HR in place MIS24188-1_NEWSLETTER - OUTSIDE - ALL KITS & VERSIONS Help transform more lives—all year long CROSSROADS EVENTS Herb Smith, President Follow us on Twitter: @TheLAMission Subscribe to our video channel: Many thanks to the BET Networks, John W. Carson Foundation, Northbound Treatment Services and City National Bank for graciously sponsoring our 77th gala. Check out our photos on Instagram: @TheLAMission 1 MIS24188-1_NEWSLETTER_FA.indd 1 ▸ It’s so easy to do! Just fill out the form below, go online to our monthly giving website page at or call Leisha SmithTownsend at (213) 629-1227, ext. 421. Thank you! A MONTH PAGE 1 REWARDS OF BEING A VOLUNTEER Three volunteers share why they give their time to the Mission PAGE 3 To give a gift by credit card, visit us online at or call (213) 629-1227, ext. 400. 303 E. 5th Street Los Angeles, CA 90013 NAME ADDRESSAPT @ STATEZIP EMAIL A receipt for your tax-deductible gift will be sent to you shortly. 4CP Find out what’s coming up at the Mission m I would like to become a Meals a Month partner and give a monthly gift of $________. My first gift is enclosed. CITY 70# White Opaque Smooth Book ALS STOCK EVENTS Yes! I want to help provide meals and opportunities for change to my Skid Row friends and neighbors. Here’s my gift of: m $25 m $50 m $150 m $________ THANK YOU! News from the Los Angeles Mission –MARIALICE FREEMAN ADC ALUM Please make your check payable to: Los Angeles Mission and mail to: P.O. Box 60127, Los Angeles, CA 90060-0127 5 N144 Living outside the box After 12 years on Skid Row, Marialice found new life at the Anne Douglas Center PAGE 2 EQUIPPING STUDENTS FOR THE JOURNEY OF A LIFETIME Learn how the Chicago School of Professional Psychology is helping our students PAGE 4 4/8/14 1:48 PM DO NOT PRINT RGB KEYLINES OR TYPE Become a fan on Facebook: “I didn’t think I could do it, but God said different.” ▸ To learn how you can leave a transformative legacy that keeps on giving, visit give/wills-and-trusts/ today. You may also contact Herb Smith at (213) 629-3227, ext. 305 or [email protected] ME News from the Los Angeles Mission INKS Donate online: NEWSLETTER Blessings, CROSSROADS APRIL 2014 ELEMENT Keep track of the latest Mission news, make safe online donations and more. At the ADC eBay store! 8.5” x 11” STAY CONNECTED By Dr. Charles P. Morgan 25.375” x 11” Your support sends the message to our students that you not only care about them, but you also believe in their ability to change their lives for good. Thank you! When you make a bequest to the Mission in your Will, you bring the promise of hope and transformation to life. Not only does your generosity continue to provide hot meals, warm beds and safe shelter to our hurting, homeless friends and neighbors today, but you also support our comprehensive recovery services that give people a “Fresh Start” for the future. From Herb Smith FOLDS TO Through a wide range of services you help provide— including spiritual and psychological counseling, vocational training, life-skills classes and much more— we offer the opportunity for a real “Fresh Start” to our students and guests. Leave a life-changing legacy CHANGE IS ALWAYS IN FASHION SIZE Graduation: JUNE 13, 7 P.M. (dinner reception at 5:30 P.M.) You’re invited to join us at the Mission to celebrate our students graduating from the Fresh Start program. Or watch the ceremony live online at In this season of transformation, why not make the commitment to help change lives all year long? Becoming a monthly donor is a great way to deepen your impact in the community while ministering each and every month to “the least of these.” SIGNS OF HOPE LAM APRIL 2014 NEWSLETTER As I serve my Skid Row friends “People can and will and neighbors, I’ve change, given the right learned how to support, encouragement become more and tools.” generous in spirit. I’ve learned to appreciate how blessed I am to have a heritage of health and opportunity that many here have never experienced. And I’ve learned that people not only can but will change, given the right support, encouragement and tools. Become a Meals a Month partner today PARTNERS ON THE ROAD TO CHANGE MIS24188-1 President’s Luncheon: MAY 15, 12-1:30 P.M. Have lunch at the Mission with President Herb Smith and other staff for a time of fellowship and the opportunity to learn more about issues related to homelessness, addiction and the needs of those we serve. For a schedule of lunches, call the President’s Office at (213) 629-1227, ext. 305. Meals a Month partners also help reduce administrative costs for the Mission because they receive fewer mailings (that also means less paperwork for you!). On page three TITLE Every day, I experience how the Los Angeles Mission changes lives—not least of all my own. ALS The Mission especially relies on our monthly donors to help us budget more effectively. With a predictable income each month, we can better prepare for upcoming needs while keeping the lights on, the water running, meals on the table, clean linens on the beds and much more. Volunteer Orientation: MAY 3, 9-11 A.M. All who wish to volunteer must first attend an orientation session at the Mission. To register for the upcoming volunteer orientation, please visit us online at Partners on the road to change ME As we say time and time again at the Mission, “Hope begins with a meal.” A Sometimes a hot, nutritious meal at our table MONTH is a person’s first taste of a “Fresh Start” in life. But we couldn’t provide those meals—or any of our life-changing services—without the help of our donors. Mission Possible Run: MAY 3, 2014 There’s still time to get involved! Join us for our first annual Mission Possible Run and Resource Fair. Cost is $30 for adults, $20 for kids, and parking is $6. On page four On page one JOB NUMBER CROSSROADS RUSS REID JOB SPECS MY VIEW HR in place MIS24188-1_NEWSLETTER - OUTSIDE - ALL KITS & VERSIONS Help transform more lives—all year long CROSSROADS EVENTS Herb Smith, President Follow us on Twitter: @TheLAMission Subscribe to our video channel: Many thanks to the BET Networks, John W. Carson Foundation, Northbound Treatment Services and City National Bank for graciously sponsoring our 77th gala. Check out our photos on Instagram: @TheLAMission 1 MIS24188-1_NEWSLETTER_FA.indd 1 ▸ It’s so easy to do! Just fill out the form below, go online to our monthly giving website page at or call Leisha SmithTownsend at (213) 629-1227, ext. 421. Thank you! A MONTH PAGE 1 REWARDS OF BEING A VOLUNTEER Three volunteers share why they give their time to the Mission PAGE 3 To give a gift by credit card, visit us online at or call (213) 629-1227, ext. 400. 