CENTRAL SLIVER PLANT OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER FOR KHADI AND VILLAGE INDUSTRIES, KELAKOTE INDURSTRIAL AREA, PLOT NO. 9 , 10 AND 11,CHITRADURGA-577 501. No.KNT/ CSP/CPC-PLC/1/Karnataka/2014-15/ Date:-18-03-2015. TENDER NOTICE The Central Sliver Plant, OCKVI, Kelakote Industrial Area, Plot No.9,10 and 11, Karnataka state Pin 577 501 invites sealed tenders on lowest price for supply of (01) 700 Bales of cotton LRA grade - for Central Sliver Plant OCKVI, Kuttur from Registered Agencies as mentioned below:COTTON PURCHASE COMMITTEE : Varieties of Cotton C.S.P. Kuttur LRA 700 Bales CSP Chitradurga TOTAL 1200Bales 500 Bales EstimatedEMD @ 2% of goods value Rs. 1,85,000.00 Rs. 1,32,000.00 Note – Total requirement is about 1200 Bales of LRA cotton variety but total No. of bales and Quality wise total No. of bales will be decided by Tender Committee considering the market rates, competitive and comparative quality parameters of the cotton variety and funds availability. Tender forms @ 500/- each for cotton having terms & conditions can be obtained from our office on any working day till 07-04-2015 by 4.30 PM. Technical Bid and Financial bid submitted up to 08-04-2015 by 11.00 AM. Technical and financial bid will be opened on 08-04-2015 at 11.30 AM at Zonal Office, OCKVI, Doorvaninagar, Bangalore – 560 016. The above Tenderers have to deposit variety wise total EMD in the form of Bank Draft in favour of Khadi and Village Industries Commission. Chitradurga (Karnataka). The cotton supplier should be able to offer variety wise in full quantity. 2. Cotton Waste Disposal: Varieties of Cotton Waste C.S.P.Chitradurga C.S.P. Kuttur TOTAL EMD for Kuttur EMD for Chitradurga Comber Noils 0 4000 Kg 55 bale 4000Kg 55bales Flat 7000 Kg 4800 Kg 60 bale 11800 Kg Lickerin in 15000 Kg 5100 Kg 45 bale 20100 Kg Fan 500 Kg 1600 Kg 20 bale 2100 Kg Rs.25000/Blow Room Droppings 15000 Kg 4000 Kg 35 bale 19000 Kg Rs. 50000/Gutter 0 800 Kg 10 bale 800 Kg Cellar Waste 4000 Kg 0 4000 Kg Sweeping 400 Kg 0 400 Kg Rs. 3000.00 Hoop Iron 0 750 Kg 750 Kg PLANT LEVEL COMMITTEE : 3. Sealed Tenders invited by Central Sliver Plant, Khadi and Village Industries Commission, Ministry of MS& ME (Govt. of India) Kuttur, Thrissur – Kerala. Sl. No.Make 1 a. Disposal/Selling of Carding Machne Model C1/2a 1986 LMW Ltd - 2 Nos. b. Selling of Auto Mixture Model B 7 Make 1986 LMW Ltd – 1 No. 2 a. Supply and erecting of 80KVAR power capacitor With APFCR panel 400%A installation of power capacitor and suitabhle controlling switches. b. Supply of Calibrate of HT TOD meter – version –WR 200 BB52L1. 3 4 a. Carding Waste Evacuation Fan suitable for C1/2a Cards for L.D Dia 600mm fan with 7.5 HP Motor Capacitor Renovation - 1 a. Job Work of Shifting of ERM cleaner EMD Rs. 20,000/Rs. 5,000/Rs. 15,000/- Rs. 3,000/- Rs. 5,000/- Remarks Terms and Conditions: 1) Iterm No. 1 & 2 machines are running in good condition, quotation is called on as where basis and with your shifting cost. 2) Item No.4 the job work quotation 3) The KVIC reserve the Job Work to accept or reject any tender without assigning the reason. 4) The demand drafts to be drawn on any Nationalised Bank drawn in favour of “Khadi and Village Industries Commission” payable at Chitradurga Tenderer may remain present at the time of opening of Tenders. KVIC reserves the right to accept or reject any one or all tenders without assigning any reason. Note- Those tenderers who do not full fill essential requirements of technical bid will not be entertained to compete with financial bid. PROJECT MANGAGER /CONVENOR(CPC) Rs. 500/- (Non refundable) CENTRAL SLIVER PLANT OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER KHADI AND VILLAGE INDUSTRIES, KELAKOTE INDURSTRIAL AREA, PLOT NO. 9 , 10 AND 11,CHITRADURGA-577 501. Phone: 08194-235006 - 235285 No.KNT/ CSP/CPC-PLC/3/Karnataka/2014-15/ Date:-11-03-2015. 