ARKIV FOR KEMJ, MINERALOGI OCH GEOLOGI. BAND 22 A. N:o 10. Eldctrophoresis by the Moving Boundary Method. A Theoretical and Experimental Stu(]y. By HARRY SVENSSON, With 33 Figul'e's in the text. Uornmnniratell Novcruucr 28th] 94G 1y THE SnmBlmG and ARNE TlSl~LIl1H. ContentA. PagC" 2 Preface , . . . . . . , , . , . • . . • , . , , . , • . . . . 2 J 11 trod uetion , , . . . . . . . . . . . . . , , . • . • , . . , l ('hnptIT I. '1'hl' Bo1l11,zm'!I .1 nOllwlies and Other 80ll1'I'CS vt' EtT01' 4 A. JIistorit'ul • . . , , . . . , . , . , . • . • 7 B, A 'rheor,v of Eleetrophoretic Migmtion . . , , 29 C. Othf'r ROllrl'eS of Error . , . , , . , , . . , 33 Oha1Jtc1' []. The.A nalytical JiJ[I'ctropllm'cHz8 A1J]JUrIltu8 • 33 A, Hi~torical . . • • , , • . , . , • . . . . 34 B. Impl'overnclltR in the TisC'lills Apparatus • , 40 C. DirE'ctions for Use of the l'resellt ApparatllR 47 (.'liaptcr r n. AldllOll of ()/;8el'llrd IOn . . • • , , • • 47 A. Historical , . . . . . • . . . . . . , . . .. • H. The Crosspd SliI, Mpthod, Arl allgeruents and Elementllry Theory 49 n. TllCl Light JnLpllHity . . . . . . . , . . , . . . . . . . . 58 n. Thll Thickness of the Curve Hllli the Hesolving Power 01 the 01 Method • • . , • • . . . , . , • . 74 E. t-101HCf'H ot Error • . . • . . . , . , . . . . . . 90 F. D('scription of the Optirul COllljlonents . . . . • . 102 U, 'l'he Ac1jllstment of the Optical SYRt('m . . • • • , ] 05 H. Experimental- Octerminulfon of AppUrlttlls Constants "~~.lfp" rv hJledrop7torrtical lIIrasH1'c11Ients • -. AnomaliPB . , • lion or Mohilities II .A nuly~es • . , I' JiJZrcll'ophol·Csis. ..•..•. 100 . . . • • . . . . and Isoelectrle PoiniR . . . • • 10(\ 115 124 . ,. HI 141 the Preparutlve ApparutuB tion of tIl(' ApparatuB 150 . , References , .... ;r kerni. min.ralQg~ o. (Ie 144 147 154 1 25231$ 1l1li11111.II1IIII1II mn l1li1111 ~ ARKIV FOR ~El\II, TtfINERALOGI O. GEOLOO( fln 22 A. N:O 10. Pl'eface. The present work was carried out at the Institute of Physical Chemistry at the University of Uppsala during the period 1939-1946. It was interrupted for about two ye[l,r8 by works on another subject. N eedle8s to say, it has also suffered much from the war·time conditions. Great difficulties have been encountered in supplying optical corn pOllents aIld other instrument parts, and, during long periods, the overseas literatme did not reach Sweden. To my teacher, Professor ARNE TISBLIUS, I wish to express my sincere gmtitude. He introduced me into this field of research and g'lLVe me the first scientific impulses. In the course of illy work he has shown a never-failing and stimulating' interest in the form of many discussions and helpful criticism. My best thanks are also due to the Chief of the Institute, Professor TIll>: SVEDBERG, for the great privileg'e of working at his Institute and for his splendid scientific e:x:ample. I also wish to thank him for the kind interest he has devoted to my work I am very grateful to my colleagues at this und other institutes for many interesting conversa,tions and for helpful sug·gestions. I am also much indebted to Mr. 1. ERIKSSON for his advice and help in C0ll11ection with apparatus constructions, t,o Mr. E. HELLMAN and his. staff for .valuable help ill working up the experimentul data, to Mr. L. FINN for making drawings and photographs, to Mr. B. ALnH~vlsT for skilful technical assistance, lLnd to other members of the technical staff of the Institnte for facilities of all kinds. A generollS help in supplying American literature was given by the American Legation in Stockholm, for which kindness I wish to express my sincere gratitude. Dr. D. F. CHEESMAN, Stockholm, has kindly revised the Eng'lish text of this work. The costs connected with the reo vision were pal·tly defrayed by the British Council. The work was made possible by gTants from the Rockefeller and the Wallenberg' Foundations. Uppsala, November 1945. Harry Svensson. Illtl'o(luctiou. For the investigation of the electrochemical properties of proteins and other colloids, the electrokinetic methods play an important part. Two essentially different procedures are available: electroosmosis and electrophoresis. In both methods, HARJ~Y SVENSSON, ELEC'l'ROI'HORESIS. 3 the relative motion between the colloid and a solution of definite pH and salt concentration is studied and measured. In electroosmosis, the substance, which must be insoluble, is resting' and the li!lUid moving; in electrophoresis the opposHe conditiolls prevail, or an attempt is [Lt least made to realize them. In electrophoresis, we have three different methods to choose between. One can observe the movement of ~mall particles under the microscope or ultr:.Lmicroscope (tlie 1I7iel'oscopicaZ mRthod), when the particles may consist of the suhstance to be investigated, if this is insoluble, or they ma}' be othe)' pllrticles cOlLtecl with :.L layer of a soluble colloid. One can also observe the motion of lL boundar\' between a solution of the colloid and the solvent (the 1!loviJl.;j hOllllilm'?I method). Finally, the motion of the colloid may be studied by alJalytical means in quite the same way as HIT'l'()R~' measured tl'ansference llumbers for simple ions (the tran~ference method). If the colloid is insoluble, the electl'oosmotic and the micToscopic methods a,re the only possible ones. Soluble substances may be investigated by all three electl'opboretical methods, bnt not by electroosmosis. The transference method is more tedious than the otbers, but if the substance is available only in extremely low concentrations together with much impurities, and if it bas a characteristic l'Nwtiol1 (such [1S toxicity 01' enzymic activity), it is the only possible procedure. The microscopical method has the great advantage of requiring a minimum of material and aJso of time. On the otber band, the moving bound~ll'Y technique is the only method capable of analyzing mixtures, which gives it n, very wide applicability. As this work will deal only with the moving bOUlldal'Y method, there is no reason to enter into further details of the other methods. The reader is referred to the mOIlographs of PItA USNI'I'Z and REI'l'S'rO'I"l'ER (1931) and AURAllISON, M.OYER, and GORIN (1942). The object. of this work is to make some contributions to the theory of electrophoresis and to describe some improvements in the electrophoresis teehnique of THmJ.1us, especially a modified optical system for observ::Ltion of the boundaries !Lncl a refined apparatus for preparative use. The principles of these methocls have been publishecl earlier. 4 ARliIV FOR KlnII, 1lIINERALOGI O. GIWLOGl. BD 22 A. N:O 10. CHAPTER 1. The Boundary Anomalies and Other Sources of Error. A. Historical. The first experiments with the moving' boundary method were described by LODGE (1886) and were applied to ordinary inorganic ions. WHETII.HI (1897) and MASSON (1899) introduced the method of observing> the boundary between two salts with a common ion. If the salts, their concentrations, and the direction of the current are properly chosen, snch It boundary becomes stable a,nd very sharp and is thus very suitable for mobilit.y determinations. The method has since been extensively used and bronght to a high degTee of precision by MAcINNES and collaborators (see MAOINNES and LONGSWORTH'S review of 1932). For colloids, the moving boundary technique began with t·he experiments of PIO'I'ON and LINDER (1897) and WHrl'NEY and BLAKE (1904). These authors used only traces of electrolytes in their investigations, but since they only observed one boundary they did not ·discover the phenomena later called boundary anomalies. HARDY (1005) studied both boundaries in a U-tube and noticed that they travelled at different rates. He also found that the difference could be diminished and made to cancel by the addition of sufficient amounts of salts to both solutions. This very illporbant discovery was not given much attention in the following period, and a variety of experiments were reported where only traces of salts were present. The necessity of having the same conductivity on both sides of the boundary, pointed out by HARDY, was nevertheless uncler· stood by most workers. Duor.A.ux (1909), in a discussion on the moving bonndary method, emphasized that this condition was not enough. If the field strength was to be constant even when Cl11'rellt waH passing', it was necessary that the colloid solution and the supernatant contained the same electrolytes in the same concentrations. This fact was also pointed out by POWIS (1916). By a comparison with the transference method, which was considered less objectionable, DUCLA ux came to the conclusion that if the conductivity did llot cbange below the boundary, the moving- boundary method would give correct results. Even DUOLAUX'S work was neglected to a great extent, and the boulldary anomalies continued to cause trouble. The HARHY SVENSSON, ELECTROPHORESIS. 6 difficulty increased as the anomalies looked more marked with the development of special observation methods. It is therefore not surprising that the method was seriously criticized. SVEDBEIW and ANDE~SSON (1919) pointed out that the conducti vity and the field streng-th could not be expected to keep constant unless the two solutions were identical, in which case there was no boundary to be observed; thus the moving' boundary method was in itself a contradiction. The same thought was expressed by KRUYT (H)25): in the moving boundary method, the observatiol1s were carried out exactly at the most unfavourable point in the tube, for at the boundary, a,nd only there, the ionic concentrations changed when current was sent through. ENGEL and PA.ULI (19~7) and others also criticized the method. The question of the most suitable snpernatant was also discussed by KRUY1' in the paper cited above. He could not decide, however, whether it should have the same conductivity or the same ionic concentrations as the colloid solution. MUKHlmJEE (1923) obtained much better results if the field strength was measured directl}' across the boundary. In 1928, KnUYT and VAN DER WILLIGEN began to use the ultrafiltrate as supernntallt. The difference in conductivity waS corrected for by assuming' the rising boundary to move under the influence of a field strength cOl'l'espondillg to the conductivity of the snpernatu,nt, the fallhlg boundary under a potential gradient corresponding to that of the sol. In his thesis, TISELIUS (1930) gave a thorough theoretical and experimental treatment of the boundary ullOmalies, which 11ame was now introduced. He showed that the conditions to be fulfilled were a constant conductivity and constant mobilities throughout the tube during' the experiment. It was true that these requirements could never be completely realized, but, by adding snfficient amounts of the same electrolytes to both solutions, and by keeping the colloid concentration low, it was possible to minimize the anomalies so much that they became practically unimportant. This was plainly shown by hi.s very accmate measurements on different proteins: they were reproducible, and the same velocity was obtained in both limbs of the U-tllbe. TrSELlus' investigation restored the repute of the moving boundary method. The theoretical treatment of the motion of ions under the influence of an electric current was sta.l'ted bv K OHLRA.USCH (1897) and WEBER (1897). As these investigations were ca1'l'ied out before colloids were subjected to electrophoresis, the results arrived at were applied only to the WUETHAM-MAI'lflON method. The theory of such two-salt bound- 6 ARKIV FOR KEJlII, lIIINERALOGl O. GEOLOGI. BD 22 A. N:O 10. aries has subsequently been Riven in more elementary forms by MAcINNlcS and LONGBWOR'l'fl (19~2), by HAR'rLJcY and Mon,LIET (1933), and by HAcrrE11 (1\135). Althoug-h the starting' conditions in experiments with colloids are not the same as those in the WHETHAlIl-MASSON method, it is not difficnlt to extend KOHLI~ADSOR'S theory to colloid systems if the nnmber of ion species is liwited to three. This was done almost simultaneously by HENRY a,nd Bm'l"l'AIN (1933) and HACKER (1933). They showed that the advancing colloid column acquired an adjusted composition and un adjusted conductivity and that this explained why erroneous mobilities were obtained by using the orig'inal conductivity of the sol. TISELIUS (1930) had a,lready pointed out that a cluLUge in conductivity across the boundary would give rise to sh:1rpening of one boundary and blurring' of the other, and now HENRY and BRIT1'AIN showed that such a conductivity change would generally develolJ even if it were a bscnt initially kr the »restorillg' effect» of MACINNES and LONOSWOR'l'H (l H32)). HI,NHY and BRI'l'TAIN concluded that, alt.hough it was more diffuse, the descending boundary might be expected to give reliable results. This was verified by experiments. HAcIom did not trust in the diffuse falling boundary and occupied himself with the rising' boundary only. He came to the conclusion that the sol moved up unchanged only if 11 certain electrolyte concentration, different from that in the sol, were chosell in the supernatant. This was the situation when THlEI.IUS (H137, b) discovel'ccl the false resting' bonndary, since then called the bounda,ry, on the rising side. It was first considered to be n, real g-lobulin component (the discovery was made in an investig'ation on serum), but soon TISELIUS and KABA'r (HI39) found that it was a salt gradient superimposed by a protein gradient and caused by a protein concentration too hig'h in relation to the salt concentration. Shortly after, LONGSWOR'I'H and MAOINNEs (19'*0) confirmed this view experimenta.lly and showed tbat the same mobilit.y was obtained on both sides if the altered conductivity on the rising side were used for calculating the field strength prevailing there. Oorrections for the conductivity changes during electrophoresis have recently been applied by LAGERCl~AN'l'Z (1944), who measured the conductivity directly in the U-tube. LONGSWORTH and 1VIAcINNEs, in the paper cited above, also reported the presence of a corresponding' fa.lse boundary on the descending side; this was named by analogy the I! boundary. It was much smaller than the d boundary owing to the absence of a superimposed protein gradient. a HARRY SVENSSON, ELEC'l'gOl'HORESIS. 7 The existence of the false resting boundaries was log·ieally evident after the works of HENRY and BRl'l'TAIN and HAOKER. While these authors were clearly aware of them, they could not detect them visually. .A new method of observation was required for that discov~l'Y. B. A 1'heor~' of Eleetl'ophol'etic 1\ligrlltioll. 1. Notation. b = a function defined by equation (32). c = ionic concentrations in electrochemical equivalents per ml., with the signs of the charges. f= unknown functions. i = current density in ltmp.!cm.~, positive if the current flows in the direction of the x-axis. i as a subscript denotes the different ion species. _; (a subscript) = the number of the boundary in question, counted in the direction of the x-axis, 01' the number of the liquid layer between two boundaries. This subscript is always placed lLfter 1:. 'I1t = »molecular:> weight of an ion surroulldiIlg a boundary. '}/, = the total number of ion species present in the tube; refractive index. /" = the quotient between the specific charges of the leading and a surrounding' ion, see equation (31)_ t = time. n = ionic mobilities in cm. 2 volt- 1 sec. -l, with the signs of the charges. ;:[! = the coordinate of the electrophoresis tube, which is assumed to have a constant cross-sectional area. ,? _ionic valencies, with the signs of the charges. B (U) = a function defined by equation (24). () = concentration of a leading ion in the unit defined above. F = Faraday's constant = 9G 500 coul./equivalent. I = ionic strength. ]J{ = »moleculal'» weight of a leading ion. P = absolute errors. Q= relative errOl·S. T = transference numbers. U' and U" = mobilities of a moving boundary, defined by equation (8); mobilities of leading ions. t} = mobility of a leading ion, defined by equation (22). V = velocity of a boundary in cm./sec., positive if the boundary moves in the direction of the x-axis. 8 ARKIV l;'i:\R KElIlI, l\IINERAT~OGI O. GIWLOOI. TID 22 A. N:O to Z = valence of a leading ion. z = conductivity in Ohlll~l 0111.- 1 !t = number of ion species absent on one siele of the original boundary. J' = number' of ion species absent on the other side of the boundary. A = the Dounan equilibrium constant . .11 leadin(l iOIl is defined as an ion of the same mobility as the moving boundary, i. e. as an ion whose mobility can be determined ill the actual experiment. Sometimes the increments of the variables at the boundarieR are of interest. These are denoted by .d c, LI 'H, etc. and termed positive if the variable increases algebraically in the direction of the x-axis. 2. Postulates. The electrical field strength is not the only force acting upon the iOllS in an electrophoresis tube. Moreover, we have the osmotic forces causing diffusion and a nmnbel' of forces tending to move the liquid as a whole. In so far as the different influences are simply additive, they can be treated separately and the effects added afterwards. This cannot be for the diffusion, it should be t~lkell into account in a theory of electrical mig-ration. The siwuHaneoUR consideration of diffusion and electrical mig'ration, however, leads to very complicated equations. Efforts in this direction have been made by PLANCK (1890), WEBER (see RmlllANN and WEBER 1910), and, for simpler systems, by MACINNES and LONGSWOR'rH (1932) and LONGSWORTH (1943). As the object. of the author's treatment will be the general case of n ion species, the only possible course is to neglect. the diffusion. The theory to be given is valid for infinitely sharp boundaries; thus it can be expected that the results agl'f>e the better with the experimental evidence the sharper the boundaTies are. It is well known from theoTetical and experimental investigations that. a bounda.ry with an originally contiuuous concentration distribution will, with one of the possible CUl'rent directions, grow sharper until an equilibrium with the diffusion is attained. If the diffusion is neglected, the theory tells that the boundary grows into a mathematical discontinuity. With the other current direction, the boundary is more or less blurred. Sharp boundaries are of course much more useful for electrophoretical stUdies, and a treatment of such boundaries alone must therefore be of value. Furthermore, as all intermediate stages between sharp and blurred boundaries exist, results which hold exactly for mathematical HARRY SVENSSON, ELEC'l'ROPHORESIS. 9 discontinuities will be approximately valid for Romewhat diffuse boundaries and retain their qualitative significance for more blurred boundaries. In thiA connection it is interesting' to note WEBER'S finding that the completely blurred boundary is not the only possible solution of the purely mathematical problem aTising' with that current direction that causes blurring. Besides, the differential equations are satisfied by a number of discontinuous solutions. Even if we know that these solutions have no physical siguificance, their existence shows that the assumption of nothing' but sharp boundaries involves no mathematical contI·adiction. 3. Introduction. If diffusion and other secondary influences are neg'lected, the Illation of the ions is regulated by KOHLRAUSCH'S differential equation: (1) i~r::!_= iJ t _ i .!L (Ci 1I i ). i) x y. In the case of n ion species, we ha,ve n such equations. One of them call be eliminated by the law of electroneutrality: ~Ci= 0, (2) and for the conductivity the expression: (3) %= F· ~cini has to be introduced. In an exact treatment, account should also be taken of the fact that all ionic mobilities I1re functions of all ionic concentrations: (4) This ca,n be done only in the case of a simple electrolyte with two ion species. The problem is then open to 11 simple mathematical treatment, and KOHLRAUSCH has shown that the property of the transport DumbeI' l' of one iOll as a function of the electrolyte concentration: (5) 1'+ = 1 -1'- =J(o) is decisive for what happens when current is sent thl'ough a tube where two different concentrations of the same electrolyte meet in a certain point or interval. If the transport number is It constant, no ehange at all takes place, but if it 10 ARKIV FOR KErlII, MINERALOGI O. GFJOLOGI. nn 22 A. N:O 10. is a, linear function, the boundary moves with a constant velocity. If the function is more complictLted, the boundary will chang'e its shape also: with one current direction it is sharpened, with the other direction it grows broader with time. Depending' upon the character of the function (5), the boundary will rebin its originaJ symmetrical shape, or it may g'l'OW skew. It is apparently possible to draw very interesting conclusions concerning' the transport numbers and the iOllic mobilities from :1 single experiment of this Idnd, if the diffusion can also be taken into account. The first investigation along these lines was presented by SMITH (1931). LONGSWOR'I'H (19-103) recently succeeded in bringing this method to the same exactitude as the two-salt boundary method. This is indeed a very nice result, which would certainly have been impossible to attain without the accurate and convenient opticall'egistration III ethous of to-day. The case of three ion species is the simplest possible in an ordinary electrophoresis experiment. It is also open to an exact mathematical treatment, but only if the mobilities Can be regarded as constants. A system of two partial differential equations results which was solved by KOHLIMUSCH (1897) and, more completely, by WEBER (1897, see also RIE}IANN and WEBER 1910). Later, LAlJE (1915) extended the theory to polyvalent electrolytes and to incomplete dissociatiou. He also discussed the problem of varying mobilities. We will subsequently return to these investigations, in connection with the theory to be presented. With more ion species than three, the mathematical difficulties grow enormously, and no attempt has yet been made to solve the differential equations for such systems. From the Blectl'ophol'etical point of view, however, it is unlleCe;';Sal'Y to know the exact solution of the mathematical problem. The shapes of the boundaries are only of secondary importance, and qualitative information suffices on tbis point. The difl'usion will in any case alter the picture given by the mathematical analysis. Discontinuities in the mathematical sense are frequently the solutions of the differential equations, and they can of course never be realized in experiments, only a,pproximated to. On the other band, it is essential to know the conditions for obtaining' correct mobilities, the conductivity cbanges appearing during electrophoresis, the influence of different buffer salts, and the conditions for correct quantitative anal.vses Df electrophoretic patterns. Such questions can be answered without tho use of higher mathematics and for an arbitrar.v number of iOl1 specieI') if sharp boundaries are assumed. This HA]~RY 1l SVENS&ON, In,EC1'ROPHORESIS. was shown by the author in an earlier publication (19.13). The thporJ to be pre· sented now is a continuation and 11 gene· rnJizutioll of this work. Dl1l'ing the preparation of this thesis, an article b.y V. P. DOLE appeared in The J onnULl of the American Ohemical Society (19-1:)). This paper cleals with the same sub.iect, und DOLle has drawll lUuch the l'lltlllC conclm;ions as those which are to be pl'esenteli here. Since the present inve&tigation was carried out simultaneously twd in· depE'udelltly, however, the author has decided to publir,h it; the notation and methods of deduction are somewhat different, as are the viewpoints from which thp problem is regarded and attacked. + ------- A c, ut Jet _ _ _ 13 4. The ]~llll(lmneutal Equation for It l\Ioviug' nOUllllnry. Following WEH1m'S deunction for three ion species, we write the aIllonnts of an tll'bitl'llry ion that pass the sections .A aml 0 (Fig" 1) 011 both sieleR of a bonndm'Y B; LItey are g'iveu per unit time and nnit cro['s section: ((1) Fig. 1. The diffcl'ClllCe between them is the increase of that ion pel' Ree. and cm. 2 of the tube. Calculated from the motion of the boundary, the Rame increase is ± (C,l - c,~) V. We thUR arrive at the equation: (7) By the following equl.1tiol1s, we will define two mobilities l.1ud [T" belong'ing to the moving boundary: (13) v= I[_i = _U_"_, . )(1 Equ!1tion (7) can then be written in the symmetrical form: (fl) C l('1l 1 1 ' U' ) ~ C 2(U,2' -- U") ~-. 1:1 ARKIV l'OR lCE~rI, MINERALOGI O. GEOLOGI. ED 22 A. N:O 10. Further, two unsymmetrical forms can be derived: (10) (11) These equations, which are g'eneralized forms of equation (7) in the author's previous communication (1943), must be satisfied by every ion present on both or one side of a moving' boundary. The brackets to the rig'ht in the equations (10) and ([1) are independent of the ion species if all ionic mobilities are assumed to change proportionally across the boundary, 1:. c. if the relation: (12) 1121 tlnt -=-=--::::::::. .. Un 'Il,,) is valid. It is well known that this is not the case, but it is a fairl.Y good approximation for small concentration challg'es and for monovalent ions. It is necessary to make this assumption in order to carry the theory further, and it should bringus a step nearer the truth than the assumption of constant mobilities. It should be remembered, however, that the results that are to be deri ved are not exact and that the errors may be appreciable for polyvalent ions. The conditions prevailing in the electrophoresis of colloids are generally such, or can so be chosen, as to make the errors introduced in this way negligible. Special care must be taken in extending the assumption (12) to colloid ions but many of the equations to be derived are valid even if (12) does not hold for such ions. 5. True Boundaries. The moving boundary method is. generally used for the purpose of measuring ionic mobilities. Thus, it must be claimed that U' = Un or U" = Ui2 for the ion uncler investigation. Since the equation (9) is symmetrical, it is sufficient to treat one of these cases, and we choose to put U" = U 12 , givin~ the ion uuder investigation the number 1. It follows that the left·hand side in (9) must cancel for i = 1. a. At first we consider the solution (13) u' = U ll . With the aid of (8) and of U" = U 12, it is found that (1S} HARl{Y SVENSSON, J~LEC'l'ROPHORESIS. 13 can be written: (14) "!=~. "2 '11 12 This is also evident from equation (11), since e11 is assumed to be ~ O. With reference to (12), however, the l'ight-hand side in (11) vanishes for all ion species. It follows that Cil = Ci~ for all ions with mobilities different from that of the boundary. Now (13) is assumed to hold, and hence ion No.1 lllay change its concentration at the boundary. As one ion alone cannot have a concentration increment, it follows that there is no boundary at all 01' that there arc two iOl1S with the same mobility whose conceutration increments ne'ntral£.?e each other. The solution U' - Hil = U" - ICi2 = 0 represents a special case of electrophoresis, treated theoretically by KOHLRA useH for the system KOl + NH.1Cl. Experimentally, it has been used by NrmNs'l' (1897) in his well-known demonstration experiment to show the mig'l"ation of the permanganate ion. He used potassium nitrate as electrolyte buffer, since the mobility of the nitrate ion nearly coincided with the ion under investigation. As has been shown here, the process is not disturbed by the presence of more than three ions. These ions have constant concentrations across the boundary. The conductivity change at the boundary is only that given by (14), and the boundary anomalies can be said to be absent. Nevertheless, the case is of chie£y theoretical interest witbout an.v practical consequences, owing' to the difficulty of finding suitable buffer iOllS of the same mobility as that of tbe colloicl under investigation. b. The second possibility of obtaining a correct mobility is of paramount importance and is given by the condition (15) If V' = Ihl is postulated instead of U" = 'lt 1:], the condition becomE'S C12 = O. Consequently, the -lon wndcl' i1l1 1estigation tl11Ist lie absent on one side of the bou1IIZa1'Y, a'II(Z the condnctivity to be used jor cmnlJUtation of the mobilit;l/ is that IJ}'pva'ili'llll on the other s£de, ,in the Zayel' contain£ng the ion £11 question. The fil'stmentioned condition can be said to have been consistently fulfilled in all electrophoresis investigations. N or does the second condition imply anything essentiallJ new. As recently as in the nineteen-twenties, however, otber conductivities were proposed for the calculation of the potential gradient under the in:fl.uence of which the boundary moves. 14 ARIi:JV FOR REM!, MINERALOGI O. GEOLOGI. ED 22 A. N:O 10. Ii. }'111se EOllIl(laries. Boundaries capable of giving corred ionic mobilities will Sll bsequently be called (t'ue boundaries. The conditions of obtaining such boundaries have been deduced. We shall now assume that these conditions are not fulfilled [Lnd determine whether any moving' boundaries C[Ln exist under such circllmstances. Our assumptions are thus that all ion species [ present on both sides of the boundrLr.Y and that (14) does not hold. H follows that 'Hil - U' and !li~ - U" are both =? O. The eqnations (10) and (11) can then be divided by these factors, and the subsequent summation over all iOllS gives: (1 I)) (17) In consequence of the bw of electroneutrality, these sums are = 0, and hence we have: (18) "'V ..w _.!}_i_2 Ui2 ltd - [1' =)1, ....... Cil lIil 11/2 - u" = 0 . It is not possible to give exact solutions of these equations for U' and U" respectively in the general case of n ion species, since the left-haml side can be written as a polynomial of the degree of n - 1; they C:111 only be solved graphically. It is easily realized, however, that the equations possess real roots; it must thus be concluded tha,t, under the given conditions, »£a1se» moving boundaries may exist, giving »wrong» mobilities. 7. 'flie Number of 'I'rue lind I~als(l BOlllHlaries. Let us now assume that we start an experiment with a sing'le sbarp boundary between two solutions containing tho same ion species with different, arbitrary concentrations. It is now possible to state what bappens when current is passed (if only sharp boundaries are formed). The number of boundaries developed by the current is identical with the number of real roots of equation (18). If U" is put = 0, this equation is reduced to 2) Cjj = 0, the law of electroneutrality. Thus, U" = 0 satisfies the equation, and we ha ve found one root by this trial. A. t U" = + 00, th e function approximates to ofrom the negative side, and at U"=-oo, it behaves correspondingly from the positive side. In the HARRY SVENSSON, ELECTR01'IIORESJ8. 15 points U" = Ui2, n in number, the function changes sig'n by passing' through infinity. In all otber points, it is continuous. It follows that all the n - 1 roots of the equation are real, that they are situated in the intervals b8tween the ionic mobilities, one in each interval, that one root is 0, and that there is no root above the hig'hest and none below the lowest (greatest lleg'ative) ionic mobility. or zfl/VEj hr Iifl!lll/d ·r 1/11([QIl21J dr 1/11[21] ! Co, Fig. 2. The function (18) is given graphically in Fig. 2 for the case of one anion and three cations. In 2 a, the concentrations of the three cations are alike; in 2 band c, the concentration of the intermediate cation is reduced to 1/~ and 1/5 of its original value, u,llcl in 2 d that cation is absent. It is realized that, for small concentrations of a certain ion, false mobilities are obtained that approximate to the true mobility of that iOll. The physicl1l significance of these considerations is that, if l111 ions are present in both 01'iginl11 solutions, n - 1 false boundaries are developed when the circuit is closed. One of them remains stationarv; the others move with mobilities situated between the true ionic mobilities. Finally, we will consider the general case when ~~ ion species are absent on Ol1e side of the original bounc1ary, 11 species are absent on the other side, and n - ~l - v species are pre· sent in both solutions. From the. foregoing, we know that Hi ARRIV ~'OI: KRlllI, JlUNER.!LOGI O. GEOLOGI. BD 22 A. N:O 10. II It - '/' - 1 false boundaries are developed, and from p. 13 it is evident that every ion species absent in the upper solution will give rise to a true boundary mobility U", and that all species absent in the bottom solution will give true mobilities U'. Thus, if the number of species present in both sol utions is reduced to two, only one false boundary is to be expected; this has the mobility 0 and is identical with the 0 or e boundary. HACKER (i935) treated qualitatively cases of up to four ion species. His conclusions regarding' the number of boundaries and the mobilities which m!1y be determined from their velocities agree completely with the theory presented here. He did not consider cases with mixed electrolytes in the buffer, however, anel could hence show the existence of only one false bounclal'Y, the I) boundary. Moving boundary experiments with more than three ion species have been reported earlier (MACINN ES, COWPERTHWAITE, and SHEDLOVBKY 1929; LONGSWORTH l!:J30). 8. True Boundaries Common to Two Ions. Under the conditions given above, It + l' true bOllndary mobilities are de· veloped, and the same number of true ionic mobilities can be deduced from the experiment if the corJ'esponding concluctivities ca.n be determined. This number can apparently be greater than the number of moving boundaries. The latter is II 2, and the sum It + l' can rise to n. In such cases, twosalt boundaries are formed, from which one ionic mobility may be deduced by using' the conductivity above, and another ionic mobility by using i·hat below the boundary. These mobilities are identical with U' and U". .As an example, let us consider the simple case of KCI below NaCl. There are three ion species; hence one resting and one moving' boundary will be developed. Na+ ancl K+, both absent in Ol1e of the solutiolls, will move with true mobilities. Two moving boundaries cannot be formed, however, and the ions must consequently migrate with a common boundary. Numerous experiments of this kind are reported in the literature, but they have, with few exceptions, been used for the computation of one mobility only. The reason is that one of the solutions (the indicator solution) adjusts its composition and develops a new conductivity when the current is started. This conductivity must be measured during or after the experiment, which is associated with considerable technical difficulties. It would be possible, however, using the procedure of direct conductivity measurements in the cell as described by LAGERCRANTZ (1944). LONGSWORTH (1944) has tried another procedure. By an optical analysis of the electrophOl'esis HARRY SVENSSON, ELECTROPHORESIS. 17 pattern hp was able to compute the transference numbers of both the leading' and the indicator iom;. Most experiments of this kind have also been performed in the presence of only three iOll species, but a boundary common to two ions can exist in more complicated systems also. An interesting restriction is found by putting U" = 1(1:1 and U' = ~121 ill equation (9): (HI) c,! _)(1 c,~ X. 11,2 ~ 'Ill:]. U,! - /1 21 The concentration ratio canllot be neg·ative. Hence the mobility of lLIl ion present on both sides of the boundary may not be intermediate between the mobilities of the two ions forming the boundary. Thus, lithium and potassinm cannoL form a common boundary with souium on both sides. 'rhis finding makes it possible to judge the nature of the boulluaries formed in fairly complicated sYRtems. Consider, for instance, the system LiF + NaE' against KOt + RBI'. Six ion species are present. Thus, four movillg boundaries are developed, aml one resting'. All ions are absent in Ol1e of the t1olutiolls, so they will all lllove with true mobilities. Two moviug' boumlaries mnst therefore necessarily be COInlllOn to two ion species; the other two are ol'uinary bouudaries. The statiolULry stlLte developed after the formation of all boundaries is shown ill Fig'. 3. Two pictures lLre possible, dependillg' upon the direction of the current. It is not pORsible to realize this particular example expel'imentally. Bllll'ring' takes place at certain boundaries, and at others unfavourable density increments cause convections.! 9. The -False Uoun<lal'i('.., ill the Literature. In the {hl'eeion s.YRtem AO often ~tnc1ierl, the existence or the resting boun(hLl'Y has been known ('vel' since the introduction of the method. In the electrophoresis of colloids, however, it was first diRcovel'ed ill 1937 by TI81GLlU~. It is interesting tllat the exi~tence of the false rf'Rting boundary can be theoretically (leuuced ill thiR way and that there is a close connection betweell the a boundary anu the l'e:-;ting boundary between the original and adjusted indicator soilltions in tho classical two-salt electrophoresis experiments. It is still more s1l1'prising, however, that the a bOlllldal'Y appeal's as a member of a whole series of boundaries with 1 Rel'cntly LON<1'>WOllTJI (H)4G) kind with 6 ion Sll('cics. lIllR r:trried 0111 Arkiv /{ir I.·emi, mineralagi a. aea/oai. 13d 22 A. N:o 10. (Jxprriment~ of 1,his 2 1):1 ARKIV ~'(h1 KEJ)II, MINERALom o. GlWLOGI. 22 A. N:O 10. - + U· Na' F Lit Nat F LC Li' Na' Kt - F- Br F Li' Na' Kt cC Br- F Li' No' K+ el- Br F Net K+ (I. - cC BD Br - , Kt Kt cC ni C( Br- + b. - u. Fig. 3. » wrong» mobilities. Yet such boundlLl'ies wers already describecl in 18!)7 by KOHLRAUSCH and WEJmn. for three ions. They found that 'It discontinuity would move with an intermediate velocity if oJI three ions were present on both sides of the boundary. For n = 3, equ(Ltion (18) is easily solved; if constant mobilities are assumed, us KORLRA.USOH and W IGBEl~ did, the second root is: (20) u" = . _ ~!1~~ /Ill + £2_!~1~1 +_I'Hl U I ~0.. Cll'lll + C2l 'U~ Cllllln + The corresponding velocity is identical with that given by KOHLRAUSOH and WEBER. In electrophoresis experiments with colloids, false 1iWVI:'JIf/ boundaries have never been reported and have not been believed to exist. On the contrary, it has been a g'enemlly accepted view that no changes oeem outside the region swept over by the colloid boundaries. This view is correct in the case of only two buffer ions, but otherwise not. '].'he reasons why the false moving boundaries have never been observed are the following. The theory has as yet only HA.RRY SVENSSON, ELECTROPHOltESIS. 19 shown that they may exist and that they generally are developed if no special starting conditions prevail. Nothing can so far be said about the concentration increments at these boundaries, except that they del:lend upon the ionic concentrations in the two original solutions. Now the latter are quite special ill the electrophoresis of colloids. The concentration increments at the ol'ig'inal boundary, including those of the colloids, are very small (cf the concentration unit in this theory) and are given by the Donnau equations if dialysis has preceded the experiment. The boundaries developed by the C11l'rent then also become weak with respect to electrochemical concentrations. The refractive index and density increments at the colloid bounduries, however, are appreciable, owing' to the very high equivalent weig'hts of these ions, but this is not the case with boundaries formed exclusively of buffer ions. The false moving' boundaries uro possibly so weak that they fall below the resolving power of the metbol1 of observation. - Boundaries with weak density g'l'adients are also easily destroyed by the unavoidable heat cOllvections. Finally, it is possible that the density increments of the fa,lse boundaries arc often such that the upper solution is heavier than the lower; the boundaries are then destroyed by convection ill statu 'IIllscclIdi. 10. The COlllluctivity Change at a '1'rl1e l\[oving Boundary. In the following' discussion, the conditions prevailing' in the electrophoresis of colloids are assumed to be valid. The possibility of boundaries common to two ions is excluded, and the two original boundaries in the two limbs of the tube will be considered. We now llleet with the difficulty that the subI>cript ] denotes the buffer in one limb, but the sol in the other, and /,il'e versa with the subscript 2 (equations (10) an (11 )). In one limb, we have to use [Til with equation (11); in the other [T' is to be applied with equation (10). These inconveniences can be overcome by introduci11g new definitions: the subscript 1 will be used to denote the layer above and 2 the layer below a moving' boundary, in both limbs. Similarly, (J' is computed with the aid of the conductivity above, and (T" with thtLt below the boundary. As, however, we no longer htwP, need for U', the bounih1TY mobility is simply called U. The eqmLtioIls given earlier retrLin their vaJidity with these new definitions, which is shown by the fact that (10) alld (11) are interconvel'tible if the subscripts 1 and 2, and U' and (J", are exchanged. Considering now a true moving boundary, we shall call the ion which determines its velocity the leading ion. In order to differentiate it from the other ions, its concentration is 20 ARKlV FOR KEnn, MINERALOGI O. GEOLOGI. llD 22 A. N:O IO. denoted by 0 anrl its mobilit.y by U. As long' as only one true boundary is considered, the symbols will be used without subscripts. If (11) is applied to this system, the division by (lli~ - U) call be carried out for all Ions except the leading' ion. The summation of all concentration increments a,t the boundary gives: (21) If the leading' ion satisfied equation (12), its mobility above the boundary would be: (22) (J = Utf,1. 'lt~ It is immaterial whether or not (12) holds £~r the leading ion, since it is absent above the boundary, but U is introduced in order to simplify the equation. This' C[111 now be written: (23) 'I'his conductivit.y ratio is the most important manifestlLtioll of the boundary anomalies and is therefore of cOllsiderable interest. It is the direct eause of the differences in veloeities between the two limbs and of the sharpening' and Llurring' effects. Equation (23) gives this ratio as a fUllction of the concentration U of the leading' ion, the function: (24) and the mobility ratio across the boundary, It is quito natura'! that this ratio appears as a facto!', This fact will therefore not be commented upon, but the influence of and T1 (U) will be discussed ill detail. 'I'his pl'ovides all answer to the question how the boullclo,l'Y anoIDo,lies 111o,y be depressed most effecti vel y. a a, The conductivity ratio depends largely upon the COllcentl'u,tion of the leading iOll, It must be recalled that 0 is the equivalence concentmtion and has to be replaced by Z allLI if a is given in weight units, Assuming' [L certain weight concentration, e, g, the least concentration that can be con velliently observed optically, the boundary anomalies i11creo,se with the specific charge F Z/JJI of the ion. This is Ol1e HAln~Y SVENSSON, ELECTIWPHORESIS. 21 B(O) --------------------- u;D I I --------------------rI I Fig. J. (!/ the J'casOl18 wh!l colloids (I/,C thr most 8uitable 'Ion8 fa/' elcctl'op/WI'I'Si8 without prolloullced lJoltllcla/'y allomalie8. Simple inorganic ions and even most Cl"ystH,lloid organic ions possess such hig'h specific charg'es thnJ. the houndary n,l1omn,lies become very prominent. This is also the case in the WHB'l'HAlI-MASSON method, but here the word anomalies is not adequate. In this method, they are vel'.V useful in keepiug' one boundary abnormally sharp. The high accuracy attn,ined by MAcINNJJ:s and collaborn,tol's wonlrl not lU1ve been possible if the »anomalies» were depressed and the ~ounclaries allowed to diffuse normally. b. The function B (UJ will now be stuclied. Its mag'nitude call be vn,l'ied greatly uy suitable choices of buffer salts and their concentrations. Its is immediately clear that the ionic concentrations should be hig'h, a well-kn~wn fact already pointed ant by HAIWY. The great influence of the ionic mobilities in the buffer has not been l>ecognized hitherto. In Fig. 4, it is possible to study the contribution to the f~lllction B (UJ made by one pair of buffer ions. A negative U is assu!U8d, and the contribution of the cation is given by the curve to the right, that of the anion by that to the left of the axis '/(il = O. It is easily realized that the ion of the same charg'e as tlle leading ion should preferably have a mobility '1/'11 as ne~~r U as possible. rrhe connterion should be slow if 1_1£11 I > I'lJl, g'iving ris~ to a large value of the fuuction B (U) with the sign of U; in the opposite case it ought to be as fast as possible, a larg'e value of the function of the opposite sign resulting. :2::! AR1{JV FijR KENI, NINERALOCII O. GEOLOGI. ED ~~2 A. N:O 10. In experiments with colloids, as these are in general slower thun all Imffer ions, the cations IJecessarily ~ounteract the aniolls, Rnd B({T) acquires the same sign as U and C. The C01ldlldil:/t/1 is thell cOlistantly lower below the boU!ulary than alJ(J1:e it. This is in concordance wit,b long-standing experience. If no buffer ions slower than tbe leading' ion are lLva,ilable, both ca.tiolls a.lld anions in the buffer ~hould be chosen with low mobilities, but it is especially important that the ions of the same charge as the leltding' ion shonlcl be slow. To demonstra,te this, we can consider a buffer salt with the ionic mobilities + 1.5 [J and - 4 [J, and another with the mobilities - 1.1i and + 4 The first salt gives n contributi0n = - 6.(; (:, the second only - 2.2 c to the function B (U). ,\Vith the latter salt the anomalies are three times a8 gl'e:Lt as with the first salt in the same concentration. The limiting' case when a buffer ion has the sallie mobili~y as the leading ion gives an infinitely lal'g'e function B (U), [Lnd the conductivity ratio is reduced to the mobility ratio, which should be neal' unity under these circulllstances. This special case has been treated earlier, p. 13. It represents a theoretical possibility for the complete elimination of the boundary anomalies. The favourable influence of slowly moving buffer ions has been discovered experimentally by LONGSWOR'l'H, SHEDLOVSKY, and MACINNES (1939), who introduced lithium diethylbarbiturate a,ne} lithium chloride as' buffer substances in electrophoretical investigations. The need of a low conductivity and the nice separation between the peaks in serum patterns contributed to this choice, but it was actually observed that the anomalies were less pronounced with snch buffers. It should be pointed out that the ions regulating the pH nee~ not necessarily make large contributions to the function B (U). The latter can equally well be raised to the desired value by other ions without buffering action. a a. 11. TIle Sharpening and Blurrillg Effects. It has been a frequent experience that the boundaries migrate more sharply with one current direction than with the other . .A closer investigation shows that the blurring is less rapid than due to diffusion alone in the former case, more rapid in the latter (provided that a quite homogeneous substance is concerned). It is also well known that the reason of the sharpening and the blurring is the conductivity increment. If the latter is positive in the direction of the movement, we get a sharp boundary, for an ion lag'ging' behind for some l'eason comes into a medium of low conductivity and high potential gradient HARRY SVENSSON, ELECTROPHORESIS. 