303 E. 5th Street Los Angeles, CA 90013 NAME ADDRESSAPT @ STATEZIP EMAIL A receipt for your tax-deductible gift will be sent to you shortly. 4CP Find out what’s coming up at the Mission m I would like to become a Meals a Month partner and give a monthly gift of $________. My first gift is enclosed. CITY 70# White Opaque Smooth Book ALS STOCK EVENTS Yes! I want to help provide meals and opportunities for change to my Skid Row friends and neighbors. Here’s my gift of: m $25 m $50 m $150 m $________ THANK YOU! News from the Los Angeles Mission –MARIALICE FREEMAN ADC ALUM Please make your check payable to: Los Angeles Mission and mail to: P.O. Box 60127, Los Angeles, CA 90060-0127 5 N144 Living outside the box After 12 years on Skid Row, Marialice found new life at the Anne Douglas Center PAGE 2 EQUIPPING STUDENTS FOR THE JOURNEY OF A LIFETIME Learn how the Chicago School of Professional Psychology is helping our students PAGE 4 4/8/14 1:48 PM DO NOT PRINT RGB KEYLINES OR TYPE Become a fan on Facebook: “I didn’t think I could do it, but God said different.” ▸ To learn how you can leave a transformative legacy that keeps on giving, visit give/wills-and-trusts/ today. You may also contact Herb Smith at (213) 629-3227, ext. 305 or [email protected] ME News from the Los Angeles Mission INKS Donate online: NEWSLETTER Blessings, CROSSROADS APRIL 2014 ELEMENT Keep track of the latest Mission news, make safe online donations and more. At the ADC eBay store! 8.5” x 11” STAY CONNECTED By Dr. Charles P. Morgan 25.375” x 11” Your support sends the message to our students that you not only care about them, but you also believe in their ability to change their lives for good. Thank you! When you make a bequest to the Mission in your Will, you bring the promise of hope and transformation to life. Not only does your generosity continue to provide hot meals, warm beds and safe shelter to our hurting, homeless friends and neighbors today, but you also support our comprehensive recovery services that give people a “Fresh Start” for the future. From Herb Smith FOLDS TO Through a wide range of services you help provide— including spiritual and psychological counseling, vocational training, life-skills classes and much more— we offer the opportunity for a real “Fresh Start” to our students and guests. Leave a life-changing legacy CHANGE IS ALWAYS IN FASHION SIZE Graduation: JUNE 13, 7 P.M. (dinner reception at 5:30 P.M.) You’re invited to join us at the Mission to celebrate our students graduating from the Fresh Start program. Or watch the ceremony live online at In this season of transformation, why not make the commitment to help change lives all year long? Becoming a monthly donor is a great way to deepen your impact in the community while ministering each and every month to “the least of these.” SIGNS OF HOPE LAM APRIL 2014 NEWSLETTER As I serve my Skid Row friends “People can and will and neighbors, I’ve change, given the right learned how to support, encouragement become more and tools.” generous in spirit. I’ve learned to appreciate how blessed I am to have a heritage of health and opportunity that many here have never experienced. And I’ve learned that people not only can but will change, given the right support, encouragement and tools. Become a Meals a Month partner today PARTNERS ON THE ROAD TO CHANGE MIS24188-1 President’s Luncheon: MAY 15, 12-1:30 P.M. Have lunch at the Mission with President Herb Smith and other staff for a time of fellowship and the opportunity to learn more about issues related to homelessness, addiction and the needs of those we serve. For a schedule of lunches, call the President’s Office at (213) 629-1227, ext. 305. Meals a Month partners also help reduce administrative costs for the Mission because they receive fewer mailings (that also means less paperwork for you!). On page three TITLE Every day, I experience how the Los Angeles Mission changes lives—not least of all my own. ALS The Mission especially relies on our monthly donors to help us budget more effectively. With a predictable income each month, we can better prepare for upcoming needs while keeping the lights on, the water running, meals on the table, clean linens on the beds and much more. Volunteer Orientation: MAY 3, 9-11 A.M. All who wish to volunteer must first attend an orientation session at the Mission. To register for the upcoming volunteer orientation, please visit us online at Partners on the road to change ME As we say time and time again at the Mission, “Hope begins with a meal.” A Sometimes a hot, nutritious meal at our table MONTH is a person’s first taste of a “Fresh Start” in life. But we couldn’t provide those meals—or any of our life-changing services—without the help of our donors. Mission Possible Run: MAY 3, 2014 There’s still time to get involved! Join us for our first annual Mission Possible Run and Resource Fair. Cost is $30 for adults, $20 for kids, and parking is $6. On page four On page one JOB NUMBER CROSSROADS RUSS REID JOB SPECS MY