01 & 02 . TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR PROCUREMENT OF COTTON. It is well aware that Central Sliver Plant, Chitradurga (Karnataka) and Kuttur – Trichur (Kerala) (units of KVIC which comes under Ministry of M.S.M.E, Govt. of India) are supplying raw material to certified Khadi Institutions. Parameter required for cotton are below :Table No. 01 S.No. 01 Variety 2.5 % Span length (mm) (Minimum) UR% Fineness (Micr.) Tenacity (g/tax) Trash% Maximum 25 27 45-53=48 3.50 19-25.3=22.1 6% LRA Note:-Total requirement is about 700 Bales approx, but total No. of bales and Quality wise total No. of bales will be decided by Tender Committee considering the market rates, competitive and comparative rates and quality parameters of cotton variety and funds availability. Varieties of Cotton C.S.P. Kuttur C.S.P. TOTAL Chitradurga LRA 700 Bales 500 Bales EstimatedEMD @ 2% of goods value 1200Bales Rs.3,17,000/- 2. Tender form must be submitted with EMD as below Varieties of Cotton EstimatedEMD @ 2% of goods value TOTAL LRA Total Cotton Bales 1200 1200 3,17,000.00 3,17,000.00 EMD to be deposited in favour of Khadi and Village Industries Commission, Payable At Chitradurga. 03-Essential requirements for Technical Bid-(For Cotton) A- It is very important to note that there must not be any overwriting or cutting in filling up of Rates in Tender Form . B- The supplier is required to offer variety wise FOR rates in full quantity separately for Chitradurga and Kuttur. The supplier who offers for less quantity than the total requirement of one variety will not be entertained. C- The supplier is required to deposit the total EMD variety wise by a Demand.Draft against supply of one variety to be offered by the party. The tenderer should be able to supply variety wise in full quantity of required cotton bales of the tenders to both the plants. D- A copy of sales tax and Income Tax number of cotton supplier (self attested) are to be attached. E- The cotton supplier firm having turnover of last year less than Rs 2.5 crores. will not be entertained and turnover should be certified by C.A.for confirmation and last three years Balance Sheet and income tax return self attested copy to be attached. F- The financial bid should be separate for each variety and variety should be mentioned on envelope. G- The Technical bid and financial bids with all required enclosures to be sealed in separate, separate envelopes .Envelope of Technical bid and financial bids both are to be put in one bigger envelope which is to be dully sealed and bigger envelope should be addressed to Project Manager/ Convenor CSP ,KVIC Chitradurga – 577 501 (Karnataka) H- Those tenderers who do not full fill requirements of technical bid will not be entertained to compete in the financial bid. I- In case the Tenderer has downloaded the tender form the KVIC website, the cost of tender, i.e. Rs. 500.00 has to be paid by separate Demand Draft drawn in favour of Khadi and Village Industries Commission, payable at Chitradurga (Karnataka) while submitting the tender. If Tender form purchased by cash, photo copy of cash receipt to be attached with technical bid. 4 56-. Agreement –Agreement will have to be executed between purchaser plant and supplier . Testing of cotton is valid only from CIRCOT/ATIRA/BTRA/NITRA/SITRA and Textile Committee Lab. Selection of successful bidder - The Tenderer who have quoted the lowest FOR at plant will be considered for selecting successful bidder and will be required to supply variety wise in full quantity on same lowest FOR to all above said Plants as per their requirement. 7- Payment :- No payment in advance will be made. 75 % amount of invoice will be paid within 07 days after receipt of delivery of material at plant and remaining 24 % payment will be paid after getting the test results. 