH PAVILLION A daylong event of talks and discussions related to the Journal of Artistic Research (JAR) at the 56th Venice Biennale 19 May 2015 First Research Pavilion Sala del Camino, Campo S. Cosmo, Giudecca 621 (Vaporetto stop: Palanca) Venice The Journal for Artistic Research (JAR) is a free online, peer-reviewed journal for the publication and discussion of artistic research. The journal is published by the Society for Artistic Research (SAR), an independent, non-profit association. JAR publishes research in a manner that respects artists’ modes of presentation and incorporates web-enabled possibilities for a mix of media, collaboration, debate and discussion. The journal promotes experimental approaches to both ‘writing’ and ‘reading’ research, while carefully fulfilling the expectations of a peer-reviewed academic journal. Submissions are welcome from across and between disciplines, from artists worldwide, with or without academic affiliation. On May 19th, theatre director and member of the editorial board of the Journal for Artistic Research, Julian Klein, will present the journal and answer questions about artistic research. Contact: [email protected] Programme 12:00 - 13:00 SAR and JAR: A society and journal dedicated to Artistic Research Presentation by Julian Klein 13:30 - 14:30 Prospects for, and Troubles with, Publishing Artistic Research: Examples and Discussion moderated by Julian Klein 14:30 - 15:30 Artistic Research: Individual Consultations Julian Klein is present to consult and answer individual issues concerning artistic research, especially regarding the Journal for Artistic Research (JAR) 15:30 - 17:00 "Hans Schleif - Tracing the past" by Matthias Neukirch and Julian Klein (Deutsches Theater Berlin) an example of Julian Klein's own research: Performance and Discussion (both in English). Click here for more information. For updates on our activities, join our mailing list FRIDAY 22nd MAY at 13:00-15:00 OPEN LECTURE: MAKING / NARRATIVES: JAN ROTHUIZEN ”Visual artist Jan Rothuizen (1968) is mapping reality in a way that is difficult to define. He draws and describes his surroundings: always personal but never fictional. Sometimes descriptive but more often documentary. With his hand-drawn plans he presents his stories in a way that fits surprisingly well with how we process information in the digital age: non-lineair and layered.” Jan Rothuizen’s visit is a part of the open lucture series in Design at HDK: Making / Narratives. Venue: Stora Hörsalen, HDK, Kristinelundsgatan 6-8, Gothenburg The lecture will be held in English TYRONE MARTINSSON AT HASSELBLAD CENTER Spitsbergen Past and Present Exhibition February 21 - May 17, 2015 The Project Room, Hasselblad Center The wild landscape of Arctic Svalbard has been and still is subject to dramatic changes. This photographic project contributes to the understanding of these alterations through investigations of the perception of the Arctic, the representation of Spitsbergen, its historical context and the contemporary applications. Tyrone Martinsson uses fieldwork, archival research, including interpretations of historical photographs, and re-photography of the same site as his research methods. Applied to the narrative of vanishing landscapes, the photographs speak beyond the possibilities of written records. They form a visual record – at the same time photographic documentation and artistic representation. Photographs not only visualise changes over time through specific data in the images, but they also address issues regarding shifting cultural views of how the natural world has been visualized through the development of our modern world. Tyrone Martinsson’s work is furthermore a contribution to the development of Environmental Photography as a genre, which functions as both witness to humankind’s brutal interference with land and sea as well as a voice for what is important to save, and for the beauty of wild places wherever they are to be found. Tyrone Martinsson is Senior Lecturer in Photography and Head of Research at Valand Academy, University of Gothenburg. Read more HERE WEDNESDAY 13th MAY 17:00-19:00 WILL ART SAVE THE WORLD? WHAT'S IN IT FOR THE SCIENCES? "What's in it for the sciences?" is the third seminar within the series "Will art save the world?" - a public seminar series where the role of artistic research within different fields will be debated. Read more HERE Arranged by Stockholm University of the Arts Venue: Linnégatan 87, room L502, 5th floor, Stockholm THE DARK PRECURSOR – INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON DELEUZE AND ARTISTIC RESEARCH 2015 Orpheus Institute, Ghent, Belgium, 9 - 11 November 2015 Submissions are now open to DARE 2015, the first international conference explicitly addressing possibilities, uses and appropriations of Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari’s philosophies in the field of Artistic Research. The conference is hosted by the Orpheus Institute, the European leading center for artistic research in music, and the MusicExperiment21 research program, funded by the European Research Council. Confirmed presentations are by Éric Alliez, Ian Buchanan, Marcel Cobussen, Erin Manning, Taina Riikonen, Anne Sauvagnargues, Peter Stamer and Mick Wilson. Submissions are welcome from all scholars of Deleuze and/or Guattari with a specific interest in artistic research, as