VIEW MIS24188-1_NEWSLETTER - INSIDE - ALL KITS & VERSIONS HR in place MIS24188-1_NEWSLETTER_FA.indd 2 GARY AND LAUREL HARDT Career Services Department The experience is priceless My wife and I have for many years volunteered at Thanksgiving, Easter and Christmas. The experience is priceless. God provides love and healing to the homeless and the volunteers who serve—and are served. I also volunteer three days a week, filing papers, helping write I love staying connected I’ve helped out at the large Thanksgiving and Easter events, volunteering at the foot-washing station. The greatest impression from those times was seeing the joy of many of the people receiving a foot washing and new socks. The most rewarding thing about volunteering at the Mission is being able to stay connected to the Skid Row community—the people and place that I love. 3 Working with the students influences my life every day Three times a year I teach a 6-week course on personal finance and banking. I also regularly teach the FDIC Money Smart curriculum as part of the Urban Training Institute program. I find great satisfaction when I see students putting into practice the principles I teach—for example, by opening a bank account or clearing up a bad credit situation. Volunteering and working with the students influences my life every day. I’m reminded of my good fortune in having a job, home and family. I take fewer things for granted and appreciate all that I’ve been provided. Now in its second year, the Los Angeles Mission’s partnership with the Chicago School of Professional Psychology (CSOPP) is already making a tremendous impact. addiction and familial concerns.” “One of the most important ways that the CSOPP assists our students is in giving them the insight, through therapy and the development of effective coping skills, to process traumatic experiences and debilitating developmental experiences in a manner that can bring resolution and healing,” says Dr. Morgan, the Mission’s VP of Program. Ivery Wheeler Fresh Start Alum Fresh Start Alum, Ivery Wheeler says about his experience with the CSOPP, “I see things more clearly and succinctly and have gained the tools in conjunction with the LAM Chaplaincy to more effectively deal with my There are benefits for the volunteer interns as well. “My new understanding of substance abuse and homelessness has overall made me a more compassionate individual,” says Lillian Spost, CSOPP practicum trainee. “Now my understanding of both of these issues is much greater and my teachers have been the students.” Your gifts help bring healing and hope The partnership operates under a supervisory staff (including a licensed psychologist and clinical supervisor) that provides guidance and oversight for mental status examinations, psychiatric evaluations, individual counseling and diagnostic services for a range of disorders. Group counseling also equips students with life skills and personal development tools. Thank you for your support that makes it possible for us to provide these effective and necessary ways to address the needs of both mind and spirit as our students travel the road to recovery. 4 4/8/14 1:48 PM DO NOT PRINT RGB KEYLINES OR TYPE REBEKAH BOLIN Center for Student Missions BRUCE GAMBINER Community Bank 4CP resumes for the students, driving people to appointments, and I organize the Annual Career Fair. My peace and love has been enlarged because of this experience. Equipping students for the journey of a lifetime 70# White Opaque Smooth Book April is National Volunteer Month and we’d like to give a big “thank you” to those who give their time to help serve our guests and students! Volunteering is a great way to make an impact in others’ lives as well as your own. Everyone has something to offer! Register today by visiting us online at STOCK Discover the rewards of being a Mission volunteer Dr. Charles P. Morgan, VP of Program INKS ▸ For more information, contact Barbara Reardon at (213) 629-1227, ext. 331, or Tina Russek at (213) 629-1227, ext. 437. NEWSLETTER In the process of mastering important business skills, students begin to grow in confidence and self-esteem. judgment. As we learn more about their lives, we are better able to address the root causes of their issues, through prayer, spiritual and psychological counsel, and— always—love. Thank you for supporting us in this ongoing work. ELEMENT 2 I’d like to thank the donors for being so generous in helping the women and men they don’t even know to get their lives straight. The donors are on our team, and we’re working together to keep these men and women from destroying their lives behind drugs and alcohol. Helping women achieve success ” 8.5” x 11” ” ” EBAY STORE MANAGER “ 25.375” x 11” “ “ The ADC eBay Store helps women reclaim their self~ALEJANDRA ANAYA respect. Transformation is a key word in them and treating them with the process of recovery. At the dignity. This goes a long way in Mission we believe—as those who touching hearts so that our students lead most can begin to trust Love is powerful 12-step recovery others and open medicine for change. programs do— themselves up to that spirituality new possibilities. is a powerful aid Building a foundation in permanently overcoming of trust—with love addiction and addictive behaviors. Many come to us from traumaWe provide opportunities for filled backgrounds that demand transformation through strengthawareness and sensitivity from our based approaches designed to build staff in order to engender authentic self-esteem and renew the conversations that can lead to individual’s self-concept. We help hope. We strive to lovingly meet our friends and neighbors learn to individuals where they are, without believe in themselves by loving FOLDS TO I had some ups and downs. When you’ve lived on the streets for so long, you