23 aud overtakes the boundary again, while an ion which has diffused in front of the boundary is retarded by the low field streng·th prevailing there. If the conductivity increment is negative in the direction of the migration, the opposite phenolllenon takes place. The difference in sharpness between the two boundaries depends almost exclusively upon the conductivity increments prevailing across the boundaries. In the WUETHA:r.r-JllI.A.SSON method of electrophoresis, the effects are very pronounced. In experiments with colloids, the difference is g·enerally smaller. The sharpening is, of course, fa,vourable, as it increases the accurt1cy of the readings. The blurring is correspondingly unfavourable. The sharp boundaries would, if no diffusion took place, grow into mathematical discontinuities after some time; if the experiment were started with such a cliscolltin uity, this would persist. As the theory presented is based on the assumption of shlLrp boundaries, it follows that the j·eslllts will hold qua'lltitat£veZy "If the conductivity illcrement given 7111 the theory is posithe in thc direction of the migration. In the opposite case, the eq11l1tioI1R given for ionic concentrations caI1not be expected to retain their qut1ntitative significance. Even the number of boundaries may bf' reduced if the biuning causes consecutive boundaries to overlap. 12. 'fhe Concentration CllIlllges at the Bounllaries. Disregarding the exceptional case of two ions with the same mobility, it has been established that every "·012 clzanges ds 1:011centratioll at every bOlll/dary. Since n - 1 boundaries are formed, there are n different liqllid layers an d n 2 different ionic concentrations. The two end phases are identical with t.he original solutions which will he assumed to have known compositions. If the experiment is started with two boundaries, the above numbers ha\Te to be doubled. A new subscript .i will now be introduced to denote the number of the liquid layer (j running from 1 to 11) and the number of the boundary (,j running from 1 to n - I). Equation (9) may now be written in the form: (25) Ci,j'Xj-H (1I1j - [7;) = {;i,Hl"X.j (lI(,j+l - U.i'). By letting i run from 1 to n and multiplying all equatio11i'\ by each other, we have: 6-1 (26) Cil")(/I II (ttlj 1 6-1 Uj) = Cl n "X. 1 II (Ut,,1+1 - Uj'). :!-l ARKIY FOR ImllU, lIIINBRALO(ll O. G1WI,OGI. ED DOL]O~ 22 A. N:O 10. was a.ble to show (H)-l5) th~Lt these elluatiolls are sa.tisfieu. by the roots of the equations (18) with the subscl'ipb, 1 anel }I instead of 1 and 2. 'This facilitates the calclllatioll gTeatly, since (18) is solvable graphically. It should be noted that ouly false boundary mobilities {j' and U" appeal' as roots of the equations (18). '1'he true mobilities, however, are known from the stn,rtiug conditions: ions absent in the supernatant give rise to true mobilities U", and ions absent in the bottom solution to true mobilities U'. Oonsequently, all boundary mobilities may be calculated I1Umerically from the known com positions of bottom solution a,nd supernatant. The problem of calcuhLting- all concentrations anywhere in the tube is now solveu. We have only to ca.lculate the conductivities with the aiel of the eql1atiom; (8), anel, finally, the concentrations from boundal'y to bOUlllhry by using equation (25). 1:1. 'rhe Refl'actiyc lu!lex IIl(,l'emellts at the UUIIIl!luI'ies. These increments are of special importance since the metbod of observation is nowad~t.Ys basrd 011 refractive indiees (see OhlLpter III). After the introduction of self-reg'isterillg' optical systems for recording' electrophOl'f~Ris prd·,tel'ufJ, the qnantitativ(" anal.vsis of colloidal mixtures hn,R become n. part.icldal'Jy iIIJportant function of the movillg' houndary methud. TIl(' pl'illciple of such analyses is to measure the refmctive index illcrement at every boundary and to regard these increments a,s representative of the leading iOIlS of the respective hOlllldal'ieR. The errors arising' from the incorrectness of this assumptioll will now be considereel. The elimination of the conductivit.v ratio betwecn the equations (11) anel (~3) g'ives the concentration increment of an a.rbitrary lOll at an arbitrary true moving boullela.ry: (27) .J L'i i = -_ , ?j ±l~ . __0L!{,.i.j~_U· . B.1· (U,·) • 'It I.. J - .I The contribution of this ion to the refractive index increment is: (28) intl'oducil1g a quantity, the specific refractive index inerement of a sing'Ie ion, that cannot be detel'~:nined experimentally. The contribution of the leading' ion to the refracti re index change is, llsing the same notation: HARRY SVENSSON, ELEC'l'ROPHORERIS. iJn (29) 0'+1-' .1 dO The relative error in putting' the latter expression equal to the total refractive index change is therefore, for one ion: (30) f) 1 _ It' - - (0, 0) Cij 'UiJ - U; () Ci nj( U,i) . UiJ ,; L'OIlRt. The last factor in this equation is determinable experimentally. '1'he total relative errol', if it i~ small, is obtained by summation over i. When only semi-quantitative information of the errors in cIuestion is requil'eJ, the same weight concentrations of different ions can be assumed to give rise to the same refractive index increment, In sllch a case, the last factor ill (30) can be written as the ratio of the specific charges of the leac1illg' and Slll'l'OUll<lil1g' ions: (31 ) (0D (~~C) Z Il eOIlHt. Zi = JJj : 1111 = J',. The_second fa.ct.or in (30) is one of the mom.bers forming' After introducing tlw contribution made by one ion into this fUllction: .u (U). eCllmtion (30) can be written in the simple form: (33) Qi = - 7)· 'j" ,: 7,1, ......, }f and the totuJ rcltttive error becomes: (3J) '1'le sUlllmation has to be extended to all surrounding ions. In experiments with colloids, only the fastest or slowest boundary is migrating in a medium consisting exclusively of buffer ions. The other boundal'ies are sU1'l'ounded by colloid as well as by ordinary iOllS, and both kinds contribnte to give a l'efractivp. index increment different from that desired, the increment due to the leading' ion alone. 26 ARKIV Fcil{ KEllIl, lInNEI~ALOGI o. GTIlOLOGI. 1JD 22 A. N:O 10. As regards the buffer ions, Ii,: is appreciable, but the fact that I"j is small maIms the errors due to these ions of minor importance. EoI' colloid ions, on the other hand, 'l"i is large, and even bi may be fairly g-r8fLt if the mobilities of the leading and the surroundillg' colloius are nearly ec[ual. A surrounding' colloid can thus g'ive rise to an apprecilLble errol' in the refractive index increment at a moving' boundary. The only way to eliminlLte these errors is to choose a Lig'h value for the fUllction B (0), i. e. to depress the boundary allOIll<Llies as dispussed earlim', but it is now evident that the method of enlarging- B is not arbitrary. SloVl' ions with hig'h specific charges are most suitable. If the leading ions are ordinary ions with high speci tic charges, theT6 1S no possibility of making the refractive index increments representative of one ion alone. HT e thus fJ1l(:OU'lIiel' a further r(J{lSou tl'll!1 colloids orc especiall!J 'll'cll adaptcd to electrophoresis iUFcsi£gatioJl8. A consideration of the signt; in equation (27) g'ives information of the sense in which a given surrounding' iou changes the refractive index increment of the leading' ion. The following' l'ule can be formulated: the 1Y'}1'actit'(J im/e:r: ·illcrement given by the Zeadill{! 1:01/ is en/w'gcd b;11 slower sm')'ulmdillg 1:OJU; of the same charge; it is d£nl1:nisiLe(1 by faster iOlls the same cha1'gc and by lOllS of the opposite char(!e. Consider, for instance, a mixture of two colloids. On the rising side, the slower component mig-rates with the faster one as a surrounding ion, It thus appears too small, by virtue of the above rule. On the falling side, the faster component moves in a medium containing the slower oue. It follows from the same rule that the l'apid component appears too large. Thus, the more rapid cOlllponent appears too large in both limbs in the U-tube. This circumstance mal{es the errors III the analyses very treacherous and difficult to reveal. em qr 14. The Density Increments at tlle Eoundaries. The density increments are of importance, since a boundary is not stable in a vertical elect.rophoresis tube unless the increment is positive when reckoned from above. If it is negative, convections follow which destroy the boundary and give rise to quite uncontrollable conditions. The heavier liquid which is developed above the lighter falls in the tube until it arrives at a bou11(lary through which it cannot break. Thus, several boundaries may be destroyed by one negative densit}, increment. Furthermore, the layer in which the convections take "place acquires a composition different from that characteristic of the steady state which the current tends to develop. This pre- HARRY SVENSSON, ELEC'I'ROPHORESIS. 27 sumably influences the velocities of neighbouring boundaTies. On the whole, it can be stated that experiments where con~ vections fi,re observed are of doubtful value even for boundaries not directly concerned in the convections. It is not difficult to formulate the condition for a positive density increment, but the expression is not very illuminating, and no simple rule can be deduced from it. Ions that nnite heaviness and rapidity must be placed below slow and hg-ht 10ns. Colloids are extremely heavy, but slow; we know by experience that they must also be placed at. the bottom. When ions of medium rapidity and medium weight. are to be investigated, the conditions must be chosen with great care in onler to avoicl convections. Difficulties in the experimental verification of KOHLRA US en's theory have been shown to be due to convections orig'inati ng' in g'r[Lvitationally unstable boundaries (MACINNES and LONGSWOWl'H 1932; HAR'l'LEY and MOILLIET 1933). 15. The d' Gradient. On the assumption that a colloid ion can be treated as an ordinary iOll, and that the ionic mobili· ties can be regarded as constauts, it is possible to derive a general expression for the conductivity chauge at the a boundar,)'. The calculation will be carried out for the case where the bottom solution and the supel'natl'Lnt are in COlliplete Donnan equilibrium with each other. BOLAM (1932) has given the equations of the Donnan equilibrium, but a general expression valid fOT a,rbitrary valencies and for cations as well as for anions is lacking. Such an equation can be formulated if the notation on p. 7 is used. The equation is: (35) C'2)_! .d Cil)_l_ ~,~ Zi = ( 1 + - "i = ( Cil Ci 1 A, where the subscripts 1 and 2 refer to the outer and inner liquids respectively, and A is ~L cOllstallt that remlLil1s to be determined. If the colloid concentration is small in compm·j son to the salt concentration, the ratio LI eillen wHl be small too, and we can write: (36) The condition of electroneutrality inside the bag g'ives: '(37) c + ~ Ci2 = O. ~8 Al~liIV Fi:iR KEnII, MINERALOGI O. GEOLOGI. BD 22 A. N:O 10. Hence we obtain the value of A: (38) C /1=1--, 2I .h where I is the ionic strength of the dialysate. The g'enerul equation of the Donnan equilibrium thus becomes: (39) Ci2 = ril ( Zi ~ 1- 0) . I Owing' to the Donnan effect, there appears a difference m cOllcluctivity on both sides of the membrane. This difference is derived by· multiplying' (39) by Ili, snmming' over all ions, and addillg' the contribution of the colloid ion; we have: (JO) The chfLrge of the colloid may evidently be calculated from this equation if the two conductivities and the mobilities arc knowIl. In order to attain reasonable a.ccul'acy, however, it if! necessary that the cOl1l1uctivities al'f~ not too g'l'eat [Lncl that the two terms in the bracket have the Sfl,me Sig'H. This will be the case if the buffer iOlls tend to mise the conductivity inside the membrane, as does the colloid itself. Consequently, the difference in conductivity is great if the buffer iOlls of the SfLme sign as the colloid move more slowly than the coulltcrions. It increases still more if the latter have a hig-her valence than the former. As KOHLRAUSC:H stated, his bchol'rliche Funldian (regulating' function): (41) " c,: B=.:::..J-~' Hi is independent of time ~Lllcl changes oIlly with the position ill the electrophoresis tube. Owing to the DOllnan efluilibl'iull1, we have from the beginning of the experiment two solutions with somewhat different fUllctions B. This difference rellluiI1S. aftel' the current is started and is tho direct cause or tho appearance of the a boundary. The function B of the bottom solution is easily deriveu by dividing equation (39) by tli and s.ummation over all ions,. llOt forgetting the contribution given by the colloid. We have~ HA[tl~Y (42) B = 2 SVENSSON, +c B l ELECTIWPHOl~ESIS. 29 [I __!_ ~ Zi Cil]. U ~ I 71i At the cl' boundary, all ions change their conceutrations proportionally, and the factor is given hy the conductivity ratio 'X'/x 2 ('X' = the conductivity of the adjusted solution above the o bonndn,ry). Thus, if we multiply B2 by the ratio X'/X 21 we find the reg'ulatillg function of the supern[Ltant: (43) 1))1 (X 2 - X ') = X ' C [__1_ - _!_ ~ ~~] . [J ') I 4...J . .., H, Finally, if U is eliminated from equation (40), we obtain the relation: 2 I - U ~ '<~i Ci 'lli (44) This eqUlLtion contains three cOlllluctivities which can all be me:tsnrec1, the concentrations and the mobilities of the buffer ions and the mobility of the colloid. It should thus be possible to test the validity of the assumptions and the tht~ory outlined earlier. Experiments to this end will be described in Ohapter IV, 'fhe (J boum1u,ry disappears if the regulating' functions of the two solutions are [Llike, £. c. if the mobility of the colloid satisfies the equ[Ltion: (45) This value is [1, kind of harmonic mean of all ionic mobilities. Siuce the latter have to be taken with Sig'llB, the ha1'1110nic lllean represents a ver,Y hig'u mobility, Under ordinary condi· tions, the conductivity, and hence the density, is alwlLYs greater helow the (\' b01111cbry tha.ll lLbove it; thus the cl' boundary is al ways gravitationaJly stable if dia,lysis has lH'eceded the experiment. C. OtlJer Sources of Error . . The bonndlLl'Y anomalies lLl'e no doubt the most serious source of error in the moving boundary method, but there are 30 ARKIV FOR REMI, MINERAI,OQr O. QEOLOGI. IlD 22 A. N:O 10. also others. These will only be mentioned very briefly, however, since they have been carefully considered by earlier investig·ators. The present author has no contributions to make III this connection. 1. The !niluellee of the Eleetl'ollc Reactions. This influence is twofold. Firstly, if the electrodes are not reversible, acid and alkali are f~rmecl around them, and the hydrogen and hydroxyl ions thus formed will migrate into the U-tube and alter the conditions prevailing at the boundaries. The same will be the case if reversible electrodes are used surrounded by a salt solution different from the buffer. HARDY (1905) and BUR-l'ON (1906) avoided the immediate contact between the platinum electrodes and the colloid solutions by introducing' a, 1~1yer of supernatant liquid. Later, the electrodes were removed still further from the boundaries and placed in special electrode vessels (MICHAELIR 1909, SVEDBERG and J RTTE ] 923). TISELIIlS (1937, a) pointed out that the necessary volume of buffer between electrodes and U-tube was related to the quantity of electricity to be sent throug·h. The time dnrillg which an experiment could proceed without distlll'bances from the electrodes was thus restricted by the dimensions of the ap]JfLratus. As n, peculiarity without great practical significance, it may be mentioned that there is one possibility for the c01llplete elimination of this type of disturbance. If we use reversible silver - silver chloride electrodes surrounded by a concentrated solution of sodium chloride, amI if the buffer is made up of the same salt, allY disturbances from the si11t a1'01.111d the electrodes can never reach the U-tube. We have in the electrode tubes a boundary between two concentrations of the same saH, anc1 such a boundary moves very slowly under the i1lfluence of a direct current. The second source of 81'1'01' localized to the electrodes is the volume change that accompunies the electrode reaetiolls. LIn-VIS (1910) was the first to draw attelltion to this change amI also m<l,de corrections for it. The matter hn.s subsequently been discussed by severn.l authors. The g'l'eatest difficulty ill applying' correctiolls for this errol' lies in the relatively great ullcertainty of the available density data. The corrections are so small that they reqnire consideration 0l11y in very accurate determinations of small velocities. LONGSWOR'l'H (Hl42) states that the correction amounts to about 1 % for high mobilities under ordinary conditions, and that it shifts the, isoelectric point by some hundredths of a pH unit. It should be observed, however, that it rises with the current and that the HARRY SVENSSON, ELECTROPHORESIS. 31 shift in isoelectric 'point is g-reater if the slope of the mobility curve is small. 2. The Influence of the Free Hquid Sllrface. When a protein column is moving upwards in one limb and downwards in the other, the rising column exerts a hydrostatic pressure which tends to drive the column back again. If there are free lilluid surfaces in bot.h electrode vessels, this effect g-ives rise to an excessively low velocity. The necessity of having 1t small free liquicl sm'face was pointed out by TUlRLIUS (19i30). The error is completely eliminated if one electrode vessel is closed (LONGSWOR'l'H and MAChNES 1939). 3. 'rhe EICl'tl'oosmosis. Not only the colloid under investigation, but also the glass walls become charged by the contu,ct with the solvent, As a result of this, the solvent will tend to move as a whole in an electric field. This phenomenon is of the greatest importance in the Illicroscopical method of electrophoresis (see ABltA.llISON 1934:), where the observed velocity varies greatly from the glass wall to the centre of the tube. In the moving' boundary technique, it is of minor importance (TUlELIUS 1930; ABKAllfsoN, MOYER, and GomN 1\)42). 'fhere are sOllJe recent observations, however, showing t.hat electroosmosis may l)lay a role in special cases. Electroosmotic Htreumillgfl tot !L moving' boundary were first observed by MCWAIU.ANE (19-10) and, shortly after, by SHTmLOVSKY and SlI[ADEI, (19-l-()). Both observ::Ltions were made in studies of v:1ccinia virus. SHlGDLOVSKY alld SnUDlcL showed tha,t the reason was' too low to density gradient at this particular boundlLry. If the concentration of the virus wus augmented, or if a soluble protein of l.bout the sume mobility was added, the electrooslllotic stl'efLming's c1isappeared, N Ol~'l'llR01) (H142) and RO'I'HEN (H)42) sbte that the electToosmosis lllig'Lt cause boundary spreading even if no streamings were visiiJle. They investig'ated purified diphtheria antitoxin in phoslliutte amI diethylbarbiturate buffers and found a considerable spreading. SjJccial measmements of the electroosmosis in snch buffers revea1eu t.hat it too was larg'e. By uc1c1ition of M/20 cfdcium chloride, the electroosmosis could be completely suppressed, as could the bounuary spreading'. This Dneling' is very pU~7.ling', sillce the question arises whether boundary' spreading is always clue to electroosmosis. 4. lIeat Convection. Too high a power in the ltpparatus gives rise to deformation of the boundaries and even to new boundaries. The influence of uifferent factors ou the highest ;;2 AlmlV Fi:il~ KElIIl, lIUNlCRALOGI O. GEOLOGI. En 22 A. N:O 10. permissible potentiltl gradient was studied b.-V TISELIll S (] 930, 1937, a). His experiments 011 this subject led to two important improvements: the use of Jiattcned U-tube8 and the method of working' at the temperature of maximum density of wa,ter. A rectallg'ular tube makes possible a better heat exchange between the solution and the water bath, and at the temperatl1l'e of maximum density the risks of convection are n,t a minimum because the derivative d(.l/d t (t = temperature) = 0. TISELIllS found that potential gradients 10 times higher than before could be used after applying these improvements. Boundaries caused by cOllvection are generally easily distinguishable from real boundaries. Thus, they change shnpe from time to time, disappear and reappear, and the electrophoretic patterlls in the two limbs are no longer mirror images. Nevertheless, experiments have been reported, even quite recently, where heat convections hl1ve undoubtedly caused disturbances. TIfmr.rus reported that a power of 0.1i-1.0 w. cm.-:I could be used in the llew apparatus. With the refined opticalmethods used nowadays, however, by which convections may be discovered at an earlier stag'e, this figure has proven to be somewhat too high; if a weak g'Tadient is to be observed for several hours, it is not advisable to apply a total power in the apparatus higher than G-8 w. (ef ALVAREZ-ToSTADO 1940). At room temperature, 01' in the presence of much salts or other substances capable 01 shifting the tempemture 01 maximum density, it may be necessary to reduce this power considerably (MOORE 1941). 5. Other Convections. It was mentioned on "p. 26 that the current sometimes tends to develop moving' boundaries which are unstable gravitationally. This is always to be fea,red in expel'iments with S:1ltS. The starting conditions in such experiments must be chosen with the utmost care. 'Where colloids are concerned, the risk is much less, and con vectiol1S in such experiments can almost invariably be attributed to incomplete dialysis. It lIlay be recommended as a precautionary mea.sure, especially if the colloid concentration is low, always to dialyze from a higher salt concentration to a lower. Incomplete dialysis in the opposite direction gives often rise to convections at the slowest boundary. A boundary that is allowed to move down, by electrical migration or by» compensation» (p. 36) into the bottom cell becomes gravitationally unstable on passing' the bottom. Hence the very important rule: a lJolwclary must neuer lie rdlowed to enter the bottom cell. Needless to say, convections may also arise from leakage. HaRRY SVENSSON, El,ECTROPHOl~ESIS. 83 OH.A.PTER II. The Analytical Electrophoresis Apparatus. A. Historical. The first electrophoresis apparatus consisted simply of a vertica,l tube of g'lass with l)latinum electrodes in the upper and lower ends (PIOTON ::md LINDER 18~J7). WHITNEY and BLA KE (19D4) modified it by placing' semipermeable membranes between the sol and the electrodes. NERNS'l' (1897) used a U-tube for the demonstration and rOllg'h measurement of the movement of the pel'ma,nganate ion, but this device was not used for studying colloids before 1 ~J05 and 1906 by HARDY and BUR.'l'ON respectively. In the bottom of the tube there wa,~ !L ca,pillary tube in connection with a. funnel for forcing in the colloid solution. 'fhe electrodes, still platinum, were placed in the upper open ends of the limbs. '1'bese were graduated to silllplify the readings. Reversible electrodes werE' introduced by MICHaELIS (1909). He also used two stop-cocks, one in each limb, in order to provide sharper bounda,ries anel to make the apparatus lLpplica,ble [LIRO to the transference method. SVJ1:DBERG (LIld J E'l''l'E (H)~3) and SCOTT and SVEDBERG (1924) effectively increased the distance between electrodes and boundaries. They used special electrode vessels with reversible electrodes and furtherIllore introduced two safety tubes betweell them and the U-tube. Among the expel'iruelltal arrangements used later, the apparatus of KRlTY'l' and VaN DER WILLIG EN (1928) and that of TISELIUS (1930) are especially noteworthy. THEoRELL (1934) made a, U-tube consisting of several compartments which made possible the removal and analysis of fractions after the electrophoresis. The next step in this evolution was taken by TISEI,IU8 (H)37, a). This apparatus is too well Imowll to require a deta,ilec1 description, but as it provides the basis of large paTts of this work, its merits will be briefly summlLrized: 1. The apparatus works at the density maximum of water, which makes it possible to use much higher potential gradients than before. 2. '1'he introduction of a sensitive optical method, that of Toeplel', implies a greater resolving 'Power and increased convenience of working'. Arldv Jor I,'emi. mincmlofli o. geoloiJi. Bd 22 A. N:o 10. 3 3-1 ARKIV FOI~ KEl\U, lIIINERALOOI O. GEOLOGI. ED 22 A. N:O 10. 3. l'he flat rectangular cells contribute to increasing the resolving power and permit comparatively small volumes to be uRed. -1. The division of the U-tube into foul' compartments make possible the use of the apparatus for preparative purposes and its application to the transference method in cases where the substance under investigation caullot be observed. D. The method of » com pensatiolP, an artificial movement of the liquid as a whole through the U-tube, significantly illcrea,ses the possibilities and the convenience of electrophoretical separations. For details, the reader is referred to TISELIUS' orig'inal paper and to reviews publishe(l later (TISELIUS 193t1, a, b, 1939, 1939/-10, 1940; LONGSWORTH and MAoINN}!;S 1939; STERN 1939; LONGSWOR~'H 19-12). In spite of the advantages of TISELIUS' instrument. it soon became evident that it was possible to apply further improvements. The most significant of these was a modified optical arrangement, which will be clealt with in a special chapter. Some other details will be reported here. R. Improvements in the 'l'iselius Allilaratus. 1. Cells and Electrode Tubes. The rectangular form of the U-tube, snch as constructed by TISELIUS, has so lllany advantages that there has been no reason to change the sbape and dimensions. In collaboration with Professor TISELIUS, the author has undertaken some other modifications in the cells and electrode tubes. _After the development of the different methods for [Lutomatic recording of electrophoresis patterns, the quantitative electrophol'etical analysis became increasingly important. This necessitated the introduction of a cell of the double height in order to eliminate the central g'lass plates, which in the original construction separated the two snudl cells from each other and, when patternA were taken, masked considerable portions thereof. With a long cell, there are 86 mm. of free length for the pattern, which is sufficient for most purposes. One limb of the long cell and the bottom cell are filled with the colloid, the rest of the apparatus with buffer. _At the start, the poles are placed so as to cause the colloids to lllove up in the other limb of the oell. If there 1 The appamtus, with remlllt modifications to be descrilletl here, iR now being manufactured by LKB·Produkter Fabriks AB, Box 782, Stockholm. HARRY SVENSSON, F'ig. ELECTROPHORESIS. 35 o. are components of opposite charges, compensation must precede the current. Owing' to the greater hydrostatic pressure of the limb with colloid, it is not possible to level the appaTatus before malring the boundaries when a long cell is used. This difficulty has been overcome by the simultaneous introduction of closed electrode vessels . .As an alternative to the Ol'ig'inal Bat-bottomed cell, a Vshaped cell has been introduced. Its employment increases the safety Q,gainst con vectiolls due to the accidental passage of a density gradient through the bottom of the U·tube. The top cell and the electrode tubes have undergone more important modifications. The original construction had the disad vantage of insufficient insulation at the connections between the top cell and the electrode tubes. .At these l)oints, pa.rt of the current leaked out to the thermostat. This made the measurement of the current through the U-tube difficult and also implied a permanent risk of g'etting erroneous mobilities due to a slow passage of buffer through the leakage. In order to eliminate these difficulties, a Dew top cell with fom standard ground :i oiuts was constructed. '1'he two larger ones fit into the cOl'l'esponding joints of the electrode tubes, the two smaller make possible the penetration of the U-tube with a syringe without removal of the top cell. The whole set of cells now in use is shown in Fig, 5. In this connection, new electrode tubes also had to be made. They are shown in Fig. 6. They are both closed with 36 AHIOV FOR KEllII, JIlINERALOGI O. GBOLOGI. TID 22 A. N:O 10. large standard joints. The silver electrode is fitted to a glass tube throug'h the COllO of the g'l'ound j oint. It is seen that the connection tubes are narrOwer than in TISFlLIUS' original construction. This was necessary in order to keep the dimensions of the complete apparatus unchallged. The only rubber tubes in the modified apparatus are situated at the electrode tubes and are never removed. When they have recently been put tog-ether, there may possibly be a small leakage through these connections, but in a short time the rubber adheres very firmly to the glass tubes u,lld gives a pet'fect insulation. The same is thc ca,se with the standard ground joints, if carefully gTeased. In fact, with a voltage of 600 volts between the electrodes, it was impossible to detect any leakag'e whatsoever with an ordinary milliammeter. The electrodes have also been reconstructed according to LONGSWOR'l'n and MAcINNES (1930) in order to inFig. u. crea,se the effective silver surfa,ce. These have also described the use of a closed electrode vessel. 2. The Compensation Device. 'fhe object of this is to move the liquid as a whole at a constant, very low rate in order to assign to any boumh,ry any desired apparent velocity. TISELIUS' original construction (19137, a) was a clockwork motor ill connection with an ebonite plunger in one of the electrode vessels. The direction of the movement could be chosen by the appropriate winding of the suspension thl'eau around the rotating' axis, the velocity by choosing a plunger with the propel' diameter. It was not possible, however, to change the compensation rate or direction during an experiment without closing the apparatus and reopening after levelling'. After the introduction of one closed electrode tube, thif! arrangement was no longer practicable. LONGSWORTH and MAOINNES (1939) introduced a s.vringe in connection with the closed tube, the piston being (!riven by a synchronous motor. In this laboratory I another and simpler method was tried. The closed electrode tube was connected with a funllel by a HARRY SVENSSON, ELECTROPHORESIS. l~ig. 37 7. long' capillary tube with a very high streaming- resistance. By phcillg the funnel fLt different levels, any desirecl com peusation velocity in the desired direction could be obtained. The open electrode tube communicated with a tube outside the thOl'lllOStrLt in order to facilitate a direct comparison of the levels of the fLpplLratus and the compensator and the measurement of the liquid pressure. The pressure was lcept consta.nt by applying Mal'iotte's principle. This fLrrang'ement was abandonel1 after some time, chiefly since the compensation rate depended npOl1 the viscosity and Jensity of the buffer. '1'he new type used for the present implies [1 returll to TrsELlus' constructioll, yet with some modifications. It is shown in Fig'. 7. To the hour axis of all electrical synchronons clock, a pulley A with a series of different diameters is attached. A thread connecting the two ebonite plungers D and E passes the wheels B and a and goes once round one of the cylindrical surfaces of A. The tubes F and 0, slightly larger than the plungers, are connected to the 38 AI~KIV ~'OR KE]\[l, nIINERALOGI O. GEOLOGl. BD 22 A. N:O 10. two electrode tubes by way of the stopcocks H and I. If the compensator mllst coutinue after the capacity of the plungers is exilauflted, the stopcocks H and I are closed and K opened, and the plungers are returned to their original position. After levelling, the stopcocks H and I are opened again and K closed. An eventuul overflow of buffer when the compensator is being' fillec1 is received in a beaker L by way of the outlet tube M. This a,rrangement has the following' aclv!lntag'e:-;: 1) It g'ives a velocity that can be easily calculn,teu from the dimensions of ths plungers, the pulley, and the cross-sectional area of the U-tube. 2) The diameters of A form a geometrical series with the quotient 1.:35, and any desired velocity is attainable to within 12.5 %. The fine adjustment is made by chang·jug' the voltage over the apparatus. 3) The direction of the movement can be changed without rewinding the thread, simply by stopping the clock and starting it backwards. 4) The liquid level in the apparatus is unchange<1. 5) The arrangement necessitates only a small free liquid surface (about 0.5 cm. 2 ). G) The volume of the plungers, 35 cm. 8 , is large enough for maintaining a compensation velocity of SO· 10- 0 cm.!sec. (cross-sectional a,rea of the U-tube = 0.70 cm.~) for III hours. 7) The arrang'ement makes possible the use of a completely symilletrica,l electrophoresis apparatus with two closed electrode tubes. The new compensator has been used only for a short time, but the experiences gained with it have been only fn,vourable. 3. Electrical Installation. To 0 btaiu (lirect current of any desired voltage, TISELHTS used an electron tube amplifier fed with alternating current from a potentiometer 01' variable transformer. This system is still in use. The coupling device is shown in Fig. 8. The transformer Trl provides the filament current, Tr2 the variable anode voltage. RT] and RT2 are two rectifying tubes. The resulting direct current is tn.ken from the poles of the condenser C, while the superimposed alternating voltage remains over the choke Ch. The negative pole of the condenser is connected to earth. In the figure, two ammeters A are drawn, but ill reality only one instrument is used, in com billatioll with a special commutator. This is able to move the instrument from one position to the other, simultaneously short-circuiting' the first position, all in one manoeuvre. Routine measurements of the HA TIRY SVENSSON, ]:LECTROPHORESIS. 3!) v '.-' /),///,- EUI·th Fig. 8. current are made on both sides of the apparatus in order to provide constant checks on the current leakage from apparatus to thermostat, which is u,lso earthed. The difference between the two currents is identical with this leakage, aud it should not be allowed to rise above 0.1 rnA at 200-300 V over the apparatus. It is very difficult to avoid lealmge completely, even after the introduction of the new top cell, which is absolutely tight. Insufficient Cl1l'e in greasing the cells and mounting the U-tube, as well as cracks in the cells, are immediately discovered by this leakage iudicato1'. After the leakag'e has been checked, the earth connection of the amplifier should preferably be removed. The amplifier is then connected to earth only by way of the thermostat (through the leakage or leakages), and hence it automatically acquires an absolute potential which g'ives a minimum of leakage. Thus, the earthing of the amplifier is neccRsary in order to check and measure the leakage, but, if a leakage is present, the eltl'th connection should be broken. In the spring of 1944, all three electrophoresis instruments at the Institute were collected in one rOOlll, which made possible further rationalization. All instruments aTe controlled from a common instrument table. where all switches, potentiometers, relays, etc., are mounted. There is also a main switch fo1' all machines in the room that produce noise. This is situated in the neighbourhood of the conductivity apparatus in order to vrovide silence during the search for t.he sound minimum. -1-0 AltKIV l<'i:iR KEllU, MINERALOGI O. GEOLOGI. ED 22 A. N:O 10. 4. The Conductivity Appllratus was built accordiug' to (19BO), with certain simplifications. Its precision is definitely greater than 1 : 1000, but docs not reach 1 : 10000. It is completely adequate for the conductivity measurement,s in <luestioll in this work. Three different conductivity cells are used, with the constants 12.30, 44.20, lLUd 258.0, for poorly, medium, and well conducting solutions. All conductivity measurements were carried out in the electrophoresis water-bath at the temperatures in the actual experiments. SHEDLOVHKY C. Directions for lTse of the Pt'csent Apllnl'atuN. 1. ~IountiJlg' the Apparatus. All ground smfaces of the cells [Lre well greased with a suitable mixture of vaseline and paru,ffi n oil. The best composition of this g'l'ease CILllnot he given, since the quality of the two substances mentioned seems to vn,ry from time to time. It must be determined by experience. The following l'ule can be given: the grease should have a viscosity as high as possible without maJ;::ing' the movement of the cells (l1t the freezing' point) by the [Lir pumps impossible. A lower viscosity is associated with a short,er time of complete electric insulation, after which time the cells have to be regreased, while a hig'her viscosity is, with the preseut construction, naturally impracticable. The pneumatic arrangement, introduced by 'l'IsELIUS for the movement of the cells, may seem stl'lLnge but is vel'Y suitable. The limited foree provided by the pumps can never crack the cells. A rubber plate with a central, rectangular hole is placed on the bottom of the U-tube stand, and the bottom cell is placed on the top. It is pressed against the right-hfLud metal wall. The diaphrag'lll (Fig. 23, p. ~)4) iR placed in position, and by stretching' a thread from its outer slits, perpendicularly lLg'ainst the diaphragm, it is checked thILt the two holes in the bottom cell fit against these slits. If this is not the case, the rig'ht-hanc1 metal wall is shiftecl sideways in the tlesirecl direction. After the correct position of the cell has been fOlll1t1, it is made immovable by fixing the stoppel' 8 j in the proper position (Fig. 9 a). The intermediate and the top cells are now placed one above the other, each cell being moved a little under pressure until the air between the two g'l'ease layers is completely pressed out. The steering springs 8Pl are put in place (in the case of a long intermediate cell, they are placed between this and the top cell), as are the two top springs 8P2' The latter should exert a slight pressure on the top cell; they are pre- H Jl.ERY SV~:NSBON, IcT,ECTROl'JWIGESTS 41 rig D ,0 v('utetl from gliding off by two l'ubb('l' blllJ(lEl Fillf111y, the stoppel' S~ is put ill its pJace, and the left llllnd metal wall i., fixed in such a position that tbe top ceJl is mn.dt' imlllovable By l'l1bbel' tnbings, long' enough to give sufficient flexibility, the male standard joints fitting to the top cell are C011- .±~ ARlCIV J"OU KElIrI, lIIINE]~ALOGI o. GEOLOGI. BD 22 A. N:O 10. necteil. to the electrode tubes. The latter are fixed ill their holders. The U -tn be stand and the electrode tnbe holders are placed hallg·ing" in the metal frame made for this purpose. The lateral fLlld height positions of the electrOlle tubes are adjusted so that the two prLrts of the standard joints fit into each other. 2. :mllillg tlle Al1llal'l1tns • .A. dry U-tube can be filled llirectly with the solution to be investig·atell. Otherwise, the cells hrLve to be washed once 0]' twice with the buffer to be used. After the washing, the U-tube stand is inverted in order that the wash-buffer may run away as completely as possible. If ouly the necessary amount of the solution to be investigated is aVl1ilable, the requirecl dl1ta (pH, concluctivity) must be determilled before filling the apparatus. Otherwise, these measurements can be made 011 the rest of the solution afterwa,rels. In each CrLse, the entire solution is poured into the U-tube, and in some way or other the adhering wash-buffer is effectively mixed with. A good method is to suck up the solution into a syringe from one limb and let it run down again in the other, this operation being· repeated. In the case of short intermediate cells, the lower of these is now moved to the left-hanel metal wall, while the other cells are kept in their positions. Both limbs of the upper. cell lue emptied by means of a 8yring·e; it is advantageous here to tilt the apparatus a little. The cell is then washed twice aud fiually filled with buffer. In the case of a long cell, this and the top cell are shifted to the left-hand metal wall (after l'emoving the stopper 8 2 ). One limb is em ptied, the other fined with the colloid solution. The empty limb is washed twice and finull.v filled with buffer. The top cell is shifted back to the right-hand waH, and the stopper is again put in place. Finally, the l'emaining colloid solution in the top cell is removed, and the cell is washed twice. The U-tube stand and the electrode tubes are now bung" in the metal frame, and all strLndard ground joints are well g-reased. The vertical tubes fitting to the top cell are fixed on and rotated a little to secure complete iusn lation. The electrode vessels are attached to the top cell, the joints being· rotated in the same way. The connecting rubber tubes S10111d exert a slight pressure in the direction aga,inst the top cell; a force in the other direction is dangerous as it involves a risk that the connection may break during' the experiment. The complete apparatus is shown in Fig, !) b. HAI~RY RVDNSbON, EI,DCTROPHORESIS .~ '" "'~,.'" ".""".-.,,,,,,,,,, .......".""' ... -,-~,-.......-_;,_.."-_....._..,,. ~ . " ' Fig () h The apparatus is now placed in the thprrnostat in the proper position. The electl'mle tubes are filled with buffer, but 110t completely; a small volume mnst be left for the electrodes and for the chloride solutions. '1'he electrodes are il1flerted, the white electrode always being used as the positive pole, and the larg'f' gTound joints are rotated and pressed together. 'rhe connections between the apparatus and the compensator are nolV eHtabliflhed In the older construction, the compensator limbs were connected with the two vertical tubes of the top cell, but in the new type c1ehvpred by L](B-Produ7tte}" Fa7mlcs~tB, Stockholm, these tubes are sealed, and the connection is made instead to special tubes ill the COnef, of the ground joints of the electroc1e tubes. ..1,4 Af{Ii:lV ~'OH KEllU, MINEIULOGI O. GEOLOGI. HD 22 A. N:O 10. Buffer solution is sucked up into the chloride containers to a level sOlllewhat above the stop·cocks. The containers are tilled with chloride solution (preferably cooled), and the latter is allowed to run down. The remaining ail' in the electrode tubes is then :1utomatically removed, and the rubber tubes leading' to the compensator, as well as the latter itself, l1re tillea with buffer. The tube connecting the two compensator limb:> is left open so that the buffer level migrates at equal speeds in the two limbs. The final level is adjusted to the desired height, not too neal' the outlet tube. The compensator cylinders are put in a position suitable for the intended direction of compensation. The stopcocks below the chloride conta,iners are closed before the solution has run completely down. The apparatus is now ready, but before the current is started, it must be t1llowecl to stand for at least half an hour to at.tain constant temperature. 3. Sturting the Experiment. The conuection between the two compensator limbs is closed. The IT-tube is opened by pressing the intermediate cell to the right-hand wall, not too quickly. If a long cell is in use, it should be pushed to the right by both air pumps in order to prevent cracking' of the cell due to an asymmetrical force. It is often desirable to start with l1 few minutes' compensa· tion in order to make the original boundaries visible and to check that they are single and quite sharp. This is doue simply by starting the synchronous clock in the propel' direction. A. reading should preferably be taken after the clock has. been stopped aga,in. The current is then started, the voltage being chosen so that the total power in the appamtus does not exceed ('j w. After a few minutes, the connections between apparatus and compensator should be broken by clamps or stopcocks in order to prevent disturbing influences from the compensator. The liqui.d level in the narrow space between the ebonite plungers and the compensator limbs is ill-defined owing' to the capillary forces, and an accidental touch on thl~ compensator may give rise to a small shift of the liquid in the appara,tus. The current is read several times during' the experiment, and the leakage is checked. If there is a current leakage, it is probable that. a transport of liquid also takes place at this point. Such a liquid transfer. which g'ives l·ise to erroneous velocities, may be clue to different hydrostatic pressures on the two sides of the leakag'e (different liquid levels in l1pparatus and water bath), or it may be caused by electroosmosis. Both effects are counteracted by working with IIAltltY SVENSSON, EI,EC'l'ROPHOREBIB. 