Shri Bandaru Dattatreya Launches Digital India Initiative: NCVT

Shri Bandaru Dattatreya Launches Digital India Initiative: NCVT-MIS Portal
Will Help Improve Market Function of Vocational Training Delivery in India
Awards E-Certificates From Portal Generated First Set of 1.6 Lakh Certificates
Shri Bandaru Dattatreya, the Minister of State (IC), Labour & Employment said that the
Ministry is taking all possible steps to prepare one crore youth for employment by providing
vocational training in 12th Five Year Plan. Shri Dattatreya said this here today while formally
launching the portal, a digital platform that will help in improving the
market function of vocational training delivery in India. The platform, developed by the
Ministry’s Directorate General of Employment & Training(DGE&T), is yet another step to scale
up the infrastructure that can help realise Prime Minister’s Skill India mission, as well as
significantly improve government’s process efficiencies, increase transparency and reduce
leakages and corruption by the use of technology, the Minister added.
The Minister also awarded e-certificates from the first set of e-certificates generated from
portal for candidates who had successfully completed trainings from various Industrial Training
Institutes (ITIs) in the past, but were awaiting certification by the NCVT due to a huge backlog
of data transmission from States to DGE&T. About 1.6 lakh pending e-certificates have been
generated through the portal for already passed out trainees.The 11 member team that made the
portal possible was also given appreciation certificates by the Minister.
Speaking on the occasion Shri Shankar Aggarwal, the Secretary L&E said that the
Ministry is trying to strike a balance between labour laws and labour welfare.He said the
endeavour is to equip youth for leading dignified life.
Earlier , Shri Alok Kumar,DG(DGE&T) welcomed the participants.
This digital initiative will help all stakeholders. The portal will not only drastically reduce
waiting time from years to days for apprentice to get certificates; the employers will also be able
to cross check genuine candidates directly using the portal. While the Government schemes
delivery and performance can be monitored through his portal, the general public can also access
details of various institutions in the country, courses offered and their uptake statistics, number
of seats available, examination calendars, etc.
In its first phase, the NCVT-MIS portal has provided an e-governance mechanism for key
DGE&T schemes such as the Craftsmen Training Scheme (CTS) and Apprentice Protsahan
Yojana (APY). The portal provides information to the general public on details of various
institutions in the country for Craftsman Trade Scheme, Apprenticeship scheme and Craftsman
Instructor training scheme, their affiliation details, number of seats available and their utilization
statistics. Details of 11000 + Industrial Training Institutes (ITI) along with their affiliation details
are available for search in the public domain. Data of about 10 lakh CTS candidates, who took
admission across these ITIs in the country during the session starting August 14, are now
available in the portal. The trainees can now print hall ticket, mark sheet and e-certificates from
the portal themselves which will eliminate harassment in issuance of these documents and also
drastically reduce the turnaround time in availability of these documents.
The employers will also be able to validate these e-certificates directly using the portal. Over
20 lakh certified trainees who were given paper based certificates can also be verified online.
Similarly under APY, the portal digitizes the entire business process of the scheme and allows
registration for establishments, submission and approval of claims, and payment to
establishments and subsequently to apprentices being processed electronically through direct
benefit transfer.
A helpdesk has also been provisioned for handholding the ITI during the rollout of the portal
across all the institutes along with user manuals, FAQ and training sessions.
The portal is designed to provide visibility into the supply of training, employment, and
apprenticeship services of the Ministry, help catalyse the demand for these services through
better market information and advocacy, and also provide a self-service internet portal to help
different stakeholders conduct several business functions online. With over 11000+ ITI spread
across the country with 134 different trades of varying durations and size and 10 lakh students
enrolling every year in these ITIs it had become virtually impossible for DGET to ensure policy
and affiliation compliance and timely result declaration without a MIS system.
The portal is also expected to improve the governance of vocational training across the field
institutions of DGE&T by providing high degree of transparency, better analytics for decision
making, and improved access to citizen services.
In its phase II currently under development, the platform will also provide modules for the
Centrally funded institutes which conduct instructor training courses , apprenticeship services
and to help the States in migrating the admission process for various vocational training courses
online, provide a centralized database of instructors in the country for such courses, and also
provide an integration with the National Career Service (NCS) portal of the DGE&T to integrate
the training services with employment and Aadhaar.