ffi ffi (iqtq qqt No, M-19023l01/2015-RW Government of India Ministry of Labour and Employment Jaisalmer House, Mansingh Road, New Delhi- 110011 Dated the 29th April, 2015 To Chief Secretary/Administrator (All States/UTAs) Subiect: Shram Shakti Pehchaan campaign for Registration of Unorganised Workers and issue of Social Security ldentity Cards - Guidelines for States/UTAs/District Collectors/Deputy Commissioners. Madam/Sir, In pursuance of the enabling framework provided by this Ministry's Executive 0rder of even number dated 13.04.20L5, this Ministry has approved the guidelines to be followed by the State Governments/UT Administrators/District Administration for registration and issuance of portable multi-application smart, Social Security Identity cards to unorganised workers which is annexed hereto. 2. I am directed to request that the Guidelines may be followed in letter and spirit. Encl. as above foint Secretary to the Government of India & Director General (Labour Welfare) Copy to: 1. 2. 3. ACS/PrincipalSecretary/Secretary,LabourDepartment(AllStates/UTAsJ District Collector/Dy. Commissioner (all) through respective District Information Officers [DIO) of NIC Prime Minister's Office [Shri Shrikar Pardeshi, Deputy Secretary] PS to Secretary (Co-ordination & Public Grievances), Cabinet Secretariat Page 1 of 13 Copy to: All IMG membersr 5. 6. 7. B. 9. 10. L1^. Registrar General oflndia & Census Commissioner (Dr. C. Chandramouli) Joint Secretary Ministry of Health and Family Welfare (Shri N.B. Dhal) Joint Secretary, Department of Electronics and Information & Technologr Joint Secretary (PF-ll), Department ofExpenditure Dr. B.K. Gairola, Adviser, MoLE & Former DG NIC Sh. HarishAggarwal, DDG, UIDAI PSO to Secretary/PPS to AS lolnt Secretary to the Govemment of India & Dlrector General (Labour Welfarc) Page 2 of 13 Social Security ldentity Cards For Unorganised Workers in India [Guidelines and Standard Operating Procedures to be followed by States/UTAs/District Administrations for Registration of Unorganised Workers (UO!y) and issuance of portable, smart social security cards to each UOW.I [Reft Para 4 of the Executive Order vide F.No.M-19O23 /OUZO]^S-RW, dated 13/0 4/ZOtSl Section-I Introduction With enactment of the Unorganised Workers' Social Security Act,2008, Government of India has created a right-based legal framework for providing social security benefits to the workers in the unorganised sector, that accounts for about 39 crores, which is 88o/o of the total workforce of the country. Under this Act, a nationally portable smart identity card shall be issued by the District Administration, which in turn will provide access to all social security schemes anywhere anytime. Ministry of Labour & Employment IMoLE) being the administrative Ministry is mandated to provide technical support and guidelines for conduct of registration of unorganised workers and issuance of social securiw cards to each of them. 2. Government oflndia has decided to launch the revamped RSBY as a part of the ambitious NHAM between 20-26th May, 201,5 and issue new social security cards during the ceremony. This new card will take over the role of existing RSBY cards and entitle the beneficiary to avail benefits under all welfare schemes meant for the unorganised workers including RSBY. On this backdrop, several preparatory steps have been taken by both Union and State governments to launch the registration and card issuance jobs at district levels on May Day, i.e. lst May,2015 through a national campaign, to be led by respective state Chief Ministers/Lt. Governors [UT). Page 3 of 13 3. To support the national campaign on sustainable basis, MoLE vide its Order dated 22/04/2015, constituted an Inter-Ministerial Group (lMG) consisting of representative of such ministries and departments/authorities that have a pivotal role in matters relating to (a) prescribe the technical guidelines for registration and issuance of social security card to unorganised workers; (b) Oversee the IT part of the project at the national level; (c) Sort out accessibility issues with database maintained by other Ministries; and (dJ Oversee the entire process of registration and issuance of smart cards and operations of various software. 4. First Meeting of the Inter-Ministerial Group [lMG) was held on 24/04/1.5 under the Chairmanship of Secretary (L&E). The IMG deliberated on matters relating to Database to be used, Development of Software, Quality of card & chip, Fascia of Smart Card, Operational Guidelines to be issued to States/District Collectors including Smart Cards procurement options, Multilingual Call Centre, software for WFC and Creation of organizational set-up rn MoLE comprising of domain experts and core technical staff. On the basis of the recommendations of IMG and consultations with State Governments, MoLE has prepared the Standard Operating Procedures (SOpJ for the States/UTAs/District Administration as indicated in the Executive Order dated 13th April, 