get used to doing what you I started smoking crack in my late 30s. I was still want, when you want to, so it was hard having to do drinking and smoking weed, too. I would go to work everything at certain times. It was also hard getting high but I would make sure my work was done—until through the classes after being the cocaine overtook me. out of school for so long, but The Mission helped me Eventually I was fired. After a I kept pressing on. while I ended up homeless. I made have more self-respect Seeing that I was able to do myself a cardboard box and for the work helped build up my and be able to see that about 12 years that’s mostly where confidence. Getting awards I lived while I was on the streets. I am somebody. for completion inspired me and So many times I told myself that kept me going. I felt better about ~MARIALICE FREEMAN, ALUM I would stop smoking, and then I’d myself. The Mission helped me AND CHAPLAIN’S ASSISTANT stay clean for a while, but I didn’t AT THE ANNE DOUGLAS CENTER have more self-respect and be know how I’d be able to get a able to see that I am somebody. job. Employers would ask, Now I’m helping others “What’ve you been doing for all these When graduation time came, I started crying as we years?” and I couldn’t were walking down the aisle, because it was something tell them that I’d been I accomplished. I couldn’t have done it without the help doing and selling of my Lord and Savior and the ADC. But I did it! drugs. Now I work at the ADC helping the women in the program. I can relate to what they’re going through, because I’ve been there. The ADC is like a second home to me. No matter how you come, they’ll welcome you and make you feel comfortable. They’ll show you how to rebuild your character and self-esteem, and help you have more confidence in yourself. Working at the Mission has been very rewarding for me. It is a blessing to see the women at the ADC have their lives transformed and to witness their reunification with their families. By Dr. Charles P. Morgan SIZE On February 9, 1999, I finally came into the program at the Anne Douglas Center—and I haven’t regretted it since. The store equips students at the ADC with the skills to run their own eBay business, from setting up an Excelbased inventory tracking system and doing product research to writing item descriptions, generating sales reports, budgeting, choosing shipping methods, and learning about customer-service phone etiquette, essential computing skills and social media promotion. Proceeds from the eBay store support the life-changing services of the ADC, including spiritual counseling, exercise programs, job readiness training and placement assistance, transitional housing, money management training and much more. Shop online today at The-Anne-Douglas-Center-Boutique! Or if you have high-end, unique, fashionable items you’d like to donate, please contact Tina Russek at (213) 629-1227, ext. 437. LAM APRIL 2014 NEWSLETTER I didn’t think I could change— but God said different Signs of Hope MIS24188-1 I started drinking at an early age. My mother used to drink often and when she had parties, I would drink what was left over in her guests’ glasses. But when I was around 14 or 15, I started to drink more. Soon I graduated to smoking weed, dropping pills. I grew up in the projects and everybody was doing it, so I did it, too. As Alejandra Anaya, eBay Store Manger, put it, “They reclaim their self-respect, transform their lives, and regain their dignity or affirm it for the first time.” TITLE Living outside the box We are continually developing ways to help women like Marialice make lasting change in their lives through the program at the Anne Douglas Center. One way we’ve recently established is through our ADC eBay Store. CROSSROADS JOB NUMBER Change is always in fashion at the ADC eBay Store! RUSS REID JOB SPECS CROSSROADS MIS24188-1_NEWSLETTER - INSIDE - ALL KITS & VERSIONS HR in place MIS24188-1_NEWSLETTER_FA.indd 2 GARY AND LAUREL HARDT Career Services Department The experience is priceless My wife and I have for many years volunteered at Thanksgiving, Easter and Christmas. The experience is priceless. God provides love and healing to the homeless and the volunteers who serve—and are served. I also volunteer three days a week, filing papers, helping write I love staying connected I’ve helped out at the large Thanksgiving and Easter events, volunteering at the foot-washing station. The greatest impression from those times was seeing the joy of many of the people receiving a foot washing and new socks. The most rewarding thing about volunteering at the Mission is being able to stay connected to the Skid Row community—the people and place that I love. 3 Working with the students influences my life every day Three times a year I teach a 6-week course on personal finance and banking. I also regularly teach the FDIC Money Smart curriculum as part of the Urban Training Institute program. I find great satisfaction when I see students putting into practice the principles I teach—for example, by opening a bank account or clearing up a bad credit situation. Volunteering and working with the students influences my life every day. I’m reminded of my good fortune in having a job, home and family. I take fewer things for granted and appreciate all that I’ve been provided. Now in its second year, the Los Angeles Mission’s partnership with the Chicago School of Professional Psychology (CSOPP) is already making a tremendous impact. addiction and familial concerns.” “One of the most important ways that the CSOPP assists our students is in giving them the insight, through therapy and the development of effective coping skills, to process traumatic experiences and debilitating developmental experiences in a manner that can bring resolution and healing,” says