Information letter № 1 MINISTRY OF THE CULTURE OF UKRAINE KHARKIV KOROLENKO STATE SCIENTIFIC LIBRARY KHARKIV STATE ACADEMY OF CULTURE KHARKIV REGIONAL DEPARTMENT (filial agency) UPO «UKRAINIAN LIBRARY ASSOCIATION» The XVII All-Ukrainian Scientific and Practical Conference «Korolenko Readings 2015» will take place in Kharkiv Korolenko State Scientific Library on October 8, 2015 (bystreet Korolenko 18, Kharkov 61003, Ukraine). The conference will consider the problem «Libraries, archives and museums: innovative models of development. Preliminary program of the conference: Plenary session Section 1. «Innovation management and organizational development of libraries, archives and museums». Moderators: Irina Davydova, professor, Head of the Department of Library Science and Social Communications of the Kharkiv State Academy of Culture, PhD of Social Communications; Lyudmila Glazunova, KKSSL Deputy Director of scientific work. Discussion topics: Marketing and advertising policies as a means of successful operation of cultural and educational institution The role of methodological centers in providing innovative development of libraries Strategic planning. Benchmarking Competitiveness of information products and services Contemporary staff-strategy in the practice of libraries, archives and museums. Motivation of staff «Learning organization» as a model of growth and dynamic development of organization (team learning, shared vision, system thinking, the ability to adapt to new ideas) Fundraising. Enterprising activities of libraries, archives, museums Project development. Risks and effectiveness of innovative implementations Web journalism as a means of PR-activities of libraries, archives and museums. Coordinators of conference: Lyudmila Glazunova, Deputy Director of scientific work, Тel.: (057)731–11–01; Yelena Kunich, Head of the scientific and methodical department, Tel.: (095) 0669609, e-mail: [email protected]. Registration form(section1): Materialssent to: e-mail: [email protected] Section 2 «Electronic presentation of information and the formation of a modern services packagefor libraries, archives, museums: introduction of technologies of the information society». Moderators: Anna Shemayeva, professor of library science and social communications of Kharkiv State Academy of Culture, PhD of Social Communications; Angelica Pidhayna, Deputy Director of KKSSL automation processes. Discussion topics: Service and technological innovation in the practice of libraries, archives and museums Interaction with community and authorities. Formation of public interest to libraries, archives and museums activities Information-analytical activity of libraries, archives and museums: modern requirements Information inquiry and service activities of libraries, archives and museums. Scientometric database E-government: the popularization of e-public services and administrative structures Networked organizational forms. Library Corporations: raising the level ofuser satisfaction Improvement of libraries activity concerning promoted invention and innovation processes in society Multimedia forms of documents exhibition and presentation of scientific and educational information Social Media: promoting services and information products. Internet-marketing Coordinators: Kunich Yelena, head of the KKSSL department of scientific and methodical work, (095) 0669609, e-mail: [email protected]; Victoria Safonova, Chief librarian of KKSSL the department of scientific and technical work, Tel.: (057) 731-11-01, e-mail: [email protected]. Registration form (section 2): Materials sent to: e-mail: [email protected] Section 3 «Documentary records of printings and writingsin libraries, archives, and museums: traditions and innovationsin formation and discovery work of book records collections». Moderators: Igor Losiyevskyy, Doctor of Philology, Head of the KKSSL research departmentof documentation, collections of rare booksand manuscripts, Professor of Documentation and Book Science of Kharkiv State Academy of Culture; Victor Sedykh, associate professor, Ph. D., assistant professor of Documentation and Book Science of Kharkiv StateAcademy of Culture. Discussion topics: The expert evaluation and picking of printing and writing records from private collections Formation and disclosure of collections and book records of world, national and regional importance Formation of archival personal funds, archival collection Actual problems of scientific treatment of documentary records Innovation and traditional forms disclosure of documentary records collections Printing and writing records collections in electronic archives and libraries Historical librarianship and historical bibliographical heritage in modern information space Coordinator: Olga Isayenko, Head of sector of KKSSL research department of documentation, collections of rare books and manuscripts, (057) 731-11-01, e-mail: [email protected]. Registration form (section 3): Materials sent to: [email protected] Schedule: Plenary: report by 15 minutes Section: reports, speeches, messages up to 10 minutes Working languages: Ukrainian, Russian and English. Application deadline for the conference until September 15, 2015 The publication of reports and messages on the site of KKSSL by the end of 2015 Submission of material for publication 1. Materials are sent electronically in a text editor Word 97-2003 up to September 15, 2015 (volume: not more than 12 pages of format 4; field: top - 2 cm, bottom - 2 cm, left - 3 cm, right - 1.5 cm .; font - Times New Roman, size 14, interval - 1,5. Page numbering is not required; 2. Illustrations, drawings, diagrams should be placed directly in the text of the report and duplicated in TIFF 300 dpi; 3. Consistency of the text on the page: the report title (capital letters, size 14) - surname, name and patronymic of the author – the full name of institution, city, country, abstract and keywords in three languages (Ukr., Rus., Eng.), text of the report, a list of references to the text of the report (to be issued in alphabetical order, according to current standards in original). Participation is free. Travel expenses by directing side. Planned presentations, round tables. Contacts Organizing Committee: Valentina Rakytyanska, Chairman of the Organizing Committee, Director of KKSSL, Tel.: (057) 731-11-01; Lyudmila Glazunov, Deputy Chairman of the Organizing Committee, KKSSL Deputy Director of Research, Tel.: (057) 731-11-01.
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