45 a. completely closed apparatus. It is necessary, however, not to close it before complete temperature equilibrium is attained, i. c. 10 minutes after the current has been started. Altel'nuti vely, the sodium chloride solution can be allowed to run down completely and the stopcocks left open. The connections with thc compensator can then be closed before temperature equilibrium is H,tt:Lined, since the buffer can contract and expand in the chloride tubes. The complete symmetry of the apparatus warrants that no liquid shift through the U-tube results from such volume cluL11ges. 4. Readings. In an apparatus of this kind with so Ulany joints, leakage is !Llways IL source of error much to be feared and never to be neglected. All avtl,ila.ble methods of discovering a.nd controlling' the leakage and its consequences should therefore be applied. A further such possibility is available when readings of the migration of the boundaries are made. In t.he abspnce of leakage, the movements of t.he boundaries should be I1niform, and plots of their positions against the time should result in stmight lines. Unfortunately, however, one cannot conclude t.he a.bsenee of lea.lmge from a uniform movement, a.lthol1gh from !L non-uniform migrution it must be con eluded that the aplmratus is not completely tig'ht and that the mobilities obtained are uncert.ain. Foul' to six rea(ling's on each component a,re sufficient provided that thoy are extended OVel' a considerable time (slow illigration) or over 11 considerable distance (rapid migration). The reading'OJ are plotted against the time (with some training, it is found most convenient to plot directly), straig'ht lines are elm Wll fitting' the points, and the mobilities are calcula.ted from the graph by measuring the slopes with un ordinary protractor, It must be condemned to base the mobility deterlUination on only two or three readings or 011 frequent reading's during fL short time interval. III the absellce of system(Ltical errors, the accuracy in the mobility determination rises with the distance which the component is allowecl to travel and with the number of reading'S. For ordinary purposes, it is quite sufficient to make the reading'S directly on the screen in the camel'a. In cases where the higbest possible precision is IJeCeSSal'Y, several exposures must be taken and the position of the l)eaks determined photometrically (LONGSWORTH H143) , 5. Finishiul!: Ule Iilxperiment. The current is broken, and the U-tube is closed by shifting the intermediate cell{s) to the left. The compensator limbs are emptied, and the rubbel' tubes -loG ARKIV FOR KEIIII, UINEltALOGI O. GEOLOGI. TID 22 A. N:O 10. between them and the apparatus are disconnected. The appa.ratus is lifted out of the bath. The four gTound joints of the top cell are cautiously disengaged by rotatory movements. The Su,llle is llone with the joiuts of the electrode tubes. The electrodes are removed and washed with tap-water. They are kept under water. The tubes are emptied and also washed, prefcr::Lbly with distilled water the last time. The top cell is emptied with a syringe. In the case of short intermediate cells, the conteuts of the upper cell are made accessible by shifting it to the right-hand wall. The same cell find the top cell are afterwards shifted to the left, and the lower cell can be emptied. Finally, if all cells are again pressed to the right-hand wa]l, the contents of the bottom cell can also be sucked up. In the case of a long intermediate cell, the top eell must be shifted to the left in order to make the contents of the t IVa lim bs accessible to the syringe. lf the contents of the U-tube are to be discarded, the latter need not be closed at the conclusion of the experiment. The U-tube is then emptied simply by turning it upside down. It is finally washed with tap-water [Llld filleu with distilled water. 6. Cleaning the cells. The g'pease between the cells has a tendency, in the course of time, to move up into the cells, where it adheres to the walls and diminishes the lig'ht intensity. Simultaneonsly, the grease between the cells gradually makes room for the solution inside the tube, giving rise to leakage between tho lim bs anel between the apparatus and the thermostat. A leakage of the first kind is impossible to detect; those of the second kind have l1lreac1y been discussed in detail. When a leakag'e is discovered it is time to clean and regre:1se the cells. At this Institute, regreasing' is now ca,rried out before every run, cleaning once a week. The cleaning' is now performed with synthetic detergents (1 per cent duponol solution) after the bulk of tho gTease Ims been removed with a cotton wad. Special care must be taken in cle::Lning the insides of the front and back walls effectively. For this purpose, a cotton wad fixed on a nickel rod has proved to be suitable. Bichromic-sulphuric acid should not be used. The grease is very resistant to this agent, while the cell cement is perhaps not. 7. 'flte Determination of the Cross-Sectional Area of the Cells. The ground surfaces of the cell are g'l'eased, and the cell is placed on a plane glass plate. The volumes of the two limbs are measured by one of the following procedures. IIAHRY SVENSSON, ELEOTltQPIIOllESIS. 47 According to the first procedure, the two limbs of the dry cell are fillell with 1 N-Hel to a slight overflow. The latter is removed by letting another glass plate glide over the top of the cell from one side to the other, the superfluous liquid being' sucked up with a filter paper. The contents of the two limbs :11"e then transferred to separate flasks tog'ether with several washings. The acid in the flasks is titrated with 0.1 N-NaOH. In the other procedure, the greased cell together with the two glass plates is weiglled empty, with one limb filled with water, and with both limbs filled. The weight differences are recalculated to volumes. The total height of the cell is measured to within 0.1 rom. The division of the volnmes by the heig'ht gives the crosssectional areas. A correction to the temperatlll'e of the waterbath cannot be consiuered as necessary. It is generally found that different' cells, and even different limbs in the same cell, have somewhat different dimensions. A numbering of the limbs is thus necessary. It is essential to note the cell numbers in each experiment as well as to build np the U -tube in a standardized manner so that the cross-sectional area is known in every part of it. CHAPTER Ill. Method of' Observation. A. Historical. In LODGE'S early experiments, different indicators were adued to tho migTation tubes in order to make possible the observation of moving bOllndaries. MASSON (1899) also used culoured indicator solutions, but his indicators had the double purpose of showing- the boundary position and of keeping' the boundary sharp. In the early experiments with colloids, coloured 01' opalescent sols were investigated (PIC'l'ON and LINDER 1897; WHITNEY and BLAKE 1904; HARDY 1905), and the movement of the boundary was observed visually. In other words, the early workers made use of lig'ht absorption in the visible range. This was the only method available until SVEDDERG and J E'l''l'E (1923} made use of the fluo1'escence of colourless proteins. The U-tube was irradiated from the side by ultraviolet lig·ht. KRUYT (1925) and DUlifANSKI and KNIGA (1926) used 48 Al~KIV Fon REIIII, nIINERAJ~OGl O. GEOLOGI. BD 22 A. N:O 10. the Tyndall effect instead, the former author placing the light source above, the ll1ttel' at the side of the U·tube. III comparison with these methods, the ultraviolet lig'ht absorption method introduced by Sn:DBERG and TISE],IUfJ (HI:2(:i) [Lnd further developed and extensively used by TISEJ,IUfJ (1930), imvlied a great advance. TI8ELIUS' measurements of mobilities and isoelectl'ic points showed an exactitude hitherto unknowll, which was hl'g'ely due to the superiority of the new method of observation. Methods based upon the devia.tion of light were used in electrophoretical measurements as early as 1902 by .AmwG and GAml. Their very simple al'rang'e1l1ent, which is applicable only to very sharp boundaries, has, with certain improvements (MAcINNES, COWPERTHWAITF., and HUANG 1927), been in nse until quite recently in moving boundm'y studies by the WHETHAlI[·MASSON method. LAlIlllI'S welDmown scale method was published in 1928, bnt was not applied to electrophoresis until much later (KEKW1CK 1939, 1940; TISELIUS and HOI~S FAI,I, 1939; HOl~BFALL 1939). The introduction of the TOEl'I,ER, Schlieren method (see SOHARUIN 1934) by TIsm~IUs (1937, a) was of still more fal'reaching importance than the ultraviolet light absorption method at that time. It immediately substantiated its usefullless in the discovery of the three globulin components in horse serum (TlSELIUS 1937, b). The methods so far mentioned, except the scale method, only permit the localization of boundaries with an increasillg' exactitude and convenience, but they are still inapplicable to concentration measurements [1D c1 to a detailed analysis of refractive index gradients. The scale method is cap'able of such an analysis, but it is too laborious in electrophol'esis; the two limbs of an onlinary apparatus represent a total length of about 17 cm. tn 1938, PHlLPO'l' published a self-registering optical arrangement for the ultracentrifuge. It was based on the TOEPLER method allc1 on TnovER'l"S cylindrical lens method (1914). This invention seems to have found its most important application in electrophoresis, for in this field of research it initiated the development of several self·l'egistering' optical systems after related principles. The first step was made by LONGSWORTH (1939, a) who obtained electl'ophoretic pattel'lls by the simultaneous movement of the horizontal edge and the plate in the ordinary TOEPLER arrangement. Shortly afterwards (1939), the present author pl'eSellted a modification of PHILPO'l"S method, with the use of slits instead of edges. Moreover, the original HARRY 48 SVENSSON, ELEC'l'IWPHOREBIS. method of PHILPOT is also used in electrophoresis (RENWICK 1940), as are modifications of LONGSWOR'fH'S procedul'e (FELL, STERN, [Lnd COGHILL 1940; S'fERN and DuBoIS 1841). It h[LS been an interesting study to elucidate the theoretical elements of PHILPO'l"S method as modified by the present author. A first attempt in this direction was made in 1£.140, but the influence of the diffraction of light was at that time disregarded. In the following pages, the theory will be treated in a simpler and more thorough manner than before. n. 1'he Croflse(l·Slit Metl10(1, Arrangements mul }JlcllIentarr 'l'lwory. 1. Optical Arra.ngements. The crossed-slit method can be applied in !1 va.riety of modifications, some of which are shown schematically in Fig. 10. Considering also that concave mirrors can be introduced instead of lenses, that vialle mirrors can be combined with lenses, and that the light source can be arl'fLllged in different manners, it is easily ]'ealizec1 that the 1_Jossibilities are llumerOllS. In Fig. 10, A is the light source, B 11 collimating or projection lens, C a horizontal slit, D an objective (the first 5'ch/icrcll lens), E the electrophoresis cell, F another objective (the second Schlieren lens), G an inclined slit, H [L third objective (the C[Lmera objective), I a cylindrical lens with a vertical axis, and K the photographic pbte. G<!)-" I eo ~.-.-.-.-:[-- D-~'-'-'- _.' I ABC - ----.-_ _.-.-:. !i • '~---'---'-l-'----1 ____ .. --- ---' 0 Ef <. G --'--- -. H G'--J):--~I ·:-·-----]-·-n·---·-·-·-·-·-·-[--·-·-·--~ ! -. ._r I . __ ._. . ___ " .- -------------.-.---.-. ABC DE 0'- $ I "'_-:-- I A ~ G -j)e -'---1 -a----- ----._ _-_._. --. __ . .__ C 0 E : '-=l---_A-'j -. -. G :t- I '~; ._ G H [ ABC - - - ' _ _ " -.~. :-=~ ---'-w-_ ______ . :_ __ ---_:E f '---'-i K n --_.. -. __ ::~'.'. -"':'--:tt'._.ij'- -/J i· -~~-rU-----==¢=) -:-~r-. : ----- o K I H 3" .- -.-.-- I _K '-$~-_________ -=:-r_ "!i l-·=~_. -~ . a Fig. 10. Arkiu 161' kemi, mincl'<l/ogi o. aeulogi. Ed 22 A. N:o 10. H 1 K' 60 ARliIV Fi)R liElIII, lIfINmar.OGI o. GIWJ,OGI. BD 22 A. N:O 10. The principles of the method are as follows, irrespective of the modification employed.: :1. inlltge of the h01'izoutal slit is thrown UPOIl the diagonal s1i t; h. an image of the cell is thrown upon the phot.og'l':1phic plak; c. an imag'e of the inclined slit is thrown on the same plate. fLU The possibilit.y of focusing' the lens system HI on the cell and on the diag'onal slit simultaneously is due to its astigmatism. The principle is that a point in the cell is brought to focus as a sharp horizontn,l line, while a point at the diagonal slit gives rise to a sharp vertical line on the plate. 2. Notation. a = thickness of the cell in the direction of the optical axis. 7) = perpendicularly to)) » » (' = concentration. d = lineal' vertical slit image devilttion. c = base of natural logarithms. = focal distance (with subscript referring to the lens question). !J = thickness of the radiating body in the lamp. h = length »» )) » » f dll . 111 _. = speCIfic refractive index increment of tbe substance de in question. l = active distances. 1)= AC = active distance between the lamp and the horizont[Ll slit. l~= eif = active dist[Lnce between the horizontal slit and the cell. 111 = EG = active distance between the cell and the dia,g'()nal slit. 14 = GK = active distance between the diagonal slit and the plate, the cJ lindrical lens being treated as a plane plate. 1[,= OG = active distance between the two slits, reference ~ing taken to the lens action of the gradient. 10= OK = active distftnce between the horizontal slit [lnd the plate, reference being taken to the lens action of the gradient. 11 = refractive index. J1 = optical distance (see text). k= (_J= HAI~RY l' SVENSSON, ELEC1'IWPHO RES] S. 61 = width of the horizontal slit; a fraction between 0 und - 1 that defines the position of the cell in relation to the focus of the camera. The latter is situated at .z: = 0, the cell walls at .8' =]'u and (7' + 1) a. 8 = length of the horizontal slit; a fraction between 0 and + 1 that defines the point of a large cell from which the active distance l~ has to be counted. For s = 0 it is counted from th(-\ front wuJI, for is = 1 from the back wall. t = timc. u = area of the CUl've (illuminated area,). v = aperture angle of a light beam; prism angle . .r = vertical cell coordinate. 11 = horizontal coordinate at the diagonal slit. Z' = horizontal cell coordinate (along the optical axis). ,Z·' = 0 is in the focus of the camera, = one of the Fresnel integTals; the constant of SNELL'S law. = diffusion constant. G = mag'nification factors, Gj = » of the lamp. G~= » » » horizontal slit. G n= » » cell. )\ »), diag'onal slit. GJ = 0,,=" . ' ) ) ) when brought to focus by the gradient. I = light intensity. ,J = flux. L = height of the cell. P = absolute errors. (J = relative » R = radius of CUl'vlLtUl'e. S = one of the Fresnel integ-mls. U = area enclosed between the curve and the reference line on the plate. X = vertical coordinate on the plate. Y = horizontal coordinate on the plate. d X = vertical thickness of the curve, d}' = horizontal » a = alJg-le between the light path and the horizontal line within the cell. 0= the same angle outside the cell; inside the cell, 0 is defined by equation (84). 11 = wid th of the inclin ed slit. A = wave-length. g is defined by equation (67). e n 52 Al~JnV Pi)R Imnn, MINERAT,OGI o. GEOI,OGI. BD 22 A. N:O 10. cp = augle of inclination of the curve on the plate; this equals zero where the curve runs vertically. d = thickness of the curve. (j = ang'le of incliml,tioll of the diagonal slit; this e()lHl,ls zero in the verticaJ position. Optical distances are denoted by a single line__ ~bove the notation for the g'eollletrical distance, o. [I. P(,\ = the optical distance between P [Lllel Q. Actz:re distances are _clenoted by a double line in the same position, e. (l. 1:' Q. 3. Active Distances. This is an optic:1l conception that has been found to be exceedingly vll,luable in this theory. The anthor has not been [1ble to find it elsewhere in the optical literature, but the ideas have much in common with those of ABBl~ when he elucidated the active diaphragm in a.n optical system (el WINKELMANN 1\:)06, p, 212), The active distance between two points (pbnes) P and Q, between which :1 system of lenses and plates is situated, will be defined as: (1) where pi is the imag'e of P when brought to focus by the lens system, and Q' the imag'e of Q, Gp and GQ are the 1'especti ve magnification factors. The identity between the two expressions, which is necessary if the definition is not to lose its significance, is easily shown by the following consideration. 1£ the magnification factor is defined as positive for an upright, negative for an inverted imag'e, the lens formula g'ives the equations (we assume now a single lens between P and Q): (2) a=f(l-+), lTQ The active distance becomes, calculated according to both definitions: (3) i. e., identically the same. If one of the mag'llification factors is 00 (P or Q is situated in the focal pla,ne of the lens), the active distance equals the focal distance f If Gp GQ = 1 (the II ARR Y SVENSSON, HLECTIWPHORESIS. 53 planes P and Q are conesponding imag'e l)la11es), the active dishmce is O. Finally, if f = 00 (the lens is a plane plate), both magnifica.tion fa.ctors are = 1, and the active distance appears in the f01'm 00' O. It is easily found, however, that the active distance is in this case identical with the optical distance. The relation (3) was shown to be true only for the simple case of a single thin lens between P and Q, but it is not difficult to show tlmt it holds quite generally. It is also possible to divide the lens system into two parts. Let p' be the image of P in one part of it, Q' the imag'e of Q in the other part. The expression P'Q' G1, UQ is still eq nal to the active distance rQ. 5. The Physical Significance of' the Active Disialll~e. In Fig. 11, we have two pln.lles P and Q on either side of the lens L, twd p' is the image plane of P given by the lens. In the upper fig-nrc t.he illlag'e is real; in the lower it is imag·inar,Y. Two lig'ht pencils making the a,ngle v with each other orig'inate from the plane P, are broken by the lens, ancl intersect the plane Q in the points Ql and Q2' We will calculate the distance (~1 q~. This distallce is the product of P'Q and the tLng'le Ql p' Q~. The latter is = !'/ G p; thus we have: ---;:- (.!l Q~ = p' Q /' . ~--;-- = (Jp Fig. 11. /,. == PQ. 5-1 ARKI\, Fbl~ KElIIl, nIlNlmALOGI o. GEOLOGI. lin 22 A. N:O 10. This result illustrates the usefulness of the active distance. The angle V llHt,)', for instance, be the ~wgle of detlection ill the cell; the corresponding linear deiiection ill an arbitrary plane is obtained by multiplying the angle by the a.ctive distance to tbat plane. Altel'nl),tively, '/) may be a space angle defined by the aperture of the lens; the light intensity at (~ and the dimcnsions of the illuminated are~L are easily eorn puted by removing the lens and substituting the real distunee for the n,etive one. The treatment. of the diffraction of light in optical systems containing lenses is also greatly simplified, us will be shown bter. The active clist~tnce may be regarded as a generalization of the opticaJ distanee. 5. The ('hoice of Variables. It is desirable to elucidate the influence of the different apparatus constants on the sensitivity and the resolving power of the method. The knowledg'e thus g'ained may be of some value in the choice of the optical arrang'ement. To avoid an immense amount of 1V0rk, ho wever, it is necessary to introduce the most suitable variables, applicl1ble to all possible variations of the method and giving simple expressions in the mathematical treatment. Optical and focal (listances are not suitl1ble, but the magnification factors are convenient variables, and the salUe :is the case with the active dist.ances defined above. It is not surprising', then, that simple relationships hold between the magnificlttioll factors and the active distances. A crossed slit arrangement is completely characterized by the four distances 71 , l2' 711 and 74 and the factor G.1 , since the other magnification factors are connected with the distn,nces in a manner easily found by inspection of Fig" 12. Assume that C emit,s a light beam with the aperture v. This is brought to focus at G by the lens system DF, and the image aperture is 71/ G 2 • The extension of the bright field at the cell E can thus be calculated from both sides, which gives the relation: (5) c D E F Fig. 12. G HAgRY SVENSSON, ELIW'l'ROPHORESlS. 50 Similarly, if we regard a light beam originating' from the cell and bronght to focus on the plate, we obtain the relation: (G) Finally, if the projection lens is focmled on the cell, we also have: (7) This need not be the case, however, since the lens B can also be focused on the slit 0, when lj = 0 a.nd (7) does not hold. tL 'l'lte l,igltt Deviation in the Cell. Since the method is Imsed upon the same principles as the TOEPLER and LAMlII methods, it is superfluous to repeat the theory for the deviation of light in the celL The reader is referred to the works of these authors and to the more thorough trea,tmellt given in section E of this chapter. The angle of deviation after the passage through the cell is: (8) O2 - 01 = a 1/' (.'l:). 7. Thn Hnllar Slit Imag'll Deviation. If no deflection takes place in the cell, the light pencil arrives at the normal slit illlu,ge at G, the diagonal slit. If, however, }1' (.r) rf 0 :1t a certain point, this pencil is deviated down wards according' to (8) and arrives at G at the vertical distance d = 73 a n' (x) (9) from the normal slit image. 8. 'l'he Formation of the Electroillioretic Patterll. If the cJ linc1ric!11 lens is removed, a normal image of the cell is thrown upon the plate by the camera objective. The cylindrical lens destroys this imag'c only in one dimension, with the result that every point in the cell is brought to focus as un horizontal line on the plate, The vertical cOOTdil1ates X Ulld x of the plate and the cell are connected by the magnification factor Gil: (10) In the same way, points of the diagonal slit are bronght to focus as vertical lines on the plate, The horizontal coorc1i- i'ili ARKIV FOR KEl\U, lIIJNEIULOGI O. GEOLOGI. BD 22 A. N:O 10. nates l~ and 1/ of the plate and the diagonal slit are connectcd by the factor' 0 1 : ( 11) It follows that a light. pencil ]JUflsing' tho point ;(:1 ill the cell and the point YI in the diagonal slit must arrive at a. single point on the plate defined by the reJa.tions (10) and (11). In this elementary theory, we rpgard the slits and slit imllges as infinitely narrow and disreg'ard the diffraction 1 1 dl I I I Fig. ]3. phenomena. The intersections between the slit imug'es at G and the inclined slit then ll1l1tbematical points. 'rhe 1101"maJ slit imag'e will be assumed to intersect the inclined slit at 1/ = O. . If the·le of the illclille<l slit is 0 (Fig. 13), the coordinate of the point of intersection of a deflected slit image becomes: (12) !It = 7:1 a ii' (01:) tan 8, and the correspondiug' coordinate at the plate: (13) If the indices are omitted, the eljuution of the Clll've plate is obtained: (1+) 011 the IIA RR Y SVENSSON, ELIDCTIWPHORI£SIS. 57 By uiiferentiution, we find the slope of the curve: ta.n rp (1 i») (-l~ {f 1/" --~---:--- 1:1 d )r = --= (.1:) tan 8 (i~ dX !). 'J'he ltefractivc Index Increment. Equation (14) can also be writ.tell III the form: (10) IntegTn,ting between Xl a,au X 2 , we obtain the increase refractive index between the points :C1 and :'2 in the cell: or .Y, ( 17) 110 " = 11 I ~ -.---!-----U {l.j In a tan (j a j' r d X -L • X, If, further, we assume a linear relationship hetween refractive index and concentration (If (1 f3) we LAlIl]r _211 = 1\)37): 1,;. dc, JULYI::': (HJ) where U is the definite integml in (17), represellting the area enelosed by the curve, the abscissa, and the two lines X = Xl aud X = X~. 10. '('he ]Jens Action of the Gradient. The refractive index g'l'adieut in the cell acts as a cylindrical lens with an hori7.ontal ILxis and has the focal distance: (2U) whieh is, of eourse, [L function of ;{:. The refractive power of this lellS is by no means negligible. Light l)encils that pass through gmJients in tho cell ure thus not brought to focus in the plane G of the inclineJ slit, but in pla-nes that can be situated far in front of or behind it. When mention is made of a "devin,ted slit image', therefore, this is an inaccurate, but convenient expression. 58 AgE:IV Fi:)n Kmlrl, nIINElUl,OGI o. GEOT,OCH. ED 22 A. 10. N:O A method of obsel'Vu,tioll based on the len8 action of the bOL1ndaries was work-ccl out by ThIhcHEBoEuF and MONNlElt (19-12) for electrophoreticiLl stuelies. C. 'l'he Light Iutensity. 1. First AI'I'Hng·mnr.llt. In this method of illumination, n Imup with an horizontal radiant body is useel, which is bronght to focus on the horizontal slit (Fig·. 14). In the calculation, the lamp is assumed to distribute its light symmetrically in all directions, losses due to refiectioll are lleglected, and the diffl'::wtion of light is not taken into account. In this case, the active distance between lamp and cell is 1~/G1' and the lig·ht intensity at the cell, if the slit were absent, is fountl to be: (21) The result will be the same if a slit with the dimensio11s }' = G1 9 and s = G 1 h is inserted, and the eli III ensions of the light source [11'e arbitrarily greater than g and h. We may thus write: {2~) ,, E .~ -.-.-.-.-.---.-~-.~ - -.- --- r--'I I c::=::=J .- .... _ Fig. 14. -.- -._ ---.- ---- ..... -------- ... -- IIA RRY SVENSSON, ,, '' ,,, :,' t 1 ELEC'l'JW1'1l0l~ES1S. "-'- -_-------_.----, , , ,, E, , ~, ? ' , : : ' ------- .~- ----------- -(....::------------------ --.--=;=:~ 'The flux of lig'ht passing' the cell is obtained by multiplyil1g' by its height L an<1 brea<1th b: ·(:33) If the inclined slit is removed, this flux of light enters the ·camera with.out losses a11d itself over the area L Gil 8 G2 G.J. on the plate. The intensity there becomes: ,(24) II'. = ruLl. a-a 4--{3 7[: 2 G-' 28.1 Eliminating G2 by means of equation (5), we finally have: '(25) 2. Se(~on(l Arrangement. This illumination method was :suggested by PHILPOT (1\:)38) for the ultracentrifuge and bas -certain advantages. The lamp should now have a greater vertical extension, the projection lens is focused on the cell, :an<1 the hotizontal slit stands as near the projection lens as possible (Fig.. 15). With. tue notation introduced earlier, we have: GO AUlnV ~,(jg KF.lIII, JlIINEl~ALOfH O. GEOLOLiL lJD 22 A. N:O 10 . .II h fA Ie =~l~" '"±rcj (2G) The lig'ht :flux through the slit is: (:!7) At the cell, the illumiufLteu. area is G; fJ h, and hence the lig'ht intellsity: (28) With the aid of (7), we have: (29) IE }'s = h :;--1" '-r 7i 2 As this expression is identical with (22), and as thcre is no difference beyond the cell, the intensity 011 the plate is the SfLme as in the first fLrmngement. 3. ThiNi Arrangement. According to this method, which necessitates fLU fLchroIllfLtic opticfLl system, :111 incandescent lam p with a. single, horizontal, stretched filament is used as a. light source, and the condenser lens and the slit are omitted. The light intensity at the cell is: (30) As {! aml h tue in this case identical with 'I' and s, this expression is again identical with (22), and the finall'eslllt is the same. Independently of the illumination arrangement, therefore, the light intensity of the curve mlLy be written: (31) Ire = }'7)h -----,--,-. 4n12In(~II(TJ It is proportional to the light density of the lamp, to the width of the horizontal slit, and to the breadth of the cell. In the third arrangement, it is proportional to the totfLl intensity of the lamp. It is inversely proportional to the distances l~ and 7:1, anel to the magnification factors Un anel G.]. HARRY SVENSSON, ELEC1'ROPHORESIS. 61 It is remarkable, however, that the intensity is independent of the quantities lj and (]j characterizing the illumination arrang'ement and of the lig'ht-trallsmitting cltpacity of the projection lens. Oonsequently, the choice of illumination system does not influence the light intensity more than does the light density of the lamp, nor does the choice of the lens B or its mag'nification in the first two arrangements. D. 'l'he 'l'hickllCi'lS of the Curve an(l the Resolving P01l'er of" the Method. Hitherto, the diffraction of light has been disrcg'arc1ed, a,nc1 the slits have been treated as mathematical lines. This involves impermissible simplifications and we will now consider the effects of these, in order to find the limitations of the method. As effects of the two fa·ctors are mutually independent, they will be treated separa,tely. The effects will finally be summarized. 1. The EIfect of the ]i'jnite Wi(lth of the Horizontal Slit. As the width of the dia,g'onal Blit is treated in the next section, it will still be reg'ardec1 as infinitely small, and no diffraction will be assumed to take place. The effect of the finite horizontal slit width is then simply that the section between slit image and inclined slit becomes a line instead of a point. The horizontal projection of this line is: 1'lR (32) tan () -/;-' irrespcctive of the lens action of the gTadient. Hence we ob tain on the plate G, curve of the horizontal thickness: (33) d }' = _G 1 1_J!L!_a_~ . l2 With the aid of (15), the vel'ticnl thickness: J X= (34,) C--Ji!.iT121~ a II (;1;') and the thickness perpendicular to the curve itself: (35) .d = G.[ l' lB tan e cos rp- ------[2- - - l12 ARKIV POR KEnIl, MINEllALOGI O. GEOLOGI. ED 22 A. N:O 10. are ea:-lil y derived. If the aSimm ptions were correct, the thickness \vo~1Il1 be at its maximum for rp = 0 (in the base·line and at the top) and at its minimUIll in the steepest parts of tlle cnrve (the illliexion points). 2. l'he Diffraction of' Lig'ht and the Width of' the Diagonal Slit. If a slit G is illuminated by another slit 0, pa,mllel to the first, diffmction phenolllew1 can be observed on a screen K behind the first slit (the simple two-slit arrangel1l811t). With a propel' slit width 8 at G, tllere is obtained a central bright fringe flanked symmetrically by a number of diffraction fringes of decreasing' in tensity. The mathematical theory of light diffraction in thiB twoslit arrangement was developed by Fl1ESNEL (1819) and LOl\I:lIIET, (1886) and leads to the following expression for the light intensity: (3H) where 0 and S are FRESNEL'S integrals: ·v~ (37) () = Jcos t 1} d v 119 and S= f sin 11,2 d v. ", ", The limits of integration are: where d X is the distance 011 the screen from the centre of the diffraction picture. Equation (36) gives the light intensity at this distance. Let us now assume that C is infinitely narl'Ow. Our problem is to find the width 8 of the other slit that makes the centr[11 line at K as sharp and bright as possible. In the curves (Fig. 1G) the light intensity is plotted as a fUllction of LI X fOl' different values of 8. The extensions of the geometric!Ll projections: (39) OK ='8 OG of the illuminating slit are also indicated in the diagrams by vertical lines. HARRY SVENSSON, ELEU'l'ROPHOlmSIS. l13 A -==:±t:==-- B Fig. 16. For a very small c, the central fringe is very broad and of low intensity. When c increases, the central fringe becomes narrower and brighter. For very large slit widths, however, the nearest diffraction fringes lie so near the central one and are so bright that the eye accepts several fringes as one line, which becomes approximately as broad as the geometrical projection. The centml line, as observed by the eye, is thus never smaller than this projection. Its optimum sharpness allfl brightness are apparently obtained for a slit width that gives a central fringe of the same thickness as the geometrical projection (Fig. Hi, diagram E). The elementary theory of diffraction gives for the extension of the central fringe the expression: - (40) 2 A.. GK . dX=--____ c The optimum slit width is obtained by putting it equal to the breadth of the g'eometrical projection (39), which gives: L1-l- Al~KIV FiiR REMI, lIUN1<;RALOGI O. GIWLOGI. fln 22 A. N:O 10. {-u) In the crosHed slit method, we have not the simple twoslit u,1'l'fLugement, but [L slit C, illuminating' another slit G, and [j, plate K behind. Elluation (41) is not immediately applicahle, however, owing' to the presence of lellses between the three elements 0, G, and K. Another difficulty is that the two slits are not p!11'allel to each other. We have to answer two lluestio~s: _lLL What _~_0t.ance8 correspond to the optical dista,nces CG, OK, lLUd OK in a more complicated two-slit nrrangement with lensesr b) How is an inclineJ. slit to be treated? . The a,uthor snggests tha,t these questiolls must be answered as follows: a) The opticfLl distances cCI, GK, and CK in the simple two~lit ~~'Eangement have to be replaced by the active distances ell, Uk, and OK in the actual system containing' lenses. b) For an inclined slit, {3 must be replaced by {3/sin 8, the vertical width of the slit. Our expression for the optimum slit width is now: {3 (42) = . 1f2i-: sm (J / U.'l.+: UK . . OK Now, however, another difficulty lLl'ises. Since the Schlieren (lenses) throws au image of 0 upon 0, the active distance CG should be = O. This would imply the absence of diffraction phenomena in the crossed slit method, which is known not to be the case. The explanation of this apparent contradiction lies in the refractive power of the gradient in the cell. The gTa,dient acts as a cylindrical lens, and this lens removes the image of 0 from t~ plane ~ G. For th.e cnlculation of the active distances cIT and OK, which will now be named If> and lr, 1'especti vely, we may therefore exa,mine Fig. 17, whore E is drawn as a plate of varying thickness. G' is the of G ~ens -- ·-~·-·-·8e¢:-.:. _____ . . _. __ ._.-=-.. ~.-c ". -::::.. - - -- - D - -~- _- E Fig. - .. - . - .. - : -. : G 17. HARHY SVENSSON, ELEC'l'ROPHORESIS. 65 given by the lens E; the other symbols have the same significance as in Fig. 10, p. 49. When deducing' the active distance 10 = cd, let D give an imag'e of 0 and E an image of G. The optical distance between these images is GG', and division by the corresponding magnification factors gives the active distance: (43) lfi GG' = () I' • 2 LTD The lens formula, applied to the gradient lens, gives: (44) whence: (45-46) and We thus find the desired distance lo: 15 = l~ l", a 1 '}I" (x) (47) I· The active distance 10 = UK is derived similarly. Let D and E together g'ive an image of C, aud H an image of K. The optical distance between these images is G' E, and the magnificati0n factors are G2 G5 and 1/ Gn respectively. We then have: G_ . G'_ Jj] 7 ----"-8 (48) 0= () I' • 2 Ll' 5 Since G' ill = In - GG', we obtain, with the aid of the relations (5), (6), and (45): (4:9) The insertion of 15 and 70 into (42) finally gives the optimum slit width: (50) B = In sin (j 11 2 A. a 1 n" (x) I. The smallest possible thickness of the curve is then el1sily derived by using equation (40) and putting GK = GE: = 74 , We find the vertical thickness: Arki" fOr kerni. rnineralogi o. aeologi. Ed 22 A. N:o 10. 5 G6 ARKIV 1,'bR KEnrr, lIfINERALOU[ O. GIWLOGI. BD 22 A. N:O 10. (61) the horizontal thickness: (62) and tllC thickness perpendicular to the curve itself: (53) _ r-·,---,-- ----. .•j - d - ~ U 3 U 4 )'In tan (j sm OJ q;. Thus, if the slit width satisfied equation (50) in every point and if the horizontal slit were infinitely small, the curve thickness would be at a maximum where rp = 45°. rrhe ahove derivation is fairly complicated. Peculiarly enong'h, the following simple consideration, which only requires an elementary knowledge of diffraction phenomena., gives the same result. Owing to the vertical slit width, elsin (j, light pencils from a certain range d:'c of the eell pass the slit at a certain coordinate y. This range is given by the equation: (5J) (55) d x = - -___c . l3 a Inil (.x) I sin . (j After multiplying by G 3 , we obtain d X, which corresponds to the geometrical projection in the simple two-slit arrangement. If this is put equal to the breadth of the central fringe: (56) 2 A74 sin () equation (50) is arrived at. The author is aware that both ,deductions are open to criticism, but the fact that they give the same result suggests that this is correct. The first derluction is, of course, inconvenient if the second can be accepted, but it seems to the author less exceptionable, having the additional advantage of suggesting the origin of the diffraction fringes and the cause of their existence. 3. The Simultaneous Consideration of the Two Slit Widths. In order to perform this generalization, it is possible to extend the first theory to a finite width of the diagonal slit and to HARRY SVENSSON, ELECTROPIIORESIS. G7 extend the theory of diffl'action to an illuminating' slit with l1 finite extension. A slit can be imagined as an in£nite number of infinitely narrow slits. The above theory is valid fOT each of these slit.s, and we only have to integrate over all participating' slits. This is easily done if the assnmption is made, in agreement with the facts, that the projection of the whole slit 0 on the screen is small in comparison with the breadth of the central fringe. All infinite number of centml fringes superimpose, and the resulting fringe will be as much broader as corresponds to the projection of the illuminating' slit on the screen through an infinitely l1arrow diffracting' slit. The addi tional breadth is: (57) }' . GK . erG J' 74 = l~ 13 a j n" (xl j' This expression, which is identical with (34), must be added to (51) to give the real vertical thickness of the cnne: d Y and d are then calculated as before. More simply, however, d Y can be derived directly by giving the inclined slit the width according to (50), and the slit image the width O 2 ,, (Fig. 18). The horizontal thickness of the curve then becomes (the pl'o)ection OT the tetl'agon A.BOD, enlarged G 4 times): (59) d 1'= GJ. tan () (lBJ(2).a Inl/(xlj + G2 ,·)· This is the sum of (52) and (33). It is thus found that the two effects are additive when expressed in curve thiclmesses. The l'esuitiIlg thiclmess of t.he curve perpendicular to itself is: Flg. 18. G8 ARKIV POR KmTI, lI11NERALOGI o. G1WLOGI. En 22 A. N:O 10. 4. The Resolving; Power of the lUethod. The crossed slit method is used for two different purposes, 'riB. the discovery and 10calizl1tioll of refractive index gradients and the measurement of the total refractive index chang'es at rmch gradients. Just as for other optical instruments, we can define the conception resolving power, but the definition must be made in accOl'dance with the actual pUTpose of the method. a. The Least Perceptible n' (:c). If the purpose is only to discover refractive index g'l'adients, we define the resolving power as the least II' (:c) that can be discovered with certainty. 'rhis limiting' n' (x) eauses a horizontal uefiection on the plate just sufficient to separa.te the curve from the base-line. We have the thicknesses 01 the em've and the base-line in equation (59) and the distance between them in equation (14). The resolving power is thuB g'iven by the equation: This gives the resolving' power: (52) n' (x) = V~f(~J + 2__. 2a . ls a It is realized that a resolving' power of this kind cannot be defined, since. it ,also depends upon n" (x). It can only be defined for the top of the CUl've where we have: (63) , 'r n",(x) .= -,-' 2 a A. great resolving power is thus associated with a narrow horizontal slit, a large cell thickness, and a large active distance 12 , With typicnl figures, l' = 0.01 cm., 12 = 80 cm., and 1 5 {t = 2.6 cm., we find a resolving power of 5.10- cm.The mirror system recently introduced in this laboratory ha.s 12 = 200 cm. and a = 5 cm., . which correspond to a resolving power of 1· 1O-~ cm.- 1 HA.NSEN (1940) agrees with the present author in the conclusion that n, resolving power in terms of n' (x) cannot be HARRY SVENSSON, ELECTROPHORESIS. 69 defined. He states that it must be expressed in d'l1, and concludes that the focal distance of the Schlieren lens (corresponding to our distance lH) is without importance. 1£ this opinion were correct, it would be as easy to detect a refractive index gradient covering a distance of 5 cm. as one of the same ,d n compressed to a reg'ioll 0.05 cm. broad. All experience, however, strengthens the view that the shal"per boundary is much easier to discover, in accordance with equation (62). b. The Least Measurable d 11. 1£ the method is used to measure refractive index gradients, its resolving' power will be defined as the smallest ,d n whose order of mag'llitude can be estimated. It is plausible to identify the latt81' quantity with that value of dn which gives rise to a curve whose own area (due to its thickness) equals the area enclosed by it. The area covered by the curve itself is obtained by integrating the area element d Ii = ,d Y d X = Gn d Y d x: +00 (64) u = (in G.l la 1/ ~T~ tan () IV-I nil (x) I dx + -00 +t d ," + O2 G n G 4 l' tan () I dx. -~d," In the first term the integration can be extended over the entire x-axis, but in the second it is necessary to choose two limits that enclose practically the whole gradient, but not more, in order to obtain a finite integral. The first integration cannot be carried out without knowledge of the function n" (x). It is [Lssl1lUed, then, that the concelltratioll function is that represented by a normal diffusion curve: :1,2 :1,2 '( (65-66) n ;c) = ,dn ---::--== . 2VreDt -"Dt c· ; '1l "() X' - ;c . ,d 1l - '4-m = --------./ -- -- . C 4Dtl reDt If this is introduced, and if the su bstitutiOli (fi7) is carried out, we obtain: . 70 ARKIV FOR KElIII, In +'" (68) lIIINEI~ALOGI O. GEOLOGI. ~ n" (:t01 d:r = l/~ I",d;/' 2· BD I~:}-l '" c-; 22 A. N:O 10. d~ = 0 -00 4 '1/2;;;'i d 1' (3)4"' =2/ 01' 0 r-' Il numerically: +00 (69) I 'lGT'l~r) j d;); = 2.1R8 V j;~. -00 Hence the value of the integral is indepenc1ent of the shape factor of the diffusion curve, which suggests that the result is also valid for other than normal diffusion curves. If the constant 2.188 f2 is shortened to 3, we thus have: Division by the enclosed area g'ives: (71) If this ratio is put = I, an equation is obtained which, after solving for d 11, gives the required resolving power. The solu- tion is: (72) ( Vr.d- -n = -31/~J:- 1 + 2 a 1/ 1 4'1'.dX) . + ---- Yl4 With typical figures for the constants, A= 5 000 A., a = 2.5 cm., r = 0.01 em., d x = 1 cm., l2 = 80 cm., we obtain a resolving' power of .d 11 = 27 . 10-°, which corresponds to a protein concentration of about 0.15 pel' cent. The only apparatus constants that influence the resolving power are a and Z2' The influence of the latter is minor, however, l2 = = giving the same order of magnitude (.d 12 = 18 ·10-"). If the term containing 7' and 72 , representing the influence of the width of the horizontal slit, is omitted, we find the simpler expression: (73) .d11 9). = __ 0' (t HARRY SVRNSSON, ELECTROPHORESIS. 71 according to which the resolving' power varies inversely as the celi thickness. Hence the only way to raise it is to construct celis with a hU'ger thickness. With the mirror system recently introduced in this laboro,tory, the active thickness has been doubled without increasing the volume by allowing the Ught to pass the cell twice. This gives a limiting resolving' power of g. 10- G• Larg'e cells have to be used with caution, howevcr, in view of the systemfLtical enol'S arising from the curvature of light within the cell. These errors will be treated in the next section. HANSEN (1940) gives for the unmodified Schlierell method a resolving power H times as great as that derived here. The cause of this di screpancy lies chiefly in different definitions of resolving power. HANSEN'S resolving' power is the least perceptible .d n, while we have defined it as the least /III that can still be measured with some precision. It is not impossible, howevel', that there is some difference in l'esolving power between the original TOEPLER method and its modifications. It is remarkable that HANSEN found the same l'esolving' power, A/a, for the interferometric method. It is interesting' to study the relation between the sensitivity and the resolving power. The sensitivity may be defined as the height of the curve for '}/' (x) = 1 and e = 45°; it is (}11sa= G2G1l~a. Among these factors, only a and (to a certain deg'l'ee) 72 are active in increasing the Tesoiving power. '1'he magnification factors increase the thickness of the curve as well as its height and its enclosed area. Optical imperfections in the lenses and glass walls will, of course, influence the resolving power unfavol1l'ably. The same is the case with a marked light absorption, which necessitates the use of a fairly wide horizontal slit. The theoretically derived resolving power corresponds fairly well with experience, yet the author has the impression that still lower concentrations can be investigated. The I'eason why the theory does not do full justice to the method is that the thickness of the curve was identified with the distarICe between the two first intensity minima in the diffraction picture. Now, the exposure time and the method of developing the plates are generally chosen so that the diffraction fringes totally disappear, which results in nn appreciable recluction of the thickness of the curve. 1£ a hard developer can be used, the edges of the curve become more distinct, and it is possible to trace the middle of the line with fairly high precision even if the area of the curve is about as great as the eucloserl area. 72 ARKIV leCiJt KEll1I, ll1INERALOGI O. GEOI,OGI. BD 22 A. N:O 10. LAMJl1 (1937) has described a slit method to be used as an ltlternative for the scaJe method, and has also observed in this connection that the diffraction limits the resolving' power. In oruer to incre:1se the latter, he pl:1ced ~L thin thread ill the middle of the slit. This method has not been tested in connection with the crossed slit technique. It might conceivably be of value, since the two methods are closely related. This possibility will be discussed ag'ain at a later stage. 5. The Ideal SilItI1e of the Inclined Slit. Equation (50) shows that the slit width depends upon the second derivative Il" (x) in the cell. Now, a certain point of the slit is generally passed by light pencils originating from different places in the cell, which may also have different values of 11," (;:r). Thus, it is generu,lly not possible to satisfy the condition (50) for all points in question. For a re ular diffusion curve, however, 7 the two points with the same }7. (:r) have also the same value for n" (;/:), except in sign, and in this case it is possible to give the slit a form that in every point satisfies (50). The desirability of a spool-shaped slit was found experimentally as soon as the method came into use (SVENSSON 1939). It was fonnd that the steeper pa,rts of the curve required a slit width that made the other parts, especially the base-line, very broad. As this tlecrea,sed the resolving power considerably, a wedge-formed slit was constructed, the light giving the base·line passing' through its end. FELL, S'fERN, and COGHILL (19.:10) have moditiec1 LONGSWOWI'U'S technique in that a slit is moved instead of the Schlic1'en edge, with the result that a curve is obtained just as with the method described here. The base-lines of sllch pattel'lls are also broad in comparison with the steeper parts of the curves. The modification introduced by STI!lRN and DuBOIS (1941), with a. slit gTadually increasing in width during the movement, is completely equiva.lent to the technique with the wedge-formed slit described in the paper cited above (SVENSSON 1939). A slit narrowing off a,t both ends, useful in the crossed slit method, has been constructed by BURNS and HENKE (1941). As we now have an opportunity of calculating the ideal shfLpe of the slit, it may be of some interest to investigate the possibilities of maldng such slits. These depend on the manner in which different parameters influence the shape. To derive the relation between the slit width and the slit coordinate y, it is necessary to eliminate :r between the equations (50) and (12) by the I1ssumption that a normal diffusion curve according' to (65) is present. If (12) is solved explicitly for x, we have: H.A RRY (74) ;1' = SVENSSON, 73 ELEC'l'}WPHORESIS. Vr=-4;~ln _Z~IJ~~~;'t~~ 0' which on introduction into (50) gives: r- (75) _8__ sin (j = 1 :3 _).