Dr. Morgan, the Mission’s VP of Program. Ivery Wheeler Fresh Start Alum Fresh Start Alum, Ivery Wheeler says about his experience with the CSOPP, “I see things more clearly and succinctly and have gained the tools in conjunction with the LAM Chaplaincy to more effectively deal with my There are benefits for the volunteer interns as well. “My new understanding of substance abuse and homelessness has overall made me a more compassionate individual,” says Lillian Spost, CSOPP practicum trainee. “Now my understanding of both of these issues is much greater and my teachers have been the students.” Your gifts help bring healing and hope The partnership operates under a supervisory staff (including a licensed psychologist and clinical supervisor) that provides guidance and oversight for mental status examinations, psychiatric evaluations, individual counseling and diagnostic services for a range of disorders. Group counseling also equips students with life skills and personal development tools. Thank you for your support that makes it possible for us to provide these effective and necessary ways to address the needs of both mind and spirit as our students travel the road to recovery. 4 4/8/14 1:48 PM DO NOT PRINT RGB KEYLINES OR TYPE REBEKAH BOLIN Center for Student Missions BRUCE GAMBINER Community Bank 4CP resumes for the students, driving people to appointments, and I organize the Annual Career Fair. My peace and love has been enlarged because of this experience. Equipping students for the journey of a lifetime 70# White Opaque Smooth Book April is National Volunteer Month and we’d like to give a big “thank you” to those who give their time to help serve our guests and students! Volunteering is a great way to make an impact in others’ lives as well as your own. Everyone has something to offer! Register today by visiting us online at STOCK Discover the rewards of being a Mission volunteer Dr. Charles P. Morgan, VP of Program INKS ▸ For more information, contact Barbara Reardon at (213) 629-1227, ext. 331, or Tina Russek at (213) 629-1227, ext. 437. NEWSLETTER In the process of mastering important business skills, students begin to grow in confidence and self-esteem. judgment. As we learn more about their lives, we are better able to address the root causes of their issues, through prayer, spiritual and psychological counsel, and— always—love. Thank you for supporting us in this ongoing work. ELEMENT 2 I’d like to thank the donors for being so generous in helping the women and men they don’t even know to get their lives straight. The donors are on our team, and we’re working together to keep these men and women from destroying their lives behind drugs and alcohol. Helping women achieve success ” 8.5” x 11” ” ” EBAY STORE MANAGER “ 25.375” x 11” “ “ The ADC eBay Store helps women reclaim their self~ALEJANDRA ANAYA respect. Transformation is a key word in them and treating them with the process of recovery. At the dignity. This goes a long way in Mission we believe—as those who touching hearts so that our students lead most can begin to trust Love is powerful 12-step recovery others and open medicine for change. programs do— themselves up to that spirituality new possibilities. is a powerful aid Building a foundation in permanently overcoming of trust—with love addiction and addictive behaviors. Many come to us from traumaWe provide opportunities for filled backgrounds that demand transformation through strengthawareness and sensitivity from our based approaches designed to build staff in order to engender authentic self-esteem and renew the conversations that can lead to individual’s self-concept. We help hope. We strive to lovingly meet our friends and neighbors learn to individuals where they are, without believe in themselves by loving FOLDS TO I had some ups and downs. When you’ve lived on the streets for so long, you get used to doing what you I started smoking crack in my late 30s. I was still want, when you want to, so it was hard having to do drinking and smoking weed, too. I would go to work everything at certain times. It was also hard getting high but I would make sure my work was done—until through the classes after being the cocaine overtook me. out of school for so long, but The Mission helped me Eventually I was fired. After a I kept pressing on. while I ended up homeless. I made have more self-respect Seeing that I was able to do myself a cardboard box and for the work helped build up my and be able to see that about 12 years that’s mostly where confidence. Getting awards I lived while I was on the streets. I am somebody. for completion inspired me and So many times I told myself that kept me going. I felt better about ~MARIALICE FREEMAN, ALUM I would stop smoking, and then I’d myself. The Mission helped me AND CHAPLAIN’S ASSISTANT stay clean for a while, but I didn’t AT THE ANNE DOUGLAS CENTER have more self-respect and be know how I’d be able to get a able to see that I am somebody. job. Employers would ask, Now I’m helping others “What’ve you been doing for all these When graduation time came, I started crying as we years?” and I couldn’t were walking down the aisle, because it was something tell them that I’d been I accomplished. I couldn’t have done it without the help doing and selling of my Lord and Savior and the ADC. But I did it! drugs. Now I work at the ADC helping the women in the program. I can relate to what they’re going through, because I’ve been there. The ADC is like a second home to me. No matter how you come, they’ll welcome you and make you feel comfortable. They’ll show you how to rebuild your character and self-esteem, and help you have more confidence in yourself. Working at the Mission has been very rewarding for me. It is a blessing to see the women at the ADC have their lives transformed and to witness their