rier fi fris rrrq-Trrcufr SCIIEI'ULE X'OR AI}IVISSION $r 2015-l6h frs rrq-srstt ffitud CFft - The adrnission schedule for the session 2015-16 will be as under:- ET{T.T{q ftqmm CONTEI{TS {dfq fdqmq Enr rter fi frs latqrrazAdvertisement for admission by Regional frffif SCHEI}ULEI} DATES dqrrr orqtrqz 02.02.201 5 *zto O0.OZ.ZO t S oftice/Kendriya Vidyalaya ddlorur-cqfl Bltda q?i ffiil-l.r 3rf,r otTBfi * (EF6rr - XI dr dtg ott sT ridl.nTsr/Issue of Fonns & Regis,ation for Class-I and other classo+ (except sqTr-I 09.02.2015 fi.zonwards )il) fi fu dtrfiq 61 3iF+ ffi76r1 date of 10.03.201s 61 3ifra frfrZl,ast date of Regishation for otherclasses (exoept XI) 13.04.201s Reglstration for Ctass-I 3[{ qrqrBit* (dil-)fl 6i stfs,T) h ftq dtr6'{or mrr-Is.frr'KdI ortl war qii admission for Class - saer Declarationoflisr& I h $tr6r{ h srqtna t 3iirtrd qqts $Ttca rns fdfq SIfuqrdIGnqTI-I)/ If suffrcient applications 16.03.2015 tno Zl.Og.20rs sfd fr)q{r d 6t il not received under RTE Provisions SecondNotification admission to be made under RTE Provisions (Class.I) srq ()(I 6t d,g61 fr' ftrs fifr' srfr' enrar Declaration of list for other classes (except XI) 3i;q qurBfir Oilst Ets{r} h fts ster anqtrnii* Admission for other classes+ (exceot 6EII 06.04.201s - XI +t )il) tidl-qrur*/Registration for class )fl* 20.04.201s 22.A4,201 5 Suto gO.Oe.ZO t S fi'.sr.ftr.fr. cfturxff 6r Eilqun h' 20 fria fr' :r*z withiu 20 days of declaration of CBSE results s'fiII-XIh A" ffi znrar q?i cAcr+/Declarationoflist & admission for"Ut Class-Xlt tar.ft.st qftqrrT fi atwql 6 R{ &' srtr{z Within 30 days of deolaration of CBSE results 30 rtil fi rifrr RiEzl.ast date of Admission 31.07.2015 * mar-h*q fr ftfrrqi' d* fi frrft frzSubject f to availability of vacancles in i pa,ticu-ta, ctiss. de ft Frfr fuorufr7lrt61s3 TEt 6r qil, q&qr-dirr.r @qt 6t q[fi, sier il frq 3ritrfi qqBa Fqt 6I ffi-qg qfi, rfiffiI-qfr s :'il?rff ntrqt mr srifua fiftq f{fllm fi fus'1" qr tdr srHerd }1 f*f-" List of children registerd list of eligible childrert category-wise list of provisionally selected childreq walting list and zubsequent lists to be compulsorily displayed on the website of the Kendriya Vidyalaya concemed.
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