TREATMENT ELBOW P. OF WITH ULNAR NERVE A NIGHT PALSY AT THE SPLINT SEROR From the Laboratoire Twenty-two patients confirmed splint splint d’Electromyographie, with ulnar Paris, nerve by electromyography, palsy were France at the elbow, treated lesions. which prevented flexion of the elbow beyond 60#{176}. The was worn all night regularly for at least six months. At a mean follow-up of 1 1.3 months, 17 patients had clinical and electromyographic assessment and five were contacted by telephone. There was improvement in the symptoms in every patient, including three who had failed to respond to surgical decompression. There was electromyographic improvement in 16 ofthe 17 patients re-examined up. The mean improvement in motor nerve velocity was 6.5 m/s and in sensory nerve velocity 9.5 m/s. that nocturnal nerve lesions The efficacy of this is that patients with ulnar suffer from symptoms sleeping with the elbow flexed (Seror 1992). The results are now reported of the use of a night splint to limit elbow flexion in 22 patients with ulnar nerve palsy at the elbow. PATIENTS AND Twenty-two consecutive patients, They had presented studied. and METHODS electromyography nerve suggests cause experience at the elbow regularly after were at followconduction conduction treatment is an important elbow flexion at the elbow. My neuropathy by a night lesions 12 men and with clinical (EMG) at the elbow. had Their 10 women, symptoms demonstrated mean ulnar age was 52 years (39 to 81). The symptoms were in the right arm in 15 and the left in seven, but EMG showed bilateral signs in 14. The mean duration of symptoms was 8.3 months (0.5 to of ulnar 24). J Bone Joint Received The Surg [Br] 5 February 1993 ; 75-B 1992: treatment of Accepted decompression which suggests Sixteen 16 June ulnar contentious. Infiltration but its efficacy is very surgical techniques The results are : 322-7. nerve 1992 palsy idiopathic at the with corticosteroid uncertain and at least have been described much less spectacular of the median that narrowing elbow is is often used, five different (Dellon 1989). than those of nerve in the carpal tunnel, of the cubital tunnel is not the only element responsible for the lesion. As early as 1899, Gowers suggested that prolonged flexion of the elbow could itself induce ulnar nerve palsy, but subsequently this finding appears to have been largely The forgotten. cubital nerve description by tunnel as the anatomical palsy placed ulnar nerve category of tunnel the therapeutic Osborne 1957 of the feature responsible lesions at the elbow for in the syndromes, and methods usually in implied employed the need for for such of the MD d’Electromyographie, 148 Avenue Parmentier, France. ©1993 British O3Ol-62OX/93/2484 322 Editorial Society $2.00 of Bone and Joint Surgery 7501 1 Paris, and were three classified of these as had having undergone unsuccessful surgical decompressions. Five cases had developed after a general anaesthetic and there was one case of tardy ulnar palsy after an old fracture. Clinical signs and symptoms. The patients had subjective symptoms ulnar or objective intrinsic sensory muscles signs of the hand of paraesthesia were experienced at night or in the morning on resolved after moving the limb esiae ; or permanent paraesthesiae night or in the morning first two types. EMG signs. In every nerve lesion at the wrist also wrist, symptoms. at the the case, elbow showed but corticosteroid plexus slight signs confirmed excluded types of the the a lesion ulnar at the or a polyneuropathy. of a median the ulnar nerve lesion This was demonstrated (Cortivazol; of the Three a combination EMG and of atrophy or both. : intermittent tingling waking, which rapidly ; permanent paraesthwhich were worse at on waking, or in the brachial patients tunnel was ineffective of the elbow rapidly P. Seror, Laboratoire patients symptoms, Roussel, was when Paris) in both cases and relieved the symptoms. Two nerve lesion the cause injection of of into the carpal immobilisation In all cases the ulnar nerve lesion at the elbow was confirmed by an alteration in the motor and sensory nerve conduction velocities. The nerve conduction velocity (NCV) at the elbow was always recorded separately from that THE in the JOURNAL forearm, OF BONE by means AND JOINT of a focal SURGERY TREATMENT study below OF ULNAR NERVE PALSY of the elbow region over a