8- Testing:- Testing of cotton will be done after delivery at plant or as per decision of tender Committee if the consignment is not in conformity with the specification, the Buyer shall have the right to refuse to accept the consignment and in that event the seller shall have to bear all the cost and consequences arising there from. 9- Weighing :-The Seller will give the delivery of cotton at Central Sliver Plant, Khadi & Village Industries Commission, Chitradurga (Karnataka) and Kuttur-Trichur (Kerala). The weighing of consignment will be done at nearer to concerned Plant. If the weight of cotton shows difference of more than Avg. 1.5 Kg. ( on lower side) per bale then on request of seller individual bale weighing can be done at Plant and the total weighing will be considered for payment. It is hereby agreed that expenses will be borne by the seller. 10- Sales Tax.- The “C” forms as applicable will be issued by plant to the cotton suppliers. 11- Guarantee. In General KVIC purchases the cotton in the crop season for whole year, so cotton is not consumed after just purchase. It will be consumed throughout the year. The supplier will be fully responsible for any wide variation in quality. 12-. Condition for dispatch. The supplier will dispatch 25% of ordered cotton variety wise or minimum one Truck whichever is higher within 7 days from the received date of purchase order. Remaining cotton will be supplied within 30 days from the receipt of purchase order. Each Bales must be marked with:1. Lot No. 2. P.R. No. 3. Press Mark. No. 4. Bale No. 5. Variety 6. Year 7.Station 13-. The Cotton must be of crop year 2014-15, no old cotton will be accepted by the 14-. Arbitration buyer. If a dispute arises out of or in connection with this assignment, or in respect of any defined legal relationship associated herewith, the parties agree either to seek an amicable settlement of that dispute by conciliation under the ICADR Rules 1996 or to submit that dispute to Arbitration under the ICADR Rules 1996. 15-. Validity. For any unavoidable reason if date of Opening of tender has to be postponed, the submitted tenders will be valid for the next 10 days. 16-. The CPC/PLC Committee reserves the right to accept or reject any one or all tenders without assigning any reason. 17- These terms & condition duly signed by Tenderer must be attached with Technical bid. 18- The Technical and Financial Bids sealed (separately) must be submitted 08-04-2015 till 11.00 am , which will be opened by the committee in presence of tenderers if any on 08-04-2015 at 11-30 AM at Zonal Office, OCKVI, Doorvanainagar, Near FCI Godown, Vijinapura, Bangalore – 560 016. Project Manager/Member Convenor(CPC/PLC) No. KNT/CSP/CPC-PLC/4/2014-15/ Dated-11-03-2015 To, ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- We agree with all above terms & condition stipulated from S.N. 01 to 18. Signature & Stamp of Firm TECHNICAL BID FOR COTTON SUPPLY FOR C.S.P. KUTTUR AND CHITRADURGA I. Name of the Firm :-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II. Address of the Firm :-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- III. Sales Tax No. (TIN) :-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IV. Income Tax (PAN OR TAN No.) V Total turn over last year VI. Tender form amount @ 500.00 deposit by : Cash or DD - D.D no………………Name of bank -------------------------------------- :-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------: Rs------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ date ------------------------- if cash , Receipt No……………..Date------------------- Central Sliver Plant, Chitradurga S.N 01 Variety 2.5/Span Length (mm) Minimum LRA Total Cotton Bales 25 - 27mm Required Cotton Bales Required EMD Amount (Rs in lacs) 1200 3,17,000/- 1200 3,17,000/- EMD Deposit by tenderer (Rs in lacs) Variety wise D.D. No. And Date Name of Bank VII- Details of Enclosures- 1- Copy of Sales Tax number 02-Copy of Income Tax number 03-Copy of last three year Balance Sheet and Income tax Return copy’s 04. DD for Rs 500.00 or receipt if paid in cash 05- EMD Bank Draft 