2015. The detailed Guidelines and Standard Operating Procedures are laid down in Section II. Page 4 of 13 ftl\ \l\ u\'' 1\ Section-II The national campaign shall be an awareness and sensitization drive on matters of social security entitlements of workforce in the unorganised sector in India as defined under the UWSS Act, 2008. So far as UOWs are concerned, there is no territorial or domicile / citizenship restrictions under the Act. For the purpose of operational convenience, the campaign shall be carried out in two phases: Phase-1: 1st May, 2015 to 30th fune, 2015 (For RSBY Districts) Phase-2: 15th August to 3ott' September, 2015 (For Non-RSBY and new registration in RSBY districts) [ii) During phase-1, the existing RSBY database shall be used to generate multi-app, portable smart social security identity cards for the unorganised workers which will mostly cover UOWs of BPL and 11 occupational groups. Aadhar authentication/seeding shall happen in camps to be organized by district administrations and existing RSBY smart card software will be tweaked and used for the new social security card, often described as UWIN cards. The four fields in the Machine Inspection Zone (MIZ) of the existing smart card software earmarked for social security schemes will continue to be used as before and MoHFW will continue to be the major user. This approach will eliminate possibility of disruption of services. (iiiJ In phase-2 of the campaign, the volume of operation will be scaled up to cover all other UOWs; and hence the SECC database maintained by RGl/Ministry of Rural Development will be used with Aadhar-seeding. During this phase, most of the Cards will be printed in bulk quantity by electronic Page 5 of 13 fi$ \rr \ l\ seeding ofAadhar without physical presence ofthe worker and hence camps will deal with a few left out cases; but the activities will mostly focus on identification and distribution of printed cards. Collectors will also have the option to utilise the village panchayats for delivery of cards without resorting to camp approach. In such scenario the isolated left-out cases can be dealt by WFCs. Technical Guidelines 1. Registrationr Registration of UOW is the responsibility of District Administration. The process will result in the creation of a national Database of Unorganised Workers. Social SecuriW database shall have the family structure of unorganised workers. 7.7. Districts that have implemented RSBY at least once have the database of BPL and 11 occupational groups eligible for RSBY. This data was prepared by States in MS Access format of RSBY and called the preenrolment data. And was uploaded on the MoLE central server by State Nodal Agencies of RSBY. MoLE then generated the URN (Unique Relationship NumberJ for each family. This used to be downloaded by Insurers and then Insurers carried out enrolment and issued Family based Smart Card to Head of Family of Unorganised Workers eligible for RSBY. The same modality shall be followed for the UWIN database; but with aadhar and TIN seeding. Once the RSBY data is seeded with Aadhar and TIN of SECC, it will be uploaded to MoLE server through FTP. MoLE will process it and generate unique registration number called Social Security Identity ISSID) and a barcode. MoLE has the option to use the Aadhar Number as SSID or generate another unique identification number and thereafter, this data will be called Enrolment Data. The District Collectors are authorised to download the enrolment data and carry out registration process. While doing so, it shall be ensured that the entitlement of the family is equitably split preferably with consent of the family in case the members stay in different work stations and such split value is loaded to the entitlement segment in each SS card. Page 5 of 13 1.2. This process will NOT apoly to green field districts where RSBy was never implemented and those where RSBy was implemented but lapsed or discontinued. These would be taken up during the phase II of the campaign for which separate guidelines will follow. 2. Specifications ofSmart Card: 2.1 Software to be used: Enrolment & Card Issuance System(ECISJ to be provided by NIC. 2.2 Fascia & posterior (front & back) appearance of the Card: Visual Inspection Zone (YIZ) shall have: Card name, logo, chip, photo, name, mother's name, DOB/Age, gender, Aadhaar number and unique ID, Issuing Authority and Call Centre number. This will be defined and built-in with the ECIS & Key Management Software [KMS) and appear automatically. 2.3 Data in the Chip: Data in the Chip will be stored in the Machine Inspection Zone (MIZ) and shall have segments such as identity, entitlements and transaction record. These will be defined by software. 2.4 Quality of Card: PETG (Polyethylene Terephthlate Glycol-Modified) sheet card 2.5 Chip specification: 64 KB OEM Chip, Electrically Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory (EzPROMI non-flash type. 3. Supply of Smart Card and Printing: Three CPSUs (BEL, ITL and ECIL) have a Cost-plus model approved by Gol. State Governments are free to either place direct orders on the CPSUs or go for open tender with the specification prescribed at2.3 & 2.4 above. In case of open tender by States, MoLE may engage a CERTIFICATION AGENCY for ensuring quality. 