distance of 10 cm (6 cm and 4 cm above the medial epicondyle with the flexed elbow to 35#{176}). The NCV was considered to be pathological when it was less than 45 m/sec and 20% less than the motor nerve conduction velocity in the forearm or the sensory nerve conduction velocity at the wrist. AT THE ELBOW evaluation muscle WITH of pain muscle static score (Table in little and or on waking Semmes-Weinstein Treatment. limited but allowed unrestricted was advised for six months as possible. intermittently were advised to between by a splint to between pronation 15#{176} and 60#{176} flexion. (Fig. 15#{176} and The and supination. The of the joint while working. each patient was clinically patients were questioned at each visit the evaluation ring fingers, criteria were : paraesthesia of the little and whether nocturnal, intermittent or perma- nent VOL. ; Tinel’s sign of use of the splint. on palpation 75-B, No. 2, MARCH 1993 45% 4% 31% 6.4 5.8 I) 2.0 1.3 3.1 0.2 0 to 10) wasting (present) 4 3 Tinel’s sign (present) 8 6 Overall improvement 0% 87% static two-point The EMG ; score discrimination test evaluation criteria the orthodromic ofthe sensory were : the motor sensory NCV action potential NCV at the elbow; (SAP) above detection muscle the amplitude of the SAP at the wrist; the of motor denervation in the first interosseous or adductor digiti minimi ; and the distal motor latency (DML) elbow; at the epitrochlear Seventeen months patients concerning regularity 100% 73% 77% Muscle months. Clinical 1 5 days after application of the splint. The and EMG examinations were repeated at two and then at six months or later. Evaluation. At final review 87% 1) which to wear the splint all night and every and thereafter to use it as regularly flexion possible, Before treatment fingers = before and tests, pain, 55% 60#{176} flexion In most cases, its use was continued after six months. In addition, patients not to rest the elbow on a hard surface and to avoid prolonged Whenever reviewed clinical months was movements nerve palsy for sensory and sensory NCV at the wrist (Table II). RESULTS 1 movements Treatment elbow patient night elbow scale the overall patient (normal) the limits using and strength the amplitude splint ring of ulnar are given test (normal analogue at the elbow night test Muscle * The scale; testing I). <6) Pain(visual analogue sensory discrimination and symptoms Mean values and wasting STPD(normal Fig. to a visual test (Omer 1979); and the evaluated at each visit by the by the physician Table I. Signs after treatment. muscle strength 323 strength; two-part Semmes-Weinstein improvement Paraesthesiae Nocturnal Permanent SPLINT according wasting; Weber’s and A NIGHT The clinical groove; at patients were followed up for a mean (4 to 30) after adoption of the night splint. were reviewed, The by data. The clinical review are given last there contacted in eight at a mean of 12 findings before treatment and in Table I. Of the patients symptoms was 80% to 90% five patients who themselves telephone 1 1.3 Five had disappeared, relief and in four 50% had not been reviewed in five to 70% relief. all declared to be cured. Nocturnal paraesthesiae (present in 16 patients) always improved first. Permanent paraesthesiae (present in 17 patients) improved more gradually with time. Pain was rarely intense and was felt in the forearm and hand as well as in the region of the medial epicondyle. The initial mean score for pain was to 0.2 by the end of treatment. Overall, in more than first. When the half muscle of the it had been strength patients, initially 3. 1 which had decreased was unchanged, since it had been normal at markedly decreased, P. SEROR 324 Table II. Electromyographic (17 cases) data (mean ± SD) before Sensory velocity(m/s) conduction Sensory action Elbow Wrist Distal motor Sensory velocity(m/s) potential latency conduction Needle after treatment p value 32.2±10.7 +6.5±5.2 <lOs 36.2±6.5 +9.5±6.7 < 0.98±1.25 8.8±6.0 +1.0±1.21 +4.6±8.3 <lO <0.02 3.4 (2.5 to 7.9) -0.35 53.6±9.7 + 3.2 ± 2.2 4 3 5 5 +2 + 4 + 3 -4 treatment 1O’ (jtV) at wrist (m/s) velocity at wrist (m/s) Denervation* Interference pattern Reduced interference pattern Very reduced interference pattern Single potential * the number after treatment and at review Before Motorconduction (22 cases) of patients showing each pane rn before treatment , ± 0.42 - I -4 and the changes of pattern electrode n = 200 23 1 P _____j 0.2tV A 2 msec _____j 1 n=21 2 msec B 0.5 tV ___j ___j 2 msec 0.5 2 msec n = 200 .