~ L ( - - ., l"Dt V -V e - _11 __ tlLn --~- I ------_- 2 !I v;;Tit n In ad 1l tan e Let us now assume that the inclined slit forms the diagonal of the rectangle illuminated by the normal and deflected slit images. This should always be the case, for it is the only manner of using the total image field of the camera without losing an.v part of the curve. As the length of the slit images is G 2 8, we have: (76) If Dt is solved from this equation and inserted in (75), the vertical slit width is obtained as a function of :1// G2 s: This equation completely describes the ideal shape of the slit for an ideal diffusion curve. It is seen that it depends upon two parameters, .d 11, which is constant in a given experiment, and tan e, which varies with time during the experiment. It would then appear necessary to constl'llct a two·dimensional multitude of slits to satisfy the requirements of all gradients. The number of ang'les need not be more than 8-10, however, and the number of d n values about the same. It shoulc1 therefore be possible to satisfy all requirements with about 80 slits. This and i other technical problems ill connection Fig. 1(). 74 .Al~KIV lclil~ KEMI, lIIINERALOGl O. GEOLOGI. with the inclined slit are further section. The ideal shape of the different values of d nand e = narrows off very abruptly at the the top of the diffusion curve). nD 22 A. N:O 10. discusseu in the experimental slit is shown in Fig. 19 for 0 45 • It is seen that the slit lower end (corresponding' to K SOUl'ces of E 1'1'0 l'. 1. J<:]I'1'01'S Due to the Hmited Ynlidity of the Equation cZ = fa a n' (;:r). a. Introduction. This equation, presented in the elementary theory and constituting the basis of the whole method, is the result of a series of approximations. An examination of the SOUl'ces of error involved in the method must therefore start with a consideration of the validity of this eqnation. The theory of the deflection of light in the cell must be treated in more detail. The subject has interested many illvestig'ators, physicists, astronomers, and ophthalmologists. An extensive review of the relevant litel'ature was given by LAlIflIf (1 (37) and is therefore omitted here. A light pencil passing' throug'h tbe cell is deflected along' its whole path and describes a curve within the cell. Let J: be the height coordinate and e the coordinate along' the optical axis; then the differential equation of the light path is: (.l:.c dz = (78) Here (79) (1 is the constant of 12 V~--- 1. (yJ - SNELL'S law: cos a = 0, from which equation (78) can easily be derived by eliminating' the slope of the curve, tan a. It is thus evident that the total deflection does not represent 11' (xl in a single point U', but in a certain interval X 2 - Xl' The same is naturally true of other refractometric methods; the aspect has been carefully considered by THovERT (1914), LUfM (1937), and others. In the scale method, however, the resulting errors manifest themselves in diffuse scale imagoes, a circumstance that does not al'ise in the present method. On tbe contrary, conditions favouring the errors often g'ive very sh::tl'p diagrams on the photographic plate. It is HARRY SVENSSON, ELECTROPHORESIS. 75 therefore all the more necessary to study the errors involved and, if possible, to evaluate their order of magnitude under different conditions. A simple consideration indicates that the errors due to the CUl'vature of lig-ht within the cell may be appreciable. Suppose that horizontal light enters the cell and that the ang'le of deflection within the cell is a. We then have from SNELL'S law: (80) whence II = (JI + LI n) cos = (11 (I + LI 1/)(1 - i a~), (81) With CI = 0.03, a quite reasonable value, we have LI n=60 . 10-". This means that a pencil, subject to the detlection mentioned, has passl~d a refractive index interval of 60· 10- 5 in the cell. In the ClLse of small g-radients, this interVlLl represents a great part of the total refractive index change at the boundary, and thus the deflection cannot be regarded as representative of a single point. From equn,tion (81) another interesting- fact is also clear. For a given refractive index change, the ang'le of deflection can never be greater than (82) a= 1 / 1"2L1.'!l -~, ! n since a pencil with this deflection has travelled through the entire refractive index g-radient. b. A More Exact Expression for tan rf. We shall start from the equation: (83) where 01 and O2 denote the angles enclosed between the light pencil and the horizon.tal line at the two walls of the cell. If the angIe of inclination at an arbitrary point within the cell is denoted by (/, we define the angle 0 by the equation: (84) whence: sin a= !I sin a, (85) Developing this expression into powers, we have: 76 o. AnRlV l"i:iI: KEBlI, lIIlNER.A.LOGI tan (j (8G) = 12 a GEOr,OGI. En 22 A. N:O 10. n 'J (j -- a' . ;) lin - + -- Ijlo!' values of IX as large as 0.12, the second term of this equation represents only one per cent of the first. As a is a.l ways much smaller, the second term is without importance, and we call write: tan 0 = n ((. (87) We shall now regard Lan (j as a function of z and develop it into powers of z. It is necessary to take the fifth power of ,<} into account; tan (j has therefore to be differentiated five times. As an aid in this work, the derivatives of a and ;}; with respect to z are given: da (88) n , d:1: --- = dz dz t au a ' where n' denotes the derivative with respect to :r. These relations are easily derived from the equations (78) and (79), During the differentiation, n is regarded as a constant, and, to facilitate the work still more, tan a is developed into powers as soon as it appears. In fact, it is sufficient to replace tan a by a, for in every derivative terms of a tota.l power (the added powers of a and the derivatives of 12) higber than 3 may be omitted. The development gives: (89) ta.n .l> u = tan _~ Uo ,Z2" + z no + -:; 110 .. + ,e,4 a ~4 0 CIO zn (n~ 11~ + -6 -- no 11/ + no (3 n~ }I~' + ?1~2) + 120ZO (3 n~2 no 110 n;;' II~ .,) aii + + :il_?~~~). no I The n:s with dashes denote derivatives with respect to :c, a Ild the subscript 0 indicates the position z = O. Let us assume that the plane z = 0 is in the focus of tbe camera; it is then quite correct that the derivatives '}1:" '11:;, and n~' enter into our equations. The angle ao, however, is not wanted, unless the plane z = 0 coincides with the back wall of the cell, where a is known. Now, it is not .suitable to focus the camem on the back wall, for the errors depend upon the position of the cell, and the optimum is represented by another position, as will be shown later. The angle ao, therefore, must be eliminated u,nd ai' the angle at tLe back wall, introduced instead. 77 HARRY SVENSSON, ELEOTROPHORESIS. The relation between these two angles is obt:1ined from equation (89) with the aid of (87). Here it is sufficient with the third power: (!:l0) where .8'1 is the coordinate of the back wall. If [to is solved explicitly, we find: (91) This expression has to be introduced into equation (89). At the same time, however, we put z = 2'1 = t ' [ l and z =.2'2 = = (1' + 1) a, and take the difference. These two values of z are the two coordinates of the walls, a is the cell thickness and l' a fraction between - 1 and 0 c1escribillg the vosition of the cell in relation to the focus of the camera. We then obtain an equation: . tan Oil - tan 01 = ana (92) + ~2 I' (/') 2 ~J asG n~ ( [t _ 1- 1 + 2 110 11~ + 110", (2 + - j; (r ) [n~ -- [11 - no Il s n no__ ' ~20") + + ~!!_ aY!!J'_ . 1'_"_!!'"•_ no." a 110 .1 1 ra 2 a-n~ 1 no 110 + 1"2 an~2)] + 2 11~ "" + ~1_IJ_"2) + + E_df (r) (a _ r a no') (3 ~~ 24 _a fi 4 1 _ I' ( _) + 120 Jfi 1 1/0 no no (3 n~~ n~' + n~no11~2) • 1lu 2' which appears very complicated but will nevertheless provide all information required about the errors uncleI' investigation. The functions j(t-) are: (93) c. The Oase of Horizontal Light. If can be reduced to: (9.J:) [II = 0; the eqn[J.tiol1 78 ARKIV PC)R KErn, lIIINERALOGI O. GEOl,OOl, ED 22 A. N:O 10. and the question arises how to choose r in order to attain the best results. The second term vanishes for '1'2 = 'Iu, the third is at a minimum for the same value, aud the last term vanishes for 1,2 = '/5. As far as only shape errors are considered, the most suitable value should be 1,2 = l/~, i. e. the camem should be foclCsed 011 a plane at the distance a/J/ 3 = (l,GS a from the back 'IOall. In electrophoresis, however, the shape of the curve is not of primary importance but it is necessary that the top of the curve is not shifted along the X-axis and t.hat the ellclosecl area is correct. a. The ShUt of the Top of the Ow've. Let us assume that the gradient CUl've is a normal diffusion curve: (95) We then have the relations: (96) /I Xn, , n = - 2Dt and n fI' x2 - 2D t , =~~t~-n if the top of the curve is situated at x = O. Thus the two fifth-degree terms in (94), containing only even powers of x, are symmet.rical about the axis x = 0 and are incapable of shifting the top of the curve. The second term, however, does this, and the shift is calculated as: (97) dx= (3• 1,2 - 1) a 2 lim ' 6n , where 'n;", is the maximum of n'. This error is comparatively small. With r = - 1 (the front wall in the focns of the camera), a = 2 5 cm. and a -n~1 = 0.04, the top is shifted a distance of 0.25 mID. from its correct value. If the middle of the cell is in focus, the shift is only 0.03 mill. (in the other direction). The shift gives rise to a certain skewness of the curve. (3. 'The Enclosed Ar'ea. The concentration measmements are of great im pOl'tance in electrophoresis; the error in the area is therefore of special interest. It is obtained by integTation of the last two terms in (94) from - 00 to + 00 (the integra'! of the third-degree term is = 0, since it is a, centrisymmetrical function of xl. The integration, which is carried out in the same wa,y as on p. 69, gives: HARRY SVENSSON, EL1LCTROPHORESIS. p =- (!:l~) 79 (1 - ?,~)2 (d n)8 aU -~------. ~"(j D' ",F'iJ) (D t)""11"" n; Ouriously enough, this error is = 0 for l' = - 1, which corresponds to focusing' On the front wall of the cell. I'· The Shape Errol's. The diag'onal slit metIlod has never been applied to di:ffnsion measurements, since there has been no reason to abandon the scale method, which has been used and found satisfactory in this and other laboratories for manJ years. It should be possible to use the present method, however, if care is taken to prevent the shape errors from givingerroneous results.l As it is impossible to jUdge from the Curve itself whether 01' not it is cOl'rect, it is necessary to derive analytical expressions for the conditions under which the Clll've is a true image of the gl'a,dient. The only cell position that can be permitted in diffusion meu,Sl1l'ements is that represelltecl by r = - 1/V3. This g'ives the shape error: ([5 '}/' 'Jl!l2 + ----, (99) 270 n~ which can be transformed to: a 6 (2 x 2 - "" (100) p= 3 D t) n'H 540n~(Dt)~ . It has its maximum negative value at the top of the curve: aU (d 11)3 P = - 1440 n 2 7]:"/' (D ttl" (101 ) is zero in the points in the points X = ± iC = ± viJJlJ t, ;rr-/ 6" Dt, 1 passes a positive maximum . and finally falls off asymptotI- cally to zero. The relative error at the top is: (102) a 4 (d n)2 If it be required that it [lot exceed one per cent, we find the condition: I Americllll workers have recently begun to IlSe LONGRWORTH'S scanning procedure for diffusion meusurements, apparently with success (LONGSwourII 1041; ROTHlo:N HJ40). .')() AHKIV FOU. liEnfI, 1IIINEI1A.T,OGI O. GEOLOGI. nn 22A. N:O 10. 0.040 0.035 0.030 0.02~ 0.020 i:lTl o -~ 80 (,0 120 1~O 130 220 260 300330360 400· 10 Fig. 20. (103) Dt> V:- i -.,a2 dn= '.2 n; .))." 0.Hi8a 2 dn. With a = :J.5 cm. and dn = 0.00185 (a 1 per cent protein solution), D t must be greater than 0.0183, which corresponds to a diffusion time of one hour if D = 5· 10- 7 • 'l'he condition is not very restrictive, It can also be put in- the form: _-- (104) I an", < 11- -; ; 0.8 f _ ~ 1 d n - O. iT V d- n. Thus, the greatest angle of deflection permitted is a square root function of the refractive index increment (the concentration). The curve relating a n~t and d n is shown in Fig. 20, From this it can be read that a 11:11 must not exceed 0,03 for d n = 0,00185. THOVERT (1914), using a simpler and not quite correct method of calculating this error, obtained the constant 1,0 instead of the value 0,7l in equation (104), d. The Case of Non-Horizontal Light, The illumination of the cell with horizontal light reql1ires two Schlic),(,l) objectives, In order to spare one of them, arrang'ements have often HARRY SVENSSON, ELECTROl'HORESIB. 81 been used with only one such lens and cOIlvergent light through the cell. Under such circumstances, additional errors appear, viz. the terms containing a l in equation (92). With n (11 = 0'1, these terms can be written (j;" (1') is shortened tOj,IZ): (105) Here 0'1 is also a function of ;1': (106) where :Cn is the coordinate of the optical axis and 1 = l2 for diverg'ent and = {3 for convergent light through the cell. If n" and 11'" are also eliminated by (90) we have: (107) p f (1' _. ,t' ) = __(12~___;:;." __ ':'J.l.. + a'. '}1' , • 3 j':1 '//'" ((;2 - .)... D_t)_(-r -x )2 ':"":' __ .:.Q_ + ~Jn2(DWl2 JnDtl a 4 (3f! - 81'./;J (.-r2 - '2 D t) '11'2 Cr - :/'0) + -~--'-96 n2(n tjil-Z ,- ---.' + + a J (f,,1 - b.., r- J.{') 2 '" " (::c - II -;1:- ) ,1;" • 96n2(DWl (I. 1'he Sluft q/ the Top of the Oun:e. In the above expression, only the terms containing odd powers of x influence the position of the top. Furthermore, the three last terms aTe insignificant in comparison with the first. If this is combined with the second term in equation (94), we obtain for the calcula tion of the shift: (108) The calculation is carried out by differentiation of the sum of a n' and these two terms. The x-fuIlctions are developed into powers, only the first degree being taken into account. The Rhift of the. top becomes: Addu fijI' kcmi, mincmlufli o. !le%Y'i. Ed 22 A. N:o 10. 6 ARlCIV FOn KEJlU, lIrINBRALO(lI O. OEOLOG!. ED 22 A. N:O 10. (109) and C11n be to cancel only if ;ro = 0 (the top of the curve is situfLted on the optical axis, where the light pencil is horizontal). With the most unfavourable figures, ;r'u = cm., I = 100 cm. a.nd (lU' = 0.04, the error becomes for /' = - 0.[> : O.OR mill.; for r = - 111"3: 0.06 mm.; for 'I' = 0: 0.65 mm.; for I' = - 1: 0.67 mm. Hence the shift is appreciable when one of the ",a,lls is in the focns of the camera, but negligible when the central parts of the cell are in this position, fl. '1'he Em:losed Area. The fLrea is only influenced by terms in equation (107) with lLU even power of ;1], so we have to sum these terms and integrate, As an aid in this work, the following definite integrals are g·iven: -!-e<> j';1;2 JI' !l x = 2 D t d II . +"" Ir4 II' d ;i; = 12 (D if d II. -cL) -00 (110) -00 After integration, reduction, and division by a d at the relative error: II, we arrive (111) a 3 :co (2T -1) (1' + 1)2 dn 961i2-;''il~-1-(Dtr/"-' - The second term is negligibly smull. The first vallishes for )' = -~, the third for l' = - 1. 1'11e first tel'ill is independent of the position of the curve in relation to the optical axis and of its shape factor. Since it is also independent of .d II, the first term plays no part whatever in relative concentration meaSl1l'ements. In absolute meaSUl'emellts, it is easy to apply a correction; it amounts to about 1 per cent under standard conditions. It is concluded that, if only relative concentration measurements are concerned, the position of the front wall in the HARR Y SVENSSON, ELECTROPHORIJ:SIS. 83 focus of the camenL is to be preferred even if cOllvergent or eli vel'gent light is employed. y. The ShalJe Errors. We will restrict this investigation to the top of the curve n,nd to the cell positiou represented by r = -.~. This is the most suitable position in the case of convergent light, which is evident from equation (109). Equation (H2) is then reduced to: tan (112) o.~ - a= tan 1 + an I as ['III '11'11 + "-"" ---• 24 n u ( 3 i!__~1l___ '" III -!"___ 1DOJ':'"0 -I- '1/ III ( a 1 -I- all')~] ~ 2n + I "") ~. " + ,'II" , '11- From equn,tiol1 (10H), we know that this expression acquires its maximum value for :r = - a2 n'/24 II if ;t' = 0 is the true position of the top of the curve. Hence we insert this value in (112) in order to obtain the height of the curve; we then put: 1/ (x) JI" = 1/' (:r) II III (:t') (0) + ;t}l" (0) = 11;,,; u" (0) -I- x n'" (0) = .'C n~:; '" ; = II III (0) -I- ,l'; II 1111 (0) = 11m = where the subscript rn means maximum. We then obtain: (113) The errol' is a quadratic function of the angle a l • It is at a minimum where a1=-an;n/2n. Since C(~= +an;,,/2n, this minimum errol' corresponds to that position of the top for which the most deviated pencil describes a· path symrnekical about the axis .:: = 0 (the middle of the cell). This has been verified experimentally by LONGSWORTH 1; he has studied this error on a two-salt boundary travelling through the whole cell. Such a gradient has a constant shape factor D t because there is an equilibrium between the diffusion and the sharpening effect (p. 22); it is thus ver.r suitable for studies of convergence and curvature errors. 1 L. G. LONGRWURTH, personal communication. 84 ARKIV FOR KElIfI, lIlINERALOGI O. GEOLOGI. DD 22 A. N:O 10. The minimum relative error is: (114) I If' a ,1 'ilm"ll", Q = fl7GO II~ 7t a 'Jim ),j (' = ~880 )/2 (,1 n)~ It is very small. With all;n = 0.04 and d n = ] 0- 3 (corresponding to a very sharp boundary: 2 V 2 D t = 0.05 CIll.), we have a relative error of only O.l(j per cent. The maximum relative error is obta,ined by giving CCI the most unfavourable value, Z:. c. CCL = - L/2l, where l is again = l2 or la. This corresponds to a gradient situated neal' the top or bottom cell. With reasonable fig'ures, L = 8 cm" l = 160 cm., Lin = 10- 3, and an;n = 0.04, we have a relative error of about 2,7 per cent. The errors are surprisingly sma,ll. It is interesting' to note that the errol' (114) is 64 timcs smaller than the corresponding' error for parallel, horizontal light (equation (102)). e. The Influence of the Cell Thickness. We have found that the errors can be expressed in terms of the maximum deviation Om = a 11;". Thus, the greater the cell thickness (t, the Hmaller IDtlst II;" and the greater the shape fa,ctor D t be in order to make the e1'rors sufficiently snmll. An upper limit for the cell thickness has not yet appeared, which is very remarkable. Such a limit must exist, however, for the cell canllot possibly be permitted to extend into the neighbourhood of the inclined slit. Tile reason why this limit has not yet appeared is that the eqnation (83) is valid only for comparatively small cells. In the case of cells whose dimensions a,re not small in comparison with ltl' it is evident that the latter distance requires a more exact definition than hitherto, as the question arises frOID which point in the cell the distance has to be counted. To answer this question, we start from the exact expression: (115) d = LI x + l tan O2 , where ,1 x is the linear vertical deflection within t.he cell and l the active distance between the front cell wall and the inclined slit. The llug-le 01 is put = 0, since this is the 0111y possible value with large cells. Let us assume that Is is to be counted from a plane at the distance s a from the front cell wall; s is then a fmction between 0 and 1. We then have l3 = l + sa and (115) can he written: 85 ELEO'rROPHOI~ESIS, HAHRY SVENSSON, (116) The deflection LI:r; within the cell is deduced in the same way as were tan 0' and a, The result is: In the case of parl111el lig'ht, we have fnrther; (118) tan S u2 = an + I 1 - 3 r2 '. bn 3 a n I /I It + + 3 u '" + ---120'1,~~-a5n 25 r 4 - 101,2 + 1 '" + -15- - -J -2()10}'2 , , - - - { l n"n n 2, n" , j,4 - /II The a,clditional error due to the extension of the cell aTe represented by the first two terlllS in (J 16). 1£ the expressions (117) and (118) are inserted therein, the second degree terms cancel if s is chosen = 1/2 n, The distance l~, therefore, bas to be counted from a point a/2 n from the front wall of the cell. The remaining terms are; (1 H)) d n ' 'II " '" 'Il '" c; - 5") j' a 0 '1/" = - a-'---- (" -------,+ 3 P 240 n 241/2 We divide by lalln' to obhtin the relative enol' and talleously put }'2 = 1/3 : 1/ Q (120) () = _ a" (, 12 241l~ .!!. _ l3 a 4 I 16 n 720 n 'If S ,a + l;j :1 a' '/2 "~ a 240 1I,u 19 The relative errors derived earlier for a small cell are: (J :H) ot,- ·1 I ,II 01 1/0) f!:_.!!...3!_ an" DOn~ +270n~' SillHll· tI(i ARKIV r,'i:il~ Kmn, llllNERALOGI o. GEOLOaI, ED 22 A. N:O 10. Since a/In is in every case smaller than 1, the last two terllls in (l~O) caunot apPl'eciably raise the magnitude of the errors in (1 ~ 1). 'fhe first term, however, represents the essential additional error due to the thickne~8 of the cell, and we require that this errol' does not excee(l 1 per cent: a 2 11 " a ')4 -21 (J 22) - II < 0.0]. 'D Since Ji" is at a maxnnum in the inflexion points of the diffusion curve: If (123) 'Jim = ----,--dll -_ - , --~-- 2Dtl/ 27tc we insert this value. If the smallest permissible value of D t according to (103) is also introduced, we alTivc at the comlition: (124) a f < 0.08 II J r--~-- 1() (' = O.lill. u Since the order of magnitude of lH is 100 em., the cell can thm be permitted a thiclmesf> of 5() cm. There is apparently no danger that ordinary cells are too thick. It is, iudeed, surprising' that they can be enlarged so much. ThiH possibilit,Y involves an tLppreciable rise in the resolving power; the use of cells of great thickness would make possible measurements of extremely low concentrations. Large cells, however, are attended by great technical difficulties, especially in such complicated instruments as an electrophoresis apparatus. They have the a,dditional <lisadvantage of strong' light n,bsol'ption. In cliifuRion measuremeuts, for which it should be pmisible to construct cells of appreciable thickness, we have the disadvautage that an appreciable time JlJllst pass before the slmpe errors disappear. This time increases as the S(1ua1'e of the cell thic1mess. f. The Possible Role of Total Reflection. In this treatment, the classical geometrical optics was uSfHnned t,o be applicable, anel SNETJJ/S IflV1' was Illade the basis of the calcuintiolll'i, Now, GANB (1915) has showll, by II theory founcle(1 directly on MAXWEI,L'S equations, that SNELl,'S law is only approximately valid in the case of medill with continuollsly varying' optical density. Let us assume that the pencil Cllters the cell with a small positive angle of incidence ({l Rncl that the 1'0- H A RltY SVEN SSON, ELECTROPHORESIS. 87 fraction is gTeat enong'h to make a~ negative, According to the classical g'eometrical optics, the pencil will then run h o1'iwntally at a certaiu level ;r in the cell, According' to GANB, however, total reflection occurs a,t this critical plane, and the real pn,th in the neighbourhood thereof differs from that given hy SNF.!,]/S law. A closer inspect,ion of GANS' equations shows that the differellce between the two paths is very small. With {{ = ;J,G cm" the greatest derivative JI' (.:r) which is possible to observe by the present method is n' (x) = 0,025, and the corresponding angle of reflection at the critical phne is arc tan 250, thus very near 90°; itt a distance of 0,03 mm, from the critical plane the slopes of the two paths differ by only 2 per cent, It is further evident from GANS' paper that the true path reunites with the SNEr,L curve, -i, c. if there is a sufficient distance between the point of reflection and the cell walls, the angle of refraction is not in±1uenced by the limited validity of SNELL'S law, Luu[ (1928) also discussed GANS' equations and came to the conclusion that the deviation from SNELL'S law is too small to be of significance. 2. Errors dUll to OI)ticuI Imperfections in TjllIlSeS and Glass Plates, If the optical system iH properly adjusted, and if all components are optically perfect, a straight vertical line, which we will call the base- or n:feJ'I'J/ce !-iue, is obtained on the plate ill the absence of refractive index gradients ill the cell. The line becomes diffuse when the diagonal slit approaches the horizontal position, but remains straight and vertical. Badly correctecl or unsuitable Schlil'l'cn objectives tLl1d insufficiently plane g'lass plates goi ve rise to different figures on the plate, depending upon the conditions. Wit,h a narrow cell, which actR as a vertical slit, a curved base-line is obta,ined. When the cell is shifted horizontally and perpendicularly to the optica.l axis, the curve changes its form, It follows that, in the case of a wide cell, the curve may turn into quite a large illumilll1ted area with irreg'ular shape and irregular intensity, a, The Schlieren Objectives. Let us assume that a pencil, eros sing the cell at the distance x from the axis, passes the SeltZ/e)'en lens at a point where there is an error J J in the focal distance, This causes an error in the quantity d which is calculated to be: (125) ~ , <:'f_.f. (1' d "r7 = ".',t' + (r' ) ~ , 88 AH.KIV Fi:iI~ KElIII, IlrINERALOGI O. GEOT,OGl. ED 22 A. N:O 10. It is required that this errol' shall he smaller than the breadth of the slit image. As this is equal to (}~ 1', we derive the COlldition: J f -< -- G.,?, _---. (12n) f ;r(l + G-J With reasonable figures for the constants, }' = n.O} em., a~ = ] and x = !) cm., it is found that the relative errol' in the focal distance must not exceed 0.1 per cent. It should be pointed out that not only badly corrected lenses give rise to curved base-lines, but also perfect lenses, if they are used in a manner for which they were not COllsb-ucted. .A lens corrected for parallellig-ht cannot be employed with a magnification factor of ], and a portrait objective should not be used for parallel light. If such arrangements are tried, the base· line acquires a regular S-shape, while lenses badly ground or made of inhomog·eneous g'lass give rise to more irregular base-lines. From the above, it is evident that the first two fl,l'mngements (Fig. 10, p. 49) require astronomical objectives, in the fourth a portrait objective should be suitable, while in t.he third and fifth arrangements, where the slit magnification is about 1, symmetrical objectives should be preferred. b. The Glass Plates. The light has to pass as many as 6 glass plates, viz. the two cell walls I1nd four thermostat windows. If they are not sufficiently corrected, they will introduce errors similar to those resulting from bad 8dLlicJ'cJ/ objectives_ a. l'he Lens Action. The focal power of a glass surface wit.h the curvature radius R is ('11 - 1)/R, Vi' here 'JI is the quotient of the two adjacent refr[Lctive indices. Now, we hl1ve 6 surfaces between g'lass and air and G between glass and "mter. The total focal power of the fOl'mer is B/R, and it is required that this be less than 0.1 pel' cent of the focal power of the 8chl/cron lenses. If the latter is put = l/o(), we obtain the condition: (127) R> 1.8 km. I 'rhe demand on the surfaces between glass and water is somewhat more modest: (128) R> 450 Ill. These claims represent a rather high optical quality and an appreciable cost. They are, 11OWeVel', derived under the assump- HA Rlt Y SVENSSON, EL1~C'l'ROPHORESIS. 89 tion that all radii [Ll'e of the same sigll, which is naturally very improbable. This high degree of precision should there· fore not be necessary, but the radius of curvature sbould not be smaller than 500 metres for any surface. It is still an unsolved technical problem to make cells of such high opticn'! verfection. The cells used up to the present in this country have much gTeater errors, which involve much trouble and !1uditiollal work. fl· The Prism ."iction. As will be described in the nex.t section, the base· line is reproduced together with the gradient curve by permitting a fraction of the light to })ass beside the cell. An undesirable prismatic error in the cell walls causes an erroneous position of the gradient curve in relation to the base-line. We ag'ain require that the deviation of the slit image due to the prismatic effect shall not exceed the breadth of the image itself. Hence we have the condition: (129) The order of magnitude of the highest permissible prism aug'le is 0.0002 01' 40". 'rhe refracting edge of this prism has to be assumed to be horizontal, but it mav also be vertical 01' inclined. In I'mch cases, which have also been met with, the slit images originating from the cell are shifted sideways in relation to that coming from beside the cell. This decreases the image field in the camera, but does not g-ive rise to systematical errors. Prismatic errors in the thermostat windows are not so dang-erolls, since they give the same deviation to the curve and to the base-line. In fact, very large prism angles are permissible if monochromutic light is used. For white light, however, a limit is set by the demand fot' negligible chromatic dispersion. c. The Camera Objective. Portrait objectives are generally employed with fairly good results. The ideal objective for the magnification 1, however, is a symmetrical objective consisting of two astronomical lenses. The suitability of the camera objective should be tested by checking- tha,t the magnificution factor is constant througbout the cell. d. The Cylindrical Lens. It has been, and still is, extremely difficult to obtain a suitable cylindl'ical lens. Only a few firms in the world have facilities for grinding corrected no AnKIV FciR KE.IlIl, IIrINElULOGI O. GEOLOGI. BD 22 A. N:O 10. cylindrical lenses, and it has beeu illlpo~~ible during' tho war to corne into contact with these firms. The author was therefore obliged to find the most suitable simple c.ylindricnJ lens. Thl' smallest errors are obtn,illed with the Illagnification 1 mlCl with ::t sYIIlmetrical, biconvex lOllS. The errors decrease Rtill more if a lells system cOllsisting of two plano-con vex lenses is employed. Such lenses are llOW under cOllst,l'uetion; to minimize the chromatic errors, they are beillg' made from a val'iet.y of glass with especially low chrollHLtic dispersion. I F. Description of' the Optieul Co III Ilonentl". 1. Al'l'ang'clllcnts with Jjcnses. a. The Light Source. The choice of lig'ht source depends'gely upon the chromatism of the optical system_ If sOllle of the lenses are not chromatically corrected, monochromatic light is necessary. Sodium or mercury va,pour lamps are then very suitable. The former produces only one spectmlline, the D line, and needs no light-filter, The lamp tested in this laboratory was not very powerful, and the impossibility of obtn,ining colours other than yellow is n, distinct c1isadvanbge_ The sodim11 vapour lamp has therefore not been extellsively used. The mercUl,), vapour lamp, type »Philoru, HP SOO», manufactured by Philips, has, on the other hand, been much employed_ It is to be recommended, especil1lly when monochromatic ligbt is required_ In combillation with different lig'htfilters, wbich are mu,llufactured especially for this lamp by diifel'ent optic[Ll firms, the lamp is able to transmit yellow, g'l'een, violet and even redmonochl'omatic light. The intensity is g'ooel, especiuJly that of the yellow line. 'l'be bm p must be surrounded by a housing which prevents stmylight passing' into the room. Since the Philora lamp hn,s u, vertical discharge tube, the second illuminr:ttion arrang'ement must be employed (p. 59)_ With [I, sufficiently IrLrge lamp magllificfLtion OJ, one limb can be totall.y illuminated, but owing to the small horizontal extension of the mdiant tube, OIlly one u,t a time. For illnmilH1tion of the other limb, the lamp has to be shifted perpendicllhrly to the optical axis, or is simply turned l1 little n,bont the optical pin of housing'. Since there is a considerable distunce 1 For helpful adviee in this [Iud other optical queAtiom" the lIuthor iH Illllch indebted to Mr. E. VOGL, Sl'e~wTc(t AcTmmllZ(ltor-AR. Jnnqner, Stock- holm. H~ RI~ Y BVENSSON, ELEC'l'ROPHORESIS. 91 <;~\:::.">1 . , '-{'. _,;." Fig. 21. between the photogruphic plate and the lamp, the necessity -of shifting the latter is very incon vellient. This is the greatest disaclvantag'e of the second illumination system. Incandescent lamps should only be usecl in combina,tiol1 with achromatic 8t:7i1ieren lenses or with light filters transmitting' narrow wave-length l'!111ges. Two types are possible: tung'sten blLnd l!Lmps in combination with the first ilhul1ination n,rnl1lgement (p, 68), and slit lamps with a sillgle, l011g', stretchecl filament, used alone (third illumination al'l'angement). The author has tried to use slit lamps. In order to avoid II curvature of the filament, the lamps were bUl'Ilt in an uprig'ht position, but two small pieces of vlane mirror were arl'al1g'ed so as to give a horizontal virtual image of the filament (Fig. 21). Such lamps were not suitable. The light intel1sit,y obtained with them could not be compal'ecl with that given by the mercury lamps, ancl they were shortlived and expel1sive. 9~ ARKIV FOR KEJlU, JlIINERALOGI O. GEOLOGI. ED 22 A. N:O 10. h. The Projection Lens. This lens should be spherically aud chromatically corrected and have a focal length of 5 to 10 em. The author has found commercial projection objectives quite satisfactory. 'rhey are relatively cheap. I n the second illumination arrangement, it is often difficult to find a suitable projection lens. The lam p·magnification must be htrg'e enough to illulllinate the whole cell, and the lens small enoug'h to be lliaced as close to the lamp [ttl is necessary for such a magnification. The calculation made in this labora,tory for an actual case showed that only a small range of focal length could be permitted. In the first illumination arrang'ement, the necessary aperture angle to the right of C is v = L/l 2 • By considering the diameter 0, the focal leng,th in and the magnification factor (-i1' of the projection lens, it is possible to derive its required lighttransmitting capacity: (130) ° In ,L(1 + al) l~ With L = 10 cm., G 1 = 2 and 12 = 80 cm" we have 0/fn = = 1 : 2.7. This is a considerable capacity, and [1 light source of great horizontal extension is therefore desirable in order to keep the magnification G 1 sufficiently small. c. The Horizontal Slit. The slit used in this laboratory is shown in Fig'. 22. The slit length is 5 em" and the lower edge is movable to give different slit widths r. d. The Schlieren Lenses and the Thermostat Windows. The demands made on these components have alreILdy been discussed. In our instruments, the thermostats are equipped with four rectangular windows, the double windows being' necessary in order to avoid clouding on the glass in contact with the cold water. The windows have an appl'eciable lllagnitude and their precision-grinding' could therefore reasonably be omitted. In the new type of thermostat, which is now manufactured by LKB-Pl'oduktcr Fabl'iks-AB, Stockholm, two circular windows, 10 cm. ill free diameter and g'l'onucl accOl'cling to the requirements on pp. 88 and 89, are mouuted towards the W:1ter. The outer glasswindolVs are omitted and replaced by two astronomical objectives of the same free diameter, acting as Schhcrcn objectives (el LONGSWORTH 1939, b). This arrangement has many advantages. It reduces to a minimum the glass areas which require precision-grinding; the cost. of this grinding is not high. The Sehlie1'clI lenses need no· HAHny SVENSSON, ELJilO'l'IWPHORESrS. 93 .J'. 4' ("". ..•... ~,<."-:-:: . Fig. 22. optical benches and riders, but have nevertheless their }Jropel' a,lld well· defined positions in screw-mountings. The omission of two glass-plates reduces the losses in light intensity due to retiections. Finally, the arrangement with one Schtz:eren objective on each side of the cell is no doubt the best of all, as already pointed onto e. The Registration of the Base-Line. The light passing through the cell gives rise to the gradient curve, which relates the quantities n' (il::) and x. If a fraction of the light is allowed to pass at the side of the celi, and if the optical conditions are perfect, a vertical straight line is obtained in addition to the curve. This is the base- or reference line, which is of great value when the plates are to be integTated for concentration analyses. !J4 ARIUV I"OR KEJlII, MINERALOGI O. GEOLOGI. ED 22 A. N:O 10. Fig. 23. In the case of insufficiently corrected Schliel'f'1l lenses and glass windows, the base· line becomes 11 curve instead of It Rtl'l.I.ig·ht line, fLnd the gradient curve is correspondingly affected. Th!' integration between tho curve :wd the baso-line, how('v€'l', gives an automatic COl'rection for these e1'1'01'8, provided that the lig'ht g-iving the base-liue is passed as near the cell as possible. On the other hand, all iw;ufficient cOl'rection of the cell walls is not compensated by using a, hase-line from outside the cell. Fig. 2;3 shows a diaphragm which is fitted all the U-tube stand behind the cells. 'rhe lllai n plate has fotll' vertical slits 3 mm. wide, the outer l)ai1' fitting to the U·tube limbs and the inner pair to tho space between the limbs, as close as possible to the cells. The distances between the outpI' ond inner slits are thus equal to the thiclmesB of the cell walls, HAR,RY SVENSSON, lGLEC'1'R01'HORESIS. 95 3 mm. Another plate has two vertical slit.s. These are 9 mm. broad and at such a distance fl'om each other tJmt, when one of them coincides with the right hand slits of the first plate, the other does not coincide with the left hand slits, and 'Vice versa. The second plate glides over the first plate and can be moved just the necessary distance by turning an excentric disc. In this manner, the desired limb of the U-tube can be opened or closed for the light by a simple rotating movement. '1'he base-line, originating from the two iuner slits of the first plate, Cl1n be obtu,ined with the required intensity, or completely omitted, by regulating' the width of this slit. Finally, for an intermediate position of the second plate, light passes through the two outer slits, but not through the inner ones. The result is that the gradient curves of the two limbs appear superimposed on the photog'l'aphic plate, but without base-lines. Such a position is sometimes convenient when making readings, f. The Diagonal Slit. The type of slit hitherto used is shown in Fig. 24. It can be rotated to g'ive slit angles () between - 90° and + 90°, IV hich can be read on a circular scale. The slit width Cltn be regulated by the micrometer screw A, and the whole slit can be shifted sideways b.y means of the slide arrangement B. Wi,th the edge O. it is possible to make a wedge-shaped slit, the wedge angle being read on the scale D. The parallel edge E must then be moved COillpletely behind O. The normal and deflected slit images form a rectangular field in the plane of the inclined slit. When an exposure is to be made, the slit should be adjusted to form the diagonal of this rectangle. This ad.iustment is a fairly complicated pro· cedure consisting of the following' phases: 1) the determination of the most suitable slit angle; 2) the adjustment of the weclge angle; 3) the a,djustment of the height position of the slit; 4) the adjustment of its lateral position. If the bright rectangUlar Held is visible, the adjustment is easily made, but this is often not the case. The adjustment would be simplified by allowing the centre of rotation and tbe apex of the wedge to coincide with OIle C01'11er of the normal slit image, which always has the same position. The adjllstments 3) and 4) would then be omitted. Such a slit would, however, be more complicated to build and would certainl,Y appear very clumsy. The problem of constructing a slit which was easier to handle became especially urgent after the deduction of the form of the spool-shaped slit (p. 73, eq. (77»). Such slits can be drawn on an enlarged scale, reduced pbotogmphically to the desired magnitude and, if necessary, etched in aluminium :foil gG ARKIV FOR rCltiJlII, lIIINEUALOGl O. GEOLOOI, llD 22 A. N:O 10. Fig. 24 a. by some gTallhical -procedure. Experiments along: these lines have been stltrted, but it is impossible for the momollt to flay whether such fixed slits will adequately re plnce the aJj ustlLblc slit now in 11SP. It se8IUS impossible to use the negatives of the photographically reduced <1rawing's. If the expel'imputs were successful, lllallY advantages woulu be galueJ: 1) It would be possible to m,e the spool-shn,pe requirell from the theory of diffraction. 2) All adjustments would be eliminated; tll(' observer neeu only choose tllp most suitable slit and place it in its holder. 3) The readings of the slit and weclg'e angles woulJ be unnecessary. The sliti-l are suitably drawll with a serieR of convenient values of tan 0, which are printed on the slits. 4) It would be possible to increase the reHolving power by lIA l~R Y SVENSSON, ELEC'l'ROPHORESHl, (hawing' Hliis with a thin central thread. aecol'ding to 97 LAlIll\[ (19:37) r)) The manufacture of fixed slits on a large Reale is casier and more economical than that of adjustable slits according to BURNt! and HI',NIUG (H)41), Tho neeessary number of slitH can be drawn in one or two days, and the subsequent photog'l'uphie and chemograpLie procec1ures [ll'e adavtablo to production on a large scalp, g. The Plate-Holder and the Reading Device. .A new type of reacling arrangement is shown in Fig', 2:>, The curve falls upon a piece of g-lass, opaque over the gTeater part of its stu'face but refieciil1g ovcr a narrow vertical band to the right, A thin, horizontal metal thread is movable vertically und made to coincide with the top of the CUl'V8, the eye behlg held in such a position that the thread and its reflected image Arlciv for ',oni, nmlelaloyi 0, geoZml1 Ud 22 A, No 10, 7 \18 ARKTV FOR KElIlI, llnNm~ALOGI O. GEOT,OGI. nD 22 A. N:O 10. ""'... Fig. ~;). coincide. 'fhe position of the top is then reud on a fixed millimetre scale to the left (or to the right). This rea(lil1g device is very convenient 1111c1 [LCClll'ute. vVhell UHYlllUlctricld peaks lLl'e to be read, it is incorl'ccL to measure thc position of the top; the reading' should infltead be made all a line biscctillg the enclosed area (LONGSWOl~TH 194:Z). The l'eat1ilJ go device described above is very suitable fo), such h011l1l1nrim" as well as for symmetrical bouwlaries. 2. ~Iil'ror Arran gem en ts. Ever since the first developmont or the cl'osflecl-slit teclllJi(lll(', it has been very difficult in this country to obtain IpIlseR of sufficiently good correction. This was especially tho case with the Schlieren objectives and the cylindrical lells. These difficulties were due to the appreciable length of the U-tube und 99 HAltRY SVENRSON, ELECTROPHORESIS. to the fonner practice of using' only one Sehlier(!l1 lens and convergent light through the cell. The latter circumstluwe appreciably increased the necessal'_Y diameter of the objective. In the year 1943, AS1'RUP and HEI,M built au optical system with a concave elliptical mirror instead of the Schlicren lens and reported much better results than before. Even in this system, however, the diameter of the mirror had to be much larger than the height of the cell, and the precision-grinding of an elliptical surface was rather expensive. In the same year, the firm Helhge il~· Co, ]i'rcibu1"(J im Breis_quu, Germany, sent a spherical concave mirror to this Institute and sugg·ested that it be used to replace the Schliercil objective. .A. mirror -.,-. c Fig. 2G. arrangement for the observation of the sedimentation in the ultracentrifuge was described by FRAN CE [11lC1 LANG (H141) (cf STJiJRN (1943)) . .A. spherical mirror has only one precision-ground sllrflLce and is thus much cheaper than a chromatically and spherically corrected lens, which it may replace if properly used. In Fig. 26, the points 0 and 0' lie in corresponding Gaussian image planes, and we consider the path of a pencil that is reflected by the mirror at a distance from the centre defined by the :mg'le 1fJ. 0' is not the Gaussian imag·e of 0, but the point of intersection of the pencil in question and the G~1USS ian imag·e plane. The distance between 0' and the Gaussian image of 0 is therefore the focal errol' due to too large angles (J [md 1/). For this errol', the author has derived, from equations aVlLilable in optical textbooks, the following expression: (131) r + {3 = 1 + (; 1jJ 1jJ ( ~-, 1-(~ {3) (1- +--_,a 11' 1-(:~~ 21q) . The angles have to be regarded as positive if the lines rise towards the right, and vice verS(t. The magnification factor is 100 ARKIV POR ITEMI, MINERAl,OGI 0. GlDOLOGI. ED 22 A. N:O 10. positive for an upright, negativo for an inverted imag'o. 'rhe formula holds for small ang'les. The error is at a minimum for a IIUtg'nification factor of about - 1, i. e. when the object and its inlltge lie in the same plane through the centre of the sphere. In this case, we Lase the simple equation: (132) 'l'he slit and its image may easily be placed as little as 4: cm. ap rLl't , hence (J = 0.01 for a minor with ~OO em, radius of curVl1tUl'e. As 'l'ISEJ,IUS' U ·tube iH 8,1i cm. hig'h, 1/J becomes O.O:!] ii, and the ang'ular errol' r + (1 = O.OOO.OOL3. By multiplying' this by 200 cm., we find the linel1l' error in the focusing of the slit: .J d = O,OOll.KG cm. There is evidently 110 risk of obtaining an excessive spherical aberration with U = - 1; the errol' clel'ived above is smaller thnll might be expecteJ from [l, lens with perfect spherica.l correction. rrhe complete achroIDlLtisUl of a mirror is l1 further l\dv!1ntage of great importance. Achromatic objectives lLl'e calculated to give the same focal length for t.wo distinct Fraunhofer lin8s, e. {I. the 0 and F lines. In the wu,ve-length region betweell them there are chromlLtic errors, while in the extreme red and violet reg'ions the chromatism is often so g'l'cat that the use of lig'h t·filters is necessary. The repllLcement of the cylinclricallens hy a conCI1VH mirror would be still more flLvourable owing to the considerable spherical and chrollllLtic aberrations of the lenses hitherto used. The spherical aberl'l1tiOll of such a cylindrical mirror would be 10 times gTeater tlH1l1 the figure mentioned above on account of the smaller radius of curvature and the necessity of using a larger [Lngle (J. It would nevertheless be unimportant. The question theu arises if even the last lens, the camera obj ecti ve, may not be replacell by ~L mirror. This must, in fact, be done if a cylindrical minOT iR introduced, for this is the only way of having' the ph1te ill lL convenient position for the observer. The most suitfLble a1'l'angement with concave spherical mirrors would thns be that shown schematically in Fig'. 27, ~i ._. _._. -._._. _-.-. c Tsp GH _·-·-·-·G-~~~~~~=·:-;·:~·:=::·:_=·:~·(~:~·j~-·1 I Fig. 27, K If ARRY I'> VENSflON, IJLnCTROT'HORBSIt:! 