reunification with their families. By Dr. Charles P. Morgan SIZE On February 9, 1999, I finally came into the program at the Anne Douglas Center—and I haven’t regretted it since. The store equips students at the ADC with the skills to run their own eBay business, from setting up an Excelbased inventory tracking system and doing product research to writing item descriptions, generating sales reports, budgeting, choosing shipping methods, and learning about customer-service phone etiquette, essential computing skills and social media promotion. Proceeds from the eBay store support the life-changing services of the ADC, including spiritual counseling, exercise programs, job readiness training and placement assistance, transitional housing, money management training and much more. Shop online today at The-Anne-Douglas-Center-Boutique! Or if you have high-end, unique, fashionable items you’d like to donate, please contact Tina Russek at (213) 629-1227, ext. 437. LAM APRIL 2014 NEWSLETTER I didn’t think I could change— but God said different Signs of Hope MIS24188-1 I started drinking at an early age. My mother used to drink often and when she had parties, I would drink what was left over in her guests’ glasses. But when I was around 14 or 15, I started to drink more. Soon I graduated to smoking weed, dropping pills. I grew up in the projects and everybody was doing it, so I did it, too. As Alejandra Anaya, eBay Store Manger, put it, “They reclaim their self-respect, transform their lives, and regain their dignity or affirm it for the first time.” TITLE Living outside the box We are continually developing ways to help women like Marialice make lasting change in their lives through the program at the Anne Douglas Center. One way we’ve recently established is through our ADC eBay Store. CROSSROADS JOB NUMBER Change is always in fashion at the ADC eBay Store! RUSS REID JOB SPECS CROSSROADS MIS24188-1_NEWSLETTER - INSIDE - ALL KITS & VERSIONS HR in place MIS24188-1_NEWSLETTER_FA.indd 2 GARY AND LAUREL HARDT Career Services Department The experience is priceless My wife and I have for many years volunteered at Thanksgiving, Easter and Christmas. The experience is priceless. God provides love and healing to the homeless and the volunteers who serve—and are served. I also volunteer three days a week, filing papers, helping write I love staying connected I’ve helped out at the large Thanksgiving and Easter events, volunteering at the foot-washing station. The greatest impression from those times was seeing the joy of many of the people receiving a foot washing and new socks. The most rewarding thing about volunteering at the Mission is being able to stay connected to the Skid Row community—the people and place that I love. 3 Working with the students influences my life every day Three times a year I teach a 6-week course on personal finance and banking. I also regularly teach the FDIC Money Smart curriculum as part of the Urban Training Institute program. I find great satisfaction when I see students putting into practice the principles I teach—for example, by opening a bank account or clearing up a bad credit situation. Volunteering and working with the students influences my life every day. I’m reminded of my good fortune in having a job, home and family. I take fewer things for granted and appreciate all that I’ve been provided. Now in its second year, the Los Angeles Mission’s partnership with the Chicago School of Professional Psychology (CSOPP) is already making a tremendous impact. addiction and familial concerns.” “One of the most important ways that the CSOPP assists our students is in giving them the insight, through therapy and the development of effective coping skills, to process traumatic experiences and debilitating developmental experiences in a manner that can bring resolution and healing,” says Dr. Morgan, the Mission’s VP of Program. Ivery Wheeler Fresh Start Alum Fresh Start Alum, Ivery Wheeler says about his experience with the CSOPP, “I see things more clearly and succinctly and have gained the tools in conjunction with the LAM Chaplaincy to more effectively deal with my There are benefits for the volunteer interns as well. “My new understanding of substance abuse and homelessness has overall made me a more compassionate individual,” says Lillian Spost, CSOPP practicum trainee. “Now my understanding of both of these issues is much greater and my teachers have been the students.” Your gifts help bring healing and hope The partnership operates under a supervisory staff (including a licensed psychologist and clinical supervisor) that provides guidance and oversight for mental status examinations, psychiatric evaluations, individual counseling and diagnostic services for a range of disorders. Group counseling also equips students with life skills and personal development tools. Thank you for your support that makes it possible for us to provide these effective and necessary ways to address the needs of both mind and spirit as our students travel the road to recovery. 