__.___j O.51V A 2 msec n=73 ___j B ______1 2 2 msec O.5tV 2msec Fig. The after upper traces starting are before treatment. conduction velocity at the increase in amplitude (0.3 the sensory action potential. was possible, because than at initial testing treatment There elbow tV to 2 and is an the lower improvement traces two of the months Fig. 3 sensory from 23 to 38 rn/s. There is also 1 tV) and a resynchronisation > At follow-up, surface electrode recording ofthe higher amplitude ofsensory action potential by needle recording. an of Same case as in Figure the lower traces are two 2. The months upper after traces are before treatment. There treatment is improvement (22 to > 42 m/s) of the motor conduction velocity at the elbow almost complete resolution of the motor conduction block 20%). A = wrist; B = below elbow; C = above elbow. THE JOURNAL OF BONE AND JOINT (from and and 95% to SURGERY TREATMENT however, there muscle strength restored to resolution was an resynchronisation at first after of a very severe wasting, reduced AT THE Motor was due conduction was PALSY patient, probably (Figs which one much days, motor NERVE In was 15 of the SAP Muscle ULNAR improvement. which normal OF block to ELBOW WITH conduction Initial 60 A NIGHT (mis) velocity Final SPLINT 325 Sensory conduction Initial velocity (mis) Final with 2, 3). initially present in only four patients, persisted in three at follow-up. The frequencyofTinel’s sign wasnot significantly diminished, decreasing from 36% to 27% of cases at the end of the study. Weber’s test was abnormal in only initially and did not significantly alter. Weinstein test appeared to be slightly with improvement in 10 of the 15 patients a mean decrease from 2 to 1.3. EMG data. Initial EMG data patients, data but only 17 were before and The mean 32.2 rn/s test = and after for all 22 treatment. The are given in Table II. at the elbow was initially by a mean 108;Fig.4a). sensory NCV < patients available examined after treatment motor NCV improved S.9,p The mean were six The Semmesmore sensitive examined with of6.5 at the m/s elbow (Student’s was t- Fig. 36.2 m/s, but it could not be recorded in the most severe in which the sensory potential was less than 0.2 .tV. It was improved by a mean of9.5 m/s (Student’s t-test = lO9;Fig.4b). SAP at < The amplitude doubled (Student’s beyond the is the MCV. the elbow always had indicator the of the compression axonal ; it a low reserve was of the initially nerve decreased to Sindou recently on the Tests criteria conduction at the wrist showed only 2000 slight variations. treatment. treatment Ofthe during 22 patients, the first four stopped treatment completely and six developed a partial recurrence responded to the reintroduction nerve 14 regularly six months. Thereafter recurrence of treatment. without which The less well Although understood the ulnar one The (1968), of ulnar than nerve nerve palsy at the 75-B, No. 2, MARCH 1993 shown In these by a broken line, elbow is that of carpal tunnel syndrome. certainly lies in an inextensible to compression can the during that elbow the ulnar flexion, be caused by this, particularly lowered level of consciousness and during allows prolonged maintenance of harmful positions. During the day, nociceptive reflexes cause the harmful position to be altered before the development of a nerve lesion. fact positions anatomical osseofibrous tunnel, it does not share the tunnel with tendons, and tenosynovitis cannot therefore reduce the space occupied by the nerve. Moreover, opening up the osteofibrous tunnel does not always provide the expected therapeutic result (Thomsen 1977 ; Chaise et al 1983; Dellon 1989). Some authors have tried to modify the bed VOL. is subject lesions sleep when DISCUSSION pathophysiology velocity, for choosing between them. study is based on the hypothesis that patient with tardy ulnar palsy developed a complete recurrence, and later agreed to undergo surgery. The in two of these at final follow-up. conduction et al 1982; Mansat et al 1984). Dellon (1989) analysed the results of five surgical techniques basis of 50 papers describing a total of more than patients and concluded that there were no sound This Compliancewith complied with initial of the