3,1 In case of contingency where cards may be required to be printed in urgency, District Collectors may use their discretion to utilise the facilities available with Insurance Companies or their vendors who printed the RSBY smart cards and pay them an amount not exceeding { 30 per card subject to compliance of the technical speciflcations given at para 2. But WFC of the district headquarters should have the permanent facility to print smart cards for the purpose of replacement/splitting etc. State Governments can have Rate Contract arrangement with service providers/suppliers. Page 7 of 13 \4 \ q\ ov l) [N.8. ECIS works on specific printers and Finger print devices. Models of these printers/FP devices are mentioned at Annexure] 3.2 District authority shall issue up to three (3) SS/UWIN cards against one RSBY card. If the number of workers in the family is more than three, then particular persons to be registered in the 1't phase shall be indicated by the Head of Family (HOF). The remaining workers will be enrolled during the second phase of the campaign, for which separate guidelines would follow. 3.3 District authority shall maintain a proper account of the RSBy cards against which SS/UWIN cards were issued. The claims for reimbursement from GOI shall be based on this account. 4. Modality for issue of Smart Card: District Collector/Dy Commissioner shall be the authority to issue the cards after seeding of Aadhar and after online authentication of data in special camps. State may select UIDAI registered Agencies for participating in each camp. 4.1 Enrolment Camps will be organised by District Administration considering the fact that location of such camps will be at places where online Aadhar authentication is possible. Enough Information-EducationCommunication (IECJ would be carried out to spread awareness among the Unorganised Workers. Each camp will should have two sets of counters: one for enrolment/registration and printing of cards and other for UIDAI for Aadhaar. The first set should have besides the basic hardware, tablets with QR and biometric reader. 4.2 Enrolment agencies would use Software provided by MoLE that has plug in for online authentication with Aadhar database. When unorganised worker would come to camp, the Enrolment Agenry (EA) would search for family and fill up basic details if not complete in existing data of family. Family member would authenticate details by providing his/her finger prints which would be authenticated with Aadhar database online/offline for correctness. In this process, the details like name, age/dob, sex, and photo will be captured and superimposed on existing details in database of family. Thereafter, card will be printed and given to Unorganised Worker. State Government may, at its discretion, collect t 30/- per card or waive, if it so choses. Page 8 of 13 4.3 Lifecycle Management of Smart Cards: There shall be a permanent administrative structure in to the district deal with the lifecycle management of smart cards issued. Ideally this job should be assigned to the WFC. 4,4 Status of RSBY smart cards after issue of SS/UWIN cards: To facilitate seamless transition, the existing valid RSBy policy cards will continue to be used until deactivated by MoLE. District authorities shall ensure that the expired RSBY cards are deposited with them, before issue of SS/UWIN cards. 4.5 Process flow to integrate SS/UWIN in RSBy Enrolment Software: 1. Download RSBY (Pre-enrolment 2. data district wise) from the existing RSBy website. Additionally UWIN also be pre-generated by MoLE for each worker. ECIS: On the basis ofURN (On providing RSBY card physicallyJ pre-filled enrolled form with the demographic details will be generated automatically by the software. 3. ECIS: the operator will ask additional information like mother name, income, declarations, EID/Bank A/c no and enter those in the database. 4. ECIS: In case ofAadhar number of HOF is available the QR code from the Aadhar card will be scanned and the entire field will be populated in the database from this data. 5. The data read from QR information will be super-imposed over RSBY data in case there is any discrepancy. 6, Based on this data, smart card will be personalized and verification will be done using Field Key Officer (FKO) card. 7. ECIS: In case Aadhar is not available, only paper/receipt will be given. The data for registering Aadhar will be captured and EID number will be provided on paper card. In this case, beneficiary will be informed to come at a later date/venue for capturing finger print and get UWIN card. B. In addition to the existing fields, some extra fields are to be printed, the printer component of ECIS will be modified in such a way that at least 3 printers will be compatible with the software. 