well as from all artist and artist researchers specifically interested in Deleuze and Guattari’s philosophy. This year’s theme is Deleuze’s concept of dark precursor and suggested areas of presentations include, but are not limited to: • Film, music, painting, writing, etc. (Practices of creating and researching) • Abstract machine, assemblage, diagram, dark precursor, etc. (Ontology) • Dramatization, experimentation, rhizomatics, schizoanalysis, etc. (Epistemology and Methodology) • Imaginary, figure, rhythm, sensation, etc. (Aesthetics) • Code, form, sign, utterance, etc. (Logic) • Becoming-x, habit, life, nomadism, etc. (Ethics and Politics) Artists, artist researchers, and scholars are encouraged to experiment with all modes presentation (performative, participatory, collaborative, interactive, etc.) and within or across all art forms (performing, visual, aural, tactile, new media, design, literary, etc.). Please submit your outline of presentation in English or French using the DARE 2015 abstract submission system: http://dare2015.exordo.com/ The closing date for submission is Monday, 1 June 2015. Conference website: darkprecursor.org Conference coordinator: Paolo Giudici [email protected] MAY 21-22 TRANSVALUATION: MAKING THE WORLD MATTER International symposium searching for alternative making of values through and in research. Arranged by the Department of Architecture, Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg The symposium will focus two major themes, Poetics and Politics of Value, referring to the (re-)making of values, both in artistic and architectural practice and in human scientific research, and their related political and systemic aspects. Key note speakers: Andrea Phillips, Arjun Appadurai, and Graham Harman. Note: Registration for the Transvaluation Symposium is open until Monday 11th May! Read more and enrol HERE CALL FOR PAPERS - INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MUSIC AND PERFORMING ARTS International Journal of Music and Performing Arts is a fully refereed international journal that provides clear, stimulating and readable accounts of contemporary research in music and performing arts worldwide, and a section containing extended book reviews which further current debates. The journal strives to strengthen connections between research and practice, so enhancing professional development and improving practice within the field of music education and performing arts. The range of subjects covers music teaching and learning in formal and informal contexts including classroom, individual, group and whole class instrumental and vocal teaching, music in higher education, international comparative music education, music in community settings, and teacher education. IJMPA is inviting papers for Vol. 3, No. 1. The online publication date is June 30, 2015. Submission Deadline: May 20, 2015. For any additional information, please contact with the executive editor at [email protected] HANNA HALLGREN NEW BLOGGER AT CURIE Hanna Hallgren has been guest teacher at several of our doctoral courses in the Research School, among other things she was teacher at the course Reflexive Writing, given some years ago. Read her blog in the research magazine Curie: http://bloggar.tidningencurie.se/hannahallgren/det-vardagliga/ About Curie (http://www.tidningencurie.se/) Curie is a Swedish web magazine devoted to the world of research. We monitor the latest research trends and let you have your say on the research issues that matter to you. Curie explains and analyses and puts research into context. We take the pulse on the decisionmakers and examine how their decisions affect the day-to-day lives of researchers. Curie writes about new findings and takes an indepth look at research projects covering everything from language development and corruption studies to the workings of the human brain and the outer limits of the universe. Curie’s columnists and bloggers also give you their take on today’s research world. The magazine is issued by the Swedish Research Council. Curie is a Swedish-language magazine but we translate some of our articles into English. You can find them here: News You can also subscribe to the English language edition of our newsletter. SCHOLARSHIP - GREZ-SUR-LOING The Anna Ahrenberg foundation announces the scholarship Grez-sur-Loing (one or two months stay in France incl funding) to promote artistic or scientific development for professional artists, writers, musicians, composers and scientists in Gothenburg. This year is the Visual Artists time to apply for the scholarship. Application deadline is June 15th. Information attached. For further information see Anna Ahrenberg’s website www.annaahrenberg.com CURRENT SCHOLARSHIPS AND GRANTS List at Gothenburg University of scholarships and grants for different categories of applicants in all disciplines. The list is sorted by the application deadline. http://www.gu.se/forskning/stipendier/aktuellastipendier/ ANNOUNCEMENT OF POST DOCTOR POSITION AT MALMÖ UNIVERSITY/K3 Post doctorate in Media Technology - within the Living Archives project, see more HERE Redaktör/Editor: Anna Frisk GÖTEBORGS UNIVERSITET Studierektor/Forskarutbildningshandläggare Akademin Valand/Konstnärliga fakultetskansliet Storgatan 43 Box 141, 405 30 Göteborg 031 786 40 42 [email protected]
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