101 In order to make the spherical aberrations as 1'>1110,11 as possible, ull three mirrors are used with a magnification of about unity 'rhe cell is placed close to the mirror D, and the diag'onal 'llit clo~p to the mirror H. Tho plate holder K must be p1acel1 a suitable di'ltance behind the latter, bence the cylindrical mirror I is allowed to give a sompwhat enlan;ed ima~e (a 1 = 1 2;) 0 is the hori~ontal slit 1t is placed below the optical i, • , t~ I ,I FIg. 28 axis of the mirror D a,t 'luch a di~tal1ce that there is sufficient :-Jpa,Cfl for !1 lineal' deflection d of 4 to 5 cm. U nfol'tunately, thp precision -ground CJ lin dl'ical mirror 1'equirel1 in this !1l'rangelllcnt could not be supplied under the prevailing conditions. The llse of a mirror clo<,e behind the cell was nevertheless tried, but in combination WIth an ordinar'y camera oblective anl1 c:y1in(11'ic01 Ions. The minor wa<, cut to a rectangular sbape and built into a metal housing' with fl, plane glas'3 plo,te in front (Fig 28). The experiences made with this armng'emellt have been partl}, but not exclusively, fa,vourable The faot that the light passes the cell twice, coupled with the cOllsiderable magnitude of the distance 72 (~ 200 em), increases the l'f'solving power Substances can Le investigated at much lower C'oncclltrn tions, which is of value with regarcl to the bounrll1l'.Y Hnomalie:;. The advantage of complete achromatism haH alreatly been poillted out 10~ AHKIV FOn I\ElIIl, lIIINERALOGI O. GEOLOCH. BD 22 A. N:O 10. Since the light necessfLrily lmsses the cell at two different points on its way to and from the mirror, this alTlLllgemellt llifLy a[Jpear dang·el'ous. The tlleol'ctical deductions on pp. 7J-Sli have shown, however, tha.t even the light dcviatioll Tf~sultillg from one passage of the cell represents It' (:x:) over a certain interval and not for a sillgle point. '1'he errors proved, however, to be very small under standard conditions. The distance between the mirror i.1nd the back celt wall has been made as small as possible (the optical Jistn.llce = 3.3 cm.). A simple calculation shows that light tlmt is not deflected passes the cell in two intervals O.fi5 mm. apart. As the light source is sitl1ateu below the optical axis, this distance diminishes when the lig'ht-deviation increases, i. e., the errol' in qnestion is at a minimulll at; the tOlJ of a curve. The author has established on only one occasion, when a very small but extremely sharp gradient WlLS under observation (a,n alltigenantibod.y complex with practically no diffusion), that this e1'ror is able to cause a single boundllry to appeal' double in the ca,mel'a. Under standard experimental conditions the error is insignificant and camlOt be detected as a deformation of the curve. There are other circulllstances, however, th[tt Ill[tke the mirror arrangement less favourable. One consists ill the reflections given by the therlllostat windows. These give rise to straight, oblique lines cutting thE' base-line and the gradient curve. They can be removed by giving the windows a small angle of inclinn,tion sideways, so that the l'effected lig'ht does not enter the camera. This is simpler than to extinguish the re:8.ectiom; by interference (BLODGE'l'T HJ39). Another disnd vantage is the low light intensity that makes the arrangement unsuitable for opalescent and darkcolol1red substances. This drawback, however, is partly compensated by the higher resolving power, which permits a greater dilution. The use of infm·red light for opalescen t solutiolls (Tl~EFFERS and MOORl'; H141) has not yet been tried. On the whole, it ean be stated that the mirror arrUllgelllent is favourable in many respects, but inferior to arrangements with achromatic lenses and hOl'i7.0ntal light throng'h the cell. G. rrhc Adjustment of the Optical I-Iystem. The theory presented carlier has shown that only the cell thickness a, the distance lo und the slit width r influence the resolving pOW81', and 72 ~ncl }' only to a small extent. The HAIWY ElVb~NSSON, ELECTROPHORESIS. 103 risk of choosing' lenses, or of making the adjustment with given lenses, in a way that does not o'ive the hio'hest possible . power, is thus small. The " '" resolvmg choice of lenses and of magnification factors must be dictated by other considerations. We huvt'~ already pointed out that the best arrang'ement in Pig. 10 is thfLt which gives parallel, horizontal light through the cell. When the adjustment is beillg' mude, the following requirements should also be kept in mind: 1) '1'he cell magnification all should suit the available plates. The imag'e of the cell must not, of C0111'se, be larger than the lJlate, hut it should not, on the other hand, be much smaller, leaving a large part of the plate unemployed. 2) The slit magnification factors O2 and GJ should also be chosen so that the resulting breadth of the image field at K (_b'ig. 10) checks with the breadth of the plate. 3) The light intensity should be kept reasonably higb. Equ[Lt.ion (31) shows that an unnecessary enlargement of 12 , In. G3 fLucl (/1 must be avoided. The firm LKB-Produkfer Pauriks AB, Stockholm, noW delivers the optical components required f01' the arrangement mentioned above. The datfL for the lenses anel slits are slIch that the three above-mentioned req'uiTements ltl'e reasol1Ubly satisfied. Thfl heig'ht of the picture in the camera becomes about 9 cm., its breadth (the height of the curve) about 5 cm . .A. cletailed description of the optical adjustment is given below. It is assumed that the arrangement with parallel light has been adopted, but the description should be of value even for arrangements with convergent light through the cell. 1) '1'he Sch11:eTen objective D is put in its proper position. If it is not mounted directly on the thermostat, as in the LKB instrument, its heig'ht must also be correct frOID the beg'inning' (the centre of the lens at the same height as that of the U-tube). 2) The illumination system is chosen in accordance with the lamp available (see pp. 58 and 90). The horizontal slit (or the slit lamp in the third arrangement) is placed appl'oximately in the focal plane of the lens D. The other parts of the illumination system are placed according to Figs. 14 and 15. The whole vertical extent of the Schlie1'en lells must be illuminated. 3) If the light beam to the right of D converges or diverges vertically, the position of the slit is adjusted until the beam passes with a constant vertical extension throug'h the whole Toom. The slit is then situated exactly in the focal plane of D. The lamp and the projection lens are readjusted. 104 ARKIV F(iR KInII, llIINT.;H,ALOGI o. UIWI,oriI. llD 22 A. N:O 10. 4) The borizontal slit is put lLt the pl'oper height, making' the light be:1111 to the rig'ht from D CX:1utly horizontal. If necessary, tbe heights of the lamp and the projection lens are adj ustecl. 0) The second Sc1tlic}'clZ lens _B' is put in its p}a,ce, at the sante height as the cell and the lens D. Ij) '1'he thermostat is tilled with water of the kind and temperature to be used in the experiments. The cell stand is put in its propel' place ill the neighbourhood of the lens F. 7) The plane on which the camera is to be focused (the middle of the cell ill the case of convergent lig'ht; the pllLne represented by 1'~ = LIB in the case of parallel light; see tbe theory, pp. 7-1-80) is made visible by a thread or the like. 8) The diagonal slit is placed in the image plane of the horizontal slit, and the camera objective close behind. In the LKB appll,ratus, the btter consist.s of two astronomical objectives; the slit is then suitabl.v placed betwt'en these lenses, and the whole system is shifted along' the optical axis ulltil a sharp image is formed on the slit. 9) The diagonn,l slit is removed, n,nd the back-piece of the cn,mera, is placed exactly in the imag·e plane of the thread in the cell stanel. This l1djustment canllot be made with sufficient. accuracy if the camera objective is screened off by the slit, which n,cts I1S It eliaphragm incrpl1sing the focn'! depth. 10) The camera, bench is clLutiously shifted sillewarcls until the light bel.m coming from the 8chlie}'{']/ lenses TlltSfles cenb'ally through the camera objec,tive and the back-piece. If necessary, readjustments of the diagollal slit and the backpiece are made. 11) The thread in the cell stand is removed, and a cell is inserted in its placc. '1'he camera objective is put as low as possible without cutting off liny part of the light beam. The heig'bt of the back-piece is adjusted so that the whole image of the cell is visible. 12) The diag'onal slit, with 8 = 0, is ILgain put in position. The cylindrical lens (LKB-Prodllfct('1' delivers a double lens) is shifted along' the optical axis until a sharp image of the slit is formed on the plate. 'fhis is possible with two different positions, one giving an enlarged, the other a reduced image of the slit. The most position is chosen. It nllLy also happen that no sh~rl) image CI111 be formed. In Auch a case, the distance 74 = Gl( haA to be enlal'ged in some way, and the adjustment mnst be partially repeated. - If £I, circular cylindrical lens is to be used (LKB-Pl'odn!.:fI]1·'''' lenses are rectangular) its axis must be I1djnsted to }1 vertical position at the same time as the n,djustll1ellt 12). The lens is rotated SVF.NBSON, I~l,lW'l'ROPHORESIS. 106 ill its hold~l' until the sharp imag'e on the plate becomes exactly vmt.Ica,L The a,c1jllst.ment is now complete, but it is advisable to make the following checks: 13) 'l'he difLg'otml slit is l'emovec1, and it i8 confirmed that the bright field on the plate is symmetrically situ\:Lted. It this is not the case, the C[Lmera. bench has to be shifted to the side. 14) The inclined slit, with e = 85°, is iusel'ted, and the di:1phragm ill Fig. 23, p. 94, is placed on the cell stand. An inclina tion of the line on the screen indicates that the two slits have not (Iuite correct relative posit.ions. The horiz'ontal slit is shifted a little a,long the axis until the liue on the plate becomes exactly vertical. A curved line indicate,; that there are optical imperfections somewhere in the system (see p. 87). 16) This check is only necessary if the second illnmination arrangement is employed. The diaphragm mentioned in 14) is used here also. It nuty happen that the slit image at the diagOlllLl slit deteriorates when this dia,phrlLg'lll is inserted, becoming too shOl't, with low intensity at the enos. In such a case, the projection lens is not exactly focused on the dia,phragm, which can be corrected by slightly adjusting' the position of the lttrnp. If it is not possible to obtain an iIflfLg'e of the lamp on t.he diaphragm, the projection lens is ullsuitable (cf. p. 92). n. ]~xllcrilllelltal Oetel'millation of Apparatus Constants. 1. The Active Distance lB' In optical arrang'ements where this distance is equal to the optical distance between cell and dia.gonal slit (Fig. 10, p. 49), it should preferably be measured directly. In cases where lenses are sihmted between the cell and tl~e slit, 7n must be determined experimentally. The best method is to place a simple thin lens with all exactly known, fairly long focal distance fF. ill the focus of the camera. This lens gives rise to an oblique line on the phLte; this line is photographed together with the reference line, The ang'le <p between the two lines is me[Lsul'ec1, where[Lfter the distance 1n is calculated from the formula: (1133) (, = ,I IE g!l_.tan~. G.! tan e The experiment must, of course, be carried ont in the waterbath at the t,emperatnre generally employed, It follows tlmt 106 AgKIV FOl~ KEIIII, IIIINERALOQI O. flEOLOGI. BD 22 A. N:O 10. tE is the focal distance in the sallle medium. If it is preferred 'to measme the focal llistance in air, the refractive index of the water must be determined to permit recalculation of .II, for that medium. 2. ']'he lIIag'nification :Fuctol's (;;1 and ({J. These factors nuty be measured simultaneously. A diaphragm with a slit of exactly known vertic!1l extension L is placed in the water-bath in the plane that is in the focus of the camera. The diagonal slit is placed vertically, and its width, about 5 mm., is accurately mea,Sllred. An exposure is made. The result is a rectang'ul::tr black field on the l)iate. If the optical system is perfectly adjusted, its edges are very sharp. '1'he dimensions X fLud r of the rectangle arc measured in l1 comparator. The magnification factorR are given by the equations: (134) _X. Gs L ~--, CHAPTER IV. Electl'ophoretical Measurements. A. 'rIle Boundary Anomalies. 1. }<'alse l\[oving' nOundal·ies. The theory presented in Chapter I predicted that moving boundaries with mobilities between the ionic mobilities would develop if more than two ion species were present in both original solutions. Such boundaries were called false, since they aid not belong to :1 certain ion and could not be used for the calculation of fLny ionic mobility. In electrophoresis experiments with colloids, the buffer is often made up of two or more different salts, and such buffers must g'ive rise to false moving' boundaries in addition to the 0 boundary, which is always present. '1'h0 reasons why these boundaries are so seldom observed were discussed in' Chapter 1. MoogE [Lnd LYNN (194:1) reported the presence of a small, fast component, not yet identified, in electrophoresis experiments with human plasma. It moved with a mobility of - 18· 10-", WfLS greater on the descending' side, and was also greater if the plasma concentration was raised. '1'hey tried to isolate the component but could not find any high-molecular Bubsta.nce in the cell that might have contained it. MOORE and LYNN used a mixture of lithium diethy lbarbiturate and lithium chloride as buffer. This contains two negative HaRRY SVENSSON, ELEC'l'ROPHOl~ESlS. 107 ions, anll a false moving' bouncbl'y with a mobility between those of chloride and cliethylbl1l'biturate ions is to be expected. ThiR boundary must be thought to apIJear greater in the limb w here protein Cttn superim pose, just as is the case with the false resting boundaries. It should also illcl'ease in size with increa,sing protein and with tlecreasillo' buffer concentrations. All these predictions check with JYlooRE's anel LYNN'S observlLtions, fwd it is thus very probable that they Lave observed a. false moving uotlndary; this is the first observation of this kind known to the author. In order to prove this hypothesis, we have carried out some experiments in mixecl buffers and with different colloids. If conditions favouring boundary anolUnlies Wel'e chosell, small rapid bOlllldaries were regularly observed, not ollly with serum n.nd pln.sma, but also with single pure colloids: serum albumin, egg' albumin, twd g'tUTI a1'[1,bic. Diethy Ibarbitl1l'ate ions were also substituted for bar· biturate iOllS, and the results were similar. This seelllS to exclude the possibility suggested by MOORE and LYNN that the new boundary represents a complex between the diethylbarbitmate iOll n,nd some plasma constituent. This hypothesis is al130 incompatible with the fact that the rapid boundary disappears if' the chloride ions are substituted for diethylbl1rbitmate iOllS. 'rIle measurements on the fn.lse moving· boundar.v in the system g'um arabic + lithium chloride + lithium ba.rbiturate are given in Table l. In Fig. 29, we have the same data. plotted against the chloride lWeI bUl'bit.urate ion concentrations, the sum of which was kept constant. It is realized that the mobility of this boundary varies continuously with the pro-portion between the two anions. If the chloride is nea,rly absent, the mobility approaches that of 01-; if the barbiturate Table 1.1 LiCI 0.020 0.017 0.014 n.012 0.010 0.008 Li Barb. 0.000 O.lIoa O.OOil O.OIlR a.non 0.010 0.012 0.01,1 0.017 O.OOli O.lI~U D.noli U ·10" i I I -lB.:! -H).u -21.2 -24..4 -20.8 -20.s - 301.7 I .. --'-~- 1 Dno to a mistake in COllllJUting an :1ppuratus cOJ1stant, tbe figures U at!) [i % too high; the same is the case with the points in Fig. 29. ill this tahle 10S ARKIV FOR, RElIl}, lIlINERAI,OGI 0, GEOLOGI. DD:.l~ A. N:O HI. U' IO~ CIll 2 \olr 1se(:.1 1,0. 30. 20 10. °0.,000 0.,005 O,UIO U,01~ o 02rJ a,Q20 0.015 0.,(/1(/ 0.,005 0,000 H-LiCI H-[.iDOl'b, Fig. 20. cOllcentra,tioll is nearly zero, this ionic mobility is approached by the boundary. If olle of the anions is totally absent, however, the false boundary disappeal's. '1'he cnrve in Fig. ~9 is the theoretically expectrc1 curve calculated from equation 20, p, 18, by putting ULI = 19.4, UCI = - .:!2.~, and Unnrb, = - 14.0' 10-:' cm.~ volt- 1 sec-I, Some experiments were [1lso carried out with the constant proportion 1: 1 between the two anions and varying- amounts of free barbitmic acid. They showed that the mobility of the false moving' boundary was independent of the acid concentration. These experiments solve a problem not discussed in the theoretical chapter. The electriclLl transport by an anion of a weakly dissociated !wiu can be expressed as the product of the concentration of the free ions and their mohilities; this has been done in Cbapter 1. It can aIso be expressecl as the Pl'ouuct of the tot:11 acid concentration (dissociated -j- llIlc1issociated acid) twc1 an appl1rent mobility, which is equal to the mobility of the free iOIl multiplied by the degree of tlissociation. If the latter Dlode of expression were justified in t.his theory, it would be possible to reduce the boundary anomalies to negligihle values b.v choosing buffers with an excess of free aciu just sufficient to make the a'l)paTent mobility of the lwion equal to that of the colloid. The experiments mentiolleu above with varying' amounts HA.RRY SVENSSON, EI,EC'l'ROPHORESIS. 109 of free acid show that the apparent mobility of weakly dissociated acic1 anions bas no significance; it is only that of the free ions that exerts any infiuence. 'rhe same has been found in experiments where the degree of boundal'Y anomalies was measured for different concentrations of free acid. No indications of reuuced or inverted l1uomalies were observed. 2. 'fhe Influence 01' Huffer Ion ~[obilities. The theory ill Ohn,pter I predicted also that buffer ions with low mobilities would be favoUl'able with respect to the boundary anomalies. In order to show this experimentally, a series of experiments were made with different buffer anions anc1 with serum albumin as the colloid. It is advantageous in sucb. an investigation to ha,ve a free choice between all available anions independently of their buffering' regions; a base buffering in the neutral region was therefore chosen as cation. Triethanolamine is suitable in this l'espect,. If pure, it has a pR value of 7.7 (ITA 1,1, and SPRINKLE 1932). The technical pl'eparatiol1 :waila ble to the authol' was probably a mixture of di- twd triethanoln,mine, to judge from its high apparent pIC value (the pH of an equimolecular mixture of the free base and a suIt thereof) and from its wide buffering region. Triethanolamine is, by virtue of its low mobility, its favoUl'able pK (it is well known that there are not mall)' pK values in the neutral region) and its low price well adavted to many electrophoretical investig'ations. It has already been used for such purposes by ROE and EWAR'l' (1942). It was intended to make these experiments in connection with direct conductivity mel1snrements in the preparative apparatus to be described in the next chapter since the conductivity ratio across a moving' boundary is the most adequate measure of the boundary anomalies. Owing to the war-time conditiolls, however, this apparatus could not be completed in time. The experiments therefore hacl to be carried out in the ordinary apparatus, and the ratio between the velocities of the rising anel falling bonnda,ries was chosen as fL measure of the anomalies. rrhe results are given in Table 2. The anions are placed in the order of increasing' mobilities, which is evident from the conductivities of the buffers, also g'iven in the table. The colloid and salt concentrations, the latter expressed in normalities, were kept constant throughout the series. An experiment with ammonia instead of triethanolamine was also included ill order to show the effect of the cation mobility. It is evident from this table that slow ions actually have the favourable effect predicted by the theory and that the 110 AmnV l!'OR KBlIII, J\nNEl~ALOGI O. GEOLOGI. BD 22 A. N:O 10. Table 2. Cation C1 " ty OliC lletlV! Anion 0 I Velocity l?atio' 1 io, d'i 0' io I. I TrietlJ"lllohminc I [ '); » " " I, I DiethyllJlLrbitnrate I ) N~1~;:;11~~~eDe,~,sul- I IBlltyrate Propionate }) I i<'ormate I ('itmte " I Chloride 1,_A_I_n_Ill~()~n_i_ll_ll_l_ _ _ _ I ChloriM I I 0.(011381) 0,00042(; 0.000'15·1 O.OOOJ"O 0.00052·1 0.000[,30 I I i 1.10 1.11 1.13 1.12 1.10 14 11 15 fl II 12 15 15 ().OOO(j~j 1.2~ )0 18 O.UOO~~l 1.3[, 28 1.1U (] (j 7 7 , i) I difference hetween different salts at the same concentration is appreciable. With the slowest ions tested, the boundary a110medics were not llHLl'ked; both boundaries migrated fLt about the S[Lme mte and were about equa,lly sharp; the difference between the a ltnd li boundl1ries was small. With an ammoniuIU chloride buffer, which contains the fastest iOlls available, the anomalies were very ll1l11'ked: one boundary abnormally sharp, the other completely blurred; a great difference in mig-ration velocities; a <) boundary very much greater tlmn the 8 boundary. 3. The (!ualltitative Verification of the Theol'~'. As far as strong· elcctrolytes are concerned, numerous experiments have already been carried ont to test the simple KOIUl~AUSCH-W]>1DElt theory treating three ion species. After elimination of all sources of error, these experiments have revealed a complete agreement with the theory. Similar controls with morc iOll species have recently been made by LONGSWOWl'H (194-G), also with positive results. In systems containing' colloids, such tests are much more . difficult. HAcnm (1955) tried to show indirectly that colloids also obey the KOHLRAUSCH-WEIJER theory, but he did not find complete agreement. A direct experimental control necessitates the knowledge of the specific charge of the colloid; otherwise the electrochemical concentration a call1lot be inserted into our equations. The determination of colloidal charge is the chief difficulty in this respect. Such measurements aTe associated with considerable difficulties; it is, furtherlllore, a matter of debate which kind of charge is active in this respect. Titration data surely cannot be used since iOllS other than hydrogen iOllS have been shown to l'eact with colloids (ADAm and ADAIR 1934; DAVIS and COHN 1939; S'l'EINHARD'.r 1042), HAR11Y SVJ'1NSRON, ELEC'1'R01'HOlmSIS. 111 The stoichiometl'ical charge is determinable an ulytically for substances such as cellulose"sulphuric acid esters, pectills, and polymetaphosl'boric acid, but it cannot be expected to be ltctive to its full extent in electrophoretic migration. TISELIUB (Hli)()) defined an ltpparent charg'e which mio'ht be thouITht to be applicable since it was derived from mobility data. Finally, we have the charge derived from the Donnan equilibl'ium and measured by membrane potentials (ADAm and ADAIR 1934). 'rhe above"mentioned interaction between colloids and small ions is a severe complication. Irrespective of whether it is due to [1 specific affinity or a pure electrostatic attraction, part of the crystalloid ions ill the medium are bound to the colloid so firmly that they move along' with it in an electrical field. We thus have to determine the concentrations of the .Fee ions 011 either siele of a moving boundary. The only methods availfLble for snch measurements are potentiometric in cbaracter; they arc l1pplicable only to a few ions, however, and the accumcy is limited by the fftct tlmt they give primarily the log'aritlull of the activity. Ordinary analytical methods g'i ve the SUIll of free and bound ions; such figures cannot be expected to check with the theory. On the other hand, if the theory is accepted, measurements of this kinu will be able to g'ive nLlulLble iuformation concerning' the extent to which different ions are LOUtHl to colloids. The same is the case with the Donnan equilibriulll. W 0 wOlllll suggest that the charg'e active in the DOllnan equilibrium i8 identical with that to be used in the theory of electrophoretic migration. In Ohapter I, a theory was briefly outlilled lLceording' to which it would be possible to make elmrge cleterminations from the Donnan equilibrium by measuring' the coud uct;i vit.y on eitber side of the membrane. Since this llletholl Heetned to be simpler than potential measurements, it was dt~cidec1 to test jt, in an actual case. 'rbe theory mentioned is ahw independent of the interaction between colloid and salt iOllS, since tho free ions acti ve in the Donnan equilibrium must be assumed to behave as free ions in the moving bOnlldltl'y system also. Verification of the tbeory, then, involves only the me[1snremel1t of three conductivities, those on both sides of tJw llIembmne a,iter [1 complete DOllnan equilibrium hl1,S boen reached, and the adjusted conductivity between the (Y and the rising boundaries when the dialyzed solutions are subjected to electrophoresis. Gum arabic was chosen as a suitable colloid. A pure, saltirHe pl'eplLration thereof was dissolved in an acetate buffer to five different concentrations. The solutions wel'e poured into cellophane bag'S and clialJzecl with rotation against the buffer 11~ ARIGV 1iOR J(ElIII, lUINERALOGI O. OEOLOGI. BD 22 A. N:O 10. Tavle 3. ! Huffer I In! () I DIE A I for five days, The ba,g's were tied together with enclosed ail' under pressure in ol'del' to accelerate the attainment of osulOtie equilibrium, After dialysis, the bag's were emptied and the contents poured into flasks, The condnctivities of the contents and the 60 '-cK-.-,0",U',"TTTTl"TTTrrrT"TT"·''''l~''l---n.,t' "qulv 1m • ~! +4++1-++++ - I " 58 1_--= 56 ~O i-- -- - . - - ._._~ _-~r" .:~+ 48 Dry \vdgh! I- - 2U _ - '" ,-.l-- ,nr~ l,'hi!1h' 5 10 I~ 20 my/nt' (<If,'Jf'j.10" - _ .. - tWO ohlli' cn[ ~ .. .: .•. B,B U'I~5 000 .h!!C.. voU >ec SA "00 -- - 8,0 300 7.6 200 7.2 6,8 0 !\' 5 10 15 20 Dtt) \v'ei9ht 25 mg/m' F'ig.30, 10 Ill!)/m' 113 HARII,Y SVENSSON, ELIW'fROPHORESIS. Table 4. I No, \ Dry w~ight 9 (j \ ..... 1 i(,,-X ) 2 ~2-~ • . " 3 Mobility of gum 4 E'f. (44), left balld side 0 Eq. (44), right·bulld Bide. f, Gum conc. 7 K COllC. Uree K + I . · 8 Acetate cone .. · 9 K+ + Ao- cone, · 10 Gnm CODC. · 11 E(juiv. weight · 12 K COllC. (t.otal K) 13 K Coone. UJOlllld K! 14 COOR COllC. 1[1 K COliC. (bOll!!tl K) 16 COllC. uf pure gum 17 F:(juiv. weight 1H.5 45 30 \ 6a.1) 130 215 LI5 1 S[j 1.,1 1.55 i2 H.Bl 1.5.1 JG , Hon \ 4.81; 1.1i4 2281 45.50 -:!.O~ -j,4a 46,48 46.1" 4:)..10 42.7B ,l.34 ·1.3:1 ·1.66 7.67 2235 223U ·17.7;; 40.00 0.79 2.2B 3.7~ 1.51 O,OB 4.a~ O.Oy 7.17 O,lfi 1.01 4571 7,52 mg. ml.- 1 21 18 \ \ -S GO -8.511 -·S.42 ·1- o. I \ \ 15 12 \ \ 0(i.5 \109.f' 10-() il8D ·\70 10- 6 - 8.13 -7 .OU -6,U8 10-" 1.0 1 81 1.V5 10" 1.05 2.11) lOS 1.7 -Ull -;'.41 -(i.un 10- 0 46.88 47.11; 47.t'4 10- 6 42.22 41.7ii 41.2;, 10- 6 4.32 4.31 4.30 10.68 13.6\1 H1.70 2392 253012615 52.01i 5J.ID GO.s·! 10-r. 8l.,i H02 5.38 9.84 0.21 10A7 10flG 1053 104\l 106·[ I \ obm-1clll.-li ohm-1cm.- 1i Cill.' voltsec. "hm em. Ollll] em. ~'il1iv.llll.-1 "'lniv. ml.- 1 eql1iv. ml.- I mg. DlI.-1 I I 1 mg. 1lI1.g. eql1iv.- l eql1iv. ml.- 1 8.70 lo-tl equiv. 111].-1 I 7.00 12A4 15,00 10-G Cljlliv. ml.- 1 1 0.27 0.34 m/!:. ml.- 1 mg. ml.- I 1a.42 lG.1I1l I!. ~quiv.-l 10'ja 1084, I I dialysate were measul'ed at the freezing· point. The concentrations of gum arabic and potf1ssium were determined a1ll11ytically by evaporating' a known volume to dryness, weighing', treating with concentrated sulphlll'ic acid, fuming', anrlrepeated weighing. The solutions were then subjected to elecb·ophoresis, 011e by one, in the preparative apparatus (Ohapter V). The same lot of buffer, the dialysate, was used in all experiments. The g'um was anowed. to migrate some 15 CUI., the mobility was read, and afterwards the liquid layer between the 0 and the rising boundaries was sucked out. Its conductivity was mea· sured, also at the freezing-point. The primary experimental data are given in 'rable 3. The experimental errol'S are too great to permit a reliable test of the theol'Y by using the individual results. Hence it was attem pted to level the e1'1'Ol'S by drawing' curves for each quantity (mobility, conductivities, potassium concentr£l,tion) and using points on the curves instead of the experimental data. These curves, with the dry weight of one ml. solution as the independent val'iable, are given ill Fig. 30. The buffer was intended to be O.OG Min potassiulll acetate, but the analysis showed that it was only 0.04445 M. The acetic acid concentration was 0.005 M; the contribution of the hydrogen ions to the conductivity was neglected (pH about 5.5). From available tables, the mobilities of potassium and acetate iOllS under the prevailing conditions were found to be 38.9/F A"kiv for kemi, min.ralaui a. gealoui. Bd 22 A. N:a 10. 8 11-1 ARKIV FOg KElI1T, nlINEgALOGI O. GEOLOGI. ED 22 A. N:O 10. and -IS.IfF respectivel}'. Hence we lmve: T=..J.4.4j)· LO-li; ~ ['jll, = 0.3'lS; ~ ,ti L'i Iii = ~l[).!I· J()-lll; ~ Zi C,/Ui =- O.l:!(j8. III TlLble .J" lines 1 and :l, we find the conductivit.'y differences for COllcen tra,tions corresponding to G, \), ]:l, 16, 18, a,nd 21 mg'. dry weig·bt. The next line gives the lllobilit.y of the g'Uill, measured on the descending' side. In lines 4 !1nd f), the val ues of the left- and. right-hand sides of equation (44-), Ohapter I, are g·iven. These figures would be expected to approach each other at low concentrations. Oil the coutrary, however, they con verge at the higher concentrations. Althoug'h equrLtion (..t4) is satisfactorily vel·ified at certain concentrations, the agreement with theoretical expectations is not quite satisfactory. The experiments just described also give valuable information reg'ardillg the cha.rge of gum arabic under the prevailing conditions. In the Gth line, Table 4, we have the electrochemical concentration C, calculated from equation (40). The 7th [Lnd 8th lines give the potassium [Lnd [Lcetate ion concentmtions according to equation (39). Line 9 shows the added weight concentrations of these diffusible ions in mg. per lIll. By snbtracting these figures from those in the top line, we obtain the weig'ht concentration of the colloid (line 10). Division of the last-mentioned figures by those ill line G gives the active (apparent) equivalent weight of the gum. It is of the order of :WOO, a value aV]Jroximatel.l' twice us great as those given by SAVE1@OTIN (19.J,5) and. others. This discrepancy is due to complex (ioll pair) form!1tion between the gum and the potassiulll ions, which if! evident from the succeeding' lines in Table 4. The analytical data for the potassium concentrations within the bags are g'ivC'u ill line 12. It is seen that these do not check with the figures in line 7; since the latter n,re the concentrations of free potassiu 111 ions, it is cOllcluded thn,t the differences between the 7th and l~t,h lines are the concellt,rations of bound potn,ssium ions (line 13). It is fL striking fact tha.t these tig'Ul'e8 are of the same order of magnitude as the active colloid cOllcentrations in line 6. It mrist be cOllcl uded that about half of the carboxyl groups in the gum molecule are neutrali~1,8c1 by l)()uJ/(Z potassiuUl ions, which iOllS thus participate in all 1l10Vf'nlf'11ts of the colloidal particle. We lleed not imagine that these iom; are fixed to the carboxyl groups, but the electrostatic forces are apparently strong 8110Ug'h to prevent the bound coulltel'iollS from leaving the surface of the micelle. The physico·ch('mical consequence is the same as if we were concerncfl with an incompletely dissociated salt of the colloid. The analytical potassium determinations make it possible ITARRY SYENSSON, EL:EC'l':nOPHOI~ESIS. 115 to calculate u, new equivalent weight. If we add the 6th and 13th lines, we fincl the tobl concentl'a,tion of carboxyl g'l'onps (line 1--1). ]if oreover, by recalculating line 13 to weight concentrations (line 15) and subtracthlg' these fig'ures from those in the 10th line, the weight concentl'u,tiOll of the free g'um is obt!1inecl (line 16). Finally, division of the latter fig'ures by those in line H gives the equivalent weight of the gum with consideration of all its carboxyl groups (line 17). Direct titration of the preparation used in this investiglLtion gave an equivalent weight of 1270. The figures in the last line of Table -l are definitely lower, although the apeement may be considered as s[Ltisfactol'Y. The method outlined for measuring' colloidal charges must he further developed and refined; the concentrations should he substituted for the activities. Now[!,days, when accurate mobility determinations can be carried out on a routine ,basis, the method shoull1 be capable of g'ivil1g' reasonable accuracy. Cha,l'ge determinations bused llpon the conductivity chang-e across a moving boundary (Chapter I, equation (23)) seem to the author still more promising'. This method is also independent of the adsorption of slllall iOIlS to the colloid, moreover it has the advantag'e that the activities do not enter into the equation. If a snit-able apparatus is availahle, it is also a rapid method; it is not necessary to awn,it a complete Donnan equilibrium. The fact that hig'hly charged colloids bind counteriolls to a great extent has been observed earlier by HHIlIlARS'l'EN (1924) for thymonucleic acid. He found an apparent dissociation of 0.:2-0.::]1] for the sodium salt. B. 'l'llC Determiuution of ~lollilitie8 und Isoe,lectl'ic Points. 1. }I'aetors Illllllcncillg the Itlobility. This topic was discussed in detail by .A BRAlIJ SON, MOYER, a,ncl GOltIN (194:2), an cl au exten sive review of the literature was given. There is consequently not much to be [Ludell here, but a short survey may perhaps be of value. a. The Acidity (pH) is the chief factor for l1mphoteric colloids; it should be measured to within 0.01 pH unit. b. The Ionic Strength. This concept for expressing salt concentrations has come into general use in electl'ophoretical investigations. The DEDYE-HuCKEL theory demands that IiG AltKnr FliR KEIIII, MINERALOar o. GEOl~OGI. ED 22 A. N:O IV. differeD t salts of the same ionic streng-th have the sallle retlLl'dil1g' effect on the motion of iOllS. The variation of the mobilit,ies of colloids with iouic strength is ver}' marked (see DAVIS and COHN 193D f1D(l TISELIUS and SVENSSON 1940). The effect of the snlt concentration is, in fact, of the same order of umg'llitude as that of pH, especially at low salt COTIcentrations. The DlGllYE-HtiC1mL theory seems to be applicable to proteins (TrsI<:r,rus and SVENSSON IH40). c. The Nature of the Buffer Ious. Different ions have different affinities for the colloids and form complexes of different stabilities. There are two extreme types of such reactions: ion pair formation, which association is due to strong' electrostatic attraction between the colloid and counterions, 'and 81}(JcUic ajt't'llities, where more specific forces lllllSt be assumed to be lLctive (ABRAMSON, MOYER, and GORIN). Between these two gTOUpS we must probably place the assodatz'oll betweell dipola1' ious, discussed by AmwENlus (1941). Although very great differences in affinity have been found, it is probably not possible to make sharp distinctions between the different types of ion association. d. The Temperature influellces the mobility inven;ely as the viscosity of the solvent. Instead of a temperature effect, we may thus talk of a pure viscosity effect. - The actual temperature within the U-tube is somewhat higher than in the water·bath and varies from the centre to the walls (MooNEY 1941). If the colloid is assuUled to have the same tempero,ture coefficient as the buffer iOlls, however, the mobility obtainecZ refers to the ternperaiw-e at which the cOlldudivity £s measured (TISELIUS 1937). Small temperature fluctuations during the experiment al'e thus without significance. The only necessary temperature reading is that during the conductivity determination. e. The Viscosity. In connection with the 11ltracentrifnga1 technique, it has been discussed whether the sedimentation constant should be corrected for the viscosity of the sedimellting solution 01' for that of the medium. The common practice in thi.9 laboratory is to use the viscosity of the meuiuUl (SVliJDBERG a.nd PEJHmSEN 1940), but LA.UFl~Jm (1944) found that better results were obtained if the viscosity of the sedimelltillg' solution was used. The problem was discussed recently by PEDIDRSEN (1945), but must still be reg'arded as unsolved. The same problem aud the SlLme difficulties are encountered in electrophoresis. Here, too, the influence of viscosity requires IlARHY SVENSSON, ELRC'l'ROPHORl,;SIS. 117 further theoretical and experimental investigation. The author would suggest tha.t the viscosity influence is fourfold: Ci) the iufluence of the viscosity of the pure solvent. As faT as water a.lone is concerned, this influence is identical with that of temperature; (/) the influen ce of the viscosity increment of non-ionogenic dissolved substances; y) the influence of the viscosity increments of surrounding ions; 0) the influence of the viscosity increment of the leading ion itself. The correction for the first two effects is easy; it should be permissible to correct a mobility determined at O.G o C to the freezing point by multiplying by the ratio of the viscosities of water at these two temperatures. Accordingly, the mobility determined in an acetate buffer with much acetic acid can be corrected to zero acid concentration by considering the viscosity increment of acetic acid. On the other hand, it is not possible at present to correct for the last two viscosity effects. Simple corrections for the buffer salt viscosity increments are certainl'y not justified, since ions of opposite charge are enriched in the diffuse double layer around the colloid. These ions must therefore be expected to exert a. gTeater viscosity influence than the iOllS of the S1Lme charge. 'The influence of the viscosity increment of the colloid itself is also obscure. Thus, S'l'ENHAGEN and TEoRELr, (1939) reported thn,t the mobility of thYIllOl1ucleic acid was independent of the nucleic acid concentration, but HALL (1941) fonnd some dependence upon the concentration for a nucleoprotein. The fact that there remains a small difference between the mobilities from the rising" and falling" sides after conection for the different conductivities (L.AGER01~AN'l'Z 194,4), indicates that the concentration of the leading ion, by its viscosity increment, influences the mobility to some extent, although not so much that the two qUfLl1tities are in versely proporti on a1. Viscosi.ty cOl'l"ections have generally not been carried out by way of routine. From the above considerations, indeed, it is evident that sllch corrections are of doubtful value until sufficient knowledge about the viscosity influences is gained. This view was ftlso expressed by S~'ENHAGEN n,ncl TJJ:oRELJJ (1039). f. The Field Strength. The mobility is genel'n.lly considerecl to be independent of the potential gradient, but S'l'ENHAG EN and TEOI~ELL (1939) reported that the mobility or tl1ymonucleic acid rose with the field strength. The same effect has been found by HOFF1I1.A N (1938) for microscopic particles in extTemely strollg electric fields. This dependence is rather obscure 118 ",HKIV Fon KIL:m, lIIINEl1ALOGI o. GEOLOGI. liD ~2 A. N:O 10. and rcquires further illvestig·ll,tion. It UHLY possibly be explained as 11 result of an orientation of dipolar ions. From the above six points, it is evident that the reporting' of mobility data and iRoelectric points without a detailed description of the experimental conditions is of limited value. 2. BOllll(lltl'Y SprelllliJlg (Elech'ochemical Inhomogeneity). In recent ycars, the polydispersity of high-molecular compounds has been the object of theoretical and expcl'imentuJ investigations. The corresponding phenomenon in the electrochemical respect may be called electrochemical inhomogeneity and manifests itsel'f as a spreading of the moving boundaries. This 'effect must obviously not be confused with the blurring caused by conductivity disturbances (Chapter I). The boundary spreading must be investigated under experimental conditions that exclude boundary anomalies as completely as possible. The boundary spreading \viLS first observed by TISELIUS and HORSFALL (1939; see also HORSFALL 1939). In 194~, SHARP, HEBB, TAYI,OR, and BEA1W presented a theory of the phenomenon and defined a constant H, the heterogeneity constant, which gave a quantitutive measure of the inhomogeneity of a protein. The heterogeneity constant has the dimension of a mobility and is given by the equation: L/a H=P;.dt' where a is the standard deviation of the gl'::Ldient curve, ]I) the field Atrength and t the time. Two curves giving the mobility and the factor H as functions of pH may be said to represent a fairly complete electropboretical characterization of a protein. The possible relationship between boundary spreading and electroosmosis, as suggested by N OHTHROP (1942), has already been mentioned (p. 31). S. The COllllitiOllS for Obtaining Correct :lIIobilities. These conditions were derived in Chapter I and are as follows. The £on unde-r £nvest/gatio')l must be al)sent on one s1'de of the moving boundary; the observation of a boundary between two diffel'elJt concentrations of the same ion is thus erroneOUR in principle. There is only one exception from this rule: if there is a buffer iOll of the same mobility as that of the ion HARRY SVENSSON, EI,EU'rROPHORESIS. 119 under illveRtigation, the boundary will move with the correct mobility even if it is formed between two diiferellt concentra· tions of that ion. When colloids are concerned, too much stress should not be laid upon the requirement that they be abseut in the buffer. Practically conect mobilities can be obtained from boundaries forllle~l between two different COllcentmtions, if this arrangement is preferable for some reaSOll, when the ratio between colloid and salt concentrations is small. The other condition for obt.aining correct mobilities is: jar r:on1pzttin(! the .field strength, lhe collducth'it:1J in the liquid laycr '/text to the mOr)in{1 boundary which can tai'lls the ion under investigation has to be 'Used. For colloids, this means that the conductivit.y just !IrION' the moving boundary lllust be known. This condition is often very difficult to satisfy in the case of rising boundaries. 4. Uobility Determinations with Depressed Boundary Anomalies. This is the method introduced by TrSELlus (1930) and implies the use of high salt and low protein concentrations. In the light of the new results derived in Ohapter I, the conditions to be fulflllecl can be formulated as follows. The active equiva,leut concentration C of the iou under investigation must be llegligible compared with the function B (U) of the buffer. The concentration of the leading ion should thus be chosen in the neighbourhood of the resolving power of the method of observation. It has already been pointed out that this limiting concentration is much lower for colloid ions with their low actiye specific charges than for ordinary ions, and that colloids are consequently the most suitable ions for the method in question. Practically speaking', the method with depressed conductivity disturbances is limited to colloids. If the conditions mentioned are fulfilled, the conductivity will be essentially COllstallt throug-hout the tube, nor will it change with time. It Ct"1il thus be conveniently measured before the experiment is started. The same velocity is obtain ed in both limbs, and the false boundaries are so small that they are without importance. The amount of salts necessary for depression of the boundary anomalies depends upon the nature of the buffer ions. In order to obtain a high value for B (U), it is desirable to have b\lffer ion mobilities in the neighbourhood of that of the colloid. If proteins are concerned, which are as a rule relatively slow, this means that the buffer should be made up of as slow ions as possible. The slow8l' the ions, the lower salt concentrations can be tolerated. .Among the inorganic iOllS, 120 ARKIV lPOR KElIlI, lllINERALOGI o. GEOLoar. TID 22 A. N:O 10. Li+ and P- are slowest and thus of considerable importance in electrophoresis of proteins and other slow colloids. U 11fortunately, LiF is only slightly soluble and cannot be used. The most suitable inorganic sa,lts should thus be N aF and LiOl. The necessary amount of buffering salts (phosphates, acetates, etc.) must naturally be added to maintain a constant pH. In organic chemistry, we have several easily available iOllS with low mobilities: acetate, benzoate, diethylbal'biturate, cacodylate, naphthalenesulphonate among the negative and triethanolamine among the positive ions. The more complicated arc the monovalent iOlls chosen, the lower are the mobilities, but the risk of chemical reactions with the protein simultaneously increases. Thus, SOORNE and HARInS (1939) found that phthalate buffers shifted the isoelectric point of silk fibres from 3.u to 2.7, and picrate ions combined with the particles to such a great extent that the isoelectric point totally disappeared. It is also well known that many acidimetric indicators combine firmly with proteins, as well as detergents. Such affinities probably diminish the applicability of slow organic ions. O. lIIobility Determinations in Hle Presence of noumlary Anomalies. The conductivity disturbances aTe unfavourable from most points of view, b~t they have one very advantageous effect: the sharpening' of the boundaries in one limb of the U-tube. Sharp boundaries can be localized with a hig-her accurllcy, and mobility measurements on such boundaries should then be more reliable than measurements on normal or blurred boundaries. This principle is made use of in the WRETHAIlI-MASSON method, where a very high accuracy has been reached. A similar exactitude would also be attainable for colloids if m'eaSl_ll'ementa could be made on sharp boundaries produced. by choosing' experimental conditions favouring the boundary anomalies. There is One great difficulty, however. WHRTHAJlf-MASSON experiments are always alTallg'ed so that one of the original conductivities can be used for computing the field strength, but this is seldom possible where colloids are concerned. From the results in Chapter I on the number of true and false boundaries, the following rules can be formulated. The condueti1)ity of the OI'£yinal supernatant is to be used f(W the fastest upwanl-migrating ion present in the snpe7'natant aloJlf', unless two still faster i011s ate l/resent in both solutions. In the latter case, the fastest rising boundary is a false boundary, HARRY SVENSSON, ELECTROPHORESIS. 121 anu the conductivity of the supernatant canuot be used to calculate any true ionic mobility. The conductivity of the O1'igi17al bottom solution ·is to be usecl for the fastest d01vnwani-migl'ati'llg i01l )Jl'eselit £n the bottom solution alolle, unless two still jastel' ions are present in voth 80luti07ls. This rule is of outstanding importance for colloids and will be further illustrated by two examples. Example 1: Supernatant: sodium diethylbarbiturate + diethylbarbituric acid; bottom solution: the same buffer -t- serum. The fastest descending boundary is that of serum albumin, and the conductivity of the original sol may be used to find the correct mobility of albumin. E:t:ample 2: Supernatant: a phosphate buffer; bottom solution: the same buffer + serum. Here we have two neg'ative ions faster than serum albumin. The fastest descending boundal'y is thus a false boundary, and the conductivity of the original sol does not give the correct mobility of serum albumin. The cOllductivity qf the ol'iyi'llal supenlatant can 'ilel'{!