4 4/8/14 1:48 PM DO NOT PRINT RGB KEYLINES OR TYPE REBEKAH BOLIN Center for Student Missions BRUCE GAMBINER Community Bank 4CP resumes for the students, driving people to appointments, and I organize the Annual Career Fair. My peace and love has been enlarged because of this experience. Equipping students for the journey of a lifetime 70# White Opaque Smooth Book April is National Volunteer Month and we’d like to give a big “thank you” to those who give their time to help serve our guests and students! Volunteering is a great way to make an impact in others’ lives as well as your own. Everyone has something to offer! Register today by visiting us online at STOCK Discover the rewards of being a Mission volunteer Dr. Charles P. Morgan, VP of Program INKS ▸ For more information, contact Barbara Reardon at (213) 629-1227, ext. 331, or Tina Russek at (213) 629-1227, ext. 437. NEWSLETTER In the process of mastering important business skills, students begin to grow in confidence and self-esteem. judgment. As we learn more about their lives, we are better able to address the root causes of their issues, through prayer, spiritual and psychological counsel, and— always—love. Thank you for supporting us in this ongoing work. ELEMENT 2 I’d like to thank the donors for being so generous in helping the women and men they don’t even know to get their lives straight. The donors are on our team, and we’re working together to keep these men and women from destroying their lives behind drugs and alcohol. Helping women achieve success ” 8.5” x 11” ” ” EBAY STORE MANAGER “ 25.375” x 11” “ “ The ADC eBay Store helps women reclaim their self~ALEJANDRA ANAYA respect. Transformation is a key word in them and treating them with the process of recovery. At the dignity. This goes a long way in Mission we believe—as those who touching hearts so that our students lead most can begin to trust Love is powerful 12-step recovery others and open medicine for change. programs do— themselves up to that spirituality new possibilities. is a powerful aid Building a foundation in permanently overcoming of trust—with love addiction and addictive behaviors. Many come to us from traumaWe provide opportunities for filled backgrounds that demand transformation through strengthawareness and sensitivity from our based approaches designed to build staff in order to engender authentic self-esteem and renew the conversations that can lead to individual’s self-concept. We help hope. We strive to lovingly meet our friends and neighbors learn to individuals where they are, without believe in themselves by loving FOLDS TO I had some ups and downs. When you’ve lived on the streets for so long, you get used to doing what you I started smoking crack in my late 30s. I was still want, when you want to, so it was hard having to do drinking and smoking weed, too. I would go to work everything at certain times. It was also hard getting high but I would make sure my work was done—until through the classes after being the cocaine overtook me. out of school for so long, but The Mission helped me Eventually I was fired. After a I kept pressing on. while I ended up homeless. I made have more self-respect Seeing that I was able to do myself a cardboard box and for the work helped build up my and be able to see that about 12 years that’s mostly where confidence. Getting awards I lived while I was on the streets. I am somebody. for completion inspired me and So many times I told myself that kept me going. I felt better about ~MARIALICE FREEMAN, ALUM I would stop smoking, and then I’d myself. The Mission helped me AND CHAPLAIN’S ASSISTANT stay clean for a while, but I didn’t AT THE ANNE DOUGLAS CENTER have more self-respect and be know how I’d be able to get a able to see that I am somebody. job. Employers would ask, Now I’m helping others “What’ve you been doing for all these When graduation time came, I started crying as we years?” and I couldn’t were walking down the aisle, because it was something tell them that I’d been I accomplished. I couldn’t have done it without the help doing and selling of my Lord and Savior and the ADC. But I did it! drugs. Now I work at the ADC helping the women in the program. I can relate to what they’re going through, because I’ve been there. The ADC is like a second home to me. No matter how you come, they’ll welcome you and make you feel comfortable. They’ll show you how to rebuild your character and self-esteem, and help you have more confidence in yourself. Working at the Mission has been very rewarding for me. It is a blessing to see the women at the ADC have their lives transformed and to witness their reunification with their families. By Dr. Charles P. Morgan SIZE On February 9, 1999, I finally came into the program at the Anne Douglas Center—and I haven’t regretted it since. The store equips students at the ADC with the skills to run their own eBay business, from setting up an Excelbased inventory tracking system and doing product research to writing item descriptions, generating sales reports, budgeting, choosing shipping methods, and learning about customer-service phone etiquette, essential computing skills and social media promotion. Proceeds from the eBay store support the life-changing services of the ADC, including spiritual counseling, exercise programs, job readiness training and placement assistance, transitional housing, money management training and much more. Shop online today at The-Anne-Douglas-Center-Boutique! Or if you have high-end, unique, fashionable items you’d like to donate, please contact Tina Russek at (213) 629-1227, ext. 437. LAM APRIL 2014 NEWSLETTER I didn’t think I could change— but God said different Signs of Hope MIS24188-1 I started drinking at an early age. My mother used to drink often and when she had parties, I would drink what was left over in her guests’ glasses. But when I was around 14 or 15, I started to drink more. Soon I graduated to smoking weed, dropping pills. I grew up in the projects and everybody was doing it, so I did it, too. As Alejandra Anaya, eBay Store Manger, put it, “They reclaim their self-respect, transform their lives, and regain their dignity or affirm it for the first time.” TITLE Living outside the box We are continually developing ways to help women like Marialice make lasting change in their lives through the program at the Anne Douglas Center. One way we’ve recently established is through our ADC eBay Store. CROSSROADS JOB NUMBER Change is always in fashion at the ADC eBay Store! RUSS REID JOB SPECS CROSSROADS HR in place MIS24188-1_NEWSLETTER - OUTSIDE - ALL KITS & VERSIONS Help transform more lives—all year long CROSSROADS EVENTS Herb Smith, President Follow us on Twitter: @TheLAMission Subscribe to our video channel: Many thanks to the BET Networks, John W. Carson Foundation, Northbound Treatment Services and City National Bank for graciously sponsoring our 77th gala. Check out our photos on Instagram: @TheLAMission 1 MIS24188-1_NEWSLETTER_FA.indd 1 ▸ It’s so easy to do! Just fill out the form below, go online to our monthly giving website page at or call Leisha SmithTownsend at (213) 629-1227, ext. 421. Thank you! A MONTH PAGE 1 REWARDS OF BEING A VOLUNTEER Three volunteers share why they give their time to the Mission PAGE 3 To give a gift by credit card, visit us online at or call (213) 629-1227, ext. 400. 