ulnar nerve by enlarging the epitrochlear groove (de la Caffini#{233}re and Bex 1983 ; Dellon 1989 ; Heithoff et al 1990) or by changing the course ofthe nerve by anterior transposition (Lugnegard, Walheim and Wennberg 1977; 8.8 .tV (normal : 22 .tV) and was subsequently increased by an average of4.6 j.tV (Student’s t-test = 2.6, p < 0.02). Motor denervation, initially normal in four patients, remained unchanged in eight and was improved in nine. of nerve 4b initial It was virtually gain of 1 .00 .tV SAP at the wrist = is a good text) but was recorded patients with a mean of 0.98 j.tV. after treatment with a mean t-test 3.8, p < l0). The Fig. Figure 4a - Improvement in motor conduction velocity of the ulnar nerve at the elbow in 1 7 patients after treatment by the splint. Figure 4b - Improvement in orthodromic sensory conduction velocity (SCV) in I 7 cases after treatment by the splint. The initial SCV was not obtained in four patients (see initially cases 6.8,p 4a that the cubital than in studies and tunnel others has of Osborne Apfelberg and Larson is narrower been (1957), in some known since Vanderpool the et al (1973). Macnicol (1980) studied the pressures exerted on the nerve in various degrees of flexion of the elbow, and reported values of about 5 mmHg in extension with no major increase up to 90#{176} flexion. Above this, however, the pressure increased up to 50 mmHg in apparently normal cadavers and up to 100 mmHg in the presence of the abnormality 50% after opening compatible with described by Osborne. the osteofibrous canal. those reported for It decreased These data carpal tunnel by are syn- P. SEROR 326 drome (Kuhlmann, man et al experimental conduction Tubiana and Lisfranc 1978; 1981 ; Chaise and Witvo#{235}t 1984) data on the effect of pressure (Hargens et al 1979). Gelber- recordings indicated block (Fig. improvement and with on nerve disappearance of 3) and regrowth was also reflected resynchronisation of the SAP the conduction of some in some (Fig. axons. cases This the by 2). The major role of elbow flexion in the pathogenesis of ulnar nerve lesions was first proposed by Gowers in 1899. In a personal study of 312 patients with ulnar nerve analysis of compliance was particularly interesting for the five patients in whom recovery was incomplete. The splint was used irregularly in four of lesions thirds worst them and one patient four months and opted at the of the symptoms elbow (Seror 1992), symptomatic patients at night or in the and most of them flexed. Postanaesthetic reported ulnar I showed that twoexperienced their morning on waking, sleeping paralysis same cause, and ulnar palsies develop in hemiplegic patients with may their elbows well have the have been reported to with hyperfiexed elbows (Della Santa and Reust 1990). There has been one previous treatment by splintage of the elbow (Dimond and in 23 patients improvement. ment Lister 1985). In that series the overall result after a mean of 8.7 months was 86% This was compared with the 58% improve- obtained team over are similar improved severe report of a trial of in 45#{176} to 70#{176} flexion by surgical decompression by the same and after the failure ofsurgical patients case of tardy long time, ulnar and had palsy, had very the recently become useless. incomplete, improvement was 70% in the other. In the obtained after 1 5 days. Three of my patients assessed fourth case, to be 50% in one a clinical cure from 60% to 95%, an improvement EMG monitoring It showed the was efficacy treatment patient is suggested which of three showed, times that at two seen at six months. Another case showed the value of early treatment. When splintage was started less than three weeks after the onset of symptoms the quality and the rapidity of the recovery were remarkable, the initial severity of the EMG signs especially in view (Figs 2, 3). of Conclusion. Prolonged flexion of the elbow by more than 900 during sleep is an important cause of lesions of the ulnar nerve. The symptoms and the EMG signs can be continuously author chose not for six months. to respond to the request for a conflict of interest BIBLIOGRAPHY Adelaar RS, Foster tunnel syndrome. deep C. [Am] The treatment 1984; 9:90-5. RD. Entrapment of the aponeurosis. J Hand Surg DB, Larson SJ. Dynamic anatomy P/astReconstrSurg 1973; 1:76-81. elbow. 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