/' be applied to a descending boundary, and that of the ol'igi'nal bottom solution is always £uapplieable to all ascending boundary. The truth of this rule is immediately understood if it is recalled that the false resting boundal'y ~onstalltly exists, indicating that an adjustment of ionic concentrations and conductivity has taken place. Early investigators did not understand this, hence the great difficulties with the moving boundary method in the beg'inning of this century. a. Descending Sharp Boundaries. Colloids, witb their very high (active) equivalent weig'hts, must constantly be placed in the bottom; hence only the descending boundary is useful for mobility determinations, in view of the above rules. Now, descending colloid b0l1l1daries are genemlly blurred and inapplicable to precision meaSUl'ements for that reason. If we could so arrange matters that the falling colloid boundary was sharpened, however, it would be possible to make precision measurements on colloids just as this is possible in the WHETHAlIr-MASSoN method with ordinary salts. The 0111y way to attain this is to choose buffer ions which move more slow ly than t,he colloid. In the presence of much salt, it is hardly possible to finel buffer ions slower than colloids. When the salt concentration is reduced, however, the mobility of the colloid rises much more than do those of ordinary iOllS (r/ TrsELlus and SVENSSON 1940). The method in questiol1, then, should be valuable in studies of highly charged colloids ill nearly electrolyte-free solutions. No such investigations have so far been published. 122 AHKIV FOR, KEIIII, 1I1INERALOGI O. GEOLOGI. l~ig. 31. TID 22 A. N:O 10. b. Ascending Sharp Boundaries. If we wish to make use of snch boundaries for mobility measurements, it is necessa,!,}, to measure the conductivity just below the bounda,l'Y during 01' after the expel'iul€nt, since this conductivity is !lot identical with any of tbe original conductivities. Snch measurements are attended by considerable technical difficulties, bnt the problem hu,s been flolved by LAGERCRAN'l'Z (19-14). He constructed special electrophoresis cells of the TIRELIlJS type with sealed-in platinum electrodes. After the experiment, the boundaries were »compensated», and the conductivity was read as a, function of time. By simultaneous observations ill the camera, LAGicn.cRANTZ was able to measure the concluctivity through the whole electrophol'etic p!1ttern. Ad.lusted conductivities have previousl.y been measl1l'ed by HACKER (1935) and by LONGSWOJ~TH and MAOINNES (1940). It is also possible to make such measurements in the present author's preparative apparatus (Chapter V). Some preliminary experiments have been performed by pressing ont the contents of the U-tube limbs through the top capilla,ry side-tubes into special conductivity cells. Here the boundaries pass the electrodes and the very narrow tube between them at a steady state. The conductivity is read and plotted as a function of time. One such conductivity cell is shown in Fig. 31. 6. lIIobiIity Studies on Serum Proteins. In the next section of this chapter, a number of serum analyses will be described. Since these experiments were carl'ied out with depressed boundary anomalies, it was possible to llleaSl1l'C the mobilities in the same runs. It was then found that they varied in a characteristic manner with the composition of the buffer at constant pH and ionic strength. These differences are perhaps worthy of mention, since they appear to throw some light upon the interaction between proteins und simple ions. Many serum analyses were made in mixtures containing phosphate of pH 7.7 and ionic strength O.O:l and a neutral salt in the concentra,tioll 0.18. Three different salts, LiCl, Nael, and NaF, wel'e employed, and the mobilities were found HARR.Y SVENSSON, 123 ELECTROPHOl~F.8IS. Taule iJ. !vIabilities of Serum Proteins at pH 7.7 and Ionic Strellgth O.:w. Phosphate Ionic Strength 0.02, Neutral Salt D.Hl. 1 I Neutral Bnlt I IUCl NaCl 1NaP I Al1111111in GluIJ. cz Glou. ~ Gl01). y 5.80 ·1.87 4.7H; 4.:)(; .1.:)7 3.07 2048 2.11) 1.:12 3.46 3.H O.!I~ O.fiO __I to decrease in the ordel' mentioned. The mobilities are listed in Table 6, the figures being' average values from many experiments. Since the mobilities were fonnd to be essentially alike in sera from different species, the table includes mobilities from all species investig·ated. In the fluoride bufIer, the albumin peak was constantly split into two, the slowe1' part being' the chief component. It is not known whether these two albumins are identical with LUETSOHElt's albumins (1\)39), separated at pH 4, but the fluoride ions evidently have a specific affinity for part of the albumin molecules. It is hardly possible to explain the different mobilities in these buffers otherwise than by supposing' that the proteins have a g'rea,ter affinity for C1- than for F- a.ud a greater affinity for Na+ than for Li+. Since all serum components were affected in the same direction, this seems to be a general property of proteins. Similar experiments, but with still more striking differences, have been observed in experiments with haemocyanin. Since these experiments were carried out for another purpose (p. 130), pH and ionic strength were not kept quite constant. Hence the mobilities al'e not presented here. They val·jed, however, much more than could be attributed to pH and ionic streng·th, and it was observed that the mobility was low in buffers containing large cations (triethanolamine) and high in those with large anions (diethylbarbiturate, naphthalenesulphonate). Both these sets of experiments, carried out on negatively charged colloids. seem to support the view that the afjillity of Ji1'oteins for d~trusible ions increases with the siz~ of the latter, Since the same phenomenon was observed for cations as well as for anions and for di:ifel'ent proteins, it can possibly be concluded that the above rule is of quite general validity. Observations by DAVIS and COHN (1939) regarding the influ·ence of phosphate and citrate ions 011 protein mobilities pro'vide evidence in the same direction, BALLOU, BOYER, and ] 24 AnKIV FOR KElIII, lIIINERALOGI O. GEOLOGI. BD 22 A. N:O 10. LUCK (194,5) investigated the effect of the lower fatty acid anions lWcl found that their adsorption on protein molecules increased with increasing chain length. This is concordant with the recent finding that detergents form very stable complexes with proteins (LUNDGRF.N, ELAlII, and O'OONNEL 1943). C. Electrophoretical Auslyses. 1. Sources of }~l'l'or. The general eXPloession for the refractive iudex cbange at a moving boundary was given in Ohapter 1. As is evident from equl1tion (28), l111 ions present contribute to this change. rEhe hitherto generally accepted view, regarded as self-evident, that the refractive index increment at a moving' boundary is due to the leading colloid alone, must be amended. The question then arises whether it is possible to choose experimental conditions such that the influence of the surrounding ions become negligible or whether a method of correction for primary analytical data must be worked out. If none of these possibilities exists, we must admit that the electrophoretic method of analysis is of limited value and unsuitable for precision analyses. Its usefulness when the highest accuracy is not demanded need not be discussed. a. Superimposed Colloid Gradients. It was pointed out In the first chapter that the greatest errors of this kind are g'iven by the colloids themselves. In an electrophoretic pattern of serum, the albumin changes its concentration, not only at its own boundary, but also at all other rising boundaries and at the 0 boundary. COl'respondingly, the ')' globulin changes its concentration at all descending' bounclaries. Concerning the sign of the errors, the following rule was formulated: jastc1' ions (even colloids:) of tlw sarnc charge as the leacHI/O ~'o'll (lml ia12s of the opposite chm'(le dimim:sh the 1'Pjractive index change at the bou/ldarJ/:' "'lol£'er ions ql' the same charoe increase it. The consequence of this is that the faster components appeal' too large at the expence of the slower ones in both limbs of the' U-tnbe. The superimposed colloid gmdiel1ts are proportional to theconductivity changes across the boundaries; they can thus be diminished to negligible values by depressing the boundary anomalies. High salt concentrations, preferably of salts with low ionic mobilities, and low colloid concentrations have to be used. HA.RRY SVENSSON, ELECTROPHORESIS. 125 It was shown by the author (1943) that the 8nors in question coutu be quite appreciable under unfavourable conditions. The sa,me swine serum in dilution 1; 2 gave 59 pel' cent albumin in the positive limb at an ionic strength of 0.10, but only 43 per cent on addition of 0.37 M-NaCl. With so much salt the boundary anomalies are neg'lig-ible, and the last analysis must be regarded as correct, Similar experiments have been carried out recently by PJmLlI[A.NN and KA.UFMAN (1945) with human serum in dietbylbarbitnrate buffers. They found a similar drift in the apparent serum composition with the salt concentration, or inversely, with the serum concentration. They stated that the true composition was obtained if the analyses were extrapolated to zero for the ratio between serum and salt concentrations. The errors were much smaller in the diethylbarbiturate than in the phosphate-chloride buffel's. This is consistent with the prediction of the theory that slow buffer ions of the charge of the colloid are especially favourable with respect to the boundary anomalies. COOI'ER (1945) bas also studied the errors in question, using synthetic mixtures and swine serum. He obtained correct analyses in all in stances, however, und concluded that electl'ophoretical analyses 'Were quite reliable. b. Superimposed Salt Gradients, These gradients A,re g'overl1ed by the same laws as the superimposed colloid gradients. Diffusible ions generally move faster in an electric field than do colloids, at least under standard conditions in the presence of much salt. Their contributions to the refractive index chang'es at the boundaries are then constantly negative, i. e. they tend to diminish the refractive index gradients; this holds for cations as well as for anions. According to equation (28), the effect increases when the difference in mobility between the diffusible ion and the colloid decreases. In buffers containing a slow and heavy anion, therefore, fast boundaries with a negative migration will be more affected than slow boundaries of the same kind, and the latter more than boundaries with a positive migration. The analysis will, in the absence of other errors, give figures too low for the most negative and too hig'h for the most positive components. It should be observed that these errors counteract those due to superimposed colloid gradients. On the other hand, in bnffers containing a slow and heavy cation, fast boundaries with 'a positive migration are most affected, The analysis will give figures too low for the most positive and too hig'h for the most negative components. A.lthough cations as well as anions make negative contl'i- ]26 ARKIV FOR KElIlI, MINEl~ALOGI O. GIWLOGI. TID 22 A. N:O 10. butions to the refractive index increments at all moving boundaries, a considera,tioll of all boundaries in a moving boundary "vstem lel1ds to the conclusiol1 that cations and anions give l'iHe to errors of opposite signs in electrophol'etical analyses. The total errOl' should thus be at a minimum if cations and anions are of about the same size, especially if the colloidal mobilities al'e situated symmetrically about the arithmetical mean of the buffer-ion mobilities (all mobilities being taken with signs). Superimposed salt gradients, as well as superimposed colloid gradients, may be depressed by choosing low colloid and high salt concentrations. Noue of the errors, howevel', can be completely eliminated. This fact is evident from the law of electroneutrality: ions other than the leading one must change their concentrations at the boundary in order to neutralize the charge of the colloid. The remaining enol'S, still present if the boundary anomalies are effectively depressed, are closely connected with the question how to measure the specific refractive index increments of charged colloids. This question is discussed below. o. The Specific Refractive Index Increment of a Charged Colloid. This constant is g'enerally determined by measurillg the refractive iudices of solutions of the colloid and the solute, The dry isoelectric colloid is either dissolved in a salt solution or the colloidal solution is dialyzed against the buffer; the difference in refractive index so obtained is not due to the colloid alone. When a dry isoelectric protein is dissolved, shifts in ionic concentrations will take place and, after dialysis, the Donnan equilibrium will give rise to different salt concentrations on both sides of the membrane. It follows that the specific refractive index increment of a charged colloid will depend upon the com position of the buffer and 011 pH. The only well·defined specific increment of a colloid is that which refers t.o the uncharged, isoelectric colloid. This is a difficulty encountered in all refractometric stuc1ies of colloids. It is not so serious when only small buffer ions are present. In electrophoresis investigations, however, hea vy organic ions, especially dietbylharbiturate iOllS, have come into use, and it is then qnestionable whether the dependence of the specific increment on the buffer plays any r{)le or not. The problem may be specified as follows. We can meaSUl"e the specific increment after dialysis and define it according to the Donnan equilibrium, At a moving boundary, we have another kind of equilibrium between the iOllic concE'ntl'atiolls on either side of the boundary. This equilibrium can equally HARRY SVI,NSSON, ELEO~'ROPHORESIS. 127 well be used for the same purpose, for defining and measuring' the specific increment. In principle, there is no reason to prefer the Donnan equilibrium, except its convenience. The question is now: how good is the agreement between the constants measured in these ways if the same buffer is used, and if different buffel's are employed? This question is difficult to answer for the present, but it should be possible to attack the problem by two methods: by precision measurements of refractive index on solutions in Donnan equilibrium, using different buffers, and by electrophoretical analyses of synthetic mixtures, also with different buffers. The author has only tried the latter procedure, which will be described on p. 129. d. The Interference of the 0 and 8 Boundaries. According to the theor.y in Chapter I, where constant transference numbers were assumed, these boundaries do Dot move, but, owing to a small variation of the transference num bel'S with concentration, are generally observed to move slowly in one direction or the other. If uncharged components are present in a system, they will generaHy be superimposed on by the 0 and 8 gradients, and a similar interference will take place if the false boundaries migrate in the same direction and about as fast as some 1100rly charged real component. This gives rise to systematical errors (the poorly charged component appears too large) whose magnitude depends UpOll the sizes of the false boundaries. In the presence of boundary anomalies (conductivity disturbances), the (~ gradient is much greater than the 8 gradient; the error is thus greater in the rising than in the descending limb, and is often easily detected by this discrE'pancy. Rence the generally accepted habit of using only descending' bounuaries for concentration IDf'!lSUl'8mf'nts. It is better, then, to choose buffers giving the false boundaries a migration contrary to those of the components to be measured. The separation between the y and 0 peaks in serum analyses was investigatpd by LONGSWOR'l'H (1942). He obsel'ved that pure phosphate buffers and diethylbarbiturate buffers had the desired property of giving' 0 boundaries with a positive migration. LONGSWOR'l'H states that this direction of migration is generally associated with hig'h cationic transference numbers for the buffer. We have made the same observation. With boundary anOlllulies deTll'l'Ssed as much as possible, the 0 and 8 boundaries remain, but are of approximately the same size. In such cases they are not discovered through a discrepancy between the analyses in the two lim be; special care must thus be taken to prevent their interference in the 128 ARKIV FOR TrEMl, UINERALOGI O. GEOLOGl. BD 22 A. N:O 10. analyses. If simple, light ions are applied, the false boundaries axe so small in size that they can generally not be detected; they al'e consequently una,ble to cause any errors of significance. In the presence of heavy ions in appreciable quantities, however, both false boundaries are fairly great, and it is not possible to depress their size by raising the salt concentration. [n investigations with such buffers, therefore, it is an imperative necessity that the false »resting» boundaries separate completely from the slowest real component.. An electrophoretic analysis carried out in diethylbarbiturate or triethanolamine buffers without any visible 0' !1nd B boundaries cannot be correct; their invisibility quite certainly depends upon the fact that they are hidden in the slowest real component. It should be noticed that the error due to the interference of the 0 boundary counterllcts those due to superimposed colloid gradients. Hence it is not surprising that serum analyses carried out before it was known ·that the 0' bouudary could be concealed in the r g'lobulin peak, and before the superimposed gTadients were discovered, might happen to show albumin contents that can be accepted as correct today. In such analyses, two errors of different sign have neutralized each other. e. Ion Pair Formation and Specific Affinities. If buffer ions are present which are partly bound by and moving along with the colloids, these ions will contribute positively to the refractive index increments at the boundaries. The order of magnitude of this error was shown to be 2 per cent for g'um arabic and potassium ions (p. 114). In the presence of heavy ions with appreciable affiuities for proteins, the error may definitely be much greater. There are certain indications that the affinity rises with the size of the ions (p. 123). 2. Conditions Suitable for Electrophoretical Analyses. It is now possible to summarize the conditions which, in our opinion, should be fulfilled if reliable results are to be obtained. The most suitable buffers may also be named. The conductivity changes during electrolysis must be very small. This is achieved b.y using high salt and low colloid concentrations. The mobilities of the buffer ions should be low. The condition is fulfilled if the 0' and 8 gradients are of about the same size, including the case where they are absent. In the presence of cl' and 8 boundaries, it is necessary to choose a buffer giving these boundaries a diTection of migration opposite to that of the components to be measured. Ac.cording to LONGSWORTH, large cationic transference numbers HARRY SVENSSON, ELECTROrHOI~ESIS. 129 in the buffer will generally cause the false boundaries to move with the current, and vice versa. Buffer salts with high specific refractive ind~x increments (high molecular weights) should be avoided or used with caution (the necessity of taking this precaution cannot be regarded as satisfactorily proven; of the subsequent experimental section). Ions known to possess specific affinities for proteins should also be avoided. In virtue of the above considerations, the author has found buffers composed of simple inorganic salts to be least objectionable. Mixtures of phosphates and NaOl, NaF, and LiOl have been most extensively used. With a total ionic strength of 0.20-0.'25 and a protein concentration of 1.0-1.5 per cent, the f~tlse boundaries are too small to be detected, and the boundary anomalies are depressed to llegligible values. Under such conditions, there is no reason to favour one limb above the other. The babit of measuring concentrations only on descending boundaries originated from the fact tbat the {3 boundary is much smaller t,han the 15 boundary when the conductivity disturbances are not depressed. The generalization that all disturbances are smaller on that side is no doubt erroneous. The omission of dn,ta from the ascendil] g side involves an unjustifiable waste of experimental material. Electrophoretical analyses carried out under the conditions mentioned also permit the determination of mobilities in the same runs. The components move at the same rate ill both limbs, which is also an indication of eliminated boundarv anomalies. Here, too, the habit of taking mobilities only fro~ the descending side is pointless, especially as the conductivity of the original sol is strictly applicable only to the fastest descending boundary. In serum analyses, the author derives all mobilities from both limbs by taking the aveTage velocity and by employing the mean conductivity of the (thoroughly dialyzed) sol and the supernatant. 3. A General Test of the Reliability of Electrophoretil'al Analyses. For the performance of such a test, it is necessary to have two electrophoretically homogeneous colloids with mobilities sufficiently different to permit a complete separation between the peaks. The slower component should also move sufficiently fast to separate completely from the <) gradient. It is very difficult to find two substances that satisfy these requirements Arldv iur kerni. mineralo(Ji o. aealagi. Bd 22 A. N:o 10. 9 130 Alt:KIV FOR KEllU, JlIINERALOGI O. GEOI,OGI. TID 22 A. N:O 10. l'able 6'. (Ac- = Acetate, V- = Diethylbarbiturate, B- = Barbiturate, Pr- =Propionate, Ph- I- I = Phosphate, '£1'+ = Triethanolamine.) ---"~--"------ -----,------ Buffer lOllS, -_------ ---.---------~" Jonie Strength' 10" I ---_. EleetrophoretiCltl A llal,Yses ~i~l~f::r~;~lp-IA('-lpb- -IPh-F~ 1~~I-v--_CI-A-u-;~'-ll:t~I-I~ 100 85 3·1 134 134 100 3·! 150 150 1100[ 100 100 1 5 2 2 I 150 150 150 [ I 2 150 150 00 I I 60 64 2 !~:~;, [\ ~~:~5 49.1 50.35 51.85 50.8 ·19.5 100 49.7 150 150 42.2 38.15 50.0 4\l.fl5 48.15 49.7 50.5 GO.8 57.8 G].B;' I I in all buffers to be tested. The author has chosen gum arabic and Helix pomatia haemocyanin. Stock solutions of these two substances were prepared and aga,inst a phosphate buffer, pH 7.7, ionic strength 0.20, for three days. The concentrations were then mellslll'cd refractometrically, the difference in refractive index between the solutions and their c1ialysates being taken as a mefLsure of concentration. The two colloid solutiolls were then mixed in proportions calculated to give a mixture of equal parts of the components (in refractometric measure). The general procec1Ul'e 0-£ measuring the areas of electrophOl'etic patterns is least objectionable if the neig'hbouring' components have about the same concentration. Suitable quantities of the mixture were dialyzed a,gainst new buffers and subjected to electrophoretical analysis by the ordinary method. Salt concentrations sufficiently high for reaching the limiting' avparent composition were used throughout. The results of these measurements are given in Table G. Some experiments have been excluded owing to disturbances of diverse kinds. In two experiments, benzoate and napbthionate were used as buffer salts, but these anions caused denaturation and flocculation of the haemocyanin. Most buffers investigated gave results in g'ood agreement with that expected, 50.0 per cent of each component. The only exceptions were the two experiments with dicthy IbarbitUl'ate buffers, which gave definitely low values for gum arabic. HA.l~RY SVENSSON, ELEOTROPHORESIS. 131 This result is to be expected for theoretical reasons. The two components were mixed in equal parts as judg'ed from refractometric measurements in phosphate buffers. The specific increment measured after dialysis must prove to be smaller if heav,V diffusible ions of the cha,l'ge of the colloid l11'e used, since these ions are enriched in the dialysate; the difference increases with the charge of the colloid. It increases still more if the Donnan equilibrium is substituted for that prevailing' across a moving' boundary, for the heavy diethylbal'bitnl'ate ion is also slow, and slow ions chang'e their concentrations compal'atively much at colloid moving bonndal'ieR. This error will consequently tend to make the faster gum arabic bounJary too small when heavy anions and light cations are employed, especially if the specific increments are mea.sured in buffers containing small ions. It is true that the error due to superimposed colloid gradients counteracts this error, but the experimental conditions were such as to exclude the intel'ference of such g'l'adients (much salts, no conductivity disturbances). There is another circumstance, bowevel', that tends to enlarge the enol' discussed above; this is the interaction between the colloids and the diffusible iOllS. The affinity of haemocyanin for the dietbylbal'biturate ions must be expectecl to be much gTeater than that of gum arabic, for haemocyanin is an amphoteric electrolyte with many positive charges at t,lle, lJrevailillg pH, while gum arabic is a polyacid with probably nO affinity for anions. This difference in complex-formation affinity tends to enlarge the baemocyanin boundary. With a heavy cation and a light anion (e. g. triethanolamine hydrochloride), the conditions should be reversed. The specific increment measured in such buffers appears gTeater than in phosphate buffers, since the heavy cations are elll'iched within the bag, the more the g'l'eater the charge of the colloid is. Thus, if an electrophoresis experiment is made in such a buffer, and if specific increments determined in phosphate buffers are used for computing the concentrations, the faster bonndar,V will prove too great. The error increases still more if the Donnan equilibrium is substituted for that prevaiUng' across a moving' boundary. Finally, the affinity of gum arabic for triethanolamine is g-reater than that of haemocyanin, The gum binds a.bout two 11er cent of its own weight of potassium ions (p. 114); thus the complex gum ar[1bic-tl'iethanolamine should COlltain as much as 7.7 per cent triethanolamine. All these influences tend to make the faster boundary too great at the expense of the slower, if heavy cations a,nd light o,nions are used, 132 ARKIV Fi:il~ KElIlI, JlIINFJRALOGI O. GEOLOGI. ED 22 A. N:O 10. Table 7'. (Ph = phosphate, Tl' = triethanolamine, V = diethylbarbiLurate.) - -- - I - Bnffer 8!\lt~, Ionie Strength I Ele()troP-h~l~ticUl-Al1ltlyses I I 1;1~~r;!\CITNII~l~llV jTr~l TrCII--Alb~ iGlOb.ujGlob·pimOh.y I 18..! 81.6 I Antidiph· 0.10 0.10 ~ ~ C I Sel'Ulll therit,ic 0.10 0.10 0.10 HOl'fle Be 1'1I Ul 1:8 ~---~-- Autipneu lllD('orcic R'luhit Sernm 1:8 0.15 0.15 I -_---I-~-----0.10 0.10 0.10 I I 0.15 , 10.25 18.7 80.70 30.4 38.05 ·12.05 0.15 I 80.u 81.8 ~--- 0.10 I 20.0 18.2 4\).65 81.B -~- rj.7~-:;-~:~· 7.0 2.U5 D.ft I 8.2 48.8 41.85 47.4 This prediction is not confirmed by the three experiments with triethanolamine included in Table 0. The acetate experiment gave only slightly too much gum arabic; the experiment with acetate and barbiturate should not be expected to give a large error since there is also a heavy anion. Two experiments with triethanolamine hydrochloride and hydrofluoride were excluded owing' to their unreliability. They gave gum arabic concentrations well over 50 per cent, and thus seemed to verify the predictions, but the analyses in the two limbs differed too much, and there were also other disturbances. The haemocyanin and the <1 boundaries did not separate (the haemocyanin mobilities were extremely low, and the 0 boundaries migrated negatively), and the haemocyanin peak was too sharp to permit an accurate integration. Some experiments with unknown mixtures have also been carried out in different buffers (Table 7). These analyses show only small differences and they cannot be stated to show any systematical variations with the composition of the buffer. It should be noticed, however, that <1 did not separate from r globulin in the two triethanolamine hydrochloride experiments: the figurAs for albumin in the latter should be higher than is shown by the table. There is 110 indication of a too low albumin content in the diethylbarbiturate buffers, but possibly of too high albumin values in triethanolamine hydrochloride buffers. Triethanolamine in combination with a. light anion is not suitable for serum analyses, since 0 does not separate fr01l1 ?' globulin and all mobilities are very low. The qnestion of the applicability of the diethylbal'biturate HARRY SVENSSON, ELECTROPHORESIS. 133 buffers is of great importance since most American investigators nowadays llse them ill routine work. They are extremely favourable with respect to resolving -power for the different plasma proteins and the g'l'adient (LONGSWORTH 1942). It is not possible, from this meagre experimental material, to judge whether heavy cations and anions must be abandoned in electrophoretical analyses. Further investigations on specific increments in different buffers, as well ·as electrophoretical analyses of synthetic mixtures, must be carried out with the highest possible caTe and accuracy. The author would state, however, that it is not self-evident that heavy buffer salts may be employed, and we are inclined to believe that they are not generally applicable, in spite of the results in 'rable 7. Let us suppose that monovalent buffer salts with molecular weights of about 1.000 we:re available. It is impossible to deny tbat such salts would give refractive index iucrements at the boundaries of the Same order of mag'nitude as would the colloids under investigation. They consequently could not be used in electrophoretical analyses. Complicated organic ions occupy a position int.el'mediate between such hypothetical salts and ordinary light salts. a 4. ElectropllOretical Analyses of Some Normal SHU. An extensive literature dealing with changes in the electrophoretic patterns of sera and plasmas under pathological conditions has developed since the construction of the TISELIUS instrument and the self-registering optical sy stems. In comparison with this large experimental material, the analyses of normal human and animal sera are surprisingly few. The author therefore Iound it valuable to contribute to the study of serum and serum changes by including here as many analyses of normal animal sera as time permitted. Human sera have not been dealt with in this paper since OLBAGEN (1945) and LAGERCRANTZ (1945) have recently published investigations including in all 36 analyses on normal human sera under conditions excluding sources or error as much as possible. 1 This investigation comprises horse, cow, pig, rabbit, sheep, and guinea pig sera, ten of each. They were dialyzed undiluted with stirring for 24 hours or more against a 2 litre lot of the buffer to be used. After dialysis, they were diluted 5-6 times with buffer, cleared by centrifugation, and subjected to electrophoresis. Exposures were taken after 6 hours, lour to six exposures in each experiment. The plates were magnified I OJ. MOORE Ilnd 708 (1944). LYNN (1941) Itnd V. P. DOLE, Jonrn. CHm. Invest. 23, 13J ARlUV FOR KlDIl, lIUNImALOGI o. Q1WLOGI. BD 22 A. N:O 10. d b I ~~ g e h Fig. 32. a. CUll' Herum. b. Gninea·Pig ReruUl. c. IIarse Rerum. d. Pig Refum. c. Uabbit Serum. f. Sheep Herum. g. Autiliiphtheritic Horse Horum. h. Antipneumococcic Rahbit Rerum. 5 times, and the areas were measured with a planimeter. After dividing' by tan 0, the average areas were calculated in each limb, and the relative composition calculated. The average from both limbs was finall,V computed. Mixed buffers containing phosphates and neutral sa.lts were used ill these experiments. No systematical val'iatiolls in the apparent composition with different neutral salts could be detected, except that the albumin peak appen,red double in the presence of much fluoride. The results are collected ill Tables 8-13. A com parison of these data with oldel' analyses of the same species (of SVENSSON 1941) shows that the l]eW analyses have given a definitely lower albumin content. The salUe is the case with OLHA.GEN'S and LA.GE1WR,A.NTZ' analyses of human sera and plasmas. This is no doubt due to superimposed colloid gradients in the older investigations, where the conductivity disturbances were not as a rule sufficiently depressed. On the other hand, the present analyses of cow and rabbit sera agree satisfactorilv with those of SAN CLEMENTE and RUDDLRBON (1943), SK!:RP, TAYLOR, BEARD, and BEARD (1942) and VAN 135 HARI{Y SVENSSON, ELECTROI'llOHESIS. DEJ~ Scmmn, BORNEL, WYC:rrOFJo', and OLARK (1 \)42). This was to be expected, for these authors have used low serum and comparatively high salt concentrations. All lnvestjg'atiolls so far carried ant all considerl1ble numbers of nOl'mal individuals of the same species agree in showing' that there are great individuul variations in the composition of the serum. Typical electrophoretic patterns of some different sera are given in Fig. 32. Table 8. Analyses of Normal Oow Sera. Buffer, Ionic Strength Serum Dilution 1:5 1:4 l:fi 1:6 1:5 1:5 1:5 1:5 1:5 1:5 1 0.10 0. 15 1 3+.R O.o~ 0.02 0.03 0.02 Electropboretieal AnaJyses 0.18 0.18 0.18 0.18 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 -- Average: I +7.1 17.8 0.3 :16.8 3!l.9 11.1 I 6.55 ().~ 8.0 52.5 8.0 40.7 37.60 .U.SO 17.8 12.2 13.0 39.5 35.85 1-1.4 I 13.0 I 41.0 (l.2 17.115 I I ;18.2 37.05 I 46.0 10.75 38.25 30.5 ()., 112.3 7.15 43.0 8.15 33.4 7.6 34.95 7.85 42.4 8.2 I 37.8 Table 9. Analyses of Normal Guinea-Pig Sera. Serum Dilution Buffer Salts, Ionic Strengtb Nfl PhosPbatel l:fi 1:4 1:4 1:4 1: ·1 1:6 1:0 1:6 1: (j l:fi 0.02 0.02 0.10 0.02 0.10 0.02 N~~ll NltFTUCl 0.18 O.H 0.10 0.18 0.10 0.18 O.o~ 0.18 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 Avernge: Electrophoreticnl A nnlyses I Alb. Glob. 68.5 64.4 53.2 69.0 62.05 46.8 60.5 57.7 52.8 52.6 10.6 14.1 c( IGlob. pi I 17.0 16.0 12.45 12.8 7.3 5.3 10.0 9.6 23.6 16.2 11J.2 1+.8 13.95 11.55 7.25 17.7+16.05 11.8+ 15.2 7.0+ 16.25 21.6 21.1 22.5 1::3.1 17.8 16.7 155.8 1 14.5 I I 5.35 8.8 H.6 8.2 Glob. )' I 21.5 ~- 136 ARKIV FOR KEru:r, ~rrNE[~ALOGI O. GEOLOGI. DD 22 A. N:O 10. TavIe 1 n. Analyses of N orrnaJ .fIorse Sera. S erum I I I I Dilution Na Phosphate NaCl Nab' 1 :4 1:6 1:6 1:6 1:5 1:6 1 :6 LG 1:6 1:6 Electrophoretical Analyses Rnffer Snits, Ionic Strength I LiCl 0.18 I Alb. Glob. IX I Gloh. fl IGlub. r 37.25 3.0+7.8 29.35 5.7+ 8.~ 33.3 13.8 21.8 2fl.25 19.75 36.7 O.lR 20.8 32.1 0.02 0.18 36.5 6.2+9.2 7.8+12.7 28.1 0.02 '10.2 6.7 18.0 35.1 0.18 0.10 28.6 17.55 27.95 25.0 0.10 0.10 35.s 13.4 18.2 33.1 0.10 0.10 0.10 27.56 12.7 26.6 33.15 0.10 0.10 28.0 15.75 35.0 20.Y5 0.10 0.10 24,4 17.25 20.0+ 13.4 24.45 ·--~~---'---_'_-A-v-er~2.1-1-13.8 --+1~2-4-.2--·-;-1-29~.·-90.03 0.02 0.02 0.18 ---'------' Table 11. Analyses of Normal Pig Sera. Serum Buffer Salts, Tonic Strellgth I I ILiOI Dilution Nit Phosphate NaCl NaF 1:4 ];,t 1:0 1:6 1:5 1:5 1:0 1:2 1:6 1:6 0.02 0.02 0.18 0.18 0.02 0.02 0.1)2 0.18 0.111 0.10 0.076 0.18 0.10 0.10 Alb. 44.8 43.9 35.85 35.5 38.85 40.6 0.10 0.10 ElectrophoreticI11 Analyses 0.10 0.16 0.10 0.10 IGlob. IGlob. fll Glob·.-; IX 14.4 10.5 14.15 18.40 26.65 27.15 20.05 22.15 21.95 25.5 17.0 1().15 16.0 3l.(16 20.9 13.56 16.5 14.65 1!l.76 21).5 47 0.; 14.9 ] 5.7 15.0 12.0 4~.0 14.10 17.4 23.7 24.05 25.45 -12.1 40.4 -------'--._~" ._---'----.--'--~7-.----;--- Averl1l,!;c: 21.4 1 42.4 1 16-.0--1~1(1.8-125.;~ ~~~---~~~-~-----~-~ 137 HARRY SVENSSON, ELECTROPHORESIS. Table 12. Analyses of Normal Rabbit Sera. -. Serum Dilution Buffer Salts, Ionic Strength -- . ' Electrophoretieal Analyses I All). Nn PhosPlJatel NaOl/ Nali' LiCl 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 -. 1:6 1:6 1:6 1:5 1:6 1:6 1:6 1:6 1:5 1:6 -- -~. 0.18 IGlob. IGlob. ill Glob. r IX 62.05 60.5 60.B 10.2 12.6 11.7 56.25 62.1 4.05 60,0 4.B 64.15 4.75 59.6 3.9 5(',.4 7.4 5.6 BO.G 0.18 0.18 0.15 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 Avel'a~e: 1 59.G 1 7.05 20.9 10.0 19.4 23.75 22.1 23.1 18.85 23.7 24.0 22.1 6.85 10.9 8.6 20.0 11.75 12.6 12.75 12.8 12.211.7 t 12.0 t 21.35 Table 13. Analyses of Normal Sheep Sera. Serum Dilution 1:4 1:6 1:6 1:5 1:0 1:6 1:6 1:4 1:6 1 :4 Buffer S!tlts, Ionic Strength Na Pho~~hatel NaOlI NaF ILiCl 0.02 0.02 0.020.10 0.02 0.02 0.10 0.02 0.02 0.10 0.18 0.18 O.lB 0.075 0.18 0.18 0.10 0.18 0.18 0.10 Electrophoretlcal Analyses Alb. I Glob. IX IGlob. ill Glob. y 4.75 63.4 7.85 46.85 6.80 48.2 7.0 flO.1 5.8 15.75 58.9 59.Q 4.85+ 10.3 54.1 5.7 + 13.65 64.0 8.75 6~.8 6.2 54.0 13.2 Aveml!I': 157.8 1 10.~ 24.1 37.0 9.85 7.85 10.8 36.95 4.7 20.65 20.s 21.25 23.s 5.55 5.8 I 4.15 23.1 11.85 8.4 18.65 7.2 23.8 I 25.[) t 138 ARKIV l"OR KEnrr, lInNER-ALOGl o. GEOLOGI. En I). 22 A. N:O 10. Fraetionation of Pig' Serum. The connection between the electrochemical fractions ::Lnd those obtained by Pl'ecillitlttion with neutral salts, alcohol, and dialysis against water has been iuvestigatecl by OOHN rd al. (19-10), SVENSSON (1\:l-IJ), a,nd others. It was found tlHLt the electrophoretical serum fractions are salted out in the reverse order of their mobilities in the alkaline reg'ion, but with COllsiderable overlapping', The globulins insoluble in distilled water were shown to consist of all three electroch emical fractions; each of the latter can be split into a soluble and an insoluble part. During" the war, continued work on human plasma alongthese lines has given results of far-reaching' pract.ical COllsequences (OOHN et al. 194-1,), anel it is hoped that the details of the methods of fractiolllttion, so far held secret, will soon be pnblisheel. PEDERSEN (1945) has recentl.v published a thorough investigation of the ultracentrifugal behaviour of serum and serum fractions. He found the following general correla.tion between the ultracentrifugal and the electrophol'etical components: albumin has a sedimentation constant of 4.5 S., llurt of the a g'lobulin corresponds to the heavy 20·component, f1 globulin is identical with It la.bile X-component with varying sedimentation constant, and 'Y globulin corresponds to the well·known 7-component. The labile X-component deserves special attention. PEDERsmN founel that its sedimentation constant varied with the density of the solntion and showed that it was a lipoprotein with a molecular weight of about two millions. He aclvanced the hypothesis that it was a complex of albumin, r globulin and lipids. The fmctionation experiment to be described here was undertaken in o1'eler to determine whether the electrochemical properties of TlBI!:LlUS' fractions were constant during a fractionation procedure, or whether a disintegration of the (J complex took place. In such an investigation, it is necessary to account for all protein in the original serUm sample. No centrifuge tube mnst be allowed to crack, 110 washing can be discarnec1, and every mI. of protein used in the analyses must be taken into ::Lecount in the finalllummation. Nitrogen estimations must be carried out at each step to check that no nitrogen has escaped and that all anoJyses are cOrl·eet. Owing' to its relatively high (3 globulin content, pig serum was chosen for the fractionation. Its nitrogen content was determined, and all electrophoretical analysis was carried onto In order to make possible con venient protein analyses, an equimolecular mixture of mono- anel dipotassium phosphates HARRY SVENSSON, ELJDC~'ROPHOREl'HS. 139 was used as saIting·out ~l,gent according to BUTLER and MoN'I'(1932). 200 ml. seru111 was fractionated, and the sn,lt concentrations used to separate the fractions were chosen according to BU~'LEII, BLAT'l', anel SOD'l'HOA'l'F. (1H36). The phosphnte concentrations in the dissolved precipitates were determined by meltsuring the conductivity; an evaluation curve rela.ting the salt concentration and conc1ucti vity was con.stmctec1 before the fractionation was started. This method has been used eal'lier by the authol' for ammonium sulphate and found both convenieut and accnrate. The conductivity was measured on a 1 : 100 dilution of the dissolved preci pitates. . The precipitates were not washed, bnt dissolved and 1'8precipitated until the nitrogen content of the supernatallts became essentially constant. The supernatants were not discarded, but united with the rest of the serum (in some instances, where the nitrogen content was extremely small, the :supernatant was discarded, but the amouut of nitrogen was noted and taken into account in the final summation). It could thus not be avoided that the volume gradually grew very large; at the end of the procedure, it was more than 2 litres. The first precipitates were centrifuged down in cellon tubes; glass tubes were never employed. The more soluble precipitates could not be centrifuged, the salt solutions being too heavy; they were filtered by suction through hardened filter papers. Sometimes it was necessary to let such filtrations proceed over night, but they always succeeded, the filter papers never be·came blocked. SpeciaL care was taken in washing the filter papers and the funnels :free from nitl'ogen. The most soluble fraction, remaining in solution after the vhosphate concentration had been raised to 2.58 M, was not reprecipitated. Only a small fractiol1 of it was totally freed from protein (as tested with snlphosalicylic acid) by raising the salt concentration to about 3.4 M; 3.0 M, as suggested by BUTLER, BLA.TT, and SOUTHGA.'l'E, was not sufficient. This pre.cipitate was used for electrophoretical analysis. All dissolved precipitates were dialyzed against the same buffer, phosphate, pH 7.7 and ionic strength 0.10 + 0.10 M-LiOl; ,this buffer was also used :for the original serUlll. The fractions were subjected to electrophoresis in It concentration not exceeding' one per cent. The m obi lities of the components were read, and a comparison with the mobilities in whole serum gave information regarding the identity of the components in ·each fraction. The fractions were analyzed optically as earlier described. The results of the analyses are given in Table 14. In tbe first column, we find the salt concentrations at which the pre'GOMElty 140 ARRIV Fein, J{EJltI, NINgRALOOI O. GEOLOGI. BD 22 A. N:O 10. Table 14. 1 I Fraction I I 0.00-1.25 1.25-1.50 ].50-2.00 2.00-2.40 2 I 3 I 4 1 5 1_6I 7 I 8 1 9 I 10 Ii I Alb·lmoh.aIGlOh·.sIGlub.Yj Alh. IGlol).alGlob. (llmOl). yi 170 490 25.7 \74.3 \ 107 1084 84.6 I % 6.0 12.8 20.8 15.4 52.35 31.7 48.1 2_40-2_.~8 3.0 23.5 75.2 8.95 2.M-llAO 33.8 71.2 11.15 Compo~ition » of 10.45 11.9 12.B 5.4 1\.75 ~erllnl from anulyses of fractions II ,,» » original analysis 991 37 127 1111 1090 47.65 7.9 95 144 1768 2370 24 246 210 396 372 42_8 I 17_7 I 10.3 42.1 1 14. 05 1 13. 75 1 29.5 I 29_3 cipitates were obtained. The second column gives the amounts of the fractions in per cent of whole serum, as detel'mined by nitrogen analyses. Corrections have been appUed for the nitrogen used up in the analyses. The third to sixth columns contain the results of the electrophoretica,l analyses of the fractions, also in pel' cent of the tota.} fractions. In the seventh to tenth columns, the last-mentioned figures have been multiplied by those in the second column to give the absolute amounts of the electrochemical components in ten-thousandths of the whole serum. On summing vertically, we obtain the relative amounts of TI8ELIUS' components as determined from the fractions. For comparison, the electrophoretical analysis of the original serum is given in the line below. The agreement between the analyses from the six fractions and the original serum is surprisingly good. The small differences found for a and {1 globulins cannot be considered as significant; it is sometimes difficult to resolve these two com-ponents electrophoretically, and their mobilities in the fractions did not check with those in the original serum as well as could be desired. The conclusion to be drawn from the above result is that the mobility of a serum protein is a very stable pro-perty. It should be recalled that the fractionation procedure described here was rather violent. Many of the fractions were repre· cipitated four to five times; the work, illC11.lding the lengthy filtrations, was carried out at room temperature (in summer,. sometimes about 30° C.), except that tbe solutions were stored in the cold room overnight. The solutions were occasionally wal'med to 40° O. in order to give better fl.occulation. The whole· fractionation lasted about 6 weeks. Nevertheless, the good HARRY SVENSSON, JI~LECTROPHOI{ESIS. 141 agreement between the analysis of the original serum and those of the fractions shows that any demonstrable changes in the electrochemical properties of the proteins hlLve not taken place, except the smaH alterations in the mobilities or the a and (J g'lobulins mentioned n,bove. This is simuttaneously the strength and the weakness or the electrophoretical method of analysis: many investigations ca.n be carried out and results expressed in terms of components of fairly well-defined and constant properties, but chflllg'es that are known to occur in such procedures as that described are not reflected in the electrophoretic patterns, and thus escape discover.V. PEDERSEN'S hypothesis cOllceming the complex nature of f3 globulin has not been streng·thened by the results of this investigation, but this obviously does not prove its falsity. Such a COmlJlex is perhaps not split by the action of neutral salts; it is very plausible that stronger agents are needed. It would be or value to make similar investigations using delipidation, sillce such a treatment woulel be expected to split the fJ complex. Delipidated sera were investigated electrophoretically by BLIX (1941); he found that the f3 globulin was still present and that it retained its arfinit,y for lipids. The fractionation experim ent reported here is claimed to give further evidence of the reliability of electrophoretical analyses, uespite the many sources of er1"Or encountered in it. OHAPTER V. Preparative Electrophoresis. A. Historical. In principle, every transference apparatus is able partially to separate differently migrating substances from each other. The numerous transference instruments that have been described, however, have only in exceptional cases been applied for purification purposes. In connection with some experiments on the electrophoresis of protein mixtures, it was pointed out by TISELIUS (1930) that the electrophoretical and ultracentrifugal methods of separation have definite adva.ntages over the classical precipitation methods. The latter involved rather drastic cbanges in the state of the solution, which changes could be feared to bring' about partial denaturation. It is now well established that lengthy chemical purification processes result in a partial break-down of large lllolem.ues and in the formation of in- 142 AnKIV FOR KEUI, llUNERALOGI O. GEOLOGI. llD 22 A. N:O 10. homogeneous, ill-defille(l subsbnces (se8' for instance GRRENS'rEIN 19.J,.l aud PEDERSEN HH5). An extensive use of the gentle ultracentrifllgal and electrophoretical methods for large scale purification is restnLined by the great technical difficulties involved in the comtructioll of suitable instmments with sufficient capacity. Pl'ep!1r~Ltive ultracentrifuges are 1l0W tLvailable and lHLve made it possible to obtain several giant molecules in a practically pure state. The purification of vh-uses is one of the most important applications of this method. The electrophoretical method of preparation has not yet found such a wide application in large scale work. The greatest difficulty with this method is the heat genel'ated by the current, this heat preventing' the simultaneous application of wide U-tubes [Lnd high potential gradients. The first description of an electrophol'etical preparation by the moving boundary method was given by BENNHOLD (1933) who used a Michaelis apparatus. After the migration had proceeded for a suitable time, he dipped a capillary pipette with a warmed bulb into the U-tube. While cooling', the pipette sucked up the protein fraction present at its end. In 1934, 'rEtEORELT, constructed a U-tube divided by sliding' ebonite plates into a great number of comp::ntments. This apparatus was mainly used for analytical purposes (for transference measurements) but it was indeed well adu,pted to micropreparations. For purification on a lal'gel' scaJe, THEOHELIJ constrllcted another apparatus in the next year (THEORRLL 1935, b). His successful purification of the yellow enzyme (THEORELL 1935, a) gave a good illustmtioll of the usefulness of the new instruments and of the new method of fractionation. TISTI:LIUS' apparatus of the year 1937 is at the same time ~L moving boundary, a transference, and a preparative illstrument. Its great applicability for purification purposes was greatly enhanced by the convenient and sensitive method of observa.tion and by the technical arrangement afterwal'ds called »)the compensator». The separation of phycocyanin and phycoerythrin, as described in TrsELIus' paper, is a very nice demonstration of the possibilities of the electrophOl'etical method of fractiOllation. TISELJUS' orig'illal construction only permitted the divi~ion of each limb into two fractions; when necessary! tbese fructions were subdivided when the apparatus was taken into parts. Suita.ble devices and procedures fOl' an arbitrary 8U bdivision of the limbs into several fractions bave been cles~ribe(l by LONGSWORTH (1942) and by SAN OLEMENTE (1943). TISELI"US' analytical instrument soon proved to be too small £01' large-scale preparatiolls. A special preparative apparatus HARl~Y SVENSSON, ELEO'rnOPHORESIS. 