303 E. 5th Street Los Angeles, CA 90013 NAME ADDRESSAPT @ STATEZIP EMAIL A receipt for your tax-deductible gift will be sent to you shortly. 4CP Find out what’s coming up at the Mission m I would like to become a Meals a Month partner and give a monthly gift of $________. My first gift is enclosed. CITY 70# White Opaque Smooth Book ALS STOCK EVENTS Yes! I want to help provide meals and opportunities for change to my Skid Row friends and neighbors. Here’s my gift of: m $25 m $50 m $150 m $________ THANK YOU! News from the Los Angeles Mission –MARIALICE FREEMAN ADC ALUM Please make your check payable to: Los Angeles Mission and mail to: P.O. Box 60127, Los Angeles, CA 90060-0127 5 N144 Living outside the box After 12 years on Skid Row, Marialice found new life at the Anne Douglas Center PAGE 2 EQUIPPING STUDENTS FOR THE JOURNEY OF A LIFETIME Learn how the Chicago School of Professional Psychology is helping our students PAGE 4 4/8/14 1:48 PM DO NOT PRINT RGB KEYLINES OR TYPE Become a fan on Facebook: “I didn’t think I could do it, but God said different.” ▸ To learn how you can leave a transformative legacy that keeps on giving, visit give/wills-and-trusts/ today. You may also contact Herb Smith at (213) 629-3227, ext. 305 or [email protected] ME News from the Los Angeles Mission INKS Donate online: NEWSLETTER Blessings, CROSSROADS APRIL 2014 ELEMENT Keep track of the latest Mission news, make safe online donations and more. At the ADC eBay store! 8.5” x 11” STAY CONNECTED By Dr. Charles P. Morgan 25.375” x 11” Your support sends the message to our students that you not only care about them, but you also believe in their ability to change their lives for good. Thank you! When you make a bequest to the Mission in your Will, you bring the promise of hope and transformation to life. Not only does your generosity continue to provide hot meals, warm beds and safe shelter to our hurting, homeless friends and neighbors today, but you also support our comprehensive recovery services that give people a “Fresh Start” for the future. From Herb Smith FOLDS TO Through a wide range of services you help provide— including spiritual and psychological counseling, vocational training, life-skills classes and much more— we offer the opportunity for a real “Fresh Start” to our students and guests. Leave a life-changing legacy CHANGE IS ALWAYS IN FASHION SIZE Graduation: JUNE 13, 7 P.M. (dinner reception at 5:30 P.M.) You’re invited to join us at the Mission to celebrate our students graduating from the Fresh Start program. Or watch the ceremony live online at In this season of transformation, why not make the commitment to help change lives all year long? Becoming a monthly donor is a great way to deepen your impact in the community while ministering each and every month to “the least of these.” SIGNS OF HOPE LAM APRIL 2014 NEWSLETTER As I serve my Skid Row friends “People can and will and neighbors, I’ve change, given the right learned how to support, encouragement become more and tools.” generous in spirit. I’ve learned to appreciate how blessed I am to have a heritage of health and opportunity that many here have never experienced. And I’ve learned that people not only can but will change, given the right support, encouragement and tools. Become a Meals a Month partner today PARTNERS ON THE ROAD TO CHANGE MIS24188-1 President’s Luncheon: MAY 15, 12-1:30 P.M. Have lunch at the Mission with President Herb Smith and other staff for a time of fellowship and the opportunity to learn more about issues related to homelessness, addiction and the needs of those we serve. For a schedule of lunches, call the President’s Office at (213) 629-1227, ext. 305. Meals a Month partners also help reduce administrative costs for the Mission because they receive fewer mailings (that also means less paperwork for you!). On page three TITLE Every day, I experience how the Los Angeles Mission changes lives—not least of all my own. ALS The Mission especially relies on our monthly donors to help us budget more effectively. With a predictable income each month, we can better prepare for upcoming needs while keeping the lights on, the water running, meals on the table, clean linens on the beds and much more. Volunteer Orientation: MAY 3, 9-11 A.M. All who wish to volunteer must first attend an orientation session at the Mission. To register for the upcoming volunteer orientation, please visit us online at Partners on the road to change ME As we say time and time again at the Mission, “Hope begins with a meal.” A Sometimes a hot, nutritious meal at our table MONTH is a person’s first taste of a “Fresh Start” in life. But we couldn’t provide those meals—or any of our life-changing services—without the help of our donors. Mission Possible Run: MAY 3, 2014 There’s still time to get involved! Join us for our first annual Mission Possible Run and Resource Fair. Cost is $30 for adults, $20 for kids, and parking is $6. On page four On page one JOB NUMBER CROSSROADS RUSS REID JOB SPECS MY VIEW
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