9. Smart card will be printed and given on spot to beneficiary. 10. At the end of every day the operator will update UWIN server with encrypted card details in batch mode. Page 9 of 13 Process Flow Chart I I Operator Aadhar Number, Photograph, Demographic and Biometric Data Ca pture 0 F.;fI paper I Field Key Officer (FKO) Verification based I l*,ol q <-T Field Key Officer (FKO) Fingerprint verification with card Update aadhaar and UWIN data in database and handover the smart card to beneficiary Page 10 of 13 ffis 5. Role of State Governments/UTAs: State Governments/UTAs shall have the lead execution role the focal authority shall be the District Collector. States/UTAs will have the freedom to designate the nodal department to supervise the campaign. In cases where Revenue Department is assigned the lead role, since then Labour Department can provide secretariat support to the State level campaign committee. The point being emphasized is that Labour Department shall be the repository of all records on social security schemes including the SS (UWINJ cards. 5.1 Apart from administrative support, States/UTAs will be required to provide budgetary ouflay for the district level campaign including the cost of the smart card plus the administrative costs for holding of camps. If the State Government so decides, it may create necessary Administrative mechanism to collect the cost of the card by way of registration charges from the beneficiaries, which would defray part cost of the cards. State Government has to have the budget head under CSP to receive Central Government assistance for the smart cards. 5.2 All State Governments/UTAs may need to either float tenders for the card supply and printing or tie up with CPSUs such as BEL, ECIL & ITIL. 5.3 State Governments/UTAs shall intensely monitor the progress of the campaign led by the District Collectors and take steps to set up Worker's Facilitation Centers (WFCI, if not done so far. 5.4 States/UTAs may plan the campaign in such a manner so as to be able to issue new UWIN cards under the provisions of UWSS Act, 2008 by the 20th of May 2015. 6. Role of Department of Electronics & Information Technology (DeitY) 6,L will have a pivotal role in IT matters and database/smart card management. It will provide Key DeitY through its execution arm, NIC Management Software (KMS) for the Social Security IUWIN) card. DIOs of each district will play the major role from Central Government's side during and after the campaign. Page 11 of 13 6.2 will review the work done by various vendors and collaborate with GIZ [under Indo-German Social Security programmeJ for development of Operating System and ECIS (Card Issuance Software) NIC while handling the KMS itself and also develop the fall back mechanism to deal with failure of any source. 7. Role of Ministryof Labour & Employment: 7.7 MoLE is the administrative ministry for implementation of the provisions of the UWSS Act,2008 and shall do the following: 7.1.1. Get ECIS and Data processing Software ready; 7.1.2 Prepare KMS either through NIC or a CPSU in collaboration with NIC; 7.1.3 Define Card Structure and Specifications; 7.1.4 Define the Database Template and for preparation of pre-enrolment data by States; 7.1.5 Create FTP User ID and Password for all States/UTs/districts; (RSBy and Non-RSBYJ 7.1.6 Set up a multi-lingual National Call Centre Number for UOWs; 7.7.7 Provide Financial Assistance @ {20 per card by way of reimbursement to all States/UTs. 7.1.8 Prepare Software through NIC for use at Workers' Facilitation Centre [WFC) to be maintained in each Collectorate and/or Tehsil as the case may be. 7.1.9 Exercise lead role and sustained monitoring of all affairs relating to the administration of the UWSS Act,2008. NB: (i) The acronyms & UWIN have been used interchangeably; but both convey the same meaning, SS (iD GOI assistance to States/UTAs will be calculated on the basis of number of functional SS/UWIN cards issued to unorganised workers. Page 12 of 13 1\ '-4\ \ ANNEXURE List ofPrinters and Finger Print devices Tested with ECIS S. No, Printer Manufacturer Model No. Date of Updation 1 Evolis Primacy 1.0/08/201.3 L Pebble 4 s0 s/30s Enduro + Enduro DTC1000 SP30 plus t0/08/2013 t2 Evolis Smart Printer Magic Card Masic Card Fargo Data Card Ciaat Zebra [A-lD] Zebra (lS) E-carts Zebra (A-lDJ 13 ZXP IISI 4 b 7 I 9 10 11 cTc940 P330i P330i Hodoo SIP30 ZXP 3 series ZXP 3 series Fingerprint Manufacturer Model No. MSO 300 4 Morpho Startek Lumidigm 3M Cogent 5 Secugen S. No. Fingerprint Manufacturer Model No. 7 Evolute [TMS) IMPRESS _ IMP 113 ACR 2 Lumidigm ITMSJ 4 Coeent 3M Secugen J Morpho M 301 & 311 csD 200 Hamster [V & HU 20 MSO 1300 S. No. 1 z 73/09/201,3 02/12/201,3 02/12/2013 71/09 /20L3 77 /09 /20L3 14/09/2073 12/03/201.4 20/09/2073 13 /tL /2073 72/03/201,4 FC320U v311 & V302 csD200 Hamster Pro 20 Page 13 of 13 Device Used in TMS:
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