1-13 with g'l'eatly increased dimensions was then built (TumLlus 1938). Examples of the use of this apparatus hiLVe been given by BLIX, TISELIUS, and SVENSSON (1941). In 19-1:Z, the present authol' described a new type of apparatus for pl'epamtive 11se. The system with sliding' cells waH abandoned, the fractionation was instead carried out b}' suction at eig'ht capillary tubes attached to the U-tube limbs. The cross-sectional area was the same as in 'rISELI us' analytical model in order to make possible the use of high potential gradients. An arrangement was introduced VI' hereby the current could be reversed in the electrode tubes without reversing it in the U-t.ube: in this way it was possible to use quite small electrodes n,nd buffer volumes. The small volume or the U-tube was compensated b.V the possibility of carrying' on the experiment with further amounts of fresh material after the fractionation of the first lot had been completed. An arrangement for chang'ing the pol:ll'ities of the electrodes was alrea,dy used 26 years ago in a simple transfeJ'ence apparatus (STEIGMAN 1920), the current being reversed once a minute, The dimensions of the present apparatus are such that the current may pass ill the same direction for] 2-hoUl' periods. The ideas constituting the basis of this new construction have been found valuable during the last few years. There were, however, certain draw-backs in the original construction which reducecl the convenience of its use. Most of these in· conveniences have now been eliminated in a manner that will. be described in the next section. A simple, but ingenions electrophoresis apparatus for preparative pmposes was built in the year 19..J,1 by MACHlBBOEUF_ His method of sampling is essentinlly the same as that adopted by the present author. A theoretical treatment of the influence of different factors, above all the shape of the U-tube, on the efficiency of a preparative appa,l'atus was given by the author in 1944. The heat-distribution within the U-tube, and the convection currents arising therefrom were also treated by MOONEY (1941). The practical consequences of the theory may be summarized as follows: 1. The separation speed, in grams of pnrifipd matm'ial isolated per unit time, v!1ries inversely with tLe square root of the conclup.tivity. Since high Balt concentrations also climinish the mobilities, there are two reaS0119 for keeping the conductivity low, 2. The flat, l'ectang'lliar cells introduced by TrsELIUs nre more efficient than cylindrical tubes; the latter require more material to give the same separation speed. The smaller internal dimensions of a fiat cell only slightly influence the efficiency 144 ARKIV I"OR ITEMI, lInNERAJ~OGI o. GEOLOGI. ED 22 A. N:O 10. of the apparatus; the larger dimensions increase it proportionally . . 3. There is an optimum thermostat temperature that depends upon the dimel1Siol1s of the app~Lratus, the temperature of maximnm density, amI other factors. As long- as the influence of the cOIIlmonly used buffer salts upon the temperature of the density maximum is not completely known, however, it is not possible to adjust the thermostat temperature to the optimum valne. n. Dcscription of the Prcparative Allparatlls. The whole apparatus is shown in the perspective drawing in Fig. 33. The U-tube A is made in one piece by cementing plane plates tog-ether. The best material is glass; perspex was also tried, but great difficulties were experienced in making such a tube free from electrical leaks, and the material also Fig. 33. HAHl"y SVENSSON, EI,ECTROPHORESIS. 1-l5 had an inferior optical quality. The limbs are 20 cm. high and of the cross·section 3 X 25 (3 X 50) mm., although the dimensions can naturally be chosen at will. Five short capillary t.ubes are cemented to the U-tube, one at the bottom, two on the upper parts of the limbs, and two on the lower pal'ts. The capillary at the bottom is used for forcing in the colloid solution, the others for sampling and for sharpening of blurred boundaries. The five capillaries are connected, by small rubber tubes, to long, carefully bent capillary tubes Bl to B G• These, in tUl'll, are connected to similar tubes nailed to the front wall of the thermostat and ending' a few Clll. above the table (these tubes are not shown in the figure). They are normally closed b.y small glass rods. If they are opened, the contents of the U·tube run out slowly (the dimensions of the capillaries are chosen to give a stre~1.ming velocity of about one drop in two seconds) and at a steady rate (the driving hydrostatic pressure is some 50 cm., so t.hat a small change in the level of the free liquid surface in the apparatus is of no significance). The fractions are recieved drop by drop in small beakers placed below the ends of the capillaries. C is the container for the colloid solution; its volume is that required to fill the bottom part and one limb of the U·tube. At the top or the U-tube, the limbs end in two closed basins E separated from each other by a, vertical wall D. To the ceiling's or the basins, two quite short vertical glass tubes F, 20 mm. in bore, are attached. The rubber tubes G give the necessary flexibility and provide connection with the two standard ground joints H. Thus the electrical insulation against the water-bath is attained in the same way as in the analytical apparatus. The U-tube hangs in the horizontal metal plate I attached to the frame J, which carries the whole apparatus, by the metal rods K. The electrode tubes L are 50 mm. in bore and 45 cm. high. .A long side-tube M, attached to the bottom of the main tube and terminating in the standard ground joint N, carries the chloride container 0 with a narrower tube P running centrally in M. These side-tubes are used for forcing in the chloride solution in the beginning of the experiment and for emptying the apparatus at its end. The electrodes Q are constructed as in the analytical apparahls and are only slightly larger. A silver rod runs in the insulating tube R, and the space between R and the tube S is sealed with a rubber tube. At the upper ends, the electrode tubes divide into three vertical tubes, the central narrow tube S, and two 20 mm. tubes T. The electrodes thus cannot be removed from the tubes. Arki" lor kemi, min~ralo(Ji O. geolo(J;. Ed 22 A. N.-o 10. 10 14G ARIUV FOR KEnn, lUINEIMJ.OGI O. GEOT,OGI. BD 22 A. N:O 10. This is clearly a disadvantage; a construction with a large standard ground joint at the top of the electrode tube and the tubes T attached to its male comlJonent lllay p08siLly be tried in future. The apparatus can work for a very long time, however, before the silver is so etched that the current is broken, which i>3 the only reason for removing the electrodes. The four connecting tubes U and the large stop· cocks V serve the purpose of providing liquid junctions betweeu the electrode tubes and the U-tube li.mbs. In order to make possible a change in polarit.y of the electrodes without a corresponding change in the U-tube, each electrode tube can be connected with each U-tube limb; by adjusting the stop-cocks V, it is possible to choose the current direction in the U-tube independently of that in the electrode tubes. As already pointeu out, this arrangement makes it possible to run separations practically as long as desired. In the previous construction, the polarity chang'c was achieved by means of an air commutator, but this ltrra11gement coulel not be used without shutting off the U-tube limbs from the rest of the apparatus, owing' to convective streamings. The present liquid commutator with two stop-cocks constitutes, of course, the simplest solution of the problem; the stop·cocks Jllay be turned without any perceptible disturbances. This device was not initially introduced because such large stopcocks could not be purchased; they have now been ground especially for this purpose. Two short tubes X are attached to the tops of the stopcocks; they are attached by rubber tubes to the two arms of the compensator, which is built according' to the principles mentioned in the description of the analytical apparatus. The optical system is the same as in the analytical model. The use Ot a concave mirror just behind the cell is especially advantageous in this apparatus, since it is the only possible means of obtaining an aberration-free achromatic optical system. Ordinary lenses at 20 cm. diameter give a very appreciable spherical aberration, and monochromatic light is necessary. The costs of making corrected lenses of these dimensions are so higb as to be disproportionate to the usefulness of the apparatus. The concave mirroT is of 200 cm. radius of curvature and measures 5 X 20 cm. It is spherical; a large circular spherical mirror can be subdivided into several rectangular mirrors, which procedure is not possible with elliptical mirrors and with lenses. It is used with a magnification of unity. The mirror housing is visible in the figul'e (Y). .A. metal screen Z with four vel'- HARRY SVENSSON, ELECTROPHORESIS. 147 tical slits prevents unwanted light from entering the camera and corresponds to the diaphragm of the analytical apparatus in Fig. 23. ~ C. The Mallilmlation of tIle Preparative Apparatus. The apparatus is so constructed that it need only in exceptional cases be lifted from the water bath and taken to pieces. Filling, sampling, and emptying operations are all cal'ried out in sitn. Cleaning cannot be carried out in the thermo· stat, but experience has shown that cleaning, except simple rinsing, is very seldom necessary. There is no g-rease in the U ~tube region. Let us suppose that the apparatus is empty and the elec· trodes well rinsed since the fOl'egoing experiment. The buffer to be used is then -poured in through a illUnel attached to one of the tubes X (Fig. 33). The liquid will first run down and fill the U~tnbe. After reaching the stop·cocks, it passes into the electrode tubes. It should be observed that during this procedure half of the buffer passes through the U-tube on its way to one elecb'ode tube; thus the U-tube is automatically and effectively l'insed. Almost all air in the appamtus is forced out through the other tube X during the filling, but a small quantity is left in the stop"cock through which the liquid flows in; this is l'emoved later. BuffeT is poured in until it rises in the other tube X. The funnel is then l'emoved. The chloride funnels are lifted sEg-htly in order to remove the ail' in the tubes M. The liquid then rises by itself to the ground joint, and the inner tubes P are again put in place. The sto-p·cocks of the chloride funnels aTE' opened until the inn er tubes P are also completely filled with buffer to a level somewhat above the stop-cocks. The buffer is also allowed to rise above the stop"cock of the colloid container C. The apparatus is now left to cool down for half an hour. The two tubes X are connected by rubber tubes to the two arms of the compensator. The chloride containers are filled with a strong', cooled chloride solution, which is allowed to run down. The rest of the air in the a-pparatus is simultaneously forced out through the tubes X, and the compensator is finally £lled with buffer coming the same way. After the chloride has run down, the stop-cocks are closed. The level in the compensator is reg'ulated to the desired value. Any buffer pl'esent in the container C is removed, and the container is filled with colloid solution. The stop·cock is opened, and the solution to be fractionated is fOl'ced in through the 148 Al~KIV h'uR KEMI, JlrINERALOGI O. GEOLOGI. ED 22 A. N:o 10. capillary A j • The rate as well as the direction of migration can be regulated by the compensator. If both connections between ~"pparatl1s and compensator are left open, the boundaries will migrate symmetrically in the two limbs; if one of them is closed, the corresponding boundary ceases to migrate, and the colloid rises only in the other limb. The speed can be regulated by adjusting the level in the compensator. The filling can also be carried out with both connections to the compensator closed, but it is then neceflsary to open One 01' two of the outlet capillaries . .A very convenient method is to open the lower left·hand and the upper right-hand capillary when opening the stop-cock at C. The colloid solution will then migrate Ul_) to these capillaries; if a small quantity is allowed to run out by these paths, the boundaries are most effectively sharpened and it is impossible that they move too far. The method of making boundaries by forcing in the heavier solution from the bottom is of COUTse much inferior to that employed by TI>ll!]LIU8 in bis analytical apparatus, but if the former method is combined with a subsequent sharpening' in the manner just described, it results in boundaries COlliparable with those obtained in the TISELIUS model. When the sharpening is complete, as judged by observations ill the camera, the capillaries are closed; the lower capillary must obviously be closed long' before the upper one. The stop-cocks are turned into their correct positions, if this haf:l not already been done, and the current is closed in the propel' direction. Reaclings are made if necessary; otherwise the apparatus can be left to itf:lelf until the fastest boundary has reached the top capillary in the ascending' limb. If the apparatus cannot be run in the same direction for so long a time, a polarity change must be undertaken before; it is most suitable to make this change when the boundaries have proceeded half the distance_ The current is revel'sed on the instrument board, and the stop-cocks V are simultaneously turned through 180°. After the first boundary has reached the top capillary, the current is broken, and the first sampling- follows. The container C is ag'ain filled with solution, and its stop-cock is opened. If the upper left-hand capillary is now also opened, the fastest component will run out that way drop by drop. It is received in a small beaker. .A_ mixture of the first and second components then follows when the second boundary has arrived at the capillary. Th is is watched in the camera, and the beaker is changed at the rig'ht moment. The fractionation is continued until all boundaries bave UllHed into one very sharp boundary. The final fraction is always a mixI HARR Y SVENSSON, ELECTROPHORESIS. 149 tUl'e of all components, like the original solution, since the last boundary is in general the 0 boundary. The stop-cock at C is now closed, and the connection between the left hand limb and the compensator is opened instead. In this way the upper left-hand capillary is rinsed with buffer coming from above. The capillary is then closed, and the upper right-hand capillary is opened. The right-hanc1limb is then emptied in the same manner llS the left-hand limb before. At first we obtain a fraction of the slowest component in pure forll, then a mixture of the two slowest component,s, and so on. 'rhe last fraction, obtained during the sharpening of the lowest boundary, is a mixture of all components. Since it has a concentration other than that of the original solution, it should not be mixed with the latter. After the sampling, we have again two sharp boundaries, one at the lower left-hand, the other at the upper righthand capillary, i. e. the original conditions. After reversing the current d.irection and turn ing the stop-cocks V throtlg'h 0 180 , the current is aga,in closed, and the second phase of the experiment can begin. The procedure may be modified in many ways. It is natura,lly possible to start at the upper left-band and the lower right-hanel capillaries. The sampling can begin in the Tighthand as well as in tbe left-hand limb. The compensatoT IJeed not be used, the necessary hydrostatic pressure being' obtained by l)ouring in more chloride in the proper container and opening the appropriate stop-cock. In the fractionation of large volumes of colloid, however, this method is not advisable since much buffer is thus lost. By the procedure of emptying the descending limb first, the boundary positions are reversed in the second phase as compared with the first; the current can then be reversed in both U-tllbe and elecb'ode tubes when starting the second phase, and the comilll1ta,tol' s'ystem need not be used. The latter is necessary, however, if the poles must be changed before the fastest component has travelled through the entire limb. The procedure described is not practica,ble for the last quantity of colloid solution to be fractionated, since the fresh material is pressed in simultaneously with the sampling. If no more material is available, however, the last fractionation can be carried out with an arbitrary heavy solution instead; this is forced in throng'b the bottom capillary. In evel'y phase of a fractionation, a certain amount of the original solution is recovered frOID the outlet capillaries in a somewhat diluted form. These fractions may, if desired, be mixed and fractionated once more in the same 'Way. 150 ARKIV FOR KENI, NINERALOCtI O. GEOI,OGI. BD 22 A. N:O 10. It is most convenient to select the voltage and other conditions so that samplings can be carried out in the morning and in the evening. In routine work, the apparatus then requires management for one hour in the morning and one hour in the evening, and the electrophoretical separation proceeds during the day and overnight. The necessity of using the compensator. for its original purpose, in order to keep the slowest boundary resting at the starting position, seldom prevails, since the slowest boundary is in most cases the 0' boundary, which moves very slowly or not at all. In exceptioual cases, where the colloid concentration can be chosen very low in relation to the salt concentration, the 0' boundary may be negligible. It is then permissible to compensate it through the bottom of the U -tube. This must never be done with It plainly visible boundary, since the result will be convection iu the other limb. That the 0' boundary is generally appreciable is evident from the circumstance that the yield per unit time of purified substances increases with the colloid concentration and decreases with the conductivity of the buffer. The apparatus is emptied by suction in the chloride and colloid containers. Since the latter is connected with the Utube by a thin capillary, the latter procedure takes some time, but the c8l1tr{1l part of the apparatus must be emptied in this way. It should be observed that the electrodes are already effectively rinsed free from chloride solution when the electrode tubes are emptied, the whole content of the latter passing the electrodes on its way to the pump. If an additional washing is j udgecl necessary, it should be carried out before the central part of the apparatus is emptied. Summary. In the first chapter, a geneml theor.y of electrical migration is given, The only assumption underlying this theory is that of sharp boundaries; since the theory itself permits judgement of whether the boundaries are sharpened or blurred during the migration, there is never any doubt concerning its quantitative applicability. With 11 ion species present. in the system, an originally sbarp bonndary between two solutions of arbitrary compositions will split into n - 1 boundaries, one resting and n - 2 moving bonndaries. The resting boundary is identical with the well-known 0' or Ii boundary. The boundaries are cha.racterized by the so called boundary mobilities U' and U", one HARRY SVENSSON, ELECTROPHORESIS. 151 calculated from the conductivity on the anodic, the other from that on the cathodic side of the boundary. If all ion species are present in both original solutions, no boundary will move with It true ionic mobility; such boundaries are called false boundaries. The conditions of obtaining a boundary with the mobility of a certain ion is the absence of this ion in one of the original solutions. Exact information regarding the conductivity to be used for calculating the field strength is given. The theory is claimed to be valid for ordinarv as well as for colloid ions. and its later part deals mainly with the electro· phoresis of colloids. An expression for the conductivity change at a moving boundary is derived, and the influences of differ· ent experimental conditions on the boundary anomalies are discussed in detail. It is found that the specific charge of the colloid and the mobilities of the buffer ions exert a great infiuence. With decreasing mobilities of the buffer ions, the boundary anomalies gradually diminish, and, if a buffer ion with the same mobility as the colloid can be found, the anomalies totally disappear. The changes in ionic concentrations and refractive index at moving boundaries are next considered. It is shown that all ions present change their concentrations at every boundary and that the refractive index increment at a moving colloid boundary, contrary to the generally accepted view, is not due to the colloid alone. The possibilities of choosing such experimental conditions that this ideal state of affairs is appt'oximated to, are investigated and discussed. The magnitude of the a gradient is derived on the assumption that the two -original solutions are in complete Donnan equilibrium with each other. Other sources of error, such as electrode reactions, electro-osmosis, and convections, are briefly discussed in a special section. Chapter II contains a description of the TISELIUS electrophoresis apparatus, including some improvements made during' -the last few years. Directions for the use of the apparatus are given. Chapter III deals with the method of observation, theol'eticaIly and descriptively. An elementary theory of the crossedslit method is first given, the diffraction of light being' neglected. After a consideration of the light-intensity and the factors exerting an influnce thereon, the diffraction is subjected to a detailed study, The thickness of the curve is derived, and the resolving power of the method calculated and dis-cussed. The chief factor influencing the resolving power is 152 ARKIV FOR RElIII, lIIINERALOGI O. GEOLOGI. ED 22 A. N:O 10. the cell thickness, but the active distance between the horizontal slit and the cell is also of some imllortance. In the next section, the SOllrces of error in the method are analyzed. The errors due to curved and inclined paths of light through the cell l11'e first treat.ed. This necessitates a thorough mathematical analysis of the light-path in an inhomogeneous medium. Errors ill the form of wrong shape and wrong position of the peak, and wrong enclosed area· are calculated in terms of properties of the gmdient and of the appal'atns constants. It is shown that cells much larger than was to be expected can be used in this method, chiefly because it involves one more parameter than other similar methods: the plane on which the camera objective is focused. Errors due to optical imperfections in the lenses and glass plates are next considered. The requirements to be satisfied by the different components are listed. In the next section, a description of the optical components is given. A crossed-slit arrangement with concave spherical mirrors instead of lenses is described here. This possesses a, higher resolving power than the lens system and is completely aclll'omatic, but it is inferior to lens arrangements in certain other respects. The chapter ends with directions for adjusting' the optical system and with methods for experimental determination of apparatus constants. Chapter IV, headed »Electrophoretical Measurements», commences with a section describing 130me experiments which verify the predictions of the theory in the first chapter. It is necessary in this connection to measure the charge of thecolloid, which has been done by a new method based on combined electrophoresis and conductivity measurements on solutions in Donnan equilibrium. If the method is combinecl with chemical anal,Yses, it is possible to determine the extent to which diffusible ions are bound to colloids. The second section goi ves a survey of the factors influen cingthe mobility and the isoelectric point of a colloid, the boundary spreading, and the conditions for obtaining correct mobilities. Two esselltiall,Y different methods of measuring' mobilities are' treated, one with depressed boundary anomalies, where theboundaries diffuse and spread normally, and another with pronot1nced boundal'Y anomalies, where the measurements can be made on very sharp boundaries. The latter method, which necessitates a complete knowledge of false moving boundaries. and of the conductivity that must be employed, has not yet been applied to colloids, and the possibilities of this are limited. This section ends with some mobility stt1dies on serum proteins and haemocyanin, which apparently lead to the c011clu- HARRY SVENSSON, ELEOTROPHORESIS. 153 sian that the affinity of proteins for diffusible ions increases with the size of the latter. In the section, :,Electrophoretical Analyses», a survey of all sources of errol' is first g'iven, followed by a description of the conditions which appear to warrant correct analyses. The applicability of electrophoretical analyses have been tested on a mixture of known composition and on two immune sera, which were investigated in differE'nt buffers. Oorrect results are obtained in most buffers, but doubts ere 1'ai8e(1 concerning the applicability of heavy ions. It can, at all events, be stated that the usefulness of such ions must be critically investig·ated more than has been dOlle hitherto. 60 analyses or sera from normal individuals of horse, cow, rabbit, pig, sheep, and guineapig are next presented; it is found that the individual variations are comparatively great; and tbat the albumin content is lower than many older analyses have shown. The section ends with a description of an investigation where pig serum was subdivided by potassium phospbate into six fractions with increasing solubility, and each fraction, as well as the original serum, was analyzed electrophoretically. The analyses of the fractions are found to check with that of the original S~l'um within the experimental errors. This gives a further proof of the l'eUability of electrophoretical analyses, if carried out carefully; it also shows that the mobility is a fairly stable property that does not greatly change during a rather violent fractionation procedure. In the final chapter, a review of fractionation and purification by the moving boundary method is given. A preparative apparatus is described, charactm'ized by a new sampHng device: the fractions aTe sucked out through side capillaries 011 the U-tube walls. A further amount of fresh matedal to be purified is simultaneously forced in from a bottom capillary, and the experiment is allowed to proceed. The apparatus thus works continuously, al1d it is equally well adapted to small and large volumes. 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As the first step in this investigation, an X-ray analysis of the compound (Mo GCI s](OH)4' 14 H~O, was performed whereby the existence of the group [MoaCls] was established [BRasSET, (1945)]. In this group the eight chlorine atoms lie at the corners of a cube which is face centered with molybdenum atoms. As it seemed to be of great interest to establish whether other types of complex compounds with bivalent molybdenum are also built up of these peculiar [MooClsl groups, an X-ray analysis of the compound [MasCI,!· ·2 Hs01Cls . 2 HsO [this formula is given by LINDNER, HALLER, and HELWIG (1923)] was undertaken. The compound in question was originally prepared by BLOMSTRAND (1859). He obtained it as a crystalline precipitate from a solution of dichloride in moderately dilute hydrochloric acid, and, as a result of his analysis, ascribed to it the formula MosCI",· 01 2 + 3 H 2 0. LINDNER, HALLER, and HELWIG (1923) have studied a series of compounds which are fOl'med by hydrolyses from the chloroacic1 R[Mo aCl 7 • H 2 0], 3 H 2 0 (the formula proposed by the authors last mentioned). They found that in the first step of the hydrolysis, i. e. when only a small Arkiv fOr kemi, minera!o(!i o. [J6ologi. Ed 22.d. N;o 11. 1 2 ARKIV FOR KE1tn, llUNERALOGI O. GEOLOGI. BD 22 A. N:O 11. n,mount of wn,ter is added to a strong' hydrochloric solution of the chloroacid, a crystalline body is pl'ecipitn,ted which from their analysis and dehydratatioll investigations was given the formula [Mon0l,! . 2 H 2 0j012 . ~ H 20. Although this formula COlltains one more molecule of water than BL01tlS'l'I1AND'S formula LINDNER, H,U,LER, and HJ'~LWICI, nevertheless, consider it to be the same compound. The lower water content found by BLO]lSTRAND is probably due to the characteristic ease with which this compound looses water. I prepared [Mo H01 4 • 2 H 30101 2 • 2 H 20 in the following way: dichloride was dissolved in hydrochloric acid 1 : 1 (t ~ 80° 0) and the saturated solution cooled to room temperature. By this procedure chloroacid is precipitated in the form of very thin needle-shaped crystals. The desired compound was then obtained from a saturated solution of chloro!1cid in hydrochloric acid 1: 3 (in my paper cited above the strength was erroneously stated as 1 : 1). The compound [MoaOl'l . 2 H 2 0JOI2' 2 H 20 crystallizes in very thin yellow coloured tetragonal plates. No good Laue photographs could be obtained. Nor were the powder photographs satisfactory, as, with few exceIJtions, they showed only tbe reflections from the faces 00 l. N evel'theless, they could be used for the exact calculation of the lattice constants. Fortunately, rather good rotation and Weissenbel'g photographs were obtained, making it possible to solve the problem. 1 The compound crystallizes in the tetragonal system. The dimensions of the unit cell were found to be a = 9.001, c = 28.041, V= 2302 1n. As the densit,y was found to be 2.29, the unit cell must contain 24.01, e. g. 24, formula units of MoCl 2 • 4/3 H 2 0. The intensities of the reflections in the W eissen berg photographs show the following regularities: and 1 All X.ray crystallographical notations used in this paper are in ae· cordance with the International TallIes. For metho<1s of calculation see BRQSSET (HI45). BROSSET, COMPLEX COMPOUNDS OF BIVALENT MOLYBDENUM. n. 3 ."':\, O/t .-"'-'h.»'l!'-~\.->.~___'c'i .'': 1 b !1 Ii'. b a Fig.!. Fig. 2. This indicates that the compound in question may crystallize in the crystal class D.u, -4/m m m. Further, the following types of reflections are missing: hkO with h hkl with Okl with + k = 2n + 1 1= 2 n 1= 2 12 +1 + 1. This is characteristic of the space group D 4 h B-P4/nec. As the structure problem of [MooOls](OHL' 14 H 2 0 could be solved by means of Patterson analysis it was natural to use the same method in this case. Projections of the Patterson function on planes perpendicular to the c and a axes were made (Fig. 1 a and 2 a). The projections were founded on values of 1"1.;0 and hOI estimated visually from the Weissenberg -photographs no 1 and no 2 respectively (Tab. 1 and 2). The IFI2 were obtained as usual by division of the corresponding' values of 1 by the factors dependent on the ang'le (with the exception of the temperature factor). As a consequence of the investigation of [Mou01sJ (OR).! ·14 H 2 0 (l. c.l, it is very probable that the stronger peaks reproduced in Fig. 1 a and 2 a are caused by Mo-Mo distances in the lattice in question. The first problem was thus to find a distribution of 24 Mo in the unit cell that could explain the peaks in the Patterson projections. It was easy to establish that the only distribution of Mo consistent with tIle grouping of the peaks in tIle Pattersou projections is the following: 4 ARRIV FOR REMI, MINERALOGI O. GEOLOGI. ED 22 A. N:O ll. Table 1. Weissenberg photograph no. 1. Ou Ka radiation. Tt k l 200 400 600 800 1000 1~lllC'1 I~.stiJJl·11 Int. lOt. HO 1 0.0 880 ~!llc'l E~tilll'll lDt. h k l I~l\lC'1 Int. E~tiru. It k Z/ mt. lilt. 110 101 1 100 1220 310 3 1 420 7 3 620 - II 510 7 Ii 710 '7 820 10 910 0.4 20 11 10 29 _- -_ - - _- 2 0.0 Ihfl8 :I 72 1 1 -----640 840 In • 5 3 ---- II ~alt· IE~tim'll - \) 11 1 16 It Ie 550 750 950 I- 0.4 -- 27 (l --- - 660 860 6 \J Int. - 50 30 - - ;3 30 34 liilO 11 'lilO 4 9;3 0 0.1 1 20 10 5 - - - -- - - 'l 7 0 0.1 - 2 970 13 20 20 - - - - - - - - - - --- --- - - 2 13 16 Mo at 16 (g): x~O.'JO; y~O.19; Z-0.10; 4 (c): z ~ 0.34; 4 Mo at 4 (c): z ~ OAB. 4 Mo at The vectors representing all possible Mo-Mo distances calculated with theAe parameter values are represented in Fig. 1 band 2 b. As is seen the ends of the vectors coincide with the stronger peaks in the Patterson projections. The distribution of Mo atoms given above, however, implies the presence of octahedral Moo groups with nearly the same dimensions as in the structure of [MooOIs] (OH}4' 14 H 20. It was then natural to assume that the lattice was, in this case also, built up of [MoaOlsl groups, with the eight chlorine atoms lying at the corners of a cube, face centered with the six molybdenum atoms. For the remaining four chlorine atoms the following two alternatives seemed to be possible: 1. Six chlorine atoms surrounding the [MouClsl group in octahechal configuration, four of them being shared between two groups. 2. Four chlorine atoms lying at the corners of a square and surrounding the [MoaOls) group. From spacial considerations alternative 1 is impossible, while, for the same reasons, alternative 2 seems probable. This gives the following arrangement of the chlorine atoms: BROSSET, COMPLEX COMPOUNDS OF BIV.A.I,ENT JlIOLYllDENUllL II. 5 Table 2. Weissenberg photograph no. 2. Ou KeY. radiation. hId I I E~tim.\\ mt. Culc. into 225 7 31 (> 20 - - - 150 10 30 15 24 41 84 0.1 20 20 40 100 - 19 20 - 0.8 O.n - 3 3020 3022 3024 3026 3028 3030 3032 3034 5 100 100 4 3 89 30 4 30 (\ 30 8 3010 3012 3014 S01(J 3018 10 8 IE) 127 10 16 0.1 0.1 0032 !l 0 2 - 0.3 26 0030 0034 100 25 35 0,0 15 17 6 4 3 0.0 0.6 2 ])4h 8 I~nlc'l mt. E~tiru'll mt. II I 00 2 00 4 00 6 00 8 0010 0012 0014 0016 0018 0020 0022 0024 0026 0028 hkl [> - 5 - - II 10 2 10 4 10 6 10 8 1010 1012 1014 1016 1018 1020 1022 1024 1026 1028 1030 1032 1034 266 20 0.1 40 0 40 2 40 4 40 6 40 8 4010 4012 4014 40 J6 <1018 4020 4022 4024 4026 4028 4030 4032 4034 11 0.1 1 200 10 - 7 - 0.0 12 16 13 [> - 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0 -- 20 0 20 2 20 4 20 6 20 8 2010 2012 1 2014 ! 2016 2018 2020 2022 2024 2026 2028 2030 2032 2034 5 - I 3 0.0 13 2 IEstim. ICnlc. into into 9 0.2 11 16 1 19 0.0 0.6 0.0 0.1 1 - (> 10 10 - O.n 2 1 0.0 - - 0.0 I 0.0 0.1 5 I - 10 - 10 20 17 3 19 0.1 0.7 1 0.0 3 0.8 -20 - - -5 (\ I I) 5 5 12 2 0.0 0.6 0.2 0.1 3 hId I - I I 16 Cl at 16 (g): x ~ 0.23; y ~ 0.08; ;Z ~ 0.04; 1601 at 16 (g); x-0.23; y~0.08; ;Z~0.10; 16 01 at 16 (g): x ~ 0.23; y ~ 0.08; z ~ 0.90. The intensities calculated from this arrangement of the molybdenum and chlorine atoms was found to approximate sufficiently closely to those observed ror the arrangement to be 6 ARKIV FOR JLElIII, MINEHALOGI 0, GEOLOGl. ED 22 A. N:O 11. considered as correct in principal, and it was possible to continue with the placing of the remaining atoms, £, c. 32 H 2 0. This could be done only from spacial considerations. Remsmbel'ing the structure or [MouC1Hl (OR),,' 14 H 20, it seemed reasonable to place two oxygen atoms at each [MooCl s] group, thus forming together with the outer four chlorine atoms, an octahedron surl'Ounding the [MooCls] group. 'l'he remaining 24 oxyg'en atolls should then be placed in such a way as to fill up the available space and give the whole structure a convenient stability. From these considerations the following arrangement of the oxygen atolls was attained: D4h 8 40 40 40 40 ]60 at 4 (a); at 4 (c): z ~ 0.27; at 4 (c): z,.., 0.53; at 4 (c): z ~ 0.17; at 16 (g): x ~ 0.2{\; y"" 0.1l0; z,.., 0.29. After t,he fin111 l1djustment of the parameters with the help of the observed intensities, and, in the case of the oxygen atoms, by considering the space available, the following atomic arrangement was obtained: Dil! B 16 Mo at 4Mo at 4Mo at 16 Cl at 1601 at 1601 at 40 at 40 at 40 at 40 at 160 at 16 (g): X=0.40; y=0.185; z = O.IOO; 4 (c): z = 0.3:36; 4 (c): z = 0.4(\4; 16 (a) : x = 0.23; Jj = 0.08; Z = 0.031); 16 (g) : x = 0,23; !J = 0.08; Z = 0.1(;4; 16 (g): x = 0,23; Y = 0.08; z = O.QOO; 4(a) ; 4 (c): z = 0.268; 4 (c): z = 0.032; 4 (c): z = 0.108; 16 (g): x = 0.2M;; y = O.'JOO; 8 = 0,286. As is seen from Tables 1, 2, and 3, the intensities calculated with these parameter values agree satisfactorily with those observed in the photographs. The lattice of the molybdenum chloride in question is built up of [MooCls] (C14 ' 2 H 20) groups (Fjg. 3 c) forming double BROSSET, COJ\lPLEX CONPOUNDS OF BIY ALENT llIOLYBDENUM. II. 7 Table 3. Weisscllberg photograph no. 3. Cu Ka l'aclia,tion. hk I I~~lc'l E~tiU1'11 It k I I ~alc'l E~tiUl'11 hk I IC:lllc'l E~tilll'!lli mt. I k I I~alc'l mt. E~tiIll. lilt. I lilt. lllt. 1111 01 2 265 '! 11 2 0.0 01 4 20 5 11 4 0.0 01 (3 0.1 01 8 7 0110 0.0 - 11 6 1 11 8 0,7 - 1110 0,0 3 0112 12 10 1112 0.2 0114 16 10 1114 \l 011(1 13 10 1111 HI 11 0120 lllt. lllt. I 11 0 0118 lllt. I 12 0.1 10 1118 0.8 - , 1120 - i 1122 - 11124 - 1126 - 1128 - 1130 0.2 ? \1; i I 0122 0.1 0124 0.0 0126 0.0 0128 3 0130 0.0 0132 13 0134 2 5 - 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 4 \ 1132 O.G 1118l 1 \I 21 1 14 2 0.2 \ 21 , 21 3 0.0 -4 I 0.1 5 3 121 6 1121 7 0 0.1 121 8 Ii 21 9 1 - 2110 0.5 2111 0.0 - 1 2112 0.7 , 2113 1 10 2114 0.,1 2115 0.1 11211(3 0.1 [) '2117 2 2118 0.0 I 2119 0.0 - )2120 0.0 0,1 2121 - 112122 0.2 0.9 2123 2124 0.1 2125 0.0 - 2126 0.1 0,0 1 2127 - 2128 0,0 1 ,21 21l \ 0,1 - 12 I 30 0,0 2 IllI 0.3 - 11 2132 0.0 1 - 1,2133 0.0 [2134 I \ 31 0 10 2 5 20 - lSI 11 1 " 31 2 3 \ :-11 4 lis 1 'in 5 (i 7 :l 0.0 0.2 8 23 38 1 131 7 a : 31 8 1 - 131 \) 10 22 - : 3111 6 - i 3112 0,0 - [ 3113 0.5 - 11311,1 0.0 - ,13115 O.S - 1,\ :JIll} 0.4 jl:{ 117 0.1 - 113118 0,0 1311\) 0.1 - i l 3 120 4 - i 3121 :1 - 3122 2 0,9 3123 2 - I1 3124 3 a 1 3125 - I 3126 4 -- S 1 27 0.0 0.1 3128 0.0 3129 0.0 3 I 30 0,3 3131 0.0 3132 - 3133 0'0 - 313o! 3 r 'O - I, - 20 10 - - 15 30 30 5 - 10 15 5 - - -- - - - I 3 3 5 5 5 -- - ! : 1 ----- " - - -I layers, the latter being separated from each other by water layers (Fig. 3 a). In the centers of these groups we have six: molybdenum atoms lying at the corners of an octahedron (Fig" 3 b and c). The distances Mo-Mo are 2.{jg A and 2.62 A. In the compound [Mo uC1 8] (OR)" - 14 H~O the corresponding distances are 2.G4 A and 2.62 A. Eight chlorine atollls lying at the corners of a cube, nearly face cent.ered by the molybdenum atoms, have the following distances from each other: 01-C1 = = 3.01 A and 3.GIl A. Opposite the centers of four of the cube 8 ARKIV FOR KEll1I, lIHNERALOGI O. GEOLOGI. ED 22 A. N:O 11. o Mo 00 Qel Pig. 3. faces lie chlorine atoms, and opposite two of them oxygen atoms. The distance between a chlorine atom belonging to this .outer shell and its neighbours in the inner shell is 3.58 A. The outer chlcn:ine atoms seem to influence the positions of their respective molybdenum neighbours, causing the greater Mo-Mo distance 2.69 A as comP.ared with 2,621, The distance Mo-Ol in question is 2.48 1. The structure arrived at makes it reasonable to attribute the following formula to the compound: [M0 6 0ls] (014 • 2 H 20) . 6 H 20. The chemicll'! and shuctural analogy between this compound and [MosCls] (OR);' 14 H 20 (BROSSET, l. c.) is obvious. Both are compounds of the radical [M060lsjH (Fig. 3 b), for which I suggest the llame chloromolybdenum (2). The chloromolybdenu11l (2) . group is able to act as the central group in complexes having the coordination number six. It can join with many different ions and water as ligands. Thus the compound [MooOls] (OR),! . . 14H2 0, which for certain reasons (BRassET, l. G.) may also be represented by the formula [MooOls] (OH)e' (2 RnO . 10 H 20), is simply chloromolybdenum (2) hydroxide and the compound [MosCIs] (01 4 , 2 HP) . 6 H 20 chloromolybdenum (2) chloride. The crystal structure arrived at for the chloromolybdenu11l (2) chloride explains several of its physical and chemical proper. ties. The fact that cj a is about 3 and that the lattice is of layer type are both consistent with the crystal shape. The BROSSE'l', COllIPLEX COMPOUNDS Oll BIVALENT lIIOLYBDENU111. II. 9 configuration of the chlol'omolybdenulll (2) group implies a considerable stability. That is probably the reason why only 1/3 of the chloride atoms ill chloromolybdellum (2) chloride can be precipitated with silver ions, Only the four chlorine ions functioning as ligands are precipitated, while the eight of the ch101'0molybdenum (2) group a,re too strongly bound and thus do not take part in the precipitation reaction. It is, however, true that this behaviour of the chlol'omolybdenum (2) group in solution would be the same even if the group were halved through a dissociation process, but it is hard to imagine a MosCIJ COllfiguration where all molybdenum and all chlorine atoms have the same coordination respectively and thus a high deg'l'ee of stability. As has been indicated above the configuration of the groups containing bivalent molybdenum present in solutions provides a very interesting field of research which I intend to attack. Farther, I will state that the cl·.fstallographical investigations of compounds with bivalent molybdenum, tungsten, and tantalum will be continued. Calculations on the structme of chloroacid are in pl'og'l'ess. Summary. A com pound hitherto denoted as [Moa0l4 • 2 H 2 0] C1 2 • 2 H 20 has been investigated with X-ray crystallographical methods. The following data were obtained: Crystal class D4h-4bnm,m. The most probable space group Du B_ P 4/'/1 C c. The dimensions of the tetmgonal unit cell a = 9.06 c = 28.04 1, 1. Atomic positions: D4h B 16 Mo at 16 (g): 4 Mo at 4 (c): 4 Mo at 4 (c): 16 01 at 16 (g): 16 01 at 16 (g): 16 Cl at 16 (g): x = 0.40; y = 0.185; z = z= 0.336; Z = 0.464; 0.100; x = 0.28; y = 0.08 ; Z= 0.036; x = 0.28; y = 0.08; Z = 0.164; x = 0.28; Y = 0.08; e = 0.1)00; 10 ARKIV FOR KEMI, ll[!NERALOGl 0. GEOT,OGI. 40 40 40 40 16 0 a.t !1t at at l1t 4 (a); 4- (c): 4 (c): 4 (c): 16 (g): fe' = BD 22 A. N:O 11. 0.268; S = 0.532; .~ = ;;c = O.IG8; 0.25(j; y= O.~)OO; .:;=0.285. The unit cell contains foul' molecules of the compound. Its formula is The compound may be considered as a chloride of the hexanuclear mdieal [Mo(lOlslH. The name chiorolllolybdellum (2) has been suggested for the latter. I beg to express my gratitude to the LBT'l'ERSTEDT foundation which has supported this investigation by a grant. For assistence in part of the experimental work I should like to thank Miss G. BERGSTROJlI. Stockholm Un-iversity, Institute of Geneml and Inorg'allic Ohemistry, November 19J,5. Ref ere n ~ e s: Blomstrand, W. (1859), ,J. fiif pl'ukt. Cll. 77, 88. Brosset, C. (1945), Arkiv f. kemi m. m. Bd 20 A. N:() 7, 1. - Lindner, K., Haller, E. rmd Helwig, H, (1923), 1':. anorg. aUg. ell. IfJO, 201). Tryckt den 10 jnTIul1.ri 1946. UPllsala. 1946. Alm'l.vist & Wlksells Boktryckori AB ARKIV FOR KEMI, MINERALOGI OCH GEOLOGI. BAND 22 A. N:o 12. ----"""--"---------------------~ A Method for the Quantitative Determination of Glucosamine and N·Acetylglucosumine in the Presence of Other Sugal·s. By L. HAHN. With 3 Figures in the text. Communicated November 28th 1945 by ARNE TlflELIUS and KARL MYRBACK. As glucosamine and N-acety 19i1lcosamine are essential components of many biologically important polysaccharides and glycoproteins, convenient methods for their quantitative determination are needed. The method most employed for the determination of glucosaminB is that of ELSON and MORGAN (1), later modified by BOYER and FURTH (2), NILSSON (3), PALMER, SMYTH and MEYER (4) and SORENSEN (5). With the aid of acetylacetone in alkaline solution, the glucosamine, according to this procedme, is converted into a IJYl'role derivative giving a colour reaction with p-dimethylaminobenzaldehyde characteristic for pyrroles. The method has been found to give good results when used for the determination of glucosamine in, among other things, acid hydrolysates of simple proteins and glycoproteins. It cannot, however, be used for the determination of mixtures of glucosamine and N-acetylglucosamine, since the latter compound reacts with acetylacetone and alkali in a different way. The method for the determination of N-acetylglucosamine described by ZUCKERlrANDL and MESSINER-KLEBERlI1ASS (6) and modified by MORGAN and EI,SON (7) is based on a reaction somewbat similar to that of the ELSON-MoRGAN glucosamine method. N-acetylglucosamine, after treatment with dilute alkali at 100°, gives a red-purple coloration with p-dimethylaminobenzaldehyde. ZUCKER1UNDL and MESSINEl?