06- Signed Tender Terms & condition Dated…………… Signature & Stamp of Firm FINANCIAL BID FOR LRA/EQUIVALENT(27 MM)COTTON FOR C.S.P. KUTTUR AND CHITRADURGA VARIETY- LRA (27MM) Name of the Firm S.N 01 Variety LRA KUTTUR CHITRADURGA :-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2.5/Span Length (mm) Minimum 25 - 27 mm Required Cotton Bales Total Rate Rs. per Kg. (Including Transportation, Tax ( CST Against Form-C) and Transit Insurance ) FOR CHITRADURGA (KARNATAKA) AND KUTTUR TRICHUR (Kerala) 1200 Note- It is very important to note that there must not be any overwriting or cutting in filling up of Rates in Financial Bid . Dated…………… Signature & Stamp of Firm 2. Disposal of waste cotton of CSP Chitradurga (Karnataka) and CSP Kuttur (Kerala) Varieties of Cotton Waste Comber Noils Flat Lickerin in Fan Blow Room Droppings Gutter Cellar Waste Sweeping Hoop Iron C.S.P.Chitradurga C.S.P. Kuttur Karnataka Kerala 0 4000 Kg 55 bale 7000 Kg 4800 Kg 60 bale 15000 Kg 5100 Kg 45 bale 500 Kg 1600 Kg 20 bale 15000 Kg 4000 Kg 35 bale 0 800 Kg 10 bale 4000 Kg 0 400 Kg 0 0 750 Kg TOTAL 4000Kg 55bales 11800 Kg 20100 Kg 2100 Kg 19000 Kg 800 Kg 4000 Kg 400 Kg 750 Kg EMD for Kuttur Rs. 50000/- EMD for Chitradurga Rs. 25000/- Rs. 3000.00 TERMS AND CONDITIONS:01. 02. 03. 04 05. 06. 07. 08. The EMD of Rs. 25,000/- for CSP Chitradurga. The EMD of Rs..50,000/- against waste cotton and Rs.3,000/- Hoop Iron for CSP Kuttur . The DD may be accompanied with Tender in the favour of “Khadi and V.I. Commission”, payable at Chitradurga for both CSP’s on any Nationalized Bank. The waste should be lifted once in a Month basis. The party Fails to lift the waste in time the EMD will be forfeited and black Listed. The party should pay the Invoice amount by means of DD/pay order before Leaving the premises. The waste cotton can be inspected during the office hours from 10.00 a.m. to 4.00 p.m. at Chitradurga and Kuttur on working days. The VAT/CST will be charged as applicable. The packing charges per gunny bag @ Rs.30.00 Extra. The Tender period will be for six months from the date of firm supply Order. 3. Sealed Tenders invited by Central Slilver Plant, Khadi and Village Industries Commission, Ministry of MS& ME (Govt. of India) Kuttur, Thrissur – Kerala. Sl. No.Make 1 c. EMD Rs. 20,000/- 2 Rs. 5,000/Rs. 15,000/- 3 4 Disposal/Selling of Carding Machne Model C1/2a 1986 LMW Ltd - 2 Nos. d. Selling of Auto Mixture Model B 7 Make 1986 LMW Ltd – 1 No. c. Supply and erecting of 80KVAR power capacitor With APFCR panel 400%A installation of power capacitor and suitabhle controlling switches. d. Supply of Calibrate of HT TOD meter – version –WR 200 BB52L1. b. Carding Waste Evacuation Fan suitable for C1/2a Cards for L.D Dia 600mm fan with 7.5 HP Motor Capacitor Renovation - 1 b. Job Work of Shifting of ERM cleaner Rs. 3,000/- Rs. 5,000/- Remarks Terms and Conditions: 1) Iterm No. 1 & 2 machines are running in good condition, quotation is called on as where basis and wiwth your shifting cost. 2) Item No.4 the job work quotation 3) The KVIC reserve the Job Work to accept or reject any tender without assigning the reason. 4) The demand drafts to be drawn on any Nationalised Bank drawn in favour of “Khadi and Village Industries Commission” payable at Chitradurga Tenderer may remain present at the time of opening of Tenders. KVIC reserves the right to accept or reject any one or all tenders without assigning any reason. Note- Those tenderers who do not full fill essential requirements of technical bid will not be entertained to compete with financial bid. The terms and conditions as stated above are fully accepted .The Earnest Money is hereby deposited by. Signature of the Firm with seal. The Committee reserves the right to accept or reject any or all the tenders without assigning any reason thereof. Sd/Project Manager/Member Convener CPC/PLC of CSP Chitradurga/Kuttur.
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