-KLEBERMASS asArkiv 16T kemi, mineralogi o. geologi. Bel 22 A. N;o 12. 1 2 ARKIV FOR REnlI, MINERALOGI O. GEOLOGI. BD 22 A. N:O 12. snmed that a pyrrole derivative was formed by the treatment of N-acetylglucosamille with alkali. MORG AN and ELSON (7) and MORGAN (8) later gave, however, evidence of the formation of an oxazole 01' oxazoline ring, and WHITE (9) finally established the formation of a glucoxazoline in this reaction. MEYER and collaborators (lOr did not succeed in using the MORGAN-ELSON method for the determination of free acetylglucosamine ill enzymic hydrolysates of hyaluronic acid. They obtained values fOl' acetylglucosamine, which exceeded the total dry weight of their preparations. The present author has had similar experiences (11) llsing the method of ZUOKERRANDL and MESSINER-KLEDEl~MASS. On comparing the kinetics of the cyclization of N-acetylglucosamine and of enzymic split products of polysaccharide acids, great differences between the cyclization rates of these compounds were found. The split products obtained by the action of testis mucopolysaccharase on hyaillronic. acid, for eX[Lmple, are converted into oxazoline compounds at a much higher rate than N-acetylglucosamine. Prolonged treatment with alkali leads to a considerable destruction of the cyclic derivative. Rydrolysates of hyaluronic acid obtained by the action of other enzymes, as well as enzymic split products of chondroitin sulphuric acid, react, on the other hl1nd, much IUore slowly with alkali (11, 12). The colour reaction with p-dimethylaminobenzaldehyde is thus unsuitable for the determination of N-acetylgll1cosamine in such enzymic hydrolysates. In the search for another method for the determination of N-acetylglucosamine and glucosamine in such investigations, my attention was drawn to the ease with which glucosamine is oxidised to gll1cosaminic acid by mercuric oxide at neutral reaction (13)1. In the following account a new method for the determination of glucosamine and N-acetylglucosamine will be described, which depends upon the oxidation of these sugars by mel'curic chloride in neutral and slightly acid solutions and colorimetric estimation of the excess of mercuric chloride with the aid OT diphenylcal'bazide. 0 At 100 mercuric chloride is reduced at an appreciable rate by glucosamine already at pH 5.8. At this pH mercuric chloride is subject to scarcely any reduction by N-acetylglucosamine or by ordinary monosaccharides, On the other hand, mel'curic chloride at pH 7.4 is reduced both by glucosamine and N-acetylglucosamine, whereas at this pH, glucose, mannose, galactose, ambinose, raffinose and glucuronic acid stilt show no or only an inconsid.erable red.ucing power. .A. slow but 1 I am indebted to Prof. G. new method. BLIX for suggesting the principle of the L. HaHN, GI,UCOSAlII:INE .A.ND N-.A.CETYLGLUCOB.A.MINE. 3 ~ ~ .!; EO ~24 g> .~ 20 "6 ] 16 -5 t :l; 12 .~ ::s 8 .l,! ~ 'E;" ¥ glucose -::! 0 E: Ii 5.5 6.0 6.5 pH- 7.0 7.5 Fig. 1. Reduction of mercuric chloride by glucosl1millc-HCl and !lcet,ylglucos· amine I1t dif!ereut pH values. considerable reduction of mercuric chloride is, however, brought about by fructose at pH 7.4. From Fig. 1 it appears that the reducing power of glucosamine is practically constant between pH 6.0 and 7.6, whereas that of acetylglucosamine increases successively from 6.0 to 7.4. At the last mentioned pH the molar reducing powers of glucosamille and N-acetylglucosamine are pl'actically the same. Cousequently, glucosamine IDay be determined in the presence of other Bugars by measuring the reducing power of the solution at pH 5.8-5.9. The determination of N.acetylglucosamine can be carried out by measuring the reduction of mercuric chloride at pH 7.4. If the solution contains glucosamine in addition to acetylglucosamine, two analyses, one at pH 5.8-5.~1 and the other at pH 7.1, are necessary to give the concentrations of both substances. I. Determination of N.acetylglucosRmine and glucosRmille at pH 7.4. Reagents: Mercuric chloride, 5 per cent in water. Buffel' solution of pH 7.4, obtained by dissolving' 0.19 mol Na2HPO'1' O.OB mol KH 2PO! and 0.80 mol sodium acetate 1 in 1000 ml water. Cresol red, 1 per cent in water. 1 The reduction values obt[1illed are somewhl1t inflnenced by the presence of [1cetic acid. This errol' is eliminated by carrying out all determinations in the llresenca of an excess of sodium acctnte. 4 ARKIV FOR KEJI1I, JI1INERALOGl O. GEOLOGI. BD 22 A. N:O 12. Standard N -acety19lucosamine solution containing 0.5 mg/ml. Acetic acid, 3 pel' cent in water. 1/25 M sodium bicarbonate solution (made shortly before the analysis). Diphenylcarbazide solution, obtained in the following way: 300 mg of the substance is dissolved in absolute alcohol by gentle warming, cooled al1d made up to 100 m!. This solution is kept cool and must be freshly made each day. Procedure: 2.6 ml of the mercuric chloride solution is diluted with the buffer to 50 rol. To 2 ml of this mixture is added 3 ml or less of the solution to be investigated. The added quantity of the sample should not contain more than 1.1 lIlg glucosamine-HCl or acetylglucosamine. Each analytical series comprises in addition two standard tests (each containing 2 ml of the standard acetylglucosamine solution) and two blanks. To each test two drops of cresol red are added and the pH, if necessary, adjusted to 7.4 with 0.1 M NaOH or 0.1 M acetic acid, using the standard tests for comparison. All tests are then made up to 8 ml, simultaneously immersed in a boiling water bath for 20 minutes, cooled and acidified by adding 1 ml 3 per cent acetic acid. The mercurous chloride precipitated is filtered off, the filter (paper filter of 5 em diameter) is washed three times with 5 rul water and the combined filtrates made up to 25 ml. 2 ml of this solution is mixed with 3 ml sodium bicarbonate solution. Thereafter 2 rul of the diphenylcarbazide reagent and 10 ml 913 per cent ethyl alcohol are added. The solution is well mixed and after keeping for 90 min. at room temperature its light absorption is measllred in a Zeiss step-photometer, using' filter S 53. II. Determination of glucosamine at I)H 5.9. Reagents: Mercuric chloride, 5 per cent in water. Buffer solution of pH 5.9, obtained by dissolving 0.02 mol Na 2 RPO,J, a,nd 0.18 mol KH 2 P0 2 in 1000 mi water. Bromocresol purple, 1 per cent in water. Standard glucosamine solution containing 0.6 rug g'lucosamine-HOI/ml. Acetic acid, 3 per cellt in water. 1/25 M sodium bicarbonate solution. Diphenylcal'ba.zide soh1tion, obtained as above. Procedure: 2.6 ml of the mercuric chloride solution is diluted with the buffer to 50 ml. To 2 ml of this mixture is added 3 rul or less L. HAHN, GLUCOSAnlINE AND N-ACETYLGLUCOSAJI[lNE. 5 A 0.5 1.0 mg. aCflfylgllJcosaminfl B 10 20 30 1r0 50 duralion of Mating Fig. 2. Reduction of mercuric chloride by N':lcetyJglu~os!lmine :It pH 7.4. of the solution to be investigated, containing not more than 1.2 mg glucosamine-HCl. The pH is adjusted to 5.[1 using the standard for comparison and one drop of bromocresol purple as indicator. The tests are made up to 8 ml, immersed in a boiling water bath for 30 minutes, cooled and acidified with 0.5 ml 3 per cent acetic acid. The determination is for the rest performed in the same way as described under I. 6 ARKIV I<'(iR KElIH, MINERALOG! O. GEOLOGI. llD 22 A. N:O 12. The results of a number of determinations by methods I and II are given in Tables I and Il and in Fig. 2 A. -Within the concentration range investigated, there is a linear l'ela' tion between the amounts of mercuric chlOl'ide reduced and the amomlts of glucosamine and acetyIglucosamine oxidised. The presence of small amounts of neutral salts, such as N aCI and N a 2S0,1, did not influence the reduction. Larger amounts of sodiL1m sulphate disturbed the estimation. As glucuronic acid lllay be present in hydrolysates of mucopolysaccharides, it is of special importance that this substance has no reducing power under the conditions employed. Table I. Determination of glucosamine and N ·acety Iglucosamine at pH 7.4. 0.5 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 rug N.acetylglucosaruine » » » » » » » + 10 rug + 10 » +100 » + 2 » + 4 » + 4 » » 1.0 " » 1.0 » » 1.0 » 1.0 » 0.5 gluco8atninG·HCl )i> 1.0 "» 1.0 2.0 4.0 2.0 4.0 4.0 ·1.0 4.0 2.0 0.5 Per cent mercuric chloride reduced • 43, 42 • 86, 85, 87, 85 · 86, 85, 84 .84, 86, .86, 84 · 85, 83, 85 · 85, 87, • 8 11, 86 .83, 86 .43, 42 · 85, 84, 84 .87, 8~ 1, 0 1 1, , 27, 25 1 0, 1, 0 2, J 1 0, 0 0, .83, 85 » » " Naei N::t 2 S0 4 acetic acid glucuronic acid glucose m!lllnOSe » » glucose, + 4 mg gnlactosa » » » fructose m£lllllOSC » gl11uctose » £Imbillose . » rnffinose » gll1CllrOllic acid ); N.acetylgllwos:tUline . . . . .. . .... + 0.:, JUg glllcosnmine·HCl Table II. Determination of glucosarnine at pH 5.1). 1.0 mg glncoslUuine·HCl 1.0 » 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 2.0 1.0 2.0 » » )) » » » » + 10 mg Nael • +100 » NaCl . » 10 » Na 2 SO{ . » +100 » NI1,SO •. » + 10 » N It-l\Cetate N·acetylglllcosaminB » + 1.0 rug gll1cosallline·HCl . glucose. ), ), . . . Per cent of mer· curie chloride re· duced • 81, 81, 80, 80 ,80, 81 .80, 83, 81 .80, 78 .48, 46 .82, 82 9, 10 Il, .85, 84 0 OJ L. HAHN, GLUCOSA.:nnNE AND N-ACETYLGLUCOSAlIfINE. 7 2.5 0.5 20 'to 60 80 100 120 min. lime of colour d~lItZlopmQnf Fig. 3. Colour reaction of 5 rug mercuric chlotide with the diphenyJcar· bazide reagent. A strict simultl1neity in heating and cooling' the standards and tests is necessary, sillce the reduction is not a stoichiometric reaction and changes very mpidly with the time of heating (Fig. 2 B). The photometric readings should be made between 90 and 120 min. after the addition of reagent (Fig. 3). When the solution to be analysed contains both acety 19lucosamine and glucosamine, two determinations must be made, one at pH 5.9 and the other at pH 7.4. The amount (in mg.) of N-acetylglucosamine (.A.) and of glucosamine (G) are calculated with the aid of the formulae: G = R 2 _A. k where Rl = reduction of test (in percentage of mercuric chloride reduced) at pH 5.9 R2 = reduction of test at pH 7.4 kG = reduction value of 1 mg glucosamine-HCl at pH 5.9 IrA = reduction value of 1 mg N.acetylglucosamine at pH 5.9 k = reduction value of 1 mg glucosamine·HCl or N-ac~ tylglucosamine at pH 7.4. 8 ARKIV FOR KEMI, MINER.A.LOGI O. GEOLOGI. ED 22 A. N:O 12. Example. 2 ml of a solution containing 0.20 lUg acetylglucosamine and 0.25 mg glucosamine-HCl per ml was analysed. At both pH values three determinations were carried out: Rl = 39.4, 41.9, 42.3, average 41.2 R2 = 74.0, 73.7, 77.8, average 75.2 k n = 80, kA = 4.6 and k = 85 (according to the results given in Table I and II). A = 0.40 mg and B = 0.41) mg. The accuracy of the method is naturally not very great when only single determinations are performed. The method cannot be used in the presence of proteins or hydrolysis products of proteins, as these react with the mercuric chloride. '{'he method was tried for the determination of N-acetylglllcosamine and glucosamine in enzymic hydrolysates of hyaluronic acid and chondroitin sulphuric acid. 1) Hyaluronic acid from the vitreous body of cattle eyes, prepared according to BLIX and SNELLM.A.N (14), was hydrolysed with mucopolysaccharase from 01. pel'fringens at pH 4.0 for 120 hours. The enzyme preparation was purified as described previously (11). The dialysed hydrolysate was concentrated in vacuo until it contained 20 mg reducing substance pel' ml (calculated as glucose according to HAGEDORN-JENSEN). 1 ml of this solution was then adsorbed on a column of 1.2 g carboraffin C. The split products adsorbed were displaced from the adsorbent by forcing a 1 per cent solution of ephedrin through the column. The eluate was collected in 3 rol fractions. It was possible in this way to separate two carbohydrate compounds, one of which was free from ephedrin. This carbohydrate had earlier been found to show the same behaviour as N-acetylglucosamine in the TISELIUS adsorption analysis appumtus (11). Using the method of HAGEDORN and JENSEN, 1 mg of this substance was found to give the same reduction value as 1 mg synthetic N-acetylglucosamine. With the mercuric chloride method O.lll) rug acetylglucosamine and 0.01 mg' of glucosamine per g were found. - This result gives further evidence of the identity of the split product in question with N-acetylglucosamine. The mercuric chloride method may thus also be used as a qualitative test. 2) Hyaluronic acid from umbilical cord tissue was digested at pH 4.6 with highly purified testis mucopolysaccharase, which was free from illuco-oligosaccharase activity. 1 m} of the dialysed and concentrated reaction mixture showed with the HAGEDORNJENSEN method a reduction corresponding to 0.99 mg N-acetylglucosaruille. The mercuric chloride method at pH 7,4. indicated L. HAHN, GLUCOSAlllINE AND N-ACE'l'YLGLUCOSAlllINE. 9 the presence of 0.28 mg glucosamine + acety 19lucofiamine per ml (only 28 per cent of the H.-J. value). 3) Hyaluronic acid from vitreous humor was similarly digested with mucopolysaccharase from leech, purified as earlier described (11). '1'he H.·J. method gave 0.31 rug of reducing substance per illl of the hydrolysate, calculated as N-acetylglucosamine. With the mercuric chloride method no glucosamine [Lnll 0.09 mg acetylglucosamine pel' ml were found, this being 29 per cent of the H.-J. value. 4) Chondroitin sulphuric acid from cartilage was dig'ested at pH 4.fl with purified testis mucopolysaccharase for 8 uays at 37 '1'he reaction mixture was dialysed and concentrated and further treated in the following way. To 110 ml of the solution were added 109 barium acetate and 250 ml absolute alcohoL The precipitate obtained was dissolved in water, reprecipitated with alcohol and dissolved in 50 ml water. The split products were fractionated by precipitating with 10 aIld 20 per cent alcohol. The fraction obtained by precipitation with 10 per cent alcohol contlLined 16.7 per cent Ba and 19.4 per cent reducing substance expressed as acetylglucosamine, according to the H.·J. method. The SOllIOGYI copper method gave 5.1 per cent reducing substance as acetylglucosamine and the ZUCKERKANDL-l\if:ESSINElt-KLEBERMASS method indicated 3.8 per cent of the same substance. With the mercuric chloride method 5.0 per cent acetylghlcosamine (26 per cent of the H.-J. value) and no glucosamine were found. The fraction precipitated with 20 per cent alcohol contained 22 per cent acetylglucosamine accol'rung to the H.-J. method and G.O pel' cent of this substance according to the mercuric chloride method (27 per cent of the H.-J. value). '1'he reduction values obtained by the mercury method for the split products of hyaluronic acid and chondroitin sulphuric acid are thus (with the exception of the monosaccharide separated from the -rerfringens hydrolysate) appreciably lower than those obtained by the HAGEDORN·JENSEN method. Three possible explanations of this discrepancy can be put forward. 1) A large part of the free reducing gl'onps present in the split products belong to the glucuronic acid. 2) Oligosaccbarides with terminal a-amino aldehydic groups formed in the enzymic degradation of mucopolysaccharides may have a much lower capacity of reducing mercuric chloride than N·acetylglucosamine. 3) The reducing power of the split products measured by the fel'l'icyanicle method is much higher than that of N-acetylg-lucosamine (or glucose, glucosamine, glucuronic acid). With regard to 1), it must be mentioned that earlier investigations of the breakdown of hyaluronic acid with testis mucoQ. 10 .A.RJ{lV FOR KElIlI, lIIlNER.A.LOGI O. GEOLOGI. BD 22 A. N:O 12. polysaccharase indicated that only glucosaminidic links were split by this enzyme (12). Tbe leech mucopolysaccharase seems also to be a glucosa.minidase. If this is true, no free reducing groups belonging to g'lucuronic acid should be present in such hydrolysates. This explanation seems, therefore, to be less probable than explanations 2) and 3). Further work will be necessary to decide whether the mercury method can also be relied upon for the determination of bound glucosamine and acetylglllcosamine with free reducing groups. Summary. A new method for the quantitative determination of glucosamine and N-acetylglucosamine is described. The method depenus upon the ability of these sugars to reduce mercuric salts at slightly acid and neutral reaction respectively, while other sug'ars (with the exception of fructose) reduce mercuric salts onlJ at alkaline reaction. The determination of glucosamine is carried out at pH 5.!). In the absence of glucosamine, N-acetylglucosamine can be estimated at pH 7.4. If both sugars are present two determinations must be carried out, at pH 5.0 and 7.4. Glucose, glucuronic acid, g'alactose, mannose, arabinose and raffinose do not disturb the determinations. This work has been aided by a grant from »Konung Gustav V:s 80 aI'S fond». Institute of Medical Chemistry, University of Upsala. Ref(Hencos: 1. L. A. Elson and W. T. J. Morgan, Biochem. J., 27, 1824 (1933). - 2. R. Boyer and O. Furth, Biochem. Z., 282, 242 (1935). 3. J. Nilsson, Biochem. Z., 285, 386 (1936). - 4. J. W. Palmer, E. M. Smyth, and K. Meyer, J. BioI. Chem., 119, 401 (1037). - 6. M. Sorensen, C. r. Lab. Cadsberf( Ser. chim. 22, 487 (H)38). - 6. F. Zuckerkandl and L. MessinerKlebermass, Biochem. Z., 23G, 10 (1931). - 7. W. T. J. Morgan and L. A. Elson, Biochern. J., 28, 998 (1934). - 8. W. T. J. Morgan, Biochern. ,J., 30, 1)09 (193(;), Chem. & Iud., .57, 1191 (1038). - O. T. White, J. chern. SOD., 1040, p. 428. - 10. K. Meyer, E. Chaffee, GI. L. Hobby, (Illel M. H. Dawson, J. expo Med., 73, 301l (194-1). -U. L. Hahn, Ark. f. kom. miner. gool., Sor.A, 19, No. 33 (1945). - 12. - - , Ark. f. kern. miner. goal., SOl'. A, 21, No.1 (1045).13. H. Pringsheim and G. Ruschmann, Bel'. d. deutsch. chem. Ges. 48, 080 (1915). - 14. G. Blix and O. Snellman, Ark. f. kem. miner. geol., Ser. A, 19, No. 32 (1945). TI'Yl',kt c1en 19 jUlllluri 11)46. UllPsala 194G. Ahllqvist & WikseUs Bolct!,)"ckOl'i AB ARKIV FOR KEMI, l\UNERALOGI OOH GEOLOGl. BAND 22 A. N:o 13. NukleOlll'oteide in nOl'lllalen und cancerosen Ze.Ileu. IV. Schonend isolierte Desoxyribonuldeinsallren aus Zellkel'nen. VOll L. AHLSTROM, H. v. EULER lmd L. HAHN. lIIit 7 Fignrcn im Text. ]\Iitgeteilt [till 28. Novelli her 1945. Die t'xpel'imentellc Erfol'schullg' del' Nukleoproteide und ihl'el' Rea.ktionen in den K erIlen normaler und eancer{iser Zellen erfordel't in erstel' Lillie clie Herstellung reinel' und clefinierter N uldeinsaul'e· Prii para te, Aus del' lleueren Entwicklung' del' Nuideoproteiclchelllie geht niimlich hel'vor, dass Desoxyribonukleinsauren iill Verlauf del' Mitose in fl'eiem Zustancl auftreten uncI sieh dann mit Protein en wieder zu N ukleopl'oteiden vereinigen, welehe den hauptsiiehliebell Bestandteil del' Obromosomell bilden. Es ist eines del' Ziele diesel' U ntersuehungsreihe, native Nnkleinsii.uren mit gewissen Proteinen ill vitro zu kombilliel'en und die elltstehenden Produkte mit nativen N ukleoproteiden zu vergleichen. Mit einer niedl'igmolekulal'en N ukleinsiinre sind eillzelne diesbezi.1g·liche Versucbe bereits angestellt worden I, Inclessen weJ'den Beobachtung-ell fLD N ulcleoproteiden biologisch um so interessanter, je mehr sich die untersucbten Priipamte clem nativen Zustaml niihel'n. Aus diesem Grund wurcle an g'estl'ebt , Nukleillsiiurell im natii.l'lichell Polymel'isationszllstund dul'ZUstellen und zu vel'weuden. Zll Nukleinsiinre-Prlipal'aten von hobem Polymel'isationsgl'ac1 ist bel'eits E. HA]\[l\IARSTEN 2 gela.ngt. Wir baben seine Methoclik 1 EUJ.EIl und HAHN, F"'. Kem. Tidskr. 57, I6\) I) 94G\ ~ E. HAl\!MARH'fEN, Bioehem. 7,8. 144, 386 (19241. Arkiv /';" kemi, milleralogi o. (Je%(Ji. Ed 22 A. N:o 13. 1 2 A~KIV paR KE:':l\Tl 1 ]{IN1~1~ALOGI O. GEOLOGI. BD 22 A. N:O 13. auf die Herstellung' vou N ukleins~iurel1 fLUS Zellkel'nen angewandt. Dmch die Vel'Wendullg von Zellkernen als Ausg-ung's1llaterial gewillll.t ilmn eine erhohte Sichel'heit, dass die N ukleillsriureprodukte von Besta,ndteilen des Oytoplasmas frei sind. Material. Ais Ausgang'smaterial wurden Zellkerne aUB Kalbsthymus, aus Schweinelebel' und l~inderleber vel'welldet. Die Zellkerne waren in del' Regel nach del' von DOUNCE 1 angegebenen Methode isoliert worden (Friel'811 des frischell Materials, wieder Auftauen in ZitroJlens~iureli:isung bei pH 4 und fraktionierte Zeutrifugierung). In einig-en Vel'suchen wluden Kerne verwendet, die bei pH 6 hergestellt worden waren. Es hat sich l1iimlich gezeigt, dass es wesentlich vOl'teilhafter ist, die Keme wiibrelld del' Reinigung'svel'fahren einer moglichst gering'en Aziditat auszusetzen. Hinsichtlich del' Einzelheiten bei del' Behandlung del' Zellkerne sei auf vorbergehende Mitteilungen aus diesem Institut 2 verwiesell. Alluiytische unll spelrtl'ophotometl'ische ~Ietho(lik. Die hier vel'wend.eten Methodell zur Bestimmullg VOll P uncI N sowie zur Bestimmullg del' DesoxYl'ibol1ukleinsaul'e dul'cb die Diphenylamin-Reaktion nach DrscHE sind be1'eits in del' II. Mitteilung diesel' Sel'ie fi beschl'iebeu. Beziiglich del' Ausflihruug del' spektrophotometrischen MessUllgen zur NuldeinsiLurebestimmung (UV-Absorption durch die Purill- bzw. Pyrimidinreste) sei nuter Hinweis auf £rii.he1'e Angabell!J,4 folgeudes mitgeteilt. Die ol'ientiel'euclen Versnche iiber die Absorption von Thymusuukleinsaul'e im Ultraviolett wurden mit einem Zeiss'schen Spektrographen von 90 Ablenkung ausgefii.hrt nnter Vel'wendung' einer Wassel'stofflampe als Beleuchtung'squelle und eines Rasters. Die Auswertnng del' photog'l'aphischell Platten geschah mit Mikrophotometer. 0 1 DOUNCE, .r. BioI. Uhem. 147, 685 (1943) - Hiehe !1ueh MIRSKY POLLISTER, Proc. Nut. Acad. Sci. 28, 344 (1942\ 2 EULER, HAHN, HARSELQUlwr, .JAARMA null LUNDIN, U. Bv. Kern. Tidskr. 57, 217 (11l45). s AHL8TRli~r, EULER, FISOHleR, HAnN, Hi)GBEIW, Dieses Arehiv 20 A. Nr 15 (1\145). 4 EULER n. HOGBERG, Dieses Archiv, 22 A Nr Il (11)45/46). 3 L. AHLS'l'ROlU U. A., NDKLEOPROTEIDE IV. Bei den laufenden Analysen wurden die Bestimmungen in eillem Doppelmonochromator mit Ql1arz-Quecksilberlarnpe als Lichtquelle ausgeflihrt und zwar an wtlssl'igen Losungen welche mittels Phosphatpuffers bei pH 7 gebalten wurden. Dm die N uldeillsaurekonzentration in eiweisshultigen Pl'iipar:1ten zu bestimmen, war es zl1niichst llotwendig, das Eiweiss qnantitativ abzuspalten; dies geschah durch Behandlung del' LOSUllg mit Trichlol'essigsiiure in del' Wlirme 1 , wodurch das Protein unlos1ich wird und abzentl'ifugiel't werden k<1nn. N ach wieclel'holtem Ausw[Lschen del' FtiUung und Einstellung del' Losungsazic1itiLt mit Phosphatpuffel' wurcle die Absorption del' Nukleinsiiul'e in den vereinigten Losungen bei den WellenHingen 240, 248, 254, 265, 275, 280, 28\:l und 297 miL gemessen. Die so erhaltene Absorptionskul've entsprach del' photographisch aufgenommenen. Durch Bestimmung des Phosphatgebaltes ill del' Eiweissflillung und in del' LOSUllg wurde festgestellt, dass eine Hydrolysendauer von 10 Minuten mit G%iger rrricbloressigsaure lIur quantitativen Abspaltung del' Nukleinsauren ausl'eichenc1 war. Die Lichtintensitat wurde mittels einer N atriumphotozelle und Quarzdrahtelektrometer bestimmt. Die Absorptionskoeffizienten wurden nach del' Formel a 1 = --.- c. d. log 10 cm- 1 I berechnet. Dabei ist c = Konc. in gil. - Bei reinen Praparaten wird c bei etwa O,G .. 10- 2 10,0 gil gebalten. cl = Scbichtdicke in em 10 = Intensitat des einfallenden Lichtes; I = des austretellden Lichts Das Verhtiltllis 10/1 wnrde mittels rotierenden Sektors geruessen. Die Figur 1 zeig·t die Absorptionskurve fill' eine hocbgereinigte Thymusnuldeinsiture, bei welcher P = 7,80 und N = 13,47 war. Del' Verlauf del' Absorptionskul've sowie 240 die Hohe del' Kurve stimmen mit den Angaben del' Literatur fiir l'eine - Desoxyribonukleinsaure iiberein. 1 \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ I \ \ ~ 260 280 Prap. 116 a 84,5 % Standard: 84,0 % Fig.!. SCHRAMM U. DANNENllERO, Chern. Ber. 77, G3 (H)44). .:1 ARKIV FOR KEllII, llllNERALOGI O. GEOLOGl. llU 22 A. N:O 13. Isoliel'ullgSYcrfahl'cu 11lIS fj'hym II s·ZellJrel'llen. III del' vOl'herg'ehenc1en n. Mitteilung' wmden die dort lintersuchten Nukleinsiiul'epriipal'ate bzw. Nukleate im Weselltlichell nach den Methoclen von LEVENE, BREDERBCK, KLEIN U. BEOK hel'gestellt, bei welclIen (las Material wlihrend liingerel' Zeit del' Kochtemperatur und del' Eillwirkung von 5%iger KoehsaiziCi8ung oeler von Alkali ausgesetzt wird. Wie vOl'auszusehen war und wie sich durch unsere eigeuen Versuehe bestutig't hat, gewinnt man auf diese Weise N ukleinsaurepraparate von verhiUtnismiissig niedrigem Polymerisationsgrad. In einem so hm'gestellten Nukleinsanre-Pl'aparat ergab die Unterfmchung in der SVEDBERG'sohen Ultrazentrifuge eine mittler-e Molekularg'l'osse von 14000 (.t 2000). Bei del' Hel'stellung del' hier zu besehreibenden Nnldeinsiiuren wnrde die Anwendnng hoherer Temperaturen nun gl'osserer Abweichungen VOll del' Neutralitat del' Losungen vel'mieden, Die Thymus-Zellkerne wUl'den nach del' Isolienmg mit destilliel'tem Wasser gewaschen, abzentrifugiert unO. in £euchtem Zustanc1 wei tel' vel'al'beitet. Sie wUl'den durch Vel'1'eiben im Morsel' mit destilliertem Wasser aufgesehlemmt, unO. zwar wnrde bei rrhymuszellkernen die .:lO·behe Menge Wasser verwendet, bei clen loseren feuehten Lebel'zellkernen die 20-£aohe Menge. Die Aufschlemmung' wnrde durch vOl'sichtigen Zusutz VOll O,~ n NaOH nentralisiel't unc1 das pH elektrometrisch kontl'olliert. Beim Alkalizllsatz werden die Versllchslosungel1, besonc1ers diejenigen aus Thymuszellkel'nen stark viskos. Die Proben wl1rclen dann 16 Stllnclen lang- in einer Schi.ittelmaschine 0 bei etwa 14 geschiittelt. Die Versnchslosnng, die nun nul' noeh Bchwach viscos war, wurde dmch Zentrifngieren von unbedeutellden Mengen uugelaster Teilcheu befreit und das Zentrifugat dnrch Zusatz VOll Kn,lzil1111chloridlOsung bis zu 0,01 ill gefiiUt. Die Ka.lzil1Illfallung wnrde nach dern Abzentl'i£ugieren mit destilliel'tem Wasser gewaschen und wiecler zeutrifugiert. Danaeh wurc1e die Fallung in del' 20 fachen Menge 10%iger NatriumehloridlOsung gelOst, mit Natrinmehlol'id bis zur Si~ttigung' versetzt und mit del' zehnfachen Menge ges1ittigter Kochsalzlosung vel'diinnt. N ach dl'eititgigelll Stehen im Kiihlsehrank wurde bei 0 clurch ein doppeltes Falteufilter filtriert. (Da diese Filtration in den meisten Versuchen sehr langwierig war, wurcle in den el'steu Versuchen die RHirung durch Zentrifugieren bei 12 000 Touren/Min VOl'genommen. Es zeigte sich jecloch, class dieses Verfahren mit 0 5 L. AHLSTROM D. A., NUIO,EOPIWTEIDE IV. NukleillsiLureverlusten verbuuden war, elu, die Nukleil1siime z. T. sedimclltiel'te; deshalb wUl'de spiitel' filtl'iel't,). Das Filtrat wurae aurch Eingiessen in das 11 h fache Volumen 96%igen Alkohols geflLllt, die FiWung- dnrch Abpressen VOll Alkohol befreit, in Wassel' gelost 1l1lC1 elnreh Zusatz VOll 4, Vol. Alkohol mngeflillt. Diese Reinigung wUl'lle noch einmal wiederholt. Das erhaltene faserformige N atl'iumsaLz del' N ukleinsaul'e wurde durel! mindestens fi.lufnlftliges Wasehen mit reichlichen Mengen 70%igem Alkohol VOll1 KochslLlz be· fl'eit und danaeh weiter mit 96 % und abs. Alkohol. Ather un d absolntem Ather gewasehen. N uch clem Tl'oclmen il~l Exsiccatol' libel' Blangel entbielt das Pl'apal'at noeh ungefiihl' 12 ~'~ Feuchtigkeit und wmde in dies em Zustalld analysiel't. El'gebulsfle. In del' folgenden Tabelle 1 sind die an den allgegebenell Nuldeillsii.ul'epl'apal'aten el'haltenell unalytischen llnd physikalisch-chemise hen Vel'suchszahlen zusammengestellt. Tab. 1. Zusammensetzung del' Na-Nukleate. Nr pH bei I, Zellkern· Mllterilll i isolierg. IN I kl' .' 1 Visko~it1it i"'euch-! N/P\ Dlschej .n elO~allre I tigSpektr. keit l' \ N I 11) \1) ber. fiir rel. 100 ,(Pic 1 10,1, 108 110 I I I ThyDluB - I, 7,n I13,3a\ 1,78 7,B7\18,05 1,77 7,2°112,89' 1,;9 1 80 I11'i -! I- I\ I 106 100 i 1,29 i, 2,05 " 106 U3 11,84 II 2,88 1,72 11 O~ 1_ _ _" __. _ _ ..l__ ~_-'-.:7,_50.'_1_3.:.,,8--,71_1.:.,,7_6~I_]_2_1_1,--_9_1---,-_ _.;-_ ,__~ __ l 107 111 113 » Zellkeroe Th. " " " " 115 n 116 117 lOll - 1 » ,. " " » " 4,0 4,0 4,0 6,0 6,0 6,0 4,0 7,64\12,88\ 1,70 7,2513,00 1,79 6,37\ - - 6f 108 ~8 17,71112,91 98 ],07 1 97,5, 16,86 18,86 2,00 17,8°118,47 1,78 1 '7514'°°1 I - I I i I - 87 I 14,80 80,5 \ 9,79 72,5 11,86 82 85,5 I \ 1'80 7 v. 1 !l3,D \ Schweineleber 112 Zellkerne v. 4,0 '16,4a - , 85, 71l,51 I Hinilcrleber I ~~I_ _ _ _ _ _ _~_ _ _~I~_~l__~_-"_. _____ » II I I' , _ _ I_ _ i 1,85 6,40 2,00 B,08 1,73 ~ 6,11 4,10 5,40 38,90 1,84 I ___ , _ _ _ _ __ ber. als Na.·Salz. nllch 2 Std. Extraktion mit Alkohol-Aether. I In diesem Versuch waren die Zellkernc mit Wasser uei pH 8,7 extrahiert worden, wUhrend in den iibrigen Versuchen pH zwischen 6,8 und 7,4 variierte. 1 2 o ARKIV FOR KEMI, llllNERALOGI O. GEOLOGI. TID 22 A. N:O 13. Die Ansbeuten wurden teils auf das Frisehgewicht der Zellkerne hereclmet, teils auf das Frisehgewieht der fur die Zellkerne verwendeten Ausgangsmenge an rrhymus. Tab. 2. : _- _- I '_~u bel'. nnf I Fl'isebgew. Zellkernc i Nr. I Material I I , !, 108 i 'Thymns 110 i " 115 Zellkerne Th. » » 116 117 I » ). i I I bel'. auf Frisehgew. Thymns I - i I _- ~;, I 0,R9 2,6ti 3,-., 1,8 1,51i 1,40 1,28 I 0,7 Zu den Angaben del' Tabelle 1 und zur weiteren Clmrakterisiernng der Priiparate ist noeh folgendes zu bemerken. Beim Fiillen <leI' wassrigen Nukleatlosung mit Alkohol wurden bisweilen statt fadenformig'er ]'iillungen k6rnige Fiillung-en erhaltell. Es handelte sieh hier urn Iiline reversible Veranderung', da bei sp1i.teren Reinigungsstudien wieder die faclellfol'mige Fiillung zUl'iiekerhalten wmele. Die erhaltenell Nnkleate losten sieh in <leI' Regel kbr in Wasser, nul' Pr1i.pal'at 113 und 115 waren sehwerel' loslich und gaben stark opalescente Losungen. (Eiweissgehalt). pH del' wa.ssrigen Losungen aun1i.hernd 7. UIll festzustellen, ob clie aus Thymus bzw. aus Thymllszellkel'neu erhaltenen Nukleate sieh in Bezug auf einen eventuellen Ribosegehalt unterschieden, wurclen Pl'aparat 110 (Thymus) unel 111 (Thymuszellkerne) auf ihr Vel'halten zu Orcin untel'sucht. Priiparat 110 und 111 hatten ung'efuhl' clen gleichen Phosphorgehalt. 300"( 110 gab eine Orcilll'eaktion entspreehencl 3,12 % und 300 y 111 entsprechend 2,87 % Ribose, d. h. mit del' Orcinmethode wurele praktisch kein Untel'schied bei den beiclen Substanzen gefunelen. Die erhaltenen N uldeate waren nieht frei von Eiweiss. Sie wurden in O,5%ig'er Losung auf ihl'e Biuretreaktion gepriift uncl mit Losungen von Eieralbnmin und Casein verglichen. Mjt Casein bzw. Albumin wUl'clen etwas verschiedene Werte gefunden. Da aus einem Vergleich vel'schiedener Proteine wie Casein, Albumin und Clupein hervorging, class mit del' Biuretreaktion fur versehieden8 Eiweisskol'pel' verschiedene Farbintensiteten 81'halten werden, sind die auf diese Weise bestimmten Werte keine Absolutwerte, sondern konnen nul' zum Vergleich del' Pra.parate untereinancler dienen. L. AHLS'l'ROM U. A., NUKJ,EOl'ROTEIDE IV. 7 Ge£unden wurden, hel'echnet auf den Totalstickstoffgehalt: Priipal'at 110 111 8,0 % Protein N 11!) 116 117 4 7,7 % )} 11,5 % 1,6 % » » 0,5 N N N N ) (:!~ ccm einer wassrigen LOSUllg des Praparates 111 wul'den 1/2 20Tage lang iill Cellophanschlauch gegen dest. Wasser dia- lysiert. Die Losung enthielt VOl' del' Dialyse 580 '( Nukleinsiiul'e 565 'r nacll»» » Diese .Abweichung liegt innerhalb des Fehlel'bel'eiches del' Methode, a. h. das Praparat war praktisch frei von Molekiilen mit einem Molekulargewicht unter 10000. Viscositiit. Die Viscositiitmessungen wurdell im Auslaufviscosimeter OS'l'W AJ,D bei 20°0 ausgefli.hrt. Gemessen Wllrden wassrige LCisungell mit del' Konv.entration 0,05-0,26. Die relativel1 Viscositiitswerte wurden durch Extl'apolieren auf die gleiche Konzelltratioll lOU 'r P per ccm umgerechnet. Da die Ber.iehung c 1 : log'1J, = c2 : log'''/]2 fill' grossere KOl1zentrationsuntel'schiede nicht gilt, sind die extrapolierten Werte fur die Mher viscosen Priiparate (7.. B. 1l5), bei denell die Messungen mit niedl'igeren Konzentrationell ausgefuhl't worden sind, unsieher. Die Viscositlitsmessungen wunlen zu vel'schiedenen Zeiten nach Herstellung del' Losnngen ausgefilhl't und dabei festgestellt, dass die Viscositiitswerte il111el'halb des untersuchten VOll Tab, 3. ~. -Ir H K()n~elltratlOn T • in % NI 107 108 110 ]11 I I 112 I 113 114 .115 I I 0,046 0,048 0,262 0,180 0,140 O,O9~ 0,082 0,080 I P I •~ usI !I.U f 87.el't f"lU [~ H 2U i Liisung 6,6 40,R 7,0 40,G 40,6 83,5 6,9 6,1; I 6/) i 41,0 I I I I 7,5 7,8 6,8 reI. i. I I 1 4l,1 41,0 41,1 I I I I I 75,0 52,1 113,5 530,2 71,1 117,0 319,5 245,6 i ~ reI. ber. flir 100 P/ccm 1,85 6,11 1,20 I 2,80 1,72 2,05 1 6,85 I 1,73 II 2,86 4,10 1,84 5,28 I 7,79 I 5,D9 I I 25,5 37,7 .A_l~KIV ~,(jR REMI, lIIINERAI,OGI O. GEOJ,OGI. 8 BD 22 A. N:O 13. Zeitintervalls, 24 Stllllden, praktiseh konstunt waren. III del' ohigen 'fabelle sind die nach Stllllden gefulldenell Werte allgegeben. An Priiparat 107 wurde die Abhiingigkeit del' Viscositii,t vom pH untersucht und ii.bel'eillstimmencl mit VILBRAND'l' und TENNENTl mit steigender Alknlitat eine Abl1ahme del' Viscositiit festgestellt : bei pH 6,6 'fJ l'elativ 1,uG bei pH 9,0 1) » 1,77 Erwiirmen fiihrte ein Abnahme del' Viseositti,t mit sieh. So wurde fiir Prliparat 110 gefunden: VOl' dem Erhitzen del' Losung, pH 0,1) 'Il reI. 2,72 naeh 15 min. Erhitzen del' Lasung auf 50°, pH 7,1 1) rei. 1,88. 1~leldrOI}horetische Untersuchullg. Die zu untersuchenden Troekenpraparate wurden ill Wassel' zn O,:l5-0,50 % gelOst. Praparate, die als Li:isnng'en vorlagen, wUl'den mit Wasser auf 0,25-0,5 % verdiinnt. Die Li:isungell wurden bei 10 000 Umdr./Min. w11hrencl 45 Min. zentrifugiert. Die Zentrifug'ate waren sehr visci:is und zum Teil stark opaleszierelld. Dadurch wurde die optisehe Beobachtullg del' WanJerullg iIll eleldrischell Felcl becleutend erschwert. Die Losungen wurdell dalln gegen Acetatpuffer verschiedellcr Aziditiit von del' Ionellstiirke 0,10 16 Stunden lang dialysiert und die dialysierte Li:isullg irn Apparat von Tiselius del' Elektrophorese nnterworfen~. Priipamt 104 (extrahiel't nach Dounce aus ThYlllus ullclmit Alkohol gefallt), wurde bei pH 4,63 bzw. 5,23 uncl c = 0,25 % untersucht. Bei heiden pH-Werten wanderte die Nukleillsiiure einheitlieh, u. zw. mit u = -14,0 . 10- 0 bzw. u = -17,0·10-". Bei pH 3,82 und c = 0,5 % konnte dagegen eine Aufteilung in mehrere Komponenten beobaehtet werden. Priipal'at 108 (au8 Thymus). Eine 0,50%ige Losung dieses Praparates wurde hei pH 4,63 del' Elektrophorese unterworfen. Keine Verunreinigllngen konllten nachgewiesen werden. Die Allfnahmen in Fig. 2 A wurden nach 6 resp. 59 Min. gemaeht. Die Stromstarke betrug i = 23,5 rnA und das PotentialgefaUe F = 8,4 Volt/sec. Die Beweglichkeit errechnete sieh zu u =14,7- Gem. 2/Volt. sec. Vrr,BRANDT nod TENNENT, Am. Chem. Soc. 65, 1806 (1943). Wir clankeo Herro Professor Dr. H. TEEORELf" welcher nos in zuvorkommender Weise diesen Apparnt in seinelll Institnt zur Verfiignng gestellt bat. 1 2 L. AHLS'rROM U. A., NUKLEOPROTEIDE IV. I I 9 I Fig. 2 A. PriijJ(I)'at 110 (aus Thymus). Eil1e U,50%ige Losung c1ieses Prii,- parates zeigt hci pH 4,133 einheitliche Walluernng. Die Aufllahmeu in Fig. :2 B wurc1en nach 25 b7.w. 80 Min. gemaeht. i ~~ 23,5 mA, F = 8,4 Volt/sec. und u = - 14,5 ·10-" . ..Anell bei pH 3,82 wanderte das Priipamt einheitlich. Die Beweglichkeit del' N nkleillsiiure bei cliesem pH betl'ng 11 = - 13 ..], . 10- 6 • Pl'iipltl'ut 111 (aus Thymus-Zellkel'uen). Eille O,.'io%ige Lasung c1icses Pl'iillarates wurde bei pH 0,:J2 und O,9f! untersucht. Bei heilien pH-Werten kOlluteu Spuren einer Vel'unreiniguug wahrgellommen werden. Bei pH 5,32 betrug rlie Beweg'lichkeit dpr Hauptkomponente u = Hi,.' 10- 5 , wiihrencl fUr die Vel'unreinigul1g u = 20,2' ] 0-;; gefundel1 wUl'de. 1 Fig. 2 R. 10 ARKIV FOR liEUI, llIINERAI,OHI 0. GEOJ,OOl. r I 1 BD 22 A. N:oI3. L Fig. 2 C. Priiparat 115 (aus Thymus-Zellkernen): O,25%ige Losungen dieses Praparates waren sehr stark viscos und opaleszierend. Die Elektrophorese wUl'de bei pH 4,\)4 ausgefi.ihrt. Ais Folge del' hohen Viskositat traten im aufsteigenden Schenkel Anomalien in del' Wanderuug del' Gl'enzfliiche auf. 1m absteigenden Schenkel wundel'te die Substanz einheitlich mit u = 15,0' 10-". (1m aufsteigenden Schenkel betrug u = Hi,a . 10-°.) Pl'iiparat 116' (aus 'rhymus-Zellkel'nen). Eine O,5%ige Lasung diesel' Nukleinsiiure wUl'de bei pH 4,(13 und 4,94 untersucht. Das Priiparat el'wies sich bei heiden pH Werten als elektl'ophol'etisch einheitlich. Die Aufna.hmen iu Fig. 2 C (pH 4,(13) wurden uach 20 bzw. 69 Min. gemacht. Die Stromstiil'ke betrug i = 8,'1 rnA, das Potentialgeflille F = 2,1; Volt/sec. und die Ioncnstiil'ke des Puffers O,Jo. Die Beweglichkeit del' Nukleinsiiu1'8 bei diesem pH erl'echnetc sich Z11 U = 13,8' 1O-r. cm 2/Volt. sec. Bei pH 4,\l4 betl'ug u = 15,0·10-", l' erhalten del' Desoxyribonuldeinsaul'(l lUIS rrllymusZellkel'ucn bei Sedimentation. Eine Untersuchung des Priiparats 115 in del' Ultrazentrifnge ergab, dass c1ieses Pl'iipal'at iiusserst polydispers ist. Die Untersuchung wurde von Doz. K. PEDERSEN am Institut fill' Physikalische Ohemie del' Uuivel'sitiit Uppsala liebenswiirdigerweise ausgefiihl't. Ein Teil des Priipal'ats war ausserst grobdispers. Diese Fraktion wnrcle in del' luftgetl'iebenen Ultrazentrifuge vom iibrigeu Material abgetrennt. Beide Fl'aktionen wurc1en dann nochmals in del' Ultrazentrifuge untel'sllcht und zeigteu L. AHLB'l'R(iro: u. A., NUKLEOPROTEIDE IV. 11 immer noch iiu8serst nnhomogene Sedimentation. AUf! dem Gemisch von Komponelltell verschiedensten Dispel'sitatsgrades lwnnte lmine grossel'e Fraktion einheitlicher Sedimentation gewonllen werden. . Del' Einfluss von geringen Anderungen der Wasserstoffionellkonzentration auf elie Loslichkeit des Nukleinsaurepriiparats wurde in folgellderWeise ulltersucht: Eine 0,25%ig'e Losllng von Praparat 115 in WltSSer wurde in del' Willkelzelltrifuge bei 10000 Umdr.iMin. 135 Min. lang zentrifugiert. Dabei trat eine deutHche Sedimentation del' gl'obsten Pal'tikeln ein, die sieh 1m unteren Drittel des Zentrifugenrohres ansammelten. Diese Fra,1dion wurde mit Wasser auf das 3 facbe Volumen vel'· diiullt uncl in 3 Portiollen geteilt. In del' einen Portion wurde del' N nkleinsaureg'ehalt nach DISCHE bestimmt. Die Wassel'stoffionenkonzentration del' beiden ancleren POl'tionell wurde auf pH 7,1 bezw. 8,3 eillg·estellt. Nach 16 Stundell bei 6° C wurclen die beiden Lasung-en in del' Winkelzentrifllge bei :2 500 Umclr./Min. und 5° 0 30 Stunden zentrifugiel't. Del' Illhalt del' Zentrifugenrohrchen wUl'de dann durch vorsichtiges Absaugen in 3 FrtLktionen geteilt und del' Nnkleinsiiul'eg'ehalt diesel' Fraktionell nuch Dische bestimmt. Bei beiden pH-Warten erwies sich ein nicht unbedeutender Anteil des Priipamts als gTobdispel's und sedimentierte mit betriichtlichel' Geschwindigkeit, u. zw. mit bedeutend hohere1' Geschwindiglwit bei pH 8,3 alB bei pH 7,1. Wiihrelld diesel' g'l'obdispel'se Anteil sieh in dem unteren Drittel des Zentrifugelll'ohres ansamm elte, bestan den die zwei ob81'en Fraktionen aus stark viskoser Liisuug', die praktisch £rei von Opaleszens war. Die Koncelltration beider Fraktionen war 10 % hoher im Falle del' hoheren Wasserstoffionenkoneentration als bei lleutraler Reaktion, Dies bedentet, dass eine Erhohung des pH's eille Steig'erung del' Lasliehkeit del' Nukleinsiinre bezw. einen teilweisen trbergang von Gel in Lasung mitsiehflihl·t. Andererseits 1st del' Unterschied im' Verhalten des untersuchten Prapal'ats bei pH 7,1 und 8,3 verhaltnismassig gering in Anbetl'acht des erheblichen pH·Sprunges. Es ist daher nicht wahrseheinlich, dass die Verschiedenheit del' einzelnell Praparate in Bezug auf Viskositat, Opaleszens und Loslichkeit auf geringe Abweichnngen im pH wiihrend del' Praparation zuriickzufiihTen s1nd. Praparat 116 verhielt sich beim Zentl'ifug'ieTen wesentlicll vel'schieden von Praparat 115. Wedel' bei 2500 noch bei 10000 Umdr./Min. konnte eiue Seclimentation del' Teilchen beobachtet werden. Losungen dieses Praparats waren a11ch bedeutend weniger opaleszimt. 12 AltliI\T FOR KElIrI, MINRRALOUI O. GEOLOGI. ED ~2 A. N:O 13. ZusRmmenf'ussung. Die S. 5 geg-ebelle To,belle 1 gibt eine Ubersicht iiber die an u verschiecleneu Nukleinslture-Prliparatell ans Kalbsthymm; Bowie an :l Pl'apal'atell aus Schweine- bzw. Rindsleber erhaltenen analytischen und physilmlisch-chemischell Daten. Wie einleitend el'w11hnt wurde, IH1udelt es sich hier durchweg um solche Pl'iil'H,mte, welche mittels schonender Methodik, also nach HAllUIARS'l'ENS Methode, unter Vel'meidnng' hoher Ternperatul'en unc1 stark saurer odeI' basischer Lasungen hergestellt wurden. Dabei wurden fl'ische ZE'llkerne nols Ausgangsmaterinl verwenclet, um von vOl'nhel'ein Vel'lmreinigungell der Pra,parlLtc dUl'eh Bestandteile des Oytoplasmas auszuschliessen. Vel'gleichsweise wmclen 4 dil'ekt aus Thymus hergestellte Priipumte ulltersucht. Was die Ergebnisse del' P- und N-Bestimillungen betl'ifft, so licgt del' fhl' die Desoxyribonuldeinsliure chal'akteristische Quotient NIP, den wir im Mittel zu 1,74 finden, el'heblich hoher als del', welehen wir fiir die nach LEVENE und BIW,DEltEUK hel'gestelltell Nukleinsliuren gefunden haben (II. Mitt. S. 7), und liegt l'echt nahe an clem Wert welchel' sich nus del' Fonnel CSIlH4,02j,NluP.JN a.1 el'l'echnen HLsst. Die absoluten Werte fiiI' 80wohl P wie N sineI jec10ch bedeutend niedrig-cr als die theoretischen. Bei Berechn ung- des N uldeillsiiuregehaltes ans dem P-Gehalt del' PriLparate (ulltel' Beriicksichtigllug del' Feuchtig-]reit) kommt, man tlaher zu einem Gehalt von nul' ca. 8f) % N n klei tlsiinre. Die spektl'ophotometrisehell Besti ill 1ll ungen e1'g'abeu einen N ukleinsiiuregehalt von 95 %. Die N llkleillsiiureBestimillung'en naeh Drscr·m wenlen beka,nntlich von gleichzeitig' anwesenden Begleitstoffen, besonclel's von Pl'oteillen sta,rk heeinfiusst, 80 dass sie nicht ohne weiteres ZU1' Benrteilung' del' Reinheit des Pl'iipanttes hel'angezogen werden dhrfen. Rei del' Betl'achtung del' ill den beiden letzten Spaltell verzciehnetell Viscositiitswerte fiint auf, dass dieselbell bei den aus Zellkel'nen hergestelltell Praparatell viel hi:iher g'efullden wnl'den als bei den aus del' Thymusdl'Use dil'ekt g'ewonllenen. Es uiirfte dies dal'al1f bel'uben, class aie ami Zellkernell e1'ha1tenen N uldeinsiil1l'e-Pl'aparate del' Einwil'kung del' depolymel'isiel'enden Enzyme weniger lang ausgesetzt waren, und dachl1'ch die hohel'en Polymerisate nul' wliohl'end kiil'zel'el' Zeit ellzymatisch angegl'iffen werden konnten; illsbesondre kommt hiel'bei allch in Betracht, dass das enz_ymreiche o.vtoplaSllm bald von den Zellkernbestandteileu entfernt wurde. Ubrigens mag' hier bctont werden, dass die spec. ViscositiLt keil1eswegs ein A usdruck del' Molekulargrosse del' Nukleinsliure ist; die Forlll del' Molelci.i.le, L. AHLSTROllI U. A., NUKLEOPROTEIDIG IV. also das Achsenverhaltnis, iibt einen erheblichen EiIlfiuss auf die Viscositiit aus. Die hohe Ziihigkeit del' Losungen hat die physikalischchemischen Bestillllllnngen sehr erschwert. Bei Elektrophol'ese wallderte ein Teil del' untersuchten Praparate (108, 110, 115, 116) eillheitlich, wiibrelld bei 2 del' Priiparate (104, Ill) gering'8 Mengell von Verunreilligungen wabrgenollllllen werden kOnl1tell. Da die elektrophoretischen Untersuchungen als Folge del' hohen Viskositat und (zum Teil) 'del' Opaiescens del' Prapal'ate bei vel'hiUtnismassig' lliedrigen Koncentrationen ausg-efiihl't werden mussten, kann nicht ausgeschlossen werden, dass auch die als einheitlich bezeichneten Priirmrate klein ere Mengen von Substanzen enthielten, die von del' N ukleinsau1'8 V8rsehiedene elektrophoretische Eigenschaften aufweisen (Protein '?), cloch wegen ibre1' niedrigen Roneent1'ation optiseh nicht wahrgenommen werden kOTInten. Weiterhin c1al'f nicht verg-essen werden, dass bei del' Wandel'ung del' hocllmoleImlaren NnkleinsiLme im elektrischen Strom kleinel'e Mengen von Verunreilligullgen mitgeseh leppt werclen ki5uuen, und sieh dadurch del' Beobaehtung entziehen. Die Serlimentatiol1s-Versl1che in del' Ultracentrifuge zeigten, dass die untersuchten Prii.pal'ate polydispers waren uncl Molekiile von sehr hohen Molekulargewichten enthieltel1. Wenn ~ich n nch die hochstpolymerisierten Anteile del' N ukleinsaurePrapamte offenbar nicht mehr jm eehten Losullgszustand befa,mlen, so delltell die hohen Viscositlitswerte manchel' aus Zellkel'lIen dargestelltell Pra,pal'ate illlmerhin auf die Gegen wart gTosser (lcliistcr Moleldlle hin, die in den hier besehriebenen,l'l1ten besonc1el's stark vertreten sind. Sowohl clie Polyclispel'aitat clel' P1'a parate als Variationen in i111'e1' elementaren Zusammensetzung- sind wahl ein Ausdl'uck dafiir, dass die Nnkleopl'oteide in den Zellkel'nell wie auch die aui') ilmell entstehenden Nnldeinsaurell sieh im lebeudel1 Zellkern in eiuem In,bilen und stark v81'ande1'liehen Gleiehgewicht befindell. Man wird a,lso in Anbetracht des bei del' Mitose heobachteten vollAtii,ndigen Vel'schwindens der Zellkerne unc1 des clal'ltuf wiedel' einsetzenden Wiederaufbaues del'selben nicht erw!1l't.en dlil'feu, N llkleopl'oteic1e unc1 NuldeillSal1rell vom gleichen Grad del' Elinheitlichkeit isolieren zu koullen wie dies bei alldel'ell, besonde1's niedriger lllolekularen Vel'billdungen o-elino-t. Wohl abel' Irann v8rsueht werden Zusammenhiinge ;wis;hen clem Zustand eines Gewebes nach gewissen, die Kel'llUm wandlung- beeiufiussen(len Behunc1lungen des Organs bezw. eles lebenden Tieres und clem Zustanc1 und del' Molekulargrosse del' Nukleinsliure und del' Nukleoproteiele zu findelJ. 14 A.RKIV FOR trEMl, MINERAl.OGI 0, GEOLOGI. DD 22 A. N:O 13. Dem Vorstand des Physikal.-Ohem. Institutes del' Universitat U Pllsala, Herrn Prof. Dr. THIn SVEDBEltG, sowie Herrn Dozenten Dr. K.A.I O. PEDERSEN, sind wir fur die Ausfi.ihrung von Versuehen zur Molekulargewichtsbestimmung von Desoxyribonukleinsanre-Praparaten zu besonderem Dank verpfiichtet. Herrn fil. lie. BIRGER DR.A:~Oil, Frl. fil. mag. INGA I!'IsofIER, Herrn ing. BERTIL HOGBERG, Frau MAIRE J AAUMA und Frl. ing. MARIANNE LUNDIN wollen wir fur wertvolle praparative und analytisehe liilfe auch hier bestens danken. lnstitut fur organ.-chemisqhe }j'orschung del' Universitat Stockholm. 'l'ryckt rl!1n 2 mnrs 1g46, Ul'llRlIla 194H, Almqvist & Wlksell~ Boktl'l'ckel'i AB
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